Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 26, 1849, Image 4

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An Ox as ,1a an Ok.
There it an nx m Cambridge, (Mas.,)
Lirh now might 2700 pouqcU, and it is
' k k. 1 A ...A I-
livivi if Ifljliu lUlli'IB I II U L I LI a II
. three months he will weigh nearly if not
quite 5'00. Hit owner ,Jiitin Marry, Esi.,
athlete that bo has oever been stall-led, and
that he intended to fa ten him during thi
present winter. He was raised in Siansteud
Canada, liy Lewis K.Rose, Esq., and rnea
- aures eleven feel Irom the nose to the rump
six'feet in height, and nine ltd six inch
iu -girth, and is but seven years old.
, , r
Misfknariks ifi Califohnia. It will
Le recollected that about a year sim-e the
Re-. O. C.'VVheel. r wan sent out to Cali-..-Jbriiia
ly the Itaptist Missionary Society
. II) labored, lor a brief period, euccfssful
ly, and gathered around bim an attentive
nd interested congregation atid church
's Ashamed, however, of having their pastor
supported by a Missionary Society, they
resolved to support him thrnselve. Thev
have fixed his salary at 510,000 a year,
pa v able mo.itWy in advance. In addition
I C. .nnlV, c 1 a r v ihnu 1 1 lilr II I
IU I ld .nr. i.iuiiiu . .... -., -
ous gave tlieir pator a $300 gold tvau-h !
Pkilada. Dc AVr.
A quae' advertises to cure.ainonj! other
ircuraL'e cisesse. Mrcob.ri', Abdr-I-kader,
Ili'ipotamtii, Polalo-l.it, Hydros
taticks, In.ltmation of the AJominnble
Regions, A;er Fits, Shaking Qjaker Vis-
ita. and all Anniversary.
- - ; Ptvolulion iaTrtioJirtil Ultra vrt !
Holdeifs IzXsx lllusiraicd Magazine.
C L .
CjlNCG the death ol the projector of this
kj popular Magaz'ne, tl e projitrty hus
passed into t'.e hands ol ihe subscriber.
who will conticno to pulili-li it at the i'ub
liratinri Otfice, No 109 Nassau sireet.
New York.
jus :;rcw volume.
To be comniCareJ mi the 1st of January.
IaO, will comprise many important im
provements, which, it is biiev-d. will ren
der the Migazine one of ilia best periodi
cals pablisiteJ in the country, a it cerium-
I. 1 1. nknaijiji A niiinif I Km i rrmrilVf.-
' merits wilt be new and keauiiful typ-, fin?
calendi-red paper, a higher order of illui
(rations thsn those heretofore given, and
contribution from some of th ablest wri
ters in America. It is the aim of she pro
prietor lo iuti i li a rituiar M.gtZnc
ad'ipted .o the w-iui of all classe. oi read
nig jMH;le in the R'-public. jt-hich shall
lie both instrucsive and amusing, nJ free
like from the grossness whirh character
izes much i-f the clieap literature of the
dnv, and frra the vapidity " the so cabled
Ladies' Maaziiies.' The lilliis'rHtion
will roa-ist ol Optional drawings ngraved
on wood by the best artists :
PorlraUM orRfoiarLa'ile Persons
and icw of Hfaiarkabie I'lacc
Illustrated by pen aii-.l iiieil A strict re
vision will be fir-rased, that mi in.proiM-r
... Mian eel 1 Ulllllll!3. "
that it may salely lie ulcen bv (iernris o
the ti-nvi-t refinement, Bnd read at the tire-
aide for the amusement or instruotien ol tin
family circle. "
The Review rlcpjrtme nt of the M tpaz-nr-will
cim'ain brief criiiral notices of all the
new publications of ihe dv, and wll fnr
a rnmplete chronicle of current li'.erili.re.
From th business and literary emirer.
lions nlreadv estaUishi d, til" lx s' assi
lan'-e timl the country can lF--rd wi'l lie
secured for compVlina 'he plans of lie
publisher, and no bing will'lie waiuin thai
mpl p-cuiiiurv resnun-e and wa'i-hl'u!
induslay can ol. ain, to mtike the M.in
ine the
Leading Literary Periotiical of
Tle ex'remely lov ra'es at which it i"
pvb'ishi-d precludes the hri prortt ex'-rpi
from a cir-uljMou greater than thit which
any literary periodical has i ver yet at
tained ; bat, with tie new av. nues dail
opining lor the cr ul ton . f work I
merit; the constantly bicres ng popula
tion ol the country ; the rhea;iness of the
Mag'iZ:ne,Hn : tS superi" i y of its li eran
mid arus'icatirartiinis to ih -seof nnv oiher
work now issued ; the proprietor fearlessly
'gages 111 n en'eri-r'se which will b-s-ire
to benefit the pnb'ic if it should no'
enriek buns If.
Ttie M jaj. no will lie und r t'le editor
al charge Hud nopetvi-.Mii f Cuarlks F
Hi.it.cs. who has biren connectid with ii
fr"n 'be l e'iii:ni.
Th Pulpit IVrtras,'' a series of hio
g lanhiea! -ketches, accompanied liy well
fi'g'raved I'or'raits of I'.mineni M'vines cl
the American Churches .which b iv fori
ed a conspieu ius featuio of Holden '
will be coi.t'iiued in the succeeding Vo'
umcs ol il:e M.iitazine. and will renur ii
of ci-cu'iir value to ri;M"iw people ol
t-verv di no.nieaiion s;-yThe Frih Vol
ume will commence on the First of Jtinua
iv m-xt. but Will lie issued on the 1 -th ol
I e iilv-r. Each number will cnist of
P;io?es aniJ Numerous Kt-gra
Icinis nro
One Dollar a Year.
in ailvaiu-f ; the M.ir.(iii ill ijp p'ainlv
rrd rarvtul'v ilirceleil. onrl Kitii l- n. ail
at the rifk of Hie iubmrtbtr. e:tch
i.uuiher will lie steieoiypcd, niissing or
lust iiutnbcrs rail h at any fine ..uo
ii ied whro onlrrerl, but vi!l I dr-diit-ted
fr.im lh lime for which paymn l huslieen
: i l!...lit.-iiif niMV l e m i. I ut tl '
pi I lrn, ... -.-
r"k ol the DMWt'tr. provirM rlwrrip
.:. c .i ii t.. - ",trl"-"l II'
tV. re: G Sai.tpsel: Serr, rVd tJenn
J,,.. S... iker. r.dw Ktivder. Keuhen s.
triihosver t i
Huliil-crwl. : i Snvrh r. S.vm'l i.nl
H,rm J.h 1 ithlon. J eph ."hallo ji
r " " m Ii VI -
Peon-: ncnj-m Sooth,
u.rriv ; Jcob Me -re,
ChritiHii .rhunre
W-i B .ff-1-: J"-"1' Ofrr.Sn,,, I nna
Buffsh. : ,0,v" 1"'nf' 5,,,,0",,H,J,
v John Birfw. M'"''r ,
5 hlw iLr : Henry- Noli. Ctar
SUBSCRIBERS to the "University nt
Lewishurg" who have not paid their
First JnsiiiTmen), (due last January,) are
respectfully requesied to pay the same
wiihout further notice, to
("AM I. T. WALKER. Tans.
By order ol the Board of Trustees,
lewishurg, Sept. 1, 1849.
a A. .1 '"aM BALST
igl iil iliillii
aaferfh i
Esrpua Block, taraua Ural, Brazil, R. X-
Tiki Bultam poitx'itsf ml tb clean vmg aud pmimf
TutmrM Ot iHTe-tUsDMil PVaUKTlMO tKTMACT, anJ alrtf
(wiwvi nt-vtTiil olhT mdicD. particularly ol prrn
..daitJ to runs COL'-Hrt nd CONsl MI'TloNS. It
heals mud mrem Ulcers tm Ike Lour. aj trW'whttre tmternci-
V rwiily ni i uuuij as Ute Purtfyvtg Kitrmet hemim
M Crtss txlermi iy.
I uuanus ot cures of the most kttytlets CuiMumptian
nuly pruv iu almuwi uiinirulous uitit-ncj in u uieiias ol
W p tbo t.llowirf certificate u a fart uf rare, which
foe u prove tiir pwr U nave life, even wbea the peraoa
Kfuu To in the very la mUkpm ut' cxistr, wfees Br ami's
Imdm r.'MMMrr &mim if alinuutered :
We tire Che follow j.f orrtficure as a fact of cury, which
foe U pruv tho wcr to aave htv. evea when thn proo
sni to he in tiu- very last it gee of exuteoce, witea
ormm inAtmn ruinonmry Balaam admutulcred : Tbie
caaw 1um not Maud lorn we cuu!d Btnt- ma.vt cuhrc
tm tmarzcUmt sod mstonndinAj and kundrttim of kopeiesm
0wm. and trmsmA ut ran caUr-d CO.tLiMf'TlO.S.
Til 8 Cf RK wm eff ected in ti: wile of Mr. Zib
DtBiMtx ut tiit toioa ut iiailston, Saraio- , JV. T.
Mr. Dykrtuiui was ;roomnued 4vix, and Mr. Uykemaa
wwit to the ton of Mr. John Wait to psckm$e cloth tcr
sAmttd, twit otttr burial htsUcrmi fx pectin -j hii wite
would anon die. sb a ia the tost stage ot the tiiavaaa
-wx mittk opprmsed and tHttrtMStd nad to reliovd hft
f rmt dtstrexs, and flank" a dying pillow more easy. Mr.
'TavrnMa wn psvunti d to f ir br inv ut - Bit AN I'd
1KIMAN iL'LMiN.KV HAl.SA.U." He totk tue Balsam
butacwitii the Mur-oad, and pive pitiwa to hit witeit
r4i(fTd ht r suv cootittt'd to tik it until n!Cmred
GtMiD HSALTii, and Le ( cmnXtitued -etU for nearly Jam
Kr i'ampkiet lor pHj-Ui-u.ai.
r. Uykkxax cwort; to tit Uve f&ctt before 'iwot. Q.
Yocmc, Em ol BalUi-yn Sf. J'ii Jlprii, ViirS.
Tuo. ii. ovai9, ICeq., Juaiua, cerbti- thut he haa
katjfia Mr. Dykriunn uii y yw aud that he i ooe uf
WMriwat vorlay uid renperLt0 cjins ; and Mr. JuHV
Watt, uhi mcrfaant yk'U ot above, also ccrttjUs to the
food chara u-r of Mr. Uykaam, and that be w ae-ouKiijU-d
with ail the Jau, bkvw hsvard theu olua pok
es of bj Vjfkamta
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam
arva COSUl VP Tioy. Caks. Cold. -IptUm of Bia
kilndiii at lac Lauys, fi m tU Bream aad UvU, Tfku
throats, Aarvw Complat. Piifuuwn mf tiu Umr,
Oore i nj ant urn, ' Sr Comp'aiats, and ALL
kkLMAL H J&SMSLS, wttU any JatUmf K km t ever
11m lolluwui? uwi Vtttfn mn.l Fkyiciant hare ttiitb
9 rrutnaoun.usl bKAS I'.S M tlUC l.Ni.3 :
IV. N 111 KBAHO. Sl-mli.rd, I'ih a.
Ut. I. K .SMI 1 H. Wntortuwu, In. t.
Dr. HO.-SMAN, !J j Ukutj tuA, BrookllO, K. T.
Dr. T. M. HUNT. Aulmru. N. r.
Ur. UKU. FRANCIS. Nuldlutuw. Cuaa.
L'tAjHO A. KlH.tll.-i. bath, N. T.
Dr. t Wll,-) K. Fn ilonii. M. r.
Or. C. 8. VALbNTINK. Krrua N. T.
Dr. J O NHII'M.VN. 'y-'.UI. N. Y.
Dr. 4. klVStll. Huirr Miwt HruuUjn, V. T.
Or. it. ailif MAX. CuniuU, N. Y.
tiFC KE1LT0 tit ia lie BLOOD.
Cnnuc, rf nJ Ksrttulr the CimLAvn. n4
lit twJf inil l..iy ktiUX I'kr Ml wwukrfmi
tf mil rtmtiwt to B-'fdu uuh a trnJt. m
Tm. tsv dtirA rMtlt ud mficMi-x mill y ns.vtj
ftw aw of ft smaUar m-mUlf irf Uti. itkXJrllLjl titan onn ha
atim-A by the um at a (iW quantity ut au.v mmhar tKOiOAf
tu th wvrrii. ft1 wur fttxUu fur xnu.
TiiaJ lCinA it n-koMf re(arJ Irum Yetetalle, umd
urfii ihm worst, mmst mstmMtet and soup MULndui; ii-eaw
1 the Ulwud. withuta mtf. pm ckcmng, or deinm
tattmg. It demm-ee. stremftatms, Mii'f'sravitf. Uukea) ivw,
henhmf blood, and giTiM 9fmr au4 mew lfw W Uac wheat
fkum any ob-r rtmnU; in tZe wm Id, becaun
of it will HftM-t a frtrtatAr an (font of core tt.a fsm d,Hart
wenk of SMMMpantlm, ur auy .-tsto rvsjomiy, no vnrftrr iiow
lmr tivir miC!ii mmx He. TUe mwartnt a stum hur run.
run r to aV-trrm'OP. is. htm mmck mare euralwe ejrmt wil a
,milmr"s worth o1 ikzs Punfirr twrndnxr. faVia a dollars worth of
1hmt smrsepmnila or ether rewudf. r c uwfhx wrra ay, iiiat
nwmmt m .rratciJM Ussal nvram, ia aaaaB im UuK jemX,
liiOOOO Per&oni uf Impure Blood Disra&a,
id J ,000 Caut were coosiderfj laeorable!
na even otb-r pttrnt mrdiciae an are in the habit of any-
Lnf . if wu aa'mJd say o, who wnuitl WaafTc uaf Ihii
bowrrsT. w do my, af'id "tand raaady tu prove by rerpettmbl
witnesses, irai niinri Miuitmu oave enecu-a cure cl
nurr diaeaatja a lirta huwaii btr.oKi, the pnM yrar. thaa
any other remedy is exutoce did durinat tfae aanie tinto.
How HHch will m Dollars Wttrth CURE P
Trent lare, drrp ! 'Irert were cored byiuiog aa'ar trntmsa
onieot tyrant" Hmrtjbr.
The Ibllowicf in tfae most wonderful and aatottithrnf evro
taoat waa err enMted on a u.imao being, by an me iusna.
Horrid Scrofula Cured.
Ma. J. B. IlAKTf. of Rome, Oneida Co.. X T., rsTtlfl
Dcfinl-r liiHn, 1646. that be bad been afflicttd with Scao
frt4 tuur year, and tie last yar riMitiited to hia bd, with
Twr.srr Urge, deep, discharging t'LCcai that hia m-c.k
wu eitn atxnond trau car tu ear note wu ettVo
throuzb hia Htndptpe, ao that be bivatbed through Die
hu! ti ear wu nariy deitroyt-d the oae of bia arm
wita wbol'y deatrort-d and an LHccr udr the ana. mm
Imrge- ma a rain'a bn.i. had iMrarly ettten through into hie
Lunga- that ne nad used nu kuii ut eAKSsipaaitXA and
other medicine, to no benefit, and that be wu not expected
to Hoe ttmto-fonr hours whra he cominenced Baawr't
tout Pt'riFTiPiO txrnacT that kixs nuTTi.cs of the
I'Dumva Extb-act healed anii cured skvkn'TK kv of tho
twenty jrvrm be had witea he commenced uaioff it, and
cnni a Jew inxtte more eneL-tel a paitracT cxmn turtuil
part)cil'r of tloa, nud uiany uUiur emtio cure, mso our
ThU Vaerfail mmet Aataafafci.; Cl'RB
doee not atand aJnoe at a monument of the great eJU-ato
ot BaNT Vvnmr.m, for we could five aJmort noli in
ib-d evidence ot otflt-r rurni. well aUt aicd, li thin won
Uoabtcd. This cure ia cajgtinVd to by
Fourteen KespectaWe Witnesses.
Be Doer. Tnos, WrLLiav one of the most respeetabta
phrsicisus of Konb of Ntsurs. RrsseLL A; Lko.-vud,
woulesiUe sdiJ retail trvtfstji f Mr. O. R. Hriiws, priw
prwor sad keeper ol' tb Wear Ross HnTet and bj
sirpfa stacr virncasrs.
Brant's Indian Purifier
ears mil impure disensnt ot the blow! vis.: SmM Rrmi,
Smll- ffAcuia, hhemmmligm, fCrupiiotta. I'impUs on the h'mem
J'&m. fitlrm. Ulrert, Os'tsrsrs. Mercurial DitemteM. Liver
Comt'UiM. Paint in tan tack, SUt, aud iiasas, Itmtk of
kUU la lAc Head, mtc, etc
Beware of counterfeits !
7 here is no Iiranl's medicines genuine, but
such bottles as are put up in a square package
rr shape, and on one stjuure of the package ia a
label nu vkbi.li is repieseutrd a young 8quear.
snd under where she stands is s Note of Hand,
whirli ria ls aa follow, viz.
H hereby promise, fur ralue rtctvved, to pat
In the bearer hertnf O.ta Cest, on demand, at
uur Medicine Furlury in the City rf hrnnklia.
i t. IM'tta at lirvuklyn. tin April, 1 8 Is.
(obich hole is ". wilh pen and rtd ink)
if. ' WALLACE V CO."
None eenuine bul such as bass the nob) on
ihe latx l signed a above.
Fur anle hv Th.irnlrm fe Rakfr, Lawia
burg; Edd Wilson. New Berlin; 8 J Grouse,
Seliiisrote : (i & F (' Mover, Freehu-g; H Si
U ickhauae. .Hddlrburg ; Wilt A. Eilsrt, Hartle
ton ; Aii.es Sc feneh, MilUmburg
All letter and o il. ra must be aJ.I 'eased to
Wailace & Co. lOti. hroa.lwsy, New York.
ASTUK and Sweet O I.lv111danum.Par.
1 sSTi'" ""''"'N Cordi4l,
yj eg,, ?iodai u's.in d'e Maltha. Worrn
8alntils.Cia. r ( innanion .i love. Pepper,
asaofLsi . al9w
Muslard. Opium, Morpbe, I
mopnrfur, AT
rjomtne, rwvs rmmmmn.
C.VT.afchsfl,s Drr,aJ
L-Jnrfl hi Kl aarv-ip.
HAVIXO uLon Ihenew Diog EtaliliImerit
of Schajllc 4 CUambtrliii, I would r-
pc'citullv announce to my tneiius anj tliu putilis
that I have retilenuhed my stuck and will keep
constantly on band a large, fr-b and well ee're-
trd .lock of pure Uiug, Mrthcine Ac. nlucti I
olfrr at Wholesale and litfiail. liy iock being
i ntirely new and urcliawd for rash at low rale,
in the Pliiiad'a uiiiktt, I sin enabled lo kvII at
loaer prices ibau erer oflVrtd in this region
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Uye btull.s, ratent Med., Ulass
Perfumery.Oils, Paints, Liquors,
Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
r ruits, and Conlectionery,
with a large variety of other articles usually kept
in Drug eaiamixhiiicnU. 1 hanklul lor pant lib
eral paironaire, I hope lo merit its continuanru.
Persons wishing lo procure pure and fri-.h
Medicines, are particularly invited lo give oo a
call before purchasing elsewhere, a all Drugs
re rsrelully inspected before ollered for ale and
all il. Jiciiiis innuf.iciureJ by ruvsolf are war
ranted good. Having a practical knowledge ot
I be business from upwards of ten jears- eieri
nee, t tlulter uiysell iliat I oi a coni eli-ril judge
of the saute.
All orders entrusted lo me will be promptly
attended lo. and my friends my rely Umi get-
ling everything of Ihe very uet quality.
C. W. SCH l i LE, Druggi.1
I-ewisb. - 1. lHi9
ca xi2 nn.
THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore
eceived, retctfu!ly inlorms his old friends
sud lbs public generally that he has removed bis
Tailor Miop
to Ihe Bsssmem of his lirick dwelling on Market
street, next dtor above i'. Penny's saUdlery (laie
ihe ortca of H V Hickok, E.) where he hopes to
suit all who way give hi in their custom, as
hs) does all work in lii lino in tl I-'' nod
newest stjlo enl on short nolira. 'He bis
the l-'dshi'n rein'arly, rtiiiliys none hut
good band, and is determined to keep u
with the times and merit a good share t
paimnaoe. CUTTISG done to order.
Charge reasoimble, and Pr .duce taken In
e.elmnoe for wor'i
L iisliiiriJ, J me, 149 ly270,T
raucy JooiIa, lotion, Vc.
JUT rece'd a large and spuudid aasorlaistil
of Fancy (JooJs such a
Siscl Beads 0"M Pncils
Clasps " Pens
1 liimMea
Visions; Cards
1 herioometera
liaiors and
W alking Cages
bun (jlaases
'octet Mirrors
(.'baios bilvsr Poncils
Bead ecklica Finger Kings
-aliu beads
iiair Pins
Ambar "
0ulii'o Combs
Dressing "
Hiir Uruslies
Tcstd "
!i:im -
U iar C.iiiii
" Keys
Ciujler fins
Needle Cases
bbirt Bullous
Wa'ar Colors
Cigar Cases
sjnuj" Uu'
Cases fislchela
ffighl lights tinieling Unttle
Dolls aud aiieel reezers
Dull hsads Toy for
CarJ Caees) Ciiildren
Port mnriiss racry Pipss
Porkrt Books i'en Km as
Acrordixiis Tirliel "
riddle 6iik anJTbread
I'arlor Lamps I'ursoi,
'i'ogatbir Wilh a great variety or article not
K3-uli:)neu tu ilia ahn list, lor sale at ii'V uew
Diug, Fancy ana arieiy store of
May 9 C W el'H AFFI.E
E3Hsh and German Physician.
rTa'j'3 A. II. TUOBSTOX, 51. m
J 110 has btHin regularly edticnled in
liitt University oi Man lann, ana an
iiuuorary Graduate uf C'as'letr;n College of
Vermont, and a Member x.1 the M'-tiical
and Philosophieal Society of the Smte ol
Maryland, oaers his professional services
in all the branches ol the tle.il:n Art to
he cni.'Di ol Lewishurs and its vicinity.
I!o has been encased in the practice of
uieu'icine, in LuaVtne rountv in this Siate,
or nearly thirteen years from whence
he brings letier of recommendation from
ihn first men in that and Lolumlxa county
ss tegards his s'at'ilinjt in the profession of
medicine, and his genera! character, viz :
lion Ji-bn N ConyugUaio Rev MarmaJiike Fearce
Ziba Bt nneil
Charles Kslbl'us
Andrew Ueaamvnt
F Head ley
IIH Wright
H W Nicholson, Esf
Je;se Q inman, Esq
J II Young
Drs A 0 Wilson
' Thos W Miiisi
8 11 Warnsr
" A Yobs
VI Block
t'has U Bowman, Esq
Kev Thomas Bewmin
N B. Dr.T. may be found at hU (Tir-.e
t the Drug store oo lha east side rf Mar
ket St. next to Walls store, or at his resi
deuce 1st door below Kline's hotel
Lewisbutg. Jan. 5, 1?49
OCHAFFLE has received a choice as-
ij aortmcnt from E. Houssel and .
llauel. Perfumers, whose preparations are
Beara' Oil
Pearl Powdef
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
(cc. &C.
Ox Marrow
Bay Water
Cologne Water
Curling t luid
Also-7-a ueneral variety of Jewelry and
Fancy Article9,Spectacles,Pencils,Wa!leis,
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, &c. vr.
Lewiaburr, May 18,
V FRESH supply received at the Lewis
hurfr't.'heap Itnnkstorc :
Fiske's Manual of Classical Literature
IVtvies Analytical Geometry
Blair's Rhetoric, (University edition)
Comslock's Mineralogy
The Corriplute Farmer, I vol. fi2j eta
The New American Gardener, 1 vol, $1
The Book that will Suit Vou. or a Word 4
fhr EvervhnH v I
I can furnish the above works, wilh a
great variety of others, at pery low prices.
' 30 t F I.Y.N DALL
le Malths. Vlorni '
Dll. J. N. Kl.ELt.ll & l!KO. most res
pectfully solicit attention to tht-ir fresli
clock ol l.nghuh, trench, uerman, anil
Jlmericin l'rugs, Mrdicir.es, I'uiuts, Che
micals. Oils, HestiilT, Glassware, IVrfu-
mcry, Pan nt riwhcinrs, Varnisbcs, Vc.
Having opcucd a ui! fioie, Ko 2!M, Market si,
wi-.h a full su'!y ot firsh iliugs and Medirinra.
we lespcctlully solicit countiy dealers to exam
ine cur slock before uirha-iug tlsevi here, prom
ising one and nil who may ft;. 1 disimsed to ex
tend to us their patronage, to sell ifcem genuine
Drugs and Medicines, on liberal IrriPt. a any
oilier licuac iu Ihe Cny.and lo fai'hfuliy eiecn'e
all oiders entrusted to us promptly snd with 'e
spntch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, affords anido guarantee of the genuine
quality ot all er tules told el tlitir estabiislimenl.
We especially invite druggists uid couniry
nit ri hauls, who mny wish to become stents lor
lr. Ketler'M CtUbraltd Family MulU!u-i,
(standard and popular remedies.) to forward their
foliciiing the patronage of dealers, we respect-
ully remain,
J..N. KEKLEU& BIIO.,Vhlalo DruijisK
IjSSJ No. 2S4, Market St., FhilaJ.
Thfaubscribcrofll'is for salu Ornamen
tal Trees cf evfry drserip'ion, particularly
the Kurcpean Linden, Bin Pnulonia !mpc
rmlis, a splendid sliaje trefi lately intrcdu
reJ from Japan, remarkable for is enor
mous leaves (sometimes two feet in illum
eter,) ntrtl larpe clusters of rote cc!ored
flowers, spiutcj nnd stripeJ with:n, eniittino
a fragrance siini'ar to the Liiac.
- Also Fruit Trrfs Pear, Chorry,
Plum, Neclannf, and Apricot trees at rea.
soiial.le priTs all the vnrietira warrnnled
genuine ; nlo Hot hoiifif; and llreen housi
lants, loeether w'th a variety '.f Flower
seeds, all of whie.h he will scil ns low a
ihty can bo purchased in Philadelphia.
Lenishurp, Rrpt 12, 184J
rpHE TRUSTEES of Ihe I nWersity st Law
i.hurg would re.'eellul!y il:f. rm its Patron
and Friends, that, in ihe Sihool under their cire.
(al Lewishurg) the following aie ihe Clas-es. feuh
jerts ofSluily and Exercises lor the c jrrenl y sr.
Ucpartoicnii nsvl Uie.
MIMA H Y lit. VA li T.
Hit Classes Eiercist-d in Spelling, Heading
Drfinitiiiu, Eriglisli lirannisr, Arilhnic.ic, Ciecg
ra by. History t 6. A., l'tuuiiii--hii, and Coot
lcisiuon. ESOLISH DEI' A II 7'A'f A T of the Aefhmy.
The same atuuies iu the I'riaiarj Di p-.iilMK'nl
continued in the u.c of lr-ei te-t books; and to
these are added (i.-reral History, Davie' Aijubra,
Legendre and Surteying.
Jan. Academic Cbixi. Fni-.!Uh Langua.-?.
Ue..grp' y, llist.rry V. S. A-, Latin tJrainmsr
snd Header. Oreek tirsiumar and Reader coiu
aienred, Arithir.elic cnmpU-led.
Sen. Academic Clam. English I.annsae.
neneral History, Ces-ir, Virgil, Creek Kttdir,
Davie' Alsibra.
Frtst.mun Clan: I.ivv.Anabaais.Mcniorabiln,
Davies' Legendre, Trigon melry C'tmiiionceil.
&trihiivirc CIai. Horace, tilysey, e-tlecl
Illations of lir-nualht-nrs, Legrndra cmpli'ied.
llaiies Sur.cyinj 11.J Natia'ion, Aiialyi-cl
(emu-try, H lair's l ecturen.
Junior Chs. Deiim-nheim on Ihe (.'ro-vn.
fSrerk Tragedv, Cicero i.'c Oloi-ii, Tacitus, Nat
ural I'bilosophy, Aiilronjniy, Logic.
r!ludrnls in the Eiif.iUh LV.itrr.cr.l recite
wilh those pursuing I lie same stu-Jiv in the
Repulcr Course.
No rlis in llie Regular rnur&o, hti lcs than
three d 'ily rrcita'.ioee. Ail ihe utcmlieis l-f l!
school, (in three divisions.) are eirreisrd every
balurdr.y in Keadin;, lcc.Hinatio:i, Luglisa Loin
pusition, nnd ocai lu:c.
All tho students are required lo attend, re
Isrly, socie reliuious nie tin. Minors are exK-C'
toil to attend such Hirelings as aie rucummetidi
10 1'irm by their parents or guniuur.s. There are
in the iiorough no less t un six places ot public
worship, occupied every Loro a U:iy by ss loanv
dilicreul ( hrisiian dcno iunations.
Knmber of Gtcdenti
The number of a:udeiits during the past rear
in the various departments, u Itfi- The
number that have eulered the classes in the Reg
ular Course fur ihe current year (exclusive of
those in the English tad I'runary departments.)
is as follows :
Collsi.1. Junior class 6
Sophomore class 13
Freshman class - .12
Acansat. femur class 12
Junior cla-ss - . 28.-"!
STEPHEN XV. TAYLOR, A. M., Professor of
Mathematics and Natural rhiloaonhv :
OEOKOE K. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek
Lsngunge and I.tler iture ;
GEOKI.E W. ANDElWON. A.M. Professor
of Latin Language snd Literature ;
ISAAC X. LOOM1S, A. M., Principal of the
Academy ;
ALFUfcl) TAYLOR, A. M, Teacher in the
In order to meet the demands of the Institu
tion, the Board have taken measures to surnlv
the necessary Apparatus for :te department of
vicchanicitl I biloaophv, and to increase the Li
brary, before the commencement of the winter
session. During lha cr, tho building now iu
progress will be completed, aflbrdin; study room
and dormitories for "0 ccll.-p-e students. Another
releasor ha beea sdded to the Fscuitv. snd
means provided to enable student in the i lasse
peeiiieJ atuve to prosecute their studies with the
greatest success.
TuUIon and Hoard.
TUITION in the Collegiate Department 30.
Academic i'iO, Primary $12 per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
light, can be bad in ihe village and iu vn-inity st
various prices, from $1,37 to .$2,50 per week.
ScnnIoiix, Vacations, &c.
Two Sessions in a year ibe former coromen
ces on Ihe second Tuesday in October, and con-
,inoe 27 wek the iaiter eontinqes 15 week
T"" Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6,
session begins 1 1 lb October
Tha Board are happy to add that Lewishura
is at present, as ll ever has been, exceedingly
By order and in behalf of the Board :
I.ewibur(r, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1849.
HAS removed his Watch and Jewelry
establishment to hit ttouac, oppoaite
Hayta' 3trrA
fj-Ewik Agents or'. Colforteurt will jiltuu
to ol'.ierve.,TJ)
IVEP.Y" citiien of ihe United States should
possess a copy of these works. They sre
ihe Books of Our Country.
1 770-
A Faiihlul Chronicle of Ihe
W A K of American Indepen
dence. In one large volume, 8v. Illustrated
with Seventy Engravings, in handsome tiilt
Binding. Price 2.
Tilt' Presidents of the Unitfd States,
Their .Memoirs and Administrations :
To which is added an account of the Inaugura
tion of each 1'rcsiJeii!, aud a history of the
principal political events i.f his administration,
and ol the tinns:iriiuns ot Congress at each ses
sion durit!1; the period.
Illustrated with iegnul portrait of the Prcsi
deulj, engraved on stif I. This is a handsome
royal sjvo, in beautiful pictorial bimiinj. .j:S,oi).
coinpririni; :Jie Lives, Addresses and Messages
of Ihe I'.esidciit" uf the United Suites,
Froiu Washington 10 Ta?ii.'i'j lnaugurBion a-J-dicas,
?.! irch.
With a hi story cf tlirir Adinini-Tration, and
of fiacii .it5..ioa of Congress b!so various hist
orical, '.fT!i.ticiJ, and olher imporli.trt puMis
doromcnls, and a coi.ip'ile Index, cr analytical
table ol contents to tlic whole work. Edited by
Eiiwis Wmii-JS, Esij. Illustrated srilh por
traits of our 12 Presidents, engi-ivcd on sl. ei,
from Ihe most approved authorities, and in the
beat s'.yic -if the art ; pri.ited on fine paper, sn l
handsoi.ielv bound in imlilemilic style. It r.ill
al.o bo n.!iel!ibhej wilh Views of the Capitol.
President's House, and the fciculs of the seve-ol
States and !h I S-ules. In four large 8vo
volume PiiceiO. This is the citizen and
Library edition.
lM?'i'he Keferer.ee Edition of the same,
work, in o volumes brce gvo, without portraiis.
Price 5'7.5n. This edition is for rehrence. and
is inti lided for Stctesinen, Legislators, Members
of city Corporations, Lawyers, and Tn-livitiuul
holding public Hllires.
Tiae Uo::LS!c ort?c S ttifeil fii lien,
end its Political liiblituiions,
Peviewf j snd Eim'ined. I!y Atsns Dc
Tor 10 ins, Mirrsbi r cf the Inslitrte ot
F runup, and i!:e Cliiii;t'r i.f Deputits, ic.
In one lrri'P ot-livn vi lume of nearly One
Thousand 1 orjis. Price 5'?.
Tiio 12 Sires cf our Lop ifciic,
Oar N-iliori'sj t; It to iier lonnj Ci-.en-:
Combining the lives of our Presidents, the
Sipneis of lii Divia-alion, Article of Co'if-d-':,tion.
the Cousiiiuli.in, u-iiii nn l:itsiii-ul
-Uetrh i f t lie A.iiiri-i.u L iiii a. Illujir-.tr. 1 -vim
elegant .r.itrails, engraved rn m l. end ilioini
naiid pii tiin a of the Signers, liie '-jpit.il. did
president House at Washington, Pcnkcr-Ki'!,
ic. Ac. Eligamly bound. Cilt edges. Price
fXj'iVo eipcnse hna been sps-ed in the prepa
ration of these volume of 1 irunii-iils. Hi-lory,
arid Siatiptics, to render ih sime w.i'thy of ;;a
tronaii?. not only of S'itesr.ien ar.d Li!.-jlors,
bLtcf the American pnldir generally ; who ail!
S:id in them the Ts;.iriT or Politicai.
lvbvLiiir:f and a ntis. ol iriiormMtiuu.
I.I-sT Or" !t( idK "'
puhiishe-l by E. Vail.er, t I I Fulton strrot.
Dr. Dowlino's I'islory -f lloria.iis.n loth'j
preaenl timf, SO Ei ijiaiings, orire .1.00
The ('aide lo !Cnimle'ge. 3,UU
The rv.n.lers of the Worl.l, S.-V)
Mis. E'li.'s Fomily Mmiinr. 2,fi0
Mrs. Ellis's fluikp lo S icia! happiness, on
lioiurr ami Uislrr. 6a
r-lu-errr". l.r--l.TP"S on t'li.riiri' PrTe.-s, Z ."ill
( hn-i!ari M-irtvndngy. 1,2.-,
f'ruist s .Vic.-ser.gers, 1
r ate 01 ii.tio -,iiv , or. 1 rut.i 1 immpnar.t. Ss
Odd l-tllo'v s Oibring tor 1HIS eb-gintly
ill'istriied, 5 00
Md I tllow a IJifering for 1113, Jo 2 50
i-.!d I-'ellovv's t lifeline, for 1K.VI, d j 2,iu
Tiie ( )JJ Fellow illii.tra'cil and nut.'y
bound, l,C0
Faith. Hope, snd Chirilv UlnstratrJ. t
vol. 12 mo Gilt fiisl,n, toy
i riendahip. Love, and Tiuih Illustrated.
1 vol. 12 mo, (Jilt. ,po
Tales from ihe Arabian .'Viiht's r."tertain
niruls. K.-mnhood soil hu Jjerry r oresier 7fi
W realh of Wild 1 1 iwcrs.
Vcuna People's Jiirror tor laS. iio.
rtluslia, 1,00
Post. HiUert. li'wk Jigrnla r.n.l Cvlvortrur
bo ny desire to csuvhs t'istrirts for tin
sb-ive iinponaiit S':irionaI VVtuks. will be ( lea-i d
10 aodres a line lo the piiMt-lir, slating the
portion ol country he wi-nes to nrcupy, hioI by
return of Mail he will receive a List of Prices
vit'a Teiins to Agents, wl Lb allow them a
vcrv liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER, Publisher, 111 Ful
ton street, rVew York.
Cortiairijuioa disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINGS' t'owyiotifti t'trvp of IViip
tha a positive cure for Consumption,
Uecline, Asthma, nml all diseases of the
che.il mid lutl"s a sinolt; btilile will nrms
. " 1
its ( fiicacv. .
1 he nronrietor tint onlv reenmr.ienrl his
Xaitiia Svitrp. but warrants it to e-jrn !
He warratils it to act upon the c!n!e. bud
purify it ; l.e wnrrari's it tu rcr.iove all itn-
pedimenis whii-lt retnrd lite free circulation
of tho blood ; he warrants it to cnen the
iiternnl an j external pores of the body aud
eject til l!,a o'nnosio'.is parlicit s which have
ac-w'uimiluicd iii tiie t-ysiem ; he wnrr.iats i;
ns a ncver-:ailiuj re.nedy i.i hectic lever,
niijht sweat, dys-,epsin," liver complaint)
pniu in the chest, and fisihwa ; an i he war
rants it to crresu'ie Ibrmulion of tuh;rc!es
in the lut!"s, and lo heal those already
formed, so that persons in consumption
may take :t witi the most positive conli-
Icnce of a cure, for its creat scat nrartinn
the lumjrf, which it penetr.ttes in nil di-
ections, punhing them of evcrvthino-
ohnoxtous in its prooress. and which, it
ppltert accords" to rlirpetions, it can not
Ian to leave in a perfectly heathy soidi
tton. Aaf-nt at I.fnisliiirn
Got tho S3t !
yonne person should have s Stnnd.trit
Dictinnnrij at liicir elbows. And while
you are about it, cet the be-t : that Diction.irv i
nin WiiiTca's. Ihe ureal work, unnhri l.rp.l
If yuuara loo poor, save the amount from orTyour
back, to put it into your hea l. Phrcnolinf Jour.
Dr. Webster's great work is Ihe best Dicii.innrv
of the Knelish biioiiRe.. Lnndon uhtrn.C hrim.
UontBining tnree tiroes the smount of matter of
anypiher Finglinh Dictionery com-iiled in this
couniry, or sny abridgment of ibis work.
Published by fi i O .Merriain.Kpriufield,Mass.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
May 3d 8 r' LY.DA.L, j.rbtir?
BEST Spanish and Hall Spi.tish, also
Americnn CIOAUS and nil kinrts
of Chewing TOIiACCO, for sale hv
Lewisbtirrr, Dec 4, ISJ8
I70R sale by
Lcwisboroj, June, 1813
cqtiiTtii-Lt: Lire lvsrmscc,
Auuuity anil '(rust Company.
tice, 74, U a'nut Slnrt, l litladeihia.
Capital, $20,UI4 Charier PrrpeiutiLJ
rilllE Company sre uow prepared lo transact
I business npou Ihe most liberal and advanla
ieous terms. Tbey are authorized by their charier
(sec. 3) " to make all aud every insurance apper
taining to life rUks uf hatever kind 01 nuiuie, and
to receive aud enecute Irusls, luake nnloiuents,
and to grant and purchase anuuilies." The Coui
pnny sell annuities and cudowiueiits, aud set a
trualeea for minors aud hi lis.
Table of J'remiums rouirid fir the Assurance
oj "jilOU Jur l.-.e u niiu term ey uije.
A,.e. Preni.
Age. P'em.
fjil 511
1 53
1 5G
1 5!i
1 UO
1 C3
1 r.c
1 (!9
1 72
1 76
1 85
1 S'J
1 91
2 C -t
3 1 2 03
46 $3 36
2 15
4 'J
3 4
2 2 'J
2 i7
2 33
2 10
3 47
2 54
2 63
2 70
2 HI
2 82
3 01
3 12
3 23
3 62
3 77
3 91
4 13
4 32
4 51
4 71
4 91
5 12
5 33
5 54
5 ??
6 03
The premiums are le Ihsn sny other company
and tbn policies atiord greater advantages. Mar
ried woifltn sod female children ran insure the
lives of either a husband or parent free from the
claims ol creditors. Tables of half yearly and
'.ejartcrly premiers 1, buif credit rate of premium,
chert lerrn'. joint lives, survivorships, endow
ments snd fomw of application are to be bad at
the Ofiire or of the A gent.
Katei fur injuring Sj'PO on a tingle Life.
Age. For 1 year. For 7 years. For Life.
20 j0 81 91 1 60
30 0 99 1 30 2 II t
40 1 29 1 61 2 70
.M) 1 R6 2 07 3 94
59 3 43 3 97 6 63
Example: A person ared 30 years nejt.birth
dny by paying ihe Company i9 ct wouM secuie
to bis family or Iie':s flOO should he die in one
year, or for 9 DO he secures to then) JiCDO, or for
13 I!1) r nnnaily for seven years he secures to them
5 1 0'iO should he die in seven y-Drs. or for 20 40
pii'I y?ar!y during life he !rures rf; ! 000 to fc paid
1 lien he iliea the innrrr securing bis own bono
by the diiVerpri.-e in ani:i--ri"! i:f pieminm from those
eiurpel hv i.llo r ol "ice . For 49 60 Ibo heirs would
receive :j;5il;0 sl.oii:,) he ut? iu one vcar.
I'F.TEU CrM.E.N. PrssiJent.
F. W. RAV.'LK : Vc'y and T.eai.
For further pariic-i ' 3; ;i!v to
JlIi.MfV C. IlfCKOK.
.I'-'-n" J""r f'-'o.r 1... a ?j-iir,'ttg r Hi'ities.
fon.:ibir:g f'hysici i V-r. Hun, M. D.
Lenishurg, l.'nion Co. Pa. Julv ZI, 1S49
Currfullif Jiijiutiut.il! the i'ioritt Xutict.
ry.llR subscrihr
i eit..ens uf I
rr ciesircs 10 inlnriii tnc
(-iiiur mid tiio pubiie
111 oFtietal (hut he carries o;i the Wiit;h
M ikiiii; Hus'iiess in the sh )i formerly oc
cupied by !.-.J i l oel, h"ro hr.-i prepared
o execute uil 1: 111. is of vt;:i in his li,ie ol
Si-.siiKr-s wiih proipp'iiess ci.J ou lite itin.-t
rensriKaijlf- tonus, and by :rif-t iittei,' in
to his b; .in"ss expri ts n lib'er'il share 01
u:trO!t;ige. 11 hus cou&lau'.ly on baud an
n-isnrtini-nt f
W. Tdir.S Patint Lever, EngJUh
ind French.
JH'A ELllV ("old V,a!c!i ehn:ns andi
O.tnrds, Pencils Pi-ns, Preasipins.K.irrins
Finocrrin:!, Silver Spuctaei;;., Lockets
Sp'ir'ii, Thimbles, &c.
Which re is determined to sell low
s. l. h tfii-:ld.
Lewishui-s. N'ov. 13. 1-17
'I -llr. iiir)sc-niiers, thi;nriliil lor pr,t patro-
nti wou'il mn.roi tl.e public that thev
i-outiiiue to iiinnuihclure r i I kinds of
Cast Water Wheels tvovJ
I'm ts-f ii.
7 hi exiling Machines
One and Two Horse
He invite pnrlicuUr attention
to n new
Viuris Piitrnt (AMI rifti nns. Inr
wcuin; in train, l armers by this t.lotioi
can seed in us much tjrain, in one day, a
hi uirce o.-.vs witti coinnion n uuuhs.
"tut l-'aiinmhe same. HOLLOW H'ARR
Unities nnJ Pots of various sizes Smooth
mg Irons nnd Stands cast Tea Kettles lo
suit coukum stover.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or con I.
Kancy.Parlor.W ooiLCoal Stoves,
arw - n
atutre n neti.rfmilatllis Air-fthf
Parlor V ood "Moves, (a new article.)
ThrPshing Machine? nnd other article
01 machinery repaired in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castinos wne
ranted to be of the bcr,t material, aud at
prices mat can not 1,-ul In picas?.
Lewihnrg.?,Iarcht'5, 1843 Ij209
I if ' "'iff
rpiIE ondersiened rnntinue to furnish 10 order
M on the most reisonablo lirms. I'isoi,. i...
the manufactory of Conrad M.-yer, Pbil.id.,vrhose
......ui.ieiiis are 100 well known In nee.l n
eeric, hamg uniformly receded the commend
slio.,, of the most eminent professors and compo
se" of Music and the award of the premiums in
ftew ork Philadelohi and It...., p 1:.:.
a ". us u.iaiii'tr
cr tone touch, and kee, inj in lone up to concert
pitch, thry can not be iuriu.1. I. ...I s
ican or European Piano.
Instructions giten on lb? Piano, as heretofore.
Kcfcrrnr. ma, b a .d, lo any of thos. parent
or guardians who base mm, I. I
t i . ilium ,i, in
i .' .. - ,,c trrn " h' 'i!nce at Mr
Maizes, Market atre.1. Lewi hni. u.-:,.,- . ..
snd parlicula.a will be rad. known.
1 ua most H.puUr and faroriie Airs and Music
of -JisTertnt LimU
rvivrti me it is Uflued iroru the
I. " wmstu ii
t lAMril aw ' a, I ..Li 1
uao-wai voiaiijiiinmrnta 10 the ( iti.
13 j
" An ounce of Prevention vcrS
a pound of Cure," in
that au ful diseatr,'
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Ireeri
iiiB and Cure of Coiuvtnption.
This prp', frl firrsate in Lewi!)Ur ,
by S. l. Lj ndali -J. I louohiuft 9.j
(hi office. Price, "5 cents. r
Tnirits o" ui irKS.
I.rT FvKaraouv K&ao this ;auseLi.r.-.T'r .
Sirpioel. ('r i' 111 rtMt uifli-rsm; iron nts4
Tnwuii'l'a t:ipaiMi-' U is aSranisvflaa i:,
N.l.. liKNI'lNf". aiift at' trial. To. Tivrnsrail i-r.. . ,
anil lisvrr wjs ; billwa Usrs-r a wtirsensi ra::r..t
Iiais,aiiil til lis. )M he assumes lit. Ur 01 lK,-iiir ' -.
piirrsv s it rainins rrtflii Ssr sniai ke tsat. Ht -m. -has
a-'sisU-.l lw. iiK-.llcat sciio-j. and prsrtirr.l I it ....
ri-ars! !" N-.w thi-lnnh is. he im-vi prae-irs.1 iiiat. .
in hi lifr I Sufh irifn!, sefokni minHsrrj
lisias hs.l l the rharaf-reralsl verttMy mf Uia Qua. I ' .-.
nt'islsliirt-rely, hs nail never n-. i.tc tho StsTs.is-i.Li : i.x
sell or iTfni. When anil men leant to be noorai aisl
bil in all -heir iti-aimira ajst m'rcoura wiih Uwir ft .
men Hi- aplie-l to'one Kisrl "i'in assist him ii- v ,
ut.ieturiii? his Doarure. siatut tlss Uiira sums be - 1 l
make, as an lis.uceni.iil lo ellitslrk in ihe httniw . Tlisj
ni.11 hv Isren iruliin aisl lifa-iltiij! ase m ell taais
Uiriis. lit ur-ter t- lnin-ss the public si b the heilef -..Mt
th Ol J Iss-Tor's Snrsi.irilT ww iw the rmuint, srif-rrua
HarMitfioT'ila, mnlt !rtii ttsi ImU D-d'tr't ftrtginrd iUc.
fia. Tlil.S. P. 'l-,wiiseii.t sy.j I lia.e lil ihe ttae nt k.j
mine sir; a wart. I mil -' him at ka will pr.
dure one : ni7!e eiiiitary pnul of this. His siairiti. n, ,(
Tnfmii-"i. Slillmaii C... ten Kshie S'lS a tissue .;f
talselsssto, slmjily oiaile ! itecelve the puhltr, yT.-l keep
the tl Th -1 -wu m resanl In his tnrtHne. ferm,ir:ne ey
poiutii. Tlits i. in rautsin the pulilic 10 (utrehaMi uuut bit
tritl llf. JAI'IIHTmis-ei.rs S.irsai.tril!a. Iiavin; ii it ;i,
tt'.l Iss-tor's hkene.s. hi. family Cvul of snsi, aaU a.
aunnirerrnsstlier-st of Arais.
iritiW l!5f, llK Jiutu ttrft, ,V. Y r.-..
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend,
THE onir.lXAI. Hl'fl-tJvi-.r.EK ftr run
Genuine Townsead Sarsaptrilla.
tlti) Ir T wiuJ t iMw alum Tit yeafP fl a"-. m.i u
ha ba-i n know,, m t.'t- 1 TlftK aivl fifO Yt'.VKH
SJIUSA M it ILL A.' W-Mi-i -mr. he wsm ';
lintii it 5 nnnf; tC'tin-, Ht hth nni it h4s bee-: kv
Ot PMlkel, an. I the tT.rcani-'CifjetJ lo th'e i.u.) .:
luwl provfJ it- i.nh.ai( kno.uii' jlne. h ! r--jrvj
Ihe earn ol nivif. r--rt !.. ll,re perm- wbi hJ
t5-i IitjIim! t tliisCA-e, oiu iuui Wtiiii, J:
C.itu.i.rJ US Wolj'fTt'il
Thin ni.AN.lAM tiN.;UI'Al.I.li;Vi...P-R ITT Na
rim 11 't,:!'" 11 r oi! if is !iirr"'t Ma1--. i't l- ""He "t :
out Hi ffnt'h ifl h .., !'h i tfie laii. -twcrn u u j
li.nri ) it !.; e "i ("?eT. Tiiii'ii or ("U-'esi'-r.r if!.
ririe ? TMic? S P Ti-ntfrH. il liiifMT, aw ar.Y. K-.
nfiiJ iif. r rlMnr -jut :tr rii-r- tatier ; iec-.ti-e it ye; - -!
Tt nei-Htif.e prin.' ;irs hv T einiffir mm. Ttlc f-T-d
ktuiwlc l'tif,ni"lrT. aiKl ihn iaxr-l iji-roscr. tL
nr.. l.nr 'i f" -'Ti b.'M.jhi otto n-in:i-i in in ih- .'.
itirfi ''i.' t;1 I " -sajsarvlt-i. T.ie r3mi t. .,
It l wt ii k.t-iv'ti 10 inr-ir-tt itirti, C'n .uu nixuy irtei', .-it.1
prtp T'lo-. ai i IT (t'-tLifr whicti rv ittrrt r o.-hs,
aii) -xitrf 'uch tl n:.jnf i lit pft-'Kirir u k-r u H
Itii-? frwii-'iu -an n i,fi, 11 iiifun,k'i 10 :ti.
Wm.' .11. c oi ' iir -i-rTiirt itn.iriita tre sa tw.
th;t llifj rivix'iy f. t;s.tr..;r itm: art- U :.. irt prt-ji tz'-W3.
t: liiev no- 'it p V-ff - f 1 lit J ft eMr.e prrorem, knuwu
lv Ui"!!"-- - ., '-..-' -t in i." :n ;(! 'iciurtf. .Vre.Vos(
i;i,s v :u!':- i- . - -. Wifi rt a !i "fdji-ir. " u
h-!rin. i:rtrr ne:. . rr , vrr xniiu. nttduai y:iti
tinri , x r-"f. ' is-fi " it. ii' r'"
.tiiv (s-i"i.'" ra.i tv-i; r the rt-,i iijl tr.ry 54 m U: k
r.ils.iui uipii.'. wbfn w i.i Iiorn toe 6iiioiifinji:ter an
ht r'M Th jj. an r-. . 0 ; ih- ran thru. .rrni ttji
n,!:;ift r ;nl tiou.it -wrrVn w:rh -ar laviiw, a.tJ
tj,n .. 1 1: ". k a c AKii.i rvllt.t:TutvarVp.,
ftilt Mi-lt I M Mlt" ."!r - klts.Wtl KM 1 iW
Tlii-r j- -o prrf..i!cii 'iiJit n l ih? iifJ"! rroprnie of
Sar-.n art a r ae fir-- r'tovn-i. evrrwhm? fir) -H
brr;Tn;!i ait. or l. ii)riniMrHi m exirrtr-t at. ) pt .
ttit-r, rvfi-v T-:in;';e i Kw-'Ol wrtu: t- m-ir- ' n. . wa
ati't i.ri-ii-i.iir-1 K.r.n : l lltui it if rrr.Vit-.i lpr-i:ir.i, -of
In i-ik 'ii. nl Hs.vaiiBi. ut Lra-iii,' pi'( r-Ti''-i. fttt
(f'areJ in wj f- t- j ' tTi" n"t iMi'.v.TI'it its a.
i'nrr of innumerable l
I!'--!' tm: n ;1 ' wn '- if f'-'iuufH 'h'l." "n
Mc it- i:- i iv. ,r i9 tr.1". e-!iK:i. a:ni tUi.iin.-n. We th:l it
Jt!li Ms.lsT i-i l'.:r den ol
l .W.-i.VV'.a.v! ia Z'trKCWATlxW. .n:Qr-
i-i.A, '..;.". 'sni':;r:.is. a. ; -
firs Ktcl'i'Tf'iXXm jTIMI'LES, LL'tlXKES,
a.t.!.ti' ti "-"tK'.i.! iinviiuj it-'tii
iMi'i'itsT v w Ttiiz prooo.
It r. ififfwf si mirvri'otM efl"-.ir7 m al fii:rt
!.'- m hrl --tj."i. irnt:i .4.-t' the -V. ,-t.
,l;i-;H.li fil-i 'i. iT'.itl. t.r-ti-r!Ti,a-Mti art hi.KKi If Wt
".i t-l iii in ail. Ci; I .rl arti Ua:.,i Co'- CM! if 1
:..-!.. -:. "in- tn-.lv. I; h 1 nut It ."tiiV Hi f
CtgFit : imI f .- Mikii- ef exptfcn-srii'ofi an-t sjeft'
wiixo. niiiiu; dUiciiuc' ol iitr lUiii-. liimot Ji.-i
o hr wirt.
lint ;u iik!..jis its iu ei-Vusiire n:irn n:ariirtIj titen miA
aKi-wwcJ::- 1 'ii ti i:t - aisn '-i -it I stasr ur
Ii wnrkn won Vm m en-e 4 rnor Album or in.ti,
Fniii.irofthe. ',mhn O'.ttrwtrd, tinpprr.1, Pi
M-wt. Inetru'atity ot Ihe nufnliu-tt -ri-Hl. a J ;'ie
an. I 11 rrt'eiMii il in curin ait the tornr o; Ki'!nry Uit'c.
ll ret HU v iujJ uuti.rttc.1iHi- ail't p-j-Mi: 11- fie crrifi.
viu'em. u nr. a lane mni mtiuiMi tit list wiat's boUj, a!
ititi cun all form ot
-t voiiti Iinese utirl DrltiUiy.
sn -tth is f.evrr,u? or f-leve a snnl tr: - I ottr 1 i
.!;. w. rf '!.' irritn.'mm. A"' m '!. .v; Vttam' tJu.--'-.
iyifx, ! tiff, '::t'jrtr r,.'.- Csnrnlsi'-n. Ac
1 e t- ),e t.l-M..L ext-i-ea her m heaH arnna.
tot,, - tl.e !t,n..rh. tti.-I L'iTr e-xis. -lisfntvn. rtf
b-Ms.-tfli .it or,nir 'isnlt-ivurtrpa-i'-n. n'-im? ii:i--nn'' iM--n. I -ri
the fstui. e.tiwltit. Clicuiauou ' ' N".
'-tCii. ;;i-,i!e ai.;i.U r.u-iiir nil Qrt hm t.-ti, awl
m-"n:;'V s'r..trnrin : rr'axis irtnrTiir-- ' ! o (;. !
movr 't isjrr'jrfKrtPt mi m-ridraii-t Uif ea:ne n;r.itm
'frill. I "r-t thit. mm k
The lrit'ine you pre-eniliien'Iy neoel I
B:n eti .-in .f t;.t- iTrtr) he m 1 1 PI wrJ
tnifltiM aritvir T'l!-- " ni.m'1 'i -; ' ,i.t "
co!iARKt vi i !f Tnr:oi.i VV,'.
hrrair x ne (; AM FAf T. iJiat lite uoa w WCiP
while tISenlher IXKS- onurinm. f -rmentinm. amf Vtsrmt
tho bntties rnntniniiisj it io!o lntL-m!:, : thr mm. actl
liqili-I ejfDii-vitit.f;. ;)n i drima-ii. tnh'T -trn.l-! Vtn i.M'f J
oorri'r cofribiniiil Iw it-H-itnittm tt. tixw -.( fat
put arid into a mfem alr'nHu iiead iri'H nnd f tVlin
fan-ir IWf(stfi,i bill an -i fc we ihm a'l k'..w 'H
fiw.1 sHiur m wur itiiiTuirhi. whi irtiwhin rt prt f i;rf'
flitnuc. H"stnuru. ri?fii;an w ol ihr hrr, ip-rr c-t-
i.atnt. irrru.-i. iy iii-n-. rnHc. sii'f crri'i-u n o.
'noil 1 lt 1 Sorofli:.-! bti-l n afii! Imt'ievr in ef 1
What pm.liTri nil thr hum-.r nhirb brirn or. V.rr--'.T"-the
Slct.i. S irai. S;.1! Rheum. Frv-i'-Swellmtt.
I i-vit S-.n-t nr.. a! ulvrniii.MT ! a-' ' "
t-ni:ii I ll i. xh're hi vr heaven ht e .-itl ubi-
hich wiiii si. m,, rlms nt iil; th fiw... --t 'e S 'v. n '
t lev. What can- LJv-i?'naitrt htt a ir
0iiTrf wlurh in-wtur.Trsj rt;t hwren ihe :.' inlfif'
Where, irrlts tr nn inflimmf the VIi--i'r
whirh il aria t Si ot nrrv. mm .l-ra- IM niit1r: !
hto-tl. til" '.'ran:cl cir,-ti; iic.n. a.. I nrari ali :hf J.i W
ttlivhaiflii'i Iminati n'ut-e.
tm-Ks to tNi ,!
in ! T-t h .?.! t-or hn-r i t:n t,.-.-,H.l iht O! 1 IV -J"
?oh Tin-.:-,-,,-"-- thine -r'ct'i' N-ere tparila, Hani
IT V.C ll IS f.: bu tii'r.i.ir prfj-Ari'tnn ' '. v
If'-avci, i'ir:Hil i:i Dv -ii .', i.ri! i;i n sir'e t-''"-
w.un.l u-..r t?,r i, .f- tliF'jirt iejrn.bijiic u S. P T-in-
!i ' mrrt- 'r .' '. . - .
l Wlsli ir l!1 lrt.vt I Iksw-... a. i. .ast-s.-! rt'.,'S' ff."
f P ToH,trB.r, :ini-!rt m. ,.I,f D ItrOI T
H-trMp.inJ!s arc irrr.-'i ant. an I infn: ' 't. ; tVf
Hftr; th-.i th-- .tre nn'ir rv prtrilfii r. (: ti'"t !1'x
twie .nff ir.n? m emarvin.
S. P Towtrf 19 no rWtnr. atvt lrer wiw. w l
alirtii.-al, no f-liarnirriiin kimirfi no trnire tl n't !'! l
! Uuui ana thrj caminon, Bninll.C.uP",0i,
tt--in. what tuwan'e r.iti the nttb'ic hvr ih.ii ' nr '"
ft'iviitf -iirtine'rLetti,nr mnrtrttie. ntaini h'r,r' .
ttioi die i.iir;trii.t-ti ia iTrfwriiiC u. hie
rarib!e ot rtinTtft whirK mwdi reinler item :he AtH r
oi lira tn-'it-tf.lnl hcilt'il
Hut whstt risr "houM re rrpaje-ei! f.-nnn me wo kfiwf
noifri'r rompnram ey of medtcnia or Jb-eiee T ri-"i"
a l?rr.JH ol mm.m exiierieu.'e lo C-k auJ r-e upfTm
conim'n lrrral nieal. Hr-w miich more rmr-orTaft B
Ihil Ihr ps.rw,ni w, mniitiiatriore mei'iro r .Irannrr-i W
Khun I i know wed ihe nie.lifal fmtefiri- ol tyimuto. the fce
nidiiiMr 01 '"iir.irr ani conreninttnf ianr nran.is "
al an extau-iirr knowlethre of ihr rnnn H-eW whK
a:Teri ih hnniau vymum, mud haw to avlapt xvnacilia w
Ule ilt-ira-aea f , . .
Ii ia to arrrjit fnii.! npoo the nnfoitnnate. to r" 'J
intrt wonrircil tu'ii-fio'T, to km'- h--im in ihe driwwrT
boeom. to mti.re heaftb, an.1 h'ojpi. aittl tirr f 'Jj
cru 'mil ainJ brokni. Ami r biui!' ; lTmit tha' ' T
jAri.'BTlMVNSKSn hai SOI;iJTand FtH'M1
podutiitT airt mraiia to t.nnc hi -j
Sraii:l I nlrcmal Coiceral!ed R"
wtthin ine pevh. an! f the knowte.eisf all who arm
thai itmy ma leara wl knew, bv toviul tmnenco, .-
'Tran-ccnilant Poirer to Ileal
Aor.xrs fop Ihe nlx-ve Mprlirine C "
aSchf.fTle, Leui.li?rs ; John U Kaser,
ion ; Forsyth & FriesMy, iNorthumb'ard
'ra 'n'sj ti'-
EXTLKMEVS Fancy Goods, Vrt.
mer Goods in crnrrnl, at
k 8. BbvVf1 Chcao &oita