Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, November 14, 1849, Image 1

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" " - '..W" .i !-
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ajaaBnamBBBaafamr eBSsaVSBBSmeaaBBBsmmamwsw V Iff . . , . .
"SUi inicpcniicnt iamila yapcr---ocoo.co to Ncus. i!ci
' - VOL. VI., NO. 3:3-5293. ;
WEDNESDAY,' NOV. 14, .1849.
Tilt iLciclnburg Chrvuiclc :
rUfc.h.I Wednewlay Afternoons t lwifburg, should be in tlie Centre au) there they
Vuion county. Pennsv ivsnia. I, , . , - . . .
. , . . ' "ed ' M him just mode obtained in
Tbrms g2,0i) for n year, to lie paid in ; locating nnion.Bradforo.nnd Susquehanna
the first ha'l' year; 82,50, if payment ho whose Seats were fixed aside from the
not made within llw year ; single numbers, ctoire ol the (then) population, but nearly
3 cts. ' Subscriptions for six mon'hs or less ' . . , vr '
. .. 1 , ... . in the geographical centre- Now., no one
to be paid m advance. Discontinuances. . .
optional wiih the Publisher, except when , Contemplates their removal. -. But on the
arrearage are paid. , : . j other hand, in locating Columbia county.
Advertisements handsomely inserted at the superior sirenjrtli of Danville prevailed
30 cts. per equarc one week, 81,0 Ef a jo eing ,he seat 0f justice there, instead
month, 85,00 a year. A reduction of these r ., , . . ...
e x J i i . of the ceu tre of the county.. bo thai
rates for larger or longer aJvtints. ; . i '
Casual advertisements end Job work to,1"10'9 tne ,1,ir,y .vears' war UmU 'followed
be paid for when performed. ' J to get jus'tce done,' would to see ntio-
A!l cnmmunicatioiia by mail must c-nie .iher such unprofitable contest ! All the
post piid. accompanied by the address ofj,,' Suilivoii would not bgin to' pay
the writer, to receive at'eation. t , , r . '
O.nce.M-irket street between SecnnJ and ! ''e Mnse ' t,,e hM? of a er!y a8,!'v
Thiid. O. N. WoKDBtf , Publisher, i " "I1" matter before the LegUatun'.
It would em to lie nnh!u? nntiiv in hti.li
A Xevr Magazine. '
AVe insert fbelow) the ProspocttH for a
monthlj periodical,the public i'i ;n of which
i contemplated by a gentleman of this
IWiugh whose education, literary taste,
and general qoaliGcatious, appear to fit
him adinirably for the work proposed. We
understand it is to have no sectarian Lias
tir partisan bearing, but will be adapted to
t'ie wants and the feelinps of all who huve
entered upon the Ihrnshhold of active life.
Those wishing to aid in the issue of such
a work, can use the form of subscription
inserted at the bottom of this column. We
think it will receive good support in this
region, and wherever its Editor is known.
Sullivan County.
The Lycoming Gazette states that the
Cixiimirttioners appointed to re-locate the
county-seat of Sullivan, l:ave at last d cid d
i hat it may be removed to Sugar Hill in
Cherry Twp, and have assesed ihe dui
ges of abandoning Laporte at $4,000,
which the County has to my. Small as
this sum is when compared with the sums
e-xpended for Koads, Cuuit-llouse, Sec. for
County purposes exclusively, 3 el we doubt
if the Central, Western, Southern, and
Northern tax payers will allow themselves
to be fleeced out of lb.it sum to enrich a
fuw speculators in Cheny township. -11
be true that the County aeat is now on
jo ne one's land, if removed it will be on
some oihtr person's land unless indeed it ,
i-fixed on some ol those rocks for huh '
... . . ., . ;
i;ocrry is noted, sod even then it is proh-:
iible there would be 'land holders" all J
around it. It is true also that Cherry has ,
at present nearly half the population of the
county, and controls all its alfairs. . But '
in locating a county-seat, the first Cm
misiioners looked To the future as well as j
lo the present, nd wisely deciJ. d that as;
Devoted to the Social, Religious, and Lilerarj Interests of
Etouus 2&tunnU 2?ounjt ZLttijitf.
' EeF. II. HARBAUGII, Editor. ' V.i "'
Tut CpAntT will be published at ihe beginning of each month, in Lewisburg,
Vni.w county, Pennsylvania.. 11 ' ' ' " i .
it is to be devoted to the hiebeej interests of the young, nt that period of life which lies '
between youth end manhood. This is -he mo interesting and the most solemn period of human life.
It is the transition period, in which ibe young sus from tbe warm boom of the family into the
nuirn aruve duties and reaponsibilitiFs 01 life. Here the road of life forks many ways, and each
nl-ns wrta a anile to the yea tig traveler. H jbiu are now forming character is shaping and
maturing ; and the young spirit is rec-iviog that bias which generally determines its tendency,
' -t time and eternity. An education is now lo be received or ta be neglected a trade or prolee
ioa is lo be cbon new relations in lib are lo be formed. At ibwtims, too, religion urges its
rltinw with peealisr eerneatneaw, ssd a prafawion is near lo be made, or to be set aside perhaps
for life. Tbea, loo, come Ibe duties and trials of a young Christian. '8 jch are some of life's
"temnuiat which crowd into this great transition period of life.'" '
At this period, Tbe Guardian hopes to be useful to ihe young There is no perio
d.cl suiied lo tbe serious wants of this age. - Tbe light-reading, which so easily falls into the
Ituit of the youog by meaas of many of our City poblicauoas, gives a false col sting to life,
torn, iu earnest realities into romance, and lesves Muht, mo. bid i was, and diaappointment in its
fearful wake. By the aid of good writers, we will endaavor to adapt this m mthly to tbe highest
iMexrta of the young making it pore, fresh, healihy sad animjied as the morning of life in
which the young have taeir being. It will arge ibe claims of early piety, and eerk lo aid in
r.-aking it iaiUlUaeat. conn tent and Ineebjr. We will mske h a prominent point, to encourage
iUutture. or Uelf EdacaUoo among the yoong. We will aim at leading them lo habits of
:ii.'y and reading, and to tbe oeefut employment of leisure time. . To this end we will give, at
tir.iM, short Maarapbies of nam who became great aad osuful by a coarse of persevering Serf Edu
rna, hoping Utie way lo incite tlie young to imitate their eiample. ' ' -
It is believed and hoped that a periodical such as this will be eminently useful.
We rater, ibareibrr, in faiib up mi this enterprise of doing good, md rrspectfally and earaeally
k the CMintenanee soj eo operauoo, not only of Yeang Men and Young Ladies, bet of Pastor e,
rin-tiu, Guardians, end all who love to do good. . ,. ., f ,,
The Guardian will be of the size ef monthlies generally. It will be neatly printed,
on good paper, in double-column pesos, with new and mjiforia type purchased, by. the primer,
. rprearfy fortbst purpose. Each Nat will has an ornamental cover and title-page, and 21 pages
"f reading matter, making a handsome volume at the end of each year. No mooey for aubacrip
'' will be iaceil, by Ibe Publisher, until the 1st Ns. is issued, which, if a sufficient nuaiber
'taubaeribem is received, will be on tbe let of Jsn. 1850. Address Rev. H. H leasees, Leulii-
burg, Viaon Co., Fa. ' : . . , ,
.. ,;; terms. - - . .
. . One copy for one year (lo be paid within three month) $1 00 . ,
To pcrrKU who will aid in getting oubscribera, we eller ihe following inducements :
1.' Any one who eenda S sabeetibera with $5 esh, shall receive one copy gratis. 1
' i Twelve cefHse will be sent to one Past-OJfiee fur $10 00 ( cash invariably
S. Twenty-five do do do 20 00 in auvince. '
the o:her ports of the count y would be set
i lied as ttt'tl as Chcrrv, the county scat
- , i
this pity strife byconfirming the Seat at
the geographical centre where it was first
The M'incy Luminary says the new site
tor the 8 at of Justii-e U " near widow
Fiiirchild's, on the Turnpike, in Cherry
Twp, and adds, " There are seven Town
ships in Sullivan, sis of ihem without doubt
opMsed to the new Joca-ion." The Dem
ocrat, of Bloom-ibure, says ''Hon. Sumuel
F. H-adey, it is said, owns the Real Es
tate" at tint proposed new site. .
By the WHy. the Whigs of Stiliivan
last election put in their man (Mr. Ed kins)
for County Treasurer and not only thut,
but i-pc:ed him over two opponents, each
of whom had almost ns many votes as he!
Whoop hurra ! what do the Whigs care
(or the loss of. the paltry office of Sia'e
Treasurer, when they have cainkii the
Treasuryship of Sullivan, which lnt year,
was marly two to one Democratic T
' For the Lcuktburg Chronicle.
Inscribed to Mrs. -.-.-,of WashiBgton.D.C.
Sweet are the pieturos ibal arise
From Memory's pencil bright,
Tinging Ibe put with gotd n Aye; '
And eparkling in flood of light. -,
- In life's meandering, chtnginj scene,
A word or Matlr u given. . '
That makra Ibe aVaart froh and) green
Creates on earth a heavtui. . i
' Tbae wonla, tliote smiles, I fei I Ibem here
Written on this throtibing hejru
- An4 auy Ibeu pieeuc$ mirrored near
frieudibiy divine iqipart.
-. - I 7 ' ';, ;
I write not lit honor or fame ' -.
WiUi their tinsel garbs so gay.
But from a leeling pure in name,
, A tribute of duly to pay. '
I pray thee to cherub lhi Ny
As frail the ea of a friend,
Whale'ei these feeble lines raiy soy
Which tbus I gratefully eenX CARL,
r r : ., i i,..' r... c. ..: i r
- ... ., ,
cun " do tetter than the a bove. L-u
The Washi.ngtonuns. Mr. Jilin W.
Hawkins contradicts thru' Zi n's Herald
the report that sot of the original sit
Washintonians had returned to drinking
On of them is dead, the o'.hers are true
ttotalers. We ih us much could be
said ol nil their f. J lowers.
' (WPersons are somminies -Utl! d w ith
kindness" or undue familiarity. Tim good
lady who when "her old innn" luy ensping
for breath, "just took hold o( his nw ami
gently press-.-d his nostrils shu'.anu he di-rl
to easily !" is n notable iust nice of tlie for
mer nnd the cotemporary wht say of 11
clergyman prosecuting his Mnsier's work,
" Charley it a cheer little mi'i," ii mn
example of the latter mode of uub'Mma'e
friendliness. The old F.r.0'iish Pud says
with much propriciy
The man who hil yu Tom or Ja-k.
And prove by (hum; in your buk
How he es'eems your iiiorit,
Melhinks fuch frin l ina.-t snre!y need
He very much a frirnj in leeil.
For you lo calmly be il."'
Got tbe Wrong Boots I
OR THE LAWYER, AND St'KOP M X. i lawyer. and it was not tiii dinner tirwe.whfn
! he and in vseff were seitr.l at the iul.if,ll.-i'
The R..z .r Strop m.in sloped at .1 tnv- gt.cr., ofour wri(, mirtuk were
crn in a Southern city.and the hous- bfing !(lct(.d The ru,h ,.,, awypr jn
very much crowded w itb company he wasL. ,, oJm ;,, t!l morll;2, kad
obliged to s.rp wi;h a fawyer.nlbr-il it was Ml accm,nti)
rather warm weather for the game of two f (f , v iutoh,s ppB;
in a bed." Whai with hard f-.nUers.-i ii.cf
tint; atmosphere, a:id miiuusof bi.zzliii,
" ' " "
token of approach etc they were on the
floor busily engaged in iiPiriri thenis -Ives,
although it wa8scur.:ely liht en- uh for
them to distinguish I heir articles -f die-,
"Well," said the Strop man. in telling
the story in bis comical way, "you see tin
lawyer got di eased first and went 'down
stairs, and, as m'ar as I can jude, look a
glass ofsorncthinj or other at the bar. and
then toddled into the street. "Well, as flT
myself.l bid not feel ns lively as 1 genei.-il-
.y no. so i iook my tune ana t.xcn my sen
leisurHy un'i! daylight bad fairly m t .n,
when I walked dow n into .he bar roon.,it.d
not thinking of anything in p.irtieii'dr.louiid
mys. ll in a lew moments lean!..' over the
baran-1 staring riht into the face of the
bar keper. 1 looked so wishfully, that he
rtftMray91ltp0,-l t weulftd Urn,
and so says he, 'haiM it be, SL: Stnith !
" U hat'll .-! be?" asked I. .
" Why, wlialM you bsve iu your lick
erT sa ) he.
"'Well, I guess I st.all take p'zni, if I
take any at nil,' said I.
"'You needn't lw .o t.iuc-hy about i','
says he, looking just as blue as an i.i
d'go hag. 'if you dui.'i want the l ipc r you
needi.'i drink it. I Ahouldu't have ask: d '
you to lake anything if you hadn't lu.,ke
like a man that wanted a horn l.ke all pus
seised, and you darseiit say so fur, fear
of the growlers '
Well, I did not kn v.v wh il to sy to
the chap, for I cou'd account myself for
my g-'ingso straight up lo the bar, when
i'. was my usual t utom to give it a wide
berth. However, I wai'ej very pi
tiently un'il breakfast ti.-ne. and kept
consoling myself with the thought that the
bar-keeper was a tlackguard.aiid.kn i ing
that 1 was a teetotaler.wimted toinsu'i ine.
As soon as breakfast was over, 1 took my
baskets ol strops on my arm, and went to
! the Square in front of the Court House.
and soon had big a crowd around me as
usual. I began to harangue the boys on
the wonderful prcpcr.sit-cs of my Strop,
but somehow or other I got a m-w lot ol
words that 1 had never u;-td before, and ev
ery now and then I'd come up kerchunk
against a lung outlandish phrase which
would set Ihe p ople to laughi" like go..d
fellows. 'Here, said I, isa strop, gentle
men, which will give the fineal anfT"st
edge to your habeas corpus, to gf 're
zor or knile it will give a smooth iims.
nd prevent all datnatrts to the cheek or
chin. No one who ever buys my strop,
gentlemen, will ever enter a complaint, or
become non suite J, or can pros cute hi
business without being liable to a uo.iros.j
and, g ntlcmen of the jury, the price iswu.'
ly 25 cts and rosf.
"The more I talked, the more the people
laughed ; and, to tell the truth, 1 had to
laugh myself at my own rigmarole. At
last I gave it up as a bad job, and told the
crowd that I sholdn't m II any more strops
for that day. So I put up my haskrt in a
neighboring barber shop for bHi'e keeping,
and then took a stroll through the town,
and by and by I got opposite ' ihe Court
House again, and hearing man putting
it pretty hard to the 'Gentlemen of Ihe Ju
ry,' 1 iho't I'd go in and see the fan. U hen
I got into tbe Court Room, who should 1
see but my old bed fellow,the lawyer! and
the way be was laying down law was' A
caution. He seemed to be in as bad a boi
as I was a little while before; and every
once in a while wouij drug iu soir.ethiog
about my razor strops. - : ,m
'Gentlenicn of I ho Jury,' said te,?'ie
is evidt-mly a vrry v M iZ r I "eg nrl-
oti a verv dull fne. und i"V cl-cn!, t;e
plaintill. hud Ixeti bullv 'if( by ' the
barber I inenn the dieuilint. Gerrle
ini'n, the 1I1 tV-nd int's li s 1 d.-cirt;i'ly toby
tits;e, niiti lio rkvi'nrs t.i he thoronhiy
lalhrrr-l by this hon-rui'- J ry. f r pre.
sUT.lug to ti'ip I rr.ran t. 4ntr 'hi1
is to ny che.it and d- f aund my -,. ni th
plaint IT ; and I trmt thai hi bar-bar ors
conduct wLI lie so ntanite-ted ttiut he wii.
u- hotitr, by th's llonorube Court to tin
lull c.xifiii of the la-.' ' -. - ,
"As you wi I iinag'iiei such , n.ess o!
J razor fctn-p loyic set the whole cojrt 111 n
I uproar; jude, jury, client, iJelendiiui and
spectators lnuh.-r louil and Ion" nt liieap.
p:ir ritly drn::keii lianiiue. of llie poor
wbi'e I, of necessity jiut on Ait boots.
which explains mv
u-in those outlandish
i not. p'nt. ivc. as may u so tny uiiaccouu-
lable drawiu to li.e bar in the morning.
YouM never cst.'h ihe 11 igiirSip man
pu'linj on a lawyer's much less a drink
ing lawver's ioo's aain !
FromUa IJoneljlo XcinMrul.
Mr. Penuimaii:- At the recen' Fair of
the Wayne County A::r;cu!lur;il Sorie ya
preir.iu.o was awar-ie.J me for the produc
tion of one hundred and twenty -four bushels
r!lne:,,d C(,rll li,0,t a pIuw of .,n , m.a.
8Urini! ,wtlve ,di Hi,e bv thirieen rods
nnd seve ,.t A tMs pro,vt,,
I is qlli,,rrx'raorJ,n irv , I desiro to state, to
,ho fi, ,,r0-,er ri,iz n, ,,f the e ntity
' ho Hfe j ; ,ricu,lm. . theprwrss
by which it was procured
lo Ifovcmtjcr l.rsT,T'brolfe np a p'ece
of tiinotfiy and clover sod. As early in
the spring as the roiml was settled and
dried I harrowed it lioroiihly k-ngihwise
of tlie furrow ; then s;rend i ll lorty I-Kids
of wi ll rot'ed m inure, cros---ptote:J ir and
harrowed it again, ri lled it I h'ee feel aj-nrl
on the 5Jl h of M ly, and planted ih(? white
J.;w itt corn in b I's three ( t niarl e.-r-h
way, pulling from four to -ix kernels in
each hl!i : plowel, h:nn niel leastercu
twice ; plowed the thiid titn-! wilhout hoc
insf. '
It is proper fr me to s'ate, wh.it .i'i
per-ons wh.iarn fumiliir w Hi n-rii:u'tura:
pursuits would inter lir tliemsi-lves, tii h
the corn, nt Ihe time w hen m"iisured. was
not stfii ;icntly dry to be inercanta'ule.
I may also add, that had not ihe p.s sea-
son been uncommonly dry the elosene.ss
of hills and the mii-iplici'y i.f the stalks
would probably hive proved a serious de
triment to the crop.
Joiiw P. D.tnLiNC, Cherry Ridge.
From the Ripm-t J the Xutq r'o f uir.
Premium for the best crop of Corn, to
Martin L.Catlin of Bndgewnier Products
1 15 bushels and 22 quarts p-r acre. The
ground wa gieenswurd, covered with 40
loads of fine bin il yard manure In the acre,
turned under iu ihe fall from 6 to 8 inches
deep, and lay under about ten day s before
planting, then dragged thoroughly and
cross ploughed, then dragoed well again
and marked into rows, ihrre feet es.-h
way, p'an'ed with corn, roll- d in plaster,
from five to six kerneis in a hil', plastered
well after first and second houitig. ploughed
and hoed but twice during the season.
Martin L. Catlin also raised of thu large
Outlon 'i'i rowed Cornill bushels and
G ijuarts to the acre.
. Thomas Rogers of Silver Lake raised
from the acre, 07 bushels and 13 quarts
ot Corn. E.' M. B'andiug of Hartiord,
raised fc6 bi'-hels and 3 pecks to the acre.
Ansel Hill Esq. .'of1 Silver Lke, produced
.1 s'a'enietit of, corn raised by his son,
Miclme.l Hill, of the same tow nship, which
vie'.dcd at the rate of 103 bushels to the
acre. v
Miss Ssrah WalUerexhibfted some corn
raised (torn seed which was taken, by
Lieut. Lynch, from the hands of a mum
-my 3000 years old. . ; ' '
Three hundred and seventy Portuguese
refuo.ees.wbo have been sojourning in New
Yoik, left thai city a tew dnys wpce for II-
linoia, where aeltlemcnl bei been provi.
ded for'them.'-" , . f v . : , i
. .-- , : ' '
We s' it slated that Mrs. SigoUrney,
itio poetess,' reived two' premiums at the
late fir of thY I!arurtHlV the
beat i toeMo " ? ? " '
SUN D AY-S C 1100 LS.
K S.itid iy-school in Pi.il .d'a having
rr.nds their IVstor ani ttv- C iVcrnor iil'the
Stale Life 'M-nibt-rs of the "AM .S.f.l nioi ,
His Ex. the 5'v. in nacrutj. lueiim-!i-ineui
pays the fi!wiu j isl tubule lo t S
ciioit un i drsins :J
Jlxtculitc Vhumher,
n.-irrUI.urtt. I'a-, July . 1813.
Rev.T L.!l,nmicr My f)r-af Jsir: I have
1 rci-viil your kind le ti', coiiunutiii-Htiiij;
he jjralify-n fact, lint ti e Sunday -rli 10I
ol lb.; First I!.iptist cliurcl', Wot Plvl ifi-.
(jliia, hive procur d for m' a Life f i'o.-
iMrrship in
tlie Aiiitiirau tuudav School' . , i , , t. f .
iha,-iy U.in'iry , bssnreJy woiaiy in a
. it.!S actot cenrrous im, I Mutl !
eve- cherish and rcueuiis r, un l V"
rr,. ... ... a,.ii
particu:arly s , us-hiiii the uin x,.i c.eO.
md Vi,lm,:ary acl.i.ii it ii."e who cn
hive no tiiijiure m.!;vrs,'iiine thouhto
like tliemsi-lves.parlaii.- Iu;t,e'y ol thu k
d. mi of Heaven. -,
In early li!e it wis my firli-na-e I 1 1
beeom.? n schol.ir.aud s i!i-c -itntly a Ii-l'!
i r, in a S juj iv s -hool. 'Vu inipn's-i.'jis !
there received o: the vt' n:iij in.p-irtunc I
id-Scripture leerninV, hWse inert ased hi
l worldtv tniu'i e. in tne mi'H' hi inw si-ri.s
aJiiiS, or in the turmoils of poliiieal st.i'e, I ,
the g xid m.n finds in his Bibfe a coav I,. K,nV b (j ,aj)(M, iaf Hdvrst k-4 m
lion and con'i u' incut th ii tlie unlearned j ,.u.( r 1Si,rp B,, ,,. art.use her to oj.p-.se
its holy tea.-U ngscan not possess. 1 . t!.ejiie fMa, s,f((be n:m,.d at her ser. I fe, to
diy ofour tribulation, wh.-iM.ic eP,:.i.; her t.i repul-e the tyrannie.il assault
thoughts, purposes, and design of i.un..iii- of tJie un(.ra,efu J ,,jU ,,r accept
ity are clo-hg - the ancl of death tadj !,, ,rtf.?lR for .fl h.-nnr, a:.d li s. r'y,
ready to u,h. r ib'a spirit ii.Ui the sp r t- f(r,,.d tipJ , ,.r A,j ,K. has nobly fought
land, it is then the di vout reader and !'ol j lh.,t hv iultt(. ;., htch with the aid ol
lower of I he U.ble precepts triumphs in ihe
calmness of his death, tind.ir a Messed h-Spe !
of a bright luturi'y ; wliile the i n n oruw-n!
writhes in Hi' tilal ajroiiy over the d.aih s
and shaio of an ute it ;n I si .y. , J
The Alwtility Fa' her tonlinel tip..n
his rebellious cl.il.ireii o j;n ater i,le.-sii
than the hr!y Scripture and ti an can l.r
i im love J in n' hi.bernr holier .1 iiv, than I
in their tiiitribu'ioH arid Hath'tn" to fcis'
1 ilCl
eit. wi n cri-nt riVasmc tde pri-i
1 , ' .
lion nsif;ncd lo me by tl-e.kindut-ss of my
younir friends : and shull f-l oMied lv
ibe coninruiricition nl s-.eh ni .-ej taie-e tij
ihem. Vritli -si in itn- n's of sincere reyird.
I it-main iwh-i truly yoi rs, I
Wim.uh F. JolfisTOV. l
A llO'J VOZt GO-iP&.
The i.illowin airagrai)li whic.i v.e find
(h ating in the iiewst-sper-, lav s it on tl.e
liofsip j.ist as tley (irtei te. Jf il liojl
ca'i h ;l e eye of any otiC who is in thu ba-
jl.it ..f s atid ring, and pedd In 4 rvd reports
, alj.iut, l.-t 1'ie.ii rt n i this and metid lh ir
w.-us. Thrie are seme w'm jiness great
'piety and iiiHict:ice who would do well to
relied in li.e slut, mint given.
'The alanderuus woman poisons ihe at
mosphere of an entire neifrhbt rhooil, anJ
blants the saii.-tity of a thou-iand homes
with a single breath. From a woir.au of
j this e!,ii uo,huio is sacred ; she fnttr ns 011 !
cHljmtiy.nrd ii(Mn slaughtered reputations.
She is the Ghoil of lstern .'rry yniiler-i
red from the Arabian Nights to ihe ct-cle !
of lb- fiie-side. She never asserts ant thing
--she merely hints, end supposes.and whis
..k.uik.,. l?.,...i .o;.,i.t. !
hood in the eity ia infected with some crea
ture of this sort, and in country towns t!iey
very ofien are afll cted wi'h two . or thr'-
ol these Ghoal w.imen. Oue is enough to
set a hundred families b7 the ears. two c ii
break op a church, Ihree are sufik-ieut iir
any kind ol mischief, from the separ itiiu
of the husband from his wile, lo b'astm
the fame of an innocent girl. A pure wo
man is simply an nnel emliodied in humni.
shaj e-a slanderous woman is something
worse Ihnn the Cholera certainly 7 as iu
fectious as the yellow fever." ' '
Theie is more truth than poetry in the
above. Puss it around. Piest-rve il, and
whenever you hear one of those veteran
gossips,with a furtive smile.heginning their
"they say? read the above aloud. Unhap
pily there are male as well as lemale go,
sips ; but.witb a little alterations the above
"blessing" will apply to both.
The Pittsburg Gazette says, thut within
a few days il has received payment from
two old . persons subscribers that 1 ot
one being for his fifty-first year, and the
other for his fiftieth. They invariably
paid in advance." ' ' ' . -
; Mrs, Lydia Jane Pierson, the poetess,
is shortly to become one of ihe editors ol
the Gazette and Farmer, at Lancaster.
D misl Weiwier was the ninth child of a
family of ten, of oich he is the o-.ly one
j tu the Ed-jr of the Lewubitrg C'tronlcU :
I 1 be i.et-er fioin ih anhte Kossut 1. Is'e the
I r:nrn.r of Hungary, t Iird PaIwksstos,
Mini'ter f Forei-n AiTiirs forOreit BrMjirv
s pro luction hrntliing t'ie el 'rj'n-nfe- of agnny
in pr wprc t of a c!i i- e bt eemi Jih and diJw
ni r. We may ho,w the iiei-eily of 1 i her will
be atertrd. Hu IrtUT is w.irihy of rc pub ration
in every 1 ., irt the UuJ, si.d we hhould
be gratified to ate it in your. .
W:ddi, (Turkey 0 ?e-.t. 2.
Y -nr Kxccileucy is, no d..uht, already
"iinfoimed of 11 fall of iV country un-
i hi r !''. I' ' s r'" promoted by tr
oUUntdt.Ti 0r ,he m,nUl.otu views ol
(i,..iri . j, Wf,, not H iev,.!U i..nary b an-
in, which inHocwl my native emuiry to
arc.t.the moral s'r'.'jru'e maintainrd so
!oii us'a, nod br j'i by nefarious m
to -so t'foiiuiin;e an end.
lliinairy bus .d-s- rvt.l fron; l.cr Km;
the hitrtriea' epi-h'i f '-ener.-us na'ior,'
for s'm. tiuter a i lows hers 'If lo lie siirpa-ci!
in hyt liy ar.d fiiitliful adherent' to h-r
s.vre.jii bv ni.v nation in tte v-orll-
rtng lyjt ,,.,,,., treachery.
, .i.. i . r i .......
Ullll iir 1 III 11 li-i iiT.,,
r.o'Wm-' hut tin m-'nul dum of niinihila-
on to ln-r national iit n -e, pieered
. ,n.,,y' (', s'.: .u,' prevailed ap-iinw
u( .- w j
we cr -sl.t tj to ti c .ir:h,
.-tthij fir it, e- ' -i -he;t at:'.ck-'d by tl:e
ti n ; ,v .. uir i-l
ilW,:r.: ollr h n ; (;... -n I in nr lere.
I.---.,-. i .
my l-rd, in the c-iwr-ns leeimg l your
Kreat nn l "torious nari-.n. ine n inir-.i sup. i
j poMi of isiicr and hunisiutv through. iut '
j t'se w orld I? it this is over : hat l runny j
h"gm, his !;e'.-n bv trci-h"ry coni-tiidi d ;
on nil s-iJes ulianil ud, mv poor country
.. . , . - , , .
has la.len, not thr .u''i the ov.-rw In imi:ii-
; power of two ure.t (Or pins, but by the
I faults, and I mav sy the tretson, of her
' own s ns.
To th"se utrin d ever', ! pray fl.vl
'hat my unhappy c ein'ry inny be the only
sacriti.v, and lint the true ri'er' ts of
pr-TrT1, fieedom and civil ziiiui ilimu.rbout
the world may not be involved in our
iniiiapuv fa'i.
. Mr. . Fran-'is Pulaski, our d'pToirvis
a?ent ii; London .has reaeived .im.i'e iL'tr
uiation as lo 1 h- canst of. this su.il 11 au I
n'ooke '-ir chirte in the sSsirs oi Hoi-1
sarv, and is insirocted lo coirnnutic 'e it
to your Excellency 1 i! you ero graeiouxly
j pleased tv receive llm f.ne. It is not
1 fin't.i.,! ft Ailrr.S ,ti..' utl iitrrllM.I
at tho bauds if every Ili-n-ari.in.. but a
tru eorivioiirin wliich makes me sav, lliat l
vn Austria bits 1 wt f.r m re by her vic
tory, gained Ihrv' Kissian aid, than .!
wou 'e ,-t '" ,,,,"J " , al lM,mn
''norab'e arranemuit. Fa I en fr. m her
P'!si:i"n r " Srst.raie p--.er. she hnnow
i - r'' her s If-consi.m-y . and hi stink
'0" ,',e obedient in,ii....ent ..f Rusiat.
auib'tion and of It sian rominawis.
Ii-Ksiii only has pained in this sanguin-
try game ; she has extended and strength. 1
ei.ed her inflaen.-e in ihe east of Europe.
. tj threatens already, in a fearful in in-n-r,
with nu'stretchir.g urms, not only the
m'er'iy, but the moral basis, of the Turk
sli Empire.
Vav il plee you. .my Lird, to cninm i
nic.tie to your Excellency a most' revolting
ci'iiditiin which the Turkish Gjveriunri.',
at the suggestion ol Russia, is about to im
jiosp um ii us, poor hmnpless exiles.
I, the (J over nor of unhappy Hungary,
nfter having. I beljeve.as a good citiz -n and
honest man, fulfilled to the lat my duties to
my co'jntrv, had no choice left me bet worn
the repose of ihe grave and the inexpressi
ble angui:-h of expatriation.
Many of my brethren in misfortune had
preceded me on the Turkish leiritory. I
followed thither in the hone that I should
be permitted to pass lo England.aed there,
under the protection ol the English people
a protection never yel denied 10 persecu
ted man allowed to repose for a. while
my wearied head on the hospitable shore
of your happy island. " '
But even with fhese views I woi.-ld rather
have surrendered myself to my deadliest
enemy than to cause any difficulties to the
Turkish Government, whose situation 1
well knew how to apprcciatc.and therefore
did not intrudo on ibe Turkish territories
without previously iniu ring whether 1 atid
my C'linpaninni in misfortune would be t'"- -willingly
received and ibe protection) o( tb) ' ' '
S-jhan granted us. We received the ssur
rai:ce that w were welcome pies's, nri'F
shou'J er-joy the full protection of his Mij
esty the P..d;s'ij,w h.i would wther sacr.fiou
50,03i.i men of his own suhj,ct9,than a'lo
cne hair ofour heads to be injured. '
It was o- Iv up-n this assurance tfiat w : '
pissed into the Turkish territory, and c-'', ' ,
cording to th generous assurance we
were p-enved and tended on our journey,'
received in Wi.ldeu as the Sultan's guests,
md treated hospit .My during four weeks, ;
while waiting fr-'m Consfantinipla fu'ther
orders to the c-ntiou ition ol our sa J j ur
ney to some dis'ant shore. '
Even the A;iibjsjad rs of EnlanJ snJ
Fran;e, lo !io:n I venture in the name of
f humanity to appeal, were so kind as to" '
assure ne .-fth.ir full sympathy. .' " ' '
lbs Maj -j-ly, the Sultan, was also so " '
gracious as to give a decided negative to !
ihe iuhumtn preteniii of onr extraditior ' 1 '
deman.lcd by R isji.t and Ausrris..- '
L?ut a fresh letter fiom bis M-ijesty the -
Cz.ir arrived in Constantinople, and ' its ' '
cimsecpience was the s-igestion sent to o-"
by an express nvissener of the Turkish)
(jovrrnmet.t, that tlie Poles and Hongs--
rlans, and in" particular myelf, Conot
Casim'r,' B.ithiany, M;ni-ler of Foreign ..V
Affairs i;f Hungary under n:y Governmenl,-
:nd the Gencrais Messaros and Perm'(a'l
present here) would be surrenderd unless
we choose !o abjure the faith of our fore- .
fathers in the nhgion of Christ and be. '.
ccme ilussulnr.e j. A nd thus 5,00CChrittian -
are placed in this terrible hltern8tive,eiiherr
of facing ibes.-a.Told or purchasing their., ',
lives by nband-jtiiog their faith- , low i -
already fatlen the ' once1 mighty Turkey '
that ahi c.in d.-vise'no other' means,?o "
answer or evsde Ihe demands of Russia.
. , . " ' w
Words fail meto- qonhry these aston-
iMng suesi.oac' sucn sj peyor uavej
rr-s-ii ni.uu yn n.,iu ..'-, yum uij. si."!
fr us n ition, and eonid Hardly. paer
expected iu the nineteenth etury;
My answer does aof a linit of hesit tioo i
Butwen d'-ath ao 1 s'arae. the choice can
neither be dubious or d fficuU.. Governor .
of II mgarv, and elected to lhat high place- ' ,
by the confidence of fifteen mi 'lions of nay f '
countrymen, I know w II w hat owe IO . "
the honor l my eouniry, even in ekle.
Kren a i.ivte individual 1 have , an', ,
hot'cr.!1!1" path t: '..or uea Once Gover.
ner l a r't r- s jountry, ! have no beav;
i'ae t.' my iliii.l'tm they shall, at leas,'
bejr an tmsulii.d name. Gxi's wili be
.looe. I .r prepared to die ; but as I .
th nk 1 his nieasut rti-h norable and iojuv
rlotis to Turkey, wh io'erest I sinoertty
tiJve at heart, and as I feel if a duty to m
sava my coiopjin ins 111 exile,
if I
from a degrading alternative,! have replied
to in Grand Vixier in a conciliatory man.;
ner, and taken also the liberty b apply lo
S'r S rnifiud C'hantiinj an I Gen. Aupich
i'or their generous aid against this tyrannic
act. 1 1 full rbli.iuce oo ihe noble senti
ments nn l generous principles of your et
cellency, by which, a well as through
your wisdom, you have secured the esteem
ol the civiiu-d world. I trust to be excused
10 inclosing copies of my two letters lothe
Grand Vizier and Sir Stratford C banning.
( am iiiformcd thst tbe whole matter is
n ci'jnl against the ministry : of KescheJ
4'ashs, whosu eucm'rs would wish to force
bin to mr ea'raditioD in o:Jv;r to I jwetit
in pnh'it: es'imairtt.sad renter imptssib'si
its continuance in offi . I: is certain that
in the grand emincil ' held on the thh arif
10th of September, after a tn.nuhuoos dt'
bate, the majority of the council declared
in favor nt our e.ira;uion ; the majority
f the M riistrj agiinst it. No decision
wascn.r.n lo in consequence of ibe alter
cati'in which took place ; but notwitbstsftj
in, tbe Ministry thought fit to m ike us
the revolting snggt stion I have uanu'.t. "
This mode of solving tho d.ffiulty
would not, am convinced, ssve lite uu'n
istry. because a" protection only given, in
contradiction of the Sultan's generous feel
ing, at the price of 5000 Cbrista;ns aban
doning their faith, would l revolting to
the whole Chris' a in world, and previa
hardly calculated to win sympathy for
Turkey in tha event of war with Kussis,
which, in lh opinion of the most experi.'
enced Turkish Si-fesmea, i approaching
fist. - ''
As to my native eountry, Turkey dv,
I believe, alreidy leel the loos of 'the neg
lected opportunity ol1 having giveri to Hun
garv nt least some moral help to enable it
to check the advance of the common en
emy. B;t it at pears lo mo that it would
bo a very ill' advised mid of gaining'
Hungarian ynipa:hy bj jenuii:g nta ''
.. . . .... -'
- i
. :
I ' 's' ' , "1