. r i drew oil' his mitten nod said, NLct nit light it for you, Mother " Do," laid she, "that's a good child : here, ihut wil! do now oil", as quick at 4i can ; and Ood bfess yi.u. And Fergus," said she, as tie oriitd the door ;u ;jo ou, "if you nee any mow birds.don'i throw tucks or si ones at 'tut. IT untuck) and it 'a hard to bear bad lurk suvh li ght s ihis. Chirrup to em. kuidlv, eO' viu'il I l.ou i it safer for it." Lora watched Fergus as long aa hia dm . Icrm crrnld be seen in ibe anew, and thei wilh f lings of real i'!irittdt? and pi'y 'a down in h r li'tle chair ttiJ b gati to rock ia) her troubles. Her attention was soot diverted and her mind al.sort.ed in new bject of intereM vii. watching a burning brand neatly consumed in the n.iddle.to see how many she could count before the ends fell. And yet it must be cenftssed that she . l j j u i. .. 1.1 1 of fuel and in a few moments had the ptca- and asked her ijrsr.dmoiber whether she!' . ,. , a . . . i , ; tire ol seeing a bright crackling name rise thought he would get home I . . , fc, . . . D ' vrnl inrhH nn ihrnmin th nrv Iw iif. Fergus succeeded in making Ivs way - DIUI 1U I I.C pui The wind wss pond wnhout much difficulty, j 'as now behiiid him. And not j only was its direction more favorable but I its ibree upon him was now diminished by I his own motion, as it was before increased. , This created en impression upon l.is mind that the storm was abating. At any rule he went on more easily, and 'accordingly ventured on the pond with less misgiving. But the now was deeper, and fulling fast, and it was rot long before he lost sijjht of his track. He reco'lected his father's dir ections not to anrer about in search of it. but to puh directly across and this) be accordingly a'tempted in do.looking behind every moment to see that his course was directly onward. Daylight faded aay last, and he could see but a few steps behind bim, yet he went on iu this way perhaps a half mile, whin he thought he hctild be approaching the shore. At last he stopped suddenly at a lare dark (-pot dimly visible - ihro' the tailing snow, at a short distance before hi:n it was aftrruAti of. Oh those breathing holes bow many breaths they have stopped ! The ponds in the firs' setting in of winter, freixe uniformly, so that the whole surface is covered with the glassy ice but as thn winter advances, openings apiar in d.ffereni places, which go by ihe name of breathing holes. The rustic philosophers associate ihem with the i(Va of ruiain windy commtmicaiions nh gloomy caverns and deep recesses hcii"!fth the pond, in which great rumhiinz kublnes of deadly airs and gasses were con'inually passing to and fro. Fergus fell back a tep cr with his eyes fin-d upon the openirir bvtore him. The water looked dark and fit-, p, "nd little waves were driving rapidly across it. He did not know which way t i turn but con cluded, at lnkt, t go around the hole, end then bejond ir, a nearly as poss ble in th ssme direi-tion as before. He tin n O'Hib (jrewt sacep so as to avoid bt trim ic-w-ar the edes of ihe hole.until he mppo-i 4.e had reached the opiosi:e i.ie, ai.d tSer. wen! on, lording to 6ee the nhore. Tn des4 level of the ice seemed to weary h. "ifp r,nd he could see for on'y sb,.rt disibr.ee belore him, that he tcati '.0 t!o:.k he rright wander about all night upon the ice. vithout finding the land.. Hut at length there suddenly appeared full before him, yet dimly seen through the falling new, the forms of half a d--fa dark evergreens. Fergus s over joyed. The very sight of objects that brcke the dreary inouot"n t ibe t'etd 'evel which he had be n pesino over. Boomed to re'iese" him . ll ihoint, his for he should soon then lit ccuid uvt be Iroub'es were all ove-r. rei;aiii h s road, and very fur from home He went wff from the ice ai d ascended :hti shme. It seemed to be open ground, with a few scattered clumpa of trees near the pond, but as it was now quite dark, and the whole scene wss disguised by the vast matte of snow under which it was buned. Fergus couldnot tell where he was, and of course could no: te'l which way to turn along the shore, lie it.cn thought he wou'd walk up 011 the land a little way, MKJ.ee it ne cou a not nna somem.ng ,- is. j-. .t- wtucn wou'U ensuie imn 10 recngn'ze me p'jic-1. Ih t alnn with'vit much difli -eultv, under the shelter f lb trees. The rounri. was rough and saerred to be pas ure land, and was 111 11 tiny p'aces en rinobf rrd with logs.and bushes, and f.illen tie-s. Fergus (toileifHil'ingMiioni; tbesi. omil he was con plet' ly licwildered and lost, and could not even find bis wav ia k to tl:e nd attain, lie wus not cold, lor the ewrcise kept h'm warm ; bjl l.e was dtieuiftKged and exhausted, and tears came int'i h s exes in spite ol all hiseliorts to re. press-them. He mil k down m the s.nt snow under the Ine of an old brush fence. ustl lence, wh'eh shelirred him little from rha wind. Here, imjv 'ed by the universal instinct ! .f cliildreri in trouble, he called aloud three 1 r l.Hir tioir with all bis a'p-ngTh. ta thrr.'' -ra ther, and then 'd to himself, ' I. 1 e. Father cau i hear me, and .. ft, mt MSI,j I'Krgus. ih re is no if he sbi.iil I hi'iir me be cu'd not come.'T j hnu-e ljt I have got a noble great hro .As he said this lie was half sitting, half; out here, a little way. iving iu the snow , clo.e utnier the fence,! Tliere was something so calm and inno and feil something lirj in his pocket, as j rem srid cheerful in Fergua' look and tone hm aeht pn-wd upon tt. Il put his i th.it coatrasted with tbelraveler's intense ) .n.t 10 n and found it was n little tinder ' i etv and terror, that he could scarcely bo. .which bis fa. her bd n.Hdr ihr bim.ni d which he nftvn carried in !( pocket as j sinking fire wi.ii-it was a never Hiding j nmu'i hh. : Au !' md be. "my fiinler-b-ix. .". ! l I m -strike fii b- r- l.m ii sue w I , ri it il'sooil ni lindrr. irv at! v rate " f!e lhichi be wool. re' .r pi e of luel , sJl TKHth firs'. that in asi- his mati-ri iou'W f.re'. be sh. cd not lose it for wnr.t -f , m-ii ethniji i" WnUie u,- at oix e . be . j j!n 1,1 l.rews ott li.e nii.n i,i,r i,pai me e-rj .rn-h-t""H'-e.wr rli were iry ar.n triltlr j ,.(! n, heap ihn ur fist iiBsnif si for his tire I'V iminiiiini! ' w n :i(i i "..i-hieg away the snow. Al' 1 l.- b.-1 i'i ii., n "retty i;orrf bap of tt is ro., ....ij. ,. hruh"'d I e took out f'i 1 nd r t.i x.nni the little f.rel if nu cakis ir'-m bis fKicfcr'. He t.Hik . fl' 'In- b'OWIl ps.l t 111 which it cakes weie envelope.!, -n ' r- I d it ur S" ,n make a sor of s!,-w n avo x( it ' f ihoilirhl if he could gel tt i- on fire, i-C'"!'i 'e l' Idt' l' to I I l.iwri .ii by th inl than cth oT"his brim .tone ii iu h- a, in ma attempting to communicate me Game to the brushwood. Fergua a pretty well skilled in kind ling a fire in the woods in a windy day and wa8 fair.iliar with all the necessary precautions. He turned towards the fence, kneeled down in the snow, and bent his head over, and spread the lappels of hia treat coal at the sides, so aa to enclose and .tidier comnleielv tlie space beneath him. On opening hia nude r-box he found he had but three matches. He struck fire without any dfliculty ignited a match, and then lighted the paper ; but in attempting to convey the paper then to the brushwood, i he violence of the wit.d extinguished it in a moment. He tried again with hia second match- although this time he waited until the wind 1 lulled, and by thus taking advantage of a ! momentary calm, he aucceeded in getting : -. i.i : ..J ri:. inelpcripilWd reii(jer perhaps i.n i(US ha, ,bp crisis wag ow kassedttMJt ,t J" :. ,.r!v A rti.-uli i - nt aa ft 1 Ia nl litahf i r Krttt. ruirniDir Ui when j( is fairlv burnjnf(i to put it out. as.,.,... ..a , (! whh dclll,ht. uul j, ,,, BrCw dim.ar.d nrc- sently died all away again, leaving a little hollow in the heap, with the glowing end of twigs ail around it, pointing inwards-. Fergus hastened to push these together again, but all hia efforts on'y hastened the extinguishment of the fire. He gazed on the blackened branches a niir.u e or two, and then said to himself, "Only one match more. Now 1 must be careful." So he began to look all around him, to do what in fact he ought to have done at first, that is procure a supply ol birch bark that universal foster father of forest fires. H; rumbled aru-jnd for some lime, taking care not 10 to oU of sight ol his encampnierit.and n'rppcd off from trees and log a large qi.tt.tuv ol li.e bark, lie put a part of this iu and under his pile ol I'n.il ...nl ir.f. if,.! he Ifti.l in A bll.e lieflo n- ar the lence, so lhal be could shelier ll ov leaning over it, us belore, and have the linder-iiov close to it when he struck fiie. Wiih these precautions his success was almost sure. He lighted his match aint communicated the flame without much dif ficulty to the little heap of birch bark near, sheltering it wilh his great coat until l was; well on fire. Then he transferred me blazing piece after another to his pile of brush wood. The flame fiom the birch hark was so powerful that the wind did not extinguish it ; he pulled off other branches and bushes from the fence and heaped them upon the fire, and piled or also small, half decayed stumps and logs whirh he 1 uiled up around from under the snow. He drugged out tall bushes from toe fence, snd laid the tops down npon ih tire which b'as' d and crackeled up thro" them, into the air. Tl'enas theto-s were grnduallyfburned . out, he, U!led out ih; iems below and laid theui on again, bi.o ihus in half an hour lie had a solid fire, with a siib-t .rtial bed of. coals and lere 'turning biar.ds in the centre, and a broai: space trampled down all round it. Fergur .hen got some green branches of hemlock, and spiead them between the fire and the lence and sat upon thein,"pu,,'ni! n'8 to his fire and resting the heels on a piece of dry wood his back against the fence. whichisheltTed him fromf thewind. He t then took up the nut-cakes at bis side, and J alter brushing off the snow which covered ik.. lw ns 1. cmlni. Inkimsvir "All j , wij now in mother only , con,,orwW. p,Rre I e ' . 1.:. Jt and the bright, cheerful influence of the fire, when he thought he heard a cry. He listened. The wind roared so loud thro' the tops ut the tiees lhal he could scarcely hexr any other sound, bu' he was soon satisfied hat he heard at short intervals a man's voice miling for help. He started up and shouted as loud aa he could in reply, turning bis head in the direction of the sound and immediately clambered over the brusii fence and beenn toiling thro' the snow in CuectillU o ,he SOUIld, lie came upon the brink ol a deep ravine, when the voice seemed pretty near, but on the other side. Help Help:" stud the vcice. "Hal lo!" erid Fergus. Can vol con. r and help us T cried out the voice aain. Vc,',said Fergus, "wait a moment I will try to come oker." lie rai down into the raviue. for the snow was blown almost entirely off the declivity, but it had on lied in very deep at the bottom, so that he found it hard to get ihraogii. However, ! he struggled up t!s other side, and met at j the ton a nmn wndinir towards him wilh a ... fur ran. w I.nnol arol,ni, hl4 "d" . j.o.sewhii. in his nsn!j. rj" termed utterly astonished i0 tt.(. 8UCh a ch 'd before bim. " Why, I mv liov." said I f , w here do you come rrom t ; thtc a house near he(e ?' b hove that the lair form before him was not a vision. No house near here!" said le, wilh n-!oi ihioent "and yet a fire! Whv. liuw is it possble that you can be out here j uch a r.ishl as this f Whv. I losi mv wav comimr acr'- t e pond, and so I had lo build a fire wilh j mv little tiiiiler-ho." TIip stranger stared at the hoy an instant and then turned around suddenly, sxying, nie.si inl i p here ; my poor wife is ipri - n:ni ' Voor wife, sir w h- re is ahe!'' Jii-t out here, in the snail come n h the nd nr here!" iho'i Fergus, I 1! 'd not kaow f was near the mud ;" and !..- fl. '. w'd"rietinv lerhark.- 1'n a minute ihr; rsine out of the wmJs. near a-hoard I-. . , nod went through gP ! '"' '''e r-.d. 1 he riwd tisell was alucsi enttreU filled up by ihe snow for a loritf di-lance be wind having blown right across ii, and it lav in a rid-y s'ope from the lop of tin 1 nr e , n m e side In the midd e of it tl o'her. In the aiidi cf t i.-,was a dark must lJUWISBUilG CIIUON1CLE AND WEST which, as they approached it, Fergus saw was a horse and sleigh, half buried. The horse stood still, nearly exhausted, and the buflalo-skins in the sleigh were completely whitened with the falling snow. Fergus came up with the traveler to the sleigh, and found there was a lady sitting in it. The man spoke to her and told her there was a fire a short distance off the road, and that she must try to walk to it ; but she was drowsy and stupid, mid did not want to move. 'I be traveler took hold of her to raise her up, and spoke in a very decided tone, and she accordingly rose. shook the snow cffherclouk. and nrenared I to step out into the road. The gentleman npened her cloak and took from her a liitle child which she had been carrying, and then told her to walk along immrdiaieiy after him. Fergus went before, t'oiuii 1 be (rack he bad made through the suuw iu coming from the fire.' The lady's strength and spirits revived by the exfr-ite, and 111 a short time they were all comforiaLly established by the tire. They collected more wood. and spread down a large nuti.ber of hen.lo.-k branches, and then Fergus nnd ibe traveler went back to the sleieh. Ibcy unhurnesseu the nurse, and put all the buffalo-skius and blankets which were in tde sleigh, upon nis ouck ; and Fergus led him along towards the tire. Thelraeler huns-eil followed, wilha hatch et and a basket of bread and clivee,wliich he lioii in tl:e elugh-box.niid then leturi.ed to the fire. They l'.xed up some stukes in the brutili-fenceand in the snow.and spread their bunnies over tl.eni so ns to make quite a comToitub e shelier.and by the time they had got fairly established in their encamp ment the night was hall gone, Fergui him st If waa soon curled up in a corner, sound asleep, and even the traveler hunselt nod ded several Mints us he sat lenning back against thn hushes. About tbiee o clock he got up to replenish the fire, and found to hi great joy lhl the sars b-gan toap ii 1. r through the tbin clouds. Just before 8unrie he awoke Fergus. The sky was clear, and a cold wind w;s bluwinir from tde norl!i-wet. TiiMt wind ! h"d b'en at l,rk' ,or ,ww or lhr,:e hnurs- packing away all the loose flying (lakes ml.) every interstice on the suriace of the drifts, so that Fergus found to his surprise that the snow would bear his weight in many places where it had drilled bard. Seen by daylight, Ion, he recogmztd the place where they were. It was not very tar from his iathei's house, and only quite rhort distance from another farm house on his way. It was agreed, therelore.thai he should go in pursuit ol help, as he could get along so much more easily upon the drilts. When he reached the larn.erV.th'y were just shoveling paths to the jircnt barn, and they premised to go immediately w.t.'i lesiiis to release the travelers. Fergus went oti towards his home; and just at s'l.-.rise, when Mary 'had come rut lor the twentieth time to strain hereyes once more down the road which led to the pond, she waa thrown into aa ecelncy of delight at Hearing his well known shout behiud her, on another road, close at hand. That evening when George came in from his work-shop, he found little 1 enny smiling in hie cradle. He took him up, and gave him Fergus' tinder-box to piny with. Mary was preparing uper. Fer gua was in the shop, making more match es. Presently Mary came up to George, tnd said in a subdued voice, ''Husband, 1 believe I waa very wrong last night. I ought to have bad more faith." ""' "ISol more faith,' more submission." said Georte, "but "Why ; 1 mean I oubt to have be lieved that God would have taken care of our dear boy, as you did." "No," said he, "I had no reason to be lieve that God would save his life and 1 did not in fact, really think we uliould ev er see him again." I'ow could you be so quiet and calm then T" I felt willing that God should do as he pleased." There wrts,a pause. Mary had imagined 'hat it was her duty to have Ul.cved all the time ihut Fergus was in no danger, but George explained to her again, that true submission to the divine will, w ill make us easy not by creating a delusion that the objects we love are certainly tnft but by n akins us willing to leave them entirely in God's hands when we know I hfy are in dtmftr. "iJut that is very hard," said Mary. "It depends on circumstances." "U hat circumstances !" stiid Mary. "It is hard if the heart is wronc but if the heart is really right towards God, it is very easy." Foreign News. Boston, Nov. 25,' 1 i A. M. The steamship Caledonia, Capt. Leitch, arrived at this port at half-past eleven o'clock last night. There was nn improvement of i to Id in the cotton market at Liverpool, (or American descriptions, on ihe day previ ous lo the steamer's sailing. The money n.arket was easier. Sir Henry liulwer had sailed from Portsmouth in Ibe llecnte sloop of war, for New York. Fund EfTendi has been informed hv Count N esse! rode that the Czar demands that the Hungarian refugees slmll lie locuted in the j interii.r of Candia. or on such oiher point 1 of lie Turkish territory as may affoid ihe greatest facilities In keeping l hi in under surveillance. If any of the refugees wish to go to France or England, ihey may be permitted so to do. The Czar wiil take no notice of their departure, notwithstand ing the danger that may attend them, wl ber in France or England. There can be nn doubt but that the refu gees wili busy themselves in preparing for a new revolution. The decisive nuirnde assumed by Eng land on the Turkish quetion has annoy, d the Ereneror very much. Fie has estised Count N"lrorfe lo address an energetic note lo the English government on ihe sub ject. In this note, ihe Emperor protests against this hos'i'e demonstration 111 the midst of peace, and against ihe right which Kng'and orrngstes lo herself to interfere in mit'er winch regards t n'y Kusi awl 4 he Sublime fcuttb As to the difficulties which this auair may give rise to, the interpretation ol the treaty between those Jwo powers belongs (says the' note) to tkem alone, and Knglund ought to remain completely unconnected with i'. A correspondent, writing from Constan tinople, thus refers to the activity prevail ing there: "The Turks continue their warlike preparations, and their whole (It el will be ready very quickly, lor they are actively at work upon every ship that is tit for service." Turkey is now iu a state to defv Russia. France bus been quie; under the rxtra- ordinary ciicutnstancts w hich occurred in The niHnrEiivring of rival parties, since the fall ol Louis I'hilippe, has never ceased; and ih such a crisis us the present, must have been carried on wnheven increased activity ; but this has been less apparent than before. Orders have been forwarded ty the French government, for a steam fripate to proceed to I'ortici, to be planed at the I'ope's disposal, as he appears decided to return to Rome. It was expected at Rome that the Poprt would be at IWnevento on the 30lh of Oc tober. THE CII1MLI. Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. 28 tV'On our 1ml fmge will be found the Pros poem f..r fiiBj' I, aily 't Book for 1350 and on ibis p iRi'. die l'ro'pcclue for Saltan.' Union Mogwine f..r 1850. (We keep item a good i!ieince apait.tn prevent iheir quarreling.) Thew aie the li-ading American ieiOuriis .if art cm) polite literature 1Mb popular, asd fl iuri.l.in. e will receive .uripuon. nraist a. - ... auvaoce. :7Mr. A. M.uvin,T- ai.hrr of Wal Music, intends ojiening in this Borough a School tor the Children of the Sabbath Schools. Tf.ev are to be taught gratis, and at the end of the Term (12 to IS les sees) a Concert will be given, wlien all units, in singir.g a tiumber ofji:J3s lecrned during the tern. First iie:eting to I- i.e'J at th'. PipsUvler nil Lecure Ivhmu on :at- urdav tveiiitijr of this week. Mr. M- h "Ma at ,., books containing the pieces, hymns, &.T 10 cts per copy. Thanksgivtag Day, To-morrow, Nov. 29. This dy it is grsiifvii g lo k-arn w ill be S.piu prinUty oUeivrd throughout the In ion, (and wv suppose of course in Lwil'urg) by rreeation from unuressMry business, social cuieiings, and julilic worship of the Author of every blessing. In this connection, we copy some very pertinent reflections from the Philsd. Christian Chronicle: The observance of such a sacred festival, at this season of the year, has long been customary, esrially through out Xew England, and we re;oice at the pros;ei-l of its univeisality throughout Ibe whole country, and at no distant period. Our Chief Magistrates at different points. t -n .l .k ..o I. u,lr "K "'""i m "cu ' " VI I .I.i' p.KI ... IliVllill. It was Ihe custom of our forefathers nt the early eettlemeir. of t ur couniiy. In fuel, a this new world was lirst discovered, when Columbus with bis crew fir.-t caught a glance of ibe land, ajsj-asnn ol praise and thanksuivitig was aWnce set apart in order to ack now ledge God in guiding across the ocean, bringing to a suie harbor, and putting in possession of an unknown con tinent. Our Puritan fnhers.as they land ed in the Mayflower on Plymouth Rock, made the air resound wilh songs of grati tude, and ever alter at this season of the year through all their generations. Thro' the Keviilutinimry struggle which followed, at every deliverance from danger, and every victory that was won. how did then hearts swell with thanksgiving and their tongues loo in giving it utterance. The season ol the year also is appropri ate to such a day. U'e have sown the seed, and cuitivnted the soil, and God has attended our labors whh sunshine and rain, nil at length fruit and harvest have been gathered in rich profusion for the abundant supply of all our wants. He has watched over the commerce of the sea, and scat tered everywhere the products of all climes and of all lands. Besides, we, as a people, have been pe culiarly blessed the past year. Then how reasonable that we should any so in word too plain to be mis'aken, and by acls which shall be proclaimed to the wide world! Lvery cloud or war, which has stood over us at other times, has been cleared away, and the bright sunshine of peace has rested upon this whole nation. Koine, striving for liberty, bns been crushed ; Hungary, contending for the same blessing, has been cut off by the sword, and banished in exile. Turkey, for opening au asylum to tfio.e under the sentence of death l y a lion hearted auto cr.it. :s now trembling before the cup of vrrath ho yet presses to her lips. All I'.u- rope is in romwuuoi. in .r-w u. ...c t-icm, and threatens to Ucome speedily one great battle-field. Vol sinid it all, we. as a na tion, are calm as the bosom of a surnmei's lake, and have nothing 10 do but to still pour ahrr.a 1 tbe li-ht of our liberty. Let us thank (Jod that we are at peace wiih all the nations of the globe, and that wo may met and express our deepest L'ratiludw with uone to interrupt our joyful service. And besides all this, how rich and nl- rious ate our religious privile.es. The Bible and the sanctuary are outs, the fam ily altar and the throne of grace we may approach daily and offer there grateful in cense to God. Institutions of sanctified learning meet our eye on every hand, and bless the land with their pure radiance. Art and science of every name, as ihe iJiarrdmaids of religion,', am making their BRANCH FARMER discoveries, and elevating the condition of ibis mighty nation. An intelligent and faithful ministry are rising up to bless our churches, and as on angels' wings are sending the Gospel to heathen shores to proclaim the glad news of salvation to all people. Living amid scenes like these, as the day of thanksgiving and praise comes round, let u. not ail to set it apart in a becoming nnri worsbio (Jod as the iv r of all nur mercies. Let us nraise Oud in the family circle by the fireside, and os we come to the fes tire board ut our hemes, loaded nM the rich bt unlics of His hand. Let u go to the house of Gnd ; there let songs ol prxn arue from every heart, and there from the inoulb of His ambas-sdors let us heur what God the l.ord w. I! say. Let us tliere and as we return, commend ourselves, our families und the brotherhood of our common race, invoke on all Hik promised blessing, and look forward wilh j.iv to that greut day of ihnnksgiving, when all the redeemed shnll meet in hcav. en. and there forever as cne family praise God our lather in strains sweeter and loud er than were ever swept from the harp of the ho!ie and happiest angel. OTThe Canal Commissioners have p po'uttcd Fdson Aspeowall (defeated candi date for Sheriff in Bradford, last full,) Su perintendent of the North Brenchextension. Christ. Mason, of Philad., Su(rerintend. ent a: the luclined Plane, vice H. Petri ken, decM. pJpWe are informed that one or two Missionary boxes of Sabba'h School chi'd ren in this tow n, hove been broken open and robbed ! Cnn it be such a wretch ei ists among us to commit a deed" so buck, yet si little 1 tt:7Tlie Governor has a pointed Gran iKam I Tauimrt. of Northumberland, and A s, ,,, , L(,c!i ;inve,A.ds ,tl the rank ol Lteuterniot Colonel. Appoirit!j;erit tr. :h Go.cior- Edmund Taylor, of Wilkes-Bi.rre, Judge of I.nt? erne county, vice Henry FettuVi:". Esq! resigned. 7 Congress meets on M jnday next. me I i.ion-npnK, iyurr, o "t... .- i I - U .. I 1 ..II n ., other NewijTAt 15ai.ks, srra lo be in bad odor. V fhe best plan for all to pursue, who mvp iu4-ur.n.edinte use lor tbr.r money, is ... r S. Ii T.. ai,.iH kt Ki..,Lm,i IU W -l.tt.i mufii-w mv vj . . n . j w. othew ;J Jio nolts on the Lancaster tank are in circuiaiiou. They are dat' d J . unary 1st or 2d (could n"t distiiu'tiisb whici.) 1844, letter B, signed Christ. Tack nur, Cuslrer, Jan.es Evans, President. Bblimiit. n, N v. Tt. James M. Power, ol Pa. has bctn ap pointed Charge lo Naples in place of Thus W. Chinn, resigned. CQuestion for delate, at the Town Hall, on Friday evening next. Can schools bo governed lo better ad vantage by dispensing with the rod or 01 le er similar instrument of punishment ? Northern Temperance Conven tion. The l'2'h Northern Temperance ( in vention wi I l.e held in the Boro' of Mur. cy.in Lyeiimin county on the First Tt'fts rivflieing the4ih dny)of-f)rcKMBSii nest. All Temperance Order, Divisions, and Associations and communities favorable to the extension and final triumph of the prin ciples of toial abstinence from all intoxica ting lisjuors as a drink, are requested to send up strong delpg.'Ui.n.e la this Conven tion. Corrected this day Wheal 90U95 Rye Cur;) Outs Buckwheat .. Flaxseed . . . . Clnversecd . . . Dried Apples. Butter EgHS Tallow . . Lard Pork ...40 ...45 ...28 ...50 ..100 ..400 ..100 .15 ...10 ...10 ....7 -.450 mt:n. At hit'resiuVnre in BiilTdn T on tlie 4th iusl Jn M'ClelliS in l.is 8"d year. At New Berlin, 19th inst. Jiiuss Cobsimcs in his 67lh year. At the residenc e of her JancHi rVnSE Dsrj in Leniaburg, evening of Z'ld met., in her filth year. Mrs. Ass Blickwill, relic! of Mr Pelrr Blarkwell, dre'd. Mr. and Mrs.lt. imigratrd from Englund about 45 years since, I Ti"g at first with the "Englieh M-ttlement" on Pine Cre.-k, and anrard at Danville end in Derry. Columbia county. In tnth liiese ulsres, ami in Ibis her late rrsiJcnre. ',',t. It. li-ave many frierwN to whom her virtues sin! her untirins. kindners had peculiarly endesreil ber. Mr.B. hid been 33 years s mrmlier of tha Bstit church, anj Hied in the full enjoyment of the faith of the gospel S-ie was buried in D in ville on Saturday last, by ihe sale of her deputed' hoaband and other members of her family. In East BufTtlo, INo S3, IIssbt Bitzss, aeed 33 years. 8 mlli. and S3 days. KSTItAY. CAVE into the enclosure of the tib-T-nber, several weeks since, a RED HliLL 'LF, supposed to be about a year old. T owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges, and take it awav. WILLIAM WILSON, Jr. Kelley Tp.; Nov. Sfi, 18l. Parsons for whom J K.Hocsis inteitrl Teeth, and bo nay need repsinng dons, sr intormrd iniil 1 have too moueis 01 their ssoutbs ss prepared by Mr.tlooael. sad evn rquenllv can do Ibeir repairing at a lower rate ban it no Da dona lor eiMWDrie ss it tiouble in assay csms of asakinf s new model. JUU.H LUlBib. BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP STORE. Latest Arrival ! t)taptfit antt 33et. TL'ST riceivea and now offered for the i J inspeoliou of the public, our complete J WlNTF.lt STOCK of Merchandize adapted to this Market such as Fcreign and Domestic ry (Roods, GKSCEIB3ES,-PEEKS-WkM, ETC. all of which have been purchased Bit rses which enable us to sell Good cheapest of any in town I Thankful for nat liberal patronage from a discriminating public.we hope to merit and receive its continuance and extension. Remember, the Old Cheap Store is the plsce for BARBAI59 ! ! C. E. BOWES. Lewisburg, Nov. 57, 1849 cwgootS oods! Caicst QVrriual OF THE SEASON. And yet Clieapsr than any Goods ia tba HarKet! other fpHE subscrilier is now receiving and j i..ninj his WINTER STOCK f FRESH GOODS. from on nonrd canal-boat Emma Bcuhlah and O'lt-BeHtiw, which he invites the citi zens generally to call hi)1 examine, and realizi' ihe fact that tVv car. buy at smal ler pron's 'bin at any o'her store i: Lew isburg and particularly Brown Slieetings, Satinttts. (.'lot h. Shawls, Delaine, Shoes, Boots, and Taps. Whr-at, Re, Corn, Outs, Buckwheat, Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, rec'il in payment for fcods. S. S. BARTON. N v. 26. IP19 SARTAIN'S UNION MAGAZINE. The Acknowledged BLcktcoud of Anttra. An impartial press has awarded lo Sar fain tbe credit of publishing the best Msg az;ne in America. Their decision is found ed upon tbe established fact, thjt he pub lishes letter and more varied embellish ments than any of bis rivals, and that he pa for one'iuil contributions more than nli bis competitors combined, and hence he bas secured authors of the highest repute in America and Europe. Ureal inducements, to subscribers for th. Comiug Volume, Januaty, 1850. The publishers of artiin's Magazine, would aiitiounce o) Ilie reading public, that whilst ih.ir Manazine for lb49 is ac knowledged to be superior in every respect to any o:h r pulvist.cd in this country, they have mstie arrangements whereby the Magazine for the i.ez! year wilt escel all its former isiu"S. The Literary Depariment will remain umier th.- control ot its present able Editors, Prof. John S. Hart, of Philade'phia. and Mrs. Caroline M. Kihklsnd, of N. York, who, besides articles from their own pens every month, have secured contributions from the best Authors in Europe and America. These contributions, including some r.f the most brilliant Magazine articles any whereto be found, are entirely original, being written expressly for our Magazine, and not selected from other publications. If we can not attract distinguished names to our list of contributors by the liberality of our prices, or the respectability of nur Magazine, we assuredly shall not try to gain the appearance of it, by taking ex tracts from authors of great name, and so mixing them up in our table of contents, lh it they shall seem to be original. No second handed worn-out Plates ap pear in this Magazine. Mr. Sirtain has entire control ol the Pictorial Department, and besides Embellishments from his own burin, be will be assisted by some of the best Artists of this country. Worn-out London Sleel Engravings, which are freely Used by some Periodicals, ! will not find their way into the pages of Nartain, under any circumstances. 1 i.ere cou!J be a vast sitving to tlie Pub lishers in using such plates, as they can be purchased at almost any price, from $25 down In the price of the metal. e aim lo give the best, in Literature and Art. The FtfiAion Fashion Plates are of he nature of news. Tbe lady who wishes lo dress fashionably, does not ask what was worn, but what is worn. She does not want in 1810 the Fashions of 1848, - , .. J", . a. nor in uecemrer inose 01 August, farts is the Acknowledged centre of the Modes, whence all fashions primarily originate. During the issue for 149. we gave the fashions three or lour months ahead of our competitors ! Our plan enables us to fur nish triple the number of plalea, thus fur nishing nur readers with all the prevailing modes ef Paris and London. Instead of a single plate wis two figures, we often give three or lour pls'e, with eight or ten dis tinct figures,, em h exhibiting a separate costume. Airw FVtf'trrs -W have many features and improvements entiiely new in Mae sine publishing,, which will intrxluced into the forthaoming volume. We do nnt I n design, bowtver, to solicit support to Sat -taiu's Union llaganne, by prumisss, TERMS. Single Copies 35 cents . One Copy 93 per Annum, and a premium - either a portrait of the late L pr. . dent Jamee K. Polk, Wilh.,, Harrtsoo.Group of the vVashingti., yiv,,. ily. General Taylor, Benjim n Vet ,,r Ilenry Cfay. Either of these enMv.n is worth alone S3. Two copies $5 jr Annum, andei:h?r ol the above premium to each subscriber. Five copies $10 per Annum, and an txtrt Magaxine and one of the premium :a the agent or person getting up the Club. Having made au arrangement with the pui,i19ReM fr Cl,pit4 of ,he ce!ebrated rr,r 7. ntu.lo Picture, The Death-Bed of Joi n Wesley, we make the following Li-i Offer ! Onft' copy of tf.e Alaoazine u:- year end ihe Wesley Print, 83, or 20 copies of the tt'e,!r Prmt, ans : : co pies of Sartam's L'nien h'lgni lor Thirty .0llars. Keinetnler the impressions are not from a worn-out English plate, but from a sew plate engraved in tbe highest style of the art. Those sending thoir money early will get proof impressions. OtFer extra ordinary ! Any new subscriber, sending us Five Dollars prior to the 1st of Febru ary, 1890, shell receive in return full sets of Sartain's Msgaziue for 1849 and 130, and two volumes of Campbell's Foreign Monthly Magazine, and the Washington or Taylor print, thus securing upwards of suuu pages ot literary matter, and upwsre's of 400 engravings for $5. 1 he post town sending the lartrest num ber of subscribers for the year 1850, prior to the 1st of April next, together with the advance payment, will be entitled, gratis, to the same number of Sartain's Magazine, for the year 1851. For the second largest list each aubscrioer will be entitled to oris of our premium plates. Remember, these plates are ol a large size, and suitable kt a psrlor ornament. Persons wishing to get upa club, ;;l be supplied with a specimen number, tj writing for it, and paying the postage. Terms invariably in advance. Address JOHN SARTAIN Si Co., Phi!nd"lph. A Ilirket Street Boose, Shop, and Let FOR SALE OR RENT. ' "PHAT valuable property oir Market S', J opposite Cook's Coach Shop. Tin House is a two-storey r rame, 20 by 30 the Soup iwo'-atorey, 30 by j 37. including a Woodhousa on I be mm first Boor. A small Stable -eicellen'. Mil Apple, Peach, Plum and Cherry trees Ac on itM lit and goud Water on the edjjftni tot. It will be sold on reasonable terms payments made easy. It not sld by the 1 of Jauiiarr, it - ill be odrred fur rent from Ibe lei of April ueiu Inquire of lbs euhserilier:on the premises. &TEI HEN I). t-HAITELL. Lewiebuig. Ku. 30, 1849 610 Notice 13 hereby given to James Harris. Msrths Harris. Land Howard, David HuwnrJ. Thomtrs Howard, Ifarriett, intermsrriri with Dr.-Tboiass Vanva:th, Ann. ii.ti-r- j married with William Wilsow, Jars, in"r- married with Joseph Green, ivi: -.. legal representatives of Wuu.ts L. :. laie of I nion county. IVnnss !tr. i, deceased, ihat in pursuance of a wrtt ' partition and valuntion issued cut ol ts Orphans Court of Mercer coun'y. & nr. Inq'iest will held on Donst on Lit N . 728. of 200 acres, ii the 4:h D.striet !" llonntion Lri.d in M-rcer countv, ci. !.:" I2ih day of December next, a: wh i b tics you may attend if v .m proper. JAVES VKKAX, frer? Pheriff's Oiurr, Mercer. Pa , Nnv. 12. 1S49. Orphacis' Court Sa? B' Y virtue of an order of the Orrr vV Court of L'liit.o county, will b.' f t ; J to public sale on Tiirusnvy the 12 t i' -. next,ibe undivided two-tweltths oLa reriaiu it -saage and tract of land aitosteJ in W'eM liu.l.'o township, bounded by lands of Peter ftaV. Jr.. Robert Mack,y, I'hilip Ruhl and others. c.'.tii in$ 71 acres and Vi& perches. ah.ut H'gA arres cleared, and on which are eiectrd TLlog House and Bsrn, wilh a spring . f wtter " "i at the door, and other improresieiitJ. Ht'.e co comu.enca at 10 o'clock. A. M-, wbec terme of sale will be made known bv SAMUEL EWI.NO. Guardiin of Catharine and Pricilla Lat ALSO, at the same time and place, the interest of ihe lemaining owners of the ! tract of land will b sold, and terme made knosa by SAMUEL EWING, Agent or the Heirs of Elizabeth Luis, ilec'J. !ov. 30, 18 IK VALUABLE TOWN FROPERTV FOR 84LE-Pnbllc or rrivate. fpilE subscriber will expose lo public s I (if not before disposed of privatelj ) ot Tuesday, 25th Dec. next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the premises no oc cupied by him, on north Fourth street. one J square from the Main street, marked co ll' Town Plot as HALF LOT No. 192 -b which is a two-storey Frame If ... , i ... r . ma j i.uu'e, levi iioiii oy zo oeep, J I part or wnu-B la aee.1 tor a Hat abop lull and will euit for anv kind of OiTire oratK Shop.) also a large Stable, a Woml-hed, Hlablr, and si! necessary outbuilding, with nevrr-failin Well of good walet and s Pomp tbe back building and s Cistern and Pump in " yard. An indisputable title, and possession g"'" no the 1 of April, lf0. Also oflered as above. LOT No. 277. unimproved, lying immediately hack of the fc"" going, and fronting on Fifth street. Peraona wishing cm view the property at . lime. Terms farther specified on Ihe dav of M &EMAH REES. Lswisbarg. Nov. I. 1949 . TOWN PROPERTY For Sale Cheap. A FULL Lot. on North Fourth S rcct, m w hich is a two storey JsV Frame House. 1 6 by 33 feel, jftj 1 wilh a good Cellar under it a jttjtf j Frame Stable. 8 by 20 an out " Kitchen. and other out buildings no occupied by Ceorcr Fbcam. Inquire e DWID RKBKR, Ajew Lewisburg, Oct. 31,1-49 .