Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 17, 1849, Image 1

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V7 Ji tW IM
dn inbfDcnbtnt famili) Uapcc JicooJcb Io Xcros, Citfratart, iJolUics, agritultart:' Bcitnrc ahb inorolitn.',
k. A
I I 14 I
? MeiciMrg t kronUle:
rvbtisued Wsjnvwlay Afternoons at Iwifburg,
L'uion county, Penn) Ivaoia.
Tkhms 82,00 fur a year, to lc paid in
ibe first half year; 82,50, if payment he
not mad within the year ; single numbers,
5 cts. Subscriptions for six months or less
to be paid in advance. Discontinuances
optional with tho Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
Advertisements handsomely inerted at
00 cts. per square one week, SI, 00 for a
vnonth, $5,00 a year. A reduction of these
fates fir larger or longer advtmt.
Casual advertisements and Job work to
fc paid Tor when performed.
All communications by mail mut come
Tos.t p iid, accompanied by the adJress of
ihe writer, to receive attention.
OiTice.Market stroet between Second and
Third. O. N. WoBDKit, Publisher.
SATrRDlV,:OCT. 13.
One thousand years have now t lapsed
since the birth of Alfred the Great, who
may be appropriately styled the Founder
of the British Empire. In its combination
of moral and physical power, no nation
vxeeeds that whose language, arts, laws,
and religion are tapidly gaining the ascen
dency over the whole human race, and
whose possessions begirt the globe. And
although she is the standing tl.eme of the
demagogue's thoughtless abuse, yet no
intelligent American can look upon the
history and the institutions of England
without high admiration and respect. Our
youthful nation may well be proud ol its
high origin. Great defects indeed orig
inating in the very groundwork of its snci
fty and government still mar the beauty
and oppress the people of that little and
yet mighty Isle ; America, however, with
all her superior blessings and advantages,
has sins enough of her own to check any
fruiiU revilings of her mother-land.
King Alfred was born A. O. 849, at a
tine when the northern invaders of the
Island were pushing their cooquesU with
a strong hand. The island had lor ages
tn divided into small kingdoms, which
had am friendship or concert of action, and
sunk one by one before their united foes.
It was in such limes that Alfred, still a
youth, assumed kingly powers over his
elan At first, he purchased peace but
the foe soon breaking the treaty he pre
pared for war. He united all his force,
but was defeated after a desperate battle,
and utterly overthrown. For a long time
he wandered abroad, living in disguise
among shepherds snd woodmn ; and at
last, with the garb and song of a minstrel,
penetrated the Danish camp. Here he
had good opportunities to learn the habits
of his enemies, and the weak points in
(heir encampment. Finding them careless
and exposed, he returned to bis friends,
assembled all the f rce in his power, made
a sudden attack upon the camp of the foe,
md routed it. Following up his successes
vnh vigor, he was cheered by victory after
victor v, and finally subdued the Danes.
k -
fie neat labored to unite the petty States
into one, and having accomplished this he
gathered the wisest men of the nation into
a council in London, and from that origin
ated the Parliament. He improved and
augmented the naval power. He divided
Fjtgland into counties, and established the
aystetn of jurisprudence. He constructed
'Odd, and founded seminaries of learning
improved the language, composed poet
ry, and encouraged inventions. Learned
and virtuous! lie deliverer and the father
of his country, Alfred the Great died in
801. io his 53d year."
More than Washington was to America
was Alfred to England. It may be said
he Jormtd England, and laid deep the
foundations of law, ofthe arts and sciences,
04 religion, of commerce, of enterprise, and
of all that make up the ponderous strength
the British Empire. The Thousandth
Anniversary Year of their founder's birth
m an era worthy of commemoration. One
Thousand years more, and what will the
"feat ancHored isle" then be !
I mpbgitiori and Crod u 1 i ty .
Another Moon H x " atory is going
t!ie rounds. A certain French Colonel is
reported to have discovered a race of men
rf considerable intelligence, in the. Interior
f Africa, who flourish from the lower
etre ni'y of their backs a tail more than
''rf inches long '. The brutality which
would invent such a story, ar.d the stupid
"; wYch woa'.d believe it, are near aVin,
' pCfTlie annexed handsome production
appears ns original, but without signature,
in the last Muncy Luminary.
My native hills my native hill !
Again your (loping height
Are deckel in all the varied hue
In which my anul delights.
And every murmuring grove proclaim,
With iw unceasing tongue.
That Summer now recisnn the reign
W hich Autumn hsilngnn.
My native hills my native hill !
There' not a shade that plsvs
l"otl thy rugged breast, hut fill
Mine with the thoughti of other i!v,
When my voung feel rich tangled trick
Danced with lielit step along,
A mockingly I echoed hack
The wildest wood t ird'i song.
And many an auinmn day like this,
W hen not a leaf was riirred,
And softly from its pebbly bed
The distant stream was beard,
I've dreamed of legend, old and dark.
Till this secluded place
Was filled by fmcy. once again,
With the wild, warrior race,
Whose deeds would make the speech les soj
Of this deep mountain glen
Rich with tradition's thrilling tales,
If some recording pen
v . Would drag Irom out oblivion's waste
Those dating deeds, which ioon
Departing Jeais will cat within
lier unrelenting tomb.
Is there no min.trel hand to wake
The slumbering muse, and tell
How, battling for his household gods,
The daumless Basnv fell !
O'er hi bold heart, no 'broidered sash
Or gilded trappings hang
So his brave deeds, perhaps, are deemed
Too humble lo be aung !
His lonely grave lie green upon
The restless river' verge,
t'nmarked by monumental stone ;
The waters sing hi dirge,
While Summers with their crowns of flowers
Bright wreath of glory shed.
And nature' hannera freely fl al
Above his lowly head.
My native hills my native hill !
Thy wreathing foliage now
Is like a crown of precious gem
Around thy lordly brow.
And gorgeous hue, and color bright.
In golden shadows lis.
While o'er thee bends in tender light
A sun-lit, sapphire sky.
fC7Tht following article tent irt tip
for latl tcttlU paper and crowded out by
other newi and advertisement-
fterlons Blot la Pbiadelphla
On Tuesday night, the row dies of Moya
mensing, taking advantage of the absence
o: tne ponce at tne election pons, maoe tn
attack on the California House, a tavern
kept by a colored man, in St. Mary's
street. This street is principally inhabited
by blacks of the lowest and most degraded
class. The House was defended by the
blacks, many of whom were armed, and
several sallies were made,but the assailants
finally gained an entrance and fired the
building. The alarm was given and sev
eral companies of fireman were called up
on the ground with their apparatus, but
were stoned and fired anna by the rio'ers
and forced to retire. The fire spread to
several adjoining buildings. In the mean
time the police assembled, but were driven
back by volleys of firearms and stones.
The Hope Engine was taken by the mob,
and partly destroyed. A fireman, named
Iliinuielwright was shot through the heart !
and a number of ot hers seriously wounded.
At 2 o'clock the State House bell struck 8
taps the signal for the military to he called
out, which frightened the mob, and they
gradually dispersed.
Second hiol. At 6 o'clock on the fol
lowing morning the State House bell an
nounced another riot. The Morris Hose
Company, who were in service, were at
tacked with brick-bats and firearms and
several persons wot nded. The military,
who had been out during the night, again
assembled at the State House yard, march
ed to the scene of action, and were as
signed positions commanding every avneue
of approach.
George Mosey, negro, one ofthe leaders,
has been arrested. Two persons are
known to have been killed, and fifteen
wounded have been brought lo the Hospi
tal, three of whom will not sucvive the
day- .. . '
These continual outbreaks in the dis
tricts arfjoiiiinfT the city, are disgraceful
and reflecting anything but credit upon the
Edgar A. Poe, Esq., the dislinguislicd
American poet, scholar and critic, died in
Baltimore on Sunday last, -alter ao illness
of four or five days. Mr. Poe, we believe,
was a native of Maryland, '.hough reared
by a foster-lather at Richmond Va., where
he Utely spent sometime on a visit. He
was in the 38th year of bis age. He was
one ofthe acutest critics of the day, and a
man of remarkable talents, though .'he pos
session of them did tint save him (rent ssrr.o
! cf the infirmities of 'genius. ....,.-,.
The Law against Kiots enforced
at last.
The Astor House Rioirrs have nil been
convicted. Judge Daly chirked the jury
upon the legal nature of a riot. lie said
that a riot is a tumultuous collection of
three or more pers his assembled together,
mutually assisting each other in any in'cr
ference in a maimer to terrify byst.inJers
and disturb the peace. An aflYay is hut
an assemblage of persons, not having any
premeditated design to break llie peace,
and is di!iniuihej from a riot. It is
not neeessnry that there be previous concert
on the part of individuals to constitute a
riot. . 'J'be act may be b.rn v( liie mo
metit. If individuals agree on the spot to
com -nit a riot, it is suffici-nt." It is not
necessary that a parly should do some
physical art, in order to commit a riot. If
he does anything to aid, in any su.h dr.
sign, he is responsible for all that lakes
place. If the individual contributes to a
physical disturbance, by language and
gesticulation, he is one of the responsible
agents in it. The law does not distinguish
between the different degrees of violence
exercised, but holds liable every person
participating. The prisoners now eonvic-!
ted are 12. Z. C. Judson, George Duglass, j
Thomas Rennett, John Norris, James Mitt-1
thews, Hugh McLaughlin, Alexander llos I
sack, Thomas Green, Daniel Adriance and
1 1
James O'Neal. The
f illfiwirlo were the '
sentences: Bennett, 30 days Ci'y Prison ;
3 3
M....I J - - r i .J... J '
Matthews, do; Diuulass do; Adriance
three months Penit-nunry ; Hos-ark, re
cognizances forfeited ; Judson one year
Penitentiary and $250 fine, being the full
extent of the penalty of the law. The
conviction of J ud son is an event that the
people of X !w York rejoice at. The man
has been publishing an obscene and shock
ing sheet, in which no person and no fami
ly's private relations were spared. He is
the same person who, a few years ago,
vu pureueti br w mob in sssm Vroetrn
city and hung to a lamp-post for his out
rages against pub'ic decency. Fortunate-
y for himself he was rescued in time to
' save his life, a part of which is now re
quired to be spent in the Penitentiary lor
other crimes.
The Vienna Students.
("The Tribune translates the f illowing I
rrom , VlCDM k.Uer in the Rolinischc
Zeitung :
One ofthe list bulletins of (he Hungarian
War speaks ofa number of" rebels ofthe
Academic legion," among the fallen ene
mies. Honor lo those brave spirits who
are stigmatized as rebels ! The old Item
declares that they 1 were tbe best soldiers
whom he ever led into battle. They form
ed his body-guard, at the breaking out of
the Hungarian war ; at that time COO
strong, now only 45 'remain ; 555 have
met their death on the battle-field. Rem
sent the 45 to Kosu!h, with the request
not to permit them to go into battle, in or
der that some living witnesses should re
main to bear testimony lo the heroism
which, in the midst ofa cowardly and sel
fish age, could sacrifice itself to the cause
of freedom of conviction, with no question
to the result.
A correspondent of the Prairie Fifiner
gives the following receipt for keep'ng
ploughs from rus'ing. , ;i
Mult together one part of beeswax and
two parts of deer's tallow, and form I hem
into a ball, and use as occasion requires.
He recommends it for keeping oilier tools
from rusting. As regards ploughs, one
good way to keep (bem from rusting in
our country is lo keep them going. Our
ploughs are different, however, from those
used in the prairies of the far west, where
the soil is so ilick and grtasy, that a
thousand years rubbing wouldn't brighten
a pewter button, but in gritty old Naw
Englaod, one " bout' will polish the dul
lest pig-metal so bright that you see your
face in it. Beeswax and deer's tallow may
be good for the Hoosier g rubbers, but ''tl
bow grease' and primitive uarlh is ihe
stuff for ours.
During ihe two weeks preceding the 2d
of Aug. upwards of fifty Mexican and
several Americans had been killed by hos
tile Indians, near Chihuahua.
Jones, the Apache Chief, offers a pre
mium of ten horses fur the scalps of each
American, and thirty horses for the scalps
of each Mexican offi cers thai are brought
lo him. f ,
The" Arrickara Indians, a very savage
tribe, on the Missouri river, have joined the
f I. VasHir2r"rr nnd his force were, at
last riccojnts, in pursuit of them.
WEDNESDAY; OCT. 17, 1849.
" ' l'rom Sarlain't Union Magazine. ' '
"T A K I N G TO L L."
Mr. Smith kept a drug shop in the little
vilageof Q , which was situated a
lew miles from Lancaster. It was his cu
lomto vi-.it the latter place every week or
two,in order to purchase such articles as
were needed from time lo time in his busi
ness. One day, he drove ofTlowirus Lan
caster in his aayon, in which, among otb
er things, was a gallon demtjon. On reach
ing the town, he culled first at a gro tr's,
with ihe inquirv,
"Have you any common wine ?"
'Mow common ?" arked the grocer.
"About a dollar a gallon. I want i: for
antimouiat wine."
"Yes; I have some fit for that, and not
much else, which I will sell at a dollar.'
"Very well. (Jive me u gallon," said
Mr. Smith.
The demijon was brought in from the
wagon and filled. And then Mr. Smith
drove oir In attend to other business.
Among the things to be done on that day,
vas to see a man who lived half a mile
from Lancaster. licTore going out on his
errand, Mr. Smith stopped at the house of
his particular frieud Mr. tones. Mr. Jones
happened not to tie in, but Mrs. Jones was
I , . . , . i
In iiluaifiint rrimnn ind IM enntten with npr
; for ten minutes or so. As lie was about
I . .. , ,
.stepping into his v. agon, it struck nim that
i I I ej a '
the gallon demijon was a little in his way
and so, lifting itoul, he said to M's. Jones,
I wish you would lake care of this un
til I come back."
O.cerlainly,' replied Mrs. Jones,"with
the greatest pleasure."
And so the demijon was left in the lady's
Some hours afterwarda Mr. Jones came
in, and among the first things that attract
ed his attention was ihe strange demijon.
' What is thisT' was his natural ioquny.
"Something that Mr. Smith left."
"Mr. Smith from Q "
"I wonder what he has then !" said Mr.
Jones.taking hold ofthe demijon. "It feels
Tbe cork was unhesitatingly removed,
Hnd the mouth of the vessel brought in
close contact with the smelling organ of
Mr. Jones.
"Wine, as I live !" fell from his lips.
"Bring me a glass."
"O.no, Mr. Ji.nes. I would u touch his
w ine," said Mrs. Jones.
"Bring me a gluss. . Do you think I'm
going to lei a gallon of wine pass my way
without exacting toll T No no. Bring
me a g'as." ' . .. ,
The glass, a half pint tumbler.was pro
duced, and nearly filled w ith the execrable
stuff as guiltless of grape juice as a dyer's
vat, which was poured down the throat of!
Mr. Jones.
"Pretty fair wine that ; only a little
rough," said Mr.J.ines, smacking his lips.
"It's a shame!'' remarked Mrs. Jones
warmly, "for you lo do so.''
'I only' look lo'l,"' said the husband,
laughing. No barm io thai I'm sure."
"Ilather heavy loll, it strikes me," re
plied Mrs. Jones.
Meantime, Mr. Smith, having completed
most of his business for that day, stopped
at a store where he wished twoor three ar
ticles put op. While these were in prepa
tion, he said to the keeper ofthe store,
"I wish you would let your 1ad Tom
step over for mo to Mr, Jones'. I left a
demijon of common wine there, which I
bought for Ihe purpose of making into anti
mnnial wine." ' '
O, certainly," replied the storekeeper.
"Here.Tom !' and he called for his boy.
Tom came, and the storekeeper said to
Run over to Mr. Jones' and get a jug
f antimonial wine which Mr. Smith left
there. Go quickly, fur Mr. Smith is in a
"Yes sir," responded ihe lad, and away
he ran.
After Mr. Jones had disposed of his half
a pint of wine, he thought his stomach had
rather a curious sensation, w men is not
much to be wondered at, considering the
stuff with which he had burdened iu .
"I wonder if that really is wine?" said
he, turning from the wiodow at which be
had sealed himself, and taking up the dem
ijon again. . The cork was removed and
bis ooso applied to the mouth ot the nnge
bottle. .... - . . . , j .- "
"Yes, ii'j iuej but I'll o n'a not
much to brag of. And the motk aa once
more replaced. . .. :it t- :'
Just then came a knock at the door.
Mr.Jones opened it, and ihe store keeper'
lad app-ared.
"Mr. Smiih says, please let me have Ihe
jug of antimonial wine he left here."
"Antimonial wine!'' exclaimed Mr.Jone.
his chin filling and a paleness iustanlly
overspread his face.
Yes sir," said the bid, taking up ihe
demijon lo which Mis. Jones pointed with
her finger, and departing without observing
the effect his appearance hd produced.
"Antimonial wine!" fell again, but hus
kily from the quivering lip "f Mr. Jones.
"Send for the docto-, Kitty, qui -k ! Oh !
How dreadfully sick I leel. Send for the
D.iclor, or I'll be a dead man in half an
"Antimonial wine! Dreadful !"' exclai
med Mrs.Jones.now as pale and frightened
as her husbacJ. "Do you feel very si.-k !"'
O yes. As sick as death ! And the
appearance of Mr. Jones by no means be
lied his words. "S. nd for the do-tor in
stantly, or it r ny be loo late.'' -
Mrs. Jones rati first one way and then
in another, and finally had presence of
mind enough lo lell Jane.her single domes
tic, lo run with all her might for-'he D.
lor, and teU him that Mr. Jones had taken
poison by mistake.
OJ started Jane at a speed outstripping
that of John Gilpin. Fortunately the D ic
tor was iu his office, and h came with all
the rapidity a proper regard lo the dignity
of his office would permit, armed wiih a
stomach-pump and a dozen antidotes. O.i
arriving at the house of Mr.Jones, he found
the sufferer lying on a bed, ghastly pa'e,
and retching terribly.
O, Doctor ! I'm afraid it's all over with
me !'' gasped the patient.
How did il happen ? what have you la
ken!" inquired the Distor.eagejly.
"I took, by mistake, nearly half a pint
of antimonial wine.
"Then it must be removed i.istantlv,"
said the Doctor ; and down the sick man's
throat went one end ofa long, flex hie. In
dia rubber tube, and pump ! pump ! pump !
went ihe Doctor's hand at the other end.
The result waa very palpable. About a
pint of reddish fluid, strongly smelling of
wine, came up, alter which the instrument
waa withdrawn.
'There!'' said ihe Doctor, "I guess that
will do. Now let me give you ao ami
dote.'' And a nauseous dose of something
or other was mixed up and poured down
to take the place of what had just been re
"Dj you feel better now T' inquired the
Doctor, as he sat holding the pule of the
sick man, and scanning, with a profession
al eye, his pale face, which ' waa cuvcrel
with a clammy perspiration.
"A little,' was the faint reply. "Diyou
think all danger is past !"' .
"Yes, I think so. The antidote I have
given you will neutralize the effect of the
drug, as far ns it has passed into the ays-
"I f.el as weak as a rag," aid the pa
lient, "I am sure I could not bear my own
weight. What a powerful effect il had."
Don't think of it,'' returned the Doctor. J
"Compose youself. There is now no dan
ger to be apprehended whatever."
The wild flight of Jane through the street j
and the hurried movements of the Doctor,
did not fail to attract attention. Inquiry !
followed and it soon became noised about 1
that Mr. Jones had taken poison. j
Mr. Smith having finished his business j
in Lancaster, was just stepping into bis
wagon, when a man came up and said to
him and the store-keeper, who was stand
ing by,
"Have you heard the news !'
"What new si"
Mr. Jones has taken poison."
"Poison !"
"Who ! Mr. Jones T
"Yes. And they say he can not live."
"Dreadful ! I must see him.' And
without waiting for further information, Mr.
Smith spoke to his horse, and rode off at a
gallop for the residence ol bis friend. Mrs.
Jones met him at tbe door, looking very
"How is lie?" inquired Mr. Smith in a
serious voice.
"A little better, ! thank you. Tbe Doc
tor has taken it all off hia atomach. Will
you walk upf
Mr.Smith ascended to the chamber where
jay Mr. Jones, looking as white aa a sheet
The Doctor was atill by hit aide.
"Ah, my Ir'tend,'' aaid the sick ioaD, in
a feeble voice, aa Mr. Smith took hit hand, ,
thai antimonial wioe of youre baa nearly
bun ihs tUaih of row."
What antimonial wine!" ipqured Mrvl
...... . j
Smith, not understanding vihrt his friend
meant. i. -t
The wine you left here in ihe gallon
t"That wasn't antimonia! wine.,"
It was not T' feli fron ihe lip of both
Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Why, no! It was only wine that I had
bought fr the purpose of making anrimo-
! nia! witiH."
Mr. Jones rose up in bed.
'Not anlinioni.il wine !"
"Why, the boy sai I it was.''
"Then he didu't know anything about il.
It was nothing but some common wine
which 1 had bought.'
Mr. Jones took a long breath The Doc
tor arose from the bedside, and Mr. Jones
exd limed,
"Well, I never !"
Then came a grave silenp.in which one
looked at Ihe other doubtingly.
"Goo I day,'" said thu D wtor, and went
down stairs.
S you hive been drinking .ny wine it
seems," laughed Mr. Smith, as soon as the
man with the stomnch-pump had retired.
I only look it lit l-i toll " sail M .Jones,
back into whose pale lace ths color was
beginning to com? aod through whose al
most paralysed nerves was aain fl iwing
from the brain a h-alihful infl imi . "But
don't siy any.hin abut it. D m't for the
world !"
I wont, on one condition," said Mr.
Smith, words weie scarcely coherent, so
strongly was he convulsed with laughter.
"What is that ?"
"You must bee ime a teetotaler.''
Can't do that," replied Mr. J incs.
Then I can't promise."
' Give me a day or two to mike up my
"Very well. And now goo i hy ; the sun
is nearly down, and it will be night before
I get home."
And Mr. Smith shook hands wiih Mr.
and Mrs. Jones, and hurriedly retired, try
ing, but in vain, to leave the house in a
grave and dignified manner. Long before
j Mr. Jones bad made up his mind to join
the teetotallers, the story of his taking toll
was all over the town.and for the next two
nr three months he bad his own time of it.
After that, it became an old story.
Agricultural Mamlm.
The following maxims are by M. Vif-
leroy.s practical farmer and a distinguished
writer of France. They were translated
from tbe Journal d'Agriculture Practirpie
fr the Patent Office Report of 1818. Il
has been remarked lhft these maxims are
more applicable to districts which have
been long cultivated, than to the virgin soil
ol new ro intries.w hii-h is sometimes found
to be sufficiently fer ile without the appli
cation of manure- But even in this case,
the coniii.umce of that fertility depends
upon the prompt and speedy return of an
equivalent lor what is being draw n from il
by the successive crops .1 . , .
1. Manure is the basis of agriculiural
prosperity and succe-s.
2 ' Crops are always in direct propor
tion to the manure which the farmer uses
3. Of all manures (easily obtained)
there is none so valuable or important as
stable manure; it agrees besl wiih ' a-H
kinds of s ills and plants and modes ot cul
4- Even if other energetic marrrresbe
employed, this can not be wholly dispensed
with, and they should be used ra:her to
augment its action or replace i.
5. 1 hose manures are not in sufm:ient
quantity or so universal as t supersede
the use of stable manure and as a general
ihing cultivation would be impossible with
out ihe aid of this latter.
6- It is not ihe largest area w hich gives
the mosl profit, but that which is the best
tilled and especially tbe best manured.
7. A small farm well cultivated and
welt manured will give a greater cleat
profit than a large one, where the same la
bor and the same quantity of manure are
employed on a greater extent of surface.
8. With a sufficient quantity of ma
nure, the most arid and unpromising soil
may be made productive and yield abun
dant crops. '
. 9. In the same degree as the product
depends not on the area, but on the cult
ure and quantity of manure, does the
greater quantity of manure depend not on
the greatest number of animals, but on the
greatest amount of fodder consumed.
10. Animals produce nothing themselve
they only transform the fodder they con
sunse into manure ; part of it is assimila
ted for their sustenance, and a part be
comes excrement or manure.
VOL VI., NO. i20-8&.
- il- The more nouriih.neot'tbe beads
. - .i r..:i::
receive the more fertilizing the manure
ibey return. '
12. A lean beast makes less manner
than a fnf one u well fad one gives twic
as much s a poorly fed ooe. n.
13. Whenever much and good todder
is produced, there is also produced much
good manure ; anJ wherever iher is a
sufficient quantity of .manure, there will
be rich and abondani harvests. '
14. Since, then, the success of agri
culture depends (in old countries) on the
qnamity of manure produced, and this de
pends on the quantity of fodder consumed,
it follows that the greatest quantity of fod
der consumed in the management of lha
farm insures the met sofid prosperity.
15. Generally, the energy of agricul
tural management may be judged of by
amount of cultivated fodder on which it is
biscd,. and its progress in the production
of fodder should be regarded also aa the
progress of farming. '
wise Couaael.
"The Home Journal gives the following
extract from an address of the venerable
Dr. Nolt, President of Union College,
New York :J
1 have been young, and am now old;
and in review of the past, and the prospect
of ihe future, I declare unto you, beloved
pupils, were it permitted me to live my life
over again, I would (by the help of God)
Irom the very outset live better. Yaa,
from the outset I would frown upon vice i
I would favor virtue ; and lend my ioflw
ence lo advance whatever would exalt
and adorn, human nature, alleviate hu
man misery,' and contribute; M lender tho
world I live io, like the heaven to which I
aspire, the abode of innocence and felicity.
Yes, ihough I were to exist no longer than,
the ephemera that sport away their hour la
ihe sunbeams of the morning ; even during
that brief period I would rather soar with
the eagle, and leave the record of my flight
and my fall among the stars, than Creep
the erh and lick the dual with the repuTr,
and, having done so, bed my body will
mv memory io the gutter." r , .. .
Tne life of Dr. Noil has been a daily
illustration of the value of the sentiments
he so handsoin'y expresses. He unow
patriarch of some seventy-six yetras MoT
has presided over Union College MP fbtty
five years, preserving in his okf ae thmt
fire of genius and that kindliness of heart
which have made hi-ri'ihe idol of all who
have ever enjoyed his instruction. , , . , 4
SeW t'sea r Soap Ma
( The Post notices sever! articles of soart
stone manufacture, w3ich have been much
admired, the production of the Maryland
Soap Stone Company, whose quarry is at,
M irmtteville, 20 miles from Baltimore, on
the line of the Railroad. :
The first novelty was a full si led bathing
tub, 'made apparently to lasf as long as thai
rock of ages. Tbe eides,endi,and bottoms,
are sawed out of ihe solid' block, and theav
tenoned, grooved, ctmented' and rivetted.
together. Leaking or. corrosion a r nto
gether out ofthe question. ' It mustalao bn
entirely- free from ojbr, which alwayavari
ses from tubs in which- wood, paint, or sol
der is us'.-d. The Government has ordered-
a supply of them for ibe West Point Acad?'
emv. ..: , : , ' i.
The next article was a factory roll,! twite
the place ofthe wooden or copper roff used
in cotton factories. They are preferred5
over the tarter kinds' of roll because they
neither watp, expand, shrink, nor corrode,',
and are much more enduring.
Then there i a snap stone o:!st, ground,
boiled, and prepared for paint, founder's
casting moulds, or a substitute fur oil and
tar, in preventing friction of car wheels or
oilier machinery. , ,
The small water pipes, fo- line iron or
lead pipes ol the aqueduct, for keeping lha 1
water pure and cool, will come into very
general use as soon S3 their vse'ofness anJ -importance
shall become known.. ,
The soap stone filters are already in great.',
demand. a . .
They have also stone prepared far pud-
dling, lo be used in iron foundries, and it
has been found to answer the purpose cea
plctely, -i.::"T
We afsQsaw other articles move geaer-
ally known, such as cooking rwogestove.
grates, fire places, beautiful as marble, li- .
ling for furnace, coping for brick walkv -sinks,
pantry shelve, lintels and aids tt
window, and splendid specimens of stone
block slabs. '
In ibe Revere House, tbe fire place "'
throughout are fitted up with this enduring
and available material it baa heaai iawissw
over two year with very large fi its .and a
in now as sound adrfocTasf1rsSaritalT
fU T '""'eVs-