Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 26, 1849, Image 2

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A Duelist, who fancied himself to be
insulted by a Yankee, who had woo the
flections or his sweetheart, quitjhe) room
with the ominous'worda. "You'll hear from
me, Sii I"
"Wal. dew," said ihe Yatikee glad
nn't : vrrilt once in a while. We shall
at!' is be glad to hear from you. Dew M
as know how you're geitin' along !
There is said to be a man in Miaaisaippi
thin ihat he can't make aatudow.
SUBSCRIBERS to the " University at
Lewisburg" who have not paid their
First Instalment, (due last January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the Mine
without further notice, to
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Lewisburg, Sept. I. 1819.
THE subscribers are now publuhing an
elegant engraving ol tho
Death of the Rev. John Wesley,
Xograiid in the iiigbaet aula of lbs Ait by
JOHN SARTAIN, EJ after tha celeb-
rated Panning of Marthai! Claiioa.
Among itie moy good men who have
aproi their lives in the services of their Di
vine Master, few ever eierted a greater tit
fluence far guod than did (ohm W eelet.
With high powers ol intellect he united a
gentleness of disjjomt'ou hicb enabled him,
at the same time that he touched the tend
er chords of the human heart, to convince
the understanding of the truth and import
nee of the holy precepts of the Gospel
which ha promulgated. And when we take
into consideration that his manifold labors
f usefulness extended to a period of moie
tbfto half a century that during ti e whola
of this long period an unerring course ul
rectitude was innnifeaied in his walk and
eon vernation -we ceans to wonder at the
nry htgli degree of estimation with"' which
his memory is cherUhed, not only by the
members of the detiomination.to the upbuil
ding of which his untiring energy and ex
emplary piety o much contributed, but bv
the truly pious of eery sect.
1 he death of Weslev was perfectly con
nnaut with the even recuiude of his pro
tracted li e, and adds another to the manv
Proofs that "ihe end of the good man is I renewl aer hh
neace. 1 he Cosing scene ol the life of I fm-m rmpiu
this ve lerable man is the one Mr. Gaiton
has ao happily ch -aen as the subject of hi
beautiful pain'ing a faithfulcopy of wh.ch,
tngractd in an tlrgant manntr, we hsvr
thought would be a mrtnenio which thous
ar.uiwoulJ nl?h to have framed and hung
up in their parlor. In nrcicr lo enable sueh
desire to do this to gratify iheir desire,
Mr. Sartam, who stand t the head of hi
profesi n in the United Stales, hat been
enyae l to engrive 'hi elegant picture in
W bast sty e, mid. relying upon an ex'en
-ve p-tlronage, the prices have been put so
low tnat none who deire it need be without
h. The Engraving is of a large sue suit
able for framing.and w ilt be printed on the
best quality of heavy plate paper, in a ve
ry superior manner, each impression pre
Ming all tre beauties of ainf clutsprnof,
and will be furnished at the following uuu
suallv low prices copy. 2.50; 3 cop
irs, $600 r T copies, $12.00 ; 13 copies,
2;0r 3 enpits for thirty dollars.'
B. that memLers ot congregations-and oth
ra ay uniting together and forming clubs
Can ol.tain this moat impressive picture at
Out dollor and a half a copy! J.'
fturruunding the bed of the dvmg patri
arch are nineteen figure, representing the
following persona. (of many of whom accu
rate portraits are given from originais of
great rarity:)
Ro. Tcard Dirkinaon, Rev. Alriamlar Mather,
Re. Jewph Bradlord, Robert C. Brackenbury,
Mia Cherte Werley, Re. John Broedhent
lre&ah Wcaley. Re. Thoa. Broadbrnl.
Rr. Tb.w. Rariki.i, Ke. Geo. Vt'hiurfirld,
t-a. Ewlier A Kogrra. Rev. J. tMmunxon.
Mwa Riirhi, aiterwarda John Horton. Kq.. ons
.Mra Mortinr, ol the oxerulora o( Mr.
Sr. Ji.,ia Kos. ra. Vea!r' Will.
Waaei Jamea Kigrm, Dr. J no WIliirhead.'Mr.
child een yra of Woley's Phraician
sge, he only person and Birauher.
Bw lii' g who was A Medical Aaaiatan. to
Ibeo prwi tit': lr. Wbitvbaad.
Iri. Jaiina Creighloo.
Agenta, for the sale of this fine work of
rt are wart d in every part of tie United
State.. For further particulars address
PiUishers. Methodist Book S ore,
No. 40 North Fourh Street, f'hiladelpli a.
tt7T!fia elegant Engraving wi!I he i
nUhed, wholesrle and retail, by the Met ho
dist B-'Mi Es'ab'i.hineiit,200 Malberry S .
Nev York, and by their Ag-.nis through
au' 'he United .States.
The purchasers of this Hnrsving, will
ple hen in mind that ths p a:e haa beep
e.i-;r ved by Mr. Sarlain eipre'ly for this
erii;i ,n nrl that the iiupiessiun will.there.
f:.r-. s'l of the rirat order, and n such
a' r- ifd lioiii Mernnit-hami Egiih
Pant. November 3. 1843.
a in in f nmnnn
faa SMS. Va. MM, BMlra, B. I.
Th BaUaai annum alt taa cbaanaf aa4 aanyaaf
VirtaM of Ihe abu's-namrd Prunm tSTaACT, and ala
puiMiiai aaveral oilwr aMNliratoaA earticwarly and m
a.lrdpfi tacara COCIilia aa4 CONSLMfTIONS. II
aal. and cmtm Vlcmrm ta f4 Laart. and aiaawhara iafnaal.
Ir. aa reaJilj and at aaaCy a. iaa Fmnjymg Hit haala
aad nuva trlm.
TavClulDa of curaa of tba aMI kttltti CoaaumioB
fallr prara ua almoal aracaloua rfncacj Si all ai M
laa Lt'KGa, THROAT, aad BREAST.
Wa fiw ha rtllitB( aanl&taM aa a fact of cam, whlca
faai to prt bc powar la aava life, aaaa whaa the peraoa
l.iail lo be in lha aerf laM alafaa of axlatraja wfcea AVoaft
Thlrty-First Congress.
In the I louse on Siturday the22d insl.,
on the 63d ballot a Spvuker was elected
as follows :
Cobb, D. 102
Winthrop, VV. joy
Wilmot, P. S. g
Stevens, W. i
Morehead, W. 4
Durkee, F. S. 1
Strong, D. 3
Boyd, D. :i
William F. Colcork, D of S. C. 1
Wa ctn the foltein aartjaeate aa a fart of euro, wblc
fora tu provr Ike powar Id aava life, avail wlien Um ppraiiaj
awaana to ha ia taa vara Imi aufas of exiatence, wbra
Brmmtt fo4wn PuimMimy Btitm a) admiidilrrad ruia
aaan owe, not alaod aiane-ae ooald amr. HANT cuaaa
aa mmUma and tnguiif Mul kundrtdt of aalrat
aaaea. aad faaaaaaaj of raara ea'tot t'Of'U.MPTIO.N
TUI8 Cl'KC waa affaclad on th vita ,tf Mr. Zlla
Draaaa of the mm of Battnm. Struuif C, A'. T.
Mrs. liTkaaitui waa pruBoanred djinf, and Mr. Dyarraaa
wrat tu tbr atora of Mr. Joan Wirr to fwrcaani clotk for
a eaieud. and otfur bttrtmi aiafm'ato. axpectiaf Bia wila
aroald aoon dta. 9ba vm in la- Um ca ol the diaraaa
-ar muck opprtMrd and Wiirnaaii and to rrlieva br
rraal aaurcM, and make a atyia aiUew morr Jf Mr.
ll.kBttaa wna nrrauaded to fia bar aouia of -BKANI'd
iSlHAN rUI.MuNAHV BALSAM." Ha look the BsJaam
uome with the ahroud. and a portion to bia wile tt
coabnaeo to laa. II unni ane rerovarea
be baa onatraaas wU ar nearly aar
inaial fur partleatara.
Mr. DraaaAM ew,m, to tba above facta Worn THof. O.
Vouaa, k.., uf Btiltun 9pm, S9th April, It 48.
Taioa. O. iovko, hq., Juuict, certinra thnt be baa
aaovm nr. uyaeaaui many TNin and Rial n w ona or
tbMraiaal itonky and TtfUabi tinuns; aad Mr. John
wait, uie n-renanl
rood character uf
attainted with ail taa
aa af by 4raea
It had been prevmnslv tiL'rwd upon in
the caucus of the Whig mi'l of liie Den.o-
cralic pnrty, that on the 63d ballot the per
son having the hiuhest numlcror a plu
rality of the vo'cs, should be Speaker.
The F ree Soift'is and V'hiir Nul'iftVrs 0v
posrd this measure, but the two main par
ties carried it through bv successive votes,
the last of which (aiier the above vote) de
i i a . , . .
emreu oy a majority mat I low ELL lonil
oroeorgia, lie Speaker of the House.
The Clerk appointed Mr. Robert C,
Winthrop ond Mr. James McDowell, of
Virginia, a committee to conduct Mr. Cobb
to ihe chair.
Theydisoharged their djt, when Mr.
Cobb arose and delivered in substance the
following speech
" Gentleman of the House of Represen
tatives : It would be useless in me todis'
guise the fact th it I feci deeply embar
I -.L- . IT I ,
rasseu in mis seat, u naer the circum
stances attending my election I am cor.'
scious of the difficulties bv which I wil!
aMj ne snrrounded. 1 he peculiar organization
of the House is exhibited in our proceed
to 4 in;
f I (Ml
Ti.cf ilkaing persnns are authorized tn obtain
subscriptions mid ndcertirtmttits ft,r this paper:
V B FitjiEB, f.9 Pine Si. Fhilml., and nt his
offiros in Buliimme, Boston nnd Km York
E V f:n, niposile EicIuiirp, I'tiilnd
Glo Pa tTT, 151 Nassau St .New Vork
JLcwisburff, Irt.
Wednesday Afternoon, Dec 2G.
Just es our paper was going to press,
we received from our Congressman the
First Annual Message of "resident TAY
LOR. It is about half the length of the
common Presidential Messages. From a
cursory examination, we judge it In bo
well wiitten, and a patriotic and statesman-like
document. The people generally
we think will udmire its tone and those
at the North (especially among the Whigs)
will echo its sentiments.
It is ton lale lor injertinn this week
and we leave it for otir successor to ditrtst.
a -
gs since we first met. The nature nn tC7'.V:th this No. wo res-ion thP P.hu.r.
ill-, .oi, ..f I. : j i ,,,i ....
tba waiiuua uiiiMiiiii uiu ex. mi luiiuuiH hi uiis paper into liie haiids ol
j citing onestions which will come up before Henry C.I Iickok.Eso ,n tjentlenian whose
he us, during the present session, nil conspire ability and integrity are favorably known
"' to render the duties of ?h i-hair rmhir. to manv. unit wo lw,-.n .. ;n i, .i
, 1 i ..in uc iiiiiuq nuunu
. I :n I I . ., . .
lading, iimiuiis it mi responsioie. i may i u many more inrougti iiiese columns.
vil,,e pTfitted loask, in advance, your aiit It is now ten years that we have wield
pal and support in a faithful, earnest and im- ed tlio editorial peu (.ir ratlvr humlled
COpartial discharge of my duty. The oun- "'fj cdi'orial composing stirk) and dur.ii"
:rv h ttfffl InriLit it u-ilK iinnf.il.n.,n A, I rhiu li.nn il n.. I n , 1. . :
I uuaill aaaaaa a a ein m. weaag na .
e, 74, tt'ulnut Street, i'hUadifphia.
bariTiL, $250,000 Ubtrier Perpetual.
tjE Couipany a now prepared to transact
The Carrier will pay his respects in riTABI-E LIFE ISlltA.CE,
person on INew years morn. His Address pinuity ana iruw isinrnai.
is to be copy-righted, so that it can not lie
transferred to the Chronicle, nnd you must
patronize him or go without. 'huaineae upon the moat lilittal and adauta
; I teroia. They sre a-jlhonvd by their charter
Newspapers in Europe ore nol quite ns lo make all nnd etry inauiance aper.
ehe,ip as in tl is cntintrv. The London to life riks of whslever Wind or nature, sod
' ., reive and eiecute truita, make PiidowmrnU,
I i.-nes costs $ j., a j . nr. The same rate gran( futche ,uuulll." The Coui-
is charged fur I lie Morning Chronicle, w cnnuitiea "d endowmeuU, snd seta
D lily Nous, Herald and Post. The I.on- ninor uJ hr"-
, r. . ' , i i i a ,l. . 't of Premiums required for the Assurance
don Lventnp Mad is rubhshed .hire (100 fuT tUe Uole drm of Life.
n uei k, m $25 a jtar. The L"nlon . prem. Ag.e. Prem. Age. Prem.
SJmi-wteklies SI0 50 iier nniiutn, and'
wi-i'klies $12 and i'J. The French d-iily
papers, the I'irj,'e orte, are nboul the same I
price as the London prin's ; those about
ihe same biza of our penny papers, cost
$0 and 25 per annum. The German I
dailies cost from $22 Xa 30. j
'I he subscription to tlio Placer Times, a 1
weekly paper published in Scramvi:to jj
city, is $10 per year; ihat of the Aili
Caliibrnin. at Snn Francisco, is 12 per!
year, and 37i cents f,r a singie number !,!
The Aha California, since its enlargement, women and female children can insure the
charges for advertisements at the rate of of e,,De, husband or parent free Irom me
c. r .. r . . is of creditors. Tables of half yearly and
per squ ire for the first insertion, and ,! niemium.. half credit rate, of premium.
Si lor every subsequent onp. Iei;nl and 1 1 terms, joint lies. aurvnorsnipa, enuo
ufiicial adverti.sements are chared SO ,.r I t8 nd o,m of PP'i''n re ,0 be b,,
. , , 1 .Oflice or of the Agent. f
square for the first insertion, and 3 for tate, flir insurins 100 an a single LifeJ,
every subsequent one. I ge. For 1 year. Fur 7 yeara. For Lifo.
!0 $0 81 91 1 60 ;
WISC n IsloilS. i0 0 99 1 30 2 04 ,
We notice among the provisions adop. gj( H 394 ft;
reo ny trie convention to trame the c:in .,u. 59 34a 397 6 03 t
150 31 $2 00 46 4.3 36
1 A3 32 i 15 47 3 4'i
1 56 33 3 20 44 3 62
1 59 34 S 27 49 3 77
I 60 35 2 33 50 3 94
I 63 36 2 40 51 4 !3
1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32
1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51
1 72 .39 2 63 54 4 71
1 76 40 2 70 55 4 91
1 85 41 2 81 56 5 12
1 89 42 2 92 57 5 33
I 94 43 3 01 5S 5 54
1 9S 44 3 12 59 5 78
2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03
I Ver Liberal Inducements to Postman
nun. nruis.
Fitzgferald'S CitTTtem. and . ,
-A the Magazines oneyear Three Dollars.
'-"fever, S:ttUnl. bj K..,..,aM & U ' 1
-fSouti, Third S,et, Phil ,d. I,.l . ' K 45
This popular rjrj,aj.er han lH-.n
lo eti-
..'m'ir lo viara. and met i . . .
t; A Urt and cn-Mn.ly increU,, ei
jheen obumed in ,be n,y, .,( ,e r.unl " "
n..afltinn a rons'!.,! I,. f i:. .7 r"cU-
r,uri f, ' 'nedar.
11 v
i"iiiaiiij iii.irr- (inrinnl l,aauI ...
i . "'iiier in.n
wavfci, lo I'b.lJl,,bi...d the Mim 0i Z
Jpropnelor. ba been, ..l j9, ,0 make
.nJioneU. bill bant, and li ;..r. . . D'-'h-
aiiB:,B I ' "
ul i.i ' iMiani u ine nodal nr.
rrJ- lieai-ted lo pure. ,leliDg
lh7,ature. Muaic, ,h. Drama, ruZi?
can .mere, instruct a,,J nma
iSS'e weilare of m-u.Wind k..r, , ""e
g-wnsle mstrurtinn wh ' to
Oat eLUs.'-RlPTlO.N
turicn of the S;ale of Caiilorniii, various
;r.iiits for the purposes of common schoi Is,
ci I ees, &:., as follows :
I. One section out ol every quarter
township of ll.e public lan ls for the use , f J yearly during life he secure $1000 to bafaia
the Si hools. mi he dies the insurer aeruring bis own InSMa
Iiha.liir.'renre in amount of wemium from tkaaa
i. Njventy-tHO secHons of nnappropri- j rce bv oiheroirires. For 49 50 ibe heiia wsU
ated land with n the S'a-e for the estiihlt-h 5ti00 ahould he die in one year.
lample: A person aped 30 yeara neil bnC
by paying the Company 99 els would settle
M family or brirs flOO ahould he die
r,or for 9 90 be secures to them f 1000, sfiaT
00 annuallv for seen years he secures tonbafa
1 00 should he die in seen yrnrs. or for M
i epukn car b,.k. aj rt ,;. to Da our etiorts to cflect an organization. The take somt; pretty hard blows. We have nl-
Mr. PtnM and tuat Wat ac- ,,, . . , . , . . ' , .
i at, Waaia baard incia often apvk- public has remarked with interest ever) ways endeavored in conducting a paper to
i . i i . . L t -., . .
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam
ear.a COSKVMPTlOy. C4., CWia, Jima Not.
kUmixng ml Uu a-. i'aia in le Prtmrt and Star, A'vrat
hlHi. ajvuaa CompUmu. fmlpumtimn Its laat
Oka 'era hmrxm. Dutnurm. iimir Oaaatatt. and ALL
MALU WtAKSkSaES, awaanl an, aiti
Rtislcru Notices
The f lliiwuip acrniu.ia arr to le preetiteil to
the Orphan's t'-'iirt ' n c.'Ut.ly Minday,
4'h Ihrc inl fr coi.firmition and a'lua ance :
Pa-til e-i ! Jobu Sicnraik. an Adini of Dr
H'ln H l.i,.iir. late if Iwi-1iuik Uor..
Arrl of J.,ni f Allien, Eir of W a Brown,
lale ul I ni ii ' p
Artt ot inlni Han, fiuanliau of Franklin
Vau Mimki.k. of Mifflinbiirc H..r"
Acd o' A nd I. iodine-, AJioi ff Tboma.
l&Ci g. Ine - f HiitT.I r I'p
Acot .f urii.ti.ui Cinirrii h. A Juir I Samuel
f ai'i, Ute l v a-lin g ! 1"
Aici "f ?t Mnid:e-witli. A imr of Henry
Ki.ir.b. I I of Hn-r Tj.
nil ALU (fi.lA-VAJlfi. awaaw aa aitia
The foilowinf -narmNl Peaaraand Pkmsuimms aav hifh
if recomnK-n.led BKAMTd MKOIC1NU:
Dr. N. Ul'tSKAKli. dtamford, Conn.
Dr. J. H. SMITH. Wairrtnwn, N. If.
Dr. ROSSMAN, 139 Henry etrve BrookJja. H. T.
Dr. T. At. HUNT, Auburn, N. V.
Dr. Go. FKAM.-I.S. Midiiletoara. Cans.
Dr-GKCI. A. KOI7EKS. Hath.N. Y.
Dr. 8 WHITIC. Kredonia. N. X.
Dr. C. B. GALENTtrlK. Hrron. M. T.
Dr. J O. SIIIPMAN, FajetteTiUa. N. T.
Dr. J. .SKINNER, Henry atrm Rroeklra, N. T.
Or. U. ttUlI'MAN. Oortuuid. M. V.
UFE tod HKALTH ire ia the BL001.
CaMuc, Pmrify. and RtruUtt tht Cimlatim. and
At ttkolt body n-iil tw ktaltk. Tkt most morndtrfat
mf mU remedura to produce such a rrsult. at
Yea. dn deatred rcaalt and affleacT will he predated by
She aae of a tmsOtr eaaania of thie Pvairiaa than ran be
atfeitad ay tna aae of a hka qnanttty of any other remedy
ha the world. tSee oar Pmmjkliti for proof)
Thai minu M wholly praparad iraaa Ytmtulln. and
aaree lha waraf . aiaat aarriaale. and taaataaduif dlaeaaM
af the blood, without fmkmg. mmrgmf, ntktmtmg, or mtkth
Uhmf. Il ,., alvwa-IAfaa, mmgornttt, BOaaea new,
aeallae aiaad, aad fiaae nan eiar and aaai m au lha whola
anna any orher raiuedy hi lha world, beiaaaa
af a will etfeet a ereater aaaoant of eura ttiaa ear dmllmrf
werlA mf aarrerenjie. or any other remedy, no manr bow
kwf their bottle may ua. The aw, hi leal eaerraMi for raa
eumera to determine, h, aaw mmck ware caraftve rftet mnt a
bmtiA f law f unArr erneeee. Iaa a 4nllmr erlA
lAal aareeaanlia er ertor rrmrrfy. We mi(ht hern aay, that
Jlraale -tfrwM had cured, within tna laat year,
100,000 Ptrtoni af Import Blood Ditenn,
ud 2$,000 Cawi were considered lnrorablt!
aa anma other pabnu-madicina men era hi the habit of my
mg If wa aboard aay eo. who would beliere uat Thla
nowaver. wa do aay, and eland ready to prove by rrjamaeie
eauim that Baaai'a MasiclNEa hara cCrcled cure of
more dii,e an livinf hunan heinf a, the pant year, than
any other remedy in exar.nra did duriaf the tana; uma.
Haw anwehi will a Dadlar'e worth CURE f
Twaty larac, deep VUtrt war eared by using, eafy raalea
bottle of araal'e Panjtcr.
Tba followlnf ia aae moat wonderful and aatonlahing rare
thai waa aver enacted ea a human being , by aay earArine,
Horrid Scrofnla Cured.
Ma. i. B. Ilaaci!. of aaaie, Oanda ft, !f. T.. eerriaVa,
Daeamoer Ku, lets, that ha had been afflicted with Scao
auL (oar yeara. and the laat year confined to hie ld, with
nun largt, dttp. dtxkmrginif LLC a a thai hw nock
wa ratan around Irom car to ear a nolo waa eaten
through hie nrradfia. ao that ha breathed through lha
hole bia ear waa nearly detroyed-4he ua of hia arm
waa wholly deatroyed and aa ncef under tna arm. a
huge a a man'a band, had nearly eaten uroagh into hi
Law that he had aaed all kind of AaaaarAaii.i.A and
etaer eiediriae, laa kmvfx. and that ha waa nal apmatd
a, ua raaa-aar near wnaa no eommancea nnanr a
laauii Poairvnva Eirucr-that mm sottlu of Ihe
PButrrma EarraaeT aaaled aad tmi earcirraiM of tha
twenty llcrre he had wbra be eommenord aamg it, and
that a ffkoulm mora enacted a vnaracTccaa. For full
narbculara of tula, aad mnujr other iimitar aura, ana our
doe nat atand alone aa a weaeeirat of tha nat tjaaao
of Hhakt'i PuairtBB. for wa eoald 0va alamat uolitn
Ued aridaw-e of otucr curea, well nraard. if that worn
doubted. Toia care 1 eerhaed to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
By Doer. Taos. WiLLiaaat, one of tho moat reapactabla
phyoiciaue of Rome by Jeaaere. Kleau-L Laomaan,
wholeaale and retail drugrirte by Mr. tit R. Baowa), pro.
prietur and keeper of tba Wan hVwaa Uurax and by
laaranta !;
Branf s Indian KniUer
J-f' "'" ""a mien -tuKen in our lejr- j "e j.i ! i iii i i in ine catue we Imve nvoweil to
isla ivc course. Our duties will the In. J advocate : e.nd in all honesty of purpose
"'glorious, our responsibilities severe ; let us j fnithfulness, and zeal h ive no apologies to
.try. in view ol these ronsiderHtions, lo in- make, while defects of talent nnd itid.'ment
Btvolce, in the discharge of duties patriotic e hope may he overlooked. Our besi
ineasurs as broad as the I'nion, nnd ns wishes attend every inerohcr of the honor-
Biextensive as the nature npd chnracter ot bie profession with whom r.e have come
:n contnet. as well as those vi;h whom we
hava labnrid in comtnon.
There is certainly in!tei.or regret th.it
the Newspaper Tress in cur eotrn'rv di.es
esert the hnpny nnd ben fir-ial intliionce it
ini-;!,! and should e.v rt. Wo hnvo bi-en
permitted to tviing, however, it great iin
irovement in the mora! lone as well ns in
ihe outward dress of ihe country periodi.?-
'oir various in'erests nnd institutions.
I, " uetnun,rn You will accept mv ear
jl nest thanks for tl.o irmor r-onfera'd upon
me by your choosy ma ns Speuker du
ring the piesent Ci ingress.'
Mr. Cubh took his seat amid much np-
Mr. Vmton, for the purpose of faciliiit-
in buisness, moved that the members be
sworn in.
mi nt nnd support of n I uvitmiv.
( 3. Four sections srli rtt ii nmler ihn di
rection of the Leisl iture, for the u-e id
'he State in (,.,tib!i.hii,; a seat of govern
men! nrd t-rectino b iildins.
4 Kite humired lhouand ncres of pi.b
lie lfind, in addition to ihe sme amount
rrnntcd to neu- Smtes, fnr the purpose c
utririij ni u.c ''.Xj-i-nsfs oi me Slate uov-
ernment ; and five per cent, r.f prorceds
of the public bmli, alter dcduciin expen-t-cs,
for the encournrnienl of h-ariim '.
A nirro nmn mis tried in Prince
Geoiire's County Court three or lourjears
since, on the charge , poi'.nning n .,rlv in
o;. i, . , .
i iH-iiiiijj wiatricr ; hiki tlio evidence
vhicli tvns rirctiiri;'iu'!n?. wts cor:sidorcfi
so s"on? thrtt several of the jury ere in
favor of giving in a verdict of ju !tv. Tiie
testimony ol a li .niKfn however,
discardeil, and (he man aoiiiited. A few
weeks since a nero v. oman dinl in the
opy, one year.
f hie ro
1 Urea copieo,
Five "
liberal e,
- - - f,i)
' - - - .', i.
" - 'l iMj
' - - - 10 1.0
- - - 12 CO
Ilia bl:rn!ion of rnt, : . . " "'
l,'lmatrs hj rinv v., .A , . . th "
l i. ! , "ls!' to art a Bjrmti fir
-Jl r.Kt.Trv ,, EM AXD TffE MAGA
j )K'KIVi;i) a. Forste,', Sr,
(Ul I-'.rh M.-r,niK-, fur Lad,v a
?, P.tlnn-fi.i Cloths j.,
als wthm ton year-?. Wo sincerely hope
At. I ' T, -, . .lllilo lmr,,,tuamknt . ' . .
i'if. i.inu novo, me senior mem tier o' .t,,,-.,,! mny uiuiiinue. Aim it
the House administered the ovh r.f office w"' 00 manifest jnt the publishers of nplr!"tortioo.J ol 1 tscutaw.iv, and oti her
Jo iho Speaker. Mr. Thompson, of Miss- !aP('r ran '"y oa! 'v upon, and enna. J afath-bed coii!fssi- l that she admioi.-tend
ssippi, thought that ihe swcarin in of the ,he suffice of persona compr.tcm to fill, the ! tne '")ls""- Marlfwro Gazette.
i . i
ncmbers to night would nol expedite the COlUrni"i f their journnls. We are dispo-
cepiion of the Presidents Messaca. SPtl lo ,n do our Pr' towards making the
Tl It being tiow six o'clock ihe House ' Lew'burg Chronicle" second to no cnun-
Tdjourned. try paper. The new Editor will, we are
I I Confident. Inhrtr honlilu Crm ll.n . 1
Ha No less than lour different propositions , rPmain4 for our patrnns t0 ma , .
Ver nl.owmg citizens import lavc, for encnuraae,ncnl bv -nlar-in the circle f
its readers, giving kind advice and encou
ragement, ond overlooking a!I which may
seem to them to be mistakes of the prn'er
or errors of the editor's head and heart.
core mil impure diaeaae of lha blaod. all.: Sbtkt wad,
Soil kkr-m, ItkcummtUM. Kruptiomm. nmpkvn Iks fact
PtUs. Btitt. flctrt. Ctsttvmiat. McrcmnoS THatotr. Lwtr
Oaflaiar. Paint in tkt Baca. Sidt, aad inn, ATaab of
Jury List Dfcouibt r Term, '4!)
J'.if Jurors, (id with )
Union: J im ('"iossarove, Juhn Leihy.Mi
t hai- M Her.h'lin (:iiter,'hii Cowley
WW B aver : Jim I R n.j!. Wm Kiird,
Miclmel tlate, Hi nrv Het.Vr
ifcaiter r Jua -BttWfl.i- HendrieaajPhtl-
i,. MrV?
t'e..:re: G o Sai.ipsel; Sin, PT i-erner.
Smellfr. Sfiyder. Iteuhen lil
Midiil ciei-l. : Jacob Snyder. S.nn'l Voder
Pr'rrv : J"1'" R ,hu'"' J ,M,l,h -v hallo
W-huigfn: I-a.c l M...-r
Fenti.: Ifcitj-m SyiU. I h.t.p k-t..,-Hariley
: Jcb M -re, l nrj Vatialla.
OhrUtinn .chuiire
Weml H' ff'l" : J""'' O'-rr.nii. I Vminj;
ftufT-lo : Mi-n trv Janves sinioutiii.Jr,
l,.k.. Bid.ile-. G M.ller
Eaat BufT.il.' t JermiaH Rltter
lieware of counterfeits f
1 bar ia no Brant' medicine genome, hot
nab holtlre aa are put up in a stjuare package
or shape, ami on one cquare of the package ia a
label on wbiib is repreatntad a young; Sqaaw.
anil under wheie he aunilt is a Note of Haiitl.
whirh tea,) aa follow, vis.
We hereby promise, fur rol-oe received, te pay
to the hearer krrtof Oak f'swT, on demand, at
our Medirint Factory in the City of Brooklyn.
N Y. Dated at Brooklyn.lth April. 181a."
f which note ia signrd with pen and red ink)
, .-. WALLACE d CO."
Snnr ganuina but aueb as bsvs tba nuts 0
the lattrgnad a ahoaa.
For rtle b Thornton Ar Baker, Lwi
burg; Edard W'rfaon. New Berlin; H J Crouse.
Selm.arove ; l A V C Mover, FreehU'g : H N
Uackhauar. Miiidlriiurg : Wilt A Eilert, Hartle-J
ton : An'ra Meneh, WfHioaorg
AU leltera and oieVia- maet Ke addreaard b
Wailaee St Ud. lOtf: Broartway, New iork r
C1ASTOR and Sawl Gfl. Laudanum, Par-
piforie.tirvdfreiN Cordfal.Elpsom Sail.
ftaleratua. CreamTartSr. Htaarh, Opedelpoe, BaM
ant atLit, Sal'Aoda, BeUaaa de MaRha. HuTaj
11 aa.' nmjvifvr,uiiB;ei, i inimimni,' . -
Nutncea. .Magnesia. Maatard. Opinn, MXaVi
, n , i a . k
' 'f,0linr, rnvrm rnwfl,rt. cac. ror nait- at J a
C.Vr.Elva9a's Drojea IveaniaaJ Kme.nrta)a1j &
st'r otcn une, have been voted down in
e Kentucky Constitutional Convention bv
tht rgf m',Jor"IP!, A substitute was moved
.nbracing the principle of the Ih w of 1 83:3.
mthis was also negatived bv a very large
"orajonty 9 to 79. The following, how
n.e,er. was adopted :
it,. r
as "T',e PPnPral Assembly shall ptsa laws
(rioviaiii( mat any Iree negro or mulatto,
-reafter emigrating lo. or being emanci
pated in, and rel'usin to leave this State,
having left shell return and setiie with-
this State, shall be deemed guilty of a
ony, and confined in the Penitentiary
H W."
JjjThe Convention have inserted a clause,
a vote of 76 yeas to 17 nays, declaring
aachers and ministers of the gospel in-
Vb!e to seats in the Lee;slature.
ket p
derWe lea m from the Rnatnn naiwr. ilia,
I f"l"
J sentence of death passed on Milton W.
eeter, for the murder of his wife, has
n mitigated, and that he is lo expiate his
Cine by immurement for Ihe rest of hi
A very large meeting of the ciliz-ns of
New Oilcans was I eM last week, in one
of" the churches uf thai city, the ohj.ct ol
within Ihe walls of i,nnn Tk!. ;
murder case on which we commented,
, helime of the trial, in condemnation
ihe heartless and wicked spirit which
? els some to make sport for themselves
i practising on ihe weakness of a fellow
t ig. :ierter was passionately fund ol
p wife, ami ;nsanely jealous. Some
peng men amued themselves by contri
s ; lo mike him Ulieve lhat his jealousy
,v well founded ; and it was while under
IT..-. -t p .a . .
eueci ui -ome oi their tricks (lint he
violent hands upon his and their
... Ve learn from the Village Record that
imicuble action has been entered in tli
r.rnnn Plsas of Chester county, between
-Dank of Chester county nnd the bro
. t of Philadelphia, who sued it on its
issue, whereby Ihe rights, duties nnd
lilies of the respective parties will be
plained without unnecessary delay.
KrThe practical s'ory commencing on
our first pijre, lV9 lake in advance from the
Rev. Itfr. Harbaugh's forth coming Maga
zine. It has a judicious moral.1
"The Guardian" will be issued by New
Year's if the engraved heading for the cov.
uu. mi uus i rimer in season, tie
hope the good people cf Lewisburg and
vicinity will sustain a home Magazine as
well as a home Newspaper. We are sure
the Magazine will bean honor and a credit
to our town.
PREMIUMS. We will given copy of
" The (ifAituiAN" lo every person who
will send us fnvr new subscriptions with
the cash (0) in advance for "The Chroni
cle." We can cot afford the paper for
less hut offer the Magazine ns an induce
ment for persones who w ill make on effort
ftlT'The subscribers in the Rest B.ifTrtlo
Club who have not, aro desired to remem
ber the Printer soon.
SC7Who should happen into our nc
the other day hut Cant. Jacob C-undv -,iK
a couple of lurkies
'To k-n th Prlnlm
I'p tlmm'h ll, tt'mfcT "
which was thi adnpttcm uf measures
cause n better observance of the Sal.hath
Judge MoC.ileb, ol the U.S I);s!rict Court
presided. Speeches were made and the ties
ccratinn ol iheSubhath by military raradi
, I, C. - ,
ib ini-inivj, iv: , was eoniiemncu in tin
qualified terms. This movement may h
ijMimnrl ... i1a !..i!. . . . ,
..v.. ,1 ,T- uuiqiurj Birp lowarcis an im
provement in tht; practice complained of.
Mr. Brooks, of the New York Express,
a hig member of the present Conaress,
has given his privilege of appointing n ca
uei io nest I'oint. to the faculty of the
Free Academy, with instructions lo bestow
it on the fittest and "most deservi sfu
dent." This is good Democracy.
-he legislative telegraph, invented by
R. li. Monaghan, for taking ihe yeas
nn s, has been put in order for opera-
it the next setsioo in our House of
, rsentntives ut Ilarrisburgh. It will
a great deal ol time. j
as he expressed it. No single bird, mind
you ! but two lurkies in good order for an
epicure. No wonder stich a benevolent
soul's wheat never turns to ehmt I v
hope the Captain, or the Major, or some
other good Hast HuOalonian will remember
the in coming Editor in a similar manner
before New Year's.
Thanks also to the lady who so substan
tially remembers the Pr. every Christmas.
James Johnston, Esq., of Pennsylvania,
(brother of Gov. Johnston,) has been nom
inated by Pres.Taylor, Consul lo Glasgow
a very lucrative post. Mr. JohiHton
was a soldier in Mexico, and is s'aid lo be
well qualified for the post.
The decision of the grand jury of New
Orleans, in ingorning the billa-ainst Car-
os de F.spana, the Spanish consul, fir his
pnriicipanon in the abduction of Juan
Francisco Riv, has greatly surprised that
The cilizensof Georgetown design peti
uoning t- onyiess lor a r-ir.i.i;.Nsicn of the
remainder of ihe Dis rict of Columbia to
the fc;ate of Maryland.
I'ETEK ITI.I.EN, Fresiden'
.X. RAW LE, Scc'y and T eas,
'or further uaMirulari apply lo
bablXitli School Mb. ti lure
Not long since there was n Ur.ion M-et-ng
of fJiiierent ?ahbth Schools of ih,s
place held in the Methodist church, whieh
as lar-eiy a tended, hy an ntiemi.e and
deeplv interestrj n,jr)lfnce. A, tf)at ,ime
t was uni.-ri.od tha: these merlin,. e,
a bo held 8Ui-reive'y jn th J-.T"''"'
churches in town, at le once in three
monihs. This arrangement seemed to us
'o be a wine an.) good nue.bul for some rea-"-n
or other it has not bet n carr ed into e1
'eet. W e are persuaded th-t one Sabbath
tfternonn in iStee months inttht feorcu-
pted more dvnnli;ously io piren's, lo
iM.aren. m1 lo leachers, in this way .than
y at.. ml.rg on our regular services. Ii
houij afioid an a.linirab'e epportticitv Ir
pointing out the .!c!ects and enforeinir ihi
J..it s of lf;t.e fl ftcroi.t elaw, r ...
r i
war onjei-t in wri'ing t.is br ef nonce is to
cai! the attention ol parents, teachers, min
isters, and especia'ly of the Superinirnd
nts of the dilfe.ent schonLs, ro th s suhj-u.
I- t them fix on the lime for another meet
in?, (say the afternnt n ol Ihe Sihhail,
:n Ihe new xear, or any other lime that
may bethought proper,) an) appoint i.
speakers, nnd we have no dmil.t but that
ihe meetino will b- e!l gfrnWed. Nolhin"
a;"ou can tie accomplished without resolu
tion, decision an 1 perseverance. The rising
t:eneration are liie hope of their parenls,
' f the church, and of the world, and we
crn not 'eel too deeply interested in or
devote ion much attention lo their early
religious culture. "
i.ei,burg, Dee. 25, 1919
I. "Dr-so
Mi.ror.n an,I fir. r. ..
m N- sj-Ue Ch ci h ) I.'i-I ums ;
A so i.i, assor'mtut of Ladies' ;,,'
for I'nion and adjoining cwnhajgjj s'' es. Oii,J i redm iii , , i(
i-ewisturg, lt,c. IS, lSjj
JCST rerelied, at Forster'n Stor.
J5 a. ks ti rior Lin rpn-.!
23 do dairv Sd!t.
hich is i if-rt d clieaji.
OTK'E ,s hereby i'lvt-n fi th,. s. . ..' .
hulili rs of ihe Lewisl,i.-i I",
Company, that an K ect on wi! be I.e'l V;
'te house of (be Mia-es H-a. k', in
Borough oi L-isl,,iri., on M..nda. tl.ei
ilay o Jaiiiiii.rv, 5l, lor rhe p!i"rj.e.e ri"
being rue I resiuVnf.s JI,ti;.grrs.Trei-tir-r
and Ctrl;, to rrr.rfuct i.e tonc-n,,
of said (.'onipanv !m m e ipnr.
The Last and
THIRD TERM. Mr. Shelp would
announce that the Third Term of his
Writing Academy is about commencing.
For his qualifications and success :n teach-
ng Pvn.Tiansliip, he refers to the (ol0win2
K.iiir.iien una inaies, who have bad
pupils under his charge :
Rer Mr M, If I r?i ts . .
C I) Kline, Hunter Parrlr. Mrl f "i-t ."it
John Houghton, Mrs M'Corm.ck, Mr J
idi. jonn tvaus, m Cameron, Maj.
Gundy, Mrs Bennett, Dr Thornton,
PSVrilni rr-- ,
vjiuu i . .yir 1.00-
m,s, Mister Oscar, and Mr. Westcott w
e requested to notice purpose repeating
eir Lectures and Expe'rimerits on E'ec-
' j'HC Mihcril.'rs t.fii-r ihepuiuV at t! '
Jl ,ewBriek Foundry, the followirij It
Mini valuable Sioves:
lr--.n Wilth Ail-Tight Coolur.5 f"ott, R :h
a I'rii k Oven.
I.ady M'ahinglon Farlor Store.
fast Iron ir-1 ighl I'arlor Stove, for V.'.ral-
i sixes.
foal Uurner for Fjilors 1 ig,., li iJJC;. f .
Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor SM,e J
Shield Air-Tisht Pallor Stove for J
Feg Store the very best in use f-r More.
OrTu-fs. Birr,K)in. and hops.
The reft-braied fJeuesee Air Ticht f.vk .-':.'.
The Complete Coot 2 si.
Also, nil kinds of Wood and Cot.; i?:ov
Ploughs ('astinos. c. Ac.
Lewiaburjf. Dec. 12, lSJ'J.
rical Physiology, Sympathetic Cfairvoy-
(fc5-Tho Hollidaysburg papers mention
lhat a revival of religion has been enjoyed
in lhat town for some time past, and that t
about 100 persons have united with the LP-,
Meshodist Church and a number w
the Baptist.
Much religious interest has ben ma
feslcdin the Baptist congregation at Lew .
isburg, since Thanksgiving day. and it is
expected the ordinance of baptism will le L!
administered to several, on Sabbath morn-!
tng next, below the River Brirl,,.. iT
The whole amount of money collected
n the United Stales "or ihe benefit of the
Pope was $15,013 09. So says ihe Cath
olic Magazine.
David Clark, Ksq , of Cntawissa, is
elected Clerk of the Hank of Danville.
Pay the P, inter, keep jour feet dry,
and remember the poor.
nee, and Phrenology, at the Lei,hr
own Hall, evenings of next week
j of which will I uiveu bv hill
t Xo chnnrre in our Markets.
3jy CAME into the enclosure of th
lnnssiibscriber, several weeks sint- a
RfcD IU;LL LF, supposed to lie at
a year old. The owner is requested
come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and lake il away. "
Kelley Tp., Nov. 26, 1 84i.
I lie '
ith jni ;i
To Ascertain the weight of a hers
ace your toe under Ihe animal's foot.
In Mdinn, 25th inst.. hv Re. it n.
baugh. Mr L for m and Miss Elf.-
ORA WERLINa. hot!, raalVI;i.
... vv.'iiiiuu.
By K. Trega, Esq ,ihe 20th IW io,n
.. r. Gkohcb Paos,. of Iw,sbure. Pa., to
Miss Llizabetii Pl ntn, ..C .L '
i " 'nu ame
rPIIE suLscrilr offers for sale liiegood
A. substahtial Brick Dweilinz. with ne
cessary our-buildinirs. hamlsnmlv t tnu'ed
on Third street in ihe Boro' of Lewibjrt'.
now occupied by him.
Also Twelve Acres of IJViVTj situated
in Kelly township, within 3-1 ol a mileol"
".-'riiugn. ni a good state ol cultiva
tion. For terms, apply to
Lewisburg, Dec. 10, 1819.
A Kaikct Street House, Shop, and W
I UA I valuable proprrtv en Mai ket Sr.
opposite Cook's Coach Mop. lie
BEST Spanish and Hall Sprtrsh.i
American CIGARS and all kh
of rrhctwina TrRiPrf C. .. k.. .'
...... . . f , ,Jt vaifj Uf -
l-ewisburg, Uec 4. 1948
"nOR sale by
Old Dr. Jacob
SArAJl,LLA---,- S- P- Town
VJ send's Sarsanar llr. ...
r 'wi iiv
, Dr. Thornton & Raker.
g used only
On tvintor
-rrnD i. . . ....s..,
li X su,e y ,,ie "f ih
Dec. 17
J- KEDER & IDPlJCal L-.a.Vh,.,, n ' a
Lewtilurg, June, 1849 ; '
TavtOH CtltB.
800 "V''K inches
VV;i ""k ",J 12 f, for
sale for Cash only. S, aMMON.
uouse is a two-storey Frame. 20
by 30 the Shop tno-loir. 20 bv
u, incluJiug a Woodbouse oil the I'll'. dU
firs f00;- A ,m, Slabie-wrelli-n-iililiS
Appl. Peach. Plum and Cherry Irves Aeon 111.
lot ami grhal W'.ie. on I lie adjacml I.U
It will Ik to, ol, reasonable terms paTnwnl
"il i ""' U "ot U bv ,he Ut f J"'""T-is
' 1.1 l offered for rent from the 1st of April per'.
Inquire of Ibe sulwerther on the premises.
Lewitbuig. Nov. 20, 6wl0 .
For Sale Cheap.
A FULL Lot, -on North Fourth S tre'r'-
IX. On Which is n tor.
frame Housn. rj by 33 reel, Ittbg
with a good Cellar under ijilT?
Frame Sinblo. 16 ha an.nn ruil""-
Kitchen, and other out-bui!J'"n"s
occupied by Grig. Fkhax. Inquire of
a -