Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 31, 1849, Image 4

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    II U ft. OJlO B S .
The last number of ihe Knickerbocker
tells ibe fol'owing atorj :
A colored gentleman prearlvng to a
Mack audience at ibe Sjuth, said :
- ude, I s'apect, dat de rcasou de
Lord made ua brack men, was case he ur
allde white men up Vore he got to de
brack men, and he had to make him brack.
But dat don't make n. udds. mv bred-reii;
de Lord look alter de drack men i.
Don't de Scrip'er say dat two eparrer
hawks are sold Tor a Tardea, and dat not
oneob 'era shall Tall to de ground widout
dar fadder ! Well, den. my broderen, il
your bebbonly farder care so much for da
aparrer and hawk, when you can buy two
ob dem for a farden, how berry much
more he care for you, dai is wuf six or so
beti hundred dollars a piece P
If this argument isn't a colored non
cquitur," we r.ever satr a colored nousi
qtiiter. New Test. In one of the counties oi
Kentucky, some of the voters addressed a
series of questions to one of the candidates
for the Legislature, among hicu aie the
following :
Are you in favor of the next war!
Do you believe the !rih came over in
Ihe same boat with Noah !
Do vou believe that Eve's eating the for
bidden fruit caused the knot in a man's
neck called the "Adam's apple!"
A re you a "gradual Imaginationisi V
Do you liquor t
If elected, do you pledge yourself not to
go to Frankfort? (the Capital.)
Of all the recipes for the cure of Choi
rra, we have seen none better than the
following published by the fWton Post :
Take ounces of hen's milk, put it in a
hog's born, and stir it up with a rat's fea
ther, then divide the mass into pills as big
as a piece of chalk, about as Ions as a
stick, and swallow them cross wise re
rntly. Dr. Shannon, who wrote - the Philoso
phy of Slavery as indetified with the Phi
losophy of Human Happiness," says the
lloston Republican, is the grntlman who
recently denounced the Declaration of In
dependence as an infidel production.
Very Bad Indeed An exchange pa
per says, The girls in some parts ol
Pennsylvania are so hard up for husbands,
that ihey are obliged to take up with prin
f,r and lawyeri. Let them go to Cali
fornia then.
Going it Alone ! The following singu
tar announcement of a marriage appeared
in a late Baltimore Argus: Married on
the 15:h ult ,by Rev. E. E. Alien, Chnrlt
If". Jrmfrong, all ol this city."
English and German Physician.
THO has been regularly educated in
W the University ol Maryland, and ao
Honorary lridute of Cast let. n College ot
Vermont, and a Member ol the Mudica
and Philosophical Society of the State ot
M .ri lanrl nffl-ra hia lirilfeSai inat Kervices
in all the branches ol the Healing Art to
the citixens ol Uewisburg and its vicinity,
r 1.. k. ln mvtfnii in ihe nrn(Sce ol
medicine, in Luzerne county in this State,
for nearly thirteen yenr from v. hence
he brings letter of recommendation from
i.o fi,t nvn in that and Columbia county.
as rewards his s'anding in the profession of
medicine, and his genera: cnaracier, tic .
Hun John N tTonvnahamiRev MaimeJuke feerce
Ztha Bennett
Andrew Hesumont
" H P Headley
II B Wright
H W Xichol-n. Era
J.-s.-e n.mmili, Eq
Charles Kalblus
J II VnuliC
iUr A B Wllwn
This. W Miner
till Warner
A Yohe
" M Sieck
Cu b Boa. man. t. q
lie I boroa Buwintu
N R. llr.T. may be f und at lii office
m iKc lruj store on the east side r.f Mar
ket St. uext to Walls' store, or at liia resi
dt nee I at door below Kline's hotel.
Iuisbuig. Ja- 5, ls40
SCIHFFLE has received a choice as
sort mrnt from E. Kosrl and J.
Ilaurt. Perfumers, whose preparations art-
Bears' Oil
Ox Marrow
Bay Water
Cologne Watcf
Pearl Powder
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soapa
Curling Hum
&c. 6tc.
! a sw.w
..,ural variety of Jewelry and
F.uie.v AfiW'-.Siectacle.Pencils.Wa!lets,
- s I
Toothhrflvries, inirnrtranrs, bc ar .
levwMiiirff, Mav 1. 149
f FftESH supply received at the Lewis-
burg Cheap Bookstore :
Pi-he's M tnual of Classi.-al Literature
levies Analytical Geometry
fair's Rhetoric. (Uoiversity edition)
Cmtislbck' M neralogy
The Cotrfrrtete Fanner, I vol. 62 J cts
The New American Gardener. I vnl,
The BooHhat will luit You, or a Word
frr Everybody
I can furnUh the aba works, with a
ureal variety of others, at reru l u price.
May 30 " ' I.YMMI.I.
-a. ' " '
IliYLT t EXPKBltlttCilf
SUBSCRIBERS to the - University at
Lewisburg" who have not paid their
First Instalment, (due last January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the same
without further notice, to
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Lewisburg, S- pt. 1, 1849.
nnowi i ii in a i i f
lAl iti.ttiitiiii
taftmm Stack, I.M, mm. BnAlta, B. I.
LIFE iaJ UEHTi irt ii Ihe IL00I.
Ciwne, Purify, ani Rrgulntt tht Cimlatum. awl
wmww Baaj tcul MK HNn. 4 me MON WOHOCTJMI
j au rrmraitt to proaupt mat a mu, u
Tea. lb Oftnd trait anl anVacy win b pvAtxri hy
th aas of a mmmtttr Nfy isT thta Pvainu than can N
aSVcasd by tar iiw ml a like quantity of any other remedy
la the world. (See oar PwmmkUu fur nmot)
Thai PuanriEB ia wkeU titeuaied beat VrgtUUtt. mni
enrea the awat. awrf eMaaefe, aud UmE-rt'naiMK dteaaiea
ef the bluud, without mmkmg, py, lulmaf, or draiai
feftaf . It ricaaea, lrratata, Meiweter, nuKee Dear,
ktmlHf Mead, aad toe an, ei and am Is the whole
a aay ether mardy ta the world, becaaaa
ef a will eSeet a n1r aaiuaut oT e thao deW
werta mf wiey ilia, or aay other ramedy, ao auanrr how
mrf waar hottlea aaay ha. The iwaai teat ewefMe for coa
waen to dceuariae. K aer mmdk mm t taiewet feet wil a
daMerr awna eMw ISnaw ariaari, tkmm e imltar M werlh mf
that aw Mean Be or etaer rwawhr. We arifht hen aay, thai
aVaaTa JbeVaau had cured, wufala the laat year,
100,000 Ptrwit of tapire BIo4 Biteuet,
and 23,009 Cawi im coBilderrd Iicnrable!
i are la
U mm ahoald aa aa. whs anoU heti aaf Thi
howeeer. we do aay. aad nd read to prove hy ruaertaal
aihum ahat Baajrr'a XrjMun haa ejected earaa t
mm linat aaaau i taje rt year, traa
edr hi exMeare did darial ta aame tian.
Haw aaaveh will at ItallKr'a wartsi CUSC t
Twaata tarfe, deep Mcera were earai by aataf aay hr-Nw
aVaaTa fWiS-r.
TWnfaUowtaa im the Um wneeuM aad
Beat wa r eSorted on haaaaa haiag, by
ZXorrid wcroia Cared.
Ma. J. B. Kaniw. of Bwae, OW CW, If. r, eertiaaa,
Ptreaabrr SWa. 185. that he had bee amii lid wah Bcae
wvla tone years, aad tee last year ronS&ei to hi bed. ariih
iwaati awara, aWp. maekmrgimt tibcaaa chat U meek
a eataa aroaad from ear to ear a bate waa eaant
throwrb hit fTiaai, ao hat be brnahad tamch aa
hole bm ear waa nearly deetroyed the atr-at hi ua
wa wholly destroyed aad ca LVtr aadar Ou an, a
la aa sua' hand, bad aearly eee9 throash wao bia
l.imn that he had aaed all kiade of Caesaraanxa and
teaeanauv. end mat fc waa mm i hi
ar aea warn na romaawinr naa. .
noun Pvaimwa KxraACT MaaT hinb aome of Um,
rvairnia CxraacT aaabal and mmrmi aarairrasa) of the
tweaty ineera be bad when he eon owe or aaiaf R, and
that a fim rnmlm am,
partiealanof tbia, aad
aaay other arnitar cant, eoe oar
This WeaaeVrfnl mm Aatamiaaiiwa; en
doe aa etaad alone aa a aaaiiai mt the arrest
of Baaina Pcurtaa. (or wa eoald aire alauat aalitu-
Bed aridsaep of otW cam, wU aOtaacd, if thi wee
douMed. Tbia care ia eerttard to by
Fourteen Respectable Witnesses.
By Doer. Trtfl. Wrtuawa, oneof the aauat riepoctahl
BhyairauM of Ron' hy Meaw. Rimell dt Launaaa,
wholeaale and retail dmerietn .hy Mr. Q. K. Haown. pru
uneba and herprr of uw Wm Boas HoTx and hy
aliara ie,iii.
Branfa Indian Purifier
area aD laopnee dllimil of the blood. Tiz.: SemU-Brmi,
tmit-Wumm, Bktmmmlinm. F.ruftwnm, ttmpUt ea tic Fmat
film. Btimm. Ukmrm. Caaataraaw. Mcfcariel Iuaum, Lmv
Oiaylaiat. faiaa im aw Bee. Simt, and , ataah mf
sVsadl lac nwai etc, sac
Thi IUl-ftaH p iik1 ajahs- mil tht tUmmim t4 fmnftfimc
Ttrfrr of ibe ssbtvatiiiird PvurwiKo Kxtbact. ai d avbs
pUaaSaCa fPTAfsl OtbfT MrKwahusW, aTrfaCtavf'ly K-id
iWaMiRrtlrai to cmrr CHCHj4 k&d CONl Mrt lON. H
Am mmA cmim Vim tm tkw lvrV -nti .vrr tmttnmi
V. aw nm&ilj mmd m mmmlj aw the Pwnfytmf lUtrmtt avwali
asOti rurrm trirrmmJIf.
TifjAafM of cmtt of fvaw km! Ctmmmtm
ftllf irrfrT. it aJtWN-t iftin-c-r.Ki. rlfum:- im mil UtaWtWCS of
W fctiv the tblW-vltva; mtiftrat aw fmet of mrr. whirb
to pro" fiw powr to lift. frtM wbrti the pern
newTja tf he in rhe rry law slme" of rnirtrmctx wheal Brtat i
ImiH rmJmmmmTi Ka'tM i- .vJimmrT. :
We tfre the fi'tiwini: V&ex m mtmctofeure. wbich
fro- iu itruvr thr (jownr tunrt hie. er, whesn th pr-rmtm
ntne to hr? in ihs vt ry lust avtM-ai of exMisre. whem
Bmnt'u Imdmn fm-lmommry HUmm w asdiisiitalr?rd r Tula)
cnsM- dues D4 a4nH tonr wtt eoulJ nin cvata
aw amssrisQlant aod mmmmmdinAT uid hundred of wpittm
Cd-wt-tj. aod tkn7tmmU ot cm eallt-d CONSt'MPTlO.N.
THIS CTRE was efft-rted tm th wirr of Mr. Zna
Dvs.Rif.fr of th tawm of Itetern. Smwmtnfm O, ft. Y
Mrs. ftyfe'anMO wtw pniaaounrrd rfjri-r. ad Mr. ltrkmmm
Wi-tjt tu the grtore of Mr. Jotm Wait to jKrrhmm dmtA tor
wjvMst sUad mtker kunmi wtmiermU, exiaectinf faia wrle
would bmmvb daw, ISon waw iu tliR ImM mtmgf oi tlte dieeawe
-WM xmmek fprtttwd atd 4imtTtmd, mad to rrlisw hrr
rraaK tUstrtm. mnd nthkm ft dfimtr WW Msti oawa, Mr.
If kr-rnn vf prrwutinVd to fpwv hrr wm of " Bit AN I'd
INDIAN PLLMONAKY BAIAM. lit- took the Halmm
hotae with the hroad, and fnve port. on tu hie wile it
relieved hehc euatinaed tu takt it until abv txrrred
ooo hkaxth. and be ha ctrud wiU for tumrly our
I awa FmmpkUt Mir pnrtiruien.
Mr. DrKKMjv nr b rh alio re farta before Tttua. O.
YoL'wtf, fT-q if HUmio xth April, le4i.
Tho. ii. .ffNa, r'.q.t Jnstv, n rtiiMW that he ha
knowai Mr. I k man mvj ymrm and that hr ia ott of
thi-fraiaat mJrtMf mod rnjctmbU cUizttf ; and Mr. JoHM
W air. tht oarrrlmot pk-a i abrr, trtka to tho
food rhatrm-Vr of Mr- ffykemmn, and that bt? waa ae
wuaintd with mil thr.rW. havuig beard titem often apok
ra of by iyiaua
Branfa Pulmonary Balaam
ror COSSL MPTiOX Comgks, CoUm, Spitti f Meet
Himdimmt mt ac Pun im eat J-raaw. aod Sid, NifkU
Skxmmtt, ffmtww CtmmWttm, abwWrao mf tnm Hmmrt,
Ckmimrm ajwaraat, lfmy. Summtm Ctrntplmtntm. atd ALU
FEMALE tfEAKSLSHES. aaw mMfJmMmng ill iliair
The lollowaisuBpd itmrtmn mud Prnmirimmt bare Ugh
4T rarommnKled BKA!TH MMMCINLa :
Dr. H. Ul'HHAKI). Ktaaalord, l oan.
Dr. J. N. 8MITH. Waawtowa. K. r.
Dr. KObe-MAN, 134 Uenry atnet, Braoklya, M. T.
Dr. T. M. HL'KT, Aaharm, M. T.
Dr. GKO. FKANCIM. MioakMwa, Coaa.
Dr.GKO. A. ROGERS. Beth, M. V.
Dr. 8. VVHITK. Firdw H. T.
Dr. C. M. OALKNTIMK. Hymn. M. T.
Dr. J O. allll'MAN. KayeOMUIe. M. T.
Dr. J. 8MKNKK. Umry aveet. Braoklya. M. T.
Br. U. SUlfMAM. Cortland. X. X.
Beware of counterfeits !
There i Da Brant' nwdiejoea teoaina. ootj
aoch bottles as are put up in a square package
or shape, and on on sqaars of the package ia a
label on which ia represented a young Squaw,
and ander where he aland i a Note of Hand,
nhirh read ss follows, era.
H ktrtog pmmit.for rmlut rrteirtd, la pay
fa the hearer hereof 0 Cst. an demand at
our Medicine futiiiry in iht City of Broatlfn,
.V Y. Dated at Brfoklij. 7th April. 1848."
(which aote is tigned with psu aad rraf ink)
- 31. T. WALLACE d CO."
None genaina bat soch ss hare the note oa
Ibe label aigned a aboea.
Fur sale Hv Thornton & Hakr-r, Lawia-
i s-.ij u :t ft;. . J n
Barkhauae. Mtddleber( ; Wilt it Eilert, Hartle-
ton : Ante at Meaeh. Miminburg
All letlera and orders mast he aJdrrsaed to
Wallace ft Co. 10a. Broadway, New York
tlASTOHaod Sweel Oil.Laudaniim.Par-
J gf.rie.(.odfrey'a Cordial,Kraom Salt. 1
raiHaraiu. Cream Tartar, Murrh,rWripc, Bal
asm of Li e, Kal 8oda. Balsaa de Mallha. Worm i
Tes.t.'rnphra-.GingeT. t aneaimnri.C bea. Pepper, '
Nutmegs. Maguaaia. Maatard. Opium, Morpbe, !
Quinine, foda Powders, die. for aale al I
C.Wraafle's DrugasCbemicalEtriporiuBi
TVR. J. N. KEELER At BRO. most rea
I nerlfullv anlicil attention to their fresh
stock ol Englith, French. German. vd
America Urugs, Nedicinea, i amis. vm
micala. Uila, UyestuHs, Ulassware, reriu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c.
Havinf opsncii a new atom, no , mmwum a,,
with a fnU aapply of freak Ihuts snii Medicine,
s respectfully ralieit coantry dralets to eiaro
ina Au atnrh ham nntrhaona eJacwhcrs. MOOV
ninc one and all who may fast I diioard to ex-
: . . .i .
team to a tneir patronage, to acu in genome
VtWga sod MfOiciims, on as lioerai wrma as any .
nher bouse in the City, and to faiibfully esecuie
all oiders eutraetstl to us promptly snd with do-
One of the proprietor being a rrjralar physi
cian, aflbrd amule guarantee of the genuine
quality of all aritclea aukl at their eaUbliabmeot.
We escially iniie druggials and connliy
mrrcbaut. vbo may wish to become agent tor
Or. Ketler't Celebrated Family Medicine,
(atandarj and popular reroedie.) to forward their
Soliciting the patronage of dealer, we reaped
ally remain,
J. N. KEELER & BRO., W'h.lealo Dragsri'ta,
lySS'l No. 294, Market Sl l'hilad.
Tor sale Ornamen
tal Trees of ever v description, particuTarlv
the Huropeau Linden, and Paulonia Impe-
rtaiis, a splendid shade tree lately imriHju
red from Japan, remarkable lor its enor
mous leaves (ometimes two feet in diam
eter.) and large clusters oi rose coioreu
flowers, Mpottrd and atriped within, emitting
a fragrance stmrar to the uisc.
Also Fruit trees ol etrerjr description.aueh
as crafted Apple trees from 7 to 9 H high.
it li to 15 eta each, or tlO to li 5 1 per
hundred ; Inoculated Peach trees. Vii etc
each, or f 10 per hundred ; Pear, Cherry,
Plum, Nectarine, and Apricot trees at res
miiaUle prices all the warietiea warranted
genuine : also Hot-house and Green house
:lents. embracinc bearinit Orar.oe and Le
moa trees,to)fcihe: with a variety of Flower
eds -il of which he will sell as low as
hey can be purchased in Philadelphia.
Lewinburp, Sept 1., 1849
at lewisburg.
rHE TRU8TSE8 of the Unteenity st I sw
J isbarg woold respectfully inf-rni il PaUona
and rrirnda, that, in the Bctiool under uetr care,
(at Lewwhurg) the Ibllcwing are lbs Claasea. Hub.
jecte of Study and Eierewe lor the canent year.
brpau-tsBCBitB astd gtadlea.
Sis Classes Exercised in Spelling, Reading
Drrtnitiou. Engliah Granntar, Arithmetic. Geog
raphy, History U U. A, Penmanahip, aad Com
poftiiion. BSGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Aeademy
The aame studies s in the Primary Drpartioeul
cnlinurd in Ihe use of larcer text hooka; and to
brae are added Grneral History, Uaviea' Algebta,
Legeudre and Surveying.
Jun. Academic Claim. Engliah Language,
Geoarapliv. Hiatory U. S. A., Latin Grammar
ind Reader, Greek Grammar and Reader com
mrnred. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Academic Clan. En(lib Language.
(ienerat Hiatory, Cesar, Virgil, Greek Reader,
Davie' Algebra.
F mh man Clatt. l.iy.Anbasis,Memorbilia.
Daaiea Lecendre, Trigon.unetry commenced.
tyiuhomure Clou. Horace, Ocly-sry, Select
OiaUona of UenMMlhriiee, Legendre completed,
liaies' Surarymg and Navigation, Analytical
ticmavlry, Blair a Lectures.
Junior Clan. Demosthenes on the Crown
fireek Tragedy. Cicero .ie Officii, Tacitus, Nat
ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Logac.
Sludenta in tha English Department recite
with ihee pursuing the same studies in the
Kreular Course.
So class in the Regular rourse, haa lea than
ihree daily recitation. All ihe member of llie
-chool. (in three diiion,) are exeicised eery
Saturday in Keatling, Ueclamauoo, L.ngusa wo
position, and Vocal Music
Alt the students are required to attend, regu-
arty, aome teligiuu meeting. Minor are rupee
ted to attend uch meeting a are recommended
o i hem by their parrot or guardian- There are
in ihe Borough no leas than ail place of public
worship, occupied every lrd llay by a many
(liferent Christian denomination.
Number of Students.
The number of atudenta during the past year
m ihe varioua department, was 16 1- The
lumber that have entered the classe in the Krg
ular Course for the current year ('clj-ie of
tboae in the English and fmnary departments.)
i a follow :
CoLLtas. Junior class
Sophomore claas
Freshman class -
Acaasar. Senior class
Junior chus
. 9
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M, Professor of
Malhematiea and Natural Philosophy ;
GEORGE K. BLISS, A. M Professor of Greek
language snd Literature ;
of Lstin Language snd Literature :
ISAAC N. LOOM1S, A. M, Principal of the
Aeademy ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher ia lbs
in order to meet lbs demand of the Institu
tion, the Board bare taken awasare la supply
the aimmry Apparatus tor the department of
Mechanical Philosophy, aad to masses the Li
brary, beauts lbs enmatearement of the winter
erion. During lbs year, ibe building now in
progress will be com pasted, a Hording study room
aud dormiloris lor 70 college students. Another
Proteaaor haa been added to the Faculty, and
nx-an provided to enable students in lbs dseass
apedued sbuvs to proscenia their stadias with lbs
greatest Mirer j.
- TuIIIm and nasaafl.
TUITION in the Collegiate Department $30,
Acadrauc fSO, Primary fig per year.
BOARD, inchxHDe, lodging, washing, fuel and
"!"" - " 'aa-w
Bnwwlaawi, VacaiUaaM, Ave.
Two Beioir in a year tha faraasr rnssmaa
ce on the second Tuesday io October, sad coa
tinue 27 areeka ; the latter continue 16 week.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next
. T,
ion begin llth October.
'he Board are happy lo add tbst Lewiabarg
is at present, mm n ever aa ueen, exceeuiugty
By order and in behalf of the Board :
LswUaif, Vbbbb Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1Mb. .
gJBook Agtnti and Colptrieur. mill pleat
to obterve.jj)
EVERT citisen of the I'niwd 8tste should
conn a copy of thsas works. Tbsy sr
ins Books of Our Coantry.
1 TT A. Fsithful Chronicle of the
1 I O WAR of America lodepen
oane. In one large volnoM, 8o. Illuatrsted
with Ssvsaty Eagravings, in butdaooje Gilt
Binding. Pries (2.
The Presidents of the United States,
Their Memoir snd Administrating :
To which is added sn account of the Inaugura
tion of each Preaident, and s history of the
principal political evsnta of hi adminiatratioo,
aod of the transaction of Cougrea at each aee-
aion during the period.
Illustrated with rlegant portraits of ihe Preai I
dents, engraved on ateel. Thi ia a handsome I
royal 8o,ia beautiful pictorial binding. 3fi0.
. ik. i ijj ...i u..... ,
of the President of the United States,
From Wsshington to Taylor's Inauguration ad
dress. Msreb. 1849,
With s history of their Administrations, and
of earh Session of Congress also vaiiou hist
orical, statistical, and other important public
document, and a complete Index, or analytical
Utile of ennteut to the whole work, bdilcd by
Euwm WiLLiaas, Esq. Illustrated Vitb por
traits of our IS Presidents, engraved on steel,
from the most approved authorities, and in the
best style of the art ; printed on fine paper, and
handsomely bound in emblematic etyle. It will
also be embellished with Views of ths Capitol,
President 'a House, and the Seals of tha several
State snd the United Sistea. In four large 8vo
volumes. Price $10. This is the citizen aod
Library edition.
C7The Reference Edition of the same
work, in 3 volumes large 8vo, without portrait.
Price $7.50. Tbia edition is for reference, and
i intended for Statesmen. Legislators, Member
of city Corporations, Lawyers, snd Individual
holding public Offices.
The Bepubllr oflfae I'nlted Sfatca,
snd Ms I olittcsl Institution,
Reviewed and Examined. Hy At-rtis Dx
Toro.t;EViiLS, Member of the Inaiitnle ot
France, snd the Chamber of Deputies. Ac.
In one large octavo volume of nearly One
Thousand pages. Price $3.
The 12 Stan of our Republic,
Our Nation's U:ft to her Young Ci'izeus :
Containing the lives of our Presidents, the
8igner of the Declaration, Article of Confed
eration, the Constitution, with an historical
skelrh of ihe American Unin. Illustrated with
elegant portraits, engraved on ateel, and illumi
nstrd pictures of the Signer, the Capitol, and
President' House at Washington, Bunker-Hill,
Ate. Ac. Elegantly bound. Gilt edges. Price
(Jj'No eipenae ha been spared in ihe prepa
ration of these volumes of Documents, History,
and Statistic, to render the same worthy of pa
tronage, not only of Statesmen and Legislator,
but of the American public generally ; who will
fiod in them the Tasascar or Political
KaowLEnas, and a mass of information.
published by E. Walker, 1 14 Fulton street.
Dr. Dow ling's History of Romanism to tha
present time. 50 Engravings, pries 3.00
Ths Guide lo Knowledge, . 3,00
The wonder of ihe World, J. 50
Mrs. Ellis' Family Monitor, 1,50
Mr. Ellis's Guide to Social happiness, 3.50
Brother and Sister, i0
Cheever'a Lecture on Pilgrim' Prog, ess, 2 50
Christian Marty rology, 1.25
Christ's Messengera, 1.25
Fate of Infidelity , or. Truth Triumphant, 38
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1818. elegantly
illustrated, 2.00
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1849. do 2 50
Odd Fellow's Offering for 150, do 2,00
The Odd Fellow Illustrated and neatly
bound, 1 ,00
Faith. Hope, and Charity Tllustrated. I
vol. 12 mo. Gilt Mu'lin, 1,00
Friendship. Love, and Troth Illustrated.
1 vol. 12 mo. Gilt, 1,00
Tales from the Arabian Night'a Entertain
ment. 75
Rohinhood and hi Merry Foresters, 75
Wreath of Wild Flowers, 75
Younc People's Mirror for 1848. 4to.
Muslin, 1,00
Pott Mtuttrr. Book A genii and Colporteur
Who may desire to canvass district for the
above important National Work, will be pleased
to address a line In the publisher, at atinc Ibe
ponion of country he wishes lo occupy, snd by
return of Mail be will receive a List of Price,
with Term lo Agents, which allow them a
very liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER. Publisher, 114 ToW
ton street. New York.
Consumption disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINtiS' Compound Syrup of Nap
tha a positive cure for Consumption,
Uecliue, Astlima, and all diseases of the
chest and lungs a single bottle will prove
its elii,;acy.
1 he proprietor not only recommends his
Naptha Svmrr, but warrants it tit cure!
lie warrants it to act i hon the chyle, and
purify it ; he warrants it to remove all im
Mdiment8 which retardie free circulation
of the blood : he warrants it to open the
nternal and external pores of the body and
eject all Ihe obnoxious particles which have
accumulated in the system ; he warrants it
as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever,
night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
pain in the chest, and asthma ; aod he war
rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and lo heal those already
formed, ao that persons in consumption
may take :t with Ihe most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great seat of action
is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di
rections, purifying them of everything
oonoxious to its progress, ana wnicn
i - i -
annluvl arrned'nrr to Hirerlinna it oar
fail lo leave ia a perfectly heaH",'eitras'
tion. Agent at Lewisb; Jl with
210) CWL-w.'
T " r I
Get tha the citv and'1
A LL young fiessotn, annuld have a "Standard
i. JMctutnaru at their elbows. 'And while
you are about it, get ibe be-t : that Dictionary is
.oaa Wsbsteb's, the great work, unabridged.
If you are too poor, save the amount fravn off your
back, lo put il into your head. PhrtnokgJinir.
Dr. Webster's great work ie the best Dictionary
of the Engliah language. Londim Morn.Chron.
Conlaininc three lime tb amount of matter of
any other Engliah Dictionary compiled ia this
country, or sny abridgment of this work.
Published by G at C Merriam.8pringfieU,Masa.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookatora of
May 30 8 P LYNDALL, Lewtsborg
BEST Spanish and Hall &v t Uh, also
American CIGARS and all kind,
of Cheming TOBACCO, for sale hy
lewisburg, Dec 4. 1848
Lewisburg, Jane, 1849
A Word to the Affllctei
5,000 persons in Philadelphia alone
have witnessed with astonishment the won
dertut efficacy ol
Thomson's Compound Syrup of
Tar and Wocd Naptha
in curing Consumption, Asthma, Bronch
itis, obstinate Coughs, Pains in the Side
or Breast, Liver Complaint, 5tc &c-
This preparation ia entirely a vegetable
remedy, and may be administered with
perfect safety to the feeble aduli or child.
Its power as an Expectorant ia admirably
adapted to relieve the oppression in pul
monary disease, and while it assists nature
in throwing off the vitiated matter which
collects to the injury of the system, it acts
aa oeoeral tonic or strengthened
The testimony of Physician and others
to Ihe value ol this itreat remeay, nus oeru
of the most satisfactory kin j, and has
given il a character and standard as a
that has placed it beyond competition lor
the vatious diseases for which it is em
ployed. Prepared only at ihe N. . corner Fifth
and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by C. n . Xclwffte, Sole Agent lor
Lewisburg and vicinity. 273
TOE subscriber would inform the Gen
tlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to ihe Post Office, where
he will carrvon tiie business of CUTTING
AND MAKIX(5 garments as usual. Work
made by him warranted to fit.' Produce
received in payim-nt at market prices.
Ijffwi.-iburg, April 27,
Thi excellent compound is for sale by the
proprietor' Agnl J Bcarr.Tr. Lewitburg t
May A. Cloe. Selinsgrove ; M Wilhiiigtnn. Nor
thumberland ; J 11 Raaer, Milton -, G I Si F Piper.
Daguerreotype Jtoom,
rPHE subscriber would infurm the ciiiawnts
of Lwisliurg and vicinity, that he has
aken and fitted up Ajoom iu the new brick
buil.ling on the soiJeaAide of Market stroet,
between Third and Fourth, where he i
prepared iotake Daguerreotype Likenesse
tingle or in groups, in good style, durable
and on reasonable terms. Call and see.
March. 1849 JOHN SUTTON.
Myers' Liquid Cure!
IS a positive and never fuiling Remedy
for PI LES whether liiteriinl, Ex
ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula.Whitr
Swelling", Uleers. ulrer.iled Sore Tnniat
Canker Sore M-uth, Rheumatism, Cutan
ea ua Diseases, Mr ran id Affrrtian J-c
also fr Scalds, Burn. Cuts, Sprains, Btui-
srs. Ate. fm.
We erl jurt fir.1 in prnrhiming the Fact to
the World, that of all nmlicinee ever bio't bt-fore
the public, nwie have ever lafeu more beneficial
to afllicled humanity than .er' Liinid Curt
A m know thi i saying a great deal, but if wr
were to write volumes we could nol say too much
in praise of thi
iisLTH-i.sToisr.,Lirr. rnotomaa ititir,
Hundreds, nay thousand, blesa Ihe happy houi
when fitst Ihey were made acquainted with it
trancendant virtue ; and our present purpose i
to infia-m other thousand, bow and where ih
may obtain that relief wbich they perhaps
long sought for in vain.
The superior excellence of this pr ' ,01,
over sll other medicine, lbs the a used . per
manent cure of PILES, is well known l all who
have tested it. ft hss been proved in thousands
of instances, snd ha ntrm fsileb lo cure the
moat obstinate cases, and we are confident it wiU
nerer fail if used a proper length of time accord
ing to direction. A a proof of our entire confi
dence in its euVaey, we assure all uri hsers that
if, after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the
Money paid tor it will be relumed.
The Liquid Curs is so rneetual remedy for
Ringworm. Bile. Pimples, Barbers' Itch. Frosted
Limbs, Chilblain. Salt librum. Mustiuito Bites,
ting of poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diavaae
of every deaenpuon. .
It la bout ssfs snd eOectUM for Knecxatis
giving imra
should par
nermnenl relief.
'a Killer, sre magical,
tf is ins uia
as with this Invaluable
irness of which pli
I, the
ny each Battle
to ihree
copies of certificate
v tested Ibe Liquid Cure, may
CTaor authorised agenia
tna'.i.vers' Liauid Cure is prepared onlv by
JEROME A CO. 21 Spruce 8t. New Yorl
a . r mT c.l.oi. i ru u
Ageota ;
C W Schaffle, lewisburg ; J H Kaser,
I row 532
IHE subscriber has on hand and is
now receiving from Pituton and Slia
mokin, Best Foundry,
Lump, Broken,
Nut, and Pea
COA la which will be disposed of on
reasonable terms.
June, '49. I (i.LAWSHE.
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
4 LARGE and fresh supply of this celebrated
J: Medicine, just teceived from the principal
Depot ia New York, and for sals at ths sew
Drug and Chemical store of
Dr Thornton If Baker
sale at this office.
printed nrf1 or
eqvitable ufb issrRASCE, I
Assault aiaai Truat loniraay. .
Office. 74, Walnut Street, I'htladctpnia.
CariTAL, $250,000 Charter Perpetual.
r-HHE Coropsny ara now prepared lo transact
I business upon the most liberal snd sdvsnls-
geoiis terms. The sre suthorised by ibeir charter
(sec 3) "to make all and every insurauc apper
taining to life risks of whatever kind or nature, aod
to receive and eieeute trusts, mke endowment,
snd to grant and purchase annuities, i be com
pany sell annuities and endowment, aod act s
trustee for Minors sad heirs.
of $100 fur the whole term of Life.
Age. Prem. Ate. Pram. ge. Press.
16 $1 50 31 $2 09 46 $3 36
17 1 53 " 32 S 15 47 3 49
18 1 56 33 8 SO 48 3 62
19 1 59 34 S27 49 3 77
20 1 60 35 2 33 60 3 94
21 1 63 3 2 40 61 4 13
22 1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32
23 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51
24 1 73 39 2 63 64 4 71
25 1 78 40 2 70 55 4 91
26 1 85 41 2 81 56 5 12
27 1 89 42 2 92 57 5 33
28 1 94 43 3 01 58 5 54
29 1 93 44 3 12 59 5 78
30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03
The premiums sre lea than sny other company
and tb policies aflbrd greater advantages. Mar
ried women and female children ran insure the
Uvea of either a husband or parent free from the
claim ot creditor. Tables of half yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium,
short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow
ment snd forms of application arc lo be bad at
the Ollice or of the Agent.
Rale fur iniuring $100 on a single Life.
Age. For 1 year." Fur 7 yeara. For Life.
20 $0 81 91 1 60
30 0 99 1 30 2 04
40 1 29 1 64 2 70
50 - 1 86 2 07 3 94
69 3 48 3 97 6 03
Esample : A person aged 30 years neit birth
day by paying the Company 99 cts would secure
to his fsmily or heirs $ 100 should he die in one
year, or for 9 90 b secure to them (1000, or for
13 00 annually for seven years be secure to them
$1000 should he die in seven years, or for 20 40
paid yearly during life be secure $ 1000 to be paid
when he dies the insurer aecurina bis own bono
by the difference in mount of premium from those
charged hv other offices. For 49 50 the heirs would
receive $5000 should he die in one year.
PETER CULLEN. President.
F. W. RAWI.E, Sec'y and T.eae.
For further paiticular apply to
Azent fur Union and adjoining counties.
Consulting Physician V. liars', M- D.
Lewi burg. Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1849
Carefully Repaired. at the shortest Notice.
HE subsfnlK r dtwires to inform the
citizens cf l-i.sliur and the pul;li-
n j;eneinl ilmt he carries nn tbe Wuteh
M iking Business in ibe shop formerly oc
upied by C.J.IIousel.whtie he is prepared
o execute all kinds ol" work in his line ol
business with promptness and on the moat
reasonable terms, and by strict attention
o his business rx perls a liberal share ol
patronage, lie has constantly on hand ao
assortment ol
WATCHES Patent L ver, English.
mil French.
JEWELRY Gold Watch cha ns and
(iiinnls. Pencils Pens, Breus'pins.Enrrings,
Fingerrinas, Silver Sjieftaeles, Lockets.
Spoons, Thimb'es, &c.
Whieh he is determined lo sell low.
Lewishuro, Nov. 13, 1647
Fever and alfuc
11IA I gnat uaii'-nal old favorite and .teilim
rrtnrily ef Eigstkes Yesbs' SriMjt.xu it
iiti ui appfoarned m it wi.n-irnul sucres an
utety iu the rute of tl.is wielcbed runiplaint !
If vou would esdtiie the arsenicsl (puisnnous)
'unlein iis, Iske nal a bottle front anv one Hut I,
not guardi d by the written siguulure of the o. i
mat inventor ami proprietor. Jnaa R.IUasi,on
t pier labrl cros-iitg the inuuili anJ cork.
This leincdy has nrer been bolstered up hy
alms ami drrriitul puff-,bul h i a on if way lo tbi
v-enfitlenre and univers.il sdtj4itn uf Ihe nibal it
mis oi reer a nil Ague districts, at it aoim
wobk ssd raciTs sLos r,in which all ihe eiit
nd every erson who have used it a ill t.slify.
Proprietor's Office. 14.1, Arch St. Phtlad'a
AsssT : C W Scuffle. Tborniou & Baker,
K n Uowes, Lewisburg ; A Reenstlrr. William
Crowse, iSeliiifgrovt ; liassler &. A pp, Sweel Hope;
G S Backhous, Philip Hilbi.b, M'Kee's i Falls
rpHE subscribers, thankful for past patro
X nage.would inform the public that they
continue to manufacture all kinds of
Cast Water VV heels of ,he mott PP'wd
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
w : :. i
" iiivrir panicutar attention lo a new
article Uiard'i hlcnt C1X0 PLOrCHS, lor
""'"S aiaia. rnrmera ov mis Dlouirh
cau seed in as much grain, in one day. as
in aLua. Jk '. I . .
u iuito uny wun common ploughs.
Gavins unit Cutwfnir.
nd Fitting the same. HOLLOW WattR
Kettles and Pols of various sixes Smooth
ing Irons and Stand cast Tea Kettles to
nun cooking stoves.
.t - . '
hh: most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
F ancy.Parlor.W ood.Coal Stoves,
Race'a Sf'ir-reniaii.,, ...
Farlor W ood Wtovee, (a new srticle.)
Threshine Macriine and nth ...:i..
of machinery repaired in the li .
and n ihe shortest notice. Castings war
ranted-to be of the best material, aad at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25' 1848 ly09
" An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure, in
that awful diteaee,
R. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prt-ven-
lion and Lure of Consumption.
This popular woik for sale in Lewihhur?
by S. F. Lyndall J. I loughtun and st
this office. Price, 75 conts.
tricki oa tsi'-irics.
Lav BvsetBoo B rat l;irri.i -TV ,
usapaj'a bt "la as the SiaVrom iomt etiMd S r
Towiweiicl'a S.iroanl!a. It la a,enwd u OKIl.L
NAl KM'IMB.aialalllnal. This Tieml m oo.lor. ,
ami aeeer was: Meat lunnerl a onrkei uu rsilnsri...
mm9mmu Ihe Ittte et he ewiai Ihe nttenT lluctar let the
Crpoae ol (auoac'cmlu t arhai he mn. Hrita
,utewlrl iwo uieJic! aelexw. ami pirnml tifuso
t N.,w the troth ia. he aeeer nnta.t umnru
cat in his li ! "' art'u.', ""'w aiir.a,ru u
k,k bad to therhjrarieraiKt tenrnf ol Oie ami. I
moat siaeerilj, he had never aw Um aaiearau el luie.
sell or of me When will men lean, to be h-iri ul tra a.
fill to all Iheir rtralinrs sn-l in'ereourx ari'h ihtr Ir.l.ie
mee t He aiplwl ! daup 10 a him ia tun.
afaetariae In ixiure. etatln Ihe latre wa ha w.hi.4
lake aa an .cemeul 10 einbaik la the turaie-o. Tit,
men haa been uuliiuf arl Ula-lliw m m all imit,s
lorn, inortler u n,re lla, puhuc aiih the ur iH th
the OM IK-'t.w'r Solilla J j!m 'Z"'-1"""
mit TUwS- r. T."neeil aara I haee obl il ee m,
BSine -rS7 s wee I will sive him .' il he aut p
dues one wnele eolilarjr proa of una. Hh "tamaraia af
Thomlou- Hiilluian .. are n...hiw b. a taetie M
i. ....le to ,leeel,e the poh'ir. an.1 keri.
I Uie truth ri.iri. In lelard If aw mHtnmg. fm.t,t urn.
momnd. Tin- b i caoii.ai the put;K fnrelu-a iiuue lul
Ohl Dr. J A 'OB THraanara saraan.ij .
Old Ihaor a lilcene-. hi. -' Cl of Jf",aoi ha,
Snaturratrt. the f.l Anna. ,.
trr OJir, U Aaaaaa efreeV . JTO
Old Dr. Jacob Townsem.,
Genuine Townsend Sarsapartlla.
Iw T..wiMeuil at Iw'W ahttitt 71 e-r ol see. sr. l-i,
iJSaeVl 'anTnTtl" JI'rHr.Jt.a.1 DISt r.VKHVR
ltAHSAPRlt.L.t-" B- lnl lr. m.x. roapetM u.
limit i. manuwurr. h wlorh ne H hreu . m unt
aaJ uneeil il w.Mia. an.t w. V , .
Ueeu hele.l ..I - iluw.-S J "J dcaih, K
cliucj k, wun-t-rful
Tliair.BJINI)Mi:M-Ul Al.l..ll'KKrRTti- ,
niaiiulactuml'Slibr Ur'-t eale.aiail eahr.1 il.r..;l.
oul Ibe arus.h and IMva.Ua M On U.L e(ireull da It H
lonl nieaMibe t te-.'ei.?catnie. Jeleru.ra.i..
till ike ym S P Taiorl it niMri with
and neer eH,iel.ui b-iiir: hre. r i it r!
Oneetente frtmi iylT ev a mrirmfite MM. TU hirlw-
S!wlW;e I 'brwwry. ami Ike !a(eM aiar,rri. m ilia
an. hae all hteii brwwiii una laipn-l'S't, lo lar avtn-i'e-lure
ol Uw Old IH-'a Sa.aiipjrijla. The .willa r .,
K la well known l nicliei.i rrii, ertirta.in niautf nUcinai
prulienn-. an. I -Hiic jK.Tti, wine, are Utrrl ir u-ut'..,
amliKhen. winrh it n-iauiril in .n-tirmi a ar-.l'r
duea JermrmlKiun ail arta), wliieh t- l..)iiraen to ine -
tera. Suaie ihe ri.ieriiei S.ra.ril.a ara
thai the, entirel, ev..raie soil are 1.x mm .rrjrj.i..i..
it Uev are ai irr-r.l a acer'ir K1". kiatwt, us
l u,"th. erM!iarc'l in lla uo: ir nre. Mw.ti,
thev molulil prinrl. which rt all Ul ,.i.ar as aa el
halarHat. Mieter he-al. rr 'he rrmtuat icul,o
ertiea ul the rte. w-iirli eivem u all itaalae
An, per"" ' "" ""
colored iHimJ. whieh r. Itv-ra liuni Hat iin; tnaiiarta
the r tliaii Imm am Hum elae ; llie, eaa laeii trata tin,
luMi.id u( (nl lamt I. .w-irn wfh ir -!
thru call K -SBSetlSII.I.A KXTBAtT a SaBtr '
Hi.1 mrM la le tlia,ll. :t kM,..ll Ihe
This n ae prvparr.1 ikai a;l ihe iie-n prfrlie, of ih,
JWnrilla ewe are mrm n..l- enrryihinf fa.ah'e.if
beconwi aclJ or U me-oiaM.Mi la calraraul au.) fjicifl;
then every parfl l aartheal ,lrtile l mremfxi Hi a a
aial eourentraie l l rr : aial thu u ia ren-Ureil UK-a..DUi
ol la-Biai an of u eaijalile aial healaat prufwrta. P,e
pareil Ui lliii wa. it is m.k llie hum i.w.rlul a;eu' ai Uia
Can or inwwanerable laieeaucs.
ItT.-e ihe res, wm we hear ci.inint;i-i ererr
n.le ia n, uor by ". wa, and cluldnn. e had it
dolus Waaler-in Ihe cure l . , ,rpD
riMPLAI.T,m1 m K.l ltn.vW. W a'OP.
itt, pii.ks. usrtYEt:ss. a;i ci T.te-
aialall atiartiiiti. arllii Ir-im
t teaae slNsT. If! tlft-arV IH fnmtlillt Jfl
nus lr-Hi Intitfrttivnm Ipm Artdttmof tm mStvmuick. lrm
uiitiiual cin-Uiith tUtrnniitiMis bl-l u ttie liel,
ls.llHtalll.Nl Ul ibl- hrilrt. e.4. leM ad tiUf. CUI -Mlll eUlti
hK flat-he over ilie ln-ia. It h- n iiwrual tm GhsImioM
Vtruffkm ; awl pmtva rav rx(terioriKii -wl tMni
PfMra'HHi. KUatatiia, JtiKiUi-rt Ml it iuti?. tUr.Mi miii eer
O.lrtTIelrt. . ,
But ui omliiue if im esrellr mn mm imnifcjU- vJi
aKkuowianlsil ill -tti in all kiis.U ;nnl ot
It ftwlrta w.itfrrrw in r-M i fuor A or tt"''.
aiinr of the ifumh, Mirmr,i. .VmwW, m tw kI
y$rm.h-rs-tlatttii',- tin-4.u.i. bwpi-J". mn the litre;
iuott I eflrctiMl in runtvt a'l (Iib hirmi m AWrary iHsem'-
Hv iwiiviiv-iii iirtrue-i)nA ami rrsulatir. tbm itrnerii
vftietn. 11 si itm aiHi mn:n.Th to ibe whoto body,
liu cir-all Iwriii!'
Xmrvmvi llaw ad ItWlltjr.
aal tfius n-evem-ntr teUevm aierrai .anec ! uuVrn-l-a,!,
.11. an Npimtl irr.miun, X'ttraJpim St ltmm Usm.
SttHxrmsHe. Kutl-pti' Fit. Ct,mriIsum. fe.
Ii clraiu the hliM-L mxcuem ibe U w t hIibT mtMtm,
toon' Ui actimeich. atL-t arm ,iKr-4i-D, rHarcai tbm
bowel of tttrpocaiHl ci-.s-tirriaii..ii. allay- mtUwmaiK-n. pv
'.ecu gmlm .mi e.,inlly " Ua t,aaa lU
iiwnaiMe penplraKo ; rrlaxm Mrtriatv atnl iirhtrBp-. r
ninvmall olMirufhnraj. sim! iimr'Taie. the amtire iwxrroye
arr-ra. h n f thin ihn
Tht MeajHriBar rfi preBvalifBltT -.rdf
Rm rtn an 01 ihre iltmrt ht anl ol S. P T twwar 011
inert Tor artiit t Til m r nrin 'iqni! i n4 b
herm-v f n UH Ar AfT. that Urn mm imlSVArik
KI.E ol lIcrrCRIOr.ATlOX, ami
Ni'.VEK .POfLf.
whit tKt nthtrr M-T- nvmrinr. fermemtintT. ami Woertne
thi hmttlca fiMMamiiif il into Infrrrfw ; m iit. bm1
liquiil CxpltailliwX.airil drtriMTii-f tihrr gnwi' NMT"' ibM
arrihif rnmn.nir1 rw .-. ithi ia the nBtem Wni '
jmlmmVid itxtmm mmmfrm 'r'y Htm4 vithmeult What
caiiBWR y!afveMin hw ril t lfcwtrwn a'l btw tUnx whm
ood amurn in wir Monwchet. what niiMlirf' it prwiurew
(latulriMT. heanhimi, Mlnatim ot ihr heart, lirr fir
plamt. Titrbra. riyaiiirv rolw. aitvl riiTnpciBi) of rh
hltt ? W'Imi in St-nru'a hm an art.! hnnrftr in The boiN I
What prtliffp ail ihf humr vvht,-h hn'rir mi Erop. l
the Sliin, S-..I-1 Mr I, Siti Rheum. r.tyi,--liL, U'hiu
Smelltn;. frwrr Sera,, H all ukrnttotH in-rTil am.
ternal I It is m'thins HitiVr hmrm bm an art! "urvalafM,
whkh aotirw, suh! ihw a-Hi- au the (lmb 01 the b..lv.m.r
or Ie-". What rasuean Kitriimatiom but a .iir an-t a.il
flmd whirh iitt(tiiiait-i if 1 1 hetwrvn the jotut aistl etae
wbeif, irmafiiuc nl in!ljmtnaT the oVlirata tiamaKtt nr-m
which itartT S of iKrvott tlia---. f imrtin. e
lHo.1,1. oi' tltrrancf-vt eirraLiiiua. auJ nearly ail the 4iiauru;
which ulllKt human nature.
Sow ia it ih borriMa lo mata ani mny anrl n finitely
roraa" to ite tht"
irnl ret h w.m'. (". Kv- i Mi.ib-rrvv-l that fVA !r -ft-
yob Tvrn-"!' 'tittiivr ttri-rirtfi Xtrxanm iVm. raau IM-
ITATION at hi inKnor vrnt-m '
Heaven hrhit th:i we h-ul.f tfral i; n artieV which
won U! bear the nwtt ditut ntnibi;ara lo S. P. Towii-
We ai'h it vrnVftvo. rafNtr h i tSe mSmmmfr truth.
thai S. P Tt'Wiwmr struct ami oM ir. JeetTwrrOTil a
Samparilla ere krm wt.V rraw. Tirf rnffnif'tt "
War. ill, they are nnhte ia erent particular. ht iru not
one aitnip tlirnr m rHrrn.
A S. P Townen4 ia tin tfnrtor. aal ieer m. h n
alemift. no jrtrtiwritr-i knows rno of me-!cttc or
dtiwcatiar thaii any hrr c.mtntf. aTiicfefir;e, ifnplioiial
mn. what fTtorimf torn the ptiMic laeve ihul ilie- art rtv
fettrin rviiniiie-aru'tsiine iueiJicu,rintaiitii all tbevir
ttieaol Ihe ariift"- wa-el in preriirirrsr il. aa-I which ap m-
etRbl ot clinic which mtrjht reuisar tuein (ha AC-KNTS
a-f tfwrete interf ' h.-bh ?
Rut what eha nhoiiM tm -.(eetetl front one who hr."'
ntethiiae ejmaratiTrlv e'ne!icHie or dte;ir I rmr--
a pemn of wsnta errt4a lo eook ami akwrva aperen
Cvmirmiti iltceru meal. (w much in. ire tm;innjtiH ia M
thai the nrrrfa whr trptiin aettire metc,i rVirrafrf (or
atwMi'tl know well the tiWtc el proitenic ot pltta, the hr
ltiaiinvr ot' aayunn: a lcntentnitin their b.ilint riTue.
a I wo aa evtetire kiMtaaleitcr ot lh ranr liaaiaa whKll
fTert ih human my Mem, and bow la aaietit rant-aiiaa to
rJieiss rtiaeaacef
k ta ro aire-ct frau apn ha tmfarttawate. w prtair tnlr
intowmtrpM hnm.tn. to khetle bo pa Ms ina liwjaainnf
btMOwH. o tM-tore beaiih. and bronm. atel imr in 'ha
ervaaher. and broken, afr.1 ! raaow-h innrrMty thai Of D V&-JAroHTtlWNSKM-
t-HM'Oirt aW FOt'Mtthaoa
povtmity arKi ri to Knrve mtm
wraMl L'nlveraaJ traf ? al WmT
mithin the fttfh. aaal tha kiaiwltNUre f all wha need tt
tiiat tbry mav learn rftv bntw brviul axtwheica. Ha.. 4)
Trana4aait Pawtr Im Maala
A 6 k NTt for the above Metiirine -C W
Schnffle, Lewmbnrjj ; John !! Ka-er. Mf
ton : Jortivih & Pricmtlv. Northumb'lauJ
GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods. Vtr
inj. Cloths, Casstmeref, aod Sum
mer Goods in crnernl, at
C. E. BqcS Cheap Store.