I '.J ted wuh the mysteries of tlte bumm heart that deep, unswerving love of li tie Susie D-invcr for ibis erring broiher; hu( some times, anil many of us have reason lo think Gid ii is so, the foibles, laults. ay, even ih sin of those dear to us, dtnw lro,n us a double shaie of that love they ao mJi.li need. And bo it was, that Ihia moody, way war J brother seemed to pot even a stronger, tenderer claim iijion tur heart than lie- joyous vViliie. George had early maiiiicaied a r-aa:r-n ate love fur mj-,;c, and possessed a vim f rare purity ai.d compass. Durirg his visits at Wnburne, he beguiled many of her slow hours of suffering with his end- leas song, and took great pleasure in leach- ing her to accompany him. To the gy ' ol" her boy's last home grew very dear lolerof temptation from wilhcul aod within and happy, i-rustc is a resource, an arctm- the widow's heart, in proportion us the love I was very atrofg. Ii tt u atigel, iu lb.. p'ishment, a p!ena-t amu-fin at; hit to which she hid bort.e h:in teemed to be j shape ol" a feeble child, with ai-fl, clear low pjor it is one of ih- g .ea est of G id's I drawing her slowly and surely to lie down j eyes, and a glorious voice, walked ever be blessings '.hejtrue I'he o! their ittri I b limi t, U:' her dt-au child al.ii c-ou'd lore on the upward path, and drew him in whi-.-h tliy can forget fur a few b.-ief truly a;y. "It is well!" but ol the living after, hy Ihe strung cords uf Love, until, hours all ihe troa Vi s i hat !.&e: them. A: ; t I e M-lS-nti; atd the erring there cane j in spile of the weakues ol tut own heart least ao thought ?usie Dunve-s. n,d so thought, in a1! proof tt'iiy, 'he white hniir-i, atooping-ahould '.-ed oid German, who lived in a gluoiiiv I -akit.g house on the opposite aide oflhe sotare. U hut p ueny to Lim,when,s: t , miij crew on, ho i x.-has.- j;ed tli3 i:np!i wms of toil f.-r hii beloved vi-.lii.aprl, ser.t;r:c h'mw'f nt the open win j dftsv. pourfd lor Ii t! e gt. rims tijin of! ihe rnnter of hit n . ive Und ! Ah ! the song of rp!.-u U ro fiUr, n thutrll it in wel! l.o-,f i-r the liioe Mainrd wallsl h s dwe. in sl .wly ret-eded, and the PiHftc tones kvl hiin rt'y hark on the tiack ol his youth, ui'til he tat onre mora under the vine-covered trelliecs ol Aedernach.wi'.h lite soft eve of hfGretch tD looking into his, while her hm nun' blended with thnt of his beloved Cremona gentle eyes, upnn which '.e gr.-eii so-l 10 the quiet cliurch-yard tf Al'ei.kircheti had pressed for so many years ! An,i tha-, Jco, wae a ptiaant thoocht, and 'here e wUdom and piity in it. which led the o!e man, wht-n die inv p of l .xen-.'niieH grand bt!r!ren gNiUnd about I;; knees, an ninj:'-.d their young voices with his, t p'tty ti..iic sons w bir-h s'.e had "nel hes' for tv ft It that her voice, ih nh nndi.tin Kuishable to mortal enrs, did not f, to c eompany them. We hear nucli abou' evi leiiig contnioui ; nut we b'. iiive gooj if not the lt.i so li.r the h,-ii,.n- : f ina poor Ger n"n farti-ly, ;h"ir stroii utT-'riii-for each other, lurst n ,or:ij a' eve m ricl. (lieh.Hy, en .i lo I :r.itl,r a hem-di (ioi uikjIi I tat iriin'n! ihi.orbo. and t- It ri r. n ) one !: art i.d it bru t; su li a hle-sin as to thai of ibe i- .f!... Daivc--. 'L' t me sit luner.d.-nr me-ther.the mn ie eiisrs ihis wearisaire pain in my hip." he wss Hcr-tistomed M hv, wbcu her rro l.'ier i-p-jke to her of tho nen-M-ilv ol ret! rng ; nnJ thus nigh' alter nignt furi h'-r stated in ihe old door-way, wa'.-h rg th happy faces of the children, a-i they elus terejar nnd the old unn's rba r, by ib. open wind iw, until in the (jiiln ru g dark ness the con Id uoi distingtiisb o ie fr-e from nother, and cavlnn wiih her 'pii 'k, un eirinj; enr every noti- of 'her muu", onti; he glorious strains of IVeth-iven, lUn-VI. ifd Bich, were as i'i n,i;i r t b,-r as h'-r -rad: hj riiiis. Piernt'y li-gati m ac ro.nnany them, but verv lowly, n-inre, jr. her llmid.ty nnj tasbiulm s. that ilie-, wou'd beeir-reieil t ber ytt sjitijiiion.vh 'til i Iheylirar h r. And th.s rrw pltasu,-. brought anotb-r, that h- ';..-.J t whi'eawaj the weatiK.'tne p.i.n ;.i t-er :-.n!.s :i r-tbo't of G-nrge'.s ':rpr'a ai.d p'.-fs':ie. w t-e-, he became aar of U-r progress ; and On! how aiixiotisiy, I :, v lmpar t.l.y. n.d he watch fir Inn. to. :.. (:oi, e, f ,, soim-how a.R? nsi; gi i i lie in gin; ji i;-,ht win it m : :t.ii.ui tbcrn. with i! r.jii'ii gl..,i- iUS ftr-.i Orme. n. h- i er,, ; ,rr 0t had mi: ;.- it , n;.; -a r M!,y -..-oi, hot o ir tub e and ii.-i. ni .t.at (,,. ,.-0, ven dare to r: e,it,.oi :,, 1,;.,, ous t-ajtiers, the (i r r.au. f.-r A-iiture, tie le. r.:ael.e I., r. 1 ' hit e, ! v ' lor her Cnwiloiice, tr,,,,.,,.. have wn o in !,s- ;i. ' t!-' s'le lit b -rto ns. Hiicr nil hd? was n it i.l I'liiii u - i nn he sc. m.-(J tld il'a'le i,J oj,!-.. shu -jj H f .M , ''"! O(li"0. U..--!tt-iVi -.'., .ymhyniea, (,. hive o iip eie.'y ' lorcisi d to- :! rr.'iih; :. vpi-ir. il oarer) - I I '10 lifjl.t r. tins lio.j. Hire 1: ...r !, ,ne ee-un g nl w birh we hsv ' K "I wtiien we hav e : a;v .k-n. e bnve een il.i ir n.- i n' L.1..M. I..... I r ' ... .er wor.ia, ,r--n to hrei. atid o'ber-.''bsii ,l.,rL,.,....l ,1. .. 1. .... ! .,11. , .11 that pa'e. co'.l K-re.tea I fiat lesrlol , a U II I ll- alirui K a .-'. ItltbaH.r ...In . - 1 , . . , "r , .'11:1 w ms not lo he mistaken. It an mail , 7 ''' h"r "f" 1 ! to a-nke t t', chibi's heart. She au.ik , r'-aniii evej ;i.-r f.-jrs w hi. 11. 1 I re. h Paitr in " And all lh V , 1 , ; , 1 1 r t r e iflen. aleeken, rve- iv.wd, A if sieakui4 io a I. r I. Aiuail timii J, , ,ti f;,jl f bei 1 v, ami .vi i. ,., , , 1 Vl'e nut all .a . ,re if.: &.iirow, lh. r, . in . Tlut ca i !i,.,i a 1 I j. .. - - ''I, 1 T...' 1 11 tod n t ivil w 1) uiv. rs .;. h, f 1 1 i ai 1 j f i:u 1,1 , t'lil ill l .v. w ( o a 11. r i. iii. e t."i. Is I, V- ..'i' , r -njiit 1 Mil I:. 1 -'- An til. I,M, h. r . ib'... .- ! ' ol.. V, ne. nn 1 d in 1. .".a h r a ot 1 ej ,, pro.- ii" lo S jsie i! e,; n tl a ,. vy wi.l, in era dim ... b.i.ls-, n ; ro fe -"'d 11 ei ;.'i..-.s d: i b '.OJ- ij(i 11 t',- , . , ; , , , f( '' N" I - izu.,1 j I n,-i I there were heavy footsteps in that dark ' passage, and the children of the neighbor hood hung 'round the dx r, and gazed shy ly and curiously at the lutle rouh coffin that was borne away to the Potter' Field, and placed beneath its scanty covering of ar:h. Arid well it was that Susie's lame ness and the mother's failing strength pre en'ed them following to his grave ; for thus they were hippily spared a knowledge ol ihe revolting featuies of the crowded bu- rial p'aees of the poor. And when they j thought of little VVdlie's ffravc, memory r:a!led the green grave-yard of VVoburne, wi'h its flnwer-arrtd lurl and mossy wall, and it comforted their heart o think that he shpt in such a quiet phice. This thought i h'ur in which even l.er strong fai'h id , tj was not a..fe. ienr to la.-e i'rm i!..-..oh, oi I avirg them h tun which we will not I attec ji to descritre, forn-ifie but a mntti-r's J heait euid sound their depths ul misery. i But a-, her fooL'-eps drew nearer and near- ' er the spirit land, a ra ol its blessed light wiied to fall upon her Irouhled heart,ami hush it to iol. An orphan herself, she ha-l no relation nearer than cousins ; to t':i'4 lle wrote, coiifi.tin bth her child ren lotiieir rare, and, r,-K:ng much npoa the prnmie of ihe k n) Irhwoman, (ho. won by I ttte Su-ie's reiih'anee lo lier lost dar ing, ha l uItl iIm io ou', an I pro ved her ft ei.dntiip !y many a eif-,eHvin d'.",) thut ti e I'tlle ,iirl h ini i mil snlfer a- ong as a crtiat or potato whs to he shared u her' wn fmni'y, fcc laid am.ie the nt die, w Ii eh her trembling fing' ra Cojld n ongi r held, rind f.wm'idlier release. 0..e ;i-m!it only seemed to weigh upon h r nind Geort'e am! his l'u'iir la'e. M-1''! n j el.lpsi d since h (o it'trps hed Crosse'! beir thrshvM, and it etoe d as ii the hope f aii-itg him i 'Bee more had !ept a'ivelbe :l:cki riiitf llnne of lite through ihe drt arv Uys of win'er. B it iy after day paw-d nd she colli oi-lv watch ano prjy. S.ie new nr.t that through h -r death he was to ne q iiekv lied ii!o sp-ritnal tile. 'Susie,' said 'he m iil,er,one night,ifer ctiinn; a m-iubVn's r to piaa the nighi v her, "rirsw -i h- Un: curimn, detir.aiitl the miini.-huht "I'" 'be ro'ni. Il en,' s if tbere ha I rt n m ilder nxi ir.-libt nor r.-1 !;:! i'; this d.-rary eitv, i.J 1 woulii mn 'ink on it unr more " M-rher '" s'd ibe child anxiously. 'l),n'l iie ai.X'O'is, my child. I feel no vor-e to n jiht, and 1 d.d wrong to jeali n thai impatient tone ; but I was thinking f the nioor.-liht at VVohtirrte. lielpiM j u move .iiV t'lil iw a I 'lie. rtariiri.;, and ! tien S'l'g. i will, as ofren My, ease his Sfsfumm n n in n. hesH." The chi'd arranged thr pill iws, and lk ibou1 to plarr: her tool clos.' hy hrr m. th rV nifle, w hen twi lnter, po niii'.g a s;ni where the ii.o',n-!igbl s'.e; t r-n tho flo-ir. i,d- - "N it here, my child, Iiu: in the moon 'thl vender. 1 can tc-- dui fuce better there'' Stjxieobev ed.and w:ih hrrbird-'iitet nn-i, -ub-'ued and dee; led Ly einiino, li-'i'i hubert "Ave Vlr s ' As Th'.e e' .in e Iiiles, so t.ll o ns H.r. e.irei t t n' re-".- :v, f il i.pnn li e !: her" j heari. hw cist r liPi, 1 'ing ai.-iti-e a Ota rloldish fsg ire f V. g ii t'.i! i.i Hi.' j't', tieiii cl ismg Her i.'-s as it n S'l.eo ii. r soul pisert with but ! utitifi.l in !. dy from earth io h'. s- Vi"l. 1'if tbe eh.'n !.iiciv it ro'. The nsrrow- trip of mm n-'tgh! en j : s'ra'thdy m rer .1. H(-r r 'h- wall, n it" eoii-rmiM of lh'' slisio V ti rrnr tbeie ; . t L'lt '.t.e s rger s iii 'o: 'iiiut rl to br. aihf fm! i..U hint; i ri'it'-a tit sn;rp!ii a'loii fr.r that ai.i ar.d pri t'-e'io;i she' now- so tiuch neeied. The nii.i.1.. ! 'ii' stiile ctine awav, and in the , in herm i inline.. be c: 1 not ser- the boy I ' i.h r. ,.r il.ai I ,.. 0 .1 ,I.,.L ..' A 1 , . , , , ,h. , ,, ,a .. J ,.-i-.i that III iiji his fne as he hsienpd to l-ertor.es. b'.e did nol hi t r Ins low a'rps 1 as f.e stole across the fl air, nor aee Ihe sturi td l-ok 01 horror and remorae that 'rr,,s,H hi (are. ns Ihe f,a!e 1'hastlv lieat- urn ,,( mother met Ins nsz-i. Hut his .,.' .,.,,,, r ..... r.-n r...,...l l. ....I . 1,-, jr.. nr ... v:, .i 'Oi! mvher. mi'her!" he proamd, , ,L : ,,.r l, t,.A ... I... and iav ina? it on .' .' ; d.iw .. hv fer hro'l.e.'s M Je. and. lor-,,,, j !everv.hini:hut h.r lieid ol love, hid her , ' fs-P n f" oro' U" Arrm lrr rluM''-v j .! b,m. while be repealed. ,n -hat j hrol.en lone. - 01 ! tiiuii.-er, uiuiuer : cove 1 I k':!ed will .it i.Tl I atvl,: 1,1-s.ed vou ; only a few m.-einls .iii-e 'ii blessed veil (leerie, and hade me 1 .- 1 1 .- 1 1 1. e ..1 r.uin.liei . a-, IUI' 01 iiiini.ii iiii'i rt'oiorsf, 1 rai -t from tin- boy' hps. while th.- rhil.H ,,i ,n a v- i.c hrokt n nn il f.i.l of j .ii, 1 an V lla". It ll" l-ail laino in lllile you n ei 1 how truiy vbe 111 lov.-i vii'j.as sin- li-nrnl j Washington, Oct. 20. .hat she had, you must for:e her," said i iTepnti-he """ Mr- Kives, our Minis S taie, rni-oio her head from its new found j I,,r !lt i'nr"'' '' l'0, n receive ! at ihe 010 osi-e ' Mate Ih parltntn'. They have not oeen Aiii!i tl at Kin" hi red cry, "i la ' moih- ! ,;-,,. public. LEWISBUUG CIIKONICLK AND WEST BRANCH FA KM "And ahe told me not in grieve too bitter ly, if i was left alone, dear George ; for thai you would come back, and love me, even as ahe had loved me; that you would be mother and brother to me." "And by the help of God, I will !" et claiined the buy, earnestly. "Mother, 1 promise !" he continued, rising to hi leet, and kissing the high, pale luichead of the dead. Through the long watehea of that night, the over-wearied Susie slept calmly near her dead mother's aide, while George sat by, nursing high resolve, and earnest pur poes resolves and purposes which he car ried out, tint without many a sevens strug gle, and now and theu a lal!; lor the pow- aud the amirs of h:s old CJrapaufDs ;n I.rik iu L-.r.isburg.aud visibly iacreasuig cV.!. he tnumpht-d. lire kind vuiv.es ofj Mist of our Merelmn h;ie received their in'inhbors badt.' him "(i-.d ?p'fcO,'' for h's . (jjduj-) w jiich go uff rapidly lo g iod etislo mother 'a aake.aiwi not a f w haru.loil-woru , ,,iers . a r price. The Meehai ies are banns were put lorlh to aid both bitn aud Susie. Among these, iiodu were more ttue and fihodly those of old ilt iiinch Mjller and Ina family, to whom they had been nmde known through the w.iti blul kiud neas and unwearied tongue of their Irish friend, Biddy M.-Gee. Toeir voire wiie ii aufiioient passport to the old man's aviw , uaide from tbetr ato ry ; bulwheu G-'orge told Ihrn. without disguise, all his pits! ca reer of error and sin, ihey did not turn aay Inim him, but all heartily assented to the white-hatred graiid-wtia r's remaik "It he has ainned, my cbiiu.en, then ibere s so murh the more rea-nm why we should ire.il turn with knjm-s."' Through their i-ititfiiis, George lo.ind a ptai-e much to 'i' i.nn I, i i a iarg- j.iau i in-innfactory ; oi i as fur li re J...-.I.-, anc soou utaUe litr--i li a home in their hearts, and became completely domiciled beneath their rtatf. 'U ny api ak ol da$ gtlJ, my son," the od mo her L ittcheu w as accustomed to -av, whenever George laid belore her his si-'itity e mini's. " I-, nut her iteiitie tem- per, end the a'ght of her swe-t ea in tace, worth more I bun ten jijtiai a wieii to a aboring wouian hke Hie, troubled wi.h niinv ttiings 1 Look at her yonder ; see now quiet and good the little onea are w hen with her.' Several year have passt'd, and few w h eaii our Mory would recognise io tne j irn- or pjrluer of llie fashmtiaide niastc More 1! Masrs. V Co., Broadway, New V irtt, the rceklesa li' tirgo Dunvers, the 'aliowa bud," as his nip ina.-e.er, ihe he eaier, was wont to term hnn. liut tshou d they manifest am thing like alrueiuie id music, he might, 111 his in ...u,rov:,,leudhem .0 the mat parlor ad- 1. .1, .!... I li.i u-itra ami in ikw .li.hl C, .... I.. i ""a ';'iv rifion-, an clear, Mpiriilutlle eyes of her wlro wakes .such a wor d ot me udv froni the pian 1 belofe In r, they tni'ht recrynise many traites cf the deformed ch.U who was wont li sit in that gloomy door wij : and 111 ih" iciidi rnt'ss with wtneh ihe bro ther h ti os over her and watch s her every ni'.vertie.'it, they will find ihe airs: pt aif s!i who was "born to be rti'y a bur di ii to herself and others,' h.is,'bro'igh tl.e ,,,, i ., ..,,, ,.. i ,1.,. ., ,., . v powir 01 l.ivi .gr.iwn .0 Le Itie n fciM t. c-. sing of his lile. Foreign Xcvrs. The niost interesting item of in . I fnnrc is that re'-ii:g to il0tj fii i.l) w h. h his uru-en Uiwis-n Tuikey tiinl ilis.ia, t"W tit out oi the refusal ol I' trkev t:y c i.nj ly wiiti the delimit J of Kis-iti for the irrit i:,r 01 the lf.no, 1,10 luitivea sl.i l. v a .tvht af.-ty iu -te I urkuh u- iji .11... s, and in vn w of the ti re j'liiiti; rsiH- I ot a!. hairs, we .l.all look anxiously lor f-j.lher 1 advices. j Coniorn it is s'ated Ins surrendered on j fiivortiblu terms to the. besieged. lvmdon, Cvt. 6 lflj A.M. The Paris M initeur of last lewht atates that the French lioverninent entirelv disa- sows tlie rood uct ol M.l'oii-.in It al.nun- hiiiiirf'snii'a"iai,nm..iil .' l 14 ... I ... I . ,,..1.1 I at nr- scnt l u neh M ms'er at Turin. 1 . ' ... I 1 be Minister r.i niisiieiit arv at V ashm" ion. He is to be replaced at Turin b, M. L-jrien Marat. The Turaish Amhassndor in Paris had an interview with the French M ms'er i.l : Foreion Affairs on Thursday, wh.cb ,as.ed ursday two hours. j I lie Constituliottel confirms the intelli genre that a joint no'e nf the Knolish and r ft ii'-h (rivarfi ii'-ni I. h i been sent to Pe- lersbut'i, wttu-ii tt,i; jouril.'tl ii'iect will . 1 . , hove the l..-rt i,i pri-v.-uttti a rui.lure b-- - '-.. ""d "lurKey. g. Miiier ,lUn(?.Xlle CnmPr. AtWlM.tU Lil(lon in review ino .he recent cruel acts of tie,,. I Jnau. sajs thai the han-mo ol I!is,op ! ,.,,, ,J ,- o 1 , , j,,.MU w4 lol.owed bv a sum .ir exeeuiuui I of sixty ll'Jtiyarian .M.n.s ers of Ibe (ins pel, J:n were charged wuh praying lor liui sueut-ss ot their country's cause. Jieoh IVar. of oith Beaver, has been appointed an aso.-iate Judge for the new I 1 county o I. iw reiii'c. county o. 1, i ten. c. ; 1 Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. -21. 9!laionarie. Mr. Joh Sii.iBv:, sou of the late Uriah S.lsby, of Kelly township, was to Mtil fieri New York,20;h inst.i'to join'lfie Mission ui S am under tlw p'ronnge of te American l'V Mission Association. Mr. S. was a Professor in the Farmero' CiMe.e, nar Cincinnati, Ohio, wtten appointed.. i' ai-compa!::ed by his wiie, who resided at Co'un.bus. On the occasion of the 6 psrto're of ihi- vpu-hlul p;r, a Mirki' nxry Me;tin2 a held at Ihe Pies'iyerian Cioirch. Sundy a week, v. ti(th wjis adrlresed by MctSrs. Stlsby, Kini ht.l, and Marr. 4C7V ith pleasc.nl weather, business is still enabted to put up good dwellings Our Schools are increasing; in number and vubs antia! attonagH. M.irket Squsre is now M'leadtni.zed, hiiJ neeo but a davs' woik to iii ii.e il '-riijisliei.'' Many uf our cit.zens l.se widened aud paved their aide walks, and set uvit shade liws and ullho' ,he a-.-i,iai has U-. un'avoralile lor trans plant fig, we res- tney will not be "weary in we l-u-iw.g . mid with Mr.Noli's aid il streets of I.-wibuig can ue neide as in at and attractive cs any iuieiior I'owu upon the Continent ! P S. We had nlmos! forgott-n o mer tion (which we do gratefully) that the Lew ishurg C'iroiii-le i Ui !av.rs1 with mi ini"rens5 of advirtisiiii! and aaiwr.p'.Mti pwtron'tge, and that ihe Publisher hopes and intend, ne( bt.imih to procure new and smaller Tyi f r adverti-i its. aud lo increase the amount of read.ng maeer. This wi: reqoiM all the C.sh we ran g' t. Those who hive not that to s:.are, will pleae send us Wood, S'one Colli, Char Coal, Wheat, Corn, Buckwheat, a Pig, a quarter of B-ef, Butter, Apples. Potatoes, Chickens. Turkevs, or something els" lo j keep Ui the Printers' hopes during the V, vw Mate-i'errt. A new Territory will be knocking at the a .Cl... ...... l"1 ...- it.. . uoor 01 iiic 111 at v-niiiaci. w . oui.n ;.i-11. a Terrt'ty 25'.'0 miles d s'anl from the !('s;i al of the Federal G -vernm-tlt, and i j which thtee eais ago bad no inhiib.'iaiit. n I ... u. ,,,n..i u kn nit th,, s .-ii .1113 11-n i',..iinnnjii -i - ...... in-., w ,. of D.-s ret, w hit;h is a Mormon name f.r "II V Ih e." and kigi&.-ant-wf-ndo; try hu I the kindred virtues. A ('oristiitj- u . i. .,...! t .. If - ri!. n I .i.-ul.irpit in.n n-i n-j.ij. t u .1.-1 -...I . - i ..... In 1 1 in J..K , and a Memorial 1" ('"tigress i for a lo is, mti llii u ud .pte i. They't-Taiin I j 'te-vh .,.!,.b,ta-,ts .0 entitle them M a I Si a 1 1 ol I'I liUlt II t. - ' Tue I? oem-lnir. tar st.ites, on 'he an- 1 I'fltkt n,4wT emi. : thontv ot iIr. J 1I111 jirat.t from that town, th,.t the M ntnoti eitv on the aoiitherii tde of-Snlt Like has 2J IW.I ii I. ti.i iii;t. It is in a fn vjl,.-v. 0 rn.l'.'s "1 , s 'irround-'i on three m 1- s bv H'l rati,' -, ol mountain .;! ed wi'h siiow, niiii i n i'-e loir'ii sr.! is t'.c l.ik;. ! Toe ci y is laid i.-lf to ba.i :i ipi.ire.s wiitioiit tnebi-r, exfei I -m :bo m o. :;.t 1-.' tir.'a tts." 1 1 !' 'h'l'lt I'M 1 n 1 1 -e.eo n.s ; , i lii liii". I1' l'tiMi-iii -o 'ii-a iii..ii'ii-ii: , .. , , . 1 . 1 i o;:e, -11 bus rt ached i. I.'il.s. ! Ad areotinu Bnsa tt.tl; t!,e vf ;rin'ni ; ae niderU, it.dnst i.u, it-d i.o-; i's ', i and thetr Cut:!, i nt-' 11 peretlv i"p-.ibli : .... . I Ctrl lil 1! 1 W on t. 1 tut Iie'ifiC : ' 11 I's.'ut':? I'raPuiiija Snfc. Uy .1 siiini.ii 1 11 iit i.li eee we u . i b his mort . eviil; net from tnt.il y i . f I".--rent so irc. s, nd ol stieh a ti-rure us t i lean- s.Mn-t iv a rloul.t ol i.:e sa, ly of the y, M'.. 'j, .... ,,, u, ,w Hr,jc, ll ' I. t i. . -r u 1 eiirill;;ni;S n; -if John i'r.iin the New 1. n l.m 'br- niele, wbiih we p-ilei.'.li l,el iwih:it Capiam hipel i il the Amt iifiiii hortpie M I.e,ien, heard, ! t 1 1. .: . ... .. . I .1:. ' w bib: ly iii; Ill all indentation ol U 'iliti'.. I'ay.1.11 tin- I r.-l nf Aeou-I, 'rom ihe natives I' lie; c nst, two bire ships were hiiij, in I'ritn-e Ijx'-ihV l iiet where tbev had been I ih-st for four seasons, and that tho ollioers an I crew wt re wi 1 crew were well. 1' -oeins nl. i.liy th new.s from Cngliinil fl,-.l I':. ll .III ll.-.rL-.iP .if iti I-.,.,, il. tlu..l i . .j,. . , j the Trnelove, while, at Davis trails, also ' leariM-d from 'he n Hives that lour ve.si Is I i ki.l K.m .u. .. I.i.,.. In l.,..,. I!...,....l' I . . , r ', ' ,". e-;; ,,"W Mln "af:" ':'-" J F,re. Yesterday momino the dwelbtirr ' ,.C l,n,.U li..t.r. ..f.l.; L r.... ... I the hack kitchen, and la -fore any serious tl.inao.e was susta.ni'd the fire was ex I in- ! ttuished. The citizens as u-ual, were nr. live, and ow in? to lh" exertions nf some ! " -it the firewas not permitted to-iain heart w,iv, 1 otherwise it would have proved very c!is- astrotic. The two Fnyities wi re on the I t' round and aid"d in aavinolhr nroiiertv. ' They were, however, poorlv manned for ! .-Ueh oCCisiona. We would like to see the i Company auain revived. Mtllonimi. I lilUllMOliriJ infciariiCl. Correcled tins tlay 'Vheiit Rye ( 'orn Oils " ""' . j F:-lSI' d j iloveisi trii . . , .It'1-' In aW j Dried Apples. ;'""'r ' , .... . . km ; i. Tallow' , , 1 11 III! , ! , .7 1 More and lvorse Reasons. It wits s mstier of a-jiiiehmeni, eoperially to Ttiniirrsnce men, thai tie ftvTe4 no of rmrersnce, "Tlie 6 sn-nt.o," oil. u . jfff.qaisiturial in nutifrs of iii6nite'.y smstler m..- im nt, did not wrn Us fisir.i'is wiiSii .er-on was 11 re '.hem l',.r a biiih uflice wh.i w ss i s Vdnor wi-ll knasr s.-ii;l ilouly ui fii lo h n.lio.tu.1 wii'j ll o!rmr. Ju'ie i f il.e ,!iMi. Twi wrrks i ) e n h t! ! fti-i. suet i.iti u lbs sl:3t-d r.n,in ibsi ihtt rnJi lte ja Hi, nt and a tiiusui ol the r.!if( nJ I'C '" s-'itg4ii' no m ire uml the time foi ioun.tn K tb.t-um hJ ! 't'tir K.iitor conle-s ih irclh uf i,e l';itious nd ijlfi Ira client 'A wii'm ptrsnnnl friend " we hope we aiay never forfl-l the debt of Minr r(.iit-iJt wa owe I' r tbe many Uvoii we bje lecturd Irom hrn Ursmutle f,.i wor.by f.vai h urn, is beiutiU Jjutt ubtr.-m-..;Ub!ea,.f...-ai..ts.. f.r only-as it csn be ihitiitcd w-th pistil t i i"- (' ihe grmrnl (tisid. In annulling -ueb .il bs iilnes u iiiflue' c-e biui, n E.inoi who i an onuss i f c .-snie !eoas bi loi-t. 1'uhlic und net ptivste coiiiUi-raii.i: ahoutd letetuiinc Li coune. But l:;e Ild'tiir V s, 'We J rwl atny that he h,u Inn guilty of racl.cc-s wliith we could not approve." Il.iw d.ui.ty ti.i- lanisnaKc ' '! ueitber stltniis r "b'tiies bill lint, ih past, tl.e Org ill's wieuJ bail pt'.iclite." wbkh he the said 'tii c-ultl nol appiova 'but wbe'b. r ih.'w.- y.ucli cct weio kcnn slic or pruff-n 'iial, cr 5 ul;;..l 01 in nal er 1 ntitii' or rrl-Kiiiu, iLe Oraju d-ire nol coiitlt.-eeiitl ef 11 w-t 1 1 iiilimii'e ! He ad , Our situation was hy no mea'ia free of em l airf.-iiiun', wht-n we tell oursell called upon to lesintain a IVju-t fuse of ibe nMiatinns id Ftii-i.d-!iiji oi the me hand, in fiihfii'ne-s n our l'r iicitil.s mil urn to Ood on Ihe other" In other wonts, the O ant was in a Hbt place" wleti nil the urn- bind a hi wuini lm. im fitvi d and cou-iii tuikina; rtiiirii.nni 111 a d b fi ll I irl .t- I i I e i b cu d, with tin: iciiienil-. o.ite ef ibf many fl fe' nluady irrt-tvtd for bard pteas i:i inanv a nstatlv 1 ae and ite h. e , f u.o.e , f ih. atn. stt ii. the fu'.mr and 111 - Ibe n'l.ei hand wa hi ULTV I eni er a re, to Li d and bis eiHtiit'y ! In th's n!i heiwut iw , how did the f)tHii.isi g ! lit J ! -InriU by his i lietit, bis e. r,t.. n e ! 11 1 i.. kin fm b.e tnend. or hi- fi'! ! I l He u I 'v I' ti e 'esifii pTiecip'e "i I11. p (1 r telo 11 ' Alaal 'tthe Org in 11 was d. m'.i fii f 1. i.tl.-b'p'e sake, and t.'.f ed t it wert ag .i "t his i.priiieip'es and duty lo limT ! ! ! bul bear sii'ilbsr of ihe G-tod tiran'i. rea-otoi fur atimiiiiii his "hab- f-l!ow well inn:" "He Ua man wbo wears his faults on Ihe out ndc ; be .tieac as he i ; what he due, he doe nuenly and above-board ; he is 110 v. bind seiiub-hre none of your sneaking, dastardly p Irons, who sirne to make a lair ajipciinc--, but at btart are 'rsenins wolve,' " a manv iiennle take the Organi-I to le wbi l-iihlinbe' thai h bad 'Jri.nk mis and run. .ili r. inr tlitiiti. " advert.su.! Hie uMrt pr -f!iatti v-..rK in N.w. Vtirk. wiii e'aiid i.p stoi (j ead the ciu.-.' nf an vit am fin nmliiy and vl paiatbs e.erv ! wt-ik 111 hta c.littioal brad ibti 1 . . , r , ., n 1 .."riiis paper is the orjan of the .Northi'm Pa. J T, niraur.' Covi-niion, the Columbia t.uiny . nni'n.-e Moriety. ir.e 1. nton ii.nuiiiv 1.114. ' iiti.i- lt:mri SuiuImv Sriiiail I iii.111. Itililu Si -.i- 1 tlIj. (jjij,,, As.icutiu:i," ' . 1 1 . .1 j t ,i, il mil ..li,ini lit I.iri.l l-s it tail 1:1:1 1 We he imibing to do iv.ib it.e i.stp an! 1 " '" f eaiajid.vtc : it is t.i. rha'ar ' irr as si-eu hy and stfeetui t .e (i.tiln- ll.al 1. 1,. ! r. Lmd.- t. Men hav. b.en Li-.d lo th. it i-u. t . . . . i ,1,,. ollU ( .hm.,1 io iu' ii irier.u, anu at in.- name . urn- were huhrtaymui ai.d pnate. The Oran'a ' ':"" we l.se n 4 a psr;ie:e . f 1 1 will !..-, I I. I..... I,.. U ltl, .11 a ...in -mi .. , r , ,, ,.,..,, .fl,.'.,, ,. ! . . i . 1 1... a i . . I.:, i . . a o.e an . u.-u.. ,.1. 1. .... uiij, r ' t, . ,.. le.lims lu s: 1. . lor b:m m the i.,i , ; or ill 1.1- p-pri ; l".t :l b 5 h .!'i' am! n.ila. liii-v u-ie.:; a -ei iv a-e o.t: iir .i;..,.i 1 n.-.er l.e u a ej lit a sllo-n ti re t itl. etl ii.ll 11 iii-r iuii.iaa.ai t-il. A inlii r ul l.iw, i.iiaitu un.. d v i. n. l ui -n lor 1 l.j.v-ivot even it b s n.!i -i i - ate 1 tlvep t- e ' 'ii.t' b is i-rl t a!: at. ft i:ij. V.'e Ir p b .- wa .b, m !. tei I'm-:i,t-iji ." f..r which ; p -ar ih re a-e stffi ci. I.l in i.'l coiix lent;. . "t 'he a!,ili iiu til 1.1 ..i- i;-ii I'i ul, .inn. J..L-. ."i.ii.-i 1 fa.- r-itiriib i f t - i.'i uii ai.u iiiii rjt tj ji n ion ttn.ii.s.ct- ,d ii. w i.t b. I me in. dms m ct tn-u ev lo - - cl'Ctfili' Cl .mo alio iruh; uruiia. :tu. a. nv tlie . , . , e . . . sir 1.... I., whin'. i.vuio,.s fir debt a.e ieiut.,.d t.st.s5e.i ') Ii. ia 110 hypocrite lorsoolb even ;f ..- did t. II tl.e I.-:it. rats be was the a.-iy ..ni:!iiU-e a.id tiny ni'ist etick to bi n. wb l.' b ..... . t 1 1 toe u ti'ija .111 w..s n 1 a' iv inal ei or n i i - I... .ti I. I ,.. a -lf.il tlii.Miali Ilia e.iin.l. ...... hi:e e:e rlnan to eteilninttr f- r 1.1m, and ll,t-:i I.-isieTi i-It 'o a cainp-in-1 ti.ip or il le m I led .Mr li. I uni a deri letl Ii . i.d of Te:n.c ance," an I I . Mr V. . tl,al the lli't tiling bis ,. 11. in wnul l do would tie lo iul d-iwu uloR St llli.i; ,11 il l,u til l 11 tl-nd with 14 ui uii.-h a .-SaM aib .-.tboi'l iiiiitii g 111 toe in 'ntiijs and a poptet .tinw al 1 vel.iiii; 01 if be wis f o aod a;:tlu.t j Ihe Tuni ike i.i hue Deei or if h di I urg Mr K , c.In- ,, .,u.Jl tl j,, .,., ,j t ... 1 1 won runt, wn te lie uskiu .11 voie "i-ecau-e vou like a tliiuk an. I s game 1 1 t-a'd.-i j"r-l hlo- tne" or it be did d nonn.-e toe V diniiiei isy.iein in una pin e Slid .ipjitaud it ill ttiltlib r .ir if b did style bin 'ou- ul - ui a'i toeratic (sit e f. p . 1 11 je K linn out i'i 111a umis. to on- t 11, niii.u tooin.ra he is J, ! wai t n i Utter man in run j .1 . .1 .1 . , . ' wrlu u,ao ,. iiii,.r i,.. at.j j mi, i. rihrr : ,:,.-.r ,.,J any quantity in .re like it j,, .av no. i i,i,.-r . f the forg-d name- to the false bind, il si ; . - e , .. . . . i v "'- noiw-y. eati-ior, lair- ' d. n. .,j,,,i,,y. e.e. "'e """" su.m.eu, 1 . wt, ... h- Ut " ' ""-' 'n-titis ..l lua loi..!" AnJ hare the public may olmre h w suoii men as Josa ra x ou-a and J vmks Miniitv I w-eie difealej in the 1 e uoi r jlic Cotiveiiti.m ; tile vole stood 1-t ballot 111 N 2-1 John Cumniitigs Jonathan W1.I10 K'l-'eti "SAiUe.oiJ Jarne.- .Madden Jarne.- .".Iadden fi 5 The nwiiit-ford -.trergih was ihmwn fn t'uui j 'nings on the aeroi d hallol. and ninniiinied hnn. I ''o ib.i the family " procured h iiou.iu..ti.ni i ii, t t-ctttr mrii, and did all it e old for his i:i- j u,,n - W!y- ""-"lh of Ihr t.n.p.,..re penile have nol the easy urine of ihe s, If .iv . J i 0'gan," hul ri-nnli 1t.1l it. h-oai friend. I u ne sauiariian ?.-ea oil IU s-.V (In I'll rt) ! ... . .1 ... . itn.1 101. iiitr an 1 ! nv .vi. t unul k,u , , mute tad piionat. le ibari Mij. Cumining .11, fb 5" : Traipenuuv is-t-e ! ( l'b.- 'I'imex it w.! be re . . ?8 ineicli. r. d ilubbul 'ii'.-siiier a har--n.i,i loafer" - fore he waa nnminaie..'.', i;,. M,i. r .. i. 1 -sni. r a reiiuta- i 'oU is well eatalilisbval iu. rins .eio,.. aJ ; . . ai.uwu, 10 , it.irr any ui.iice in me c.iiniiliil'U aiauileis ol ( tne nam 1 ion's, ait r j in. an I Itie I'-iiri a ' - i.an..,, " I - 1 " St Kvlalive lo Mr. Fuller, the follow in-; fr-m hi ' IS II own home igned bv man snne'of wbuaa we bnc knuvyn f.r yr s wenhy Kd-r in s,l Tmife-iic elf rts-ws find in I... J.suea-ier IHnutranre pr t l- ' . Oiio Urn. u, sNo a t etn.eiaiiti) ( i " : F. 1. Sellers. J?t De .r Sir :Tjorun.!er siitcd, Tuiieiauctf men hi V i Ke-b.-.ne, k pttiini-ninii, th'ii t.-'i y -'ir if'uir.i.i t.io r-. t n rnor; p..Mt-J vour ,-' t'sl 1 3-' -s f'- over Ihe i uif ul (.'. 1.. 'f we rcf rto irrtiii.tl i.i - t Liu--. ei.iu .) and ti.i;u-.ly on our reitci.d outi wu.ibj iwAiuiuan, iicnry j M. Fuller, W e lesnle lu ihu nt. .biitbooJ ! .'. I urVr, ', ml know him wUI. K, luie-ag-e aa .y o.h-j. rr "ni.-rul and worfy " i a tiot.lfr we think, but we hm.w ti'hn no leelncs .l .ppe.i- linn in the Ti tn rrtiuii c .i..-.'. .'e kii'i " he j Jots nil riilii-nle it. ..-f in. i'i in it. IfiifSj in. r-1. w.uiliv. Ii: -ol v lesi -. '-' te, u:i J i:. J n-r i ! nJ ....... ami oiomt-ibiii "i ...i. ."." I the Tempeianc. cause. ..r iiJ;ca!c U-' , woota ite ...r. v u..e,, w- nt.-.- be unbka bbt. As a iivur, u an art ul ju-'ice, w reprrt.ubf 1 ard urtiently a.-k you t ( ut'ii b t::is b fer iu t vour neit eauer. Hi'-inTitulle. S. 1). Lewia. U. liurr-'ws, ii. ii. ii jlun;on, U. . - . .. M. llaitliiiz. Win. C" . :;, A. Uarn.-v, Jr. J .'11. r, J. Mactarla.id, U. . L'r. j. June. C (oier, V.". W. I-o 1 Maliorv, Ueo. S. CrolT. 1 erha s n wa ll.l .sii-e -C ll. It ' ((.'bail. E. U.i.i ?i v ...tt"il the ny so e c.uallv tetulvJ by air. 1 i t r I. mis- t i I Ii s : Nonni-T'iw s. Oct. 5, C. N . Taylor, L.-. U.'ar ho : 1 am just informeil tret' a reimn is l-i"i ri-ri- '"d in vnrr i.iunlv thai 1 a.u ibe ovrnrr ol a di-iii!i ' y 11 lot iprne enunty. The 11 port is eieiiely la'.-e. and ' G 11 Green., M ir'el S". !.-w;.biir r.wlxrs withisji ihe eligbtest toua .'a iuti. I do not wn. ti.; p li-lic r ail be u c i-.i.no i iteJ with tha and never hae o.vntdauy di-lnlerv i.. Itie ruuo- t . , , , it it oi'a; ol 'y ol Lnzrne or any wiii-tt-ei-e In (iutti. t tiev- er was in-nle ol one tti uiv h.e. 1 .111 can tuaae . . - ---. w Hub line ol ibis I, I rr as you think pn..iet. l"'ried, S-.ewed, Ii 'aali.-J, or in the Shell Vaue.lr'ih,, j IT.Il'Ii ti jlirt u;i 10 the heat t I. P u' IIesht M. Fi-LLia. j Feci Ilreud, Pio, Ces, Njii, Cji.. , And after all its enl my mi M.J t.ooiini- gs, j cr-. and wanton allarks nn tietifi men Ihan bimse.f, j The p'ib'ic n ay rei-t assured ths! the the Oieao wluls v hy .tsi ng liiat he lb mailt 11 ' etiu-bot.se shi'l he kept cienn n,j ord-n-t heat for (tie caiin; - I c.nia out 641. ml a frlv. und etna!! hvBiei rouiirs not t p.iiituiar rai.ni.ia e." IJni .iI'mivo bow rtadv I ts lo tii urf ami ialimie a. .11 g:o-a inn and a U. n att t .ban t" . n' Ik- iji 1. tna i.i-,u-e'i-;iu eJ hltnl of M rnli.:i l'l.'liilil ii. and h.iar t-aj; - t 1 ca'.i h at. a -t aai .i.d rn ij-iitv u tti o a iiw it; lira' a i- i t'rrnan. a .'r.ii;i r Ilk- Mr. f'ut'ei ! Mr la.-e il lor ihn..' a--4 nin'ed wnb ine rir e iin-o.-itir a ta j,i.tire tf tue O-gin would tibi . a c s-'Lleit l. a) in j n ay nn-1 iaj C It bt pp -l.ei-t t.ud i-i-iii t.Hi id.lor'a iililiveail l rb eiti ? U ed Ii-- I, till T If un, r -j--r n,i-u an .1. t Ii. te gifinde-1 a.oi.st hv a 1'i n,; i-rai.ce I): ian. wlnl I- 11 U.U in tnloiii !-f r iits a.l- I tii irtsnl ibsl IJ'Hvt I, ha ;..a Ltvw a',1 at Lie ail re- a il..- n,ni. rsu- ii ti.t-iiui .'j .i. i. nui jii. g. il f.y ii. e linil.ii j in, n I n itie U'tian t -ive 1.1 1. a n-a oi- i. :t ti 1 d Ui ibi.C. ot c d- inn ufie' u. .inn i.t.,..n a c.-' nr.n.-es in .in- iir.M.ji-'f hi trie .-far t iiimr.t tu rasdi rs .:aa'ti-t ii;i-r j sirrs. w t !. Ha j-uck ts ihe ri.ru ef i.i t s iiiuiii-y Ailie b' it-y t;ia.iris : be ound liu dul ir.'un h o- ul ...'-.I. ;i il a (.4s L.Lad.r 10 .11 Kli'i-t 1 1 11 ! 1 I-. -( (i at a i-.ernsi-J l.-.ut-, i-ut for mat. Tim I';.- 1 ,. .Il.ird ;..,i v i i.o. hii-lv' Inane..: tf the r. ,-t o-Mn bin; dr..nk- ei.neprin t- ia Ujj to uflice 00 A (a-iy. lie Uran .i.Lsi er iii,ii -ill tiia t'ariai ia 'a-i, lue w j 10 ii,e . b c . a I.. 1 a e tio l.iu.bej a il-.n ', The ri. o' the Sa ,:r .a ,, tanU haicr and after' :Le elm-ti-m. is to d r,-on l. Mij. I'jt- miuvt gave no'ice lu re ti.i' hj .nsu'il ia- a ran- ibdate ag:un lie. I ta.l-. n i ('I he d not xe f cu'e '' tooo.i-e be 11. iA- .11 cot,diti..n I,. ' " ii s.ti'v in u'.l 1 .11 !)e -ueii 1 .. :. 1 .!. . me n . iu nt ,a ni.v I- nji nn HlaV ta- The Oi.ca Oi u. i. Il.ii.a l..iu ,uci, a in.nv. I..u j pi. parar,, Ul ,i u,. j. w;i:fn bun a I1..1.J....... I . . . . . I l;;',; ' I '' " ''",',' ' ' ' " 1:1 .11! 1111. v. e ,, it-,,.,. ...... ... , . ' i'U'4iii i-l mi en. jt. I-, i.t : ,;,;,, . , ' III !l.' '.I , f 1 H 1 i.et a...t 1, ly, t;.i Ibe 'Uond Siintritiii" 7'"n trrn-itr (' m J d :te j JUaN . L il HiAta- ; 'be. T:-ai.l 11.;..- wili ca.ry ibe piuer fr-eit j i.et. tuir iti tft:...a..e , l.b l:.e J , f ih : i ), . 1 6 "' ' ip -ii 1 ". j "' e h -v.' .!." n on-no ,ir :i l r.en-'i Linear ' thmi we i.-it. .t .'. .1. As i,. ihe . i..ii..,ii..uf iir I fja.s i':in a:;il bis -lit - rr v e.-!i. bete aaii.-; U, we no lint ibeik !l o. re-.arv In . ly : itiein i ' "M '. ' - 1 ,:' "' ; a-e :m.. r..- 1:. ti -I !.. wbic 1 larm.is l.,-.,i, ' .. . , . , vi . ...iu tiitiv mi' . intp l.lsll.i., I. j r-W. t.i . .e would 1101 k il .bem ; ib.v 1M . t.e 1. o 1 , - out. IV Or;Mi m I ;u -sJ.-e ' i-'ile" m ty IdaK asv .lit-r I nl, L ."n ri h " thm.-- bave ti..;i:'d this inane. "iure i-i ' . tiiir....v ...i.., it, ... ..... '- ,. . ..1 t. . ..... . ... . . t ' " l'sj-cr 1 not smro.v li. i in aii.'-.-i-. n.r 11! b ,1 ..i..i ... 'r......... r , . ... i ... n I. I tnl'B'i mi'i 11 :nru 10 1 em jiii 'i " r. -. ..1 nr. .1 - .. 1 . - ... ' w an Urn iti jlready '.) we u,e tumi ,, I en ,t ,. er f..r ti.tten yea ami aiiicei.-ly w: ii t ,-..- cmi-o Muccens. In tin. 11 ,-Avv r as in or'u-r m.i.ie a. we aie eim-ily Ina. n-ndei.t di o n....--,,i 1 now the kt.re lo ii9 woaij ! di Jta'o.'s. knowle.ige no i't.iiiera c.- S I.e.-;, ii,;. V . , U f. ). The st!;-cr!s.!oii bii.le across the tl ,..., lit this pla-:.', is romp'ete i, nnj w.is ue- cesslui y cr'Sst-d in a !.- , liv I'.'. ,..,. uuu ler, il:is morning. taz: if. In Auron.'. jro, ,:t, MniiJiiv, 15 H ms'.. Mr. Kicuaf.U II Ft.v. need 2 iiir, f 1 '' " '"t1-. Im.eriit i I. 'I'... I.. , II . I 1 ii..uifijit:i,n. i.i 1 in inn, u.un'..ii.i v a iv. 1 K, I. a r ii a- "ink, Wilis of iJrio, Marsh, d aiiout : years. 1.. T.I .. IV 1 , "'..i, ..eoue-nay VNn, wre ol tie iron Overptvk, a-ed ,1,1.1,1 55, I In Middlehuio, 10 b in-: IIi:miV nnii,, aj'-d 7 I eii-s, si ,,,,, a,, j ; ,. lV I:i Pe.tns, M l, it,.:., IK-,. llLll;.M1 i"i'd .-ill tears ami fi nii.f.il.. 111 11, The lo-lowma- eorrectcd n.vrnint ..( n di-atli tiotii-til in our I ,st i, furnisheil bv tin; hYher ol ibe 1lec1.ii. e.t :J In Whne D '. r Tp, 1 bur-,! , y ().-t 11, in h-T 33.1 year. MaIIV. .j.,,.-. -r f J,u' Newman. She I, ,. k.-.ti '..-n.., ,i . .1... diy than for some time b.-lore. ;,it nhZn o chick 11, tin) ev, nino w. ,,1 up si,ilrH ..,,( , Itt'iited ttt she re:rr..-U her bej ; i-r L.er , nnd'a Ji I., .t- w run-in i. ,!.!,... I I,... .. ... eam-hor. ntid sho can.e lo m,'.. k '. . !l"Uph It, say - " h M 111", Irfinl " thrt- iieliue a she was a etirtise. i:.u ll.:.t cl,.. . ... 1 . "'i'' ' ot nr.psy .ucj, , t.n.ti m.,1 1, in. r.iDiveu in r hr ir' Wnl'R.? 7.71 -ii - 75 u' 0.-.-a".U L.-, J asrs H. Cifford ilt..! It. S. Coit. ni.v nninosH munr .r .. ,,,,Kic , the Town 1 1 ill n, ,'. i iiiirsiLiy ;evi;iiii iilfl. Ail nut resiMvlliihv IllVltt il to 'Ii'U.? ,s their .ui,-,,, oi' ifi.lMi.. 1;,.,, ; , " "'w- "' "hicli the use H'ns art, I 11 ,i. . . :. w,th. - a me.ist;re d.speiiscj ; j live M ies ot londed wagons arrived : Jlwaukie, Vi'iscrnsin, in one tinv, eor : . . bushels of wheal and otfc-r , , . , The products oi inc. mrins. . i ue i,u:nir i.l j . . .l. r. 'i v. , w tgoin wis a bait 700. That piuM'v i .v:ef lis tlic number ort'en't r count v r- Jrt coining dmiv into L-wishurg. Broke J.ii! The iierilfof 2i i!iut:.L,T. iand coun'j IU is twenty ijui'ar nwr,l for the Uipre!,eiiMonan.ldi !.v.-rv ni'L.w " k. kduier and Uu! h .vmrtiu. two p.-:v v, . j,,,, ..,:t Blid ,.,:irjt. ,ajf (j j,,.,,, ' ' ' ; t'harlcs'Mi, S. C.,Oei. lj ,. ... . '" lhP ,r'"" 'per, !, . , duril g the p:i.-t Wti:li wete twer.: j -ct.f, ;l a fc;ife,, t... ... ... in.u-. t. t.t Mii-ri-.. ... i - . The litsto ul" C'od Liver O I csri he e - 1 1 .... 1 .. .1 .... tei.i-j.iov iii-;jiiinj ui uius-.,ciii;n a in,j. ! M; - l)rie, (,rrtII;,,; pel ylA U f.,.c anj i . , , i J"st 'iftt r swallowing ihe d,)3e. REMOVAL. Tlie Lev;ls";ur2 Ealxg-IIotEe, TTNDEK ihem-.twirenK of J. M'i-, : j ' 21. i? rt niivei tr.ro the btiaei.-eu' ,y. ibe bron briek I, a.:' on the corner freni j erinilti-d lo 1. hi here Dv Mti et a'tt-ti'ion tO the WhtltS o It.e pil! !C 10 OUT illlM, wB hope It) receive a aloire nf 1. n'r i.se. J MTAt'DiX 2i Sc CO. N. I?. Afn-r the l,t ef .Vi v , F.rn '.a cn h- so; ji u J w ::!i . t -.s in tf o .1 ui, by the hnii't'ert. ha-i-lnndi-d, Iwi-t.iir O '. 00 attj' j TIG? J J saV- l.y 1 lj L.A.i, DKXT.tL CAHJ). I oi.BfiTn ki.nt;:. O h,a I nan.:. . tie- i-i,:,;i.- 111 t-i.r:.. ! . he nun ei ii. Ii d. il n intt-e l.rv i-' n-t - - -: nn.t .!re i l leal ii. - i'r L Lj. iji-.-i. . j ' " lso.rt --iio, d--ir ;..l.:.v 11.- I'll j IV.".-e l i I. lie .MO i..a tiitail up I 1 iij.ii 11 ! hy Kie 1 41 . rail' U .i.itlit;. ull Tbllj 51 V.I-U Mr J td.t IVI j lr. ,. 7lt..:Ur f ,h, h,- ,. itl r- ..'!, , s.i-B. rv L-- : : il'-a'itVat:.,;, i I. J M.;v ct f .tf "( ti. 1 ea 11. :lr ti-e . 1 1. ji. , 'h', "'" '''"S'l " i'M"' " : L J.. x,, ' r.-!, of ih, .!nv wh -. r.o.:niii u.w m.ii ...... -i i ii.:..i:t,.,., n, , . , ' .'! - ' i.t- uriat -i,--n. -a. . i:e ti. ri n,j.i:t.,ru.i I w th. 11 -'.a I il. i c .. 1 i ..I : I hi. i k e,i ..ii li.ii I t,.f i rilrl-'li,. r. fin- IrlV I e ai'r.iiiiii. t ij'la.l V 'i.,-ii ,.; I iiial.'iia!- urti in n,. h,,. j I'i I - "11 1 lui, I'enil a'i in- I a-! t. 1:1 11 1! It 1 1 il.. ir e to t .- 1. .'i : 111.11 a I 1 1 .1 I 1 i'e I I.. am. : ,1 ,'ur ,,.i.i .,t : j. ,,i eu I Ui. II,1. 17. isi i r. fif n-itn-e L bo .'' 11 il. i' 1 s' 11. 1 . III '11 t If ' a t ',; ir:,, IV L rd i.vi:ss : i''. ts . . 1 , ,-, ) .. :. I V H ''il lll - 0. O J r. !': i.- 1 in :d I...VI it. runr- r J.t K-: S. t. KbV-X r a j r.oa- I rated - a ',. i'i'.,il e .ir. J iiOa 10 Ojarf... 'i.a M ir. t an,, i If. i-i ii- ."---,'.' i-r's st, oe. v. 1 1 .1 i die leeih at a r. . 11 hi? for flier : 1 I r i'i and inil. ,i' t-; '.!i le-moed w ih iti? a.J . i n-r. ot,! la-tu.M.11 1., J m ,a ,.v , ,. . - 1 . . I . '11. 1,11.1 ft,l i..- Ol I.', d (,. at fui.iiui. t.i ;;. on -Vi.t to ..-.t !'. : ti-.-l li.inr iverr.e.j: . 111 I'l'lKilon I r:e. .!. .t ill: -i . an t ii.rliine I C! J ui:i . ana n.tl iiii-r I -i t ) a.t IrtVo , 1, ao! il' a ir i tronaae i 1 in, ma need. 'I hank ul 1 1'litni ia ..I . , tt.au-iiaia iijt d I. r I,::;nS. m i,-,ih. c :.y'.v . : . vsx B3 1 S) s attj w u at (he old stiiiiif. eirarv. ae. ss am 111 IK. IV 1. (!; H' th- ir i..!,J ai.J we' I .1 1 IlliW II ml "ii M trke' s'rt i- a !J ! nn. I well el. ctel iiss.r'.i.cnl tf Fall mid Winter r",I1Pr's'" lit- UMlill Vmi-'tV G P. O P. P I? I T 5 is:.. I IS: I V. . n.-.U'., 1 Is,H, HUS, l.ev. i.b ir.'. S ATK of ri.i!.,.:..'. t'tU. t'tC. Ilir ( io(!s are warrantOil to be r! -..' tt. the e!i,MH'st, no I jjood as t'ie t f. new or oM. 'I liana, ful f,f p (.i a'ron.t' 'I lijeu.K, we n.k ll.r n c iuini;s.ii-i' tl.e 1 uvcrs ; and new enmt rs and a run. ers we -eaprcUui'y invne to Call it ..(I Sec! P.I.CKit A- iiipi.m;-1 Lvniabtiro, Oct It), Is 13