stictinti'itil''OtnotrAt LOCAL DEPAHTMENL qt iffethirminy, Alartli 13, IN's,. {r' We %vitt thank tott for all Went erettr. tettiet , to tht tt owned tom lotaWien, If they 00 not Andre to it ttle a utnnmunu oboe for the pubis; eye let them rend UP n brttsf platen/eta of evelyttnion Inter, It In their tuld'etette root monitien. A hot et Itottrintlettt denthp, occident'', Atm rOMOV4IO. f,td. We will pot them in totin, The tanro ructo of titcs trod we can eel the better it w rut, no nod /ut reinter., Who will do h T Atoddt I tet re tedhe whdttott ntivertieentente ittteUetl moat hand them oh tatty tot Tuesday moo Ina to tootre 114.1 t intettitto for flint week are in making out 'Nlis4t huhseript ion and advertising di l e th e thin o.3 m phy & which will be placed in the hands of mute pr, pi wr person in each TowN4 ip in the County fhr d en . Th e w t n,e- ~r the persons with whom the hills will he left will be annomiend at an early date in this paper, The aMOUllti are pot large, and will be.paid on sight, in near ly every ease, we have not the least, doubt. The intention is to have the husitte , 4 the firm settled up, and that, if po-Ald,.. with out giving offense to any of our patr(m4, It would be much better for both patron and publisher that the sulm , rilohms and adtier tising for the pact yo 4r be settled. ph,..„.1ii0 ;in^ being 0014 in our market nuo4. FOR .14.11"!..1 -hip in ram cf our fiat-clanv, t • .11 fly at thi, Tiot '' iiett.io2'o,tott, NOV Was :I for thistrke , VN Papkr. AV U appear in our nest. 11= Ate`" lion G... P. t l'halfatlt Ims 4! our thuuku for lt%il Ltivo and other ntv. Thar Couitoi,,iorwr= of C,otre Coati ty ate abotti to ~a<-, t a tiox mail, tvilioh id go lag b 4 oast of the tioe4 in tht , t:tate, Cj- The rttlieg approaehit,t Lltt w !rave eittl ,, ir ..t 11., 4 ;1 , ii. oftijkl trit e, read la(. nn tf.r. IA tt 1,411 4.40411 ,, 1 to r, I.:y uUt n Stato rt1:0 in a:01 Cohnni I 4' ,untn.‘," •!. .. ico.• iir th;4 Las -Al the irt • the ( " *l - .1 of E. I I. . t,y-thr- tb.P. Jtz hold .!•;• C,grt isr Sum bu-Q: •k. We tii; r&I tho .0 1 *.• ca , e "N titi t Of thew M. .4lva • . *.. i a ' i- al) vcia**na the ovr do , I..potni. and inoothrt upm its " nary tr )•;• ••.`n in 1 •, ! r .• ;. 0 .. t, 11“. 4 3,rt,. V •,:f: in t!.. , !••L 10,1," k •. .• . 1 • I,:txi 1.1 t! t...,. ,•• r. tougilt. :(no , ••!. ,• . ••a Li: tribtp:ou :tt ; 31, I 1,1%. h.:* I I iki. la of our vu' - ilwribers vi lehan_;.l . • .1., "I" ry • :It. l i ve itetwera thus atd i!. • w NV:11 th.llik tt.t, of did than.te. tttatitrt the it stay t d :t-ratt re . " r t:, r.t.r..eeti9a oar AN tbro , . , _•!l tho tl. o is a of di,: I I .:•• 1.... Iv • m..invi.:l3 t*,,,NA Ergo ti:•NA : i". 4-, the public 0.0.o.:11 . ,.! I. II i, 1:1,1 ft , r th 1 , 1,1 , int • PV , I • di•4l9gl6.‘ai Wt. itt th , 1,1"1k0 tl: . .. •• 11 .. .• • fill • 41 • 1r 4 It Oa' A Noornly ; bled bun 141 , ;; 0 ‘.111 ., 11. Inanulaotn:p bor , (itt, 7.11 , 1 vit.! ale! - 0.0: , ,n—it.11 AI : ..,o — to htlttolA ti) the a, itlt Itt Ititti 101 : 21 tuAy wit -ti s.nw k. , ! . the shade tr n tine Hin ny , itle of ortr.s•re..t , „ N'Ve llnVe. al ready ranateen,:e 1 Iti i. , rather e ar ly f' o r th e , 1 ,1..; to eoletnen, to shoot, but the weather is thus farfavoralle. awl 0,01. 1 ,1 it continue, an early sprltr! with alnuslanee of friths; anti tolou% The eropP are said to he in an Osi.rni):'illrrarily flourish condition. and everythi..),4 pats ent, promises an abu n dant season. skir- We were shown. on :!:it) , ltifiy la-v. a thnigerous comiterteit on the Ft.cea Cm . Rof Providence Eltwde land. The denomination 77:48. 1:1.9n the whole, the Lill was twler ably well exceutul, and calculated to de ceive all who toe not tteen4toms.l to panel lh nteuey. Our latsines4 tosti will Itcep sharp look, von for them. LA ° r Fat LE or BONN EA - S.—An exelettize tlf 1 1 . LC StYlO .r htinnet trhit'la haSjiNt tnrili its Arpearanen i eallefl the • Rer,.nuu. 0111 , 1," eot.sisis of a two cent tot 'mai !loveliee stamp. ttorn on the op of the Ifewl, fort ted wo‘lor each ear shoe strife , . it ofv...nts it very prof araftee at- ;awe, arta mu:t I , e Iffortahls at this 5ef,....11 of the year, 1c5...--P..titiAtts and Bonds for Taw nye; Summons, ;.4iihmenits and Ex ; Blank School lirders ; Bonds for Troasivers,, Overmters of the Poor lectors; Milks for ConstabloW ?Ides; to for Naturalixotien: Blank* for k in Attaeinnent ee es i Notices fo,. !Jews; Blank Notes for Vendues, Blanks; toll of which can lie bad Able timed end in quantitiito to A Bequest to Subscribers. Su'eam to the DEMOCRAT are 'partic ularly . rtclueuteal not to allow their indebted. nc , s to overrun ono year. All subscriptions siwa!u be paid in advance; but under no consideration klhould the your puss around with the subscription unpaid. A torict at tention to this will save us an intmenso amount of tr.mblo atei a very heavy loss. Th, Dedieation of the building of the Bloottidetrg Literary Institute will take plaeo on the afternoon and coning of April IL Eminent speakers are expected, and the students will give an exhibition consist ing deelatnations. essays, colloquies, and itet4e. The stockholders :tad public arc in vited to attend. gam- Mr. W. A. it. Grier. late Cadder of the First National Think of Danville, bus re• signed his po,,ition, and is about engaging in a now banking enterprise at Dazelton. 44.)" . In another column or this iv‘vk's will be found the proceedings of the meriting of the Democratic; Standing Committee of Columlda, County held at this pl,tee on Saturday We unilgrstand that Rev, J. H. Kum hi , resianoil the pastorship of the Lutheran (Ismaili. or thi, pta e, to walla the po.itiou as Print.;pal of Seliustrrove Fe male t 'entire. Ile lots boon a thitlinil and work,ir in tho ean4e of Chrhaiauity is this community for the pcst eight years. PW GI it ',lt is. - fyau woall p04 , 3 , ..4s you r of a faithful and porttaititre of a friend—atai who has not a friend you %%wild secure tile shadow ere the satho l o w ,, fole,t ! go at 41),;11 to ittit•PiOtittt4i ' S tiallery. in Exchange Main ;:arc et. ititcanialoir;", and procure one Letitre it t too late. AN , arittrzt LEvi 1,. TATi; .o'l the lot of growth, can which the small re I barn is en ete4L situate on the corner of Centsl, ,', 4 tre-i the Ailey between Third Fourth ;5t( r ,,,,i..t, i n Bloomsburg. .1, L. thrton. the eim.rprizimr, Propriet.n. of thf! Omnibus Line. - was the purebas er, and intends establishing thereon the lwadoptarters of his Omnibus Department. This is an eligible and central location, and —with a moletate evpenditure of capital— a,,ke, a pleasant and aosiralle pre t,tsrt}, A Co )1, l'Ho ,, Pqrlo.s..—.‘ .V a tiredly front a purty itt New who ..0.y4, if 'woe' i puhri-lt a Ittdr eru: u 1;;; of ~,tite dilat•idived. th:,t "yol w:',l perform a +illy t: o .v UU, tli. 1,411,rp.% 33'1 !Olt 11'; at the '.115 f.!relt ohFentiuti , : we arc ,oliv,wltat vcriant, nes.- 0.1 t ot.:.y , fouu borne mueb, het that "erelt ~;.!igatiett in tlw shape of „„ 10111 131 C;3lV3Witi: . 7 to 114. Vt'lictt w, 1.1:,:w for tho rim of the thing v:ve 'itch ;nun hr, due tugiee to ' • COOpv.ll , oll owty. ;Co qo uty to bo lonformPti by the Township Auditors, but imposes a penalty of fifty dollars upon each auditor who refuses to com ply, on e. half of which tine goes to the prosecutor, and the other half to the school fund of the district. It provides, ah,o, that the Audit ors shall notify the SehoolDirnetors or other parties having the dishursmeutot this bounty rata to appear btlbro them at such time as the ,itutittork shall fix, for tho purpose of etutbDucthe Auditors to dose up the bouuty to lai rof the Townehip for the beat year, vincal lon. •• • • Is SPECIAL NOTICES. THE SHIVERING VICTIMB OP fa* and Arlo. who Wept tedlittlie burn Wenn. royymight have boon ssompte&l'yOnt thOti proem' trials had they avallsd theinssleinein time of tte* *Owned union ell inelerlousibide . so,. ttosTtir Tim; wrommat mum oils it is too lets for provrotion It is not ton tutu /iii Aura. A sloes bottle of this Irrosiatible lietteidlpie will .lop Ow parossysnis. and it brlrf averse Wd is will re•tore the limiest to vigorous hold th. The prudent sod thought• tut, however. Who would WithOl (0111.101 i iliseass thin welt tub its essilutts. Will rood to this cure Malice against intrrioetteni sod tionewnt (score et the entirclenColllNlit of the iivosoo when they ',lova°. New WOO to fore•efin the system o sl oist tot eat afug, billions complaints slot dyspepsia (lionises wbinb Mt orlon engendered. end always Itratlited by the chills and damps of Winter and arty tttlAK+pt;Aßt 0 1 , INTIM mirrnvrA, The Wit or Avon roil no that Ilia —ono in Maori' 41n1h 'mutton Agar c"and the romaik in , t o lila: 5* it ato throe hanarigd vonr♦ non. Mit in/1111100V in tfitost, 1111.4.411 11144 Mitrch Aitt,rem rim be 111 eVekltl l, i 110.tetier's Miters. rri n weight weei, will gdt the , ry.tem inn tidnlition In revii.l every 91001011 of 11- (1.1111111 , ' V 1.4. 1 If, a ;twee I* a p4e010p0.114011 wth40,01 ,, 0,, o f 11011, thil4 and mvi.vorani u#11,04 114 certaioly pfev, , nt All Uhl Otointer. 001001011 W the Ole tOtt tof (ego out I+o.l* 111111 , he held iu 41619,111100 by thi, piolotll 11111 i• .10oe. They 0100 41011 be ejtft tea 0 000 111^ oyxbflll uf•, 1 , 1 they have Mmle lodgment therm by Ito per.g.v,r• 11 1 g 1100. It 114 0111411 N nwral ilooroity hi. 0 MOO it. Nash 1.1,.07 • form. WI6T.III'S, BALSAM OV WHA) CHERRY. This tellinay 1144 knit brv , n eheri , thed by the corn. moody fur its reetorkettle etbevy in relieving, bunt• tog nod Lortog the tt 041 obotinutr. paitifel end long , ,tannfng vac. of Cottett, ettl4 lufuuons, holm %‘ !moping Cough, Croop, Asth ma, Initt4u mat inn of the Lungs, tciul.7 cvro Con eotoptioit it,o , lf bee yielded to its ninon ifidnOnny when I flier Meal,* 1110:0 fette c i its whale lii tt;ry rrovoa that the 114,4 1144 produee4 tot rotoolty of eqoal value, 41. 4 OW for the notnerotte and nise pulutowny stroibin* which prt.v3ll all over thu hoot. N: 4 01,11 TrED Tr.sTio:%toNY. FM, 4auaxw ARUM'. or r,thaAd, Mo. t ytiotit sinrr. try tiwi, Ileory A. Arrh. rr, now Piitilmil*toir at FaiNtuld. rLinies,.et it • was 1.11.e100l pill, rpm! tie ut blood. tiiiitAh. 'Amt.:bbiiyS.) mo th,ol. our (4011 1 Y 1 , 111,010111 dtC. i11..,1 4111 to hay.i U . 1"4 . 4,0 4 .10 , 0 " It.. Vs 41, Mllll,l 01,6,W 1,1,m maul 1 . .11s ...Its I M . oinntilr 1.111 fil'ollil,i 10, beitu nt oni it. At I-mtth fr , oti Ulu solo rtalwo o 1 toot, -!1 ott.ll - 0 i Si 4. tudac. , d to 011'111," .11.• 1.1.111 , ' 11'1.11/et , Elll.Ollll 01 t 111,5 1 10•• ry hot. lit, p i hi r ii lit a r.tiiitt nmo tr , itiittot tom is slaty sT in Sill 1111 . 44 i rim 11.16 111A0,010 , 101 this 1,00,1 y 111- viitotittiiit tor it Is i thotik. iitt flatiron. to Grs:111 Lsntg tStIOSIsIy (lII' 111, 4. , qva riutrmcrit. rimitemue it I y volid:try to 54.1,4 1,1% ,r uG yt.4 lititam, and is at )4,011` 41.+"..11 Pry=i,nr•d hg sv;rtt w. 1 , 01 3 :141 k tioV, mon* ikscut SI 'le.( *l' 1,.% The riioitp4, I,r fltu t ui t ly,i, N, in we 1, 01. 4 I.Aliwiner. by Will ato , uwy fur reottit.ts• 1111111131 feritbrrde itt 4ti :41:11:4411".., la` Ihuear., ttr ht. • tlt t , t , tututu, 11 , 01• ailir Pilb4/01 - 1" t but up ?LAI! , 4u to Curt tit,. I}.1• Iltop 111 ,t.:01c , " .1,.•11.(4 t 1111,..t1r, if. ft , I • I trow mit 'AIM 41 111 , 144. r 4 oP 11114 11 .:11141114 11x111 'ttrault 40. 1 . . , 0utt tyr tatuou; 1 , 1 Out; 11 , 4.01, lla 4 ,, • , Dr. 14. At, 1 , 1,4 NVot-r is for , 111.• by J. 14 ‘stil4l.E., hool art, 31+ , 1 :of 1.1,49k.0. 'lO LADIES It )044 IC 01 rc ct 0.,14loh• ,e104,:y in rt-oturu y0u.n4,1 rc 1, , % , itt.l:"%a 11/. 4 .+l . ItGl,U,lf IWO*, it by ttut tt , u tiro brut 'Chatty ,ott , «Tootecoo hart ploV,(1111.3 H th1 , 1:1'.4 1 r.A-111.1: tot; to olio% tst ilutatttin2 t)b and trtrir uhrojer. lll.{tt,r frion what too, they art,iftt ohl tore iu'o,lYtare,l'r+,,.l"o" Itullar, per hot Dr. HARVIA'A 3:01,1)1:Nt91,141, temqy loot degrees stronger titan ton :dove, 41.0 tht , rnard ter rot r IS:. ut ieug .141"1"Ige rttot, Five tletkrtt per ttrtv„ A f•tt-tr• I•tr , u'ktr, Ndl i;:ta.11'1",; •r r 4/41 444 I. ' (. 4.14,.e4 2'4 OW / 4 .01 4 of sq, . .i.• . I.'•y 14 , 1 , r.. z' No,‘ tio.y w tr,vtiOliliztbil , ty4,lob by 011174, 9, • 1.% [ 4 l o v;: ItYI:ODY A {aro , V>Vt' 4 2 06.1 , 1.11t , 41,4 rn grf.:40.0 0 , .0 . 10:10t, both it tes . rims how tiot I.4.cothe l• 11! trArweir I 4 , 0.1 the 1.1 , 0.0,11 10% yoot„ lady ar ttr • nilrreatt .I , od 144! (a .0.110 t.•• .:•. Tentik WA* P.O. .1'144. V. V h ty TU {'`Ul:;'lTOl,:= Al,l t.,`,41,04 tr3 o Vji. , Z. 5,0 ,•11 # 1 , 04 4 0." { , o. we 04' 4,tetn tft thp mol I." *.ft I ' .s4 v •it I(t4 ~. frrd .11,1 1,):“:141 d,f111. , d1 a, 1, y. 1 cm• ma itcw rp,ol Hirat. GOA:bk. VANCE. 11, , ant, 11.11 , 13, 1'1;7. • • IVtllt IT h.: 44 4,011 t Ittg MOM Piet do owd IMO to pr t 41 U S ri• tar/ a yit kly 3.4 tbono4 sosin, pi , in 4 . .1.4411140 qint nlnlv ii nfs t.hy 104114? , ' litr 1410 , *1 .IZ, 1..3 rri3O+ iii,lf+l4 4 llr.n. sent Wllll F Ur go al .Volk 0 an. 11,11 i* Of 0 . 140100, A t kr4:1,./ - i+.1 , 141n. isr2 .t.,4,ffiotrov to priNTET lir Pt , &Tr ,•n 1, a .41 • 44 atti thtbs co.. Arm St: tot. 11001 1 3, 11.14-Iy 1.:N1)1'1: PERSONAL PROPERTY, The *oh- v•iii {NW, Vemitin ut rv.pkilve. Third SU* et, ItL 41m4.4,tr,:..44 W MIN ES! IA V. MI, it(li ovrAnull ppiiTrt)`, via' Two Good Young Horses, ONE COW. 2 FAT HOGS lOU T , ,p Solna Wogon. Pay Wagon. MIA' • , trz • Whht , ol4l'7 ,, e Mr", 1-1,0 ewriv,ttnro, ot rat" ougto 40,1 41,4,1 n lltut ,s, ?addles turd k., Spiot,y k.l , l , llrltli 1110 11-•• Patelot 1Y.14,104 31,te nu', %101 l 1111 , 0. 11 , 1 t r, a. itith tuh t f:to“lo ,, ta., Shwk (Inter gte of Kutfo, WH4101111 , 11V1 , 4, nu 00 , 0 , 4 , 4 leaky. k. &t M6O. w 41.1rtPhl, !totem*, nook Card. Cr !IDS. M ELAME4 ) N1 thaw & Oinrk SoWlitsbsortlitlit, Kobe, 111114 E E toi'r4l)4' E'l6, Verwltun %AMA., iio , l'lo, o 1 t"Vefy howri4 tio ~ rtitPr V", owls togeflur with t ut lety o iter i4t4e.4 W 01,10,44 1,4 fit& the r,,to, Sole lu t titiontntee n I Welton I. H., vow,* Ctlitdi 1.14.54. volt* ttn matt. known tti• Ittoottotturit 3140.11 13, Wt. ItEVI L. TATE. . _ . W ANI) sTAr ES ! Fnterd to VTAV npfnt .inlipttnn4 CU* In from Ihrvr. tor , 1,.0 1.1 U,kl4t Ott. 3" ,, t,,t4tiVti, 111.. Cint,otOnt I'll , OlllW. 1!,, , t t' nmtcriUl 1ht. , 4 , 1 , ry Ni nee, 0,11,4 neon tin, tkatii tiati Hort ut nn 3 , 111000 liratnl.4l4 nini.n , '?. It I, 'Wulf use a by 011 , ` of parr 4orl b ooh oo wins Usn t 00.4 fiat, iPttog Nao.Px at by ti144110.11* ato.l if enttrr ration=. t too to o‘.l gloPo poory tomlnrc , .tttn m. 01,1 vita tit (.104.1111.iy 1 - 44 , 044. Cl * Price by *out,vt a n d 1.04041+1. si. pro* rripttve or, .161 to mot tr,timatoldls omticd love. A. dr ,, 10 U'VTS Clotow,to, No. Sltept, Trot. N. Y., Sow nirio4 for the Uotiird StOttPd. I reN, WO-Iy. DVELV OM LA AND Viorive ttoys, oend an 104114111111 1 , 1140101111 artd s cvnUmattil 1 will *MO YOU *OM" V U hOdil tiOr WO !WI ilia& MOH pieg y ou. A4l ro Y AWOL KU Woad way, N. Y. Nay E . I +4 T ! AUBURN. GOLDEN, FLA 41214 &IMAM& CURL& Podnont h, the no Or Not, DICORMIX. Nttistut, Cu ..X.V ion itio4ooon Wtteritole4 lu c.l th. , 0404 44.1.04, and .0.114..µ44„ DIM 644 %ay). rlingio4,,tt I , o3wiy tufts. Wu. hccn aseu"by tuo C0..1......0binc al romp and lotodoti, 4% Int the utpot offitity int Or Otis. IWO* 00 t 114117 y to huh'. IP try by mall. loomisd st o sad porip4oi &I,— loro e ptiO to nolllol Do &ditto* nettru Eft WHIT thfi1140044,1 No, ft giro 111.. Tivy, Y., s o t. Agmite tOt 611,4 L hewn, tial..ty, A Cough, A Cold, or J', I.OAi A Sore Throat, 6 kot4k , u RQUTANa ,1111rDIATIC 1711114TM/ 1 , AND /4' o C 011Uilla§ NN C 11014131. II AI.hOINID TO C4MICTINUII, C 0, 1 irritation of the Looms. A Perron. neat Throat Dierare, or lion. oU6ii atuaptiou rf2' to or " not Rymn.T. anownis ItltofiEUitL T ROUSES thmtto, a dtivt% thfittotter to Out parte, give tttUtleltt file telicl. For Broarhitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive. awl Throat Dimaows, ISOCI(Ert 410 , 1 , 14 WITH *MAU ottop wttlo riNiiKlo4 AN EttilLie OPE %KHIOS will find Tittuilts inwini in clearing the Voiro w timti taken heroin Owning nr Ppnakinr. aa4 tolioViini Woo thrust rater on Widow) alorttott of filo yothil othets The theietitate ieCon.nwhiltiii iss men ihrintonniit the einnitry. NOW tin Bairns nt Iron their r dirney Wsi• of ninny P'll o ., oath yint fist+, thou in fit W Inrulttrer ut V:iflottol pull+ of the %mid, owl Triwniio eta priellt Mit 49/ W'ller thou* Pith t ;Wick. ,•4{mstni, 1t, 0 44f11441 Tt.C11 , .," a n d 49 nil id' tlra Wit,lbtrso Ithituttotht that 111,4 iris 41164vd, Sold n tVY IMO NOY. • CUL MNII , MEN The extwriehte nP the past ten yearo Iv 49 & m on ;Armed the fisct tint reliance may be plated Sn the et thqtry ccu:s spreiric PILLS ror the epeedy and porto,inent cure 4th:taloa, weak. nes*. Coussions, I and Netvntta 4144111110M* voyeurs,rr n nut of power, the result of &vial E,x , errs, or Youthful Indisermion.whiell ne4losiod runts happiness, and unntsihe suil'orer for 11.11ines.. lSoriely or Marrin4u. and often terminals,' in AO 1414.ilitly gram. Mulct tio delay In seeking, the remedy, It no entirsly vegetuldo and harmless nn Ure syst,m, eon he uso,l without detection or ,otor. Omura with husino4e pursuits,und nn chow of diet usesssury while us, ug thew. Prier, uue ihdlort If you cannot pct thorn of your Jro,fliq, scud thu messy to Ur . J. Itryno, it l Ilsoudway, Near Nov York, nil they will he tient free (rum obtervetion by toilful , of mail. Prmite eirrolar. to ITentl,unen sent 1',41 on oppli moot. (Jon. D. y —J. C. & IVONI)E111:1'1, RUT TiIUE. itrattNtmlN, the w obi ftglOWtte4 AtOt“loalat and 1409014110M11011 eltorvoynnt. white in a clitirvorolt *tato driOttlitaa the very Pointer, u s' the pt coon you uw to mum, owl by tit 41 or 4 ift.lrmii,tt of i n t eft o , l uttvnr , $(111)W14 /14 thr4 PxyrtO, 11/of ropV, ttntrnneet4 Ln aroilitot I poffeat IMO Oro like picture of the Nino: hostriti,l nr wife of the tsp. pliwitir. with Ont. nod onstri,.go,,,,,eptitlon, tentfitott Wool nnti chnowler etc. rhos is nn 1011 , 000 ml. no leetintootnl4 without numhri Can uueert. by ►tntina phut of birth, nee, 41011(.11104, colt of eye.) rind itOW, slot etteloatag tut y 1144 tin aiivaped enwtrb opt Adrkel4. , ll to yonrsnlf.yet will receive picture by return ef mail, Ontether ti lt, dr.irrd nornroottioo ra , ^ fltatrio+ in ro itithwe, iiilltMlt haat 1111.1111 ItrAltNitlttti, I' O, Litu;n7, Wert Troy, N. V. A YOrNi: LAW( HETrItNIN4; 11 , 1' reentry betile, an, n nojenrn eC n few petth.t pt the y, wan fif fly reroatti.A by her Ware of a Crett , e, pptim dashed titre, ' ll. ' 1 . 34 4 rtxt rat.y Ettitri , trNion of almett ocorble and twenty t,ite r,atiy 014ittreti, I'p++% itoettry an to the rental 01 P. great 0 1110/1140, sire pl irinly t , 1 , 1 [firm tied the tt.e,l the nreaityina 11.11 , 11,1111.1 falltlttleted it att in any lottPt fly sin tle , e any 1.a.4 or thltthmt4ti can improve theft pt , roomtt ttlitttil,ilice an Itismir,l f. 1 ,1 It i... , simple In ty.trolut. 1,11141.41.11% \ 15411,. I, !SO( is.smole. yet nonntwy, oil in Oa rthrnry In et:lU Ina tittp , troie4 firm, tilvt beating. etentiitpg and twat iftl yko, a n d y ptrximr. Icy Its direct till 110 rtitittle it draws Iron it ittl Its Pi Walloon, the woe, obi; l-arias{ absr .orf,r , an Nalmre loi, tsar, awl, trine-Oh Pons •••:n by or+it tsr rsUrnta na rrr , .il t of nil or.ter by W, w, I:tieletwtett Ns :t r. 4 ), Ft— V. 'DV' only to en itot the I Feli 1:1 1- Sk.KNo\V THY I)E.4TINV r. ;,u,) 41r, 51, Ito WO ttaf,eli of the ‘ll,l tw,ak V, Y. Tloroto=tl p s r ratce surels Wiltlde,ro pow Of 4 of as I t eo,rate tsar 10 Impart 11i1. , t1A , 414 the i:W , t4l. , rt ilopt/INtite t,« the psottio or mortio , «l of robes 04X, W' is in a stole .4` 11:«t«ti«, s h e 444 '.« 414 ' , vary 6, « 4,1 " 4 of too y , riOn pm art. to 1.1114• ry, and I,y* the altl all 11) , Ifti.f1( tit of ioteil.w pow. Sr. Wiwi% tliowtar , ,pa, ralrrite”a In prO , thice n bre lize 1 , 4 , 11,4 of the , 14yd,,,r1,4 wife, 0111 W apptleatil a tog , thor a sth ;law a; 4,4/11414t. pn ritiots to itfr, tolt init tralta of rhafacter. &c 'Chid 5.« uotonattat, at« motwook of to tisuottink vac Wlrt :411/, 4,5.1 , n 3"tir ,. ,1 04, tlillo,l rrrruf r .« 1 «., nr wroo.l l y 1,1 iramae, that the 55, tarr 1 , 4 so isat it 1, , 1 , 1mrt. to bu, 14 .1”.411 Lark 01 mid tatiliog, ;Oar , e of inch, o: 411,;..111 , 41, on,t taitlo, to: tots tOsiii , dAtimitv , lllllV/.1. nor. 1,1,11,...e,1 or ynu,rnlf you sift te , colve itta tire 11W rlositt.4 iorolootfoit by CY torn owif. Aft 1.1111415111 , 1111110111 1 .socredly rotal.k moil. Addy.. In rant otetlCO, MADAME E. F. TM URA; IN, P. ir, no* N. V. Fah s 7 *l/7 ly. CONStiMPTION CUR LE BY Dn. stairtraws IVIBMCINES. Tn;t4l , rt Ettto tqt prrlarr;l „t , st,t , hot% T t , thin, tli ,, Ey, tt- , i . t WI Yn Piii,A• In n , , . 4.41 Whaft,tomel,ovit„ h; its P • l l,ll . l4opralkrt r, u .d grxviilOtih: •i i• •i: • ; Ilva+ t , lltut up the trout-13h, t VI LLB c't• WV • ••••,••• •• ..:,,..y 07 litie.o;l4 11051110 U. ;n3 n.• • TiLI:C W Outi. C=l t!':11 • t' t •1: 0 . - ;I' ny I.: 1 , is :.ttr;vtnt:a ft. ;•• r • .. • • ~•;• 4rer. or , t - or, 40; .t • • • thr. t , rem, 144 good, h• ! 11:nh a•iit tepl al dice t•. i nit , in:, o;,:r oinMelor, ons•ordn In to Mr.: Mons, Con,m,no :on rer tro:mentty in *.na Ms to tho,n a ilott. Tree the p!ite mentir, to ennana lb,. firer end ;tunta h. It do.• Hot tho, ban, le::: a: tonve* , .. Aro apt ren. flea the, o not repined, !or tamed:on, In Tarr. boot, the, en. nert , ...For ^. The rtoo,t!Mt taut 1 e kept tom: 144., mid an sop:, rn mem to Om tha Puh• soonn rc.; :owl. no the r_..tthr:Lori organs properly atdalyaa - I1 144441. laoaoti thattarotu.rod b 01 . .11 4 core is, to preroot toting v. - um 4 Et out the roomi as to teh aA p•Anble,, to: aft the r t in • t Nod— at moat, game, and, in togt, sto,th:tot tit anutan cenr‘,4 ; t ot t;n portitneer aad , . *Mut 4e. wed. Lgiud. w. co. two. 1 rt. 1M BRYAN, Offisulting PhyAielan, v 1.9 Broadway. !law York. TAI i:4IAL TO ATM foil' in no 04,ei. nt Sexual, inn ti nutl fiPrvuue DiONISAIS in mule ur re ktv ire Froo and rwrekpoodettoll StIkUY thl, vial.(Jun. 9. Iy. lENT:4 WANTED Pomp - leg mow fre. No capitol r”.itreol... Lailo.4 or tbgoleswo eon earn from $3.00 to SUM* Per tio.i.— Lotione staion.rtml ndolr. , s* TRIPP & Co„ ttglwil St., New York. Jon, 4 , t.1,1,—1y. LOVE .kNII MATIUMONY The noo ton+ of We onitinnto nog airy be pined by following itioilito mho,, and till may intt rry nape y, if dewed, williwn 'ogled to wealth, ay o or bean ty tiend directed estwoltipt owl Maim) tor put iettlnrn to Madam Lt't't LlMtit M, ,tan. it. it Donne, PiieW York, AVOID THE ()TACKS. If you are *uttering from tho effort* of Youthful Ity denotation and havo tarmilmi Weaktreac Emilieloon, am,. I will Pend you, tree of thwart, information *Nth tC followed will note you without the siu of emotion - ow. /*hirer* ItEVRY Jan. It. tpt•",, Citation D.Now York. 1)}1A ESS, N D.N MSS, 4 1111 d raliftil, teemed with the ettewel *nevelt, by J. NA/WIC M. tkirllal 411111 A isit ObtlitlFly ul Ley. 11 t birldo No. Ste PI M; Omit, 14111.A0`.1-- Teatiewielele, (rent the MOP, 10111111116 hbUreell 111 the City nod rummy ewe be POOH at 11 1 / 1 10111111, Med* 1C01%0114 lecenneuay thell e• he her ea eeerete in hip putoitte mar WAAL gry lawried without rata. Nit stop lot OISM. Apttl OS, 11166.—1 y, REAT SALE OY DEW GOODS ! FANPY GOODS! =I Worth o ver $2,090,009! All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR BAWL AIRANDME & CO., 162 till OA /) WA Y, NE If YORK. Aolorrs run EUROPEAN 14AUPACTURERS. Alt 410 , 1 re that in ronnerynnfien rorrolocking o( the etniiiiik Stokot.. an Winnow +midi!? of DRY AND FANCY GOODS h s " boon t.iinoigtitid in thiim, with ittlittivitivitio In ho vicofw. for toiloodifor Voatt of RIM rneriAro. A. do ?,,,oivoit to off,q Omit 4' writ h e t o their to ol oot v svolfrin of litiatiiit*. tit 81 with, with^ mit ilitturil to vnioo. to.iwilig Wit *how, eirivisitt wholii.onto of some of Um AlliCittil Will It they now ofrof I! u 1811 t k sotto otresntettlerni front 11110 to 113 osto rieruge nod Kat mum toolho . 0 Itt 11 P , 4111 A lioterrl find 111.001111 40. 1 / 1 111e4 4 to 10 3:rilrib Vreneo V. 1it10• , ./1 4114 TWIII.O in 11$ 10 10110 I*.o4llrie,Vltthet cad Mohair 4 to 10 800 1 .yr 00.3 1 to 10 414111 Pl,llted efillene4 3 to 7 AIM 0 ,41m0r0 , Aut. 2 to 6 38.81 Fine 3:llintie skirt* 2 to 3 o3)8 811 k nn,) I.4re vvilit 2 to 0 4000 Set 3 One snits and collars V to 3 1010 Pool's lalites' e0t , 034 230 to It ;loon ttile 88,811tereho.81 I to 3 20 00 184801 4 y' rillotitetUdh'dkorehls 7 t 14 IMO n . Oneembrot,lo • lll . 4lteeelff+ 9 to 14 3041 Damn 18,11W3 town Irt3odkurchlota 3 In 0 soon h „3,38 germ , hemmed 3 to I I 1014 41 Dozen r•Oton how 3 to 10 1.11141 Ilow,ol WOfi'vtl te n se It to I: 31400 Dozen 1818norol4 /V to Is coo 11,, 5 , o forws 44011 0 1 li'llf 184, 4 to 4 :0100 It, twit 0100'3 woolen 113.1 10403 n to ti 44144 1 1,111 , 1 1 ,111,1 cotton shorts 230 to 0 10'01 Me. lee onewesritrts 1,10 to 3 luneu Vim... ueo Oto wet++ !101 to 0 .1 4140 1 1 :tot* p,,u,f e E ,01111”rft, Aneikins 3 ut 7 04444* rem, e , 11r001,3 t iwth.,, , 40.00.1,,,, 3 lu 13 Poona Vest vsuetos In tifik yfilV4l,lllll6l/. Om, ra..1.11414 , 11.. 4te, etio to In &fon Ilro,, 8 %tt table 0004 75 to 1 3.) loon. Yards fitott 11 4i11411l 44 , 1/44k 4 00 4 `Z. , '.. , 1' ,, 4 .ii w bite !moo napkins 0 to 13 %sow Yards unbleached 111.141 a 13 to 3n eooroo Yap! , b1e110,411111141111 20 to 344 loon.) Var.!. Irish 1111411 73 to 130 30ott 1,04 0 tofifil 80 to 44 30n4 1.004 IV. of 300414 080 to 13 30 00 1 4 184 re 101' 00l .114.0114 6 to to 1 , 00 , ” 1..t , '8.3' I , entth.o rthawl.l 1 to 7so *OO. N111,,04 of 00.14411 1 54 to 3 loft., Wo• , 1 fi 1 'AAA 160 l 4 3 110,,0 Itlantat+ 330 to 8 ”roro 1,113,1 an=t rOltem orwett 2 It/ tO 3,, 4.01 ti 7.ktl 4114111 ttittol :,0)110 1114, tl V telosfl,l orpNti throa4 et,l,":lA hi Irk tbunt thread 410) t;1", 06111 11411,0,5, 3 to 8 IM/1 0 4,' o j:k vdytt will morocco Part iiiiiiiii,i h hil to 5 Sara 6».11.°+° .twoltio3 tow. 250 to lo p # ,o # 'pole, y morocco port/410410a with Airwra 2 to 4 Sono Turk) , iiihrarch wallet. tto#l port. ne.i# . 2 to 4 1 oricm tio!r.chitoli pipit 3 to If Iwo" l'lttrt 4 :sail ti tiiitila troika', hiiirriA r s .;,ii tofjot.! ail 4 wiry haniiiiia 3 to 8 low , iircioll tiol {to+, it find ifilOar,Jo , t, WI 004 WI111 , 0“131141323 2I to too Z.., V ii•o , I 10000 In to 040 3-.0 tort 911 oti# to to SO 11.0 lon 1102 Ph" 24 la 73 : i i, ii ii iii , iiii iiiii , ,ra. hair meta & thaito I iiii lie 75 1,,0.44. 11,4,V11 haw i collar/I ato to In ;aioil Piiiiiiir Machia niiiirivratiii and Willa lii 4V0100. , 194 250 to to 3o#4# Tort,l4o atKil and *Over rat 4 i 'ii.i...iiiii 'lila' ~..% . 3 to io 3,.,,, , , Vfotilli, Ow( °vv., ito3 VOI.II. 4,,,,,, i d, Erma -4 , i hi ha., 111041 A il 30 at II nOort Viol , I. 44 by ffihie4 1 to LS 34. , ,0 hot! voCk A lilt/1,,,5 , 2 VI 3 14. 0 .44 I:##v# , l“l... 3 to 7 1,.,.” tit, ,w* 11•. t ., Ir,,wr 3 to 0 to a i ati, *ha 10 4;40.,,,, , , 3 144 13 ha 11:1$ ae=i n Ftt:endld Abort went Of J IV E roPprO!sig God'o GOA 11dmoso 4 %Vatch , ., 101. 411.111, 1 11,4 11111111,2 41/In ll V 1 '111 , 11. 1 ., g' 'ol4' 11,11111111'4411 -!tv , r wd01p.4.1: 4 1 , 1 Oh an 1 volt u'-1444 ~„f 4 ., 14$ tO.llOll ed , t. *More totettVtt ittitteott. ttt 2-11 I tit 0t... p do. olodtsto !dot. g , 4sl $.lOlll rtt..,, Dodo gol4 *Vt. 1'0.014 tantonti nngr. rota 14)4r41." pwOry. 4441 *11418411, ' 11'n eirr. 1111111* - o. pe4rl Rll.l 0111,f httltiPro, VIM/ p t tlteli t , 044 ren4 r 4 0 ,4 4101.1 utt”)4o.+l, hal4ests sdds s,src d o ' rod cropotto,, I'l WV*. 5.14 v.-1 du d nrrit 4hstins. told ttlf 11 , 11 , t'lt . ttlt j , ; 411, Sob! ittlritetletts, Clialfri title I triAtid nn4 guar,i op d o ttp3l Witt lifttot 11114:3/ , 41Iti 441 an 4 Attrtlitillt! srur atolo, carat. o3pdl ap4 ftlltqttlel ,$ l'dki`drs $ o,l* 4r., „ Acc , Aca 1 II I. r , II,VFARVA 1#1:1*%111'111:81` 1.'041'111nd: Vti t;t1141 1,4 ittAti, (74.10r4. to , pliOor., LYE .p 00.., , trlerhirap nut a t a, Alr, of Itreet toet Poo: eatter tie. dation. till Skirl,. hooto. rlrtotale oltlehte oriole*. and to,ry mc.fe st nrle 4..1 at earn. lA/fro , loft pitholity to c , a hotv IWO ie done, 1.111 11,.n nit erne l too ' , tot thli oneettott. Thte firm to., .44 a lilt o wl t / le to be by tot Itio , tlll 1111 11h 14 , ..t *WitthitO h o o.e t e..,tere4 ith Who'll 1111 e it . ..A11 - OW/4d %it ii / 11 %Vt. knene Ile nnyrirt 'to w,.14 411 can 11,r,,11,1,1h v 'tell for the Met and tettlitel . tte ettittrOtte....../14rth ee,.! troulh Xe , A 44KIlttnl %tttt.t+.• "..n.- Mt, retstehrt It. rot, t. , r, of the Monti, no ealfea ta. the Ji,ufelo M et h ti,trnlitt nod after h„, d.JCard, y on le •Innii Lot:Ova to a l4letr,l 0'a.,1 11l ' r t , l ll 4 Vt e wet, r..l.ted that he IA ao tOr.rell toleil for too in ,t 1 ato..ot t. ND, I,lltehil tino store hot retoetot to port oith kl. We t.hould gait Int.. o lulu toWtotbip, Columbia cc IR. tY. on Trii..snAv THE NM (IF MAR: 11, Olork irl raid day, tat 4ailowd4 vat., bin Komi Eotatt. viz: A TRACT OF LAND, mum,. in Mnin beA DON), boon , ted on the North by landu of Nbililr :Oilier, on the Weer by land* of Nfichnel reobioif, an the Pont by binds at' Janoto ?,,ume tw y, the sonth bond! of Wllliout Lonentmer nod Others, tont Ini.nt 32 Acres and 47 Perches, 'trot men sure. nbout Piny unit, of which ate Om , ed !awl, the balance timbered, 1.1.50, Ewe. TRACT 60 WOOD LAND, 'own.> in Mnin tAtishiry, en'unitiet euunty, hnutidss on Minuet by land* 1.1 . MI the North by lee enequebidin3 litiVrt. un the Siiinh ,y lands ul ms,vsiney, And en the West by lutids of 11114 N111;er, FORTV.sIY. ACRES dcTVIWNTV.FIVE PCitenCi ALSO, one bit or Wood lott , l, Ottnite in Main Towsodoii, 1i1114.3 or TOolonli Attu anti other., colt Rio mil t. 1,1 V 'it Xi. ion tolp , 11, rd nndtvidud iiitore4l in a VA 1.1,'.1111.E OA T, Tit Al 1", . /um.. 'Flu y WNW:. I ti, M Ifritirtr LOU WO,d Four Hundred and Eighty-five Acres. Ow improvement*. Thefo Ira Stationary En;One* ths iTset , vvlwrn gorA Rrtl.'f'e, A N It .1. CIT V, COAL IV ing 1.44 , ,t na,i Or the nips ket. There IN RIO* W. mr04.1 built xiitt every facility roilcarrying off the coal It txis :7* 'Forma made known on do , : or 0310. WM 1.0M:1 M , URGER. /AMPS 31e.11,310.Ey, 114,av ill*, 6,1,11n1na Ga, Pa rob. 13,'67, EVrt UM PRIVATE SALE Ropes B u 1. d A Valuable Farm Eats Tr, 11 uud ,, r=d4try.,l v.lll "tt,r h ra2nnbin Arm. nt prevrf+~ ease, runat« to M limn "lost, alti p. tom. L',uat a n t and a lad( 11.111,4 t//et of Jer i Id,. p0d , ..: toad lev..Nng to,burg, Guile's fotty .orrs are rkor, 41 lana,tHu balance WELL TiMitErit ED. (11 , : . "1 At-41,1 O meanow.) Matt Carpas ICr.Ott are erected a (I, L"'3 nu*: HOUSE, fr i FRAME BARN, Notions an 1 !Ito rfrreq $a ry I n . riiiire is qoa wet or wad ret Iz door; alro a gova APPLE ORCHARD on the prousioeo. The terms will be wade 006 3 , to tho pinehuger. VALEIVTINE WELLIVER. Jun. 30.140. pt . n eFALE ttr V A LI"ABLE REAL ESTATE. tindeteizneil Adininietritrie. or John White deeeeeeit, %%HI offer nt puhht *Ale. on TrINDAI . THE nsTti PAY or MARCH, Hit; l , the onhwine property to vett: FIVE V .V.LE A DLE LOTB in the town of talantrottotro. lying contiettnon to each t,tta. F , ti oat. fttattote Atre , tt otticitto4 t ptepurty of the Intderehtnett and tah• (IF Tr" TOTS nrn welt ainrk^d with Cllt irfl 711 1 •; - 1 . ; Ina whale tor t,14 13 Of t 4 (AI. 4,01 ivi t i, le, • 0y5.1 , 1,41*! 11 I to .erta,k A. al., or raid day, la :La t Iftatia Kaila a CATHA wirTrmairr. M4,?0,. Attmill,Pttntrit. I I IA LIZ ' II thiW CH.'S C. W. SNYDER, wmovEsm.E.vo RETAIL Pa , LER IN LIOWEIVa. lIARD WA RE, BLOWER :3. IRON, STEEL, SHOVELS, 1111 ow En.l BUILDER'S HARDWARE, Etawp, File*, Chltoyls. Adm. Augers. tletHL SADLER'S HARDWARE, Shoe riAdtrp, tuuthe#, POWDER. AND SHOT, ell Al N't4 eernicl, SAT RForol4l. CANT Bird ellerl, ttaiona and Two on. Fi4nong Tackle*. \vao;?JtSil3:::§6 Brims, ttraaa Kul( AIW4, Warin and Itulthy Sprthes, With Linn*, Whigh. wrtotit and Cerpoiltres• Twitg. Thhitt mud Toyit,Ate.kc. With a to of hater et is 10. uanat g Kips ih r Hard ware etord. 111,torivibtorgi January d, ice,—,ittn. titP,Alt:i - Tart C tPULL ',Mom sway Mtge iv izsg.g your oWltChOlk putt '0.4 NottlicliVe Of comfort and trot worth it tIR ; i 'wee nerd, come ) iiiiiMui. moue ugly owe rate, And rejoice in your man in turmilt heir. litlil'AllitATOlC CilkeiliLl. fPnr 'mooring heir noon bald he/As (iiini wheiever cens,t it ratty haste Whin oat) *ad foehtite-11 , 11141111ka hale mom the fare, tt Imo no tito,4l. It will hired the heard to grow upon the emeeithettfm* in from dye to right wio lie. Of heir upon. lietW lONIA, lit from two in ihte.llllollthC: A few' htehteittllfeett tietnits lutes asiouted taut theia ie entitle OM will. o l WWllw Wt. O w fn I ip, v row sh or the hak q . Their Raltettifill II Cr" fal ti f i 4s &nutshell 0 I It umooloof irt4 ll4 Mir leticerow borcifri . busit. Bet ; 44111 lb . Sq._„,,,lllltP woUolittehiAtini Ile 1111 l nu . .14,1 it)illrtir It u ' 1, lio atewi IL he nine . fi ll i UN 10firre.111 P.. pagairsio ud fur Ihe, . if, bentird are otittrelY WI , tit 101 ' you may ' ,tof I. gaggle thresh,. away kit e in Melt . To ouch we would nay. It the' eynr2tor t. pilli , It will cult ynie nothing Iteleochk . Ily comet eh to 044 100...1141/01.. !f /41441 , Of 01,410* Aloes not it. Jend 111 inie itnilikenikeee eetwf,,,,ed,,t i t ,: id ,. totether ii itb a Owes, who 4 . nonieleywo,m, 0„-, 1 4,611141101*.aii - • 43iAiun is.r.lyttiVoo. Addnitii. quAitic . .1 witioujo. Pm I Woe twit* Mt.. 1504kvii., '. . featly'' -1y , . Tbeir 'Noonan in 4of LitoMa o /MOTT 1 1 Nt SPIKES, FOBS• . R RES C. W. itstarn.