Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 26, 1849, Image 1

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r other
JL 1U.I1..L1 1JUL.J ftj H"
The suhscrilier resj 13 I rj
notifies the people of t H
2"aaJ$ Atift viftnifv tkaff kn Itfl
and vicinity that he hi
the brick office, late Dr.Lu.iwig's,
opens on Friday a School for instrl PL3 1 1
both Plain and Ornamental i'exm.4 iu U
lie conceives that his part co8
teaching a plain, common-sen e, I
suliscnbi rs have aftociuied under '
e Firm of
BY 0. N. W01U-
7Yt? Zetrixbttrg f hroairluh
PabJiahad Wedneaday Afternonna at . "'in'sind
L'aioo eouniy, Pennsylvania. . ,
T !!- 85,00 for year, to I p;
the firat half year; 82,50, if payme
it mai
lt Lew
,0tfl gs.
ip i
, , wnuc:
at made witnin tne year , ampie mm (j
A cts. Subscriptions for six mowhs "ij,,
to DO pnia in aiivtuii:t-. lec'd
DpUOUai WHO I UUI13ii ,
arrearages are paid. a
Advertisements handsomely inscrtt
60 ru. per square one week, fcl,H ?
mta h, 85,00 a year. A reduction of t ,
ate fur lareer or lor.aer advunts.
Casual advertisements and Job woi y
i ' j r . .l r a
Dc paid lur wmrii i in- WVCt
All communications by mail mii c ,
pncl-pitid, accompanied by the aJJres
ih ritr in rpcpivp attention.
Offiee.Market street between S-condERS,
Third. O. N. Woitnr.N, PuWihe f
I the
RATl'DDAY, nVC. 2?. tr.
For the Lrwiiburg Chronicle. 13
Paper Dcuolcb to Ncu)0, Ciietaiarc, i3olitics, ularica!!:.
the effort to learn. i
Koom ojien from 2 to 1. P. "
the evening, so that pupils can attea
most convenient. Those residing a
lance can improve in writing by em
town and practicing four or five da
"into. oi'tv.t iiicii, nuu iriini e
at Kline hotel. S. Silt and
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1849 j, 'I'i
AVEDNESDAY, jJEG. 26, 1849.
ENGLISH and German Alhah
ale by I G Lai
A NEW BUGGEY for sale, abea. he
j further particulars, enquire . ,;s
ofTice. ,,
Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1849
I errii
I looked, and before me rota ia 3.:wlrJ:!!n;; j cr.l! ihs-to are vur brctlircii an J can joa,
'.hs most beautiful scenery ih.-.t co-i!J "be ! dais you commit i-j -ccr V "
imagined. The blue sky smiled sweetly T!ary, rr.y i?rfy p reacher ii'so'l of
overall. Bright and diilif:j l'iiorbus! r.o usp, now. My cc rnrnds ore a'r:vlv
f.r the purpose of carrying on rt
' ' j holcsnle Urt'Cury and General
busin". I.iIk'I"! advances wdl be mnde
on all kind of Country Produce. Place
of busn $s. l ew U srelii'Use on the Wharf
immediately below the f.ii(e, ,
Lewisb-i'c, Pa. And. 7, IS 19.
had not yet ascended mid-v. ay in his pirv
flight through the hsavens. The trees
were bent with delicious fruit. The yel
low grain waved softly in the brsezo; the
birds caroled sweetly. Fi?r in thn iim
west, was seen a rane of bluish tipped
mountains, kissing the c!o;Js abiV3 i'jvm.
received; r.iv cn:i:orv :i fri r.r.w m I
I br tf w c ' ' i q
thsir niarcb, tnJ I litre n!iudy tirfitu j ' ' f''"" - 'C- 1 ,a
, i ; ci.miiit nce. "oiti:
4 .";.. . .. . . . I draw -.-rd zai
ntiirjr. niiu n'.i,i3 , evn
suflused ai'Ii tear;, " I am cfr.iid some evil
will :r.pej ta ymj. i(S -iraid thil I vvili
never tee my Lrikl dry. Im afiiid That
I he whole scene arpeard K! a verdant I vour now elastic ar.J o'!;hful form will lie
FUIiSH Corn Me.il for sale by tion. j plain abounding with ol.jscisof delight and j pierced wi:h thd l;a"i-:a of tho en.my. cml
TUST rrceived a ..rnuine article Dut what most my utention, " Nay ! Vary, ti.ecP are rhi! lish fi ara.
J Liver Oil for wholt sale or rrta
Nov 13
Dr Thornton & Ba
1 Twaa the last night of the year.
muing in my chair on things new and o
at Fancy with busy finger spun the web-,f
Ki:teiing thought. It seemed to me asjji
1 were in a half dreaming, half wakil,
situation, and rather unconscious of thitiS
passing near me. uhl-c, uj wm im-
Ukerated Sore Throat
It is well known that, if iiejjtectet,,,.
complaint invariably leads to Consum
If those sufloring from this disease
pply Dr. I rask's Majnetic Ointmen. ln
would find immediate relief. Fur ful his
iculars, call on the Agents, and hnr
pamphlet. :
Sold in Lcwisburg, wholesale or r
V Thornton Si Buker. Price 25 mims
cts per bottle. s ind
was a beautiful coltacc thut crowue.l thai '"'I trust to Csod. and all wi!l be ri" Tit
summit of a sloping hill, at the bottom ofi ' f"-H oa co.na to ilain your hand and
which a mountain stream pjrsucd its r. ind s shall live I...pni! y and rcccfully to-
ing path until it was lo;: ia tiie n.'cejsos of! gel her. Xoo jc-j not I've st,'c!c. yor.
the lores'. The cottBje was neat and j der grove4fir tl.3 site cf cur ouiiin.er ; jjj.
pretty. It was of plain white, with a porch ' dence. L-ut csa I cct liavs soir.!ibing to
of the same color nearly surroundirg it.Jremembor you in the dark l ours of this
A beautiful lawn, e.MetiJing far back. J ' horrid vr,' r.i yc-j -"re plib.ied to call it ?"
gradually descended until tt ier..iir.::lcd in . Tl.o .r.aijea lepiU-i col, but tckii.g from
a quiet, silver-sheeted strccm, which added under !.er boJJie a miniature, be prretin
beauty and softness to the scene. The ted it to him.
of a take with hhl canues nd im,f:'.jcs .
o.-irs-. .,
- 11 v;
I;ut too scene ;:-s cn-.rrd :n t.i:- : :-j
I).iv!ii;:.t iJanr.3 -.'pi n I..
n r .iit tl.c s --; il !t
o.i i re ii.ev, t!n-
bsroi Leliid t!u'r. (.'Cerin-; a lo
o hoaven. they riL'l ir:to th? eorrp r.l
liaVX izZ?iLi miiSi- Jut m'
1 he oM tMaiii)fitI.,i
Filling vj) Again f v
,,! rr.!e ol
'Ite n
C.'fCOI'i. The ravages of this c
disease, which annunlly sweeps so I
thouaHnds of interesting and lovel-ghi
here for no li"ht purpose. Seek nr. lo
know the reason. Look and reply not ex
cept when the enchantment require it.
Thou beholden in me S.illadino, the Gre
cian Astrologer and Alchymist of Time.
d'd I raise my eyes, and look around mcj Young man! answer me. Dost ihou wish
The room appeared as uual the roaring I i-urn a lesson of wisdom from the pant.
of the fire in the oval stove was as loud,
cheerful as ever. On my table the
wide and gaping mouths of stands of horn,
"seemed like the visages of the hobgolins
that I had read about but never seen. I
glanced at the old-rahioned and quaintly
ahaped cluck in the corner. The hour
hand pointed thfl figure X. In two hours
more, thought J, old Forty-Nine delivers
his valedictory, and I'ifij- ml
aidrest. A-h of regret escaped ine.
I dterf my chair near the fir, ;for it was
coKTr leaned back against the wall, and
aooo found ray self ia the same mysterious
land of thought.
I thought of home, of pleasant scenes.
JT joyful meetings, of bounding hearts, of
sweet and smiling faces, of things most j
joyous and exhilerating. Spring, Sum
mer, Autumn, and Winter scenes all passed
before me. I recal'ed my whole life.
(low I was a little urchin, sitting on a high
stool, listening, and feeling, the admoni
tions of a learned pedagogue, whose height
of body and cane corresponded. Then
again I was skating along iho ice-bound
pond, as it rang with my geometrical cur
vatures. Then years seemed to intervene.
I was a youth of larger growth, wander
tag beside a fair girl, whispering kind
words in her ear, while she, young, gay
and joyous, seemed to me to be too pure
(or a thing of earth so good, so kind
was she to all. Hut her spirit, like a
winged thought, has fled to the regions ofi
empyrean bliss. I thought of everything
pertaining to my actions, emotions, and
feelings, until they seemed to be a confused
mass of duskv shadows aye, I thought
they were springing into life--real forms,
real facea ; and as they came past, they
appeared to look into my very soul and
read the contents of its mysterious pages.
Suddenly they vanished in a spiral cloud
of mist they were gone !
Then I experienced mingled emotions of
awe and apprehension. My mind seemed
to lone a portion of its activity. The room
fled before me I lost all control over m
thoughts. I tried to imagine where I was,
but could not. I was borne through the
".I knew not whither. Some powerful
impelling agency from without, urged me
on. At length I found mysell in a strange
and mysterious situation. Everything was
changed. I looked around and beheld the
four walls of a cell. A b'azing fire shot
i's fitful crimson far and near, while the
pine and knotty oiik laid thereon crackled
and hissed quite joyfully. No light save
tt.at which emanatej from the rude hearth
'one, was seen. In the unearthly glare
it tlirew around, I could see that the walls
abounded with glistening curvature made
hy the slimy track of numerous snails, and
that here and there the green moisture
the present, and ihe future? Think, be
fore thou sfieakest. I give thee one half
hour to contemplate. Till the expiraiion
of that time, larewell !" So saying, he
vanished from my sight.
Now ( bought I) 1 can learn something
jessamine and the honrysuokb, the- s-.veet
briar and the haw-thorn, contributed :o form
a cool resting place for the thoughtful ahd
As I looked, I thought I saw the latch
of the vine-shrc::iiJ c'oor raire. SuiJen
ly it flew open, cs.J s rri of si:::ei.3 sum-
" This," ts aJJei. shall be a talismsn
to ward o'S t.'l fear. This s!:all be worn
nfw and valuable Medicine, now
X iw'd :v th medicul profession with
such ntti.nihing fTi.-acy in Ihe cure of
Vulimmmy Cuiuumfjt.'on Scnifuta, C'hn.ni:
Uluamalmni, Hunt, gcitcrul DtbHily,
VoKipluinlt if the K'.dii'yn,
Ac. tc. is prepared from ihe liver of tire
CyUJ-1- IM I for meuiciual use, expressly
r ..,. fl..-. t ... '!.,. -r our sa let.
, - . , ",, , ' , 8 are Exirart from ihe ln l.,n Medics! Journal.!
i sciii asrri.a, i.i : -.a uoi i.i a it'.ve : C J U William. M. U.. I'.K Profrasor of
..Liny a.i eye is vIjiIi i! in d i:!i. . I trv Mnlicine m Lmveritv Uollta, I.ixiiidn, conul-
, - i : i i. . i.ii I? 1 "S l'".vi' ia'i to ilm tlnintiil .r I nn-uniu ion,
' I f , ; I ne jirrserihtsl ihe in abote
htir.Jred Lra 3 ArwiU'.m lis il. HiI ;ti t' j tour ln.n.lrcl re ot lulk ii nloiis Jisrare of the
h: 1 nf h-f' A r;n.ir '.-.unit ih r v Lung in itill.rnil lasM,wbich have been un.lw
. , tr '' '"e 'a' two ve.irj anil halt In the
lcr. flluRI'lT-iy .oi.'il utio"iii:.i '"fl I liuinlx-i of ra-, 2'.'6 out ot 2.14. its OTe a,
. , v , ! i'ig i il-'pree in ilitr. rert rcst'S. from a le.-n-
Tne scen3 eaaia c.-5t.e. Yor.i.r ,p's ,.-.,, :all;..i., of iue v,. of ih.
grave jard. Cm spot attracted rr. o":rifl.,, ; ""! " "'t'''1!"" of iiwre-m? vmtoni. up to
tion. !t wca on.amrn'U with a n .. " " -it""
tcmbstono of pure itiartle. The
namei ,. ,.((
Aktiii-r ard Mnv" f,.;,'lfl
tell the sid erorj n-h:!e utiJerrrjth. sr-i e f(.-r
dear friend hes inseriJ, I-i Vit'li t!i-
were not divi jeil."
Kj' the M.'"!; !an."yas one.
next to r,y heart, and render me iavulne- n,-,t teil vocr (nr.une V
raie :o ins cr.emy s Soots." y,., .p j,,) yy,
"Artliurl" taid tiia waiJon, -'it has!
teen my custom from a child :o i.-ivc'; !
'1'i'ie ffiert of die Cod Livei Oil in iro-t of
t'irre nst-s t v, ry rrn.arkakle. IIvi-ii in a f, i
i!-.v tl.s rju;i milijlnl. ihe riec orati -n
dminnliftl in ,j i u.irty ai J ..parjiv. ihe i.ihi
wi.it re.rd. ti.e pulne lscun aluArr. and ..r
l ttr tnliimr. ar.J :he .ic;iit... lrh and !i-ncih
rrc gnitiu.iiir i;i ; nvni.
TOST respectfully inform tb'i f.'l
i , the purdicjha.t thei are now leceiv-
ing their usual sapply of
ISerchmuUzei - vi
ca'culated in qnali'y, price, atil qoant'tfy J
to supply the wants of the trading rommnvV .
nity embiacing --'m'r
iiardware, r
Queen.sware, Fish; . '
all of which are tflered on our uul
accommodating terms for (.'ash, Produce,'
or jood credit. , , ;
We invite and hope to merit a eotitimv
ance of (he very liberal patronage hereto-'
lore extended to us.
j. St j. walls. v
Lewisimrg. Oct. 10, 1819
TT7ILL commem-e on Monday, ihe 22d V
f V o( October. Instruction will he eVii'
as heretofore, in all branches necessarv lo
a (hornugh education. F.xer i-e in Com.
position and Declamation will h required, ai d
trut allcn'ion will le l aid lo the lu.n.aiion ..f
u..L- nuuj in me jruiiKf-r n.fabeiv
uf ihe nrhor,!. The irpulatimi uf ihs iLMiicfion
il! t-e inn.le to real, not upen (he nurutrr, tul
urnn iSr pifirress of the atudrnU. The nbscxi
ler ia not alicitus for a K-huol of more than M
o-jiu'ir acliulara. Terroar lor LaneQafe. Sfo :
ths Llssir.g of Cad upon every undcita-j jvc J'-d
mers presented heiself. As s!:e .:nf;ered ki.ig. Let us kneel down nrd sitpplicole
on Ihe docr-sico, ! hd c. fine c;;iortun:ty j tlje tl.ro.in of Grace.
to observe her, C!:3 was hasi'ed a
plain robe, which Ca:.1 clseiy to her l eau-
Tiicy knelt oti the grwn scd. Tiie
:.ai''eii's lia.ids were crossed uoihi hrr b
tilul hycrc, nc f.eihp.3i.3 of t.;e .v.o.-n nd her n.- .-...' i..l ,
ing ait had !.' t bic.j of health on '.eri I coeld hear no snacr!. fc.jt t.-i in-1 f-m
cheek, f ler -, hft lo. r and ui' ..-icVd, iier ror.-eslneiS of manner she n as'ab'.irg
fell griccfuiiyever iicr tuck ..?d slic jiJ.rs. ihe favor of Ur heavenly Father u,m t!:e
. ... .. i . . 1
u iv.ii c. mo u.c.ivit joi. C .ie was a pcr- youth beside her. -s si;3 tlo
oi, . J V'-u know ii T
was i-isA. . o:sTijr.Nr, itunat:. f.i).
."AT:i '. nr I lives f f rl!i'ir nJ V'er
y c": :i, too wi ll !ios-r i
In t'iim l'ui,.ii I rrpeat tat the pure frS Oil ! f'M 'hi? higher Kncli-h. 'is ; and for ihe coirnn
i.ngna DiaatDea 5it per aeasinn of 21 wteka.
J KAMfOf.PH, rrindtaJ.
Iwisborjr, Oct. 3, 1849
I wiis stnriled from ,.iy irv. tv
exc!aim!iot: of my r u m r-nm ovt.-ii
" I wish ycu a Uipny New Ve..r !" G..
pra;.!, .'.'if r-e.'i'r '. 'hit von mty, iiur,:j s
tho remuiiiiicr of this jerr, n j. y ue &--blessing.
nal-il cf i-.-auty. There eeemcd
above my fellows. I shall be enabled ioj kome'l.io:; .3 er.c!.s:'t;L' r tiie losurej of
pierce the mysterious clouds which sur-j !.ar face, t!:ut ;; -.-ared ii''e an a.igel
round the stars. This will be grand and c( ):t,i. ThemaiJdn lir.t't.-cd still leaver.
ooied from its rocky surface. The ceiling
wasjow and thickly clustered with many
Colore3nd quaintly shaped crystals.
t0 While I.siood musing, a jarring sound
.t..ttaj winf An ased man en
"iiim ciaii'vu - - O
lered, I knew not.how. Though bis coun
enaniMf betokened extreme age, jet his
form looked as tough and hardy, asslraigbt
and supple, as i ) ouog forester. Hi faco,
enchantinH : !i will be Uax.iin." and oi..
rious to behold. But (I aslted rnE?lf) is
it right that I should penetrate the future,
and seek toknow my lot? I endeavored
to recall myself to my usual clearness of
mind. I had half a mind to deny th
pleasure, when that same voice again star
tled me by its impressive lone, saying,
oung mnu ! the time has expired.
Art thou willing to behold my incantations?
If thou art. speak.'' j
Hardly knowing what I did, I answered j an(
in the nflirmative. Instantly, us if bv
magic, everything was changed. 1 was
no longer in a hermit's cell, but in a spa
cious saloon. Its walls were hun aroui.d
with beautiful paintings, evidently tcuchsd
by some master hand. They weio prin
cipally oriental scenes, and oi such a d irk
and mysterious character that 1 could not
divine their meaning. The ceiling was
high, and of a circular, concave shape,
lis surface was most skilfully carved, gild,
ed, and richly inlaid with Mjsaic work,
In the centre of the dome, there sparkled
a large, dazzling ruby, whose crimson
rays shone on all below, bathing every
object in gorgeous profusion. Interspersed
over this high and splendid concavity,
glittered myriads ol gems, whose commin
gled rays, darting downwards in different
directions, presented a sublime spectacle,
Around the room hung wreaths of the
most beautiful flowers that could be imag
ined. Their delicious fragrance filled the
whole apartment. My feet trod a splendid,
ly carpeted floor of Turkish manufacture.
Silver and gold lamps were suspended from
different parts of the room, ln the centre
of the apartment stood a golden cmser,
restiuz on the purest of all marble. This
was dexterously carved with numerous
mysterious signs or letters. From ihe
censer a smoky cloud ascended in broadly
expanding waves, shedding a spicy per
fume on all around.
I was not alone in the apartment. A
short distance from me stood the diviner of
my late, clad in a blood-red pelisse, curi
ously wrought with letters of gold. His
long sleeves hung loosely down, displaying
a wrist encircled with burnished steel ; his
long white hair was gently parted over his
white and expanded forehead, and confined
in its place by a circlet of silver, at the
frontlet of which sparkled a diamond of
snow-white brilliancy. Stretching his
wand horizontally, he waved it three limes
in the air, muttered an unknown language,
and directed me to keep my eyes fixed on
a burning censer awinging before me. I
gazed in mute astonishment. The blue
moke curlud. gracefully upwards, and
gradually filled ihe room. Salladino di
rected me still to keep my eye on the shad- j
owy, perfumed vapor, ihat surrounded me. ,
4 UnElh ti e ..jr.d of footsteps fell faint
ly on iny tur : she .Vpcr..ed to listen very
attentively, ind as trx snatid increased her
swly fOFC, -
Artli; r imprinted a kiss yptn his let-nhej,
levied ;n!a the snjjr-j, u. eons t!.o soiitid
cf his horro'a l.oofj d.ed in tha receC3 cf
lbs lOiet.
j j
Vfco fjmes of the fsno'-.e now Len to
vanish, and scna r.a
Iiiog'M it ha'h'
'!F " vf'T
OhB "icir alas! wb-it
soer. I
D.-.ys f'2:;g:.t v.ith j v, days frao:;!.i wiili;
gri'-f. ' .iv.- ; ' ,iJ(
The pear.-? ol God w.lhm c.:t hca-tia !"".)
reined, . j
His 6r?ii!' s h.v c!nvred uj and His fro -.vis i
iikvo pi ined. 5,
l"im Urn l.ivi-r i.l ihe i.,! i rme l-ntfii il in
tlin "j-Lit iil nl Pt;.nor.i-T t 'ftns'jn.(.tii,n ihnn
uy f-ciil, ujtuitiiK-l. UKIttic rreuurncl, that
bus jet bru eaij.itfd "
As we hV made arrainemenla to pro-'
t u'e the (Jul Liver O.I fierh from hea-l
quir'ers, ft ran now I- had chemi.-ally
put-", bv iho si'tgle Wtle or in b..xes i.i"
onr? d'.J. n each.
IlS wot.rf.., fu, e.'Tlriev hn-t injured nitm-'
t-ro:i spurious tmi!a:ii't. As i's surccs
depen.U entirelv on its j.'iri'v, tlo much
rare c-n not !,- u-e,t oi on rurimr it r.rvt.
ine Kvery boi'le t,!.vir.2 on it our w ritten
signature, rnnv be depended on a genuine.
Iniiiilets cn'ainni an analysis r.f the
Oil, with mi!.-.. ol it I'rr.rn ihe Mdical
J "it nils, will be scut to those who address
lis tree of posta.re.
Wholesale Ini2insi and hi'mists.
,,28 IU0 ,orih Tbird St. PhiladtlpKa
Cheaper than Ever.
rt"1HE aubscFihera have (he pleaauretn annoejsc
X 10 'heir ild rustomera and the public in (an
eml ihat they h..e opened a larp. ,nd , plendid
a.-M)rtmeoi ofTOBACfiO jfto .1 .1,. i.i
stand on Market alreet f, .rn.nl oceu,..ed hf han.l
Ammnna aa a Tailor ahofl.
Their entire .lock fc,'beea aeietted wHh areat'
car and Canaieia nf
Clsarj-F.-sgrancia, La .orma. PrimaTtwa.
Prmcippe. Werner' Rgalia. Ca.lello. Genefal
I aylor. Half Spani-h. and Comn.on.
CatCndUll Tohnrfn-kl.k..'.-. ni..L
Fat, Congieaa, Oiouoko. Brauth tlug and
Fine ful.
Tobacto-Cut ud Dry,
t."ge, l:e bo;i!"'iJ lrv!:!lv
xt p.o.nest v.c
Ii.. .1 ie 3. du!r, '.
.a in ths srr.-.s of :
on our mifts im
gj it niiiif
1 10
Dosom rose ..J .l w.in er.cilemer.! : l.erl f,-w dyi. unLars lying within Ihe centre
eyes gre-.v ii;iens:y lri;?!;i, and a srr.i'e lit I of the censer.
up iho feature cf I.er .'.cc. No -. sej alindm.j ci;a'e..-..ue tvns uarufjlerl.
srene prcscsicd i-eif. A yoacjj jr.. 11 ,..fi Tahirj .'.0.;: a .....icealod rhejt two ntir
f.no figure, tires ?: i-? t.'.s i.'o.-in cf an, ,c-..-., ha oada r.ie '.ak-; :.. and. look ihere
onVer cf li.. :r...y, n;prL..ol.? J rfiy m i.,. ( did so, liat taw not bins bur its
horseL..vk. Arrived ia nf c t-t caiialieJ airfare. Th..n laki..-. tV... .;. M'tM ! 9
! ;r,.-r. a via!, died wi Ii a bluo i i lid, l.ejOne
1st iiill upon it two drops, acd bat'e me I
look a second lime. 1 did . j01'
Tt knnaAr.,1 . ,'P 4' . 1 . V. T I I
i.hm as o , uoiiid:r in:i: rei . , . , ,.
r . ,. 1 nave ftr.de.oJ bcc.i oy .od j rrrvjtcnou
Irnm tliut is u n.cii n.nproceJiDg scene was I , .,.
Or.a ye-r--its varied .orne9 who can ci'
scr:iie T
fly .toBw e.i-r iiopes were fed, by surra or.
;B,itf-irK' fr.v have
j pifs-rd
! This tfiiii Joys co:
I bc-hed !
s is t a-ai a .-vjtv ajes
".: "tirj (ricrs ? t-ica v.ero .vo:
to meet,
'ss t;;.j !,i.riil h.iiir in cr.r.v-r-;
6 .Vf I't
ccar.ed in !.".! it
Gfcii'i.ict.ng. L.u:;u, ,01.8 grove3 n. dan-'e
trt.j grea.k-d my tyes. Th.c jhcut :
...s wr.rnier ar.J r.ior.?
i .
Wet a.tin
iun oart.,
the niaiJen. Gazin .c.i irl in his face.
she sjid, will, fojjjisii imile,
" Arthur, 1 !iae lez wi.i.i.ig for a full
half hour; you truit !ca:a ;; be more rg
ulcr in jour aneadance .'or the future, or
you tv;!I 1-3 subject to a repriir-.- j 'r-?
t "ill r (.I'nnr , i il 'r ...... ' yv . .
..y,. v-Kit-i. p,a;;li rje:ic;0-.s Rd-iia ar.-j frr. .ant j-ne i or r nrrl hopes -ovv cherished rim
.iy, Mary, ho. j...rl,cij:.ir yua have fWe, , wv,e ia tbsnda.-M. A toid.l 'n ' '"t'.f.t
i ., , :--iiI wnri i.'.ulion uiiiini. nor rust
i v....r wonad u.-ound I re ' ot'om
; of a m;i3!ic hiil.aad laved itd c.-ecit t.iiilii. ?-. .v.,n:r.K.t.I,' t i . ...
rand. I.a pausoi a:. J lor.hed scsrc.ng. j Fr-.r ia the distanci x-id ba seen tho ..iats J striven,
ly in ihe face ol the fair c.eat.-.ra ..ho't." i tl in. dc.-.o-iiv. i:!it r.Im t.t .-r-i.r,, hile earth a ear h.ah lost. out's iaiuar
stood before Ihii. i t:,.-. hmw: -r. .,r.4 -..., -i : i to te.ven.
'1'IIE subscriber wotld infirm the Gen
JL t'etnen of Lcwisburji and vit-iuitv that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, nex: door to the Post OiftVe, where
he will carry on tiie business of Cl'TTI NO
AND MAKiXti garments as usual. Work
inndo by him warranted to fit. Produce
received in sayimnt at niHrket prices.
Je isbtirr, Apr l 'IT, 1-4-s
raHerlaMo. Ac.
MlltttT-K.tp-.-e and Scorb,
tlr of 'ie-ar rases ,11 0f . h.-h ... -., i
Ihe Inwesi rale. All kin.U of Produce taken in
eichsnse. t:.l. e,. ,nd juil(e for ,0I1,M,,
before ronilrmi.in-r ihe arlielea
1. J. I Li.l I, -
I.ewi.l.urc, April 21. 1(519
Office Hemmed.
f.ttrisbnrg, fa.
OFFICE, on Second St., lately occtjptetf
bv L. K. Christ, Esq. '
April 110
New F a n dry
it.'Aiiin I 1" I .. : i . '.i.;l HIT :nnir.n : iirn r a-1 . itMiF
e.uwu. n.v,i.g e.i jr,..er sj:c-: siiett i v...:-r wonad u.-ound tia- ' ot'om ' . -: .
Ihe p.esen!, 1 have ccme on a evrions cr-
houscs xvero t'raad hsr.uti.ul cor-ii os
" i"ou have coma lo to to . .' he surrounded liiem, asd rows cf trees spread
could go no furthsr. a rjelighiful ehada along the siue-waik
o oiu jou iarewe.1 " interrupted iic.i Rcfbre me roe n troid level surface, ex-
Thc maiden's head f;ll. Nought seemed
to interrupt the silence of :hst company,
save the deep drawn sighs of cnguish ti.at
escaped from the breast of her w!io leaned
on his manly shoulder. At length, slow
ly raising her eyes, they encountered '.he
features of her lover, while a joyous smile
heightened the deadly paleness of her fea
tures. Brushing the tears from her evej
lending as far aa the eye coj!J iwo, and
here and there n;ij;it Lo feca occasional
clumps of trees ca who.-e braoehes birds
of varied hue ti'2?d their tliroa'a to strains
of lofiy mueie.
.'.t icpiL. iii the dim instance, I saw l!-a
t;:;:?.rir'; tulies of t!i3 deadly iilo ia ti:3
..andj of men. T.'iey ojvs-ced. As ;hey
re.'.rri. r...r. sfl.-r rr.:rr nf ihn ein.-.n
I 'l,r
One Tear when next nprtm its sand.s arilic
to! I, icy
And home 's hf nr'hs welcome from the bf s
ting cold, , rst
Mny health snH friendship joy' g7 wreat'
entwine, I
she drew her form up beaulifully erect, Mrd r.ppearcd lr Lo waiki jg i.i a eca of silver.
olt :n . ... r. i .. . . -v.... ! . ,
",u oooij (ici3unic roai -, uu cat. t.rcc; in :c;ni, !i.ry pasred jy ire. i ney
not you will not leave me V j wi8 thsan r.-La fcr:rs cf ycaih an J
iiary, tie replied, " you know that I j bcct;ty. 4-.s I gartej vpzn i'm I saw th?
love you better than anything ou this
earth ; but my commands are imperative,
and must be obeyed. My company k l.o
slart to-day, lo capture some brave Amer
ican prisoners who have falltn into ihe
hands of the Mexicans."
"But you wi'l not leave me ycur be
trothed oh ! this horrid war this sunde-
rer of dearest lies and happiest friendship
this fell destroyer that bathes everything
in crimson gore this moral simoom ihat
sweeps with fearful violence through mir
land, and makes it resound with yells that
almost rend ihe firmament, and deluges it
with the tears of widows and orphans!"
Mary, know you not that my country
calif e above valuable Medicines nre pre
T. ! only bv Dr. SYVAYXE, N W corner of
A l''X . 1 I) . fc.. OL.. I I I . 1 "
9Pu mu ivco auejavs j uitaueiiuia.
,or f .Igenh for Union County, Pa.
brijW Srhaffle, and Thornton &. Baker.Levt isbtirg
MU and . -y
Wihon. " uc",n
I dt9pecht,nesveTtnwn
j, J Boyer,CenMril!e
KOcnnure9elinr e
'timith.Monaet'e Titlev
thaibKellOT.Navy Inland
B Mench, Millershure
I.. A Tevior.Mifllinbura:
Wilt Eiien, Mef.letoa
SamI Haupt
Xounpmin & Walter,
t'rv Valley
B & Summera.Freehnr
ptr.ly teau s,,atkiin o ij-cir cheeks
raihcps et the lO.mer.-.brunc- .if a fond
Err.lLcr cr sister whom tl.3y never might
t-4 r.gsic on thia earth or perhups their
thoufitj ve.o ci i'or-!j L-L'ticiilm J one,
whom they h-d left i i ths L: ea?t. As 1
survyeJ li.e d.cauli.l signt, I thought cd"
the dreadful ccosequcaces. I trc.-iblrd, arid
wished to be fir aay. Cut it was decreed
otherwise. The arrr.y halted, and ca
cauqred. Soon the stats and stripes of jh
Americans ascended, fappiug against li;9
stair, causing it (o b?nd and creak from
head to foot. At last it reached i'.ie top, i:
freshening breeze sprang up, and it swung
in the air.
fonder, men are scon fitting sabres to
Sir sides, end softly and silently equip-
aag themselves for the fight.
nach man ia soon at bis post. All is
"Vit Sl.lllK;i-J it.oo nlnn,. .U'
i till" .j ....j iiiuie aiuug un:ir
rts neat wiiuiy.ana they grasp ihe hills
T S now carried on as usual, at the upper
J. end of M.irket street, where everv des
cription of CASTINGS ' ep on
hand or made lo order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
. I'ookin.!; Stoves,
or eithrr Coal or
Wood 1-anl all
other kinds of
.'ad f u-re-raved Virtue brightly "rot;
Fhiae !
,1 vH
Truellng Sa Get!.
Ti .u-. .l . .
i K.cu .jti aceurn in, yei lucioawin.
last alter the F.evo'.jtiona'y wr, tii
v. James Fitiiey, of vV'estmortland. .". ;
one of ;he pioneer clergymen of Wes".
rrn Pennsylv ,a:a '.lc:crmiiieJ to crni iiw
Aiirgr.yr.iej uu-i g.i to New Jersey ft
busiitsa. la
Xo Home .'.I;csioiwry Gocicty vas thi i.r
in existence ia this country, am? i-c.-i-.por
quently ro such assistance vaa a.Tir.-tlri''r
I ) feeble and sutte.' chtirclies.such as wei
.'h.r r-fk"!r. Finley. Diity liuve
clieJ I.i.o lo go, and relying on a kin
iVovidenee, he st cut on his journey -.riil'S
a single doll?.. :n h's pcil.et. On his war a
he tailed at an Indiaa cM., and I'ojii,)
there an Indian woman who could readme
-.id .was desirous in procure a C:b!c.
Thn Bible Soirir.ty was cot l-.en formr-d,'
and tta eh.-apor.t edition of that sacred 1
book v.-aj worth cr;3 dollar. VVhr.t coulJ 1
ihe precchof do T He was aa.xious to give"
her a Bible, yet had not ona to fpare, and"
she had no money. Should he give hor'
the only dollar in his possession, and per.-
nyless pursue liia journey T No. that
would be imprudent ; he would not tempt.
Goo. So pointing her lo the Savior, he
6'idehcr a Jieu.nnd slni ted onward. Whc.u l
ent kinda Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Eelf-Sharpcning Hoash,
1 he subscribers respect
fully iniorni the cinzena
of Leisbtire und vicinity,
that they have conianced
the above business, at M.
U'sx Hate's old shoo on erf
St. one square south of Market, w here they
are prepared to Iron Buggies or Waggons,.'
and rrafcs all articles in their bustnees in
the most workmanlike manner, at prices
which I hey hope will induce Ihoae wishing
anything done in their line to call and
judce themselves before going elsewhere,
liepmring done on the shortest notiee
An. I rn mu..n.l.U ... r c -I
""""": fiiKs aiso jaoiri
i,...k ; ... . .
i o i a rry uiipor ant mat-
o-r uiose ir.ai nave valuable "aV?"
I, lL.tl. . V.
."t--, nnu siioniu oe entrusted
only to persons of know n skill.-
e li.itter ourelvi rhi u u ... 1T .-
' nit- lit
a new amrle. and uhirh ran not ho l.i
in Pennsj Ivania. Call and ee and tud 'e ''""l"'" "''h nn-v P?rson 'he country in
o.iiH-nig norses : we ask only a rrial. an.
SBd Bf aJtoiebMpm gnicrtlr ty 200 1
he swords will terrific eacrgy. Now about half a milo f.cm the house, and sti'.!
I tread the bruit's which crackles rader (thinking of this poor womnn's destiiutionsi
c leer, taat akioa o? i the jlj Wawi iit si Oi4r W&r4, hi resolutic '
for yourselves.
Iwisburg. Sept. 22, lis 19
Fkstl and winter
TIIE sulisx-rifir-f has just received his
siock of
Goods embracing iM irsual' variety
such as
All of which are oflvred cheap for Cash or
Country Produce.
Lewisburg. Sept. IS, 181
''PHE subscriber has on hand and
J now receiving from Pittsion
mokin," Best Foundry,
Lump, I Broke
Nut, and Pej
CO.VIi which will
rensouable .term.
let ihe work show for itself.
Al! work warranted. Iran' and all kind
of country Trodare taken in eichnnge.
W e hope by africt attention to business,
and n determimni-nh to sail all, both in
work and price, td receite a liberal share'
of public patrrmage.
lywishtirg. May 2'J. 1819
Harrison's Columbian Inks,
IV'jVm' JT".-Co'in- "k'"lf. Blue. Ia.
1 eVlilde.Wcarl.Kcd,,-,fin. 1 Ink,
now more fre,y fron, lhe Hen,,ni eiT,, Mron
and more durable color than any other. For
in any qunntitv by
lirmr;. fioon Ca. Pa.
rlASrrsh c,ntn "n,,
S.XJl.kJ lea from the -errraed
establishminr or M'Calmont & Bond. Tor
C AST-Steel. Amer. Blister S-eel, XailJ.
Spikes. Locks, La(CheS, fr.n.s en,,
J5crews, &.c. for sale I
ly ii I J.n wi e
JjIM, 'lit.