L.EWISBURC CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Death of Friend Jeaklaa. This temple calamity; at fiovtdcoee, noticed last week, by which Friend Jeuk ir.s and her daughter were burned to death, to the drstructioa by fire of iter mansion, wa learn, baa cast gloom over the hole Society of Fi leads, of wbicb she ws a most brloved member. The house was ue of the oldest aad most substrtttinl iu ibacily, and contained an irnnjena amount of valuable furniture, p!au, jewelry aod coooey, a Friend leukios was considered one of the wealihieet persons in ihe nty. 8crctly an article was saved from ilu houte, hich f-ct is lost sight of in over whelming ersiety br the late o! the lady and ber daughter. ibe firei-au,.Ke.l to ta originated irom the iumace. The Lias of property, it i esiimaed, will r.-H ; Tall short ! irorn ." Y"U" - Th. r..njml of the unfortunate virlim of tbia death, were aolemniged at the Friend.' maetine-houre. last Seventh day week, in Philadelphia. Not only the meetin-hcii-. bat ibe yard, it U aaid, was fi led wi:h the large eooeoorae of yw.piewno came io pay the last tribute of renpect to the memory of those who were to enivervailv tielovt-d iu life. The meelina was eolcnmly and impressively addressed by Anna D. Winn, of Portmou:h; John Meadrr, oi Piovt. cence; Mary B. Faroum, of Smillifield j Thomas Anthony, of Eal Greenwich; Eliube'b MeaoVr, of Providence, (in juav er;J Sibyl Jones, of China, Me.; tfutan E Smith, of Burlimflon, N. jin soj.pl . ation.) There were ao i.umerous other Moister from vark.usplarea in aueiidance. at Mit?KT J rAttEWCIX TO TUB WOSL0. V Ye anacls who mortala attend. And oiiniaisr coniforl io woe. Come lisien. je beaeuly fr.eads. My happier story to km. : I sing f a theme most sublime. No sorrow my sout can control ; I ai'i of ibe rapturoes time When Jeaua spoke jaie to my soul. J W hen guilt mv poor heart did ewail, Recause I had wandered from God, I strove my aad case to bewail, Jiy sin was a cumbersome load , (). Saeior, have rnerey I (I eried,) O, pardon a wretch that'a w Then qutekly bis blood was aj. l.e.l. O. ibfre ba spake peace to n.y atiul. I Mv jjuii!, like the ciouds of the morn Vh chased in a aaoment away. The j"T ft ry aoul newly born -irreaerd with the risiae of cay; H? fca or redeemd roe from sin, "He eaves pot in part, hut in whole. He wrilais hia salvation within. Others he spoke peace to my seal. 4 I row am so blnst with his love, i covet not earth's richest aiere, He visits me olt from above. ! Uva him, I want noihing more. Rescued to His pleavure Pil live. Till lime's latest circle shtll roll. His Btrfliet salvation receive. For. O Ha spoke peace to my soat. i Farewell to earth's jliMennjf tovs. Farewell to my frirud ani mv foes, Ittl eil from those scenes to tha skiea. Where pleasure eternally flows t H. b.d me leave all for Hi sake, Pil run nil I reach the blest goal, t rn me to Ilia arms He will take, i O, there He aKle peace 10 my eot-l. Jury List December Term, '49 Grand Jurvrt. Kw Ilerlm :- Jach Manck, Saml Akina Union :-Wilim Mcl'bereon MidJIecreek : Jacob Mohr Peons: P Gemberling, Jr., G A Snyder. H W Snvder East Buffalo :- Daniel Wanener La.wh.bur6 :- Benjamin RUati Vegi Buifalo : David Snalfer, Sam I Steev Uly t- Jaeib Mover White Drr : Jacob Sypher Hartley : Benevtlle Yarj-er, Chas F.mory M fil nborc : Bt rryhill Bull IWvet: Jotl KJinser, Jlhn Brtininger West Beaver r Aaron Umi IVrrv; Pnilip Weiney Chpm-D r Perry Kremer Waar. nton: Jno Db. J S Hackiobrrg iVotsc: .arwr O Hainger Truvmt Jurvrt. New Berlin:- Henry Aurand, Jno Ri.hel. Union: Michael Beuf.r, Abrhsm ber, John iVriiir.n. Daniel Ifc uler. Srp., Pron : Jacob Kreider, John Harr sou, J SiooiP-r. P rr, :. Jacob Marin, J"hn S-Muvrr C:.-on an Frauds lluchwaltrr. Phi'ip l!.t,-S-t -ehiniton : Dioiil Semer, Ar.'hr-ny S.Techt.W'm Treaix Henry Ueii h. ubacb M dilrcreek : Geo Datilrf-ni.nn t .mr.-; Jn- S Kern, Get. B er. Jno Eib, Jam Saccule. Jno B-iwrwl. Heater:-Jno BinuamBn West Beaver: Jno HrVy Lewisborij: Aiet'r M Clute, Bera Am mona, Jas Marsb " Krlle::Tho'aCl ntan.Tbu's Howard. Wm Wilson, eon x -W hile Deer :- M.charl Yot, Sam'l Ocn.b- er!inj, Iaac 11 'Rh Mffl oboru : Jos Eilert, Jac Deckard. Da. id Meittener. David Herr . Wm Buffalo: J- hn L Uocke Geo Vn- a h, Wm Forster, Augs Garber. LUas Lnmbert. t!.rt!ev: John Hower. John Sjistlmya. Da id R'i-aer, Anrtw Cook Buffalo: Mart.n Drei-ba h. Jfi7 nrr-rs. (id trrri ) t'n r n: Jhn C' s:r..ve, John LeM.Mi char; M llrr.l. hu G.ier.Cha' Calfy H'e' Raver 2 JiO I) K "iiig. W. Bard, Mhul Bare, Henry . A , V, aver Jta BtC kor? Hewdr'Cl-.FhlV d Ge.SimP-: Sen, Pred Kremer. Jho ..eiker, lv) ?o..!er. Reujeft. LI. nh'wer i M-biWiei k: Jacob SnvoVr. fttml "fcr ) rv: Jhn Rethlon. J:c.tfh Hmf Wal.ira'n :. Iaae D M r lee.is : lieojt io l'b n H.rttev : J enh M "re, Heory Vanatia. Jhri'tinn chnnte WV Ra-flaat.. : J.b Derr, Sam I iun ttutaio :-- M-h rovr Jins Simou'on.Jr, J;;hn BiMle. Geo M:ller E B -Tal'l Jr-rmiah R.'ter .... Wh Dr t Heory Charles U a : COUKT PKOCLAMvTIO.Y Wl.ereaa ihs H. n AaaaaaM S Witsws, President Judge ut lbs Uuurt o( C ommon I mi for the tOih Judi cial Uwtiict consisting of lbs counties of Union nl M.IBin, end John Munltlius sutl Jacob vVft lemuyer Csqa Associate Judges in Union coonl, hsv issued thrir prertpt beartug data lbs tfllh day of Sept 1849 snJ t ow dnected for lb h.d iluif of so 0.:.o.' Curt, l-'.urt of Cnmraon Pitas, Oyer at Terminer, and Geaeral Quart rt rMMii at N. w Uer.in f .r ibe county of Union, on the 3d Mho :a of Dcc'r next tanng lbs 17ib day 1849 and 10 continue two weeks .OII;i; is therefore beiebjr given to the II. roner, Juaiicra of the Peace and dilutable in anJ fur ibe cun'y bt I 'atioii. tj appear in ibeir wn proper peraiifia with lln-ir roll., racorda. in quiaiu..a,a:iiiiiati.inaiiJ utbar iemim!irurr! I I.hIa th,. ihi.. Mhio . .f i fri r . 1 ...I " " ,,,". . V ' ' . Z ' " . iir ir i iifiBiii ft' uu..e mi u ail ahii.i aes and tiller r-.'a pr.ecunug i i Iwhalf of ti e CmiB(i)valiU againal any pern are i .paired i be ibeu ami .hire .u,,J n. ,j .-,, . ... ... ......... . .v, : i.. .. ti.p.a atiibuu: Itave t iheir rii. Justices are rriueaiad to be punc.ual io tbeir aitendancc ai ibe appoiiiieil t;ms ferabic lo nnticw. under oi kid an J a.al el iht bharilT. office in . Brrliii on tlie lal day of nilni A D. Ie49 and in ilie 7ili ynr . f t'.e ludepto deuce of ihe Un;. d t tea i f An;eri a. GOU aiie ti e Uiirnnionwralth ! AKCliibALll 'I HuMAS, Slieiifl". A Word to tie Affi'.ctei 6X00 in Philn jvww iifTivi.i iii ni!Ti'jt.i!'riit aiont; ...k..-. ..... ui.. .. .. : . .1 hnv wmir-ascd wiih asiouirliniLiii the won der'ul Ihracy tl TLoinsan's Compound Syrup of Tar and Word Nnptlia in cunup ('..nsiMi( :i. ti, As'iuiia, Bmnch-! iui, o'jsunaie I'ooiiM, I'm mm in the Side or Hienit, L'Ver Complaint, &c c. 1 K 11 nMaliuPlllllktl aa ainll.a.lir a. at 1. f .....cy, o,,u .n, n-jnoinair-rrii .in irr.rr.l Mirry irt no ;eri If aGuil ir C'iilil. Ls potter as an Kv; m'ornu; u niiii)r.M: adtpla d lo n Iii vrt tl-o.r,tc-sio:i i;. mi. rrnri.tr. o'i-msc. mid ehiie it 4i:is o i.t ri in ihrtminjr .)r vitiated matter Hhcl. cnlkcN lo Hit- io.ury t.f iIih ayvem, it act 4 a general tonic r streng'iu ni'r. Tbe testiiMony of Physicim and niberii .i ibe value of I hi erat reiiif.1v, ha been of the tnKt 84lirf;ti:try k'nj, and has given il a t-htrnctcr and slandnrd as a F.1MILY MEDICIXE. thitt hm placed it l.evond comiM-iiiion for he vaiious disrosts for which il is em ployed. Prepared only at ibe S- E. corner Fifih and Spruce street. PhtUdt-lphia. Sold by t'. If. Sr baffle. Sole A cent f. r irwiKliuri! and vtrtmly. 2?:t HO 'PHfi auhecril-rs give nut ice that ihey 1 have eutert d into a LojMrtnership lor (airy mi! en tbe FOIADRY BUSlJvESS, a the fortiit r atHiid ol L'Iimhi & Boner, and they intend to maee and keep on hand al' kinds of Castings, Stoves. Ploughs, & &c required in ibis retfion. Orders for work executed wi h desDHich. I.EVf B. CHRIST. JACKSO.X M'FADDIX. Lewjshurj;, Se;pt. Tl. flyers' Liquid Cure! IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for PILES ' bet her Imernit!, Ex ternal, Blind or Bleediiiti Sorofu!a,Wbi'e Saellings, Ult't-rs, ulcerated Sore Throat. Cuiki-r Sore M-iuth, Rlieinnitiism, ('titan et na Diseaws, Mercurial Affertians fy-c also for S(nld!, Burn. Cola, Sprains, Brui ses. ti cV ;. Wa n i l jnt in prnrUimuig the Fact lo the World, llial of all nieiltcinea eter brn't bi'fiiie the public, no'lt bare tier teeii nin-s Im tirfiriai loaQirtrd bumuiity ihin Xyeri Lijuid Cure 'Ve know this ia saying a great deal, but il me were In write voluineawe couid not aay too murb in pr:iif of thia aasLTa-aKaTORiKc.ttrt:.rHOiaaaia BSMrut. (lundreda, nay thauai;da Mies the happv li.iui a,hrn first they were made anjuniuled ftith in tranerendanl tir ties; and our prewui purpne i tn inf irin other thixi-anJa. bo and lirrr th- y may obtain that irlief which they peilups have long sought for in tain. Tbe aupeiinr exrtietire of ihia pr.parat'on oaer all other nieil.i-inet. for the upecdy and ir mauetit cure of flLES. is cll sliown to all !u bava tested it. ft In breti prov, d in tttmisands nf inatancs. and hat Hirtn rtiLcn to cure tlie motf vbtttlivte catxt and we are c.wfi'!tril it ti'iV; iierfr fuil It ud a pioiH-r length of time iwii'l ing to dirrctir.ns. Aa a p'o..' of our entire cniili itenre in it- etfn:acy. we s!'a all purrhasera 'hat if. af er s proper tiit. it p-i.ve iniff.ttual. ibe M ney paid for i will b rttumtd. Tile Liquid Core ia an etii .-.ual remeily for Singworma. Bl'e. I'implea, Uirbera' I'eb. Fro'ed Lin.bs. hiitilairi.. Sail bh-um. Musiuito Bit stings of i gixmiou. I leectsaud Cutaneous diseases of eery deerripUi n. Il is" both eifa aod eflirctuil for RaeCMane. tiip i'nmeil'ale ai.d petnianrni relief. 1 1 elTecla as a real I'ain K-lkr, are ran svaav nar ia iik ua rhould provide themaelaes with thia ln'uslV r-ejinrat-on. Ihe cneapneaa of which places i w ithin iba reach of ail Full Direction areomnanv each Rattia 1'ampbleta, containing copies nf eeoifirale from tboss who bae leatrd Ihe biqaiil Cure, may be had gratit of ur authorised agrui SSutrt' Li'n'd Cure ia im-pared only lv JgROME CO. 21 xprece ScNea York A genu : C W Scbsffle. Ixwisbuig ; J H Raaer, Milton 1 .row 532 s. - . . aii-si- . r i a. o pei,T" rin ssSi (t- l i; iai) This eiorlleiU roniioiid i for sale by ihe prori tot's Agats J Scar it ir. lwiibrg May& Cloe. tklinagroeei M Withinglon. Nr Ihitmberhind ;.J II Raacr.MUlon j O I & F Piper. WataraUowa- - SCH00L-TICJCLTT2: printed arrj sale at thia ofllee. or MMtlNfs SI EEL n hand at Ap2l Keber k Iddinf-f'. TOTLS Prnrniasory. Judt-menf. and j iY Joint Noew(blarUs) irt ibis I r-J9 SI !Kf NOTION AND JfARIETY STORE ' HAVING taken Ibe new Drag Establishment of Stkeffit 4 Chamberlm, I would res prcuuil anuouuee U cay trieods and tlie public Ibat I have rrpleniabed my atort aud wilt keep constantly on band a large, fresh and well arre ted a tuck of pure Drag', Medicines Ac. which I offer at Wholesale and Retail. My aincv being entirely new and purchased for cash si lo rales in the I'biled'a market, I am enabled to ell at lower prices than ever otfeied in tbia rcgiou Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Patent Med., Glass, I Perfuniery.Oils, Paints, Liquors, Fiiucy Notions, Variety (jOOtis, tl . I St C - - .... ruils anu -oniecinwr . ailh a large variety of other article usually k'ft ia Urug eatabliabmenta. Thenklul for past lata eral pa'rortage. I no,e lo merit lie contiuuai.ee. Pernona wi.hir.g lo procure pure and f.eidi Medicine-, are panicuhwly iu'i'fJ to ge aie call befoie purcba-ing vlemvee. n all 1 run. are ce'u!lj inapt tb.d Iwl ire off-red f .rajle and all M -dicittts awi.ufaciuied by imai li are r ranl.d good. HaTing a piai-ltcal knuwi.d-e nf the buitiea f om npe.rd of len ear' rtii rnte, I fli'trr it II ibat 1 aai a conijutnl juJ.r of tlie fame. All otdera enlru.led lo ire aill be pr (.! atlendnl to. and my Iriri.da may rely Uf..n gil ting eteryllinif "1 ibe ery iHt q'.al' y. C. W. HCti t t L.C. U ug; n. !,eiaV V. tfc 1 SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL ir 'ilfral .atronje hereCufots laceitrrd. reenecrhilly m.orina Imod Irien.l abd ibe public (truer illy n.at he Ins rimo'eu Ui 1 ilr I.op to the Baaetneni nl kia Buck dot liinc on Marln4 , uffire VJ H f- Hk., Kij) bei nr hi j t. nl all who may :ve lirtn tin if rti:'uii, !it dtara all w-ik in his line in fc-M mid tit-west a;:e and on short notice. He ht the Fach'oris refu'arK . ir.'l- a none liu' j;..tid hand, and is deiernond to keep us wi'h ibe times and merit a good ahure i. .atronsi;e. CUTTIXU d..ne to ordfr. t:hares resia-.niil.le, PriMluce tnken in ex'-hsnpe for work La iaburt!. J -ne, l S49 I270 7 Fatwy C-o.1a, Fiolloaa, Ate. l' J' recr'd a iirge aod apteusid asavrtmeai of Fane fi c.U such aa Ste.l B- aiJa HM Paiieila TbimMes l;lasis " Pena Visiting Cards I'lmina 8iler Peticila Itooiinoea i).-ad Neckiacaa Finger Kings Thermometers stin Deads Hair PioS Kafra and Amber Needle Cases Stiopa aulT.'o Combs hirt Buttons Walking Canes .Shell ' Sloda Hi tsaor tSiaiiih " Water Cobra 8u(l Glasses Dressing " Emerges Hpy " Pocket t'igai Caies P.-ckel Mirrors Hair Brushes 8ntff Boiee - C.npaee Twlh " Kpeciaclrs Perfume-y Nail " Cases Satchels Flesh Night lights mWliie fl . tiles Paint D..H and ISieel Tweezeia hhoe " Doll beada To w for J.wetry Can! (Wa Children lluard Chains I'iMl monies Fancy Pipes Watch I'ork'.l Hooks Hen Kniea Keys Accordions Pocket " Cluster Pins Fiddles Silk andThread Cameo Parlor Lamps Pursei, Tigether with a great variety of articles not mentioned in the above list, (or sale at H e new Drug. Fancy and Variety store of Msy 9 C W eCUAFFI.E English and German Physician. THO'S A. II. TIIOItXTO.vj, n. Um w THO has been regularly ttducaled in Ihe University oi Mart land, and an Honorary Graduate ofCastletou C1 ! ol J . . . . .. i . Vermoi.t, ami a aiemhrr t. tne .mhuicui a.-d PhiW.hical Society r ihe State ol Maryland, offers his prtdWi""! services in all ihe bianclus ol the He.-.I.n;: Art lo ihe ci iiena of Lewisburs and it vicinity. He has been enajred in the prnctve ft medicioe, in Luzerne county in thin S ate, tor nearly thirtn ers 'root whence he brtnus letters of recommcpdrilion funii he first wo in ih if and Columbia comity. t te,'d his 'ii!xliii in tlw prorissio.'i ,f itiedn ine, and bis gent-ru! (thuinit'er, vir. : lion J'.lin N Conyngham.Rea Mninsjnke Par.-i' " Zllia Bt imelt I hsrles alamos J 1! Yonnit D s A B Wilii Th 'a W Miner S It Warner - A Yobe " M Sieck ' Andrew Beaumont S F Headlej H B Wright H W Nicl.oi.on. Ksq Jrsse Hodman, E- CUaa U Duwnia.i. E-q Iter Tboins Bmn S B. Dr.T. eiay be found at hia em.'e at ti e Drug ?toie on ihe east ii!e f Mit.--ket JSl. Mil to Wnlts' store, or nl hia resi dence Ut door lielov K'ine's hotel. . IewiobutK. Jan 5. 149 FEEFUX3SR7! QCHAFFLE hs received a choice a? j sortnient from E. h'mtssel and J. ITavel. Perfumers, whose preparations arr celebrated Bee rs' Oil Pearl Powder Fancv Soaps Hair 'Dye Shaving Soaps dc. &c. Ox Marrow Bay Water Cologne Water Curlini- 1-l'JiJ lLm n p neral variety ol Jewelry ana Fanev Articles Sneciar'es.Pencils.Wa.lels, Toot h brushes, H airbrushes, &c. Ate. C. W. SCHAtFLE. Lewi-b-irr;, May 18. IMS CM Ilia Olt 23OO&0. AFRESH snpply received at the Lewis burf ("heap Bookstore : Fike Miinual ofCiaseieai Lileralure Daviea Analticrfl Geometry B'air'a Khcmric. (University edition) Comatock's M.neralogy 1 he Complete Farmer, I vol. fi2J et The New American Gardener, I vol. I Tl, l. t ,,, ;u Y..11 new Word The Book that will Sun you, or a w orti for Evervhodv I can furnish ihe abeve works, with a great variety of others, at erre li w prices. M.y 30 H r l.VNDAM. ALL INDS OF JOB PRINTING, IMTIT k EIPEDITIOrSlT . IIRCVTID , AI THE CHRONICLE "OFFICE. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & CO UNTR Y MERCMA A TS. DR. J. N. KEELEIt & BKU. most res peci fully aolicit attention to their fresh Mock ol Englith, French. German, and .im tricu t Druga, Medicines, Paints, Ch' inicalii, Oils, l)eniffs, Gla.-.arc-, Pi rlu tnery, Pa'i-nl Medicines, VmnUhes, An: Having oiened a new aioie, o .91, Market tl, i:h a lull i-Udy ol fieeh Liuga and Mtdiciiifa, a, ierclitill) atilieil rountry dealt ra lo eiiim ne our alock lfore purrba ing ebiehere, piom iaina one and ail who may fe. I di-poatd lo n- lend lo u Ibeir palronage, to kII iwn genuine Uiug' and Medlc'lie. on aa liiwral term' aa any iber house in the City, and lo iai hlully rn-cu r II erdeia eulruaua) to ua promptly and avitla t!e epairb. Oi.e of the proprietor being s regular physi cian, arfnrti ample guirwoue of the genuine qul ty ol ail ar ila auld at tbrir eataMitbioriit. We e.ria'l invite druaKiata atnl cuuniiy men lunla bo may wish u bet ume aiffnti lur Or. Kecl.-rt CMrahd Family Xtdleitut, (.'amiarJ and populai remedies ) lu forward tueir Hd.l.ra.. Solitiiing tbe patronage of dealers, wa reaped 'ul; rrrriain. J . KttLEK& BUO Wh..f.al, DMirrf-t-. 1 ! A iJi. Ma-ael gl., u..3d. ORNAMENTAL si. 1 h siilnerlltTOi't i ti.r sain Oi niirprti. lul Tret-sol very descrip ir.n, pirlictilurly the European Liiiden, ai.'d pMnlntiia lmiw riHii.a, h splendid hnde tree lately iiitrodu- t ed frr.m Jhdho, reirnr'.ubie Ur its enor n.aiis Ivan s (sortieiinies !n feel in diin. . 'er.) nnd lare ciusVrt of rose colored finwt r, p. tied atd striped within, emitting a fraruiir e Mini ht lo the Li!ac. . Al-o Fruit Trea fear. Cherry, Plum. Nt-ctarine, gntl Apr'C"! Ires nt ren. sot.al'le pr're nil 'lie vnrte'ies wirrtbtid i -i-.i.t ; a.!o H'T-hottwfc niid Grem houv .!n'a. tO.Tl.i r vr':h varifiy t f Flower 5-r-U, nil of' wbii'fa h- iil sii us tp as ti.evian lit' purclirtst 'J in Piii'ml.-'; It rt. II K. NOLL. Iwist.iir:, Sept 12, IS-I!) nt Icwi!bui'sr. rpHE Ti:lTEE of ll.e t'nierity af Lew 1 ishmg would ifapectfi.l'y inl Tin iia Pali on -and FiHiids. that, in the Hcboul under Itn i. care. (hI Lewieburi) the folb in aie tbaClasnei. Sub jccla of Study and Exercises lor ihe runer.t yi ar. Department and Stnfllea. J'A7.tf K Y DEI' A K TMEXT. Six Classes Exercised io Stalling, Keaiiing Definition. Enghah Oratnntar, Aiilluue'.ic (Seig rapby. History U 8. A., Pcmnao-bip, aud Coni tMiaiiion. EXGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Arjdemij The same studies aa in the Prrnary D, parttneTii c n'imiiii to the u-e uf boger Irxl books ; and l 'he.e ate anJe.l Ci ntial llt.-toiy, Daviea' Algebia, Legetidre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT ofthe Academy Jim. Academic Cliue. Enclisb Language, Geugrap! y. History U.S.A. Latin (irainiusr and Header, (reek (itniiikr and KVadrr com menced, A lilbmetic completed. Hen. Academic CIaIum. Enslish Language. General History, Casair, Virgil, Creek Header, DaieV Algebra. C0LLEU1ATE DEPAR TMEXT. Frenhmun Vlait. Lij ;.Anabai.Mniiorbilia. Danes' I-grndre, Trigoii. meiry C 'lniiu ocnl. Siiiihoiiwre Clam. Horree. Oi'yssey, fele-1 O.-ationa of Drnios'hene. Lfemlte rnmpleieu. Daviea' 8urveymg ai.d Naij:a:inti, Analytical tii'iim.lry, H'air a lectures. Junior C .'. Demosthnes on ihe Cruwu (reek Tragedy, t'ieeru .'e Ollicii, Tacitus, Nat ural Philosophy, Asiroiioniy, Logic. Miudenta in the English Department recite with those rurriiiiig tne ame sttiuiea in ine Itrgoiar Course. No class 'ti the Regelar enorse, has less than three H:i!y recital iona. All the n:. n.lieia i'f t e sfhool. f.t. th-ee dii!"tons.) are tn-tnied eciy Saturday in Krtdir.g. DtTlamalion, Erigli.h Com position, and Vmai Music All tbe sluiieiitH are ifij'li-ed 1.1 attend, resn arlv, some religinti- niretirij;. litiora are etjier io aitend suih micriiiga as are ti cotntnendetl o them by their pan nis or guardian. There are in the Borough in) ks ti a ia sit uitt'co ol p tblii' wisli!p, eci-Lpied eveiy Lntd's Day by a. ni.n d'fli riii'. (.'!in.-l;an iVnomil:luiis. xiuuii)3r of I'tuilcats. The tiuio'iH-r of sliidrnts during the ps.fl ves in th. a inut departments. .n f Thu itumbenhat h.ie emeie-l the classe in ,:ie Rig uier Couriie for Ihe ru:reM jer (.-Xitj-ts: u, those n iie f.hj,li!i and I ritnary u parti.ieiils ) ia aa foll-.we : J CoLLaoc .lunior class . C ophomoie cl isa - IS Freshman class - -19 Acsdsbt. 'ei.ir class 12 a Junior clij .28 -TI TKACIiERS. STEPHEN W. TAVLOK. A. M.t Profeaaor ol Mt'hemaiies ai.d NaOtr.l I'biliropli ; SF.OKUE R CIISS.-A. M, Prole ot Ureel I a. c i'.te sn.t Lilrrtt'ire ; (SEOfil-E W. ANDEifSO'W. A.M. Pmfeaa.r nt La hi l.anpuage and Liletatuie; ISAAC N. LCOVIS, A. M , Priuctpai uf the Aewlemv ; ALFKt D TAYLOR, A. M., Tea.her in the A.a.tcii.y. In order to meet the demanJs of Ihe Int!tu lion, ibe Board hac takei m. aure to aapj ly he neceeaary Ap(arsto for the oe,isrt.tient ol Mecbaneal I'hdosopbv, an I lo inceie th Li brary. htfiHC lha omruenreiiH-nt of the tut"r session. During the year, the luiklins now in priajiasa will be enmr.letid, atTNuing sludv rionn and dormitiee lor 70 college students. Another I'rolesaor baa lren ad.led lo the Faculty, ana mean provided lo enalde etuuenl in ibe Heae -neriGeJ abuse to prosecute their atudwa wub ibe greatest success. Tuition and Board. TUITION in the CoUethts DeparUnent f 30, Academic f20. Primary $12 per year. BOAKD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can be had in lha tillage and ue vicinity a. various prices, from $1.97 to $2,60 par week. Session, Vacation, &c. Tare Sessions in a year the former cominen ees so tbe aeroM Tuesday in October, and run """ weeaa; tne latter continues 13 weeks. Ymemtton 4 tkm . AuMltau,,i 6. Nel session begiua Uth Ociobet. The Board are happy lo add that Lewisborg ia al present, aa U ever hss bean, exceedingly beahhy. By order and ia behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATT&ON, PreVt. GEORI.E F. MILLER. Sce'y. Lswiabarg, Uuioa Co. Pa. dept. 1, 1849. A. L. HATFIELD HAS removed hia Watch and Jewelry establishment lo hit twu.jepposiie Hajaa' Store. j Bouk Agenli and Colporteurs will filiate lo obierte.D 1WERY ciliieo uf ibe I'oiled Stale should prirweas a cvpy of tbeae works. Tliey are ll. r Uuuka of Our Coun'iy. I'yft A Faiihitil Chronicle of tbe f i3mmm M AH oi Aineiicen inden Jei.c. Iii one large eolume, Illuatra'ed with 8ctenty Emigrating, in baudaoms liilt liindin. Price ;2. The PfebiiU'nfs of the Uni:eil States, Tlirir .iii;;.:iri an. I Ad.mlilatrationa : To which ia ad'i-d an account of Ibe Inaugura tinu of each President, and a birlniv of the pljliripa poli:t-al renj f bi adminialratiuii, aud ol the transaction of Congreae al each sea ion during ihe period. llluiMiaied illi ilegint pnrlraita of the Presi denla, engraced mi eleel. t' his ia a handKome royal H'O. iu beautiful pictorial binding. $3,5U. STATESAI AX'S MANUAL, comprising Ibe Liven, AddiesiH" and Moaagea ol ihe Jiidciita of ibe ITnitrd Stales, From Varbioilon toTalor'a Imuguraiion ad dies. M.iri h. 18:9. With a hintory ol l!ieir A liuini traiionr, and of each -Si's-i )n of 1'ui.K'ese- ele-i a.toua hil- j on-l mii-l.ci!, and i.hir i np r...l.l... ! iorn.,,niK mia COtnl.i,le id. , .n,M,ca. I tmMr , ,,,,,, the whob-..rk. Edited bv F.u-wix WiU'.Ks lltui.tialrd with por- I ai is t oui 12 rre!:l.'iit. i riv f;i Te J en alvel ..w, .... ...il-. ,i iiuiiu auioi" mr -, aim in lur beat aiyle of the a-t ; printed on fi-e ,..Pcr. aa,! .ani:..nM.ti. hmiriil in n.tilvmiif ivl. It m. .11 also lie en.bciiiabe I with Views of the Capitol President's House, and the Seaia of Ihe several tetee and th U- iif J S atea. In four large 8vo volumes. Puce -g i 0. '1 his i the citizen aud Liurary edition. ry'Vhe Reference Ldiiion rifthe sam wok, in 3 Toldir.es lare 8o, withnui portiait'. Price j7 Si. This edition ia for reference, and is intended for S'atesnten, Legislators, Members if c tv Corporations, Lawyeis, aud Individuals holding public I ilfieta. Tbe Republic orthe I nltea States, and its Political institutions, lirviewrd nud KraipineJ. By Alf: Ds TorQ.t rvit.Li. Ueimier of the lnsiitute ol Fmrre. and ft e Chirr br nf Dt put lis. Ac. In nne iarce u,iuv,i vulume uf nearly One Thousand rages. 1'iice i'i. The 12 Stirs of our R?iblic, Our Niit'on-. H it to ber ouna Cn:zen: Confair.ir (r tbe live of our Pri-aider.!, the Signera of the Drr'ttaliiin, Afiirles ol i;onfed 'ration, the Cutis tiii.joti, with au h.-t-.iiral skelrh r.f ihe Americ.in 1'i.ii n. Jllu.i rati J with elegant pmlraits, engraveil on slael. and illumi nated pictures of the .-'iit'iera. ih I'apitol, ar.d Pieaiileut'e 'fu-esl Wj.l triton, Buntrr-Hill, .Ve. dir. Elrgi:illv Iwuiid. Gill edes. Piice Cj'Xo ejrnrrse baa bten scared in ihe prepa- a'ir nl the- v,,iu:ii. of Documents. Histnir, am! Stufi-ttt.a. to rprdt-r the same w .'thy of pa lienatte. nut only ol S i:isin and I.eiitsUi rs. f-i.lol'ihe Aiticrmn I uMx tn.i rjlly ; whu will find in them the Ttir.sscar or I'ollTICiL KsovLtlisx, and a tiinsa o( inforuisti.ja. I.IT OF BOOKS puMished f-y E. ' i!!er, 1 14 Fulton street. Dr. Du tinti's PTis-nry of Riipiinisio to the p'psrtu lime. 5tl Ei.gi4inga, price 53.00 The (iuiJe to Kenalr.lie. 3,0d The w. niters of the Vot I, 2.5ii Mrs. E li-'a Family Mmitor. 2.50 Mrs. Ellis's (Jiiiile to Sxi .1 happiness, 2 5fi Hrotlirr and Sistrr. f 0 Cheever'a Lectures on Pilgrim'a Prof ess. 2 So Chiistisn Marty tol-ipy. 1,25 Chi ist 'a Messenger. 1.25 Fate nf Imiileliiv , or. Truth Tiinmphant, 38 Oild Fel'o' OtH-riug lor 18 8. elegantly illustrated. 2D0 Od l Fellow's ntT-ring for IS49, d 2 50 Odd Feilni's Otr.iinr for Is.-jO, do 2,1.1 The Olid Fellow Illustrated and neatly bound. 100 Fa.lh. Hope. ar.J t hiritv IMuslrVf d. I v I 12 oo. Oi!l Mu-hri. 1,00 Friendship. I.e. sii l Tiuth Illusttated. 1 !. 1-! rim, (. It. 1,00 Tales from ihe .'kri..un Nighl'a Enteitain- n"euis. 75 R liiiiliiHiii niid his Mer y Foreste.-s, 75 Wreath nf Wild Flowers. 75 Voonc People Mirror lor 1318. 4'o. Musl.n, 1,0a Posr.Muterr,Bnok Jt.:;ente and Culportevrt Who may desire lo canvass districts fnt the ibeve iirporial.t National Works, will be pleased io anViesn a line lo the put. 1 her, slating Ihe put ion of roumry he wi-hes to occupy, and by remrn f Mail he will receive a Lt-I of p.ic. i ith Terms lo Agents, w Li. h a low them a fv Ijl'i t: cnnimis-inn. EDWKI WALKER. Publisher, Ml Ful ton strict. Near Vmk. ('tiusumptidri dis iruied of its Terrors ! I 1 A 1 L '. i S' Compntnd Syrup of Nop il '111 ii pu-itntf rin pu-itiif nine iurCi.iiMtiriin:iii:. I'' -line, Aati.tn:., util !l Jist'aes nl' the "tipt and lung. a an slo biiitle will prove !' ' Ili.l iCV. . 1 he pr..(.riefnr not on'v reromtnends his -Nptii. ixt p, but warmtits it t cure! fi. .:irr.iiti ii 10 uct upon the chyle, and puriiy it ; he warrants it ir reinovc all im pedtinei: whit h r'e'nr J li;e frfe circui.iiion of the bb. J ; he wnrrants it In op:u the iuit rn .I ami externa! pores of the lnd v ant! jei ail tin- obnoxious pitrlicles whirl, hntu .iccuniul.tttd iu the system ; he warrants it n a never- tiiini remedy in nt-ciie lever, ntohi sweat, dyiepsiii, liver cnmpUint, 1 n:n in the chest, and asthma ; and be war- e-iiiis it to arresl the forrr.aii t nf tubercles in the lungs and lo heal those alrradv lonned, so lh.it peroaa in consumption nt isKc ;i mini me most iHMiuve confi dniee of a rme, for its reat8eat of anion 1 the lungs, wm h it tenetrates in all di rection, riuHl;nj them of evervthin obnoxious io its prnorets, and which, il tpptieil acrororu n r)ire'iins, it can not in to leave in a pr-reetly healthy condi IHWI. Aonnt el Lishurrr Jin) n W "lH FFI.E. iet the Best! ALL v-iung persons should hava a Standard Dielionartf at their elbo-va. And while ou are aho-il it, jet ihe he 1 1 tnat Dirttontvy ia oB W'ihstzbV Ihe creai work. nnih..J you aie too poor, save ine amoaml from olTv.. oara.to put il into vour hea l. Phrtnal'tr Jour Ik. U'-t.. l . ,.;.... ' - " m airu win is tne rest Uicttnnary of Ihe English la tguaae. Londu Mirndr.. Containinc three time, the amount nf m. l et nf any a Ber r-.tighsh Dictionary com iird in this CJuntrv, or any aeiidument of thia w.wk. Published by (i it U Mei.ia.n Spriiig(5etJ.Maaa. ano i or eaie al tne t Bnap Bookstore nf May 30 s I LY.D vl.f., L, lahnrg K . P"""8" '!! tgiah. nisi. American cm KSan, all kinds of Chewing TORVCOO. for. Bbs hv PENNY St FURRAY. Iwmhurg, Dec 4. 1818 COAL KINDi- FOR sale by REBER A IBDWOS. Lewiabnrg, June, It4 EQl'ITABLE LIFE IXSl'ItAXCE, Aunulty and 'trust Coutpauy. Office. 74, ffalutet Street, I'hilatlelpUia. Cihtu, $250,1)00 Charter Perpetual. ri'HK Company are now prepared lo transact I bo.iucaa upon Ihe uioal li!.ral and adanta- . -m. I l .1. i gcuUS tetma. X ney arv luiuninoi oy turn ciiaurv (sec. 3) " lo make all end every insurance apper. laming to lite ri-ka ol wbnteet kind or nature, and to receive and eiecu'a tru.ta, Oiake endowments, and lo grant and purchase aunuiliea." Tha Coui peny sell annuities aud endowments, aud scl s ti us lees for minora and hnrs. Tiziu: of Premium required for the Atsurancc Age. Hreio. Ae. Pi. m. Age. 1'rera. 16 $1S0 31 $2 09 4d $3 36 17 I 53 2t 2 15 47 3 49 18 I 56 33 3 'i 4 3 62 19 1 59 34 2 7 4H 3 77 20 1 60 35 2 33 50 3 94 21 1 63 35 2 40 SI 4 13 23 1 C6 37 2 47 5 2 4 32 2:) 1 69 38 2 6 V 53 4 51 it 1 72 39 2 63 54 4 71 25 I 76 40 2 70 So 4 31 26 1 85 41 2 61 Si 5 12 ?7 I 69 42 2 92 7 5 33 53 I 94 41 3 01 68 5 54 f J 1 98 41 3 12 33 5 78 30 2 01 45 3 23 60 6 03 Th-" premiums 'e less limn any oihr company and tfce po'iries ull'jril gre.iti r advantiigeii. Mer ited women an I female rhitdrep can insure Ihe i. . . ... . , r - . "f r'lh,!' h'' P,'5'?1 f?J yearly .it , s - - -- j j quarterly p.em'omi, half credit rates of premium, abort terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of application ars to be had si the Office or of the Agent. JVara fur taturitig $ 100 on a tingle Life. Age. For I year. For 7 rears. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 160 30 0 99 1 3d . 2 04 40 1 29 1 64 2 70 50 1 86 2 07 3 94 S3 3 48 3 97 6 03 Fi ample: A peisnn aged 30 years neat bitlh Jay by paying the Company 9'J c would secure to his." fan:? or heirs flllO e'-euld he die in one yn-.or for 9 0 he aeruir lo ineiu i 1 COO. or (or 1 3 CO annually for aeveu e .r. Lc secures In inem attiCO sh iuld he die in seven y rs. nr fur 20 40 paid t ea ly dui ii. g life he secures $ 1 0(10 to be paid when be dies Ihe insurer securing Li- own bonus by the difTeret.ee in amcui I of premium from those charges' hv other nhV-ee. For 49 53 tiie heirs would receive iBjCOA should he die in ore yes'. PETER ('I'LL EN. President. F. W. RAW I.E. 8,c'y and T eas. For further pa. liruU'i at ply In HENRY C. HICKOK, , Agent fur Vi-uit and adjoining ctnintiei. Curuultitig I'bytician W. IIatl-. M- D. Lcisburg, Union Co. Pa. Jul) 21, lt49 THIS 13 JZJ WATCHES AND (.I-OCKS Curt) uily L'fpaired.ul the shortest Xctict- MMIE snbscrllirr desires to inform the I cilizoiw i f Lewiburx and thf publi -.ii etitfiiil ilml l.e cartie on the W.t;h-M-kiej l!(i.s;nes in tt.e sho; P.rtverly oc .itjt.ed by U.J.I lotiel,w heie be in prepared fx.-eute all kinds cf wtnK in his line oi tiu.ittt's wi b pronipiiie?i and on the mot reasonable leriii:., Hnd by strift attemion to hi buHine exjiei-fs n I i 1st-r til hhare oi pntriniigi'. He has cons'aittly on hand an Assortment of U'rniE-S Tatint Lever, English, ami Freneh. JKl.VKI.::Y Hold Welch chn.ns antt (itnrii'. I'enciU Pens. Rreastpmsi.E.irrio's. Pitij;t'rfin, Silver Spectatlts, Lotkel Sjioi.ns, Thimbles, Vc. Whn-h be is determined lo sell low CALL AXD TRY. A. L. HATFIELD. Lewisbura, Nov. 13, Is-17 LEWissaasFouHDnv r'IIE Mjbcribpr, tliunk'nl for ptst patro X nage,wiu!d inform the public tfiat they I'ontinue to manufacture a'l kino's of MILL GEARLVG. Cast Water W heels ,ppro'e; Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. "e invite pnrticuuir rtfet1t.n to a nrticlp Wiarii'u PMciil L1SG riOCCBS!, lor STUIilE IU triiiO. i aimers by this plot!" van seed iu u much truin, in one day, a: n ihrce days with common ploughs. "nd Fittiniiibesuirle. IIOLLUW WRK. leti!- nnd Pots of various sizes Smooth niii In ns and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cniiktnr stoves. COOKING STOVES, he most approved poticrn now to use, for wood or coat. Fancy ,Parlrr, V.'ood.Coal Stoves A IK TIGHT S IVIES, .(arc. eir-rg;alaln; Air-llghf a arior vi oiki suuves, ( arm article.) J hreshiitj; Macbii.es- nnd other article. "I machinery repnireJ in the best manner and on the shortest notice, t'ttstinos war ranted lo be ol ihe best ma'erial, aod a prices mat can not iii io please. GKDDKS cV MARSH lwisburg, March 25. 1848 Il200 Pianos: Pianos. ! Jty, .w.rs.,M ' II I I flnn undersigned conlinues lo furnish to order X on ma most reaaonalda terms li.n. ,. the manttfirfory ort'or.rad f.Ieyer. PhiLdwboae MMiUu.eeuU are loo well known In need .... egwic, bavins enif.mnly teceurd the commn: d alttsM of ibe uio-l amiiirnt pnfirmtm. and conipo ser. of .ie. ,h, ,,, ( ,.B,iu0M jn Mew lork.rhilailcliiliiaand V. i:.:- f. . w u.,lliw r..,.n ...... a. , i ' . , e, ano see i mg in lone up lo concert pilch, Ibey n no: be aurpa,aed b, ,ilber Arn(r. ourntNio ruirHM. Ioatruetions Kiv,n on tbe Piano, aa h...tnfr. Kefcretsre may b. wade la any nf tbo-c parents or guardian, who have p.,p,a eotninitied hia rharce. He Slav I awa ki. . n- Maiiee. Marksi ai.eet. Lewi burg, where terau Particulars wil be made known. The most ronularaw,l i,,-.ii. nu.i . of dinVtewl kind received aa il is issued Nora lbs Ultlurcnt muaical salabltsbmenta in the Cities. . 1 V. .si 9 1 1 I'M JM OUABI.ES aUltSOK "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that attul diteatt. CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S .Lecture oo the P,. lion and Cure of Coruutnjttion. This poplar work for vile io Lewitburj hy S. F. Lvnr.rt!l J. I louhtoa- t& this nfne. frice. 75 cents. TRICKS OF UrArKH. LtT CrB-iYOOT KKAB THIa :Aufru.T.lm fenapatiila Mr tt th iirrit iwi eiav( TnnnvD't'i ra-1-.kari:!.. fc in lvenr-aj m it Okla NArOtNI IKaaUllMl. Tb TownOTtal MMiiui and iia for uaa ; Hul wm iormtrif workanr on minMrts, AM . and tSa Ilk yat heanaanira tba uUa ai Xcior tm puVfOr of rniaii9' vrraniit tr tahaM h mmA. tUmyim ha ai trn'tnl iau meturavi atctsosjia, ami pracucrt 1m firWsai .- ! !J' Si'W it." tru'ii M. he nvcr pnciicri RawticuM m iUv in hij (U ; Stcii ari'Wy iricktii mintrr. loi'.lta, b.i ) 11 ehxriirieer maA ventnj of Um mi. I wti nK( MrCerrij, he irer nMile lb tLnmnu M arlt or ut ins. Wbtru wiii mr irirm to b eiam iuiav lul ut a: 'iieir lraiiuai sn l i'rroHin with itMir kUnm men He atjipfiel to nti Rtl C H' Ut a.aarM him to 0 uuctttrui kw mixture, taWiitr tha tac Miro bm w-u4 mat. an a.i i:.ucemeiti 10 mhnrk m the huwiocaw. Ttaaaj men hra'A bceft MtUttllrC Ik1 1 1 Or filial- ID IA all PMtaa fnrm, m of-arr in imprcsw ite public wrh tit bat iaji" uai ihe OA lK--ir'g airatpanl! wan n m irxr fnut, w jrm Sarsavar'fm. nv'm IruM tha jll OcTur a Origtnat Hmm pis, 'thtr S P. Tjwuertvtl aaa 1 bava t 1 ttas nei jaf mkf came fit 97 a wvek I will i m him tr.ju if ha wtU pra, rluce on atifula niaxy pnt of tiiu. Ilia "amst-f Thompan. SkiMnaiwi st ;o. are Barms' ai: a ttmm f lalwii4ai-tt, aimply mul U rVeaif m tit pui xy ud lu-a l!tc u uth tow 11 iu rrtTArd to hw mmrinf, ftrvvnttng rva ponnH. Tin ia in ratitHto ih pub.ic to parcha tv. IH'I Dr. JAa 'OKTwitaaPtn-i'f Ssir-apTi . .. b-nfin oa a -a OiJ IKxUaf'a hkat4a. his amity iXti Jrau. aad tv MfiMtiiR-etrtMi the Ota-tt if Aritia. Principal QfJUtt IO- Sos-n-vatr, S. Y Of JACOB TOV mm Old Dr. Jacob Twvnsend, Tne ORIKINAL DISCOVERER OF TUB Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old lr TiW.mmss1 ia una atsiat 70 vcar- nt as, arrt bar kaebaeiik!i.vn th .1 VTHHK and ItixC'iVERRH ifihe tSBS VISE OlllUIMAL -TOWSSKSi mRSAPARlLLA." B. u: rsr, lie was cump.ii ihait itsmaiiii !r. by wh.. b means it tus tswa it?-, uw at milker, sisl ih sa'e. i.ramsti ih. la ihwm isili n, hail pnivs.1 it- w.ir.h a sl known Its v iloa. It tiad Iratlial Uts eaia .if inauv. nertii"ai. aa itvve prvaa was hal uvea beaUM M i diseasas, aad sasaal iroai tmmm e .s.iT.sJ us wofi.'-.':t HE AUNG rOWErt Tinr)Hl AND I NK-Jl AM KUPHrCPiaATICTia fBaaiiiilaciuretltfa tnr Urare-ti ara.r.aiu l? c4it-vi nt ih:s4aa out t?t knth awl brvs-:h m tb laml. ta a m ItfUiiJ tiifajmbt i U tn-ernuon or ilrtcr tura t a. I'll UC VotttK S P TjavnataMlai-'-. It lK'rr'ja'vja WT a and iMrtrrVtuu.eTi tUl rxT the?- ae!tr : aWCiA-aa) it la i 4 an :;Htif erint'i'- fcy a yintie mat. Tits i..-:jttt kivi1nl-V oi ('hnff trv. ail the Lt liiacovef taw M an, hav at! btmt biuu2ht tniu requiettu n ia -Jio minW lur ui trrf O i lr' St -an pant I. T Srapariii m it I arett ktwvti to mroo-Ai mm, cr a una mui umitcimm pr"facrt.'. arwi a.nti nrofnte wiist.ii arc iMrt r utm.wm, Uasi ts-itaprii. whirh H ffci.iJd in iirepanr.f it tor . pt tjucr frmettta. iou jjj J (Crist', wNtch ia m-unnu U)Oni' turn. Ssv; ni 'fi (er..prriiti ot Sir-aifsatria. rr j ,-iwavaa trat ttfj; ta:irv f r iirie aiW ara :j the pfrr-vtafc II li.tr are mt ed hy 4 ner prrr, r-wr wt lv u tfv- ai'. ari!-:.cd IQ T oaj.ac: are. K-wtvaa r-r wmUilf fT.jM'.j, , w:nrh rtv ott ut -for. .ia a sa fcil ittm, wi-iv-r h"i. tha. r 4wrtfat mmxJ pry ar.i ait tNi f.wr, wnKh 7"eto it 'A it a;ija An (vtar ii cu iiv9 r mvt the roar, ttii Sj a dart rtaiufad iigUii. avtiicii ia mjte in.-? lb a.i'ia m!ief ta tbe r.HH ta.! friM ariyth-ti? el ; the can th-ti aMto (ta) MriUMi r Vstr-rtii llqui I. warret-rO mi aw'tr flr wj tiserrca l M - ?.KSPAKU.I-A EX THACT af iTi X P.-ji such i- not ii. afrr thy7i t-he GiiNCIiiOL D I JAtJOB T0WSaW SAKAPAKlLJLaA. ThtaH aa prpparei thi: all ihe inert pankaa rt h 9sintai.-inlta r are &r: rerrt-.il. evrrrh.nt carvavs brCaeTnnst: meui r fcriiimi:ais'iH I -tract.l aot r uai , then err prir:e nt m-'tcal Jrtut is axxtije.l ia a pm arwtcoitrriitratetl urn; ai..l rt i r-aJ of lo-tnt an liw vet'iitf ! t'wj ba'ini pturtn .-. !! nltreair. iht wit. i !intihi at : pweriu; " Cmrt) flanamerabla Dtitaes IIrr!e tha reavwi wh; w: hear cninirfBiUuuM . in us tar nreo. w.Taniea, ami t-iukirsaw We ttl a dtrtn- w."-!rrw Tii'-K- cu- "I ... CO V.Vlt'.iP7'X DYSPEPSIA. nf LITEfr vla, pu.Es.rnssTtVESE!js.. rr.i ocs KUVt'Ttnsi, pimples, blotj::m and all --ttvia at;iuc (n-ra IMPL'ill 1 Y OF TIIF. BT.OOP. h seisessss a marvei!iis efflraey in all rsniTilii-.w s sin t-.ai ImlifXiom 'rum Aciitity of Ik Xtjinjr't.'ram anei;tnt errul nun. i!e.rr'aina:nm ol" liiooj l ihs KasL pa!l..n.iu ol ine lierl. cold ssnt au-l tiaivjs. C...J c'.i:- ITil ft i-be. user ihr bnj. Il has a"l us..a. la Cjtbnm Cough : aisl s-KlKusi ea-y npecioraiKiu aisl -w-ie je li.aii.n. laUaiiis suiclurw ol use iutt-s, Uirusi aai sn o.harpart. ... , Bui in inMhine ia i:a execiteocs mure mamreall esw aaf acfcuuw.adsel ilian m all kiniia anil atafes H F&.MALb COMPLAiN I S. Ir wqi ks a. Ier in ra-es of fmor Aihut or B"Xav F'i'lt-t v'' 0frmc'i. Htxsl. or "a-s'st MnM- Frr.gu.a-if y nia-trin! ,irssW.aitJ in :itt airl is arter'ii.l III caiuis aU Ilia liHOl-ot hlidnry Dri Bv rem.is.ne onairutil'ins. and reea'amij! lha tetxm axsiem. it aisea ions and stneugth to taa slwla Iswj.asl thus cm e. all forms of , tirraat Itlsjeaaaa aad Deblllly. ami Vina neveiesor rrt.cvas a (real saihti ' I v alii. jr ." trruattttn .es,.-a'-in, M wirus Ii c!ru-aei :k biiwjd. exmea the It.er io heai: arw"". toara tha !mh, and zivea nui dii-ti.-n, reti.a i"a U-we!aol nrivOcmi ikiimii. aily in,1amni:i'Vi. p nfiea Hie -ki. e-iaaliees the eirtuiMiuu oi tht- bi.i. cjh eeiuia arnuh e-iual v aJ onr tUa botl.v.aw Ja ifteenaiMe peroral inn: relaxaa etnettm- ar r.?,r-. DVsTcaa.1 orminifnoms, and inis'rate te enjr Mrrvai aTv-"-m. i nog in ia uien Tha MrallelaM ysMi yrawvyiwlnentlr T.t" But ran an of th-Me fhutfr he ati m S P T rrit-Ti mieirnt- anif : T "nil vttiur mtn'f !tiini 1 1 nr f ''a COMPAKKO WITH THE OLD D:'. iWuMe of r fZH ar F.TT. that tha esa ia INtAi' Ui.Eol PtTERHiRA HON, ami NKVEU SPOILS, while :he other POPS- mmrim. fermmtint. tor! Vjiiaf tkm aVV'aja rntainiD? n inro fntftneiita : th ".'. av IisuhI ex;-t'1i..n l .brrweriug mhrr !? : -tis n mS'e remaia.l he pitw(xia io the waa?m M lf ' pmt acid tJtOfi system Irtuiy 4im$tt4 arts' art. 1 Uat ranor fVMitpi'a tiH arid ? rweni a'i kmm t"T ftwKl antira in tkwr Momarha. what michirt it proiif' Ifa.Mlenfe. hrrrhuni. pit Ma'wi o the heart. iivr c- Caiiii. tliv.-rW, tlrwni'rt, rnHr. ail enTap'rvi lh 'otl? What u Scraia'a hut an artJ hnitw m ilrf Vxi What pnxtrrna a!j ,h humorti whirh hrin on ErOD!r- the SViit. SraM Hea,!, SmU Rheum. Erfwpr:. W-" Swe-iti, .w, yr.wtr Sin-, ar.d all ulreMti.Ms- inrrmi Irrnat I It ia nvbtnc aialrr heavett htir an ar i.l -tiVtsnra, which sour, anri thna ,HMi .m tl.s t!iii,?ei ire (!. B'ii wr lex. What nni RhentraiHtii tint a anar n-i fifl ffind whirh HtrniMres iia:i hetweea the toint 't Wiete. imtatinf ami mflarnific 'he rleUraie itriie of- -whirl, ft arts t S- nf reT-T?a, cHa. of imfv-tnts -i -ht LU-or. ol' (Imnseal ruTuaiMm, and near I atl the ai'ot whiehafU.? htimaa i.atura. -w mhimh aornte io make and atll. atvt injtmWf rrweo m nm tssj MH R1NU, FEKMnNTTNO. aCtl COMPOrMM 0 !i P- TOWKSK tnt i ae wftajhl faun have it f-verwitn.f that OM TV J vb Twnrir- 7taiMac Origin Snmpartila. ta an. IT..Til.N hi inrenor preprvhn ! Hearen inrbtA that we hM..f hnl in aa artir'e irtrl wovld hrar tha meat dMam reaembiance la & P. T'wa anwra mrttcte Hwihtt nn Wr!. berait-e it ia the aJWafrai'. thai SV p. Towneva-nH'a anirV and U Dr. Jrrrth rw Srawpariila are krntn-wwfe aryvrrl, 4tarf rnftnitr'n d'W Bit; hm tt-T are an-ike m eeery panic u'ar, harf a ane iuj!e thin Us cHvrrtn. Ai S. P Tiwnaeikl ia do vsvtor. and aever wa. t hrmHi. n T'lt.-imi4rstfi4-nt!wat no twrei twlifit'e (t.w.iat thaa anr wht-r evmrn n. aHwietvitic. nirrewaf tan. what ruitranC can the rmlk.e hve ihil (hrt re r DetvitMr a Crnninearisaiinr me tirina.owMivsin aM th" lue nf the amrea itaeef in pf dtrtn . ami whirh 9r,t eanable o rhmmrea whivh miht rfrnler them the A4kNT9 af Iiiapar. mviead rf health 1 r-K wht el we hitil he aviaeiil from one who aothine enninarativre.v m maaaiirina rvr dtiseawr I 11 rvHTHbf a ieravn nt eume x(rrienra to an f aerre a:, ronim.a iVeeni meal. Mow mnrh more impiMia''1 M thi the rrarti arm mnn'artnre met!irtne ?rie, r,f- weak KT4.v.'!it Aik irri.-t-itt ft-n svvn.M atiotfld kmw wet) the me.lH-al protwri plai.'," manner m ar-rtirtn aMi rrvty-rntraTm? their aeaitnt! alau an eitenetve hmtwletre iW th earH'ttn it-e.i- waira affert iha haman maiam, and how tw adapt iataaiie w raJ lliaajM t hia f we. aV.aa.la. rlTUin th tmtnft WSaAfaV. M IHItT Into woun trj huram'v. to kin lie botta ia the VI-"irr" sWwoTn, t ra-tore fceatih. ami hrnotn. and r" ertrahe! am! h-.km. il to hiiih mfrm,rv h' OLD JArOT(MNST Nf ha IVM OIITand FOIH'w Btwvaanitv anl eiii to hrix hia Orand rnivaraa.1 Cotaee nitrated Y . within tha raaeh. and tn tha k nswia,tr at all who a " A Je M learn arvf knnw. h toaiui 'ii' .. , ' TraattcBdaiit Pawar to HaaJa AOKTS for Ihe nbnv Mtdi.ine C " SchnfTlp. Lpwihhurtf : John f I R f. M'f" GENTLKaMKN'S Faocy Goofo, Vf ings, Cloihs, C&aainieres, nod $.. mr oMb io cneral, a! Ow & Bovvt9 CiWtp Pof