: 1 1 i-M J'.ws jo"' j-.r's? rvs.;e;iq AW 0 I II E WEST BnAfJCII FA R M E lh I - ! "4 t-. -;' I ' 1 :-oS r In i - i; - i-T'it'J Qtri inicpcnbcnt Jtumla Paper DfuoUS. te News' Citcratarc, Politics Slgncuitarc, i0neittc ani iHariali . -v e- BY 0: N. W0KDEN. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5, 1849. X, t! ntt- 'A ,F 1 ' The LwUburg 4 hrottirlc: t'abliabrd Wednesday Afternoon M Lewiebarg, futon county, Pennsylvania. Txrms. R'2,00 for a year, to be paid in the first half year; 82,50, if payment be watt made within the year ; single numbers. A els. Subscriptions for six mooihs or less lo be paid in advance. Discontinuances sptional with the Publisher, except when arrearage are paid. Advertisements handsomely i user led at 60 per cquarc one week, 21,00 for a month, JS5,00 a year. A reduction oi these tea fr larger or longer advtiut-i. Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid fur when performed. the people of hia own country fur five per cent, on its cost, and think he is doing well, will sell a thousand miles away at twenty per cent., and acroae a continent at fifty or even a hundred. W hen the nations of the earth shall have become wise enough to purchase freely of each other such nw ma terials as the nature of their soil or climate forbids them respectively to produce, each fabricating and commingling for itself, the aggregate tax levied on labor by traffic will be immensely diminished. But that is a work of time. The more immediate instrumentalities through which a redaction of this tax is lo lishments, eoiito y J jr r'-ady pay, need not engross the time of ten persons in all; while selling the goods through ten or fifteen con cerns. with th-usual pa raphe rim !ia of day books, ledger. noiobuok, dtc , winding up wi'h the interposition of lawyer, sheriff county court, etc., will Veep ul least fifty employed the year round. We have remarked tfcat extensive ad' vertising is one o! the means by which le icfwim in trade is to be accomplished. The two clashes, buyers and seller, . have common interest in finding cucli other that is to say, it is the intere.it of him win. can supply a certain want cheapest.to have All communications by mail must enme be effected are, as we have hitherto staled, every buyer aware of the fact : and it is l-ntfl aivimnfl mwl III ttin utArtim .f! ... - ..... - . . post-paid, accompanied by the address of the writer, to receive attention. Office, Market afreet between Second and Third. O. N. Wohok. Publisher. rilE CHRONICLE fAl TODAY, DEC. I. t7"Tht anneied ailirls (which it found in 'r'tioti'i Buainess-Mrn's Almanac for 1S50") has been poiuted out lo us a" containing sugges tiuj.s highly wofltiy ol eonei leraiioo, not only by j tie producing but by ibe cuiiauming coinniunity. .THE TRADE REF0RH. the substitution of cish payment (or credit as the common law of mercantile trans actions, and an immense and systematic I lie interest of the buyers no less. An ex penditure of fifty dollars may be loo much, one of five thousand may be too little, fur extension of advertising. And though on J that purpose. If, for example, somebody these heads we have little to offer that is ns discovered as we see slated in a sou pound, which wi I dispense with the labor now required in washing clothes, or the BY HORACE URCELET. All great chsng'-s proceed alolr, end if auy seem to be suddfn,,it i because the real change had lo.-ig ten going on unno jjend, and lhat which is mixiitken for it is only the t!:sclosure or dicoery. Yoy will i.ly hear from fhe vu'g.ir or the shallow thai repeated attempt at renovation hsve tailed or bnkn down, until al laal the ig norant and credulcus are aatounded by the adiniasinn thM what they have so often been lo'd had exploded has actually tri umphed '. Ken now they will not com prehend lhat what they hnve keen taught to rouaider failures waa but the neceasary ' foundation of what ihey muat now admit is ucce thai the latter is but the coin- - plerrrtd and fruition of the former. They r't.i.it ihe par'irulir fact, but shut their . eyes to the genera' principle, and the very larxt reform thnt is romrnenced finds them novel, we would again commend them to public attention. Credit, we need hardly repeat, is an ex cellent, en indispensable thing, but grossly abused, as excellent thingn are apt to be It cught to be based on substantia! security. We give credit to a banknote which we know lo be based upon and secured by a depoiite of state slocks in the public coffers of our state ; wc give credit to a man who proffers a pVdge of undoubted property for the puueturt! pay menl of his debt ; we give credit to the man ne thoroughly know as a rmn r integrity and pecuniary ability. So frfr ail i legitimate, though it should sti'L appear thauhe.oerson giving credit is thoroughly able so to do. Cre :i should bo given because the creditor is able and willing lo intrust some share of his means ! the loss for'unate debtor, and not merely because the former is a seller and the latler a buyer. Selling and giving credit are two entirety distinct operations, and one should never suppose nor involve the other. But the existing system of mercantile credit i as looe and vicious as it could be and wot ead directly to general ruin. Our importert'buy in Europe on credit ; our manufacturers are too often constrained to ell through commission-houses on credit, not because ihey desire or are really able to give it, but because such is the course of an blind and hvlow as eer. There m tn b, there must be, a grrai Xrl nd lhey conform to it or not teform in the .n.,lcanJ mr-ans of effecting j .( t ruinoua aacnhce. .-l,.r r.f nr.vln.-n W.m nrndn.-era Tl'e jobber, of course, jobs on credit, and - r " lL.l.: , Hi.d con:imers gi nrrally. I be average csl of such exchanges is absurdly higher than it need be and will be. There are re r tain marked excep'ions to this general tatcment : one of them in the cane cotton. The manufacturer, whether in Old or New Kegland, in France or Pittsburg, regularly buys his slock of cotton for seldom more and often less than the grower's price with the usual charges for brokerage and trans txir'aiioo. ihe same is the case with a taw olher great staples which are mainly bought and sold in large quantities, and which suffer linle injury from time or changes of climate. Bu' with regard to Ihe creat majority of vendibles the fact is gloomily .iherwie. There are very many articles whic cost large c leases of consumers three :o six times what the pro ducers receive for them, while on more than half the goods solJ in ihe world there is an advance of twenty live to filly per cent, above what they need cost the con- suaicr. This advance is a tax on produc tive Inbor which can not long abide the neighborhood of common schools, cheap ni'wsja;ers, and electric telegraphs. It must come down. c Do you ask why the rate of mercantile profit in so high 1 Count the number of t irr m any county, and you have a rea dy :,jer. There are five to ten times aa many persons employed in and subsisting by trade as there nerd or should be. As the taxes of a nation must be in proportion to the number and salaries of those quar tered on its treasury, so the profits of trade must be graduated by the number Ihey are n-quired to strpport. '. If twenty mercantile M'.aUishuients use kept up whew three would be abundant, the average advance on the cost cf goods must be three or four limes what it should be. Of course, we do not forget the use of competition in coun teracting stlih rapacity, but there are ways ol attaining the good here contemplu ird far more cheaply than by employing twenty men to do the work which three would do betttr. ' We shall have an end of this. The di versification of industrial pursusta will do much to promote it. As a general rule, the rrodt charged on' any article to the r,:;mer is proportioned to the distance -'in the point f. production. A fabric hich tlieasafiuCcturer will sdly fell to when his payment crowd him he is forced o credit not leas, but more ; for his stock in store w ill not pay his notes, but when turned info retailers' paper, though not ah solutely known to be good, ilean, well en dorsed, be ground into cash. It is no mys tery, therefore, that a failing house has lots of bad papers among its assets ; it is as natural as life. It has been making sales to keep the mill going, and could not slop lo be nice. Thus green country youths not wonh a thousand dollars in the world, but backed up by such letters as most peo pie will write or sign without much con sideration or conscience, can come here and get in debt for five thousand dollars' worth of goods, when they have no legit imate claim to credit for one fourth the amount. These- they go back to retail, nine tenths on credit, to Tom, Dick, and lliivry, at glorious prices, but with dubi ous prostccis of payment. The notes tall all around ; payment is demanded ; a part of lira retailer's customers have paid in work on his new store, or in provisions, furniture.or fuel for his family ; a few pay punctually, their goods costing from twen ty to forty per cent, more than they need f there were no such thing as mercantile credit ; others pay at the end of an execu tion, and of course pay nearer a hundred per cent, more than the cash value ; many have started (or "the w est," or have no tan gible property, and never pay. Finally, but not when due, the retailer pays twenty lo fifty per ceut. of hie debt,' comprwinise. with his creditors, and rs ready lo begin again. The jobber pays the importer and the corr.miielon-house if he can; the upshot is, thdt the goods are not half paid lor but those who paid at all, have paid far too much. The -whole transaction has been an encowegerneot to knavery, improvidence, and. over-trading j for, if ihere were no system of mercantile credit, not hail those now engaged in trade- could pretend to be in it at all. They could nbt buy a decern stock of goods if obliged to pay for Ihetn ; and a system of cash sales would speedily reduce profits so lhat a petty business would not be worth doing. The mere simplifica tion of business consequent on the disuse of credit in trade, would save half the time and talent now absorbed in mercantile pur suits. The setting of $100,000 worth o( good ia a-county , by two or three estab- h ill" of it. at a very small cost, the owners of his patent may jx-ud fifty thousand dollars a-y.-ar in advertising it, and then not spend enough. There are inventions within our knowledge worth hundreds of thousands, if the atcn'ees knew how, and had ihe enterprise, to bring them home to the knowledge of all interested ; these fai ling, they will never realize twenty thouK sand. Whoever enn supply this city chea pest with almost any article in general use, or can cheaply furnish an article which will meet a general snort hitherto more ex pensively met, can not advertise too much il he knows how to advertise at all. And yet many a dealer in our city pays a thou sand dollars more, for an eligibly-located store, than he need pay in a less-frequent ed street, and does not pay a hundred dot lars a year lor adverUMog I- He willingly pays a thousand dollars merely to le some ten ihouaand people know that he baa cer tain articles lo aell.l.ut begrudges five hun dred dollars as Ihe cost of extending the same knowledge lo millions! ' This can not,in the na'ureof ihingS.long endure. It is simply a blind following ol old rules and habits, after lhey become ut terly inapplicable. The lime was when the circulation of ihe most popular journal was counted by hundreds,aad an adwaejneni in its columns was about eqiiivaksM pub licity to a handbill in a blacksmith's shop. Ii is different no, and there are men in trade who understand the difference and profit by il. Many pay thousands a-year for advertising, and tho r ummer is yearly increasing. There wi.' he m.mireds where there are now lens wit inn bve years. Fools can be fooU in this as ill anything t WW a eise. us who Kef-n a corner rrocerv. and does not look lor customer beyond I the f jur blocks around him, nted not adv ertise i: would only be throw-it'-: awav his money. So ol many other But he who has a cargo of Iresh tropic! fruits to day, which he must speedily sell or see spoil on hi hands, can not too qu'ckly make known the fact to every purchaser within Ave hundr'-d miles so of hundreds. Whenever the difference in cost or quality s worth looking after, then it is an im mense economy of cost sod labor to let the fact be known at once and as widely as possible. Extensive advertising of itself is morally certain to work a revolution in trade, by driving thousands of the easy going out of it, and concentrating business n the hinds of the lew who know how to obtain and keep it. Unite with this the substitute of cash for credit, and one-fifth of those now engaged in trade wijl amply uflW to do the whole and 'will soon Fw the Lcwuburg Chroniek. ... SONNETS. " ... ... i. - . , Till Freedom's conflicts ail are o'er, . And Time with man shall ta no mora, Kosscth ! thy Basse euoieJ one - With Wallace and with Wahlotoa, With Kaaeiwko, fellert TeU, -And l-afayatte, thy praiae shall swell , . . W iia fvoya acclaiai from hunuu hearts VI here Liberty ita pules issparia ; And liteugh aiaforUao'e iiua Crowa llatil lovu iby eleiotee lauai down. . '1 bo' herd ihe rhoiv 'tween 1'urk and death. We b.inor thy iiiewriog faith. ' High martial buiiora are Iby due Thou eage and Tainul, Man and Christian too. i i IL Kir, erst ibe atiatreaa of the wopl.l. By War and Ma in ruins burled. We bail ihy tieiug eter. Our bupee Thai now 'a complete the reijn uT'fbpte, (io-i gram ! Seuo ay modem Paula Prea.'h tiosjwl pure Wlibin Iby walls. And fiom the -eeveo hi'led city" shine -Again ibe faye of Love Divine, Kepublic Irulb Vor I'uwei prevail Anil every scheme of dt spots fail, I'erfitiioua France be bus again. And codnl Ausina'e haled reiga Tkeo aball thy faiue t nun arias As laueet, happiest land beneath the skies. III. Thou President of millions strong! To thee tbe keys if power belong : Four years gone by. thou wen nnknowo, Mow TaTiaVa fame o'er eartb bath flown. In bailie's hour ihy prowraa vast Uonqajsted each dinger aa it passed ; In Peace's Lived teign, our people call Tbee to tbe Pie.ide.nial ball. Unbound by Party 'a baleful hand, A Patriot tbon dual firmly aland, Thy aauve lead iby watchful care,-': ' And "God pr oterl !" ihy daily prayer. Abrusd, si hme,ia war, in peara, .1 1'hou will dleud, units, sod slili iuciesae. Bales) for the AppiicadsMs of Ma-' Hungarian Uefngee at Hamburg iv. Thy g 'W. O Cauraatia ! We cast like wontueae droas away. Bat honor ibt owlsBnkea plaaj - . To gtiard ibe rights oT brother man, : ' And ne'e' permit dire Slavery's go To poison iby rich, evnnv alutra This, ibis io thee's a n.dte nsovo. Il speake for lt.ee la Heaven above. And ncosisMnds tby rising Slate As juet as fair, aa g-xid as great i . A ihonaaoJ ills by Ibia are embed. Millions of aigha by this are hushed -And when that law iby sage pasaed Twaa true Time's Bob lest afT-pring is Ihe last Nov. 1849. .. , u .... . BAY. Selected for the C'hmnicle. REFLECTIONS. yt have it to do. The revolution is already begun. " - . The Bible . A fear months since, Mr.' Rousseyj (a Protestant Missionary in Ctmnda,) had ihe privilege of baptising and welcoming to Ins Utile band, the man who officiated as mas ter of ceremonies at the bonfire of Bibles made in 1843 or 1843, at Corbeau, in Champlain, New York. In relating his experience, be said lhat bis atrocious wick edness in pouring spirits of turpentine upon his own and other copies of GodV holy Book, setting lire to them, snd stirring them up wiftr a pole till lhey were all con sumed, so distressed his soul, and harrowed his conscience, that for many years he was horribly distressed day smif nijfM, till he proeu re'da BiBle. read it, believed it, obeyed ita injunction of faith in Jesus Christ, and last winter. oBYained peace in believTng, arid' joY in the Holy Spirit. '; What hath' Gotf wrought! A conques, better thsn I the subjogation of a world like ours: 3. r. Bi Rfgitttr. Come, thoughts of heaven, and let nw fling This rhsngiug dream of life sway ; On mercy's pare, celestial wing. O come, bigs heralds of ibet Jay When earthly toils shall all be o'er. And sorrow steep la wake no eaors ! Now perish from Ibis throbbing heart The last fond hops that Bikes life dear. And O may every wish depart That serves la bind Sly 'pint here ! O may say thoughts be full of thee. ETERMTy ETERNITY ! I I've fiaaped Ihe world traoateot Shed even a radiance o'er my way So bright. " beautifa! a dream. How rmld I tbink 't weoid fade w Bat, lo '. bow vain its very light Was fill of darkness, pain, and Might And vet there is sortie sun light givao To cheer my path so bright, so para, So like the very smile of heaven, O God ! my heart would love it mora Than Tby commands, rear Thou opart . Tbe dsarset idol from my hears ' . Tbe foaoVst, loveliest, holiest ties. That twine avoond me bora below. Whene'er they drag ma from Ibe akies 0 hurst, and let bit spirit go ! Still, earth ! thon trail and fickle thing, 1 love thee in Ihy perishing! . ; i ' THE CROSS ! la that dear, mnamful word, How many precious hopes are given ! In pfoue hearts, what thoughts are stirred ! What visions of an opening heaven ! . . 't Iar Cross ! to iby blesvrd name I flea. There is no chsngs nor blight in tbee f -- -7 Valets College. , A correspondent incloses an extract from a letter received by him from Union Col lege, noticing tbe late temperance move ments among the students. Mr. Gmiph lecfsupd in (he Chapel with great eloquence, a n after he concluded, says the letter, M Dr. Nntl presented a book, in which the names of the secret and anti-secret socie ties wereplicerf, and each member of the College put hii name lo the pledge, under the name of society to which be belonged. The signing was nearly unanimeae, and among the signers were some of the har dest soakers in College. A College Temperance-Society was immediately organ zed, and a committee appointed whose report will be found in the neit atrmoer of the S.-benectsdy LUbioet." Such m stale of things s. not. leas unfrTedened tain gratifymg. The gradnatea of pest tears wlu not recognise their Airm .ifasler' in wchs rscfm of s fttt "ViiV QnMft- re, Tbe following article, from iln writings of Ton Thaer. is copied from ihe Plough, the Iviom, and the Anvil i . , We much question whether orre farmer oat of a hundred ever entered . m'o any. calculation lo inform himself, about thei weight of a piven measure of manure; yet how, without luch raleulations, cd be tell whether his cat ita are over or un der-loaded, or his land over or under dunged f Is there auy busnes on this earth conducted with so little pretence to exactness, as that of agriculture ! But h:w can it be otherwise, when there is, for it, no pretence of eduva'ion, or sy stematic ac counts of anything when, in fiic!,'be idea is thai any fool may inrke a farmer. The real value ol manure is increased by the fact lhat it progressively Busmen's itself.and lhat.besides the produce it yields, an extra quantity of manure will, if prop erly bestowed, never fail to produce ihe el ements of a fresh supply, so thnt it will soon be possible to col ivite those plan" successively, from which ihe largext sum nl money may be realized. " On ihe oilier hand, the manure diiinuhf in like pro portion, if scarcity is allowed to he f. t,and an immediate and soitnMe rvmedy Ua nut found and applied. Oue of the cou-teqnen ces of a scarcity or dimiuuiti m of manure is a scarcity of straw ; and when there is little straw or fodder, little dung cm be ob tained, and thus ibv quantity of manure progiessively dwindles sway until the soil becomes totally exhausted. ' 'J ' ' .. , However expensive it mny be to bestow this first quantity of manure on a soil which has been impoverished, there certainty is frno capital better employed than that which is expended in this manner- The usual load foe a wagoa, drawn by, four horses is thirty-six cubic fe4 of stuble manure, half reduced, and in the state in which it is usually applied to the land In this stale, that is to sty, when th.t straw has become soft and disorganized, without being wholly deconiKed,and the dung is moist yet not very watery ,a cubic fo t ol n will weigh oO'bi-; therefore a load oi 31 feel contains S,(I18 lbs., which, for ihesjke ol obtaining round numbers, we will reduce io S000 pouods- Where the roads arc good snd ihe weather favorable, this load may be increased ; but, ss s s.nrJ of fine wea ther is seldom chosen for carrying minure. this quanti y will in general be found lobe tolerably correct. - Il the st raw is n'M decomposed or altered. a cubie foot closely packed will n it weigh more than 48 pounds; and iu this case the volume or siz of Ihe load is incrt-ased,nod contains from 45 to 46 cubic feet of manure. When eight of thesn l-mds are distribu ted over an acre ol land, it is considered that a good covering has bc-rt given. liach squire perch then ieeives 88 pounds of manure, and each squ-uc foot nearly six Disclosures of Gen. Klspkav A banquet lo welcome and termor cse brated Hungarian refugees tok place en tbe VOih October", hi one of the first hotels at Hamburg. , Tl aaJience were morti ced o hear from General Klapka that the French Government refused an asylum to the Hungarian emigrants'; though politi cal refugees from that country were' wel comed in f'raacaj under the government of L'Uis XIV. i :.. - - One of the speakers at the banquet used tbe phrase, " Hungary is crushej to death,'? '- No, no I exclaimed General Ktlpka, w Hungary is not crushed to death, tbe is but a lii tie relaxed. from her horrible strug gin with two overwhelming powers; but verily she wants only a breath to iiift-ime berngain to a second heroical insurrection.' Gen. Klapka bein thea asked if the rum ored stipulation of the treaty of capitula tion of Comoro lor a general amnesty to. all Hungarian. captives, including Count Bailnany, were true,. be answered, that it had not been posi'ively granted, but. as a matter of honor and humanity it was sol emnly promised at Soon as Comoro should be surrendered. He hnsten-d, from this mo ive, the conclusion of the treaty of surrendering. By the followip a'cociou s facts the knavery of the Amtrfno Govern ment, and its lew perfidy to the Hungarian nation, was sign-ilizel for eleroily. Georeey was characterized by Gen. Klapka,asa real traitor jnd common place egotis', destitute ofu'l lofty inspirations for the holv cause of liter' y. Hu further be lieves lhat Georgy. w ho bss heea overra ted, may not have) despised Riisiao gold ; but it is not ascertained, though no doubr exists, thai he frustrated the plan of Kos- mh fur annihilating the Austrisn Govern ment at Vienna, last spring, which was a matter of no difficulty before the inroad of ihe Russians, as ihe Austrian were at that lime entirely routed Georgey also anxiously concealed from the Hungarian army the report of the glo rioua sally ef the garrison of Comoro on the 31 of Aiust, under K'apka ; and.jt d.d not become known till after his defec tion on the lS;h of August. The disas trous catastrophe at Viagos was to such a degree perplexing, that every hope from resistance vanished. Klapka was at that time recruiting 5J0Q men, and nrepuiiig lor an invasion ofStyria. " . The highest veneration is paid by K'ap ka to the genius and greatness of the char acter of Kossuth. Ia Klapka's opinion, Kossuth ia worth 100,001) Hungarians ; but Kossuth aimel at too much at once, and was loo decided for the entire in de f endrnce of Hungary, and for a republican governrren'. Bot lor this the mist favor ahle cntidiiions would have been agreed to, in the Spring, by Ausir.it un ler English and French gunran'ee. Tbe emigration from Hungarv is now daily increasing. There are 160 Huoga- onerV ireuesf wdslielJ over the body m. ih slay folhrwihg its' discovery, snd a ver dict ceadeetr-ilrat demised came tobTa death by cause Jor causes" unknown." There were no marks of-violence, or indi catLtos that Jy has! been destroyed by fou! Comparative Estimate of Difler ' ' ent kindt.of Cattle Feed. Hay is the food for cattle during winter. If.,hey.can get good Jay enough during thecold sessoq. ihey do serj well. It i not always that tbe farmer hu a sufficien cy of this lor his stock, and hence it is useful to know the comparalite value of oilier articles which may boused as sub-. stitutes for it. It is also more nirreeah'ri . o tnd we think more profitable, to mine's : ober articles with hay. We have prepared from various sources the following table; Taking good hay as the standard," 100 lbs of hay equal f- ' 2)1 lbs. Cermfs: ': 800 Rutahagaj t : 317 . . Mangold wurtzel; 201 ' Potatoes ; : -M s.-i 494 Common turnips. By calculating 60 lbs. for a bushel of eny of the above roots, h will be seen that one ton of. hay equals ' ''.' 01 bushels of Carrots ; 100 -u - Kara hag, ; 10a " M.ingold wur'zoi ; 6T- - . .'P.atoes; .105 Turnips. -..From this it will be seed bow rmicb fod der you get of each, per acre, compared' wiih good hay- . . . In regard tp straw, -astparimeats have established the following estimate aa verj near the truth. . 100 lbs. of hay equal . 372 lbs. new U'haat etra'w ; ICT.- Barley straw ; "V 1 " Pea straw; " 01 Clover hay. " nnnnria. If ailu ft atn .i" (Iuxswa Inawei Id r . ... , . . lowed for each acre, a is centra ly the1 , - . r , , , - . , , . , . '. .....v. lu atauc tut liirui. cnar, 11 is eaiu men inai uil" grouua lias been slightly manured, and each rquare perch receives about 63 pounds. And last ly, it 13 loads are spreal over each acre, which must never occur where cereal crop are to be grown, (we of course do not in elude Indian corn,) miles the laud hi been completely exhausted, then the ground is said to have received aa abundsnt manuring. It is customary to allow only one-hall the weight and quantity of manure above mentioned, when the manure is derivt d en tirely from sheep.hecause the effects w hich it produces are at once greater and n.ore prompt, but less iffi.-acious in point of du rability. ' ..';. . j The periods of these manuring occur every three, four, six or nine vear. The more frequently applied, ihe slighter they are ; and ihe longer the interrals,the more abundant must tbe manuring be. Thus ii is necessary to take into account not only the quantity to be laid on at each time.but the number efrmes to be repeated. , - i1 ' List week, the funersl parade in honor of Gm. Worth, Cot Duncan, and Maj. Gaftss, encased the attention of theeitixene f New York. The military were all out in their best attire, the . flsgs of the shipping were at half mast. The concourse of people and the procession was attended with the most solemn and imposing page antry, and extended for more thsn a rnile, and hftffV An eloquent oration was de- ved in (he Park by John Van Buren. These officers passed through the bloody' conflicts of Mexico, but fcH victims to the The banker Heine, for instance, has sub scribed for himself alone, 5000" marks banco, equivalent to $'-2,000.- General Klapka has gone to Cnglsnd, where he will have an interview with Kossuth who is expected there on the fj-h insi. fTraiis lated from German papers for the Journal o' Lommerce.J Found Dead.' ' The corpse ol'a man, supposed to have died some ten days previous. was found by a com a ly of hunters, in a shanty erected by lumbermen, uar Eddy Lirk. on Beech Creek, iu Centre county, soma ten miles f.om its mouth, on Thursday night the I Sib i ist. , Ii is supposed the man wa a stran ger, who in a bewildered state, haa wan dered from the river or settlements on the west of the mountains, and when overcome wi'b fatigue and exhaustion, had acciden tally found the shanty allnded to, and crawled into it and expired, as no person ia known to be missing on either Beech or Bald Kagle creeks. This supposition ia strengthened by tbe fact that the deceased had on a fashionable check shirt, broad cloth' p'intaloons, and boots, but neither coat, hat, gun nor knife, and from ihe lace rated condition of his bands, as well as from the rents in his clothes, the fact is manifest that he had been rambling through ihe woods for some time. He is supposed to have been 2 or 30 years old, was S feet ? inches in height, and' bad black whiskers ;'but nothing was found upon his person which afforded the leas; clue to the discovery of his name or residence. A rszor, we believe, was found in one of his pockets, b it ru money o papm. A cor. ETefUaaaTS. ' The hta. are sensibly .lengthening and the long and usually quiet interval between sunset .land bed lime- presents a very lavorijWe opportunity ;to all io- im . prove a flj suih a manner as to make their homes not only interesting and instructive, but to add greatly to their store of knowl edge and ihw pleasures. One who has experienced tbe advantage of such a course gives his advice ia thh fashion : - Instead of running after foolish and "nninsf rue live exhibitions, let families unire at home, ad- dirt0' to the circle a few friende when desl- -'H'" drvi"lns B' e-rrying ost plans of an.uaeiu;n:a I bat combine the elements of metnal and moral improvement, and foster the filial, domestic and social afiW lions for in these, afier all, rest the true elevation of character, and the security of our republican institutions- This is really -at grave question tmn many suppose. When frivolity becomes the main trait of national character, and . pleasure taking and luxury engros the feep'e's attention, t iey' IsscomeiHsvfitfced for self-government.' and an easy prey to those who will school their own minds to more difficult and ira portantesks, and will, think and contrive and carry into operation , their schemes, while the masses a re pursuing amusements ' and degenerating frivolities. ' r OanvUle. , At a meeting ef the Board ofDiereetnre of this Irmiitdrion held at the Montour House, in this place, on Kfnday lasC Pe ter Baldy, Esq., of this. place, teas unani-' miusly elected as President of the Fank. : The election ef n Cashier wasr prxvponed . until the I8 h of December nett, when the next meeting of 'the Board bl Directore ' will take place. a' . .." Ii will be seen 0y' an advertisement in, another column, that an mstalment of tkirlg per dent; on ' each' share of etoch.1 subscribed has Seen called for to, he paid by the ISrh day of nexL month i (uxa per cent, on the 1st ef Jaunary next, and twenty per cent, on the l&h of the same month. - i - , . Tlie Iwilding. which it has been decided ' upon to use mr a banking house, a tjninw the store of Mr. Butdy, in the centre of ihe business part of the town. It has been expressly Birred ap forlfe' purpose wuvs Urge and strong fire- proof safe, aud i" now early finished for the reception of -furniture, &c i .. - .xTe learn thaf the Bank will g in'o op eration about the Beginning of Pehruary "exl-i-Oaasiits Pemocrat, .Vor.3o Thie modesty blushes lor everything h it is criminal. False modesty is ashamed of everything that ia unfashionah'e. Gov. Ramsey, of M:ne.ota, is on a visit' in Hanisburg.