f 3"" I PENMANSHIP. v The subscriber reper folly rjgSV coiifi ibe people of jhia.lWt.' tjS"'uVand vicinity that he has rented the brick office, late Dr.LudwigV.where he open on Friday a School for instruction in both Plain and Ornamental rnNsiiiP. H conceive lhat his part consists in leaching a plain, common-sense, business hand-writing, and this he pledges himself to do to the satisfaction of those who make the effort to learn. Rw.ni open from 2 to . P. M-. and in the evening, so that pupil can attend when moat convenient. Those residing nt a dis tance can improve in writing hy coming to town end practicing fr or five day. For terms, speci'teiis. a:id recommend ations. aap!f lo me at the writing room or ....... o Clll't D l Kline's Hotel. o. 'ewisburg. Nov. 20. I88 TLS&0 I ENGLISH and German Auiasacs for 1J sale by I li Uwahe A NEW BTJGGEY for sale, cheap. For further particulars, enquire at this nffire. Lewisburg, Nor. 7, 1849 FRESH Corn Men! for sale bv Oct 3 1 ! O Lawshe JUST received a genuine article of Cod Zirer Oil for wholesale or retail. Nov 13 Dr Thornton & linker Ulcerated Sore Throat. It is well known that, if t.tglected, thi complaint invariably lends to Consumption. If those suffering from this disease would apply Dr.Trask's Magnetic Uintmenl.lhey would find immediate relief. For full par ticulars, call on :he Agents, and gel a pamphlet. 8 .! j in Lewisburg, wholesale or retail, by Thornton 6i Baker. Price 25 and SS la per bottle. CllOrP. The ravages of this dread disease, which annu.illy sweeps so many thousands of interesting and lovely child ren to an untimely grave, may always be certainly and immediately arrested by the application .( Dr. Trask's Magnetic Oint men?. Mothers whose hearts tremble with fi-ar at the approach of its dread rattle, try it. Price 25 to 3W cts per biitle. Thornton fc Baker, sole Agent for Lewisburg. THY tiieheu Finr.ii WYXOFF 81 HOUSEL "ll'OULD inform thu pub!ic, that il.ey have opened a shop mi Fourth street lower etocv of S. W. W ykofP old stand. opposite Hunter Pardoe's shop, where thwy I . ' ' . a t. - ... aa 1 Fa tic v and Common Chiirs, Kntoa Rocking Chairs also Bureaus. Tables, Beds'raJa, iif various kinds,. t Settees. A.P. Sc All work in our line warranted to !e Hi snade, and on th most r?iinable terms. House and Sin PAINTING ai!ruded lo by tiie subscribers n the hor tesi n'lticf and in the beat etjle. C.nimrv Prcrtluce and lMiler tKen in 1 paiinnt and Cash not refused, but rather pref-rred. The subscriber intend to be strict in the fuiftiiiK-ut of all their promises as regards w.,rl; nr.i so itttiiig. hope to receive a liters', share piS'ic palnmsee. JtlKJt N.WYKOFK. J4SEfH M. HOt'EI.. Ifwi.burg, Nov. 1849 MOKE about M'Laoe's Vermifuge! Rend the following tf-stimonil as lo the value of this great medicine for worms: "This is to certify that I purchased r.e vial of M'Laoe's Worm Specific some two months since. I administered two spoons ful to a son of mine about 7 years old. and I have no doubt but that upwards of 1.000 wurms passed from him, measuring from a quarter of an inch o two inches in length Dec.7.1847. G.W. ffouooAV." AGENTS--C W Scasrrts. Lewiorg; H J gfceafcr. Milioo ; I Oerbart. tfcUfwf"; J W Krilina. Sunburr Mrs M'Cty, NsrtaaaiberisBJ; M C Crier. J Moot. Dsnvills Notice. 1 X) the Ta Collectors of Union county. As the year will soon come to a close. and our Count v Settlement wm naveio ue made, we hope the Colh-ctors will make a vigorous eflori to have their respective Dii p'tcates settled a?. Delinquent Collectors previ.iot to 184 will take this friendly him, as it is the last that will sbe given And we hereby give notice that we will make no Ksoneratton after nest December Court, so that all iota- lasted will attend. , JOSEPH WIXTBK, JAMES BARBIN. JOHN WII.T. Cmub'is u&kc, New Berlin, Oit. 26. 1819 Apply "Trask'a Magnetic Ointment" freely on the surface over the region of the pain, and you can easily throw off the disease. Its application is attended with no danger.and it will relieve 700 more speedily than any o'her remedy. Price 25 and 38 cents, iota wnoieaaie or retail by Thornton Ac Buker.Lewisburg, antiluhn IL Baser, Milton C ATI H.T U A aingte application of LUKJNO. Pr. Trash . Magnetic Ointment, will satisfy any one of its eri.e acy in removing this plague of tight i.o.tm Sold in Lewrburg.wholesale aad retail, by Thornton At BsVer. an by Jobn II. JUser, Milton. Price 2 and 38 cie per bottle. . I1 1 mir ts fr Jate and Coost-bi. lJldllian ba4 fur nla at Uus ofte. or a'.n'sd seswJwn ' uiil. r Alf ANTF.D two tons f R AGS, in eachangeKr Mercbandia. u I G Uwshe.. ' V fiHer Vineirar for 1;G Lish 4 i t .IUST 'KKCK1VKD A FULL aupply for Wholesale or Kk lail of ' 1 Pure Whin: i.d Sperm Oil . : Linseed Oil P.ne O.I Ppirita Turpentine Burning Fluid Spanish Brown Prussian Blue do Whiting Chrome Green Verities Red do Yellow KedLead ' Lamb Black Yellow Ochre (-opal Varnish Black Lead Japan do Litharge leather do Crackers by the bbl. Alcohol Sperm Candles Tar Mould Taliow do Soap Dipped do do Castor Oil Looking Glass Plates Sweet do And a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which we will sell at a small profit, and nut "at cost," as some say. Da. THORN TON A.BAKER. Lewisburg, Nov. 13, 1949 BRA ND It ETHS PILLS. T ME New York Sun says: "lirf.it(lr;t!.'.s . , ' , Pille have been used among many of: frnjnds,and in our own family we have used mem nearly lour venrs wnen v re "' quired any medi-ine. In that period Doctor save Dr. Brannrfth rris cmsssu our threshold, and no medii-trin t'5idc the I'r's Pills osed. Our bi lief is, " Keep vour bowels and blood p-ire," and every kind of disease Will be prevented or cured. 1 he Rrsndreth Piils are eminently calculated to do this, and thereby much lessen the sum of human misery. The genuine pill for sale by J. HAYES, sole agent for Lewisburg. 8m223 TEAS ! HU TEAS ! FINK fresh Green and Black Teas, from 42 cents h pound and upwarda,impor ted by the Canton Zi Ptkiu Tea Company of New York, parked in pounds halves and quarters, perfectly air tight, just received and lor sale by JAVGs HAVES. Msy Sole Agent for Lewisburg WANTED IN one of the mot flourishing towns on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, a purchater for a DRUG STORE now doing a 6rst-ratt business. Amount of stock now on hand, about 91000, h-cli will he sold at cost for Cash, or if more convenient a small puit of it on short time. - Fot further particulars, enquire at this .ffi.-e. Mi Jjr. Sicaynt't Celebrated Family Mali cine. 1 1 RE FOLLOWS CCRR! More Proofs of the Efficacy of lr. SWAVWK'S cnstrnoD svarr or Wild Cherry, The Original and Genuine Preparation ! Cunstimptidn, Out'gbs, Colds. A-t'.iii.. Iir jiicfaiiiM, I.iver Com plniol, spilling Ul.v-J.Jiifi inty ot Ureathing, I ain in tbo Side uiJ lires. ai4Uii'a f the Heart, Intut nts Croup.bro. ken Jocliiuooii.sjre i hra.t. Nervous Deiiiliiv.and all Jisrsses ol Throat, Urrat. and Longs: lbs moot euee tual and speed; euro kuowu lur any of lbs above diseases is Pr. Swayne'a compound Syrup vf Wild Cherry. Reliable Testimony. Julin Milioo Earle, editor of lha Worcester Si.y, Mi., waa atlscked with a aavere infliroa nun of ibe lonfo, aeeosapanied with a Jistrassing cough : after usiog variuaa other remedies with little .-r no benefit, bv the use ot 00a bollle at Dr Kwayna's Usaspoand 8yrep of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. Was. MonUrlius, a respectable Merchant of St Clair. Hchojlkill county, writes, Jsn 30, 184: -Enclosed I send yno a eertificsle of Wm. Beau mont, a citisen f our town. Hi eae of Cons amptina la wall known heraaod of long standing; ha attributes his cure entirely lo your Compound Syrup of Wild Cbatrj." - Be not deceived by the many spurious an. I worthless preps rations of Wild Cherry, uthtrt-d into naties by ignorant pretenders, but sec that tha signature of Dr. 8ayoe is upon each twill .. which is the only guarantee agaiuat im;. ilion. Remember ! lbs gsoauis (,ref anti.m ot Wihl Cherry is nrepared only by Dr Swavna, N W coioer of Eighth and Hce streats, l'bilsd'a 6wayne's celebrated VermlfBge, - itafe and EffectuaJ Remedy tor Worms, Dys DCfMsa, Cbuiera M 01 bus, aickly er dyspeptic tThildrea or Adult-nd the most useful Family Medicine ever oflered to I he public." This remedy is owe mat has proved successful for a long Ume, and is universally acknowledged by ast wtw have tried it lo be far tuptnar (being w pies sent to taw taste, at the same ume eftscliisl) 10 aoy otbsr assdieme ever employed 10 diseases tor wfcseO it ts feesswasemled. It not only destroys worms, but it isrwtfwatos lbs bole system, it is harmless in its rftcUud the health of the palienl s always improved by Us nse, even when no worms are discovered. try Bewmrt of MUtaka. Remember Dr S's Viimilaws is now pat up in tqtutre Mtte (hav ing laeawtty bean changed) covered bv a beaoiiW wrappsr. staol engraving, ' poru.rt 1 gwayiM iBsraon engraved. Bear this in mind, ad bs oot deceived. - -f tin KWATXE'S SI.'OAR COATED S.AKSA PARILI. ANU EXTRACT OFTAR PII.LA Tae ijnass of tliese pills eaa bo spreecijled onto by ikass who hava used them. They are adapted as assist nature in earryinc off moiUid mainr uaatntrtmr-, impurity of the blood. c. They ass a gentle and effective pargaiiv. correct all lbs raactiosM of Itoe liver, and as an alterative in diopaical aaWliows they are vary valualae and showU bo in every family. They have an outside coating of pure Whits Safsr.wbertby evefytbrog Jiesiuearlt to tasta or saacrt is entirely removed wubasit m rbs bast sffsctfng the icellenr quali ties of ihe naedicio'. Remember they ars now bsm no in box si tarawd out of the solid wood, eseted Hh red WW! bearing lbs aigastara af DrHwsyns; rwoe other is genaine. . Th above valuable Medicines are pre- passd only by Dr. 8WAVNE. N W eemsr of asJr and isace nnvs j ..tlUinftCl tmUi Pa C WetrasmV. and Tnomion x uswer,LwisDsirg ( jatVkoldaad III Men. h. Miller. btn. pj wiia. s l'L.ATaylor,WiflHiirare' MisnsehLBeaveri.rwn Wilt & Eilen, Hanret.io ' D Jlovar.Csnieiville (Hsn.l Haupt U DlSSI-ol..re Y,fn.!- VV.Iter. asTorclo-jsr. aonerally l) llKWISlilJliG CIHiOXICLU AXI Wi:ST NEW AE1UVAL or MEDICINES, &e., at the NliW I'pilANKFUL for the literal potronacp ' L enjoyed the past season, I would r-s- lii-ctii, iy invite oti menus ana . npw , M ick embracin altn(8, ,.vor! fi, iy invite o'tl tnend-i and new to call and splendid hini desired : ir. mv line of husines. and cheap at that. i Y?. : . i.i . r i Schallli: it ChainlH-tlin. C. W. SMlAFFLK, Druggist. Lewislmrg. Nov. ll'J REMOVAL. The Lewisburg Eating-Honse, UNDER the management of J M'Fiidiim 2d, is removed into the liiisement jtif the large brick h'use on the rorner from Gen.Green's, Market S'. Lwishnr-.w here the public can be accommodate.! uitti tlie best of sK kVWV Cf-C ta K Fried, Slewed, Roasted, er in tiie Shell TRIPE done up in the I.m sty I. P.k Feel Bread, Pies, Cake, Nuts, Candy, &c. &c. The public may rest asurrd that the eating-house shall be kept e ean and ord erly, and small bos and rowdies not be lrmitled to loa( here. Bv strict a'tention in the wants of the public in our line, we hope to receive a share of it patronage. J. M'FADDIN & CO. N B. After the 1st of Nov., Families can he supplied with Oysters in the shell by tits hundred, half-hundred, & Lewisburg, O.:!. 22 3t.250 CgaDENTAli CAKD. Eit& Dr. John Locke, SURGEON DEN I'lsT. ie.enfully inf.rms his friends end OV pul.lic in gi nersl, that he haa concluded to uiuke Lewishuis Lid irnia- I ncnt place of rtaidence. Dr. L. has tukrn ruom-. on Market Square, hrsi door t.ilow the rrimine; Office, which ho has 6tted up to nierale in. Re sHlence at Khne's Holrl. Pw"Tue third week wsk in every in inth, ha may bs loond at Eck be.l. H.4sl, in Milton. Dr. I.ncke is a rraulsr graduate of the B'tti mors Culleitii of Iirntal Pogrty. besides fcliich quslificalion he Its had the sdvanisee o. live years' eipenrie e 1:1 1 he practice nf his piole4i..i' in r.'nnsyVenia, (il. o, Illinois, Wiscouiiu, and ihs city ol Biltiinoic. M1. Dr. L. lakes alt the Journals nf the day which rontain new and uee'iil ii.torm.ilioll in the line of his pnfcsion ; and t-onj hrs arransements with the test matiuf uturers of t. . lb, gold foil. &e. will alsrava keep on bsu.1 ir the secnmino dstitin of his rusto.uers ihe veiy iiel quality of all the materials ued in his business. Persons wirhing Denial operations prrforro. d. will find il to Ih. ir advantage 10 give him a call, as be is determined not to be surpantrd ia the beautv and durability of bis operations by sny one. Persons for hnm J K Hot :t incited Teeth and no may i.ee.1 repairing done, are inlo.med llial I have ihe models ol their mouths ss prepared by Mr.Hnusel, sad con sequenlly can do their repairing at a loser rate than it can be done tor risen here as it saves the trouble in msny esses of making s ne.v mo-lel. Lewisburg. Oct. 17, 1819 Harrison's Columbian Ink, I N Quart. Pint, end smaller sized bott'es, HU.-k. Khie. Red and Indelible Tins celebrated Iiik !or ssl by V. VV. SCilAF Fl E Dentistry. W2. C. STEWART, TATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on j Market street. l.eilure. oppniie Mr. J. SsOrryer's store, whi te he tlends to operations on the leelh at a reduction nf his former prices. Teeth and roots ot teeth removed with Ihe sid ot improved Instruments, snd in aa easy manner. Fillina- teeth and setting on pivots or plates alter. ded to according lo the latest improvement in the profession Ulcerated, spungy, aud inflamed gum cured. Thankful for past lavo.-s, he seli. i's s continuance of public patronise No impure materials used for fillings in leeth. l)2Hi at the old stand. REBER li HIDINGS ABC now receiving at iheirold and well known stand on Market street a full and weli selected assortment of Fall and Winter bote, comprising the usual vaiiety of ilDry &ool, GROCERIES HARDWARE (UEENSWARE. Sah, Fish, Nait, : ( j etc. etc. ' Our Goods ire warranted to be ehr-ap as Ihe clteapest, ana gooa as me isi u-- , - r i - . -r. of friend., " 'or " continiiarice of tt,e f favors ; and new confertr artd stralig- we resneclftillv invife'to : f. r, , a oi " " a" ,a ;xif SCC ! LwibtirS, 10, IMV NEW GOODS ..i -yyCT-Ju j-XUU - - - 11111 ..ai- SEASON AlJLE GOODSii H. P. SHELLER, "IT70ULD respectfully inform his old If friends and ;he pulilic in general, that he is no.v receiving a larn FAIA SUPPLY of (Jo. .ds adapted to the wants, the means a d the tnsles ol'uli. DC fur the Ladies; KUOCEIUES for the Family; Caps, Boots &-c . for the Boys ; HARDWARE, Queens wa re I n n N a 1 Is Fish Salt 6ic. &( &c. which he offers on the lowest and most accommodating terms, on the principle ol " Small Profit mm! stilck Sales." Grateful for pat pa'ronage, we invite a discriminating public to call and examine our slock of Merchandize, which we are confident will bo ttalistaclory to all. ' Lewisburg, Oct. 15. 1849 Ahead of . 1 I a 1 1 " 7 Z r J, HAYES & C9. Tafce pleasure in informing tlie public, that they have recently received the Bestsclected.c Fisiiio.m.K Assortment of GOODS ofTered to this community. The satisfa'-jion hefe lolore rendered by this staud, it is presumed is a suilitienl guarantee fcr their future, operations. ' " ' .' . . To attempt to enumerate their stock, would lie superfluous, and indeed imr.ribie: hut those wishinu; to purchtwe.arc invited lo call and jude lor tl.einw 1st s. Wore pur. hasinsf elaewhere. p 8 . J. HAYES & CO. Lewisbtir", Oct. I", 1849 ii FORSTOB'S NEW STGRI ( Fir- f r tr A7iit' II'cl,J LKWISBUItG, TA. nwr .,i.i;. !.'!; informed that JOHN FORSTKR has received, X now offers lor sate, a very -lrj;e stock of Fail ami Winter goods, eiinipiisin'o ail articles kept oenera'ly in the oiher stores v-ith the adJition of msny finer kinds of jioods not umihI'v hrouoht to llie connlrv. An examination oi the slock is resiRcttully invited. Among my stot k is a lare v iriety ol embrarintr C.isiimeres, Satinetts, Vestinos, Twd Cloths for Sucks and Overcoats. KeniucUjeans, Tickings, Canton mid other Flannels, TnMe Dt tper. .Mulms, 500 pieces Calicoes, (Jinthams. Mous de Lnines. Cashmeres. Merinne, Alpareas. Silks. Linen, Cambric, S.Ik and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Trtmmitis, Arc Ladies' shoes, Fen's and Boys' boot, etc. CLOTH .1.VD GUI ZED CJIPS. sttpft0 the htst and most varied assortment and :ilso (Rroccries, Hawlware,c X? 5-TO WIIOLKSALK buyers, great inducements are offered, a. a libera, abatement will be made. FORsTru New eliciip cash JMoVe. Lewisburg, October 2, If 4(tf.' Dr. Rose's Medicines. - The hubscriber havmg leeii appointed sole agent fir Dr. Rose's Medicines, foi Unirrn Counly, oflers ihf m lo the publie with great confidence as lo their ffi -ac and certainty of effecting cows in nil cases for which they are designed. A single tes' onlv ia required to establish the (art. a7 aatt.itvi IT A J New York Fall and Winter F JUST received at the Fashionable Tailo loriiiif establishrnenl, next door lo Ihe PflstOiTv. JOHN B MILLER. Lewisburg, Sept 20, 1849 Superior Cooking Stoves. The subsrtibers hate on hand '.Seffitna Air-Tight Cooking Sve, arranged foi Wtrod or Coal. I hese atoves are sujierior to anything of the kind ever offered in th country, and wiR be sold at reasonnbY prices. S&J.WOLFH. Lewisburg, Sept 10, lfV19 OLD DR. a S.P, T0.rXSEXD'$ compound syrup of Sarsaparilla TUSr ree'd from ihe old Dr. a Urge ant! J fresh ujj;ly of bis cvlebraled mediant Irnfll lllp Iirilli: ioal Depot in New Vork u. -.iiliin-r to nrottire Sstsaparilln can have eilher the old or young Dr's, gen ume and fresh, bv calling on the Aent, Lewisburg. June S6 - U W :H AFFLB Towtiscnd's extract of 8arsap a i URCE and Ires suppl- H'is '"lehra'cdj i Msdieuie. Just ieeeiee-1 Iroiu the pr.ncipsj; itnot in' Nw York, and for sale at the nc-i IJ-ug and Chemical atVe of . ,., , . ' . Dr Tiiorntnn Btiier Window' SASfl. A lot of 810 VVindnw Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of SprbufAt Burrows,1 on hand, and nl iizfcs got lo order onj short notice. May, M9 I ' PG Lawshe NE BuggeV AM Sht! tif lArness, J One Tw3')lorse v?-F"r (7n. Trtlck- Wa& Hw BIlAXCIl ipgfasTuiaw.,S3"i The old ilaramotli" ' Filling up Again .J.&J. WALLS; MOST respernfvlly inform it eir friends the public that they are bow receiv ing their usual supply of ' ' . , FALL AND WINTER UcrcftakdteCi calculated in quality, pf.ee, aiid quantitj 10 supply the wants ol the trading comrr.u ui'v embracing t llnrdware. Queenstcare, fish, tyc.j . ir 1 . all 01 -wnicn are uuereu , i."1 accommodating terms for Cash, Produce, or eocid credit. W e invite and hope to merit a continu ance of the very libera', patronage hereto fore ex 'ended to us. J.&' J.WALLS. Lewisburg. Oct. 10, 1819 Coiupetition1 ! nd Fait and winter OS. jrpHE suhscrilier has just received his X' ;ocr or ' ay a i i a by t e i.j af e n rnuL.MiMU vv 1 1 w i crt j Goods embracing the usual variety-4" 1 1 such us .;.."(, ' ' ' I DRY GOODS. ' GltOCERIte, ' HXRDVtAliE, i ; r . QUEIINSWARE, MIATS.CAra.ov&c All nf which are offered cheap for Cah or Country Produce. I. G. LAWSHE. Lewisburg, Sept. 18, 841 h (Jreen and Back IJjAO Ten, s Irom the eelelirnted e-nilili,hmeiit of' .NKCalTront & Bond, for s.tle by )G Lawshe FLAXsEEDOtl. pure U'Kite I ad. Ve iiition Ued, VI hiiing.-Yellow Ociire, Spanish Brown, Glass, PuUv, Ate, bv .CiUiZll TldT:fiLwshe p AST-Steel. "A mer Jliatet.fteei, Nails. J Spikes, Locks, Latches, Hinges and screws. Sic. for sale by I (i Ltwshe 1' ,0Jt the Trade. A lot of Drugs and Uosin on hatid-, which Ihe subscriber oners af eott. J G Lawshe QOMETIIING NftW'oapstone Gid O d'es for sale by I G Lawshe PRIME Old Java Collce riir sale by 1 " I G Lawshe VyillTK Wheat Flour, al Rye Floor fosafe'Br " riBL-iwshe. OHlPTCPFond;.W 'a or sa'e bv if? "Lawshe Hovne Indnstrv. I VT1J' for sabs hv r' 1. If.VYES & CO. fPHE subscribers have as-.oC.died unJer JL the Frrm of '' S.&J.VSLFE, Lfor the purpue of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery rind General Commission ami Forwarding business , l.ib'i''l advanc es will be iira.te on all kind ol' Country Produce. PIhi-c of bus.ness, new Uarfhouse on lha NVhr.rf1 immedmlely bt iow the BrMlye, i- - - HAVIEI. VOl.l'E, ' ' ? JONATHAN WOi.FE. ' Lewisborir, Pa. Aojj. 7, ISstf. PURE FRESH COD T ''HIS nw and valuable Mt'tiii ine, now Used by the med.c.l prol'esiuu will. auch astuiiibing efTicry in the cure of hulhitmwy Cunnumfrlio;! Scvula Cinmit JikeumalUm, O'oxf . general VcliLty, Cowpluiula 1 tLe Kidaty. Ate. die. is prepared from the liver of the I OD-HSH for iiieuiciual use, epresly fur our sales. Extract from lha Iindon Medical Journal. U J. BWitutst. M. D . F Kf., Prolrssor of Meilicine in University C'nllrge, ltrxtnn, ronol tiug physirian to the Hrwpital sir ttoiui.p ion, die, ays: I bsva prescrihrd the Oil in above foar bundred eases of tub. iculou difae of the Lungs, in different stages, hich bas Iswn under my care lha last I wo years and a hlf. lo the Urge number of raw 2'iS out ol 234. its ose wa lollowrd by marked. unrUivocal in.piovrnirnt. varying in degree in dinerent cases, from a tem porary ret anl Jlioo of the progress of the disese a n.itiga'i.oi ol distrcHwog syoiptoins, up to a more or Wt cou.i leU: re'.crstion lo ip(.aiint health Tlie iCe. t of ihe I'od Loer Ort-(n mwt of these esses was terv remarksute Errn in a few dny the couh s miligattd, the eipceoraTion 1 duiiinirbed in i)usiily and epeeiiy. the niht J sweat cesxnl. lb pulse became alower. and of I U'tt. r toluol, and the sppetile, flcji aud sliength j were gradually improved. In c.ini lunon 1 repeat thl the purs freah Oit fnm Ihe I.iver nf the I'od In muie beneficial in !.e trrslnirnt of Pulmonary l oiuumplion th.o stiv : gei.l, medirin.-l. dietetic or rrgionnnl. that hSt yel been empl 'red " As we have made arrangements to prr cu:e' the Co.i Liver Oil fiesh Irmn head rjmners, it enn now be had cheiriienllj pur, bj the !in:e bott;e or in. boxes of' nh d z-n eti. h. I;.s wt.iideri'iil eiBrscv has inJured ntm croos fptii ioiis tmitatiut'S. As is suecess dt-pends en irelv on i's purity, lao much.! rnre c iu liol be li.:f ib pi t priiiji il OKM lB Every hot'le haviriji on it our written signature, n.av be Hepr nded on as peimite. rjmphlets cr.iitiun ng an annly-is of the 0.1, with notices ol ii from the Medical .11 rim's, will 'f. eiii to those who address US free of polne. JOllX C. BAKER CO , Wholesale irutf!'s' and I "ben.ii.ta. IU0 Xonb Third St rhiledtlphia r I rPHE sulM;rilsT would itif irnTthe Gei -.J. tlcinen of Lewisburg and vicinity that he has now re-opened a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Office, where he will carry on the business of (JUTTING AND MAKING garments as usual. Work made by him warranted 10 fh.- Produce received ia paymedt art market prices. JOHN B. M1LLKK. L"wisbure, Apr.l '-il, I !1? t The New Foundrv I S now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CAST I N G S i kept on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Iinprovi-.l Cooking Stove, for either Coal or Wood -and all other kinds of stoves; also PLOUGHS of differ em kinds Corn Ploughs, B.jII Ploughs, and tlie ... Self-Saarpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be heat! in Pennslvaoia. Call aud see and judge for yourselves. t CHRIST dt M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sep, 'ii, Hl'J DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment!! U h it oung in in wuuls lo wear a wig ! We all know the value" of a good head of hair. A youn nmn with a bald head, is a sort of walking caricature of his species. t Hence ihe manv vnnous attempts t.i reme dy ot concent the deficiency. Hundreds of rtie Voting men of thiscountrv, after try mg the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring ihe -hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig ! a practice a little conducive lo rleanfuess. as tt is rt in gr rotts to health ! Now1, we hap pen to know from practical expeiieiice.that Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair op a l.ald head, heil all other reme dies hnve f.iiled. '"Sold in Lewishiirg.wholesale and re'aij, hy 1 hornton baker cents per holtV.' ' Price 8i and 50 CO At, COAL, COAI.. Tfft aubocril(;r has oh hand and is now reeeivino from Piltstim and Slua. mokin. Besi Fmindrv. , n t . . , Irwin, J nmi, Nut, and Pen . ' IfJO.fali which will be disposed nf on reasonable terms. . J....e,'4!l. r'G..f.wv!TF.. ;: - l U 4JM ll 0 . LEWISBUFO ACADEMY "ITILL cimiisii't on M o . he C' olOvlols-r. lnsfroc'asn wi!i lr y. u as heretofore, in ali LrmtUe . ' " a ihorounh eduraii.-n. t f K in ' ' tu poaitioa and Declsm..iiun siill le reind ' d strict attention will Le paid to ih- lolll.t'll i-f regular habiu of study 'bs n.eml-r of he Khnol. I he leputati-'i, ibr li.iiu I. u sill be made to rent: not up" The roni.tir. Let ocon .he D'oeress ol lbs aliulrl. T'f i;b--ri. tier is oat oiicitoo- f.f eh.wi J mon ih... iJ I reculr scholar ' Term: tor I.aiutg. Vj , . for the higher Enrb b t ; o.d (ot he ror'.-.'v English bfsbebra t-r ...n.n. 01 21 J RDOl.i'H. l-riudpct LewUburg. Ot. 3. If 49 StGN f Ike I Mil AM Cheaper than Ever. THE subscribrrs base ihe pleasure In tMimrra to their ul1 customers and I be p.illir in a ' rial ihsl tliey hive opened a larse and pirutid aortn.ent ol TOBACCO 4.C. t il . !l tai d on Market tet furuwriy occupied by Aau.T A mm oris ss a Tailor shop. Tbetr entire slock has been srlerled will, grrs. care, and cunrists of .- Clgam Frsgrsneia, l.a orma. Primavwa. Princippe. VVernrf'e Regalia. Clel!u. Gn.Mi Taylor, Half Hpsni-b. and Common. Catendiaaa Tslacca Siahrer'a Bba Fat, CiHigress, Oionoko Uraucb fclag, 1'lug. axd Fins Cat. Kmwkfais Tobacco Cat and Ty. Scafferisite. dre, . SnuiT - Rsppe snd Scotch. iSi.utf Hoses, (ieriaaa l ipes. (nd a f.-nry ajrt clu of Cigar ca. ;JI of bih are oaVrrd the lowcl rates All kind of Produce taken m exchange. Call, see, aud judge for juUtMia ielurs condemning ihe articles. A. J. FENNY, HE.NKV L'kKAv Leoi.i.urfr, April 21. HVi The success of Dr. Trak's Mnfrnr : c Ointment in curing Sore Ejes, is proveih ial. Those who are not aequainrtd with its use, will find on each bottle a pamphltr, containing fuH directions. Agents in LewiLarp,Thotni.i! Si 1'i lir Fever tr4 Agne. 1T7"-T .a the n.ooV ol irentment V adapted to ihe cure of lever end Ague It fas U"ually been tiea ed t v inedtcol men as a distase of I'e'l. Stiirl lv speaking ft is fnir a disease, ImiI a $ytup' lorn oi dirase. It is .-the result of a d. lauemcni i.f the liver. Here lies the difficulty, and here is the diease. Il ts therefore the liver to w bit h the remedy should be directed. Here the cause exists, and il is the cause which is to be removed, ' or a permanent cure will tot be effected. Dy addressing remedies lo the yjmptoins. we leave the cause untouched, ready lo produce a return of rLe chilN and fever.fh " ihe first over exertion of mind or hod v. Th nf H, fm .I Tm IndtM t ' h( 1m ..., : er . , 2oup iiiefli'ctine ptrmanent cures ol such affections is explained by its well know de obstruent effect upon the biliary (igi.hs. Imitations are abrond ' Bo particular to enrjyirft for " Dr. rtfOLAGOGrE." for "Dr. Osgood a IMHA.N Ft,r sale by the soleagen, J- S.Arj(rtf Lewisburg. Office Jtemoted. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ;0 FKICF! on Seeond Si., lately occupictf t.y L. K '.'hiist. Eaa. Aoi.l i'. l-J BauAO'KSIMITHIXfaV The subscribers respect fu'ly inform tie citizccs of Lewisburg and vicinity lhat ihey have comenced" the above business, at M. Hate's old shop on Second1 St. one square south of -Market. where they are prepiin d lo Iron Buggies or Waggons, and rrake all articles in their business in ihe most workmanlike nrsui.er, at prices which Ihey hope will induce those wishing anything done in their line lo call ar.d judie ihemselves. before going elsewhere. Repairing done n the shorted notice an I on reasonable terms ! Shoeing. which is a ver'V important mat ter lo those iSat have valuable horses, ar.d'sho jrd be entrusted only to perii r.s id kno n skill ' We fl;t?r ourselves lhal are able tr comMfe wjih any person in the coun'r ii Slns-irig Hor-es : e ask only a trial, and lei the work s"how for itself. All work wai ranted. Iron and all k.nds of country Protljre taken in exchenge. We hope by strict a'tenti-n to btisine, aud a. -determination to suit alt, both in work and prire, to receive a liberal share of public patrounge. HATE & FUR RAY. : Lew'sbnrg. May 22. 1819 Important Information f IldA'the d.iTiciil; respiration and debility a;iendttig diseases of the Lungs, or; 'I'li.-uul and Breast, 7 'hbmton'i Compnvud Syrvp rf Tar and Hood Xapiha ha heen found an invluaWe remedy. Boide ils power as an Expectoiant to relieve thit lungs from thu accumulated manor which' results from the relasi d stute ol ihe system in hoi weallrfr, il also eels as a healing balm lo the u'lceraled pitts and a tr ngih ener to the system. So salutary is loe -t'; B of tlie Syrup, in this respect, that many t f our iim st respectable Physicians eniploj i. in their I practice, and we have daily eyidfi.ee ,.f cores etleciej in pulmonary ct-t where skill Kvts u'terly laiie.l. Prepared only L AVignej & I)it kr.ii, N K corner Fifth aud Spruce Sis. Phi'ml. Sold hv f. It . ISrknfltr. Is" i-bnrg. " Harrison's CulnmLian Inks. t TJ,,AV I I 1 d. Ii 'K. Japan. Topy ins. Ms.king. Blu. . In- lible. S,rler, R.il. 'arruiri. Tle Inks s fliw mot, (mm p,n. ' more dursUe cilof ll.an am oib. r a r. user ber. For sal in any gnsniev hv. UK. THI'Kll l r It a R F.K Aeerts, i Uu,; t eion C Ta. f-tlt by r