BUNSFi1. i aaa. mm a. i. caafaiti. -Iditdairy.-ftmm. the M amMailM JtiaV the mm which aaorwiwg fa i mm'Ot are lifer, thsasr lulty MflWlfka, to Utmw tbe day-gnd'e gtave! 8av the Sands, buaw'tbet bright W km ikai aan'a lest gfariss ! thai ant, lik aUmera, aratteved 0"M Mi f vjeoa eajnalchre ! A on da foe, that bat titted la lb wilt'a all fluriaaa I gbt, LaniaiabM, aa a .fcrw hearted. Fade away in death and wight. Rvmpatbrlic eloada of heevea Uortl weep writ holy daw, While the first bright alar of even Beam al-ura auusj ibe blue. Like a child that doth iiihoH Afl ill reoia' radiant bloom. Watching. with aaddaiied apitit. U'rr thtr luatd and hallowed tuaib. Lav ia dead. ud we air dying Every hour but apeed our duran Kvery brraih we D are drawing Bring u neater lo the tomh. 1 ai ibia thought rejoice our .pilits. Drooping o'er blr'a weary way tmj day remote a hatdeit V arc dying evety day. thing daily ! dying daily ! Thrar are word nt lulty cheer ! Falling, like a tale of ransom. On a autlering captive's car. hrt aa thm. in holy living freed fh path our Xavior troJ Wbco our pilgrimage la ended. Calmly fall " asleep in oJ." " Mf. Mnrg.lltM L Dllllev, IfCom- i. ..... i , . pllShlf Wile Of lite etlltur Ol llie Utional . .. . ... .. B I.ra. proposes to ( tihlnli in Wa'limotnn a juvenile monthly pner lo be railed 1'ite Friend of Youth,'' t lifty o-nN pet year. By the manner in winch he con eluctrd "The Youlli'a M mldly V.ailer" in Cincinnati, Mrs. ti. nave evidenw of pe culiar Uleut for works of this kind. HUMOROUS. 4 Rati cene. TraV tl'II ine. Ill V kr, lw' CUSK ' ' f thoae tears ? Oh eu'-h a di.-grace ! W hat ahat in it, my oVar T Do not keep me in auspr-n-e. Why, I opened 'me of jour letter. tip poraiiig it adJres.-ed to mystlf. Certainly ii lonked more like Mr, than Mr la that all 1 Y1tat grent harm in the iars opening the hunband's U tters? No harm in the thing iiM.ll". Bui the voniente eueh a diagrace! What! bis any one dared to write me a Utter unfit to be read by my wife! O no it is ciiuclied in ehnate and gentlemanly language. But the contents. ibr- content. ! fjlere the wife buried her fare in her naudkercbiaf, and commenced sobbing aioiffi) white the husband eagerly caught Mptht IrPVf bVi4- eontfiteirred reading the ewtie that rW been the flteafle of nearlv plVahiOf his wife heart. araw r7 from lAt rriafeT for almotf two t.-rs' kubttrtpiun ! ! A Uwyerand rJoetor werediacuasiug the niiqi.lt y f thrir respective prnfesaions. l each cited authority to prove his the saoat ancient. lliire, slid the disciple of Lymrgus, roinracured alnmst wtlh the wnrlo'a era. Vmm sWw his brother Abt-I. and that wa a iritmmtl earn in eomnvm law !" 1 Trtae,"' reinined Ksrulapius, " IkiI my prfesrn is coeval with creaiia itself. Hd mother Kve was made out of a rib taken from Adam's body, aud thai was a turgical operatiun.v The lawyer dropped hi green bag. The following Receipta are stud to be infallible and we are willing to admit the Tacts without making the eiperiments : To" ,nle pie Play biiod man's bulf in a pniitipo-ofli'-e. 'Iu iirtve mu!ic at dinner Tell your Jc iV ti not a hamlsoint: ua (he lady .ho live arrows the way. To save butter Make it salt tliat no lie ran ent it. To hae a gooil pnper Py tlif jr....... A Law (Juesti n. " The e'.Ve that was lelt' itaid an lrihm n lo liisi lyer. 'waa a pig and a bushel of potatoes, which were lo be diviJed between tb heirs, inv aa!f nu.l brother. The Executor shut the pig up ita-the p Mntocs. andduringthe night he eat tliem ait' up, and' now c w naif to ItMow how we are to divide the preHrt., , The Hartford Courant pit- a- 2vd ,mrv of' wider in the western part of Nrw York, wno was Koited'awd. hia politics re. ntnreil Well." said lie, I ain't Jtotlr- I iiijj I used to be a LnVr'? inart till the FrW S.'il oar'y rDn! "P ,,M n ' .i,,m'd that nw J U l,ow 'nM' " our' a'" ' . Malrinxmial Squabble. The O o!y Sun aca-t, within the last three mniitria.; in Bhil . i.i u:- have luavra IA4l iiul;tn(ls rjei' aa I hald to Ull for " beating. wives for Hsue'ls'ini their liege ioms Uliis is a sad 4aHuie.of m-tirimoiiiar bliss! CVtnaerjiJOnses of a 'Searcity of .Female. Veter-rfor b fir is- cai ried on toaasrh an eawrrt in San Pranciacn, h.t a t lrty ed Irvecnniatis elopja-d lo have a d irt.ee. aroonrl an old eaat off bonnet. Loau tnke no jileasure in you wrr.ett wean get In t ne of vour unnyylth way," 4,tls rat tne i,aV' K Notice. SUBSCRIBERS lo the "University at Lewisburg who have not paid their Firat Instalment, (Hue last January,) are respectfully requested lo par the Mine iibout further notice, to HAM'I. T. WALKER. Tasas. By oroV of the Board of Trustees, taewisburg. -pt. 1. 1849. ICJtU!illLlR dftalB gUwrk, rakTMM tatf-SK, Mklf , V. f . PURIFY! PURIFY ! LIFE aid DKUTII are ia the BLOOD. Clrumtr. Purify, ml Rrputatf the Circulation, and Ike wkole htulj will amy krallk. Tkr moot wonderful uf all rtmcJ.e to pnutucv inch a rrtvlt. i$ BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Yaw. thtt tlfaircJ n-euilt and fli.-a.-r will he produced hy the c 4 a smaller tpntntitit of thi Prams thka en bo tfcrtl br the ut- i a like quauiutr of uijr utli:r rwtirdy la the world. (S-e vur Pamphlets lor lirool.) Th I'tniriKa i trkolisj prrjian-d from VeretaUt?. and cum the iprf. no if ?.... fr, Mid lotig tttaidto di ?!" Ol the IiIuimL vatLtHit tmiiiv, jmrging, ntkrmng. or dfinh- Ming II rifinwi. ttirmglktMM, mvtgnrttst lliiikf Dew, aWrv MwMt, and gtvet vif rsayor and acw it to tfa whole 1 hKANTS Pl'RIFIKR i FOUR TIMES (HEArKR ; Ihaa anj o'her rrttwly in the worhi, braut ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of n win a rm'er amount of eura than fmr Mttrf i rrr imrttmmrui. or any utlter nrimlT. lo mtttr how tbeir IkIfii dmit ha. Ton imrrral tmtrtum lor ron- ! atitiwr to determine, in. hm mch wrre curaftv rntel mnd m j m, fvubr ptn. tk mik f u,M; jMuma had ouni. within u ui yew. 100,000 Penom uf Impart Blood Distain, aad 23,000 Cats were fonxidtrrd Inrorable! a aoai athtf patcotnctlU inp mn arr in the habit of Ine. If w fbtHilJ any ao. who wihiIJ beiiTe u ? Thia nnorenr. we lo far. at"l .Tantl rva.y to inv liy rrnpettuktt wiraraaa. that HaaNT's MKlurtK, hav ll.Tti i-urea of Mire dtvam oa InuiK human tH-imc. tlir mi4 Tear. Ihaa any other reaartly in KifbiwT dil iluring Urn Fame time. Haw aaawlt will at lallar'a Morth CURE Twealy larKe. deep I tem were carai hy uaiug oay raaaaa aonlea uf Himni'M Vuttfirr. The folluwinc ia the mo wimtlerful and aaroniahine care that waa ever ellvrlrd on a human being, by any awe'tcuw. XZorrid Scroftala Cored. Mb. J. B. Ha-iki. of JP'm', OmeiAm fb, iV. T., rrrti IWaaih. Ulrii latlt: fht laa had haMaffl aatf.lcl With fatlf j x tottr y-nr. mnI lit- Ih T-rfMii.rimd to hi b.ti. with TWKf.Tr largt. dcrp.dxrchmrmihg I lckma th-l hi. nrk WM ew'H riMinu irotia t-nr in irir s nu:r wn rnu-n thnMch hia H ind pi, so that he breathed through the hole -hia ear waa nearly rfeatnerrd the uae ol hia arm waa whullv deatruv,! and an llccr under tbe ann. as large aa a man's bnd. had nr!t eaten tl.rouzli iniu hia and Siati-tirs. to render the same worthy of pa iwTwt of St.. and Ii-la.ors aa tin nrauy-r koun whi a he eoinmeneed Itaaivr'a I or Ilia American puMic eenerally ; who will Iffoian lYnirriKO KarajicT HiIki bottlks ! tli. j fjt)( j tlem ,,e; Tur.ai HT or PotlTIcat Ptrairrim txTaarr kMled and ewrerf skvk.vtkk?! fit tha ; . r . iweinT thJei TbVbTd wl.. n be oou.o,. need aw.- it. and 1viowi.ei.oe, and a mass of information. that a ea-aaulraanireeltei tod a raarrcrct-aa. For lull I particular ol thia, aud many ulht r siau'ST cam, see our raatrnXBTa. Thia Waaderfal mmm Aalaaiihiai ITBK doea not stand nlnae aa a aasaasinil of the grttt ijk-aoy ot Uaa!.Ts rrnmi, lor wa could fire alimiet unlim. ia-d aviitenev el aue-r ruf-a, well au.auU il thia wcra donbftMl Inls tare la at-rtiai d lo by Fourteen Kespectable Witnesses. Bv Doer. Tho WiLLiaa..oneof the moat reap.-ctaMa I phyaieiana uf Nisn,; !iy MeMra. IIia.ri.i. Sl I.KoVAftn, wnoleaaia ana racui tru miv j sir wiw, in urieliaT and keepY id liw West Kiixk lioTKL and by litem Ikgr vUmimit. Brant's Indian PuriSer fare, mil impure diaaaaes of the hloial viz.: SrM Itra l, gmk Maraaa. fiaeaaas'iaai. ErupttA, Pimplet aa rae kmc PiU. Biitm, Vlccn. Cottrrmr: Mrrcmrimt liitmsct. Linr CrmpUimt. faiaa i tkr. bmck, Siom, aud Limit, Kk uf aUssata, lat aanai ear, etc. BRANT'SINDI AN PULII0NARY BALSAM THa atabauai ( aln all the laamw ainl awtvta Virlaaa at tin abuaeuuned praimaw KarsaiT. and al.o pa asaiaa aaveral other avrfkatiuoa. aarw '.!, and aera iilt adanwd i i an COL'tillS and CON.-I. Nl'l ION-1. It aaaia and was Wear ta fas Laaea, and etaewhere tafrraaj V. aa raasuy and aa aaady as the fWijna Cxlracl heala eaaas aatarnaoy. Trsacsanos cures oi ins aa.n . , fallynnere Us a'nva miraruloua enVa. y vail diaoaaea ol i the LtaOS, TIOtOAT. and RBEAST. j a iirkl ill altWIa. .1 111 VV Utll.lil c.-m a ni a CONSUMPTION CURED! Wa f ive taa tullowint eerlineale aa a tact uf cure, which foea to prove the power to, aave life, even when the person ssaaae to be ia tha very lat ataea uf existence, when Brmmt't faAaa fa aaaaa.y Halaaa ia a.lminii tvj : Wa Jvethe fol'owinr ee-tfieMTe a, a faet of eura, which faea lu uruvey the puwar li aave hie. even wlieu the ueraua aal laa lo be ia thi, very last sta4 ot ev.ialenee. when Si Bar's aaVsa eaiawiNurr HmJmm ta adminiatered Tiila caaa duea aa aland ajuiv as could name MA XT coaaa as sisi iilaas and astaaiaiaa anil kmndrfmm ol' AaasaM awass. and lamasaaa uf caa, j called CONSLMI' I ION THIS CL'KK was crTi-etcd on the wire f Mr. Ziat IrvaaaaM of the town uf Ball). Smrmtor-m, Cm. At. Y. Mrs. Dykemaa waa primouueed ttvig, and Mr. liykemaa went tu tha alura uf Mr. John Wait to jmrrkamr clotk far n ssvaaal aus) mtkrr aaraaf mairrimi; exueetine his wile would aouu die. Hhe waa in th. ImH Mmre ol tjie diaeaaa -waa vaaea mppremmri aud autrrm4d aad to relieve ner reaaf dittnwm, and niake a ayia pilitm more mom. Mr. liykemaa waa peraHsd'-d to rtve tier sume uf " BKANld IKIHAN PUI.MoNAItV U tLs!AXl." lie toidl the Jta.aaa, Bunte with Uae ahruu 1. aial ave a portion to bis wile it relieved her slie cuDtiute-d lo take it until she rcroT, red vi KID USaLrH, and ahe hit i(iaeii Kcli or acary our Sac rmmJlia lor p,rt;. uTara. Mr. IlVKKXAK awnre to toe alM,re facts before TlluS. G. ToVHO, ttaq, if Umlliiau V, 'JSth April, lets. . Tnoa. ii. ot'.NO, Ka,., Justice, eerutiea that ho has 1 known Mr. Hyki iiij,u fu oiy yetirii an 1 umt ne ia one ol Uieir nwat wo'rUiu and n nprriattle citizen ; and Mr. Jiihm Wait. tUe m-n-baut pok-n uf ah. ve. asn ecrttjwm to the trmal eharaeter ot Mr. Iivkemmit. and that be waa nc ouaint.l w,lli mil liM.'ica having beard tuein oitco apok Ul uf by lmlirmmu Brant's Pulmonary Balsam rurva COXSrHPTloX. Court: CnlJe. .tpilritur of Plood. hldruf as aae Luute: l .wa ia tar HnmM and .Vida, .VurAl Arcara, .Weuns Oraafaiala. Pmlpknttou of IA Umert, Ckoimrm Infmntum. 1 ysra'ery. Summer Compmiutt, and ALL kkUALL M HAKMZSSKS, wuknul any Jelling whatever DIK'TIIKS 1MI rilVSllltVS BKCQ.HMKXD. The followinff-named ltoctnmuutl Pkuricimnt have biijh y rerumm,n.ied IIKAN I'd MI JUCINta : lr. N. IH KUAIIll. Slumlord, 'onn. lr. J. K. SMI TH. W.lertown. N. V. Ir. KOslfMAN. in-.1 Henry afreet, Brooklyn, H. T. Ilr. T. M. lll'NT, Anlairn, S. V. Ir. iK( KKANCIS. Mtildletown, Conn. Ilr.litu A. NlX.KIIS. Ualh, N. V. l-r H. VVHnr. Knslnnia. M. V. ilr. C. B. (iAI.KN I INK, Kyrun. N. T. Ir. J.O rillll'HAN. rayievUle. N. V. Ilr. 1. CKINNKIt. Henry alreet. Ilruuklyn, N. T. Dr. O. SlllrSIA.Y C'urtland, N. V. iov;ire of counterfeits ! 1 here is no B-aut's medicine genuine, hut uch Iwllle aa are put up in a aquare p ick age r ahane. and on one square of Ihe package is a label u which ia represented a young Squaw. and under where she stands is a .ami oi iiauu, which reads as follows, vis. - H hereby prumitt.nr mint r'rr.irtd. In pay In Ike hrnrrr keretif 0 t'rsT, on demand, at mr Medicine Parlory in the City nf linml.lin. S V. Outidol nn'mklyn. 7th April. ISIS." (which nole ia MgiiiJ with pen and red inf.) .1 T WALLACE CO.' None genuine but such as have the note on the label eined aa atve. 1 1 L . T X, T.wic lr oirr iiv a iniiiii,,, - " i, r. ,w hurl ; Udwd Wilson. New Berlin ; S J Cronae. linscrove; ti dt F C Mover. Freebu'c: H N Backhause. Middlehurs : Wilt & Eilerl, Hartle ton: An'es St Mench. Mifflinburg All letters and orders must he addressed to Wallace A Co. lOfi. Ilrnadwav, New Voik lya2M scTOItand Sweet 0.l.ljiiiditn.im.P..r- J euorir.lvrvlfrey'a Cordial.I'.psoin Suit. Raleralus. Cre.m Tartar. Ktan h, Opedelpoc. Hal aam of l.i e. Sal Srala, Balsam de Maltha. Worm Tea.tTemphor.Giiicer. inuamon.Clovee. Pepper. X'uimeaja. Maeneaia, Mttslard. O iom, Morphe, juiuitie, Sn,la Powdera. Ac. for sale al . ... w.tjciialUe a Drug tvl heir.isalr.mporium IjKWISBUKG chronicle and west Xj-BooA Agent and Cotjartcuri will flout to obttrtt.Ji 11 VERY ciliten of ibe United Hiate abonld j poaeeaa a copy of theae works. Tbej are the Book of Our Country. ITTfi A r'llhf''1 Chronicle of the I 41J" WAK of American Indepen dence. In one large volume, rjvo. Illustrated ilh 8eenty Engraving, in handsome Gill Binding. Price 2. The Presidents of the United States, Their Memoir and Adminiatratiom : To which ie edJed an account of the Inaugura tion of each Preaident, and a hiatory of the principal political e.enta of hia administration, anil of the tranaaciione of Congress at each sec ion during the period. Illustrated with elegant portraits of the Presi dents, engraved on steel. Thi is a bandaime royal 8o, in beautiful pictorial binding. $3.50. STAT KSM AN'S M AN UAL, compriainc the l.ies, Addreaae and Message of the Picsidenle of the l.'nited Slatea, Prom Wahinaton to Taylor a Inauguration ad dress. March. 1819, With a history of thrir A'lmini-trationa, and of ench Sesainn of tonrcs aUo various hist orical, tUtitical, and other important politic documents, and a co,iidele ludri. or anilvtical tul le of content to the whole work. Kilned hy Kowiat WiLUftan, K.q. Illuritrsted with por trait of our IS Presidents, rngruved on a tec I, from the moat approved authorities, and in thr ! best style of the art ; printed on fine paper, and liand-oineiy uounu in eoii'ieioain: aiiv. ji am also lie emlielliMhed with Views of the Capitol. President's House, and the Seals of the several 'tate and the Toiled Stia'es. In four lare 6vo volume. Price $'.0. Thi ia the citizen and I.itirary edition. r7The IJeference Kdilion of the same work, in 3 volumes large Pro, nithunt portiait. Price $7.50. Thia edition is for reference, and i intended for Statesmen, Legislators, Members of city Corporations, Lawyers, and Individuals holding puldic Ulfices. The Uoiultllrortlio. I'nKrrl Sf:ifr, and its Political Institutions, Reviewed and Examined. Hy Ai.kh Us Tin (it tviLL, Miniher of the Ins'inne ot F'rance, and the Chamlicr of IVputies. ic. In one larce octavo volume of nearly One Thousand paeca. Piice The 12 Stirs of our Republic, Our N-ilion'i. G ft to her mini! Citizens : Conlainiiig ihe lives of our Presidents, the "isnera of the Declaration, Articles of tonfnl eialion. I lie Conatilulion, with an historical akelrh of the American Lnion. Illustrated with elegant eortraita, engraved on i.iecl. ami illumi natei! nictiir-'S of the Sinner, the apitol. am! Presiilenl's Hou,e at 'a-!nimton, niinkcr-Hill, Ac. Ac. Eleg intly hound, '"ill edge. Price (tj iVo eipense has been spared in the prepa ta'jon of tliee volumes of locunieiils, Hilorv. MnT op books puhlished hy K. Walker, 1 14 Pulton street. Dr. Itowliim's History of Romanism to the prevent time. 50 Enslaving, price $3.0(1 The (iuide to Xiiunlrdee. The wmiilera of the AVoilil. Mr. Kltia Family Monitor. VI rs. Ellis' (iuide lo Social happiness, Brother and Sister, t'heever's Lectures on Pilgrim's Prog ess, Chu-tian Msrtyndogy, t'hiiai's Mesaenqcrs, Fate of Infidelity ; or. Truth Triumphant, OJd Ft-Po'v's OfTering for 181 a. elegantly illustrated. Odd Fellow's Offering for 1849, do Odd Fellow's Offi iim for IH50, do The t)dd Fellow Illustrated end neatly hound. Faith. Hope, and f'haritv "llmtrated. I v.. I. 2 mo. (iill Muslin. Friendship. Love, and Troth Illustrated. 1 vol. 12 mo, C lit. Tales from the Arabian Night'a Entertain- nienta. .t.tMi 2 50 2.S0 i jl) Ml 1 50 t.55 1.25 38 200 2 50 2,00 1,00 1,00 1,110 75 75 75 1,00 K ohinhood and his Merry Forester. Wrtri nf Wild Flowers, People Mirror for I848. t o. Muslin. ! Po tMiHdrrr.Book 1i;enl$tind Colportcuri Who may tie" ire lo canvas districts for the above important National Worka. will be pleased lo addreaa a line to Ihe publisher, stating the portion of country he wishee to occupy, and by return nf Mail he will receive a List of Prices, with Terms to A cents, which allow them a verv liberal commission. EUWal(l) WALKER, Publi.her, 114 Ful ton alreet. New Voik Consumption disarmed of its Terrors ! HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Xtip ilia a positive cure forCoiisuinpliun, I decline,- Asthma, and ull diseases of the chest and lungs a single buttle will prove its t-fRracya 1 he proprietor nnt only recommends his Xaptii.v Svnci', but warr nits it to cure! lie warrants it lo net upon the chy Ie, and inirifv it : he warrants it to remove all im- lieitimeiits w hich retard the fn e circulation of the Mood ; he warrants il lo open the internal and externnl pores of the body and eject all the obnoxious particles which have. accumulated in the system ; he warrants it as a never-liiilinir remedy in hectic lever, night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint, pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war rants it lo arrest the formation of tubercles in the lungs, and lo heal those already lormed, so that persons in consumption may take it with the most positive confi dence of a cure, for its great seal of action is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di rections, purifying them of everything obnoxious in its progress, and which, il applied according to directions, it can not fiii. to leave in a perfectly healthy condi tion Agent at Lewishurc a,,i) C W SCHAFFLE. Get the Best ! VI.L yonng persons should have a Standard Dictitmary al their etliowa. And while ou arc about it, Ret the lie-t : that Dictionary is oh Whbsteb', the gieat work, unabridged. If you are loo poor, aave the amount from off your back, to pul it into your head. Phmtnlinrjmtr. Dr.Webtt-i's great woik ia the best Dictionary of ihe English language. Ijmdon Morn.CUron. Coniaiuiim three limes Ibe amount nf mailer of any other English Dictionary compiled in this country, or sny abridgment nf this work. Publithed by A O Merriaia.Springfield,Ma. and for sale al the ( heap Bookstore of Msy :0 S F LVNDAI.L, Lewisbnrg BEST Spanish and Hall Sm.i ish, also American CIGARS and all kinds of Chewing TOP.VCm. for sale hv I KM NY fc r UKKA Y. I.ewishure. fW 4. 1848 COAL OF ALL KINDS FOR sale by PEP.ER & 1DDINGS. . Lewisburg, June, 1949 ' PLEASE 70 READ THIS.' SEARS' New Pictorial Wortwi::1849. Great Chance for Book Agents To clkab raua $S00 t $1000 a Vsab ! Bookt of Universal Utility. Ql GARS' New and Popular Pictorial O Works the most splendidly illustra ted volumes for Families ever issued on the American Continent, containing more than Four Thousand Engraving, designed and xeculed by the most eminent Artists of England and America. The extraordinary popularity of these volumes in every section of the Union, renders an agency desirable in each one of our principal towns and villages. Juat Published, Sears' new and popular Pictorial Description of the United States, containing an account of the Topography, Settlement, History, ((evolutionary and ; other interesting Events,Slatistics,Progress i in Agriculture, Manufactures, and Popula lion, &c. nf each State in ihe Union, lllus. tinted with Two Hundred Engravings of the principal cities, places, buildings, sce nery, curiosities, Seals of the States, &. ; complete in tint; ociavu vuiunie: ui juu pa ges, elegantly bound in gilt, pictorial mus tin retail price, $2.50. The Pictorial Family Annual, 400 pages octavo, and Illustrated with 2 la j t.ii2ravinjs ilesioned as a valuable and cheap prejent for parents and teachers IO' place in the hands of youni; people. In! attractive bindings. f IMIE subscriber would inform the Gen- 'lite HISTORY OF rALESTIXE, L tlemen of Lsswisburg and vieiniiy that from the) Patriarchal Ae to llie present! he has now re-opened a new and elegant lime. I5v J hn Kilto, Editor ol the Eon- j shop, next door to the Post Office, where dun Pictorial Bible, AiC. AUo. I he will rarrv on tiie l.ttsiness of CUTTING NEW EDITIONS AM) MA ICING garments as usuul. Work . f Scars' Pictorial Ilistorv of the B'Ut ''V1"'" warranted to fit. Produce Pictoml Su.id.iv lUik-tbscripiioo o, : r'td ,n P' at '!,r,li' ' P"; (Weal Britain and Ireland-Bible Bioora ! , ., . , i,a.-M,bI .,hlS. e..e- .....1 St.- n. ... Ol.llillet.il. I 1 h"r'' AI,r'1 ' 1 ' i, re c .1 li l.. la:., r.iiropr i no .rin in ion tor iih: r nqi.- i ic torial FumiiV Library Pulorial lli.atory ol ihe rtinericnn Ri ii!iilioii pii i niirely new volume on the Wonders ol the World and itlictorfal jnmin 3t5ftilt.! Eieh Volume is Illustrated with several ! huiidn d Engravings, uud the BIBLE with ; ( lot: I housand. r". AHEXTS WANTED in every Towu and I'niiiity throughout the I'lroo. to sell " Start ietv and tiipulir I'irluriul Mwiafs," uiueia:ill ...L ...... 1 l.i 1, llie beat ainl et.eif.esl evei 1 . i i. i. . . . ... .k. ..i.i.i. I I"-". " I Any active Agent may dear fSliO or $11)110 a ve .r. A cash cartul uf d5 or 50 will l uec- ssary. Full pariicuUi of the pi i.ciplo and pr. Ct. nf the ag- ncy will be gt.cn uo application either pris-nally or by Idler. Address iiiiaiiably Host pod) KoliEKT sEARtS, Pi suisH.n. - I2H. Nassau Si. New Voik. No letter will be lukcu from llie i.flice unless post pai'. 6''r'' 1 English and German Physician. TINTS 4. II. TIIOHXTOST, M. D., TTHO has k-en reoularly educated in V ihe iruiwcrahv of Mart land, and an ILmrienrv I Iniliinie. of Gasllelon Colleyeol ......... H. j - - - - j Veruioiii, and a Member ol the Medica' , and Philosophical Society of the State ol j Mary land, offers his professional services n all the biauches ol tbe Healing Art to the citizens ol Lewishurg and its vicinity. I lu has been engaged in the practice of medicine, in Luzerne county in this State, for nearly thirteen years from whence he brings letters of recommendation from the first men in that and Columbia county. as regards his standing in the profession of medicine, and his genera! character, viz : Hon John N (.'onyughamiKcv MatmaJuke I earce Ziba Rcnnett i;tiarlea nalD'us " J H Voung Dra A 11 Wilson Thus W Miner " S II Warner " A Vohe M Sleek " Andrew Beaumont ' S F Headley Hb Wright II W Nichol.-oii. Esq Jesse 11 owman, E-'q (Jhaa U llowman, E-q Kev 'I lioinas UwwiUiU N B. Dr.T. may be found at his office at the Drug store on ihe east side of Mar ket St. next to Walls' store, or at his resi dence 1st door below Kline's hotel. Lewishuig. Jn. .V. 1S49 PERFUBIEHY ! . . - i i f 1 ClIAr T' Lit. OH n-eeiveu n .-mittc hit- i. sorttnent from 7i. houssel and J. Hunt. Perfumers, w hose preparations are celebrated Ucnrs'O.I Ox Marrow ll.iy Water Cologne Water Pearl Powder Fancy Soaps Hair Dye Shaving Soaps tic. die. Curling rluid Also a general variety of JewoJry and Faucv Articles.Speclacles.renciis, vvaueis, Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, cVc. Sue. C. W. SCHAFFLE. leswjshurg, May 18. 1848 tralualjlt J3ooU0. V FRESH supply received at the Lewis burg Cheap Bookstore : Fiske's Manual ol Classical literature Da vies Analytical Geometry Blair's Rhetoric. (University edition) Cumstock's Mineralogy 'I he Complete Farmer, I vol. 62J cts The New American Gardener, 1 vol, 01 The Book that will Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can furnish ihe above works, with a great variety of others, at rery low prices. Mav 30 r lil imai.i' Harrison's Columbian Ink. I N Quart, Pint, and smaller sized bottles, Black, Blue, Red and Indelible. 1 his celebrated Ink lor sale by V .W. SCHAFFLE Qrv CORDS of BARK wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid June I 8TERNER & 8ANDER80N. COMPLETE REDY RECKONER, in Dollars snd Cent, slse lorm of Nja, Bills. Receipt. Petition. Inteteat Table, taules of Wage, Board, die. Price 18 j c la for sale al thia office. never refused hi the office of ihe Letvisbu rgKh rooicle. branch farmer A Word to tho Affllctod. 5,000 persons in Philadelphia atone have witnessed with astonishment the won- derlul efficacy ol Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood INaptha in caring Consumption, Asthma, Bronch itis, obstinate Coughs, Pains in the Side or Breast, Liver Complaint, itc Ate. This preparation ia entirely a vegetable remedy, and may be administered with perfect safety to the feeble aduli or child. Its power as an Expectorant is admirably adapted to relieve the oppression in pul monary disease, and while it assists nature in throwing off the vitiated matter which collects to the injury of ihe system, it acts as a general tonic or strengthened The testimony of Physicians and others to the value of this great remedy, has been of the most satisfactory kind, and has given il a character and standard as a FAMILY MED1CLYE. that has placed it beyond competition lor the various diseases lor which- it is em' ployed. Prepared only al the N. E. corner Filth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Sold by C. If. Schaffle, Sole Agent for fjewishurg and vicinity. i " ' i . riw"" , .11 , T Thi eieelleni compound is for sale by lh. , proprietor's AgmU J Siiifttiir, l.tu-isbur ; . May & 'lo e. Selin-urove ; M Witliinat n. Nor- ihuinl-r"nil ; J II Kaser, .ililton ; t. I at r t iper Waisnntowa Daguerreotype lioom, LEWISBURG. . ynij suIimtiIht would iuform the citi'ns f Lowishurg and virmiiy, thni he has mken and fined up a room in the new brick j building on the south side of Market street, between Third and Fourih, where he is j prepared totake Ibigtierreo. vpe Likenesses single or in croups, tn good sty e. .i.ir.io.e I and on n-nsonnble terin Call mid see. March. ls4'J JOHN SUTTON Myers' Liquid Cure! IS a positive mid never-fiiiling Remedy for PILES, whether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or Itleeding Scrofula, While Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Tlinrnt. Canker Sore Month, Rheumatism, Cutan eeiis Diseases, Men ui iul Affections .Jr. also for Scalds, Hums. Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses. V. &c. We teal justified in proel-iiming the Fact to the World, that of all medicines ever bru't befoie the public, nnne have ever been more beneficial to afflicted humanity than -Vycr' Liquid Curt. 'e know thi i sying a gieat deal, but if we were to write volumes we could not say too much in praise of thi UKAiTH-eisroiiiar., iirr rntiiaaono ar.wrDT. Hundred, nay thouaanda bles ihe happy bout when first ibey were made acquainted with iia trauscendant virtue ; and our present puiose is lo inform other thousands, how and w here ihey may obtain thai telief w hich they perbapa have long sought for in vain. The auperior excellence of this preparation over all other medicines, for the speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It baa been proved in thousands ol instances, snd haa savs raiLtn to cure the moot obstinate case; and we are confident it will never fail if ud a proper length of lime accord ing to directions. Aa a proof of our entire confi dence in its clficacy. we assure all purchase thai if. af er a proper trial, it prove ineffectual. Ibe Money paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for Ringworms. Biles, Pimples, Barber' Itch. Frosted Limbs. Chilblains. Sail Kheum, Musquilo Biles, stings of poisonous Ineccu and Cutaneous disease , of every description. Il ia both aafe and effectual for KarxaiATis giving immediate and permanent relief. Its effect as s real Pain Killer, sre magical. hTtax ravjiLT is th nil should provide themselves with thia Invaluable Preparation, the cneapnisja ol wnica ptacea ii within the reach ot all. Full Direction accompany each Bottle Pamphlet, containing copie of certificate from those who have testeu me utqutu ., may lie had gratis of or authorized agent Mvere' Liiruid Cure is prepared only hy JEROME A CO. 81 Spruce St. New York A genu : C W Srhaflle, Lewisburg ; J II Raser, Miltou Iveowajs COAL, do TIHE subscriUr has on hand and is now receiving from Pittston and Sha mokin, Best Foundry, Lump, Broken, JVut, and Pea COAIj which will be disposed of on rcasouahle terms. June, '49. I.G.LAWSHE. Townscnd's extract of Sarsap'a. V LARCE and fresh aopply nf thi celebrated Medicine, just received frora Ihe principal Depot io New Yoik, and for sale at lbs new Drug nd Chemical store of Dr Thornton. Bnktr SCHOOL-TICKETS printed and for sale at this office. aV mssTa W. raiwriWursi nTffK.rfTriTTJaii.'.iJi ;c Ths Cheapest aad noet splendid Asseaitanrat of WATCHES AND JtifcLHT tn Philadelphia. LEWIS IsADOMl', X MARKET STREET, i 4IS a few duort abort Elezentk, ntrtk not, - a -S HAS iuat received by late arnvsi. warn in moat celebrated manufacturer of Europe, a suagUUICCDl SOU jUUiCIOUSiy aeiaanau naaw. u-sM. OllLD Afin SILVKR W.TCHM, which he will sell cheaper than any olber estab lishment in ths Tniled Slate. Among lbs aaaonroenl amy be found . Uold Leveis, 18 a fine, full jeweled 30 Silver levers, full jeweled ' O.kl I'Epine. 18 a esse, jeweled Silver I'Epine. jeweled 1 0 do Quartier W atcbes a. w . do 'l ea Spoona equal to coin pe. sell 4.50 de Deeaetl do do do I0 V0 do Table do do do 15,00 Tintetber w it b a sulendid assort ment of chaste snd rich Jewelry, dee. Gold Chain of various style from tbe best manufacturer. Ple.oae preserve this atlvertiaement. snd call si LEW 1st LA DOM US'. No. 413. Maiket street above Eleventh, north aide. (Xj I have (sold and Silver Lever still cheaper than the above prices. A liberal discount to ihe trade. 3m2Gl TOTE IS piorncY : WATCHES AND CLOCKS Carefully ftrpaired.at the horlet A'oict- 'PHE subscriber desires to inform the I citizens of Iwisburg and the ptihlic in general that he carries on the Watch- Making Business in Ihe shop lormerlv oe copied by C.J.IIouel,where he is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line ol business with promptness and on the most reasonable terms, and by strict attention to his business cxpecls a liberal share ol patronage. He has constantly on hand an assortment id W A lt II KS Patent L-ver, Knylish. and French. JEWELRY Gold Watch chans and Guards, Pencils Pens. Ilreastpins, Earrings, Finder r in L's, Silver Sjiectucles, L wkets. S.rx.is, Thiiuliles, c. U hii-h he is ileierrnined to sell low. ILL .l.YD TRY. A. L. HATFIELD, f'wislmro, Nov. 13, l'47 Fever an ft iffitc THUiMl'OHI.Y ERADICATED y KOW.40-! TOXIC JIIXTI BE T rl A T great national ol-i lavi.nte ai d slerliuv reined. Eiou rats V ii as' Sr.. in i aid. unappi.iatl.ed in its wondi'ilnl Mii'if. an alle y in ibe rure of Ini wtetcbed complaint ! If you would i acaj-e the ateei ical (poistinoua omit, ifeiia, lake u .i j bo lie from any one thai i. noi gu.irdrd by the written eiqnidnrc of ihe u ig mil iii.eniin and rr piiet .r Juu R.KowAu,ni. a paper l.iU'l ci. a i"g ll:e ui..uth aiit c.ik. I hi leniedv baa never been bolmered up In alse and .le.'.illu! ptiff , but haa won its way loth. i'oiiti:irine and um.erb.i nd .pli. u nl the li.iisi'lt Ms uf lever anil A'oe districts, at it fcuul ... nui at rrs alos i, to which all the arm- lid etery peiaoli wlm have uevd il will t atifv. ProprietoiN t Ulice, 1 13, Arch St. Pliilnd'u AotsTs : (' JicV IIIh. Tliorn oii Si Baker K M Bowes. Leu-itburt: : A Krensller, William (Jrowae. Srliusgruvi ; bar.lei & Api,sweet Hope; ti Backhoua. Philip Hilb.-b. M Kre'a J I all lyeow'JSH LElVISDUnGJOUUDnY fl'IIK subscribers, thank lul for pant patro- 1 nnge,wnulu tiilorm the public that Ihey l oiilinue to manulaciure all kinds of MILL GE.1RLW. Cast Water lieels W""'"s r-"s"- 7 liresh ing Ma ct in es. One and Two Horse 111 1 I'lUU'TIKS. We invite pariirular att.'ntion lo a new article Wiartl's Patfnl G.I.NC Piorcns, lor Jfftlln; in braiD. farmers bv this plough can need in us much grain, in ne day, a in Ihrce days with common ploughs. C>hiaft and rttrnfnrr. and Fitting the name. HOLLOW VYAB.B. Kettles aud Pols of various sizes Smooth ing Irons tind Stand cast Tea Kettles to suit conking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, lot wood or coal. Fancy.Parlor, Wood. Coal Stoves. "air TIGHT STOVES, Race's Srir-regulating Air-tight farfur V ood Moves, (a lit w article.) Threshing Machines anj other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, aud at prices that can not fail to plen.se. GKDKKS Ar MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ly'sHlO Lanffrnlirim's dagi'erreotype ESTABLISHMENT. ExcaA. Tbiid story, I'hiladiljihia The Hon. Ht.tr Clai visiting this Estab lishment forth purpose ol having a Uaguerrentvpe taken.npiesHeJ Haltering opinions on thia favorite place of tbe beauty and fashion of Philadelphia, and vast nuinliers of strangers resort lo il lo procure a really good Daguerrrotj pe. Tbe proprietor will make every eiertion In eilrnd the long established fame of thi well known establishment. Family roupe. grnupe of children and ..ingle portrait of all sizes are etecuted equally well r3l t ly ALL KINDS OF JOB MINTING, SB1TLI & EIPEDITIOrSlT IltCVTED AT THE " CHRONICLE" OFFICE. ONE Busgev and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wr,on. One Truck Wareo,,. For sale by II p Sheller GOOD CIDBR VIXKGAR for sale b Juae 1 BE0ER nJUIMiw- SlaKnawaUawaw "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful diteaee, G OH SUMPTION ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisborg by 8. F. Lyndall J. Hooghtoo snd at this office. Price. 75 cents. TRICKS OF 4l'ACs;. t bt EvaavaoBV Rab vaia I aaaeu.r.-T.- u , braaDarilla tot sal in ths difTersnt lowna called . TTnaeoJ'a Saraaparilla. h W ad.eruard a. tlw ORHM. C, GCNUINK. and all tnat. TbavTownaend lanawKuar ZZt never waa ; baiwaa laanwrry a workerun railmada.; n-l.- anil tha Ilka Jl aa aasumes lha luk M Dotio, tar ilia Zmlom ol Canons cradlt far whal n. iaimt ?-. Cjlnded two madicnl achoui. and prariKad lor tllew. a . ... S M he nave, OraCtKcd madtfn - Stttol his life Soeh wilful. "kt4 mitraprvarnial.,. . Kttntha rharaeiar and veracity afiatani. I aiwi Zm aUK.raly, na bad naver made those auiamra'.a nl luav LroTm. V nan w.ll aae. laara u. be b-aar. uuu m.. v., . n , utr flealin-a aad miereraiira. ajtih tleir lei'ow . II. appliad to one Ril Cl. u, a .raetarmg hi. aaiamr., ''T " make, as an incoteroent lo embark ra .!. aaaca knn in maa suuia ta, wnaia buana-av. THava hav. been leaultln awl lllarlllu nie in ail Buwa:, form., in order a ainpreaa nar e" - SVoid la-elor a Siraapanll aa wx Iba e'aueaa. to1ir,T made le.m .he 'Jul IKclor a .. V. tme -hosCp. Town-eial aaya I nav. aolJ -he ue al a, , ntnui for 7 a weak I UI hlia If I. SucaiHWunsle -dear. pesM o. t.us. Hi. -.. w Tnoenpsun. Skillmau Co.. sr. no.hme bw a -m M ieTheutal.npl' - 'Ie"'" " ?f . -VC , V- ...nln hwaeariaur. . raw alias- 'aa. imnd. Tuea !. wi. tie- pal-K lo ,...rrk l... s Ol" lr J M OB Towun.IV Saraaie-Oll aavl'. " " nul llWlor'. Ilkewt b ..mi; Uout of Acme, uvi La, "'"??:zV.Z;,rtet.s V rvs. Old Dr. Jaco!) Townsend, TIIK OKI'MNAI. IHSIIIVBRBS Of THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. fkl.l Ilr T.,aoTseitd is now about M ve-rs ol .ii. aivt hi, W been ki-.-T.- tie- I V III'. II and ll ' " V lift Ell ' oi l ie .. . ' I r. ..r.r-i. - s.. - Stfl.Vtf,tff...a." lien: sa.r. he waa can .lea u I lU,ll lis m ..r un . by whirh in-nns .1 b:. Hrn f p M I ol nnrkel. and He- -aies ri.euin-enlie. 'u .h.r ..M. nlu bad l.r.ive.1 If "nh. and .li"n Its v..l,. Il ha.! rrarW IlH.al.iaul iohii.i e-ve..b ea-. a. ib e ,r-...e. a W hal I J ,7 ,q Ji-ri-r". ail t sured Iro.n dti:h. une !.!Uiu.rd r.s wo:i t rial iii:.i.i.(; power. TtilsORAMI AMH t.Ut AI.I.KIl'l:l.PR ITU a j msiiuMClilieti -Nl 'he Urs. si -l.aisl I- rsil-.: lor :nr i j u.ll '.lie leii.j:h ami l.rea.llli nl ill. la:sl. r.s-r..::, a, u -a 1 found luCisi'. e ol ib-erier-i'iou -r dr:eri.ra:e-s. ; I nils'- oinv , p '".,wnsen.; -. it ioi.rors wr.b a, and ne,er rb:,ns.' bie e.r il.r m-nrr : b. rau-a i: i. o,et ar.T i on -i".'ie iimw i'.. e s ri.-.fi( man. Tli, 11:4:- b.u.a'l.,!..,. ,.i I'bsno t. . . i.-i 'as ta.s-l disroesnca o. n-i ) an. have'aii br.-i. Loonbi mi', r-iui-io-oi in 'hs ni.i.:irir I lure in nr . nfi in .k-.. , -.. . . - . It IS well klso.li T" io. dl U ..wo. rsnii,. niau) nimuji. .reiarne.. and ,. I'l' ia-n-s aha . ar lorn i. ., aiai .-lier-. wnKh ti i-:ji.s"I n. cn;s,iirT u or ii-e. ;.( . .dure frrnulu'ium and ari'T. wharb Is lieon'.ils w .U a- " 'lem." Sane tlie 'p.(erile. .,i SMraal'Srira are so that ihev en'irel era".ntr and are hrf u. ine pra;aira:: a. II Ibey are tva prrserra! to a er.rMnr yturtM. kiaiaa, si Iv lo' thae aa.mo.e.:'l in .is maiio'ae. ora. M-cao-si. Ina volatile vttuetfMdt. artiirh It. aal In vsi.t. or aa v. haWiraa. n.U-r neal. are ine verv easranoi rnaalie.il r-r eiiea ol Ihr rise, wtnrli tfive To It all n. valoa Any farrsaa. ran I- or Meat the ran nil lis, fat a lira, eoton-d liunl'l. nlneh is nana f.m list a.do.i" inauar ia ha root than irom auvlhme c'.m : lliev caa ihrn attain .l" m.M'iH .m- valid lionid. -uvnrn weh o'ir molaw.. -l thri.call K r.AKS..HM.I. KTKlT-Sarr" Tut snrli i r. tla- ani. ; km-arn aa 'na GENl'INKUl.lllt JA.'OB lOWNsE.NDS SAi:sAl'AKH.I.A. Tbia ia so weMre.l tha' all tlw lian proparrisa a aW Saraaenlla nan are first removed. everythuaT tanab s.f becuinur' acid in- lermeuralnsa el eatrnr'cd aad rsiaciad ; thrncvan' pariele M uiedicil virtue r serurad in I pa-a and e.awe'uirala.1 lorm: aial thus r. rendavod lacapais ol he.irit any ol It. tuahle and healu.f peoamiea Pr liared in llna wa. . " is nude iha most p.iarerlul afra. K Wa Car mt laiiaianaMe IMacaasa. Ilen-e lha raa-si wbv hear comnienuatl -oa l avarv M.le m na U or by men, a omen, and children. W s fiat dime wavier. Hi 'the cure ol . (.l.MrMPTI". OYXPKP!.. sad l-lrClt. '.ip. tv7.and Kfii:cMTr.r t.Cs !:rl pti'js, pihplks. blotche. aial all it rtesa. ari-in? Ir-on I.MPl Ul i V OK THE BUOD It M'-r. mirvcllaiis rfTirat-w in n romplwns mue rrom htliftn.o irnn irtdiiy V IV Siixmtt h. 1 m aietHiiial eirrnlaiirtn. .Isrirrmitwti-. ! th-id lirt,maf MlMUthtti fH Ihe hr.ru ro"1 Si? Iwia-hri. urrr tlx My . It hw H m Cd wl Vumghs: aurai knmHt4a-i r-v rtritrUraTiMi wi "" P tjMrlitKHi. rrlMini! wricmrrt ot the unfm. ihrnM Mil 7 o lvsr ptirt. - Mutt in rihine firtHi-nci nr matuf-wx.y mm mm ckuuirr in ill kiii-J wi mMtts1 KEMALK i;.MPLAlM S. h work mtMrtTw in Kmot Athu .1 "Ti fWietar oftkt Wumh. fBhtstrm -nd. SsyprtSMtd, Os Pmsy .fnr. 'Ir.-gwa. ifv -l th niwtf ul toJ- j ml M elWtiMl m rnrlrvtr all th- unm ' Ktdn? B IciWHtf ubruf jouv ooJ vr,Ui.. lh rrMm, h .tive-i unc anJ trn.stn to tha wl.( w-7. ti.usci.tr-all Ummoi IlirTM Dle wlV-r' mt, av SfHvmi irriustsnm. Swa'gia. St nW -Ww t ClaratlU W Mmi.1. ruriw. H b W health' W trr lis M.wi-h.an.1 l!lesM- M .l-o ..nw,r-ml null rrat '"T-TlSl nii th. tali .iu- it- ""f; mwMi;l? prravftiniriori : r -is afrtrturM anl twbiMM.s maall oltmrut-iion. and lisa -h ci.ura n(tM t-wfrrn. I- w lhl itofii Tht Mrdkcinr ymm prr-emltaaatatljr Bui ran an .m iwr inin- b- M u S r T.r.itr mliranir!t?T tsi Tiwinr mn' lirjiti.1 i n u h t'OMPARKO WITH THEOl.l lK . brrauar or nne i;Rt.M F T. th-u iha ana hINCITsV BI.K ol DPTKR l R ATI N, ami XKVK SPOIIA whils frV o4hr FHKS ttmtrinr. frt mmting. and W thf horttmot rnt.iiriiit? it irva Irdttniv-xisi : il f ITUI1 CJ.plas.llliC.au.! lUltlaturiUaf Mh-r -.nt-rw M tl-t t.''- aorrihltr riMntniiil Ins iNttiUtM u thm v m irp jmi mctd into a myfrm tilt tstfy eiiMvM4 tritk ttriA ' cawtra ! r p-ia aftri f l wmm a'l kii-vw tnt vimt loo., sours in otir itnnjrIi-, wha m,-arhl ir pn-tirrt"--lfaiiiriir. Ksviiiburn, palpttaik ol tbe hrmtu Iiwit rmn Pliiut, ditrrUtta. ilvvutrry. afriir. ,n.l 4.rTiip!tni fr'- What w S-r-!uIa btit itn Hfil hit-no in t.a h"- What urmtiivr- atl the hunt- lih-h brinii uti Erupt i"'!"'1' lha Skin. Sralrt llvatl. Khriim. Kri-l-. Swelltit;, l-Vvrr r-. nipt) all lcroti u- njirnial 'ernnl 1 11 M innhtii uutlrr htrrvti Vittf an a-i.l -ur-'""" whtrh atMip. ami tltiia pil all the iii.1h rt tit h.tly. n" or Itim. What raiifr! Klirantartm biK a ar n'. c! fluid whkh ititintidii.. tin-ii lr:vtyri ths fMitita arr. mnt. irnla'lTt and iiitlaminf th" tlrli:i'e uJtif !" which it a.-ia 7 S (' fn-rvou. dicrrvt. ! impunt l " biota.!, r( iVriri;rd rirrttlaiton, and itrarlv ait tb viiirh atrilift littriuti n.iMirr. Now ia it ihU brribi to make and mlL and in1"' TtrT0P r !- tht" S.l KlVi. FKKMrM'IXf:. .! 'OHPOlM" 07 S. P. TOWNSKM. and vm h j"iftd trim b; 11 NnirrHtul rh.it ii i ?oh T'wrrrtl'w tinssist fh mnuji Sarpti ilia. laai. I" ITATIt 01 hii inivrtiar prvpartiitm ' ! Hrurti tor..... iltii houli! tfeal in tn arlifV v-'rJ! would brar Um numt di-ntrnt. nmblatH'a to S T l0,,,t Jrirr mrtirlt We Wtrh l tin.!a-rwt.ral. tafrjaw it ra the rtAaWue-frtv'1 thai S. P Tiiwu-rit l- -trnrV ail old lr. VohT'ifi"! Snap;irt!l re hrarm triil rfsrt. nti f imttH, dt1" ilar; that ther ar iitiUt.e in rcr larttctilar. h.-."'1? Mtf iti-1 thine in f'tninH'tt. A s. P T."t-vi.d i" n rfnrtor. and new wsm m thrnitt. no harm.-va-mt knuwa r itMre f mi'i-ut "f disu-et-jf than art tltf r rtnut.n. ntwientirir. niipr.a-,,,,B' mm. what trtrrint' cn tw pubiK hre "b.it 'h mvin? a -imidc ri tiufic iw. tit ine. c. otJt m kkt !! (b11'" tt- if th" artir(e ufd in prtarine it. ami w,r"VTai- capahte ot rhjn-!'-w whirh nnltt ivuder tlirm ihe A'- wl lhra- inrtrito health? Mot wtMt e)oe tthattiiiil h- raitMkete.I frewn ore V- fcT1 liothin? roTi:paiure il tttn'K-ine or di"- I 1 W' a ps-rrtvi. .t Mime eirtrn m f".t aal mr m- n crtmrTH'ss tiecrnt meal. II. w mnrh more r that the prrwii -h miitMit-trftire !t-ive tlrd WEAK S11M-. TIS AMI F.NKKEBI.EIl V-TL hoaitl know tvs-ll its inn(tst1 peofwr w- wi m.iurvfr f atrurfr.if airtl rrrvtriiftiT their it!' B,IVJ altvoatiarrtewaive kiH.wlelee tf the iriti- !pj" ".'.j atren tha human tMein, and bow 10 atlapt nat ' lhe-e dleaM It la lo art.. frau.ta nrsm the unfortunate. M peaw .sa into wounded hnmaiotv. to kuall aoiwi in lha oa't niaann. to ra store liea'th, aral bloom, aud vieor rrnshrd and broken. a...t 'o banish rnlirvnil.v thai I ."-l' ' iArilBTOWS;n haa SI)HiIITandt'Ol se'--r pontuiiiV androeana lohnns hia a flrmnA t'nlvrr.al t'owe.nt ratted nawi'V. within tha rea. b. and to lli knowled-e .d all "" "T . thai tbav mav b-arn and kiaaw. bv jeamil exrarawa a, n-. . Trawseenalaiat rawer .a A ok NTs for the above Medicine I- ' Schallle, Lewisburg ; John H Kaser. Ion ; Forsyth & Priestly, IVorihuaib'land GENTLKMKX'S Fancy Goods, ings. Cloths, Cassimeree, and Sum- iner t.tnjds in general, a: C. E. Bowes Cheap Swrt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers