§lanoirtn . cutocrat Wednesday, Marcia 18th, 1801. S. M. Orr - mom:. & ro.. St Park Row New York lie duly alit !incited to enlicit Nod receive enlierrip • Ilmu and ailverlt alma for the Democrattar, pub. i • he 4 at alanaaphara, Cala labia rOaaty. Pa. Democratic State Convention. The Democratic State Committee, at its meeting, on January 29th, at Harrisburg, adopted the following resolutions : lat. That the regular Convention of the party, for nominating a candidate fin: the Supreme Bench, be held at Harrisburg, on the Second Tuesday of June, I Soli, at twelve o'clock M., and that said Convention be com posed of the usual number of delegates. 2nd. In addition thereto, it is recommend ed to the Democracy of Pennsylvania to forthwith elect, in the usual manner,. two delegates, of recognized position and influ ence in the party, for each Representative and Senator in their respect i ve district, who shall meet in Mass Convention, at Harris burg, on a day to be fixed by the Chairman of the State Nntral Committee. By order of the Democratic State Com.. V A. WALLACE, Chairman. ANDREW JOHNSON AND TUE RADICAL*. One year has passed since Andrew John eon made his open declarations of opposition to the Radicals. On the 22(1 day of Fete ruary, 180, at the Capital of this country, Mr. Johnson openly and in the strongest terms, declared himself in opposition to traitors North or South. He classed Sum ner, Stevens, Forney, and where, as a chi. of traitors, against whom he would throw his force, and challenged them to a contest of power. He made his declarations posi tive, and asserted without any qualifications, thatite would carry his oepositiOn to radi cal measures to the extreme point, and would not yield to them nor ennfengrith them upon unconstitutional plans of reconstruction, nor upon any unconstitutional proposition that they might attempt to force upon the peo ple of the country, either ns a law or as an amendment to the Constitution of the Uni ted States. This is the ground we supposed Andrew Johnson to stand upon one year ago, and, although we were well aware of his unconstitutional procedure and absolute tyranny practiced in Tennessee, as military Governor of that State, we were willing to accept his promises as being made in !food faith, and we gave hint praise—we accorded to him that which is due to every faithful public servant, and alums: every Democratic paper in the country said as we have said: "So long as President Johnson clings to the Constitution as his guide to conduct us front turmoil and war to peace and hap piness he shall receive our commendation." This much we said in support of President Johnson, and to this extent we became "Johnson men" and no more. Wu have not yet flullen front this position nor mill we. As a citizen of this country we MA all citi zens are duty bound to endorse the action of an executive officer whose course is in accord ance with the prescribed rules iu the Gin stitutirm. We never bartered ourselves to Johnson in the hope of receiving executive patronage or pardon. We had too much self-respect to buy ourself positioa by pledg ing to follow the dictation of Andrew Jahn ion, or any man or set of men, be they even Doolittle, Randall. Cowan, Raymond, or any other of the lesser lights of the Philadel phia Convention. Again, we had commit ted DO crimes for which we must beg execu tive pardon. Neither had we violated the rights of citizens by coward-like calling upon the 'Government for armed soldiers to arrest and wry off medbetling cite:ens and have them confined in a most barbarous manner, —even working out ni ureler,—and we need ed no executive protection. In truth we were free American citizens, unbiased anal fearless. Hence the support wo gave to Mr. Johnson was dictated to us through a love of our Constitution and an earnest de sire for an early mid proper adjustment of the difficulties into which we are brought by a great internecine war. 11 i hare not falter ed from thcposOion ire then took. We stand now as then, ready, on.rions. to support Andrew Johnson if he may not prove tilith less. But we are admonished that there is danger ahead. We did not ask President Johnson to give us appointments. We do not ask it now. We did not ask him to join the Democratic party, but when lie proposed to unite with us in destroying the power of Radicals and instituting u proper execution of laws under the Constitution, and to oppose the passage of laws unconstitutional, we desired hint to recognize some votee i ot least if he was not willing to acknowledge just principles and power in the Democratic Party.— We wanted, therefore, that the Democratic party should retain and maintain its usages and organization as a party ; not because there is any magical power in the name of' Democracy, but because. the principles and policy of Democracy are the only means whereby the government of the country may be brought to its former integrity, and the only means by which justice may be done to the great mass of citizens of the who'e country. Hence we desired that while the President and his Republican friends enjoy ed the executive patronage and its disposal as they wished, that the great Democratic party might be supported in its organization in the great States of Petanselvania and N. York last fall, and we expected Johnsonism to influence at least a Au: rota fur the Dem ocratic caudidates for Governors of these States. But then arose the ground of sus picion in the course of Johnson and the Conservatives toward Demoeracy. The con• servatires-•" so-called "—called a Convert don at Philadelphia previous to the fall c'ec tions of Pennsylvania and New York, and preview to the Gubernatorial nomination of the latter. What benefit resulted to us from the work of that Convention? Many of' the Delegates were Democrats and were well disposed to the success of the party, but Johnson's special Republican (Conven tion?) friends were cut out to "run the ma sk*" tad run it they did. Southern del. egates were admitted, wren Confederate Generals, yet stanneh Northern Democrats whips) only crime was honest patriotism, were forbidden entrance to the consultation of petrify. But to , fellow this up, the seine Doolittle, Raymond and Dixon, who were the acknowledged originators of that Con vention turned upon the Democracy of the two leading States of the Union and aided the election of the most radical Governors, and we are compelled to believe a great ma ny Ruppo,ord Democrats were co-conspirators in the work-•-for naught but a conspiracy to defiant I)ciuuentry was it. Great pretense of battle was made by Johnson and his pre- Anded Conservative friends against negro suffrage, yet every act of theirs tended to strengthen radicalism. Thus they continued talking conservative ideas and volley radi cals into office. Thus they continued till Congress met iu December, BAT. Thad dens Stevens opened the season with negro suffrage amendments to the Constitution ; Raymond. Dixon and Doolittle apparenty become enraged, froth at the mouth, bray and act like asses, and finally when the test is about to ho made, they wheel into the ne gro-suffrage ranks. On the sixth of Feb ruary we find Mr. Dixon, one of Johnson's instruments of conservatism, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Uni ted States, the substance of which is as fol lows : See. 1. " The Union under the Constitu tion shall be perpetual." Svc. 2. Provides that the public debt of the United States shall be paid, and that the rebel debt shall not be paid. Sac. 3. Provides that mall persons bons or naturalized in the United States are citi zens of the United States, and shall have all the privileges and immunities of the cit izens of the several States. Sw. 4. Provides flit negro suffrage in the same manner that the Constitutional amend ment proposed by the radicals last winter did, by making the representative basis the nuinkr of electors. Dixon, with other Johnsonites, opposed this same measure one year ago, now they wheel about and move with radicals in negro suffrage questions. On the 15th of January the Paine Mr. Dixon in the Senate speaking of universal negro suffrage said : " I will vote fur it, I have always been iu furor of it." Mr. Raymond's COltrbe has been so strange ly varied both in voting rind talking that it would scarcely be possible to learn from his action whether he is in favor of establishing negro suffrage or mormonism. He has said there is not a spark of honesty in &mem ey, and very little in Johnson, and not quite as mud, i.a Ilatlicalistn. Such con servatism or Johnsonisnt we do not agree to support, and if we are asked to do so by men ailing themselves Detnocrats and claiming to be members of the Democratic party we reply we not support it, and we dots whether any man having the least Dem racy in his heart or desiring the suc cess of the party can calmly allow so vile a serpent as conservatism to nestle in his ho sum. It has stung us once, twice, thrice, and will we compliment it or allow it thus to entice us into the foul resorts of fanaticism ? Let the people cry nut against it. Let us eat loose from the miserable thought of con servatism and, upon the fair basis of the Constitution, declare manfully for the plain truths of Democracy. If Andrew Johnson does an honorable act we will support him, but while he hangs to the garments of the vilest political tricksters we wish to keep ourself' free from the pollution, and we will nut harbor the wretch who would as a Dem ocrat, attempt to draw us into the sloth or eonservat ism. The Impeachment Business. Aecording to the statement of the pro eeciiings of the Republican caucus, bald at Washington on Wednesday last, there is to be a delay in the proseetition of the im peachment investiptim, perhaps until the con 11111111111111111111 l the next session. Th e effort to authorize the presentation or a mo tion for the appointment of a special com mittee, to take up the subject a the point where the Judieiary Con 111 l ittee left off, was lost. Also that which demanded that the Judiciary Committee shall be appointed im mediately, in order to proceed with that matter. There will, therefore, be a breath ing spell in rekrence to this affair, which will nut be unwelcome to the country, as, except in Congrem, there does Hot seem to be any desire to press this subject, the con sequence of which. in case of Niue, will be disastrous to the Republican party, and of doubtful benefit if it should be successful. —Mil a Inquirer. So the loyal Inquirer, has a last distiov ered, that every sensible person well knew, from the beginning, that the impeachment movement was an egregious farce. Delay— failure and lost. its "failure," the Inv;rEr admits, "will be disastrous to the Republi can party, and of doubtful benefit if it should be successful." That's what ails the parianns d pf the Itevotitionsry Hump Con gresm. Alexandria's Punishment. Another measure of punishment to Alex andria. in Virginia, as cmsequence of its disregard of the directions of the Recon struction bill, in the election the other day, is suggested by Mr. Utvens, which is to re annex that town to tlit District of' Colitin bia, to which it formerly belonged. This was *deed to when first proposed, by Mr. Eldridge, and it went off temporarily, but it was renewed at a subsequent period in the session, and passed by a vote of 111 yeas to 3S nays. The Senate is not likely to kill this bill, and in a shorter time than the Alexandriuns dreamed of. thee will cease to bo Virginians and become citizens of the District of Columbia, wht'ro negro suffrage is in full operation, and where thee will lime no chance hereafter to vote for Presi dent of the United Stith*, Governor or Congressmen, and, in fact, will be deprived of all the pleasant privileges which they have exercised Awe the original set resign ing the county to Virginia was passed. It was a very titolish thing these Alexandrians to brave Congress in the manner that they did ; and if there are any advantages in be in of Virginia, lather than of' the District of Columbia, they will discover that, fin a small enjoyment of the old spirit of the Rebellion, they have placed themselves under restrictions which may ho continued during the lives of the present generation at least.—Phit a Inquirer. And is it possible, Mr. Inquirer, that the thing called the .Notiono! On grows, you admit, is legislating in spite, and for "Alex andria's punishment." Oa' An tabtuninebh) act, repealing the Pension law fur the benefit of soldiers of the war of 1812, was rishtfully defeated lent week in our Legislature. The Radical Jacobin', not satisfied with their present powerful organizatiou, have re cently minim:need the formation of a secret military organization known as the "(;rand Army of the Republie." The ostensible purpose of this euphonious named convent is to aid and assist the orphans and widows of deceased igsldiers; its real object is to act as anxilliary to the abolition party, and fu r . nish the "sinews of war," when the time COWS fbr the removal of the President, or any other revolutionary. net it !nay sets lit to commit. Already in the Northwestern States has the organization ;weenie a for midable political-military machine, and its members regularity armed and equipped number hall' a million. It' its object was simply that of charity, wherein would con sist the necessity of military organization? The truth is palpable and cannot be disguis ed that the hill:rinds are determined upon riding rough-shod over the liberties of the people, and their janizaries are being pre pared for that emergency. But a short time since a resolution was offered in Congress taking out of the bands of the Prestdent the control of the various national armories and arsenals, placing them under the control of creatures of their own selection. This and kindred acts, together with the organ ization referred to, indicates plainly what the country may speedily expect. The rev olutionists are busy at work. and their emis saries are everywhere extending the ramifi cations of their revolutionary league. In view of all these things, will the Democracy stand idle? "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," and never before have such dan gers flouted their unwelcome presence 'Lire the eyes of law-abiding, constitution loving men. All the imenitives that can be addressed to the heart of mot should pronipt to immediate and effectual action the et/tune!' legions of Democracy. In view of the impending danger; with the full knowledge that unless checked by the determined trout of the party of the constitution, anarchy and blemished will sonn reign supreme. it is of sacred duty of the fricatis of union, law ateiliberty to mobolize their strength mid the are for the shuck. What is needed, eel is *wale 1 orginizAti.ei ! In every town ship inthe State let one hundred lighting Deniperats organize a militaryeompaoy. mid and in each county let there be at least one repine -me. There can be no excuse fur a failure to do this; material is plenty. and bemired of lion-hearted. strong-urns'el Dem ocrats, many of whom have spent four years in the field lighting for what they hoped would be a restored Union—the fruit of whose marches and bloody fields has been destroyed by the holism's in and out of eon gress--are ready to renew the tight for the Union. aided by n host of fresh volunteers. Let the organization be g in a t owe. Lillie rieliofil hyenas understand that they ate menaced and it' they want a fight, it' noth ing hut blood will appease them, that they can have it its its full fruition. With the seal of cowardice stamped upon them by the hand of Divinity itself, they will inglotbsus ly back down it' the Deniocravy will but do its duty. Let it lie done, thowmghly and effeetually, and done at masc.—Obi/on Dem ocrat. SO YOr WVIIE rt.n. —Thu Chicago rod (ItadiPal) of the 4th has male a discov.er•. It is important, though nothing new to I ktu• oemts and eouservatives. Says the list: "The people are burthemsl with more taxes than they can pay. The industry of the country is stife•l. the resources from which alone the payment of the National debt is to be expected are pernituvattly diminished and crippled." When confessions are voluntarily male by the Republican press, you may acceo the belief, without further questioning, that the taxation under which the people are groan ing is excessive beyond computation. ft stands to reason, then, that the people need relief, or "the inilttatry of the country" can not be 'vie:veil from the "stifled" comlition. which is playing the very dome with it.— Gook over the proceedings or "'ogress and see whether you can lied any measure either introlmed or passed, that is in any way possibly calculated to lessen the taxes, which are now niece than our people eati pay.— You'll abort as miiekly find a needle driy.- ped into a haystack as discover any such le_~isl anion. Abundance of legislation in creasing the taxes you can casilyfind.— Ohio .9atmaisa. • Var Mr. Chalfant of the House has pre sented remonstrances frcen c itizens 3 1' Co• lumbia County against the passage of a law allowing the Street Cars to run on Sunday in PMl:44lde On of the documents was read to the base, Web conta . ns many mutations unsupported by argutnews or titets. against the Sunday Car travel. For instance, it says : "In ftet, the Sunday ears and the Snit day liquor trade arc essentially ono inter..st. tind both are adapted to grind down the poor ignorant, and make thew more so." Again : "The plea Ihr Sunday cars that they facilitate church•eoing. is worse than a hol low pretense. The churchgoing people of Philadelphia me all opposed to Sunday cars and Sunday drinkina. The latter, "Sunday drinkine," no doubt they are opposed to; but the other question we should be trilling to take their deaden upon. Zia' Two mffutitly murderers entered the house of Dr. Covell, in Newmarket, New Jersey, a few evenings since, in the absence of Mr. C., at midnight, and attacked Mrs. Carrell with large dirk knives, stabbing her several times, one of the wounds iwnetra. ting her heart and causing almost instant death. A domestic who slept in the house was aroused by the noise and heard Mrs. C. call to her to take the intimt from the cradle Ind leave the house, whiclt she did. The villains vet the house on lire, then left the premises and have not been heard of since. The girl gave the alarm, wiheh brought to the scene a near neighbor who dragged the corpse from the flames and extinguished the fire. £ Thu Republican- I Nsunion Members of Congress seem detorn►iued to hang about Washington city to weol► the movements or President Johnson. They still harp over the impeachment question, but are nearly ready to drop the matter, especially since the exposition given the whole affair by the fearless and independent Democrat flow► New Jersey, Mr. Rodgers. They had bet ter hang their heads in shame and go home and muko inquiry of' their constituents as to how they atu►ul. se. ..Jeff. Davis ' it is said, is in much Letter health than he hasbeen 1w ni x months pip.t. U HMI as comtbrtably go any of the officers at Furtrois Itloureo, mei has full rat aof the grounds, Ile avoids all ma yo. atio n on political matters , though 'flow lod interoourse with ' • I L • *„... Alemator Cowan. This gentleman retires from the United States Senate full of honors. Words eau not be found to express the gratitude which the American people should feel to this dis interested man, When the people of the United States were wild ; when war frenzy Wes the order of the day ; when statesintan ship seemed to be extinct; when all the ele ments of social enconomy were apparently preeijiitated into chaos, this !silt, Milli stood relit, in the Congress of the nation, end frarlessly proclaimed doctrines which will live, with honor, in ull time, us a portion, and a vital portion, of what nil thinking men know as the true etmservative doctrines of the Republican institutions of America. We may be considered enthusiastic on the subject of Mr. Cowan's course in the Sen ate of' the United States ; but;whett we cou n t to reflect that he was elected by the party who, during the progress of the war, thought no man, woman, or child loyal unless they would shout, "death to the South, mid hang arm Copperheltd la the Nfor —we say, when we reflect that Edgar Cowan, after be ing elected by a party of this kind, had the courage, when his opposition to the "rump" majority in Congress was virtual political ruin, in the midst of the war, to stand up in the Cougress, and tell that body in their teeth that they were doing wrong, he made a displry of moral courage rarely to be met with. He did this at a time when mon who professed to he Democrats were weak-kneed ; at a time when most prominent men in the nation were faltering; and we boldly say, at a time when no letttling Sh11(1011011, in Con gress, or out, dared assume the position that Edgar Cowan took. Let men who aspire to be statesmen profit by his example. Meeting' of the Nianding Com- miltee. At a meeting of the Columbia County Democratic Committee held in Bloomsburg on Saturday, March tits, the following reso lutions were unanimously adopted : km/red, That James S. MeSim+ and W. 11. Jacoby, are hereby appointed Sena torial Coukaves, to meet similar Connives from other counties in this Senatorial Iris. trict. Inv the purpose of appointing a Sena torial Delegate to represent this district in the State Democratie Nominating Couven don, to be held at I Itirrisburg on the I Ith any of .lone next ; :,11,1 that they are hereby instrneted 1 4 )!Vellre the appointment or I'm,. thane Scott of Catawissa, as said Senato rial Delegate. A.A./red. That Dr. 11. W. Mellernulds and It. C. Fruit. arc hereby appointed Rep mem:dive Conferees to meet similar Con ferees from 3lontour Comity, to appoint a Repreavitative Delegate to the State Demo cratic Nominating Convention, to be held at larrislowg on the 11th day of June next. itorared, That we do hereby request the several comities in this Senatorial District to concur in the nomination of !tom I;eo. Scott, as Senatorial Delegate to the State Dentocratie Nominating Conventbm. nrsolerd. That the above named Senato rial Conferees, and Representative Confer ecs, are hereby appointed Senatorial Con ferees and Representative Conferees, to mect...Coufertata Item the different counties in the respective districts, to appoint Dele gates to the )14" eollVelltioll, to be called at Harrisburg on a day to be fixed by the Chairman of the State Central Committee. Adjourned. ( Alt K LEV, 310('SEII, Chairman Swrriory. Bloomsburg, 31uroll 9, 1867. G That important persetage that the editor of the it,p , hUi , I a would bare Isis readers believe was lit 10z1 , 1ilq light in the rank- of the Denewracy of this Cioutty, is not even ret- , totized by the erne homier:my as Olt !nimble tneMher of that patty. One thing is certain. be n o -cr hit as nor It , ret 11 so long as we can have a voice in the matter: aril, as to the eam paign on Fishingertek,' . he does ti.o pre tend to deny, nor any of his l'iiends for him, but that be was the oeiVr'mitor of that mem orable campaign, - at which time many of our best men— Democrats—were very unjustly led f dr, proha'dy at the instanec of the Repablieoo's th a "lo!...11t " light, to a filthy hit4th . where they remain ed months without trial or iteemation in degradation and misery—mo/ crew to dir ! A man .whose hands are stained with the blood of thes., west made a " bright " lead ing light of they Democracy! A thing int lossibk—propostmons. A St . ftentsE.—On Monday evening last, a party of about twenty or 'lmre, or the young people or Barwick—married awl sin ale—paid a sarprise visit to the M. E Par sonage, and presented to Rev. John A. (lyre, an envelope containing one Immired dollars in . `t;reenbacks." The party were represented by Captain C. C. Jackson. who in a modest little spee-lt presented the Rev erend gentleman with the contrilmtions of his young friends. expressing a hope that while it might prove bettelVal to his bodily wants. it might also be an ineenti%e to still greater zeal in the spiritual work in which he was engaged. Father were very feelingly tied gratefully accepted the gift of his youov. friends. Ile said the visit was one of utter staprise to him: that he had never been treated more kindly anywhere than by the people of Berwick: Charge. anti that if he should be so fortunate as to be returned to labor amongst them, he trusted that he would be the instrument in the hands of Clod, of doing them much good, in both soul and body. Altogetlit . ., the affair was well planned and most happily executed, and all the participants, must have fblt that "it was good to be th4re." Verily, "it is more blessed to give than than receive." After indulging for a short time in the delightful exercise of vocal and instrumental mush.. the party repaired to their homes.— Ber wick (Amette. ==l 11111. A Clergyman writing to a says, "My voyage to Europo is indefinitely postponel, 1 have diwovered the "Amnion' of health" on this 'Sitle of the Atlantic.— Three bottles of the Peruvian Syrup have resewd toe from the fiu►gs of the fiend Dys pepsia." Dyspeptics should drink from this fountain. PUILADELPIIIA AlAttlint—rr, nor Bto $l7, us to quality • 1 'Flour, $7 ; heat, Penna. Red, $2, 00 in $3, South ern Bed ; $3. and Citliforniu whito l $3.20 Rye, $1.30; Corti,9B cents; Oats 58 cents ; Cloverseed has dculittorl, milling at $7,2;1; Timothy peed, $3,50 ; Flupeed $3,25. FROM WASHINGTON. Wiuhingtms, Arch 4th, 1801, TILE NEW enNUEEss, The Thirty-ninth Congress expired to-day at twelve o'clock M. In the House, the rull of members elect for the Fortieth Con gress wits immediately called, and all but three or four answered to their Mlle& The organization fame was then enacted. Colt:ix was the candidate of the Radicals for Speak er, and, of coursezas elected, receiving 1 27 Votes out 157 eill4, The rvmainder were given to 111)11. S. 1. Marshall, of Illinois, the Democratic candidate. Before the voting fir Speaker commenced, Mr. Brooks, Of New York, obtained the fluor, and, in a brief but fiireible speech, showed that the present session of' Congress has no parallel in the history of the country, Having been convened within a month and nine days af ter the passage of the law authorizing it, and hi addition to that fact, there are no Repre sentatives from seventeen States of the Union—only twenty, a bare majority, being represented. In conclusion, he submitted a prot*t? signed by ail the Democratic tnembers against such no organization. 11e asked to have it entered upon •the journal, but the Clerk decided that he could not eltertain it, pending the election of Speaker. A C.WerS The Radical members of the noose will hold a c.atietts in flog Hall of Representa tives this evening for the purpose of nomi nating candidates fur Door-keeper, Sergeant at-Arnis and Postmaster. Thal; is a great scramble for these positions, and dozens of aspirants are busy to-day besieging members to advocate their claims. Among the can didates ti,r lbw-keeper, is a delbated cal candidate fisr Congress from Illinois, named Lippincott. DURATION 01? SESSION Tlw general impression is that the present session win not last more than a ftlW weeks. The intention seems to he to refl.r the im peachment question to the rcgolar Commit tee on the .Iteliciary, or a special committee —Butler ',reform the latter—and to author ize said committee to sit during the mess of Congress and to report at the nest aes stun. THE PRESIDENT AT TUE CAPITDL The nu. says: The President., accompa nied by his private Secretaries, Colonel Muure, Colonel Johnson. anti Colonel Mor row, left the Executive Mansion this morn ing about ten o'clock awl proceeded to the Capitol. whore he wits innniinqi in sietinig hills until the niinurlinient. or Coneress, rmd returned to the White Howe about half past twelve. rItiPPLED NATIONAL DAM* The First National Banks of Newton, 31ashaeltuietts, and !When, New York. have been placed in charge or neents of the Comptroller or the Currency for investiga tion. It i% expecteut that the First National Bank of Hudson, New York, will pay all its loges aw l g o on. The Mechanics' Na tional Bank of Baltimore will net suspend Washioyfun, March 5 %lEsAmir. )Ir. Dawes. froth the committee appoint ed yesterday to wait lat the. President and infortit hint that a quorum or the two !towel hail assembled and were retolv to receive any commuttieation he might he pica.ed to make, announced today that the eertimittee hall diselianzetl their duty, a n d that the Presi dent said he had no communication to make to Congress at present. TUE NEW ME'lltElo With a few proininent exceptions, the pres ent House it illwitt on it par with the last, so fur as it goe.i. In some instances ehanges have been made fir the better, but in more for the worse, if that were possible. The ablest nom of (1.4, :kpotitim.itio last coo mss. Judge Hale, of New York, it out. I sneeessor seems to be a gentleman or very or.linary ability. The Maryland dele gation is rather au improvement two° the R A DICA CA rel7i4 The Radicals will hotel another omens to morrow night, at the C a pitol. to take into consideration the I'u•inev► which should be transacted by tiwu► Burin{•` the 'present ws• sion of Congress. It. is believell that, the questions a impeaubutent and of a recess will be discussed. Tilt: %% WANT OFFICEO ikinny new nominations will he mole by the ['resident Of the Senate. to fill reenneies eansell by rejections. The Postmager-tjen end snate,4 thnt not les. then $2.001.1,110) ore now in the bands of dais o f pubtolfiees deAitute of imsttoot.4ters. SUIT FOR nEco% ERY OF CONFIgr AT ED mop. ME Henry 11. Tyler, formerly a Major in the Marine corps. and who, during the war, served in the Confederate army. has through Messrs. Brent awl Mel rick, commenced a snit againet John 1). Harm*, Am the 1,05.. Fession or the west hall' of Lot et, in Square 441 It will be recollected that the property wmilibellel by the Coto during the war, and, under tho contisottion net, the life in terest cf the plaintiff was Fold to the de fendant. This is believed to be the first suit of Coo kind instituted here, and it will be an interesting case. Washington, .Iherch 6. Ct)YUN KM. Both houses adjourned to-day. about half jp,t.t 12 o'clock. without laving Inns:tete(' any Inisint ,, s or Mummies!. Mensivrs pear to be growing roctless, awl noxious to get away from the eitv. either by n recess or en adjournment. The question, however, will robably lye soffits' by the caucus this 00111112. WllOll tliti ndative grovel of the advocates and opponents of the impeach ment scheme will be tested. 1111: TARIFF DILL The friends of the tariff bill are anxious to revive it, hut in the absence of the (*M inium of Ways and Means, such action would do no coed. It is quite likely that the whole suldeet will he postponed until the next regular session. • TIIK vane FOIL CHAPLAIN. The Mohr of this nownintt says that 'Rev. John Chambers, of Philadelphia, was Cum. !illumined by the votes or 3lessrs. Buyer, Illossbrenner and Randall of Pennsylvania. Nicholson, of Delaware, and Archer and McCulloch of Maryland, fir the Chaplaincy of thwelouse of Representatives for the present Congress. SI'R ItAl7. The trial of Surratt is expected to take place ere the dose of the present month, perhaps about the loth or 2n t h. lndao Fisher is the pr siding Judge of the Crinii: nal Court this term, but there will probably be a full bench during the trial. TIIE 1.1111.14 DEBT. Tbr folloWitur is a statement of the public debt of the United States on the Ist of Mania, 1S117: DEIIT littlllNO COIN INTF,REST. rive per cent. •bond». $198,091,350.00 Six per eent. bonds of 1867 and '6B 15,679,441.80 Six per cent. bonds, 1881 0 82,745,400.00 Six per cent. S•4O bonds. 954,839,00).00 Navy pension fund 12,600,009.00 $1,464,05,191.80 DEBT BEARING CURRENCY INTEREST. Six per cent. bonds. $/2,922,0%00 Three year compound interest notes 141,3(04,1430.00 Three year 7.30 notes. 632,79M,050.00 787 1 1 .r.28,88U.U1t ittttireti debt not pro witted for !myopia 1.1,57041811.07 DKUT DICAItINO NO INITEIINT IT. 8, notes $376,235,626.00 Fractional curreiwy '"J 5 314,7T2.32 Gold certificates or de posit 18,376,180,00 Total debt t 2,00,487,289.1 V AMOrNT IN TIM TIIKASCItr. Coin Currency $1(11,271,031.N 52,552,368.27 1 59, 523, 3911.39 Amount of debt less cash ill the l'reastiry... The firegoing is a correct statement of the public debt, as milieus from the books and treasurers returns RI the Department, on the b 4 of March, 1867. (z 4 igned) Meet:t.encit, Secretary of the Treasury. TUE CROWD AT TUE WHITE 'lousy. The Executive Mansion was thronged to day with members, Senators, ollice-seekers, and politicians, the crowd being very large, and all waiting to see the President. Many were after Aire, there being a large number of vacancies caused by the senate haviog adjourned without acting oil the nomina tions, and not a few of the visitors were thaw who were rejected, seeking to be re nominated. The Presilent was receiving them, but a number had not gained an au dience lute this afternoon. llieshistuton, March 7 In pursuance of the programme adopted by the Radical caucus last evening, Mr. Ashley introdumd a resolution the House to•day, rererring the impeachment question to the dualichuy Committee. and authorizing said committee to At during the session, or reeess tir Congress. Thu proposition gave rise to some spirited debate. Ashley opened the discussion with a rehash of his old speech, charging the President with all sorts of crimes and misdemeanors. His col league, .Judge Spalding I Radical i. denounced the whole *dime of impeachment as con summate roily, and made at strung appeal to his party friends to pause and cotisid .1. the importmasi of the movement they are seek. ing to inaugurate, declaring that for him self' he would resist it so long as he held a seat on the floor of the Houe. t;eneral B. F. Butler was the next mNaker. Ile, or course, favored intim:l6lllmo, whether the evidence would justify it or ma it. lle plat it upon the high growsl of pgcty neerssity. Alter he kid erowletled, Ashley !imposed to take a vote without allowing tiny further de bate, lint some of the Radicals artiturl him objected, and Mr. Brooks, of New York, was recognized, and spoke for halt' an hour iu reply to Ashley awl Butler. His speech w as li s te n ed t o with profound attention, and was. withal. very Ode aml instructive. Ile yielded t., colleague, Mr. Wool, wlm, in a few rema ks, stated that he had seine evi &we. concerning Ashley's motive in intro ducing the resolution, and at the Kuper time he would give it to the I louse and the country. After brief' remarks by Messrs. Pruyit and Chattier. of New York, the ques tion was taken, and Addey's resolution di• reeling a further prosecution of the investi gation was agreed to. 31011 E, USI'RPATION The House adopted a resolution this af ternoon,proposed by Judge Kelley, instruct ing the Judiciary Committee to report a bid declaring who shall call convention.; in the unrepresente , l States, and regulating the elective franchise in said States, at ale elec tions prior to the ratification of their re. spextive Constitutions by Congress. TWA is A step in advance of the Sherman-Sheila. banger bill. and so it will go on tar years. CA N ATM oN Al. AM ENIM ENT. I%lr. I letrieroot introdoceil :t joint re.edin tion to amend the L'oustitittion by providing that no State midl prohibit any 01 in+ eiti z.lis from voting or bolding office on amount of color. Mr. Saulsbury raised the point of onler that, as the Constitution of the Unite , ' Statei 11:83 been hlettekijout of existeme, it could tout be autt•uiled. The resolution was referred to the Judi ciary Colutuittee. Intshioglon. March 8 I`KI..SI EST .%1. ASPIRANTS. Radical party managers have talked quite freely of late concerning their several known candidates for the next l'residemry. Some prefer grant. but the leaders ray that he i• not sufficiently inoculated with itadhad ideas nod, therefore, must not be pressed for the nomination. Chase is also talked of, but don't seem to be popular, and 'Wade and Colfax appear to be the Etvorites. The lat. ter is very popular with his party, and the impression among the leaders is that he would make a strong emendate. lie has been hOding for the position for some time, and being a — wire-puller," will no Jolla give the other candidates a bard run. No!tIINATIONS l'he President Ina renominated lion. Edgar l'owan as 3liiii-ter to Austria. norl the has arc that lie wiis he cotatirtm• I. 110 has also sent into the Senate the mimes of a number ix persons whose nomination., were not acted on at the late session of the Scout°, and the understanding is that all such will he again returned fins confirmation or rejection. A small unity of olliee-seckers aro now in this city, daily besieging the President and the heads of departments fur appointment. MARYLAND SENATORIAL. CONTEST. It is reported to-day that lion. Montgom ery illair will be strongly supported the 31aryland Senatorship. Ilis Clouds are vig orously at work. and since the repeal of the law requiring Senators to be elected alter nately from the Eastern and Western shores, his nomination is not considered improba ble. Witshiagton. Mardi 10. mr. MILITARY liOVERNoits, it k expected that the President will, within a day or two, announce the command ers for the districts created at the South by the military government act. It is generally believed that Schofield, Thomas and Han cock will be among the number selected. The other two have not been finally agreed on. There are rumors that Meade will be assignedio the command or one of the dis tricts. UUSINESB OP CONORESS It is understood that no important busi ness will be transacted (luring the presesot session, and for that reason the House has not ordered the appointment of its commit tees. By holding on, the Senate will force the other branch to an adjournment or re cess until next fill or whiter. OROANIZINO FOR TIM ELF;CTION The white and black lholioals of Wash ington arc rapidly erganizinellw the coming nmmeipal election. , Meetings are being held whereat there is no distinction on ac count of race or color, Thu registration of voters under the new law will take effect and It in believed by those who are competent to Judge, that the Mark vote at the next elec tion will be nearly or quite equal to the CONFIRMATIONS. . The Senate in Executive session to-day conflrtned the following nominations: leetor of Internal Revenue, William M. Sample, Seventh• Diataint Pennsylvania; District Attorney I:gutters District of Ar ians:is, John Wytock. MARKET ILEPOR' Wheat per butliel„. Cont. " Itttek wheat 14 elovorsoed " Vlaxsotal. " apPleti Putatoe,, " Flour per barrel,. Butter. bas per dozen... Tallow per pelmet 11111 11711114. s Rum ' Hay iwr toe #2,53(),763,889.50 At Light Street. on the 9th itt.t.. sepia Lillay. Esti., Mr. Elwartl Pow Fie!lingered:, to 31ise )1117 11. S:i! Light Street, all of Columbia Comity flit the .5111 inyt., bv the AVM; Ever. Mr. .Mielmel Etter, to Mi• 4 Ma both of Itativille, Pa. Ou the ith inst., by the quite. Mr. on i nv, of tat:miss', to Miii Sarah bath Keller, of Bloomsburg, ra. At lineetitti, ',motile Comity. fel ti t , by the Bee. J. B. Ki of Stockton. to Etatita J. Jurritt Itazeltml, Pa. Its Danville, en the It ult., Lizzie 1 aged 10 years, ti months at' tto days. At the Cattswioa rarer Millis. on tit 'tug— very Ruilkleitly or heart itilease, 11 Chapman, smell ataini X r year.. In rgist liloomslong, on the 7th after a long Hine 4. Mrs. J 011•••, John opel about . ;O yew. Ifloothsi.nrg. on the 12th inst.. 7. S3IIIIIIIMI J. Eva:v. wits of Pr. .1. IL E% in the 2 th year Or her 11: 4 ,. 31r , . Evans wav a tooirt egintable hely sh e bete u p under her sulferinki to a extent. and her demi, , e was not tieipated until within a 11:w day* or the ti! hour. She will rest in peace. • She w.• good wife, a good mother. a good ehristi: and on amount or thew: cluistiau and rot virtues, her kiii will be deeply regretful. But the will of 4 in.' be done! At Williamsport, Pa. ) January last, at; dessly, 3lrs. Itebteca airs. K. was the daughter of J. D. :+I Columbia Comity, lia%i. !wen sarrie,l to 31:. Smith I{iu ball, Williani,ort, a little over a year. The rare ems :Hence of th,s pious you liltly; umi lira reniatkable affection, coo Hence and esteem wh;ch alie enjoyed mot her austisaintoires, are, by the inhiersignu deemed good reasons for a snore delineation of leo. diameter titan ls usual! , i% cis in a notice or death In the Irrer , elit. 11111frelfeet entiditien of ciety, when strange and unhappy biotin!: ties :=0 often mix with and shade the yir , ! , good persons; when truth almost ar tinually terhids us to give free scope to a , miration, and compel' , es to dispense 4 , v praise with a measured and timid liberalk tt is delightful to meet with an example t oo character whose blanielesliess and wiles purity spare us the pain of making Judo: tams from its uniformity and virtues; 11!:' our satisfaction is greatly increased when wt remember that this character was unfoldet within rho menal-ership of a 4 . 1.4.,;,fi wholo Its have ha' tir oppOrtimit:. or OlnwrVillg Wen a. utilr. , elV”S, awJ %It, caa give utterance to out ehiistian love t 1 rs.. !wet wilt as:itir:we of finding sympathy teal a HI reeponse hearts of all our readers. that wg have a higher motive than the relief and gratflication cf personal feelings in paving this tribute or regard to our &- Parte() Mend. We consider her example and character very instructive, particularly to young p:lnde. I ler lire. while it hos e strong testimony to those mighty principles of morality and religion, in which all classes, ranks and ages have an interest, and on which good :society rests, seems to tie Istn- Bally valuable as "commentary onthe ca pacities and right application of youth. as demonstrating what a young person :nay become, what honor, love and influence the young, may gather around them, antl how attrnetive are the Christian graces in the morning of lilli. Let us pay a short tribute to her memory. It is a duty, and we perform it with a apt• nachay pleasure. Sad indeed is it to real ize that she is no mare! Hut her eliarao• ter was one, it is soothing to remember.— The recolketion of it eOlneA over the mind the tcamtailizing breath of bpriug ie asks no embelislittient. It would sutler by a strained and labored eulogy. The character of our beloved• sister in Christ wad distinguished by mildness and harmony—a.'! tioa elements were tempered in her kindly and le:ppily. This mild and kia.nl temper showed itscdf in her `,,,0k and act. tier manners, her uoder standing, her religion, all receive I a hue flout it, just as a soft atmosphere commu nicates its own tentkr and tian mull diame ter to every object and scene viewed through it. 11cr piety was a deep sentiment. It had struck through anti entwined itself' wi.lt her whole soul, and partouk of' the general tem perament of her mind. It was warm ant, not heated ; earnest but trall , ;tlil; Ikea !ra truth and principle, and not impulses ; fir: religious air in which she moved and breath ed was nut a tempestuous wind. giving fie easional violence to her emotions ; but was calm: and seemed like a constant dew dis tilling upun her frum heaven, giving. rresh ness to her durum sensibilities, and was us gentle influence Seen not in its falling, but 111 its fruits of peace and love. This excellent woman it has pleased God to take from us, and without warning, when her hope and pro pests for a lung. happy atol useful life were to human eyes unclouded. That. the days of one so amiable, so love• ly, accomplished anti pious should be so few ; that the course of one so gifted in music and every charm should be so short. is the general sorrow! But ought we to think it short. In the best sense her pro ' dens life was long. To be the centre of so many good influences; to awaken through so large a eirele sentiments of strong affec tions and esteem : to bear effectual testimo ny to the religion of Christ; to exalt the standard of useful character; to adorn her profession and upheld and strengthen piety ; ,a be a friend to the poor. a model to die rich ; to five its the hearts of parents. brot ers and sisters, husband and - a tender step. daughter, and unnumbered friends, to die amidst goneratdeop unetfeetedlamentation, surely lire eVillelleeS of a brief existence. H " Honorable age is not that which stimdoth i n l engt h o f time, nor which is tneasured by number of years; but wisdom is the grey hair unto way and au unspotted life is good old age." Such is a brief sketch of our lamented friend and sister in the Lord. She was one of the most fhidtless women of the most devoted wives; of the utmost affectionate and faithful step.mothor, and one of the fairest examples of all the distinguishing virtues of Christianity. Farowoll, noisevea ; " these oyes mnst be dimmed eve again thy';• Ah• Ali look upon thine," but soon do we hope to Join thee in thy far away home where thou wilt raise thy sweetest, highest notes, and toual l ,wita angelic skill the keys of overlastioit wain to God and the Lamb. CIE MARRIED. DI ED.