J.EWIS11UIIC. CI1ROXICLK AND WEST BRANCH FARMKK TR. M'UNR'S UVF.R riLLSH ) This great remedy for diseases of the Liver. is of much older date lhan its iMro-djcti-n t the public. discove r, one of the first physician ' ' countrv, used it for years in his practice, before lie ever announced tt to the world. The existence of so many quack remedies, heraldH a possessing the most marvelous qualities for cieatm all disease, disgusted an accom plished and well educated physician, who r...l1o Mi ome dread of being confoun ded with the crowd of pieien lers to the rrredreal art, whose oestrums were parked in ever newspaper an sovreign remedies for all the ill thit flesh i hir to. 1 he ,-.prnt,Tioi,.of lhoto whom fits P-IN hud ciwn relief, however. n4 the urgent .,i,V.rron. bv physician, w,.h whom ne , tia.l nu.ciated in his pr.ciice.and who hud , t - rWfnl cures evicted wiToesaeo ine . .. tiis remedy, at length inditcKl mm w mssc it public F..r sale at the AGENTS- -C W fleams. I-ewntarg: H Krilint Sunr.urr, Mm MV.v, Northum's-rUnd; M C iier. J Moore, Danville REMOVAL. The Lewiaburg Eatlnj-Honse, ITNDER ihe management ofJ M'Faddio J 21, is removed into rhe basement of the Ure brick fe-ajse on the corner (nun Jen .Green. Market St, I.wi,bu-.wrier the public cau he accommodated wilh the bfl of FrkJ. Stewed, R Bted, or in the ?neli TKII'K done up in the heart atyle Figa' Keet Bread, Puss, Cakes, Nut, Candy, The public may rest nsstin d lhat toe eaiing-house tia!l be ke.t clean and ord erly, and mal boys ami roadies not be crmitted to loaf here. By strict attention to the wants f the jiub'.ic in our line, we 4)ioe m receive a aha re of ita patrnace. J. M'FtiUlX it&. CO. N. B. After the lat of Nov., Families can be supplied with Oysters in the ebcN by the hundred, hall-huudn-U, &. Iwisburi', t t. -il S i.tSO I ENGLISH auJ German Af.lNca fir j snle by G Uwshe DENTAL CARD. Dr. Jolm Locke, -aUROEOX DENTIST, reapectfully inPwBM 4 bia frienda and Ibe public in general, that tie baa eomlnded to make lwi!.urg l.ia perina int place of reai.lence Dr. L. ha Liken room n Market tftpiare. fin.1 door Mow tl.e Piinting tlffir, aihich be will have fittol up to operate in l y lbs at Nov. nexl. Ueaidcuce on Third St. with M J hn Paul. Dr. I.cke w a regular graduate of the Balti ai.ore Colkge of Lanlal Surgery, beeidee which qualification be haa had the advantage l five Seara' eirieiH- in ihe practice of hi profeaaion jo PennayWania. Clbia. Illinois, Witconaiii, and Ibe eilv of Baltimore, Md. Dr.'l.. takes all the Journala of the day which r.mtaiD new and uacful infoimation in the line his prnfcanon ; end from bi arrangements with the brM manufacturer or teeth, gohl foil, Vc will always keep on baud for the accomnio ii.n of bi cuatoiner the very beA quahly of ll the material uaad in bia bu.inef. Paraona wiping Dental operatrnna perfoimed will find it Io uVir advantage 10 give tint a call, -a he i determined not to be surpaaaed in the Mat end durability of hi operation by any one. Leariaburg. Oct. 17, 1819. TPHE subscribers give notice thai they X have entered into a Coji.irtnership for carryinit on the FOUXDRY BCSLYESS. m lite former stand ol Chrim & Boger, and they intend to make and kef p on hand ail kinds of Castings, Stoves, Plough. &r. required in this region. Order for work executed wilh despatch. LEVI B. CHRWT. JACKSON MTADDIN. Lewislmrc. S-pt. ti. I81'J Dentistry WB. C. STEWART, 1' ATE f Philadelphia, i row located on j Market etreet. lwiaburg. oppoaiie Mr. J. Vchreyer'a store, where ha attende to operation e, the teeth at a reduction of bia former price. Taath and roota of teeth removed with the aid of improved Inetrumenta, and in an ray manner. Filling teeth and aetting oa pivuU or plates alien ated to according to the latent impmteniente in the prufriiiin tJIceratrd, epungy, and infliined gam cured. Thankful lor part lavo a. h solicit, a emifuiuence of public patrnnate No impure material used C filling in lecib. lySHS rJEVJ GOO at the old stand. RECER H IDDltiGS RE now receiving a iheir old and well A kwowo stand on M trket street a full and well selected assortment of . Fall and Winter comprising the usual vaiiety of JIDry (Roods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE QUEENSWARE. Salt, Fish, Nails, etc. etc. Our Goods are warranted to be cheap sth cheapest, and cod as Ihe best nnw or old. Thankful fn- past ralronage of friends, we k fur a continuance of their favor ; and new comers and stran, cm we respectfully invite to Call and Sec ! : RKBEK & IDDINUS. Uaiaburg, Oct. 10.1640 , SEASONABLE GOODS. H. P. SHELLER. "IT70ULD respect fully inform his old V friends and I he puMic io general, that he is now receiving a large FASX-SUPPi-Y of (Nidi adaptod to tde wants, the means at:d I he iaics of a It. Dt lHOODUS for the Ladies; ,,iww .l'iiii'li .... e ... , w nuuriiiiBia lor tin; r miiy , j Cans, Boots, &.c , for tlie Bo) s ; j HARDWARE , Q.Kenwiir. !r..u Nail t isO bait c. sr. ac. ; which he offers on the lowest and most i M ccumnicidatiiig terms, nn the principle ol " Satan Prolila araaJ4Uck Salea." tJraicfu! (or post patronage, we invite a discriminating public (o call and examine our mock of Merchandize, which we are confident will lie salistaoiorv to oil. LewUburg, Oct. 15. I49 Ahead of Competitipn ! J. HAYES & COt Take pleasure in informing the public, that the- have rrcoiith- received the ' Largest, "l 31 'V' Cheapest, nndwo,, FAKIIICIVAULi: Aasortment of GOODS '',"r ""''red to ihis community. The sutwfat-iion hert tolore rendered Oy this stand, it is presumed is a sufficient guarantee fcr their future operations. To attemp to entiwrale their stock, would he superfluous, and indeed impoanble ; hut those wishing to pnrchuse.nre invited lo call and judee iar :lieinvt, before nurchaiiini' elsewhere. ' ' ' ' ' J. HAYES & CO. . - Lewisburg, Oct. 17, 1810 . tt FORSTER'S MEU STORE, CFirtl below Klini'i HMd,J LEWISBUEG, PA. - rPHE public are respectfully informed that JOHN FORSTF.R has rew ived, and J now (.tFers lor sale a very gy large stoek of Fall and Winter goods, comprising all articles kept generally in the other store, with the ml Inion of mnny finer kinds of goods not Ufually brought to the country , An examiuaiion of the stock is respectfully inviud. Amlmg my slock ia a large variety of JB)ry Goads, embracing C.isimeres, Snlinetls. Veslinas, Tweed Cloths for S.icks and Overcoats, Kentucky Jeans, Tick ins, t'nnton and other Flanuels, Tah'e Ui.ipT. Muslin, 500 pieees Calicoes, Ginghams. Mous de Laine. Cashmeres, Mrinne. Alpacens. Silks, Linen, Cambric, S.Ik and Coiton Hindkerchiefs, Shawls, Trimmings, 6ic. &.c. Ladies' shoes, Men's rtid Boys' boots, etc. CLOTH .1XD GLAZED CAPS. JlVPttHJ the hest and most varied assort me tit and also Groceries, Marlware,c:t ;;r 1T0 WHOLESALK buyers, great inducements are offered, as a liberal abatement w ill be omde. jo 11 A rons ri.it, New cheap cash More. Lewisburg, Ostoher 2. 1810 NEW STORE. THE PUDGE RENEWED! TTAVIXG rendered entire snlisrnrtion toj XX his lormer patrons by fully sutaiiiini his pledge to sell G.mds below the custom-l ary prices of the place.the suVwrilier agaii ..,itu. iK mmmiiniiv if iIm'V desire i" have ("heap Goods In call at his Mnre.l . i.'i t...tul liMrM ibiv ran finil:! opjHisin. IVIIITC s il , ...-. - a fresh stock now ojiening of . Dry Goods, I Groceries, ! Hardware, ueensware Hats Boots and frl Li ' CaiS,sstw4 Shoes and most I- J . J .. riptions ol Merchandize aoapieu their wanta, for ihe season, at me very u.t nricea. Everv exertion made o please those who may favor us with a call it v;nA . PnMluce taken in exehince "as well as Cash" in pavment for U.mns. . BAH'L S. BARTOW. Lewisburg. Sept 27, 1849 Dr. Rose's Hediclnes. 1 Tl, aubscrilier having bw-n appointed i- fr I)e. Rose's Medicines, fori 1WIO m " " ----- Union county, oflers thrm to the public ..tk ere! confidence as to iheir ffi -act and certaioty of eifecting curea in all cases for which Ibey are demgnea. a smg.o only required to establish the fart. SeptCT S S BARTON New York Fall and Winter FA TUST reeeised at llie Fashionable Tailo Iminir establishment, next door to the PostOflke. ' JOHN B MILLER. Lewisburg, i5ept 20, 1849 rvNE Bosgey and Sell of Ha r nea, J One Two Horse vgon, One Truck Wggoir, For sle by ' f ' i II P Sfccller" - sMaaaasjw The oltS v Mammoth" Filling up Again J. 6 J. WALLS "fOST respectfully inform their friends ( ilL 'he puiiiic ''""V are now rcceiv j ina their usual supply of j FALL AND WINTER mllercluinilize calculated in quality, price, nml quantity io supply the wants ol the trading commu nity embracing Drj) Boois, GRR,?if- I la? d ware, Qneenxwarc, 1'iah, tyc. of which are offered on our uu:il ' accoinniodating lerins lor (.'ah, 1'roiluce, or eoitd credit. VVe invtle and hope In merit n continu ance of the very libcrat p:tmii;ige hcreto 10 re extended Io in. .1 . & J.WALLS, lewishurg, Oct. 10. 1811) rail and winter (0(DDS. rPHE suhserilier has just received his X siock of FALL AND WINTER Goods emhraciug ihe usuul variety such as dry goods, groceries, hardware; queensw a re. HATS.C.VPS &&c. All of hrch are o,Tcred cheap for Cash or Country Produce. L QuS-SEK Lewieburg, Sept. 18, If . v., . n acR J-J!iApJ Teas from rUl lebrated establishmeut of M'Calmont Ai Bond, Tor sale by. ,, ' I G Lawshe FLAX SEED Oil. pure Whi-e Ivnd. Ve nitian Red, VVhitjng, Yettow Oolite, Spanish Brown, Glass, Pu;iy, &c, by I G Lawshe Ct AST-Steel, ? :ner. Blister Sieel, Nails, Spikes, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, Sic- for sale by I G Lawshe IOR Ihe Trade. A lot of Drugs and ' Rosin on hand, wDich the subsL-riber otiers at cost. Ill La.wshe BEST L.rd Lamps mid Iunp Wicks for sale by I G Lawshe - s OMETHING NEW- 5 mpsione Grid I G Lawshe ' dles for sale by ; (IUME Old Java Coll'ee for sale by - I G Lawshe Will PB Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour, - lor sale by 1 G Lawshe : Q IHPSTUFF and Shorts for sale by k J. ...... . "' : I O Lawshe nODFISH Fresh Mackerel Cheese- j fby sale by I G Lawshe PUKE -FllESH COD JLiren CPU. fPHIS ne mirl valu.ih'e Medicine, now used by ih med'cul profession with . i. - - l: ,r. .1... ' I'ulmon'i'y Citnuunipt-O'i Sernfila, ('ironic hltcuiHuliim, (Jo.t, grurrui Uthility, Complaint of lUc Aiuilryt, for. &e . h pr-pared from the lier of the OD-FISll for me-iidiml uae, expressly lor our st.li s. riirart fr m thv l.i inl.M) ffiliral Journal. i ; J It ili.hnh M. U.. F 11 I'rulvHur ol MelK'iiir iu LuiM-riMiy t.'oll. e, l.umlon, ron.ul- j i;.mF ihyi im to the lliv-piiul lnc 1'onruiup ion, I &'c , sys ; I have irr.riitnt he lil in s!)ov Miir nun.itt clinch m lun.'it'tuoti (iiiiisc V ine 1 lings in ilifl' rvnt iaecs,iktiich have brrn un l. r rn y can- the la-t two 'rara anil a h:ill. In tbi Un;e iiiiiiibri ol' ca-t Ul'6 out ol Ha uw via tj!ourl by maiknl. nnniuiv.K.il i.nniovrmtnt. faryins in druri c in di:li rent canra. from a tent- puraiy rrturdation of tin) 'U'frrn ot the lijeae md a ruitii;a:ion of iliMreMniin iiyinptoiu. up to mine 01 lesa complete tetoraliou la appaiciil uralili. 'I'be Tt'rl of the Cm! Liver Oil in mo-t of theae eaai a very reii.arkahtr Even a few day the cough waa niiUgaU-d. ilir eipcc oration diuiini-hed in quuilily and opacity, the iiiuhl aeata ce:iacd, ihe pulae U-carnt: alower. and of better lolunie, a ul ibe udit. , flub and aiiciigth were grailudly itiiprovrd. " In conrluaion I rrpra! that she pure freh Oil fioru tin: l.iver f ihe t od ia nioie runi-fn ijl in the 1 real mint of Pulmonary Coutuinpiion thun any agcnl, mtdn iuel liuU tic or regiiuetml, that hat yei uvea empined " As we have made nrrnugeinenl to pro cure Ihe Cid Liver Oil fresh from head quir'ers, il ran now tie had chenii -ally pure, lv the ing!e bo'.tle .r in boxes of one d z n eui ii. lis wonderful tflicacv has induced num- j ernus ipunoxs tmilatuif. As its succes depend entirely on its purity, loo much care oh 11 in it be 11-ed in procuring ii er.xt ink Kvery bottL- having on it our wrilien signature, mnv Im ileniied on na genuine. P.'imi'hlets containing an analysis of the Oil, wilh notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be scut to tho-e who address us free of potL'e. JOJjy C BAKER J- CO , -V bolexnie Kniim'-' and fhemi-ita." lS8a ino North Third St. Philadelphia New Copartnership! and CABINET FIAKIWG. HAVING entered into a partnership, the subscriber would inturui their old patrnn and the public in general, thai we may be found at D G'ntt-r' old stand on Firat street near the Academy, wh re we carry on the above huainea in a'l ita vaiietie. Fancy and Common Chairs, Rogtoi, Rucking Chairs f-Vr.evs, various kinds Bureaus, Tables, Itcdsleads, ijtc. on hand or made to order- , COFFINS readv made or f a furnished on sli rt notice. We have also a suitable IIKAUSC iu rea diuess fur Funerals. We have a Tr g Lathe propelled by horse Kw:r,which enables us to turn wood of any size, and up to '24 feel in length. HOUSE AND SIGN ifetnting will slao lie attended in by ihe eHrwriibers on the abort. nt notice and in ihe be.i style. (f-AII work in our tine wairanted to be well made, and on the most reasonable Una. , Removing Ballctlng. We would al-o announce thai e have proper Machinery for removing ItuiMings of any one. from Uun la Urerabeba if necessary. Country produce and Lumlier! t iken in yuienl and tb anil tiuiu i'U-i nui reluscd. 'i'baiikful for part favors, oe respectfully k a continu ance of the aanic. DAVID OINTEK. ADAM BEAVE1I. t.cwi..nre. May 1, 1819 6m26S. The New Fou ii dry I S now carried on a usual, at the upper end of M.trki-t street, where every des cription ot CASTINGS is Kept on hand or made to order such as , 'Pka f '.imnll l lie I Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, lor either ta 'Wood arid ui her kinds of STOVES. also PMllTtjrlBS of diffeV ent kiuds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Shirpenlng Plough, a new article, and which cau not he lient in Pennsylvania. Cull and see and judge for yourselves. ....... CHRIST' V M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sepl. 2, 1S49 DR. TRASKS : " Magnetic Ointment!! h a v oiieit man wauls io wear a wig! We? nil know the value of a cnod head tf hair. A young man w ith a Ir.ild bead, is a s;rt of walking raiicaiure of his species. Hence the many vnrioiis attempts to reme dt. or conceal the deficiency. Hundreds of the young men ofiliis count ry, after Iry ine the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven th tieeessitT of wearing wig a practice as little conducive to cleanliness. as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical experteoce.lhat Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald head, when all other reme dies hrtve failed. :- " ' ' , Sold in LewisburB.wfiolesale and retail, by Thornton & Baker. Price 25 and 60 cents perboUle. . , " "HiirrI0B' (JltimulaA IbJt TN Quart. Pin(, h& smaller sized bottles, I Black. Blue.; Red artd Indelible. This celebritBd luk lor safe bjr. . . , '.i y . i A i ajr W.- mWATTL : - i Ma ; CIRCrL4R - ---- To Clergymen, I'osUnanten,'l'euchenofS.iUiath j Head of t'umilit. " '" " A CENTS wanied in er arctron of ibe tnitcd State u Mil - , ; . , . ' stars' Pictorial Family" Annual,! ! . 1 a il'utrjleJ o.k. cunirUiiig a fin " -rie ol crnbt llihhioent, wl.b inierrMimc iwriitiun.s ui oie liuitlrume huge oclu ol bout tuur butxlieO ikct, rlrguil Uiunii in (till, anti klicrril iu Uic 1 ,n'"" OH,din '' ' ""' Tbi ,iUliJul ,oiulM rolHliM WII"bln j Cimiflete Library of LVclul KutritSiuitM ' K mm leilge. ronilriwed in fuini, l-.miimr in l)lr coinm 111 intorinaiion. rmi'CMcn.g an enenmv langeul .ul j vtit. The rngruTini; lu j bundled il. fiLiiilfc) i:v klririly iilu.truu, I'o j ing rrpiejtiitaUoni uf actual eccajv, t'M'.uuu;. 1 itimivra, .l.onaiucu;, atr.t ac. i On etbioii.ution, lUe above nntk will be p to i nounced bv evirv intelligent nerann under mhoae biervaliou il may com, a one of Ibe moat Mil T table niearut lot a father to pteenl ! b.a family I a rrgarda butu Ilia quality and liumbrr f ita I eiatx;Uihmeul, and ibe ur rhtrarler uf ita 1 contvula. In preparing every aitiele for it pa gea, the gieah at cautiou baa ti D iiaiJ to ailmit iiotbing but uf au iinpruving 11 d luatrucliterbar- acier. j To men of en'eipriae and tart, thU work alone ifler an uppoitnuity for rofi:blv enipl'ment .d.m met with. Th, re i not s loon in ibe L'nion where a light honeat, and well itispoaed ieraou cau tail selling fioin fifiy to Iwo bundled volume, according lo the population. All pernoua wi.bing rain, Ic copies, to eiamine, or iirucure ulwerilier wilh. ran receive one or more, aubttaiitially bound iu p'er enters (ihe only kind e are allotted lo luraid under the IW t!ILce law) - the po'a nut eice ding thir ty cents on encli volume n ibrwuriied, on Ihe re ceipt ol One Dollar. In ihi way no n.aiiir where a peraon leaidea. if o. lv ailhin the reaih ol a pot-otriec, be can obtain a copy ul the Family Annual. Agent wauled in every town and reunty in the L'nion, to sell Seam' New ai d Popular Pic torial Work ;" uuiveiaally acknowledj;el to be the beat snd cheapra! sver puMiJn d s ihey cer tainly are ihe most saleable. . Any active ageut may clear $500 or $10u0 a ;er. A cash npi Ul of at least $35 oi S0 aill be necessary. Kuli pailiculara of the principle and profit of the agency will be given on appliralioo. either per aoually or by letter. The pi.jg mual in ail ca ve be paid. Pleaae to atldref, . JiObEKT SEAIIS Publisher. 128 Nsa-au Muert. Near York. To Publisher! of Krwsp'ij,ert throughout the Vnited Siute$ &e.aer copying Ibia ailvet tiaemeut, entire, well dii-pUyed. a above.wuhMUt any al eutmn or abittgemenl, (including ibi no tice.) and giving it two inside in ermine, shall receive a eopv of the Annual." (i-ubjccl to their order ) by sending direct lo ibe Publisher. 37. v 2 Fever and Ague. WHAT is the mode ol" treatment besi adapted to ihe, cure of Fever nnd Ague? U has usually 'a en treated by medical men as a diseaseof ilsell. .Strict ly spenking it is not a d sease. but a tynp torn of disease. It is the res'ili of a de rangement of the lirtr. Here Iws the difficulty, and here is ihe disease. It is therefore the liver lo which the remedy should be directed. r Here the caue evicts, snd it is the cause which is lo he removed or a permanent cure wi'l not be ellecied. By addressing remedies to the symptom, we leave ihe cause untouched, ready In produce a re'urn of the chill- and fever, on the first over exertion of mind or body. The success of Dr. Ogiwd's India Chola gngue inefli ctini! j.trninntnt cores :f such affections is explained bi its well know de iihs'rueiit r fleet upon Ihe bili.'rv oignns. Imitations are ahrond! , B articiilnr to enquire for Dr. Osgood's INDI AN f'HOLAGOGrE" , Fur sole by ihe self agent, J Schfti, er, Lewisburg. Office Hemmed. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , l.ttciubnrgi ia. OFFICE, on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Chi'ist, Esq. April 2, 1M9 Fur Nervous Diseases, Dr Tiask's M lottet'C Ointment is of immense value, and in U9 cases out of 100 il will afford entire relief to the worst case of Nervous Head.iche in 30 minutes. ,. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr Thornton Si Biker, Lewisiwr;' sold also by J. II Riser, Milton, and bv one agent in every village in the. State. ' Pi ice 25 and 38 els per bottle. . j Lumber ! Lumber! ! rPHE subscriber eontinui's to keep a gd X slock of lumber, consisting of 20 00U leet of sawed lumber as follows : White pine boards ! inch, plank inch and 2 im-h, weather boards, joist ii scantling, pop iar boards, plank, aud scantling, cherry plank, and boards, sawed ceiling lath. pine and hemlock rails, shingling lath, and p i ling. Also' lap sad joint shingles, square timber, nnils, sail, and coal. .All of which he will sell at fair prices. ' ' THOMAS NESBIT. . Iewishurg, July 1 1, 1949. . . . , Important Information ! I ""OR the difficult respiration and debility ! ; a:tending diseases of the Lungs, or i 1 hroat and Breast, thomton 1 ompowiil Syrup "f. TVrr and Hood Naplha has been lound an invaluable remedy. Besides its power as an Expectorant to relieve the lungs from the accumulated mutter which results from the relaxed slate of ihe system iu hot weather, it also acta as heahnit balm lo the ulcerated pan and a strength ener to the system. So salutary ia ibe action of the Syrup in this respect, that many of our most respectable Physicians employ it in their practice, and we have d.iily evidence of cures effected in . pulmonary diseases where Skill has utterly failed. Prepared only by Angney & Dickson, N E corner Fifth and Spruce Sis. Philad. Sold by C. J. Sekaffle, Lewisburg. A journeyman Wafchrnaker WANTED in Lewfcbure, by A. L. IITFIEI.D. tTrNEdAR-fOod Cider Vinegar for V sale try r u uawins J7At'KSMITIIi.U TheMilicrilxr rrsiel fully inform l'ie cit 2"ii ol Lew;.-'uiir;i ai'd vicuutj il-ht lh'ey have coiiK-ni-ed the. tflavevbu;ir?e!.!t, ai M riate'aohf shop oil Secoiid ft. one mi'iiirtffou'h of M nkU.wliereihey lire j.rt pii.d in lion Buug'u-a r WagBOhs, ami n-ake all niiicie-i iu tln-ir bu-ttie it, 'he roost wnrkmanhke mam ef, at ; prfces h:ch lirt y hope will iudoce ihi'se wi-hiog iiiiy'.hing tJ.iiie in ihnir ln.e 10 call nml jiidye llii iiiselves ln-ti.re piins; tlewliere. Ueparring dime m Uie !mrle-t m.rice uti'l mi r. a-onalite terms a'' ahoitiu which is a very iinpnr'ant tnai ler lo those tht Imve vuluuh'e hnr.-r. ninl t-iiiniM her nlntVed onlv to persons l known skill ,. I VV A it n,.r.nt, ..j tkr av. nhle In aiiliix te i:h any person in the country iu Shoeing lt.ir-es t e ask only a. trial, and Lit ihe work show lor itself. All work warranted. Iron and all kinds if country Produce taken iu exchiinae."'' We hope by strict a'ltnti .n to. business, and a dcterminntinn to snir aM, holh)J in work and price, to receive a liberal share of public paironaue. H ATE cfc Fl'RRAY. Lew'sburrr. M.iy 22. IB 19 GL0BI0US News from rAHFOKXIA I Gold Vutt i iJrnry'aiid Drug dj .Werfi" tinrs tire offered af XYholenalr and . ' " Retail, theuftr than rrer, at DR. THORNTON & BAKER'S trii ran (if iyi"s v-ia H AVING Itfiughi ejt the Diu,. Store of Mr C. A. VKrn, Ibe aul's-uls?rs wunij respecttui.y iiuurin ine rn zi-us or Lewiabnrg and its vicinity thai they will keep constantly ou baud a Inre and welt selected asaor'iisvnt of fresh ' Drugs, Medicines,' Paints, Oils, DyestulFs,Cheii.ic.il,Gl:iSs, " Botanical Medicines, . .'". COSrECTIO.'VFRV; PEKtXJIEH and a eeneral a-jurtmf nl ot t'AIKY MLDICjyESnUn n variety ol a ride usually kept in Drua Mh,m all of which they are determined to sell unusually low. lYr.sons wishing lo procure Mcdidijs, are particularly invited l jiive ihem n call before puri ha.-.ing elsewhere.-- Paiiieu'ar nttcution will le paid lo pulling up Physi r inn's prescriptions. " . ' ' ' N.B- M.-diral n-licr wiven al llie Store free of eh.irje, by Dr Thomton. V, t" ' ' Lewtsbtir, flareb 20, 18 9- ? ,,-.'tr P. S. Di. Thorn'orl ft'ker woiJJ inform those wh.t bane an liberally patronised them since ihey bare rmmeneed buainesa. lhat ihey have EEl'I.EMSIIiBU THF.IK TOCK of na m unadulterateil Diugs and Medicine, im mediately from Importers at mluer1 p'ice in ihej Aew l i'R, rnil.vieipiiHt ana in minors niieiv, hii-b 'hey are enahl-d to eell a' prn-e lower ilinn evec "uirercJ in this plai-e, at Wholesale and R-t.il - - Dt Th n,i n vrarrint- all Drag and Medirinea purrhasid si their einb!i.-hmen pore and genw- ine, and if ihey do not prove to be ao the purcha sers are al liberty lo return Ih art Me and their rtmne slia II be refueled o tlieui... r 1y 13 jpiahos!i'Piiin tijay.-i5S; 7 r A JSit.-.sKi.sv's.' T "HE undeirignrj continues lo fnrni-ti lo oiMer on the most reasonable l.'rm, I'isiins. frora Ihe manulactory of Conrad Meyer, I'iiii.,.1 .h ie Histruments are loo well ku ixii to need en pin egvric. havinir uniformly rcice-ed ihe rononei d alion of ihe ino-l eminent professor and c. in, po ser of Mo-ic, and the anard nl in preniiama io New Yoik.PhiladelpIn i anil o-ion. For juslilie of tone, touch, and kee iug in lone up to concert pilch, they can not he surpassed by cither Amer ican or European Piano. ' ' ' ' Iiislruction siren on ike Piann a beietofore Rcierence may be n.aJ.'. to any of lho.e parents or guardian who have pupils cominiltrd to, hi charge. He may be en at hi rrmdenee al Mr. Maise', Market ctreel, l.ewi burg, where rerun and particulars a ill he inaile knovin. The niost popuhr and lavorite Air snd Music of ditferenl kinds received a il is isauid from the ditTerent mir-kal esiabli-hmenia in Ine Ciiie. May lj CHKI.K? KAI.I.-si H TEAS ! Us TEAS ! 1HSF. fresh Green and Black Tens.from . 42 cents pound aud urwarU,impor led by the Canton & Pi-kin Tea Company J" New Vork, parked in pounds hulvesantl quarters, perfectly ail tight, just rr ecived aud Jor sale bv ' J tuss hahis. ! ' Mayft--' ' ' 8eJe Agent for Leiurg 1 --. Harrisou's Columbian Inks, 1 )XACK. Japan. Cops inf. Marking. Biue, In- l delible. Scarlet, Red, I armtne. Tbee Inks ll-.iw more freely trota the sea. and give a stronger ami mote durable color than any other-. For sele iu any qnantit fcy DR. THORNTON ex BAKER. Agent. ' Lewi-burg. I iiko Cos Pa. ROUGH & Ready Shirtings nt 3 cts pr ' yard Ginahams at 10 ft- and Prints at'4 IO 121 Cts rr tard. Cd!l and see at . ' .' ' C. E. Bowes. WANTED two ions or R(.S, in - exchange lor Merchandize. Ap 1 G Lawshe. n ' for Joslicee snd Const;,ble. on Did II UN hand for sale at ibia office, or printed according to Older N Ap4 Reber At- Iddinga... s ALT and FISH on haml bv Ap H Reber eh Jildins. r nnivn on.'!.'! r..nJ t ' MIAIllll OlllliUW" u,i".i i) An 24.-... rfeber & Iddings. and TOTES Promissory.: Judgment. .T--'-Vyl . :c T"rr --- r-"(" 'y, v " ' '"rtii''i""" LEWISBURG ACADEMY U'ILL Cmni.en. on M..0W. il.r ttJ ..I I I . l,or I rlk.. Skill bl VI, fl a beieitiireh al bneeni rstCeiaryfit a tbiUtJt edti ni4i. avlsi isj Ct4j. potilion and l,fLu.-Uou irtl r ttifAt. It d -til. t alteution Kill urn aul ia me mnbvsip'b eular rat'iia of study in ihe young messbera of I be M-ho.il. 'I be icpuUlM. uf,ib Iutiiuin a ill he made In real, mrf upwa Itte aaoJ er, but upon ib pri'g: ol t'ne ttudenb. . The ui.sert Iwr Is nut solicit- u- for a school of mors than 29 recill.ir cb"laa Tenon lor l.aajuag ; , lot ihe hmher Kngluh. a ; at.d for ue eomu-a KuJI.-alk branches per se.Moti of 21 areka. Leia,org. 0'cl.3; 14 " - - mas vj the ldiam" CLeaper than fctfer- ' fllHE aobartibera have the pleasure I ansnuac. I ; lo ihur old cuvower and Ihe public Hi gea cial thai they b oibti a larse and splendid -. -Miriuient uf TOBACCO aVC. si the old land on Market lri foruierly occupied by Kamf Amnions m e Tailor .hop. 1 Their entire alock ha been arise ted with great w rsre.and codsjai of . Clears Fragrancia. i. a Norma, primavete, Prineip. Werner Regaha. Cuteilo. Oeaetal . Taylor, Half l?pni-b. and Common. Cat endUU TobarCO Slabter'e Black ' -Fat, Congress, Oiouko. Branch Slag, Plag.at d f A Fine Cut. ' ' - - , X " Saioklns; Tobacco-Cut . sad Dry,' Srallerta'te, 4e. ; .. . , . SaulT-Kapp arid Scotch, .- I . ., .... tfuutf Boies, Urnuaa Pipe., and a fjney erti- ' cle of t'igar ci-e all of which are offer! f the w'wrst rs'W All flnda ot Proilsee urkea it exchange, f.'sll, kit, and Judge t,i j..liile beluic luiidemi.iug ihe ari:rlea. A. J. PESJft; ;..r. :i HEXuV FLkgAv : m . I.ei.lnre, April SI, 1.849 The success of Dr. Tra"kV Magnetic Ointment iu curing Sre Eyes, is proveib-'-' i-i. Those who are nol acquainted with' its use, wi! hud on each bottle a pamj lilefj"" enntniftiiiir full directions."' 1 -'" . -' -i Ag' hts iii',Lewisturg,ThrniorAi: Paler . f&mm&mis;.: :;r NOTION km VARIETY STORE MAVIXO laL.f. the. new D ag Etaoli.l.m at of Hchafle Si ChamU-rlin, I would res- pettlull announce n my'fiiend and Ibe pnblie lhat I hate replenished my teck aad wHI keep constantly oa band a large, freth and well aelee- r ted slock of pure Diug-. Mtalicinea 4e. ttbicB I ' otter al n boloale and Ke'ail. My atnefe betag. entirely new ami purchased for cab al low rale in the Philad'a market. I am enabled to veil at loner price than ever olTeied iu tbi regie!- . Drugs, MeJicines, Chemicals, Dje Stuffs, Patent, Med , OJass,'. Perfumery .Oils, Paints, Liquor, Fa ncy N otions i Variety , G oods Fruits, and Confectionery, aitli a Inrge variety of other articles asaally kept in Drug earahlishaients.- Tkaakfal for pt lib eral pal ronage, I Dap to merit its continuance. Person wishing to procure pare aaat freak' Medicines, are particularly invite) te giv sas call before percba-ing elsewhere, as all Drog are carefully inass-ted hefore offered for aaie end all Medicines msnutactared by myeslf are war ranti d good. Having a practical knowledge of ihe hu-inea ftoM upward of ten year experts enre, I flatter myself that I am a cogspstcru judge of the same. All order entrusted to me will be promptly attended to, and n.y Iriende may rely Dpoo gel ling everything of the tery beat quality. - u. w. svn ri ue, uiuggwi. I.ere - IB19 C S. CLS an j TV" SAM f AAlMON f If 1 HANKFl'J. for liberal cairooage herctovsie" leceived, rri?ctfully in onus hi c4d frietid and the public generally !.at be baa reasovad ksa . . 'Kaiawr rfchog t - to the Uaseiwet of his Brick dwelling on Markef aire,-., uext door above C Penny eeddlery (late Jte office of H C llickok. Esq) where be bupes W sun nil who may give bint ihrir ctstointas' he does ait work in his line in ibe best and newest sty le and on short notice. . De has the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined lo keep wt with the limes and merit good share f,. pnironaite. ' CUTTING done to order. Charges reasotiab'e, aad Produce taken in'- exchange for work .' v ( lewisburg. Jme, 13J9 1810,7 . . Faacy CoosIm, KotkrtM, bc. T CST reee'd a large aud plm!H aMorimeat' ft of Faucy tsooda such aa Slieel Bead Gold Pencil Thimbfee ' Claspa Hena Chain Silver Pencil Bead Necklace Finger Kiugs Salin lleaila Unit Pins Amber Kedie Cae BnfTito Comb frhiri Buttoua Shell - Stud Spanish " Water Colors Dressing " -,r Emerge , Pocket ' Cigar Cases- t Hair Uraalira Sniiff Boie Visiting Cards' Duuiiuoe Tbenaome'ere' llaior aud btrop . . Walking Canee SeUaor " Hun UlaMee 8py P. cket Mirrors Compaaaee Prrlsaii Teeth ' Nail Flesh . . P..inl ' Shoe .. Jewelry Unard Chams Wauh ' -' - Keye Cluster Pine ctpeetaclea Caaes Pstchel Night light , Grueling Betklr Doll and '" Steel Tweexeie Doll head Toy for -Card Case ' ' ChtmVea Pnrtmoniee Fancy Pie Pocsel Booka Pea Kaivee :Aeeordiou ir t P.s-ket " Fiddle Silk audTb.eaJ . Parlor L -rhn 1 - Varse. Ci Together wih a great Variety T art g-lea riot meniinnei) in (he abuse list; Mr eale al ll a new Drug. Fancy and1 Tarieiy autre of r '' " v W CIIAFFI.F. II indvie SASll A i.S t.f 6x16 Wfedt w Sash, fiom tl elienp Marrufnctory vf Syinxa'St Pjrrow, on hand, and all sixes got to urjer on' short nmice. tfa'y, 11949 ' , fGfjiwahe REMOVED. ' j TR. TIIORN I ON has twrroved bis ) . Medical Office to ihe Dm,; store i'f 'l'(torfUm Jc Baker, next to Walls Sor- I : " " 1 i ' . flH; Pp. oe re-rie-..r of he M i a netie Oinimenl warrants core of M.r. I troulleaome eemplainf. In evrrv irWtanee. , irihddfiWfion et- .irlr-iK- f..iu.l Lewiah'g J iwihe I iM Joitn Notes (blanks) al this offv.n. ( , ui 6 TtjorBf.-A & Taker 1 - -' f.. :,.r, j ,,1l ' ,..,-.,r. ' V ' ' ' e. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers