Meal Estate. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY TOR 84rE.Publlc wr Private. f I'tHE'stib'scriber will expos to public Mile ' fif riot before disposed or privately) on Tuesday, 26th Dec. next, r at" itfra'ctock,- A.M., the premises now oc cupied by him. on north Fourth street , one square from (he Miin street, marked on the Town Plot as HALF LOT No. 192 on which is a two-storey Frame House, 34 feet front by 28 d.p. ffj7 pu or pki a nsro hit a autip and will rait for an kind of CIlTice or bop.;"sUo a lares Mtabla. a Woodshed, Hog Stable, ami iirtnnrr outbuilding.,, with a naver-railing Wall of good water, and a Pump in Iba bark building and a finer n and Kumin the1 yard. All indisputable title. Slid poaawssion given 00 the 1st of April, 19S0. Also offered as above. LOT No. 277. euimproved. lying irnntetlistely of iba fore (oing, and fronting on Fifth street. Persona wishing can view the properly at any time. Term further specifitsl mi ih d ivof sale. EMH KEES. LawUborg. No. 1, 1019 TOWN PROPERTY For Sale Cbeap. 4 FtJLL lM. on North Fourth S'rec J on which is a two storey Frame House,, 16 by 33 lift, ffgj with 'a good Celar under'i' a lilfi FravT.e Suable. 16 by 20 an out Kitchen, and other oui-buiidnits now occupied by Gaoiter Fur an Inquire of DAVID RI'.liER, Agent. lwihurg, Oet. 31,1549 T"OR S I.K Thn subscriber tuTr-re Ins V home in the Birougti of liaburg, . , .- r a.'. . .1 situated at tne intersection oi o.. nwivmy . J I?. ...iL .. 1 1 j i nmiii run it I no ruvr.ii ancmo aia na. aa.on. ..- 7 iroin r. , . . . .-- e I- a Dl:i.. :.. ... l'.a-:l. mu crie. i rar aweiiing-nnurc m irgc Two story frame, with a new frumc burn ! and other urceasary eu'bml.!ina The I I mi! comprises 6 Acre and 60 perches, ) II in a high stale of cultivation. There TV a variety of choice Fruit Trees on the place also never-failing well of water, it ia well situated for pof'e business of any kind the lind will support n small j, or ran be laid out into village lots JOHN I'liKB'iR. Lewishurg, Oct. 6. 1840 m SALE-3 iWm, SITUATE! in Kelly lowm-hip. I'nion county, Pa., 41 miles from Lewisburg, (the seat oi" the new University.) Tho farm contains 235 acres, of which lfiO acre are cleared and in argood slate olVultival ion. largr proportion brt'.i.'ftestone land. AS respect Jkaler and' meadow; rrer laroi has rare ad vantage, there being on iraeverM never lulling Pprines. and a stream running thru' As eenti r affording facilities by which stock ean be watered in every field. In good trtons, 40 to 60 tons cm be cut from ihe J..-I meadow iand. The House and V X - r TV.t. oirn are iranK., mr uttS' r Utter nearly new, and ""well finished: TherP ia Ho a Tenant House, and nil the nuT- buildtng apwrtaining to a farm Uo .an I'fcnaM wnn a variety oj gouu rnnu The above Farm is oflered in whole or In pmt'to EUfprfreffasrF, and a portion ot the purchase rWrtfly may remain secured ty the premises- WW. H. 8II.-BV. KODEKI HAVKH. ElwtM' of the estate of Uriah SiLsnv, dec'J. Klly, Union Co., Sepi. t. I89 fPHE subscribers huve associated under J. tlie Firm of . S. Ct J. WOLFE, frjthe purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General CoiimiisMoii and Forwarding tt!wr. ,ibeil advai.ees will lie made nr alfkiftd of Count rv Produce. Place f business, new Warehouse on the Wharf iiuiiie jAittHy below the It.idjje, bAMI'KI. WOl.FE. JM.N AIM N WOl.FE.!i. P- Aug. 7, 1819. Stitwrior Cot king Siovt-s. The subs i.liers have rtrt hand the Etna Alr-Tight Cooking Stove, a Wood or t 4al. Tlrese Stoves i afrii;,d lor arr superior to aiivtliuiir of the kind ever off. red in the couinrv, and iil be fold at reasnnab'e pri. ev.' S. & J. WOLFU. Lewi.burj:. S j,' 10. l19 300 .cks -rouud Alum Salt, 50 oV tine do I (Ml llh. Sa4na do For ante, wHolesaile or retail, lav S. pt 10 S V J Wolte GROCERIES, Tiie sola-enUer have i'lst ree'd fresh .itv ..i CObTEE. SUUA'R, MOL JSiE& otc wliuh llrey will ell ut a very small advnuce on cost. A J Wolle HllMilKTlYt. 1MLLS. Tlse AtbaiitJ Jtrgu consider the Bran dretk Piila wejl worthy il eont-ivmre i4 rhs- u:bic Tlwi the principle on which tf.t1 tlli dusassi is the me aa that of Lemy l Tan and 8di naux of tierma nr. That all ihe variety of disease pro t-ved from, or are nearly allied to dii-orders f Ihe slomsich and oowt ls, and that by 4a.sjrrg vtiexe fv-ntedies which restore tn jsjajftb llaeso imfoi1ant organs lite disease awill vanndl. Tiie Braodieth medicu.i prowls carry out ' inqs.rtant prin !i,.!e. We he besrJ them sir.mgly re coinrnenried. Tire gwiue p!l for sale b J. "-P oX a-eut foi Lciburg. L?u '3 The Bank Flare-aa. As a great excitement was occasioned in this place on Monday morning last by the startling announcement that the Susque nanna County Dank had stopped payment, which excitement appears to be still pre vailing throughout the country, it may be expected tbat a paper published in the same village should at lead register the occur rence and give the public some information concerning it. All we can say about it this week however,' from mere hearsay that a run having been made upon it in Aw Vork the latter part or last wcck.aod its redeeming funds having been'exhausted in that city,'8orhe Brokers or their agents hastened here and made such a demand as to cause payment to be stopped hero also. Whether this suspension is to be merely temporary, and the notes of the Bank in circulation are to be ultimately redeemed, as the opinion is expressed by some of our citizens, (and which we can not but hope for the sake of a large portion'nf our com munity who must otherwise suffer materi ally,) or whether this is to bo a te-tola! smash u; we are posi'.ively tho' lit;'e ac quainted with ihV affairs of the Bank and tho nature of its difficulties to snv at present. No"? knowing, therefore, who,' if any brtdy amctig-us is to hlamo for this occur-.-ance, we forbear at present any attempt to enlighten th public which might have a JetiuWicy to cast undeserved censure upon individuals, and muiit await future develop- merits before we can sty any thing further bout it. In the meantime we repeat the nope expressed by othere who know more ! about it, tlisit.' it Will survive the present I t ' ' nHn;,. Bs ha!l oll,.nMie rtorniPr tempests a' rcasi so .-r as to redeem its liabilities and hield the holders of ,tsn..: ultimate . it :.,.. v.. i., ' ""' I be Montrose Democrat says": "TIk having .!riosi;s'in the B ink were first !reurt-d by oMijjniimis or asels" ; and we arc request d In Hate that there are Mil' mse's enough in (lie limit, ns .ooiias t!ie ran b: niado l em every dul lar of their circulation in ttii county, ami tint ihey shH be r4iiouly approprisled for ih-it purprwe in prelerenee to netl!in(f i with any foreign creditor. And we are 'urther iequesed to caution all hill holders in this cooniv agaimt parimg with its note.-, at a sacrifice. M- .-ilrose. Pa., Nov. 5. . The Cashier of the Su-quchanna Hank has been committed to ja.l in dtfuuit ol $ 10, tltlO bail, on an alleged charge of defalea lion. It is teiiorTtd that 'io.OOO of tne ;unds ol the Batik ate unaccounied for. PhilaiVphia, Nov. 6. The notes of the5u?quehanna County Itank are purchas d by some of our brok ers at from 60fU percenf Jisco"Br. S.uto Bank of Morriotown not purchased at an rate. Melancholy Death. The Boston Post informs us that Frede tic Sirieklaud. son of a Hiitish Baronet and member of Parliament, perished on the While Mountains in New Hamptihcre on ihe 19th ins!. Though strongly urged to the contiary. Mr.S. left Crawford's Notch I louts to ascend Mt. Washington, in com pany with a friend end the gu de. I'pou reaching M . Pleasant, and finding snow, i the other gentleman and guide returned,ta- j king Strickland's hore, wlitfj in spile of their eulreaties, resolved to pursue the jour- j on f ot,ii d come do n the bridlepath and j top at Fayban'a Mt. Washiitgton Ihiuse, whither hud been sent. The next morning Crawford went over to Fey ban's, and finding the stranger had not been there, they started in pursuit of him. 1 hey found his track and followed it till nit lit, but only picked up a portion of his clothes. The next day he was found dd. ft ems he had lost the track, and probably became insane in his wandering, as his pantaloorts and drawers were found in a hole in AmiiiainSrtnork brook, and his legs and body were badly bruised. The de ceased was ab nit thirty years" old,' ind had been traveling seveial months in this coun try, with a younger brother, who returned! to England from B iston a fortnight ago. Ue had ! iters to B Etonians, and before go ing to the White (litis had been stopping at the Trein.Hit House in that city. Mr. I lOrwcn a IB V aaaiaa aiwia aaiv tviwc uu 1 laa ' j . . . a nrannt r as lo be dtsitiierred if his friends 1 1 l . i ,kA i....:j : shalr reqteej it. Kiditat ere The Huntingdon Globe says hat two rrtfn- wve arrested in the neigh borhood of STiadd !Riipf in that county .and placed in prison' an- Friday night of last we. k. Ctiargea nr. at.rmp. ... K.onnp. coLwd boy in that neighborhood. One is said to be a man named Jonathan Little.for- a " . I . . . I ' J ! meriy ol Mimm conn y. Tiie ei ei -ft for a Coiled Slates Senator look place in the Illinois Legislature, on Saturday last, and resulted as follows : !. Shields,7i i Cyrus Kdwards, 2f. Tn iheareviiius caucus Bnese ran Shields ve ry cl . The loiter was nominated in cau cus on the 21 sf ballot, by lour majority. A State Convention of Anti-Renter met at Albany a lew days age, lo nominate a separate ticket for State officers. They were, however, unable to agree, and ail journed without making any nominations. Emancipation. M ij. Wiiod, late of Da. rien. Georgia, at his death, freed all his slaves, one Imodred and fifty in number, and left $,l00 for ths purpose of paying ibtir expense to Liberia. 1.EWISJ3UKG CHRONICliB; AND WEST BRANCH. FARMER Dlacavcry la Teatllatloau Dr. Chowne, we learn from the London Literary Gazette, has enrolled a patent for improvement in ventilating rooms and ap artments, of the perfect efficacy of which, we believe.there can not be a doubt.and on a principle at once most simple and' unex pected. Without going into details, we may stale that the improvement are based upon action in the syphon which has not previously attracted the notice of any ex- perimemer. vix: that if fixed with leg of unequal length.the air rushes into the shor ter leg, and circulates up and discharges itself from the fongsr leg. i is easy to see Sow readily this can be supplied in any chamber, in order to purify its atmosphere. Let the orifice of the shorter leg be dispo- posed where it can reoe;Ve thecw'ient.aiid lead it into that chimney or shaft into the longest leg, and you have at once thi cir culation complete. A similar air-syphon can be employed in vessels ; and the low est hold, where disease is gennialed in the close berths of the crowded seamen, be rendered as fresh ns the" Jppdr decks. The rnrio:fT of this discovery is that the air in a syphon reverses the action of water, oro'-W liq iiil which enters and de scends' or moves' down in the longer leg and rises up in the shorter leg ! This is now a demonstrable fact ; but bow is the principle to be accounted for ? It puzzles our philosophy. That air in the bent tube is not to the surro-indinj as wnier, or any heavier body, is evident ; and it must be from this relation that (he up draft in the longer leg is caused, and lha constant cir culation aud with drawal of polluted gases earricd on. Hut be this as it nviv, one thing is certain, that a more uselul and im portant discovery has never been made fur the Comfort and hen III. of civilized man. We see no end fo its application. Ther is no sntaitarv measure sifgested to which it may riot' form a mo.t bctv-fieia! ailj'inct. There is' not a hovel, a cellar, a cryp'.or a black', cli' M iIh Rnywheie, that it may not cleanse and disinfect. Southern Progress. Various gratifying evidences have lately been giveu that tiie Southern portion of our i-ouiitry Has en :ered into manufactures. Georgia already lias herS cotton factories, South Caroli na her 45. Virginia 4ti, North Parolm-i 35, and Alabama W. The Squill h.i Iso entered into the nilrond ystem. These evtul seem of much national im .orbtnee. They secure the advarve in wealth and the prosperity "of the Soirli and beget a common mteiest equalizing .h4lh sections ot tho Union, so ns eventual ly to do aw ay wiih' ull prejudice and jeal ousy. The l6arr!'of Coiifinissioners' to fettle he disputed boundaries of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Murylam',' consis'ing o' Joshua P. Eyre, of IVnn-, Ceo. Kead Riddle, of Di I-, and' Iienry i. 8. Key, of Mn ry land, held their first meeting in Wilmington, I.M.. last Weilnesday. They have asked the Secretary of War to de tail a U. S. Engineer to diiect the survey or field operations. They will meet ngain in Wilmington on Saturday, the third of November. Colored Professor. Mr. Charles I. Rea son, an artist of New York, has been elec ted professor in Central College, at Mc (Jrnwrville, X. Y.J of which Rev. C. P. tirosvennr, forroeily of this city, is Presi dent. He is the first man of color who has been elected to college professorship in this country. A eoriteponuYni of the Christian j Contributor speaks of his inaugural oration as being 'ful of clear, comprehensive, phi losophical thought, clothed in a neat and classical dress Ulrica Gig. Indian Slu1ents. o lads from ihe Onondign tribe, have been received into the preparatory department of the N Yolk Central College. The State F.lect ions. The elections in Louisiana and Mississippi for Members of Congress, Governor.Staio Legislsiure.cVc, took place on Monday. Yesterday New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Wiscon sin held their elections for State officers and Slate Legislature. 8pectn!e'eclions,tu .,, , , ,:, fill vacancies in Congress, will take plafa , 0 h,irsday next in the Wheeling distrtc :e tstrtct of Virginia and nn in the 4th district or Massachusetts, (Mr. Palfrey's ) On Mon day also the general election lakes place in M 'ssachusetts for Governnrand other State ofliocr.and for Members of the Legislature. Strangers are pouring into the country , by ,nf,osaD,j!t- v,vhjn ,hw ,,., mon,hl,t njm ,rrived , Nt,w yrK Tto whoe jmriligr,,iorl inW ,fw cu,ltry durinf, the ; present year,will amount to nearly 4011.000. i It rs thus that the Old World is pouriug it ! population into the New. U hat rniohtv f changes will not be affected by this course of things, even in half a century .' The Woonaocket ( K I.) Patriot sayayhat since Father Matthew's departure from that place.several jrsageries have been closed ; the proprietor in one instance emptying his liquor into tbe streeu The keepers of sev eral drain shops say that Father Matthew has destroyed tlieir business. 7The Governor of Ohio has designa ted the 29th d-vy of November aa a Day of Tharksgiving tor that Slate. New York, iViinKknniafind Ohio, with several other States, will therefore anile together on the same occasion, in this laudobie acanowl- iedgement to Uivii.e Pto ideace THE K. Letrteburff, Pa Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. 7. (KrAnother Town Property ia offered for sale-.; .1:1,'" ' -.'', The Drug Store advertised, ia an old s'and, and one of the best above Lewis burg. ' j .' steading RoalkV. ' The loiig evenings are coming. There are very many persons who would like to haVea Reading Room in town. It would cost but litile. VI ho will move in the mat ter ! 4JorreapondeDta. Our poetical correspondents are all asleep. We hope this jo will inspire some of them with a desire to indite more of those original literafy articles which have heretofore so' honored our journal. jThe new officers of tho county have entered upon their duties. Mr. John D- Boger is Deputy Sheriff.and Mr. Chris tian Breyman, Commissioners Clerk, in place of Jas.S. Dubois,dib!ed by a shock of paralysis. Foreign News. Birkneils Reporter of yesterday has the lollowin summiry : 0ie wet'k'lxter Irom F.urojie.' Arrivsl of lh llidernia'. . Irvlii'iil. Flal coiilJlct between the Po lire. end (Man'rv. I bree I ilicemen kil led. Oianenieii prejiarnisi for a urand liel.1 (!iv. Fear eiil -riaim d of 4 collision with I Ik: Repealers. Friince. t 'oi.fl.ct letwer-n M' C, fnr-iiu and the Piocisn ur IJerieritl. M. '1 hiera' repoit on th.r Kom m Q'lestiun. llisplras ure ot iln; I'resiilent. The Ti rco Russian Question still unset tled. Rumor 'hat the will persist in his di inand. Gens.Biin,Deinh;ski, and others, in ihe Turkish Arinv The Hun garian refugees still at Widden. Au'ria and Hungary. lurumoiia ern duct of Ha nan. Treaty between Austria and lrusia. Cotton has an U wa d tendency. Gen eral firmness in the Markets. Tbe Samaritan's Defence Orrupie sttit tour rnluaiM in bis psper of lb SStli ull. We (li nk il cu be di'pueed of in a From th-l ppr. and ! from ibe psper f Mi . 1-t. e d' ml .'borve Ibal lbs Editor in aiit tn drnr i J of the elleijslKiin of facts hsvi- msi'e n.iii't hiiu. AvoidiKg til ariginsl p iinl why JiJ tb Orgsn of ell Trmj rrsnce vte fur a t-baracter wliii h he bad re c,ilri)li'niiiin'red bs'C and unwonhj! he lug. in Ibe g-atuitoue infurmstiiin ihel be oied fr Mr. iairiMe " knowing lie wa s man f g nxl moral i-hararier, a profeMiog Christian, 4nd a TrmH'iaure man, ana' Iteeuute" s "Mt" of W I'ke.D.rre had writlm him en anirle .uniting M. fuller on ihe iemeranre arnre. We h Mr. (iambi i all the Samaritan rlaim bim lu Ih-. Proious In ibe elecii n. we heard thai he aumelimea drank brandy and s! tieated to g'i bie ii.'miiuihin. Hut curb unr.r tain rha'g'-s. made at auth a time, we i'i 1 n4 jtiJ do not ruiKidi r fair and aulTi.-ieot evid. nre lo pnj'idi. s an honeal. resei 'liable mm against Mr UainMe. 1he ia'iiariiaii w-'Uhl nl ogarj it. out anil ili ? againl Air. r Li ar nr myim to take lr i,lil in publishing, ai d mb!iho n ihing to refute ihem ! " I'lmu shall not lear f.I.e inc.-," i- a Divine law which bis poliii ral pri jn.lii ea or li-gal practice eiake him f rgct. I hu Ilie variuus charges be make. agiiut Mr Ku'lar aie effectually lefi.tcJ by Iwo eilicles re- ptihjah d iu ihs Cbioi ie'e of Oct. 34, ami we have rea.on t believe had been area By Uw in one nr two aie s at Ive publl.lnd auhalan tialla Ibe sime rbsrgra ! After awing it yet he wiihhol ' I, nrru hi res era ! If ibis be not 'oeartlig falrf witnea,' wh.t is ! And pray who is ibis "Mc" who writes all ihe way from Wilkes Brs to New Uauliu In ahu hi neighboi T W venture to guess be is nol "lily a tioltnt, radical, ot p-ting party man. but ala a'rival lawyer, and a perxonal enemy nf Mr Fuller a di.intrrc.led witnees, truly ! If we are eorreet, Mr "Mc" al-u was candidate for offi e this fall, and while Mr Fuller' a f. l!ow ritiiens se dim 173 inaj. iiiy.Mr Mc' fell 197 behiud ai d we ventu e to gut further ibat Mr F received many more Tempi rauce vote at borne than hi vdhfler did. W be known Edw O Mallery. M U l.i wia, Ueo H OiorT, H B Rohin eon and G Uurrows as worthy snd leading tern persuce men fir many ra while residing near Wiiker-Uaiie, but never hrarj uf M'Carragher a auch except through Ihe column of the Goad Samaritan. We receive thrir evidence before bis, arid Kuhinit ib point to candi 1 conaiduiaii.a.' The Samaritan goee on to cay "We KNEW that Camming ueated.and Sli fer we were tuld did tbe aaane.:' "Col. Mifer, we were assured, treated men to get thrir rule; not by lasaTimea" only, which of course Ihe editor nodL. Vregard a good au thority on Ibis point, but n WHOSK V. HACITY WE HAVi aU REASON TO DOUBT." iOrt.ll. b Under thee c:.cum-Unc,how did lha Organ vote for or againal men who he bad drnouueed in auch unii:ceured terma ? Hear him ! "We voted so that neither would be the gainer by our vole: we voted for BOTH. We ae no I hot our beat fours would bav been sot to vote . st sti. al hough the result of the election between 'he two candidates would havvs been lbs same il is." Admiral le logic ! Two men ore to be elected lo the Legislature tbe e are four cand dates turn of ibese men ibe Oigan believee to be vile, hypoeiitiral. dangerous men. unworthy the vote of eny decent, much hvs of any lessyerance man -and tie he baa not even hinted he knew any thing againre everyway reputaMe men. Two of ihcse ore lu be electa d. , Which two does ihe Organ aid 1 Due be vote againtt BOTH the meu he KNEW ta be wr-ingf JJoa owl FOU. tbem both ! aa) (for aught bo knew) hi ingb vote might have elecrsa) characters he repiobete,. and defeated repulal l men ! ! ! In other word he voted for ssi ra so as to help neither .'said sr. the Tiavperant a Organ ! And-now i ; i l ! . i l ii even. mitral cooraaj as uiiiverscny cvwaaeiBiacca, hi only regtet is fbe.1 be tota-d at sJl. We think I a aensihle sr.d corslsteut Cuut woulJ hv been to' do his duty by making bie vote Tilt In unineti wHh bis luBiLssoutbea) and eiclosive profenioa, by voting isaisst lbs treating" characters. But this u not the wist of it. Mr.M'lugh lia, am of the candidate la the Asesaibly, is a moral man. a member of Ibe asme church a ibe aaiarilao and Mr tumble, and a Ivtotullar : Ihe Organist kntw Ihit, yet voted fr Cumminga ! ' Tbe If-aaine reiama he adduces for voting foe Democrst, are inaufficienl lo gain bia vote fur a Wbig. Any evidence, howevei doubtful, or if even refuted, is sofiVient to juetify bis hostility lo Mr Fuller, a VVh-g- but poitiv, per saal, .ndoubied knowledge of .Mr Uumm.nga. a i"m- . . i .. 1. . . i.. I... him anil aller- i i i . . . ward eulogizing and extolling him in a paper davutrd to temperance end vi.lue! W wi.n not to be um haiit ihlc ; we do not assume Ihe prerogative of the lufsdible Judge lu declare ibe motives of men; but looking at th vhole Irana action it must be pronounced a indicative of a waul of common sense or of common honesty. Having been called upon. t'ie Saraatiun re troth its charge againal Col Mi far with all ibe fairness he a- ems to he capable of, (uoiwiilislan ding such host of proof from such honorable mm '.y and gently insinuates that tbe coutae be pursued lendnl to help Col. 8iifer. Heaven save hioj from auch frieuda ! Bui i lie Samaritan complacently (and rather Pba'i-airally) confute i lav IF with the assumption thai our MpOMire of its iaconsialent if not hypo critical couiae, U caused "no doobt, from tbe txjmtura we found il neces sary to naks on lormer occasions of tbe manner hath they have prostituted their prtv. to in w the support of the rum power and oilier TIVT., . . i , (referring lo ilie l-hionicle and ihe tni"n Mar ) Tbie ia urciuVlly rich! Ibe Temperance Organ who did alt ho cuutd to elect John Cum-j ining. to ihe l.eialataic. is constrained torn a t aense of duty to ssarrl the black falsehood that ih C; ronie'e is - r.i.tiiui,.l to ibe rum power ! " Believe i, w,o . I he i,r, e-linen, .tuck, of H' amtrtteii lisve b- ra leni 6cii In : . L - . t I atfJiti I j in a niimi' p.-na of tvw ltd w'?ucur' clai-hchJrJ irrnH'.aiiT mrii ah know otir courM) tiavi- as mui b c nliuViiC.' in our U uipvr auce inlegiity aa iu niaiiv a.? u who ni.k ' Inuile: p'ofeasioi.a. Dot what ia the . k. g immor ality" uiii wliicb .e Cu.d t.iinrii.ii w i:, nw alaiiitei ? ' Why, we pili's!l lavnn ti-rue urtire hi eiimpli.nre tai.h l..w parsed i Ihe rt quert uf tVniierani e inn ! If iru-u.h- r - t:.c heal auo foul f ou off-ndrii btb thi. ellfut no more." I'.oiulil) Una ! f ieno of Jl-h:i Cumming- hm.e f aidel in pr Turing ihe very Trru;rante Law he now al,ia. a u. f o carrving out ie' lha prosecuiia of our lawful cslang ! Aud he dVinu-ely aaja, - we ba.e bad d'unka.'de and iuin-M'1'C.a for our cliema V ail ight, f r he is the T. ma eranre Organ; but it ia all vri. nj for s roiiuii m la mp r.nrs printer lo puhliah s legal temrnc nonce! Bui we maet .lo.e. aad d u with ib earned hoje lbt the mis of Ti iueraire may Ol be mule lo at-ff. r from the rroia of ita at'vo- eai for "lo err ia human.' If the fam-rilan will rrmove 11 e e n from i s oian m, and Oo j longer assume to il-lf an arrt-gani dielsiorainp i over lbs cva-ee f aim a. bui.e-t and cnnaistei t ' ae biinarlf, t will fin l il Iv lr for Hist catsc aad mora plreaai I f. r liilii If. I rrj Since putting l!ic l.ove in lype. we bav been .hovrn ai. ail.eiiiaeiun.l of O b' rn.i ! A (.'lUCK l'l(tS -,i4i,eil by A. winefnrd. an, neutral. ati,i ...,M..h..l in Ih. .-arua.i an ! Well, nbal of II ! Wh. we hing wrong aho.,1 it- hut .f it had .I...-..J in .1.. M-r . C'fcr ic it wonl4 he been lb i'l f rmiui al b-aat rolupin b ng iu Ih 0oJ .-am-man. One ihing n,ur.-v.e Is-en ia.,,i,.d of hv the noli. ..f Ibe la-t I..wi.burg Ten.,.- sine ?'ori v wa. d ! pnhliahel in the Chronica white it aioea el tn a IN- Uaruia Panel ? iaave nev. r eli.r-d for auch nnli-es always i.iiMttfli-.l lli.m u lirn liauiltJ in and Mimer iinaa. isken p litis lo prorof them. Mr Saud taeiialea, he is.Ki I. d I'ra.ideut f tb !ociely. slate Ibat j tb oini i"n was wiih uil hi kit 'Weli;. It i. I ni suppMa: iitf .null trick of a much smaller i - 1 . ...... I af a rcrieurv. Wc have Icn lo!d by ftne of the candi' dales in ihe rectnl tlcctronieri'ig campaign in this county, that there is not very little oi treating done for i fll ;e, even in the worst purls ot ilie county. We are glad to hear it. It is one sign of that wlent progress which ihe temperance reform is making against "old established usages." Very true, Mr.Samaritnn but the man who did more treating than all ihe rest for years past, and made more drunkenness than all the tavernkecperg would in a eai, you voted for. Tell it not in Giih ! If all temperance men had made their votes tell against such an undeninble case, that mnn would have been the lust of his make that either party would ever dare present. Washington, Nov. 6. John W. Farrelly, of Pennsylvania is appointed Sixth Auditor of the Treasury vice Peter G. Washington, removed. IlJtaraw ajiiiiui, an I bi luinled by our gover Mr. S. is well qi auties of tbe statu: Horace Smith, L.q.. of I'ubsville, has mou nt Consul qualified to dis- station. I . . ) illnlier, q., of Virginia, has aw ,poinuBd Third Auditor of the Trea sury, in ppue ot teier uagner, who nas hl I the office for more than half a cen tury. Col. C. M. Straub (Mem ) formerly of Sulinseroe, is elected SherilTof Schuy Ikill county, by 107 niaj. over James Nsgle, a gallant Captain in the Mexican War. Appointment by the Governor. David Taggart, Esq., of Northumberland, to be Notary Public, in Ihe room of Henry S. Thomas deceased. ' ' 1 i Jemmy O'Neill, tbe well known door keeper of the Presidential Mansion, ander Gen. Jackson, died at Washington city on Wednesday last. Upwards of 12,000 persons in New York eny, have paid ihe mHilia fine of 75 cents each. ' ' t One-fowrth of the Towanda Bridge was destroyer Ky fire on Wednesday of last week. "'" i- "'. Tire Jt-BerxHi ftar is the fitle of a new Whig pope' otaned, BrookviHe, Pu. ' Oil are reported cent si piee in California -'- A young lady,' of the vicinity of Ship pensburg, named M'Clay, eommitted ni cide on Saturday week. : She had been in tbe town,and this sad occurrence took place on her way home. Her body was found suspeuded somewhere on the farm of David Mahon, Esq. She was missed several days before found. No certain cause is assign ed, but it is supposed to be the result ofde rangement of miad caused by disappointed affections.' She is said to have been a beau , iulerestlng and accomplished young i ' Indy, and her melanrholy death has exci i t - i ted a deep and general sympathy iu thai community. Mid:ime Bod i sco publishes a card in the Washington papers, in which she altogeth er denies the statement set forth by the Washington correspondent of the N. York Courier and Enquirer relative to :he ban ishment of her husband to Siberia by the Emperor ol Russia. She says that she re ceived letters by the last steamer, from her husband, staling that he had left Russia on his return to America, and would arrive about the first of Jnnuarv- Paring for the Fun It appears by a ' reP0,t !o lh' "un'y Board, thlt i nearly a quarter of a million ol dollars i22S 230) has been raid out of the Phil., 1 y ' ' j delphin County Treasury since l"3r for the suppress or! of riots. j hl Saturday tvtlllug last a gentleman , had his p .cket picked of about IV!0, while hj, tj(., , ,,. eUrk'rfTlc:o of the " ft i i ri i k' v 1 PiWI'st IICIIUfH a I1UU.III. At 1CW I Urn by some rascal wh bus thus fur eluded j detection. Tuo N.-i TuesdhV. Voik el.vli..o look place on Correctetl this tiay j '. I .00o95 .... 4(1 j .... SO , . . . .28 i . . . M'O 1 3UU ' . ... 50 . . . . I J ' in ' "'. .. ..10 Wheat Rye ( 'orn Oils '.. Fliixsi-ed Clovers ed . . . Dried Apples. B'iiter Egs Tallow . , Lard 7 ylt- e-iu. mis ! : R011 ltP..d0ll. ult., bEKev.l I.I lar- i baugh. JoHN Rl HL, of Hartley, and .Mis s... V. M...... r IT..,.. J , ,. , i . . r : I InMrlton, on Ihiir diiv K'-v. H. i n . i ai i , 1 '""tih. Mr. Joll.X.DtnE lo M.sS Rtl.EC j ' A t'lIsMSOttt. i (Vt- 23d, by the Rev. George Rrlenmv I rln, .nr. nan .mi;ti;i.i.;. in rtuuuioe : 'wp., to Mrs.J t. CIIOIt,Wldow, ol l enus ! tWP. I " t Dir.o, In LewishuM, : ; it . t Nv. f?, Mrs. FlizsBeth. vi:"e of Willia Poeth, in her 34th year. , In Milton, on Tuesalav week.Mrs.CaTH. SRINE MaXWCI L. wi!c of Wm. .M ixwell. aged about 42 years. I..- i:i... ' c- i . a. ... ...,. .i .-unny -er g, HENRV.son f I homus Sirine, aged 13 months aud 18 days. ' , In Chilisq.iaque, on Saturday week.Mr. iu..c-. HI. 1. I. j , - I Sami-el McDahicl. aged about. 35 years. In Chillsquaque, on Suturday week, M rs. AtTF.t, wile of vVillmin M.Aulen, aged ab- ! nut 35 years. - rr- ' VNI'IV RTTrifiTV r i l o ! I.W BUGGEY for sale, .-heap. For lurlher patliculars, enquire at this! office-- Lewistmrg. Nov. 7, I81B ' ' . TT1Hr k -e-k -a--ww-v- a -w- a ' f,V'l:A IM;IVAT 1 ' " -C- VJ.V L V IY1.J ' or MEDfCIXES, &c . at the NEW simjsara- f IVIANKFUL for (he Ittveral patronage I L enjoyed the past season, I would res pectfully invite old fueads and new to rail and examine my large, new, and splendid stock.e morticing almost everything desired in my line oi tMsities,and cheap at that. For particulars, enquite at Ilie old stana of Schaflle & ChambeVlin. , ' C. W. SCH A FFLi:, Druggist." Iwiaburg, Nov. IH49 I i' F'RESH Corn McaWlbr sale hv ,To all whom'it inay conceriv HAV.JNG learned thnt' persons ha,t been trusted at, several places in t.j Borough, with the expectation that I pay the bill, I would giv- aotioe that will pay no bills except those autliortssj by mvself or some resionsible member ,f my family. EUGENIO KlNC'AID. Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1849. 17AIITED IN one of the most flourishing toon., b the West Branch of the Smrjuedanrj, a purchaser for a DRUQ STORE now doing a first-rate business. Amount of stock now on band, about $1000, abed win be sold at cost for Cash, or if more convenient small putt of it on short lime. For further particulars, enquire at this office. 29i ITear, hear, ifEAn f THE Rummer rs over, and so is lha Eketion. ' Our Crops have been housed in the gteajeat perfecUoa) OA Winter i coming, mi h its fireside chat Let's sing sod be merry, le.'s laugh and grow fat. Tnk'ng all tilings into consideration, tiiia ia a great country, and growicg. We have been to he Cily and msus our FA I.I. AM) WINTER SELECTIONS OF WOODS, with grea nr. both as to quality snd price and are ready ait& A how to kind patron a amile for you all. While shoulder lo shoulder we posh on Ibe bsl , We fling out our banner, and raiss lha war-cry. far Fievlue it Rebel will never say di. Our alork is tbe largt and seleclioai lb beat Of ('nods now oflered Morth,Mowihat or Wast, And chespcr by far as you'll certainly find If you'U give us a call aud make up your minJ. Ye life'a spicy odor (vaaiari) sleep In our cellar well filled and nn counters in heaps; We've fine Cloths, and Vesting, aad Caaimcra Of every p iltern and stv tr nice and new, ' teo. We bae gouds froaa iba ludics, from Britons and Franks, , Anil mirAriiii mil Am Yalinn In rlna tin fit ... L . ' Wbile H the ct tttrrm t aJorn Womsri-kirut In our DRV GOODS u-sortmenl you're likrlr lo find ; . i , Bui if il be tiUOCEniKS you ardenUv sn.h. We have Sugar. Tea, Cotfre, Me!ai-se ami FiJ r.'h.iero, .Soap, '."aniUe.. I lovrs, Oinger. Al-picr, Sallieirr. icroiiiid Alum. Black Peeper ail Kr. We've til EKNs and H AKUW AKK-o, ', ,av hul mure, Bui evt iyibiiij; nce.le.1 is found a! our S'ure. n eirhange for all ihe-e, s snre as vou're liorn W e'll lke Ca-b or Whal, Oat. Ir..n. ..r t.'jr,,; doelil te rau suit yon, we su'dy vriC trv. S""1' our I"'1', you'd c.ruinl, Highly gral'lie.l iih the paironatie hre.f exla Baled, vie hitll ei d.-avm to meiit it. ror.tiuu- "nr- .NtVl! S i Kt'Bfclt. Irf-i.burg. lid. !. ISIS 1 . . J Dr. Sir tyne't Urlthratc l Fw.ithj Me it. CI RK FOLLOWS tlH,'! ' More Pr.sils of tbe Kfli acy of Dr. !SVAV.E'S rruMi j, ataue or Wild Cherry, The Original and Cenuim I'rtparatiun ' ousuniplisHS, I t'"uh. CuU.4- Alh.iM Bionehilia, f- plaliil. ajltllrig Blood,dllrkally ol Brfultuiij, . io in tb Side and Uresv, lpiuiioo ol Ilie Heart, li.ll if nia.l fup,bri. ku Coii.iiiulion.soiel'broar. Aervous Uel.llilvawiJaM dlM'ae ot Tbrojt, lirea.l. aud Lung.: - - lias uio-it rl c- lual and Siee,ly curat kuowu ti-r any of ihs' alwvr disease is Dr. Sway ne's cotnpuund Srup ' of WilJ Cherry. ' Rbliable Testimony. Julia Mrtiou Esrle, editor of ihe W.ifftW Spy, Mass., was attacked wilh a aevcre inflama lion of Ihe luug', aceoanponied with a diatrrasii congh : a It t -wag vauiou other remediei snm i bule nr no benefit, by the use of one bottle at Ur I S,nt y"i""" of WiM Cherry... Wa a-rvttored lo perfect beajin. ! Wm. Monlelius, a re-peclable merchant Clair. Schux Ikill county, writes, Jan 30. 1 . E I 1 1 I .If W lLm. i. uv iumi jini ccaiaaavM mm aaa. wn- i moat, a chum aaf our town. Hia eas of L'oor i omptioa ia well knvn herejnd of long atanJi' I he alliihuie. hia euie entirely to your Cnuipmti- ojrup oi nnu t-neiry. - Be mil dccei.ed by tbe many spurious m worthless preparations of WiM Cherry, ktm mto nolle by ignorant pragenaVra, be sr aba .?'!' U'' Sm3a " "V. which la Ihe only guarantee agaiuat imp.t Ktmtmber . rnoin. pTepacuon of V Cherry ie prepared aanly by DrSrvi. eorB '" Eighth and Race streets, riulsu's Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe and Elo-ciusl Remedy ftar Worm. l PP"a. Cholera Mot bus, sickly or ibapf" JJuilurell , AliuUt lhe IWl.fu fur Medicine ever offered to ihe public." This nmedy is one thai has prosed soccei''' 'r a kmg lime, and ie universally scknoaW by all vabo have tried it to be far tuprru pleanl lo the taste, at tb ssnw ti etfeclual) to any uther medicine ever ropi;eJ diseases lor which it is recommeielVJ. It only destroy s worms, but it invigoraie the yatrm. Il is banuless, iu ii ruVcts.sad ths oral' of Ihe patient is always improved by its '.'' when no woims are discovered. n . .- . . rwsa I yfOeirare nj Miuanet. Kememnvi , Vermiluge is now pal up in nuart Imliu' I" j ing recently b. en changed) eovend by I wrapper, steel engraviug, wilh the psrtrsil i iSwsyn thereon engraved. Bear ihts in and be not deceived. f DR. SWAYNE'S SltlAR COXTED 8.4RV ! PA Kl LL. AN I) EXTRACT OK TA B j - The virtue of these pills can be sppnBlK : only by those who bav need them. The ; adapted to assist rialur in carrying off sW'" mailer, obslructioiirv impurity of the "'' Tbey are a gentle and elftxlive purgail.e.cue' all tbe funciions of Ibe fiver, and s an ate'4-', ia drnpsrcsl a (Tor lions they are very vslusi'la should Iw in every familv. Tbev have an """ eoalin of nuia Whit 8atar.wherebv even dissgreesMe to lasts or saseU is eniie b; iJ" without iu tbe e-l sltsluig lhe evceliee' I lies of lhe mejicine. Remember ! Ihey a pel op in braie turned oal of lb a VJJ covered with a real label bearing lb .!"" Dr Swayne ; nous other is genuine. ' The above valuable Medicine are P" pared onfy by Dr. fjWATNE. tl Y corn Etgbih ansi Bscs sin, l'hilsdelhia. . JlgtnH for Union G unfa- f xe n-k.m.. ... J sckA.anai av TfcaVf -.le0" ' J eebold and v t "afencb. r, w--' 4 7&??it$ aio suecht. ueaveirown. n in ox -- D J Buyer, Ceoiervilla ilatl Hsupl do D ArVbflU.e.SelmHtr'velVoajPg u'' - is. .Ilsr'. Utmnh.'acel'Vslley , eubKeller.Navy IslaodjB A Summeia. i '' shd v riHenBt geaersJly ' - ... , J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers