Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, November 07, 1849, Image 4

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    ii o r.i o Q o u s .
O may heart m tune be found
Like Daj's harp at olaui ouou,"
Ii one til" Watte rookt grand hymns- hut
ui ignorant chorister usee suggested to hi
psstor that be would improve" if tbua :
"O sy nT fcaerl ba tuned whbio
Like Davitl's aactcd violin !"
Eful the pastor proposed- to amend the
rwiidmt i t," ihu :'
-O ma; a heart jo duUW .tiJjT
l.ika uoclc David' (rest big fiouH-'"
The t horistcr hereupon sui!o.etel that it
might perhaps letter reiimiu una'trred !
Thia anecdote reminds us of the liitle
boy who was taken to a church in which
wa an orghn." Nw it happened that
the little chap had never heard an organ
except in connect ion with muale nr-frderiry
ar'reet-rinding vagihonds and motikey.
As i wa at the organ comim-no d, the boy
sorted up with (Might ;- he looked back to
the gallery';' he stretched his neck ; he go'
up on the cushion, and raised himelf to
hi very tallest. Ills moth, r beckoned hi it.
Ij be still, but he C6rfiinu.-d: to sz; aloft,
with straining ees. "Sit don !" com
manded bia mother. " O mu !" he cried,
ao loud at to be heard by all around, " I
w At to see fii M.Mrw!"
Pronunciation " Never chew your
word: Open yoar mulb and let the words
come out. A student once asked, Can
irchue,rortichud', giatichuds or qaieehode
dwell with that man who b a stranger to
rtnichude V "Erchnmge Paper.
Dirfyotf erer hear tell, neighbor, oftbc
Ctmnechticat botcherfly, which w the moJ
iK-auchifulcreachureevernachure projiieed
as it is ait Jttt 9"ch-d ! S. J'- Tri
bunt. ' ' - "
"9 bed" of oysters- forty miles hne bj
eight wide, has been discovered i the Hrit
lab channel fifty milea S.W.of Shon-ham.
(OrOne of those "oyeiers 40 miles long
by 8 iue," would be a hard to urallotr
as the story is. Perhaps the writer meant
to say ttfat the oy.ter-btd was 40 miles
long, itc.
A woman in B-tltimorw on Saturday
last, had her resiHMsiliilitr taken from
W. by her landlady, becaine she uw-d
four week' board. Funny afTair, that,
Slave ld in Nw York ! We hear it
stated that Powers "(Jreek'Slwve" ha
W-a purchased by ihc Smithsonian lus't
tote. A sign over the dour ofs tailor's shopin
New OrlratH. designs it as s "Fanta-Itx-uery."
e, IK?tmoi'Vc is the only g"d rno'irc
t,H ,d iie given for riding a aukn on a
Pastsleftea are now treautt'ul'y and po-
lit-ly termed "ahiu curtains."
"' ""i-islfeb a4 German Physician.
n'ur i... lorn rerjuUrlv i-duenM
. V ii I'.tivcr.ity of Mnr.a..d. and ;
ll.r.rary ..r-.dinte of Castle -n College of
Ver...o,..; ...d . Meu.Vr ol lite M .-lie.
.,d PhiWh.c-1 f ,,,e, s'i,,e '
Mar,r.r.d. r. hit pr.-f.- .""l
all the hra.,rlH-. ol tl lleal.oe Art to
t riitana -I I-itrfjr2 and tt vu iuity.
lie has la-en etagwi in the pr-d-ve ol
i.dR-ioe. it. Wrne cotn.ry to thts S atr.
for nearly thirteen yejirs from wn.-nr.
he brinK letters of recommei.d:.iK.n f.om
lb finrt men in ihal snd Columbia county.
t tegards hi- landing in the profession o.
wedicine,snd his general character, v.x :
Hon J An N r:ooyngh.m(Kr. rmUuke Pearce
- Anrtrrw lmumonl - J";1n
a I :lli Jl O
11 B Wright
Tbu W Mirr
H VY Nicli.'Uon. Ea,
tM4 H-iwrnan. E'q
ff H Waruar
A Ve
M H"-k
1 tk U Buwaian. Es
B. J'ho:oea Uawines
f Tr.T. ntav h. T'ond t hn rfTia
ar fhe lrg -'-re on llie e.,st .ile f Mar
ket St. itsi i- W-W- ''r rtn,,, fr"
A iaea l fT.Mr la low K'h &
I.e-itbutg Jn- 5. 149
C!aif? KKmZ and J.
, n ,r etWaaenrep-raiioiiaare
JlatfJ. P.;rfultr, wmISe pni'ir-
i . arirlilirilt IIW'H -
P.rarl r..wder
Fancv Soaps
Hair le
Shavinj; Sisps
tVc. &e.
Pears' Otl
O M-trittw1
C.4opl Water
r.urluitf Fluid
.l vari-Hv l Jrrwlrr snn
f.-wi.h..rc. Mv l'l
A FKESll ippW m-eivt-d at the l-ci"
burg C3v-i B.'Ua're ;
J Vvke Sl.wRil of rinM. l lrf.efature
I) ivies Atrtaly'iC'tl tt-iHW-trV
n ird Rkenc. (University edition)
..l.r Ciii-ralii:v
r."T. L. r .r r vi A H51 rl
I. $1
That Sew Itnarirsin UaHencr, I
The llaik thai will Sun sou, or a
f .r Bv-ryw-rly
1 eau furutah le aif"" -"'--t - -- -
, nf uitiera. at rrrjj ltr I'Hres.
9"" M r f.VMAI.I.
-1 .
.. ......HAir - nrrirc
SUBSCRIBERS to the . University at
Lewisburg" who have not paid their
First Instalment, (due but January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the same
without further notice, in
0AM I. T. WALKER, Taaa.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
l.ewisburg, Sept. I, 1840.
,ii " TT
ifti ill
s r - - an !!, .
LIFE nd DBiLTB in i the BL00I
Clitmte. Purify, mi RegvTale lie Circulation, and
Ik rhrtt body V w (. 7 null rondrtful
0f all remtam la mruautt Mca a rmui, u
V, the duared rmiU ami aKkacf wiO be jwojucrd hy
tin um f a nmOtr mammlUf at Ihu I'UMFtxji titM en b.
Oeeatd by the use of . hka qina'ir of or otber remedy
l thr world. (Sec our ranpuru nr proof.)
Thai Paainca u KiUUf prep-n-4 from TtgrnUUf,
CM tht mm. aw fM-M, wl tong wnTnt aim
ad th. hloud. without whig, wcw. mckmma. at at
ftkfinf. It ckamMt. Mirrmftluma, WW ignrmtwi, mmkta avw.
Wily Mm; ud fina nw wd mtarnt WMMWhllla
ttam awf .'hci nn ij h IW world, bnemtm
at k mm aKttt a pratn mmoaatattmta tarM-f
wwak at mrfanUm. or any other nwardr. ao awUrr haw
brr thnir boul-i awy bo. Th. miminatl fmtfarn far eoa
amn la dewr-rin-. h S- math man aaattm tfttl mi a
UWi at fC tltu rfr fttam U-a W wmtk tf
inMniriarnw. W. aiifts her ay. mat
BrwmTi JSnkcMM hai cared. wlthlB Um hw rear.
169,000 Perun f Impirt Bind liieufs,
! ni ?S,M0 fJatei were coiiidert. Iinnblc!
a. aawa etaer a-teat awdiclne aafa are la the h-bft of mty.
tag. If we rimld ; w who woatd hrlim at Thai
howmr. we do mf, wid ftaad rwdy to pron by maaiMMt
mmamn. ttrB Ba--ra Maotcnnoi hw enarwd cure, of
awre aiamma oa bntif hanwa briM.tW pM yw.tbaa
My other maady ta eaiMeBO did during the anae Haw.
nw aaacJi wlU a DeUW. warth CUR C s
IW, lerta, deep fJnra were crW by adaf talf laama
manumal arm, ranmr. . ... .
The foOowtac ie the wtam waaderfot aad MSaatttihic earaf
mt wa. aar efteefcd oa a haa heic. by r eaWtrnn
ZIorrid ScroAiIa Cured.
ft. J t. Hum. erf Kimt, Oitid Cm, If. r, errtli-e,
Deeeaiher SOth. I84S. Out he had hen MHictod with Scao-nufa-ryei.adthaley-eriiiuSaed
nam Jam ama. titckargtag Oteaal Hit hie art
Wefei a thM he brarthad Oiroaah lb
heat ' meter wa Marry dBOTi;d ? Sat See of hi era
We wholly dietiuy- aaa aa Ulcer aaear toe enn. am
leife a a aaa' bead, had -early ealea throairh iato he)
I ear that he bed aaed an kJ-d ef Suitrmui ead
leeeteaa. eaal mat he wee aec iiawei
Imu rtmniM E-raira Set ama sumae of the
r-aimm EireACT kmmka ad eared ir of the,
tweaty Vle-r he bad vba be eoauavaeed aattg M, aS
SM a taaeetewaweAerarferBarac-cvea. For rail
aarUeaTere of ttda, aad auay other eaailar eana, eea oar
irteahklai C'VHtT
at BaaaVe rueinaa, for wa aoeld sir aliaoat u-lim-krd
andaone of othnr com, weU eoeab-k it Urn wen
Tab) care at aertaM a ay
Fonrtwi Brspectable Witnesses.
By Doc. Taoe. Wu-uun. oae of the aioet i-epeetabta
1 j el til in of Hmarhy Hamn. Bi-irLi. Laoaaaa,
Trholneele mmi reMl drursien by Mr. O. K. Saowa. pro
priebw aad Iweper ot the Wrar Boac Uotbx aad by
elteea etair .
Branfi fiicBau Purifier
mil iltiiien to nil if-Ti- I't-' :- - ScaUBia,
aWCaraa, itaneaen-a. CreytiMa. TmrnUm m Uw Tat
Piim, Kite, Cla-e, Catirtmttt'. Mmrrmnml HweM Law
Otmmlatm. Par uU Sack, UU, ead Lamms, Beak
Sieeeu Ik Urnrna, etc. etc
Tba) rUUwa ii.ti - eil the tltmuma end yenrw
Ywtmca ot thr eb-Maned Pfejen-O ETi-r. awl Ih
I qm i errarel etber ovrktH. amrHcu'trmi end feca
!tarardle.re COltiMH d ftlsst; HP TICJN. It
kmali mmTrant I'Utn ta It Ja . end cUewecre ,fr J
. i . i. mwtlmmM Rwmrmcl heei
j jy, . II.. i w maa mm mm j " v
I end euiee eetneelly. .. .
Taora-M af ram at roe ""- -"" ;
fWI urn-. t I-m niire.-.loo ..--y in B iwmamva ol
l iTtSttS, X11KOAT. end SKEAfT.
We ir tS. fXo-in w-t - ae a feet of cure, whlrh
eon to jirore the power lo n H&-. n wbeo the penoa
n in the 7 1 "f -. aea Hreefi
ImJta r-JKMrr Mm i lnanlurvt
We fle tM fol'ow at re. tec tr a fert of care, wHcb
ewe to tnan OV in er to ee nlo. eeeo wuce thr pnoa
aeean to be ia tdo fry Ixt nigi of cxuuwe. whea
traatm Imdia-n Pulmonary lUUsm if edmiuiiwred Tbie
caee duta aot tMid eioiM.-we oouM ani makv cu.ee
mm eevaidm and ae.-e.jufMjr ead AeaaVe of anaabar
eaera. end aV-weeoi of ! celkd CONrll'MITIO
THIS CVHK mmm rfrrfnl oa the wire of Jr. ZlS
rrraaua ot Mar. an-e ef fleUrfee. Seratefa Cm. t.
Mre. nt.M wei prnaounord iltfimf. and Mr. Uyaemoa
wet to the mtof of Mr. Johm Wait to verrAeet dmtk tor
a aweed. aad ecAa- AeHal mattrimlt, exaectiag hie wile
woald anna dn. Me we m Urn lomt tuft ol the dureea
-wH matk amntnc and ewe-eeeJ end te reliere her
rr-a diM-M. and m-ke a aanf pHlaw man may. Ut.
Itrtrmiui wee rrreeadrd at im ber eome of "BKAhi a
UtUIAN rtlMIOKAKV BALkAM." M took the Bmimam.
boeae with the ehroad. end t-r a portion to hat wif- it
rrjareed biT- ehc rierHnat-d to lekr a aaril ebe em on rud
eoon MBAt.TfC. end bm bu reli ati mil Jar aearb; Jam
man aa PamykU Mr prnVu'ar.
Mr. tUKKXAN rorr tiK- n'..ir fnrt hrforo Tho. Q.
Toc-o, F.q. iif Mtm'm Spa. 9th April, IMS.
Tun. i Ui'ui m . luitc- rerUie tbt he he
mown JJr. DtKiiMa nvuiy y.r-ad that he ie oae of
l)rire-M wartkmaA rrneuUi rHistv; aad Mr. Hmvt
Wait, time f luurt mpukft of !..-. one eaeijaw to aaa
rood rbarwt-r of Afr. 1'fktmam.- ead Su he wea ae
oeeint'd with all the -, hatiuj heard them often epok
ra of by fyktaaa
Brant's Pulmonary Balaam
rar.a COXSVMPTIOX f3vAe. Ot. mir mf Mmmm
Wrrdtma- ef Wr Lumam Paia ta ikm I mmm a aad tuw. Hifkt.
S.fr. Kmrnaa C-mapUmm. Pmkmiutima mf Ikm Mart.
Ckalarahfaatam, IW W a ir Cmmytaimm. maaALl
I WKMALE m C4JUCSik.S. mammal ami fating 1 1 11 lr
1 - t -
y t-r-aiawsdod bsamtk mkuk.im:-
vDr.n. HlhBARI.-mlord,e-a.
Dr. J. a. SMITU, wean-awa, w. .
Kr. ROSHMAN, 1M Heary onvet. Brook J a, W. T.
Dr. T. M. HURT, Aebera, . T.
TH-. GKO. FRAKCIA, Middleeowa, Coat.
Dr.oeu A. aOOEKH. Beak, M..
Hr. a WHITE. Frrdoaie. R. T.
br. C. B. OAI.KHTIHK, Byroa. M. T.
Dr. J. O. SfUPMAH. r-eyewrrille. T.
Br. 1. MURKER. Heary aa-et. RrooUya. R. T.
Br. O. tUUI-MA.t. terti-nd. R. .
Bewnre of counterfeits !
Tbera i no B'anl" asrJiciaea fenoins. hutj
orb bolUV a are put up in square package
ut ebane. auJ on one aqoare of the pseka t- a
j I.M on .hi. a is reprert.tl a yaunc e-quiw.
and OiW whrrs ahe tand. is s AOie 01 itsno.
whtrh traJe a follows, vis. ' '
fa (he hemrrr htmf Oss V"T; f""., "
our MeJirint Fmctara in Me CU11 of Brooklyn.
V V. Irff sf Br,ly. April, lj "
(hicb awte is ignetl with psa aaaS rdf i
I Xone senuine but such a have the ev aw
' the label aicnew ae above.
1 Kr Uj h Thoniioa Baker. lwt-
! bare , aMe WuVm. New Berna fsi '-
rtiiigra-a : -S ru mover, r rr-wurp :
Batkbasac. rfiVebur s Wilt Ax Eilsn, Hartle
dt Mrneh. Mifflinbura
j At j,,,,.,, anr ardors woat be adJrracJ to
ASTOB tnd Sw Uti,LaiKinniim,rar.
' V-' etfitrte.leodfrev'a CordUUwoni Snha,
Wlaralaa.f;-ta Tartar, nrarra. ta-jcipor. oer
.am af Li a. fal Horle, ReUua J Maltha. Worab
Taa.'spr.Oinfr."ranasri.riiv-a, IVpnrv.
-ateK. Magnesia, M (retard. 0HUfa, Muribe.
Quininr. Mwla Paarler. die. fnr eale at
tv'.W.BfbeiSs's Drag eVrhemicsl Cwifrium
I.EWISBUKG chroniclk and west
DR. J. N. KEELER ot BKU. moat res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ol Engruh, Irene. uernuM, ma
American Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Che-
micaU. Oils, Uyestuffs, Ulassware, reriu
merv. Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &e.
Havinf oscned a new store, -,
with a full aopHy ol ftesh lung and MtJicinea.
we rep-eluHy rolieit cour.uj aea-r. w
ine our stock befui (iiiichi-ins elsewbara. prom
iaii g ona and all who niay lo l !iponl t f -tonU
to B thrir iaUonage. t" "II hm genuine
V ug and Mediane. on a liberal lerm. -j
Mlier bout in ine City.aod to faiibfuliy execa'c
.11 oiilcra entriuted to u promptly and wilb it
(patch. . .
One of th proprietor, being s regular pBJsi
eian. aOunl ampla gurantce of the genuine
quality ol all articles aM at their e.lablilment.
We epecialiy inii diUKgia and couniiy
merchanta. who may wh lo Iskobm agfnU for
Or. Kttkr-t Ctltbralti Fanuly Xtdictnt.
(danilar t and popular rein-die.) lolorwaid their
Soliciting the patronage of dcalera, w r-apeet-
i. X. KEtLERi DUO.. Wholesale Drafts.
1 S8J Ko. 294. MsiKet Hi rnuaa.
!.: ubtcribt r offeiy S tale Ornamea
ial Trw-of everv drscription, nnrticularly
the Kuropean LindVn, snd Paulonia Impe
rinlw. a sp-ntlid shsde tree lately introdu
ced from Janan. rcinarkabl- for its enor
mous leaves (xoineiimet two feet in diam
eter,) and lorge clusters ol roue coioreo
liowers, spottea ana ttrtpea w.iiiiu,ciunn-e
4 fragrnnre simi'sr to the Lilae.
iii Pruii irimnl fverv decriniion,oeh
is crafted Annie trees from 7 to 9 it high
it l m 15 ct each, or siu t' n a pei
hundred ; Inoculated Peach trees. III ct
pach, or I0 per hundred ; Penr, ClK-rry,
Plum. IWinrine. and Apricot trees at rea
vuisI.Ip prU-es all the varieties warranted
oenuine : slim Hoi-house and Green hone
:litnit.etiihraeius Uarina Oranue and L"
mon tre-t.tiiether wlih a variety .4" Flower
W:, all rrf whkh he wii sell as low as
'ht vean be purchased in i-niisnt-ipnia.
' H. K. NOLL.
Iwishurp, Sept 12, 1849
at JLewlsburg.
rilHE TKUSTEE8 of tbe IJuivenity tt Iw
X ibur wouid reapectiully inform ite PaUonf
and Fi n.l. that. In the 8chool nnder their eare.
ri Lri.lurc) thefollowins ate lbs llaaara, b
jrtU of 8tu'!y and Eierctae for the earreut year.
Department and Studies.
Hit ;iaM Eiercisrd in Sprllinit. Kea.ling
UrSaitiun. Erglih Ursnmar, Aritlimetic. Geog
rphe, Hiktoty V 8. A- t,nranhip, and Coas-
E.V67.MI DEPARTMENT fifth Anufemir
Tb nam tuJiM s in thr Primary l. p.rtiueiil
contiuurJ in tho ne of lergei lest b.wka; and lo
ihrec are added Oenrral HieUMJ, Davira' Alybts,
LrgrnJre and Surveying.
jh. Aemhmic Cltut. Eueli.h Ingusgs,
Ge-iorest y, ffrtry V. 9. A- Lslio Ursmmsr
end Keadrr. Una Urammar sad Rrsder com-
mrnrcd. Arithmetic completed.
.rit. Arcdcmic Clot. Eneli-W t.-fienege,
(irnnal Hietorj, lew, Virgil, Ureck Kradc-r,
l).UV Alurbr.
Frnhmm Clan. l.iy.Ansftssta.lSfm'isbilis,
I)ai' Jgendrr, 'I rigon -metry enmaarnrnt.
Sophnmnre Cla. Horse. U.!ji-y. Select
O.itti.rrm of Itrii'OalhrDr. I-:u.lre cnmiilrtrj,
(J-v tiurrrring ar.il Navigation, Analytics!
(5...I.H try. Binir'a Lrclurea.
J-.mitir Cn'S. Dimotlh-nee on thr Crown,
lirrrk Tragi-dv. Cicero tie Oiricii Tacitus. Nat
ural Pb.ili!'hy. Alrotio:uy. Logic. '
Wludrnts in iba Engliab Depttment recite
with thoae pureoing tho sme aludira in tile
Regular Coarse. - . ; '
No cla.. in the Regular court, he tea than
inrre duly rrcittion. All the member of t'i
ch-Ml. (in lhe diniion.J are eseiriero ery
Saturday iu leading. Drclamatiou, EugUh t-'ota
poehion, and Vocal Music
All the atudenta are rrqciirrd lo attend. rgu-
arly.eomc rrliginu meeting. Minor ie iirc
teil'to attend uch mretinga a ate recomme-udrd
., ihem be their narenla or guatdien. There ar
n Ihe Borough no e than il plara of public
wnr.hip, occtipwil ery Lord "a May by a many
uillrreui I brietian dcnoniioatiuna. , ;
, Number of Students.
'The number of etudrnu during the part yesr
id eeiiou denartm-nt. wa 164. The
nuoilwr Ibet bee rnirte.l the daenee in th Reg
ular Couree for the ruirrnt year (teluMVe of
iho-e in the EwgNeh snd Pinaary d-psnmaul. )
i aa follow i
CoLLiac. Junior elsas" -
Hihoore das 13
' Frrabman clas . - 12
AeAnMV.--4eMor clats . - I
. Junior claas SJ.-TI
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M, Profeaeor of
Mnthemalic snd Nsloral Pbjhwophy :
t.EORGE R. BLISS, A. M, Profcwaor of Greek
l.aneuef and Literetore :
nEOKfiE W. ANDERSON. A.M, Profeassr
of La lie) Language (Dd Literalure ;
ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M- Principal of the
Academy; r
ALFRKD TAYLOR, A. M, Teacher is tbe
( Academy.
la wider lo meet lbs demands of tbe nktita
una tbe Board have taken B aares to supply
the arceeaery Apjralu ftr tbe dVpsrtment of
Mechanical rbtkajopby. sad to ineteae toe li
brary, brlote tbe cmaM-neeaienl of th winlrr
mi. Ihiriag lbs year, the building now in
urosreas will be campletrd, affording study room
ad dormiloiiea lor 7 cnlkge elajeiila. Another
I'rotrewir ha been ad led to tbe Faeurly, and
meaoe provided to enable atwleaU in the daaaea
.pecifiad shove to proa-cole Umhs studios with the
greatest surceee.
: Tulltaa nissl Bsiard. ,.
TITHON in tb Cnlfegiaas Drparttewt 30,
Academic f0. Pnstsiy IS par yesr. .
BOARD, iacladinglodgiag. wanhiog, fuel and
lirbi, can Iw had in fhe Tillage and iu vicinity at
ewitNis priors, from 1 J7J to s,ou par wcoa.
fjrisiaasT TacaUosss, ic
Two Sfatioue in a yesr the former eommen
res oa tho eacand Tueeday m Oeiobsr. sad coo-,
tinuee ?7 week ; tba latter eoutinwas 16 week.
Spring Vacation, 4 w.ek ; Autumnal, $. Nest
eaaaion becioa 1 lib fkunat.
Tb Board are happy la saw that LswMrarg
n at pn-ernl, aa h ever baa been, aseeediogly
brallby. ::
By oiiler and in behalf of the Board
tfwiaburg. Uoies) Ca. PaVSept. 1, IN.
fyBook Agents end Culporieurt will pkate
to vbirrve.TJ)
INVERT eitisea of ihe tailed Btstes should
. poeeeea a copy of iheas works. Tbsy sre
lao Books of Our Couuiry.
1 armr.fa Fsilbful Cbronicm of the
1 I Vf '"" WAR of American Indepen
dence. In one large volume, 8o. Illnawated
with Seventy Engravings, ill handaoms Gilt
Binding. Piice 3.
The Presidonls of the United SJa.es,
Theit Momoira and Adminiatration :
To which ia adJed an account ol" the Inaugura
tion of each f'residi-nt, and a hitry of the
principal poli-ical vvonta of hie admiumtrsiion,
and of tli tiftnsactton of Congress st rich tea-
sion ssrati wpiia . ..
i : .u..
Illustrated i;h eltyant portrait ni Uie rrei-
denu, engravrd on tcel. This is a handeom i
royal 8v, in lirautifu! pictorial binding. 3.50.
n,..ri.in. the LWe. AJdrcc. and Me..es I
of fhe PiPirdrnta of the United 8ulie,
From Wafliin;'.Ln toTaylor'a Inauguration ad-
dreo. March, 1849,
With a history of their Adminintratroee, and
of ach Seeirn of Congress also vaitoua hist
orical, atatutirnl, and olhrr important public
document, and a complete Indrs, or analytical
table of enntenta to the whole work. Edited by
Euwia Willi ax. Eeq. Illustrated with por
trait of our IS Preaidema, engraved on ateel,
from tbe most approved snthoritie, and in tbe
beat at) la of Ihe art ; printed on flue paper, and
bandaomely bound in emblematic style. It will
alto be enibdlinhed with View of the Cspitol,
President's House, snd the Seeie of tho eevral
state snd tb United State, tu four large 8ro
volume. Price $10. This ia (be citisen snd
Librsry edition.
H7Thc Reference Edition of the same
woik, in 3 volume Urge 8vo, without portrait.
Price $7.50. This edition i for rrfrrcnee, and
is intended for 8istemu, t.egielatore. Member
of city Corpontina, Lawycia, aud luditidual
holding public OHices.
Tbe Itcpnhllc of(!tc I'nltcd Mates,
and ii Politic? Inatitation,
Reviewed and Eiaminrd. Ity Ami Ds
TorarsviLLB, Memlier of th Inaiitule ot
France, and the Chamber of Pepuliee. Ac.
In on lre octavo volume of nearly One
Thousand pgc. i'licr $9;
Tbe 12 Stan of otfr Republic,
f)ur Niitini.'a O.ft to hpr Yonn (-ins :
Containing Ihe lire of our Preaidrul. ihe
Sierirta of the Declaration. Article of t'.Mifed-
eraliim, the Cnoitiluii.in. with an hit.riral
iketrli of the American l"nin. Illutrated with '
elegant portrait, rngraved on tieel. and illumi
nated nirtvree of th Sisncr. (be Capitol, and
Prreiilenl' House at "tVai-hrngton, Bunker-Hill,
Ac. c. Elt-gantly bound. Gilt edges. Price
(Tt-No rTpenee ha been epared in Ih prepa
ration of thees volumes of Docururnls, Hialory.
snd Suiiatic. to rrnder thr same worthy of pa
tron, not only of 8talemea and Legialatora,
but of tbe American public generally ; who will
find in them the TatAavav or Political
Kowi.nai, and s msss of information.
publiabcd by E. Walker, 1 14 Fulton treet.
Dr. Dow line' Hietnry of Romnim to the
prevent time. SO Engravings, pries 3.00
The t.uide lo Knowledge. 3.00
The wonder of Ih WorM. 3.50
Mr. Elba' Family Monitor. 2.S0
Mr. Ellle'a Guide lo Social hapi-inea. 3 5l
Brolhrr and iSieter. 50
t:heeer' Lecture on Pilgrim' Prog oaa, 3 50
rhritin Martyrolngy, '.35
Chriat Meewnger. "
Fate of Infiilelitv ; or. Truth Tiiumplnnt, 38
O.ld Fellow' Offering tor 18 18. elegantly
illuetrated. '""I
IMd Fellow', nffering for IA49, do 3 50
Odd Fellow' OftViin- for 150, dn 3,011
The lid J Fellow Illuetrated and neatly
bound, 1. 00
Faith. Hope, and Charity 'llualrateJ. 1
vol. 13 mo. Gill Mu-lin. 1,00
Frif r.dahip, Love, and Ttulh lllurtrsird.
im.lt mo. Gilt. ,00
Tale frorrr ths Arsblau Night's Entertsin-
mm'. 75
Robinhmxt and' hi Merry Foreeler, 75
VVretli of Wild Flowed. 75
Vouri.' People Mirror for 149. 4 o.
Moaiill. 1 .00
Who ir.ay dire to ct.i district if.ii the
iVitc import atit XaVonal Wi.-k. i!lb pb-aicd
loaH.ir-K a line lo th pultli.h r, statics the
pnr;ion of conrnry he wi.iira t o-ovpy, at; I Ny
relii.n r.i Mail !i rree.ve a f.it ot Price
with Term to Ants, whirh all'iw them a
vry liHrral eomrriie-i.in.
EDWtRU WALKER, r.biishe.-, IU Ful
ton trcet. Nt-w York
Consunijilioa disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINGS ComiK'vnd Syrup of Nap
tha a positive cure for Consumption,
Ueclinc, Asthma, and all diseases of the
chest nnd lungs a single; bottle will prove
its efficacy.
1 he proprietor not only recommends his
Nafi'Iia Svarr, but warrants it to cure!
He warrants it to act upon the chyle, and
purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im
pediments which retard the free circulation
.if the Mtkod ; he warrants it to open the
internal and esternnl pores of the body and
.jert all the obnoxious particles which have
accumulated in the system ; he warrants it
as a never-failmir remedy in hectic lever.
night sw-at, dyspepsin, liver complaint,
pain in tbe chest, and asthma ; snd he war
rants it to arrest Ihe formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and to heal those already
lormed, so that persons in consumption
may tuke it with tbe most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great scat of action
is ihe lung$, which it penetrates in all di
rections, purifying thetw ef everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, if
applied according to directions, it can not
fai to leave in a perfectly healthy condi
tion. Agent st Lewisburg
Gt th last!
ALL young person should hsve a Standard
Dictionary at their elbows. And while
you sre about ie, get lbs be-t S IBM Dictionary is
Xoas Wkbsteb's, the gteet work, an abridged.
If you are loo poor, save ins smoaat from off your
back, to pat it into yoar bead PhrtnoloJour.
Dr.VVebetef'e gnat wort is the beat Dictionary
of the English language. London Morn.Cknm.
Coniainini three lime tb amoant of matter of
say other English Dictionary compiled in thia
country, or any abridgment of ikia work.
FaMsabsd by GeVC Mmiam.8pringBJd,Mae.
and for sals st Ihe Cheap Baokstors of
Msy 30 8 F LYNDALL, LwitHrg
BEST Spanish and Half tVwiish, afcn
American CIGARS and all kinds
of Chewing TOBACCO, for tale by -
I.ew5org, Dee 4. IfMcT i .
I TOR ssle by
laetsiaburg, June, IW;
dhancii fabmbh
A Word to the Afflicted,
6,000 persons in Philadelphia alone
have witnessed with stoiiibiuenl the won
drr.ul elhcscy ol
Thomson' CompOUIltl Syrup Ot
Tar and Wood Naptlia
r- su it t
in curing Consumption, Aathnia, Ur.-rcti-
itis, ubatinate laughs, I'ains in the S:d
or Hreast, Liver Cohiplaint, iic. inc.
This r.rBparatif.n enii.ery a rtgelaoh
remedy, and may be dri.tniswrt -a with 1
perfect ssfetv to tho feeble nduit rr child.
In power as an Expectorant is adimratily
ud.ipt' d fo r-!ieve the oppiession in pu'
monur v diabase, and while it assists nature
; - ... m fc-A
in inrowwg mi mc vii":ru uu
collects Iu tne injurv of he svalcm, It acts
aj general tonic or strenglhrner.
Tha testimony of Physicians and others
value ol tins rai reineu , ..u
of tho nto-i s.tufactory kinJ, snd hss
given it s character and standard as a
that has placed it heyond competition lor
the vaiious diseases for which it is em
Preoared onlv at the N. E. corner Fifth
and Soruce streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by C. It'. Schoffle, Sole Agent for
Lewisuurg and vi.-iuily . 273
flMIE subscriber would inform the Gen
tlemen of LewiTifr5 and vicinity thai
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to tbe Post Offir-e, where
he will earrvnn the business of CUTTING
AND MAKING garments as usual. Work
made hv him warranted to fit. Produce
received in pavim til at market prices.
LUburc, Apr I S7, 14S
Thi- Mcclleni compound i for ! by the
iir0piit.H' AntJ ri iiritr. tewuOirg ,
vt.. ... Selineroxe : M Wifhinglnn. Nr-
Ihomberland ; J II Rater, Milt m ; ( I & F Piper,
Watannlowu i
Daguerreotype Jioom,
'PHE atilwcriber would infnrm the citiient
J nf L - ishurg and vicinity, that he has
aken and fined up n room in the new biick
haibling on ihe south idc of Markft streel.
Iatween Third and F.-urth, where ht? i;-
prepnrcd to take )ajiierr-oi vpe I4kcrn-Mtt
itigle or in grniipt, in j?-n tinr.ii-w.
and on reawmnble tertnt. Call timl e.
Myeis' Liquid C'tirc!
IS n positive-and never f'i?i'tf fionitdj-
L for PILES. !"K,r L"fi'i. l''x
i. runl, H!;n(i t iit-.-iH'. vi'im.S';.n.
So!iitiux, UU-rrs. iV-ia.f-rt S.,rc Tnr-af
C'.inkff S irt; M-'iU't. ' mii. I"'
uk Diseases JaVw" !' .'Jlciton d-
;U; f!ir S'.-ithw, Hun., Cut-, rtpiaiua, iim!.
t-a. A; c. '..
We f.-.-l ;.j-ttlied io pntcliiming th Fact to
the World, in' of H rradwii.t eoer bro'i hefoie
he public, none have err iH-eu moie berM-6ual
to afflicted humanity than -Vyf .' Lijurd Cure
A e know this is eayiug a great deal, but it
were to write volume we could not aay loo much
in praiee of thi
k tTB-sTois.t.tr-runusaia bimkot.
iuu J red, nay thoueand bUaa Ibe happy boui
when firet tbry were made aciuainled with it
(ransrendant ainue ; and bur prrernt pur(io i.
to inform other thousand, bow aad where lU
may obtain that relief which they perhjn
long ooght for in vain.
'J'be aupeiior sellenee of thi pr- .on
over all other medtcin. fiSr ibe il per
manent cur of PILES, i welt known t all w ho
have tested it. It ha been pmv.d ia thoueand
ofinctanera, and ha savsa raino to cure the
mot obstinate eac. and we are confident it will
never fail if uerd a proper length of time accord
ing to directions. A a proof of our entire confi
dence in it efficacy, we aaaure all purrhasera ibat
if, afier a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, Ibe
Money paid for it will be returned.
Tb Liquid Cure i an effectual remedy for
Hingwr. Bile, Pimple. B.irber' Itch, Froaletl
Unf ahv. Salt Rheum. Mmquito Bites,
tin? aeaja lusects snd CuUneoua diet sat
ofar aio'-
- ly and eflectual for RacvwaTiaa,
tiling a esidiat and permaaent relief.
Iu effect as a reoi Pain Killer, are magical.
hoold provide tbemaelvea with thia Invaluable
Preparation, tne cneapnrea or wntca place n
within Ibe reach ol all. . ,
Full Direction accompany each Battle 1
Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates
from ihoee who have tcatrd ibe Liquid Cure, may
be bad gralu of ear authorised ageote
Muert' Liquid Curt ia prepared onlv by
JEROME & CI). 31 Sprue St New York
Agents : C W Schaffle. Lewi.burg ; J H Rseer,
Milton lveo533
r'PHE subscriber hits on hand and is
now receivinR from PitUtoo and Sha
moki, Best Foundry, , ,
Lump, . Broken, ' '
i 5 Nut. and Pea ; -.
COlr which will be deposed of on
reanii.-ible terms.
:-Jane, '49.' ; I (5. LAW SHE. ;
i i
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
. 4 ' LARGE and rreeh aupptv of this selsbrated
. Medicine, iuat teceired from ih principal
Depot in New York, and for al at tho saw
Drug and Cbmtca'stoe of - ' '
- ' Or J aorntan MAer.
SCHOOL-TICstET? printed er? for
sale at this office.
vi- us jj -
iunnii and Trust CwtHpaay.
Office. 74, It'alnut Sirttt. Philadelphia.
('AriTAL, S5U,tUU snorter rrrpeioai j
r . - i r m .. . MaiAMd lit tranMael
bu.:n.-a upus lbs moat itUwal and advaota-
" They are aoihorised by tbetr charier
lc 3) io make all and every in.urai.ee apper.
Unlll) to life nk ol wbaltrer hind or netore, end
tJ rect, aD eaecai trurta, make eudowmeau,
scJ : rsm and purthse annOltM.,, Tbe Com-
V-J snnutiic and euuowmenU. and act a
Uu-te. for nin. and b-s.
if Premium rejuired far the A'turanee
of "i 1 00 fur the u lrnlc term of Life. '
Age. Treat.
Ate. Firm
, Prem.
31 $3 0
3 36
3 49
3 6 -2
3 77
3 94
4 13
4 32
4 51
4 71
4 91
5 13
5 33
5 54
5 78
S 15
1 56
1 9
1 CO
1 63
1 66
1 69
1 73
1 76
1 65
1 89
I 94
1 9S
3 04
S 30
3 47
3 33
3 40
2 47
3 54
3 63
3 70
3 81
3 93
3 01
3 13
- S S3
The prrminm ar lea than any other company
snd tba policies afford greater advantage. Mar
ried women and (rmale cbildrrn csn miore tne
live of either s husband or parent free from tb
claim ot creditor. Table of bslf yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium.
ahort terma, joint lire, eurvivoranip, endow
ment snd forms of application aro lo be had at
the Office er of the Agrnt. ' ' '
Rate fir inturing $ 100 on a git Life. '
Age. For 1 year. For 7 veara. For Life.
: 20 ' $0 81 91 1 60
30 0 99 I 30 3 04
' 44 1 29 1 64 3 70
50 . 1 86 3 07 3 94
59 3 48 3 97 6 03
Eiamtd : A per -on agn) 30 years nest birth-
day by paying th Company 99 eta would eecoie
io bia familv or hrira it 00 ahooJd ha die ra one
year, or for 9 90 he secure to them $ 1000, or for
1 3 HO annually fnr seven year he aec a rea lo them
MOOfahould he die in eu y ar. or for 20 40
paid vearly durii life he aeenre $ I OlMI lo ba paid
when he ilir the tnmrer aarunnc hi own rinno ;
by thedilTfrrcin amount of pieminm from tho
charge J lv other oflice. For 49 50 the heir would
receive $5000 nhoiil.l he die in flue yrvr.
.. PETER . l LLE. I re.uiar.t.
F. V. I.VW1,K S.c'y anJ T.eJS.
For ftirlher )ili(-til afplv to
HE.NKY i;. HirKOK.
A'ent f'ir Vnion and adjoining tf.intxa. j
f.itiiiuitiiie Phywrtan . ni, m. ii,
Leai.bur. Union Co. P. July 21, IS19
Carefully ' i paired. ut the shonett Xotire.
rPHC subscrilKr de-ires to inform the
I. ' cil.zm cf Irf-wisluirg nnd the pub'i'
ii "cneml ihut he carrirs mi lite Watch-
VLtking llusincss in the shop furmerly oc- J
-upifd by l..J.Ihiis-l,wheic he is prepareil
o t-SHCUte al! kinds of work in his line ol
hu-'itsrss with prrrrtpiria-MM nnd o thdf mol
r-H"n;ible Ir rnm, itt'd by a'rirt aiten ion
:o his business t-.xtcis a lib ral thnre ol
..aUon.-Tr.- Hi; hus cc.n.'antly on hand an
ji-frrttriru! of
U" V i'CliiiS !V.tut L vtr, EnglUh.
i!id i'-vnrh.
JKO'KLKV CM W'nlcU rl.a'fts and
J;i:ir-!-, firrici! IV ti nr,a;pin,lrrinja.
rinen in-.'--, fvli' r Set-tarh , Lh k-Is.
S: .i it-. Vtiimli'aM, dif.
VVit. h ;. 'Ifirurni'd to sell low.
A. L. HATFfilLD.
!tvU!irt.. N'. v. 13, 1M7 .
- .
TiiitiuiL' j.ii.y i:?..V 'iCArEi)
ri A i' Mt.--S i.ati i.il ol.! iairit aiid -t ritiij.
rptn.iv I r.iuurck- luaa Micl.c la
.i l m.j u ir: it i.n-!ciiut uie. m
y iu'n r cure o! ti.ts ,eti-hed c. mi-lan.t !
, If you would t . ; the araeuical (poiaa ntiue)
vuutnfe''. lake n i a bo tlc f-um any " Ihal ta
uot gu n.Iid the written t-ipiciurt of the o ig
nil irnniio' art'l r piicl"r Jonir R.K.wavu,tii
i par LIh-I cr.; i-g th nioLlh an.l coik.
'1 Ui irniw'; ba ueer l-een buUte.-rd up b)
. and rlrrviiiu! j tiif., tut ba won n- w. lo ibi
snfi lence and uierii ad tiu of the il.llal it
it ol rver aiid Ague dirtrict. it it soon
woaaa - rariT Losa,io which all the agent,
od every peiaon who bat..- uacJ il will l"lifyv
I'roprietoi's Office, 143, Arch St. Philad'n
Abists : C W Schaffle, Thornton & Baker,
R M Bowes, Lewi.burg i A K.enaller, William
Crowae, 8. linfgrorr; Baxter di App, Sweet Hope;
U H Backhoo. Philip Hilbwh, M He g FaiU
'PHE subscribers, thankful for paat pairo-
X Bage,would inlortn the public that they
t ooHuue to manuiactere ail kinds ol
Cast Water Wheels of ,b! ,pp'0j
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
We invite particular attention le a new
article Viartl'i Jiteut C1SU PLOCcnS, tor
KCOing l brill. Farmers by this phiub
can seed in as much grain, in one day, a
in inree days wrfJi common ploughs.
eft tiag0 2tn0 eutnCnir,
and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAUF.
Kettles and Pots of various sixes Smooth
ion Irons and Siand- cast Tea Kottlvs to
suit cookinz stoves. " , . - ,
the most approved patterns now in use, for
- '; r ' . weed or coal. ',J.
Fancy;ParIor,Wood,Coal StoTes,
Race. ScirHrctwIatlns; Alr-flf hf
"wt vi ooa o wore, ( new arucm. ,
Threshinc Maenine and other articles
of machinery repaired ia the best manner
and on the shortest aotice. . Castings war
ranted to be of the best, material, snd at
prices that cad nor fail to please.. .
LewisboTg, March 25, 1848 ly209
" An ounce of Prevention worth '
a pound of Cure, .. in
' that OKful diet. .-
consur.iPTioti !
DR. FITCI1'3 Lectures on the Prevsn
lion and Cure of Contvmptio.
This popular work for sale in Lewislasrg
by S. F. Lyndsll J. Houghloo snd at
this office. Price. 75 cents. ,
f.mt ErsaTeoav ee rat -erix-. Taeje s
Z..iit. . ima SiSenM towaa t4 S. r.
Kwawwl'e Sr-.o.nlla. It ieov-rii-l ')-
puro-w , a. 5"" -
L?m!!j..w lh.tn.ih m. he ae-er prae. aaa
Zeeralr. he nad wrer ma iho-et.am.Me ot haa-
. VJ . . ... ,K.,k iulhe iHHinew.
he hew a-wl.lo, and UMIiaf " JJ
forow. in order to i.p.- the puWie a taeheuel ' M
riM IM Dueler' S-o-l-nlla . oo Ulr mw. "'C""
"T ru rn-. th. Old Doctor-1 Oneiaol Mam-
re.Wo,"7 - " .T lt v
Lr ,; . -, I wSI t wia saw u a. i. pim-
nK. Ullroay, 2-TSJSX mTZat
birhiK.lm "imply mrrmtrm ma P v TTT
t. i. . r it.nETi--. . "
nTior. Jacob 'rstj'irZt:
Old liVCtor' MsT-tP-v. HP. y "V V "" .
i I n lrw ttMl Ot KrWA.
Prmav OJict. Mi .Veai(. t,.v
Old Dr. Jacob "Tovvnseiid,
,.-i-iu.i nia-nemClt Of THR
Genuine Townsend Sajfaajrarlila.
Oft IH T..w,,ndj. "FfitZi&i
-ikH.ii!l tirrum-cnuel "o ifciaa .y -te
IO. eaia -r n mi., - ,
h-al-I ol - .U mmttm, nrtl --a
tan.. 1 ue wr!.vll
ut tiivi; iiivvr.r
Ttm OK N VJ tNaf aU.I-1- I'XZtp
mnu j't"!"! ." U.er -ei...a I.' i .Vt
tM -he le.w Ii an hp th af uaa laiel ... '
fcuil niei.b.a Ji t-r'-'r-Ojoor -4. ' - -
tull-.a yov-e P tHU-M1'. :u-.-i WK4 ait.
awlctv.: cromi-r.T wit. -n-r, 'i
at arrenlTlSr -riW-' ? "-". ' '
anoal'Jt'Ot fr.t..u-trr,a.i a ir.on arcrmtM m a
an bv.-a U l- 1-rwi.hi i- J requ-u. ' av.'&
rura H thr li iua ilia. V. 'l'-
,., .nr.: i- aamm wwnm.
an-i -rhera. '
rti. -li UT'-peru-' -",-- "
lhe rir.U a.m.aM .t-ra "-.
blhe. ire o. .'' f . a, -".
t. u. th.- H..-J - I a-acram J'--i'm-f
aunMr priori-,. -.. a urn h . t la --
trlu mi tin r. w-wh ii" n at. . raiee
. ... w r a torn ri.' lo. ll
t - ..h..-. i. ii. irulll i:ir ,r...m. m.
iv tttaia lavvan wi--'i , .
Sff'tleR ",, w.i .asvaa -
lhurl! it -SARSAPAKII.I- r.. I
Thi. r. ra vr.r't hmt art the wan. ppPnM rf th.
anaJramltar.- ar. Ii.- warM..''iUu
lln err-r par irle 01 itie.hcl nrtae m a-curra iu . p ; a
an I coneruirat' Mn ; arei iha. it ia r.iw.'eJ iorM . -al
UfUMt am ot -.hub ' nd h!ilei prer7ti- r -pared
mttiia wa. . rt ia ... e rtul aaa u.
rnrr af laaaairraMa
Itrrrr ih. r-au why . heal cot.ia.t-ailvrai ar, t
mle ie fa"H b nw. woroe. aa ca-Jra.. " -at
duust i-.n.lrr. i.t'tK- ewe 1
co v.vi' orspr.pvn. i
COVh-l.!-T.v MtlK t:H TI.S.V. -:
via. piles: costive swi. -'.' :
iul t .:Vr.nww a.il..4 Ir 'm "
h .- ma a Burrello-n alVcv ie '! rwr'at S 1 .
,!.7r.n ladicatiaa. Ivm Arulity mf lam f-m .,:n. a
ur.U-. C.r. UU1K..U .lr.rml. lB ;.r.'
Lu, un, -I ilir hrll. C-. ! anJ !taa K Oii rfulm
r.,.ha oerr u l-l- h haa uM liaeqaa
I mfkm ; ail I .r..vra ra- ek;ier:rlo.i
.I .iie l-r-
ar.r.'.i'Mi. rekij"S .it.v.-ii -
UM luufa. btJ mum ''?
uetl i. iu e:i..ee trewe -m, .-1
Ckuu!-a ih . a aS tie.:. ,aH . t
t wnrkm a H. l-ra in e.-ae ! fr .oam at W
a , ;.rWlAr Worn.
lf.u Irrrrf.r.ti ol Ue- mwiriMl Tr.. maJ raatf
maJ mm .(laciu.l 10 ramie ail ;h toira" or K:lnn Oie-
Br --a.or.ia? otKifUC.e.. and retjla-.ias th.
arm mjx. n mud rUl w Ih. -iw!. h-J-
Umacaieaall fonn-oi - '
Hervow Uiea and IeMlllr-an-lthua
itmM'ir r-i.er. a fr .t .anet.. rf
1?.-.?" Spinal .rr.V.-., .Veeu.a. XT It.-.
aUraumari rtmulf,4ii- '... JUiel". r.
tlw atoirucr.. n.l err. pMlseaikm.
SrUlaur wrp.-...J'----' t Jl"!'ZkTZ' -
riii-t the iic e.m riu ' tt.. rrrr-l-iww o tar al l ,
"icHL. h e.,uili. ail ...r U- bl;.a! f
inaeienMe prrrrlrn:icn : roVrr arrr:ar - J ar'''w.
mveall olMrur-inn.. aoU uriwiaa Ui eiair. ar..rif
ayMvna a. 1..1 una tie-a 1
Tha Medlctwe yon prr-emlaeaflr eared
B can anr t" th- 'K.r. he wiei ai P. T-.t
aiietier arrie'e Thw .mi.c mati'- iyn:J u r..u 1.. '
hrrauaeor mr fIRNT TtrT. that Uie e wIVM!"!
while .he eW !: frraf. frraarm'iae. an-t ) -
Ikm boltlrm e"niainir.c it lr.t ami. ? the a-er.
liquid eaplodine. arvt tln.T Ih? rirr ffiwrf. ' al . ' '
anrriMr rmiM-ino He p..iMM.iu. 10 hr t IT .
amlatid inlaa mym'rm a'rrmlv Almrami wi-karfdt
cauaraOvapep4iahnT.ri.lt t..wea.aai hmM thai - -
Inert ener in owr Momarh. what ewhrl it p-nlut -Sarnle.we.
hranhorn. pjl.-i'. at the heart. i
plaint, ilinrrho rri riin-rv. rilic. nl c.rrniM'M ' ,
Vm,mi I Wiiel a A-rlnla bm an arvl h..r r- "l- " '
What pnalnn all -hr itu .. a hrclt brrnj oe l.n-- -r.' ;
Ihe SStin, ScaM JIr1. Sll Rhruai. .r-ip-". vie '
Swelllri.. r'.arr Srr.. anil all atrcta'.i .itf m:rm! mi-' '
trri.M 1 " Il a. .wihioe -tilrr hnweri h... an mr.J ' n-'-.- -which
au nr.. aou thuaeiHiila ail iheSut.la 01 ihe bot? . "
a .- What ean-n R'i' Utrali-m 'it a nr r- ' r -Sunt
which wcuer. ircH Viaraes the je'.iW aal a
wtMie, irritarrne ail fcS--iirut tha aj'.fiare 'i mat -htrh
ilart.t R. af aer..o. Sua. : ori,ei
h'mxl. nf rleraner.1 er--t.Uiioo, aau-awanls..! SV SJ - -watch
arllict hurruM nature.
. New ie It ore herraUe to ouir n-l eelU and !-.- '
. P. TnNVSSKNtt, ,
ant tali waaW lam hv. i-irr.-J ihai o:.l nr -jnhTnwne.ai'
av.w.- Oi jfiamt Sa mwrjiVa. n a. M
traTIOJI el' hia ia-rrwr rM-war:l'e "1
Itea-M Inrbkl iImi we .h...H.t nV.it In r iitirle a :
wa!il hear IhrtraiuM diataul rrwlu'jiaoc. u S. P. 1"' '
mtu a anirlml - i
We wr-H H an imraarrl. hataam a ra the aie'r
that 8. P. T.wr I". rnrie ! 11U Hi". .far!.T--
wn-pantt. are krarra an-lr mamwrt.am4 aiima i4'-'
ilar; trail thr J are anlilre in e.ery pariKHar, h-r.n, -aa
eiaa'e ihnsin r-.ir-ai. , mr
At. I T-wnnl h a- . at iw-r w- '
.hrw liar, no pharmw Mni-t tnwa no Tnvra 4 nr i": . '
Siaeae than anr other riHiwp... wtwrientM''r.ner- " J "
Bian. what eaanra'ea the pel.lic hrrerhi,:.
eeivina a -rneaneaeieniite nwN-iti. cf;.i.iur
toe. of thr artirlre n -ft in prrKrlnc i. anl wr.:- ;' .
eapHot rhaaraa whirl, e-ahi e..rr I'w.r. "'.
mm It k..lM.
Bui what el-i hiiaUl If a neere.t r- "
art.B canpa-iurrl v mr-lt-irai,- a" ' 1
pawo oT mama est '.. a an e"
enairwa oVernt ree.it.' llnw fn."-!a Aa .- r '' '
tf .; The r-r -r. wti . r'-r,..ci-e f. - ' " ' .
.WEaKstoSSi HS itNUSNFi:: H! " s,!"rJ .
abc.ild know w!t tie- .nWI. . omef !. i l.n -aieaw
of awnarTBI ! enr.rMUiirine .b u t'- -c"
SJarSTaaai-a - -fc- af th aanaB-.-fc-a--',''"-arJrei
the htunaa nam, aid fcew t ai '
m. i b . n- W tf'Vim re. p'i
into woeaaej hum.i . to h"pe m ','!
aaanam. u raarnre heaiK aS V.wi, arnl wttmr( n ;in
eraaneo ami nrnarnw - . j.
pert-rat aryt ra-an 10 arm' are ,T
'araai Vatlweraat Wtrafa f".
WKkna tha raarh. ami 0. Hi Sw rdra .rf .", ,
I UarT mar Ir.m an I know n. nrmi rLZ ,
TrawraMl Varmaa to MeeJ.
AeitNTS for the abote Wedu-Uie 4.
Schaffle. Lewwburit S John H Ka-ef, :!-
ton ; jtorsyih & PriesHyXorthiinib'ls""-
-: . i txai
f KNTLEMIiN'S Fancy Good.
loira, Clplhs, C sssimeree, ao'i .
mor Gobs m kenerati at 4
C. E. RasChrspie.
25 ,eer w ; bat '-Jl'.r 5
ni -
w- Ve