Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 31, 1849, Image 1

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The Lttlbnrg ihr oniric i
rulilisbrj Wednesday Afternoons it Lrwi.burg,
Ciiiou couwy, Fenosylvanis.
Terms. 82,00 for a year, to be paid in
the first half year; $2,511, if payment be
not mad within the year ; sinale numbers,
5 els. Subscriptions for six mon'hs or less
to be pud in advance. Discontinuances
optional with the Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
A'lver'isements handsomely inse-ted at
!() cts. per square one week, 81,00 for a
month, 85,00 a year. A reduction of these
rates for larjer or longer advtmts
Casual advertisements and Job work to
be raid fur when performed.
All communications by mail mi come
post piid, accompanied by the address of
the writer, to receive attention.
Office, Market street between Second and
Thiid. O. N. W'ordex, Publisher.
Sbunk MonuoKBt
A very large majority of the Collectors
ajyoiired in different parti of the State, to
r(W;v, contributions toward the Shunk
M .nunv-n', have not made any return of
the papers aent them. It is, therefore,
inr by desired, that all such lists should tr
returned on or before the 1st day of Janu
ry, next. D FRY, Norristown,
Chairman of M inument Committee.
li-io Gundrum E-q. orSelinsgrove we
tx'lieve is the person appointed Collector
Or Union county
ICThe following brief notice of the
progress of a Western City, was received
bv a geutlemin in this town. It is dated
Cmcoo,CL-t. 15, 1849.
The general health of the City is now
quite restored, but few cases of Cholera
hning resulted faiilly in several days.
Ji isiness has revived, and streets, hotels,
nd steamers are thronged. Those who
have seen Cmcago. only as designated
upon a Msp by an ink-spot or a green
Hiain, have no adequate idea of its import
ance. Twenty-three thousand people are
ii , w coniireirated here within the sound of
a cmoon emplnnically buine$ peo
ple never still, never at i-isure, never
satisfied with present acquisitions. Society
is inverted. Poor men and ignorant.have
II at once become wealthy, and risen by
their own vanity to the upper surface,
whiie talentand intelligence grope along
in submarine armor.
The Sew York Tribune.
This sterling paper still ma;ntuins i's po
sition at the head of the Whig newspapers.
We know of no other journal in the coun
try conducted with the same amount of ta.
lent and energy. In a Prospectus, recent
ly published for 1950, the Proprietors say :
The Tribune is now too widely known
to need especial elucidation. Its conduc
trs aim, and believe they are enabled, to
furnish a larger amount and variety of in
fornution in a year, whether in its Daily,
Semi-Weekly, or Weekly issue, than can
1e obtained at cheap in any other form.
They endeavor to make their Daily at to
qul in every thing out aaenisemcms
$.', which is afforded to clubs at very re-
4-tcctf prices. Having no other than ad
vance subscribers, sending no paper except
fr cash actually paid, and favored with a
ubseriptiou almost if not q-iite without
parallel, they are anabled to incur expen
ses for L'terary Assistance, Correspon
donee. Telegraphing, etc., whicl very few
can afford.
Terms. Dailg Tribune. (Sundays
neeptcd) the choice of three editions per
day on a fair super-myal shee, for 55 per
annum. Semi-rVttkly Tribune, every
Wednesday and Saturday) same size aa the
daily. J per annum, or $5 for two copies.
tfetklg Trxhvne, a double-nwiium sheet,
eight lare pages of six columns each, i
per annum, three copies for $5, eight
copies for $10, or twen'y copies to one
address for 20. Payments inflexibly in
advance, ar.d the paper stopped when the
term of payment shall have expired. Bills
of all lawfully constituted specie-paying
Banks received at far. Remittances at
our risk when shown to and certified by
the Postmaster mailing them. We send
oar Weekly to all clergymen at 91 per
annum. Subscriptions solicited by
131 Nassau street, N. York.
iOOD. We know not who started the
M iing Franklin like scrap, but it should
"po the rounds
' I would as soon a man would tell me
' n drunk, as that 1 am bilious. One is
consequence of over drinking, and the
"'Iwr of over eating. Stop your gluttony
""a you stop jour biliousness."
It may be as hard to take, 'put this, phi
' Vhy is worth twice its weight in physic.
P.;I. ...i Dt:.:. n. r-.-i.i. ,t
- ... uu , Vllllt. 'sr. IIIBIUIir'll. HIT
pill man, has been nominated forth
! of New York by the Democrats of
' 7ih Sensorial District. N. Y. Dr. D.
'lira .L- J-T J I I , J .
was on irre anraico jnawpmuerji
independent Jamilg
Canal Commissioner-Official
Gamble Fuller
Adams. 1256 165
Armstrong, 1937 1648
Allegheny, 5103 6203
Beaver. 2022 2349
Bedford, 2579 2523
Berks, 6827 2867
Blair, 1310 1730
BradforJ, 25H7 S484
Bocks, 4657 4443
Butler, 1941 2106
Carb.n, 756 490
Cambria, 1375 1128
Centre, 2094 1382
Chester, 4238 6085
Clarion. 1851 940
Clearfield, 891 626
Crawford, 1483 2204
Columbia, 1443 1646
Clinton. KHll 670
Cumberland, 2909 2554
Dauphin. 3108 2788
Delaware, 1311 1743
Elk, 259 131
Erie, 1369 2503
Favette, 2615 2113
Franklin, 2665 3067
Greene, 2047 1084
Huntingdon, 1330 1737
Indiana, 1230 1729
Jefferson, 870 43
Juniata, 1099 929
Lancaster, 4224 7133
lbanon, 178 2378
Lehigh, 2594 2317
Luzerne, 3149 2578
Lycoming, 2130 1624
McKean, 365 238
Mircer, 2618 2424
Mfflin, 1S05 1031
Montgomery, 6091 3698
Monroe, 1303 251
Northumberland, 1874 II II
Northampton, 6982 2215
Perry, ' 1419 927
Phil. city. ft , 19 ,00
" county, y
Pike, 654 119
Potter. 646 282
Schuylkill, 3651 3478
Somerset, 964 2141
Sullivan. 330 149
Susquehanna, 2"73 1361
Tioga. 1681 1183
Union 1820 2431
Venango, 1028 617
Warren. 943 813
Washington, 3610 3575
Wayne, 1297 624
Westmoreland, 4097 2397
Wyoming, 7'H1 764
York. 4035 3359
144,740 133,191
Gamble over Fuller
Cleaver, Native, ree'd
Gamble over both
3,693 votes.
7,850 majority
Vote of 1848 and 1849.
Whig Democrat Others
IP49. President 186 117 179.697 11,175
1849, Can.Com 136,884 144,740 3.693
Less in IP49 49.233 34.957 7,482
Total decreased vote this year, 91,672
Taylor's maj. over Cass was 13,420
Taylor over all, 2,245
C7The Democrats having triumphed,
k.uA m nnwCn.! rinVtf ffj mw, mnA 1 1 flip
ne last incoming i.azetie nas some plea
sant hits, which we copy lor trie benent ot
our long fa"ed Whig friends :
'The llarrisburg Telegraph, a furious
Federal print, propounded tlic following in
terrocatorv on the eve of the election :
'Which d the people prefer the acts of the
Wbixa. or the airocaiTicAt proietsione of the
Locofoco VadefB1'
Judging from the answer of the people at
the poHsi ,ney P"y 001 rtJ compliment
to Whig cfion.n
' A Federal paper remarks, that the
Loco! ico party have shown a erect pro
pensity to Gamble this fall. In support of
his allegation, it can not be denied that the
Democracy made a very successful Deal
in Philadelphia."
In the absence of Futttr returns from
various parts nf the State, we shall pit
down Mr. Gamble's majority at 18,000."
Never mind, Whigs your turn next.
The Editor of the Fel'owsville (Va.)
Democrat thus "defines his position :
We are Whig, top side.bottom side.rigbt
side, left side, hind side, inside, oatsidejp
per side, lower side, north side, east side,
south side, and west side. We are Whig
in the morning. Whig at noon, and Whig
at night. We are a sprout of the Whigs
of 76, who were Whigs when it tried'
men's souls, whose principles were found
ed upon reason, common sense, justice and
We rather think Mr. Heermans comes
within old Zick'a idea of an "ultra Whig."
John F. Phelps, Esq., who was recently
elected President of the New York & Erie
railroad company, was a journeyman prin
ter but a few years since.
. .'
The editor of the Providence Star ha
seep; the man who minds bis pwn business.
fJapcr deooted to
Talk to He of Heaven.
Oh, talk to me of heaven ! I lava
To hear about my home above ;
For there doth idiot a loved one Jell,
In light and j y ineffable.
Oh tell me how ihej shine and sing.
While eery harp rings echoing ;
And every glad and tearktM eye
Besros like the bright sun, gloriously.
Tell me of thst victorious palm
Each hand in glory bearelh ;
Tell me of that celestial calm
Each face in glory weaiuih.
Oh, happy, happy country ! where
There entereth not a in ;
And death, who kerpa hie portal fair,
May never once come in.
.No giief can change their day to night
The darkness of that land is light.
Sorrow and aighing (iod hitb aent
Far thence to endleaa banishment.
And never more may one dark tear
Bedim their burning eyes ;
For evejy one they shed whiie here.
In (earful agonies.
Glitters a bright and dialing gem
In their immortal diadem.
Oh, lovely, blooming eonnlry ! there
Flourishes all that we deem fair.
And though no fielda nor lorwta gresn.
Nor bowery gardens, there are seen,
Nor rfuniee load the breeie ;
Nor hears the ear material sound ;
Yet joys at God's right are found.
The archetypes of these.
There is the home, the land of birth
Ot all we highest prise on earth ;
The storms that rack the worid beneath
Must there for ever eeaae
The only air the b leased breathe
Is purity and peace.
Oh, happy, happy land ! in thee
Shine UY unveiled Divinity,
Shedding through each adoring breal
A holy calm. halcyon real.
And those bleat soul whom death did sever.
Have met to mingle joys for ever.
Oh ! soon may heaven unclose to me!
Ob ! may I soon thai glory eee !
And my mint, weary apirit stand
Within that happy, happy UnJ !
The Bible.
The following is an account of the num
ber of books, chapters, verses, words, and
letters, contained in the Old and New Tes
taments. 1 he calculator is said to have
spent three years of his life in forming this
Old Testament.
Number of books, 39
' chapters, 029
" verses, 23 214
" words, 592,439
" letters, 2,728,100
The middle book is Proverbs.
The middle chapter is Job, xxxix.
The middle verse would be II Chroni
cles xx. 17, if there were a verse more,
and verse 18 if there were a verse less.
The word uni occurs 35,543 limes.
The word Jehovah occurs 6,855 times.
The shortest verse is I Chronicles, i.25.
The 2lst verse of the 7ih chapter of
Ezra contains sll the letters of the alphabet.
The 19th of the II Kings, and the 37th
chapters of Isaiah, are alike.
jYew Testament.
Number of books,
" chapters,
" words,
" letters.
The middle boob is II Thessalonians.
The middle chapter is Romans, xiii. if
there were a chapter more, and xiv if there
were a chapter less.
The middle verse is Acts xvii. 17.
The shortest verse is John xi. 35.
Old and JVcto Tttlamtnl.
Number oi books, 66
" chapters, 1,189
verses, 31,173
" words, 773.697
letters, 3,566,480
The middle chapter, and the least the
Bible, is Psalms cxvii.
Pit '
The middle verse is Psalms cxvui.
Home Journal. -eV
The Tnakhanmock Steamboat.
The recent heavy rains having caused a
freshet in the Susquehanna, the Steamboat
has commenced her regular trips for the
fall season. On Tuesday, the 9ih inst.,he
left,, this place for Pittston, and returned
the next day freighted with coal, iron, and
merchandise. This trip is the first fair
chance the boat has had of proving her
power and speed, and we are gratified in
being able to say that she has acquitted
herself to the satisfaction of all who have
taken an interest in her success. We un
derstand it is the intention of her owners
to keep bet busy during the season of high
water, aod a tew more successful trips up
and down the river will dispel any doubts
that our citizens may have harbored in re
gard to the feasibilty of the project. Q Wy
oming Co. Whig, Oct. 17.
The Steamer "Tunhannoek" returned
last evening from a trip to Aihens.Pa.nd
started to day with a load of flour for Pitts,
ton. It is said she performed admirably,
"walking the waters like thing of life,"
and ascendinglhe dams ia fine iye.-Ibid
News, Citeratnte,
The AlxJuctel Boy.
The recovery of Mr. B irt's young son,
after being lost three years, from Albany,
under circumstances sufficiently mysterious
and romantic to furnish matter for a good
story, very naturally attracts much public
notice. As the cast is to undergo a legal
examination, it is wrong to prejudge it es
pecially by a perversion of known facts.
The by has lived, from near lire time of
bis abduction, to within two or three weeks
of the time ol bis recovery by his parents,
in the family of Mr Guulding, in this city,
by whom he wa sent to a school,md pro
bably well treated, and for aught appears,
they may have become innocently and
honestly by the child. It is assumed, in
some of the accounts that the child was
abducted by Mrs. Uuulding, but the facts
disclosed by no means justify such an as
Her account of the manner in which she
came by the boy is corroborated by all the
facts and circumstances which have yet
come to light. Mrs. Goulding received the
boy from a lady, who, we understand, was
indicted two years ago for abducting him.
and who, according to the circumstances,
yet known, was probably the abductress.
Mrs. Goulding has mw living with her, a
little girl, said to have been received from
the same lady, who may have also boen
abducted. This little girl, and Mr. Burt's
boy, were understood, in this city, to be or
phan children of some relative ofMrs.Gjul
ding, iu England. There is a profound
mystery hanging over the matter, which
very naturally invests it with all the inter,
est of a well conduced plot in an ingenious
romance ; but let us do no injustice by
giving currency to criminal charges not
warranted by facts. It is a well established
rule of law, that persons charged with cri
minal offences are to be held innocent un
til proved guilty. Let public opinion be' as
lenient, as the law, when no legal proceed
ings have been instituted. Tde little girl is
still living at Mr.Goulding's, quite content
nj ks.ni. n.. T"; . . r Y-. o
About three years since a little girl, the
daughter of a German named Henry Ball
mer, was stolen from Iloboken, where h'r
parents resided ; and although the. fa 'her
traveled over a great part of the Union, no
trace of her eould be obtained. It was sta
ted by some of the neighbors that they saw
a respectable looking woman talking to the
child, and the fact of her having been sto
len was considered pretty well established.
Hoboken was more thronged than usual on
that day, for if we mistake not, it was the
occasion of the depailure of the renowned
General George Washington Dixon on his
great Yucatau expedition, and an ox was
roasted whole, partly in honor of his de
parture, but more with the view of benefit
ting certain groceries in the neighborhood
nf the fete. The girl was out with her
mother.and berime separated in the crowd.
A few days since, the newspapers con
tained an account of the discovery of a lit
tle boy who had been stolen from Albany,
and that the persons at Owego,with whom
he had been living, also had a little girl,
who they stated to be his twin sister. Mr.
Baumer immediately started for Oswego,
and recognized in this reputed "twin sister"
of the boy his own child. When he first
saw her, he spoke to her in German, and
she replied in G rman although she had
been three years from home. The father
is now in Albany, waiting the return of
the Governor, to obtain a requisition for
the arrest of this child stealer X.Y.Mir
tor. c7See " CI i rafale" of Oct. 10.
Rather PakticdAr. Some years ago,
a young man.from just across the Connec
ticut, who was attending our little village
academy, became sadly infested with the
notion that all our maidens were in love
with him. While in this state of mind, it
fell to his lot one evening to see Miss H.
safely to her father's domicil On arriving
at the door the lady invited him to enter.
He did so. After a few moments' conversa
tion he arose to leave, and as Miss H. was
showing him to the door, she, innocently
enough, remarked' that they would be plea
scd to see him again. Here was an occa
sion for the exercise of Jonathan's courage
and moral principle. Expanding himself to
his tallest height.with'a graceful but deter
mined inclination of the head he replied, HI
should be bsppy. Miss, lo call as a frieud,
but not as a feller!"
Rev. David McCunaughy, D. D. has
resigned the Presidency of , Washington
College, at Washington, Pa.
Politic, CVgricttUurt, Science and fttoralitth
31, 1849,
John Alcohol, my joe John, ' '
When we were 6rt acquaint
I'd m mey in both pocket. John.
Which now I know there aim ;
I wnt it all in treating. John,
Becaune I loved you no, - '
But mark it how you've Healed me.
John Alcohol, my joe.
John Alcohol, my jne John.
We've been too long Uelher,
8o yon moat take one road, John,
And I will lake the other ;
For we may tumble down, John,
If hand in hand we go.
And I will have the bill to fool,
John Alcohol, my joe.
Choosing- Wive.
Some Yankee says, to take a nice girl
out slaying is very pretty, aint it ". And
then the insinuating critters do say the
bells make such a din, there's no hearin
one's self speak ; so they put their pretty
little mugs close up lo your face, and talk,
talk, talk, till one can't help look in at them
instead of the horse, and then wh.tp you
go, capsized into a snow drift together.
skins, cushions, aod all. And then to see
the little critter shake herself when she gets
up, like a duck landing from a pond, a
chattering away all the time like a canary
bird, and you a haw-hawing with pleasure.
is fun alive, you may d -penl. In this
way, II te-nose gets on to ofT.-r himself a
lover, before he knows where he is. But
when he gets married, he recovers his eye
sigh: in little less than half no time, lie
soon finds he's treed, his flint is fixed then,
you may depend. She lams him how vin
egar is made : " Put plenty of sugar into
the water aforehand, my dear,'' says she,
" if you want it real sharp.' The larf is
on the other side of the mouth. If his
slay get upsot, it's no longer a funny mu
ter, I tell you ; he catches it riht and left.
Her eyes don't look up to his'u any more.
nor her little tongue ring like a bell any
'iiitmp . Kill ffrpnl 1,10 hnul ivivpr, Kr
i - a e -
head, and a whappin great mufl covers
her hands, and she looks like a bag of old
clothes, agoing to the brook lo be washed.
When they get out, she don't want any
more for him to walk lock and lock with
her, but they walk like a horse and cow
to water, in each gutter, if their ain't a
transmogrification, it's a pity. The diffe
rence between a wife and a sweetheart is
near about as great as there is between
new and hard cider a man never tires
of putting one to his lips, but he makes
plaguey wry faces at t'other. It makes
me so kinder wambl-cropt when I think
on it, lhat I'm a (eared to ventur on matri
mony at all. I have seen soii et.liie-noses
most properly bit, you may depend. The
marriage yoke is pla;uey apt to gall the
neck, as the ashbow does the ox in -rainy
weather, unless it be most particularly
welt fitted. You've seen a yoke cattle
that warn't properly mated ; they spend
more time in pulling agin each other than
in pullin the load. Well, that's apt to be
the case with them as chooses their wives
in slayin parties, quiltin frolics, and so on,
instead of the dairies and cheesehonse.
-Exercise Air Health.
Downing's Horticulturist expatiates on
the advantages to our women of often see
king the air, and using abundant exercise.
as the true means of preserving health and
mparting to beauty a more captivating
freshness. An excellent article hereon fin
ishes thus: 1
"A word or two more, and upon what
ought to be the most important argument
to all. Exercise, fresh air. health ore
they not almost synonymous ! The ex
quisite bloom on the cheeks of American
girls, fades in the matron, much sooner
here than in England not only because of
the softness of the English climate, as nm
ny suppose. It is because exercise, so ne
cessary lo the maintenance of health, is
little a matter of habit and education here,
and so largely insisted upon in England ;
snd it is because exercise.when taken here
at all, is too often as a matter of duty, and
has no soul in it; while the English woman
ho takes a lively in her rural enjoyments,
inhales oew life in every day's occupation.
and plants perpetual roses in her cheeks.
by the mere act of planting them in her
What is pleasanter or more perfectly
agreeable than to see a friend who owes
vou a little bill, which he never has the
money to pay, going oft on expensive ex
cursions, rides, parties of pleasure, or lo
places of amusement f It is a satisfaction
to know lhat others hive the means of en
joying themselves, even though you don't
yourself. Would it not be a good idea for
our Legislature to exempt two-thirds of ev
ery man's income for this purpose ?
C. n. Clay's Ideas !' Work.
The following from C. M. Clay's paper
showa that Mr. t'liy understands the phi
losophy of work .3
' Work rnint not. I here are times
when a heaviness comes over the heart,
and we feel as if there were no hope.
Who has not fel'. it T For this there is no
cure but work. Plunge into it put alt
your energies in motion rouse up the in
ner 11 an act and this heaviness shall
disappear as mist before the morning sun
M There arise doubts in the human mind
which sink into lethargy, wrap us in gloom.
and make us think it were bootless lo at
tempt anything. Who has not experien
ced them ? Work. That is the cure
Task your intellect stir up your feelings
rouse the soul do and ihese doubts
hanging like a heavy cloud upon the
mountain, will scatter and disappear, and
leave you in sunshine and open day.
' There comes supicicion to the best
ol men, snd (ears about the holiest efforts,
and we stand like once ch lined. Who has
not felt this T Work. Therein is freedom-
By night, by day, io season and out of
season, work, a 11 J literty will be vours.
Put in requisition mind snd body war
with inertness snap the chain-link of sel
fishnessstand up as a defender of the
right be yourell ind this suspicion.
and these fears will be lulled, and like the
ocean storm, you will be purified by the
contest, and able to bear and breast any
burden of human ill.
" Gladden life with its sunniest features,
and gloss over with its richest hues, and it
becomes a poor and painted thing, if there
be in it no toil no hearty, bird work.
The I iborer sihs lor repose. Where is
it 1 Wha' is it ? Friend, whoever thou
art, kno.v it is to be found alone in work.
iSo good no greatness no progress is
g lined without. Work, then, and faint
n it ; for, therein is the well-spring of hu
man hope, and human happiness."
Chance of War.
In a recent leiter from Paris to the (Tour
rier di s Ktats Cnis, by M. Gaiilardet, up
on the probability of a war between Russia
and Turkey, the view is taken that Russia
is too wise to engage in such a contest, the
perils of which she can not but appreciate.
Hungary," he say, "is not yet powerless,
notwithstanding the surrender of Comoro ;
at the first rally ing united cry from France
aud Englaud, the Magyars wou'd throw off
a yoke not yet ino'lsoluhly fastened upon
them. Poland and Limhardy would rise
in revolt, and Piedmont would not f. t slip
so fine an opportunity to avenge hersell
for the defeat of Njvaria. G;rm ioy woufJ
soon hear growling under her feet the vol
canoe of Democracy, whose career is cov
ered, indeed, with ashes, iiut not extinct.
There would be a supreiruj crisis, in which
the destinies of all Ruropa would be invol
ved. Austria and Russia will not provoke
this crisis, and on their side E.igtand and
Fianre will avert it if th -y can. A com
mon interest summons all to bring about a
common reconciliation." This view seems
to be not only reasmiaMe, but altogether
Employ your Pen." This counsel,
i far from being superfluous. There
is a marvelous power in writing down
what we know. It fixes the thoughts :
reveals our ignorance ; methodizes oor
knowledge ; aids our memory ; and insures
command of language. 'iMen acquire
more knowledge," says Bishop Jewell " by
frequent exercising of their pens, than by
the reading ot many books.'
Q teen Victoria's Piano. The splendid
piano of her Majesty Qieen Victoria, is
completely veneered with ivory, 111 sheets
of from fourteen to seventeen feet in length,
and thirty inches and upwards in width,
from a single tooth of an elephant, by a
spiral process peculiar to M Pupe. (1 is
also encrusted and ornamented with the
rarest woods, forming original designs.
Another Revolutionary Soldier Gone.
Edward Corwin, a soldier of the Revolu
tion, aged 91 years, died on the 15' h ot'-,
in McKean county. The Rev. J.D Smith
pronounced a befitting eulogy on the occa
sion of his funeral, and every befitting
honor waa paid to the remains of the old
The Republic states that Col. Fremont
has accepted the appointment of chief ol
the Mexican Boundary Surveyn the place
of Col. Weller, removed. Weller was
recently at San Diego ia California, and
was said to have commenced his work.
Why is a blush like a little girl ? Boca us
it bteomtt a woman.
V0L.YL.N0. 31-291'.
From the "Aha California," Augu 31, 1W9.
The following churches have been or-'
aoized 10 the city of San Francisco:
1. Roman Catholic. Service adminis
tered every Sabbath at the Church on Val
lejo street.
2 First Biptist, Rev.O.CWheeler.pas.
tor. Service at their new Chuich on
Washington street, near the corner of
3- First Presbyterian, Rev. Albert Wil
liams, pastor. Service every Sabbath, at
their large Tent on Dupont s'reet, near
4. Protes'ant Episcopal, Rev. F. Mines,
rector. Service every Sunday, for the
present, at the house ot J, H. Merrill. Esq.
5. Methodist. We understand this de
nomination has commenced the erection of
a Church at the head of Washington street.
6 Congregational. The Rev. T. D.
Hunt has consented to officiate occasion ly
for this church until the 1st oi November
In addition, the Rev. T. D. Hunt, chap
lain, preaches each Sabbath at the Public
tit connection with the above, it is prop'
er we should state that Sabbath Schools
are established in the Baptist, Presbyterian,'
aod Episcopat churches, anf there is also
one attached to the Chaplaincy.
This is the first Protestant house of
worship ever erected in California.
The Harrisburg Telegraph states that
propositions have been made by English
colliers, to furnish the Harrisburg Gas
Company with English coal, at a lower
price than that at which the same article
cao be procured from Pittsburg. This is -literally
branding coals to New Castle.
Tde importation of coal lo Pennsylvania
is emphatically another evidence of the
the good time coming,' under the Tar- .
iff of 46.
To Shake off Trouble.--S.it about do
inu eood to somebody ; trA on your haf.
and an and visit ibe sick and the poor ;
inquire into their wsots and ad.ninister
uo'o them : seek out the desolot il op
pressed, and tell them of the consolation of
religion. I have often tried this method,
and have always found it the best medicine
for a heavv heart. Herard.
Miss Fillmore, a daughter of the Vice
President of the United States," recently
re,-eived an appointment as teacher in one
of the public schools of Buffalo, and is now
acting iu that capacity. What an illustra
tion of the simplicity of our Republican in
stitutions! Miss Fillmore received her
education at the State Normal School.
A Piize Nobly Won. At the Bjurbotf
(Ky.) Agricultural Fair, held a few weeks
since, Mrs. Chapman Coleman, daughter
of Gyv. Crittenden, received the premium',
a S10O cup, for the best silk quilt, made
with her own hands. It is' a wholesome
indication to see ladies contending for pre
miums io manufacture's.
It is seated in foreign journals, that a
large collection of letters, written by Cal
vin to his friends, of great literary and his
torical value, bss recently been discovered'
by a gentleman engaged iu one of ibe pub-"
lie colleges of France, and that the whjle
of them will soon be published.
Convicted for Seduction. We learn
from H irrisburg lhat Dr.Jonathan G.M.IU
was on Friday Iwt convicted of the seduc
tion of three young ludies. in trttt borough;
(sisters,) the youngest being scarcely six
teen j ears of age. Four indictments are
yet hanging over him.- ,
Napoleon's Tomb, at St. Helena is ad
vertised in the Helena Gaxette for sale
"Why not! says Major Noah: "the
bones on the field of Waterloo were sU
lo rmke manure of, and why not the tomb
of the chief whose ambition strewed them
there 1
Moo-real,' Oct.
An aoMress against an:.e.xaiion has beenr
published to-day, with six. hwidrel sins
lures attached. A few of the signers are
respectable names. The rest are unknown,,
or dependent on the G ivernment. ,
Cris.I.illey Dead The notorious Chris
topher Lille), alias JocelyiK was killed in
an affray at Albany on Sunday night las',
a, is supposed by a party of men attache
to Mann's circus company. "
E. Z. C. Judson has at length gone m
work in the Penitentiary 00 KockweH's
Island.roaugre Ms late determmairnn-lo re
fuse food and die rather than worlW