LEWISBURG: jCHRONICLE AND THE WEST BRANCH FARMER. &n independent Jfamiln Paper denoted to News, Citetature, Politics, RgricuUnre; Science and ittotalitn. BY 0. N. WORDEN. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 1849. VOL VI.. NO. 30-290, 0 & Skir j The Lrtrisbnrs Chronicle: Published Wediielay Afternoon at I-ewi.burg. luioa county, Penney Ivania. Tsbms. Z2,t0 for a year, to be paid in the first half year ; R"i,50. if payment be not made within the year ; sinule numbers. 8 cts. Subse rip'ions for six mon'hs or less to be paid in advance. Discontinuances optional wuh the Publisher, except when arrearages arc paid. Advertisements hand.somi ly inserted at SO ct. per square one week, XI, 00 for a month, S-5,00 a year. A reduction of these rate fur larger or longer advtmts. Caual advertisements and Job work to be paid for when performed. All communications by mail must come post piid. accompanied by the address of the writer, to receive attention. Oifice.M.irkel street between Second and Thiid. O. X. Woboex, Publisher, "HIE CHRONICLE. --een.. B4TI RD4Y, OCT. 26. 53rThe following is the official result of the Election for Representatives in this District : Prion Junius Tout 2436 877 3313 2205 8 10 3135 Eli S;ifer, W hig Jno M'Liughlin, " InoDimm, Demo Jno Cumming, " 18(19 1 1 211 2998! 1819 1108 2927 Mi'er over M'Laughlin Dimm 173 315 " Cummings 30 M'Liughlin over D.mm 137 Cun.mings 2 8 Dimm over Cummings 71 fr7"The following is the vote in North U nherland county for Canal Commissioner and on the County Poor-House: Gauilite. Fuller For. Again! fninbury 115 101 51 33 Northumberland 108 70 135 3 M.Iton P6 137 204 5 Upper Augusta 46" 83 12 63 Lower Augusta lfc9 41" 15 205 H.iint 72 71 36 30 Turbut 79 57 19 56 -.174 67- . 2 2:4 Delaware 155 114 29 184 h liqim-joe 110 67 22 101 Sbamokin HI) 63 7 2(l8 Coal 41 41 6 47 Rh 121 38 8 130 Jackwn 154 49 173 L'tile Mahanov 41 8 1 49. tipper Mahanov 122 13 13i! Lower M.ham.y CO Hi 3 1 141' 1674 1111 502 1841 K gis'rr, St-. Porsel, Dem M.lea, Vol D. m. 272 Kjckceller.Vol.Wh. 1267 Youngman. Dem. 1551 1 reap l ounj:, V olunteer 1103 C'onmiissioner U'm.WiUon, Dem. 1(195! D C Caul, Vol. 1055! Asen,l,! John B Pucker, no opponent AuJittr Win L Cook, " mWe have not the vote by Districts nn the Poor House question in Union, but aie informed the Boroughs voted For and .1... T u:,. ....: . s- -.1 i. ' r ' lurid county. "J he Townbhip .su(Mo?e the Horoughs have the most poor, and then- fjre oppose a more enlarged means of ma-' , i j , 1 '""3 common burden a common charge. , j fttrlu Philadelphia City and County. ; ti.e vote for President in '48 and forCaiml ' ,, - ,i i t-mmiMiioner in 49, were as lollows : Whig Dem Sca't'g ' In '49 31.03S 21,307 200 ! t IQ.inO 19.282 22 1 3 : Iiecr.ii-c in '49 11,938 2 205 ll,38 .'205 Line, In the City, ex-Judge Joel Jones, Inde pendent, i elected Miyor, by 65 majority oer Chnrles Gilpin, Whig. The Whigs elected their Councils and Assembly tick els by from 5 to 2500 majority. The Democrats elected their Legislative County Ticket by about 1300. The City and County Offires are divided sa follow : vtiik;. Treasurer Solomon Wagner, 1,751 maj. 'oinmin.ioner J C Dobleman, 1,779 Clerk o1 O.C. Jacob Broom, 874 " Auditor Henry Tunison 1,47'J " t,EMOCHT. Uej.iv.e r of WillsT C Bunting D.I 9,735 JasVinard,W. 19,446 KCHon-all.N. 2,832 Iiuntmg over inyard, 1,289 Siieriff Wm Deal. Democrat 18,604 Saml II Rolhermel.Whig 17,624 W Dirkerson. ludependtnt 2,609 B U Parr. Nrttive 2,193 Deal over Koth rmel. 984 In '4!. the vote for Sheriff stood : Henry Lelar, Native, 15,303 Wm Deal, Democrat 15.167 T1.0S M'&rath, Whig 9,378 Lelar over Deal, 135 This is ting firt tinw since tlie present .rgan.zation of parties that the Democrats fave had either the Sheriff or the Mayor of rhiludelt his. The alleged iucfocicncy lof these offices in the hand of Whig to I suppress llie dreadful disorders that have blackened Philadelphia, has had an effect in producing these changes. For. the sake of everything that is dear to life, to comfort, to property, and to public and private reputation, it is to be hoped these new Peace Officers may be pre-eminently I successful in gaining and preserving Law and Order in Philadelphia ! Lycoming County Officers. Treasurer Chs H Beeber, Dem. 1 978 Robert Pott, whig 1679 Commissioner -John B Jonea, Dem 1978 Henry Robb, whig 1678 Auditor-SamI M'Clintock, Dem 2012 Wm V Antes, whig 1596 Clinton county has elected TVs M'Ghee for Prothonotary, David Karskaddon for Treasurer, Daniel Seadle and Wm Myers for Commissioners, and Geo Hartman for Auditor. Col. Asa Dimock, of Susquehanna Co., would seem to occupy the most advanta geous position in the canvass for State Treasurer now approaching. Hit long and successful experience in public life in various station'', and particularly as Head Clerk in the Treasury Department, is a sufficient proof of his ability, while his "claims" are many. 0There has been a three-cornered fight going on for some lime between or rasher amongst the three Democratic" papers in Columbia County. The Star is out upon both Democrat and Intelligencer ; the Democrat castigates the Intelligencer and the Star ; and the Intelligencer coolly extinguishes the Star and turns the Demo crat out of the party. Each paper is the true-blue Democratic organ ' all others are counterfeits." As all belonged to the same party for so many years, their expo sures of "family quarrels" is decidedly refreshing to the "outside barbarians," who in i heir simplicity suppose that as editor never falsify, and these gentlemen are well acquainted with each other, their charges against one another must be all true con sequently, that Mr. Cook and Mr. Kitchen are the only good Democratic editor in the tCFlf i always gratifying to the true henrt to record bequests to benevolent pur poses by persons of ability, and specially if the givers exercised their stewardship in life as well as at death. It is a mistaken kindness, as reason teaches and abundant facts prove, to leave large estates to rela- ,ive 8nd ffie,lds- tetter far to leave the means the Creator has put in Iheir hands to chari'able. educational, religious mean of good to their fellows of the human race. So thought Miss Elizabeth Demilt, who died recently in New York, and by whose Will as proved at the Surrogate's office I the follow tog liberal, discriminating, and rnmnrehensive villa am marto - i r For the Demilt Library Institution lor the Blind do Ueaf & Dumb CoUnri rph.ns. Aoc.ation do ilome .-o'n of Be.l A Repecuble Females e Y"'k Iilnsry Eastern Dispensary yonh Dia,,ry Orphan Asvlum New York Hospital BI.Hii.in.lale A.ylum jnarinera r amny innusinai atrmy Y. Asm. lmproem-nt Condition of Poor 3,000 Home of the Friendless 3 000 isoc. lor Poor Widows wilb Small Children 3.000 Historiral Society 5.000 New Society Library Mercantile Library Association 5,000 3,000 182,000 fJ"The Pacific News" has a sketch of Capt. Johs A. Sitter, of Sutter's Fort in California. It appears that he is a Swiss by birth, was a Lieutenant in the Infantry of France during the reign of Charles X., and after battling like a hero at Grenoble with a fidelity for which the Swiss are truly remarkable, his corps only capitulated when the revolution was consummated and Charles an exile. He then embarked for the United States, of whose institutions he has ever been a warm admirer, and after engaging in many pursuits and encounter ing many vicissitudes of fortune, be went to Oregon, and from thence to California, where lie was the first white settler in the valley of the Sacramento. After erecting his Fort, the Mexican Government wisely made him its commandant. He acquired great influence over the Indians, which he exerted for their improvement, and his hospitality has increased with his wewlth. He rejoiced in the addition of California to the great Central Union of States, and is a Delegate to the Convention to form the Constitution of the State of California. 1 would If I could. - I would if I coulil." Though much it's in use. Is lut a fallacious And sluggish eicuse ; And many person, Who could if he would, la often beard saving " I would if I could." " Come, John," slid school sjy, " I wish you would try To solve this hard priiM. ru : Now don't you deity." But John st I he moment Waa not in the mood. And yawniugly answered - I would if I could." At the door of mansion. In tattered raga rlad, 6tood a pour woman begging A morsel of bread ; The rich man sraice heeded. While trembling ahe ttood. But answered her, eol.llr, ' I would if I could." The scholar, receiving His teacher's advice ; The swearer, admonished fo hun such a vice ; The child, when requested To try and be good ; Oft give the same answer, " I would if I could." But if we may credit W hat good people say. That where a right will is There's slwaya wav. And whatever ought to be, Cas be, and shoilii We never nerd utter, "I would ir I could." a fob no eest from the Persian. Once from a cloud, a drop of rain Fell trembling in the ae. And when she saw the wide-spread main, Shame veiled her modesty : " What place in this wide sea have I f What room ia left for me 1 Sure it were better that I die In thia immensity !" But while her aelf-ahasing fear Its lowliness confessed, A ahell received and welcomed her. And pressed her to ill breast ; And. nourished there, the drop became A pearl for royal e v rs Ex ailed by ita lowly shame, And humbled but to rise. from the Suiional Era. LOVE'S LAHOR NOT LOST. by Martha russell. ; '-face and figure ol a child Though too calm, you think, and lender. For the childhood joa woulJ lend her. "And a stranger when he see her In the street even, smileih stilly. Just as you nuuld at a lily." P4RT I. In the door-way of one of those old, dil apidated, densely populated houses that abound in the great city of New York, ant a pale, delicate-looking child. It was a narrow, dark street, leading down to the river, lined with forlorn, mouldy-looking old houses, leaning against each other for iiiport,nd from which divers loose boa ids and timbers hung creaking in the wind, ev er giving warning that they were about lo fail. The air in this street was a strange combination of odors, arising from the cu linary preparation going on in the over crowded dwellings, varied occasionally by a strong smell of tar, burned oakum, and bilge water, with which the breiz from the river was Men. In shor, it was anything but the pure fresh air ol heaven, which God gave as the element ol life. Yct.on the evening of which we speuk. the mellow beams of the setting, which,iike he earnest soul,are ever seeking something beautiful under the most untoward appear ances, came peering 'round corners and through between tumbling-down chimneys, bringing out in strong relief the grotesque mouldings on the old casements and corui- I ce. peeping beneath the crushed-looking ihonneta nt't.iil.wnrn mothf.r minrninif 17,. m their lalanr, and bathing, as in a stream of go'den water, the head of numberless little white-haired children, as they rushed forth to meet their parents or played upon the pavement One strong sunbeam, like an angel of Mercy, had spied the pale child, in that gloomy door-way, and, creeping from roof to roof, at length fell upon the dwelling above her, then sliding down slow ly und silently, like all sweet, holy influ ences, rested upon her head, and lit up her meek, pale face with a glow which was ve ry beautiful lo behold. A glad light sprang to her eyes a faint smile broke 'round her mouth, as she felt us warmth upon her forehead ; for a mo ment, she watched the mote dancing in its golden light ; then her g'ire was directed, as before, earnestly up the street. As she sat thus, the pavements began to echo lo the heavier footsteps of men returning from their work, and there was a confused mur mur of tongues Irish, English, French, and German. But the loudest toned among them instinctively lowered as he caught a glimpse of that child silting in the sunlight, and not a few of those hard, care-worn fa ces greeted her with kindly smile. One fat, motherly-looking Irish-woimn paused be side her, and, taking a smull bnquet of the commonest of garden Dowers from among the mass of articles that crowed the tak':t on her arm, placed it in the child's baud, saying "M iy be ye would like that, me darlint.'' "Oo.ihank vou ! thank vou !" exi-laimed the child, raising her ryes, gu.shing with delighted surprise, "it is so on' since i have seen a flower! Vou are so very kind !" 'Ait' who wouldn't be kind to you. arooit, wid the angel looking out of j'i eyes, so like the one that once slefq on my own breast, and is now wid the blessed Virgin in heaven T' said the Irish mother, crossing herself, and pressing her hard hand to her bosom with a mournful gest ure, as she passed on. To most of my readers, whose lives have been set 'round and garlan ,'ed with those autographs of the Divinity tho blessed flowers it will be difficult to describe the intense joy, the loving tenderness, with which that gir! gazed on those humble flow ers, and pressed them to her lips and eyes; or what a chain of associations they awoke in her young mind, which reached from earth to heaven. It seemed that these were not all of joy, for the glow of delight which had lit up her face faded slowly away, and in its place came a look op patient sorrow a sorrow that gave to her features a thoughtfulness of mature years. As she sal thus busy with Memory, a boy, ol some eight years, catne rapidly down the street, anJ, seeing that sho did not observe him, crept stealthily along in the deep shadow of the old walls, until he replacing the coarse dishes, with their j Ci' " ,h"h "lar! "f "",. mpul .tood behind her unperceived, and. clap. scan!y contents, upon the table, with ,lic disposition, was guierally much re ping his little brown hands wfth delight as chilJlsh "how to the tiP!,c,ed B"d b,:',,V( J' "ch- he stooped to kiss her, 'claimed Caught ! fairly caught asleep once, Susie!" The little girl smiled, and, holding up her flowers, said "See, Willie, are they not beautiful ?'' Then, in reply to his words of admira tion and inquiry, she went on to tell, out of gratitude ol her heart, of the kindness of the world in general, and the fat Irish-woman in particular, as she manifested tow ard her ; then returning to the flowers,she said . L ok here, Willie ; those two and that j her bosom and sank upon a chair, nothing blue one are just like the (lower that grew "' evidences of her joy at seeing them in our garden at Woburne. Do you re-! again. True, lntle Susie, with her prem member the violets and the blue periwinkle . ature developement, born of pain and sor- I ;ih irf nf iI.m mi MnH tlia rtnmn lil.tr-,, j at the end ol the alley, und but uo.you j were too small when e left lo remember. I Dear Wol urne !" she aded, sadly, as il ! touched hv some mournful recolleetion. I "Not the floweis, Susie, though 1 love j them well enough for their own sakes as i well '"or yours ; but I do remember Dr. M.iriliH-k'si hitr iloir. rHinter. and hrw he ... r. . , I use.1 to let me ride on nis nncK. iwt aon t v nne tne weary metier iistcne.1 to me . . . o . . j . ,i rA. i u .i be sad, Susie," he continued, noticing the murmuring voices off children, another . , , r i .. i r'r i r .i j i ... snnde on her face with the quicK eye tlorm e.nerged from the darkness ol the ... ... i . , i- i , u . i. . i .ii i I nff.ction ; "when I gel to he a man, lucti j passage ; but whether Us gloom still clung, will be before a ihounand yeurs," and he fairly rose two inches in his shoes, we were about lo say, but can not, seeing that his feet were bre, in his desire to convince her of the speedy iuifilipint of his words ; "we will have another voltage just like the one at Woburne, with a garden and lots of flowers ; lor, though I don't remember much about it, you can tell me, and you shall have a little room to yourself, witii plants in it as big as tree if you like." She drew him down beside her, and pas sing her hand over his mass of brown hair, said, with a smile 'Vou are the best and kindest brother in the whole world, Willie. "And who wouldn't be kind to you Su sie !" he replied, unconsciously repealing the words of lhe Iri.-h mother, "I could not be otherwise il I tried. Rut come, let us go into the house and see mother." "Mother has gone to carry home the clothes she has been washing," said Susie, as she turned to reach behind lor some thing w i'hin the door. "Never mind, Susie,' said her brother, laying his hand on her arm, let me be your crutch to-night. I will be very steady, in deed I will." She smiled, and as he carefully assisted her lo rise, it was easy to see why she, so small and childish-looking herself, should have spoken to that well-developed boy ol her older memory. Her face, with its thoughtful look of pa tient sorrow, might have been taken, as it was, in truth, for the lace of a girl of twelve summers, bul her lower limbs were small even to deformity, and one hip much drawn from itf place. As they turned from the door, she cast atiuther anxious glance up the street, then her eyes sought her brother's face w;ih a look of sorrowful inquiry The boy understood the glance, for he replied, sadly "I fear he will not come to nighl Susie.'' "V'hy not 1 Have you seen him?" she j asked, ea-.erlv. "He came as lar as the corner of street with me ; there he met some boy who persuaded him to go into a ten-pin al- lit ha rar.!ijl Ita lif al,iulv CTIliHed his I .' , , , :, ! sho did not lull to catch and translate H.to sis"er s s'eps alonjr the uloomy old passage! , , . I words ; and lips which should have open that led to their room. , . , .... j , . . , ; ed only lo bless and pity her, had uttered However mean and poor the room which . . . , them again and again intones ol querul- .... . r i children, however bare of even the com - mon necessaries of life, however harsh and discordant the sound which reached it from the crowded rooms around, there was that in the hearts and on the faces of those chil dren, as they emerged from that dark pas sage, that gave to its atmosphere a light and a glory which wealth could not buy. Willie began to bring fonh their scanty supper, meanwhile telling his sinter all ab out the great green parrot, whose gilJed cage hud for several days been hunj from a window opposite his employer's store (lor Willie was an errand boy.) of its climbing and whistling, and mocking the cries of the newspaper venders, while oc- casionnliy the noise of Susie's crutches mingled with the chattering o! their tongues as she assisted him in searching for some- thing. which (hey were at last forced to re - member had been all eaten at the previous mo-i They had hard I v finished niacins and! best advantage, and thus cheat themselves intoa belief of sufficiency, hen the.r mo ther entered from her weary vatk. Hy healthy, happy children, bred in. the midst of plenty and comfort, she miitht l.a.e been taken for a spectre, so wan and ghostlike did she look, with that strand unearthly light in her larjje, dirk eves. Hut these children, familiar with niUerv. I ''" '""'"V ere Drought lo saw nothing in that face but the radiance1 l'Par H-"i"s' hpr Hni lhe c,,iiJ Rt le"lh of a mother's love, and in her shortened M"lhdre,v rrom her c ,re ,or ,n"mhs to respiration and the quick throbbing of h"r j e " r heart, as she pressed their young hands to S,i" h"r he,rt foed him with lov- row. h.id onre or twiep of Into fe!t a shurl- j der pass over her, s if the shadow of the in or of the death-nngel rested upon her. j when she looked in her nio'her's l'-e and 'noted her failing steps; but she had shrunk from it, and thrust it away from her, as if such a 'earful thought questioned the good ness of God. Childhood is so slow to au- orehend dea'h. ..... . ..... to him from nffiuity.or whether it was ow ing lo the atmosphere of evil uhich for many mouths hud been gathering 'roumt his heart, we can not say; but n dink cloud rtstcd upon his handsome, boyioh features. and gave to them a bittet, disagreeable ex pression Ann it seenu-a tiiul neither lhe . , , . - glad welcome of the children, nor the more gentle one of the mother, had power i chase il away ; and he dretv himself moo dily upon a chair, and deigned no reply lo their kind and loving words. "I fear you are not well lo-niht, George," said lhe mother, approaching and laying her thin, bony fingers ujion bus wrist. He drew drew his arm hastily away, saying "Well! I don't know what any one should wish to be well for : the sooner one dies and is out of the way lhe beuer." "But, my dear child'' "Ah, yes, 1 know all that you would say," he interrupted, with a gesture of im patience. "I know all that rnnf about God's wisdom and goodness and provid ence and discipline, and all lhal. It is a part of God's wisdom, I suppose, that al lows one man to cheat another out of all that he has a part of his providential dis cipline that we and thousands like us must drudge, drudge night and day, and starve at thai a part of his boasted goodness," he went on bitterly, casting a glance at lit tle Susie, "lhal bring children into this world only to sufTer- to drag through lile a burden to themselves and others. Bet ter die at once; or, better still, never to have been born !' Little Susie, who had managed to get close to his stde, and lay her thin hand uP- on his shoulder, drew in her bicath, as if. courage to face his changed circumstanw; a sharp pain passed through her.and.cree-, he w as one of those natures "too prouj to ;irg away, seated herself in the shadow oi dig, end ashaired to beg t!-ere!ore, f-r!-t ?3 Jo"r, for h wou'd not that they j withstanding the words of cheer stiiil en .should see the tears lb it gathered in hert courcgcmcnt he received from his wife, hr . ey's. ! soon yielded to despair. Well would it 'A burden to hrse!f and o'hers " Co-I. j,ave been if this had been alt. But, lik only knows how deeply those bitter words J mnny another proud, disappointed man, h pierced her heart. They ware not new to, ,OUgH, fbrgcIruFnfcss in the wine-cup, and her. Careless, thoughtless people related thum in whisper to each other, as they gaifd ou her wasted limbs.whispers which ' ou complaints ; yet custom had not duiJed ; J , - ...cir jwiui. w isuu u cl" "(.'" "' their bitterness. I hey brought a elouij before her eyes and heart so dark and thick that it cost the child many a weury strug gle before she could again see and gather up the scattered sunbeams that came to brighten even her turlorn way. part it- M Thtnk God, bless God. all ye who sutler njt Moie grief than ye can w-cp fr." Suie IJ.invers had spoken of her early home at Woburne, and in the midt of a lire of pain and poverty her heart guarded iha ni -mory of the hours passed there like a holy thing ; and since error and sin had driven them from his sh-lter, and like the , An;;p, ,,r Vratli at the gates of Krlen, hir- red the entranee, she had ba'hed it in the jg,t of a pure and loving nature until, j j - or all the beautiful pictures 1 b" ban8 '" Memory . ! this seeineo oearesi, Driariiesi, and r-sr, IIr father had b-en the villag. phvsi - - : ew !"' a" lhal c,,,l,e Wlth" h' r : There wus "e cbct mti uhich she Ml dr:'wn w ith n,ore ,h8n a :ul,"'s i Mlnc,iVB nl to -titue ! ('rorB, r husband's child by a former ! """"'IF i bul. "nlortuna.ly for both the mother and the chi'd, the strong prejudices in,; lliougtit, and when l,od n led up (lie c l c t. i - i ir-, u, njgn a urirc. iimi auger auu con- iric tsute of her cup ot happiness bv si nd- -' . i,,i i - u j j ' , ,i Mention were soon added to the many mis iii" her own little Susie, she did not sfcl- ' fishlv forget the motherless boy, hot herT"" " " ,aJ' thoughts turned lo him with even more! ""nJ,n h'S Slr0t" PreJudl. ,he had . j .t I A c . ' trnili rnrss loan Lelore : a nil the first word the litl'e girl was taught to utter was the name oi her brother. During the short , - . , . u . visits winch he mide at m-t father s house, . . I, . ,-. i i the boy could n t, in spiie o! the power ol I j .. . j! prejud ee, resist her eut'e nifluence ; and ... j,. . . hh he listened to her sweet tones, ar-1 looked into her soft, d.trk eyes.h's thougl.t erew troubled, and he wondered h w it " ... , , , , , , , , I COVlJ he that one o kind anJ jjenlle slionl.i , - he so thorjuh.v si Itish as he ha:J t.een nh , , r tauiittt to believe her. the longest cl . , . i . t, I 1 l lies; v isiis was iiiiiud uitji at uic uiiirnin ii. little Susie was recot -neg frt:i a terrible illness that had left h r a cripple fr lile The little girl was delighted with his com-! pauy ; besides, she was so gemle find patient in her helplessness, that he could IIOI 111- 111 I mil IT Hill U low n , u, t:i , f.nu lie . . i: a ... ..... I.. ...-1 i. ; r r. .... soon cast on his rough habits, anil learivUj ' .. p, o, sj eak softly and siep liKhily as his n.o-; his ''or,ner ,ile- which in hii "r aelSsk. iher hersell ; and when she was, at length,! nPSS he did not h,si,atP ,0 from ,h permitted to go out in her little carriage, j ,al"r ' h,s wife enJ children. ! his in and he saw her wholly committed to h,s mosI he,4rt' '" of,en bil,erIv regretted ere, he was delighted with the responsi j yieldin 10 ,his dl,rk a-pirit. .nd. though hi Inlity. lie tit that he was fnr7ftf lor !:he first time in his life; for the cold, I suspicious temper of his aunts, and their j harsh jadg.nen-s, were .11 caUulnttd to) foster in the mind of childhood either con- j ftdence or self respect ? and nol unfrequent ly, in after years, when yielding lo the evil influences around him. his heart recalled these brief weeks of his childhood with bi: ler regret. When Susie was about eight years old. Dr. Danvers became &ecurily for a distant relative of his wife, to the amount of several ihousmd dollars. This person soon liecaxe a bankrupt, and invol ved the Doctor in his ruin. This unfortu nate affair filled up the measure of Mrs Da ri vers' unpopularity with his first wife's rela tions ; for though she bod not taih-d to re monstrate gently and calmly with her hus band, at lhe time, on the propriety of thus risking his nll.lhe whole blame of the allair waa thrown upon her, chiefly because she refused to join in the bitter reproaches with which they chafed hrs impatient, irritable spirit. Though intelligent, genial, and gen erous. Dr. Danvers possessed but little in dependence of character. He lacked en- - ergy to meet his d-ffvu'ties. "t'd the moral in a fchort time all traces of the generou spirit oi his yquth were effaced by tbm rapid encroachir.cn of the demon Intem perance. Supported by the strength which Com eth not from earthly aid, his gentle wif saw fie sure but gradual ruin of her dear- e . ear:Mv h oe- saw the cuiet harm in esi rar.niy u ipes , saw me quiet norrw to which her nature had passed by uch pleasant s'eps from timid, bashful girlhood into' the full lie of ripened womanhood, pass into tho hands of strangers. Bad with her husband, whose temper grew mora and more irritable and exacting a his health yielded to his'evil habits.and ber chil dren, found refuge in the crowded purlieu of the city. We luve said " children, for, soon after the failure, the marraige of one aunt and death of another had coo-, signed George again to his father'. cara, and, some f ur years previously, litt!s Willie had been udaed to their joy and c res. George's character was much more marked end decided, even at that early age, than his father's. His passions and ppjudiees were very strong.and the course) of training, to wiiich he had been suljected i in his grandioot tier's house had. not tended i IO n s'r"in lm-'m' wnile !l naa ucceeaea ta tinging all that was genial and generous in his nvwe with distrust and suspicion, lie had been taught to reccjmise the law of Fear, but not of Love. His own prop erty, inherited from his mother, had been lost in the general wreck ; and so deeply had it been instilled into him that his loss was in some way the resjlt ol his father's second marriage, that the spirit :tS which he returned to share their poverty was little calculated to add to the peace or corn In rt of the ri.-ined household. The selfish ness of the father, who, in his degradation, did not hesi'ate to indulge his own appe tites at the expense of his family, and his fretful, unreasonable temper, chafed and embittered the quick, impetuous spirit of the I 1. - A 1 . ooi ucru vsiiii iiktiii many weens, ueiore j he fell compelled to admire the unwearied . .: l i r l: . i . ; ' instead of being drawn to lollow her ex- D amtle, his feeling of admiration often ' ' changed in'o one oi" ancry contempt, that ' fc 3 r she could so lamely sohmit lo the imperi- J 1 nns, unreasonable exactions of his father- At such times, with a recklessness strange) to himself, he would join his father in i rid culmg her unshaken faith in lhe (food- e n, of God ; ant? the infirmities of links - Susie formed a never-failing illustration 00 thi point for so rapidly had the demon gained upon the man, that the father had already learned to look uprn hissafTering ehiid as a burden and a trouble a cars that deprived him cf the undivided atten tion of his wife, and an expense that cur- .ii.iU i.i,.. m nv ih. ;n,.in.n. '" f - ' wmjld ,!,'n tske UP ,he 1,nI irl on h wnue oenuing nis neam 10 meet her ' " her of the.r early daJs at " 0,'urnp-1,1,1,1 her Pale fa I radient wuh delight. Hut bevond Itho walls of that humble room he found litth to strengthen these fain! struggles of thej better spirit within him, but much Oh, how niuch 'o tempt him on to sin and crime ! Soon alter their arrival in the ci'y, his father had apprenticed him to a shoemaker, in spite ol his s'rong repug nance to the occupation, and earliest en treaties to be permitted lo seek some ether mode of living. At the time of his father's death, which happened some two year? af ter, he Itfl his employer, and, joined a gang ol reckless boys like himself, suh-,is-! his mother knew not how, lor his v, ..!, home grew more and more rare, uu . mood more anh more in.pstier.t and trrit t ble. Eveu the kind greetings r..' ' vii-.; words which ever awated hurt 'tt if"!: humble home, seemed to reproach to unhappy boy, and sometimes r cease to visit them f r mouths. It would seem strange to one unucquaiD- k 3 ii