p IWISBURG CHKOMClilAXD WEST BUANtll 1WKMEK Ahead f Tke pleasure iii iufurmtnq; tLe Lcst: Best selected, ihc, FASHIOX ABLE Assortment of O O O D S olTere I to community. The sat.s'iietion here tofore rendered ty It"" stand. " prcs'.mtd is h sulliciciit guarantee Icr their future operation. ' The Firm, thottgh somewhat changed, i 'he " Hayes' e.UUihment tail stable' through all viei.iiudeH. - To aNm( M enumerate their stork, would I superfluous, mid indeed impossible ; but those wishing to purchase,r e ii.vitt. - fiur- liamt.if elsewhere. ' laewuJjtirg. Ool. 17, 1849 li SAIL Ir&SBTS RSTER'S ( F;r? fctW Kline's H't!,J LEWISmillG, PA. fPHE puUlc are rwpcctl'ully informed thai JOHN FORSTER has received, and now tifjcr tor sale very flnrge stock of Fall and Winter goods, a.mpii-iing nil arliclcs fcep? generally in thti other store, wi'll the ad iition of many finer kiiid of jinods i.ol usually brought to the cajntrv. An examination of the stock rj'r,.r;ct(ully iuvited. Aiming my stock is u lare variety ol Uifj Goods, embracing C.isimere, Snlinelts, Vesting, Tweed Cloths fur S.t?k and Overcoats, Kentucky Jeans, Tickings Canton and other Flannels, Titlile Diaper. Muslins, 500 pieces Calicoes, Ginghams. Mow dn Laine. Cashmeres. M -rinocs Alpnccns, Silks, Linen, Cambric, .S.ifc and Cotton H mdkerchirfs, S!ia-.vls, Trimmings, &c. Ladies' hois. Men's and Boys' boots, etc. CLOTH .1XD GU1ZED CJPS. UilSTJiftS the best and nnt varied assortment and also Groceries, Hordwaper S.TTO WHOLESALE buyers, great inducements are offered, as a hueral ulmt.'inem ill be made. New cheap cash Store. Lew isburg, October 8. 1819 NEW STORE. THE FLEDGEJEKEWED ! HAVING rendered entire salisOn-tion to hi lormer pi'rons Ly ttilly f.uM;iiin'n;i ht ple.l(H in sell floods U'iow the custi'ir, ary prices of the, ptacc.the f-jt-s-rifcer npsiio inviira the cr mm.niiiy if thei- Ait in lave Cheap (joods to call t his S or', ppnsite Kline's hotel, where they can find ' fre.b stock now opening ol Dry Goods, I Groceries, Hardware, Queensuaro Bonis and y55g Shoes arid most handizr ndapted to season, at the vcr Hats and rjr7 eV-srT'pti.His of M -r: their w m's, lor tlie lowest prices. fcvery eiteetion madi to ill-use 4o- who may favor us with a call All two's of Produce taken in exchange "a well as CaL" in payment for C.-skis. SAHX S. BARTON. Lr-wUti'irR. Sent 27, 1849 Dr. Rose's medicines. The subscril r havitiu Is-n appointed le atp-nt for I,r- R0" Mi-diines, for I'nion county, ofler llit ni to the public With (treat contiJc'tirB as ttieir tffi.-acy and certainty of eliectiiig cures in nil eases for which they are des"oned. A sin'e test nr.ty is required to esta'jlih the fact. Sept 27 S S CARTON Tew York Fall and Winter FA- IUST received at the Fashionable Tailo I ii inn establishment, next d..or to the l'oi Office. JtXIN B MILLER. Lrwisbure, Sept 0. ISl'J 200 scls ground Alum Salt, 50 do fine do lOObbls. Salina do For sale, wholesale or retail, bv Srp, 10 tl GROCERIES. Ttr s'ibicriVrs hne just ree'd a freh niv of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOL ASSES, &c, which ihey will sell at a er wria'l advance on cost -pt n S iV J Wnlle 50 KK1S Nails and Spike, Just tte'd and lor sale bv is S & J Wolfe M ACKER KI-N... Just ree'd aud li s i and 3, for 'e. S.-pt 18 iiJ Wolfe BltANDIlKTH'S PILLS. The Albunu Arrm considersthe Bran drcth I'iiU we'll worthy the confidence of the public That the principle on wntcn lley cure disease is the same as that ol larroy o( PaVis nftd Swedenaut of Germa ay. That all the variety of disease pro 'ed from, or are nearly allied to disorders f the stomach' and bowels, and that by u-iiy ihose remedies whii-h restore to neiil.h these ininortant organs the disease will vanish. The Brandreth medicines prt.f1.s3 t-1 carry out this important prin c.p!e. We have heard them strongly re e .mmenJed. The gnuint pill for sale by J. HAYES, o.c agent for Le!sb'jrg. mn Competition ! puUic, that they have recently;! d lo tall tint! jude lor tlnin Ives, Ulore J. HAYES & CO. S'JECK SALE! fu:W STORE, Fall and winter (DOS. siiliscriher has just received k of his FALL AND WINTER. l.oous rmbriiciii j Ihe usuul variety iirli as DRY GOODS. C'lOCEKIES. llAiWjU'AUE. UUEKX.SWARE. HATS, CAPS, &c &5. I . k li r l t , . . i i f tt i .in oi m-nicn are niiL-rea cnenp tirr asn or ; Country Produce. J. U. JLaW&Hii ! I " Lwi,1.iir ""Sep t 18, J 840 "lOUFI.1-!! Fresh Mackerel Ch ese ' I . . ... I ir sale bv Liwslie 'IMIE stibciib ts have associated under I the Firm of S.Ct J. WGLFE, for the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General Coiiiinission and Forwarding business; l.ibeinl advam-es will be made on all kinds of Country Produce. Place of business new Warehouse on the Wharf ilium uuiitay beiuw the B i-'ge, SAMUEL WOLFE. JONATHAN WOI.FE. F.ewisburrr, Pa. Aiijt. 7, 1849. Superior Coi.kiii; Stoves. The subs ni rs have on hand theJEtni Air-Tight Cookiii Stove, arranged lr Wood or Coal. These Stoves are superior to anything of the kind ever ofiVitd in the co'iu'ry, and will bo sold at reasonable prices. S & I. WOLFE. Lewi-hurg, Sept 10, 1B1D s 1ALT Fine Sack, Ground Alum, and Salina, on hand and for bv Ap2S ' I t; Liwshe. Notice. fpHEsubscribersnouldresiiectfullyinform the public that they have this day en tered in'o a Copartnership for the purpose of Men-haiidiz , ur.oer the firm ol J. HAYES cV CO." As we calculate ujmn keepioii au extensive assortment of Goods of ail descriptions, and to sell their, at the very lowest rates lor cah or country pro duce, we hope to merit a rontitiuutice ol public favor. JAMES IH YEs, THO'S MtKKAV, M.U. JOHN 11. GOODMAN. Lewiaburg, Sept 17, 1849 1'he undersigned, thank lot for the past patroiiuie of his friends, would res pectfully rt quest all those having unsettled accounts to cull aud make settlement with out further delav. 1 J. HAYES. Home Industry. -g aTlfaL,,t- ""lrior lOW YARN 1 v7 v S.-t 80 for sale by J. HAYES &. Ca BEST Lird Lamps' and Lump Wicks for sale by I C Law she SOMETHING NEW Soapstooe Grid dles for sale by 1 u Lawshe . . j TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & . COUJSTR Y MERCUAJS TS. " TAR- J N. KEELER & UliO. most res- I I peclfuliy solicit attention to ilirir fresh took ol English, French. Gr.rmun, and .'liner ican Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che- "itcais.C Oils, DvesiufTs, Glassware, Periu- atent Medicines, Varin-.nc3, cVo. Having aliened a uear note, N SH I, Market M, wilil a full supply ol fiesh liug nJ Mttliciim. e iei(Cllully rulicit count iy ttralim id exam ine our uliick tM-fore iuf-hj-iu; .'Ini-wltf-re. iroin- lme one and all who may Ir I !i-(Kr-d lu n trnd to u their itromi(i", to m-II ilifui genuine l)'Ui and Medicine, on a lilieral ler-nn aa any oitier bouae lu the Cily, and to lai.Ulully execu'e all oideia enUUated lo ua promptly and with ji- paica. Oue of the puiprirtor-i beinit a rrcular phyi cian. atTuid ample guirantre ol' the genuine qu idly ol all article uM at Ihrir eta!litimt iit. M e especially inite .IruuKi"' and eo'jiiuy merchinta. who may wish lo become agt-nta for Or. Ktftr's Ciltbraitd Fumtly Xtdieinti, (alaiidaxJ aud popular reoiediea.) to forward their addreaj. foliciiint the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J. N KLLI.ER4 BRO . Vh .leaW lngci-u, IjSlSlJ No. ,."4, Market SI., Vhilud. VsU tt.WAIVlt.IM I ML TRESS. Thesub.-rilier.irt't lor sale Omirnen lal Trees of every deat-rip-i.n, particularly ' the Kiirnowin l.in,1..n. and I'm.!.,..; I,.,.,.". rinlis, a splendid shaile tree Ial I v i.itrndii red from Jpmi, retnur!uMe for its ninr- nious leaves (-oinfiiMii's two leet in d:im. eter.) ;i!:d lare clusters of r eolon-n (hovers, spotti d and stiijird within, t nutting a frauriiire similar to the Lil ic. AUo print (rtes.il every dei-ri.'ion.uc'i as crafted Apple tries from 7 to W 't h'h, it 12 In 15 ON each, or fit) to 12.5 I per hundred ; Inoi-ul.ited I'eueh trees, 12 e's e.-irh, or $;o per hundred ; I'e.-ir. Cherry, 1'luin. NVcliiririe, and Apric t treis ul rea sonalile prices nil ihe vnrieiies warrnuted genuine; also Hut house mid Ureen h:use . ilnls, ernhraeinj be;iriny Onitiie nl Li? . l i t .... r .i nioii irees.ioyeinrr nil ii vtirieiy ti r lower seed-., alt of wbieh h- will sell as low as they can be purcb.ised in Phi!nd-Ih;a. II. U. NOLL. Lewisburg, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY at aLcwisburgr. rilHE TftirSTEES of thr ruivemly a! Lew. iaiiug would resueciiully inf. riu its I'aliona and Fii-i:d, thai, in the Sihool under their eare. (jl Lr'AT-lirrs) the MU.vnini: aie ihe L'la'ses. Sub jecta uf rituily and Eiercirea for the rurieuty.ar. Departmeuts and Studies. PJllMAK Y DLI'AK-MEXT. fix I law Exeiciiud ii. Selling. Reading, llrfiiiitio:.. Eiirlt.ti Ur:.'nniar. Atithinetti:. C.eoir 1 1 . l.y, Wirto.y C 6. A., i'eun.iiu hip, aud fJoui- 1 jj-iii.iii. 1 EXHUftll 1) K I' A li 7".Wi.V7" n f tie Amdcmy The nine stmliea as in the Primary Ili pirtiuent ' r riiiiiucd in the ue of Urge, text buoks; and lo thi-M.- are oilile I lieneral llimry, Uavirs Algfuia, I-gendre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMEX f of the Academy Jan. Academic Clan. English Language. j Geoerapl y, Ill.Ury V. S. A., Latin Uraiumar ( and Reader, t.reck ltraninar and Ki-ader com uienred. Arithmetic complcled. Sen. Atadtmie C'li.st. Engli-h Langiiage, (!eiicial ILaiory, ti.K, Virgil, Greek Kiadir, . .... J Davie. Algebra. ,COl.LE;liTE DEPAUTXEXT. Frrshmim Cum. I ivy.Auaharfii.Memorahilia Davica' Leg. ndie, I'rigon nt.y eninineiii-ed. tKifihonwre I lass. Horsee. tJdyaey, Select Oiations of lleinoathenes, l.-t-ii.lra coui kted it.. ;i w l ft: A....I...: ' ba-iea' Murveving and Navigation, Analytical Geoinitry, Illair's Letriures. Junior Cliis. Ueinoalhenes on the Crnsru. Greek Tragedy, Cicero i!e Olliciis, Tacitus, Nat ural Philosophy, Ai-tranmny. Logic. Students in the English Department recite with thof pursuing the anie aludiea in tlie Ri gutar ('uur-e. No chas in tint Regular course, haa less than three d.iily rrcitstinns. All the meinbera of the school, (in three diii"n.) are eiercised every Saturday in Reading. Decltmatiou, Engliab Com position, aud Vocal Music. All the student are leouired to attenn, regu larly, some religiiu meeting. Miners are eiiiee led to attend such meetings as are rernminerideil to them hy ibeir pao-nts or guardian. There are in die Ujiough no less than .ix place, of p'iMit' wori-hip, orcuftied every Lord's Day hy ai many different Cbriatian denominations. Numier of Students. The number of atmlents during the pt vear in the vaiious di-partinruts. an Ifil. The number that have entered the elases in Ihe Ri g ulir Couise for the current year (exclusive of ilnise in the Enluh and Priuiary drpartiueuta.) is as follows : L'oLLtui. Junior cls C fs.i b im ire cls 13 Fret-hinan class - 13 Acbiv. Senior rlss 12 Jutaur cU.s 28 -11 TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TA VLOR.. A. M, Professor of Maihrmaties a. d Njtur.l rhiiRiniliy ; GEOKGE It. 131 ISS, A M., Proleaaor of Ore. k Langunire and l.lti-r.iturp ; GEOKliE XV. ALElS0X. A.M. Professor ol I. alia Langu ige and Lileraime : ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M , Priin ipal of the Academy ; ALFKtD TAYLOR, A. M., T.acher in die Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Inat'tu tinn, the Board have taken measures to Uply the necessary Apj araiui for Ihe department ol Mechanical 1'hihsM.phy, and to incieaie the Li brary, befoie the conimeiicenient of the winter aeian. During the year, the building law in progress will be comiiletcil. affording studv- r,min and dormitories for 70 college students. Another Processor has been added to the Facuity. ana means provided to enable stu. tents in lhecl.-e specified above to prosrcule their studies with the greatest success. Tuition and Board. TUITION in the f;..lleciate Department $ 30, Academic J20, Primary f 12 per year. BO.VliU, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, eau be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,37 lo $2,50 fair week. StMlona, Vacations, Ste. Two Sessions in a year the former com men ces en the second Tuenday in October, and con tinue 27 n-eeks ; ihe Ullei continues. 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 wrrks ; Autumnal, 8. Next session begins 11th October. Tbe Board are happy to add that Lewisborg is at present, as it ever bas been, exceedingly healthy. By older aud in behalf of the Board r . . THOMAS WATTSO.V, IWt. GEORGE F.'MILLER. Mee'y. Lewiaburg, Uniou Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1849. EQ11T4BLR LIFE lASlRi.lCC, Auuiiity uud i rust Cuiupauy. Office. 74. Il'ulnut Street, I'MlaMphia. -'jiciTiL, $S5O,UO0 Ciiarler Pi-rpetuul flMlK Cuiiiii see now pn-parrd lo iraiiset 1 huainrM K)p ibe mosi liberal and ausanla' (;etua tenna. They are auihorisrtl by their charier (c. 3) ' to make all and every innurauce apper uining to lite rirka ol wbau-ve. kind or nature, and to m-eive and rireuie Im-la. make einlowmriila, and to gram and purchase annuilie." The Cou pany sell annuities and endowaieuls, awl aci as trustees for aiinors aud heirs. Table of I'remium rtiuind for tie Auunuue vj .-SIOO Jurtit tvhuit term cf LJe. Age. t'icio. A,, 1'r.ni Age. I''fm. 16 $159 at 32 33 34 95 35 37 34 3!f 40 41 4i 43 44 45 $2 09 2 15 CO S i.7 3 33 S 40 2 47 2 54 2 G3 2 70 S EI 2 92 3 01 3 12 3 S3 46 $3 36 17 18 I'J 20 Zl 22 S3 24 S3 SC I 53 47 48 4 50 51 52 53 54 55 66 57 5a 60 3 49 I 56 I 59 1 fin I G3 I CS 1 69 1 72 I 7 1 85 1 39 1 94 1 99 2 04 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 SI 6 12 5 33 5 51 5 78 6 03 23 29 ) J hi- piemidrna are r- dun any oth.-r eomjiany anil the politiea .ilio.d greater .idvainaiji-4. Mar- r d Will.en a.lti let.lale rhi'itri-n -nn -.jnr. ll lives uf .-itlirr a hutJ -r pa cm fie fi.nu it Iclaiios ..f i-r.Jimrs. T.lih-s uf half yearly anJ j quarterly p rniiuil, hi!f i-r,-(J!t f.iloa of pu-miuin, , fb'.rl icrru, ' j'liiil li'M. ur-iv..rhiii. enih.- llu forma f aiIicjiiou ai u h had at ,!)' 0rt -t he A;;ent. 7i'r;rr fir insuring .!C0 on a single l.ife. Aee. For I year. For 7 eaia. Fn. Life. SO $0 81 91 1 (JO 30 0 9'J I 30 2 04 40 1 20 1 04 2 70 50 I Sd S 07 3 Hi S'J 3 !S 3 'J7 6 03 Example: A pe.-pn aged 30 yeara ri.-M hirth day by 'ing ihe Cimia.iy 110 ela would aeruie lo iia family or heiia f 1(10 almuld he die in one year, or for 9 "III he -fines to them 1000. or fur 13 110 annually lor seicii ear he aecurra to ihem i IIHIO shuulil h( ilte in seven yi ara. or for 20 40 I'aul earlv dining life he aeeore $1000 to he iuid when he i'ie the in-un r aei uring hisnmn honua hy theiiiirerenre in amount of piemiuin from ihoe charged hv oilier iilii.-e. For 40 50 ihe heirs would receive $50110 li.ml.l he die in one vear. I'ETElt CIXLE.V 'President. F. XV. K. VVI.n S. c'y anj T eas. For further paitirulara apply to IIENKY t;. Hlf'KOK. Agent fir Vnion and tidjiriiiing enmities. Conauliiug r'.jymi ijn XV st. Hut-, M. 1). Lewi burg, I'liimi Co. Pa. July 21, 1849 New Copartnership ! and CABINET CAKING. jT WING enlered into a iiarttier.-.hii.. the subscribur; would iniorin iheirold j.ntrons and the put lie in geni-rul, thai we may he found at D. Ginter's uIJ stand on Fir-t street near the Academy, whore we carry on the above business in all its vane ties. Fancy and Common Chairs, Rosioi, Rocking Chairs Setters, various kinds Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, cLc. on hand or made to order. COFFINS hirftiffilTEH rea-iy made or fcefejateataftMsW furiitshe I on short notice. 'A'e have also a suitable HEARSE iu rea diness for Funerals, TB'SIA B. . We have a Turning Lathe propelled by horse Miwer,w hieh enables us to turn wood of uny size, and up to 24 feet in length. HOUSE AXD SIGX sill slsn he attended to hy the subscribers en the shoiti-st notice and in Ihe beat sty le. 07 A 11 work in our line wairaulcd to bs well made, and on tbe most reasonable terms. Removing Buildinpa. We would ulw announce that e have proper Machinery for removing Building', of any s:za, from Dan to lli ersheba if necessary. Country produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash and Gold Dul not refused. Thmkful for past favors, we respectfully aik a coioinui.ice of tbe aaine. DAVID GlXTE't. ADAM BEAVER. Lewi-linrg, May I. 1810 6miC5 The New Foundry I S now carrier! on as usual, at the uprier end of Mark.'l stres-i. w here everv d s- cription of CASTINGS ia kepi on hand or nude to order such aa Thn Complete, or Jotiipicit- Improved Cookim; Stores, ior either Coal or Wood nni all uiher kinds of STOVES. f lso f ,0 fjii K of differ- ent kuads Corn Ploughs, Bull Piuughs, aud tlie Self-Sharpening Flongh, 3 new rtiee, and which can not he lat iu P iiiii)Uania. Cull and see and judge lor vourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDI.V. Lwisburg. Sept. 22, 1S49 08. THASK'S Alagiietic Ointment!! . Hoi ywui.it . ,iiua ui wiar a wig? We nil know the value of a good head of hair. A young man w ith a bald head, is a sort of walking caiiculurn of his species. Hence the many various attempts to reme dy or conceal ihe deficiency. Hundreds of the young men of this country, after try' ing the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig ! a practice as little conducive to cleanliness, as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical esperience.lhal Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald head, when ill other reme dies have failed. Sold ia Lewishtirg.wholesale and retail, by Thornton k Baker. Trice 25 and SO cents per bottle. . A journeyman Watchmaker WAITED in Lewhbant, b A. L. HATFIELD. Fever and Ague. adapted to the cure of frevcr uurj AjjueT It has usually been tieu'rii hi int-dicdl men ua a diaeuse of iireli. tf:rii-t-ly pprakiuo; it is Dot a d. but a yi lorn of disease. It is the reull t.f a fangenient of ihe tivrr. Herr lie tin- .i. tl . .. . I . . I , (ha . I .. i I. j therefore the liver to which the ren.,dv should be .hreetej. I Irre the . bum; eUi". .. :. i.,-k I- or a pern.at.ent t-ure will not tie elf-.r-d By a.ldrcssii.E remedies to the ay...p...w. we lenve the cause untouched, ready l produce a return of the chill- and fecer, on ,' the lirst over exenion of n.iml or body. The auccrsa of Dr. Osgood's India CIij'h jOiju intif. cini jiertiiatttnt cures if ani-h I allectioiis is explained by It e!l know di -j obstruent ellect upon the biliary Plai ns. i Imitniir.ns are abroad! 1! imi in-uinr to i mi ll ire for l)r, Osgood's IM'I A, i CflJLAfM;UE.w Tor sile by the wleagen', J. Srh,eer, LewilHir. Office ltemoced. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATT03KEY AT LAW. f.eicisburgi Pa. OFFICE, on Second St., laielv occupied bv L. 1?. Christ, Est). Apni 2, 1-43 P Ml Fil Xervnus Diseases, Dr. Ttak' M.net'C Ointment is of immense value, and tn U'J cases out of 1 00 :t will nttor'l entire relief to ihe worst cases of Xcrvou-Ui-iul u-lii: iu 30 minute". For sale, whulesa'e and retail, by lr Thornton Ac Baker, Leuishuru sold lo by J. II Raaer, Milton, and bv one Hoen' in ev.-ry village iu the State. Pilcc 2i and H8 cts per bottle. Lumber! Lumber!! flHE subscriber roniini-a 'o keep a (.iM.d X stock of lumber, coiiMst'.ng ol 2oO 00! b-el of sawed lumber as follows: Wiuti pine boards 1 inch, plank 1J inch aud 2 inch, weather boards, j it &. sraulhna.pnp lar b. lards, plank, aud seanthni;, t-herrv plank, and boards, sawed reiling lah,int and hemlock rail-, shinalin laid, m il pa. ling. Also Itip aud joint stunt:''', sijn ire timber, nails, salt, and coal. All ol which he will sell at lair prices. THOM AS NEiBIT. laewisburg, July 11, 149. Important Information? OR the difficult r-stiirution and i!ebtl',tv I a:tendiiiir dieH--s of the Lu, oi ! T1.....1 ...i ti- , 'i i. r i .ni hiiu i,ii:nai, j jiiraivni a lifli'iufl'l Syrup of Tur ami Hood Xnjithn has j been found an invaluable remedy. Besi Ifs : its power as an Expectorant to relieve the j lunas from the aceunuil t't d mailer which i results from the relaxed state ot the yu in I in hot weather, it also acts as a heal n.1 balm to the ulcerated parts and a strcnlli-! t-lier to the ssiein, Si.salular'v is the action of the Svr..,. I in this respect, that many ol our uios1 1. 1.. du. ..: ".i... :. :.. .1. ltaie-ciauic . iiV9iunil r llipu.v It 11. lli-.r practice, and we have (Inly evul.-ncr- .1! cures effected in pulmonary dl-eusi s ! where skill has utterly lai'e'l. Prepared only by Angne) St Dickson, X E corner Fifth and Spruce Ms. Philad. . Sold by C. . ftchnffle, L?wisbur,i. SEW V--LI-MK or THIS SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. To Inventors, Xtehanirt, and Artisans. '"I'IIU Publishers of the Scientific Aiuerieati. in reluming their thank, to the community lur Ihe lilral "uppart and encouragement which has lieen enteudrd to them during the past four year, would respicttuliy giie in'tue that Ihe It num ber of Volume 5. will he is-ued on the SSJ o September, alfarding a favorable opp imoctv fio all to .ubM-iitie,who may wiah toaaii lie m-eli r of ihe aluil'le uifiirinaiion always f.uial in it columns. Ti.e rie volume will be conunen. rd w. h ii'w type, printed on eitra fine pup. r, n an ulai-tuird eipn- ly for this publirat'-ai and nil hetli.lia d with s rha.!e Hid rlrgniii bolder, ll will be pnMi-hrd as h-tetafoie ia quarto form, thus affanii.,g at the end of ihe yeai bcaunlul b.-ak ol ovrr 400 piges, coulaiiang between 5 aad 6t.O oiginal engravinga of new tuvi-rittoiis. described hy h Iters of of err nee, besides a gieat amount t,f leading uiatlei valuable to ev,ry man III Ihe country. An increased ainiiunt f rare and eipene will be beaiuwed Up-,n this volume, to tei.d. l il more fully what il has ben ierme.1. ' The beat Me. chanicsl Paper in the World." lu columns a. usual will be Sited wilh the most reliable anil correct information in regard to the progress ol Scientific and Mechaniral improvements. Client istrv, Architecture, Botany. Msnufactuiea, Km UuaJ intelligence, and the weekly List of Pat enta, prepared expressly for thia Journal at the I'atrnt Oiiii-e in v a-hiniiton. A- an evidence of the esiimation in whi' h thi. publication is held by the Scientilie and Median ical partion of the community, il is only u.c- s ary to alate, that its circulation bas iie-reaaed wilbin the last three years lo upwsrda ol" 10 til I) C'ipie, slrefldy eiceediug the united circulation of all the Mechanical and Scientific publication, in thia countiy, and the- largest of any emgle one in the woild. Ttaui: Two dollars s year in advance, or if desHed one dollar in advance, and the remain der in ail months. To Cm as i 5 copies, $8:10 conies, S;15 : 20 copies, $23. Ait letters must be post paid and directed to MLNNccCO. Publishers of the Scientific American, N. York. N. B. Patents secured and mechanical draw ings eieculed on lbs most reasonable terms at the Scientific Ameilcan ulUce. OLD DR. ako S. r. TOWXSEXD'S compound syrup of Sarsaparilla JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and fresh supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in New 1 ork. Persons wishing to procure barsapartlla can have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by calling on the A tent. Lewiaburg. June 58 (J W SCHAFFLE Paints, Oils, Glass. JUST tee M White Lead. Van: Red. Span: Brown, Chrome, Green and Yellow, Pros: Blue, Carmine, Vermillion Flaiseaj. Fish and Sirra Oil. Spts Turpentine Glass ftom 7x9 to to 30x24 Tar, Rosin and Pitch, which can U had cheaper than ever st C W Scasrris'a Drag ! anJ Chemical Emporium, Lewiaburg. j BUACKsmrriiiM.! TliOsijlcrib.-rr.e.-.I-.-i N, . . . 1 . luiiy iinr ir ."" -' - ol Uwiaburi; and vicing' ; B-ay.aaiu Asdr, aV .JV Ur...hrl Ihtit-h-v Uv. cvH n,Wjnaoa.. lii.U.llll .U;') - . , v I lit. Vh i- g Ki'a.uu:;, turh lb i. .I.eabove bus.IH-.-l W..J , ,u, ,alt tu.,l li.U.-x.l.i JI:-. S '. iNfl I lute's "Id .ilioo oil Secoi.d , ,, s ... A.-L.uKr J-l? 'i.sP K;a i. Si. oim s.p.i.r.Ji.o'JH ol Vuktl.wl.ere lbe ,r prep..rca to mm uu-jj. . a or ... H,ul " ...ee, tin .r 1,,1-m. s ... ' :h'i rnt workni ili'ikr re.tn. er, hi pnrt. I ' ho,..-.tt.l. m1.r .'" i-h"'f, "' !n h"'f rd ' :" d ::e il-in?iea before. mini lseujlji-"re. . i.eiHinu; qoyi; im anjirji-'-i s;iJ on r'-sanabl' ifttui :iUo Sh'oeing. ...:..i. : . ., x A wim iii.d , ry ii.if". nil z, ... l.-r to those i h i! hvt- va'unb hor-p-t, and .kh Id btntr.itert t 'f ... .....- ..I 1; ........ Lill ?--&-ir. We fl.,t'er.r-ir-tlnis th.il we ar? Uo lo . . . . i. ' eonnv le l'h any person m trj C"'rv in shot-in;; llof-es we nH only a trial, and let the work show lor i:-4.-!C . Ail work wnrrfliited. ' Iron nnilaD linds '.f roonirv IVdiire ink.-n in exchnn.-. ' We hope by sine? n leminn tn bm ne-is, Hid ii d-ierioinii'ion to tiit hI!, both in. work and price, to leceivr rt Ittier .l share of public airotinc. HATE X. FCRRAY. l-w -burg. Mi. v. 22. 18 41) ttLORIOrS News from CALHIRNIA ! i'J(W Dust is fdmty, and Drue V Mtdi tints urr rjf.-rrJ at Wmlrsiile and AV'iM-', iheu.rr than irrr, at DR. THORNTON & BAKER'S ir f rvn 7 lis DL- J u Zi JJ i v2 tn, hi 4 11 AVING boiialit ibo l)ru, S'.nre ol Mr C. A. v vkih, tin; subs'-itbers'l ivm.i.i reaper' I ul; v intoini tn- c v ns o' i L,i w ihiir j anil H Hi in. n iiiul lliev wi.li keep ,-...aily on hand a large and well selected assortiiicui l'freh Drugs, Mt-dicines, Paints, Oils. Dyestnirs, Clteiiric:tls,Gl iss, B'.tanicitl Medicines, co FixTio.v r.iiY, ii:k r i m i:n and a t'eneral a-s .rtuiei.t f CATEX'A'l ilAJC'AVA'.S uUoa vain ! i.l ar.icli-s i usually kept in Dr-ij. stores nil of which , I AVING tak -l the rest D ug Eital.Iimeol 'hev are nVn-rimu. d to .-ell ioiii.iurlv low. i l 1. of Fchntfie Vhttmlitrlin, 1 would re PtisKiis Wi4u.,o. in (,i,M-ur- .Mvlicines, ar" j necilullv aiiuouure uiy Inei i! lind the publui lHrticuln.lv n.viteil to o'.e them a r j thai I hjve reraenished my stock snj will keep b.-l"re piin-haiiia rloslr-p-. l ai lieu ar I ilei..ion will 1 e ps.id in pullm; bp Pbvsii n s pre.rript:(ins. I X.B- Mi'dical adviiV oiven at ilieSture) r-e of eh ir,;e, b Di Tiiorn:uti. - I-wibura, 'nrch 2fi. I8t5. ' P. Dr. Phorn'on A: Baler, would iriform thira. ';:n,trr:w ! LE.MSIiEII IHF.Iii e.TOfKi then, .irre bev ihey have kEi ol pue un idulieiaird Uiuga ami IvTiiJ.Ttnes. en-; mFilia.i lv fmm Importer st reiloeeil piiees in .he I '. i lit. . ' I ,.ra i his, l Ullailt-lpilia alio lljiinni.re miaeis, which Ihry are enahbd tu xll si urn lower ' tlun fr on. nl in tlii-. pla e. at WhaUvale ami ! - 1 purcha-d at their esi..blihawr. puts and genoi f Ihey da nol prove to be . the ptirrW! er aie at liberty lo return the articles i srtlrl.-s and .heir j mmiev slmll l-e refunded to ihetu May 15 Pianos. V "sil'Ssnflaft.ifftaXJ !j ff If uiidemgneil e,MiliniH-s lo fun i.h to order ou the most reason1 le tern. 1'iam.s, from the niiiiul'iu-liry ul Coarad Meyer, Plul,w!.,,iio?e isalru'rieuis are Uut Meil known to need suv pile- egyrie. ha-lug uniforn.ly rerei'id the coair.irrd ationa of 'he roo-l einiu, nl pn,fe.ora nd rmupo sers of ;u-te. and ihe award of tbe premiums in New York Pinladelphi. ar.il Ja-..n Fa' qlall'ie of lane, luurb, and keeping in time U. ioia.it pitch, they esu Hot be suriia..sed hy either Amer ican or Eirnpeai, Pjan.w. luairuriious given on ihe Piano, as hceto ore Ri-lcrence may lie mada to any of tho-e parrnt. or guardians who have papi. cmuntl!eu lo I ' cnarge. He may l seen hi residence si M.s Maixes, MaiUii street. Lewi burg, where terms Hid p1rticul.it, be maje kuuwn. 'l'be most popular and favorite A r and Masic of different kind, rei-eived aa it ia isu. d Irnrn the ditf -reiil musical e.ia!ili-hnieuts iu Itie Cities. My ' en i;l.i:-. K.l.l-s H TEAS! IINK freth Green anil Black Teas. front 42 cents a pound mi l iipwards.iinpoi ed hy the Canton V,kl Tea Cmpaav f Xi-w York, packed ... pounds halves anc quarters, pt rreclly an liahl. just receivetl am! lor sale by J WiK HAVE. May 5 Sole Agent far Lewi-burg Ilurrisou's Coluinbhrrr Inks, BI.At'K.J iptn. Coining. Marking. Blue. In d. Iible. Scarlet. Ked. armtue. l'he-e Ink. iioar inoie treely tram the pen. and give a .Ir.aim i and more durable color tiiau any other. For sale iu any quantity by DU, THORNTON & BAKER. AgeuU Lewi-burg. Uniou Co. Pa. ROUGH & Ready Shirtings at 3 cts pr yard Ginghams at 10 ct- and Prints at 4 to 12 cts pr yard. Call and e at C. E. Bowes'. WANTED two ions of RAGS, in exchange lor Merchandize. An 25 I G Law she. 111'! IllaC fo' 'U"''CM nd Constables, on printed according to outer N AILS and IRON fr sale by Ap24 Reher it Idilings. rt ALT and FISH on hand bv Ap21 Reber & fddniifs. riPRING STEEL on hand at An 21 Reber & Mdinus'. N TOTES Promissory. Judgmenl. and ; Ju.nt Xoies (blanks) at this office. 1 TSS ! , . i ul.m.ii.m..w . yi v Ill I'..-, n.i;.-. Sent. 30. 1649. Kel.i.d Uwatl, IVnu U.i j 4. FIit tJ-V. U. I.iiuum.. .VsUl4irr, xt-itmu J Ufo'lfe OjImJI su,ui:L Haucjl lii!rrw, Hj(1-.I l.udw s Xa4 W, Ma aVjinuel, 1 AUb-! I -awdi. V-e"X Tr-fc. j. .w'Alpiu tiro, Mack J SI lr. NipV" .llrra l ,r. I l, ltvnliw Kk kens Ju. . .Mill : ll.u.u .h R ynoid. J.C )t li iji Caniel, Fui- J ones, kunysn teifcael ,;uiih J.:i,---e- ' Wa-hinuiixi, biak Wjm Sunu.etl J. T..ii.i. J..l.n. V uiiiiisii J C n. VCiiaa l, i u.1'2." I'ersons inquiring for ihc aiaua itst'eis will pl.-a-e ay ihey are ndt-itiatd, o lsv.-" wi: lliev iiuv uot e! iu in. A..Kh.NXt:i)Y,K.M SI (JX of the l M) I AX! CLeaper than Ever. . i - i T rpHE snbsi-iibera have (be plewure lo atiaouuc I to ibrir old ru-touiera and ihf .pubie ia.nrn riu ib.t they ta te ouemtl a lsr;e and apwuJ'l a-soriiuenl TOBACCO stand on Marki-I airrei Ijiiiieily occupied bj Vmi.l Aniiiioiis sa s rallor siip. ... Ttieir entire ito:s haa been selected wilh gisat csra. fti.d roiii-ists L-f .. - -( 'ljtail Kiagrfinri. i.a Norma, frimave'ia, Proici) pe, YYerurr's Ri g;ilia. Vsatello, Geueial Ta;. lor. Halt ?panih, ana Commoii. ' . 1'aVeiKlisll Tobutt O Slahter's Blfck Fat, t.'ongiea-, Oiouoko, Ursncb Slag, Plug, and Fine Cut. MnuUiuz Tobacco Cut snd Dry. Si all-rlaile. 4e. Slllltl"-U .pl'e and Scotch. uo!l' I' ax G, rioau l ipes. and a fancy aru-ch- ot larat caes all rt which are ottered al he luei ulea AU krud ul ProiluTs lasen IU exruuige. Call, see. and judge fur y, ui!:s betire i uiidcnicieg '.he ar'irlea - t A.J. PENNY ' nt;.v fl4ik-yy . LewUlorg, Ap.il SI, '1310 " ' ! : 1 The succtss of Dr. Trnk's Maghetje , . ; ' ' r'" r" ,Sur'T 1,1. i ii ar vim. nm uot n uj.utlti ra ami its us-, h i I find on i-acl. Lottie a punii hli', eotitiiiiiitia mil di recti" s.. A nls in L'?v.sLura,'i'hcir:i!jii AiX"'r1'r i r r Ti tv n ,: a . -IT 'L? li 1j L- NOTiOW AND VARiETY. STORE c.oi-t m.ily an html a rargv. fe-h sua eltselu j otrrr s h.,le-,le s..d Ke s.l. My ai"ei te.ng rntirelv new and ptrch.i-'.-d for ra.-K at .-v.v rsfet) in the Phila l'a tnaiket. 1 oa enable.1 ta sell at j I-r prtc tb-.n ever oT .l.w ibis regKin Driirrs. lt?ilir!tifis. f lirttniraF-: i )ye StulTs. Paleilt Med.. Giu-. Vfuinery.Oils, V,x LiT.of s, r ancv N ot i.us, . uritt v Gu-is, f u;(s antl On leCtlOner V ' " J t, A ll ll . 1 i id. ,a,ul. a( n, k. h.l i.-l. ii.natt L. . - -.--" i in establishments. Tti inktul for '.pg3t l.e- ""' pa'rw.age. I nope lo metre us unUiUMMsasf I?" P-d M-"1 f'Urcha-mg elfewta-. a ail lHogs ""'"") ."-pb .-.w.e vurru ro any ' Ma.ticuu-a in nulacojisJ Wits. 'e.ri. i.ited gooil. . H.ving a practiral knowledge of the bnine- fimn Bpwsrdf (Tf tea. -crave" 1 1 Sere en re. R titer myself I llit I am a foinpslrnj jtnlgW if the snnte. ,. -' - .All oijer enltasiej; Ul me wjjl ,be (riwnptly atiei.ded lo. and uiV friends .may relv npou vet ! ting eerjthiiig af the 4?fv fest quali . I' , Levi -s' uig. Mav ., isi9 , ; - -.. m bj vbt iiL"-? - !!. r - y- SAMIAMMONs-- rPHANKH T, far liberal patronage bereWUvi I teceived. reessjctUiHy in'orma bis old friniCs aud iliepuji.c seuer.illy lliat be has removed bis T;iiloi Khup 1 ,4' lathe rtasement of his UiicC dwelling rtn Mart4 street, tiext .Inor alov V. Penny's saddhfy the ol'iice of li C Hick j, E.u) whrre he bopas iw suit aii who iiiay give Inn. their1 custom, as ue docs all woik In Jits !.i:e in the Iiesf a'nj j i,ee-i stle and ou short iiotice Hu b.-. the fa-iitoiia renii'arlv , mplojs none but g'Kid hnnda, nnd is deterniint d to keep nt' w th ths times Jind) mem a j.Mid share of patronage. CUTTISCl done tu tWBer. Chiracs reasonable, and Prud'ice lakeu ia exchange for woik , I.?vi!iur2. Jane, IP 19 ; v2T7 I'anty Gosd.s, XolioaM. JWc. T US T rrce'd a large and epb'Boid assoiltoeoi 7 f Fancy Ghh1 such as jsieel treats ti. Id Pencils t.'laaps - Pens f"huiiis Silver Pencils Dead Necklaces Kinges kings Thimbles Visiting. Car Js Dominoes ", . 'I hernioiustsr -' KuvU au J, . , Stiops Walking Cans.' e'iora - , fun Glasssa Spy Pi cket Stirrers -" Compaasea Ssliu Ueat!s Hair Puis nilier Buffiio'Cttmhs Shell Spanih " l)rea-ing -Pocket Hair Brush's Teciu Nail Fleh Paint Shoe Jewelry Gusrd Chains Watch " Keys ('luster Piim Cameo Needle Cases, fbirl Bullous Studs a'er vJol ra Emerges I ir Cases Snuff boxes KjMsciaclea I erfumr-y Cases Satchels Night lights Smelln? Bottli Dolla and Steel Tweuais Doll heads Toys fur Canl l.'aaes - Cliildsed Port monies - Fancy Pifsi ' " Pocket Bonks Pen Knives' Arci rdl. i.a PiKket' - Fnldi-i ;m aasj;rhejd ' Parlor Limns Purse. . .. Together wi h a great variety of articles not tneiitioued in Ihe attave litl. lor sale al I'.S bsw Drug. Fsncy slid Variety store of . . A lot of MxlO VVairloW Saab. j cheap Alanulnctnyy ef Sprout Utirrews,' on nana, ana a-l sues o lu one.r.oir short n-tire. May, ltr-19 DR. THORN I ON" bus, removed d.'i Mcdi.cal OiliB to the- I)ro. s'ure Tl.orn'on & Bakei next to Vvil e ,. TLOLR for sale by I . II. T . .. . .1 "" YE Brn ...ri Jsb; .?..".' . . " Ap x3 1 j n ... A If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers