Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 19, 1849, Image 4

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    IjUWISBUKC chronicle and west branch farmer
A Duklist, who fancied himself to ba
iMuhrd by Yankee, who bed woo Ihr
tfsciiont of hit sweetheart, quiljhe room
with the ominous' words, "You'll hear from
m. Si. !
"Wal. dew," Mid the Yankee" glad
no't : write once in a while. We thail
Her be glad to har from jrou. Dew lt
U know how jou'ra gettit.' along '"
There w said to be a niao in Mississippi
ao thin that he cuii'i make a' shadow.
rE subscribers are now publishing an
riega.il eagravrng of tlw
Death of the Rev. John- Wesley,
Xngiet.d in tbe highest stile of lb Ait by
JOHN 8AKTAIX, Eo after ibe celeb-
raied Painting of Merabail Clattoo.
Among ilit; mwiy good men who ht
pent their lives in the services of their Di
rt n Master, tew ever eierted a greater lb
fluent for good than did Ion V eslct.
With high powers ol intellect he united a
gentleness of oSapowitioa which enabled him,
t the same time that he touched the tend
er chords of the human husrt, to convince
the understanding of the truth and import
nee of the holy precepts of the Gospel
which he promulgated. And when we take
iato consideration that his manifold labors
f usefulness extended to period of moie
ibftD half a centurythat during the whole
of this long period ao unerring counte ol
rectitude was mnnileeied in his walk and
conversation we ceft to wonirr at the
Wry- JrigJi degree of estimation witK'Trhich
his memory is cherished, sot only by the
members of the deiiommation.to the upbuil
ding of which his untiring energy and ex
emplary piety so much contributed, but b)
the truly pious of every sect.
The death of Weslev was perfectly con
nnant with the even recmude of his pro
tracted liTe. and adds another to the manv
eroofs that "iLe end of th good man is
peace.' The closing scene of the life of
this venerable man ia tne one iir. nauon
has so happily ch en as the subject of his
beautiful pam'ing a faithful copy ofttbich,
engraved in an elegant manner, we have
thought would be a infincP-la which thoux
(riui woulJ wUh to have framed and hung
Up in their parl-ir. In nrcier to enable sueh
desire to do this to gratify iheir desire,
Mr. Sartam, who stands m the head of hi
profess.! n in the I'niied Stales, has been
enva.e.l o engrave this elegant picture in
IB best siye, and. relying upmi an eaten
rive p-itronHge. the prices have been put so
low that none who den re it need be without
it. The Engraving ia of a large aixe suit
eb for framing.and will be printed on the
feast quality of heavy plate paper, in e ve
ry eupsrior manner, each impression pre
Pting all tre beauties of first chits proof,
end will be furnished at the following uuu
sua II y low prices : 1 copy. $2.50; 3 cop
irs, f600'r- T copies, $ 12.00 ; 13 copies,
20,wVa eopie for thirty dollar!
8 j that memLers ot congregations-and oth
ra by nniting together and forming clubs
Can oMain this most impressive picture at
One dollor and a half a copy!!!
fturrouiidmg the bed of the dmg patri
arch are nineteen figure, representing the
following nersooa.(of many ol whom accu
rate portraits are given from originals of
great rarity:.
s n J n:A;niM
Rev. Aleiemler Mainer,
Rrv. Jeweph Brsdlord,
Mia. Charles Wesley,
fttrsa Saiah WrrJey,
Re. Tb.w. Rkiikin,
Robed C. Breckenbury,
Res. Jnhn Broetllwnt
Rev. Tboe. Broadhrnl.
Rev. Geo. Whitefield,
Rev. J. Edmonson,
M.s. Esther A Roge
liss Ritchie, siteriterde John Horton. Kq.. ens
Mrs MoniMt. ol the nxerutore of Mr.
Set. Jsims Koti ra. Wesley's Will.
Maaiet James Rigers, Dr. Jno Wbitehesd.Mr.
child seven years of We-ley'a Physician
age, she only prison and Biographer.
Bmv lit aj who was A Medical Assouan', to
igen present! lr. Whitehead.
.-. J antra CreighloB.
Agents, for the sale of this fine work of
art are wanted in every part of tie United
States.- For further particulars address
P'jMiihers. Methodist Book S ore.
No. 40 North Fourth Street, I'hiiadelph a.
r7Thi elenant Eneravinc will be I
niihed, wholesrle and retail, by the Met ho
dial B-'-nk Es'nb'ihiiit,200 Mulberry S .
Nev York, and by their Agents through
u' he (Imted State.
The purchasers ol this Engraving, will
plesae near in mind that (his plate haa been
ar;r cd by Mr. Sartain eprely for this
edi iiii and that 'he iu.piessions will.lhere
.. i'I of the first order, and nt such
a ar- user lima sernnd-hand English
p.at,g. November 3. 1849.
lUgi'iler's Xotices.
The t ll"uiB acemuila are to he pr-efiled lo
the (lrphn's t'-srt "f l"lnn c-uiity on !iilav,
4'h Dre inl f..reoi.firmtloii and a'l.is ai.ee:
l'a'il svi .'I John Scliruk. au A dim of Dr
Win H l.i..iir, t'e of lwi-buiK Uor.-'
A ret of J.ICI4S -sniii, Eir of Wm Brown,
late ol t.' in n ' j
Aett nl Jtm Hana, fiuanJiau of Franklin
Vau Uiwki.k, of Miffliiibur ll..ru"
Acct o' A nud I. ItiJiuf , Adiiu -f Thoma.
IflJi g. Ule Hi.ff.l lp ,
Acct of i iiM.iui4 Ciiie'i. h. Adiur I Samuel
f ai'i, Uic ul U a4m g ou I f)
Aci Mt Muia:t-iilli. A ioir if tlei.r)
Ki.ii'.tr. l-sf of lei r Tj.
Jury List Deceuilxr Term, '49
i'Wfr Jurori. (id week )
Union: J h t"iosssne, John Leihy.Mi
rhae- M ller.lnhn Gm er.l'hH Cwley
West B aver : Jno I R-n'g. Wm Hard,
Mictmd Hare, Henrv Jli-t.r
,aver: Jtw-BK.sl,Je Hemlrieihi.l'hil.
i,. M-rk'ey -t'..:re
: G- Sanipael: Sl-n, FrH aVemer,
Jji.. Smelker, U Ktiyder. Reuben lil
Muiiil -creek t Jacob Snvder. S.im'l Y4der
P-rrv : J"',M ',',l,, J wepti hallo
V-.hM.g..n: l.atic I M..er
Peon : IN1"" """h' ' h,"P Kn,
llrile : JCob M -re, lleurj Vaualla.
CbritiMn rhuiire
Weal H-.6M-.: J"'1' Derr,f.'l Voona
ftufrh : VlKh Jme.a SmoMitHi.Jr,
Esi 8-IT..1.. t Jeriwiah Rltter .
i j, Peer : Henry- KM. Charl Km
SUBSCRIBERS to the "University at
Lewisburg" who have not paid their
First Instalment, (due hat January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the same
without further notice, to
By order ol the Board of Trustees.
Lewisburg, Sept. I, 1849.
mm i sun ' '
. A . a BM.ua
idi in t in mats
r.rtei Mm afaoVMaa eeUFVUM CsTSACT.
I iiiipiibi mmrul altar amisaw fmnmimrif ana pa
Miwlnni Ukm l UmgM. and aiaawbara iaMraal
Ir. rsadalj aa aa saaly as Ika rmnfrg Cattad aaala
ia. M
aas cmzva twtrmmuy.
Taocauioa aT caraa of lbs ai WjItm CoaaanpHaa
(alia arm ua altaoM auracaloua alBeacy Si all aimiw
Wairctebl!otaSfMttsaMaaafactof caf.whlek
switprait iba powar w m Ma. staa vaa
M . ... j . f t u .
Ws staaaa fcltewan ssrsMeaieaa a Art of euro, wfclck
(au lu pnne Ike pmrar toaara life, araa When tka paraaa
anaaa to ha ia lha vary last acagaa of esiatcoca. wbra
Si mm ft AiSmm falmaary B!mm is adaiinliliiait ? Ttiia
mmmm dn irk ttood aiaof mrm coald nme mams cvaaa
aa abu md aMdv-ui4 kundrrd of miem
aaarn. and UuaSs of raara ca'lrd CUKSUMmO.I.
TUI8 Cl'Ke araa affocied oa Bha wiu is! Mr. Zisa
Draaaan of ihe an of BtlUuu, Smmag C; N. T.
Mr.. DrkMcui waa pruaoaaced dfimf, and air. Drkrmaa
arm k lar aion of Mr. tomm Wait la yiarm dart lor
a aAiand. aod olW Serial aiafgi'Bla, aapectiaf bia arila
oa!d Mia die aha wm ia lha (an ttmf ot lha diaraaa
mtmck mi 4 and dimtrmmvi and to relisvs hrr
rraai Siiiiaa. aad aake a fing fxlimm am uf . Mr.
lTkrauvi traa prraaadod to ain bar aoaM of - BRNT
boaw arich lha aimmd. aad taa a portion to hia wile a
raliavcd mvr mhm eoatiaaca to tak It until ahe aatotarol
o agiita, aad aha haa owniaaad wtii ar aaai 1$ Jwm
fm aua rtmpmm lor paraeviara.
Mr. DrmaiuM mn lu lha ahoaa fcrti Wora Tana. O.
Vsvm, Kaa.-. of aaiiawa Sa, tMi April, 1K4S.
Tana. O. lovm. Eaq., Jaatica, ccrutW UmI ha kaa
kaoana Mr. Dylrna auny vra aad Caal he la eaa of
hair mmrnt wnky aad maiaiHl cihaaas; aad Mr. Jomm
Wait, lha ehanl apokm of abuac. aba ttttifn cu thm
food chararSrr of Mr. flktaaaa, and that or was Ac
Sjualaiad "its mil tamjmmu, haaia. haard lhaa eitoa apak
aasf hf iyana
Brant's Pnlmonaxy Balsarn
aarrt CO.SsmrTlOX Ost, CWda, 4knm'a a Maad,
hUttimf a LaacK. 'am aa tit KrfM and Sidt, fiyrmi
Sinari, Aarwaa Oaaplaaua. ilaknunra ato Jaat
Oto'ara aannna, Dymtnury. tmaii CaaiatotaU. and ALL
FIMALM WAKSSaS.mnthmmmfmilimmr alalia
The fnllowte(-aMl faMtaraaad fapiiriaai kas kiga
f KcomnH.ld BHANrd MKDICINES :
Dr. H. UIBHAHII. Manfnrd, Cnna.
Dr. J. N. SMITH. Walrrtowa. M. r.
Dr. ROSaMAN, US Haarj attest Brooklf M. t.
Dr. T. M. HUNT, dubara, N. ?.
Dr. GEO. KUAKCIH. Middlrlowa, Caaav
Dr. GEO. A. KOOEKa. Bath, N. f.
Dr. M WHITE, rradoaia. N. t.
Dr. C. B. OALENTINE, Brma. . T.
Dr. J. O. SIIIPMAN, Fajromlla. N. T.
Dr. J. 8KINNER. Hcarf Inn. Rrooklra, R. T.
tar. U. htill'MAN. ConiaaA W- V-
LIFE ind HK1LTH are it the BL001.
Ckmnt, Pmrify. oaat Rertlmtt the Cmuaftsa. aai
aic a-aott hodf mnU ktwt Wl. Tie aioaf awaabraf
a aB rcaaraWs la predate aac mult, aa
Taa. dto lialri i raaalt aad aaVacr wflt ba preducad b
aaa of a trnmUtr ramn, of thia rvainaa saaa eaa ba
Mad ay saa aaa ar a lika aaaaiHy at any othar f mi it
m aaa world, i Saa oar Paaiailm for proof )
Taw tairn ta mhrnUf prepared treat VrvrfaWra.
saraa lha earat. nut ilaliaali. aad laal isantim dlaai
af lha blood, antboal aaaaaf. fmrgmf, aicanaaaj, ar ataak
mthmg. U cJawra, awaaj laaai, waif arefrr, aaaaaa aa.
aaabayslaad, aad (iasa aaai aarar aaal mm aa tolkearbala
BJuirra pcrifiek b roue Ttajca ckapxi
Sato aajf oraar raauady hi the world, bnraaao
af k will eaact a (raator aaaowat of care Sua ear eWW
aMrlA a aaraefenlla. or any other mnedy, ao avnr bow
mwf their bottlee may be. Tbe iaianiaul aarafaae lor caav
eumara to deleiaune. la, aaat aaarA nr. aarefwr rfarl aaX a
eaUer'a wartA af lAu PanAtr predacr. tAaa a daUara mrtk a
Aal aaiaaaanlla ar arArr rtmtdm. We miabt bare aay. abal
aVaala Madataaaa had cared, wilhia the laet year,
100,000 Ptrton ef Impart Bleed Bitrtsn,
uJ 23,000 Cues were esitidtrtd Incurable!
ra are la lha habit of aa.
mg If wa abooid aaa ao. who would brbrra ual TaM
boatoaer.afedoaay.and ataad rrady to proae by raaparf elai
naataara. taat aaAMT jaeaacmEa aava ccenaa cum ol
asore diaaaaaa aa Iivia( havaa heinfa. the paal year, tbaa
aay othar laaaady kt anawnri did dariag the aaojc liana.
Haw aiaah will m Dedlara wartk CUB C f
TWi terra, drrp irm ware eared by aainf mmly leiaa,
buttles ef SYaal'e PmrtJUr.
Taalolloanat le aee onwatiaiiiai eaa aeaiaiiaiin
Saal area eaer aaacua aa a autoaa aaiag, uy
Xltwrid Scrofttla Criired.
Ma. J B. HASanav of Baeat, Oaaaas Or. If. ewrttles,
DaoanbrT SOU, 18M, tbal ba bad baea afflietad with Scmo
m.a loar reera. aad tha laal yar coaAand lo Ina hrd, with
rarsarrv oirya daa. ioAmgim; Lxcsss that hie onck
waa rates aroaod truan ear to ear a hole araa eatea
Saroaah kia Wtrndfif. ao that be breathed through the
kola hie ear was nearly deetroyad aba aaa of hia arai
wa wholly destroyed and aa Ulcer under lha area, as
larsa aa a aaaa'e head, had nearly eatoa Ihroajfh mm hia
Lease that he had seed aa kiade of Staaaraail i a and
eabw andinata, tone aaaAt. aad that be araa set eaaaoed
to Has leeanj Jmmr aears waaa na eoaaanaaeaa naajrr s
brMAK Pvainruea EkraACT tkat nira somas of lha
PaairvrM Ebttsact aaalad aad eared savsimaa of lha
twenty Ulcere he had win be eoauaaaoed aeiaf it, aad
that a fmm aaofaa more enacted a anaracr ccaa. For fail
pararalara of aaa, aad aaany cAhet alailar earas, sss oar
This Wsa4wfal aad Asssatlshlsi.T CPU
daee not ataad aloee aa a anaami of the .neat sjkao
of BaAirra fuairraa. for wo coald gieo alaaoet aaliia
Wrd aeidaoce of other carea, well inmi i. If this wars
woabted. Thia cars is Bernard to by
Foorteei Respectable Witnesses.
By Doer. Taos. War net, one of tbe moat reepec table
phyaiciaaa of Koaac by Mhaars. Bnanxt. LaoajAan,
wboleeale aad ratofl drecftata hy Mr. Oc R. Baowa. pro.
prietur aad keeper of lha Wasr Bosta Movat, and by
airai nlw atinni
Branfs Indian Pbrifier
cares eg bapara diariiat of tka Head, eta.: AeW Haad,
dell BAeuat, Btnanariaei. AVaftwaa. Ftaptoran lae faae
ftUm. BUM. VJetrm. CeMrnraaaa. Mtrtmwm Naaawa, Liaer
Ctrmplmimt. Ieaae aa taa Baca, Jaai, and ZeetaBaak a
Jbaedto laa Alaad, ale, etc
Beware of counterfeits f
Ihsrs is do Brant's insdicines fensrns. hot
aasb bottlrs as are put up in s square package
or shsps. an! on one sqasre of tbe packsta ia a
label on wbib is repreaaiitad a voouf 8qww.
and under where ah stands is a Note of Hand,
whirh trade as follows, vis.
He kerrby promise, far rahte received, to pay
to the bearer hereof Oas t"tT, on demand, ml
our Mediant Faelory in the City of Brooklyn,
N Y. Dated at Brooklyn. 7th April. I8tN."
(bwh tratf is signed with pro sod rro! ink)
, I-. WALLACE t CO."
None cenuins but sueb as bava tba nuta est
Ihe lnltrr.aea aa shoes. '
For b Thornton tt Baker, Lwia
burf; Rawd M'HVon. New Berlin; H J Crones.
Selinaaroes ; l A f C Mover, Freebu'g ; II S
Uackhaine. Middlrtmrf : Wih tt Eilert, Haiile
ton : Antra At Mmch. AiSiiaburf
AH letters and otaVra-iawst he ad.lreaard to
U'allsce dr (Jo. 109; BroadwswpNew York
IwatS' " "
(lASTORand Sweet OM.Lauflanum.Par
J e,irorie.f?odfreN Cordfal.Epsom Snlia,
Raleratua. Cream'TartSr. Stasrb, Opnlelpnr, Bal-4
aaa of Lis, Sal odt, Balaam da MaHha. Worm
I" .' aBSsmanip .UinyVT, IpiWrXtaavxi.X bvwvras rysww,
Ni4ctk Mtfwvu, Mactard. Opran, Muryb
'"-STCV; S-w"...:
HATING takea tbe new Drag Estshlishtnent
of Sekaffit d Chamberlin. I would res-
pectfallv announce to my friends and ins puuuc
thai I have reiilsaisbej my slock and will keep
coostanlly no hand a large, fmh and well selec
ted stock of pare Drags, Medicines dec. whirh I
offer at Wholesale sud Retail. My stuck being
entirely new and pnrchsaed for eai-h at low rates
ia Ihe Pbilad a market, l am enauieu io sen ai
lower prices than ever, offered in this region
Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Med., Glass,
Perfumery.Oils, Paints, Liquors,
Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
Fruits, and Confectionery,
with a large variety of other articles ususlly kepi
in Drag estsbliabinenls. 1 bauklui lor past Hi'
mI naimnaet. I hooe to merit ils continuance.
Persons wishing to procura pure snd fresh
Medicines, are nsrliculsrlv inviled lo give tne a
call before purchasing elsewhere, as sll Drugs
are rarefolly inspected belore onorea ior saie aim
all Uedieines manufactured by myself are war
ranted good. Hsving a practical knowledge of
the business fro.n upwards of ten years ripen,
ence, I flslter myself that I sm a competent judge
of the asms.
All orders entro'ted to me will be promptly
attended to. and my friends may rely upon gel-
tiug eref Jibing of ihe very Urst quality.
C. W. SOU FFLE, l. uggist.
I-rwisb. - 7. 1849
THANKFUL, for liberal patronage hrretofoie
received, respectfully intortns hia old fiieud
sud tba public generally that he has removed his
'tailor fctiop
to the Dasemrnt ol bi II rick dwelling on Market
street, next door above Winy s eauu rty ait
the office of H t! Uickok. Eq) hfre be h..pe. to
suit all wbo may give Inm tlinr i iitKim,
he does all work in bis line in Le In n an.i
laswest style and on short noiica. Hp h.i?
ihe Fashions rr-jrularly, emilos none but
good hands and is determined to keep U
with the times and merit a good sharer,
patronage. CUTTING done to order.
Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in
exchange for work
leaisburg, June, 1519 1270,7
Fancy; Goods, Xollons, &.c.
JUST rece'd a large and splendid aaMiament
of Fancy Goodr such as
ajieel Beads Cold Pencils
Claapa " Pens
j nimbies
Visiting C'srda
Kaxors snd
Walking Canes
Sun Glasses
8,.y "
I'. ctet Mirrora
a Conipaases
Chains 8ilver Pencils
Bead Necklaces Finger Kings
-atin Beads Hair Pins
mber Needle Cases
BuffiloComos Shirt Bullous
Spaniah "
Dressing H
Pocket "
Hair Bruahea
Teeth "
Rusrd Chains
W slch -
" Keys
Cluster Pins
Water Colors
Cigtr Csees
Snuff Boies
uasea sicneis
Nicht lights Smellng Botilea
Dolls snd Steel 1 wecxers
Doll heads Toys for
Csrd Cases Child rro
Port monies Fancy Pipes
Pocket Books Pen Knives
Accordions P.icket 44
Fiddles SiX aiulThretd
Psrlor Lamps Purses,
Cameo -
Together with a great variety of articles not
mentioned in tbe above list, lor sale at l'ie uew
Drug, Fancy and Variety store of
Msy 9 C W -CHAFrt.E
English and German Physician.
1-HO'S A. H.TIIORXTOS, 51. !.,
"ITTHO has been regularly educated in
W tbe University ol Maryland, mid an
Honorary Graduate of Last letun College o!
Vermont, and a Member o! the Medical
and Philosophical Society of 'he Stale ol
Maryland, infers his profes-ional services
io all the branches ol the llealins Art to
the citizens of Lewisbow and Us vicinity.
He has been engaged in llie pracfee of
medicine, in Luzerne county in this Mate,
for nearly thirteen years from whence
he brings letters of recommendtilion from
lha first men in that and Columbia county,
as regards hia standing in the profession of
medicine, and his genera! character, viz :
Hon John N ConvnghamlRev Marmaduke Pearce
Ziha Bennelt
Charles Kalbtus
J H Young
Drs A B Wilm
Thos W Miner
' - 8 H Warner
A Volie
" M Sie k
Andrew Beaumont
"HP Headley
" H B Wright
H W Nicholson. Ksq
Jesse Bowman, Eq
Chas B Boatman, Esq
lies 1'homas Bewmtn
N B. Dr.T. may be found at his efiice
at the Drug store on the east side of Mar
ket St. next lo Walls' store, or at his resi
dence 1st door below Kline's hotel.
Lewisbuig. Jan. 5. 1349
SCHAFFLE has received a choice as
sortment from E. Roussel and J.
Hauel, Perfumers, whose preparations are
Bears' Oil
Pearl Powder
Fancy Sonps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
6zc. &c.
Ox Marrow
Bay Water
Cologne Water
Curling Html
Also a ueneral variety of Jewelry and
Fancv Art icIea.Spectacles.Pencils, Wallets,
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, &c. A-c.
Lewisbnrg, May 13. 1949
alujiWt a&ooftfif.
AFRESH aupply received at the Lewis
burg Cheap Bookstore :
Fiske's Manual of Classical Literature
Davies' Analytical Geometry
Blair's Rhetoric. (University edition)
Comstock's Mineralogy
. 1 he Complete Farmer. I vol. 62J cts
""TiivrNew American Gardener, 1 vol.l
The Book that wilt Suit You, or Word
for Everybody
I can furnish- the a!ve works, with a
itreat variety of other, arrwy Into prices.
May 311 S F I.YNDAI.I.
DR. J N. KEELEK ot BKU. most res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock of Englttn, r rtnen, uerman, wia
American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che
micals. Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, iic
Having opened a new store, No 294, Market st,
niih a full supply of fresh lliugt and Medicines,
we respectfully eolicit counliy dealers to exam
ine our stork before purchasing elsewhere, prom
oting one slid all who msy fel disposed to el
tpnd to u their patronage, to sell ibem genuine
Drugs snd Medicines, on as liberal terms as any
other bouse in Ihe Cily.und to faithfully execute
all oideis entruaU'd lo us promptly and with i!e
spatrh. One of the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine
quality ol all snides sold at tbeir eslabliabment.
We especially invite druggists ed counliy
merchants, who msy wish lo become sgents for
Or. Keiler'e Celebrated Family Medicines,
(atamlar.l sud popular remedies.) to forward tbeir
Soliciting the pstronsge of dealers, we respect.
I'ullv rrmmn.
J... KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Droggists,
Iy284j No. 294. Market St., thtlad.
I he subscriber offers for sale Ornamen
tal Tnn nf pv.ru rlpsr lintinn. nnrticularlv
the European Linden, and Paulonia Impe-
. i i - i ...i . i..
nails, a solenoid snaae tree luieiy iiurouu
rpii from Janan. remarkable lor its enur
mous leaves (lomeiimes two feet in diam
eter,) and large clusters of rose-colored
flowers spoiled and striped within, emitting
r L a -
a trauranre smu ar io me a.iisc.
Ahso Fruit Trees Pear, Cherry,
Plum. Niftnrine, nnH Apricot tree9 at rea.
r.nnl.l rnfsa!l the varieties warranted
! uenuine ; nUn Kol-liouse nnd Green house
I lanN. tnyethi T vw 1 1 Is a VKriet v j t lower
seeds, all of whirfi he will sell l9 low as
il.ty cau Lu purchased m t lulanelphia.
Lewislmrj:, Sept 12, 1819
at lewisbursr
rriHE TRl'STEES of the I'niaeriity at Lew
iahurg would respectfully inform its Patiomi
and Friend, that, in the School under their care.
(at Lewisburg) the following are thsClaases. Pub
jtcla of Study snd Exercises for Ihe current yrsr.
Departments and Sludlea.
Six t'lasars Exercised in Spelling, Reading
De finition. Euelish tirsmmar, Arilhraetic. Geog
raphy, Hisloiy t' S. A., Penmanship, and Com
The same studies as in the Primary Department
continued in the use of larger text books; arid lo
iht'e are added tieni ral History, Davies Algebra
Lrgendre and Surte) iug.
Jun. Aaiilemic Class. English Language,
(Jcograply, History U.S.A., Latin Grammar
ind Ueadcr, Greek urammar and Header com
inrnced. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Arademic Cluss. English Language.
Ceneisl History, Cesar, Virgil, Greek Reader,
Duvies Algebra.
Freshman Clan. Livy.Ansbssis.Memorabilia.
Dasies' Lrgendre, Trigonometry commenced.
Sophomore Clam. Horace, Udynaey, Select
Oiations of Demoaihenea, Lrgemlre completed,
Dawes' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical
Geometry, Blair a l.tclures.
Junior Clws. Demon henes on the Crown
Greek Trsgrdy, Cicero de Olfiriis, Tacitus, Nat
ural Philosophy, Astronomy. Logic.
Students in the English Department recite
with Ihuse pursuing Ihe same studies in the
Kegular Course.
.No class in the Regular rourse, hss leas than
three .l.-il v rrcitstions. All the members of the
chnol, (in three disisioue.) are exercised eery
Saturday in Rrading, Declamation, English Com
position, and Vocal Music
All ihe students are required to attend, regu-
larlv.some religious meeluig. Minors are expec
ted to attend such meetings as are recommended
io thrni by their parenta or guardians. There are
in Ihe Borough no less than fix places of public
wor-hip, occupied every Lord s Day by as msny
dillercui Christian denominations.
Number of Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various departments, was 164. The
number ihst have rntrred the elaaaes in Ihe Reg-
ulr Course for ihe currrnt year (exclusive of
ihosr in tbe English and Primary departments,)
is as follows :
Coluiii. Junior class 6
Sophomore clisa 13
Freshman claaa - 12
AcsntT. Senior class 12
Junior class - - 28.-71
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M.t Professor of
Mailiemalira and Natural Philosophy ;
GEORGE K. ULISS, A. M., Professor of Greek
I.siignage and Literature ;
of Latin Language and Literature:
ISAAC N. LOOM1S, A. M., Principal of tbe
Academy ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. Teacher in tbe
In order lo meet the demands of the Institu
tion, ihe Board have taken measures to supply
the necessary Apparatus for the department of
Mechanical Philosophy, and lo increase the Li
brary, befoie the commencement of Ihe winter
session. During Ihe year, ihe building now in
progress will be completed, afloiding aludy rooms
snd dormitories for 70 college students. Another
Professor has been added lo the Faculty, and
means provided to enable students in lha classes
specified above to prosecute tbeir studies with tbe
greatest success.
Tuition and Board.
TUITION in tbe Collegiate Department f 30,
Academic $20, Primary f 12 per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
light, can be had in ihe village and ila vicinity at
various prices, from $1,37 to $2,50 per week.
Seasloni, Vacation, Ate.
Two Session in a year the former com men
ces on the second Tuesdsy in October, and con
tinues 27 weeks ; ihe latter continues 15 week.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeka ; Autumnal, 6. Next
session begins 1 lib October.
The Board are happy to add that Lewisburg
is at present, aa It ever has been, exceedingly
By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Ps. Sept. 1, 1849.
HAS removed his Waich and Jewelry
establishment to h bouaev opposite
pa yws Store.
gj-Book Agents and Colporteurs will pltatt
to observc.3
I-1VERY citizen of the United States should
li poasess a copy of these works. They are
lha Books of Our Country. '
1 77fa wA r',hful Chronicle of the
1 4 t Vl WAR of American Indepen
dence. In one large volume, 8vo. Illustrated
ilh Seventy Engravings, in handsome Gilt
Binding. Price f 2.
The Presidents of the United States,
Their Memoirs and Administrations:
To which is added an account of the Inaugura
tion of each President, and a history of tbe
principal political evenla of bia administration,
and of the tiansactiona of Congress at each tee
sion during Ihe period.
Illustrated with elegant portraits of Ihe Presi
dents, engraved on steel. This is a handsome
royal 8o, in beautiful pictorial binding. $3,50.
comprising the Lives, Addresses and Mesaages
of the Presidents of the United States,
From Washington to Taylor's Inauguration ad
dress, March, 1849,
With a history of their Adminintrations, and
of each Session of Congresa alao vaiious hist
orical, atalistical, and olher important public
documents, and a complete Index, or analytical
table of contents to the whole work. Ldited by
Eds-is Williams, Esq. Illostrated with por
traits of our 12 Presidents, engraved on steel,
from the most approved authorities, and in the
best style oNhe art ; printed on fine paper, and
handsomely bound in emblematic style. It will
alao be embellished with Views of the Capitol,
President's House, snd tbe Seals of the several
States and the United 8istes. In four large 8vo
volumes. Price $10. This ia the citizen and
Library edition.
CjrThe Reference Edition oflhe same
work, in 3 volumes lsrge 8vo, without portiaita.
Price $7.50. This edition is for reference, and
is intended for Statesmen, Legislator, Members
of city Corporations, Lawyers, and Individuals
holding public Offices.
The Republic of the I'nlted States,
and its Political Institutions,
Reviewed and Exsmined. By Aletis Di
TocacEViLit. Member of the Institute ot
France, and the Chamber nf Deputies. &C
In one targe octavo volume of nearly One
Thousand pages. Price $3.
The 12 Stan of our Republic,
Our Nation's Gift to her Youn ('inzens:
Containing the lives of our Presidents, the
Signers of the Declaration, Articles of Confed
eration, the Consiitution, with an historical
nketsh of tbe Americsn Union. Illustrated with
elegant portraits, engraved on steel, and illumi
natrd pictures of ihe Signera. ihe Capitol, and
President's Hoaee at Washington, Bunker-Hill,
Ac. 4c. Elegamly bound. Gilt edges. Price
(Xj'No expense has been spared in the prepa
ration of these volumes of Documents, History
snd Statistics, lo render the same worthy of pa
tronage, not only of Statesmen and Legislators,
hut of the American public generally ; who will
find in them the Tasssuav or Political
Ksowlsusx, and a mass of information.
published by E. Walker, 1 11 Fulton street.
Dr. Dowlint'a Hinory of Romanism to ihe
present time. 50 Engravings, price $3.00
The Guide to Knowledge,
The wonders of the World,
Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor.
Mrs. Ellis's Guide to Social happiness.
Brother and Sister,
Cheever'e I.rcturrs on Pilgrim's Progress,
Chii-tisn Msrtyrology,
Christ's Messengers,
Fate nf Infidelity . or. Truth Tiiumphant,
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1818. elegantly
Odd Fellow's OfTering for IR49, do
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1S50, do
The Odd Fellow Illustrated and neatly
Faith. Hope, and Charity Illustrated, t
vol. 12 mo. Gilt Muslin,
Friendship. Love, and Truth Illustrated.
1 vol. 12 mo. Gilt,
Tales from the Arabian Night's Entertain
ments, Robinhood and his Merry Foresters,
Wreath of Wild Flowers,
Young People's Mirror for 1848. 4io.
2 50
P out Ma iter r. Book Jlgrnltand Colporteurs
Who may desire to ranvass districts for the
above important National Worka. will be pleased
lo address a line lo the publisher, staling the
portion of country he wishes to occupy, and by
return of Mail he will receive a I.IM of Prices.
with Terma to Agents, whi. h allow them a
verv liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER, Publisher, 114 Ful
ton street. New I ork.
Consumption disarmed of its Terrors !
TJ ASTlNtiS' Compound Syrvn of Nap
XI lha a positive cure for Consumption,
Decline, Asthma, and all diseases of the
chest and lungs a single bottle will prove
its rnioacy.
The proprietor not only recommends his
Naptha Svsvr, but warrants it lo cure!
He warrants it to act upon the chyle, and
purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im
pediments which retard the free circulation
of the blood ; he warrants it to onen the
internal and external pores of the body and
eject all Ihe obnoxious particles which have
accumulated in the system ; he warrants ii
as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever,
night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war
rants it to arresi the formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and to heal those already
lormed, so that persons in consumption
may lake :t wild the most positive conh
dence of a cure, for its great seat of action
is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di
reel ions, purifying them of everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, ii
applied according to directions, it can not
fan to leave in a perfectly healthy condi
tion. A"ent at Lewisbure
Get the Best!
ALL young persons should bass a Standard
Dictionary at their elbows. Anil while
yon are about it, get Ibe beet : that Dictionary ia
I'tii nr.esTia s.iae great worh, unabridged.
If yon are too poor, save the amount from off your
back, to pat it into your head. PhrenolotjJour.
Dr.Webater'a great work is Ihe best Dieti.inarr
of the English language. London Morn.Chron.
Containing three times tba amoantof matter of
any other English Dictionary compiled in this
country, or any abridgment of this work.
Published by G St C Merriam.Springfield.Mase.
and ior aale at tne t neap Bookstore of
Msy 30 8 F LYNDALL, Lewisbarg
T)EST Spanish and Hall S.trsh, also
J American uiuaks and all kinds
of Chewing TOBACCO, for sale by
Lewisburg, Dec 4. IA48
FOR sab by ' ..
Lewiibtrg, June, 1849
Annuity and Trust Cvuifaar.
Office, 74, H'ulnut Street, i'hilcdslphia.
IJinrii, $250,000 Charier Perpetual.
riHE Company are now prepared to transact
I business upon Ihe most liberal and advauta
geoue terms. They are authorised by iheir charier
(aec 3) to make all and every insurance apper
taining to life riks of whatever kind or naiuie, and
lo receive and execnle truala, mske endowments,
and lo grant and purchase annuities." The Com
pany aell annuities and endowments, and act a
Iruateea for minora and heirs.
o.$100or the venule term, of Life.
Age. Prem. Age. Prem. Age. Prem.
16 $150 31 -12 09 46 S3 36
17 1 53 32 2 15 47 3 49
18 1 56 33 8 20 48 3 62
19 1 59 34 3 37 49 3 77
30 1 60 35 2 33 50 3 94
21 1 63 36 2 40 61 4 !3
22 1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32
23 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51
24 1 72 -39 2 63 54 4 71
25 1 76 40 2 70 55 4 91
26 1 85 41 2 81 5 5 12
27 1 89 42 2 92 57 5 33
38 1 94 43 3 01 58 5 54
3 1 99 44 3 12 59 5 78
30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03
The premiums are I eaa than any other company
and the ooliciee afford ereater advantages. Mar
ried women and lemale cbildren can insure io.
lives of either a husband or parent free from the
claims ot creditors. Tsbles of half yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium,
ehort terms, joint lives, survivorsnips, enuow
ments and forms of application are to be had at
tbe Ofhce or of the Agent.
Rates fir insuring 100 on a tingle Ltfe.
For 1 year, t or 7 years, r or l.iio.
$0 81 91 160
0 99 1 30 3 04
1 29 1 64 2 70
1 86 2 07 3 94
3 48 3 97 6 03
A person aged 30 years next birth
day by paying the Company 99 eta would aecure
to hia family or heirs 1 100 should he die in one
year, or for 9 90 be secures to them 1000, or for
1 3 00 annually for seven yeara be aecurea io mem
f 1000 should he die in seven years, or for 20 40
Paid T early during life he secures $1000 to be paid
wheri he dies the insurer securing bis own bonus
bv the difference in amount of premium from those
rhareed hv olher offices. For 49 50 tbe heirs would
receive $51100 should he die in one year.
PETEK CULLEN. President.
F. W. RAWLE, Sec'y and T eas.
Fur further particular apply to
A'ent for Vnion and adjoining counties.
Consulting Physician W. Hatx, M. D.
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, IN49
Carefully liepaired.at the shortest Xotice
HE rjubscriber desires to inform the
citizens of Lewisburg and the puLtii
:n gpnernl that be carries on the Hatch
Miking Kiisincs in the shop formerly oc
cupit-d by C.J. House!, where he is prepared
io execute all kinds of work in his line ol
l)UH'r'!w wiih ,.Tr,mpuies3 and on the most
reaso.arS rerms, and by strict attention
to his business expects a liberal share oi
patronage, lie bus constantly on hand
assortment of
WATCHES Patent Lever, English,
and French.
JEWELRY Gold Wafch chains and
Guards, Pencils Pens, nVeastpins.EnrrinriS,
Fingerrinos, Silver Spectacles, Lockets,
Spoons, Thimbles, itr.
Whirh be is determined to sell Vow.
Lewishurfj, Nov. 13, IS 17
rpHE subscrib-rs, thankful for past patro-
nage, would inform the public that they
continue to manufacture all kinds of
Cast Watftr V li pp! of ,he mwt PP"'f
Threshing Machines,
One and Two Horse
. Ploughs.
We invite pnrlioulir attention to a new
article Wiard'i Patrnt C.IXC PLOTGHS, lor
SCCding IB brain, rarniers by Ihis plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day, as
in three days with common ploughs.
and Fining the same. HOLLOW WAKE.
Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
.Parlor, Wood. Coal Stoves.
Race's Seir-rrgulatlngr Air-tight
Parlor Wood Mores, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
ol machinery repaired in the best manner
n,1 rn f Via c -(... ,.. : 1" - .
.... ..... ,vi i... i u"i ice. vuMings war
ranted to be of the best material, and al
prices that can not fail to please.
Letwisburg, fllarch 25, 1848 ly209
Pianos! Pianos.
rTIHE undersigned continues to furnish lo order
j on ine most reasonable terms. Pianos, from
the manufactory of Conrad Meyer. Philed... hose
""" " well known io need any pan
egyric, basing oniforrnlv receive,! il.a
atiOM of ibe most eminent profe.aor, and compo
aers of Music, and the award of Ihe premiums in
wewioraj-niladelphiasnd Boston. For qualities
of tone, touch, and keer.in. in tnr. .
pitch, they can not be eurpaaeed by either Amer
ican or European Pianos.
instructions gieen on ihe Piano, as heretofore,
eterenca mav be made to ana r.r ik
or guardiana who hate pupil, eommilied to hia
Vf He Bray h. aeen at his resilience at Mra
Mam a. Market airewi. I..lw. -i. .
andpartieulara will be msIe known.
' Tba most nnnnlae an.l I---.!.- A J
f ; e-j '"'"li. nira aim .T1UHIC
oi dinereut kinds received aa it is ieaued trora the
dittererrt masieal aeiabliahmenta ia the Citie.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease.
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prma
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Le isWg
by 8. F. Lynda 1 1 J. Houghton and at
this office. Price. 75 cents.
tar XfvsaYeooT Rsao vais i:jwu.t.-T1n u a
Cancapanlla r aala in ttia Sifferenl lown. c'ii S P.
TnwwerKl'e Saraauanlia. Ii la a'!ertecl aa the lltr.L
NAI-. KM 'I.NK.awl all mat. Tlr Towna-ret ia nu
Alnl oarer Srae ; but wan lormerfy a worker in rail.oa i. ca.
aala, and the like yet he af.unir. ihe tule ol I: nor for trie
ouri-we ol rainins ere.til lor hal he . lit rav. ta
haa auendett ir. nu'.liral achnoK and practiced lor Ht aa
Tears' '" Now Ihelru.hu. ha umvtr practiced medicine a
day ill bia Ilia ! Such utlul, mrktd nimanaaniaiioa
looka bad lo the character and veracity of the rci.ui. I waft
Binat aincerely, he bail never made Ihoae auiementa ! turn,
eelf or ol me. When will meu learn to be hne and tru.a
lul in all their uVeilura and iniereourae wh their fcliyat
ten ! He epiej to one K iel Clapp lo ! him lu man
utarturiur hia mixture, autmr the larjre auma he wiuid
make, aa an inuucemenl lo embark in ihe buaiuen. T:m
men have heen iitsuluux and lio-Hin? me in all pwi
form, in order lo imprese the public wen the beiel thai
the Old Ihwtor'e Srm,nnl!a waa re-t the nutn, erretnaa
SttrmapariVa. ma.!e truio (lie IHd Doctor' trirtmai JMe
ate TliieS. P. ToWDecnd aava I have aold the iwe ol rr.f
name for a weeft I will eie hun sru if he wi ; p-
doee one airtele aolitarv prool ol' Ihia. Hia efa:ern.-iire if
Thomtiaon. Skillman Co.. are no .time hu- a u of
falaeh'HKla. .unp.y mailt to deceive ihe pun ic. a! aeey
the truth down in reeanl to hia rjtmrtr. rrrnirru.ng
MMfl. Thia i to caution Ihe pub'K to purehae but
lld Ihr JA OB T"Wiurnd' Saraapanlla. havii.eon it f a
Old Doctors likenei. bia omi'y Coat of Jrwa,aaJ lua
ajeiiat'ireacnMa ihe Own of Artne.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Oirl lr. T iwiiaend la now ahont i'j "ejr. oi y. .e- -M
tons heen ti"n -he A CTHOR an l llKCO I t.REj.
mHSAPAMLLA:' BVuis pnor, lis waa eo.l. la
Iiiiiii namauol.tciuie, b which mean. 11 bia beai. tp-.uw
ol market. ai.d tie -a.c, eirrumrt-lSel to lr.e r., -
had proeJ in worth, an.l knr.wn m J ie. l! ha.! r-ac-.el
tlie eaia ol nuiit. ne.enheie aa ih- rerr.. u CS
been healed i.l -..ne diex-, aB'l rl Wii km,
.airred iu wweVnul
Thlef:R.Nn .M I NF.Qt'.II.I .Ml PHI: PIRATE a
manuuuie.l'wi the l.rr' arale. sikI i railed ' t ih.-j A
uut (V en."h an I breach i le 'aiel. epecl-.ly all
luun'l iiiCiijine u: rfeieneralioti r deternia'joa.
I'iiiiVe iun S. P. Tt'wnnd'n, it irnprorce wi'tt tea.
and ne.er'chjii.-rf. Mil for 'he seller: berauae u r. p :
on acienitr urinr.jJrt r ieinl't num. Tie n.j -m
knowlejje ol t.'.letin.irr. an.1 ihe la'.eet diarnirne. ol aa
art. ha.e ail !er:j i;roin;ht into requl-lTlon in the rrnflil s
luraol iheO.d lr' S..a-riaa. Tie jMa;um:.i r..u
il ta well known to meiiieai men, cea aine nia' me-i:ci.-ja
projieriea. an.1 .me urt.i-Tllea whica -re a,en f eua.
and oihera. whirh II re'aineil in .re.nnj il Mi.hi
duce fermentation and wid. winch V Iniun-.'il aure
lam. Sow l ili ir-'j-eniea S.ir-anl a -e aa m
that thev entire!, ev.iifrate an.1 are .t ihe nreiwraiiaa,
u iner are nui pre rv-e j u a cie.",1e iew, ki. wa
ly Ui" ihose i-eiiei.ee.( in na -ci-ira. X-reo.ee,
trie nattitrtf principr,, w:nch riy of in .f. or a. at el
balailuu. mi-ler he.-.!, arc uic err r'tmria! mtduji fmy
Srrtee ol lha root, which ;ive 10 it jli lu .a.'ie
Anr perswn can bi; or a'ew tl.e root nil Iter ret a
colored n.ii:nL whirli . m re from ihe coloring niaHei a
the root than Irom aiiilane e'.ae; tltee can lAea eeraia i
maipirl or eai'ld ll.iu: .I. -w-elea with aw'U mola--. ul
lhea e.ll K - S.IKSAIMRII.l t EXTRAC I or SVRlr'
It-it i:.th r. not the artir'e l,...wn '',,.
Thia t. ae prepare.! lhat ail the inert rtmr-reea the
etaraianlia rwl are ti-M removed. aeere-htii ccaaT
heconune acid or fr-rmei.:ali.i ia eitracied a..i rr.rcM,
then eeera pane e ol ine.lical eiilne la aecare ir. a tws
an.l CiKieeutraled !rm ; anil Oiua " i" ran le'aj iuii
ol lo-mt jr. ul lit" !ual'e anj bealins; promer r
pared in llni w. ii I- ma le tlic m.t p-.werlin w m
lure ef laanmerabl, I)ieae.
Ilen-e the reaHl way we liear coniniei.'-!:"'; :n r97
tide m iu lavnr hr men. Wvit.iaa. ii cwi-Ufeti. We rc S
doin-wm '. r. in lee cure nl ,,,
Lusrvirir..s. uYsrcmt. t-rr.,
f'i.uM.tf.v7'..:i in fm'f'nmi.!TJ.
i ii pii.K. ciwryiKvi'it. ci ta&
Slid.! arlrriioiia urivin lr--m
It pneeeaers riarveil.un eOieare in aS cn-np airta
eiri irom lnt'CHiun, Ir -m A'-.dity uf th .V:-.i'. 'rjw
inieiU.ll ciiruulio .lelerminaiwn ul blxl :.. ihe ttesi
naliiiMlkw ot ihe hia". cu .1 hel an' ban-. t- ' "i ' atj
hit lla-hei oeer the ho.K. Ii haa not r. .ji:a lil l-J-Uim
fought: ami pnnasee ea- exjieeiur Jtioi. ami cr.t P
r.irai.Hi. r-;aHiS sUiC'.urea ol ihe luia. lliroai
e.herparl. , ,
But in nofhiwe ia eTct!'e.iee mire mar.ir--a..y wac
aCknowieUired ih in In all kin.t ail nare, of
Il worka wonder, in e.ia of fuor -I .1""
F'i'ttnt oflhi II'ji. Oo.rrwrfJ. Supr" ffi. o rv-
Mmtrtlrt-fg tt'rtrity oi the meiv-lruai i-eri-.!-. i.i-' -s
and ia elteciu il lu cnnii ail ihe lorin. ol Anlny '""f;
He remorms iairois-. and reduuuiit iuS W"
aeaiem. It sire lone m.d atrctilU lo llie wiwia 6l).
thus cure all form- of
i,r.on Dlsea-tee ne Debility,
andthua t"eerus or mance a sr. a' anelyi-l .".
ai!le. aa Kfnal trrtati-n, Aniee l..i""
Sienmiiv. Evil'Vlie fit: Cottuit . -.
Ii cleaue ihe hliaal. eaoiiea ihe li.erio hettl er. w
tooea Ihe etni.icti, and eie .l .iienui-n. re ie.
bnwela of rori-ir and conai li pa. l,.n. alU s IM1 Jinnii-. -ririew
Uie kSiu. eowalitea ilia cjrcmaiion ol aie ti
icin ten'is wAtin.h ciiuliy ail or the dojj.""
inaenairtte perapi ration : relaxee arneture and tcli'ret
mee. all obstruction., and invigorate the enitre rt:-
ayem. la not rhia th-n
The Medlelne yon pre-emlnemtlv nerd'
Bui can any ol these thine be aaid o; S P T'"ti.i
alienor anirle 1 This ii-ie min'f liotn 1 i' : "
beraiwof one ;Rtl F lfT. that the one I.NCr
white the other THrs aawW fcmi-,Hit. anj &trt
tht hnttlet ronl.nninr it inio Ira-ioent. ; the -O'lt. j 1
liquid eiiilodiiis. and dam.-ume raher eoiKf.' Vu: ttv"S
aomhle romiMiniul be p.Hnoiia to ihe "yefetn t ;
pair acid intoa initi'm nailv rfiaetwerf u-i'swit
caiiaea llvafieisia but arid I 'Ik. we not a!l know ow'"
fon.1 anura in oiiratomacha.wh.it rrt'-lilel it rnviu("
flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of ihe heart. :iTrrT7
p'aiitf. riiarrhar. ilynierv. colic, anj corrt?i,'t'1ii te
b'oiNil hat ia Scmfula but an ar'd hnmir if tile's'1,
W'hat produces a'l he htmiors w hich brm? on li'i '".
the Skin. Scald Head. Salt Rt-rum. I :-i; . nv
Swelllit-s. Fever Sorea. and alt uirertlMon- ir'rr-al a
ternal I It ia anihit.- .!. hMrM h.. n a.-.ii .'it-iaie.
which aonm, ami thus epulis all the liiti.ls ot te y'. t""
er less. What eansee R!ieinnatism bitt a soar at
nuilt Which ltisiill;ile Itil lietween Ihe toll :
where, imtatine awl infltmine the delicate nems ats
which It acta I So of nerrous diseases, oi intr-itrt' . - '
btooil. ol' ileranect cirrulaiioei, and lata."iy a.i the a; n.
whtyhamict hitman natti-e.
Now m il not horrible io make and aett.
nj rasif
leorae re rise ths ,
S P TOW NSFMl. , . v
tnil yet h wnritd fain hae it uti.!erslo.l that Of' .
Sob Ttwiien-Cs lirntinc fh-irinnl StTtrtpartva. IS as i
ITATION of his liiiertor pr-paiatl'n !
Heaeen forbid llmt we should deal in en itrr'e -ariiuld
bear the uioh distut reacnibUnce . I
arnd's arfrWe
We wish it im-t.i nod. heranse tl is the eo"
thai 8. P T iwnseiBl'a article ami old lr. JscnhT
Saraapanlla are aearea vide intsrrf. and in.-l' .v '
Uar: that they are unlike in crary particular, hat- st tw
one am-le thioe in common.
Aa S. P Townsend is no doctor, snd ne'er x
ahemist. no nharmsrew, ictnAws in, more ot teesi '
Siaeaee than sn other cotumon. aoscientinciiniT'te'
... i... : . . i...- i .k.t thes tt
tnes of the iitilM m n.nn it. atlH vhirti '7 -
canahlefvi chanses which nu'hi render ihem ihe Sut
af Hiaease instead ol h.-althl . ...a
Rul what else shmi'J he espacfe.1 from " ws
aothine comparative! ol' metlietne or disease T I: rrtf ' .
a person nl eome eiperieoi-e io ceok aisl ser.e tit' .
common decent meal. How mot h more 'rn""r, fl,.
lhat the persons who maniiisclnrc meiN-ire 'I'-t?"!; .
Kl ik' mnuiriK axn i:FKFItl l'l SJTK"
ehouM know well the rrtedical pronies ol p'"
marinsr ol sreunn- and cota-ent-sime their "'fwwa-a
also an eitansiee knowledee aa Ihe rtolrs disrasf"
arterl the human system, and how to aJapi rem
Utese diseasea I .nrsa'tt
It ia lo arrest frsuits npoa the nnfortunate. i
into wounded hom iiuiy. to kindle hof in
hosom. to restore health, arid bloom, and n na.
erusheil and hnken. an-l to banish inrinntte tr.i
portiniii ami meana to brrne haa ae-aaeiie1'
tlraand I'aatveeeail t'oraeeailrwteel "'"Tj
within the reach, arel u the knowledee ol ai' - mj
I k I k I.. Ul 111 ' . I . ' " -
'Traaaeeautaat Pswie to Html
i . r. t - Mli..inp
rtte.:ais itir llie ertmerj iin.
o L m , . 11 Docf-f. .'Ir
lamp, Lewisborg ; John H R, MT
; Forsyih & Priestly. Norihiin
GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Vt" .
ings. Cloths, Cassinteres, sd1 flnr
mar Gooib in general, a! -
C. B. Down.'