Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 17, 1849, Image 2

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    Iolliing surer than ILand
and no better Farms than in Union county.
; . . - . sr
ftjonsci mall jrarm
FR SALE The subscriber offers hi
hmie in the B irough or Lewisburg,
situated Bl the intersection of Anthony
and Fourth streets. The house in a large
two story frame, wi:h new frame tarn
ud other necessary ou' buildings. The
land comprises 6 Acre and 60 perches,
nil in a high slate of cultivation. There
re a variety of choice Fruit Trees on th
place also a never-failing well of wat-r
1: is well situated for public business ol
any kind ih land wi:l support a smul
family, or can be laid rtnt into vising lot
Lewii-burg. O.I. C, 184'J
Orpfjan' Court salt.
"VyOTICE in hereby giver?, that by virtuv
X "f order of the O'l'liRi.s.' Court o
Union count,, wiil le exta'seJ to t'utli
Sale, on V CiiMaoitY the -Mill (lay nl Oo
iokek nejit, by ll.i- undersigned. Adminiv
ttatora cf Tik v is Innsivwr, diciastd. Hit
k Hewing real property, to wit :
All that messuage and tract of land, sit
Mted in Keilv 'l j ., I'nioti Co , adj iining
land o Jacob Hurtmaii, Admn Stalil, an J
mbcrr, contaiiiii! about 150 Acres. ni
flO acres chaied, the balance goou timber
land, all will watered u t. ie n is ererlerl
a two story Hi tire, a lart: Lank I'.Hrti and
O'.htr necetsa r j out-bui!dii gs. J Irs 'arm t.
ill a pood flute of cultivation ; mi Apple
Orchard, ar.d other Fiuit Tues ate vu the
Sale to commence a: 1! ..Vast, A. M .
n the jut iinffr , !i ii i.iiiI in it- u rin i
Hill Le losde hi own ! v the Milsrnhers.
i.i.u is ii!i ;v;-,
AMi i:H n wm;.
AJniii irtoitor.
tAt tle aine time and place
ill be t-old a tttirt o land, m'j. ir.in the
nl-ourvnta:nir j; al u 46 JLciCS oil v h:cl
U e,rc!tti a Li ck II.. use nd oil er out
kcildirgs a uoort bearing A pie Orchaui
nearly all chart d and in a j.ih d s'ate ot
allivation. Llwis lnui.-os.
Sr-pt. 28, lf?49.
Public Sale.
THE undersigned. Executor of the last
will ai.d tests ri enl ol Pn : Snrrii,
reie ol Eusl liutlaloe township. Union Co.,
icoaed, will oiler for kale, at public out
cry, on the premises, on
Friday, tbe 9ih day of October next,
ihe fallowing valuhiia. Ciu' Eaalc, lo wil :
.All thai certain Iract of Lam),
situate Mi the township and ccunty afore
and, idioitiiujj lauds of Abraham Wolle,
Xcub Mer'L, Aduai Wi'tuan, ui.d otln n,
cuuiainioy about
70 Acres.
all clear land, whereof at.. .tit Ivh'crn
aeras are ricellent Meadow laud, and nil
' M a, ' in a Kood state nl culiivntiou.
f The Improvements thereon erec-
ftrd are a tarye
. ' Stone Dwelling House,
a Sione Fprinp House, a TeiiHia.li'Uc, a
lg Burn, a well with a Tump at the door,
and a good Spring ol Water about tweiilj
five perches irom the hUM', whh-h could
lastly bj brought to the house in a noin
An Apple Orchard
with eicellent Fruit Trees, and
other Fruit.
. Said property ia situated about three
milea from LewUburg, on ihe rmul leaduij!
Ir.Kn Leaisbtirg to New Berlin. ind nhnui
two mi'es Irom Tur!ville and tin; West
B'anch of the 9uM)ueh.wna river.
Alse-a- Lot of TimlnT Lnixl,
almrHl adjoinint; the former, coiioiimny
upwards t f TWES1 YA CJl EH, hereon
r i i is erc !t d
. fox a Tenant House.
CJ About Stv. n acre re clear, and
i he remainder well Tm-bcrid.
Pa lo cu.nnnce at 10 lAIwk, A M..
oT Mid day, wlieu rlue attend nice will be
given, and term of sa'e mae'e kti'. ti bv
JOHN SCHIUCK, i'veuror.'
Fast Butuiloe Tj... A up 23, IMU
N. B. I'erMMis ihin; to ev ihe nbove
menlined pmery, wd. be acc'-nii.odated
by calling on Jacob Mettz. who rt-ido
aifjoining aatd property, and uiii take pica
sure in-rlmwinji the xmr.
m SALE-3 jfrvm,
C ITU iTKM ... KeHy i...h.p, F.,io
ij couuly, Pa-. 4 1 miles Irmn L wthura.
(;:ie jeuiol the new University. ) 1 he lam
t?35 acrt's,
fl : I. irv . i 1
which IfiO acres are cleared
art.1 in a ifiHMl stiile ta . iiIiiv.iIihii V tari:
proportion I.. l.ntii sli.i.i' I. ii 1. As ir-pt cts
water stwl .nefcilowi, the tarm li- s r..re ad
trwntages, ihere is-tng on it M'ver.il newi
fuil og sprinjis. and n :r'.Tll ruiiini f ll.ro'
lis renter iff .rHitit" Iu. iIuh s by w Inch stock
asn be wn'ertd in every fn'd. In goorl
firm ins, 40 to 50 Ions Can he cui fnan lb.
JUsl OMwdow land. The Ilnune and
TjiTVi 1 una nre lianw. Its
hjii!' flatter nearly new. unH
vvrll fiuit.hed : There is
also a Tenant House, and ull ih
." buildings appertaininif lo a tarm also
aw Orchrml with a variety of grwd Fruit.
Tins above Fartw. ia ollered ill wifole or
in part In aot putchawer, and a Miruon
fSe psrrbase t.K4e) ntay remain sreurtd
the premises. !
H. WI.-0V. f r
f tr sra" rf lFl Pit ffiT, deiM
tUr. Uif r t f"p. 2. 111
t'ld f Vim gnt for
ala ay
Sale of Keal Estate.
flLL be exposed to Public Sale on the
W premise, on
Saturday, '27th of Oct next,
all that nifrt'unge and tract of land situate1'
in W hite Drter township. Union county,
now occupied by John Baehman, adjoiniitt:
hinds of William Speese, John Hummel,
and others, cunt lining about 1 00 arret
be ween 15 and 20 of whk h me cleared
t 1 and in a iood atutu ol' V'J-f1
Tv7aT I t ulttvatton, and on
IS V . .
which are erected a
duelling house and oth
er buildings. The balnuc of llic iravl i j
well timbered.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M..
wheu tt rniM will be made know n by
MlitKKl' IMYK". ") Ew'oi !
J.NO.t liAMHKKI.IN. j d.c
Lcwisburg, Auj! 15, 1819
llihY LfST,
for adjourned Court t i commeuce
October 22, IS49.
New I'.crlin : Jncob Miihouse.
l-nn it : JuM-ph Mi;innn, r::er Xeiinnii,
Seniiiel Waller, ll-nrv V tiling.
Fein: Peter W tlmv. Wm Stiller
John Matthias. Peter K-r'in, Ih-nry ('
liver. I'aii el J.irri il, John IIhi!muii.
While L'ter : Ntchohu (Jruuter, D-micl
lifii ck Ikoherl O.inW.
Ila.tlev : Klia Katherman. John Uuh,
Mirhal IV'eis. J..hn Smith, John KUi-a-ver,
Iiiiiit.l ( ler. Samuel Kleckner.
Lewishurg : Abbot Green.
PuMiiloe : I) l Gui'iii. James 1 1 v in.
West liuflolot-: Daniel Ft.sl.er, Itobert
B idarr.
Henver : Daniel Mover. John Lone.
Kelly : John Grove, Jeremiah Meisel.
Imael Fike, Jai-ob Ixnc
Chapnmn ; John Secchr'st, Ph I p Iler
rold. Fist Biiffiloe : Abraham Brown.
at (he old stand.
RE now receivinti a' ihrir old and well
know n stand on Mirket street a full
and well selectel assortment of '
Fall and Winter
- - - - p
comprising the usual vaiiety of
Pry (Roods,
Salt, Fish, Nails,
etc. etc.
Our GikkIs are warranted lo be cheap
as the cheapest, aud good as the l-est
new or old. Thankful for past atronage
of friends, we ask for a continuance of
their favors ; and new comers and strang
ers we respectfully invite to
Call and Sec!
lewishiirc, Oct. 10, IM9
'PHIS new and valuable Med
X used by Ihe medical p
uch astxtiisbins efficacy in the cure ol
J Puliaimo y Cowuvtftioii. f'enifuh, dmn'C
lihtumalinii, r.iir. general lltliilily.
Complaints if tht Kidnnjt,
Arc. Ac. is prepared from the liver of the
I OD-FISII for medicinal" use, expressly
lor our t-ales.
f Ksirart from the Lumbal Vrdiral Journal.
t; J. B WitxiAfla. M. I, V H S l'r..f.aor ol
Medirir.e in liiiveritT 'nib (re, l.nr.Jmi, consul
ling ihyirian to lb II.ir I'sl br ih-ii'iiplnin,
AVe, .ay; " I have pieM-nls-.l tbe I'll in above
;h7n ;
i.ullg, j i,g,
case of tub. irnlnua uiseane ttl tbe
una Hi dinrreiii Kiagw.wnicn out ueen umn-r
n.y care tbe last two fear and s half. Iu the
huge liumtsi uf cara. SU6 nut ol 'iM, il ue waa
fiii.i.-d by luarknl. unequiaucal i'liproeeinent,
arviiig in di ire in ililb lent eaar. frotn a tem-
irtiraiv ictaraslioo ol ine pmgre ut me uita-sj
; . .:.:..: f JL )m.. unlo
t , iun or Iras cotnplrlc retoratmo to appau-iit
ueahh. .
"TueefiVl of ihe Cod Liet Oil in mot of
,heJce.-..ve,y,ea...k.b.e. Even i. . few
.i ..... U atlas! i ri aia Ae qIisuts
...j. ...e t.".... .........
i. ........1.. a in ...i.. .in. and i.iiaritT. ttie invhl
- , 7 7 .- ; t
tweat ce.ced. the pulse Isrcaroe alower. and of
betu-r toluine. sud the s.tite, flb and tiength
were gradually improved.
In conrhision I reieat lhat Ibe pure freh Oil
from the Liver f Ihe t od i rooie beneficial in
the treatment ' Pulmonary I oosumpuiai than
any agent, niedirinrl. dielelic or regimenal, thai
ha. yet been employed. "
As wr have made arrangements lo pro
cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head
quarters, it can now he had chemically
(Mire, by the single bottle or in- boxes-of
me h v n each.
Its wonderful efficacv has induced num
erous tjtwtout imiiatioPS. As i's sun ess
depend in'irtl) on iis purity, tun much
are ran not be ued in irts-oring j okm;
tsa Every bottle having on it our written
signatuie, nav lie depended on as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of I lie
O.I, wiili uolicew of it from the Medical
UJnibn County
a te ra p n
. ft c m ft
S ? S. 2 2 B
' -5 i g i 3 I.
0 si st
5 W a
' - 3 5" r '
Canal Cummiioner
IIrnrv M. FtattR, Whig '22 1 156 137 104 66 140 . 73
'John A. Gamble, Democrat 41 34 "3 60 82 99 33
Atttmblq ' ' : ' ' ------
KliSlifeb, 210 151 145 108 CO 134 69
Jon M'I,AroHLi.i 211 150 15 104 61 130 69
John Gumming 44 40 82 60 ' 95 104 37
John Dimm 49 39 0 60 8i 107 37
AatHiBLoTu.Jis 191 82 117 94 30 133 09
fieort Ureisbacb 56 33 104 69 115 100 32
John Haas, Volunt. Whig 15 74 8 2 6 5
Cuun y Cvtnmhiiontr
Joiix Wilt 203 150 119 95 C6 125 68
Daniel German, Vol. So 35 106 60 81 114 38
IU.mel HoRLcnisa 219 155 127 09 07 1 35 73
John M iuck, Vol. 45 35 99 5 82 100 33
i Poor lhme
Against Poor House
For Poor lloue
Fuller 2131 . S.'ifcr
Kimble 1820 Cum.irn litf Dimm 1869 DreisUch 1942 " u
For Auditor Henrv II. Blair, Whig,
For Truitees of Milll nbur Academy
Fuller's inaj. 611. Slifer over Cummings 617. M'Laughlin over Dimm 426, Thomas over Drieabach 229, VVih'a maj. 197, i
llorlicher'si mtj. 618. Asatnit Poor II usr
Jimtnnl.s, will be tent to ihiise who address
us free ol posinje.
l.nli'ttMli I IPIU7II iclw nun I tifnii.tt.
lv!9" ICO X.nTh Thiid St VhiinJtlphia
The old 4 lainnitttli
Filling up Again
"fOST ivspertfutty tnlWrm thrir frind-t
1 1 . i .
ill thf fiHtilu tm1 fhiv HrtA nnw rftfiv
in- their UMiaUui.nlv ol
t i 4 t v . vn ii' I v T i; 1)
I4 ALL Al D U 1 1 h it
I I j . j
w eplSy Ihe JanuJ'f tKading lommu-
iiy emhincing
3ns fX V G ROC E
i I I 1 Til WIT! I
j . I
j (ItCCHSICare, J'loi, 4)C.
jail of .which are offered on our muni
j acconiniodarmg icrms lor Cash, Produce,
j or uood credit.
i e invito ana hope to merit n cont:nu-
i ance of the very literal patronage hereto- ;
... ....... ii I
,vl ..-. ocru IU UI, I
J. & J. WALLS,
la wiihurg. Oct. 10, 1849
! irf r ctpiit i nr. -Olii
ii.u.i..oii AAt 2J-C1S,'T V
i T ATE of Philadelphia, is i.o on '
NAirryer s lore, where he nilrnils to 0 oration
i u r r......
: vn im tm m m ivuuiiwu w um imwci
I. L . . . t I .L. .! I -I
i eeiu anu ruoi or leein reniuvcu wiin lue aiu ai
; im,ro. d !nlruinrnl, and in an eay manner.
t illing Irrtb and aelling on pivou or plate alien
led to according to the lateat imprncmeiit in the
pnaeaniun l.'hteralrd, epungy.aud inflimeil gums
cuied. Thauklul lor past tavoia, he kolints a
rontinuaiice of public niionage
No impute
material used tar blhng in Iretn.
I 28(1
i FWismian ahademy
in r ti i nn i
' ILL commenre on Monuav, the 22d
. i
nl October. Instriiclinn will be eiven
as heretofore, in all branches necessnry to j the diggings has been, partially at least,
a thorough education. Exercises in Cora-: accomplished without resort to actual vio
pnsition and DrcJam a ion will be required, and ! .
strict attention will be naij lo the fniinatinn of I10006,
I letular habits of atudv in ihe vnnnner meinbera
jcrf the achool. The iepui.li.in of the In.thu.ion
will be ma.lr to real, ant upon the number, but
nn.n ik nf .ho ,i.,a.,..i j ti.. ...i.-.
I ber i nol solicit. u. fur a rchool of more than 30
i regular scholar. Terms: lur Lru:u:ig.'s. $10 ;
for the higher Engli-b. !S8 ; and foi ihe common
Medicine, now j English branchea B pr seMion ot"2i wck. be noticed, had taken place at San Fran
rofession with j .ij.ufg, qi. 3,Ai8)LPH' P"Mii"L cisco, Irom the Ai!antic cities, disembark-
TV A QJ-F'b C.rrn and Black
S.XJ1X.KJ lei
from the celebrated
establishment of M'Calmont & Bond, for
sale by 1 G Lawshe
IME Old Java Coffee lor sale bv
I G Lawshe
JIIII'H. Wheal Flour, aUr. Rye Flour,
lor sale by
I G Lawshe
HIPS 1 1 FF and Shorts for sa'e by
I G Lawshe
Foreign News.
The news by the Caledonia Irom Liver-
pool and Loudon lo Saturday, ihe 29th of
i September. Il ia of comparatively sliuhi
- , . .. , ,r.
. ''"" .d -glance. The corn ir.de
i m ia null, nnti ffarlfttal Kss rl In I laan I fillnn
. , , ..... """
. . .
was wnnoiit anv maraeo cnange. Amen-
; - 6
can stocks were in good request. The
Queen had left ihe Highlunds on her return
lo England. Everything in France was
quiet. Mr. Rives had arrived al Paris. A
Russian officer had arrived at Constantino
ple, to demand Ihe extradition of the Hun
garian refugees. The Pope was slill at
Naples, but was to leave about the 1st of
October for a tow n in the vicinity ol Rome.
He had published a ducreo, accompanied
hy an amnesty, which had excited great
dissatisfaction by the Want of liberality
which it displays. Everything was quiet
al Rome, Ihere we. a good deal of irrita
tion in the public mind
Hie latest news from Hungary states'
ct. S, H4S
2 .
82 212 112 145
139 132 31 169
2430 M'LauKhfin 2295 I Thomas 27l
2-JO J vote, no onn. For Coroner,
David atsoo. Samuel Siitzer, John Kline,
2"i37 ; ror. 910 maj. Against Poor House, 1627.
(hat Comorn had not surrendered, but ac
,;e mea!,urM were on fool for pus' ing its
. , . . ,.. .L. .
i c i . ,
viiiiied the plnoe on ihn 19 h of eiteinhtr.
Ktntes that 70 0U0 na'ii were eneninped
tin re, and tha! CftO t ili't-en and iwenty-
h u. no'indi is neie to einploved in redu-,
!eini ihe fortress. The unrmnn i said to
tie 20,0110 strong, and ihe nnmher of ihej
citizen is 12 WOO. I Vovm m ue.-e eniiie.
ly in the h iinls of the garrison, mid the cit j
i'fn U'f re nuniiii.!!."! Ifi nrtv XI lurn iioiifkrt '
1 - ' !
froli'-e. M 'ill whs l'li-n Mill. Inrmshad-
M 'at whs pli'n'ifnl
been offered ihe garrison similar lo those
gmnfed hy M.irhall UndeUky to the V.-;
. . . . ....... ...
nilmna ? IhA iPir tavna in n-mnwnct il ,
: ,K.. ,M,m. r- A n ,h 91,.
tu if rn i . I
the r.mperor of Russia has returned lo,
,,, o, , ji-. .i 1
j Petersburg, and his troops are gradua'-
, ly withdrawing W'ilhin the Russian frontier, j
i Tt WM r,-P"r.,cd ,hM i:"n- B had d,ed
of his wounds in Wallachia, hnt the rumor '
' 'ac'"d cnnfirmalion. The Cholera was j
! rapidly on the decline in England. j
Ths rnlirnnilil yzmmm
We give in lo day's issue copious details
from our Pacific files, recieved by the Em-
pi.-e (Vv- Trm? will be found to beofhiuh -
! i u i j ... .u:
I , ...
In regard to the:
. . , , D .
Gold ucl' ,he ,ccoun!8 're M ,avo'M
, e..l,l l e.nectevt .nrl ,,. lk..
. -
those by the last arrival. The waters were
lower, and the hard labor ol the miners ap
pears to be well rewarded. The mist of
j ii
exugirerati'iii is being gradually cleared
and Ihe true noMtion of affairs in
California can now be more easily asccr-
,aiIlefj. 1, j, evid,.n, ,r,at ,he supply of
gold in the audirerousdepo;is,although not
...i r. ......
mr Annual iiiiK. is verv esieiisive. ami inai 1
hard labor in the dry and wet diggings is
well repaid, rortunes are not found :n eve-
ry picket, and, as in all lands, some aro(
unloriunate or unlucky.
The movement towards the fonnitim of
i a State Constitution is proceeding, and a
J decidedly Anti-Slavery spirit is manifested
! 'hroughoui. The troubles anticipated with
the Chillians an I other foreigners do not
. . , . , ...
serin to nave uee'n e.xtier encen, ana ine re-
moval ol these "outside barbarians from
The nrecautionarv menaueea taLen bv
Gen- Sinilh for he' rB,ief of )B ovetUnd
emi0ranl will meet with warm oniinend.
1 ation from all quaiters.
I A very lar8 number of arrivals. It will
I trig fin immense number of pilgrims to the
Sacramento and the American Fork. The:
Shipping List in our paper of to-day willj
be read w ith eager interest by thousands j
of the relatives and friends of these pilgrims, j
The indira'ions of a high regard for law
and order among Ihe respectable portion ol '
the citizens of California are confirmed by
this arrival, and I hose dissolute characters
who have (locked to ihe Pacific expecting
tniimiiiittf loe all Ihnir i.iimM miu.t m :
stringent justice than they led a home.
.. v i' .
By actual count of Coin in Bank in New
York a few days ago, the count was $9,-!
nao.nnn. uhich u.iih th. .mn..n. .i.
, - -
jSuy, giw ww el;en mmoM
1 .
nno a nan oi aonars in Ihe Uity, consider
I "
ab v above ik ....
am7 uove Hie average amount.
amount, wuh the couiinual receipts from!nnd ,hai the corn crops are much be!-
wnuiornia uuring i no winter, and the ab
sence of apprehension of a shipment of
SiMttie to Europe, must keep the money
market easy.
The Territorial Courrs of Minnesota
have just been opened. Twenty attorneys
were admitted lo practice, which certainly
will be though a sufficient number for a
population of no more than five thousand.
Hon. Andrew Stewart of Pa. has (it is
slated) been appointed Minister to Brazil,
in place of Maj. Thomas W. Chinn, who
turna-on account of-itt health.
93 64 68 74 252 101 121 87 122
53r6 83 632227fi09-"7 131 82
77 182 116 229 90 64 68 77 228 92 11 85 125
63 175 114 169 67 04 65 75 225 33 116 82 117
149 l5 22 87 51 50 e7 50 24-1 107 122 I3ri 80
114 161 26 129 66 56 89 50 238 115 122 131 85
71 125 111 154 92 65 43066 224 92 121 80 112
139 111 33 154 52 52 109 44 215 107 107 124 7
4 109 0 2 2 3 2 17 29 2 8 14 5
66 211 110 165 86 55 63 70 231 61 106 30 120
160 112 28 145 60 05 99 66 238 150 13 J 13 84
83 211 111 169 92 61 58 75 242 90 119 68 120
136 130 28 141 54 65 89 48 221 105 112 131 4
143 69 1?7
1 151
I Wilt 2192 I Horlacher 2402
German 19f5 Mauck 174
Ja;ob Martin. Whitf, 213 votes, no opp,
Whig, 2114 voles each, no opp.
lAtrisbitfff, Ma.
WHilnpsil.i v A ftprnnon. Oct. 17.
! : : '- :
OCT' i'ee a lare numwr ol tie Adver-
; li.-eii.t ins m this weeks paper.
B7'G inible has ab ul 15 OOii n.njoiiiy
-I I .. It i. I,....., I .. .;..rO-j
in th
Si-na'e, and enough Uein. maj.
in Ihe
iiniiw ui ri'iHMi no iiiit iciiiuic uawx . . .
House to rejienl all the "terrible Laws ! ' !''
I l l
llifV i tkni iU9i wiiiicii wuuuui nil- oiu ui
' 1 "
; Maj. Cunnninga.
We hoiie to give complete or official re- .
1 '
tuns from ihe whole S'ale, next wek.
, !
fxy Pot nines an said lo be somewhat '
Knrre "nd '""al1 ,hl 'r bu' " d",,b'
it. Mr Thomas Rt lier si nds us one of a .
mund shaie, fat chetk, laughing eyes, a
pound and. ..we know not how mech, iu
i weight, which lie doubtless coniiders a,
; Li-mocriir prooucnoii anu ti
I some of ihe Whigs can show a bigger one
if they can't crow over Gamble.
: ' -- -
rv i ... I
it7-venave noi not receitea mt v.-
VT e nave ivu ihh rfc'if:a me v.-
a as- a . . ' I . I . t,
1 fij-ml KUrtion Reiarns from Juiiima
, , "
, Those ol Uun.n counlv are inserted above.
" w l"al "
j'1 sm ,ller ";on common, and ihe
),'"1'"c oie larger. 'I he change i-
: o. .1 l. : . t:. .
. ... , . . H i- . ..
princiii nn v in tne &nuiii liver iiihiimiiiis
' '
408 l "a esnu.ua.es run ,, ,.
r w i i . i l . . . Ii ii
" ,hey had "" 'ue ' ,n "'"
dependent paper, whu knows but they
lniKht hve eler:rd 1
lC7-Mr. Davi l.-ctiired last week three
evenings in the Paptist church on Babylon.
! Egvpl ie., to audi-.-nces not half the six-
a subj.ci of that natutc should draw out
The exhibition is a erlectly unexception
able one, and we see not how any mind of
ordinary intelligence could fad of giving il
deep attention. We can cheerfully com
mend the lecturer as a man worthy of
public confidence and patronage, and his
lectures are well calculated lo aweaken
interest, lo instucl, and by ihe impressive
lessons they leach, lo favorably impress
the mini and the heart of every one.
Fatal Accident. The York Press slates
Ut J Sherman, of Codorus township,
met with an accident which resulted id his
death. He was attending his saw mill,
and whilst thus engaged, his coat skirts be
came entangled in the wheel, and his body
was drawn in, and so terribly crushed that
before assistance could be rendered lie was
prived n're'
We have authority for saying that the
President will probably not find it possible
to resume and complete (he Northern Tour,
which was so suddenly interrupted by his
illness at Erie. His health is nt yet fully
restored, and the pressure of public busi
ness will render il difficult for him to leave
Washington this Fall.
The New York Globe remarks, in view
r . . .
' the appaiant Democratic union in lhat
Stale :
The only epidemic now in our city, H
the Tpmnrwntit err in It ia vloiir1iii.v in
every direction, and bids fair to knock the
Whins into a collanse earl? in November.
. .
The Curn c The ,Ia
Pledge says : " Many of the farmers in
ibis rep ion are verv anreeahlv anrnr.toit m
ter than they expected, considering Ibe
great dryness of the season.''
Pres. Taylor lelt Washington on Wed
nesday lo attend the Agricultural Fair and
Caille Show near Baltimore. He de
signed returning lo Washington in a day
or two, and would nol estend his visit fur
ther North al present.
Joseph C. Powell.Whig, is elected to the
Legislature from Bradford county. This
is tlie first Whig sent from Bradford since
Gen. Elihu Case and Col. Geoige Kinney
were elected, in 1837. Mr. Povyell is one
of the first settlers of Bradlord.
C7The editor of the Whig' paper in
Juniata is a philosopher as well as aid-decamp
to the Gaernor. Col. MXIIure re;
poits after Ihe battle as follows t i .
" Thk Rbsclt.'-AH we have to say,
wont take much space. The en'ire l.co
eouniy ticket is elected, by majorities Urjje
o,ir..i,.l. Tor b ull uraclicaoie anu
We did think ul firl ol com-
complaining of some of our Whig town
ships but w lieu ,1 Bey an cam in iuu
(hat we would hive to " hek Ihe whole
.,.ki..r in we tMt slopped nhort. The
Corrected this day
Flaxseed . . .
Cloveiseed . .
Dried Apples
Tallow . . .
95a 100
... .25
. H'O
I Lard
By Rt . J. S. Lee, on Ihe llih insl.,
Jacob Siiivklkv, of Buffiiloe Valley, and
j Miss r.LizvBKrit A. StoIciitos, ol Chi!-
' In New York citv, 1 th till., by Kev.J.
j C l.wiie, Kev. J-LAK K C. IlePBlBM. of
i I.wkllien IV, and Ansa Makia Bvj.
On lhe2l'h ull. I.V Kev. J. l. Anspach,
i UM Kli.mi of K' Hv und Miis Llct.Mia
' AmiKHSO.N ol 'uffallM'.
t On the 2d, hy Jo. Kliv, !v-q.t Ai.Ba-
aMikh III tchison of Lewiaburg ami Miss
Fliz Ross ol Buffiloe
till If,
In Lewishur. I5h iut., Masv. wifi
1 . . . .. ..
U. t. Iiappet, Bg-d tH Jeais. I
! IIKr)th, an I 1 1 Hays,
; vVhw found ded iu her bed, tn Whin
j . ... , .., M1.a HM
- -
I M.tav. daughter of John Newreau. Ilei
j health was infirm, but we understand the
! had retired iheeteiiing before without am
intimation of nicnasing illness.
In Bulla ha- loviiiahip, 20 h ull. M.vailM
ltiiu:L. in his 47 1 h year.
In Midison Tp. Col. Co. 2Ut ull., Mrs
I v a i ii skik tain, ill nt r . u.n vi-nr.
. - i.-. ... :.. i - - l . . .
She was ihe reln-l of Lud ig Ever, ihe
original proprieinr of B!on.nburg,wbo laid
nut the town, anil n'ti T whom il wss tor
nianv vears called ''Overtown." He died
f in 1814. as;ed 47 years. lis wife now
lies by his side, in Ihe church-yard he
hud out and gave the town. '
Iu Philadelphia, 12 h ult., aed 33. of
disease contracted in Mexico. Capl. Tho's
S. LotsFK. His i en ains were bfnuhl lo
Reading, and interred with martial honor.
In England, recently, agr-d 70.
Mrsraas, who married Mary Cha worth,
ihe early-loved nl liiron.
To Clrrymen. Pmlinanlert.TtathrrMof fuibbitik
SchooU, Students, Book Agents, and
Heads of Families.
4 GE.T8 wanted ia every section of the
2- I'niied Sutc to tell
Sears' Pictorial Family Annual,
an illustrated work, comprising a fins cries of
embellishment, with interesting description, in
on handfome large octavo of about four hundred
page, elegantly bound in gill, and lettered iu the
most modern 'yle of book making.
rsirs oslt two dolus.
Tbi splendid volume comprise within ilaelf a
Complete Library of I'selul and Kuteilaiiiing
Knowledge condensed in foim, familiar in style,
copious in inlnrmation. embracing an estenis
range ot subject. The engraving (aver two
hundred in number) are strictly illustrative, be
ing representation of actual Scenery, t'oarume,
Manners, Monuments. &c, 4c.
On examination, Ihe above work will be pro- ,
noonced by every intelligent person under whose
nbsersation it may come, a one of th moat sui
table piesent ti a father to pieeut la hia Uaiily,
ss regards both the quality and number uf its
embellishmeni, and the pure character of ita
Content. In preparing every article for iu pa
ges, Ihe greatest caution ha been ued lo admit
nothing but of au improving and instructive char-
To men of enterprise snj tact, this work alone
offer an opiiortunily lor probiable employ ment
. n 1 " nm w uti. , oere is not a lown in in
Union where a tight hone!, and well disposed
person can lad aelling Irom fifty lo two hundred
volume, according to Ihe population.
AH iernn wishing am,de copiea, to examine,
.am ... 11 , 1 . 1
more, substantially Iwund in nauer cover ( ibe
onlv kind we are allo-ed to IW.rd under .ha
Poet Orlice law) the iosiage not etceiding thu
IV centa on each volume ea kirwarded. on the re
ceipl of One Dollar. In this way uo mailer srheie
a person leside. if only within lue reach ol a
post-office, he can obtain a copy ol ibe Family.
Agents wanted in sverv town and. count v in
Ihe Union. 10 sell Sear' New sud fopuiar I'ic
loritl Work;" univetsally acknowledged labs
he best end chesueat ever published, sa Uiej cer
vainly sis the most saleable. Any active agent
may ckar $500 or $1000 e yer. A cash eapK
al of al least $35 os 50 will be BacasMiy. FuU
pailtculsr of ibe principles and profits of the
Sfenry will he gier ow SMilicalion. either per-
sons.lr or bv letter. - 'J'be nostaek mual in all ea
s be paid. Please to sddrsea,
ROBERT SEARS. Publisher.
128 Nasaae fctreet, New York.
Ta I'ullMers of Xewspofiers throughout tht
United States. Newsveuer copying ibis Sslver-
issBwot, emirswell displayed, as,ebc. without
any alteration or abridgtiiMttt, (including ibi oo
Uce.) ana giving it iwo ioaide inaettious. shall
reeeive a copy of the -Annual. (anbiect lo their
order.) by ret.ding direct U the Publisher. 37i3
matter ol crow...,., ann oiner .....c- . , I,(hll Cum.inKs .U
incident to eeci.ot.s, we resrtfulfy de-1 . , T H 7 . .
" " . ... .i ' l,r4iT ziniH-' norm lime, ai.it iL.,...L. i.
cline, hopmi? lhat our nemlinorupme way i . . 6-' i
I An the... sinole iulit!e. was sure ol beinge ecjed lo .the Uk!i!UI,
slllll . eIHIr-" ,
a. sc w a zznrf
5 .L
" r'Vyat has bin iope, can be iuiir,''
a rrotio not always ffse m olnica, Otiy
a year egr Mr. JILiutihn had lotitl
mnjorily for itire-iliiiiviu; thii).j;riC;
Now he has but a little over 1 00 maj. unj
as he made no effort to help himself, v,lr
of his paily wiih they had let him g.n
over the dam.
Mr. John Hias was once elected Shr ff
of Pinion county, and ilmuuht he couid U
again. Hi irifd. and got 300 vo'es
lacking only 3G07 votes ol" bein e!cted '
and he got a few more votes than U
had of majority Vfore ! ' :
And so many Whigs (rot limk.i.jj ih;
bold limes" sr.d men change.) sOpprj
m their innocence that after whipping the
Democrats !ust fall ihey would sty
I and so Ihe aforesaid Vt bigs tat J . hcn,
hy thousand, and ihe D iuociuU ciri.'-ii
ihe Slate.
Dr. John Locke,
Ql'BCEON DENTIST. M-pwiruIij ior.iiiu,
hi friends and the public in grnrral, ihu
h has conckilid to make la-iturg bia ptrnu
nent ulai-s of iei.lnr Ilr. L. has taken rooir.i
j on Market rtqoars, firal doot below lha Printinj
j Office sbicb lie will baea fitted op to 0rir ia
hj tbe IH Am. not. . liuudcnce ou t lurd l
with Mr. J,.liu Paul.
Dr. Lisrkr is a regular graduste of the Bil'i
more College of Deotsl Suigery. teside bica
qualification be hue h id Ihe aduantige of tia
sear' etprrieere in the practice of hi. prafeasiun
in Pernio) Ivania, Ohio, lllinoia, W unuiuln, and
he eitv of Halua.oie. ktj.
Dr. L. lake all the j aurnal of ihe thy which
contain n w and uWu1 inlarmation iu the ln
of hia pn'feasioa ; and Irani hisarianseinrnu i h
tbe beat manufacturer i.f teeth, g ild t il. Ac
always kreu i.n hand far ihe accommiMUuua ut
hi ru-toniera the very heal quuli.J of all ibj
inaterisls use in hi' btmne.s.
Peison i hiinr lleuial operatians P"fjriu; l.
u f tJ 8'" '"
I h iir i if trr mi irrt r w- ui u uir si-srM p
Israutjr and i!ur.ilility nl hi ontiatio:. by any
l.ewMburg. Oct. 17, IS'
fOULD ieK'dfullv infi.rm Ins t..d
11 Iran, Is mid the public in euri:.
thai he is now reci ivmg a lorir
if Goiais adapted to the wants, ihe l:ay ,
ai d ihe tastes of all.
JJVV! CIOOD0 for the Lathes;
KOCEIaIES for the Family;
Caps, Boots. &.c , for the Bi'vs ;
Q'i enswart Iri-r Nails Fish Salt
Arc. A:c. &e.
which he offers on the' lowvst ai.J ryot
sccommodatuig terms, on the principle ol
"Small lrOta HBid4ultk Sales. v'
Grateful fur pat pa'rouage, we invite
lisvr'iiiitiaMiig public to call and ewiuu
our stock' of M-.-reh indize which e are
confident will bo sa'isfac'tors to 1!.
! Lewi-burg, tl, f. 15. 1?49
Pnhlic Vcndiie.
"1TJILL he offered'!' Public S .t..-,'oti il.
1 f : premises of the subscriber, on
Saturday, the 20th of October
inst., commencing al 10 oV-lm-k, A.M., ail
his remaining FARMING Uiensils soil
Stock, roinprisint; Wngnns. Houghs Har
rows, Harness, St.:., also Horses, faliV.
Sheep, and Hogs.
At the same tune aud place, WM. II.
HAFElt w.il sell his whole slock or
Household aud Kitchen Furniture a!u a
sell of Blacksmith's Tools. .
A reasonuLtu credit will he given.
Mast Buffaloe, Oct. 8.
rPHE subscribers give notice that they
JL have entered into a Copartnership lor
carrying on the
at the former stand ol Christ & Uoacr,an4
ihey intend to make and keep on hand ill
kinds of Castings, Siovea, Ploughs.
required in ibis regioo. Orders for work
I executed wi:h desp itch.
i.tvt a. UHKI3I.
Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849
TT'NGLISH and Gcrmsn Almasacs for
. a
sale by 1 G Lash
1 "lR. .M'LX.NH'
1 pj,,, Brent n
remedy for diseases of ih
- i . "
1 is ui inui 11 .-lot-i ujlc tuaii i:a ni.i
1 .
I ...... 1.1" ..l.l... .u .. ..
' " P""!"-. "a discoverer,
si ike tarsi physicians in this Countrv, used
il lor years 111 his practice, before h ever
auuouuced it lo ihn world. The cat uttc
of so many quack renvedies, heiaMt J
possessing llut iusi marvelous qjaiun-s l (
healing ail diseases, disgusted an accoia'
plished and well educated physician, who
naturally fell some dread of being conloun
ded wuh the erwd of" preienifef lo th
medical an, whose nostrums were puraicd
in every newspaper a aovreign reuu-d e
for all the ill lhat rleh ia heir t". Tba
representations of those to whom bis pd '
had given reliel, however, and lh argei''
solicitaiioiia by physiciaus with who...
had associated in his practtce.and whs hji
witnessed the wonderful cures effected by
his remedy, at lengrh induced bim to roa-i
it public. For sale at ihe
AGENTS---O W Srsarvts. Lewishunji
J ehealer. Mihou ; 1 Uerhart, hk-Unsroe ; J "
t'riling. Konborv ; Mrs M'Cay, .XibuB-bertsnJ
M C ti. ier. J Moore. Uanvill