EXAM /I CM ■ I S VOL. XXXI. OFFICERS or COLUMBIA CO. President Wlll6llll Elwell. In Derr, n Associate Judges— { Peter K. Ilerbein. Proth'y and Cl'k of Courts—Jesse Coleman. Register And Rix:order—John ;, Freese, ( Allen Mann, Commissioners—, < John F. Fowler, I Montgomery Cole. Sheriff—Samuel Snyder. Treasurer—John J. Stiles. • ( Daniel Snyder, Auditors— L 13 Rupert, • (John P Haunon. Commirwioner's Krialisutn. cmumissioner's Attorney—E. IL Little. Plereantile Appraiser—Copt. (ieo. W. Utt. rounty Surveyor—lsom A. Dewitt. District Attorney—:llilton M. Traugh. Coroner--Williem J. Ikeler. County Superintendent--Chas. G. Barkley, Assessor Internal Revenue-1(, F. Clerk. John Thomai, AlalstantAmeBB°T j S. B. I>iemer, c , J. 11. Ikeler, J. S. Woods. Collector—Betdamin I.,llartumn. NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN iTRENT, (NE Ani,v OPINNOTE Id /MAE.) 111.0014dUER i, PA. Tire undersigned hos Ost o , ted up, and opened, big new PrIVVE ANI) TIN 61111P 9 in this Own, where he is prepared In make lip new Tip W A RI: at 01 Ittro I lila lute , and do repay 114 with neatness cad disp dAi, upon the most ren• snnable tangs, Heaton Itecpo •)11 hand stTOVEI of various patterns and styles, which ha will tall upon terms to suit ourchaat rs. Give hlio• wll. Iln it a gent mechanic, and de *lrving of ble 'obit': patronage. JAcQs maw.. oncalbari. Rept. O. NEW HAIR DIIESSLNG SALOON A Yew Halt roting, Ithnving. snit Flying 1141 a• i. ha• hero opettrol in Inc rear of Ilunebergeet Wino. rn m or e. hinomourg, where ell Missile of work is the harlwring Him will be neatly and promptly at. tended to Kfillig nil the name rt.le of ttr, atrect with ail the Hotel., there f• no used of mmHg the atruct. through the ta id. to get to the chop. Hair sort manufactured in order. Ladle. 'rubies their heir dreaseil In Water fel.. nr idhereyiag, will. or without crimp, will be attended to by a lade, in separate apartments. 1:"Y Re ntemhrr the ware unit Stre , l, rear o r ii..ll•ber g er's 'I (Mitten &use hue. ve1,115611. ESPY 11011'EL, Dopy, Cu Nimbi:v. Co. Po. The tindirr.ogt,l hnsitte tt•cnsne sole proprietor .his well known end conveniently Itt..st..d stand s respectfully Worm/ ht. rrinnd•. and Um publfr in gennral• that be bad put his hot., int complete order fur the arroinutodation 14 boarders, end for it, recep• tints and 0.1..111111/Wla of who most feel disposed to favor it with their cii.totn. !Sro expellee halt been spared in preparing this Hotel for (bonnier Womenl of guest., tine nothing ',hull 'm . 1.110114.811 p , ri. to minister In their personal comfort. The location. me wells■ the budding. is • good oes. mod sU togethet Is amply arranged to please the photie. lea.lEL Mush v. Copy. April IL IrA3L—if. PLASTER FOR SALE. The undersigned is about tilting up a alb 111111 N nralowe Mtl.l bt..tool V% 11l offtr to SO SIN UNt UUNDKED TONS tIESU Nevis Scotia While Mister, prepared reedy fur now In queht hie. to .opt minium ff 4 to ally tune (rum the Net of March next 4. kt. =EI BOOT ANR SHOE SHOP. OSCAR P GIRTON, 04140111117 Willem the public that tie // now pre pared to asawah lure all kind. of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the 1,0 117:.17 Pissiih , P r i e rs ; at abort miller. and in the very heat and latest stele, Mr. Girton. (aa is 11.1,11•Inrou to in Itl.mntrhure,l bit kid many ' , moll of 0W..440 rspero nee with a rep• Marren fur good work. Integrity and Isontreable deal. tag unsurpassed. rt Place rf barium on Moo* Mast Cornet of Main and Iron Puget*. over J. K. ajthige. north Bloomsburg. pc'. 10, 114401.-8 a F ORKS HOTEL, GI O. W. MAKER, Proprietor. Tim above well.hnown Wel hole recently under. 'nue radical changes ill it. illt , flllll arritnirement•, and its proprietor announces to his infuser eu.toin and the travelling public t h at ill, accornoindniloos for the echelon of bile guest• tire second to none in the country. Hid table will always be found sop ant only with substantial food. but with al the delicacies of the sea-on. Hi. insole Red Hamm (except that popular 'weenie, known as 'llellelgry.') parebased direct from the importing louse*, are nit lusty pore, and free frith all poisonous drugs lie if iimusr o i fora liberal poirtoinge in the past, and w ill continue to desuree it In the future. uSuttae. W. iIIAUGIER Juno In. MACHINE AND REPAIII SHAM. TI! Onderentevd would rune respertfolly Rae 1.101180. to the one lin generally. that he is prepareal a n elm uto all kind. of MACIIINERV, at JOSEPH BHA lIPL.K.SS' VOLISIOR Y. in IPoionshort, where he 41,11 always be fonnd ready to do all kind. of reparr tag. 'stein ling Threshing kl. bine', and in abort, all brads al Farming Utensils. ALSO, TLIBNINit ANU rrrirro LIP or CAIITINI3 AND MACIIINI:Itif. done on abort notice, in a Bond isorkinaulike wan Ker, span the most remaonahie tern's. Hop lay iiire.rWlier in thin b , lllllO/11.1111 foreman In the shop of (Aerie 11. beaus of this Wee.% for ov er nine years, warrant, him in sayleg that he ran give entire satisfactiou to all wtio may favor bins with them work. Bloomsburg, Nov. RI, IPtA. INVENTORS' OFFICES. D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, t Iva Engineers and Patent Solicitors. \0.413 WA IA T dIREET,, ra.L.AaaLruaa. PATERTfi solicited—Consultations on Engineering Drauatiting and Sketchei,hloduie and htuehinery eir•ll kindr Mass and stilfUlly attended to. !Special attention given to MILIBUTIIO CABbd and INTEIt• Atihootic Copies of all Documents from Pateut Unice procured. pourio.l•es tosslass troth!' and tray "Ind ti pensen a. theta is no actuai used for tICTS011• ad Interview with us. All business with thee° lei. ass etas be transacted in writing. Yoe further ioatinodireat as shore, with swop vaclused fur Cir. orbit with relitonces. April Id, Plede-17.--J W. FALLON. HOUSE. MINT: suturcrlher having purchased the ~F inon .1 House," le LOCK 11AVEN, , overt,' of R. W. Eligeoy. Ern., would gay to Om leaden( the Doom., hie itegoolot, and the pub. Ily, INA ha ',nand'. in .li/re a Ihrtat, tYe soronnoudationa and comforts of a Douai, d humbly solicits thair patronage. J. OTTENKIRK. LOW of ilia !Idadsonn h oiue, Pb Nelda, pew LPS, 14103. D3IINISTILkTOR'S NOTICE. qf Len% .Thhe, tato of Centre Non- administration on the estate of beak Contra Tomastilb, Columbia Comet', bean Instal by Ilse to of mild pb Poke. residing la the towastip tferauld. All pommel laviart claims oa . . . - . . • . •• • . . . )„, , • - ~• ' - . n . . ~ ~. _ _ B . BLOOMS. . i 1 ..-.... it $1 t • . . DE'•MiocRAT ~........._ reomolutrg ptmocrat. Iti 4 l'lll,ll l lllVD WIWNY/4DAY IN lilmulisritTll(l, I'A., BY Oil ht advanre. If en! paid wilble MIX MOINVIIrt. ye ernto additional will be ebarred. ilnper fliprmitinued !until All smutted WO paid racept at the opine of ter editor. IIATErI OV ADVERTISINO. 11(11 LINA/ COPIATITUTA A PK,APB. One inner* one or Oren Imp...filet's Ettsfy pitiaiNuellit Insert hui lees then 13 WACO. /111. Win• 31e. Me, IT. CM* Must , . 7.10 3 110 I 4.00 I 6.00 1 10.00 ?we diumvs, 3On 5.4"41 6,00 1},01) I 14.00 Three 3.00 7,00 f... 10 I'oo 1640 PO*, 0416 ares, II UU MAI 111041 ion Kw Italf oulsuun. (0.0,) 17.00 I4IMI 111.041 30.611 One eninmn. 1 13.00 11M 00 00,00 1 30.00 Raab sairelitwo and A,lll.lolitrutor's 1000/01• Mod Iter's Usher advertioo ent. inserted aceordles to special eontro 'MOWN' Raileso. *About advertisement, twenty. rests per HNC Ptrnetset stlvertisr.ments psyshle In ■dl 'ince all Others due miter thr first insertion. rr OVVICERIo ddive's Muck. Cor. of Mlle and huh Str.ets. Address Mirth awoke ! The day is dying, Mail with joy the marry hours. While the frolic colors flying, Dash the snow iu pearly showers. Light the laugh, the pleasure nameless Wrupt in robes from distant plains, When: the bimm, hugu and tanielts, , , Roves the lord of vast domains. High above us swims the crexcent, Sharp the air and dear the skies, Akeling vapors, iridescent, Yrwu the siena and Invoke arise. On the foaming leader dashes, Swill the sleighers seem to fly, While the Aurora tlatues and flashes, Firing all the Northern sky. Through the snow crests in the billows, Over the bare and breezyswells, Fleet is every steed that tbllows, Jingle jangling all the bulk Over ice rifts sharply twangling, Past the frowning, fissured height, Where the pointed pislituts hanging, Silver shimmer in the light. rnfierneath the forest &Mies, Hoary with the touch of tim e . Where the oaks and betiding larehee, jeweml blase with moold t rime. In the dim and far reeeFses, }kho dwells, the banished maid, Welting still, she still trangressm Flitting through the winding glade. From beneath the ers , king bridges, Sec the struggling waters flow ; Sparkling round the frosted ridges. Ribbon streaming through the snow See! the wood fire, redly gleaming, On the cheerful window plays, Lighting roomy halls and beaming, Prom the inn of other days. Here, with song, and dance, and chorus, Swiftly by the moments run ; 'Till the morning ruddier o'er us, Tinted by the rising sun. • Pleasures past. Alas, how fleeting, AU our joys and comfbrts are ; Time is like a wave retreating, Bearing all thingi bright and Scarce we raise the brimming measure, Scarce the sparkling nectar sip, Ere the counter verve of plea , ure, Bears it rudely from the lip. EDITORIAL Ltvr..—But few readers ever think of the labors and care devolving upon an editor. Captain Marryatt most truly says I know how a periodical will wear dowmone's existanee. In itself it appears nothing ; the labor is not manifest ; nor is it in labor, it is the continual attention it requires. Your life becomes, us it were, the publication. One day's paper is no sooner corrected awl printed than on conies anoth er. It is tho stone Sisyphus, and endless repetition of toil and constant weight upon the intellect awl spirits, and demanding all the exertions of your faculties, at the same time you are compelled to the severest drudgery. To write for a paper is very well, but to edit one is to condemn yourself to slavery. glir The latest fashion of bonnets is said to be a tow atring with a glass bead upon the top of the head. In extremely cold weath er it is allowable to attach two postage stamps to protect the ears. Our devil sug gests that a small buckwheat cake would be better than a glass bead, na the fashions change so often that it would still be warm enough to cat when the next style comes out. GEOELOg HASBERT WUAT A WOMAN (!AN 11)0.—It is Statd that at the sinking of the steamer Platte Valley, on the Mississippi, near Vicksburg, the night of January 17th, a woman, by her own unaided exertions, saved the lives of her five children and drunken husband.--- She waded through the water on the hur ricane deck after th• steamer careened over, and carried them, one after another, to the wheel-house, where she placed them in a position of safety. Nil A black girl at Shelbyville, Indiana, has commenced a suit against a white wan for breach of prowl*, of marriage.—Ex. Form him. That's right ! 11*doubtle votes for the nigger and he ought, in rowdy parlance, to "so the whole hog I" IQ ' A moral debating society "out West" it crwaged in a diwneeion on the following question : "If * husband deserts his wife, which is the most abandoned, the nun or the woman ?" THE WILLICIISON 11. JACOBI% Iv JACONY. Moonisborg, h TUB SLEIGINIUDE. BLOOMSBIJRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1867. THE RESCUE. The incident about to be related is one of many similar ones which occurred dur ing the early settlement of America. Those who sought a home in the savage wilds, which then (levered the land, wedded them selves to a life of peril and hardship. The dangers which continually threatened them called forth all the heroic qualities of their nature, and their lives were marked by many a lofty deed of daring. and devotion. Such deeds should not sink into oblivion, fur they belong to the history of our coun try, and as such, should he recorded and reme►ulkrcd. $134 Su We would present a picture to the imag ination of the reader. There is a broad and beautiful stream, with its deep, still waters, flowing on between banks aovercd by luxuriant foliage ; and its bright surface dotted here and there with fairy little isles, where graceful shrubs and fragrant flowers bud and blossom undisturbed in wild and !onely loveliness. Bright-plumed birds, of ninny varities, are winging their way over the quiet water, and the surrounding scene echoes with their tuneful minstrelsy. On the borders of the river, at the edge of a forest that stretches far away over hill and dale, stands the rude but picturesque dwell ing of a backwoodsman ; with the blue smoke curling up from its lowly roof, and its humble walls glancing out from the green foliage that surrounds them. There are Ernie indications of taste and refinement near the woodinan's home, which gave a cheerful appearance to that otherwise' wild and lovely scene. A graceful vine curtains the lowly window, and many bright flowers, natives of a distant soil, shed their grateful perfume around. Near the door hangs a cage, containing a rare and beautiful bird, whose song of gladness breaks Sweetly upon the stillness of that solitary plum. - . - _"'"'n On a low seat at the entrance of the dwelling, is seen a young woman, caressing an infaet. She has lost the blooming love• liness of early youth—her cheek is pale, and her brow wears that thoughtful expres sion which is imprinted by the touch of care ; yet she is still beautiful in form and feature, and none way look upon her with out admiration. As she bends over the child in her arms, her eye fills with that unutterable tendeniss and love wtich are only seen in the eye of a mother and which make the face of a beautiful woman almost augeli:. Now and then she, turns from the child, to send an anxious glance towards the finest, as if she watched for the ap proach of some one from that direction.— She is momentarily expecting her husband. lie left his home at nnmi ; the hour an pointed fur his return had passed away ; the shadows of the trees are lengthening in the rays of the setting sun, and yet he comes not. The fund wife begins to tremble for his safety—a fearful foreboding of evil steals over her mind, and the dark dread of some approaching calamity haunts her imagina tion. She has reas o n to fear; for that po!tion of countrt• was, at this time, the theatre of many a tragic scene. Sonic dines the wood man, in penetrating too far into the path less recesses of the forest, lost his way, and wandering fur days in the dreary wilderness. suffering many miseries, and perishing at last by the pangs of hunger. Sometimes the wily red man, who yet !irked about those lonely wilds, entrapped the white hunter, and, from a spirit of revenge, or the thirst for blood, sacrificed his victim.with the most wanton and barbarous cruelty. As the anxious wife thought of these things, her fears and forebodings became almost insupportable. Bushing the infant to sleep, she carried it into the dwelling, and deposited it in his cradle-bed. She then hastened forth again, and wandered along the path that led to the forest, anxi ously looking forward the while for her hus band. She walked onward for some time, fondly hoping to see the object of her search, but her hopes were vain, and sending one more searching glance, around, and seeing nothing but the gloomy shadows of the trees, she turned with a heavy heart to re trace her steps. As she was proceeding homeward, a sudden fear for her child, whom she had left alone, crossed her mind, and caused her to hasten forward. Draw ing nearer to the dwelling, this filar became so intense, that it amounted almost to a conviction of some terrible calamity. Fly ing, rather than walking, she marched the holm, and sprang to the" cradle—it was empty, and the chi:d nowhere to be seen!— With frantic eagerness she rushed to the back door of the dwelling, which she had left closed, and which she now found was open. She was just in time to see a party of Indians making rapidly to the woods.— Her heart whispered the fearful assur ance that they bore away her treasure. Here was a trying situation for a timid and help- Imo woman—her husband afar off—perhaps in peril—her child—her first born, and only one, torn away by the rude hand of a savage —dread night approaching, and no earthly arm to aid ! Without pausing fur reflection, the moth er flew along the path which the Indians had taken. Now and then she caught a glimpse of their forms u they moved rap idly through the trees, but as the twilight deepened and surrounding objects became more indistinct, even that slight comfort was denied her, and she traced her gloomy pathway withon i i knowing whether or not it would bring her nearer the object of her By MBA. L S. lIILITII. the increasing darkness, unconscious of the uncertainty of her search, and the wildness of her expedition. She had but one thought --ono hope ; and that was to be near her child—to save it, if it could be Raved, or perish with it, if perish it must. Strong in this determination, she pushed forward, thoughtless of fatigue, and fearless of peril. As the night advanced, the wind rose and sighed among the trees with a mournful and heart-chilling sound. The stars, that had hitherto shed a feint light through the branches, were now veiled in black clouds, that seemed to presage a storm ; and ever and anon the shrill eugsking of a night-bird, or the prolonged howl of some beast of prey, was borne to the ear of the unhappy wanderer, waking fearful thoughts, and warning her of her dangers by which she was surrounded. Those who have never roamed in a forest at midnight, can scarcely realise how much that is terrifying is connected with such a journey. At one time, the howl of the hungry waif will burst so suddenly and clearly on the ear that we can scarcely per suade ourselves the monster is not close at our side—ut another, the falling of a decay ed branch will protium such aloud and fear ful sound, that we deem it the fatal plunge which must doom US to destruction. Now the wind will come with a fitful and moan ing cadence, so like the human yoke, that we for an instant, believe it the wail of an agonized being—and again it will sweep by with a rushing sound like a troop of en raged monsters bent on a mission of death. Sometime an unseen, low-drooping branch will softly touch the shoulder, congealing the warns current of life with the idea that a spectral hand has suddenly arrested our progress; and again a black and blasted tree, with one or two sere bran es protud ing front its side,will, tbr an Instant still the pelsatiorSof the heart, as we behold in it a frightful phantom, stretching fetch its arms to grasp our shrinking forms. All this, and morc,imust one feel and. fear in a lonely midnight pilgrimage t rough ti ro the forest . and all thil the mothet c tired as she pursued her alLost hopeless ter prize. She had trawled for, very far, for the darkness of night, and the intricacies of the wood, had warmly lessened the epee I with which she commenced her walk, and she had been many hours on the way.— Weariness was beginning to overcome her— hope was departing from her heart, and despair chilling all her energies, when she discovered afar off through the trees, a light. It was but a feeble glimmer, yet oh ! how it irradiated the path of the wanderer. The instant she beheld it, hope sprang back to her heart, and strength invigorated her frame. That faint and far off ray seemed the light of returning happiness, and she watched it as eagerly as the mariner watch es the star which guides him over ocean's stormy waves. She now hastened onward with redoubled energy, and though her steps sometimes faltered, and her heart sunk within her, as the light disappeared behind souse intervening object, she still kept her eye steadily in the direction of the beacon, and soon gained a position where it shone brightly before her, and she could approach without loosing sight of it again. As she drew near, she gazed upon the scene which that light revealed, with mingled feelings of astonishment, hope and fear. There was a large fire built of the dried branches of trees, and around it lay the dusky forms of five or six Indians, reposing upon the ground. Their appearance was savage in the °shame; each with his paint ed feathers lighted by the fitful glare of the fire, and his tomahawk and scalping knife gleaming at his side. Near them were im plements of hunting, and around the fire lay scattered bones and fragments of a re cent rude repast. The whole scene was cal culated to strike terror into the heart of the delicate being who gazed upon it. But she scarcely saw the rude savages or their implements of death, for her whole soul was absorbed in contemplating a por tion of the scene which we have not yet de scribed, and which riveted her attention with a thrilling and magic power. Bound to a tree, was the form of her husband ; and at his feet on the cold ground, lay her child. The father's face was pale, and stained with blood ; the infisnt's face was covered by its dress, and its form was motionless as if chilled by the cold hand of det,th. ' How felt the fond wife and mother when that sight of horror met her eyes? Repressing by a mighty effort the shriek of agony that rose to her lips and conquering, by the strength of a heroic soul, the almost irre sistible desire she felt to rush forward, and clasp those dear ones to her aching heart, she stood gazing upon the scene with feel ings which cannot be described. She saw with a throb of sudden joy, that her hus band lived, but her heart grew cold again as she watched the motionless form of her child. She longed to fly to its side, and as oertain the truth, for the suspense art preyed upon her spirits wore terrible, but again her resolute mind restrained her, and she began to deliberate upon the situation of her husband, and devise means for re leasing him. The vivid light cast by the fire on all things near it, enabled the wife to note the scene distinctly. She saw, with a thank fill heart, that the savages all slept, and that she could reach the side of her hus band without pining near enough to awake them ; but she ea* that be was bound by , g cords, which she could not hope; in . .. ~. .., , state to tinfhstesa and she look the Indiana wore at their aides. Looking more intently, she saw that one of thew had slipped from its place, and lay on the ground by its owner, so near, that his hand almost touched the hilt. A. pang of in tense fear shot through her frame, when she thought of approaching so close to the terrific form of the savage, but another look upon the pale face of the prisoner, re assured her, and she determined to rescue him, or perish in the attempt. She could not approach the Indians without revealing herself to the eyed of her husband, and she feared, in that case, en exclamation of sur prise would fbllow her appearance, and rouse the foe from their slumber. After pondering a moment upon the best mode of proceeding, she determined to steal softly to the back of the tree, place her bard upon the lip of the captive, whisper a few wordig of explanation, and implore him, not by the slightest murmur, to frustrate her plans. With a throbbing heart, she commenced her perilous undertaking. Noble!welly she made her way to the tree, and accomplished her purpose. There was no time to delay, yet ono instant the mother turned to look upon her child, yearning to clasp it to her bosom, but not daring to lift the cloth which concealed its features, and assure herself whether or not it lived. A little while before, she would have given worlds to be able to do this, but now she felt that to behold it wrapped in the aluinber of death would unnerve her arm, and render her unfit for the further prosecution of her trying task. With a firmness that would have done honor to a stoic, she conquered the promptings of natural love, and hastened away. With a step as noiseless as the fall ing dew, she glided towards the slumbering savages; as she drew near, her frame trem bled so violently, she coulikaremly support herself; and when she put forth her hand to take the knife, the beating of heart was so audible, she feared it would awaki3.the sleepers, am shq, , preotid hand coltul epo tunitikitous throb teiliblo. instautrilm s , thought Om eyes cjr * Indiaii opened, glared upon herewith a fierce and malignant expression; bat this was mere fancy fur he still slept, and the next moment she was gliding away with the knife firmly grasped in her hand. With a few rapid strokes she liberated her husband, and then bent down and uncover ed the child. To her unspeakaide joy, she found it in a slumber as sweet and peaceful as though it bad been hushed to rest upon its mother's bosom. With a prayer of gratitude upon her lips, she lifted it from its resting-place, turned to her companion, and motioned the way to their home. With rapid and noise less steps they hurried away, speeding on ward with the tremulous yet hopeful hearts. Not a moment did the fund mother spare to caress her infant—not a word did she utter to greet her htudatintk The spell of a new found uncertain happiness had settled upon her spirit, and she feared to break its thrill ing charm. For a time they traveled thus io silence and darkness; moving as near as they could judge, in the direction of their home, and anxious to be farther, still farther sway from their enemies. At length weari ness compelled them to rest awhile, and, as the dawning day began to shed a trembling light abroad, they crept into a thicket and sought repose. The beams of the rising sun lighted the wanderers on their homeward pathway ; and when that sun was sinking to repose, its parting rays fell calmly over the woodman's humble home, revealing a scene of' bliss such as seldom visit the abode of man. How radiant with grcatfbl joy was the face of the fond mother, as she clasped her recov ered treasure closer to her bosom ; how flill of admiring love was the eye of' the rescued husband, as it rested upon its fair preserver; and oh! bow warm and fervent was the prayer, breathed in that hour of safety bear ing up to Heaven the deep devotion of thankful and happy hearts. A Yankee In Italy. The Rome correspondent of the Boston Flct is responsible for the following: On ray way to Rowe I stopped at Terni for a coutle of days. This town is quaint, old, and dirty. The houses are black and the people squalid. The streets are as black as mud gin make them, and not much wider than die passages through a good-sized Altogether,-thebrick-kiln. place gives one the impression of a large number of houses that have drifted into the same locality, per haps as the result of a flood, and have stuck there hard and fast. There is a hotel with • stupendous and over-powering name on the outside, and general misery and annoy anoe No one should ever stay in Terni any ltm ger than is necessary to see its famous water fall. ibis is about font miles from its center and well repays a visit. Byron ~who by the way, in his prompts towards Rome did up in a poetical way every prominent and at tractive object on the road, just as he awn ed Scott of starting from Edinburgh to Lont,liti with the idea of "doing" in verse all the gentlemen's country seats he met with,) Byron speaks of Terni with great ad miration, and in fact rather overdoes that. cataract. Bob still it is worth a day's deten tion, even when one is at the gates of Rome and is certainly very beautifhl. On thy arrival I found one solitary stran ger et the inn, and he wax a Yankee. Hi . was 'traveling with a small most beg and a copy of Harper's guide bock whieb least, by the way, is abtrat Ia profitable for a Est - • tourist es the • •• 'Wise et tie bly's shorter catechism would be. lie spoke not a word of any language but his own, and oould not even order broad and butter, except by signs. Ho had a happy faculty for murdering the simplest expressions, and could not call for a beefsteak, though this is the same in every tongue in the world. His first salutation to me was peculiar, and might be called unique, "Much acquainted here in the city, stranger?" In spite of their oddity these words bore a certain appearance of farniliarty that remind ed me of home. I informed him that my acquaintance in that elegant and refined me tropolis was quite limited, and in fact, I should not have stopped there at all except to see the waterfall. "WA, I did see some thing in the guide-book about a fall," was the reply, "but I thought I wouldn't foot it out there." I asked him why ho had re mained so long then in such an uncomforta ble and disagmoble place. "Wel, I iaw a largo dot against it on the map, and thought there might be suthin' worth lookin, at. ' It appeared that this unsophisticated coun trytnair of mine, "this model of a man quite fresh from nature's world, this true born child of a free hemisphere, verdant as the mountains of our country," (to 11.`40 the lan guage of Mr. Pogrom,) had started front Florence to Rome with the deliberate design of stopping at every town that had a larger circle than the rest against its name on the map, and thus far had done so, and for no other reason than that. He had spent some time at Areuo and other good-sized towge, where there was nothing but a big dot to'sere and had seen it. It was quite entertaining to watch his management with the waiter at the inn. Knowing perfectly well that the latter did not understand a word he was saying, he would nevertheless go to the head of the stairs and call very loully t "Waiyr I I vent. you to clean them boot of' 'Age just as • 3,01 and brio them up to my for I war to put '•&on right away." e waiter would look up in a helpless sort of way, and 1:10 Sam's representative finally comprehended the state of the case, would thrust out o is feet and tap it three or four time his hand, each time exclaiming, "Bouts, boots, boots! do you understand? I want them boots."— And so it went on to the intense aggravation of all parties except myself, whom it greatly caused. I ('ummUl iea 14 .1 Voting Sant on Gossiplie. Fee a Fun uv old Sam and old Mrs. Sam my niuther. ()Lieu I wits a partnership consarn, cause I had to call old Sam daddy, end old Mrs. Sam mammy, and cause they both claimed their darlin little Sammy, as they used to call me, but I never liked that name muteh, so I (tilled m .91.1 f ye za4 S ►.u. Daddy and mammy kept up sayen I wits bound to be a shiner, a brilluit, and a du &len lite, to this dark and benited wurld uv ourn, so I thout may be I wus.. Altho dad dy never keerd bow much I talked tit other peple about their rang doens, he never would let me say a word to mammy about hero; I guess it was cause daddy never thout mammy dhn cony thing rung. But I wus uv that bent of mind, that when I herd coy peplos talken about every bodies biz ness but their own, whether mammy wus mixed in with um or not, I alters thout it wusn't the bare dudle. And so one time after mammy had been talken to daddy about every bodies bizness and after mammy had been talken about all the boys that boed the gals, and about all the boys that didn't boo the gals, and about all the gals that had boos, and about all the gals that dian't have boos, vd 1, (forget ten about daddy's kin present) tis a pitty every boddie wouldn't wind every bod. dies own bixness, and let the boys go and see the gals hod say noboddie to nothin about ; cause firamtny, sed I, you told me that daddy—.(that wus enuff fur daddy) he jumped up and started at hissun and before 1 could make three winks he bront the fiat try hi: hand in contact with the butt uv biz sun's ear ; so I down on the floor and com menced rollen over and over,—well I kount ed till I got about three times over, after when I got kinder diszie and that I'd leave off counten, so you see I duln't know how long i-kept up my :talon ; guess I kept on rollen till I rolled into bed ; cause the first thing I tnowed wus, I wus in bed and mum my wus throwen cold water in my face— when I opened my eyes and finished sayen,) came to see you and I guess every boddie else or ha: dun or expects to du the same so it would be best to let urn. So mammy from that day to this, would never talk about none uv her nabors, or nothin, but hens gooses and chickens, the little dog, the dation baby—she sad it wun a lump uv sugar, but I never thout so—and bur young Sam, as she now mills me. Wir A negro troy wile driving a mule in Jamaica, when the animal suddenly stop ped and refused to budge.. "Won't you go, oh ?" said the boy. "Feel griuid, do you? I s'pose you forget your (adder was a jack ass." A Western man, speaking of the Pacific Railroad, wait is "one of the fun niest mincidenoes in the world that almost every alternate section of land on each side of the road 6oloitgo to ems member of Conareee,:' sir Let than ass awfully Aron =sell at Ars is the air?" asked Smith of Joass. "Yak" replied Jot* "that's beams tits From the Ika,ly Aim Rill the North keep Its Prom ises? A The North was called to arms in 1860 by the cry of protection to the Union. In all the Northern States this was the watch word. Politicians repeated •it ftom the stump, preachers from their pulpits, lettur era from the desk, and the soldiers sang the praise of the Union as they turned their faces to the South. The one charge against the people, of the South was opposition to the Union. Congress declared that the war was waged solely to restore the Union, and that when the rebels laid down their arms it would be restored. The war is over. The people in all the Southern States have mar mitted to the national authorities. The States have remodelled their governments and from the Potomac, to the Rio Grande the authority of the Federal government is undisputed. In this state of national affairs patriotic men in all parts of the country are calling upon the dominant party to fulfill the pledges wade at the beginning of the war. The following appeal from the Rich mond .Erequirer is full of point, and should be pondered by all who really desire a speedy restoration of our country to peace and son. , etitutional freedom " We appeal to all men of honor at the North, to respect the pledges and assurances under which they waged the late war, and' invited us to lay down our arms. We ap peal to them to observe their oaths to sup port the Constitution. We appeal to them not to overthrow and revolutionize the gov ernment which they profess to yeaetite. We urge them not to alkillany insane hate of the South, to unite them in emirates justified only by the post scandalous false hoods, measures *holly without (deists in actual facts4ndel and arbitrary beyond any . agamille in Asian ukase or Chinese edict. Weimplo them to rescue the Con• swan etitution from being made the sport and expedient of porty, * to secure party ends through abused constitutiondl forms.— Where is liberty—what has became of re pubticero virtue—when States are blotted out for fear of their rates, Presidents Itn• peached because an obstacle to a party, and the judiciary dishonored and overthrown for holding the scales of justice in even poise ? We call upon the men of the North to save themselves from the indelible disgrace and the country from the irreparable injury of the contemplated proceeding I Let them look at it. Do they suppose the South will be quieted and reconstructed by the course proposed ? Could any amount of force applied to Massachusetts; make her people receive in quiet the disfranchisement df all her " Republicans" and the rule of her anti-war Democrats? The ease is more than paralleled here, for the exceptions to the prevailing public sentiment are nineh fewer. And what is the character of most of the so-celled "Union men" *holm sway is to restore the South to the repose of the Sabbath? Mr. Boyer, in the debate upon the Eliot bill, showed that their moral stand ing is not misunderstood. To otdain the rule of these men as the permanent regimen of the South, would necessarily require the oontinual maintenance of a large army td make it good, besides exposing them to per sonal perils which armies could riot prevent. The thousand talus of horror now falsely told to justify it, would become realities. When men are maddened and made reek loci, they cease to caloulate and mar to fear. When they me driven from hope they are thriven to crime. The distress that utges to suicide prompts first to homicide. tom tnittcee might indeed be.appointed to dilate ou "the horrible state of Soothers society," —but scenes fur darker than we have ;de wed will be justly chargeable upon the the North, if it shall wet—only and gnat& rowdy drive the South into such dospenitte circumstances. The savage who covers his prisoner with Leawood faggots prickled in to the flesh, and then applies the kindling torch, makes not a more barbarous use of his advantage than the North will make or hers, by the adoption of the policy prepared. If in our great woe of defeat we had Leen banded over to devils for torture, their cru elties would have b a ron mercies compared to the treatment now threatene I by men whd swore on their honor thot if we weiadhlay down our arms they would receive us as and who swear on the Holy Evangelista that they will observe the oonstitutioualcoru pact. It is vain, it is idl e , it is foolish, to expart . to establish quiet and oontentment by the policy recommended. If adopted, it em barks the country necessarily on an indefinite period of trouble and unrest. Every sensi ble man must know that thenceforth we could have no peace save in the shadow of camps; that prosperity and industry would blighted and destroyed. The question of reconstruction, ouch as the country wants, is no (lordion knot to be untied by a sword stroke. We entreat the men of the Nottitt to take counsel of their own knowledge of human nature—to consult their interest*—to re member their wire and engagements—in their &renege with the South. If they will cot admit us to our privileges at %Abing ton, at leave us to peas* in oar own local affair& Let the &mon whom, they have employed and whose eyes they have put out ? be usefhl in the mill, instead of making him an oocasionpf general ealamity." —James Ryan was arrested lost Thursday wesk at, Bingfiamtoo, N. Y., for the murder of his step-father, • Oil Friday morning he abseiled himself in jail. NO. 1.