Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 12, 1849, Image 3

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O r HEMLOCK RAILS, 2 inches
QJVJ thirk and 12 f l-iu for
v:!.. lor Cash only. 5. AMMON.
1 ,e ish'irij, Dec. 4
ellrerttarc, &c.
reaaectfu'iy talo.-tr, tws cn-i
liewishurj; and vi-tin'ty, :b-U ib.;y
located on Market Si. between 3J and sVh,
nouth side, where thev are prepared ex
ecute all kind of work in tbeir line in tt
'est and most workman'ike manner,
'..'lacks and Watches of every dtr.rriiili.n
nm'-v recsi.red. and warranted.
The subscribers flatter themselves lhaT
hey ere wcl! rjtjaiittrd aod prepared, (both
a it regards their knowledge, skill, and
experience in the business, and also in
driving a cm.! assortment of I he best Eng
ih ur.d French materials,) to give en'ire
ssvsf .c'.toti ti customers and particularly
r'l'E W.TCI"c5, Much as Duplex Es
-a-K in-iiis, L-pmes, Anehnr, Detached
md Pven! Levers, Repeaters, Mu-ina!
Vu ;,Hs..v ' ii-:. will be carefully repaired
perform well. The work
i ? executed as safely and equally s
i:i I iff r .S'ni; could be done in Philadel
. i 't y ,f Xsewhere
V: . 'it; s Jewelry, Silverware, and &
.-f etv of tj'jod loo numerous to mention,
s.a!e a; the lowest prices. All aiiic'os
v irrun:ed to he precisely what they are
. U tor.
N. B. The golden rule in our business
ejsh and in order lo justify our price,
will be required. OO-Pieaxe give us
n call, as we arc determined to please both
it, work and iu prices.
!.ewilurg. No. 29 1349.
General Orders.
MaJui Gcnbal's Office
Rushlotw:. Noiihum'?rland couoly
October Tl. 16i.
'pliE fimplici y and durability of the
Undress Uniform of the 1'nied Saie
Armv, acrnrd with the spirit of our insti
tutions, and therefore the Field and Stall
lffj -era will adopt tht? undress Frock Coat
and Foraec Cap o( Cio'ed Stales Aimy.
Ttiose O.Iicers who have a'readv prwii
red ihe till uniform, are not ic.lud'-d in
this order. WM. H. K.SE,
Nov 15. 1849 Msj.Gen. 9:b D.v.P.V.
Latest Arrival !
ITST received and now o.Tcrrd for the
iuspection of ihe publt'-, r-'-ir complete
of Merchandize adapted to this Mirket
uch as
Foreign and Domestic
v i.f which have ln purchased at ra:e
nhich triable u lo stli G'x-.Js
c.ieapest of any in town !
Thrnkfu! for past lilieral patroniae from a
.-..-pmi'iHiina mlilic,we hope to merit and
ft -' r i:s coi.linuan-e nnd ex'.ension.
i "rn.-ichpr. the OiJ Ci9ap Store is the
r!cf l"r bkuains ! !
!rwihurg, .V'v. 27, 1349
IS he"bv i;iven to Jamr-s Ilnrrla, Martha
J ihiri!-", L.iitd Howard, David Howard.
1: ; Howar.1, II irrn ;t, intermarried
iir. Ttiir!ii Vnvn'itdh, Ann, inter-
. - i h W.rUoi Wi'vin, Jane, inter
n'M J.";er'i (trc'n, heirs and
i -. r. . vr'i'"". of VViM.iA L. HR
t. . e of ' Vo.i county, I'eonaylvania.
c- oied, that in pursuance of a writ of
nririiioo and va'uiiion tissued out ol the
Orplmns Court ol Mercer county, that an
Inquest will I held on Donation Lot No.
726. of 203 cr. in the th Dislrirt of
ISoRiunn Land ia Mercer couuiy, on the
12 h day of December next, a; which time
vj may attend if vou e proper.
J M!:S M'KEAN, Sheriff.
FberifTV OJi-e, ?
M-rrfr, Pa., Nov. 12. 1 840.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphaos'
Court of Uai'-n cour.ty,will be exposed
t public cale on TnrwDH the 12th D;.
.t arnn.UviJed o4weirih of reruin me
a! and uj-t of Imd oilusted in Wftrt Uaflsla
i"ocln. b'mutiej by Ua.U of Pater 8tM. Jr.
St Mwkv, t'h.lip Ruhl and others, eoofsin-
11 ictw'ioJ 129 perches, shout
"" cletied, uid oo wbicb ara oractcil 2jC
j'kig Houw snl Burn, with s epting of water
" te du.r, ni other improvr laents.
'! to e,iminenc at 10 o'clock, A. M., when
film of mae k.,wn hv
onnlin rf Catharine n:l FrlstilU Lctl
ALSO, al the aama time and place, the
Nitwit of hr lenuitiinf nwne of the be
uf hni will b tol.l. nil ifrmt mxir trnown
Agrnlof ih Heir of Uiiulietb La', dee'd.
No. SO, 1S19
CAME into th enclosure of the
tB'ubseriber, w-veral weeks since, n
UULLCALF, supo&ed to be about
Var old. Tiic owner is requested to
'ne forward, prove property, pay charges,
lake it awav.
K!IhV Tp., Nav. V6, 1849.. ,i . . 1
tlu-riev and Sett of Harness,
One Two Horse Wagon, .111..1'
onj Truck Wagotr, i . . I
J'or.a!, by -. ,.. firSMIer
i : " tsie: H
Ti:e suti':nber re.s-ci fully
Jv notitie th people 01 mi o tro
Mtt-iTtii viciniiv th'it he has ren'ed
buck i.ffi v UU; )r l.ti iw''s, where he
wen- on Friday a School fir insti u -m-jii i;i
Kh I'lui.i and Om imenial smr.
lit concHivt Iliat his part c-osisls it)
oachinj a plain, common-wene, buiness
nnnd-wri'tnj, and this hf ptelpes hitnsclf
lo ii i o ihs sa:i-ifaciion of loose w ho make
i fie e(?rt to learn.
Room ojin fr-m 2 to 1. P. M., nnd in
,e.vt:nin:, so that pupils can anetid when
oiol Hjnveiien. Those residing at a dis
lance can improve in wrilinsi by coming to
town and practicing four or five davs.
Frr terms, sjiceiipens, and recommend
ations, anply to me at the writing room or
at Kline's hoiel. S. SHELP.
LewUburji, Nov. 20. 1849
ENGLISH and Germsn Aiwaafs for
Sue by I Lnwslm
VNE.V BUuGEY for sale, cheap. For
furiher pailiculars, enquire ut this
Lewishurff. Nov. 7. 1819
FRESH Corn M il for sn e hv
Oj 31 ! G Lnwshe
JUS T received a enuinti iirticie S ChI
Livtr Oil lor whos.-lc or rtT-i.
Nov 13 . Lr Tliornnin &. i. tker
Ulcerated Sare "Ttrozt!
It is well knots n thiit, if i .c t'J, ih;
complitinl invariably leads toConsU'r.p,;..n.
If thoe nulbvina 'rom lliis disease would
.pp'.V Dr.Tra-U .Minelic Ointment. ihey
woui'l fi:id itjunediale re!i' l". For lull par
ticulars, cull ou ihe Aa'.s, and gel a
Sold in Lewisburs, wholesale or retail,
by Tiiornli n Ai Itaker. Price 23 und So
els per botile.
tliWI'I. The ravages of .hiso'rend
disease, w hu h annually sweeps so many
thousands of intertsinp and b.vcly rhilil
ren lo nn utHioely grave, may always be
certainly and immediately arrested by the
spplication of Dr.Trask's Magnetic Oint
ment. Mothers whoe hearts tremb'e with
f.-ar at the approach of its dread rattle, try
it. Price 25 to .'H c'.s p r bollle. Thornton
,t Baker, sole Agt nts fur Lewisburg.
,T0ULD inr-..-m he ,ii.l. ic, that they
have cp." r-ed t .-hop on fourth slrrei
r-. ;i (. .1 . - J 1
lower ti v i o. v. ";') ' '
i...;Ks,te liutaer Pardoe's hnp, whee they
keep on li;.n:i c-r.make to o;.ier J3?
Fancy and .CVunmon Cha;rs,
Htj-too Rock'ng Chairs also
f 3Tir" 'Sy of various k.tnis,
fc. o Settees. &.r. &c
All work in our line warrrred io l.c wi.l!
omde, aud on th most reasonub!'' Ithw.
House anI Sign PAINTING
a'.tmiii-d to hv the s.ihscrilv?rs on ihe shor
test not'c snd in the b"? s'yle.
Country Pr.nl jce and Lumler laltrn in
pavim-ntand Cash not reluwl, but tailicr
The subscribers innd to b strict in the
(ulfilnent of a'l their promises n rsU
wort and so doing, hope lo receive a
liberal share ol public patronage.
Leiti-burs, No. 1849
MORE about M'Lane'a Vermifuge!
Read Ihe fallowing testimonial as to
the value of this great medicine for worm:
This is to certify that I purchased j.e
vial of M'Lane's Worm Specific some two
monihs since. I administered two apoons
ful to a on of mine about 7 veir old, and
I have no doubt but that upwards of 1 ,000
worms passed from him, measuring from
a quarter of an inch to two inches in leneih
"Dec.27 1847. G.W.Hoilooav "
AGENTS- -C W SmAFFLE. I.pwisburs ; H
J Miefrr. Mil'oa? I Oo-n. S-lin.er..c: J W
Kriling. 8unW ; Mr M'Cav, T.nrlliumiierl inJ;
M C G irr. J M.wie. Danviile
TO the Tax Collectors of Union county.
As ihe year will sood come to a close,
and our Cojutv Settlement will have to be
made, we-hope" the Colleeior will make a
vigorous eOorl to bave their resjitctive Da-
unllti.l lift.
I'""""" . ..n
Ileliuauent CoIV.'Iots previous 'o jchj .
. ' : ji.. .:... . it i. h Im: I
will 'aKe nils :n'nj u""i "
,hat will be given M we hereby give
n,rtiee that we will wake Eaor.eratmns
after nexr HecemOer UHin,wm o
tested will attend.
I ER. ")
Comm-..' effic. New Be-lia. Oct. 2. 18 It
Apply ' Trask's
Maitnelic Oinlmenl"
freely on the urface
over Ihe region of ihe ain, and you can
easily throw oiTibe disease. lit application
ia attended with no danger ,and it will relieve
you more speedily than any other remedy.
Pri :e S3 and 38 cents. Sold wholesale
ar retail by' Tborutoo & B .ker.Lewiaburg,
and J il.n H. R iser, M.lion -
- r r TC1 A aingle application of
I A ) H, 1 O. Or. T.ask a Ma
n....,n,.i. will tatislv anv one of its taw-
, wi removing ibif plarue of t'gbl boots.
Sold in lewtsMirg.wbolesale and re'ail,
hv Thornton & Baker, and by John .11
Raser, M it Ion. . Pr''C. & nd 38 da per
holilo. , . ;
)i for Jnsireea and CoriTH.S, on
IJlUllsiS tj,j for fa!e t this otfice, or
(iriH'ed sccoriline lo Qoler
"IlTANTr.D two i-.ns ol .tv.AiJo, in
1 V . xchaoe lor aiercnanciEe.
An 25
I Law he.
"INKiJAtt-e-iJOod Cider Vmej-ar tor
sals, hv 'i"i I G Lswne :
just iij;c.:ivi:i
FULL -upply fur Wholesale nr llf
il. "'
l'.iri' Wr.i'o Lod ' 5rro O.l
Lias. e,1 O.l P lie U I
Siiiriis Tiirnon'iti" Born.ng Fluid
Spauish It'Mwu Prwssiaii li.u'i -r
do Wiiitmg Chiome Green
Vi nilian llod do Yellow ,
R-dLead Lamb B'Hck
Yullow O-.hrt Copal Varnish
niack Lnd Japan do
L;tharge lrfa'hT do
I'rackf rs by the bbl. Alcohol
Sperm Cund'es Tar
Mould Tallow do S.ar
Dipped o do Castor Oil
lu;kin G!ass Plates Sveet do
And a variety of FANCY ARTICLES.
which we will sell at a smnl! profit, and
not "at cosi." as "w sav.
Lewisbura, Nov. 13, 143
rpHK n.j
1 Pllull
sw I orK -"' v s: "io iiulri
'" '
( !
have bdii us
I'd Au.oiiJ iouiiv
our lier..fc,;..Kl Ml our o.vu idiaiiV e have .
used litem n-tulv lour . .'rr,-, w vto r. j
'lU!red n,,y ' ' I, no ,
I) l..r M-ve L, . Iir-,r..!.-i ih h-.s erased our
h:e-.h...ti, am :;o m--i ii.v ti;u.'. the Dr s j
?.;: uM-d. 0.r tH-hf is, "Keep your
tiovvels mot !.. ;).;rc," and -verv kind o! i
disenv will I-" i.-.'w n'r.i nr runil. Th
Hrandreih I'i!1', tr ,:,!n ri!lv c:l( ii'a'cd lo
Jo l?'i. nn i it.er bv u;ui.il ie.sM n the sum
ol huu; in .I 's.'i v '
The SKi.uitiP piil i'.rsn!c by J HAYES,
soIm hoi im .. i.t iljiiro . 8(i.'J2:i
INE Oesh lir'n and Biack fcas.froiii
'i rents a pound Hud iiiwards,jjMpnr-
'rl by th Canton d Pkiu Ten Cemraiiy
f New York, packed in pnmi'Js hn!ead
rjuarters, perfectly an lih', just received
and .or sa le by J A II A V lit.
May 6 - Sole Asrrnr f.ir J.ewMiirtr
IN one of th mos fl vorishtnij towns on
the West Branch ol the K.i.'o.iietimiiia,
a purchaser for a DRUG STORE
now doing a first rate bos.i.ess Amount
of slock now on band, about 1000, w h'Ch
will be sold at cost for Cash, or if inrf.;
convenient a small pint of it on short
For further particulars, enquir at
offic-e. 29
Dr. Swuynis Celtbralcd Family Midi
dins. crEK voi.iows cvre:
re Prodis ol Hie r.liicai:y
. . r t m T
oiip .r.m inner or
WiU Chvvry,
The Oi '.'.r.ul and Uca:ite I'rea-rulion !
Co'jjhr, CokU, A lii lit Itr-MicniUJ, 1,5 m Com
j)UiMl.iiHini; ilii.Kt,.l..;icuhy ! Brejihiug.
paiu i.i me iili' n i Uri-jv, ra'j.iuti.m
of ii K-cl. li.BudiiJ Oonp.liro
ktn I imiT-'.iio'ion.su'P 'J'houl,
Ntrvuus lieiiilnv.sii'l ll
4wjrr ul Tb'oat,
Urea 4. and
. Lung:
the no, cff.'C
tnal and spceiiy cum
known lor any of ho
altove JiM-aM w
Dr. Swajn's C4mpiund
of Wild 'Cherry.
Reliable TestimtinV.
Jn Miliou Ea'lc, editor of the AWeester J
Spy, Maw., was otucrj with severe ii.fljina-
tion of ibe luiig.', acompanifil ilh a J:-ir.-.Mim J
cou2h : aiter u.-iiig arion oini r Kinriiie- una
hide or no hem fit, b b " ho"p '
Swayne' Compound Sy.up of V ild Clinry. b
was rmftorrd to pr!'ect heal'li.
Wm. Montelius, a f(H' uW' njercb-m' of Si
C;ir. S-bdvikiU couify. writes, 3!i 149:
-Eni lowd Isend yto a c i itic.'. . Wm. B-u-
ri.ont, citifco of " " Hi- c .-.- ..I - "i-
OMption is wll k w: n-re nnd ol ton- -laudine;
he aitrilinle iiu cu t eiuinly to jour V iinpnuud
jrup of W;M lai.iy."
" Be not .tested l .f many "pi'-3s and
w.i'!hle prep.in!i,ms of VVi.J Cherry, Urhered
inf. .ii..e b ienoraut pretfi.i'-rs. bu'. that
f e ,iini.i'e't,i r.Svlie U i ch botile,
which i ibe only p -nii ag.m.M imi..ition.
lierutmjcr ! ir.v i:-uui I ""..jrnf-.n ol Viel
Cherry is prepar.,1 '' .rKwJs.N W
corner of E Rb'.b ami R irv,ireJ. l'm..iJ a
Ewayno's ceic'ar-vtc-l V:mU'u;e,
- sji.fea.i.1 EiVwUtt U- Worm.
.u. La-l'-i Mmbus. nu.lv " dv-r. ptic
Cliiliirti. . r .Auiibs"."' 'b- ' '--l "'Uil r'auiily
r,I.d.cHfter .o:S-r..l i itlpu!.i.-
Th: rem- tm' ''" i"we" cuccesrul
f..r lii'X li ne-'""1 w um'er-ul ocKnowleiinl
l. .11
h i be III.'" It mcjuriutcnw K ...
, . ili iija iit llui n2 lime
- la ,hl la..(0. at iUu
" " r .i i ....... a
.Tnu0 .y c'hrr mr.ii. aie e r em ..yv.l u.
only drr.roT o,m.. but il inviyor ..es l!:e e hole
vafrm. It i bsnnlew in il tffeela.ait.1 tna heal.li
of tl paiifnl is alway. improved by lis u.,
bra im orin ui....
trjtitware of Mistaktx. K- member- Dr S ,
in 2
recer.ll t.en clii.gi; rovr.ru .
p.ni ,'r jeol eneravinir,
IIO 'He IPIt'l.ti
8nym shereon engraved.
.ni h aet deceived.
Bear ibis ia mini.
The virtue ot these pt.b. eao be appreeuted
on, by those who have ied thi". They are
.japtei to " 7 ;f rr':'J
n,a.ier,ob.traclions inrporrty of ihe bl.wd. &c
The sre a geuUe snd etfoctive purgailve. c.vrrecl
II the functions of the her, and as an aiteM'i.e
in .rnpsical .flection they are very valua'de and
Aonltw in eer family Tbey fca.e sn onbade
eoetine of pure White Sugar.whereby e.eryllunij
LSreUla to t.te or smell is .naroy removed
it ia lb le" affectintr the ercelleot MU.li
l of (he medicine. Ke.embec ! lacy sre now
put op i boxes turned out of the eebd wood.
Covered wiih a red label bearing Iba elgc.tani ol
UrSwayne: none olher is getiuiae. .
The tove tvalti.tMe Medicines are pro
pared only bv Dr. SWATNE N W corwer of
Kiih'.h and Race streets, 1'hiLdelphis. .
for Union Cnpfv.-r . .M
C, W S. h..ffl-. T!kM UaMew-ismirs
i a,K.J,' .ml B Wenrn. iniersiur$ .
yios Spetut. Beavtrtow n. Wilt i. L.lcrt, Han eton
It J Hover, Centervllle Hsmf Ua.ipt rt d J
I) ,-s, hmire,sjel.HrV yS nsn '
fSn.i.li.Ma-ser-.Va!ll - , V'J '
KetiMUlUi-Ny llndia ASummers.1-r.eburt
aud 1 Storekeeper jeiicrady
MEDICINES, Ac, at ihe
t 9 , t 'I
&7ai.i-i ravi
U!AN5CFt'L for tl.-, i.Vral r'r Vl"
enjoyed 'he rast e.is. n. 1 woiii I r -
f:::tlli.l ,' I'lVIt,' old fi"l.ds n'ld l to CM
utiA .nine ftiv Aftn-. 1II1A'. filld .-.rlen..! li
mbra(.;r(., a1,.,.,N, M.,rvil.:.m desired
j() , ,inR Cuwn, a. d cheap at that.
K ir r1.j1;I,rs.. ,,riqj, e Ht ihe olds and of
Scl ufa,; & Chamb-rli...
c vv SMIAFFLE, Drugfiist.
T,..w!mrj, Nov. 1"I'J
: .
riNDEK lI.eiiiMiia.o'iwjit o!'J M'F.id'.iin
J 2d, i-, removed into 'he buscuit-M oi
h'-it-e on the cwrm r trom
G'-n.G r-i'ii'. Market S . L
w isbur.w In r
j i. public can he aciwmmoil ired wi'h the
j be-,', of
I Fried. Stewed, K-ia-t. d. er ill llie Sile'l
i TKli E d. ne hp in le lies' Mvl, '&
F. e: Biesd, Pie, Citkus, N'jW, C unit,
V.-. tV.-i
I Tie piibtir: may rest assttrrd (' ihe
e;iti!i(i-h.iuse shad be. kepi clean hii.1 r.uf
erly. end mihiII bnvs and roadies e'.l
lermitled lo loal here. . 15 Iru:t a.tepiion
lo the wauls of ihe p-ihlic 10 our itiirt. we
hope 10 receive a snare of its patronage.
3 M'FAHDIN -it A'o
N B. Afi-r ihe ls of Nov., Fml!i"s
Im supplied w rh Oysters in the shell
by the lundred. ball-hundred,
Lewisburg, 0t. Tt
2 1.250
Dr. Jo'ia Locke,
rO DENT-ST. rpsi.ottni'y inform
t.-'euds d !!.. ! ublie in smer il, that
he tins c.'i.ci'.L.'d f nuke l.ewi.burg hi -rnm-nti.t
( !.! of refi.!fnre. Pr. I., hs taken room?
on Mail't S,uire,Ur d'jur lielow l!.e 1'rii.tirisr
itlire, which l;n h.is filteJ up to npente in. lie-:j-ec'e
at Kiiii's Hotel. l The third week
tvr-rfc in eerv month, he may be tound al Eck
ter ' H-tirl, tn Milton.
IV. Lcke in rrguiar pMrliiate of the Bi'ti
mor.' Cullfie of lnlal Suigerv. I.esii!e hj b
qutliiirmioii hp has had Ihe ad'sn'sge "I five
)i ir-.- ex -- rien e ia t!je pr litire ff los prn'e-ion
i 1', rm.-ybanis. t)hiii, Ilhnbi. WinMtwii, and
l!,e cilv i.t Hjliimore, Mil.
llr. I., r.kes all the Journal nf the i!iy wlih
eot'tien liew and nselul infa'onti'.n in (be line
of t.is proi.M.ion ; anil fr.vn bis a'r in? ineifs
with Ihe bet iiiitnul'irtiirers of leelh, f.M foil
A-e will las keep on hsmi tor the aceonmni
duliiin of hi ru.-(eriers Itie ve.y bel qailuy ol
all llie msterials a t.l in lilJ ou-inep. .
Vriit wirhii.f Denial oi-ralion perform, il
w ill find it to their atUanUae io a'" him a rail,
as he is d. teimuied uot lu be u'std in ihe
bedUtx a-iJ I'.oruiiitv of his 0.eri.m by any one.
-jf-s Persons fni where J K.lloratl ineiled
Trelh and wbi msv e.eeii repir,ru
done, are in!oim.-d that I have the mml.N ..I
their mnutha a prepared by Mr.Houael. and aw
?-q.ienily can do tlir reoai'iiu 0 rvr
thin it can be dene for here as it le
trouble in nisov cases of oidkinu a nf iv misiel.
Lewwhnre. Oct. 17, 1819.
Ilirri'ou's Coiiisaljiaii Ink,
TN Quart. Pint, nr.d stn-lior siaed bo'-'es.
Click. Blue, lied and Indelible. This
celebrated Ink lor al' bv
V. vv
-c rri.K
TATR of Phil.-.tb'lphi. is row l sieil on
j Market street. I.ewl-liur?. opposite llr. 1
Silirever's store, where he nllpiids to 0sration
I on ihe i. pth at a rpilunon of his former p;ires.
Tel!! tie! nafs oi l-. lh icmoved with the aid o!
i.iil.rowi tii-'ri.iniits. and in on ensy imPV'
t il ia -4. etl. ami sei'imr on pivots or hi'fs uit.'ii.
ihil io arcotitiini t- la latest niprovPo.eoi in '.lie
prof.steion 1,'i'er it. d. puiiy,aiid ii turned cuius
riired. Thni'ul lor past tao., h wdirt! a
. ont:niianee of pnlilis p iironsio No impure
uial.-nsi ti-tud f .f liilu'js in teeiii. , I2(
at the old stand.
k RE tow receiving ih-jr.o'td ntufvefl
known stand on Market street a full
ui.d well.arUacteJ assort mtiil of , -.
Fair and Winter
t)! ! ! IT
comprising lh uual variety of
i ert'sr
1 .w
Salt," Fish,' Nails
. (, '. elcJ ctti..' .' .' ' '.. .......
Ojr Goods, .are warranted lo bo. cjieop
.1 I .. nA hiuuI sa ha s- -"
" M;!Th' u,, r,,roatfe
; . . ,. e... r
0i Ifirnt1,.we asa ior n . connnuancn
their livors r nnrl new eomeri Mid stiano.
cr we regretfully invite tot - ' :s.l
Call and vSSe'e!
'W: a i ft?8Ei &' iDDINiSSf!
! -jwiMWta . m-"l84:-' i'.f.-. . X.
lfOULD res-ctfoHv inform hs old
Inends ohT Itie public in genetal.
that he is no rrci iviejt a lure
of Goods adnp-rd to the vrsnts, the means j
n"A the la-ts of a'l.
T30i3U tot La Ues ;
(i HOC E HIES fr tlie Family ;
Caps, Hots. &,c, lor iue w-v,
, Qu -eits ware Nail.- i.-h bait
; iic. &c i;.'.
i .
ivhicli h" ofT. rs t u llv.- in" "i
ncc ..mn.-lat or t rm, n tKe prini-iple ti
",siu.b ProCt ib 1 i;:l U Sa:r."
(Jra ri'ui for p! p.n-tia V, o. -ii "
.!wi;.iw::i" tmb'i. to rail mi r rr..iif
our si.K-k o' M h:irt't o, which we ire
ConildiUil will ! saii'a- rv f) U.
lvvi biin . C t. 15, Is"
Ahead of Compciition
SIM 3 wUi
p'i! i-
k- .lusare in iiiformins the
thi ihev baV? received (be birgi'sl
f s-i-c'ed eh- nrrf-si a"d 'he most
iaiiiolia'i'e as.softinr'iil ol GOODS
ever offered lo ibis community I'be sat
ilaeii.m ber"to!r.re reaitt-reri bv ibis stntirl
it is prs.ioml is a H-.lfi. ieiit guarantee fcr
their 'ul ire operations. :
'lo rlti. mi to enu r.crs'e InoSr sliK'k,
would be stiiei fl'.imts, fr.d indeed .i-t.pf.ssi.
be; hut lri.(-' vvi.b n lo purchase, nre
i-ivited to call nnd jodfn for them Ives,
btdcre pur -iiaslne eie here.
li.sburg,ti-l.. 17. Ili) -
Home Iiulntry.
1 00'i?a
sotierior 1 1) 'A A H N
le bv
"Smull Profus and Quick Sales.
-' r.v f.f fine's U-'f.J , '
r"nilR p ihlie is respeil'ully informed that
J JOHN .FOUSTF.R, has rwived and
now ..(jois lor sale a verj lare slock ol
Fall & Winter goods,
compii-inj; .alt nr;i( L s kepi g.-nern'tv in
ilh. r stores, wilh ihe add 'b :i of many
LI...J .,f on.ids not u-ii.iliv hri.u.'hl io
he cotmirv. An nni nation of ibe stock fTIIE sabsrriber would inf-rin ihe G-i-is
resis-et ii ly invited Among my stock J tlenien of Lewisburg and vicinity thai
is n lame v irtety of
sSioes, IkjuIs, etc.
iTardware, Ct'ilar-wafe, etc. elc.
TO V.IIOLESAl.K buyers,
iiteat in !uce0:eei!i tire offered. a a liberal
ill'. l'l ni w III t.e fPH I.
at the new rhi-ap enssh re.
rf.wishn.g. 0. -. 2 is 11
Dr. Z.?z?'s llcil ;r.c.
The suoscrn- r l.av.i L :.e ttppoiet i
s.de u4e.1t . Ut. lite-. - M III '.tl.-s. I...
tin er.in-v, 'tl- ib m lo the rttb'i
witi 2re. .-. .tl tl'lfti-r es to ilwir . !!i ac)
nd ceit im'v ofi lii'.-ii. cu."- '"'ill
foe w hich h'-y a.-o .ies-en. .V jingle? test
r ic rOM.i.r;..! tf fStH 'lii-ill the ael.
Kept 27 . . .p
New York rail and Winter I'A-
TV A ',' r'-eeiv.d nl tne Fashionable Tail"
,) I ni'i esluJiisllm"nt.4e,,.' bair io lb.-l'oV.-i:iv-.
JOHN li, V.lLl.CU.
Lawwhurn, ?ept 20, IfU'J .C!nl. ..
Superior Cm. king Stoves.
The siiltsriiU'rs h'aVe on hand TheEtBt
Jiir-Tig!l Cooking Sif.ve. arrnnj;el br
vVood or O al. These Stules are superior
J p-.itl r.i... . .T ... ... .il.
to anv initio M i"e Ki.i.i -v'-r ii. -.'
1 . ... ,i-2 , e...l '..
c .t:iiiry,. and will be M al rea-r.iitUf
f ? . - .. . , . i. o i3
"' S V J; WOLl !
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla
J LSI tec d Iryuo, toe old Ut. a.i.arjze ano,
fresh supi'ly of.bia Celebrated u.edi.'iiiej
from ibe priii- ipaLDeiipt in.cwi Yiark. -
Persons wishing lo procuicrsupariliti
can have feilher the. old or young Dr's, gen
uine and fiesh. by calling on the Atent, 4
' Lewishuia. June 6 . ;. sJCHAPafl.E,
sai a
4 LARGE and fresh' supply of Ihia reWnaled
' Medicine, just leteised from ibe piuicipti
Depot in Nw York, and. for, sale al tbev d.-w
Drug aud Cheuuti
vital atore nl
Dr Thornton $ (taker
; A lol'tfJSliO.M .WNi.sh. ih'ibe;!
clteap ManofaHiirw Y faroii & t55row!,!
on hand. ;Jtaq nil ;iza g"J; o order 6u
short noiice. , .,
.s.itij .1 Jj;1jr.!yj I A
tt--sin -s:-
K3Ji,'a -f. P.-.v'ahMtfa...'- t
Hc: suleid-rs have H:ial:d umier
the Finn of
S. & J. WOLFE,
fr the .ori.e of enrrj ing on a
Whole-wile Grocery and Lft-ner;ii
Commission and Forwarding
busies L.b. i!.l advances will I iua.!e
nn a!) kinds of Cuu'ry PxKlucr.
of bus ness. new W t. rehouse oo (lie Wharf
immediately below the Bude,
(AMttU VV.OI.rE.
Iywisborif. Pa. Aug. 7, 1819.
f, () J)
rpIIIS nen and valunb' Medicine, now
J used by the? medxul prefe-si.-n wiih
such astonishing eflieacy in Ihe core ol
Vut.unnfy C'uaMumfl:oi Scrof..h Clirwt
bhiumulUm. Corf, p'nerni Ihliily.
CumpSmiiU f il.t frdnrr;.
Scr. A-c. i prepared fmm the liver of :l.e
' OH FISH lor medicinal use, txpretj
lor .-or .i!':s. , .. f
Seiip from tise l.on.Iort Ve.!ical journjl J
U J B W:tLiis M. D . F R -, Professor of
M.ili.r.e i" I.'niveisiiy Colhge, l.oiiihm, coli-ul-liii"
'jliv.i, inn lo ihe Hospital I" t;oiunp i.ii.
Ac j .ay- ; " I bse u.ecril-ed the 'bl in above J
leirr l na li.'d rase ol tub i. ulou diHrae ol the
Linus in JitT. r-iii Mseswhich have been uml. r
ny cre the lat two vnr and a half. In ihe
l:.rj;e ni:nils'i of cat a 21-6 out ol SU4. ite use was
I dl awrd by marked, uiimiuis h-jI in:proement.
ins in doB'e in .Jilt lent case, from a tem
porley retardation of ilitf prone of the !l-a-e
ai..i a mitisa'ioii of distreseinc syinptunw. up o
n taure of Wf euu ll; rei-loraieia to appao i.t
-The ff..'l of the C.sl Livfi Oil in rro-t of
these iv wis ery reii.rkble. Een in a few
dj Ihe rouuh was mili-trd, ihe eipee oratioh
.li:re..i hc.l in juaiiiiiy ai.d a.paciiy, the eith'
weU ce.srd. lb ui lacjme aluwe. surf of
hrltrr oluu.e. and the .(eiU, ttteh aud atieuglh
werp srada..Ilj i.proiJ.
' In con. -hiiou I repeal that ih' pire fresh Oil
f um ihe l.ier r.f th "od is more hem firial iu
tho eatmrnt of Pulmonary tonsea plion than
ji t kg. "I, mediciiiel. .li.ut.c or rvjnntojl, that
la. jet bem einiloyed " ......
As we have made arrangements to pro
cure the C(nl Liver Oil liesh from ht ad
iu it ers, it ciin onw lie had ch-ii.ically
pure, h ihu su:o!u bottle or in' boxes ol
i.ne doZ- n each. .
:s wotidvr'id eflicscv has induced nnm
rons sjt i'ws inii'u'L'ri. As cs success
dejietids en'irtly on i.s put ily , lort tniK.-h
care en ro.i be ued in pr.s uring it grm
inb l'ver b-:le baviiio ou it our written
stjlia'ure. n.v be depended on as genuine.
Pamphlets mniainma an am. lysis of the
Gil, with rcti.-e ol t JVo.h iln; AlMicnl
Jourua s, will, lie seal to iIioms w tio uijiCs
us free ol postage.
WLolesiiie I Ir.igg-s's nr.d I h n.i-'.
Ii23 JliO N -rth Thiol Si l'hiladdphia
he has now re-oiened a lie.w anU eieanl
shop, next doorlo the Post Ofih-e, where
lie will currv.o the busilies- uf CUTTING
AN D MA KING garments as usual. Work
tnoV bv him warranted to fit. Prodjce
received in payment at market prices.
jo:::; b. millbk.
L'Mvisburp, An:! 27, , ,
The New Foundry
IS now carried en as tisutt. at the npter
end of M trkei s'rei'l. where every ri' s
criplion of CAST I N GS i" L'V' '
hand or marie lo order
The Complete, or
-such as
Complete Improved
ro-Ai'Js; Stoves,
'or e::!i(T C mt or
i'uu.l i-tii all
titer kinds of
eni kinds Com Ploughs, Bull Piouohs,
and the
Eeif-SlarjerJas Hougb,
a new nr'i' le, and wh.cii ran not he licat
;n Pennsylvania. Cail and t; and j'jJ;;e
for yourselves.
cni'.nr & v.'f'apdin.
lwi-bnr?. 'Sept. 2'i, ll'. :
Fall anil winter.',
i , ., ' . J - i.-
T'lIE subscritier has ju-t received bis
1 I. .... .. .-, ,..;. ,a
t l ;ock ol
ii -1 ; -''I
GoisSa t-mbraciBg Uh -usdaj'-'ttfrietj-"-such
as ,-. . . ; .' - r'.',K
DRr,GOODS. : s . '
UARDWARi:. .. .
; HATS.CAPS, &c.c.
All of which are o'tfered cheap for Cash or
Country Produce. Y ,".; T" ' .
i LewLbufg; Sept. 18, i8 V - ." .
' C 0 A L r
:;;-;COAli OOAIajV;
fpiIE ubscril?r h on haflif and is
X. iiuwreceivinj; tv-um, PiU4)oir-t(M.ibn
u.okin, litst Foundry j ''J
, L'lmp,- I Urokcni: '. ..
" " ,J t.,
COAX "whicll will be .tsp"ii'.i! of t(A
ce isoiiaiii" terms. .
J '44 .. i ..... . G. LAWSHK.-,
..-. .'' :r '! ' ;. ;,. J.
The old "irtinnnJtli,?
Fill ini; tip Again !
, I ttf Al l Q
; - Ua U V I.a.ft.ii; . .
-i Tffci f rrs;lniii!ly sttlotm Inetr. r-B'U
jl i!w puulic ibai tbr-J are uw receiv-
n, their isaal.syj p' of - ;
calculated in noalitv, prUe. mix! unao'i'V
' 'o supply hw wanis J llie Irwding ci.-inn.u-
mi v rrriurrfi'tnis - , , '
Hardware,' ' r
Queemwfire, fish, 4'c 1 T
all of which are tdTercd on our uut
aeeomi'iieJatieg terms for Cash. Produce,
or ud credit. ' y '
H inme and hope to merit a continu
ance of the very liberal rmirouage. bereio
lore ex'eneff to
J. & J. WALLS.
lewisburg. Ocl. 10, 1849
"IT7ILL eoiiuiu riie or. .Mo.nd.w, il 22d
Y oiO wber. l;i.-!iuclion will le giv. rf
as heretr.frTC, in all bral-ehcs r.ecssnr in
h hotoiigh iltili.HtH, Kxerej.e in ('1 rv.
(Ot.on ami Lctlaqi-iion will le leijiiireJ. i J"
riri.-t attrniion wdl l JsU lo tbe tuin.aiieti ot
lecular habita of s'u.ly b. the yeotieef Min'lv
of the ftrhnot 4 I he lepvlati.-w of ibe litelim n n
will he ma le M im. not U'U Um uamWr. ti(
lifon 'he progress of the eliidruU. The sub-eri.
iter tai.H enUcit. for a school of more lhi Uflf
reaLl tr kIioI.i Term tot Lili);U'ltA. $1
f..r ibe hifjber En!i h. $8 ; and Ibi il, comriHu
Kngli.i. bian.bes f er sevstoa of St el.
- J R.A.MJiM.ril. FrmapiU. -
LewWhurs Oct. 3. 1849 . .
SIGN (f the iSblAN!
i e
Cleapcr,tiaii E?er:'
' . a i
riHE stibsciihcrs Iutc the pleasure lo annottf.ee
I to ibrira.ld cuslomer and ihejiuldic iu gn
eral that Ihey h e npenej a laree and np'rlidul
a-soomenl of TOBACCO 4. C . 'b lt
stand no Market street loruierly K,u.irU by tvami
A 'mi' on a a 'I si lor ahop.
Their entire stock ha been selected with g root
rare, and conira of
Cigars FragranHn. t.a Norms. Primavora,
Principe. Werner Real.a. I.'aslello. tict.M.I
I av lor. H all Spani"h. and Contaion.
( aventliMh Tebacca 8L.h:r'a I lack
F.H. t .aigiiiss, Oion. kOj Uramb Hig. Plug, ai.d
Fine Out.
S;i30k!rlS Tobacco Cut and I)-y.
Sceireria'te. AC '
Stl'lff-Rappe and Scotch.
Pi.ull Boxes, tiriioan Piie, and a fnney art
cl. of I'igar caes all of wbit h are offeicd a4
he lowest rales All Kinds of produce taken in
exchange. Call, see, and judge fur yurie!'
Tiftoi cundroming the article.
I.ewUI urj, April 51. 1849
Office JSetnoved.
Isttcisbttrg,1 J.'i C '
( FFICF oi Se.-ocJ- St., la-elv occupied
U bv L. n. CL: Im,. . . ;
A .r.i 2. 1-40 , v ',
e-" Thesuhsrrri:rrcclj
,tip- frv',ily mlorm the citizen
"Pf T-roi Lei
ol Lewisburg and aicuuiy '
thut ihey ha conic nfd
ihe above businei aiM.
Hate's' old shop on.iiocouti
one siiuaresouib ol M uket.w U-rt they
are p'reparrrj lo Iron Btifigtesor Wapcoos, .
and ir(.ke all articles in thiir hu'toes tw
ll.e mot workmanoke mnnner. at price '
which they hope will induce iniwe wikhino; i
atittl.ino (Tone in iheir line lo t-ll and
judi'fe themselves before going elsewhere.- '
Kepaiiieg done rn Ine niiesi no'.tca
anl mi reasonable terms also Shoeinj.
which is a Very imrrant mat
t-r to those that bnve valuable
horses, anrl fiotifd becn'rusted
or.lv to persons ol known skili '
We ll.itter oursefvt, that we are ab'e to
compete w i-h any person in the country it
Shoeing Hor-es : we ask only a ir'al. and
lei llie woik show lor i'setf.' ' ' "
All work warranted.' t Iron snd all kind'
of con. ilrv Prirfloi-e taken in echrnop.
Wo h-'pe by sltiet u;teiiti.n Ky btwntvas,
ami a di termiiiaiion lo suit all, lrth ' in
work and prief, lo receive a, 'liberal sham
of public j.alnaiac. 1 " " 1 .' -
"' . IJAtE & Fl'RRAY.
Lewisburg. May .22. IrrrQ-' r'
Harrison's Columbian Whs,,
"I V.At'K Jatan. ropyin. Maikirf. Blue. In
d. bl.le. Searlet, Re.!, t .own,.-. 1 h Inks!
8 i't'.He, Ireels rou tho penand gie a stroucet
and more durable color liian u other.' ' For a!.''
iu any .tpi tntiiy t-v " ' ' ' ' ' '
' - ' .ea.hari. 1 View Co. P..
rpTj. QTrT?et,b,i;rren i.,id P.'aclt,
L J-iiiO ;Te from lie eVbr;H if
taUishnnt of M'Calmont A; Jlond, f'""
ite by r ,,..., .... G Lawshe '"
C.ST-Sleel, Aii?r- f.WrRie7CN!J
Spikes, Lock. Li'cb.s. H eCi aiel,
Screws. Sir. ftr sale hv , .1 U Laws Ik.'
T10R ihe' Trade. A lot of I)ruaaq.P
V , Koiyn Mi baud, which the kulrri'w e
oilers 41 tOtt.
I La ws?le
QOMF.niLVG NEW Soap (Li.l
dies fvir sate by' " I f jiwshV '
1)IUME 0l Java (Jumf liir aisle hv '
" ' ; ' G LawV '
- ' .1.1 , . - -, T-T: :
HI Ft; W heat Flour. al Re Ftesr,
far anla hv. :!
I G Liwahe.
rr ss-TT -f
rilllPSTPFF and Sh.trt f! U K.
. ... . - . - .... .y
O - 1 .e.e..ia.iaii
SKI tGfm
fc.- -.' , ; ,A si -iii