UL l.KWISBUKG.CJiROMCL,li ALVD WEST BIlAXCir iliIKlt New goods! newgoods! Catcsfarrioal OF THE SEASON. And yet Cheaper thm any other Gools iathc Iluket! rpiIC ubvrib.T w now rer-eivinS and J opening his WINTEi. STOCK of FSESH GSSib, from on board can:iMmts E'n':' ,!i "''! ,h and OJi-Fellow, whic h he invites tli- citi ten generally io call ani exs.i.me, and realize 'he (act tint they can huy hi smit -er profits thin at any oilier store in Low isburg and particularly I'.rowa Stieelni;;s, Hatitielts, Ct.iths, Shawls, Detain, Shoes, Boot, ami Caps. Wheat, R. Corn, Ons. Hu-kwhest, Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, rec'd in pavment for poos. S. S. BARTON. No. 2(1, 1819 WATCHES, TVl F W E L R. Y NV.-r -di Ever Si ILcm: WATCH-NUKERS and JEU ELbllS, respectfully inronn the cit:zns ol Lewisburg and vicinity, that they have located on Market Slbelweer. 3d and 4:h, south side, where they are prepared to ex ecute all kinds of work in their line in the beat and must work manlike manner. Clocks and Watches of every description neatly repaired, and warrsn'ed. The subscribers flatier themselves tl.at they are welt qualified and prepared, (boih a it regards their knowledge, ski'!, ami experience in the business, and also in having a good assortinei.! ol the best Eitfc lish and French materials.) t jive cuitre satisfaction to custiimeis and particularly FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex lis tenements, Lepincs. Anchar. Detached and Patent Levers, Repeater. Mu-iciil Yatcl.es,&c.&.. will be cari-f.iily repaired a l J warranted to perform well. The work will be executed as saiely and epm!ly a weil as the same could he d w.e in Pinliokl- pb:a City or elsewhere vvmehe. Jrtueirv. hi'verware. and a Variety of goods loo numerous to mention fr sale al the lowest prices. All article: warranted to Le precisely what they ure aoM for. N. B. The golden rule in our bunes; ia tath and iu order to jusvfy our price lb s will be reijuired. OCrPiease give us call, as we are determined to please boih in work and in prices. J. I.. EVER. VV.t. THOMPSON". Iwlburg. Nov. 2S. 1849. General Order. Major General's OrncE, Rushlown, Northumberland county October 22, 1819. rpiIE simplicity and durability of the J Undress Uniform of the United State Army,- accord with the spirit of our insti tutions, and therefore the Field and Stall Officers will adopt the undress Frock Coat and Forage Cap o( United States Army. Those Officers who luve already procu red the futl uniform, are not included in this order. WM. H. KASE, Nov 15, 1819. Maj.Oen. Oih Div.P.V. BARGAINS ATTE2 CZEA? STORE. Latest Arrival ! JUST received and now olTered for the inspectiou of the public, our complete WIXTi.ll STOCK of Merchandize adapted to this Market sach as Foreign and Domestic CIS. HQ. all of which hive been purchased at rates which enable us to sell Goods cheapest cf any in town ! Thankful for past libera! patronage from n discriminating public, we hope to merit and receive its continuance and extension. Rsmembcr. the Old Cheap Store is the place for Babgains ! ! C. E. liOWES. Lewisburg, Nov. 27, 1819 D3. TRASS'S Magnetic Ointment!! U hat young man wants to wear a w ig ! We all know the value of a good head of hair. A young man with a bald head, is a sort of walking caricature of hi species Hence the many various attempts to reme dy cr conceal the deficiency. Hundreds of the young men of this country, after try ing the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a practice as little conducive to cleanliness, s it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical experience.! hat Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the har on a bald head, when all other rcme d es hove failed. Sold in Lew ishurs, wholesale and retail, by Thornton & Biker. Price 25 and 60 tents per bottle 0'E Bustjev nd s,,,t of Harness, One Two'Horse Wagon, . ) One Truck Wagon, fantobf- . . r H P Shelter PENMANSHIP. Ph enlir riliAP rpkiuri Tutl tr nnltfea tbo nnnnlp ff llii 1.lrll, sa " " mill vicinity that he has rented the brick cilice, late Itr.Luriwig's.where he opens on Friday a School for instruction in both Plain and Ornamental penmanship. He -conceives that his part consists in teaching a plain, common-sense, business hand-writing, and this he pledges himself to do to the satisfaction of those lio make the eff.irt to learn. Room open from 2 to 1. P. M., and in the evening, so that pupils CHn attend when most convenient. Those reading at n dis tance can improve in writing by coming to town and practicing f. iur or five days. Ftr terms, Sjiecimeu-i, and recommend ations, aoply to me at the writing room or at Kliue's hotel. S.SHELP. L'-wishurg, Nov. 20. 1819 TXGLTSH and German Alxanavs for 1J sulo by I ti Lawsht NEVV BUS GST for sale, cheap. For il further particulars, enquire at this Ollie!. Lewishurg, Nov. 7, !Sl9 I7ua:n Com ornMeal for 6ale by I G Lwshe J US T received a genuine article of Cod I.ivrr Oil lot w hob-sale or retail. Nwv 13 Dr Tliornt'.n & Baker Ulcerated Sore Throat. It is well known that, if i.eglected, ibis complaint invariably leads to Consumption. If those suffering from this disease would npply Dr.Trask's .Magnetic Ointment.they would find immediate relief. Fr full par ticulars, call on the Agents, and get a pantplilet. S.ild in Lewtshurg, wholesale or retail, by Thornton di Baker. Price 23 and Z els per bottle. V JiGi'E. Tie ravages of this dread disease, winch annually sweeps so many thousands of interesting and lovely child ren to au untimely grave, may ulwajs be certainly and immediately arrested by the implication of Dr. Trask's Magnetic Oint ment. Mothers whoMi hearts Iremb'e with fear at the approach of its dread rattle, try it. Price 2" to 33 cts per bottle. Thornton & B.iker, sole Agents for Lewisburg. 170ULD inform tho public, that they W have op-ned a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. VVykolPs old stand. opposite Hunter rardoe s shop, wnere tney keep on hand or make to oroer Fancy and Common Chairs, ttotnn Rocking Chairs also Bureaus. Tables, Bedsteads, -' ? of various kinds,! fc vsr.j Settees, ice. Aic.- Ail work in our line warranted to be well made, atd on the most reasonable terms. House and Siin PAINTING attended to by the subscribe rs on the shor test nntice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscrilwrs intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises .is regards work Hnd ao deing, hope to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. Jtili. m. 1 ivwr r . JOSEPH M. BOL'sEL. Lei-bjrg, Nov. 1849 "1 TORE about M'Lane's Vermifuge! Ki.ad the f Mowing testimonial as to the value of thts great medicine lor worms: This is to cer'ifv that I purchased one vial ef MM. niie's Worm Secilic some two months since. I administered two spoons ful to a son of tniue about 7 years old, mid I have no doubt but thai upwards of I COO worms naed from him. measuring I com a Quarter of an ii.ch to two inches iu length Dec 27.1817. U.V. IIOLLODAX. icrvi's.-!: W Sciuffle. I.eiburg; H 1 si..-.r.-r. Milinn : I Gfrli.l.t. Seliiifgrovc ; J W Frilin. Son!trv ; Mr M'Cay, Norlbumtierliiud; M C Urier. J Mooie, IJanville Notice. rPO the Tax Collectors of Union county. J As the vcar will soon come 10 uiose, and our County Settlement will have to be m:d, we hoe the Collectors will make a vigorous eflort to have their respective Du plicates settieJ up. Delinquent Collectors previous to 1819 will take this friendly hint, as it is the last that will lie given And we hereby give notice that we will make no Exoneration after next December Court, so tiiat all tnte rested will attend. JOSEPH, vi i. i lk, JAMES BAEISIN, JOHN WI1.T. Cum'n. C,imm'r' office. New Berlin. OH. ., 1819 - - Apply "Trask's FpffmMapctic Ointment" I ? ' - A freetv on the surface i.r 1 h rMi.inn of the iffiil). and vou can easily throw off the disease. Its application - . . , . -i 1 1: - is attended with no aanger.ana 11 wni reuevc vou more speedily than any other remedy. ' .. ' . . . o n ...L.I I.. Price 23 ana 31 cents, ooiu wno.esaic or retail by Thornton & Baker.Lewisburg, and John II. Baser, Milton fiADATO' A single application of A 1 1 l il. Dr. Trask'a Magnetic Ointment, will satisfy any one of its effic acy in removing this plague of tight boots. Sold in Lew isburg, wholesale and retail, by Thornton 4: Baker, and by John II. Baser, Milton. Fricu 25 and 38 eta per bottle. ' " ' ' ' f ? J r- i. for Justices nd Connlublrs, on posted according to order . w ANTED two tons of RAGS, in exchunge lor Merchandise. Ap25 IK Lawsbn. "IN EGA R good Cider Vinegar , for ale by , " IGawsh VFULL supply for Wholesale. or Re tail of Pure While Lud Siierin Oil PmeOd Burning Fluid Prussian Biue Chi nine Green do Yellow Lamb Biaek CopuL Varnish Japan 00 lj-;s!her do . Alcohol Tar Soap Caxtor Oil Linseed O.l Spirits Turpcntiue Spanish Broun do Whiting Venitian Red Red Lead Yellow Ochre Black Lead Litharge Crackers hy the bbl. Sperm Candles Mould Tallow do Dipped do Ho Looking Glass Plates S a til di And a variety of FANCY AKTICLES, which wc will sell ut a fcmall profit, and not "at cost," as some say. Da. THORNTON i BAKER. Lewisburg, Nov. 13, lJ BIlANDiliTli'S PILLS. fTMIE New York Sun says: Braudrcth's 1 I 1 la have been used anioni mi;nv of' r-t j c ib , our rricnus,aud in our own funn y uc have , . , , 1 uses liiem nearly lour years, wneu we re qtiired any medicine. In that period, no Utor save Dr. Brandreth hs crosed our 1 threshold, and no medicine beside the Dr's Pills used. Oor belief i, " Keep your bowels and blood pure," and every kind of disease will bs prevented or cured. The Brandreth Pills are eminently calculated to do this, and thereby much lessen the sum of human misery." Tha genuine pill for sale by J. HAYES, sole agent for Lewisburg. 8m'23 TEfiS! IINE fresh Green and Black Tens, from 42 cents a pound and upwards.iinpor led by ihe Canton & Pekin Tea Company rf New York, parked in pounds. halves and quarters, perfectly air tight, received and (or sale by J A Mi: HAVE. May 5 Role Agent for LcwUburg IN one of th most fi ii.rishlng towns on the West Branch of the Sjsquehanna, a purchaer for a DRUG STORE now doing a first rute business. Amount of stock now on hand, about SiOOO, which will be sold at cost fir Cah. or if mcr convenient a small puit of il on short liire. For further particulars, enquire at this office. 29 1 Dr. Swayne's CeMtratcd Family Medi cines. crRK follows crB8! More Proofs of the Kfficacy of Dr. S WAYNE'S cvMPutjrit UTRrr or WiSd Cherry, Tlic Original and Genuine Preparation ! CoiiNcnipllon, Coughs, Colds, Attbini. Br jiiciutis, Liver Com pbiut.sitlini; I'lj.iJ.Jiliii uUy of Breathing, pain in ihe fji.le and Urcai. .tl;itjli. u of tbe Heart. Iil!liiciiZi,('riu jJ.Lru ken C.iiiMilutiun.oie 'Throat, Mt-rvou" lMjiliiy.anl all ol Throat, frrcast. and Lung?: tbe moat rlTlc luel and speedy cum known tjr any of ib alre diat-airs ia Dr. Sway ne's compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Reliable Testimony. - Julio Milton Lark, eiiitor of die Woreenter Spy, Max., was atl aif J with a severe iufi4:n3 tion of ihe lurig, accompaniid with di'lrew-iiu; cough : sUer umg various ulbf-r reniidiuf wiih hlite or no benefit, l the use oi ne IwUe ol l)r Swayne'a C irupjunil Syrup of W n4 Olinry, he was restored to -rttt l heallu. Wm. Mnntelius, a reaiect.iblo merehmit ef St Clair, S' liuvlklll county, writee, Jan 3(. IttlH : Lmlosed I send you a cerliSrate ol Win. btau inui.l, a citizen of our town, iiia tdma of Cons umption is well known here.siid of long stanJ.ur-; he attributes bia cure entirely to your Compound tSvrup of Wild Cbeiry." ; , lie not deceived by the many epurious and worthlcsa prcparaliona of Wild Cherry, uhert J into notice by iiorant prettnd r, fcut ae tli al Mt signature of Dr. Swavne is upon each bottle, wbieh is the ordy guarantee againai impoaitiou. Kemcmber ! the genuine preparation cf VV'iM Cherry is prepared only by Dr Sviint, N W corner of Eighth and Kace streets, Pbilad'a Swayne's celebrated Vcrniifcse, " Safe and Efleclual Remedy for Wonna. Uya pepaia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or dvapeplic Cbiidreo or Adultssiid ibe most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public." This retui dy ia one that baa provrd sueces.ful for a long time, and is oniera!ly acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far mperii.r (U ii( o very pleatsfrt to the taste, at the came time cUectuai) to any other medicine eer employed in discaae lor which it is recommended. It not ouly destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole system. It is barmles in its efltcts.an J the health of the patient ia always improved bj its use, even when no worms are di. covered. (ry Beware ef Mistake. Rrroember Dr S's Vermifuge is bow put up in ijuare Uiltlix (hav ing recently been changed) covered by a beauuful wrapper, ateel engraving, with the portrait of Dr 8ayne thereon engraved. Bear thia in miad, and be not deceived. DR SW AYXE'8 MtOAR COATED SARSA P VRILLA AND EXTRACT OFTAR PiLI.S. The virtue of tbese pills can be epprecuted only by those who have used them. They are adapted lo assist nature in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of tbe Mood. Ac. They are a gentle and tfketje parg.nive, correct all the functions of tbe liver, and aa an' altoraiiye in dropsical affections ihey are T.T7 valuaMo and ahould be in every family. Thry h..vc an outside costing of pure White Suga'r.v.hfrcby everything disagreeable to taste or amell is entirety removed without in rbo leat affecting the exct Hrm quali iiM of tbe medicine. Keiuember! they are now boles turned out of tbj tnlid wood, covered with arcA1 label bearing the tignsture ot t..,i nn ill DrBwaync: noneo'.uerw prnuiiic. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. SWAY.NE, N W corner of Eigblh and Race slreeta, Philauelphia;- , ; Agents for Uuian Coimty, Pa.' , 0 W Schaflle, and Thornton & Daker.Lewisbur 1 eeiold and i, i !B Mench, Millersburg Ed 1i"UD & T.vor,Mifl.hhur8 Mosfpecht. Bwrrertowni wmot cuen, iiann.on D J Dover, CeritervUre . ... dt AiL 8jml Haupt do D.i&bnofnVsiJfHaogrBan & Walter, D 8roiih.Moser s Valley Dry Valley BeubKoller.Nsvy lalami B Sl SumnscFreeboni sad h)ftreaeprrs (wartl , JT990 -knv 'riirt NEW AIUUVAL OF 3.IEDICINES, &c, at the ni'iyed the past easoa, I would res- peelliilly invite old iliTids aod new to eall , , uno rxamirfe rTiy large, . , 11, stoek,ei'..b:acina almost ', new, ami spii-nam pvervtliing desired J in my line of bu-.iness, ai d cheap nt that.' For pnilietilars. enqonc al the old siand o! Schclile & ChamU'i lin. C. SiiH AFFLE, Drui,t. Lewisburg. Nov. I 19 REMOVAL. TIi3 Levririurg Eatbig-Eousa, UNDER ihe management ol J M'Fuddin 2d, is removed into the basement ol the large brick h-nise 011 the corner from (.'i n Green's, Warkpt S'. Lewi-burg.u hi re the public can be accommodated with the best of a Tb'tffiQA'X' S5 S E C ! Fried, Slewed, Roasted, r in the feoel! i TKIi'E done up in the best styli Pigs' Feci Bread, P.es, Cakes, Nuts, Candy, 1 &c. &c. The public may rest assured tn.it the eaiing-house shall be kept clean and ord erly, and mrmll boys and rowdies not be lennitted to l"a( ber By strict attention to the want of the public in our line, we hope to receive a idiare of its patf-inn"!.. J. M'FADDIN 2d. A't- N B. Afu-r ihe 1st of Nov., Fuiiiihes can be supplied with Oysters in the shell by Ihe hindrd, half-huiidrtd, tc. Lewiaburg, Oct. 22 3u.250 i2 Dr. Jcha Locks, SURGEON DENTIST, respectfully inferos bis friends and Ibe public in gmetal, that he has concluded to make l.ewiturg l.i ienna nerit place of resilience. Dr. L. baa lken rooms on Maiket Square, first door below tho Printing Ortice, which be has Cited up to operate ia. Re sidence at Kline's Hotel. f'The third week week in every month, he may bo found at Eek bert'a Hot.-I, in Milton. Dr. L'x-ke is a regular craduite of the Balti more Colieae of Dental Surgery, besides which qualification he has had the eJva.itiie of five jtara eiperienr-e in the practice of hia profession in Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illinois, Witcoosiu, and the city of Baltimore, Md. Dr. L. lakes all the Journal of the r!y which rontaiu new and useful information in ihe brie of bis profettoi ; anl fiom bis arrangements with Ibe best manufacturers of teeth, gold foil, ic. will ilsiit keep 011 baud for the aceommo datinn of bis customers the very bt ijualny of all the n.iterioln used in bis business. Persona wishing Dental operations performed, will find it to nVir advantage to give him call, as be is determined not to be siirFsei in Ihe beautv and inability of his operations by aoy oi.e. Persons for v.h.mi J K.F01 insetted Tecih and bo may need repairing uof.e, ere irjiotmd ibat I have ibe dmmMs el their mouths a prepared hy Mr.Honurl. er.d crn ijuentiy can do their ie airing ct s lower rale than il can Le dne fur e'M-v.beie fc it s ites lae trouble in many cases cf rcsking a new model. JOHN LOCKE. Lewist.urg. Oct. 17, 185. IlarriscE's Columbian ir.k, TN Quart, Pint, and smaller sized bo"'es. I Black, Blue, Bed and Inde.ible, This leiebrated Iu!; lor sab bv v.. w. prj'Arfr.B Dentistry. WK. G. ETEWAET, TAT f Philadelphia, is now hs-ated on J Markis; street. Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J Sciireyer's store, here he ullends in operations on the leelh at a redu:tioa of hi torroer piires. Teeth and roots ol teeth removed witb tbe aid of improve! Instruments, and in an easy manner. Pilling teeth and setting on pivots or platea atten ded to according lo ihe latest improvement, in tbe profession Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed gums cured. Thankful lor past tavoia, be Svilieits a continuant of public patronage Mo impure material used for fillings in leelb. Iy2t4t at the old stand. 4 RE now receiving at their old and weJI j known stand on Market sireet a full aiid well seieclel assortment of Fair and Winter comprising tbe usual taiiety of G ROC ERIES , HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Salt, Fish, Nails, ,. 1 . ; , etc. etc. . Our Goods are warranted to be cheap as ihe cheajipst, and pood as the best new or old. Thankful for past patronage of friends wo nsl; for continuance of their favors ; arH new enfflers aitd'stmng rs w'd respectful invite to a!I dndSeci . fifaVa 1 , inoriiiii1 fPMANKFUL for ihe liberal patrnringa ! 1 iv.A SEASONAULE GOODS. II. P. SHELIiEfi, 5 TX7CULD rcpeeifji'v infirm his rhl V V Irieuds ci'J tlrj pv;li in general. that he is no r -:.: vn;g a k.'ge of Goods adapted to the war.ts, ths mean end the tastes ofall. 23t;g eiOCUS fur t'n'3 Laii'ics; (iROCEKIES fertile Family; Cans.'Boots, &.c , for ile Bojs; HARD V ARE, Queensware Iron Nails Fu-.h Salt &.(!. &ic ic. which he offers on the lowest and most 1 uco .mmodatiug terms, on ihe principle ol Gruiei'ul for past paifoiiaije, we invHe a diserimitmtt'ig public to call and examine our stock ol M irehaudizi. which we are confidiiit will be ttli.slacirv to all. lwUbuK;, Oct. 15. Ahead of Coinpelihoa ! 1 UAV? Ttke pleasure in informing tho pub'ic ihit they hiv received Ibe lrg-st beat s-lcied chiapeal ud ihe most lasliionatile assortineni of GOODS ever ofTerej to tisis ooimutiity The 't isfaetion hr-rrsolore x n iered by this ssid it is pres'imed is a sul'icient guaranlre icr their tuiure operation. To atieiiipt to euUTerat their stork, would be superC'ious, and ir. b r d .impoi hle; hut tho:e wishing to purehs. ate invited to call cr.d j'l.lwe for themselves, belore purrhus n i-rfiv. here. J. HAYES &. CO. Lewi!um, 17. i l Home Iudulry. Ti LH.S. superior i OA' YARN 111 far sale Lv S,t 20 KAYB8 h CX). "Smll Profits and Quick Sales." C First bfhto Kline'JI'el,J LEW1SBURG. THE public is respectfully iiiVoimed that JOHN FOKSTKR has re.eiv.-.l uud now ofT.trs lor sal a very lure stock of Fall & Winter goods, eomprisms nil eriicVs kept Remrally in other stores, v.:tti li;e ad j:li"u of many finer kinds of poods rot usually brought tj tbe coun'rv- An esam'uation of th stock is r?3ptctriilly invited. Ai;:on my sto; is a variety of Cartel, shoes, ieot., etc. Hardware, oedar-wave, etc. etc. TO WHOLESALE buyers, Ifreal i.idticemefts ar.- oflVred, as a l.bf-ral abatement ill n rd. jo if ixt ?: Tr. j?, at tha new cheap cash store. Lew isburg, 0;t. 2, lbl'J D. Fuse's Kedicines. The subecribpr hsvu.( l--i-n appointed sole cent for Hr. Ko-e'a Medtcu;s, (or J.iK.j cou.ity, offers them lo the' public with t""'tt conidiMeo as to their ffi-acy and certainty ol effecting cures in all cases for which they are des fcued.. A single test culy i; required lo etab!ish ihe i-ut. fiept 27 S S BARTON New York Fall and Winter FA- SHIONS-gi for ' JUST received at ibe Fashicnsfc!.-- TaMo lorina establishment, next (lo-f f the PotOffi-e. JOHN U. MJLLO:' l.ewisbur, Sept 20, 184 1 . Superior Cooking Stoves. The subsnibers have oi.'hniid the JSiM Ak-Tigllt CwukiiiJ Stove, arrstij.cd br Wood or Coal. Thes Stoves are xu'rior to anythin-: of the kind everoflind in Hit country, and will be sold ct rVcA:.bie prices." S. ti J.' WOLFE.1 ,2wi,!.ur, Sept 10. lW "' OLD DIZ. ad y. P. TOirfSEXB'S compound sy iurpt;StMa)arilla. TUST rec'd from tbe old Dr. a large and ij fre supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in New York. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla can have either Ihe old or ycujig DrV. gen uine and fresh, by calling on ihe A yen, Lewisburg. June 26 C W SCHAPKLE . Tbwnsend's extract of Sarsitip'a- i LARGE and fresh supply of Ibis celebrated Meiiicine. just received from the piiacipal Depot in New York, anil for sale at ,ltie new Orug and Chemical store of JDr Thornton r Baker Window SASH. A hit of BjiO'Wihdirtv Sash', "frhrh ihe !ch?Sri Manufactory -of Sprout CiirroWs, Inn' hrrirt tfr.t1 alt sizef itiH ta order nn I -t.,'.. s..i. fUL&wah 4 NEW STORE, f IHti s'ibscnt rs have UMuci.ileJ uvfder X' the Firm of S. & J. MFE, for the Durpose of carrying on n Wholesale Grocery etntl General Corr.iaissitm and Forwarding busin' Libeil advauresj will be nm iej on alt kinds-of Couutrv Produce. Ph,ce 1 of business, new Wan housr on the Wharf 1 imrni.diolely below the Brido.,; , ., ' Awy;:i.;woLFE; . 'Jw5;;-' . jni ,THN" WOLFE. IjK-u.tiir9. Ph. A hit 7. lfUQ. . 1 - - - 1 -" - PUJtlFUUaiH n I) I) t ' T I'tili nsT ofid valtiah'i Mrd-cir.?, now jised; by.ihe medical profession with such astonishing eSn-acy ut thocure ol ttlmmtiy Gnuiumpliot HerofiUa- V'irviii. Hutu mutism, G.mt.g'iteral Ihbihtj, Cvrnj.aiutM ! the Ktdutys, iC Sic-, is prepared from ihe liver cf ihe COD-FISH for ir.bdicinal use, eiprely tor our uales. Ejirnci from ibe London Medical Journal. . t.f B V.'iu.U. M. D F.R Proleior of Ke.!i.ne !n ITniveraity t'ldb g,' Lonilon. cotif ul :ing pbnin la the llojphat Uoi:unip ion, Vc, i-aya; I have prmribed the ml in above four hun Ired cae ot tuberculous disease of tbe Longs, in diff-rent atagrs.nbith have been onder my care the lent two year? and a half. Ia the la-c iiun.b.-i of c. . ')(! nut nt 2tl. its u.e vtas loiluwed- by marked, uneuivoc.l iu.pi oveiuent, arv 13 in degree in diifrient rane. from te:a- I po.ary retard .tion of the progress of tba dUea-e and a mitieaoo.i ol dwureHHwii voiptuius, up to a moie or leas complete re:-torsi ion lo epparent healih. " . . J';e eire-'t of lli Cod Liver Im in rrol of these eases was very reii.srk jble. Even in a few days Ibe couh u uiitigxird, the. ei'CC oration t'imimrhed 111 ijuanUiy and epaiiiy. tbe night rweat ce srj, rtja fi;Ue becsrr.e sicker, ai.J of Leiler viiiume.au J J.e a.iile, DlI. ad .uengib were tradd.ily improved. - In eonelunn I repeat that tTie pn-e fresh Cil fiooa the Liver of ibe CuJ is u uv Woe:.ckI in 1L0 irejtnuut el pulmonary I onauwpiir-n ih.n any r.geni, uieJuin-l dietetic or iijiaiebil, liiat has yet ben em) loeJ." ... . A vie h:ue made arrarcemenls to pro cure the Cnl Liver -il Ire-n from head iuiriers, il can now he. had fiiemieally pure, by the s'hj'c bott'e or in boxes of J one di.z a eai h. lis oi.rferful efficnev has inijced nuin erius ijutrMi ituitatioi'S. As its success depends entirely on its purity-loo much care cen not be ued in procuring it or t- f IN, r.very bot le haviiig on it our written -iiiatuie, 11. av be rV.eneJ on as genuine. P ii.ijjliit ts ciintainiujr an analysis of tbe O.l, m il notices of .1 IV001 ibe Medical J iurus's. will be sent to thoe who address us f.-ee c"" po"iL'"- - JOHN C BAKER $ CO , Whsjleaale J riei'sTi and ( ben.i-rs. 1 j28 100 Xorth TbiiJ St. t'lulaaelphia 'piIE suhscrher would inform thr Gen I lb-nu n of Leisburi and viciiiiiy t'. it he has now re-opened a new and elegant shop, uet door lt tle Post Odiee, wiiere he ill carrv on the Lastnes'- f CDTTIXC AND MAXJXU garments as usual.' Work inade-by liitii warranted io fit. Produce received in payment at market prices. JO'L' H. MILLER. Lew if burp, Apr:! 27, l-lS he Fom.drv 1 4. V V IS now carried rn as usual, at the upper endof Market ree-i. where every des- crip'ion of CASTINGS P' Sand or made to order sveh as Tiie Complete, or lmplet e I ai p roved . Ccalclss Stoves, lof-ei'HeVfc.fif or Wood aii'i all other kinds of STOVES, also .OUiTJSJS f.ditTr. eat kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the ... a pew artb le, and which can not be bent D - . 1 . . 1' 'i .j j a m Pennsylvania. Ca.l and see and judge Lfwishurg. Sept. ii, Fall and teinter THE suhscriU r has just received Jiis .StOCk.pf ;, - . r ; ..'l FALL- AND WINTER. Goods-cmbracinj Ihe usual variety sudi as ( .. ,; 1RY (iOODS. . -t-s-..- , GROCEUIHS.-' ' ' " f uardavare; ' ' ',: QUEENS. VARE, ' - 1 r.., . K ATS, CAPS, ite &c. All of which are offered fhiap for Cash or Country Produce." " I. G. LAV75HE. Lew isburg, .Sept. 18, 18I'J .....COAliiKil;.'.-'' Till5 subscriber, has' n hnnd'and i - now receivM.i; Icoiu Pittsion and Sha no kin, i- '. Itsst Foundry:' ' i - r .! v . '. -:n -. Liimp,' -: ) Proket), , 1 l Nat. -and' Pe. ; . A COAfi--whicli will bd dHposfe sf-on rOTspuable'teroil.' '' ' " : v ' "I t.-lSlrSP fei:-" The .d,'Mamii!i)th" Filling up Again J, & J, WALL S T TOST respectfully inform tbnr frwxd . .ill the public that they t?e now itceiv- j nig their usual supply ol FALL AND AV1NTEU j calculated iu qoality, prlee, and quantity ,n suPi''y 'h wants ol the tnidu oramu- i nity embracing Hardware, ; Queenstcare, Fish, fyc nil of which are offered on our usual accommodating terms for Cash, Produce, or iood credit. e invite and hope to merit a continu ance of the very liberal patronage hercto Icru catCDJed ta us. J. Ac J. WALLS. irfwisijurg. Oct. 10. 1819 3 jF TUB LEWISEUaa ACADEMY 17ILL. cominenee on Mo.nday, the 2Sd of October. Instruction will be given as heretulure, in all branches necessary to a thorough education. Cxereires io Cum position and' Iteelam ilion will be required, anil irict attemion will l-e paid lo the loiiualion of regular bbiu cf etutly ia the j on'r tremLeas of iLc school. 'I he rcputction uf ihe Irsiiiuiion, will be n-inde to rest, not upon the linn. her. but op'Hi tbe progress of ibe students. Tbe aubarrr ber is ujt aelicituu for a school of more Ibaa 30 . regular scbulara. Terms: tor LaDguagae. $lt ; fr tbe biifher Engli h. 3 ; and foi ibe coronxMi English lintbea JjiC per session ol 21 WM-ks. J RANDOLPH,' FrmcipaL ' Lewisimrfr. Oct. 3, 1849 1 SIGN rf the JiDIAM Cheaper than Ever. flHE aabacribers have the pleasure to annatifiew 1 to their old cuatouiers and the pubfic in gn: eral that they h ive opened a large ai,d rpleadid a-sortmenl of TO B A C C O &.C. at the old stand 00 Mukel ,trtei f irri.vrly occupied by tjeul Amnions as a Tailor shop. Their entire stock has been selacted with greart care, and rutuials of ,. . Clears) Frayraccia. i,a Carina. Primaveaa. Princtppe, Werner's Reg.ilia. Cartello, UeoeraJ Taylor, Half Spani.-h, and Common. C'aicndifth Tobacco Slabter'a Blaok Pst, l'oi.gress, Uioueko, Uranch Stag, Plug, sad Pine Cut. Kmoklna Tttbacca Cut aad Dry. ScnUerUrie. AC. KniiflT Rappe and Scotch. ' iSnutT Boxes, German Pipes, and a fancy arti cle of Cigar cases all of bicb are offered ti the lowest reles All kinds of Produce taken in -exchange. Call. sea. and j.jdge for yourselves belore condemning the articles. A. J. PENNY, II EN BY FUKBAT I.ewithurg, April 21, 119 Office Ifemoved. HENRY C. HICKOK,' ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE, on Second St., latelv oecvuicd by L. II. Christ, Esu. April 1?49 ls.ACKS3HTIIlaVG The subscribers repct (J- V1 y luioTm "'9 cilizena JT TJ ol Lewisburg end vicinity that tney have comenced the ehove business, al M. Hate's old shop on Second Si. one square south of Marktt.wl.ere ihey are prepared lo Iron Buggies or Wagona, and irake aD arrxlJs in their businss iu the most workmanlike rr.nrii;er, at" prjeos which they hope wil! induee those wihino; anylhini! done in their line lo call and jude themselves before peine eb-rwhera. Hepairit:g done on Ihe shortest nntie an ! 011 reasonable terms also Shoeing, n iiicn is a very lmt-nran! mar- r. ter 10 muse in.i. .isve viftuao e ;T k.j. ..4.i ...Ti 1 . .-J m it .-1 tin j stiuiiiu uc rill rnsTrtr n only to nersons ol known skill aailsSjiJ AVe (Tafter ourselves that we are able to l"""r"- " person in me counirv ill ': ,,M f !. I , let Ihe work show lor itself. ' . All viork vvarranteJ. Iron and all kinds of country Produce taken in echnne. Wv hope by strict a'lenli..u 10 biuiiiMa, and a determinarioii in tuit all, both iu work and price, to receive a I.beral har of public putronaie. ., r HATE Aj FLRRAY. I-ewishiirfv. May 22. 1819 ' - j . " nan ,'iiiv n I ui. fi i. Harrison'jt Columbian Inks, T LACK. Japan. Copying. Marking. D!ue.Io d.Jib!e, .earlc. Red, t annine. Tbee Inks flow more freely from tbe pen. and irive a trenear and more durable color than an) other. For sale in any qnantil by DR. THORNTON & BAKER. Agoats, l.l'iuirjr. t rma Cm. Pa. TI A K,e,!i ,'r,cn B:h'rk J. JLiiVO Teas IV0111 tie -elebrnIed establishment of M'Cultnunt Ac 'Ito'ud, fir sale by - - o. c La,be (1 AST-Sur I. Amer. Itiister Steel. .Nails. ) Spikes. Loeks. Latches, II mn.i Screws. for sale by I ti Lawshe 70R the Trade. A lot of lnns find s .... Rosin 01. baud, hich the subscriber oilers ut eott. , - ,, I U Law she SOMETHING SEW S .apst.iiie Grid dies for sale bv I ' Lawslvai 1)RIME Old Java Cott f.r sale hv . WHITK W hear FloUr, aNo R, Flur for sale by '- I G LawsFm -r -mi . , rii.,,. SHIPSTUFF aad Shnria fme by .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers