Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, November 21, 1849, Image 2

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Tl.rre was t.ne summit which lowered j
flintier .than the rent old Hoary head, as
t lie settlers calied it. Tor two-thirds of the
May up i lie side the eccliuty was steep,
covered wiih dcrk firs end pines, which
locked as if they were slbowing one
cnolt.er in rider 10 kee p their precarious
f.to'ing. Above them tht re towe red a lofty
peak of netted rtcks, v hich it muiie you
dizzy to look at. Ti e top was smooth and
flat, though on looting a second time yen
cculd perceive something Ike brim !rs the"
sljT.tVr, fine, almost invisible in the dis
tance. The-v were the hire and bleaclred
fterhs of a few tail pitM-, which tht fit ,
had killed, but which the unJ hud left -ill
standing here tiid' theie on tb- svrnn.it.
How a l.ret f.ro cou'd reach, sevh an No
vation mihl surprise one, tit first, but t'te
mountain aluped- gradtia'ly away on the
sido opposite the pond, bh the rid?;e of a
mountain chain, which extended far luck
,nto ibe"" interior, unijl it t5 lost amnrg
ihe other elevation which filled the whole
Old II;r hf ad derived W rrrcaVe
tame from the uncla hie hue of tha
vaet rr.atws of tty itrani'e, whic h fornird
his trow. VTha'f vcr null be lk hue cf
the InndsO o hel.w, wlieti.ei tl e luxuriant
green of Mttetrer, the hr'ht browns ol
r-.utumn, or white wiih ti e vat iiicutpul.i
tion of wintry snows, old iloaryl.ea t waa
alwnys gray. The lew plants which hung
in blight fe dor-its from in ercvio s n rum
mer, wire tnvUib'c below, nrd-in winter
the snow could not lulct a lod-rtent.
Viewed from the vr.ll.y.i' s-emtd to be
lookit g cut cbove the region of commotion,
mid tcorm; and calti.nui and jieace almot
cin-ctly vUiile, appeared to I reprsingon
its surrrt.st. Put this was un illusion. There
U it-ways nn illusion in looking at what is
above us. Od Hoarhead's rocky de
clivities were s-At-j't al' winter with almost
perpetual gabs. Storm an I hurricanes
concent rated all their fury upon him. They
poured upon hi brow their M. res of rin
aod hail, and snow, but he shook all off,
nnd scattered them far down into tho va -Icys
; and then hen the wintry storm was
over, and the clouds broke awa, and ihe
whole country wascoreal with i's mantle
of white old Had) head ran.e out ol Ihe
conflict onchanged the same ender bris .
ties relieved against lh sk,lhe same gray
rock , nnd the same placid expression rf
awful desolation and solitude.
But Feru is our hrrn, not o'd Hoary
Vi ,t ii we ir:Ut iro bat k t him. The
attempt to cross the pond for a physician.
They looked cut of the window. end obser
ved that the s'orm, ihiugtr-no: yet very vi
olent, was fast increasing, hnd but an hour
or two of daylight remained.
"How deep is the snow V said fliorge.
Oti it is ancle deep and mure, heady."
And I suppose ii is blown aay from
tho yard.- It must be deeper sell on the
The iinij;e of her ton strujialinj? through
the snow Jon the pend at dark, here rose to
the mother's imagination, and one at once
decided that Ferguti muM not'go. (Jtoi.
was balancing in his mind the alternative.
-We hsve got to choose between two
di,ers,' said he. "Uennj ' iu th- cra
dle, sick w;h-wt a d -ctor, and F-rgua on
the pon-i it. :h.i sno-. It is hnid io choose-.
L-t us g- and look at Benny."
Ie.rpe here let himself down from fc'
rt, walked acros tli h p, and fallowed
his wife out into the jard. lie krrtd his
wav throtifeh the deepest f!s ol the. snow,
and looked at the rloiidn.or raih'-r fowatdt
the clouds, for the a'i:ophere was so fu'l
of fbllin,: sD'w i!:a: the i-I.ki.Is could uM
be si-en. The li tle blue vane which hu Iihu
had put up on hi eorn-l.arn, poii-tri t 'ho
n.tr.h-east.nnd irdirated the quartet. which,
m that ( P ai. c!iniae,.r' ii t '.u 'n-fi .(i
wiih vat n:j.'al'C8 -f w in! iir,d mn.
(icore :beied !! tlr-e ih'os a- he
paed, ni. d thin ft.lli.wcd Mary !ti!i the
It iue. .
Te house w.t not the rude log hut
which e mti:tiofced as their (irt habita
tion. Tha' wai still s'nnding, but ii t
converted nit ail out housa, and foroed
or r itio ef the tl.-'.tcrf d area or the yrd.
Tlte F"';,! eoinforal'.le
htm5 wish two ruotrs.tht! doir oj-ent d ini
mrdmtl inti ifie pnncioal one. I; was a
far.-tier's kiteh-n, spae4-ua end eshibitin
in ad it iu'ermr the atpel of r'-ic ccrt
furt aed ii-ii'v.
" O.i ee ml of ihe tjreat fre place wav a
Iit!ecTud:e,i-h Fergn by i s sie rocking
it. I!e htd been stationed ihere by his inn
ther while she went across to ihe rboj'. On
th other s'uic of the fiie s a littie heap
of corn-cob; which IViiny had bn tryii.g
o build hou-e with, an h .ur "ur twu.be
fjre; fcut it wssii.ird work, aud yielding tt
his weaknras nd giddim ss hs had laid his
head down upon the cricket la tei-t. when
Sis her look- hiiH up and p-t him ui his
Here he lay f-verih anif rtsi'es, with
that peculiar eire'n ol" at u ly upon
l.'a ctii' nonrr, which ti.arks m nrki!g
If lii'KO'i'e diva-e. I jw im .i pye
jnA j t,Jt t t'li t ' "'bt-r, and
af 4 fce
fa ifi:Ttt fVM'err f tr p:t-eV-'
and listened to hit breathing, lie conclu-
ded that some disease was making rapid
progress, and that the child roust have
relief, or its lile would soon be in danger.
Fergus,' said he, do you think you
could get across the pond to-night, to the
doctor's T'
OK yet, fathf r," aid Fergus, "easy
r Dougr,.'
" But the snow storm,'' said his mother.
Why mother, I do:ii care for the
kuuw c!nrn, the snow is not very deep.''
Suppose j ou go out and try it put
on veur sirups, and eo down as far as the
Hp;le tree and see,
Fergus went to a little cuphoard in the
wr'I, and took from it a pair of small
leather straps, which he proceeded to fat
ten round his ancles. oer his pantaloons,
to keep the smiw from working up bet weep
them and his boots, at.d clapping his cap
upon his head, sallied loilh into the ftiow.
His father and -mother wutehed him from
the window. He strode pompously through
, . .i i
the snow, j l. ug'.mg his way into the deep-
j - i u r s. it i . ...t
es! ririt's he could find, aud lucking round
to the window wiih a triumphant smile.
The smile was returned, hemtily, from
George's eountenare. and even in M.irj's
anxiety cr.d fear gave way for a moment
to a faint gleam of p'easure.
" lie will never be able lo get through,''
said he, ' erly ec? how dtep the snow is.'
That is a drift,' eaid George; " it is
not so deep as :hat generally."
George hesita'ed for a few minu'e,
a a are til the danger. He showed Mary
that they must take their choice between
the dangrr in tlit- ctad'e and that of thb
orin. There was tin olhtr way of coai
mnnicaiiiig wi:!, the physii hn. for M in
could not go. and George could not go.
M-irv prop'-sed senHiri: to a neighbor's
about h'i" a mi'e 1 .inn', to get a m.iu In
go ; hut (.'eore sf i i tftiit -ho road to that
in ighUn's was mTe drifted ihnn the other,
jtid it wmild ix: quiif l.efere be. could
net there, t;d afier c'tirk it wt uld be certa'n
dtstrur'ioo In vrn'ute cut upon the poud.
I think,' concluded he, we h.H be',-
ler let rergus go; i suppose ne w,.j aoio
io gel therv V"tit rrUcllti'iTicitliV.end :hm
oy 1-now ho. cn ride bite k r i'h tlied xjtor
At ny rate lhat seems to be the best we
can do. And now vou must not feel anx
ious about him. You must consider that
God seud hin,Hnd that he will watch over
-God sends him ! said M.iry. 'how I
"By oBkii!g il appear to us r.ecesary to
'ntn. " rie arranges an tnese linngH
which compel us io act ; and if we really
dni-ittr. ks M-eirit best, under all the light he
furnUhex, (he whole itJ.onihiljty rests
with him."
"Bi.t I doi.'t think ii is so clear that we
ought to Ki.d him. It is a terrible storm,
ii.d I think it is increasing.
"Then we must not send Sirf.-," said
Geo'ge. We must liok at all il circum-
-tancas, i.rd exercise our bist judgment,
nnd by no ne;-ns let him go unless we hon
tly ihiiih ll.at it is the best and wisest
M,r l.i. k. d at Ilenny in the cradle and
tin n nui at the storm. She was perplexed
The scitle of the alternative was so nearly
in rqiiihVritun that she could cot decide.
She LejiHii to fi-el a httle vexed and irrita
ted Ik rou-e she could not dt-cide.
Just then -hc heard a resn less movement
in the crnrile, accoinpaniinl by a low moan.
She went hastily to it, aud began to rock it.
Benny o;ei.u! h.s eyes, and when he saw
his troiher h- put his hand to his head with
a lone of Hii,-riction. The first language:
id it.f.mry is that of louks aud sign, the
second is the 'or'iage of tones, end then
com- s Brticulti'i.ti;, Penny wanted bis mo
ther to tukf a-iay ihe pain from his bead,
f'.e Ihcugtit she miV'i! d-j it of course.as he
' had o'len. when he he.d bn at play, fell
a sharp pm in his lank, and on running
to his mo: her, he fe.tl .-el eved him at once
with her hsiid. It is l ue th.it such times
she took a pin awny,hui IJ- noy did not sor
the pin, and he knew of to reason why she
could not take away one kind of pain as
well as another.
Miry did not uederstnud Benny's sign,
and he turned away m mrning fretfully at
finding his wishes disregarded. The emb
ryo feelings of lmat'ence aud irritation
n injjlt d fir a n'O nent wi'h thelltt'e sull'cr-
ei' sene of ps.n ; hut the straggle ended,
almost iinniedia'e y, in feebleness and ex
ShUs ion. II roou'is grew faint, his eyes
ciooed, and he sunk into a restiessslumber.
Mary wa'ched him His starts, his fe
verish flush, and his anxiotrs expression of
countertanre alatroed her ; and it was not
lng before he coneKie4 that ft was best,
after ail, for Fergus tJ g."r. Fergus came
in to,! h a lit'ie slender pole in hh baud,
which lie caileJ " pikeslafT, all equipped
for ihe exieditHn. afln Jonking to lull ol
courage and animation that Si'k g""' UP j
Iter doubts.and consented M send him. She
lied his cap duwo over his fare.whileGeorge
) hi in his directions.
"Go slow Fergus, especiaily where the
snow is deep, so as to husband your
t length, and mind and keep the road when
you ;e upon ihe pond. I suppose lhesnov
lias blown off th te, tr that yon can see it.
But if )ou he tho road, don'l go to wan-
(i, . i, nli.Htt t.) Cufl it again, but keejt on
Mikf a s'rirjn. tiack cf i, Ferjps ii.t
across s'raight as an arrow ; then you
can find the road easy enough wheu you
get to ihe shore."
This advice alarmed Fergus a little. He
had not reflected that the facing snow
would prevent his seeing across the pond,
and the idea of venturing out of sight ol
land, in such weather, was a little appal
ing. Sli'l the thought was no! altogether
painful. Theie is a certain dignity in dan
ger w hich no one is more sensible of than
a spirited boy ; and Fergus sallied forth
the second time wiih less joyous gl:-e cer
tainly, upon his countenance, but with u
look of culm and elevated satisfaction.
George liked the change.
"Well good bye, Feus,'' said George
at Itngth. Ps sure end go on modera'e
ly. Vou will ride back, you know, ;th
the doctor ; and then this evening,nfti-r you
come back, we will paint your sled."
He thought he said this to encourage nod
cheer Fergits, but the troth v. us he cou'd
1 not help ft eiiii; some auMtety hnnsell, fniJ
fo look forward eien in inpgiunir ..n.to the
time when it would he over. rve It' n
heart relict, Mary went lo the doorwithFcr
gus.lixed his enp nnd oat for the list linw.
and put lh:ce or four tar. caLcs, folded cp
in brown paper, into his pocket. She then
kissed his fair cheek, with a feeling that it
was very probably for the last time, and
opened the door to let him go. A rude blast
of wind and snow rushed in upon hi r so
iuriously, that she rlo-ed the door agtin,
and went to the window.
Cvncludcd next week.
Wednesday Afternonyi, Nov. 21
Fkee Sat." For the latest news on
this subject, see notices of Reul Estate in
oui columnit advertised for sa'e.
fOWe learn that ihe Stockholders of
the Danville Bank met last Monday and
chose a Btard of Directors, among whom
are Messrs. Thorn Hayes of Lewisbure,
Wm C Lawson of Milton, and Jacob Smith
of Selinsgrove. The D. rectors meet on
Monday next to appoint their President,
Cashier, c.-
K7In bad renute are the Farnrr &.
Drovers Bnk of Wayncshurg Walter
Jo)'s Bank. Buffalo and the I'awtuxet.
In truth, there is so much uncertainty in
paper money at present, that those having
it can do nothing better than to pay every
debt and make every useful purchase with
it that they can.
" Tiif Haven. Sevirul of our rea
ders tin ve expressed a wish, since the mel
am holy drmis of the gifted but y-l uun i-.e
Kdgar A. Poe, in peruse his celcbratrd
poem (under th above title) wherein he
is said to h.ive breathed firth his soul in
p'ainlive nielod.? for ihe death of hi
youthful and beloved companion. Any
one who' can furnish us a copy of " the
Kaven' will oblige several.
The committee of directors of the Sus
qnhanna county bank, are still engage I
in invrstignting Ihe management of ilui
institution, and have adopted means to as-
certain and secure all the available assets,
obligations and securities that can be
reached. T. P. St. John, the lute cashier,
has at length procured bail in the sum of
810,000, and was on Saturday week re
leased. He immediately removed with
his family to New York City.
Wealth. Martin Luther said' Wealth
is the smallest gifi of (Jod." What is it.
to he compared with Hi word, or corporal
pif.s, such as beauty, health and activity 1
Vi hat is it to the gifts of the mind, such as
intellect, science and art ?
And yet how the multitude throng the
broe.d road to wealth, to ihe partial or en
tire neglect of health, education, mental
happiness, and the uutvld iuteresi of eter
nity !
The result ol the election in New York
lias been a singular one. In all the State
office there is an equal division between
'he two parlies. The following are elected:
Whiga Controller, Washington Hunt ;
Secretary of State, Christopher Morgan ;
I reavurer. Alvah Hunt; State Engineer,
Hezekiah C. Seymour total, 4. Demo
cratsJudge Conn of Appeals. Freeborn
G Jewell; Attorney General, Levi S Chat
field ; Canal C'ommissioner.Frederick Fol
let ; Stale Priaon lusnecior, Darius Clark
total, 4. Judges ol ihe Supreme Court
Whigs Wm. Mitchell, Daniel Cady,
'1 nomas A Johnson, James G.Hoyt; Dem
ocrats John W.B rown.Hen r v I logeboom,
F.rJerick W. Hahbard.Wm.H Shankland.
lie Lreilatur aJa W Misf fo Mland 0
Dtmceralt to 8V Whig! 'he Democrats
harm; a ntayority in tbs IIoUsC, and ihe
Whigs in the Senate.
A iriil Cir breach of the marriage pro.
aiivc came .(T last week in Ohio. The
courtship had Continued for fifteen years,
and the faith less swain wis mulcted in SlOll
datnage, aritf t2"0 crs
Cbean ctif.oh!j
The Protection Question.
As the Session of Congress draws near,
when the tntmuru ol the Administration
are to We first developed, the Tariif issue
is to be met in earnest. In our S'nte, the
matter his been awakened by Ex-Senator
Cameron, in a letter to Judge Shaler, (co
pied below,) which has met the heartiest
approval from some Democratic journals,
and as hearty reprobation from others.
We thiiik Gen. Cameron will find some
old-fashioned Democrats like himself in
both the Legislate ro and Congress.
Middletown, Sept. 26.
My Dear Sir : Very cordially I ilt
you tor your friendly attention inthetrans
i .'-'ion of the Pittsbursf Mercury, whfeiu
soir.e notice is taken ol rVnna Ivauin inter-t-,;.
connected wi;ii my name, while a mum
L. r A tlie U. S. Senate.
I itv.iil sell ef ihe occasion to express
the hop-, :'it as "the signs of the times"
portend a discussion of the tariff.during the
iippiohciiiii:; tea-iion of Congress, t he re may
be no exciti-ineiii; no party prejudice, or
other lal.-e issues rnied so influence Ihe leg-
islativo mind ol the country towards the
,!,.,;., r r-rasuies adverse to the tener-
' ",," rrxaajtes auverse 10 me i euer
U interest.
1 he tariff policy is of momentous impor
tance to alt the great industrial pursuits of
our country. The public good is the rule
by w hich we s-hould be guided in the per
iormance of relative dunes; and to ibis cen
tral point the legislature ahould invariably
direct all its deliberations. At an early day,
I took lessons iu the school of Simon Snv
der on this very question of protection to the
infant manufactures of the Union ; and
time has had no effect to change my view
and wishes, w hich have been expressed in
the Senate, in fevor of a permanent estab
lishment ol a home markef.as the only sol
id basis ol national propurny : And here I
nn ad ), it is very re-nai kalile thnt all the
Democratic Governors of this Common-
in- i
tv.n!ih ttt.urr. ta f'-.iv- Shotilt have n-sio. 1
ained ground in favor of prolecl.on tvj hOn.e
lubor. Nine consecutive iiv-sSriges ot (Jov.
nvder are text books to aust;-in and chet r
the sound portion of our Democratic friends,
who wit! not surrender to tne free trade
doctrines of British capitalists.
"We must command our own consump
tion and the means of our defence," has
been the sentiment of Pennsylvania from
the dawn of Independence. And as a free
man, born upon the soil, I may be permit
ted to regard, with no ordinary t-olicitude,
the onward prosperity of ihe iron, coal aud
agricultural interests of this State
The new settlements being ot-ened up in
ihe far W'rst, embracing ihe Territories 01
Texas, California and Oteon, must of ne-
cessity increase ihe surplus produce of the
soil. Upon foreign countries our farmers
can never depend with ecrlauity, tor a per
ma nent, profitable market. It is then lore
thesafest nd wisest policy lo create a home
market for ihe Ihrmer, by encouraging do
mestic manufactures, ui.tier Hii-.li revenue
laws as shall secure to the American n.e
chanicthe rewards of his labor in his own
market. Let the pauper labor, of Europe
continue nut a lew years 10 nood our coun
try with ihe productions ol foreiu work
shops, and it the past history cf the wor'd
by which we may be guided m our dttii?.
rations on this subject, then I Venture t
predict that all the leading interests ol Penn
splvania and of the Union the iron. Ihe
coal, the salt, the wool, the Cax. the hemp.
the pter, the rat, the sugar, and th
gunpowder manufactures, with others too
tc'imis to mention, w-ill be entirely ruined
through the length and breadth of ihe land.
Tr.e d'tctrtrie of "let trade regulate il-
sell, is ' reftu:ilul:y Utustra'ed, it it wer
not desirucuvo in its effects, by ihe present
condition of the country importing im
mense quantifies of British iron, althooph
we have a; n"tne,tiie raw material in abun
dant e, iiiuustrious ond ski'lul mcch nics,
and ample c; al to eotuinand our oAn
r:s'jii:ption in this re.-pec'. nh these
acts titaiiiii! n in the face, is it anvthintr
:o.r! of an inaoe policy to preach up free
tragic lo l.-ericft ihe overgrown monevchan-
Her-i cfGitiil Hriiiitn, thereby working in
j'try to American Inboi? I feel a lively sen
sibiliiy on this subject, and whether I am
iii error or not, I Ireely state to you, that 1
look upon the permanent and prosperous
es'ablibhmcnt of free labor.in this country,
as ihe most effectual mean, in the niyster
iotis operationsof political events, to sub
vert the fortof hierarchies and despots
upon ihe continent ol JLurope, and to ele
vate the masses to equal rights and ration
al liberty, the destiny of mankind.
Thre views incline me lo hope, that
every man who is anxious for the wellare
of our good old Commonwealth and for
the integrity of the Union, will stand up j
for Jtrotrction of American industry, on '
grounds ot pairotism. We must 06 wholly
independent uf tareign supplies : American
labor must not be sacrificed lo feed the
squalid operatives of Great Britain.
Accept ansurnnces of my sincere regard.
Your frierd.dte. Simon Camekon.
lion. Chuiles Sha'er, Pitisburg.
Foreign News.
The A me. iica at Halifax brings news
from Euiope one week later.
In P'nglar.d, there ia a decline in the
flour and com maikets. The Canadian
Annexation question ia calmly discussed.
The French Cabinet have bv necessity
resigned, and King Napoleon has formed
another more subservient to his views.
A. , i , , . mt i
uMrtan butcheries continue. The Czar
demands the expulsion of all ihe Mayg.tr
refugees from the Turkish territory. Kos
suth and followers remain at Widdin, 300
have embraced ihe Turkish faith.
continues Hostile to the Fope--
I. . . .
sasxinations of French soldiers continue.
(ttOne of the best acconplihmems for
a young lady, a young gentleman, or a
business min.is a good hand-writing and
ihe best way to gain lhat is to go iu one
who understands it and make it a business
to acquire it. The gentleman now leaching
in town shows manv examples of progress
worth treble the price pf juition.
;y Thanksgiving day, Thursdy of
next week. - :
Correcpondenee of i!o Curothis - ';
Pi.ll.AlWT.fH' a. I-Jstv. 14, l-?49.r
Mr. Etitor: If :mi some leisure lime,
and not wi-hin to i..li u victim to en'iai,
I have concluded to pen jotisome ramb
ling tiioughts taki n in our goodly city.
First o' all thet', this i a very fine day
a circumstance wh eh rejoices our citi
zens to a great extent, inasmuch as we
have had a dismal round of stnrrr.s. fogs,
and cla.'dy weather, for the last week or
two. This morning however, is a delight
ful exception, and Phcnbus (as if to slww
his horror of p'tst proceedings) shines lull
and warm upon our streets- Now for the
A daring robbery wrs committed yes
terday afternoon, at Jones' Hotel, ttpen
two gentlemen lately from Sjo Frurtcisco,
to the anno let of five bundled dollars,
some ol it in gold dust. tco.
Our new Mayor, Jones, had his hands
full yeterdm , there being no less than
eighty individual brard h' fore hi-n
mostly for intoxication. W hat a commen .
tary upon the morals of our Ci'y ! Mrs.
Frances Anne Kemhle hns been surceeded
by Miss E. Kimberly, ol Cormeticut. She
surely must have considerab'o confidence
in her own merits to appear so aoon alter
the departure of one who hts never bsen
surpassed in Shikesp'rian Readings, and
who has realixrd from the public a consid
erable sum as a sure proof of patronage.
Wm. B. Re' U, u proniinent and talented
meni! er of the Bar, c'elivets an Oration
before the Alumni of the Univt rvily ol
lV-finsyvnni,i tins een'iig, it f beings iu
first Ccn'etniiil Aimivtrsary. It will ben
. j nr
t ra
TaT "Utt.ectuhi nasi, no q:uji
i The passion for amu en.ent still reigns
to a very great extent in the minds of the
people. Just look at the catalogue, and
then reflect how much money is thrown
away, that might lai appropriated to better
objects. Firt we have threu Theatre
he Walnut,Cnt'init,and Arch Street, anil
Sand's Circus, then Birnum's Museum,
(which id in reality a Theatre disguised for
the accommodation of meti's conseience,)
also thice Bands of " Ethiopian Sjrenu
rlera' viz , the New O. lenim, the Virginia
and the Boston ; then (last but not least)
the Panoramas ol Italy, a voyage to Cal-
lornia, and Deluge. One Saturday night
the aggregate number of persons iu the
above places of amusemeut was said to I
nver 150,000. Sny that ihee upeiit 25 tts
apiece, and you have 37,500 speut in one
night ! This is a very low estimate, as
the piices are not uniform.
; B jt thist morbid apprise for diversion
nust he satisfied (as hici pentin think,)
and it is at the cxerr .'ecf li-.t e, ;ui:neyj
and repu'alion. I r-o v,-r .,ny tl.ai
his ih.-u!d he the t a-x.-, Lut w- must not
expect im entire Lange in this respect uu
'il the Millennium. CAUL.
In Lewishurg, Snlur hiy las! 17 h inst.,
Mis EitztRt'Tii A. daughter of George
Pifer, in her '.l-t vear.
In Princeton, N. J., 13:h inst., John
MciSTCOMKKT C NDriR, ti ij a'-ou! 24
yeara. He waa ir,e ton of 1 aoi.u.-i Cindo.- or
Verrer Co. III., and waa bin in Lt.x-ri C Pa.,
the former residence of hi' family. On the aide
of both parents ha ii cV.viidi..l from I lie Scot
linh P.esbvleriana in Irrhrd.
Mr. C andor itn edurated at the GVIle-e of
rtiw Jrwv, in whirh he toiik hla decrees with
hiith distinction. For rroie than two ve-oa he
haa been a meinlur of iba I'bw-tsiril H-tn-ia-y,
ard a few month ago he was tii-i-need lo preach
by the PiesbyJery of Nnrihumberland. In every
one of these relation our departed hroiher was
irreproachable. He was acknowledged by all bia
teachers and friends to poiesa am .unnvm talenta
and solid arqaiiitiona, and the trial of his gifts
gave promise of much uaefulneaa. For shout six
eeka he gradually sunk under an attack of ty
phoid (ever. Seldom baa a death-bed been more
diyeatrd of its terror, or more beautified by the
shining of grace, . It would not be poniMe ft
,n? on b more a.i.!ui)Uly or tenderly nurat
snd comforted on s dying bed, than was oar bro
ther by his young eompsnionr and when he was
taken, tbey alter suitable religious eierci.-, ac
companied his retnaina lo the place of departure :
a defecate ftom each CUt going aa fir ae Dan
ville, l'a, where the burial took pUcs last Fri
day. Abridged from Tbe 1'teabyterian.
In Bellefonle, 10ih int., Hon. Cuarlf.s
Ilrsrojt. in the 8tVh year of his B(re.
Judge Huston waa twin in Burks ccantv, snd
tho' but s Ijtd in the Revolution many of it in-, i
denla were itidelil Iv impres?ed upon hi memory.
He entered Uirkinenn College while under the
Presidency of Dr. iNebil, the Scotch divine, and
after graduating l..ok charge of iu grammar
school, at the ajme time studying law with Fli..
Duncan.wiUl whom he was afterward associated
on tbe Umcb ol the Supreme Court of Pa. Gen.
Washington marched thro' Carlisle on hia was
to quell the Whiskey Insurrection, further wet.
I oung Huston joined the expedition, and waa
oflmed a Captaincy in Ihe Regular Army ; but
".""K suuiiiiru io me oar in I yo. ne te-
I110,d , ,h, lhe , coun,v of
ntarried in VilliamsKri and in 1S07 reioovrd
io Bellefonte. In 1819 Gov. Findlay appointed
him President Judge pf the 4th District, snd in
is.-D uov. Oh u lie elevated turn to the Supreme
r1.... f I. , . ......
Court, of which he remained a Justice until hia
term expired in 1845. Hia la-t years were ocen.
pied in prepaiing a work on tha Land Titles of
As a judge and advocate, distinguish! is a
nan frank, simple in hia manners, reoeroos and
in all hia relatione ot unimpeached integrity. He
auOered much Hi bodily affiictione and family
bereavetneiitf. but 1'aith sustained him, and he
died as he hid f t nuny year l.yed. a Grot belie-,
ver in tha Iru.hs nf Chri.U.otty, and a cammun-;
want in ihs Preslij terian Church. ,
In Anthony ( formerly Drev) To. Col. i
Co., 3Uth ult.,.ltev. D.-.F.A.tiJtj,ai.ed
about 50 yrais. .. . ,
Cr-About 500 proposals were put in al
the Canal Letting at Tunkhannock. Thev
were all forwarded to Harrisburg, for the
Canal Board to make tho allotment.
Horrible Steamboat Disaster !
New Oblsas. Nov. 16.
Tha maaniorent- firat-ebws boat Uuiiaaa.wss
patting out from tba levee JsM veniitg bonad to
St. Louis, just as ths steamers Storm anil Boston
wets coming in from abova. Tbs boats were skis
by side, ths dscks of all lire crowded with psa
Mnger wbea a tiemenJaa sip'oarm occurred
on boon! tha LoeisMM both hoibis having
hn'sted, hitermg the bost litwillv to atoms
tesrinj the ether two boat, and earrjing scores
of human tn-im-i to their laxt account without s
mnmeni's wanting ! 8imultaosoa i h the ter
rible rxplt'M'io. com wikl shriek, which n-nt
a tluill ol' brrnr to tbe loutcl hearts. Aa lb
Mixk and steam clcareJ away, a seen waa pre-
utf J to the tye, of v hich I can acarccly form a
ruDcrption. The h utcred boaU, the sbiirks of
tbe wcunilet, the snuggle of the drooobtg, snd
ihe groan of the dying, appsled, snd for a mom
ent rarlfird. all bo witneaaed it. Hems
ABm, Lkss asd Bctsa were ecaUered ahuul in
ev'j direction, end the levee was strewn with
tiit dead and dying. In a short. time, thousands
of persona bad collected to sid the sufferers.
Tbe Louisiana euuk soon after Ihe eiploaion.
It is unknown what led to ths disaster, se ths
engineer ar.d firemen are miwing prot-ably dead.
No. 19. Capt. Kissos.of the LouUiana. ia
atrestrd and held to bail in $8000. Tb explosion
being attributed to cereleeneee, an investigation
earchiug will ahottlf Uks place. Tne number
of killed it ia believed will resrh TWO HUND
RED, ieidee many dteadfully wounded. The
Bags of tbe tapping are all at half mast.
Temperance meeting.
,- The next ireeiing of the E.iot Ruflalne
Society is nppoimed at the Mi. Pleasant
School-House, ti-nr Capt. Gundy's, Satur
day evt-iiini riext. Nov. 21.
Corrected Hits itay
t , i
. ..... ...........
tve ..;
Biickahnt .
Flassec-H . . .
Covere-tl . .
Dried A;ip!es
Kuller .... .
KiES ..... .
Tallow . .
. ... 50
. -.100
In Fas! Ruffiloe, Thursday, I5th inr..
by Rev. Pro'". Bii-s, Noaa.ix Ball, l
D.invil'e and Miss Jci.I Atvji Mkbkill
The ut.Hi r:lT res(etiullv
tjlji no'ities thH people of ibis Jl-ro'
satu vicinity tnst he has rented
li.e rir.ck r.fli -e, j.t l)r. I.u twin's, where he
uren on Fri.iay a School for instruction in
both Plaifi mel Oi rwr: Pivnl rr.M vsoir.
He roiirjvi-s t tint Ins pnrt eonsisls in
tt-achiii); h f I tin. comnion-ensa, bu-oiuits
i hiUtd-writing, and ihi he pit.-dges biiiix-ll'
to do to i in- jHti-'itc i n oi those whoni.ike
the elf:rt to l.-nrn.
Room rien from 2 to 4. P. M., and in
the eve-i .n?, to that fcip;! can atlttnd when
moM totivcuien'. Those residing at a dis-
j tance can improve in wr.ung by coming to
town at;. practicing f ur or five days.
For er;r. (lecin ens, and recommend-ation-i,
anpiy to me al Ihe writing room or
at Khne' horel. d. SHELP.
Levi isburg, N iv. 20. 1819
ENGLISH aud Gernwo Ai.sjahaus fbr
-tle by It; Lawshe
4 NEW BUGGEY for sale, cheap. For
l further particulars, enquire at this
Lewishurg, Nov. 7, 1849
nRESH Corn-Meal for sale bv
i l 31
I G Lawshe
Koa! lEsiate.
A Slarket Street House, She), and Lot
P!IAT valuable properly on Market Si.
J opposite Cook's l.'oach Shop. 7'he
Houe is a two-storey Frame, SO j i
by 30 the Shop two-atorey, SO by if
37, includiug a Woodhouje on thj JJIj;?
6 rat floor. A small Siatile aicllnt I
.pple, Peach. Plum snd Cherry tree Ae on the
bl and good Water on Ihe adjact-w lot. .
I' will be sold oo reasonable terms paymor.t
made easy. - If not sold by the 1st of January, it
will be otiVred for rent from Ihe la of April im'h.
Inquire of tbs eubfcnher on the premiae. j
Lewisbntg, Nov. SO, 1819 6wl(l
IS hereby eiven lo James flurri-. Martha
Harris, Laird Howard, DaviJ Howard.
Ttiomas Howard, Harriett, iieermnrried
with Dr. Thomas Vanva'zah, Ann, inter
married with William Wilson, June, inter
married with Joseph Green, heirs and
legal representative of VV'illiax L. H.r
a:a, late of Union county, Pennsylvania,
deceased, that in pursunoce of a writ of
partition and valuation iued out of the
Orphans Count of Mercer county, lhat an
Inquest will be held on Unu.-uion Lot No.
7 JO, of 300 aenvt. in n.e 4th District of
Donation Land in Mercer county, on the
12'h day of Dec-oiiK r to t, nt which time
you may a'tend ii ! proper.
JWIKS M'KEAN. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oirice.
i Mercer, Pa., Nov. 12, 1849
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of tbe 0;!ir
Court of Union cmioiy.w ill beei.o-.
to public sale -on THPa-O AT the Nth D r.
aeil.thr onditided 4to-lreiflhe of a reruia iu.
euage aad tract of land aitaiteil in VVc Bull.lo
towoahip. boanded by land f Pettw HUM. Jr .
Rubert Mackry, Philip Kubl aod othrra. cunlain
ing tl acre and l!lO perches, about BA
acres cleaicd, and on which are etected ' -hiskteg
Houm snd Barn, with a apring of ,ur
"m it the door, snd other improvement.
' Sale to rommence al 10 o'clock, A-.M., bin
term of tale will be made known by
Citardian of CaUiafiua and Prucilla Lull.
ALSO, at the same lime and pine, ilt
interest of tbe temaining owt r4 of. the lUn
tract uf land will b- iolj. am? term :.ad lnj,i
by SAM!. HI. E'.Vl NG.
A gen I of the IT. its of LTi-ibrth I.u z dee'd.
Aov. 20, 1819 ...
FOR s4Li:lDblic or 1'ilvHte.
ritllK iubscrilier will expose to puuhe "-;t!e
f (tf not before rlt!iened o'.' privnte'y ) on
I uesdav, 2oth Dec. next,
at 10 o'c!iek, A.M., tbe premi-es now oc
cupied by him. on nnr.h Fiurth street, or.
square from the Main street, n.arker! on'thi
Townriotas HAL.r uui on
which ii a two-storey F ramc Arjr&
Houmi. 34 feet fionl bv 2 deer-, fc&ft
(part of which is nd for a Hat hp aiy
and will suit lor any Etna m unite or
Shop.) slo a huge Stable, a Woodhxd, Ho?
Stable, snd stl necessary outbuilduiga, with a
never-failing Well of good waiei snd a Pump ii
ths back building and a CiMein aod Pump in the
yard. An indisputable till, snd poateasion gi?ea
on Ihe 1st of April, 1950.
Also offered as above. LOT No. 277.
unimproved, lying immediately back of the fore
going, and framing on Fifth street.
- Persona wishing can iew the property al any
time. Trrme further aecified on th J of -ale.
Lesri.botg. .Nov.' I. 1M9
For Sale Cteap.
,1 FL'LL Lot. on N nh Fnr!h S t e;
iVi hich is a two'stcrey
Fran-e H-ns. 10 by 33 lee-, j3Tjj&
wi'h a n.iod CV'lar under it a ''Hifr
Frame Stable. 16 b i'J an ou.ia,
Kitchen, and other cut Ixiiliiins ri'.w
OCt Ul it d by Geofcp Fkfas. ! qn:. rX
... Ii VVU REULIl, A-;.-,
urtr, c-i. al, 143
Rouses Small "Jarni
IOii S l.K I he kurwciiier if. r l. i
hme in lh B r'igh o I.!-.'
situated nt the ttitt riectioii o. St. Anth'.ny
and F.iur h sireis on the iuuiii ru-.-l
h-adiii irotn Ptnta'telphia t' Pi:t-.bn'4
and Kr'o.'- The dellin-li;u-ie if a l-ot
two s'ory frame, wi'h a new I'reme b--tu
nnd otS-r tiec""ry cu'buil 'na 'i
l.imi ct iiioie- 5 Acre auil 66 pervben,
hM in a h'h stine of cultivation- Tht:i"
te a var't-tv of el.oice Fruit Trees en tht
t!:i:-c i'i.Ho 1 iicvr-lVt itii: well of watt-r
It is well sit'iiited for putihc I u.siiit'M el'
snv kinri tha l.ind will sur't' -rt a Mnn.'f
I's.Ttdv. or can lie laid out ii-tu vi'mj". I.u..
,JLew'j.hrirg. Oct. fi 1843
Iurreiiein iz'Reduclvm tv clubt.
1)1:TK!IS()S M GAZIM. or'u'iM
Xuriaaiil, edited by Ann S S.eplioi,
and C J i'eterMji'. Prow-clu for 1650
For 1S5H ' "be sitS-tfrrher, anxinu to
introilttee th-- Ladiex N.ifiunil Lito eierv
(nmilv in the Kniifd S'ati-,wi:l io.-rease i'
size end reduce iis prices to rinh-i..
Sae Iloi'iir The price ej rh'. Mi;.
aze it bu' '2 a a', or $1. less than th
other it Hiixn.K ; vhi the p;ts uuaiiiuu'--'
pronounce it sm cinpU:t as its more ct
ly eotemporari-s.
Increae i i fie, m .u'hiyJr- Al ett
I'i extra pitjtes will tie civef, -t?.-y n.r 'i
and 8om"iinen ii-l or t.le r-:i:iur N tl
pages of $i Mn'ZH. at a thitd price.
Further Improvemen's ! 4Vi;in'Ul. a't
audoniut lit) cosily M. z-4iuis,ilic Lve-'
National will add newstvles ol il'u'. n
in every walk of Pictor.a! art. . New ty m
haa been purchased. 'ITie Jauuar X J.
be nneqtialed in beauty with an illumina
ted title paje, printed in seven colors, uc )
ground of gold.
. Cininent Li'ernry Writers. The literary
contents ol the Ladies'Ntional are entirely
by American authors. The best write"
are uniformly employed. No, Iranslntinn
from immoral French author ahull d'-ril
its pages. Oar aim is to instruct as wt.il
as lo amuse.
Fashions ahe.id of all others .' This Mi-
i onzine has afwavs been the best stitde lor
tne raslnonM.wnicn are sclecteo.eneravni.
and colored lor us a month ahead of ''
rivals. To each plate is added a fu-t ieu-t
press description, besides inflirmation u
all the iatel stj les.
R'st Ltdies' M itfazine As its rnce
imports, this periodical is peculiarly a Ma
gazine for the sejt, and il H aIo,w hnt n-:
others are, thoroughfif Sationul. Tne
fcteneral aim uf its literature renders il
more American lhan auy rival., Month''
pages on Horticulture ; its illus'rated ar'i-
cle on Cinb'oi lery, Crotchet AVork, " J
Netting, in addi'ien to its colored Fashii a
Plates, make it unquestionably the best
Mipanne for Indies.
Nu worn-out English Plates 'Sevrnl
of our cnteinp'rane impose on their rea
lises with worn out Ciigu'sb pUies. which
they publish as original. We patron v
American art, n gnrdless ol the extra f
pense. Our series of rm zz-ifin's in a ,
lle ver inakes a more splendid pict.'ii''1
book lliun two $8 Annuals can furnish.
One copy pr annum S I Eight copies pran $j
Three copies 5 I Seventeen "
Five - , 7 50 I Forty three -
Tbs money at our risk, aad the tenor frankeJ
or post-paid. All the Matuine of a Hub
go- to one pfwt-lown, lo come within these term.
As a Premium lor procuring any of lb
above Clulis, a Inre and splendid enf;rsv
, . , ,ir. in narlor. an t
valued at a print store at $A. will be .
Or a bound volume for 191! Or an "Ao
nual of Plates" lor 1 Address.
. No. 9o. Cbeslnol Sirret, PhitwUpnt
N. B. A specimen copy sent if dt stf"1'