Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 24, 1849, Image 4

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Support Tour Owa.
"It should te l be object of every citizen
to supiorl h.iimaoulaciures that is.iiat
ronir.o ihe nsschunic. and business men of
I he town in which you reside. It is the on
ly true basis of success, ar.d when depaited
from, the cause of the alow growth of a
tn will lint be difficult to ole. Our own
nierhaii't-s and business inru sltotild hUnys
come in first lur bonie patronage. The el
led of such a court would be beuefkially
felt by all. It is true that in some cases we
must pay a trifle more than similar articles
can be purchased fur abroad ; but even in
doing this we shall feel the pond efUMs
upon ourselves : because it will be keepiiij;
the circulating medium in our midst make
all branches of business flourish give em
ployment to our own mechanics instead of
those abroad, in cities increase the pros
perity of the place, and make us feel inde
pendent of all others."
We clip the foregoing from an exchange
paper. Although the idea are not new.
they are not the less valuable. The doc
trine is a sound one ; the advice is gofid,
and can not be too oltcn related or loo
atrictly followed for there are always
croakers in every village who areconstuu!
ly prating almut the cheapnrss of article
in other places.
W e once heard of a man who went intoa
batter's shop in hi nrighhorhood one mor.
p ng : "Make me a vood hat," said het'-and
I ut my name in it, with this motto, '-Our
country before any country in the world,
our State before any State in the Union,
our roun'y before any county in the State,
and our town before any town in the couit
I," ror tl.em't my sentiments exactly :'
and such should be the erred of every man
who wishes his own business and that of
those around him to prosper.
The custom of patronizing the city week
lies in preference to country papers.is more
extensively disastrous in its consequences
than is generally supposed. Many of these
papers are made up of the matter of dailies,
nnd contain much of no interest to the
country readers, from whose contributions
they are exclusively sustained, while those
in his own neighborhood are suffered to
languish and die for want of support. Al
though there are many good city weeklies,
yet there are some whose immense circula
tion is obtuined by a system of seli-laud.
tun, reciprocal puffing, and other kinds of
humbuggery, such as "the largest circula
tion in the world !" the "cheapes tand best
paper ever hrard ol !!" ' News always three
days in advance of the ulegrph !!!" Ace,
If.. and these gull-traps are alwats well
S.led, fand often believed.
If ihe ironey forwarded to the cities an
nually for weekly papers were bestowed
upon the country press, everey county in
Ihe State taight boast its paper equal, in
price and quality ,to the best now furnished
in the cities, nd hundieds of thousands of
d liars, which now go into the hands of
stock-jobbers and marble palace buiMeis,
would circulate among the farme rs,inechan
ka, lahorers,and merchants of tlie country.
Aside from this, as a matter of local
ride and convenience, il is tor the interest
of every man to support his own county
printer, aa well as other handicrafts!! cn.
tint we have not room to argue the point
farther, ir does it afm necessary. The
truth o! the remark will be obvious to eve-
ry reflecting mind. II yoming Ctt It'hig.
"A dollar at hon.e
Is worth two to roam."
I'ini'I'l.in I
T CLrcymen. Pmlma.len.Teachtr, f Snbbaih
Sdtwlt, Student; BiKik AgnUt, tnul
lUudt of Familit:
A GE!TS wsnted in eerj section of the
J L'uited cttates to sell
bears,' Pictorial Family Annual,
..... r .
an il ustrsied woik. comprising a rin aenea or '
embellishments, stun in'eievliug descriptions, in
one hsnoMin e Isrge u-tso ol shout four hundred
pss.es. elsgsmlv houi.d in gill, snd lellered in the
Ti l .....
Micros 1 1 two hull, ms I
This stiid tlunie coirprives within itsrlts
r a.jilrt, Li'-irsij ut t eiul snd l.utertsiiiing
Ki4Mlr coi lciieJ in fotni, fainitiar iu sUle,
n mo. in uiii rmstioii. embracing an extensive
trust ol .ui j-ls. T he rr.grsvinns (over two
l-kiidied hi iiinibrr) sre strictly illuatmuve, far
ng isprestiitliMi.s ot sctual f"ct hcry, I oa' umcs,
Hti.iit i. ui.uii en's. 4c, &c.
Cia vssui nsli n, ibe sboe work will be pro
Bounced !' v, iy iiileigriit peion uudrr sbrns
eteisiiuii it nisy come, as one of ttir most sui
table irr.io lor s ioliier to pirwul to his Ismily,
a rigsiti nt.i tl qiiluv shd imn.bt-r ol its
eEibril:tU'i'iitr-. stid Ibe pure character o! its
contents. Ii. pu pating every srticie lor its pa
ars, ibe gnabsteavtion baa Iwtn used lo admit
iioUih.g but uf an in,.ruingai d iuMiuciiverliar-
l o men of tuterprise snd tact, this- work alone
offers a vpporainity lor profitable empltiymanl
hJ m snrt wub. Tbrre la not a Iowa in the
I uioa where a rich! bnpi. and well uisrd
.rrsiatt cau tail wiling liom 6rt; t tsrv buixJred
volume, aerording lo the xpuIatioli.
All wisn wirbing ssm le copies, to examine,
or procure suNcnlxra with, csn receive iie or
mure, subrtsnuslty l uund in paper rxrrv (ibe
out) kind wr are allowed to loresrd und,r lbs
Fosi Kttiir Uw)- Uie postsge uol ere ding thir
ty crbta ou tscli sobiu a so ttutturdid, on lit ra-n-ipt
ui One Lh llur. la iLh way no mator whei
s prison lessJes. if only within die in.li ol a
poM-otliee, lie cau obtain a copy ..I tin Ki-nuly
Astnta wanted m ev,Tj town and erumy in I
ibe Luion, lo sell - Stars' Nw aid I'oi ular I'm. t
lorial V orkt ;" anittiaallv atinooUdtt-u tuba;
Ibo ts u awl bes es' aver pubh-hil is tlo-y err-
uiuly. ae ibe iikst eah-ablo. Any aotiv agent ,
ms ibei SlOOtl a yer. AcaJeapi-j
ml of at least :t5 . 50 will be nrte-a. Full i
ps.tMblsis ol Hie pru.ciplrs snd profits of the'
sgt wy will I given on spplicatiou eilbrr per-
suhailv or by teller. 1 be po.lagt must in all ca-
sea be waul, t'leaae Ut aildrasa, '
i KOPBRT bfcAUS. PuMUber. I
iXhhh (Street. Near Voik.
T Pubiuhm of Scwtpapen throughout the
t..tted &sutu Nerpape copying ihs advor-
ueaMi.t. ewure. wotl di-pUyed. a. aboe,wiih.at
ii al.erauon oi sbiidgrSMnt, (i""oirig this Bo-
ltea, mi gaving n iu iwia, - j
ssri a eup ut i ha AiiouaJ. (ubj.u to UVn i
erjx ) ) seiasii.g.diiWLl la ihs PuMlabtf- )7 J
DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. moat res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ol English, French, German, and
American Drugs. Medicines, Paints. Che
micals, Oils, Dyesiufls, blassware, rertu
merv. Patent Medicines. Vsrnisbea, Ate
Having opened s new store. No S94, Market at.
with a fall supply oi treat, mup ana MeaiciD,
we respectfully solicit country dealers w eiatn
ine our stock befora parchssing elsewhere, prom
sains; one and all who may fart disposed to ex
tend to us their patronage, lo sail them genuine
Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any
other house in the City, and to faithfully eieentc
all orders entrusted lo us promptly and with de
spatch. One of tbs proprietors being a regular physi
cian, afford ample guarantee of lbs geuuine
quality ol all articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invite druggist and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standarJ aud popular remedies.) lo forward their
Soliciting the patronsgo of dealers, ws respect
ful! remain.
J. N. KEELER & BKO , Wholesale Drugcisla.
I j Se-4 No. S94, Market SI- PhuasU
'1 he subscriber offers lor sale Ornamen
tal Trees of every description, particularly
the European Linden, and Paulonia I m pe
rmits, a splendid shade tree lately inlrodu
eed from Japan, remarkable for its enor
mous leaves ('omelimes two feet in diam
eter,) and large clusters of rose-colored
flower, spotted and striped within, emitting
a fragrance similar lo the Lilac.
Also Fruit trees ol every descriptionuch
aa v rafted A rule trees from 7 to 9 ft high,
at 12 to 15 cts each, or 10 to 12 50 per
hundred ; Inoculated reach trees, rt cts
erh, r tlO tier hundred ; I'ear, Cherry,
Plum, N"ctarine, and Apricot trees at rea
sonalle prices all the varieties warranted
genuine ; also Hot-house and t.reen house
plants, embracing bearing Orange and Le
mon trees.together with a variety of Flower
seed, all of which he will sell as low as
they can be purchased in Philadelphia.
Lewishurp, Sept 12, 1849
at -Lewisburgr.
mHE TRUSTEES of the University at Low-
i.burg would rrsprcttully inform ita Palrona
siid Fri. nils, thst. in the School under Weir care,
(at LewialHire) the Mluaing are I ha Classes, Hub-
jrcis of Stuily .nil Eiercise lor the current year.
Department and Studies.
8ii t;iases Exercised in Spelling, Reading;.
Drfioition. Engliah Grammar, Arithmetic. Geog
rsphy. History V . A., Peumansbip, and Com-
The same studies as in the Primary Departajenl
C' niinurd in the use of Isrger text books; and to
these sre addel General Hwlory, Daviea' Algebra,
latgaudre and Surveying.
Jun. Academic Clan. English Language,
Geocranhe. HiaHry V. 8. A, Latin Grammar
and Reader, Greek Grammar sad Reader com
menced. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Academic Clats. English language.
General History, Ccssr, Virgil, Greek Reader,
Daviea Algebra.
Fretkman Class. l.isy.Auabaais,Memorsbilia,
Daviee' Legrndie, 1 natm anetrv commenced.
Sophomore Clou. Horace. lMysey, Melert
Oiatione ol uemostnenea, irgenure compteieo,
Uaiiea' Surveying and Nasigalion, Aiialylical
(eoriM try, Blair'a lectures.
Junior Clat. Demon hrtiee on the Crown,
f.reck Tragedv. Cicero Olficiis, Tacitus, Nat-
' ural Philosophy, Aslrunomy. Lngie,
Students in the English Uepsrtment recite
with those pursuiug lbs same studies in the
Regular Course.
No class in the Regular course, hss less Ihsn
three daily recitations. All the members of ths
MrhiHtl. (in three divwions,) are exercised eery
SslurdsT in Kesding, urclamauon, bnglistt Com-
.P0"'"". VucsTMusie.
All the atudente sre required to attend, regu-
larly, some religious meeting. Miuors an expee-
' leil to attend aucn meennge a are recommendeo
I to them by iheir parents or guardians- There are
in the Itoroogh no less than six place of public
wor-hip, occupied every lord's Ilsy by as many
J.fTMti, i 'hriatian (titntttinAf ione.
Number Of SttldeiltC
The number of students dunng the past year
in the various deuarlmrtjls. was 164. The
number tltsl have entered Ihe classes in the Reg.
ular Course for the current year (exclusive of
Ihoae in the Eugliah snd rruasrv depsrtments.)
is as follows :
Comae. Junior elan 6
MnnhoiBore clsss 13
Fm-botan claas -13
Acsassj v. Senior clsss IS
Junior clssa - 38.-TI
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. Professor of
Mstliematks and Natural Philosophy ;
GEOKGE R. BLISS. A. M, Prolessor of Greek
I.ansnsge and Literature ;
ol Italia lmguage and Literature;
ISAAC N. LOOMlFi, A. MH Principal of the
Academy :
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the
la order to meet the demands of the Institu
tion, the Boaid have taken ntrasures to supply
the ueceMry Apiaralus fre the department of
Mechanical Philosophy, and to inoeaee the Li
brary, betas the commencement of the winter
sevaion. During the year, the building now in
progress will be completed, affording study room
and dormitories for 70 college studenla. Another
Prolessor ha been ad' ted to lbs Faculty, snd
mean provided to enable students in the classes
pedued above to prosecute their studies with the
greatest surceas.
Tuition and Board.
TUITION in the Colleeiate Department $30.
Academic 30. Primarjf f 13 per year.
UIIAhD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
jB,t, can l bad in the vilugs and its vicinity at
,,fi'0 prieea, from $1.31 to ,0 per week,
Sessions, NCallOtM, C.
To (rs.intis-mi a yesr the fcwmer eommea
crs on the scrnnd Tueadky m Wetober. and con
tinue S7 weeks ; tho Islirr eontinom IS week.
fmg Vocation. 4 wieks ; Autumnal, 6. Next
Msation begins 1 lib October.
rk. RoarJ are baptrf to add that LewisMii
j, ..nni, sa it ever baa been, exceeding!;
j, orJf m
' Q
i behalf of the Board :'
GKORt.E F.'MILLER. arey.
Lesnsbtsrg, Vmow Co. Ts. epi. 1, ISU.
tfJ-Book Agentt and Colporteur! mrili pleau
to oUervc.n
J-1VERT eitisen of ths United Statee should
2j poasms a copy of these works. They sre
Books of Our Cosnuy.
1 "7'"f A Faithful Chronicle of ths
1 I immm WAR of American Indepen
dence. In one large volume, 8o. Illustrated
with Seventy Engravings, in handsome Gilt
Binding. Pries 3.
The Presidents of the United States,
Their Memoirs snd Administrations :
To which is added an account of the Inaugura
tion of each President, snd s history of the
principal political events of his administration,
sod of the transactions of Congress at each ses
sion during the period.
Illustrated with elegant portraits of the resi
dents, engraved on eteel. This is a handsome
royal 8o. in besuuful pictorial binding. $3,50.
comprising the Lives, Addresses and Messages
of the Pieeidents of the United Slates,
From Washington lo Tsylor's Inauguration ad
dress. Msrcb, 1819,
With s history of their Adminiolration, and
of each Session of Congress also various hist
orical, statistical, and other important public
documents, and a complete Index, or snalytinl j
tsMe of contents to toe whole work. Edited by
En wis Willis, Esq. Illustrated with por
traits of our IS Presidents, engraved on steel,
from the most approved authorities, and in the
best style of the art ; printed on Cue psprr. snd
handsomely bound in em'.lemslic style. It will
slso be embellished with Views of the Cspilol.
President's House, and the Seals of the several
tttates and the Untied 8'strs. In four large 8 wo
volumes. Pries $10. This ia the citizen and
Library edition.
rjThe Reference Edition of the same
work, in 3 volumes large 8vo, without portraits.
Price $7.50. This edition is for reference, and
is intended for Statesmen, Legislators, Members
of city Corporations, Lawyers, and Individual
holding publie Offices.
The Republic of the I'nlted States,
and ita Political Institutions,
Reviewed and Examined. By Alexia Dx
TocftcxvuLS, Member of the Institute ot
France, and the Chamber of Deputies. Ac.
In one Isrge octavo volume of nearly One
Thousand pages. Price 3.
The 12 Stan of our Republic,
Our Nation's G.ft to her Young Citizen:
Containing the lives of our Presidents, the
Nignera of the Declaration, Articles of Confed
eration, ihe Constitution, with an historical
sketch of the American Union. Illuatrated with
elegant portraits, engraved on steel, and illumi
nated pictures of the Signers, the Capitol, and
Presidenl'e House at Washington, Bunker-Hill,
Are. Ac. Elegantly bound. Gilt edges. Price
(TNo expense has been spared in the prepa
ration of these volumes of Documents, History,
and 8tatitice, to render the same worthy of pa
tronage, not only of Statesmen and Legislators,
but of the American public generally ; who will
And in them ths Taxascav or PoiiTiraL
KsewigDos, and s mass of information.
published by E. Walker, 1 14 Fulton street.
Dr. Bowling's History of Romanism to Iba
present time. 50 Engravings, price f 3.00
The Guide o Knowledge, 3.00
The wanders of the World, S.S0
Mm. Ellis's Family Monitor. 1.S0
Mrs. Ellis's Guide to Soeisl happiness, 3..S0
Brother and Sister, SO
Cheever'e Iscturee on Pilgrim's Progress, 3 50
Christian Marty rology, 1.55
Christ's Messengers, 1 ,25
Fata of InGdeliiy ; at. Truth Triumphant, 38
Odd Fellow's Offering for 184S, elegantly
illustrated, 3,00
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1849, do 3.50
Odd Fellow's Offering for I860, do 3,00
The Odd Fellow Illustrated snd nestly
bound, 1 ,00
Fsith. Hope, snd Charity Illustrated. I
vol. IS mo. Gilt Muslin. 1,00
Friendship. I.ovs. and Truth Illustrated.
1 vol. IS mo, Gilt. 1,00
Talc from the Arabian Night's Entertain
ment. 75
Robinhood and hie Merry Foresters, 75
Wreath of Wild Flowers, 75
Young People's Mirror for 1848. 4ta.
Muslin. 1,00
PoitMii iter t. Boole Jtgtntt and Colporteur
Who may desire to rsnvsss districts for the
above important National Warke. will he pleased
to address a Una to the pnhlish-r, stating the
portion of eoontrv he wiahes to occupy, snd by
return or Msil ha will receive a List of Prices,
with Terms to Agents, which allow them a
very liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER. Publisher. 114 Ful
ton street. New York.
Consumption disarmed of its Terrors !
TJ ASTlXtJS' Comnouaii A'yrirp of Xup
XI 'Aa a positive tyire Tor Consumption,
LHx-line, Asthma, and all diseases of the
chest and lungs a single bottle will prove
its rihRacv.
1 he proprietor not only recommends his
i aft it a avitur, but warrants it to cure!
lie warrants it to net upou the chyle, and
purify it ; he warrants it to remove ail im
pedimenta which retard the free circulation
of the blood ; he warrants it to open the
internal and external pores of the body and
eject all the obnoxious purticles which hare
accumulated tn the system ; he warrants it
as a never-failing remedy in hectic fever,
night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war
rants it to arrest the formation of tubercles
in the lungs, and to heal those already
formed, so thai persons in consumption
may take it with the moat positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great seat of action
is the lungt, which it penetratea in all di
rections, purifying them of everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, if
applied according to directions, it can not
fail to leave in a perfectly healthy condi-
. . a a
tion. Agent at Lsewisourg
Get the Best!
ALL young persons should have a Standard
Dictionary at their elbows. And while
you are about it, get the bert : that Dictionary ia
na WsasTta'a. ths great work, unabridged.
If you are too poor, save the amount from off your
back, to put it into your hraL rkrenoliJaur.
Or.Wehaiei'a great work is the beat Dictinnary
of the English language. London Mom.Chron.
Containing thiee limes the amount of matter of
any other Engliah Dictionary compiled in this
country, or any abridgment of tbia work.
r ubhsbed by O dc V .VJernam.MpnugBeld.Mass.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
Msy 30 rl F LYNDALL, Lewisburg
BEST Spanish and Hall tSotiish, also
American CIGARS arid all kinds
of Chewing TOBACCO, for ash hv
Iwihurff. Dec 4. 1848
70rt sals by
1 RBfirlt & IDDI.NGS.
Lewisburg, June, 84v
SEARS' New Pictorial Works:::
Great Chance for Book Agents
To cuss raoa S500 to $1000 a Ysas !
' Books of Universal Utility.
SEARS' New and Popular Pictoriul
Works Ihe moat spleudidly illustra
ted volumes for Families ever issued on the
American Continent, containing more than
Pour Thousand Engravings, designed and
x ecu ted by the most eminent Artists of
ivnltind and America.
The extraordinary popularity of these
volumes in every section of the Union,
renders an agency desirable in each one
of our priucipal towns and villages.
Just Published,
Sears' new and popular Pictorial
n - r.? j o a
Description of the United States,
containing an nccouttt of the Topography,
!eit!eiiH'iit, History, Revolutionary and
other interesting Events,Statistics,Progress
in Agriculture, Manufacture, aud Popula
lion, tie. of each Stale in the Union, Illus
tiaied wilh Two Hundred Engravings of
the principal cities, places, buildings, sce
nery, curiusilies, Seals of the States, ficc. ;
complete in one octavo volume of 600 pa
ges, elegantly bound in gilt, pictorial mus
lin retail price, ri SC.
The Pictorial Family Annual.
400 pages octavo, and Illustrated with 212
Engravings designed as a valuable and
cheap prejeut fur parents and teachers lo
place in the hands of youug people. In
attractive bindings.
from the Patriarchal Aire to the present
lime. lv John Kittn, Editor of the Lon
don Pictorial Bible, &c. Also,
..f S.nr' Pictorial llistori of ih B.l.lp !
Pir-innal S..nl H.lrn..ri.ion . i
ntlay Book Uesx-rtpt
Great Brituin and Ireland Bibln I)ioru
phy -Scenes and Sketches in Coiitineiitnl
Europe Information for the People Pic
torial Family Library Pictorial History
of the American Revolution an i-nnrt'lv
new volume on the Wonders ol tliu World
Victoria .ffamUo Sidlr.
Each Volume is Illustrated with several
hundred Engravings, and the BIBLE wilh
One Thousand.
AE.T8 WANTEII in every Town and
County throughout ihe l.'nion, to sell Sear!
Sew and Popular Pietoriul Work!," universally
acknowledged to be the best and cheniest evei
published, as they re'tsinly sre the m.t sslslde.
Any sctive Asent may rh-ar f 5410 or $IUU0 a
yesr. A caali capital uf $33 or 150 will be uei-
saary. Full particulars of the pi'.nciplea and
pr.ifita nf ihe amcy will be given on application
either perannally or by letter.
Address rinvarisbly post paid)
KtlCEKT fKARS, ri auau'.
I2H, Nsaaau fit. New York.
No letter will be taken from the office
unless post-paiJ. 61250
English and German Physician.
WHO has been regularly educated in
the University ol Maryland, and an
Honorary Griduateof Castleton College ol
Vermont, and a Member ol the Medical
and Philosophical Society of the State ol
Maryland, offers his professional services
in ail the branches of the Healing Art to
the citizens of Lewisburg and its vicinity.
He has been encased in the practice ol
medicine, in Luzerne county in this State
for nearly thirteen years from whence
he brings letters of recommenditiion from
iha hrt men in that and Columbia county
as regards his standing in the profession of
medicine, and his genera! character, viz :
Hon John N t'onynehsm.Rcv Marmaduke Pearce
" Ziba Ttennett
Charles Kslbtus
" J H Voting
Ors A U Wilion
" Th.is W Miner
" H II Wsrner
A Yohe
M Sterk
" Andrew Uesumont
SK Headley
HB Wrieht
H W NichoUon. Esq
Jrsae It.ivtmsii, Eq
Chss B Boaman. Eq
Kev 'I'boins Bewmsu
N B. Dr.T. may be found at his ofltce
at the Drug store on the east side of Mar
ket St. next to Wall1 store, or at his rest
dence 1st door below Kline's hotel.
Lewishuig. Jan. 5, 149
SCHAFFLE has received a choice
aortmrnt from E. Houssel and
Uaucl. Perfumera, whose preparations are
Bears' Oil
Pearl Powder
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
dec. &c.
Oj Marrow
Bay Water
Cologne Waler
Curling rluid
Also a general variety of Jewelry and
Fancy A rticles.Spectacles.rencils, waneta,
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes &c 6itt.
Lewisburg, Mav 18, 1948
4 FRESH supply received at the Lewis-
Q burg Cheap Bookstore :
Ftske's Manual of Classical Literature
Da vies' Analytical Geometry,
Blair's Rhetoric, (University edition)
Comatock'a Mineralogy
The Complete Farmer, I vol. 62 cts
The New American Gardener, 1 vol, f I
The Book that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with
great variety of others, at very low prices.
May :JU n r I.I SUA I.I,
Harrison'! Columbian Ink.
a.T r. . n- . i ii : I i . . i
wuarc, riui, una smaiier sizeu ooii'es,
Black. Blue. Red and Indelible. This
celebrated Ink for sale by
Qrv CORDS of BARK wanted, for
CV which the highest market price
will be paid.
Dollars and Cents, also forms of Note.
Bill. Receipts, Petition. Interest Tables, tables
of Wages, Board, aVc. Price 18 cts for sale
at this office.
"IT 4 QTT never refuaed the office
A Word to the Afflicted.
5,000 persons in Philadelphia alone
have witnessed with astonishment the won
derful efficacy ol
Thomson's Compound Syrup of
Tar and Wood Naptha
in curing Consumption, Asthma, Bronch
itis, obstinate Coughs, Pains in the Side
or Itreast, Liver Complaint, ic &c.
This preparation is entirely a vegetable
remedy, and may be administered with
perfect safely to the feeble adult or child.
Its power as an Expciorant is admirably
ad.ipti'd to relieve ihe oppression in pul
monary disease, nnd while il asisti nature
in throwing rtf the vtttnted mailer which
collects to the injury of the system, it acts
as a genprHl tonic or sirngthener.
The testimony of Physicians and others
i lo, lh vulue of ,his f eat KTA ' 1
If" the most sattfa,lory kmi, ano
:, . har.Mor j ;,nnHr,i a
has been
that hns placed it beyond competition (or
the vaiious diseases for which it is em
ployed. Prepared only at the N. E. corner Fifth
and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by C IF. Sclwffle, Sole Agent for
Lewisburg and vicinity. 273
THE subscriber would inform the Gen
tlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to the Post Office, where
he will cwrrv on the business of Lu I I liu
i ANI)M4KIX(5 garments as usual. Work
n"l,e "X " warranted to fit. Produce
received in payiiK nt at markei prices.
Lewisburg, April 'il, l-H
This excellent compound is for sale by the
proprietor's Agrnt J Mcarsvsr, Lewisburg t
May ot Cloee. 8elinrove ; M Wiihinstun. Nor
thumberland ; J II Raser, Milton ; G I dt F Fiper,
Daguerreotype Room,
fPHE subscriber would inform the citizens
J of Lfwishurg and vicinity, that he has
taken nnd fitted up a room in the new brick
building on the south side of Market street,
between Third and Fourth, where he is
prepared lotake Dagiierreot) pe Likenesses
single or in groups, in good style, durable,
and on reasonable term. Call and see.
March. 1849 JOHN SUTTON
Myers' Liquid Cure!
IS a positive and never-fuiling Remedy
for PILES whether Iiilern.il, Ex
ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula, White
Swelling. Ulcers. uleeMled Sore Tliront.
Canker Sore M'ith, Rheumatism. Cutan
et u Diseases, Mercurial Affections i e
alsa for Scalds, Utuus, Cut, Sprains, Brui
ses, dec. &c.
U'a ft-rl justified in proclaiming the Fact to
the Woild, tliat of sll medicines ever bro't before
the public, none hae ever been more benrficial
to afflicted humanity than Myers' Liquid Cure.
As know this is ssying a great drsl, but if sre
were to write volumes we could not say loo much
io prsiaa of this
HsaLTM-sisiosiis, tirt rBOLoscino nrv'riT.
IIun.lre.ls, nay ihousands bless the happy hour
when 6ist they were made acquainted with its
Irsnscendiint virtues; and our present purpose is
to inform other thousands, bow and where th -may
obtsin thst lelief which ihey perhaps
long sought for in vain.
The supeiior excellence of this pr on
over all other mnlicincs. fur the speed per
mancnl cure of PILES, is well known l : sll who
have tested it. It baa been proved iu thousands
of insisners. aud has ssvsa failed to cure the
mott obntinatt cm-es, and we are coi.fiilent il will
never fail if used a proper length o' time accord
ing lo directions. Asa proof of oi.r entire confi
dence in its efficacy, we assure sll jun-hasers that
if. sfier a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the
Money paid for it will be returned.
The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for
Ringworma. Biles, Pimples. Barbers' Itch, Frosted
Limbs, Chilblains. Salt Rheum. Musiiuito Bites,
stings nf poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diseases
of every description.
It ia both aafe and effectual for Kmei'matism,
giving imroediste snd permanent relief.
Ita e fleets aa a real Pain Killer, are magical.
sboold provide themeelve wilh thia Invaluable
Preparation, the cheapness of which places it
within the ranch el all.
Full Directions accompany each Bottle
Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tested the Liquid Cure, msy
be hsd grafts of oar suthorued agents
Mien Liquid Cure is prepared onlv hy
JEROME & CO. S I Spruce St. New York
A genu : C W Schaffle, Lewisburg ; J H Raser,
Milton lveow532
THE subscriber haa on hand and ia
nosy receiving from Pithiton and Sha
mokin. Best Foundry,
Lump, Broken,
Nut, and Pea
CO A Is which will be disposed of on
reasonable terms.
June, '49. I. (.. LAWSHK.
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
A LARGE and fresh supply of this celebrated
Medicine, just received from ihe principal
Depot in Near York, and for sale at the new
Drue nod Chemical store of
Or Thornton o Boi-er
QfJHOOIa-flfJKETS printed and for
O aale at thia office.
The Cheapest and moat splendid Assortment of
in Philadelphia.
413 1
LEWI iAio.m,
a few dimn abort Eleteitth, north ride,
HAS just received by late arrivals, from the
moat celebrated manufactuiers of Europe, s
magnificent and jud rioul) selected ss-ortruenl ot
COLO Afll SlLVi:a wm-HKS,
which he will .ell cheaper Ihsn any other estab
liahmrnt in the lTnite.l Stales. Arnou," the
assonmetit msy be found
Gold Leveis. 18 a fim-.lull jeweled
filver Levers, full jeweled
fi"ld 1'Epinc, IS a re. jeweled
Milver rEpinrs. j-w led
do Wuartipr Wslrlies
-2i '
io ;
4 to 101
do 'l'ta SuiNiR rquul to coin per sett
4,50 :
da Di-sseit do do do H CO fay , hi, Mr ! Sik:
do T.bi. d? do d? '5br:?:
I ogetner wirn a spieiuiiu aaaorimeni ui tma,
rich Jewelry, d:c. Uld Ibaine ol vaiwus siyie.
fiutn the bei-t manufacturers.
Pleuse preserve this silvertisvinent. and call a
Xi, 413. Maiket street above Elevemh, north -ide.
rjl have U..I.I and Silver Levers still chesper
thsn the aboie prices. A UU-rsI discount to the
trade. 3m361
Carefully htpaired,at the shorlest Notice.
fPHE subscriber de-ires to inform the
citizens of Lewisburg and the public
in general ihat he carries on the Watch
Making Business in the shop formerly oc
cupied by C.J. Ilousel, where he is prepared
to execute all kinds of work in hia line ol
business with promptness and on the most
reasonable terms, and by strict attention
to his business expects a liberal share of
patronage. He has constantly ou hand an
assortment of
WATCHES Patent Lver, English,
and French.
JEWELRY Gold Watch cha ns and
Guards, Pencils Pens. Breastpin,Kirrinai,
Fingerrin, Silver SisKciacles, Lockets,
Spoons, I hiiiihles, die.
Which he is determined to sell low.
LewisUr-j. Xov. 13, 147
Fever and ffjitc
iiy uot.4.u' iomj JiiXTrm:
111 A P great national ol.i isvorite and sterling
remedy nf llif.Hrfct Ysaas' -rssni.au is
atlll uliSpprttst tie.i in Ita SVi.nileillll auci cs, sin'
s,li-iy iu I lie ru.e uf II l- wrelehe.l r. mplsint !
If v.iu wuuld tacs.r tt.e arM-nii-ul poiaiiousj
cnuiil, ilct.s, tsse ui a tu tie liuiii snv one iliat is
not guardid tU. written signature of ibe o in
itial nieni.' sn.l i r piui..r Joh R.Kawssu.un
s paper Ishet cr.ni-ii'g li e m uth n I cork.
'I his reuiedy has nrer been Lulslered up b
tslie snd deceittu: pulF, but bus ann it- wa io tbr
esufi ieure ami umtersil ad 4i. u of the inhabit
oil of feer end Ague dn-tricts, av it fcuui
wosks ami r s i its alu s ,io whieh sll the sxem.
lud every person who liste uae.1 it will ttstify.
Prtiprieti.r's Oflicf. 143, Arch St. Philud'u
Aoi-vts: C V Sek fll J'l.oin on Sl Bsker.
RM Buwea, Leu itburg ; A Keensiler, Williso.
Crowse. Sjrlinsgrox; Baaler 4. App, Sweet Hope.
O 8 Backhnus. I'lulip HllbUh, M'Kee's I alls
fpHE subscribers, thankful for ps.st patrn
J nage, would lulurm ihe public that lhe
i-otilinue to manufneture ail kinds of
Cast Water W heels of lhe
exiting Machines.
One and Two Horse
vte invite particular attention to a new
nrtii- Wiaril'i, PalfDt C3.C FLCfCnS, lor
a-. '
rruin? in brain, farmers by this plougt.
can seed in as much grain, in one day, n
in tnree onys with common ploughs
and Fitting i he same. HOLLOW W'ARK.
Kettles and Pols of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons nnd Stands cast Tea Kettles ic
suit cooking stoves.
ihe most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
Fancy.Parlor, Wood.Coal Stoves.
Race Seir-reenlatlna- Alr.fiarht
Parlor Woh1 Stoves, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
of machinery repaired ia the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of the beat material, and at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 1)209
f angrnhfiiii'M uaui ckkeotvpe
EsTA b LIS H M E. T, Eicnase. lhird
story, Philadelphia.
I he Hon. Hisav Ctaw viaiuns- this Ertah.
lishinenl for the purpose of hsving a liaguerreoty pe
taken.rx pressed flattering opinions on this favorite
plare or the beauty and fashion of Philadelphia,
snd vsst nuuitwrs of slrsnrers resort lo it to urocore
resny good ifsgoerrrolype. The proprietor will
mske eery e.criion lo exioml the long rslshliabrd
rsme ol this well known rs'aMislimrnt. Fsiuilj
groupes. groupes of ehilJien and ainule unrtrsiu
oi an sisea are execute! equally well rJU 1 1 v
VBIMIT m awak.aaa 7
ncilLl tirUDITIUlSLT
( ,? Bey nd Sett of H.mess,
Two Horse Wason.
r r in '
iit: j rucK VrgOB,
For sale by
H P Shelter
noOD C1DKR VINEGAR for sale b,
U Jone I REBEft tVDluu
"An ounce of Prevention wont
a pound of Cure," iu
that awful diitat,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on tr Tftrver.
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburs
by S. F. Lyndall J- Houghtou snd it
this office. Price. 75 cents.
lav EvssB Ksad tsia t'saarcii.v. IWi a,
irapil"a lor ami" io di!T-fe.t wwia uia-a S p
TnwiwM"-''" Sarsaoril!a. It la a.lrtt aa tr OtMii.
AI l.fcM'INfc. aiai all nl. T il- lH anioafca
aial Of it aa ; bul a l..rnir: aorHtrail ntrski,
L ..awl '.he line ja tir a.m-i ilia utla ol tSwar at u
ouriae of varum rnAr. r "Sat ha KiwC H- -aja -fc,
L. .tt.u1il io mt lirnl 'chmjia. aitd practiced fsrtftaai
rarier and vcrarttv ol tha nos. I n,
iail ru-ver matl. tD'xa! vtiirRmet, of Bu;.
aril or "I ma- " I"" W,M m " " ""nasi aau iracft.
(ui in all Ihrir ilallr.:a an1 imcrcj.-e ailf. th-r tmn,
men ' He applied u one S-iei riapp u aar his ia mil.
ulMiarin' liw uimiire. sil.. 'li laree .iina ha wj
' t unaa-intlit lo emuarS lu iha buaueaa. Ta,
hae Leva irnulun sirl lio-.ln. ma is all
funna. in onWr u, mi.reaa U.e public art. las lawn
K. tuA ls-rbr's S-irvaiianll nn ibe en,. K-.f,
it. Tliu. S. P. Tnwnaei"! I hav. ai.ia iftr vm ,.f a.
name lor Si a sreeS I arm r" " " " pro
T.... .i..le i-.lilary pruJl ot tuia. Ml, luumeiu, m
Tho.npo. SKiliuiao Co.. ar. aohlW b.
faiwhoX-impla nia.te to .'eT'iva tha uab .;. aa
ha truth .U.n IO n.-..rJ lo hia sauna. ,raul.V a-a.
nound Till' i io r...iii.i the uuu.ic I
(M.I Pr JArOBTowoaen.rS.raanlu
Old D.t"r' IlkTaraa. hi,
SiesMureaTn-atll'oatol Aima.
Vrntijua Cff.it, tdi-aara lrfA
T C-.m
Old Dr. Jacob To.Ynsend,
niF. oniotN AL msirovr.REa of the
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
hJeT. known . th- 1 VTUI'K : UlSCO fERSM
latTsi.risE nieimsAL -roi-.v..vj
A i.V.tP AHII.1.1" Ii Hi-' l-aw.S "aa sj
h,mt ita nwuuui'Hn-. t)T whi-1 rvan. It hat baea a-s
i ol market, ami Hi" aie. i.ruire. iu ino . m
: hid pro 1 il- w.h. an.) kn -n m b s- rears-
i uTa ear -X man', invert!-.-. l'?
' la-en healeH ol -ore .!i-e-o. .ei m daaJi,
lis wnnr-n
ThN.r.RA! AND -tLLKU rRh PAR Tl-
rrnnii!ac:Tirtf1 iatti ir si -ralr. ao-1 1 e!iJ ;h.
uiuitie aoJ brvt'.h ! ie 'vul. 4.1 k
luiittd l.icat.ab.e t : ts-scer r ii-n r t'e'erfon n.
UiVik- -ouua S p T i'-rv!V rt !mtn.- m.
nd nevar rluiucs on- i i'r-r ; brrjtud li : J
on fi'-ririr priisripl' -y a T-in"k WMif.. "Pie b;- u
karmltilK ol ih-iur try. aifi tiif Ireert iic'i.M oi ti
art. hvr ! ir-!t iir stiLiit i v" reijui-i-i.vf! i.i 'he eiiaav
tur ol liw Old lr'j S- -jiwnila. Tn ro.,.
tt m well kttw'i tt nwiirai nw-i.. rotitaiie u.a.iy BM'icLii
pr-trw-riiv-, nJ pt''U r ir wti;.l nn iuit wr ui,
auH cxhpm. whitrh if rs-'ainr-i pftparnn u tor , ;jt
dure ermntH'tm ul rwf, whirh w injur u io Hi
tent. S-mr ' 'li K-fs-rMr: .l Sersrtpani.a ar y, -.
that xhty entirr v:li-f!r m.. nre ::. i-. prs-.nA,
M llW are IW. Hv-vfVis.i sU t'rtt-Jir yrcrsH. K'rn K
It Ut ihve tjxperiet.or'.i in i niiulu cu.e X-rwer,
tri? -al prtnciy ri, w:tirh f:I tn T-jt.r.Or Ma fx
h-t U 4 1. hi. imt!:r hrn. r u.e -rr wm'vmI metit'o.
rri ni ihf TV. win h 'it tt il s 11
An i-j-r-wi. r;m tt--i- r iftr n..i in' I." (r dart
f. orJ UtMi't. wl.ich it in-'.- tt.n tha i ini-ar ia
the rotri Uian Iroiu J.-Tilun-.- .' . ilt- cm liifh trmri Uua
i..,.mi. ur -Jtci.t irutl. wr-Mi rh nwtart 4
Ihrncaii H -i.lSAr!ill I- r."l'RAC T c ?k RtP
Thi- l -a pratircil Ui a' tttv linen prorniosi of
5.triawrilt pun are Urn w r,.if 1. e r thm CH..
beCMiiiit; arirl trntri.l-.:-n f ti .vri ; ii rrjc4 ;
Ul,ntert panic. niw'ical -uru v aocur-i mapaa
n.!conrri.irau:1 mmi; --ha- u w io.il Lnr;-u
nt am oi us fcj.mic asiti beiiin Diuuiuaa. P
iiaraJ In ihla a. II la Hia.;. .'ia 1.. M'O' H.
Cure of innnmrrablr Dlwa.,,.
ITerte tha rva-ai wi, we i.ear eouiTwl'au V ac e'f
aide in It laor be men. intfc. aad can- rmu. y.m -
dinner w-.n-Kr i-t cuit n!
VOs-L, Mf TI'i. f 1PEPSIA.
vn wi.:.v. i o7ii;(- i n tasii
ocs i:ni i'Vlos. pimples, ULOfjuh.
sixtall a"rc'i..n, irii.ic Ir.wn
iMrciii i y ok niF. n.t.on
Il anaamaea a rnarvei'oii, eT:.--v f. a:l r .-!-.j'a a.-,
ns Imn ' ',tn- 'r"'" Aculty of' lAe 2t.nufh.
iciiual circuUtirtii, .ieter.imia'iu f b. xai na beat,
ilinutioa "i ibe heaii. e....! it- a-i I aaraX oi.J rt. a sal
.,.( vl! 'Wr a .-r:l.u In
hn tWhci oTr-r lh i0. I- nas tvk iraqiM. n.
CvuftiM ; an! promt-.. rur oraio mu: ' P
fMt..n.Mi. reUimi;Liiv;.ua o. :Uv ;m't. u-r- '7
o her jart. .
Bui in niHhinc t it Tr.tri-v Titw mat!il..y
ackuowisietd tiin m li iT..t - i
KfcC.NULK i:uVrLAi 1
l wni-k) w hiJ.tj m C .-- -I ' tnr" -4 J"S
F,.rins of 'he "u.'T.i. -W. Xvvfrt J.
M'HttsM.'irrrfuia.irvm v f. t i..: i o
a.t i fitectu l in emum a the -orow i Kw I
B rrniovn.; obtru-ii-'. an-1 rcjnu:i 7r j
av.iem. K ?. ton rieui,tli w tha wlw.a t.y.
Ihuacure' alt (nnrw .....
NcrTuu .Oi.i Drtiillfy.
fclMM Spsl trvi-xn. .w -fsa.. .st V
It cur- ine WshJ. rxiiui he ii;r :
loot-- tlt auwcH.aB-l n-- .!u-n-n.
King ti--i vaiuiih mu r.r m. o Use Duuy, auu
ir.ieiw.Ma pmfraii"t.: r-' rvit-r atul r.rVr-aa.ia
mrt-riiil oist.iruiKn. -n.d in tft.jiei ihe euara iwca-tra
'Tm. n thin rhn
The MrHslna yn prr-inlnii?-Du
rn an ol th--- V .-i i P T-iftwwa
mi:i.r arficte T T- v..m x m-.i' a.iuiJis
OOMPAIttll- Wl l'il THE OLD Drt
hrrauw Af m.. .R r r.( T. ihit tit una t lNCATA
OLE (H lETtRIOR 41 HN. -
whUa the oth THr!S- tourinz. f?wtntmr. trf i'iV
thtt hoitlet rofiiaiiim; m irainriiL' : "h wtr. aa
liquid xpktllii4.arKl a'-ininij -jthtt go.!-! U't wtfua
imhle fitmpiiuml le .ian-iu in irt afm? irvn'
put meid intoa yftmt atrraelv ditto mnthmrtJJ Wai
eaM KjTsa(jri but a.-iHT lwna( aiT tyvm
(rtci noun in our nHrhsi. what mirhir n prlnce. T
ilatn'iicr. kar.buni, w:t.ntin tu the heart. lifer c
C.ior. r)iarrbpa. rtunt-r. rnlir. anl rfTttiti.eii f
'aJ7 W h-n n Sninla littt an inl hum u u. Nrv I
Wh prohrrr all 'Ur luinnf whrrh Iwin - on Fntp:'
lh Skin. Sf.it. I ril. Ktiit Ktrt-uru, L'rvtftr. Wtlt
Swplliik-!. Frr S.rt-f, atl all ulitrie.-t ic'r-nTjr ".a-i a
trrnal 1 It ia rnnhii.t ntrrtrr hravn hm an rl fu-ataBO.
which aotrrw. ami t(iiin VI th ftnfU oi th hts-.m-f
or lvi. Wlwl raHaFJ KIiiiiriaiiTii bnt a ur ant WM
UtiiH whirh iittvniiarra itlt teiwrctr, iL Kmt anl vU
wbrrr. irritain aial inrUaiuiitat tie- ftelu-ttc iisuaa n
whKh il acta ? S il nennw rii. at imivinc ;f
Mo.n1. of iWran-rH cirrul-vtMn, simI ncarlv ail ihe n.nmssSM
whtrh afflict bumatt natnrv.
Now whin hornbi i uakc and eTI. and :nfti
rvrr tn tTe thtt
Ri.Nti, rKKMi NTtNc. Ann oMPoP or
s. r. Tim'NSRn.
in! vet W would iM. 1M. H .km . rwvri ihji Oil 1 3n
3oh T'wirn'i"" Or in Diiprsuii SartisMpuriL'a, u sin IX
ITATION ol hw ittN-Tnir pri-rat.-t
Heaven rUHl iImi wr -hMiM 4e-.il in an arti wh
aroitld hrar ihe mm di-mut ncrtubiance io Sk T- 1 -
aenara article t
We Wlih ft umle-l-arrthkl. rfrn it W (Ke etM-Jm'e r'.
that S. P Twniriir amne ami nWI lv. Jrnb T .wrtV
Saraaparilla re knrm arase tjuart, ad rmfinur, arat"
Wat; thai ihe? are unlike in ever? particular, tiavinf n
wmm Ptnvir mm: in n'mrmin.
A S. P. Tiwiwiril t n rfnrfor. arvf nmt . ' i
ahmit. no harmaHlHi krtana iTHr of oahrt-s
a'revjitac than an whr cinri.n. mMit:irie. tmi'tWe al
tan, what 4Ts.rrm- ran ihe pMie ree thai thev arr r
ccivhu; a rri.tnivr crntifn- tntltrus.eonLinri? ii
itie-i i iha aniele iH m prepannc it. atnf whifh i "
P'liif ol cb-tiur.-i whirh nit;hi mkr tharathe AGENTS
of !h-ieaaF ni-te aH of health )
But what ele etwulil he efaeetrj frm vt wx In.-
nothinr rompa rati vel ol im-lktri or .Itraiw1 If ri. "J
prraon ot mme i)rrieret i rt an.1 frv uneeeo
tHnrnon fhrem mvl, iiw mirh ww itrrtnmu'. n
ihm the penHrr wh- rt.-mti'icittr me.?irn e Mfr")
ahould know well the rm:lit-.1 pntaU pUo. (h
mannr of w-eitritr' ami fnveiitrnii thatir halMf ir-na
fo an extrniTj krrwlei:rr of the mnt diaa whi'
fleet the hnmat. aratem, and hoar le adapt rcfDadita b
Ifaeaw rhe
It ia t aire fraoda aton ihe nn fortunate, to poor
into woaniled bunaitT, u kin-lrr hop ut iha drsvpairiw
vaktaisan ta Maatetaaas Isaa altk ran. I Klian. anrl Virot IrV ; 5
enrthetl and hrnken. anl to hinteh inflrmitv that Ol P l
portunirv and mraue to hrtnc hia
Oram Untvra.l f Meontrtl Ramfr
ear I i st ikaa Msa.K stmul la. ih k sclWlswttt' nf all WhO OetXl tt
that thay may learn anl knnw. H joyful e ren rvra, ita.. i
i raaacaanaai rwr
Acrxr for Ihe above Mediru.r C W
SchhfUf, Lewisburi: : John H Rier, -M.'-
ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, NorthiimbIand
GENTLKaMKN S Fancy Goofe, Vrr
ings, Cloih., Cussimerefi. and furri-
mer Good in roe rnl, a!
t K. Bo. Cheap Srcrr
! 4