ASONAiJL!-: ( ' . - . ft A I" .-i.'r-: -. j '"-3B rArrv Lit i 111 iik j-f u f t 1. .. i . , .t.., . 1 1 . ... . r r nn Mi M , . -'i - ..ii ve i. j.. . i tf l- ''l s I, ..)nM lti k it 4 . c . I Si 1 1 II. i . l 1 1 ! i j i i i i I , 7f 'Til 1 -3 ' t-.k-: i., a:) I :he v, in:. 111'!"" lllivs, HI t5 1 3 Q I :. 1'ir.r i r in r.ct.i ru.i-iv- ., '! V." i N T K I! i '-i .'v, imI i:i ti IT cmiir.iu t t! f.-r Q .1, & 1 II o r-k , i - f f 1 A i U V f'iiL, .naw,.;. !. . .'.,.!. I'.. .; -. .V . ,.c. !. !e or. i:.c s . r n d m.i" . : i r i i ti i in- f' Fuly C 1 s -7- t lUt 1i II 4 1 o. it i i f..i 1 it i s: Mt..iini1 w to rv. n:i i i t, i ; .. vs ! ' . 1 . ii. . . l A ) ! .:!i.h." ::iv i'.e a :!crn sir 'ire, si. 1 ! iii wl.'ii tir IT r il iii Mir uiia! 1 ."..1. .fKi.iiing ii.-iiii lur 'a.-!i, S'r-iJue r 'i-v -u- an hnjip (i ifT-t n roMt-nu-vi re of tl.c very lil ; ra'. u'r.ri.itK licrcii.- 'ui- i ' l:J' d II. Ui. J. A: J. WALLS. 'k'-N;v. Vt. 10. 1 8 J'J 1 -ii-n v i.-m i.i. c ti. 1. r cu: ! . f "-" M 1 :',. 1 . , ., 1 ! r--. n .i J I.. i'.r.Mio Sj't- ui :';;..,. ....... c .V(, ;...., ..V ' 'l!'-'',""" ;! ''''' ' v ,." ... , , , .j j ' '',..,,..',, ' !' 1 "' ) Ul' "IV, i lii-if 1 1 in' 11 !--.. I: 1 -' 1 " ' , ..,.,!:., u ' . . - - Miiti. 1 ! : II- r: 11:1' . .in-'- i-i-'- 1 ''' 1 ' ' ' 1 : ' 1 la ca..M- I. ..-ii I.- if t: ' ! ! ' ; 1 , . ' ... , ; . :, uuv ! "' - . "1. :,..:.! ! , .j. :' '1 "'' - LI ' 1 ' :- " 1 ' ' - .... i-'-y,, -i,"'', .A'-. I lie p-.-,ri .!...! th,- 1 ,. i.i ': I il.i- ...': t V 11'' i ).-. i ; 1 i,,i. 1 (.'.-..-!' 1 1 '' ' . ' i J J 1; , 1..... ;..,.:' t t ,;,.,,!.,. i :,.Mi.. , .. .;: t:,,.., . t,-j(1,. ,-ui-w ..i ! '': '' '-- ' ' .'"?. :- " H i ., f . . . , i I- IS; It T-- Ii. .! I.-. v J 1 x . t ry ,jf l-li-i.w-.l I V 1,,l. .v.r.l I , I. M. ! 1 ' M ! I-.r, III- I - 1 I"''. " ' ' ' . 1 ' . .. t- r. . I - I i v . . U- . I :i i, i (-1 .ti i. ' ' M i ll. -.m i;,f i . .j . . ... . j I.. ... -. 'HI.! Ii nr u.j i . .. . ; . i I v' I - A .r . I ir :i i. i ii- ki i r. j .j- i f. . . . ,t ,. . . r- ' ... -i i i. ...... i r i :. ., i .i it . ' ' l.'f. !.-.. r ... ....i...r..'. st( ..(. ',,,1 """?, v. , ! V. i . i . I. i. !. . ; i, :. -.-, A i i. ...i.!. a- .. I l',.t t ti liif'l f u. j . . , , . ... '. I. 1 d u : i:; i. i ; -a t. ! I. m l!n. mlm - ' i -. i . i. i. .ii i, i f i ; C" I : i i.u f j! sfi 'I . 4 HCfinv C uio:ai . , . - I J . I t t w v w . I I . .L- i i roi.H . ii t;: v'v ri.nuY. , illi ih i: iii.-.i;ip j III i I,:'.- 1) f . f..i o. c.ji.r--i v J loin's of W'llliiiiii ail'f nt f C'h!,tii. I.i ii i 5 !u:J '". I in -I frri-.J 'U'IVHM. rinii i! ifl, Ml ...:.::: ! n 1 1 !Tn, .III k b:rt .! i i- . i, r h iir-' li'ri n i II" ll.l'KI- Ml I " M. iii;s. ta!iiiice of 1 1 if ir-i ( i i ii 'im -t-r. (I. ISiWi" tu ronn'-rnro nf 10 i.V'v!; u n ( nils win be ti'in'e ktii kti- I I..). 1 i L'isburi;, A Jo, ISi'.l i 'i i !i. ii rtlior. tatj rr j.nnl m ; l -fl:J ll. t'l.' Ii.lll.fll-il, .1 ') ! . lh uunAr,i-r , li . I iLe I.ii-:.tuii t. k" Ii li:(- .t i-f. I l! I t.'. Tk. !. . T-. ' l'f ll ljlr Il in J !' I. rll ...... 1. 31 ii I.M flic c-lll.l. vl i'.i. l' 11 ktk. 1 .v ;n .i . ( IMsUXf Ci.c i; er ti.?r. Tver. . '.e i'irr in swim uc tinn: htii'k.1- i,v : a n,' m ..I . ,.-;..:.., i.i :.'.. Hi II i V K . 1 l-.x ' II-" " bl -... l.-t. ff....,liuu ... Hj.- a-ti.t ii i ( dec'..- ' ' ' 'tl ''"'' '" ,i" ' , , , tf. f.-io' kv:n v-iv r."". i.i'i! I!". II II a l.-.v J the pr. ii: in p. ii- niiii i-l.f ! in i( ii:,,: i-trtl1C:i s limn I j-.M'!-.'! ! r--w''' '"- v "WMJV -'4,i.i ii,! ; Iwilr kiilniw. ami i..r f j tttll. Liri.i:il..IIy l:.I,r.iv. Jill. li. I. ll . I.n-..ll : u. . lli.- ii:i:v. ' n l.itI.I a l . ; !l. -h m.i tit lOll SALK Th.. ...m, J' in'ir.e in tii.; !5 .roui 3 V 5 t T.itie jilei.sure in i:. funning the pul.Iic, that tl.ey have rccentlv ire, ivf'j tliO Largest, ? r(sti;itiii: A .finrrl nf GOOD 3 f T 'uTi-r'.) lhii ronmnniiy Tiif s-itisfm'tiiui here i .i.irt; ri u Ji nd l :iu !.u.J, it i r .;un ii is a sullicit i.t guarauUe fcr their future r If rs In, I... i vlnirtf. .tu noil 1 1 ;!. Hii.-rsc-.;-.., ,,: S . A ;!:.: ..M I-curih v'revis. 'I h.- is a ti slury frariif1, ni, a iwiv Irnu.o I. . ii nr.d (.!! r incv-siry u'lmil 'in-js '1 i l.itni ti.iiiriSHs 6 Xrrr mi. I GO 'ri li.-.. Ml! ill H IiitJi sist,. of ruiiinil i.ii. Tiirn ntf H varifiy of rluiii-c I'miii Tin's i ll the i ac( i iifvur-fiiJui will ,i" n-ji. r. It is o! s'ua'f J fur i-iijl c tiusiiit -s of Hliy killll ,.J llld , (.IJ ijK.ft a Mll.ili fdin ly, or can Le laid into vi'l.-ij. !nts. JOHN .i:i.llKii. Ltwitirg, Oct. 6. IS 43 I In i-i.tit ii.-iitii 1 J finiu I),.- I. vfr . I' ll;. j i!;e ir. M'i... ni . ; 1',.! any rc i.t, . inil As we tuivi; iiiniio ar r.vcp,T rn' -ll I: at ill.' pil-l' f. i (I I- Ill-' til M l. I I.'.! V I 't.n ;H IIIC vf tr; II Oil .I Ill HEMPiY ATTG.EY AT LAV.', ll.iLi..-ll li.tli ( f'lHI.ul. l.lkl j J U L nil Sc-iiik! S ., lu.'fU I!. 'lirisi, E. 1-1J :cu;iii'J j ..I Lr Oil I., sh ti ' t : it ChflT.!-: ill b .Xoi fuie the C (U ir its, it ii'ir In thf Mm !i llllf ii- z ti -:i Ii. I s ..i.iHffi.I ilTioiv im num. spurious ttn nations. An i:s mi-,-.-s-'if(.M:il .:,r. , f I1 ,ts jiurilv, t in min li caie cn tit ;l lif c-fil it, irn-nrinj ii oi.m IfK Lvery luifle liiim.i; mi n nur writii'ii iign.ituif, nav In- tV. i ,!i-J nn as $""''!. I'iiini kli ts criniinini; an mini t' tin Oil, vih rn.l-ivs i it Iron, t lit.- M -.)i,al I A.tiI h'Iv ; f r i . ii zf?. i 7 ' 's-- I i.. i nn ..a.- I i ll ui.oiiiu'i's y?ws r i i.; rurou.M ! i;,!tl ;;. is ,"!! r:r! lUr? V"!i a lime and -i.ienji : O-ACCO tj.iuinnlJ ' ""liy utcui-iej by if nut Iia b-i-n sWetiti aiih m.ii k'ai' n.'.ii roii i 4 i, i. 2;;;il s- l in. ,.m Smwn. Pnmwi, r-. i, M.imrV J!.,.,!.,. tartriju, Gcmi.! la;..r. Ii:i,-.i,i h. ii! f,,,,.,,,,,,,. in.-., I :i. i. Ui l:r,.... I. i., ... li.. . i " fc lUg I gf To!;Cfo Cu and Of. i mi' tire rfl at 1 1' 7fi?r .t ill mid .'i'(i'', ih'i,yir Iftun -ir.'.', f' r.I I. nf. I'u n;tom;ii tn rniiTi' I 'l H'l-M' sl.: lt I-i j . !n- 'ij; i !bi-H !,' rt-. pit - lli- ir .' !, wo'ilj t o scpi'i ii, ni:rj iinl.-ffl iopn-.ili!p ; f l.:iMMii ii.ii,J lo iu!! nnJ j'nlj.P fur tin mx Ivrs, Lt lure I ibur. O. t J. HAYES St, CO. I5 s -5 k. O LV. 7 n$7B53 iW STORE, LEWISIVUKG, PA. jui'.ilii" nrr n-s.f"-i'uMv inf..r:r.t.'J th a JOHN l'OIlS riCIl has rect-iveJ, and iT.-is lor a'.f a wrv THE l doa stock (if Fall ar.d Winter good: Utler nearly tu'v. aiiilid''j- H f.ntsW.! : Tn.-rc is. alo a T -natit 1 lot r, and all thi' rut-bii!'.iit)j;s nppt rlainin,; lo a f-irtii also an Orchard ni;h a variety of orj Fruit. The above Farm is oricied in wholt? or in pait to sut purrhasfr, nnl a portion of JOHN C BAKER A- CO . Wholesale IlrnmrisiM hi.i) ( In mwio, IjCSi 1(0 Nortli Third .st riiiluiMplia m SALE-SI ti L'A I in k.-llk i..u.. l-..:... O county, I'a., 41 fr.mi L-viisb-in; J,i"r"' llf n to tbo-e ho aJJiebs (inn seat of the new lTlilver,tv.1 "ll... -.,.. u" lr,e eotitains 235 acres, of which 100 acres are cleared nai in a good state ol rulliatmn. A lurm proportion in Limentone land. As ni.'tva nater and meadow, the larm his rare ad vantages, there being on it t.eieiai never failing spririus. and a stream runnipg thr..' id cenli r hfl".. riling facilities bvVvlnch sloek eta be watered in every field. , pood sea.on, 40 lo 50 tout can be cut from the mendow InnJ. The lluuye ar.d . New CopartniTship ! Cijaiv H .i, , ........... 'i.. ... A,.. ..lit. il,a n.l.l r T-.l-I.l.T l.llli. ni ' l l Hl'; k.' ... I 1 I, ... .... ...... I :-.:., mi-'i ..... Ull'll ll'll lit lllll I.I I t , 1 , r , 'hi .l , . . r i f t!n jiurchase inoiiev nrnv remaia srrured SiH-r nf to-.fli. i ol u.unll broUt;i.l lo the counm. An examination of the stock i . , " " ts r; iuvi td Among niy stock is a lare variety o( j tiy I lie premises H'M. II.'ing f'.mimerp, Satinetls, Vetink.'s, Twi-ed ('luilw for S.ickg and Oercosts, Keiito.-fcv J.nm, Tivkiiins, Caniwii and other Flannels, Tl.!e Dn.jier. M-islins, 500 (hi res (' ilieof-s, (Iin;hitiiis. M.ius de Lnines. Cashmeres, M rin., A!pae.-a, Silns, i. n en, t'uii brie, Silk and (.Vton II imlkerchiefs, Sh.iwls, Triiiniiing, ic ice. Ladies' shoes, Men's and Hoys' boot., etc. ( LOTH .J.YD GU1ZEU cJpS. (tiVit-f- the lu st air! moM varied assortnicnt and also Cedar-ware, etc. etc. "TO U IIOLIOSALK buyers, gre;t itiducements are offt-red, l. k i.briai lij.tlt llllm will be lli.lde New yash torc. Lewis'.nr, Ojiolr 2. 1 S 19 BV. r HOBEIU !VI, ofthp es'atp of L'euh Silfdy, dee'd. Kelly, Tninn Co., Si-pi. 2. 18-19 -iwesie9 Hardware0; IJ.,. jT- NEW STQllE. i; THE FLEDGEF.ENEWED ! ire linliii'action t i' 4 Fall anfl tvinlcr 'THE subserilier has jut reecived his J fork of . FALL AND WINTER. 'I HK subscnliers have associated under J the Firm of S. & J. WOLFE, for the of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General Commission and Forwarding business l.iU-'ial advaneps will be made on all ki ids of Cnuutry lVirliiee. I'lace of hus'tiess, new WarehousL- on iho Wharf a camiiiuanc of tun mar. iZZ? and CAKKET AVING en't reii into a l-artuershin. ;ho subscribers w.iuM inUinu ilii-ir o il patrons and the pu' lie in ft.-ii. nl, i,nt may lie fuunJ ai D li.nter'a olj st.inj nn Fir-t aoeet near tlte Academy, wh.irc v cany on the aiitivi- husiirt-sn In bil ita vaiii-iti-s. Frtficy ami Connnoii Chair, f! is'.n, Rx-king Chairs kSetie.-s. various kinds Bureaus, Tables, Bed-slcads, &.c. on hand or made to order. COFFINS ready made or fjrmslied on short n.i'ice. We have also a suitable IIliAUSli iu rea diness for Funeral. Tf'Ki) g. a. We have a Turning Lnthn propelled by bore powervhieh enables us to turn woiai of any size, an-l op to il feel in length. HOUSE AND MUX i'. al-f) he aitrmli'tl to tiy th.' anliscribetf on ttie atiiiit. t ntittce and in ilm Lt'M al!e. Cc"AII work in our line rtnirtl to be well idjiIo, and on the most reasonable trrina. Itcmoilit. iJ:?I5illas:'. We wuultl alao anuiutir'e liil e nave proper M irtiinery ttir rem mini; 'UuiIiIiiiqh, of any siz. fiom Uan to Bierat.e.-a .f ei-rt-ssary. Country produce and Lumher taken it, payoitiil an.l Cash ai.U Guld i!u.-t uX ri-fusi-J. 'I'hiil.fiil for pant favorj, we repctfii!;y a-.k ii rvius jDist'ae, Dr. Tr.tsi.'. M : Oil: Intent' is o1' im;i.'.nse vn'-as-. , uid in It J fuses out ol 100. : will hiiorri ' imre r.-'ii-l lo lb- worii (, of .. iv..u- ' Ilea lirhe in 3 I minutes. Fur s.iIm, wholesale and r-'.ii!, by Dr Thornton ft Biler, L' i'int --so'.i ;,. by J. II R iser, and t.v i-tif tiSfiil ui every village in the Siale. Price. ' ana :iM rt-t per h .tt'e. Lumber! Luaiber!! i'-.i fine I nt. Sf0?kl(l? 3ruli.-i.a'tr. 0k r tl" IT ii .(.f.e Ht.ij Sro't h. .nun Il .ti s. ln-rman I i ai.J a f r i i iu.ii ra-e.-i II ,,f h h .... me luAe-t rat.-.. All g.( eTl-h.u;ie. Call i .,.,1 rl kit i III- O.Ti?lr j ht l IVwhice lakea in bfe. alirl I...I .a ( .. 1 tl.jte oi.Jin,i.i,,(; r,,, gri, I, A. J. I'ENXT, Jii:..;V 1LKK.V, 1 '"'?. Ap i! 21. tin I.,. U'Jsa It- :t r: i. U v. .-1 ka u ? T r.ViXG ',..i.;.i ...1 i.;i I I Mr'C. A. Vi lli, the "su'.s i ln rs c ii resjieolfufy llil iilll th' M Z. lis in 1 l.t'i i:juri ar.l its v t : : i j : v l:-.i: l.'. m..Ii n-p i-onstaniiy on Inn i .1 lure .ti-d ki o elected assorin.i nt .-I iV. il, Drills Mi'ilicines, Paint, ().1, Dvestnlf, ivhiMiiie d.s, (il iss, T'itiMe:iI Mt'dicinf s, Tfm seere,s of Or Trmk', M.pneo. ((( ; Oitrn.-nt in rurine Sore Evev, i, proveih- I i I. il.ose who are nn! arn-:ain:ed with I i's- use. vt i;I fin,! t,,t PM,-K . i 1 . WVJ1 w I'uii.jMJiiri, niin 'i.i; j rci eon' it ioi a. subscribtT coniintii'S tokpena cor.d ; MocU of luiiiber, Ci'lislsi'tii; nt i'O IKKI j b et of sawed lumber as !o'"fuv : White pine boards i ineh. plank 1) inch ai.d i inch, weather b.-uids, j asT.oV s.;.ti..j. iar bo.irds, pUitik, and scaiulnij, cherry ( OM'IX I JOVJ U V, 'Mil l 1 CRV ni'l a u'lt'Til a-s .lUi.ei.t of .1 7V 1" MEIjJCJNES a!so a va-i- !v o! ar i -les 1 sually k.-pi in iliiit! simes ill ol which 'liev are Tii terniiii. J to sp:l lo u-uaiiv In. Person's wi-hn i; to pri-eur Mediwieo. ar" j I ii lii-uiurl V ink t.-.l I-, uivh H i hi a call 1 hi l'.re ptif. haskiik! e'sj v. here. Pait -ular ii 'i U'i iu will !e :i 1 to i.ultil up I'bjsi e.uii's tire.-ciipt.t ns. iii. II. Me Ileal a lvire ivon at llie Store froe of charge, bv I 'r T' nroo. ...... . :. T .. : i i j .1,-11. ii. L.r is urk;, i m rn:k,n & Pi ah r link, and Iiomi.Is, snwed . eiuiii' hih.oiue and I.iuiiI.icU rads, shinnluin; laih, anil pn. liuir. Also lap and j-iint shineli s, sfiir liiiiber, nails, sail, and con!. A!fi,f which he ill sell at, fair prices. : .Thomas Nijcir. Lewishurc July II, '' ' immediately below the 1'iiJe, AL:l. w or.rE, Jiixahian uui.fe. I.ewishurg, Ta. Aun. 7, 1819. i I ir.i t r iniiri.fs by 'u!ly Misiaininj'! ,ri, iii-iii tnikiacuikj lh usual taiiety- cil .i.Ji Ic'o llie cusloni-: i-v frees of the j. fa e,?hc sulcr.ber ajjam; 1U1Y HOODS. tiin'-s the c.'iiui.' inly il Itiev lesir n-. h-n; l.'hi ;i Co ..!.- to c.iil Ml li s S ore,! K'tne's ho'el, where they can lindj s !te h s'ock iniw opi'iiinj! ol Drv Goods, C'UX.lilkllvS, HAKDWAUn, QL'KKNSWAPkn. IIATS.CAPS &c&e. t All of which are nlfured cheap for Cash or ; Country Produce. L G. LAWSHE. Lewisburj.'. Sept J8, 181!) Groceries, Hardware, Quccnsware Hats uoois Cl.S, jShoes and most nrription of M r;hndizj adapted to iheir wants, for lie season, at the? tv, sae by l..pi nrirra. Kverv cxeruon mad"! toil fliTF- ih who may favor us with a call ! "?IAX SliKD Oil. pore VI hite L-ad, Ve- J nil iho lied, vt iniinkr, lellow sJhio, J. JJx-0 from the celebrated eiabiihan til of M'CuImont &i Bond, lor 1 U Lawshe AH kinds of Produce taken iu exclnti",e "a we'l as Cash" in pavmenl for limns. SAIS'L S. BARTOW. liewUb'irg. Stvi! !7, 1IM9 ' Dr. R333's Ilekllcines. uliscrils r having l-n appointed Superior Cooking: JSiovts. The uhs:-liler.s have on hand !hei2kE.a AiT-Tlgat Cookiiii Stoe, arraiiiied lur WiHid or Coal. These S'oves superior to anything of the kind ever off red in the country, and will be sold at rcasonabe prices. S oV J. WOLFK. Lewisburp, S. pt 10,1849 200 Siclis ground Alum Salt, 50 do fine do 100 bills. Salina do For sale, wholesale or retail, bv Sept 10 S At J WoKe GROCERIES. The silhscritiers have just rii-'d a lYesh v of COFFEE. SUGAR, MOL ASSES, kV-., wh'rh they will sell at a very stoa'l advance on cost. Sept "HI .S &7. VoIlfl Simaish Brown, Glass, Putty, Ace, by I v lawshe The .,.i.. i r . ii. o . ..i f..j:.....o r.v - " - ..' I 'I I 'I . Ik.'-r s ,'iriin iiiiti., ' j t'iinn eoiintv, oilers tbrm tn ihe nubli.- wtti creat coiifi.lenoe as to their iiB-acy!. snl ce.r'aintv of elTt-'cting eures in all Pasesjj tor w hich they are tles'jjn. d. A single tes' ntiiy is re pered to establish the fei. i S .i 97 S s I'ARTON I 1AS1-Steel. Amer. Blister Steel, Nails. Spikes. Luck. Latches, Minxes and Sciews. A.C. for sa:e b? I Lawshe !C the Trade. A lot i'f Drugs and Uosin mi hand, which the ubsrriber oilers at cost. I G Lawshe Next York Fall and Winter FA SH10NS fur I'S!" rcrived at tlte Fashionable. Tailo I ii itt esiahiishnv'tii, itekl door to ihi V-tO.u e. JOHN B MII.LEU. L"is!,ur;r, Sept 2, 1849 BCST Lird Lamps and Lamp Wick for sale by - l.G Lawshe SOM E Till NC. N Grid, dies for sale by - I li Lawshe 184S$' !' Old Java Coifee for salt! by I G Lawshe Ovi: i:.iiS One. Tw ijev and SU of Harness, - I'wii Horse W J2"n Una Truck Wagon, rV sa't. bv a P Shel'.er 7 111 TH; Wheat Flour, also Rye Flour, Y for sale bv I G Lswslie SHIPS I UFF and Shorts Tor sale by ' ' - I G Lawshe GOUFISH Fresh Mtckcrel Cheese- fjr sale by , . I G Lawsho. rf KlXiS Nails and Spikes,' . Just ree'd and lor sale bv-S-ptlS SktJWr0 MACK lilU'.L No's i and 3. Just ree'd and for ale. Se.l 19 S & J Wolfe DAVIU f;l.TE. AIA HUAVKit. I.ewikhtire, May 1. 1849 6m-65 Important Information.' j IOU I he rl fTi.-nl; p'spirat'Oti and I-eh':l:t;. j a'teiiihn di-i-nsos of I he l.uiia. or Throat and Breast'. TAjim.!. Cvmpvtinii' j L.w!sb'iri.', Wi h Hi, lat'.l. Xijrun of Tar and U o.nt Nuiittin has P. S. lr. Tborn-nn V Buter wonlt heen lound an iuv.iluah e rehndv. liesiiies its power as an Ivvpertornnt to relicve'thi. lung from Ihe aceiiinulated uja'ter w.hich, resul's from the ri'lx.'d st.-i'e nl ih' system, in hot weather, U also acts a a hea'in balm to the ulcerated jarls and a sir:i;j::h e.ner to ihe sy s'em. S saiutarv is Ihe aci- n cf t! e" SvriM ; uirm Mi-re tpt pjivp romnT',ii rnifiP-'. mm 1 - , t... . . . t . ,i, u..e K.r.N.Ei.Tnr.u orKjXf, - r t.1. it.u iimiy t.i.iii iiu iin;. ti.v., in.. ni-ilTiulv fmr-i liiij.u. s at ri-in.-i-1 p-ifca in ilie Aw V.-ik, I hil.iJ-I;rji i Mid II.i'll.lii.iV inailkl. iwl.s-h ih-y.sre-VTii...f t! In i! at i.ri.'ea K.wr liari ever cilcr'eJ hi .i- 4.I.k, at Wli .liwsle auJ K u.l in this resp.-ct, th' msi.v of i.'tir 'i-w s-! . Ir T. ''' wsfrsnL tV, Vtue andM. .licinm .-.ii ii, '" -! .1' ..irft:a.i-.l t tht-ir i3tAli'i.htiii-ii tiaie siid ai-nu- restiectuhle lhsicans errniov n in tie ir .... , . ' . . prxetice,. and we have d ...y o.t i. nc . f , !lt ... r,., tU mlUl aii,i w 9 a ur Fmsiidry T S n-iw carried on as usual, nt the upper JL end of M-'rkef 'r -t. where every des rrip'ion of CASTINGS is kept on h ind or made lo ortkr s'icIi a The Complete, or Comple'r In. proved Cojkins Stoves, for ei'ber Coal or Wood ani all other kinds of STOVES, li.b achata.ud rleuant UrJtr. Il lT ? or E "--l.ii.hid b h. rclnfutri in qaa.lo f.:c. k.ivn on ll also ljiilJU SfiS of iliffv-T- r-nt kinds Corn I loughs, Kill Ploughs, and the Eelf-Sharpeiiinj Flongh, a new artich-, and w hich can not. beUtenf in P.-nnsv Ivanin. Call and see and judge for vouraelves. CIlPklST Ac V.'FADDIN. Ix-wisburg. Se(.t. 2, ISl'J DH. TRAP'S Magnetic Ointment!! U yoiiii man wants to wear a wig We all know ihe value of a oikI head of hair. A young man with a bald bead, is a snrl of walking caricature of his species. Hence the many various attempts lo rem, dy or conceal Ihe deficiency. Hundreds of the youn; men of thiscountry, after try ' ing the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrum for reatoring ihe hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a practice as little conducive to cleanliness, as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical experience.! hat Trask's Maunelic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald heady when all other reniet dies have failed. 1 "" "':! '''" Sold in Lewisburg.wholpsale and' retail, by Thornton & Biker.' Price 2A and 50 cents per boHle. - ci. ' -i TjVrrlann'g Calnmlilaa Ink. .... fur sale by . . , i , . ..iu. m:.,-A ki.W .J. HAYES & CO. "y'T'Xli -m?. Bit AXDltKTll'S PILLS. The Albany Jirgu considersihe Bran dreil. Pills well worthy the confidence of the pjblic That the principle on whieh they cure disease is the same as that of Lerov of Paris and Sw.deaux of Germa ny. That all the variety of diseise pro ceed from, or are nearly allied to disorders of the stomach and bowi l, and that by u.-in those remedies which restore to health these important organs the d'sense will vaoish. The Crnndreth medicines profess to carry ut ''' important prin ciple. We have heard them strongly recommended. The genuine pil! lot sale by J. HAYES; tdl aueni lor lwisuur:. . r Home Industry. - rLIlS. superior TOW YARN J V7V Sept 80 TT ft CJTT never refused nt the ofiW jY'il.kjjl oftheLewisburgKhruiitcK I Black. Blue Red 9 Indelible. This cures eitecieil iu ptiinobnfy wlfre skill h is uner'v t o el. ' - J Prepared ..nlv bv Ani;nK f)ick'sonr. I I.. I'i'ih L .1 s!'i.:"i.. "m ;r.i ' Sold by C n. Sr.Si!,, :JtV.V: V.-Itl.XE CP TUB' SCIKNTIKli; .ME1S ICAX. To Jiivtnturt, Z.:ccha;iUa, and Ariizmit. rJ,HB I'Llili-hrrs of t . Seirniiflt Americaa. in relsrnn.x tlirii thauka to-lhe comitillilliy lor the lilral .uptiort sntLeiirouraititiii-ut which l.aa lifca ejti iii-eil !o theat d .nn llie past tonr jt'iM, wnuld n-spiclluiry Rive ntic(! that (he 'l"t mini !.r ..f VoftiniP 5. il hi- ia-urd on lH I of "- j ti'iiilwr. air.r.itiii; a tavorahle oppoii'ujiny. fur all ui.m ile. who may sh toatail ihi-iitvelves of -he valuntne infnrn.aii m ifiAi f-.uiid iu it-. I'olunuiff. 'J'he new volnme wiil't'e cnminirKil with new type, primed tinnn line p'apr, n an ti la. I u ml ekpre-i, l..r tin. pul.tualimi. snucin rellsnil ai fill Ui' IHIIHIktllkl s ti-rtt.iluio in on lliui DiT'iiiliiig nt llie end k.f the yf at a W autilul I'ook of oi-er 400 pifti-s, rontainin beiwi-en 5 an.l CilO miatnal engravinft of new invri.tioi a. ilt'.-.cribi it by I. Hera ul ri-tt-reitoe, liai-lna a ureal a'nnuni nf rradin; uiulU-t va'uaMk- to evtrj oiau in llie country. An ir.crrssi'd amount i-f rare anJ exs-nne will hestowed nn-.n this vulanii-, lo rendi-r il mure fully what it liaa terined. 'The hi-nt Me chauical I'uper in the Wurld." I la columns a usual will be tilird with the moat irliabK- ami rorrrri iiifonnaiiun in ri gurd 10 I lie progresa of SiinntiSi: and Merhsnical nafirovemcnls. Cheiii sU), AichitHcture, litany. Msnufaciu.ea, .lint Ik . ad inlt lliuence, and llie weekly List of l'at eiitu, prepared expressly fur this Journal St, Ihe Patent Oilire in Wa-binnlii. . As an rvidenre of the mtiination ia whi- h ilii. pubhcatimi U held hy the Scientific aiid".M'r(.'Iian iral portion of ihe community, it is only tier. -aijr la mate, that its rireulatnin bas.ineiiHisi-il wiihin the last three years lo upwards of .10 UU0 copies, already exceeding (he united circnl knl, of all the Mechanical and Soienl itic publicaimua -in this counliy, and Ihe larg-ist of anj siugit one in the wi.ild. . Tr Two dnllar a year in advance, nr if desired one dollar in advance, and the remain der in six oiontha, ' ' To 1'ic as : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 copies. !f 15 ; 20 copies, $23. All letters must be post paid snd direr tctl to MIINN & I'O. Puldinhers ef ihe Scientific American, IS. York. NT B. Patents secured and mecbmical draw ings executed on ihe must reasonable terms' at the Scietiiifie Amerit-Sn office. ' lilsta.sts m. n-v ahull r ri-fiiujed to ih.'in. 77.'-"-- '-i-;r.V r 15... r-. , .i..- A.Sf J -Vk. ..- 1 'I'M on the most rt-.iPimM ur m. TV.iio. iroTi Uif mHniifvtiry r! Cot.nti! Vf.r. rML't-.wli i''nitnrn!fl rt too w?T! kn -." a i. upgJ an ( .n-''jyrii-. havinti rci ie'J :!it" t? iVt'iin ol ts I wMHIUjlV J.--i-qir- Hint rmiip.s- -1 r o(" Mu- . and ihe m.-. j"! of re prt-mimnH iu INev Vurk.t-ntiU-it-lphh nJ lf "ui. Fo' qudlinep ol Tii.tT.tivfct nl k'f iiiic in t.ti.t? u; 10 ctiurt , i rh, t'.n mn ni (. nrj.aeti ' ty cither Aiimt NOTION AuDVARiETY STGHE nAVIXK tak-r. thep.. I) n E-ta:.(i-hmeril ol &c,'wjnc fr Chambtrlin, 1 would rts-m-tlultv BimoLiire tj my triemla and the pulme thst I hne re.Vnishe,f my atuck and will keep on-tai tly o: hind a hiree freh and weil aeleo ti d st.'ik "f pure Uiuir . .Mc'tciiips Ac. which I o.Ter at hole-ale and Keiail. My s'la-k leing entirely new and pur. h .d fur C5h at low rates in the rhiad'a iuarket. I am enabled to sell at lower pra-.-s than ever ulU-red in lina region Drtigs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Patent Med , Glass, Perfumery,Oils, P.iints, Liqt:ors, Fancy Nutinns, Variety Goods, Fruils, an ! Confectiuiitrv, aitli s bre variety of otbrr sititles usually kest ... Ti. 1 .. . k - mi-ins. 1 aunklul lur paal lib oope 10 merit its cwliumnr. 1'ersun wuhini; to piocure Dure i..l fr.k .Meilirine.. are articulaily invited to gi me a nil before purrl,-inir rfsewi ere, as all I.'rLga aie rareluily inapccled Llfi ied for sale snd a'l M ihrin. inunuf .ctured by mysrlf are war-. ented Bond. Having s practical knowledge of llie bu-iiiesa liimi upwards of ten v ears' expert nre, I B .ttrr ir.yin-lf that I am a cooipeuiit judaw of the i-an e. All orders entro-ted lo me will be prompt'? atiet.did to. and my friends may rely upua gets tng of ihe verv l.i-sl quali v ' C. W. feUTH FFLE, DVu'fsiM; U-itsV t. IJ49 the Piano. s he.e'i.fiire R fi o nce mav he mad. tw ai.y "t tiue pa'in' r giiardi ins ho hare ripi- rmiu;lied hi charge. He m:,y lie ien ai his risidenre at M' Mjile's, Mirk el ireer,-.e i burif. where terms ami particulsrs will be made knin. ' 'i'he-milft pAmlr and rav.irite . r and Music i.T ill lie rent kind, reci-in.d as it is issmd Imm thi diir.'istil tuu-ical e..ialh.hinen:s in liie t'iri.'s. " Miv 15 en kl.i " k'ai tsrii cym-- in 1 OLD DR.. asi S. P. lVirXSEXDS compound syrup of Sarsaparilla JUST ree'd frmn th c Dr. a targe and . fresli supply of hi celebrated medicine from the principal Iteiwl- i New York. : Persons wishitii; lo procure Sarsaparilla can have either the old or yuunn Ur's, j;en. nine and fresh, by calliojj on lbs Areut, l,ewisbu.(t.JuneSG. , W Mill AflXL. .. Piints,JOils;Glds. JUST lec'J-White tea Yen: Red! pjisn: Brown. ChieinecGreel'an4j Yellow. Prua: ttlue, Carminr, VeriiHilion FUx). fssk and Sperm Oil, Spls Tdrpenline (ilass fi.-n 7t9 tw to S0i2 Ter, Sbsin sad Pj'h. wbt h ran te had eheoper'tfiirf ever C W ailru'i Drug 10 CM4r6 sy wii'raitk f SjWTaeejr,. .- t ' ' - w asa a I IXH fiesh (irien ami M'nck JL 42 cents a pouri.i ami ubw.'irds,iin;ioi led hy the Cintoii.kV P. kin Tea Cum, any '. Ni-vv.York, pa- keel in pounds, halves ami rjoarters, pcrii.clly aii liaht. ptst rC'-iveii nnr! lor sale y ' J A V K-i U V .-. May 5 . ' fVile Ajent Lit!ure ri'MAN ttl TI, t, hheral piTrona(!e hrtofL,.' rixi iv. d. rest., iTulfv iii oinu his o ii friend, snd lae pji.hc geiu-hilly that be bas removed his tailor Mio I ) the ol his Hock dwelling on Marks sloe:, next ,1. above V. i'em,)'. aaddlery (tats . the ollice uf H V llickok, E) wh. re he hop. lm suit al! who may i;ive bin, tin ir cuslom, ss t e die-s all work in his l,ne in the best and i.ewevt sty le and on short notice. He le s ihe Fa-hii iis reaularly, unphiys none but H'.od hand-, and 'is determined io keep up ' w ill the lime? and meiit a irood share of l.airona.. CUTTING d, tie to order, .har-es reavnuble, and Pmduce laksn ia e.v..-h;in-e fur work isi,iirjj J'ine, 1.649- Iv270 7 1 larriou.s ColtJiiibiaii Inks . !. At'K,, I'nji-ins. M-nkii g. Blue. In- J ikbii-, .scarli", K. J, 1 aruiii.e.. J'Iih Inks Ii iw utois In ely Iroin Ihe H-n.aiid give a slrmier and more durable color lliau any okher. i'or sale in any qnsntiiy by -. . . JJIk. THORNTON ii BAKCK. AeUu. ; . Lewi.liutg, Uiihiu C. Pi. ROUGH kV Ready Shirtings at 3 c's pr yard Ginohams at 10 cf and Prints al 4 to 12 1 cts pr yard. Cull and see at 6 C. E. R.fwe YlfAX TK1 two7tti4 of RA(?S, in 1 1 " exchanon lor Herr-rancize. I'ancj GutxN, .wfni, A.c. TL'jsI' rrce'd l.irge and spbiidij assoilmenl - of Fancy G.nhI such a SerllLads O. ld P. i.eils Tbim! les - i'laspe - Prns . CarJ. "-I' Mitver Pk-ncits Ioiuiuoi.a Bead e,k(scea l'mgor Kings The.-rnoiue.en Satin beads Hair P.n. K and niher IVerd'e faaes Ui.ll.lolompa cihirt Butioi.s V, alkma ('ansa Studs t.Wiis Water Colars fun Uiamia Emerges Epy I 'igar Cases Packet M.rrora , Snuff Boxes - Compsases ' t'pi.ctaclts Perfumery " Cases Sau-lu- Is . . -Night bght lolfs and ' Hull hends Car-J Cases Port inuiiiee P.-k. t Books Arcrdi id FiklJ'e. Shell Mpani-h ll'eirii " Pocket Hiir Brushes Tteth ..ol Kleh ' " Pint !hi. , Jr-wel'y Uuaril f'lrams Wairh " Keys Clu-lei pins Uemeo .T.isrether wi h I'srtor Limps uiellng B.nibat Sleet 'I seize. a 'l oys for . . Child reo . rauey ripae . . Peu Kiilxa I'll krt Mk sndTctesd Purse, a greal variety of artirles ant "ru -e anove Hat, ..r a-ile at aWw , Omg, 1 ancy and Variety slore of Mav 9 O W tCHAFK.K An 25 I (1 liwshe 1 on hand, and lil-i nI6" f"r Jrf"l,c I,J lont .Me. on short notice. IJI(lIllw hand for sle t this ofSce, or i Man IfiiO' Window SASH A lot ,.f 8x10 VVimltiw S.0't tii cheap Mannlar-lory nf Spr.o.t & Burrrw.. all stiet et lu orJt-p cu ' printed accr.riling to Ofdn ,. ,,. r .i: ,1;,.,j JfAfL and IRON f-r sale by Keber il I.UinvM- ) AL T ami FISH on hand he A)Jli. lieber 6i IiU n-rs.' OPRING STKEL on hand at LJ Ap 2 : 1 -i ' ftelsr & HJinL'sV l)lT, I G Law.she -. REMOVED. THOK N PO.V ha, removed l rficnf O.Tn-e lo the I),u.. .. Thorn-qn Si L' iker, next tl Walla S.0re. EFEStt 1 he Pr ne Mi..." -4XC ni-lic O Htmem 1 warrsnrsi cufe oT.tlU'1 'JOTI-5---TroT,stT.1 Tuilcmeni X Jot"t'.Vt ei (bta'tiks) at this uiiic .mi ?r,n;'l',r,m' r,"n,,, in pvfrv '" " 1 For sale by Thornton J Hke l--:.t