1 !-I5WlSBUBG-GIIRONIGIa-ANirWC3T BiraKCttfRMER Foreign News. Tli British mail steamship Canada, Capt. Harrison, reached bar dock at Jer sey city at o'clock on Saturday tnortiing, wi h advices from Loadoaj to the evening of the. 16th alt., and Liverpool to the 17th. . : ThMaday,ika 1 5th Jult., was observed throughout Great Britain aa a day of gen- eral thanksgiving for the disappearance of the pestilence which had devastated the country. . The atecution of the Mannings, for the murder of O'Connor, ' occupies a large apace in the eohunaa of the London jour nala. It took place on the 13th, at florae longer jail. Not leas than M.000 per sons were prevent at the execution, and scenes the moat diagraceful were enacted. X female w killed by the pressure of the crowd, and two oiheri severely injured. Cokst aimftona, Nov. 1. The British 6eet la at preatM at anchor at Beeica Bay, and will reaaain there till the arrival of the courier from 8t. Petersburg with the reply iT the Emperor t the ct:ntnuoicarinn of Filed Eflcadi. the envoy ul the Sultan. Frinuld the reply of the Cur be oi a hos tile nature, the fleet will proceed to Cin ttantinnpt. Ou the Ct'h ult.. General Aupiek had also an inw-rvirw with Rewrhid Pasha, and tbe Mmisler of Foreign Affairs, in which lie assured them of the determination of the French government to give an armed support to Turkey in ease of a Rbssien in vasion, and that the fleet under Admiral Persevnl Descheoee would co-operate with be force of the Sultan in case of emergen Kesmtbiiiisued the following proclama tion to the Hungarian refuse a on the 18 h October. lie eigne himself Governor of llTnjtar)': 1 he.-eby make known the official dec laration of his Eicelleecy the Pacha. 1. Tliat Ilia Majesty the Sultan, whom my God grant a long life, haa determined that he ill not give up to the enemy any who wish to remain ; but that he will pro ud us, and aflord us the rights of hospi tality. - t. Those who wish to partake of these rights of hospitality for the future, shall be supplied not only with food as hitherto, but also with articles of clothing ; nay, even in regard to tlteir pay, they may expect that indemnity which is compatible with rlie glory and renown of his Mj-ty the Sultan. The hope is also held out that the 4 fJieera may tetain thr:r rank, and without being compelled to change their religion, enter the Turkish service, and that it is contemplated to secure, the destiny of all ibe errngrants, either by the formation of a oniony, or in some other swttable manner. Mr. Rives, the American Minister, has had an 4Scial interview with Bonaparte, President ofJFrance, whose reception wa apparently moat sincerely cordial, and expressive of peace on both rides. Mr. Clay in Baltimore. IUltimobc, Nov. tO. 1 849. lit a Henry Clay arrived in this city yesterday, aad was warmly welcomed by ithiuaanda ol hu friends. Mr. (.lay addressed the people to-day irmn flsrnum's Hotel. tie said that he alwavs felt at home when ii. Vary'and.ths Slate being the birtb-plac .f l:i Utter hall, lie leu airatrj tnai ine ,r.ipei:at d hit return lotbt Public too" j; of. the country, waa ever rated by bis frterrdV He still felt bis old devotion to the ,t rviee of the-pwbbe, but. at the same time, he felt the weight of time upon him, which ;jnfiis hirw-for the active service of his ear lier ilavs.- I'b then alluded to the slavery question, art! r d 'there waa uniteceseery aicitaiioo ui-.n the: subject The nil touM nevir .ixitl in Culifomim end Ntw Mrx'uo. The cool climate, the business or lite coon rv. the habits and pursuits of the people Inehtrl if. He then-spoke of the importance of the t'nioiu and aM tnat. eemrasieo wnn n. W slavery quwho sank into nothing. Under all rireumsiancea, he would stscd hv tha Union. - tp cnftuWrdthai no one question could it- of M.fficient importance to cause a dts- .lutuni.aiid let the storm cume from wht u rur it may, should defend the Vn on, relit or wrong. f it should be dissolved.- fur rountry ..ul.) require m-bisturiam iler history would be written fwaw that of Grreee. M n would arise ami pw tl"Pr ' "'P and Alexander. Tiiere would lm foreign a liaiL-es d no foreign and d mestie wars, until eery trace of liberty be liHt in H fs part of the world. Mr. ('lav became quite animated, lit an'ike" w ith feeling and powerful effect. He id people for the affectionate l;- thev had always shown him, and"! thould ever remember it- j He dosed aroi tremenaous no miera !eJ applause. The offi- iil rlurrs of tte ae election in L.iuiina fn-m all ecep four rislies, cives Walker, the Democrat candidate ibr Governor 17.IM. 1-louw le.Taft nnJ wHI It iie-reaee . 1 f . )lP .1U i Ur. and w.ll amount i in the L.,- in 56.000. aeatost Z3,6S last Xlie s'a of panne in the Lcgiala yinr. tUH- Waics. Pau la 16 64 43 P4 CI 4 7 Senate, House, 191 rectors. Bank of Danville. Peter Baldy.Wm H Magill, G A Fnck.W Jennison.Wm Don aldson, Lewia Valine, M C Grier,of Dan ville ; lliomaa Hayes, ol Lewiaburg s Ja cob Cook, of Huucy ; Won C Lawson, of Milton ; J W Smith, of Selmegrove; John Sharpies, ol Cattawisea, and J K Grotr,' of BloomsburK. Bank of Northumberland- John Tag aart. John Porter, Waa Formtbe, William M'Kelvy. Abbot Green, George Schnure, Ehenexer Walton, Daniel Bratigam, A E Kapp, Lewia De wart .Samuel M'itsonJohn Walla, and Samuel J Brov. n. West IWanch Bank A Updcgrafr.'S fl Loyd, A Woodward, Geo Tomb, Wm MrKinney, J S Graffms, P Dicktnon, E S Lowe, Jos S Willis ms.l'honas Dennftt, C Gudy kunst,John H Cu d-n , I, A M .ickey . At a meeting of the hoard, A. Updegraff, wan wnagimouvty elected President, and Thoa. W. Lloyd, Cushier. The Carlisle Herald, in remarking upon the selection of Prof. Wm. II. Allen, A. M., M. f)., of Dickinson College, as Pre sident of the Girnrd College, for Urphaus, assuies us that the opinion expressed of his abilities is well founded, and will be fu'ly confirmed, adding that u Prof. Allen ranks high as a man oi mind and thorough education J and though we exceedingly regret to htar of bis unexpected removal from our community, we congMtola c him on the distiruihrd mark ol public favor which he has thus rrceivrd.n lie will enter upon his Hu.n s on the lt ol January next, lie is not an it i, u. tin place in Dickenson ColleKe will probably be Cited tetrp-rnly by Rev. C. P. Winr, pastor of tlie rmt I resbyterian Chruca, Carlisle. The average Whig vote on the entire blare ticket in New lork, as counted hv the canaer!, at Albany, on Wednecdwy, in 202 102, and the average Democratic vote '201,741. showing an average U hi mnjoriiy of 361. The aggregate Whig vote 1,615,16. and the aggregate Demo cratic vote I. fl 1 3.92fl. showing a whig majority ol 2,e"J8. The Vt hig average ia less than General laylor s vote by 16, 501, and 'hi- Democratic averajre kns thin Cass and Van Buren by i3,037 votes. It is said that Capt. Lynch has ofTt-red his service to our government, to lend an expedition to go in search of Sir J. Frank lin ; and Capt. L. promises that " in case the government shall sanction his ffWu. he will raise trom private sources.siilBrient to charier, strengthen, and equip, a -.learner, the government furnishing such ffn-ers and men as choose to volunteer to go. The ritixens of Bald 1-lagle Valley .Cen tre county .are tu have a grand circularhnni on the 7th inst., hepace embraced within the cveral lines to be six miles tqu-ire.and iheparliesloccntreat Shipley's Cove. The country abounds in deer, wolves.foxes.Su:-, and with full lines the hunt will prove most successful as it will be impossible for game to escape from the circle. On Saturday last, the tffiee of the Stale Bank at Camden, No. 'l Church alley, waseutvrud by false keys, and rob bed of f 6243, principally ol the notes ol the Camden Bank, during the temporary absence of the agent in making his usual morning .exchanges with Philadelphia banks. Three or lour of the notes stolen are of the denomination of 300, printed on blue uA. A Qfirren Tiie Jury, in the case of the United States vs. James McM;iMtrs. tried at Pi'tsburg, for harboring a fugitive alave, returned a verdict of acquittal, the prosecutor tq. pay costs amounting to abui $1210. Among the jurors were (n il. Jo seph Markle, Mr. Johnston, (miliar of the Governor,) and Hon. Jasper E. UruJy. Fatal Affray ! We learn tha! an un IbrtUBAtC affray occurred at Plymouth, Lnieroe county, cn Monday evening a', between loel K. Gabrial, and A. W. Young, in which Mr. Young was killed. The parties hnd been drinking, which led to the quarrel. Horrible '.Bloomtbvrg Democrat. The editor of the Delaware Gazette, having enjoyed an -'extended conversation'' with Mr. Walker, during his late detention in Wilmington, authoritatively denies anv chsnge of b'S vies in reference tu the tariff or the cd valorem system ol duties. Nim Oiltan, Nov. 28. The captain and first engineer of the ill fated LntiUiana have both been discharged from custody. There is no evidence to implicate them in the least. The second engineer is supposed to have been Ihe cause of the disaster, and is nowhere to be found. The jury in the case of John S. Bassler, publisher of Ihe t-ayelte vnig. on trie in Pittsburg for robbing the mail, on Satur day returned a verdict of acquittial. The jury on a former trial had been unable to The mail w hich waa made up at the Post Office ie Oswego, on the 3d int., and which should have reached New York on ih K:k hna not bten heard from. It con tained drafts and checka to the amount of 12,000 or $15,000. We recret to lero that the barn of Mr. Caleb Apyleman.of Valley township.about two miles from Danville, wa consumed by fire early on Fvidwy evening, but, with all its contents-- , It err-" ! ,He: urreM r Hr- W-Seei retary Walker, in fk hiware, wa upon an accommudaiion note fnrf 3,740,drawn nine years since in Mississippi, aud upon which lie was the third endorser. Miss Cnrin-lia Scott, dr.ughter of Gen eral Scott, was married in New York, on ihe 28ih iusl ,t Major II- L. Scott, aid. de-camp to the commnnd"r-in-chirf. Hon Simon Camerwn.will please accept iMirtSanka for a copy "f be Report ol ho Sectary .f the Treaury on the I Mai housing Svkm, fcr 1819. I .JLeteisburff, Pa9 ; j . .aBWawjBWa Wedindaj Afternoonj" Dec 5. tfV- is of the first importance to. the heattb of every one especially during wef weather to keep the feet warm and dry, COItStailtlj for no one thing tends more to the preservation- of health.'' The evil effects of damp feet may not be imme diate, but they are not the less .certain. Ip a wet season, the shoemaker is a greater friend of health than the tailor or hatter. Keep I be feet warm and dry, ihe head cool, and the bowels open," was the grand recipe of a distinguished physician. WRITING ACADEMY. The num ber of pupils under Mr. Shelp'a instruction is so large, and their improvement ja so decided, that he is induced lo commence a SECOND TERM an Monday next. Parents and guardian who wish those under their care to improve in penmanship can decide, for themselves by examining the specimens at the writing rooms, late Dr. L'idwig's brick office ) ' "Some harden d villain robbed iht Mis sionary box of Ike Leuintiurn Sunday School recently." The foregoing is diluted from the state ment that rtro of the boxes of the tix Sun day schools in LewisAur were robbed hut the altered statement of the (acts are bus given in a "City paper." Generally however, such news enlarge by traveling. For instance, a gentleman here who had a back kitchen burned down last winter, was much enlightened on going to New Berlin a few days alter by learning from a "City paper" that he had been burnt out of house and home ! BsJ. S. GiLMoae, of the Blnomsburg Star," has been elected by 29 majority as MAJOR ol the 1st Brigade 9:h Division Penii'a Volunteers. Let it no more be said that ' Republics are ungrateful!" f7The official canvasa of the election for the eiybt State Officers lately chrven. in New York, shows an average Whig maj of 1 52 only. Close work, that ! Allotments on the North Branch Canal. On Saturdt) the Boa'd of Cams! C ,n missioners made the following allotment. of the work in the North Brunch I'nuei : Srrion--l I. Jacob Seiber e. Co.; I J. Dykeiis & Wendel ; 21. John Mc- Curd ; 27. Patrick Burke ; 67. Patrick Burke; 69. Sturdivant Ac Ltttle; 75. J'icob SS-iber Si Co. ; 98. J. & J. Lamon ; 111. John Snndgrass; 112. John Snod- t;ras; 113. Mead 6i larrtgan; it 4. Francis Blair At U. ; 134. Jackson M Fiidden ; 159. John Sturdivant ; 1C2. Geort Liebrick ; 173- Cochrane ot Mc- line;l4. John McMahon ; 182. Ko- dy McUee&C'o. ; 183. Edward Kerns & Cu. ; 184. m. Phelan 6t Uo. Boston. Dee. I. Last evening the mutilated remains of a body .supposed to be those of Dr.Parkmm, were found under the Medical College, where he was last si en a'ive. At 1 1 o'clock Professor Webster, of the College, was ar- ested upon suj icion of having committed the murder, end was lodged in j iil. When arrested he displayed the greatest agitation. I he whole affair about to undergo a rigid investigation. I he evidence is believed to be wholly of a circumstantial character. A subsequent despatch says that Dr. Parkmaifs remains are reported to have been found in the Medical College, in Dr- Webster's private room, mostly burned. Dr. W. is now coufiued in the L veiett street jail. Later reporta bear etrongly against Dr Webster. - C7Charles M.(eafhar,of Ruh town ship, Northumberland county, has been ar rested in Mount Vernon, Ohio, on a charge of having stolen money to the amount of about $1000 trom different letters mailed and received at the Poat Office in thia Bo rough where be had lately been employed as Clerk. P. S Since the above waa in type, a letter has been received from Mr. Garret son, staling that the aum of $3664 in cash and checka had been found in the posses sion of young Gesrhari, aud placed in the hands of the Sheriff of Mount Vernon for safe keeping. It will probably take some time before Mr. Garretson can return. Danville Van. Mr. A. C. Goel, agent of Prof. Morse, visited Danville last week, and ia n w en gaged in making arranpements for building the Susquehanna river and North and West Branch Telegraph line; he ia soliciting stock for this important enterprise. By ibis line it la proposed to connect all the pssacwal towna on the Susquehanna and the branches, with Ilsrrisburg. Baltimore, Sw. The Cegi:4aiore ol Alabama have elec ted Wm. Ui King and Jeremiah Clemms, as Senators of the United States from that State. Mr. &g 's prenl a member of thrSanate,Ai8-lerm expiring in.l$5S( Mr. Clemens, wh"b a-Taylor democrat, is chosen in place- ol &sj Fitzpatrigk, whose termrajerwitt-leV'5 , c Thittj-lint Congress. ( -. The first session commenced at Wash ington on Monday last. Tha Senate was organized with 40 Members, but nothing of interest occurred. ) . .-V. v -;-- Horai. Tbe House oi lUpresentatiecalled to order ai It o'elockj oy Tba.J.Cmpbell, former Clerk. - ' ' The roll being called, all the returned members answered except Shepherd of N C.-Kinc nf Ga.rAbmn ofAIarid Oemrv fof Tenn. 4 VVhips also Brown of Miss and Hubbard f f AI, 2 Democrats and Julian of lod, Free Soiler. ' Number present, 223 absent, 7 one vacancy in Talfrey's utMtrici, Mnss. On motion of Mr. Boyd, the house pro ceeded to the election viva voci for Spea ker. ' . Meosrs. Duer, of N. Y. ; Miller, of Ohio; Hilh'ird, ot Ala., and Strong, of Pa., were appointed tellers. The (louse having proceeded to ballot, the following was the result, via : Howell Cobb of Ga, Deal 103 Robe C Wioihrop of Maw. Whig 6 DiviJ Wilmot of Pa, Fres Soil a Merrdith P Gentry of Teoo. Whie 6 Horace Manu of Mass F. S. Whig t . i J as Thompson of Pa, Dem , 1 C F Cleveland of Ct, Ucrn 1 J A S. da n of Vs. Dsn 1 Jos I. Orr or 8 C. Den 1 1 David T Dimes of O. Dt-m I in. M Root 0f O, F. 8. Whig 1 eessary to a choice 111. Cobb and Winthrop did not vole. There being no election, the House pro ceeded to a second ballot. The vote re sulted m follows, viz : Cobb ol Georgia. 103; Winthrop 97; Wilmot 8 ; Muun2; Cleveland I ; Durkue 1 ; Stunton, oi Tenn. 1 ; Gentrr, f ; Wom'wnrd, of Houth Ciroluia. 1 ; Dsney,oi Ohio, I ; Jdmes Thompson, 1 ; St-'tUfii, of Viri;iui, 1. 221 votes. There w,nj no election, A third ballot was had.when it appeared that Mr. Cobb received 10-'; Wimhroi , j 96 . W,inot. 7 ; Gentry, 8 ; Mann. S i Clevf-lnndf2; and scatter tig t 221 voles. I here being no election. Mr. Holmes moved that the House ad journ ; and on motion the question waa ta ken by teller Messrs. Cabell, of Florida, and Boyd, of Kentucky, acting as suub. The House refused to adjourn bv a vole of 97 in the affirmative aud log in the negative. The House then pinceeded to a fourth ballot. It resulted as follows, viz : Cobb, l(t-2 ; Winthrop, 90 ; Sedden, 2 ; Gentry. 6 ; Cleveland, 2 ; Mann, 2 ; Jas. Thomp son, I ; Stanton, ol Tenn., 1 ; Booth, 1 ; Wilmot, 7 ; Potter, 1 total 221. There being no choice and r.o prospect of one. On motion of Mr. Levin, ihe Hou-e agreed on a conn! hv tellers. lo adjourn till to-morrow wornm at 12 o'clock. There 'HMPjj 121 for the niljurnnieut, no couni was taken oi ihe negative. ' It is qniie doubtful when the House will be orHn;zcd, and also aa to who i he Speaker will Le. Postmaster General's Report. Thia document appears In 'yesterday's Baltimore Sun. It speaks well for thai Officer and for the Low Postage System. Judge Collamer estimates an excess of revenue in the Department at the end of the present fiscal )ear of One Million of recommends a unif irm rate of letter postage at five cents per half ounce. ' The cost of transportation iu every mode except by rail road has been reduced. K. A Ku zner, van e'ertril ou ihe 3d ill., Brigade Inspector of the Norhun.ber lnd county Brigade, in place of Mnj. V. H. Kae, elected Mnj. General of the Di vision. Solomon Gudykunst, formerly of Mil ton, has been appointed Postmaster at Jer seyshore. " Temperance meeting. The next meeting of the Lewisburg To tal Abstinence Society will be held in the Lutheran Chureh, Tuesday evening next. Dee. 11. Addresses may he expected. SAM'L GEDDES, Pies. C. E. ReRHv, Sec. Corrected this day Wheat Rye Corn Oats Buckwheat .. Flaxseed .... Cloveiseed . . . Dried Apples. Butter Egg Tallow . . Lard Pork 85a90 ...45 ...45 ...30 ...SO ..100 350 ...100 . ...15 ....10 ....10 7 ...450 In East BjIThIo, the 29ih ult.. by John Gundy, Esq., Sami kl Mbck, of East Buf- falo, and Mis SttsANNAM Stbtlbk, of Union J p. .. ' In Buffalo Tp, Friday evening the 30th ult., Johx Karn-vaw, Sen., in his 80th year one of the oldest reside nU- in tbe Valley. , ,.' - . : i ,t" ' I WATCHES, J EWE LRY, silverware, e. Eyer k Tboinpton, WATLH-M KERS and JEWELERS, respectfully inlormjtl.e citizens of Lewisburg and vicmityj lint tbey hove located on Market Si. bt-fwten 8danJ 4'n sooth side, where they urc'prepaitd to ex ecute all kinds of work in their line in the best and mot wprknibo'il.e . .aiaoner. Cloijitonrf Watilles 'ofi evf ry a!rtrHin neailv n'tiaired. iind Warranted. The subscnljers flat'er themselves that they are well qua'ifst'd and prepareJ, (both us it reirards their kiiowledije, skill, and experience in toe nustneas, anu having a pood assortmeul ol the best Eng lish and French materials,) to give entire satisfaction to ciMtomeis and particularly FINE WATCHKd, such as Duplea Es capements, Lepines, Anchar, Detached and Patent Levers, R-ipeuters, Mu-ical Watches,&c&.c will be cart fully repaired and warrant'd to perform well. The work will be executed as salely and equally as well as ihe same could be done in Philadel phia City or elsewhere. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, and a variety of goods too numerous to mention, for sale at the lowest prices. All articles warranted to be precisely what they are sold for. N. 11. The golJen rule in our business iscc and in order lojustTy our prices. this will be required. GCTI'leas give us a call, as we am determined to please both in work and in prices. J. L. EYER. WM. THOMPSON. IwUbm-g. No. 28 149. Ceaeral Ortter. Maor. General's Orricu. Rushtown, Northumberland county O-tober atl, 1819 THE sirnpli -i:y and durability of the Undress Uniform of the L'ni'ed Siirie Army, accord with the spirit of our insti tutions, and therefore the Field snd S'aff Officers will adopt lh undress Frm-k Coai and Forajjf Cap ol United Stat'-s Army. Those Olficers who huve etfra ' procu red the full uniform, nre not i:. !:,i!,-d in this order. WM. H. K?K, Nov 15, 1849. Maj Gen. 9th D!v P.V. BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP STORE. Latest Arrival ! J' ST r-ceiveii and now ofli-red for the inspection of the public, our complete WIXTF.K STOCK of Merchandize ndapted to this Mrket such as 1 Foreign and Domestic IDry (Roods, w&m, lire. all of which i-.-.vi- btt-n nun-hased at rates which enaLle us to sell (iood.s rlieapest of any in town ! Tliaiiltfo! for pnt li'.'t ral patroimEe from n discriminating public, we hope to nirrit nnd receive its cnntiiuianre nnd extension. Rt-ineiniier. the 0d Cheap Store is the place for uaruains ! ! C. E. BOWES. Lewisburg. Nov. 27. 1649 Notice IS hereby given to James Harris. Mnrtha Harris, Laird Howard, David Howard, Thomas Howard, Harriett, intermarried with Dr. Thomas V'anvntzh, Ann, inter matr:ed with William Wilson, Jane, inter married with Joseph Green, heirs and legal representatives of Willi.. L- II vn r:s, late of Union county, Pennsylvania, deceased, that iu pursuance of a writ of partition and valuation issued out ol the Orphans Court of Mercer county, that an Inquest wril he held on Donation L it ISo. 726, of 200 acres, in the 4th District of Donation Land in Mercer county, nn Ihe 12h day ol Dccemlter neat, at which lime jou may attend if you see proper. JAMKS M Kit. AN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Orlice. Mercer. Pb., Nov. 12.1849. Orphans9 Court Sale T)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' XJ Court of Union county, will he exposed to public sale on TnranAY the 12th Dec, neiLthe undivided la-lwetfiha of a certain me auaje and tract of Und situated in Waal Bulla lo townabip. bounded by lands uf Pater Hlahl, Jr. Robert Marker, I'hilip Ruhl and others, contain ing Tl acres and V9 perch aa, about 'r"j acres cleared, and on which ars erected 22L rlog House anJ Barn, with a spring of water si Jl the door, and other improvements. Sjle to commence at. 10 o'clock. A. M., when terms of sale will be made known hy SAMUEL EVVISO. Guardian of Catharine and Priscilla Lets. ALSO, at the sume time and po.ee. he mlereal of the lemaming owners of tr. oe iract of Und will b sold, and terms matt - kijo.vn by aMCEL EWfiNG. ' Agent oi ihe Heirs of blixabelh t.uii, Ues d. No. 10. ITS 19 KSTUAV. CAMM into ihe enclosure of the subscriber, several weeks since, a RKD BULL CALF, supjiosed- lo be about year old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take it away. , .. . WILLlAV.vriI.SOX. Jut. ' ffelley Tiv Nijv. 26, 1819.. 4 QAA HEMLOCK RAILS, S inches O J yJ i itock and 12 liet long, Ibr sale for Cash only. S.AKMON. ; Lewiaburg. Dec. 4 " - fliew goods! new goods! Catcst CVrrtual OF THE SEASONi . And yet Cheaper than any ether Goods in the market I THE subscriber ia now receiving and opening his WINTER STOCK f FRESH GOODS. from on bonrd canal-boats Emma Beuhlah and Odd-Fellow, which he invites the citi zens generally to call and examine, and realize the (act that they can buv at ems' ler profits thin at any other store in Lew isburg and particularly Brown Sheetings, Satinetts, Cloths, Shawls, Detains, Shoes, Boots, and Caps. Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oata. Buckwheat, Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, ree'd in payment for goods. S. S. BARTON. Nov. 2B, 1849 COUMTY BUSiUESS. O HEKIFF 8Al.ES.-Ths Sheriff of Union i3 i ouiiIv sell t thr Com I Hu in Nw Urtin nn Monisv 17th De at . A trvct uf UnJ in Chspmsn Tp. of about 290 or 1S6 rlea ed. on which sie a frame bousr and ba-n t I. n nil h ux s sml slalil'a " mill, spplr orchard, &r. mlj iliiin; ln I of Joh Hrrchrisi, Th" Thui-hv Jhn SMivdi-r aud J"hn )fUM-r uld a- the proprriy uf Eml Auckcr. A I'd of pr.'in.d iu Mililinharf n.ir. a Iuilh of ,n men bouixlril I t tlie Turnpike. Fouiidiy ul Drir.hch A t'o hfirn if filx-iwinx', anJ an alley, on ahich are a Iw aimey l-ri' It h mw a wldlrr shop, a siatile. and wrll wiib a pump as Ihe pr"Cij uf David Hit'. A I I - f i'iir fourth f an sera in Near B-il i: itjoiiiiug tanJ. if Itj.iJ filn.ee. " Mak't Mi.et, an Alley.'a' d Iaac ftnker. whi-rt-on an- a til .r liamr Imn.e bill b.ru, well HQ a pump. nJ fruit Ore sld aa the p'ojwj of l.tilia wann. Ah' two l.t of irrnrn.) in Slinarne. eontai nifte aliol rne ba.f arre. bounded hv Hnd of Mm liver. Main and Wairr strerta. and an Aluy, heron ae a lo hiu-e. lo viable and oilier oulbuibliii; ; -o a I "I on the l.le of (jue. hoiifiilrd b- Lot 6, thf r- nn'a ttanal. Lot N" H. and Penn- rirrk. wheieon is nec'i-J a fraia narebousr anlii a the proerlv off faundiuni AIo a tract of land in Henna township, cun uining "5 arr adj . iiiing Inur- of Vi ler and Jn llj ly. J hn Tmiii nj John Keaa. whereow tvr a loc hon. Ii'g barn. I l.rWlilh abp. sprint; htHisr- t nd a po ufrhanl-aold aa ibe properly of Aulhoiiv lt-iiu.- Jegisterf9 Notices. The f.'l imii.E aer.wniia are to be presents I t" the O'phm's V- nrt f I'lnuii c 'unlj oil Monila, 4ih Llee in-t f o r.-nfirmmon and allowanre. I'srlinl arc" of John Si-hr'rlt. an Admr of D Wbi H l.iidwis, lale uf I.ewilior; Boro Atcl of Jonaa rasjmaii, Et( uf Wot Br'wn, late of t'nion Tp Arrl of John l!an. f.uantian ul Franklin - - n Uuekt'k. of M'Quitmrj Uoro'! Aid ol A and I. Ii'.diue-, Admra vf Tboqaa IJ.ling-. li e "f UuflM e I p Ari-t i f ( h'lv.nu I.'ii.giich. Adiur ui Samuel Swaitz, lain of V.'ahn g'on Tp A.ct of Nn Midd e-warth, AJinr of Henry Knitlle. lt of lteer Tp Issuo List, Term Dec 17, 1319. U'tis n fur Siiner vs R u-e wiih a t to Z ma Ms..ii v J J).id auil K Uiny Jarob H.fi-r vs Albert Wii.egan'eri Mary Dubois vs S oi J Bowerwi Juiiie. l'vilry vs Abbot tinea hand Hoover fs lararl Cuielius Moalzand llarier vs Chrisl and Crahara G ililcs & Mr..h ts lli-nry Huinmtl Robt Chsinbe s vs Daaid Herr Piter tlillmyrr vs Jno liariman tt Chs Vollv I. Mans a J Law,h Js A iiillineyer snd T T I. B Clir'na vs James 3 Mir-h Michael Peters s M A ittrk J.mea ftiver v Pml Ii. ihtcl & A Olcfiant (o Chappel vs Ralpb Ditty Kinsman uae of Riley v II W Snyi'rr rimes Willian.son vs John M bwelvev Wm R horg vsaml Uauj t Whit. AVMt rine,tnd of E.ldi. k vs B.irigee& t'amp same vs Markle Ii align it Cump Jonathan Zellrra vs S I. Berk H nry Hiad-hrr vs Hei.iy Voiiheime- Jr W'm M Kennedy Jt wife s Jno ll- n & Jos Stock Rbosds for ('antn r uve Vsj;naelr va (iundrum ii B. nnr use of 8 Frank vs (ieo Adma ChtMtr Bogennfs as W H Thompson Maasrl f..f Men va Maikb , Barigea and Camp Jac Renglrr va Danl Rentier , : . Wbillork for Urabaaa. use M 4 A M.ikle dec fmib of Pa t-t Kubt Huyes vs II 8 Dover ct al Robl D Cumminga va Geo Bioww ' And M'Clenaban vs Jac I.eiaer and John Rank Cbrialisna Rumfilt vs commutes of Uev UurJoiv John Knjdu vs Moses Finher . , , Philip Znger vs Joseph Cbailrs 1 bos Reed vs Jacob Lewis Jac Rengler Es'r Jno Renglrr vs Dsnl Rentier Saml Hrudi is-n vs U W Caldwell with not. to R John H Weber va "A m C.hraa Ruhl for Utaham and fJhil va Jared livin Pinion Hummel va Thus Vesri. k John M Benfer Csnd Long Peier GcimjD vs Vl K Wagensrllev aorv, pari Dun! and Caroline Jail.lt va U L Mailiuap si al John Rigel va Jaroti Herder . Jac rWpher vs Jac ypber snd Elne Nejlian Jno Uittirrl St Co vs Wm J May& Reutvu Klosa Valentino Hsae vs Henry f pavd et al M,ii Herman vs 8aml rrhieikeogaat . Jacob klose ve titddea gi l.nk G W IjIwbslV va Riller & Kliue with not to G.G D & Paterson ve d Gemaiil Co vs uo ilbert vs L wi Ritter do -. Jt R Hayes vsRiurr &. Kline d W F Wagena. lirr v H VV Snyder Geo Fers vs (.'has .fluin- r Plait Kni now ue 4 Collins-ve Jared livin Jmo'j Milhr va Danl Keog'ef Oto Hsin v Sri. moa St'S3ar i THE GLOliK. A Cojigresional, Agricultural, mJJ jrXbe approack of Congret, tei:, to Annual f roapectus oi the Gu bi I- IISUIIICIll. The time is full of interest. Xr. ma n r m li.ia A ilmii... . sequent broacbiug uf a uew policy the internal concerns of the s new and moat important issues im D, . I the laie vast accession lo the public don 1 anu tnereai national objects aJ with it ihe impenduio dilficult) ia. I.fif.n. u. . 1 1, t'far.'u .nd I V. plication ol our anaira wnn the troub.tj Europe conspire to create great ti-,-Uam as -to the proceedings of tU Congress. Tbe approaching Scsw. . probably continue till late in the kit,. ol IbsV. , 1 be debates, Irom the a;i-t: oi so maoy questions of vital inter,; the republic, will draw lorth all the u. of tbe Na tonal Legislature. To br i,- deliberations home to the people, cr H. succeeuing any, wnne measurt-s nre tur.ng, is, in t-neci, to bring ihe iio;e- lion luto council. I be discusa-oo, tun inir Imm Ihn (!i.nilij trt lh .An..... . .. .... , '"""'l B.4 Ol lilt kuioii, lornis a puunc opiniLii, reacia upon Congress and control cisions. To become a useful instruair n', howt 1... 1-. . i . . . L . n . .1 . . iiuiiiuic, iv iif muiriii im trie f)3, rable machiuery of our popuUr uiii u:.tv U the ambition of the conductor 0f .. Globe. Extraordinary prt-parat.uuj therefore been made to ineei the incnv demands of our rapidly-iinprov ii.g groing country lor Congressional io:t g'.n.-e. ine tutie frese has already en' jt tbe ablest Reporters jet know u toL'on 'ra, its materials ai:d inacliinery are of the son ; and liie exclusive duvo'ion of the ... dividual who for ao mauy jears l.ai xi'. it his'sti dy to embody and puLlisli ;:t bors ol Conr-3s, gives reaou to h, an advance will be made in the aecornp! , ment of this uuder'aking Conum uar,. with it incnasr-d imoriHnc-e. Hjt i. accumulation ol" esjrense conscqueni ua odjiliuiiul niiiubcr ol" Reporters requ .hu extra chdiges incurred in jjr ii: : -night the deh ites ol the prcCrdu aJV lie vast addition made to the i:.xii lished by t!.e protracted Ae.-e.oua sl; fuller reports "ivcn wli reuderourrsr prise a luilure, unless CYmgres ). I , pa'romze u as to beco i. a parcU- : . such portion of the daily ahi r-s U . ., thitil coniribo'e to make the rero..s II 1 1 them. The undersigned ha- . x on the preparation he has madr: u - .i.e; Session, iu til-' e;ecta;iijii thjt ' . ,--n will sutcrii- for as man. daiiy s! x' i eacn Member, nt tne suis-r;ption t. : , will in part deli ay the expense ol ri-p.ir:i:.j, Jlid give I twin circuiuli in as Coor -. . l docunw-uis tit llo ir severji cl.-ir. ; I'his will eiiatila tlw utilis)H-r tu o-nr . t charge ol reporting, and it will .ite iwpuise to ihu circulation ( the L.-n-r-. sional fruit, which, ailhuugb the chei:-v '0 I tie Ln.ou (he .xptne ul prepsr-.u' considered.) will jet yield sutiiciixl prt. lo make the eystem permsueut. Jons C. Rives having pucrvr"t'"tlieii.:r rest of F. I' Hlib in Jickaio II il i, priuling ofh :e, machinery, and rrmtcr .! becomes the sole proprietor thcreot", si will give his eacluaive aitenUou to thelW. greasional Irepartment ; J. V 'i sirr will conduct llie Misceilaueuus Itefianrrn: if the Newspapir. I. P. Klam rc.T'f from both Concerns, with prayer I-ji ttir.r permanent usefulness aud pru;r.tv. The (Jiobe will Le publislied Dji i ring the session of C uigrsss, an i W'tti the remainder ol" Ihe year, and ureteral distrihuttoti in the f.rin uf a V tekly Ir.uje. n Congressional Globe, and Append s. 'I he Wrtkiy Gtibe will coulaiu Agrict tural and Miscellaneous articles ; at.d occasionally give de-hates of sucn i:n;u:: ance as coounand universal interest. The prico ol the Weekly Globe i puced tu one doilar, wi'b a v.ew to a nmre general circulation. SjbscnM.' who have hitherto putd 1 (er annum, be charged only $1 alter the enpuaiiua (be liret year. Tbe Congrrttional Globe will embody, as it has done Ibr ihe last sixteen jm;-. Congressional proceedings and debates ex clusively. The Jlppendix will embrace the rev si sucechea aeuarafelv. and tha misa ui the President ol' the L'uited States a;iJ :n reports of the (leads of the liieculive Ui partmeuts. The Congressiotml Glob" and Appeoi w II lie pu'Hished as fast as the pnxfeii;-is of Congress will mike a number. Si1) scribers may expect one number ot eai-a a week during the first four weeks ol" session, and two or three numbers of each a week afterwards until Iheei.dof the vi sion. Each volume will probably comptf 2000. royal quarto pagns of small type Complete indexes lo the Congressioru Globe and Appemiix will be seul to scriber soon ai'er Congress adjourns. Nothing of a political party a-jieci ' appear in the Globe, save that wh eh be found in the Congressional reports. paper assuming to be aa Nnpartial vehic for all sides, cannot maintain its character if the editorial columns reflect a party hue. TE!t)Iie-For one evpy of tbe Dairy Glob. (rlsilr during the session of Cougtes. weekly during the recess,) a year $5 For tbe Daily lilol.s few leas tba.i a tear, at the rate of 8t cenu a month. Pes one copy ol tbe Week It Globe lor one year , For one copy ef the Congressional Glo!-e during She eeasidn For one copy ot Ihe Appendix during the 1 i 3 t 3 6' 10 60 For hat copies of either or part of both dariaa the scion To ten copies of either or part of both during tbe session I" Tbe fiees for these papers sra so to M ADVANCE PAYMENTS are mdMiwrW''- The Congressional Globe and Append'51' or the Daily Globe as tbey may seU-e'. be sent to all editors w ho publish this Pros pectus as olten as three times before first Monday in December, who will stol uaone rtpj of lueir paper "',n d"'""' Iv marked around with a pen to direct cuf a'ttention to it. JOHN C KIVLV Washmg'on Citv, Uckber , V; Iv' it'ti,,r