I.EWISBURG CHUONICliK AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Antei-lraa Ijahevr. 1 Hla.kwinvTa Mgl ie, which hat bo liig maintain, d the Tory side of every ..uasiinn, has mine round in t iijoii essen tia! point, tostead of declaiming as io for wer tiiucaapainat the American protective aystrtn, it r.w freely conrrs4s the rreat wisdom and inestimable btneiita of that policy, and aaeribes to it, with perfect truth, I tit unperaUli-d adanrjerrui ul the Cm ted State, in vvealth, population, indcpen dent apirit, anciai improveineni, individual and culiecine ttiterprise, at.d den-enta l:aliofiat grvatrtea. Illackwood qo:es thu Julio ink! frnm Mr. Welialct' Sj.pech in le'46, at equal'y nmarkable !oi truth ana rlqquenre t " I liaw s-.iOr.ra of Inbnr at one of the great trleu-.cuia of oar sritty. iha gnat aubatttbiial rpirit upon which are all aland. Not ftudul srrvire, not predial toil, not the irksome drudgery by one rare of mankind, sahjectf-d en the account of color to the eontrol of ano'hrr rnre of n.atikirid ; hut labor, manly, intelligent, indi'pendt nt, iriiiiking and acting lor itelf. earning ita own wages, accumulating rs own wage into capital, becoming a part of aurictj and cf our social system; educating hildh(od, tvaititairiirig wrhi;i, claiming (he liiht of I lie lrciie fram liir, and helping to ujihoid ll.e great fiil-rie : the State. That it American labor, and 1 confm lh.it all niv vmpathii'S are with it, and my voice, until am dumb, will be for it.'' front h Outrage. lh Salitiwit li laluud have attain bf-en it.vadrd and irimlltd ly Freiicl.men. A -tTi.-oli y bad arisen between the French (ViimjI and the Hawaiian (..ivernment ; the Intter having refust d the admission of French U indices at reduced dnins and the stale of l?(e sane h Frenrh w baler. The F."tir.h Admiral, agaiuat the pi (Meat of the AWrU-an fVnsul, proceeded to forcible it UFurs. The fort was seized, and the Hawaiian fiig taken down for ihn-t dats. hen the Fiench again raised it. One of the fu'ilic vrnst N was mtrd also, and sent rffui.iir Frenrh control to Tahiti, or Val tarsi.., wren the French ku'horitK-s leli :ia Inland. The Hawaiian Gormn ni propoaed a subirii.ifi of the matter to toe cabinet at 1'nria. The British C'lisul kao offered hi mediation, but all wa re j't'sd. The French are permkled in con ia:t in a nt range and lawless manner to ward the poor Inlander of the Pacific, and no aati'iii raise i'.a voice again! il! It has already b-rr. announced that ou rivaling box of Califurnis gold dust at ikr M,nl io this city, and one at Baltimore, ' a found that ths gold had beeu au trCld'., Tne New York Courier aaya a bole about three quarters of an inch io d msver had been made with an augr thro' the wooden box, and thco thr csn s'er in. i le was r"ornti'd ao thnt the gold Could b n'rscied without much trouble. The hole in the wooden box waa tht n carfull tlHgiied t'h wood, and sealing was placed a a .tie nuttu resembling tha holes made t n the joint of the hoi to prevent its being lnej. In this way about five bundled . tin-a of fold d ial wav, atolea. rrttat VraotcTS. The verdiete ren Cned bv juries are fometiinHS rather queer eunvnis. as most lawyers hate had ii ens i f knowii g, but there waa returned k a t'attarngus tui) (N. Y.) jury re t inilv more istighable thn any other that we have ever lu-ard or read of. I appears that three young-'men were tritd in that e.unty for shooting an J mortally aounding a dog, and the - written verdict of the twelve-good men and hue," was in the inliowinf Trd, to wit': " All ihree guil l ; p!aiutifl '8 dainages avsessed nt sis jenre ; nnd i scii of the defendants to have 0ii-tlh.tr tlntl at the dofin I- .... I " C f , ... ,k ' r. .-"1.J.C,. ure v. .'-H'- ( Oiitr! A.i.erian K ul!ics, having iiiTnr w aiiim d .le- ir..en:...i, of the Kngltah to . ze ine iiami ol t igre, oeionging to I lindmas, an J commanding the entire Pa cific en j-1, has negntiated treaty wiih IInlura, b) which that Island is ceded to the l iiited Slates. A K..ako Hull', of rat her. a isovsl de erniiii NK'k are iWtelf in (.lerniont count v, U.iio. t'ue thoub.uJ x.rsous par. i ir lifted in it, eit' it occum l-il'ree d.iys, tlieiwiiule f which was i scene ol ievtln g and ;rxiivii ; aud what is nmst an j-lar. ...i.r-nl :!) I,uiiera tn'jrwi 'rtiakoa iu llavir l t o. Mr. iliual'ju U'ibisin, oi-n of Jnhn R. biaoti. li' , of Itiiami townainn. (neer t-aipMoviK.) one day Inet hoi k trte d and criniuiad a y: ung wild-rot. I wa t.erl) jnl'-groa. Mr. K, reoivd lies uaonl U anty ol fi the s bIi- lb 'Iwktx, whew ler a store krrM-r is I ..(iviei. d of tuiJmg he, bis lum-e i aln- I ,r.1 I.I., k, ,.. ,e,air. lr one nwuth. I. l a ,h. h a. law viato ii f-rre IrJNfl. wlujl a rJat:K ! I. .a ILK likcMitU ltt1ab.w-tlll- ' ' tr io Tlarrr.u. I..U e Feono U jiTmao,. the. rliaiirr..-- auiahcd lioteliat anl p,s.jwti..w ci.iiti.d in tlra hosoital lor llBniaiiVi lUnun-tre, ! ar .11. e. Tru geinu. U arna ' ftaleraioe. fe.m-Taflav. Wtsrrh. tTpeiWpoA Bar im e- r ,, rt r..lloJa. Bal-sm o M Jihs Wo-m ieV.HI if VII! .. ...ir.ni.tf". wtvai il ;tat. la itt Hard IS mv I K. -.1 in-lao H'td - ' Notice. SUBSCRIBERS to the " University at Lewisburg who have not paid their First Instalment, (due last January,) are reapectfully requested to pay the same without further notice, to "AM I. T. WALKER. Tans. By order ol the B-rd of Trustees. Lewishurg, S-pt. 1, 18(9. . M, IMM a. f . runiFY! pujunr. IIFB tat IKlLfl are il the BLOOI. Ctwaa. Parity, and ReprnlaU Ike Cmklm. Mat SW e-a.a Ma tnil km Mi Tit mott naaaVial af all nmttiLn Is vna'aet wa a mi-tt. w BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tw. A AMtrr4 mall aad tBtarf win ha wwdmed tw ma lf of tfjo nw of a ttrrt v 9mm tut of thw hmmn thu emm ha itrrfc 4 hy m of hk auaaAr of aa odMr natraw la taa world. (9o uar riim for nraort Tbia Pi'MFica la a-Mf preuaml (roan TrrtfU'. ami 'io Iha aara, aatal af an, aa4 luag acaadinji diwaoMI ol Iha Wood, aalbout rmamr. aoyay, mcknug. or aVaaV tmhma. U atioaiia. wtrmmjiktmt, mmtg ai alia, aaakra new, aaaiia Umi, mad gia aaa aicw aad an, hjt ktthairhoMl iikANTs rtRirtKR is rooa times cue a r em Oiaa any o'Bar rataody la Ua arorl becauao ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of It win rfnrt a fnatar aaxmrfl of art ihaa aaraVtaT aMrtk af aaraapanila. or any otbar reaiedy, ao matter how isrf Ihetr hottJao may bo. Tbo aaaaifaal foajftao for eoa amnera to daawaiiu. la, aaw aaac aawa earehar ! aili 4Um"t art! af law rWoWr a iau. aWaa a atUmr t warlS a aaraaoanus ar ataar rraaasy. wo auat aero aay, loal ft JMmtu mat cmd, wiihtn tka last low. 100,000 PerwBi of Impart Blotd Biituo, ad SS.O00 Cawi were toaiitlmd Iacarablc! as snsno other pateatnedidaa anea are la sm laibit ar say J avf . If wa should say ao, who aroald beHeae aa 1 This I auwearr, aro ao aay. ana sraM way ao prove ny raiaacralai savn thai Bbakt's MamciMKa baao oflecwd carea af aaore dfaisata oa hrtnf human brirtga, tha past year. Uual aay otbar resaedy av eaiatrac did duriaf the asaaa tuna. How awawla will a. Dollar's warlh CUB 1 1 Twaaly ku-fo. deep rirara wars corad by aalag say aaeJss hottlea of Braor'a faniiar. TW tolloirtoip la the saoat aronoerfttl sad aatonilfcinf ears kat waa ever cSeeted aa a kaaiaa being, by aay iirfinaa. Ilorrid ScroAila Cored. Ms. J B. Rassra. of Jtaaat, Oaeais G . JV. T.. eerBlaa, DeeenabrrSuth, 1B46. that he kadbaoaaMicb-d wila 8cao ilwyaiidlhoUaaycoriaiarailuabrAwuh Twaarr terara, starp. ditcmmrfig llLcaas that hia arek vras satso arooad frosa ear an ear a here was eotea Ihroorh his Wwtaift. sa Uvat ha lavatned turoog h tha bote tua ear vras aeariy dailiuyed tha aaa of hia ana waa wholly deetrrygd and aa freer aadrr the arm, aa tare as a mai l hand, had asarly aetea Samara into ha Laoas that he had aaad all kruoa of Maaaaraaitxa and siaar aurfiriaia. la o amrJU. aad lost he was aar ttfta.4 a liaa amif tur tears who, he raauaeaeed Raaar'a Iimm FcairriNo Krraacr that te BoTTtas of the feeirvrea Earaacr aaaiad aad cand savaaraaa of lb I wraty L'lera be had wtwe he eooaoweord aaiaf it, aad ahal a He hottU morr alacaad a raanrrr cumK. or tall parUcalars of tua, aud Mar olaer iiailar carat, sea oar rawran-asa. This WowowrTal a4 AaloBUhlag C7M dor Bat saud etna as a aaaaaaieM of tha feast "" ef Baaa-rs Ptraonaa. tor wa euold iaa aliaoat aaaiat Hed avidsare of ottM DM, wetl attested, if Ibis vrar Viabted. TbJ car la aertuVd Io by Fonrteea Respectable Witnesses. Br Doer. Taos Wttxtaajs, ooeof the auist rpi labia phyitdaas of Homo by Maoara. Rlaaatx Laoaaao, wuuiattla aad retail drafgiale by Mr. O. R. Haiiwic pro. pnator and kaepar af tha West Baas Morat. aaa by alma staaradaiasis. Brant's Indian Parifier eares aU iarpore diaaant of the b'ooi. en.: SatldJIasd, ttU Metm, ITIraaariiaa, raaaa, Pimpitt an tht Fata fUtt. Bitss, tiara, Cfee'renaes. Mrrearaat Ihtrnim. Latar OmpUinL Pmtat a la Hack. Jada, aud laa, oa af BRANTSINDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Thia Ba1ai poaaaaaai aO tb sariaf aad aontVaaf rrrau at the aburo-najaad Inremwo Kxtract. aad alao ar-ral olbrr anrdtratinoa, Mrfuu'ara ana Mtw toraraCOl'HMaadCUN.'LH111uaa. n fir. tbm Imm. and oiaKWlMFTO aali i aal mj. aa road It aad as aaaily as Wa Pan' aUrrarl heals sad rmroa rani aafly . TMocaaaot of curea of lb auaf kfUn Consoarpttsa fany prorr ua almoat rolracolfia rftcary io ali Jiaamaa at aba LCMti, TUKOAT. aad BKfcAdT. A lYI(i WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED I Wo (ha the fulluwtne, earkaraat as a fact of cam which oaa to pniao the pawer a ear Ufa. .taea wbre the prraue aaaaBatoolalbavvry taat staaoa ot aaiawace, wLea aVaa.' j fWow PwWaaary Ba'toat la adminuteml Wa tire tha fei'ow aif oortseaaa aa a fact of cure, which fore au pritve the power to save hie. evuo when aha peauo aapraa to ha la the vry laat Ug t o: exiateace. w ta Biaofa Indian faiaaaaory fMuwa, ia adminUa-rao Toa caf dor aot staad akin. wt cooU a.aie aaar ceaaa aa StW'rWeaa and aaraaadrnaarl SaadrWs of aayaaW aaaa. aad laeaaaada of ma. -a ca irai tXlNSt'MPTIofi. THIS C tHK waa efli-rred on Ibe wila of Mr. Zisa Ovaaaaji ol the aara of cWZatea. dbraraa Ca, It. X. Mra. liykaiaa waa proatMneed dytaA. and Mr. Dykeaaao weal to the atom ot Mr. JoMa W AIT to parraaai elalSlor a tkrmna aad er&rr SaraW SMreraals, expt-i-rtas his wit wvaid svua i. Bhe waa in the iaat tujr of the dianats ad aarraaM aitd to relievo her enas diama, aad avike a dyiaa- ptUaa man mra. air. byhi taaa was nrrauadod to eirt her w rrf - IIHaN i'a INUISN PULMOMAKV BAI.fAM.- Ma took hooae with aba shroud, and eaOf a portioa In Lie wtlc S rvaeved hrr she eoatiBaod Io who a aanl aba neaorel oooo a kaltk. and ahe has ssMfaaasd aeii farntarkjjam mat nil fawsala rur pnk-a!aia. Mr. Draaaaa nmrr In the above forte before Taue. O. Torao, Ej. of BoUaMa Spa, n apri!, MIS. Taos. G. lovHO, r-eo,., Jattii, itw that he has knoara Mr. Dyk-anan many ymr. aad tlial he ia one of tfteiraaea wenayaad riajiarlae ia ratrwaa ; aad Mr. Joaa Watt, the Mrn haot atK-ae of ab-er. Oiaa certifies to tue S"d rharactar T JaTr eaaaa, tm. aaauai t aad ttiat be was ae- iWnl.-dwitbHtrre hoard them Oaa apok- aa l hy ifman -rtumorsawy earaa CONSVMPTIOX Oyat Oaida. aiVr f Vlmd. nWw at ska Lunaa Pain fa lie Hi lail aad JMda, Meaa- tnau; Umimar CWareaaraas. falaarsriea e tas Ifaarl, Oeiai faimTiMB. fiysrwarp. Jaaaar Ctmptaintm, aad ALL SEMALt rTAKSESX maatat ana latitat at maw D0CT0KS 4.HD mrsICUSS KECMXEiiB. The followuif-aanHI Pmttartnmi Pkaaiciaaa bava high a- rrrunrMKM BRAHTd MKDtClNKd : lr. H. llt BKAHt. mamlord, t'oaa. tr. J. N. MMlTil. Wkarrtowo, H. V. Dr. Ha-U-atA-C. lit lleary atrret, Branklya, IL T. tr. T. M. UlTt r, ASlHini, N. V. lr. GF.O. FKANCIH. Mlridl..wa. Coaw tir.UEH. A. KtXiEH.l. Hath, M. V. -Dr. 8. WHITK. Frrdoaia. N. T. Ir. C. B. (iAI.KNTINK Ryroa. M. T. I'r. J. O blllPMAB, FaycttreuV. M. T. tr J. BKINNRK. Henry atrret, Brouklya, . T. Or. O. KlUI-MAM. Cunlasd. H. V. Beware of counterfeits ! 1 here is no Brsnt's eaadkiiie genoine. but l,uch hollies as are put up in a square package or ahape. and on mis square of ite parkage is a lain nn wbtlti is-rrptreriilea a young oqnaw, and under w hfcte'ehe'stand'a is s Note uf Hsnd, wbi. h read a fallow, vis. - Mr hereby promt, for rohe received. Io pay In Ihlr bearer kertof Oas f'sT. on demand, at true .Vrrft'aoc Factory in tie Cittf of Brooklyn, . Y: Doled at Bruakky. Vk April. 184B. (hieb note is itof wi pen and re in A) if ' Wf.AA.4f-: CO.- None genuine btrf oc a have lbs not o hr Ubr ti j ...Imv. p, pe , Triorntrm cV nker. Lewis b?t Eda4 w iU.. KJi riliasvrftvjr . iw am m tnuiv, m a i Bknllu . Middleburs ; Wik Eitert, Hiitle- 'too; An'ea Mench. Mifltmburg All letter and ordrra tMWt he sddreaaed Io Wailjcs 4 Co- I0. Broadway, New York JyaZWS icTORnd. Sweet Oil.Laiidanum.Par I . f,ci,r,r.lidfrere Gird'al.Kpsom Sella, Tea.' aaaphnr.Grngar.'l innsma)i.t lovr. Pepper, . lHiaargs. Ma,icaia, Afwaisrd. 0-om. Morpbe, : Jnm.-a, Powder.. Ac, fnreateat Igiaiaa M OaalW'TitiA larrdealErepoftaai NOTION ANOVARIETY STORE HAVING lakaa (be new Draf EaUbliabment of Sckajfle 4 Chambtrlin, I would rn uectfutfv announce to mi Iricixl and the puhlia that I bas npleniabsj ray stock sad will keep const anil; en band a large, fmh and wall wire led a lock of pure Droc. Medicine ate. which 1 oner at Wholesale and Reail. My slock being entirely new and purchased lor eaab at low rates in the Pbilsd s market, I am enabled to sell at tower prices than ever ottered in this res; ion Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dye fetalis, ratent Med., UJass, Perfumery, Oils, PaiuU, Liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, r ruits, and Coulectionery, with s large vsriety of other articlea usually kept in Urcr oatabliabment. Thankful for past lib nl patronage, I Boe to merit its continuance. Persona wishing to procure pure and freah Medicines, are i.srticub'lj iniud to give me a call before porchating aiaewUere, a all Drug are earelully loKCU-d hetora crteted lor sale and o" M.dieines ma.iufjcturcd by myself are war snted eoH. llsins a nraciiesl know ledie ol 'be bt-iiieas f.-o.i. upwards of ten ysara' experi ence, I flalter oiyseit ibat I an a competent judge if Ibe same. All order entrusted to m will be promptly attamled to. and my friebds snay rely apon gst ting serytbing of the very beat qoality. C. W. SCH irt'LE, Druggist. Uwisb - Ie9 2VH SAM-L AMMON, THANKKUI. for liberal paironage heretofore received, reapectfully informs hia old friend aiai lbs public generally lust bo has reoaovsd hie Tailor hop to the Basement of hi Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above V. I'enn)' saddlery (tale tha office of H C Hickok. Esq) where he h.ajrea to suit all who may give him their custom, as he diva a'l work in hi hue in the best and newevt stvle and on ehort notice. ,fHe hv the Faahinns regularlv, emplota none but good band, and is determined to keep U with the times and merit a good share t paironage. CUTTING dorm to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Uiuurg, June, 1849 1 27 0,7 Fmcjr GotytU, JStrtttmi, TL'XT reee'd a large and splendid aaaorUnoal nf Fancy Goods each ss 8,. I B.da (sold Pencils Tbiatblee ;iaaps " Pens Visiting Csrda Chains Silver Pencil Uominoes Bead Necklacss Pinger Kioga Thermometer Satia Ueada Hair rms Kasora anu Amber Needle Caves Strops BnlT.io I'embs Whirl Buttons Walking Csae Shell -ianib Ureaaing " I'ocket " Hair Bruhs Teeth .Nail flesh Piint Shoe -Jewelry Uaaid Cbstiia Watch -Keys Cloater Piu Hlud rJcisaora Water Colors Cmergea Cigar Cases Mnuff Botes ton Ulatsrs Spy Pwcket Mirrors Coinpaaaea Spectacles Perfumery Csae Matchel Night lights Hmellne, Bolt lea D-ll and Steel Tweesera Doll bead Toy for Card Case Children Port nioniea Faucy Pipe Pocket Books Peu Knives Accordione Pocket " FwJdlea Silk ai.JTbresd Parlor Lamps Purass, Cameo - Tosether with a areat variety of article not mentioned in the above list, tor ssle st lbs nsw Drug. Fancy sod Variety store of May C W SCH AFFI.B English and German Physician. TUO'8 Aa II. TIIOnffTOX, M. 11 fHO has been regularly educated in W the University ot M;irlatid, and an U. norary Gmdunte of Cnsileton College o: Vermont", and a Member ol the M -.lica and Philosophical Society of the Sm'e ot M.irylund, offers his profetM'HiHl aereices in all the brauches ol the Healing Art to i he cititees ol Lewishurg nnd its vii iirity. He has been engaged in the praciice of medicine, in Luzerne county in this Stnte, for nearly thirteen years from whence he brings letters of recommendation from the first men in that and Columbia county, aa tegards his standing in the profession of medicine, and his genera! character, viz : lion John N fonynghauVKev MnrmaJuke P.arre - Zib Bunnell Charles Kslb'us - An!r. w Beaumont JH Young 8 F Headlcy (Dii A B Wiln ' Hb Wria-ht ! Tbo W Miner H VV NictMlewa. Eat Jesiie Biiamtn, Una ('baa B Bowman, E HH Warner - AYoha M Sieck ltev Thorns Bewmau N B. Dr.T. may be found at his i-flice st the Drug store on the east side of Mar ket St. next lo Walla store, wr-et-his' resi dence lat door below Kline's hotel. Lewisbutg. Jan. 5, PEBFUBZRY! SCHAFFLE has reeeieed a choice as sortment from E. ttoutsel and J. llaurt. Perfumers, whose preparations are celebrated Bears' Oil Pearl Powder Ox Marrow Fancy Soapa By Water Hair Dye Cologne Water Shaving Soapa Curling Fluid &c. &c. Also a general -ariety of Jewelry and Faiicy ArtieleB,Spectacles,Pencil8,Wa!letB, Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, rVe. Arc. C. W. SCIIAFFLE. Lewisburg, May 18. 1948 V FRESH supply received at the Lewis burg Cheap Bookstore : Fiske'a Manual of Classical Literature Privies Analytical Genrnetry Blair's K he-tor ic. (University edition) Oanistirck'a Mineralogy 1'he Complete Farmer, I vol. 62 J. The New American Gardener, 1 vol, 1 The Bk that will Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can fuV:rlV the above works, with a i-reat variety of oltteta, at trff low pcicea. May SO B F I.TXUAI.I. ALL FlMDOF JOB PRINTING, WITH k EXPEDlTIOrSLT iiicptio ;' ilT TUC U9aat r rt ArrtAr i irrr. vniwtw-- wrriwt, TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS. & VOUXTRY AlERCHAiVTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BKO. moat res pectfully solicil attention to ibeir fresh stock ol EngHtkt Frtnth. German, and Jimrerkan Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Che niical, Oils, Dyetiiff, Glassware, Perfu tncry, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Ate. Having opened s new store. No 284, Market at, uith a full supply ol freah lliug and Medicines, we reepectlully olicit country dealers lo eiam ma our stock before poirhaing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may to. I diapoaed to ei tenil to u their paironage, lo sell them genuine Ding and Mcdicinea, on ss liberal term aa any Slier houee in the City, and to fai.hlully eircu'e all otdcrs entrusted lo us promptly sud with de stch. One nf the proprietor being s regular physi cian, allonls ample guiraniee oi tne genuine quality ol all article sold at their rtab!i-lment. We especially invite urOKKita anu counuy men haul, who may wish io become aKerit for Dr. Keekr't Celebrated Family RUdicines. (ntniJor 1 and popular remedies,) to forward their edtlreet. tHilKiiin the patronage of dealer, we respeci- fully remain, J. N. KEELEK & BTiO., Wholesale Drugeivt. I2M A. 2i4, Market -st., I'hilud. UNA MENTAL TREES. I'lieaubMCriberollei for sale Ornamen. lal Trees of every descrip'ion, pHrlicularly tha European Lindrn, and Paulonid Impc rialis, a splendid shade tree lately introdu ced from Japan, remarkable for its enor mous leaves (aometimos two feet in diam eter,) and large clusters of rose colored flowers, spotted and striped within, entitling a fragrance similar lo the Lilac. AUn Fruit Trees I'ear, Cherry, Plum, Nectntino, and Apricot trees nt rea. xonalile prices all the varieties warranted genuine ; also Hot-houi nnd Green hotiv lilants, tofther with a variety of Flower seed, all of which he will sell as low as they can be purchased io Pliilork-lph n. II. R. NOLL. Lewishurg, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY nt laCWisburg. r1HE TRl'STEES of the t'nivenily at U I isbu'i arniM reatieclfully inform il Patrons and Friemlahat. in the School under their care, (at Lewiaborg) tha follow ins sie lbs t Is'sea. Xub ject of Htu.ly and Elerci aaa for ths current year. OepRrlrucnts aad Stndlea. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. 8ii C Isaac Exercised iu Slling. Keailing Definition. Et.gliah (irammar, Arithmetic Oeog raphy. History V 8. A., Peuman.hip. and Uom- poainon. ESULIMI DEPAR Til EXT of the Academy. The same studies as in Iha Primary U.-nirtioem Continued in the uas of larger text book ; and lo these are a.bkxl General Hiatory, Usviee Algebra. egendre and survej ing. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of ibe Arailemy Jun. Academic Clan. Ensliah lnKOSire. (ieosraiV y, Hiatory L'. 8. A., Latia t.roioinsr end Reader. Greek Grammar aud Reader com menced. Arithmetic completed. Sen. AcadiiHit Clan. bnelHh language General History, Cesar, Virgil, Greek Reader, Uaviea' Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMEST. Fretliman Clou. l.iv.Aiiabaais.Memorabilia. Davie.' Irf-gt-iidre, Tiigoo metry commenccil. Suphomtire CUa. Horace. t).!yrs.y. Selerl Oiaiions of Dernoslbenea. Igeinlre comjileied. Da.ies' Surveying and Navigation, AnalyUcal Ge.wn.-try, Blaira lectures. Junior Clan. Dcmonnme on ma rorown. fireck Tragrtly, Cicero .le Otticii, racitu. Aat- urai Pliiloo(.hy. Asironoiny. I.ng:e. Students in the English Depariment recite with ihoae pursuing the same studies in tne Regular Coure. fto clsas in rite Regular course, baa less than three dailv recitations. All Ibe member el tl.e booL fiiv-lhrce divisions.) are exeicisid every Saturday in Resiling. Declamation, Engliali Com HM-ilion, and Vocal Muatc. All the atudeuta are required to attend, regn larlv. some relisious nieeting. Minors are rjpec ted lo attend auch meet'int; a aie loco.imu'iiJoJ 'o I hem by tbeir parents or puai Jianv 1 bere are ill the Borough no leas than .ix places ol public wnrLiji, iK-ciied every Lord's Day by as many tiilleu'iil I Liialmu drniMinutition. Knml)6r of Stidents. The numlier of etui!n;t during the past year in tbe various departments, a io i. i ne nuinln-rlhst baveenteieJ the cU-aen in the Reg uUr I ouiae for Ibe current )ear (cicluie of ihoae in tbe English and Primary deptriaienl.- ) ia aa foil i : CoiLxet. Junior class - - : -. 6 8onhom.ire cljsa 13 Freshman clsaa - -12 Acsbsmt. -"enior class - 13 Junior class - S8..7I TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Naloral Philosophy ; GEORGE K. BLIMS. A. M, Professor of Greek l.snsiiaee arxl Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Prolrsaor of Laiin language and Literature : ISAAC N. LOOM 18, A. M, Principal of the Academy; ALFRtD TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Institu tion, tbe Board have taken measure to supply the necessary Apparatus for Ibe department of Mechanical Philosophy, and to incteaas the Li brary, befote tbe omruencement of the winter session. During the year, the building now in progresa will he complet.d, atTotdiiig study room and dormitories (or 70 college students. Another Proltasor haa been added to ibe Foeaity. end rim provided to enable atudenU in the clssses apeeifatd shove lo proaecrjts their studies with the greatest success. Taltton aad BaMrd. TUITION in the Coltesiats Department f 30, Acadestic S0, Primsry f IS par year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, caa ho bad in the village aad iu vicinity at various prices, from 1,37J to $3,50 per week. (tetwloaa, TacatlMM, &c. Two 8eions in a year the former eommen cea on tbe second Tuesday in October, and con tinue 27 week; iha latter continue IS week'. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Aataasasl, 6. Kail aeaaion begin 1 llh October. Ths Board are happy to add Ibst Lewisbejrg ia at pressnt, ss It aver baa been, exceedingly healthy. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMA8 WATT80N. PreVt. GEORGE F.'MILLER. Sec'y. Lswisburg, Union Co. Pa. fJept. 1, 1849. Ai L. HATFIELD TTAS rcrnovjrl hia Watch and Jewelry JJ. establishment to ht bouae. rtppwite Hayea' Store- gj-Book Agents and ColpurUuri will pleut tu vbierve.JXi EVERY citizen ot the L'tuitcd States should ' pnasaea a copy of these" worts. .They are the Book of Our Counirj. rry A Foithful Chronicle of the M I I V"""" V Ar ot American Indepen dence. In one large volume, 8o. Iilutrated with Seventy Engraving, in handsome Gill Binding. Price f i. The Presidtnls of the United States, Thrir Memoir and Administrations : To which ia suMed an account of the Inaugura tion of each President, and a hiatory of tbe principal political evenia of his ailminislration, and of the tisnaaction of Congress at each ses sion during the period. . Illustrated with elegant portraits of tne Presi dent, engraved ou sleel. This is a hand-tome royal 8o, in beautiful pictorui binding. $3 50. tSTATKSMAN'S MANUAL, comprising the Lives, Addresee and Meaeages of the P esnient of the United States, From Washington loTsvl.ir's Inauguratiun ai dreaa. March. 1819. With a history nf their Administration, and of each Session of Coirgreaa also various hist orical. sUrjalicil, and other important public document, ard a complete Index, or snilytiral table of con'eiita lo the whole work. Edited by Euwix WiLLiais. Hfq. Illuntratrd with por tiaila of our 12 President, engraved on alri I, from the uuwt anproved suthonlie", and in the best style ol tbe art ; printed on fine paper, and bandsomelv bound in emblematic style. It will also be eikbellished with Views of the Capitol, President 'a House, and the Sen Is of the several States and the United grates. In four large 8vu volumes. Piice $10. . This is the citizen and Linrsry edition. IcyThe Reference Edition of the same work, in 3 volumes large Bvo, without portiait. Price $7.50. This edition is for ri-f. renee, snd i intendal for Ststeamen, l.egiatalora, Memliers of city Corporations. Lawyeia, and Individual hokling public Office. The Republic of the I'nlted Sfatea, snd iis Political Institutions, Reviewed snrl Eiamined. By Alexi Ds Tc.t KTiLLK. Member of Ibe Inatiliile ol France, and the ChKiiiber nf Deputies, Ac. In one large octavo v.dume of firstly One Thousand pagee. Price t'. The 12 SUre of oar RepoUlc, Our NritiouN O.ft to her Vonnu Ci''2ena: Containing the lives of nur President, the filtneie of the Declaration, Arlirlea of Confed eration, the Constitution, with an hi't-riral ketch r.f the American Union. Illustrated with eireant portraits, engraved on teel. and illumi nated pictures of the dinner, tb Caoit.d. and Preeidenl's House at Washington, Runkcr-Hill, &c. dec. Elegamly bound. Gill edgra. Prire $S. (JjNo expense haa been spared in Iha prepa ration of the-e volumes nf Document. Hirtory. and Staliatica. lo render the same worthy of pa tronaee, not only of Ktaleamen and I-ai-Utors. bill nf the American public fenerally ; who will find in them the Tarsssrar or Political Ksowlsiiok, and a mat of information. LIST OF BOOKS -polrtiahed by E. Walker, 1 14 Kulfm atreet. Dr. Dowling'a Hi'tory of Romaniam to the present time. 50 Engravinga, price f 3.00 The Guide to Knowledge, Tbe wnmlera of ibe World, Mra EHia'a Family Monitor. Mra. Ellta'e Guide lo Social happinaa,' Urol tier and Siatrr. I whoever "a Lecture on Pilgrim P104 raa, 1'hrii.lian Marly rology, Chriat'a Meenera. Fate of Infiilelitv , or. Truth Tiinmiihant. Odd Fel!o.' Olf-ring for 19 it, eir.ai.ily illutrated. Odd Fellow's fllTerint. for !49, ,, Oild Fellow' t)!lVrini; t..r IsSil, do The Odd Fellow llliiKtrsied snd neatly bound. Faith. Hope, and f"b irilv llmtrtcd. I v, I. 12 mo Gilt Mu.l.n. Friendship, Love, ami Truth llluetrated. 1 vol. 12 mo. Gilt. Tale from the Arabian .Night Entertain ments, Rnbinhond and hi Merrv Forester, Wreath of Wild Flower.. S.no .5tl 2.50 2.50 f0 3 511 1.25 1.25 38 2.00 2 50 2,0ii 1.00 1,00 1,00 75 75 75 1.00 Vouni People's Mirror for 1818. 4'o. Muslin, Port.M it rt.B:olc.1mt and Colporteur Who may rere to canvass dislrirta for the above in;poriaiil National VVorks. v. ill be pltua. I to addrei. a line to the publi-h r, .t aiinj ibe ponion ol counirv he wiabes t i orrnpy, anil ty return of Mail he will rei'eie a Li-t of Prtiia with Terms to Aient, wbi h ailow them a verv li''ert! commiiision. EDWARD WALKER, Pul.IUI.er, "Hi Ful ton street. New York Consumption disanii!,d of iis Terrors ! II AS'l'lNliS Compound Stir up of .Yj X thu a positive cure iorCon-tunipti'iii, Litxlinu, A-i'iuni, nnd all disrases ol tbe chest and lungs a eiingltj b jtllc will prove ita Ih.-acy. 1 be proprietor not only recommend., his Naptha Svat p, but uarraots it tit cure! He wnrrnnts it to act upon the chvie, and purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im pediments which retard the free circulation of the blond ; he warrants it to npeu the internnl and external pores or the body and eject all the obnoxious particles which hare accumulated in tbe system ; he warrants il as a iiever-failinj; remedy in hectic lever, night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint, pain in the chest, and asthma ; and lie war rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles in the lungs, and lo heal those already lormed, bo that persons io consumption may take it with the most positive confi dence of a cure, for iis great sent of action is the lunge, whick jt penetrates in all di rections, purifying, them of everything obnoxious in its progress, and which, il applied according to directions, it can not fail to leave m a perfectly healthy- condi- tion. . , , : Ajjent at Lrewisburs i 210) CW8CHAFFI.R. Got the Best! 4 I.L vonng persona should have a Standard i Dictionary at their elhows. And while jou are about it, act the bet : that Dictionary is otn Wbbsteb s. the great work, anshndged. If you are loo poor, save the amount from off your back, to put it into your head. Phremalug Jour. Dr.WetMtei'e great work i the best Dictionary of the English language. London Mom.Ckrtm. Containins three times the amount of mailer of sny other English Dictionary compile in tbia country, or any abridgment of this work'. Published by O Ax C Merrmm.Springrield.Msas. sod for sale at the Cheap Bookstore ef May 30 8 K I.YXDAI.I.. Iwarfasrg j BEST Spanish and Hall gu-.r.ih, also American CIGARS and all kinds of Chemiog TOBACCO, for sale by 5 PENNY b Fl'RRAY. lewisburg, Dec 4, 1848 - ' mill PF ALL VVHh KINDS FOR sale by REfJER . !DDlNO. ' Lcwisljrg, Jjne, IStA EQV1TABLE LIFE IgCRAXCE, AHBUltjr and 1 rtiat CemBHsif . ) tfce, 74, Walnut Street, thiladtlpkim. Csriral, fZ50,eu Charter Perpetual.J 11 HE Company sro now prepared to Iranaacl bueinee upua lbs asosl uasral snd advaota geous terms. Tbey are ssliorjM by their charter I sec. 3) " to make all sad every iusursoce pper- tsiuing to life riks or wb'aLtver kiad or nature, aad lo receive aud execute trudti, make en Jowmenta, and to gram snd purchaa annuitiea." Ths Cetu pany aell annuities snd endowments, and act a trustees for minora and heir. . -1 Tabic of Premium required for the Assurance vfilWfor tht whole term of Lift. Age. Ptem. Aije. Piem. Age. Prern. 16 $150 31 $2 09 46 $3 36 17 1 S3 34 . 2 15 47 3 49 18 1 56 33 S 2'J , 48 3 62 19 1 .r9 34 27 49 3 77 20 1 60 35 3 33 5U 3 94 21 1 C3 36 2 40 51 4 13 22 Ite 37 2 47 52 4 32 23 ICQ 34 2 54 S3 4 51 24 1 72 3'J 2 G3 54 4 71 25 1 76 40 2 70 55 4 91 26 I "At ' 2 81 5 6 12 27 1 89. 42 V ' 67 5 33 28 1 94 43 3 01 68 5 54 S3 ' ! 99 44 ' 3 12 i 59 6 78 30 2 01 45 3 83 60 6 03 Th-' rremtums ar r-ss than any other company l .1.. ....i. .. iV. ..I .1..n.n., Mar. DD tin (nii.tir. .n.ii r... . ricd women anJ female) children can insure toe lives of either a bueUnd or parent free from tbe ... . .n.u.. ..I k.ir ...J. .nil claims ol crrditor. Table of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit ratea of premium, bort term, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments snd forms of application are to do naa at tbe Office or of ths Agent. Rate fir inturing $ 1 00 on a tingle Lift. Age. Fori year. For 7 years. For Life. . 20 $0 81 91 I 60 30 0 9 1 30 2 04 40 1 29 1 4 S 70 60 1 86 3 07 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Eiample: A person aged 30 year next bitlb day by paying Ibe Company 99 eta would aeeuie to hi family or heira $100 should he die in one year, or for 0 911 be secures to them f 1000. or for 1 3 00 annually for seven years he secure to them 101)0 should he die in een year, or for 20 40 psid v early durinc lite he secure $ 1 000 to be paid when he dies the insurer securing bi own bonus by the difference in amount of premium from those charged i. other offices. For 49 50 the heiia would receive $5000 should he die in one yesr. PETER CI.'L.LE.N. President. F. W. R VYI.E foc'y snd T caa. For further particular apple to .-. HSMV C. HICKOK. " Agent far Union $nd adjoining emtntit. Consulting Physician W..Hts, M. 1. I.ei.lurg, 1,'nion Co. Pa. July Si. 1049 TIKE IS HONEY I WATCHES ANfV ri orKs r Carefully Impaired. at the hor'.tl Mutiet'.' 'PHE subscriber de-itrcs to inform tbe J. citizens f l-iburi; and to. publi hi jjeneral that be carries on tbe Watch M iking (hiKineas in the shop formerly oc- iipied by C.J.II'iuse'.where he is prepared u i-x-cuie all t;in(1i of work in hia iitie ol 'iu i iH'sa. wiih pmniptiie and on the mini re.iiiiialilH term.-., and by s'rii't atten'tou to hi bu-iimi expcrla a liU-ral ahnre oi patrotitige. II- h.is cons'antly on band an tssortinetir rf WATCHES raient Lever, English, snd French. JEWELRY Watch cba'ns and tJimnl-, Pencils Pens. Breastpina.Errings. Fin jerrinii, Si'vi-r SpcelacJe, Lockets. Sonn, Ttnniliies, Aic Whir-b be is dfierinini-d lo sell low C.1LL A.XD TRY. A. L. HATFIELD. Li'Wtsburfi.'Xov. IS, 1517 LEVYiSOt'HS FOUHDBY 'IIIII -.uliicrila-rs, tlimiki'ul for past pntro X . 'n' d inform ibe public that tbe .ui,;;t,:a- to inanul'ic'iire all kinds of MILL CF.1PIXG. C.tst Water U liceUof,,i'e rtlPP""J pattern. Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse. Ploughs. We invite pnrticulnr attention fo a new irtirie Whril'i Patfut I.ANC nOCtllS, lor ilCftlin; 1Q liraia. Foinier by tbia plough can seed iu as much eratp, in one day, ar in ihree days with common ploughs ; eastings ana guniing. d Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAKE. Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands casf Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. ':-..- COOKING STOVES. the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy,Parlor,Vood.Coal Stoves. AIR TIG ItT STOVES, Race's teir-repriallaag Alr-tlght farlor .Vt ood Moves, (a aow article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and a pricea that can not fail to please. GEDDES V MARSH. Lewishurg, March 25. 1848 ' ly209 . Pianos ! Pianos. THE undersigned continue to furnish lo order on the most reasonable taenia. Pianos, Iron the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Phi lad -.whose inetrament are too well known to tared any pan egyric, having uniformly received ibe commend ation of tbe moat eminent professors sod compo aera of Music, snd las award of th prvwsiuma in IfewYork.Philsdcl phi and Boston. For qualities! of tone, tooch, and keeping in ions op to concert pitch, they can not be sarpaaaed by either Amer iaan or European Piano. . Inatructions given on the Piano, aa heretofore. Reference may he u ., n( rtnlt or guardians who base pupils committed to hi charge. He may be een si hi rraidanre el Mra Maixe'a, Market atreet. l ewi burg, where terms and partieuUrs will be made known. -r- ' The moat popnlar and tavntite Airs sad Masts of different kinds received aa it ia rasaed trorB ths ciifferant mo-ieal eataliliahaseols la live Cntsavt C vMa '.... ... CHACLErJ KAL18CM--7 1 t "An ounct; of JPeyention worth V .'a pound of Cure," in that awful dittaie, consur.iPTicii: DR. FITCH'S Lectures oa the Prtv ,. lion and Core of Consumption. ' This rs-fjlar work for sile iti L-itl.ii4 by 8. K. Lyndalta J. Hougbtoa itid t this office. Price, 7 J cents. TRICK OX tttlCKS. Lav Eriaraoo, Rasa vais ummir Tha o , SanalpariUa lor aaia la Uis eirTcrent towru ca:l p 1'ownaan.t'a auraajarllla. , It ia avrrtKcrl as Iha IlkHit AL. C!tNt l.tK.aiKl ali taaL Tina T iwoacod umaa and uaarr waa ; bin. araa forracrty a woraar on ra.ie, t. nala, anJ the Ilka ,( ha aaeemae toe line ul laxtui lu; Ca purpoea of eamlna credit sir a hat ha W aoC IU a- - ha has altcndrrf two meilieat etnooia,and pracikad twr fi bMO rears! "' Mow uuriru'h ia. ha oa,er ru-uecl inr.L.v a da, in hie lata f Koch erio, sorard aiirpfraar toolla had lo the character arid vcracuv of ts man. I m a, msat sineerel j. he had never ma.W tboat stuiatnanoi 1 kiio aell or ul me. Whrn will raea tairn to be h'jbcat bil .ra.a rot in ail ibeir flValmjrs and uiiercoorsa wnh thtr P-..Km tacu 1 lie ap'.icl to una Ruol faup t aarasr him is sua rrUctarili hia ailKturs, sratlue the Urea auiu tw wa.l atari, aa an ira.atcaierit to embark ra tha tor-ira-ai. Tlrtaa rre-a bava beau litvultliic and llbelluir rue ui all praiuM rorm-. m onler lo tmirra the poblK ai'h trie aeiial U- theOfd Doclora -tarvapariUa viaa not th tnume. wrirvaei oVirarrparWa, nu.ls Jeatn tha tkd Doner' Oriirvil pie. Taav. V. Tm a u trad a. I havw.i.i use at ev naine lor a week. I will Rive him afwel it ha ami pro duce sna aliijClo aolitary proof of Uua. Ri r.aoier.ta af Thompann. 'Sillmao n t'o.. arc no hu hut a tsmae bUaationla. mi.lr rosile lo deceive llie " ic and aaap Thiat. to caution the ptibitc t.J purchase t.i tg, Iha uuih .loarn in rrgapi to nissurinr..7erv;naj , j j, j. ja OH Townseo.l"a Saraaoriiia. s.ina ou itu j o d ixtor's lik-neaa. hia u Waii nf Armt. mai ua I atmiiraicrivlailiaie Iraa. "Sr. HKifall QJUe, lUi Aa aaa-ttrret. S. Y V JACOB TOVNli Old Dr. Jacnb Townsend, THE OBIQISAL UlSCOVFrtll OF THE Genuine Town send SajBaparina. twd llr X w-rmt u now ,ra.ut ! vena, it vt-J ttm i2 ben treas a.- th- A L'TH'Jll .! Msrr, VF.KE& of tN- liKSltSF: (jRlUlSAL "TtjWSsEsa 8AHSAPAMLI..I" Brine poor, as ia rmiui-. : u limit iraBitamae'are, 'iv whirli tre-aia- H Rn c key n ot markeL a'aJ ije salts eirramaenoe J" a tan. -.!, au hail lirvvc I Itv wur.h ! kn..am l'J vlua. 1; kJ : r.-' Ihr i of ria. nevrrh:ea. aa ttitwa farvin, . .i Uau Ulvd ..l ya .taauaa, aai aeved trwa Ja.a, ui c:a,u.Kil J oo IrMif HEAI.INfJ KfWK.R. Tina CKANI .NU f NKa' SI t I f KKKPtaiTI.-N euiuuc'.urn.lua '.lie larn w-a.a.miai'. . " ..r.w vat Iha leans ar4 breaJlo'af iha han't. riwci,H. au, fuuiiit hical. a ' 'irriierjUCKi nt Jv?riori4. tulike voiini! S P TowiieareVa, it irn ;- t and on.er'chai.rea n fciravs aviiet; hoeaa rp efaivi oil MrMtxtU riu.na i. einie TV r..i-al kru.wln.ki ' ol r nann-nrv.aa.1 Si Uat tuara.aew.. o to art. have all hner Miuiwii: lo'" r?il'Jiiiloii in .Sw ruii ' InrvolOielM I'r. ...anlu. lat a-imilJMl rv-. n w well wMrovnvatriwtinei man. een atns ran? mvi .aa Muperim-, ana1 am fr-ior-m -.Via aretor i. ea aad .4lmra. akiava aM-ra rmi.r rr. i"V (lucn imurala me aul ncvi. aprS la uuri"US ui he Mm.' Surwor liar l.puuaaMt'i.nwarll a .-il . . Uun tiiev rnlirwlv nm fats aud ram -- " p.-p.' II Ihn, lira If itnarrv.l l. a 1 " ki '.." Iv lo Itoaw wr-..-ai! mi ita a.a..u ititw I jnH..er. tne-a ,Orri .r...' fv.-wnitii rt? uj ui . .l-'f.-w 3t rt hiUii ni. unlnr hnm nr- ! vtry k-ii.; aJ trt,t, Ol Itwrar. ah.cht ila'tli. Ant l-rvuii ran n-ii or ue iha riMt ml :! a ei Jk lorad imJ. artiiea la am IM o-k" ' Uie rui llwn rr.Mn ..viH".T e'aa ; i. t-A..--. - -" l.aitsw or earai !S; iM. aw.elaw ". rant : tbjrni.ll n.-SBSeKII.I.. KXrgttI :.,:.!t But Wirl SD.i( ihn inu'i. i...wo ' K , GE I'l-N t ULI llt JM uri i'UW ttw. , H SAH.S.Vl'AKIl.l.A. ., i Thia m bo nmJ"M Jat iro U'.' lrc;tr- -Uirrar:p n ara aaal en'r..-w. avarvtlvoa c ' ttacaimoK acid r fermn.i'iu-o is eitrjat4 a . . . then every parari ! snnirii -- arcurw r . ; - . anil cur.reu'ralr u.rm; aroi ihu u a- mo-lar. k - ' of toiiis anv of n .aioahie anl h-4ir D -v.-'ri . " laaredUl lliai oav.n w majn Uie .: p navrioio: !- 1- Cwro wf lnaaim-raK Dlwaw,. Hnsne rha r.vw wa hn, eMi.i-ca-'-ar. rm e si te n. ili. laviw bv men. wirmnn. ana ctu.i.'Wi V. t .i oiu wn-lrra in'lWs euia -f , VOXSI-.VPTirtS. tlWrSP-Ti. a,' -'-.TH rovw-.tr.vr.ai m Krrr.CfitATi.iM . - t.t I'tt.KS. fOXTIVKSKS. a. ft . ova ERUPTftss. pi M plus. bLOt i. . anil all .ilVrll.M. tnn,X IMPUKI I Y OF THE Bl.OOr tl p,iara-na a marvellous aff. anv lo oil roamlaiau art eine frma iarfrratwa, fmrn Arulu ijf tnr .V'vw. . a um-'iuil cirrulallou, .latortui lun af b.u.J u. u.- J, naluial Use art. t"Jl rm an t bacos. cli cail., ao. hot Sa-hea over tha h.le. It h mt tie aeua m tJ. i fjaoa-aa : anil pe.ro- -10 av niper:ora.iw; n:! r-i. ie pe. aouaii'in. rcuanvl ainciaro. ol Um luiia. i:.r.j aju 7 o her iiarL , . Bui ia nothmf is its aire lenea nwra ras: ackuowioilf nil ttian In aii kimla a-i-t wann i-l KKMALE CO.MPLAIMS It wnrtra w.anlera in ho nl Ftvvr or fr, Falling of tnt Il'imn. Oi.To-f.t. Sufi'., P V M,n. In.gnlai Urn M Ua men-, ni i-n ai.1 '!. ao.1 laeflrnoi.1 n rorlne all lbs ..uia .f A'iae, ina-o-e Hv mnioviii? ..b rormav.. sod re2uti.un liia eveia-n. n errea tone and stmo;iJl to tha tnua tu"" all (or or .,. vierwwn llwe " Detkllltr andUtuoHiairiSaor eeii.e a a:rv rietr -I .! a.lme. aa S,nai rrr.f.i.'.uai. Aeoro'rtu. -SI IVua Anaaraf. HpHeptie Fitt. rHueroonew. f r Cieanaea the hnn-J. eaciies ihn ii.er :J baa trie arua. tcmea ih sumach, tin p" e-"l dieean-. "if o..welof torpor auJeorrKirpa-tna. aii.T...amfnri..j. i rtfice tl? .tin.n.t.'ltr. Ih. nrru:.lor. V '-Kiel lentle warinia auai.r all over Uw sudj.aul wa la-eraajbre per iplrauoo : relaxaa arnrtom ai.it iwkuj- mnvna all otiarril-llAn.. aiid tfivi-iiraira u , nuie :.erJ"W svrnra. w rtnt ihia rhnn Tbo ledlein )Oa preewilneily weed Bill ran anv nf tSnw ilirn; ha .ant S P Ti.iirw niritiir anic T Tim aw; snn iiiiit ia uol COMPARF.D WIIH TIIEOI.t ff" Imiw itwCRIND PACT, thai iha aua u INI ir BI.B of PETEKIIHt kTIOt. an.i NKVfclt taPtiir. white the other POKS- tnarinf. frrmtntinf. an.1 yrew Mr hattle na,uiun, it inn. .raeim-m- : :h- -"nr. ? llrjoi'J nsriloiliiif . afi'l il-Vfi-aeHia uttmr rn..ta ' tl uat ii-' 'n aimlM norrtpiioiHt lw f W'nHMia o rljn - am ' ll'vi' ' put arid into o tytrm nirrtult tlitrtunH ai'h ari l 1 lal ear rem Dyanenata hor arid I Ik. ve .an li ktw tk.-t kKNl anura in inr imnarli-, what mi--'hinf i n:- Saiaianen. hmnkara, palrratfnn rrr' rh.- h-ar. in -r r- E Lai ul. durrlKra. dvururrrv. rtolir. niui rtr!Mui'a nri, londT Tt'hal in Snrlit!.t hoi an aciil ti timr in the --Iv 1 Waatpreihirea oil tha hnuan. whin brin'i an Krnt'Onn. "I tan Skin. Sralrl llna.l, S.i!t khnnin. tj-. .-'.. tra,sth.ara. Faver Sn. nn.1 all nlren.tt.nia lrwnm-i ar -r tnrnal ) It ia nnrhine uiutnr heaven tiu' in acr-l i!-i-.in. whmh aonr. ami ihvenimr, all rtie er.it !. ul :rn- h-hty. mn-v or leva. Wwat eaaana Rltenroaiiwia not a -nsr an : .il fluid whirh inaiiiuatna itwll hetarmn ill ii.im- aiJ n'w where, irrilatine aad niSamiter rHe onttna-n n.i-t irro ahirh it aria T So nt onevnna dineaw-.. ..I imfum i-n brOfat. nf rlnranenit rirrit'ation. and nrar'y a'i '.tin ai;cv. .'e wSlcr. afflict bantar nMor. - - . Now in h not bortlbla to mat ami aalt, and in-i.'e' roarer a aaa thia SOIR1NU, FEKMEVrtNi:. AC1H -COMPOl'MI" Or S. P TOWNSKNIv. ami rnt bn wontd tam hav- it njteraon.t that OM tr 5oh T wrrwiir Urnnine Oriiatli tfitrmiparitUt, u ao I " ITATION ol' hia interinr pmparari.wi ' llnavna Hirbid that we should drat in an artir'n wV-a wonld hear ihn mum dietant rearmblanc u S P. Tien eenrt's arttrtt ' - . . We wfvh it nnnVrwnnil. Wtn-n it ia th- lo'tin r-r. that R. P Tuwnnn.r srin'n ami nM Or. Jrnl.T-n.-'- n.V, fawTBapsriira ar a room triilr ajnirt, on i'n n.-.V, r.-.i alar; that lenv or unlike ta -every paraootar, h:truiS a one emjrn thine in e-tromrin.. . . . - ' Aa S. P. T-iwnanml p. dnetor. anal roesi w t nj ahnmiw, n Ibarmnno'it kmiw n. rem nf r..el'' -m c Smeaar iriJ.ii aiif utkrr no'--mna. rnvioNii'n. nopmrne'' man. what ruaromirr nap 'he nnliiix brve lit it lb-:v nrt rt- enitrin? a eeniimevcinnTTfc tneHiriim. e'niaini.n all trie.if- tueaof tae art Mt:a. lard an pratwruur n. an.1 whtrh arr r eapnble o! nlwiu-nn whtrh mihl reuder ihem tha AG. NT af thsnaaa traorad f health I But what elan nvr tl hn evnarra.1 fnro ore. r tn--v watSine eompoi'ative'v o mniticrnn ir 'hen -r V v- -n a persaa at jmiitmi nxfieriri n li. r.l n: anre "pr. - enmmrtn Arcem nmal. Iti'lr' mm h wore 'ni-iiaiit is s that ihn prMi- whrtmanniarinm ronfi- inne-ieti-d s-r VVg.lK STO-dArtlS KMKKIIl.rn blNTt.nv shuuld know wall Ihn nvdinat pr."1 -er.it-. plan'a. the ka at weunae anu f toremr-. u.r irmw " ". . -" . alau an ralan-ivn km.wia.li.-r ol Iho enrietr. .tfowa H" anVrt tSr- knmaa svawie, and how a aduof atraaJha. v h is in arm-t fnu-l nrnw bn nrirtrmlin; -vmrba r a w rewind hirmvai'v. to km 'Jo hop m -ha anra. to mm..m hna' h. ami h.nom. an.l . tr"? '? eruaheil snd hr-tmo. sml mtuuWi infmrl. '.ha: ,H l "r. JAOtBTOWNSKNO 'a HlflillT ai4 -iI.M'aer Bnnonliv ami rnnane to nrrrtf n:a Wrawol t'wlveraal Cwneeiateaaeot ""V within the much, en-.l to tne kn..ir tin ..I a . - re- tbav mi. .nam ami knnw Itv tnylul ai-.-. . a - ' Trwsraeaaslwwt Power to Heal. "'Aos-NTS fir ibe abritre Met,iriue (, . Schaflle, Lew.sbitrc i John HTh- r. f : too ; Forsyth & I'riestlv. Nnflb-n.b'ioi'd GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Gor.. inga. Cloth. Carrteree, and. fjum n er Gtrttda In grtieral, ar , V. R. Bowes Ckrgp s:of