IjKWISBUKG C2EKOX1CL.H AM) WEST BUAXCII: F.I 131 KK! SEASONABLE GOODS. II. P. SI1ELLER, llOULD respectfully inform his old Mm friends and ihe public it) general. thai tie is now receiving a large m FAI.U SUPPLY f Goods adapted to the wants, the mean and the lasies ! all. a-i-ii l"t A?ltt f.,r tl.A Lm'irts: VJJ wvvww UllOCEltlKS for the Family; Caps, Boots, &.c, for the Doys; HARDWARE, &c. &e. &.c. which lie offers on the lowest and most accommodating tertna, on the principle ol Small I'roBU and 4ulrk Sale." Urateful for nasi natrona?e. we invite a discriminating public to call and examine ntir stork ol' M?rchnn(iizt. which we arc lewisburg, Oct. 15. 1849 CJfAlieaI of Competition ! J. HAYir& CO. Tuke pleasure in informing the public, that they have recently received the Largest, r,x., i..,,! """"""Cheapest, d, FISlIlrXARLE Ar,r'ment of GOODS rvcr "fered to thi conimiinity Thp satisfaction here lutore rendered iy this stand, it is presumed is a sufficient guarantee fcr their future ei'eru'ioiK. To attempt to enu morale their stork, would l supernnous, and indeed imo.sib!e ; but tbiiM? wishing purchaoe.aro invited to call and judge lor theniM K k, Lelore yjt. biis'i'it elsew h-rc. J. HAYES & CO. li.bur, lX:i. 17, 1649 HTM Ji. 3 ib FQBSTER'S STORE, ( First biti w Kli,,' II. it) '.J LEWISBUKG, PA. '"IHE public are repeetfolly informed that JOHN FOUSTER has received, and 1 now ofTurs lor sale a very larc stock of Fall and Winter goods, m.iiprminir nil articl s kqU pf-norally in the other stores, with the adJitiun of many iaar kini rvf nnr,.U not usuullv brouitbt to the country. An examination of the stock respectfully invued. Amung my stock rmbmring f'asiin rei, Satinens. V'estini!", Tweed l-loths for backs and Overcoats. KenlurkyJenns, Tickings Canton and other Flaiwji is, Table Di:nr. Muslin. 500 rieren Calicoes, Ginjjhams, Mous de Laitxw. Cahirieres. M. rinoes, Al(acca. Silks, Linen, Cambric, S(lk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, rsiiawls, Trimmings, &c. tc. Ladies' shoes, Men's and Boys' boots, etc. CLOTH f.VZ GL3ZEI) cJrS. HV9ttri l'1' ,,t,st aJ most varied as.sorlr.ieut and also (RroceriesMar4lware,clar:r CJ-TO WHOLESALE buyers, great inducements are offered, is a l.'jeral abatemeui ill be made. m JO HA FORSTERy New cheap-cash More. Lrwisburg, October 2. 1849 NEW ST 0 It 15 4 THE PLEDGE RENEWED! HAVlN'fl rendered entire tisactirin his lormer patrons by luliy sustaiinntfij In pledge to sell (Joods Ulow the cutom-j, ry price of the place,the sut.scritier againi; iniiea the community if they desire mj h.wt Cliean (oods to call at his J3tnre, ttp.iaite Kline's hotel, " here they can find (r.h stock now onenins of Dry Goods, Hardware, Hat Caps, i Jeseriotions of M Groceries, Queensware Boots and Shoes and most fshandize adapted : their wants, for the season, at the very lowest prices. Every exertion made l please those who may favor us with a call j Tj LAX SEED O.I. (Hire White Lead, Ve il! kinds of Produce taken in exchange "asH JJ tiiu .n Red. Whiirnjr, Yellow Oohie, eil as Cash" in pavment Tor Oooo. SAJI'L S. BARTON, Lew,bjrg. Sept 27, 1849 Dr. Rcse's Eedicines. The subcrib' r having been appointed ,!e az-nt for Dr. Ro-'s M.-dictUM, for I'nion county, ofirs them to ihe nublie th preat confidence as to their ffi:cy .n. rtslru of eTectinir cures in nil case for which they are designed. A single tea only ia reiutred to establi-h the fact. Sept 27 S S BARTON New York Fall and Winter lA-j IUST received at the Fashionable Tailo l'.iJna establishment, next door to th p,tOrtKe. JOHN B. MILLER. Lewisburg, Sept 20, 1949 ONE Buzgev and Sett ofllarness, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck Wng'.n, For Mle by P Shel!er I he oki "faniRiuth" Fill ins; up Again i. & J. WALLS OS T rcspeeilully inform their friends the public that they are now receiv ing their usual supply ol FALL AND WINTER llcrchftiulize9 calculated in quality, price, nnl quantity oupwy u.eamsOIlue..ri.u1.Scoum.u. 1 . . (.1.1- 'uitv embracing Hardware, j Quccnsware, l isli, fyc. : all of which are offered on our uua : accommodating terms for Cash, 1'roducc, t or c"o credit. I w inve and hope to merit a continu ! nce of the very liberal patronage hereto- lore exlenjed to Ui J. A: J. WALLS. l.,'i,..i;rjr. Oct. 10, 1849 is a large variety ol (Roods, rail aiul teinler 00. I'THE subscrtler I siock of has just received liia i FALL AND WINTER embiacin;; Hie usual variety ,1, a4 yy t;oODS. UHOCERIKS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, 11 ATS, CAPS. & &c. All of which are nflered cheap for Cash or Country IVuduce. I. 6. LAWSHE. L"iburj:. Sept 18, 1849 X JlAkJ Tes from the celebrated eitabli-hriv nt of M'Calmont & Bond, for sale by I G Liwshe Spai.ish Urou, Glass, Putty, &c, by I G Lawshe c S I'-Stet I. Amcr. Blister Steel, Nails, Soikcs. Locks. Latches. Hinges and Hinges a I G Lawshe Sciews. &lc- for sa'e by i r OR the Trade. A lot of Drugs and Rosin on haud, which the subscriber tiers at cost. I O Lawshe BEST Ltrd Lamps and Lamp Wicks for sale by I G Lawshe s OASE THING NEW Soapstone Grid dles for sale by I G Lawshe 1: UIME Old Java Coffee for sale by TIHTK Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour, i i ii i r 1 l - tor sate ov i mid s 1 HIPSTUFF and Shorts for nale by. I G Lawshe CODFISH Fresh Mackerel Cheese for sale by 1 G Lawshe QonociBmtill .farm IIKJR SALE The subscril-er oilers his . huine in the B irou -h of Lewishurg, situ-ded at the intersection of S:. Anthony and Fuurth streets on :he' main romd I uding Iroin Pin a iewil.i.t Ii:fiirir and Erie. The dwelling-bouse is a lir two story frame, with a new frame barn and other necessary nii'liiiil.dns. Tlie land comprises 6 Acres and 69 perches, all in a high state of cultivation. There are a variety of choice Fiuit Trees on ihe place also a never-foiling well of wnt-r It is well s lua'ed for public business of my kind the land will support a small family, or can be laid out into visage lots. JOHN BEEliKR. Lewishurg, Oct. 6, 1849 FOR SALE-SI irarm, SITUATED in Kelly township, Union county, Pa., 4J miles from L-i.shur, (the seat of the new University.) The farm contains 235 acres, of which 100 acres are cleared an J in a good sine of cultiv-ilion A Inrur proportion is Limestone Imid. As respecs water and meadow, the larm has rare ad vantage, there being on it several never failing springs, and a stream running thro' its center affording facilities by which stock can lie watered in every field. In good seasons, 40 to 51) tons can be cut from the meadow laud. The House and Barn are frame, the latter nearly tie. auAa-? well finished : There is &.$jri also a Tenant House, and all the , out buildings appertaining to a farm ulso an Or-hard with a variety ofm d Fruit. The above Farm is oriered in whole or in part to su't purchaser, 'um! a ponton of the purchase money may remain secund by the premises. WM. H. SII.BY. i HUBERT H AYK", F" ofth.-' eslate of UlttAn Stt-snv, dee'd. Keiry, Union Co., Sept. 2. 1849 OLD DR. and S. P. TOirXSEXD'S compound syrup of Sarsaparilla T UST ree'd from Ihe old Dr. a large and O Iresh supply ol his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in New York. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla can have either the old or young Dr's, "Ou tline and fresh, by callini; on tbe A'jetit, I.ewM.urjt. June 36 I, W X II U Tl.K Paints, Oils, Glass. TCST tee'd White I.eaJ, Ven: Red. Span: Brown, Chrome, Green and Yellow, I'ruf: Blue, Carmine, Vermillion Flaxseed Kl-h and Hiierm Oil, Spta Turpentine tiltu fioin 79 to to 20x34 Tar, Kosin and Pitch, wliii h ran be had cheaper tl.in ever at i' W St nrrn.'s Drug and Chemical Emporium, Lewisburg. fl'IIC subsciibers have associated under X 'he Firm of S. & J. WOLFE, fr the purp-ise ot carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General Commission and Forwarding business- Libeml advances will be ma.le on all kinds of Country Produce. Place of business, new Warehouse on the W'burl immediately below the Bridge, fAML'EI. WOLFE, JONATHAN VUtl.FE. Lewishurg, Pa. Aug. 7, 1819. Supe jrior Cookinsr Stoves. Tbe subsciibers have on hand ! be Etna Alr-TigM Cookina Stove, arranged for Wood or Coal. These Stoves arc superior to anything of Ihe kind ?ver ofTrrcd in the country, and will be sold at reaonabe prices. 5-. & J. WOLFE. Lewishurg, Sept 1'), 1S49 200 s;cks crouud Alum SahV 50 do line do 100 bhls. Salina do For sale, y'holesale or retail, bv Sept 10 S & J Wolfe GROCERIES. The subscriber have just ree'd n fresh sui.pU of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOL ASSES, &:., wi:ich l hey will sell at a very small advance on cost. Sept 10 S & J Wolfe 50 KEGS Nails and Spikes Just ree'd and lor sale bv H 5JVolle Ait MACKEREL No'aT. Just ree'd and for.sa'M. i - Sept 18 sLVl!r . -Tt-wir or opinion BRANDItKTlBt the truths Tbe Albuny Jirgu consid generally dreih Piils well worliiy the conum urea the m blic. That the principle on which they cure disease is the same as that of Lrroy of Paris and Swedenaux of Gerrsia nv. That all the variety of disease pro ceed from, or are nearly allied to disorders of the stomach and boweN, and that hy using those' remedies whiVh restore to health these important orgffns the disease will vanish. The Brandreth medicines profess to carry out this important prin ciple. We have heard them strongly re commended. The genuine pill for sale hy J. HA YES, sole agent for Lew isbiiri;. 8m273 1 : Home Industry, -g ff LBS. wiperior TOW YARN lilvJ for sale by Sept 20 J. HAYES &, CO. A. L. HATFIELD TJAS removed his Watch and Jewelry I XX establtsnmeiti to ms nouse, oppusno Haves' Store. a a - Ikash never refused nt the office aft he Le w isbu rgK h rooicle, PURE FRESH COD JLive9 : nHIS new arjd valuable Medicine now X cl by the m'd:cal profession, with such ttstoritshiiig efficacy in the cure ol , I'u'i.-umu't VviitumjJlioH. Xcnfula. Chronic I.heunuitint, Gunt. fcfHfrtii Veliility, f 'omnlmtita rj the Kidnru. ' e i Vc. &c, is prepared from the liver of the I l.h) iljtll lor medicinal use, expressly lor our suit s. Kxtrect from !b I.oni hi Medical Journal. C. J B.Wiim M. 0 . K R N., Professor of Medicine in University toll-pe, London, consul i; mivi iuti t,i me Hn-.na1 ir I oiiuui)Hipii, , my; I Imtr iireecribnl tbe in ah. fnur huiii'.xil raara of lul.-i iil.inc iliypse i.l the l.uiiiis. iu fbovrmt i.ir wt.irli b.,vr been unilvr my rare tbe Ua two vw and a half. In lh Urce numlH'i uf ears 21:6 out nl 24, its ue was follnnrrd by markrit, unrquivocal iiliiri'iiKiit, arjing in tlrgree in ililT. lent civ, from tcai- puraiy lelaiJ.ition of the progress of lh ili.4ea-e mil a mitigation of ilinirertsuig nvtnfiioniii. up to a more or less complete restoration to aaient health 'J'he fleet of ihe Cm) Lirer Oil in nio t "f these taaeanan rrv ren.srkable. Evi-n m a few days tlie rBucn wan miliKlnl ilimiiii-be.l in qiiiu.iin n"il the exprr oration pariiy. tbe niiiht nweaU c".ii'd. lite ihi! Ufainr stuwrr. and t better volume, and li.e ent.-, flt,h and etieoglh Were eniflunlly laiproved. In r.aiclusion I repeat t!:at the pure freh Oil from Ihe l.iver i.f ihe t.'od is mure h-m ftrii! in Im Ireatiiitnl ot luliroiiay t'onsumpiinn th in any agent, medu uifl. dirutic or rrgiineinil. that ban yet been emplo)ed " As we have made arrangements to prr- cure the Cid Liver Oil In sh Irom heaif queers, it can now be had cben.i ally pure, by the single bo;t!e or in boxes ol one d Z"n ear h Its wonderful efneacv has induced num erous spurious imitatiws. As its success deetids tuiiielv "n ns purity, loo much care enn not lie neil in procuring it ofmi ike. Every bottle flavins on it our written signature, rnav he ilepj-nded on as genuine Pamphlets containing an analysis' of the O.I, with iiotic-s of it frotn the. Medical Journals, will be sent to tho-e who address us free of postage. JOIiy V BAKER .J- CO , Wholesale Druggist and t.'h mits. I 28) 110 Aortb 't hird St. l'hilaiklphia New Copartnership ! ris: and CABUffiT HAVING entered into a partnership, the uhcrib-rs would iltlorm ibeir o:il patrons and the public in gt neral, thai : may be louud nt It. U ul old sund on Fir.l street near the Acideniy, fi re we catry cu the above bitsiiifca ill all its varietiea. F.mcy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs rictte8,'varii:us kinds Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, &c. on Imt.d or made to order. COFFINS ready made or furnished on shirt notice. We have also a suitable HEARSE in rea diness lor Funerals. TVRAtAG. Wrei have a Turning Lathe propelled hy horse power.wbich ena-bles us to turn wood ol any size, and up to 2 4 feet in length. HOUSE AND SIGN itointitiQ will also be attended to hy' the ub?eriber on tbe shortest iititire and in the best style. 05AII work in our 'ine warrant J to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. RciittMlii? HulliIlngN. We would also announce thai we have proper Mjcliiiiery (or removing Buddings, of any size, from l).m to Iberslieba if ne essary. Country produce and Lumber taken in pnymeut and Cash and (iold Uut n.il refused. Thnnsful for past favors, e respeelfully ask cotiiinu.mce of tlie same. DAVID OIXTEIt. ADAM BEAVER. Lewbhurg, May 1. 18!! 6m'-'65 The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS ' kTl "n hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or dmipleic Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal Wood mil other kinds of STOVES, alsoPl,OUl---I''r- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the '" Self-Sharpening Plough, a rew article, and which can not be lieat in Peit.MNaiiia. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIX. Iewi.hurg. S-jt. 8J, 1I9 m. mm all Uiii.yiZ2 delicioui lietic Ointment!! coum whar may t iJootV W ht vA " ""ui ,o wear a wig We all know the value arV-jtnnd head of hair. A young man iih a bald head, is a sort of walkin? caticature of his species. Hence the manv various attempts lo reme dy or conceal Ihe deficiency. Hundreds of fhe young men of ihiscouniry, after try ing the thousand-and mne chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a nraciicn as little conducive to cleanliness. as it is dangerous lo heallh ! Now, we hap pen to know from ttractical experience.thal Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald head, when all other reme dies have failed. . . ; Sold in Lewisbure,wf.oIesale and retail, by Thornton & Baker. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. . ' Harrison's Columbian Ink, T3 Quart. Pint, and smaller sized bottles, I iti.ek. Rlue. Red and Indelible. This celebrated Ink for sal ' by -. C .W. BCnAFFLE BBBBaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBl C1K1XI.IK ; . -i To Ctrrirymrn, Pn'fmt&lrrt.l enthrrrff Siibbttlh bdwou, 1 nit.. It, liuiih Atmm, una tlMtl nf t anulu M. . ' A CIEM'S wunitii in nerj arciion of- thr I LuiUil bale j to veil 1 bears' l'ictorial Family Annual, an iCurtratrt woi k, compridiiig a fine ries ot tuib. llicbincui. nub in'crcstiiiK mciiiiis one bauOsoaie laige octavo ot ab-iut t.ui bu.'drrJ page, elrgJUily bound in gill, and lettered lu tbe itirat uivurin iyle ol book mknir. raiLK OXLV TWO lJULLA MS. 1'bi leiidid volume corrtprtwa uhin itattfa Couipleie Librarj ot 1'irliil and tmeilaijpo Kiio'Alrilge, condensed in totui, tMiniiiar in le- cuptouii in inliirmution. enibracing an riuiwivt iaii!e ol uljtts- Tlie rnuiavii:a (n ln l.uiidied in i.tuibti) aie nr:..iv nlu.-u inv. ot lug icescnutiuiia ot' actuut t'fiiery, C'caiuuua Muiiuris, Moiiuiiieiiis, Ac, &e. Uo txamiiiatin, the abote work will be pro niuiiced by t-very ihteliigml urkon under nuoHe i'Ltiutiou it may conn-, ux oi.e ol lae ni"l ui table pieM-ni lor a l'albrrli preiul t.' his fainily. a., reaids botb tbe quality ai.tl iiumbrr ot it enilolliftmienrr, and the pure rb racier of iuf cuuit't.Ui. in iirroariiui evvry ailicle tor it pj ges, i lie c.iiKl.in ban lnu u J to ailmil j iiotlung tut ul uu improving ai.d iutiucliverhar- ! acier. I n men of enterprise and lact. tliia work alone oners an i.ppoituijiiy tor jrtuaile employment seldi m met tanh. Tiirre is not a town in the L'ruon wbere ritht hnnesl, and Kelt disposed person can tail selling trooi filly to two hundred volumes, according to the popolutioii. Aligjiersoii wishing saintle copies, to examine, or procure sutiscribers with, can receive one or more, substantially bound in paper covers (ihe only kind ne aie aliomed to forward under tbe 1'ost Olbre law) -the postage noi exceeding ihir iv cents on earh volume 6' forward, d, on Uie re ceipt ol One IhlUr. lu ibis way no matter whet a person resides, if oi.ly within tbe reach ol a p.kl-oltice, be can obtain a copy ui the Family Annual. Agent wanted in every town and county in the I'mun. to sell - Stars' .Net ai.d Popular I'ic torial Works ;" universally acknolidge.i to be tbe best and cheaiest ever publi-hrd v ihry cer tainly are ihe mist sal. able. Any active auent may clear !j;A0O or $10110 a year. A cash capi tal of at least -i;:5 ol ii)0 will br nei essaty. Full pa.liculare of tbe principles and profits of the ugeiicy will be given on application, either wr sonallv or by letter. Tbe potngt must In all ca ses be paid. Pleae In attd'ess, KOUEKI' SKA tiS. Publisher. 128 Kaasau Street. ew Votk. 7j Publisher nf Xewnpaptrt throughout the United Stntes espapetacoping tins adver liseaient, entire, well displayed, as nl.ose.snlhoui anv aberation or sbriilgeiuent. (including : his ito- lice.) and giving it two inside imeiuoria. shall receive a copy uf tbe 'Annual." (subject to'tbeii order.) by sendu g direct to the Publisher. 37.2 i Fever and 4n. WHAT V adaptr ,s the mode of treatment best . r I: J ea to ine cure ot rever mm A line? It has usually been treated bv medical men as a disease of ilsell. Stricl l s'akini it is nl a disr-ase, hut a ymp torn of disease. It is the result of a d -taneen.enl of the rr. Here lies the difTii-iilty, and here is the disease. It is therefore the liver to w hich the remedy should lie directed. Here the cau-e eii.sls. and it is the cause which isV) he removed, or a permanent cure wi'l not lie elfin-ted By addressing remedies tn the symptoms, we leave the cause untouched, ready to produce a return of ihe chi'l- nnd fever, on the first over etter'ion of mind or body. The success of Dr. Oirood's India CholH oi,om. iiiefTi'C'int; j.rrmanut cii'es t.f sm-h afleclions is ex;J lined bv i's well know de. obstruent efT-ct Itptn tbe biliary oioans. Imitations arc abrmd! Be partietitar ' to enquire for "Dr. Osgood's IXDI X , aioLAC.ntu'E." For sale by the sole agent, J. SchiH'tr, , Lewishurg. Office Itemottd. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. f.etrisimrgi Pa. OFFICE, on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esii. April 2, 149 For Nervous Diseases, Dr. Tiask's M.igtiet'C Ointment is of immense value, and in U9 Mes uut of 100 :! will a tr.tr d entire reliel lo the worst cuses of Nervous Headache tn 30 minutes. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr Thornton A; B iker, Lewishurg soli! also by J. H Riser, Milton, and bv one agent in every village iu the State. Price 'i-t and 38 ets per bottle. Liimbcr! timber!! fJIIE subsr fiber con'itiiii's to keep a gtK.d Jl stock of lumber, consisting ol 200.000 pine boards 1 inch, plank 1) inch and 2 inch, weather boards, j a'st & scantling, pop lar boards, plank, and scantling, cherry plank, and boards, sawed ceiling lath. pine and hemlock rails, shingling hub, and pa ling. Also Inp and joint shingles, square timber, nails, suit, and cyal. All of vhn h he will sell at fair prices. THOMAS NESBir. Lew isbu rg. July 11,. 1349. Important Information FOR the difficult respiration and debility attending diseases of the Lungs, or Throat and Breast. Thornton1 $ Compound Syrup of Tar and Horn! Naptha has been found an invaluable remedy. Besides its Kwer as ?0 Expectorant to relieve the luiifis from the accumulated matter which results from the relaxed stutexjf the system iu hot weather, it also acts as - he.-tin halm to the ulcerated part and a strtm.h ener to the system. So salutary is the action' of the Syrup in tins respect, ittai many oi our most respectable Physicians employ it in their practice, and we have daily evidence of cures eliecierj in : nuimmiary disease where skill has utterly failed, r Prepared only by Angney & Dickson, N K comer Fifth and Spruce Sts. Philad. Sold by C If. Schaffle, Lewisburg. A journeyman Watchmaker ANTEI in LsKisburg, hy A. L. HATFIELD. "fTINEGAR good Cider Vinegar for V 1 by 1 sawn iQI.ACliSiVm'BilaVC.i The sulncribers res(.-ct fully inioriii Ine cu z.'ii. of lewisburg and vu n.it that lhf have coim-tetii I lie at .vt business, at M I lute's old shop on Second St. one su..re sou h of M.irktt.wliere they are prep;.rd lo Iron Busies or Waggons, nnd nake all articles in their business in ihe most workmanlike manner, at prices which they hope will induce those wishinu. anything dotie in their line to call and j'lifge themselves Leltire jjoinjf tisenere. Kepaniiig done on tbe horti-i liotice an.l on reasonable terms nlo Shoi-itig. which is a vprv irntwrmni mat jP ter lo thoxe il:.l have mliiab e fcJTT ' horses, and should he entrus'eil (j?J ; only to pcrsim ol known skill. j We flatter ourselves that we are able toj eomnetp with anv nerson in the crtit.trv in Shoeing Horses : e ask -nly a trial, ami ... . , . -. i- k-r the work show lor ..sell. ATI work warraered. Iron sn,1 a'l ktnoV of poontrv Prisluce taken in exehsnye. We hn.e bv strn' a lenli . n In b'is ness, and a determination to suit all, both in work and trice, to receive a liberal share e , , Of pubic patronaoe 1 1 "V L. i l. oiv.i a Iwishnrcr, May 2'i. I8ttf GLlmluTS Afws from I ALlrUiiMA I; Gold Dntt ia vlrnty, and Drum if Mtdi firtrt are ijftred at Wbolemle and Retail, chruftr than rrrr, at DR. THORNTON & BAKER'S iy if 'j ia tMi ii II 1.1 i i IT (diUs O ll UJI.ISI HAVING bought out the Druk Store of Mr C. A. WvKrii, the sulwr.bers would resiectlully in fur in the cittzeus of j Lets isbu rt! and its vicinity that tbev keep constantly on hand a large tij eil selected assortn.i nt of fresh - - ' Drugs, Medicines, Paint, Oils, Dyest tifts, Ciiernical-s Ghtss, Botanical Medicines, tOFKriOI.R. l tliri'.tlKRT and a general assortment of I' A TES T MEDIClXES also a varietv ol ariete i.ll of which usually kept in l'rut; stoi , , . , . ii .. . . :i I..-- .., are determmed to sell u. UM.n.ly In, F.rrsons wishing to procure iiletiicmes, are oarticularlv inv.'ed to give fbem a call l fore pnrt'lmiiig -tlst'itliere. Particular attention will te paid lo putting up Physi cjan's prescriptions. N.B. M.-itii n' iidvicf givn at the Store free o I charge, bv Dr Thorn'mi. Iwisbur, March 20, 1819- P. S. Pr. Thorn'nii .V linker would inform tl twe b h"v " ersil palroniseil tbem sit.ee ti" v 1-s. i' i-.-nittu-r.. 'I osine. thai they !iar RKI'I-KMSMED Ttr VI tTOCK of piee tim.lu'ierutetl Drugs sn l Me.tirti,e. itn nrv .It.iti Iv frot Imp.irters t re.ly.v.l p ;-es in the .New V,,tk, 1 bilsd. I.ln and Uallenore inaikets. hi' l ihey are enahl- d to sell at prire lower lh in ever ollered in this pUre, at Wholesale and K.l.il l)r Th rnton warrants all Drag anil Medicinea pnrrhjd t their establishmen' pure and Rena me, and if they tfo col prove lo be o the purcha sers ate at liberty lo return th artirliw and their money shsll be refunded to them. May 15 Pianos! I'iunos. "f If fllHE undersigned continues to fit ih to oruer J on Ibe mist rc'-imaMe ti nr. Pi.fs. Irom Ibe msnuiai'lory ol Cui.r.l . i, fiul ..l.-fb se instrument are too taetl kuowvn r need an ptti egvric, havmit uniformly reerivd tbe r.irnniei.d ations of ibe niOft eminent prt'fe-sors and cou. po sers ol vtu-ic, and ibe a"si.t of "be prt n.iums in New York Philadelphia und llo-ton. For qualines of tt.ie, lom b, .sti keeping in ttate up to concert pitch, tie- can not he urpa-sed by either Atuer-li-sn or European Piai.os. iustructiofl given on the I'.ano. as heretofore. Reference may he made lo any of those parents or fftiardisns vho have pupils comtmlted to his charge. He may i seen s his residence al Mrs Mills', Market street. l..-virlurg. where terms and particulars will be made knots n. The il.ol popular and favorite Air and Music of ditfeient kinds received a it is isu. 4 Irom the dilf renl mucical esiablisbtuent in Itie Otie. May 15 CilAKt.Kr KAI.lSt'H TEAS! TcAS! F1 INK fresh (ireen and Black Teas.fron. 42 cents a pound and upwards, imtsir ted by the Canton & iVkiu Tea Company .1' N'.'W York, parked in pounds. halves anil inrters, perfee'ly uu aor! lor sale bv light, pist receiveu JAM Est ay En. Mav S Sole Agent f r Lewishurg Harrison's Columtiian Inks, BLACK. Japan. Cnpving. Marking. Blue, In delible. Scarlet, Red, arnitue. These- Ink rlow more freely from Ihe pen, and give a stronger and mitre durable color lioia any other. For sale iu any quantity by UK. TUOK.TO.N & D.UI.K Aeent. Lewisburg, l.nioo Co. Pa. ROUUI1 & Ready Shirtings at 3 cts pr yard Ginghams at 10 cts and Prints at 4 to 12 cts pr yard. Call and , at C. K. we. If ANTED two tons of RUiS, in exchange for Merchandize. Ap 25 I G Lawshe. ryt 1. for Justice and Constables, on 13 1 it II K bawd for sale at this ofTtc. or primed according lo order N AILS and IRON for sale by Ap 21 R-Vr & tidings. s '1 ALT and FISH on hand bv Ap2l Reber vV MJings. PRINCi STEEI on hand at KeVr & Id.linga'. Ap24 . N JOTE55 Promissory, Judgment, and Juiut tc ('jiauk) at iBisomcs). urmi i rttiicniir n ir.AncMv LtniODbrisI nwnw a. in i w ILL comiiit e on AKm ibe ltd I O. h tier. lns'mtli.'n will be .. u as heretoli.re, in all branches tw-ct-saar to t thorough education. Eert ie in Ctiw posilittn aed .trtaniii.u will lr ieiUltad, a' d strict etieiition ib 1st .aid lo Uie loiniatHtij .!' tegular habits of slnly in ihe yeunter n.eoih.a ul ibe school. 'I be rrpwtats is? ihe luruiouoa Mill be m.ilr lt rest, tiui up. li be i.iin.tr. but nron tbe pn gress ol the stntl. tiU. Tlte sbbseie lr is noi solicit a- tor a rcbonl of more ibsu 30 reuul tr acboiat Term-: tot lui(Ug.v. $U ; lor ihe higher Lt.gli b 4H ; and fi 'l.e n oifs a, Knglish brarohea $i per sesaioii ot 21 weks J KAMHll.i H I rtnHpul Lesvirburg. Oct. 3, S7f7iV of the JMJUN! Cheaper than Ever. , rpHEsnlcribeT. have the pleasure m announce 'X ' "'u customers and tbe public in gen- . thr . OJen , J, .ortaienr of T O B A C C O cVC.anbeolJ , aland on Msrket street formerly oriupini by Saml ; Amnions as a Tailor abop. i Tue'' entire slock bat been selected with great consist, of Igant r raranna. i.a .Norma. Primaveta, ipmL Werner'. Kesabs. Caatcllo. Oeoaral Taylor, Half !Spani-h. and Common. C'aseudiNh Tobacco Slahlrr'e Black Fat. l-ougress, Utoooko. Braucb Stag, Plug, and Fine fur timoklnpr Tobacco-Cot aod Dry, Scalferlaite. Ac. tinilfl- Kappe and Scotch. Wnulf Boies. German Fines, and a fane aria. I cle ot Cigar cases all of which are offered a tbe lowest rates All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Call, aee, and judge tr yoielea) belote coiideinning ihe article. A. J. PEXXY. HEMiY Ft'KBAV I.ewisburtr, April 34. 1849 The success o( Dr. Tra:,k's M ignelic Oin'inent in curing Sore Eyes, is proveib ii.l. Tnose who are not acquainted with its use, will find on each bottle a pamphlet. ,1 1 coiitoiiuntr lull d recii.ii.s. I Agents in Lew isl.urg, Thornton 4c Baker NOTION AND VARIETY STORE n A VINO tak-r. the new Drug EsUMtshmsnt of SchujFi 4r Chamberin, I wogld ree pectfullv announce lo my friends and the pubbe tbat I have replenished my slock and will keep jcnstantly on band a large, fresh and well se'ee- i ten stitcs pi pure urugs, .neoiciues se. wnicn j u fcock rnli,. ntw ,nj p0rcbased for ca.b at low rate. in tbe I hilail a market. I am enabled lo aell at Ijiver prices than ever oflered in Ibis region Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med , Glass, Perfumery .Oils, Paints, Liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Gocdn, Fruits, and Confectionery, ailb a lare variety of other article usually kept in Drug eaiablisbttient. Tlunkful for past lib eral patronage, I nope to merit its continuance. Persons wishing lo procure pure and freak Mcibcines, are particularly invited lo give pe call before purchasing elsewhere, as all Drugs are ct&relully inspected before offered foraale an? a'l ?, ilicinea msnafuetured by myself are war ranted good. Having a practical knowledge; of lb bu-mess fioui upwards of ten years' expert. ( enee, 1 0 cur myaelt that I am a comtenl judf ol the same. All order entrasied to me will ba promptly attended lo. and my friend may rely upon gi ting everything of the verv best quality. C. W. 8C1I Ff LE, Drugglaa. I.euiV - 7. !t9 ' . ax. ac HAM'L A MM OX, rrVlAXXn'L for liberal patronage heretofore rect ived. resitecltully ilnorms bi old friends and tbe public generally mat be has removed hie 'inilnr fcbop to the Basement ot Lis Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above C. Penny' saddlery (1st the ottice of H C llk-kok. Ecu,) where he bopea to suit all who may give him their custom, aa he does nil work in his line in the best and newe-t style and on short notice. He ha the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep U with the times and merit a g"'d share t. patronage. CUTT1XG done to order. Charges reasonable, aud Produce taken ia exchange for work Let isburg. June, 149 I2T0 7 Fancy Goods, Xollonn, A,c. JUST rece'd a large and aplendid aurtinaal of Fancy G.iods such as Steel Bend G. ld Pencil Thimble Clasp " Pen Visi.ing Carja) " Chums Silver Pencil Domiuoce B.ad Necklaces Finger Ring Thermometers Satin bead Hair Puis R.ixor and .mber " Aeedle Case Sttrops BulTsloComb fthiri Bullous W alking Lau Shell ' - Stud ccisaors Spanish Water Colors Sun (ifaasea Dressing Emerge Bpy Pockel L igar Cases Packet Mirrors Hair Brushes Sni.lf Hove Cowpasaa) Teeth fjwctacle Perfumety il - Case fatcbcla Flesh ' " ' Kight Itghu Mmrllng Boiuaw P .inl Doil and Steel Toetrur f-lioe Drill head 1 ov. for Jewelry Card Case CbiUlrea foiard Chain Pert otonie Fancy Pipe Watch - Pocket Book Ten Kpiv Key Aecordi u Pocket Cluster Pin Fiddles r)rtk nilThreJ Cameo Parlor Lrop Pvr-es. Together with a great variety of article out mentioned in the above list, tor sale al i. uw Drug, Fancy and Variety store of MT C W C11 AFFLE Window SASH. A lot of PxlO Window Sash, from tf.e clieap Manufactory of Sprout ti Burrows, on hand, and all sixes got to order uu short notice. May, 1849 I G Lawshe REMOVED. n TR THORN ION has removed his ) Medical Olmre to the Drug slore of Thornton Si Baker, next lo Walls Store. The Pr - rietOr of he Mag-' netic Ointment warrants cure of this troublesome complaint, iu everv instance. it ine directions are strictly followtd. For sale by Thornton di BaLer.Uwisb'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers