Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 26, 1849, Image 3

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' s
Newgoods! ncwgoods!
Catcst CVrriual
And yet Cheaper than anj other
U09a9 in U1D
rrmr ...WnKpr is now receivina and
I opening his
from on board canal-bnals Emma B"ihlah
and Oid-Fellow, which he invites the cili-
Eens generally lo call and examine, and
realise the lad thai Ihey can nuy ai sma;
ler profit than at any other store in Lew
isburg and particularly Brown Sheetings,
Satinetls, Cloths, Shawls, Delains, Shoes,
Boon, and Caps.
Wheal, Rye, Corn, Oats. Buckwheat,
Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, ree'd
in payment for goods.
Nov. 28, 1849
Silverware, tc.
Eyer & Thompson,
respectfully inform the citiz-ns ol
Lewisburg and vicinity, that they hnve
located on Market St. between 3d and 4ih,
south aide, where they are prepared to ex
ecute all kinds of work in their line in the
beat and most workmanlike manner.
Clocks and Watches of every description
neatly repaired, and warranted.
Toe subscribers flatter themselves that
Ikey are well qualified and prepared, (both
aa it regards their knowledge, skill, and
experience in the business, and also
having a pood assortment of the best Eng
liah and French materials,) to give entire
satisfaction to customers and particularly
FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex K
apements. Lcpinr-s. Anchar, Detached
and Patent Levers, Repeaters, Mtricnl
Watches.&c.&c. will be carefully repaired
and warranted to perform well. 1 he work
will be executed as safely and equally as
well as the same could be dune in Philadel
phis City or elsewhere
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, and a
variety of goods too numerous to mention.
for sale at the lowest prices. All articles
warranted to be precisely what they are
oM for.
N. B. The golden rule in our business
iaeuth and in order to justify our prices,
this will be required. GOPlease give us
a call, as we are determined to please both
in work and in prices.
J. I.. EVER.
LsvtUburc. Nov. 38. 1849.
The subscriber respectfully
notifies the neonle of this Burn'
nniiu VIV.IIII1V mni lie lias itti.ru
the brick office, lale Dr.Lii-iwig's.where he
opens on Friday a School fir instructiou in
both I'lam and Jrn;imental i-exmasship.
lie conceives that his part consists in
teaching a pl.iin, common-sense, business
hand-writing, and this he pledges himself
I to do lo the satisfaction of ihose who make
the effort to learn.
Room open from 2 to 4. P. M., and in
the evening, so that pupils can attend when
most convenient. Those residing at a dis
tance can improve in writing by coming to
town and practicing four or five days.
For terms, specimens, and recommend
ations, apply to me at the writing room Or
at Kline's hoiel. S. SUELP,
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1849
I FULL supply for Wholesale or Ue-
TT1NGLISH and German Alxaxas-s for
J J sole by I ti Lawshe
I NEW BUGGET for sale, cheap. For
xl further particulars, enquire at this
Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1849
rn-Me il for sale bv
I G Lnwshe
UST received a genuine article of Cod
I Lifer Oil for wholesale or retail.
Nov 13 Dr Thornton & Baker
General Order.
Majoh. General's Office,
Sushtown, Northumberland county
October 22. 1819.
THE m'arrpUcity and durability of the
J Undress Uaifonn of the tinned Mate
Army, aecwd svrtVthe spirit of our invi
tutioaa, avri Oiprefore tfce Field and Staff
Officers will adopt tire tmiress Frock Coat
and Forage Cap of United States Army
I hose Officers who nave already procu
rd the full uniform, are not included in
this order. W M. H. K SE,
Nov 15, 1849. Maj Gen. 9ih Div.P.V.
Latest Arrival !
Cfttaprflt anfr 3Bef.
JUST received and now offered for the
inspection of the public, our complete
of Merchandize adapted to this Market
aacb aa
Foreign and Domestic
HDry (Roods,
all of which tave been purchased at rates
wbicb enable is lo sell Goods
cheapest of ay in town !
Thankful fur past liberal patronage from a
discriminating public, we hope to merit and
receive its continuance and extension.
Remember, the Old Cheap StOrO is the
pUee for ab6 ains ! !
Uvwborg. Nov. 27, 1849
Ulcerated Sore Throat
It is well known that, if neglected, this
complaint invariably leads to Consumption
If those suffering from this disease would
apply Dr. 1 rask s Magnetic Ointment.they
would find immediate relief, ror full par
iculars, cull on tho Agents, and get a
Snld in Lewisburg, wholesale or retail.
V 1 hurnton & Buker. Price 25 and 33
cts per bottle.
CIS Oil. The ravages of this dread
disease, which annuilly sweeps so many
thousands of interesting and lovely child
ren to an untimely grave, may ulwajs be
certainly and immediately arrested by the
application of Dr. Trask's Magnetic Oint
ment. Mothers whoxe hearts tremble with
fear at the approach of its dread rattle, try
it. Price 25 lo 39 cts per bottle. Thornton
& Baker, sole Agents for Lew isburg.
T5Y 7Kc tim Ff.1M!
i! tail of
Pure White Le.d
Linseed t).l
Spirits Turpentine
Spanish Brown
do Whiting
Venitian Red
Red Load
Yellow O.-hre
Black Lead
Crackers bv the bbl.
Sperm Can.l'es
Mould Tallow do
Dipped do do
Looking Glass Plates Sweet d
And a variety of FANCY ARTICLES!,
w hich we will sell at a small profu, an I
not "at cost," as some sav.
Lewisburg, Nov. 13, 1?4!)
Sperm Oil
P:ne O.I
IJ-irniiiji Fluid
Prussian l' u
Chioii.e (in-en
do t-ilonr
I.iil.io I J ' .-. i U
fJupal V.irriisil
J.ipan )i
Irf-arher do
Ca-tor Oil
MEDICINES, &c, at the
ii. 1'. Olirjljiiili
c r i tn rs have aS-ociulfd under
rm of
OULI) re'pT'.f'iIi'' iiiforrn i M
friends ani te p;ib!ic in goner'il.
tiiui lit; ii tnv receiving a large
T.1 A
rj 'HANKFI'L for liie liberal p'atroriage
I A. enjoyed the pnst eii,n, I would p-s-
Pills have been used amona many of! TV' " "'f :"PmN cmI "fw V'.'"'1."
hi 1 PX-liril.i.-. rit- nritn n,.i. ami rnlin rl
Schatilj fc Cli:ml-'rlin.
Leuishtjr. Nov. lS'J
'Mllfc. new York Sun says: "liran.lrell.'s
1 Pills have been used ai
nitr fnpnrl nnA in mn ni.n r.....:i.. I. i ""'I
used them nearl. f....r i..... . s'ock.eml.racina almost everything ilesirtd
ouired anv mpHi.-inp fn ,L- ' i ,n " !" ' business ai d heap at that.
Dopi.. .n. n. r,.i..k k... . ' j ... i particulars. enq-:ire at the old
--- i'm .ri tiii'ii t-i ii nn i ril,-LlJ our i o t .ti . ... . .-
threshold( and no medicine bcsi.lo the Dr's
Pills used. Our btlifel is: " Keen votir
bowels and blood pure;" and every kind of
disease will be prevented or cured. The
Brandreth Pills are eminently calculated to
doth is, and thereby much lessen the sum
of human misery."
The genuine pill for sale bv J. HAYES.
sole agent for Lewisburg. 8.n223
of Goods tir!ap'ed lo tl.e viariis, li e mean
mid tlie tastes of all.
3lT4? rl0355 fT the Ladies;
CJlOCElllKS for the Fnmily ;
Caps,' Boots. &c, for il'C Bi)s;
-Imn J
&e. A.-.-
ail :
h Salt
rmt su!
L iheFn
fir the purpose of carrying on it
Wholesale Gn-cery and General
Commission and Frw ardinjv
husm". Lilwixl advances will be mude
on all kinds of Country Produce. Place
of bus4icss. i.ew V arehnuae on the Wharf
immiili-tiely below the R iije, ,
Jonathan woite.
Lewish'irg. Pa. Aiic. 7, 8I9:.
The oh!
Tho Lcwi3'j?irg Eating-House,
TTiDER theniaiiHeint'iil ot'J i'Fuddin
J 2d, is removed into the bnsment of
the lar'i; brick hiuse on the corner from
(pn Crt-en's, Market Si I"wishurg,v.here
the public can be acromnu.tl.iiud with the
he.st of
1-Mxii? r l f- i in i t. r men, sirwr-u, jt. ia.sipn, ur in itm r.ne I
.'INh tresh Green and Ulack Teas.from j i. vk'i? a . . . . ,
' jo . j . . I Kli f. dfi.w ii in l'ie best siyli I'is'
i cents a pound and unwiirds.inipor- r. . j ,, r- i v : ?
&c. A;c.
ted by the Canton & Pkio Tea Company
of New York, parked in pounds. halves and
quarters, perfectly air tight, just received
and for sale bv J VMEs HAVKH.
May 5 Role Aernt f.ir LrnUburg
which he offers on the lowest and rins!
iircominoiJafrig teriiis, on l hi principle ol
"Sjna:i I'l-oSU ad k Sales."
(ira'cful for past pa'riii:if e invito a
ditu'riiiiinating p:ili!ic to call and ex.in.in"
our s'ock of M.'n-liHn'l;z, wh-eh we are
confident wpl be saliihct rv to nil.
L'-wbur!.', t)ct. 15. ltii
IN one of the most flourishing towns on
the West Branch of the Siisquplinnnn,
purchaser for a DRUG 5Tf5RF
now doing a first-rate business. Amount
of stock now on hand, aliout $1000, which
will be sold at cost for Cash, or if mor.-
convenient a small pait of it on short
For further particulars, enouire ai. this
rt '
nice. vo
The public may rest assured that the
ea!ing-houe shrill he kept clrnn anJ ord
erly, and srcsll hoys and rowdies not lif
ermilled to 'loaf here. Iy strict nver:'i:n
to the wants of the public in our iine. we
hope to receive a shpri' of its patronage.
N B. After the 1st r.f Nov., Families j
can he s'ipnijpd with Oyster? in tha sheli I
by the hundred, half-hundred, &..
Lewishurg, Oct. 2'Z 3n.2ri0
Aliend of Competition !
km & co.
Take pleasure iti itiformitijr the
public that they h;ive n'ci'ivt d the hirg'-st j
het aideeted cheapest and liie ni"gi
la-.hionaale assortment of QOODS
ever otTered to t!ii coniwmity. I'de snt
Ufuc'ion h"-r'"o(ore ri nivr' .1 by this fc'and
it is presumed i-: a s'lifn ii-ut guruai.tie fcr
their future ooftration.
To a'fmpt to
would lis s'ljrl ions,
bin; bi:l thoso v.-1 h i i
IT J'OULD inform the pub ic, that thev
f have opened a shop on fourth street
lower story of S. W. ykofPs old stand
ipposite Hunter 1 ardoe s shop, whnre ihey
keep on hand or make to order
Fancy and Cormuon Chairs,
HnMon Rocking Chairs also
Pureitis, Tables, Ueds'eads,
y of various kinds,
ti 1 Settees, &c. &c.
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Sign PAINTING
attended lo by the subscribers on the shor
test notice and in the best style.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment and Cash not refused, but rather
The subscribers intend to be strict in the
fulfilment of all their promises ns regards
work and so doing, hope tn receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
Lewisburg, Nov. 1849
Bf. Sway tie's Cdcbralcd Family Mali.
cincs. ,
itre roLLowa cruel '
More Proofs of the KHicncy of
Dr. SWAV'irs
cornri srnrr or
MORE about M'Lane's Vermifuge!
Read the following testimonial as to
the value of this great medicine for worms:
"This is to certify that I purchased one
vial of M'Lane's Worm Specific some two
months since. I administered two spoons
ful to a son ot mine about 7 years old, ann
I have no doubt but that upwards of 1 ,000
worms passed from him, measuring from
a quafter of an inch to two inches in length
"IVc 27.1847. G.W.Hollodw."
AGENTS--C WSrumi, Lfwisl.org t H
J Fheafer, Milton ; I Gcrhurt, Selinxgrove t J W
Friling, Sunburv ( Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland!
M C (irier. J Mooie, Danville
Magnetic Ointment!!
young man want to wear a wig
all know the value of a good head of
":r. A young man with a hald head, is a
of walking caricature of his species.
Hence the many various attempts to reme
dy or conceal the deficiency. Hundreds
of the young men of this country, afier try
ing the thousand and one chemical prepa
rations and nostrums for restoring the hair,
re driven the necessity of wearing a wig !
practice aa little conducive to cleanliness,
it is dangerous to health! Now, wehap
Po to know from practical experience.that
Trasit'i Magnetic Ointment will restore the
stir on a bald head, when all other re me
desfcsve failed.
o!d io Lewishurg.wholesale and re'ail,
Tuirntoo & DAcr. Price 2 and 50
per bottle.
ONE Buggey and Sett of Harness,
Oae Two Horse Wagon,
t One Track Wagon,
Vaafcbjr BPSMler
the Tax Collectors of Union county.
As the year will soon come to a close.
and our County Settlement will have to be
made, we hope the Collectors will make a
vigorous effort to have their respective Du
plicates settled up.
Delinquent Collectors previous to 1849
will take this friendly hint, as it is the last
that will be given And we hereby give
notice that we will make no Exonerations
after next December Court, so that all iota
tested will attend.
Comn'ra' office, New Berlin, Ort. 25. 1819
Apply "Trask's
sMIsISIzI )-aPoe,ic ?in,me,nl"
1 ' freely on the surface
over the region of the pain, and you can
easily throw offthediscasp. Its application
is attended with no danger, and it will relieve
you more speedily thaB any other remedy.
Price 25 and 38 cents. Sold wholesale
or retail by Thornton & Baker, Lewisburg,
and John 11. Raser, Milton
rvT) "VTCj A single application of
LUlllN O. Dr. Trask'a Magnetic
Ointment, will satisfy any one of its effic
acy in removing this plague of tight boots.
Sold in Lewisburg.wholesale and retail,
by Thornton & Raker, and by John II.
itaser, Milton. Price 25 and 38 eta per
m,. I . e fur Justice and Constables, on
till It btll(i far Me tl (hi, office, or
prialml according to order.
"ITTANTKD two tons of RAGS, in
V V exchange lor Merchandize,
I G Lawshe.
VINEGAR vood Cider Vioegar for
sale by . IGLawah.
Wi23 CI2C2V5V.
Tfie Original and Genuine l'rijinrtitian !
Coughs, Colds, Asthini, Urmc-'utt., I.ivar Com
plainl.iitlini; llbod.iluUcnliy ol Breathing,
pain in the SiJe rieir.Uii. pa!iulioii
el Hie Henri, InHut-nza.Crnup.hro-ken
I'onbtilulioii.sore Throat,
Nervous Deliilily.aml nil
liiaeaae of Throat,
Breast. sn?
the most elli-e-tuftl
and lfjmr ly cure
known for miy of the
above Oisra-M i
Dr. S wayne's compound Syrup
t Wild Cherry.
Ileliahle Testimony.
John Milum K-iile, eilitor of tii- Worcester
Spy, Mara., was aluckej willi a et'rn i:if).ji'ia
lion of the lungs, accompanied itl a t!i-'.K.-inrr
cough : after u-irig various oiher reir.eibe.4 with
little or no benefit, by the use ot one liottlo oi I)r
Swayne a Compound syrup of Wild I'Aw.iy, he
was restored to xrlect health.
W'm. Montelius, a respectable merchant of St
Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan :('. I84'J:
"Encloaed I send you a certificate of Win. Beau
mont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons
umption welt known here.antl of long standing;
he attributes bis care entirely to your Compound
Syrup of Wild Cbeiry."
Be not deceived by the many spurious and
worthless preparations of Wild Cberry, ushered
into notice by igiorant pretend, r, but see that
the signature of Dr. rSwayoe is upon each bottle,
which i the only guarantee against imposition.
Remember ! the genuine preparation of Wild
Cherry is prepared only by Di' Sviuit, N W
corner of Eighth and Ivace streets, J'hilad'a
Swayne's celebrated Verminge,
-A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worms, 1'vs
pppsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyp'itic
Children or Adult,and the must useful Family
Medicine ever offered to the public"
This remedy is one that has proved successful
for a long time, and ia universally acknowledeed
bv all who have tried it lo be far mperiur (being
o very pleasant to the taste, at the same time
effectual) lo any other medicine ever employed in
diseases tor which it ia recommended. It not
only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole
system. It is harmless in lis eflecls.and tiie health
of the patient is always improved by its use, even
when no woims are discovered.
j-Br wart of Mistaken. Rememtier Dr S'
Vermifuge is now pot up in tqu&re ImU'.ts (hav
ing recently been changed) covered l.y a beautiful
wrapper, steel engraving, with die portrait of Dr
Swayne thereon engraved. Bear this in mitiJ.
and be not deceived.
The virtue of these pills can be appreciated
only by those who have used them. They are
adapted to assist nature in carrying on" morbid
matter, obstructions, impurity of the Mood. Scc.
Tbey are a gentle and ellective purgxilve, correct
all the functions of the liver, and as an alterative
in dropsical affections tbey are very vjlal, and
should be in every family. They have an outside
coating of pure White Sugar.wberehy everything
disagreeable to taste or smell is entirely removed
itboul in tbe katt affecting the eicelleni quali
ties of tbe medicine. Remember ! they are now
pat up in boxes turned out of the solid wood,
covered with a red label bearing Ibe signature ot
Urowayne: none ouier is,arnuine.
The above valuable Medicines ore pre
pared only bv Dr. SWAVNE, N W comer of
tig a in ana uace sire, i oiuueiputa.
Jtgtnlt for Union County, Pa.
C W Srhaffle, tod Thornton & Baker.Lewisbarg
fzsn, I) E XT A L C A 11 D
Dr. Jafcn Looke,
QCRGCON DENTfST, r-:;rclfnlly informs
r.is frteniU and the public in ccnrnl, that
be lias concluded to make I.ewUl.urg bis periiin-
nent place of residence. Dr. L. Iihs t:ikeu rooms
on Market cuare, first door below the 1'iinting
uliice, which he b.ts Inte l up to operate in. I.'e
sidence at Kline's Hotel. fThe lltird we.k
week in every month, be may be found at Eck
ben's Hotel, in .Milton.
Dr. Loc'io is s regular graduate of ihc Ttr.lti
mo 'Mw. f furcrv. besides c l.rrh
qualification h; hav hij the advsntsge of five
years' experience in the prnrtire of his profession
in Pennrylranis. OhiOi 'llinois, Wwconsiu, and
the city of BaltinMre, MJ.
Dr. I,, takes all ibe Journals of the 'ay which
contain new and Vfhil infotmalion in the line
of bis profession ; and from kU arrangcrtrn's
with the best manufacturers of leeifl, xlJ
t Ac. will always keep on baud for tbe acco.".aio-
nntion ol bit customers Hid very best quality o.
s'l the materials u?eJ in bis business.
Terso.is visiting Dental o;KTiiions performed,
vvil! tinJ it lo t!.. i: cdv&utsee lo give him a call,
as he is d'.erminej n.t to te urpasied in toe
beaut j and durability of Ms opera: ions by any otic.
TT-T " 1'crf i i.a for Rh"m J K.IIot'tKt itif Med
tf 7Vcth and ho may r.eed repiinnir
do le, an inloniird lliat I have the modili nf
liieir months as prepared by Mr.Dousrl. and con
srqucnily can do thrir repairing at a lover i.U'
thin it can he done for i l""hcre as it eavr Ihe
Iroulile in many cases of making a new mmM.
Lewisburg. Oct. 17, 1819.
Harrison's Colombian Inl:,
IN Qtiart, Pint, nnd smaller sized bottles,
Hack. Hliic, tied and Indelible. This
enuwra'e thi'ir s'oc!,
and inrS'Ml .ltripoci
lo p'iri-hiep. nro
iri .'.tpij to riill r.r.d j'i li!" for t!iini !vc,
bflnrif purr-hits nir is, h".
J. HAYF.iJ & CO.
ICwisliurL', ')! 17, ISI'J
Hume Industry.
LHS. aupcrior TOW YARM
for salft bv
rTIIIS fif-w and valuable Medicine, now
X uspd !v th medical profesaion with
.-uch aii.nishina (Tii'acy in t he cure of
1'ulinanaiy Can tutu f,t '.on Serif u la. Chronic
iJieumal i'tn, (iii'tl. ffcuerni Liltitiiy,
Cvt:ip!uinh i.f the Kidney,
vVc. Ac. is pr-pired from the lier of the
COD-i-'ISII for meuiciual use, expressly
lor our salpi.
nxtreet from the London fedical Journal.
O J li.W iii.ims, M. D.. F.H Profewr of
Medicine in tuiveritv Collese, Lomlon, consul.
li::g 'lii. iai to the Hospital for Cori-uuip ion,
Ac, ys ; I have prescribed ihe lil in above
tour utmlrpil rsmes ol luU n uloos disease of the
Lungv in differnit klagrj,which have been under
my care the lu, two years and a balk In the
Imge nurnliei of raea. 2''6 out of 2-14. its use was
loll.-med by niarkrd, onequivociil iir.prnvement.
tar ing in d.-gree in ilito rert esses, from a te.-n-y
i'miy ft tuiis'.ion of liie progics of the disea-e
and a mitigation of itis-reisiiis svmi.-tomt. uo to
a nore or lees corupti t,- rer. oraliorl to apparent
"'i'lie eflcrt or tl.e Cod Livei Oil in mo t of
t'-.cpe ciaes ts very ren.arkakle. Even in a few
dnys the coui;h i mitigjteil, the eiprc oration
timinishof in onotitv aid opariiv. Ihe ijiuhi I
MaiMiTictli't ,"r
Filling vp Again f
MOST re-speef fully inform tb(f fij-uife
. the purdicjhtt they are now iectv
injf their 6sual supply of .
ca'cularrd in qu.tli'y, pocr. at-tl qtianfify ' ' I
to supply ihe wants of the trading cornmtww . - I
nity embtacing . "Ta" r"-
Hardware, v-r'
Queen.sware, fish, tiff: . .
all of which are iiflered on our uuI
accommodating terms for t'abh, Produce,'
or tiood credit.
We invite and hope tn merit a Fontinc
ance of the very liberal patronage hereto-'
tore exiended to us.
j. k j.walls. i
Lewishorp. Oct. 10, 18-19
TEE rsssssa-
i -rris
TT7ILL commenre on Monday, the Md
V V of October. Instruction will he eivVsi'
as heretofore, in all branches necpasarv o
a thornuoh education. t.eri-i-e in Com-
posilioa and Dec Is ma lion will he required, aid
tnct attention will le paid to the foiOiaiioo ot
recnlar hsbit of study in (be vrunifr a.ea be
of ibe school. Tbe reputation r.f the ibstiiction
ilt be mruie to nsl, not open ibe nuoiter, tut
sweats ce.eed. XLe pt-lne Kcuiip slower, and .,f V "f"'1 '-e pngres of ihe students. The tibxrt
bejter volume, and :he apeiit.!. fleh and sti-ngih I not solicitous for a school of more than ,1(1
...... i....,,, nit;...,. -----.. - .V j
tn i-ortf-ltii, I n.n, tl., lh. ...... I. ;i lor the higher l.nitill S.4 - ami f.' il.a
fiom Ihe Liver of if.e l . ! is more hem -Si-inl in English branches $6 per session of 21 wtrks.
S.-pt 'JO
'Small Profits and Qi'ick Salt-i
C3 W
Fa i'i
B5 I" 111 ra.
Ti BS.3 W B fi t
tiy il I s' V3 X H tet
CFint bilnr A7it'4 II, iti.)
p'lblic is rvpcntfully iiifirmcl that
JOHN7 FOUSTIilt his received and I
now t.fTors lor al a very Inroc stm-k of I
Fall & Winter somls.
cnmpri-iinj; till ariich-3 tfp' generally In
Other slcr-, wlTrl the add li"i rf nnny
Crier kinds of pnndn not U'tis'lj" liroiialit to
the r0unirv An rxniii.iiaiioii nf ihe aiock
is n'specf'ully inV'tc't Arming my :n-k
i a large variety of
the irca'tr-enl uf Pi.Pnoia-T t 'ftns-jn..iii.n than
any ffeot, luruii inrl. duu-lic or rrtuuenel, thai
fca yet been e.npl.neij "
As we havf- mud arranijeinenie to pro-'
run trie dd Liver O.I finrh from heari
qu tr'ers, rt can now fw had chemically
puff, bv the sinotc Uritle or in b..xe of
on.' di'i-o each.
l!s mtr!i fui e'Ticacv hm injured nnm-t-ro;i
spurious iniitu'.im-s. As is sui-c-
diipeudi cnllrt-lv on it p'jri'y, no much
care c-n nut Iv u-id in pn riiring ii orNt
ine lOvery b'flc havina on it nur written i
MCBlure, mav fcp depended on a. cenuine.
. 1 iniolilfis c"f):amin an analysis r.f the
Oil, with li'iiii-e ol it IWirn the Mdica
J oirn.,!3) will be scut l. those who address
lis tree of pusiaoo.
Wholesale I'rnoists and t ht-miii.
lj28- 100 North Third St. Philadelphia
J KA.NDOLpH. PrinmcaJ.
Lewisborg. Oct. 3, 1849
s!;ocs, boot., etc.
celebrated Ii.t for sab bv
c. vv.
TT A i C of Philadelphia, ia now I-Tatej on
Z j Market stieet, Lewishurfj, ppposiie Mr. J
Schreyt-r's store, where be attends to operations
on the teeth at a red-action of his former prices.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved Inrtruments, and in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and Collin; on pivot or piutes atten
ded to according to the latest improvements in the
profession Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed gums
cured. Thankful for past tavoia, be solicits a
continuance of public patronage Xo irapuro
materials used for fillings in teeth. Iy283
J SeeMJ and
r.e vv inion,
Mos Specht. Beavertown
I) J Boyer.Cenierville
U Smith. Mower a Valley
BeubKeller.Navy Inland
B Mench, Millersburg
L. A. Try lor,M ifRinburg
VVilt&Eilert, Ha-letoe
Hsml Haupt do
Youngman & Walter,
lry Valley
B & Summars-Freeborg
at the old stand.
mi ay Worvhurpsrs genertllr M1 '
RE now rcceivi.ir; a' ih"ir old and well
j known stand on Mtrke street a full
and well selected assortment of
Fail and Winter
comprising the usual variety of
Salt, Fish, Nails,
etc. etc.
Our Goods are warranted to be cheap
as the chca pent, and pood as the best
new or old. Thankful for past patronage
of friends, we ask for a continuance of
their favors ; and new comers and strang
ers we respectfully int!t to
Call and Sec!
ls?wvljut Oat, 19, 1040
Hardware, Cedar-ware, etc. etc.
great imltiermfcts are offered, aa a liberal
abatement ill he made.
at the new cheap cash store.
lewishurg, Oct. 2. 1S49
Dr. Rose's Kedicisei
The subscriber bavin;, (ww-n appointed
sole agent fir llr. Rome's Mt-dic him, f"r
Union cnuniv, o!?t!r- llirin to ihc nti'ilic
with erc.it confidt-nce ns lo their i fTi -acy
and certaintv of rffi-ctin"; cures in nil cases
fur which they are destined. A single test
only is required to establish the fuel
'VHE ubscriFer would infirm the Gen-
1 t'emen of Lewis'jurji and vicinity I It
ne has now re-opeued a new and elegant
fihup, next door to the Post Oin-, where
Im will carry on tiip business of CI'TTI N(,
AN I) Ma KlXti panncins as usual. Work
mnd bv nun warranted to fit. TroiJuce
received fn (isyimnt at market prices.
J,eisbtire, Apr. I 7,
t 27
New York Fall and Winter 1V-
f,.r .('9.
TUST received at the Fashionable Tat'o
tf I-iiinfT establishment, next door to ihe
PostOfli.:e. JOHN 15 M2LLF.fi.
Lfwisburg, Sept 20, 1819
Superior Cocking Stoves.
The subsciibers have on hand tbe Etna
Air-Tiut Coohiii" Stove, arranged lor
VV ood or Coal. 1 hese Stoves are superior
lo anything of ths kind ever ofTi-red in the
country, and wnl be sold at r.-nnab'e
prices. S. & I. WuLFE.
Lewisburg, Sept 10,
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla
"1 UST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and
,J fresh supply of his Ctlebrstcd medicine
from the principal Depot in New York.
Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla
can have either the old or young Dr's, gen
uine and fresh, by calling on the Agent,
Lewisburg, Juue 26 C W 5CHAFFLI3
Tf:c Nov Foundry
7S now carried on as usual, at the upper
X end of M irkef street, w here every des
cription of CASTINGS ikTl on
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
. Coukins; Stoves,
"or either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PIJUVstSIS of differ
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Gull Ploughs,
and the
Self-S'aarpsnins Pbash
a new article, and which can not be heat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
IjewUburg. Sept. '22, 119
Cteaper than Ever.
rpHE subseribers have ihe pleasure tnannotjac
1 to their obi customers and the public in gsit.
eul lhat thev hiv. opened a larae and rpleniliii
fcWItlMDIof TOBiCCfl A it,. i.t
stand on Market street f.irn.rilj occupied by SSami
Ammons as a Tailor sbn.
Tbeir entire stork tea 'been aeieted vHh are'at
car, and Consists of
-lSarj-rrsr.ran-ia. i., .orina, Primavata,
Prmcippe. Werner's R.gal, Ca,ieo, General
1 aylur, Half 8ani-h. and Common.
C aicndUli Tobacco Sbbfer'a BIa
Fat, Congress, Oioooko, Urautb S?!a, riug, and
Tine Cut.
Smoking Tobacto-Cut ud Dry,
!csHf rla'lB. Ac.
Mlllir-Kiippe and Sro'ch.
Snuff Bojes. iieiinsn f'ipea, and a f.mey arfl'-
el of Cigar cases nil of vhirb are ofleied Kl
ihe lovren rale. All kind- of Produce taken in
exchange. Call, see. and judge fur youitelv..
before rondrmninff the ariiries
:5: rti,.v f ,
I.evrisUurp, April SI. 1819
mt iitgisJal
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a-
A LARGE and fresh supplv nf this celebrated
Medicine, just received from ihe principal
Depot in New York, and for sale at tbe new
Drug and Chemical store of
Dr Thornton V Baler
Window SASJ1.
A lot of 810 Window Sash, from the
chr-rrp Manufactory of Sprout & Htirrows,
on hnnd, and air siM got to order on
short' notice.
J.HW IG Uwshe
JFalt and winter
TIIE subsenhff has just received his
stock of
Goods embracing liie usual' variety
stirh as
DRY coons.
II.VTS.CAPS.&- &.c.
All of which nre oflt-red cheap for Cash or
Country Produce.
LcwiVbnrv'. Sept. 18, 1849
fTHE subscriber has on hnnd and is
I now receiving from Pulsion
mukin," He.-u Foundry,
Lump, I Broke
Nut, and
COAIs which will
reasonable lerma.
Office Jlemcved.
.etcitiburgi M'a.
OFFICE, on Second St., laitlv nccapied
by L. B. Christ, Eso. '
April 2, 149
1 he subscribers respect
fully luiorin the cittzena
of Lewtsbufj; nnd vicinity,
that they have comericed
the above businees, at M.
Hate's old shop on Feccad"
St. one square south of Market. w here thev
are prepared lo Iron Buggies or Waggons.,'
and rraks ol! articles in their business in
he most workmanlike manner, at rricea
which they hope will induce thnae wishin"
anything done in their line to call and '
judge themselves before going elsewhere.
Kepninng done on the shortcut notie
nJ on reaonahle terms also Saitiog.'
'iitcn is a verv nnnor'ant mat. 1.
ter to Ihose that have valuable?
norses, ana no:iia be entrusted frP
only t persons ol known skill.
YVe flatter ourselvr that we are able tn
nmpcle wi-h any person in the er untrv in
Slineini: Morses : we atk nhlv rrlul .nJ
let tbe work show for itself."
All work warranted. Iron' and all kiooa
of country Produce taken in exchange.
We hope by africr attention to boaine.,
and a determimtl7r.ii ro rait all, both ia
work and price, 16 teceite a liberal shar'
of public paimii.ige.
Iywthiirg. Mav 23. ISO
Harrison's Columbian Inks,
1"J)I.Af'K. Ji,x,n. Copyiog. Marking. Blue. IB.
9 di-Iible, Mcarlet, Ketl, i aimino. These Ink
6om more frerlv from ihe pen. and eivea stronger
and mora dur.ble color than any oibor. For sa1
in any qunnlifv by
I rmr. fnion c Pa.
A- JUllKJ ifi from the eelehra'ed
etabli.hmi-nr of M'Calmont Ac B-nd. T.-r
sale hy , (J Unshe
CASf-Seel. Amer. Blister S'eel. .VilT.
Spike. Locks. Latches. FFme n
Screws. &c. kr sn!e bv
-tms laaaaw mm- '