VEST BRA N C II FARMER. 7 an . an inieptidtiit JomUfi )optcJ)t)oleJi to Netes, Ctteratntt, Politics, gricultarccienct anD fttdrolitn. AMD THE . I , . I BY 0. N. WORDEN. The iAtcibHr Chronicle t A PolJishrJ Wednesday Afternoon at Lewirburg, .- - Vmom county. Prooaj'vajiia. Tb- S2.O0 fur o year, to I paid in , j. Ne Ylrk Tribune notice, a the first half year; fc.,50, il payment be . . ,,.., n Lot mid within the yer .inple numbers, ho .poke at a recent Dem 6 cts. Subscriptions tor six months or less ocratic R itifiratton Meeting at Tammany to be paid in advance. Discontinuance options! with tbe Publisher, except when arrearages are paio. Advertisements handsomely inserted at AO cts. per square one week, 81,00 for a month, 85,00 a year. A reduction of these rates for larger or lotigur ndvtmts. Casual advertisements and Job work to h paid for when performed. AH communications by mail mu corne n,m mid. nccomrianied bv the address of the writer, to receive attention. OfSce,M.irkot street between Second and Thiid. O. N. VVobdbx, Publisher. 1 HE CHRONICLE. fcATrfcfMV, SOV. 3. aTlie following was the vote For and Against a Poor House for Union Co.: Fr. Against. New Berlin 67 26 lltrtlrv V0& . 61 Unt Buffaloe IUI 24 Iew-ihurg 151 ' 60 M.ffl.nburg :W Union 80 i I,imrtoni 17 110 Buffalo 7 21 East Buffaloe 28 K-lly 1 136 Peons ' , B 3I West Reaver 41 105 Mtddterreek I lid C entre . 23 161 Perry 3 189 Chapman It 139 Centreville '6 l .. Ileaver - 34 M61 White Deer ' 5 - ..'17 Washington ; 1 8 1M -'.V- 'J I 010 2537 Ittf wjrtHfy Against. Th'w is the second. tiiMvwe ere informed, the Poor lioui policy baa been voted against by Union county, while nearly if not quite all (he older counties approve of and adhere (oil. Thus Westmoreland county at the reif nt election voted worn a Pior House 3410 lo 1448 1968 majority in favor. KrTbe "Banner," the Free Soil paper io Tioga county, since election bewails it Support of Mr. liamU ifmst bitterly, upon finding thai Mr. Gamble's Free Soil letter was oot published in the Jersey Shore Republican," (at Mr. Gamble's home,) nor in the Cass papers generally. ' ' A few days before election, n letter was published in Wyoming county ," (ram Sir. amlle, avowing himself in favor of the , North Branch Canal policy. This tvowel was not in time to be circulated in the Anti-Improvement counties'.' where Mr. Fuller's known friendship for that work was used against him. ' ; . ." Notwithstanding these " artful dorlgns" of Mr. Gamble or his friends or both Mr. Fuller made the greatest pairwin hi wn reguto. t I-or in the JHoith Urancb counties of Braclnrd, Susquehanna, vryo- hiing. Luzerne and Columbia, Mr.. Fuller ri ductd Lbn'gstrelh's majority ' 1395 In the West Branch eouniie of Center, Clearfield, Clinton; !;yrr ming, Northumberland and Union, Mr. Gamble gained on Longstretb 768 Fuller's netl cain 627 VThe following communication from a j Wyomtnir paper refers to a point we deem i riot only compatible with but essential to Jhe true theory of Republican repreaen!a iion. Under our Constitution.counties can not be divided, for Senator, but we see no prohibition of a Single District System in Hie election of Slate Representatives. TJfe flection having passed off and the tniad the people settled into quietness, would if not be well to bring before them for their approval or disapproval some o' the measure that will be before our la w ma - kers althe next sessiou of the Legislature One. measure in which all are ' iltesbricliDg of the State for Members a) Senator. What think you of ihe sin gle District system f O-rigrea hu adop ted '4, and now etch Member k elected e . pamtrly i formerly, they were elected in aome of tfce Sine by General Ticket and She minority fcad no representation from State where the General Ticket ytem preyaiW. New York ha adopted the Sio iile District sytero in her State tegisla .' ore,Lsd urr we near no complaint, but . it work welU t tn sormi kfge eouoTies in ' . ruown State ihit) eiea lhree.fofr M five Member, tb rftiBoritf , libougb rrspecti bit in I heir numbers;have no representation at all ; whereas, if the couoty was divided into single district, each party would probably bo represented. Hull, in the following terms : Ellis Schnable, Esq. of Philadelphia, being present, was invited to the stand and made the ablest speech of the evening, in t!m course of which he denounced a Pro tective Tariff in much stronger terms than he probably would have employed in an address Lelore sn audience in his own State, unless be is man of more courage thau llu Loco-Foco politicians of Pcnusyl vauia generally possess." ' Tbe following, pronounced before tbe "Pbilnro athean Society," sppesrs by our teqoest OUR C0DKTRY AS IT IS. It is a source of gratification to those participating in celebrations, to revert to the event comntamorated. Tttis is especi ally the case if that event be in itself n?ble and great, or stand as the representative of what is worthy of admiration. It is still more gratifying, if a salutary influence has gone lonh from it to maukiud ; and most of all is it so, if the very individuals eele. brating an event, can recognize in it the fouota n of their richest blessings. It must be gratifying to all Americaoa, to eomniemrate the event which, half ren dered the Fourth of July so justly celebra ted to do honor to the day as the birth day of American liberty, aod to do honor to the document which they claim as the Charter of thai liberty. ,Jo the Declaration, of In dependence, e discover principles the moat noble, put forth ry spirits the most magnanimous,!! lime moat trv ing. r torn jjjjt have fluffed a long train of benefits to us and to all the world. To it we M trace, not .only ournitah cherished civil pre- ,oiKes: buTThei proper enjoyment of our Numerous natural advantages. 'When we lake view of oar country as it is, overflowing with advantages both nat ural and civil, what American heart dues nut leap' for joy that the Fourth of July was ever rendered famous by deed, fraught with so much of good to. the worfJ, andes pecially to us I II is true our natural ad vantages might have existed, had liberty never been secured; but of what avail would tliey have been, wi'houl liberty T Our cli mate might have been aa lavorable as it is; our brer irs might have been as port and exhilarating ; our rivers might have water -A mm jiu! CniU valliM th An our country might have exteoded as far and as wide as it does ; yet all would have beeo io vain had not liberty abed its influ ence here. 1 Here are countries as noted lor natural advantages as ours, yet their inhabitants pine and groan, and why T Ty ranny has taken the place of freedom. Lib erty is not there. Ancient poets have sung of the land of their birth in many a potuc, but fictitious strain. But when their glow lug picture are applied ttfOur land, they ' betome rva'iy. We may turn over the pa ge thai record the" noblest dwds of the greatest men of thcput, and trace the linca that portray in fairest colors ilir beau lies and dories, el they lose their lustre when compared with the page that reoids hat bus transpired iu our country. . In our day, every breete that comes to j us irom foreign shores brings us glowing I expression of the resources of other lands, yet every such expression brings with it a practical prool of its falsity it brings us those who n gladly etctuttrgmg their boas'ed lunds for our. Every wave that breaks upon our shores wafts lo o those who have left the land ol their birth, the endearments and attachment of home, and the graves of tbeTr sires, in addition lo all Ibeir boasted national advantage, to find a home with us. To one glancing at all the nations of the earth, our country would seem like one grand rallying which the oppressed of every land are urging their way. It would appear as the wished lor pot toward which they are catting their longing eyes. Every groan that i uttered beneath lbs arm of oppression, is followed by a igh for the liberties of America. Ev. " a . a a. ery wish oi trie oppressed lor iioeny, loom to America as the scene of its rsabsatiow, if it u ever to be realized. ' As ooo si those in .bond see their fetters, they long fur America. As sooa as they tread our oil, their fetters fall. . Here, do tyrant wayshis sceptre. No imbecile hereditary rnonarta4nI4 ? Wo iordlings tram ple their jjnea'Ui their feet, and wrest iheiWrJHiaSiigatosttsuin them in easeWJloxrry.: ' M ppileged classes are here recognixed. That favor ite motto of Americans,!! men tire created free and equal, is here cherished and car ried into practice. This our fore-fathers proclaimed. For this they fought. With this they triumphed. Of thi are Ameri cans proud. Through this, all enjoy the same liberty liberty in its best sen-e (he privilege of doing right, and protection in so doing. Its favors dts'end 'he dews of heaven alike upon the high ami the low.ihe rich anJ the poor, the wie and th'i ignorant. . But ihis is not all. It is not i f liberty aloue that the Amerirao bard can eing. Ours is a country that can boast of its vist and valuable extent, at well as of its free institutions. It stretches from tbe busy. bustling stores of the Atlantic,' to the shores of the great Western ocean. Its mineral-founded mountain extend their lofty summits from one extremity of our land the other, lis mnj-ftic rivers roll their chrystal wa'ers from many a re tired fountain :o the far distai.l ocean... Its well cultivated field, its luxuriant harvests, and its foliage-covered forests, tell ol its fertility. At the same is the home of I a people as peculiarly great as the country they occupy, or ihe institutions under which Ihey live. They are composed ofa those from every land under heaven, living in perfect harmony. Through the adap tion of our soil and climate, all are fully Supplied. "Through the fitness of our laws to human government and the protection of human rights, our entire population pur sue their respective occupations without mo lesting or being molested. Tbeirenterprize ha subdued the forests of our land and rendered a vast wilderness the labor-repiy-ing home ol a bappy people ; so that oar country is emphatically the granary of the world, from which tbe starving millions of other countries have been fed. Nor" are the forests that have fallen and the beast of prey that have retreated before oar, hardy pioneers, and fruitful field, the only monument of American industry The results .of our people's lubor burden the eltendeJ tram that follow, the puffing locomotive over it iron road, constructed where a Tew years since scarcity an Indi an's path was seen; or they lade tbe migh ty steamboat upon our rivers, where but a few years ago no wn er-crafi floated ex cept the Indian canoe. - While our people are thus actively enga ged in carrying forwatd thee objects,! bey are not neglecting their nobler jty the cultivation of their minds and heart. Here efforts are put forth on the most extensive :Mcale for intellectual improvement. Jn ev- ery village, at every turn of our highways, wherever a few of our rising youth can be collected, a place is prepared where all can secure at least a good practical educa tion, iu these, iniiiy of the noblest men of our age received their first impressions, had their first aspirations after knowledge, and mado their first resolutions to arise to greatness. Our country, too, is well snpplt ed with tbe higher educational institutions. From these have gone forth those who nave stooo in tne nignesi nans oi icgiaia: lion io our land, and have gone as tin res pected ambassadors lothe highest courts of every nation on earth. These have sent forth the hemlds of salvation, who have ! proclaimed the glad tiding of great joy to ja" people, lo these thousands are now preparing lorposts oi honor and usetumes. Yet what towers far above, and far out- shines.all other beauties and rf -of our country, remains to be ti imporiant part ia tbe inftui pel, and the privileges gjven V -fjecl to it. Nowhere is such frodom oT epinton allowed, ' and nowhere T?e the truths f - Divine Revelation so '" generally and correctly known. Every week our hills and vallie resound with the chi ming of bell calling our people to the court of the Lord; and as often aie the paths that lead to our 'numerous places of worship.throoged with multitudes weeding their way thither. Almost continually are the tone of Zion's watchmen sounding iu their ears, and pressing npun their miod and consciences the truths of tbe Gospel, while in almost every dwelling are some who have given herd to the warning voice and have their hopes fixed one goodly land tkwt m afarofTo . , Nor are the effort of Ihe friends of Christianity confined to our own land; We have meyngers & sanation in land far remote. VVbjIe we have reason to be proud of the Items who have raised the standard of t Liberty ow 'our ewa soil, and defended it at the jerir of their lives, we have greater reasni to be prtxid of lbs no- Mmr bemj who hkve nlanieri ihr alandard "QOSl of the Cross on foreign shores.amid r.W'fodiiceeswf WEDNESDAY, NOV. temples, at the peril of their lives. While We look with pride upon the graves of those champions who fl'lf fighting fur the princi ples of human liberty, we can wi:?i still greater pride look upon the grave of those who fell in other hnds maintaining the principles of the G .'.tinder i!:u banners pebl les dweharged one by one at t.. no. . KJn Itnntret. I by han.l, but I am assured thru Ibis is the Looking, then, t r e r Vnntry it . way speed is often accelerated on this fsr who is n it griteful tlisi hi lot is ca 'in iamed road in this age of proJir.n May America t U ji that gratuu.le must be io-! the road soon see better dsys for it has a Created, when our present eiinditiow i con-! very eligible and direct channel cut for trusted with the times rotmected with the eveut we celebrate. Tiien,e were a few, feeble colonies, scattered along the Allan ticcoa,t; now, o'ir population ex'enls from jccean ,0 ocean. Tlh-n, nearly every nation of the eaith viewed us as rebels : now, nur nationality ii acknowledged aud r-speclej by every (tower Uon earth. Tnen, the force of the mistress of the wor'd were drawn out in hostile artay against us ; now, no hostile foot as such dare tread our soil. Then, tlie shriek of the terrified mother and expiring infant arose from ma ny a fireside invaded by the merciless sav age ; now,soni;sof praise arise from the undisturlxd famil) aliar. Then, there were treachery and distrjust on the part of atjl(. )mrtion of our people ; bo, there are confidence and harmony on the part of all. Then, our system of governnieul had to be tried as an experiment ; ter being fully tried, it stands as tbe model of humn government for ihe world. Since, then, the days of darkness and diffi-ully have passod atav, since wherc- ever the eye is turned we behold objects which are the honor; and the glory of any nation, who does not rejoice is an inhabitant ol this heaven-favored land 1 For heaven-favored it is. No one can view our country in tlie scenes through which it has passed, and view it as it is. without recognizing the hand of an over ruijnj, proviJenoe The might v power oi 'lraeP G jd appears ever to have been on the side of our people. When the Israel ites -groaned in Egyptian , bondage, the mighty God, with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night guided them to the promised land- When our forefathers groa ned in European bondage.the spirit of God guided them lo this land as a place of free dom from oppression. When the Israelites io bn'tltng with'lbeir enemies depended U; on God, victory waCon their side. When our forefathers, io1 struggling fur liberty, depended upon God, they conquered. The Israelites trusted in II im, aoi poss3scd land flowing with rniik and honey. Our forefathers trusted in dim also, and we rejoice in possessing a land overflowing with tbe beauties and bounties of a benefi cent Creator. Through His guidance and protection, we as a nation have been pros perously conducted thus far, nod we can safely depend upon our national prosperi ty i being continued as long nJ rnly as long as Israel's GoJ i our CoJ, mil c are ilia people. ....... I). C. LswMmrg UoiTorii'y, rJo'y i, 1849. From an Gcca.sioual CuircsposdcsL . I..jxarms County. In a hot suiiiniei's dy, there are f.-w more pleasant trips for ouce or twice at least than down Lycoming creek. Slur ting on (be dividing ridge between that and the Towauda, you find on either hand for many miles tall, craggy hills, and mount, ains, clothed aod crowned with (he most rcfreshirtg green. Crossing and recrossing your path is the wild, cool stream, yet liv ing with the feauy liibe, whichj with deer from ihe adjurent hill sides, furnish most delicious repasts for the city denisena and tired cnuntryradeswen and professionals whnr may rusticating in almost eve. v nookV Vomer of the vallev The "tawjj of Ralston aod Astonville are very unirrmostiig except upon Maps, where they stand out like the names of forgotten men upon tomb stones. ' If any change ever takes place here, these places must advance, foF there is not enough of either to make any retrograde condition perceptible, except it be by erasing them from the Maps. You are aware that the Wtltiamsport & E'mira Rail-Road took a brisk start from Williamsport several yeais ago, went on he go ahead principle 28 sniles Id Ralston, and then and thenceforth took.a aap. At present, ihe wsrrivalsjjiifi departures' of the "train bardfy ditb ihe' monotony of this quiet crows' empire,' : Staam is dis missed front ser viesysod 44m horse for two when jMtroMjwirranta,) walkiof (or trotting lftfte ft .oraoce of oatt past or the hops:, of aiUp cosHsuflfcieot 7, 1849. beaat7; all Under the care of a wnductor who has lo stop every lew rt'wis to drive down "snake-heads" 'his is tbe vViMiam sport & r.linira Rdil-R ad a$ it is- 1 m ist bear witness lo tlie fact t'! " tiip the "motive power" was iui j p'l '-f thus far, and almost as good a nut opens for it through Canton, Troy, and down Souih Creek to bnsy.Thnviug Elmira. , Recen'ly, a correspondent of Ihe N. Y. Courier & Enquirer, w ho had passed from Ilnrrishurg up thcWesl Bian:h,was struck with the important fa:l that when this ri'sd is comple-ed (as it will be) a short branch between it aod the Central Road cm the JuniAta is all that is required lo complete a chain of uninterrupted railway connec tion of Washington, Baltimore and Ham burg with Norhero Pennsylvania, aod Western and Ceutral New York. anJ that by a direct rout, as your Maps will show. Baltimore and Harrisburg are almost uni ted say 00 mijeg from the Central R ad to Williamspoi thence to Llmira, and so East and West wherever you choose. The extension of the Pottsville Road would be. nefit Philadelphia and the North Branch but travel and trade for Harrisburg. Balti more, Washington, and further uu:b and West, would all come on the lower rout ; and indeed it will be the easiest way from Ihe West Branch tn Philadelphia by liar risburg and Lancaster. Hive ou not sufficient sagacity, enterprise, ar$ capital on your side of the river to construct the short link yet required, which even to strangers seems so desirable, and so good an investment? Taking the best point at the Junction, and avoiding the bends op posite Northumberland and Munej, the distance "wKuld be small. Nature his planned. rout, which Art has nearly completed. Your interest in closing the work, is as great as that of any town or people on this bank of the river. Williamsport is indeed a beau'iful town, and his many advanlanes yours does n t enjoy. The County and I'.S D.. strict Courts held here for more than half a century, have given it much cons'qin-iu.-e-, and al-o much eish. The modt and amount and convenience of traveling are ten lo one, here, over Lewishurg, Stopping with Mr. Kremer, of ihe Egle," we found excel lent entertainmen, annoyed only at night by the confusion and city-like din attend ant upon the cotninit and going of singes and packet-boats. There are more elegant building here than in your town, but not as many substantial dwelling, the abode of contentment and competence. There seems at least n mu'.h genenl intelligence Rod public spir.t among this people as any other. Ail sects and parties are ith h praiseworthy ambition and euil '.-tied comm n sense united in susteinisg their prorrfinen' edticittrtnal interest-the Dick !non College Seminary. ' Ihe village Academy wa3 cordially prart'ed it to n-.ake a beginning, and a lare building fur i's use is contemplated ; but at present (as loo. too often the case is the managers are at the sticking. point ihe collection of the pledged funds. But the money most cntne at last and the Institution promises to be an increasing source of revenue and honor to Williamsport. Singular as il may seem.'he fint JJridgt over the Susquehnnna opposite the old and la rue town of Williamsport, i now com pleted and passable. Leaving the river road a few miles below, and striking over the mountain through a Gap, you have many beautiful views of the river and llie banhs on the North and and you also contract an appetite for a huge break fast. But what a paradise for snake must the summit of those bald, jagged moun tain of rocks be, which we pass through over a well 'piked road ! Scarcely a tree or shrub can coax a root or tenderest fibre down between these rocks, and how such a mas of horrid, hard, uninviting material could be thrown together, is in deed puiling. There must have been an earthquake, long continued, which threw these rocks uppermost, the fine and earthy particle Milling upon the fertile valle; s aroand. One landlord on the Lycommy had a box of "liven live raflsnaix amonp hie other curiosities :'' and the people seemed to dread them no more than the common house r " atreak-ed" snakes are dreaded in othefShce? But not Hsnuixr alone upow this rocty pass deary bears, and wolves must abound here. Indeed, wa were entertained on our jaunt with' B'-verul narratives of large game yet lin- erij nriMiiig the rouh mountains of old Lc-.rr-'- r A few diy since, on this r-wi, i -rson pass'Oi u? the hill aw an - , u L A am. i) j ii w wavsice wnien no ruynni io be oi. i ii w is hunting, b it on arousing it w-'ii vou-.i ar.d stooo. a bear cf no phas ing asuecl returned hU e!tit witha t' Oe he did not, nnl heff-d to make his acj;iin;ance. Th l.u.-.teri anarined, : ok to his heels, tod being aided by the descending nature of thi troond, which did not suit thts bear's short forelegs, be soon 1 it I'io cvnpsny of his uninvited friend. Tne morning we passed, bea' or wo'ves had bwn marauding about a farm houe, and th neihb-jr were out eadeavorinj to make reprisal MassMChuftetts. Tl.t S .nth land bath it of cane, Th Pni'ie bouls iu tey grin, And .un rJ ail gs'es unfolJ Uu ruing marts suJ nod of (olJ. : Rough, Mr,k. ai d cold, our little Ststa I, hnl uf toil, of liwiu (traisht ; Her yellow nwU are nl slooe. Her only ninftt sts ic anJ stons ! From Autumn's frotu to April's rsin Too loiirh Winter woods complain I From ImiMing (1er to failins. leaf Her Summer time is all too bnef. But on her rock. anJ on her nnJs, And stormy bilU tbe school houe stands, Ai.J what ber rugged soil oVniea. Tbe harvest of the Piind supplies. The Ireasnres of our Commouweslih . Are free, strong minils, and heart of health. And uoie to ber Ihsu g.ild or grain. Tbe cuuning band and cultured biatu.' For well she keey her ancient stock The stubborn strength of Pilgrim R es ; , - Ami Mill maintains, with milder law And clearer ligbMhe Gjd OU Can. ! Has ksed, Ihe skenlir's ponv hands. N-bUe near bet ckboot l.e Chorrh-.pire stands ; ! or icara ine ortnami onj-n s ,uit White near her Churcu-spira srnfs the School XslionsI Er. J- O. Wiirrui. THANKSGIVING . . .. ... i ..- PenxstlvsNia. s s- Ii the name and hv the authority of the Com -non wealth o'" Pennsylvania : by WILLIAM F- JOHN S I ON. Governor ol the said CoiilikjIi- wealib. A PROrlLMAT!ON. A henificent God has blcsvd the people of this Commonwea'ih with ha!th, and nlund.-nce. The fielJs hsve yielded noun tiful returns to the husbandman. The en terprises of the citizens, in all brandies of imlus'ry.h ive been appropriately rewarded. Peic with all na'ions, have been vroch safed 'o the country. Civil and nligiou !i'-rty, under the iiitii.itions of free gov ern ", h.-ve been preserved itiviolai.e, sir. -..; ' largest measure of ear'hlv happi ness, i-is been (.-rui-iously ilis.'ensed by an ali-wi-e. mid uiereifut PriC. ' ; The.- bl-;s'rg d.'rr-nd oar gratitude lo Urn. t. .. he.e hands are the issues ,.f i'e i:rl ii.Mt . who ci n'rots end c'irects 'lie i-flair- of iien--whne is Oiwnipo trnl to r Jestnv. ,hnrf who irinIes in the justice r.f lis judgments, the attributes of His mccy hetore whose iwwer na tions are ealled or cast down nod they fw'I noon us as one peph?, to oiels) in Sol emn thanksgiving in hom'.le supplication, and praise to the Alni'ghty Author of every good and perlect gi'l, lor these his undeserved" blessings, lo his weak and sin lut creatures. They r q iire llie profound reverence of penitent hearts, sensible of ihe nnworthiness of humanity, and of the rnd'iring ineroy of a righteous (rod. Believing these solemn truths ; deeply impressed with the duty of devout adora- ion. and hombte prayer; irt eompliance with the venerated custom, and ihe desires f ihe great body of the people : I IPi- ium F. Johntfon, Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby appoint and designate Thurtdatf, the 29th day of November next, as a day of genera) Thanksgiving, throughout the State : and 1 hereby recommend and earnestly invite all the good people of this Commouwealth io a sincere and prayerful observance of the same Given under my hand and the -great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, thislwen- ty-finh day of October, "in the year f our Lord one thnBswrid eight huodredswmd for ty-nine, aod of the Common wcatlh the se venty-fourtuv ,. By thi Governor : TOW NREND HAINES. Stvtlary of lh Qmmonvtatik. ce amcsa Ottser. Mr. EttTrtV : F noticed in a late number ol the "Iemo.wat,', a short extract fiwm some conlemporary journal, under the cap in. irrnort iotir Mh .'' The article railed up' the followiag tram of - i ,l VOL VI., NO. 32-292::. thoughts t which, if you ihmS proper, ' may Icy before your reader. y - , at Man, as a creature, is indebted tr tha Creator for hi existence, and forth) in-ar numerable minister to hi happiness. ' On thi is predicated hi duty to God. , A a inrTxi Jual being, he an- individual des liny to work out On this is predicated his duty to hir.ivlf. - Beside this, man is a social bntig, and out oi hi sociability grows his duty to hi fellow man. At the very beginning of hum a exist ence, Cod saw it was not good for man U be alone. The social principle was, planted io hia very nattfre; and ia obedi' race to its dictates, the different rrrember i of the family of man have ever manifested a di7ottion to congregate. Hence lb different varieties aodgiadesof congrega- t tid human beings rising in regular gra dations from the first and most sacred bf s cial compacts, the family, lo tbe migh; iet kingdoms sad empires. : " ; 'f f In each ol these social organizations, man sacrifices more or less of his individ uality. The interest of the individual swallowed up in ihe interest. of the social, compact. Yet, in this, il is not designed thai any one should be the loser, for wbilw the principle of sociality makea it ihe duty of each to tommuiutat, in order to pro note the public good, it provides that this public good shall be mutually enjoyed by, those who unite to promote it." '' -- Hence the hutband can not mike his individual self ihe all io U." "f ing upon the selfish princTple, attempt to promote his own happiness at Ihe upas) of that of hi wifo. vNeitbef .cao ,the,r pursue such a course. Tnett duties, re sponsibilities, and 'enjoyments are alike . mutual and reciprocal., ! " l Thus do individual persons sacrifice, it a measure, they' iadisjdual interest, to pro mote lh iuterest of tnb fam'ily, whi they enter imp such a relationship. 'And whet individual fanvfuw.uoite in the lotmgp of hrge eoog isioa of haraaobe ngf . the sa mfe crosrrie4cmust. k'fa sii follow. -i-ir-n-- a l.,!n J: A "imiVy .consists of. two or arrtP'ftt sons whoscMnirres are one; and .whose ! duty, therefitre, fs niotrlalr) to eootfikot to iho happiness of eaA.' A learai or' neighborhood consists of several of those families, living in contiguity ; sad ,lwe int?rerts. therefore, are, to a great extent, one. I Wee the du:y U fMn4hfgkotiU tiiutuoily encourage each other. Tho nme principle is applicable, also, When several of those congregations of tamlies are incorporated into a body politic, eajl su!'ji-cteJ to mutual regulations. ' Acting upon this principle, the citixu of the town will, a far as practicable, pa tronise his own Mechanic, Merchant, Phy sician, Lnwyer, and neighboring Farmer. He who act upon a different priacjple, violates one of lh lldaiwHl'-af prisKspkf of the philosophy of . buman- existence, lie forgets the sociabi t y of his nature,"'! becomes essentially selfish n character The aenerat fund of enj.iyiieiil ia. not in creased, or i irtcteased very rsrirgly, by his cmtributions. " It would be: Ssrlf for the pohlic if an eye were kepi "on such characters, so that their draughts upon the " general fuod alvwjld aot eseee4 jbeir contributions. .Then these narrow, en iracted, selfish sou's, might lave Ihe lull bliss otuej-.iying mca selves." Loci; Haven. . - , E. 'Trlbaitc to Baaianv His was Ihe poet's gifled sowl. , . Tfeoug-b teaming wa oenvnl ; But genius iared abjva hi wrri,- WitU all its grace wnt pndv - - Tb-wr spirit stirring strains oi hi,,- , Were gtvhings of Ihe soul. . Whoa rn&uenea ever avx will U. A fnturs agea roll. .: Hi prngresj. like a living tight, Tbe realms of esrth aspl.. To aid tbe weary pilgrim on, ; . Toward lbs heavenly shore.' H dwells within the pearly gales. Among Iha asrapUs bow ; The "shining; oW a takMrsa crow Hav pi seed apon hi brow. , He lon a goloso lyre among Tn -white robed" as gel band ; , Where geniu through eianuty. la gloty will eip Singular Case 'rhe Cumberland (MJ) Alieganian stales that tm Wedriesday Ust. aa Irishmao, who reside near Loriac h n. threw from his elomacb a living oa'ke,fivo or six niche ia length. - Ff severarl years past he hss been in delicate health.and lat-u-rly subaiatt-0 Ipw? wholly uj-on milk. On Wednesday, at the earnest "rxrsudsion of several hi connlry men. he was iudu ced to drink with' thtm.- Dtreetly after .allowinatrrlimior, heesasttiadl with) vomiting and threw up lbsoak ;, .1 . ' " - r 1 i , i i . - r - t; i i r