Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 10, 1849, Image 4

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    H 0 OO 13 S .
The mtrch .j"iiiiiil i f.li progressive
au.i has lUtni!.Pil us wilh tho li.l.uwin;;
iint-TuvcJ maxims.
Origiui!. Go to I Us dciil and sh.ik
yourself. l.nproved. Priced l tiie rch ri.e.nv
of man, and egitnte your in-rsim.
Orig. (Ofone whOMjuiut:.) He loolo
two ways for Sunday.
Jmp. One who by reason of the mlvere
disposition of his optica a natal efl-c-i in
forced to scrutinize in two fold direction
for the Christian Sabbath.
Orig. Don't count your chickens be
lore they are hatched.
Imp. Enumerate not your addes-em
puiieu ere they cease to 1 ovid.nn. '
Ori(. Sauce for the nooe is sauce for
the gander.
Imp. The culiinry adornn.etits which
suffice for the rare of A user, mr.y be rel
ished with the niasculuc aduU of" the same
pec ics.
Orig. Lot we!! enough ulin-.
Imp. SulT.-r a healthy sufli- ienry to
remain in solitude.
Orig. I'm lVi:r on lursilwck an J
he'll ride to the detl.
Imp. Eatab'ish d mendicant n the
iipirrmost eciim 'f a -har;ei-r, and he
will transport hir.elf to Apollyon.
Orig. AcciJiuU will happen in the best
ol families.
Imp. Disasters will eventuate even in
household of the supreme-t integrity.
Orig. A Hill sow drinks the most
Imp. The taciturn female of the por
cine genus imbibes tie most uiitrinr-iit.
Orig. "Tis an ill wind tint blow no
burly good.
Imp. Tlmt gate i- truly defeased,
which puflV-ih U-nefarlii.118 in nr m n'ity.
OfU. A stich in time savts nine.
.... r l!
lull). I he nrst impression " iivraie-
tn a rent ohviatr th a ninefold ititrodurti.'n
Orig. A nod's as good as a ink to
horse that isn't blind.
Imp. An abrupt inclination of the head
ia equivalent to a contraction of the eye,
to a steed untroubled with obliquity of
Otig. Tis a wi.c chi!d that knows his
l.iin. Thit iiivpnile itijividuul is indeed
, .,l,., ,: i,,rr,rn etinn I
fbgc who ro-w-s-es auiht nttc iiilorn.tmn !
:.l. . .. L o ,f ln nannlfcl
iig. There's no crouiilinp for lnstes.
Irtip. The projH-tisiues of ibe palaif
dfy jufisdtciion.
Oiig. Two nd two ma!.c Jour.
Imp. Tiie number four ia a certnin
Ctrfgate of units, and all numbers ixinj;
the representation of a unit, which, tW
nut a number in itself, is the parent rimt.
or originel of all numliers rrr is the de
nomination asstonrd lo a certain number
of m h repri'.i'iuns.
Trrij. A barking dog seldum bi es.
Imp. Au animal ol the canine srccies
that pewivth a I its corpoft al energy in
the enercise oi" i's rocul orgnn is seldom
tlaojjcrojj with its dental OMSitiealions.
LIuch lii hii Album.
t)enr ladv, I a little for
'J'is dangerous to be wri'ing here-
Ills h:nd who bade an eagle fly,
Trust his young pinions mount the sky,
M ho ba.de across (he Allnnlic tide
New thunder stt p, new navies ride,
lias traced in I'lies of trcmbliiig age
His autograph upon this page.
Higher th-in thut eagle soars,
louder than ih.it thunder nar,
lls Ple iH hro the world lie sounding,
AnJ o'er the waves of time be oniinJing
Though ihous.iiiJs as olweure a 1
Cling to bis skirts, he Mill wi I fly,
A n l .-pr ng to iimnoria'ity.
i bv bis name I write my own,
II. -'II take fire where I am mf known ;
The cold sulute will meet m ear,
"I'rBt, :langer, how did you get here!'
A lover shou tl oe treated with the same
gi-iiilcues as a new gluve. The young
lady chiiulJ pull bun on with the uimoxl
tenderi.ess at firs', only making the small
fat advsU' at a time, till she gradually
aina upon him, and twiats him ultimately
round her liliie ti ier ; whereas the young
ludy who is hatiy and in too greut bur
rv, will never get a lover to take her hand,
but t led with iroihing bul her wits al her
liiioei euds.
The Laditmi IViciixro ,N. II.) have
(.ranixui ft Ixi, Itxown m Muiiadkoock
Lod, Nf. I, of (he li.o (-eii-J it. order o
i K'nt La lity. 1 hey v iil r.tit; hc uat sid'
itr.'S ofcMr.
B-sho ChaMj tolJ n;j toi.yr -gut ion a
short He a.ii.C itt one of hi mjiiiioiw,
iltal ihere mnoru -a!e ujOH-ts,
rt,n at'U muifwui i hai:e a hofc
pti If w&n di"ci'i;i ft ft;w Uuva ao in
more, h -m lnaid of Mbi'iU'ts thai a o
ud Ikt lii:r of pig -" incluOrU itt the
A pviitton i circuUtion, urging ihm
DO iiown hM to ttort to mnrry ur.li:
mii tl Udiri are dipoed
SUBSCRIBERS to the "University al
Lewislmrg" who have not paid their
First Instalmeii', (due last Jauuary,) are
respectfully requested lo pay the same
without further notice, to
8AM1. T. WALKER. Tasss.
By nrdW of the Bonrd of Trustees.
I-wis!iurt. Srpt. I. 1819.
B ftANT'I ('III kanu... "jj
ml fiH'tftl.,.Hfi.ii!
W&l FACTO nv Ht
IV '3 IB I Mlllllimi"
Eci m iiiiismmiw
K)Uui Bkft, rwu itfMt, Sroowly. H. W.
LIFE and IIIS.U1B are ia the BLOOD.
Critnsr, Purify, ami Rrtrvlate the Circulation, mmd
the Kkole body irit Mrrv kea!tk The most wonderful
trfvli rrmrthr$ to prtnlwx itfcA a result, I
Yea. the detlrvd result and ffifurr will be produced y
the m-a of a rmalUr cuantity of this Jrairixa than ran bm
ttfcrtf d b? the n a lik quantity of any other rvmtdy
tu the world. (8b our rampket$ fur pruof.)
Tiii Prmnra if artwijr jrnind from Veetmllet, and
cur- iht worst, matt obsiimatt, and rmitf-atMiduiX di)wea
of the blood, without yuktng. iwfrmr, miktmmg, or dUh
trntimr. It clean . Mtientktnt, tmngoretts, wakea new.
keaitky htood, and girva vtjfor and turn hjt to the whula
than anf obr retitH" in the world, breaae
of ft will effect a greater amownt of cure than ftmr idlmrt
mmrk of tmteparula. or any the r remedy, no niatter how
targt tneir hsjttlM trmy be. The impnrtmxi fmettim lor eon
lumm to determine, ia, ham mmch murt curmttmt tftct mil m
dinar's wcrtk of this Punitr pntdmee. tkam m JMlmrt worth
tkst mxrMrtiif r olkrr rrawv. We miicht bete flay, that
firui'i Jhrfucact bad cured, within the laat year,
100,000 Persons of Impure Blood Disuses,
and 23.030 Cases were coaiderrd iDenrablc!
at aome other fiatirnt-roedirine men are in the habit of any
int. If we aliould aay au. who would believe ua ? Tb'
however, wu do ny, and rt-nd n-aly tt prove by rttftetmkit
wtfarftrs, tltat tANT's NcoirtNKa bate eflectv-rf cure vt
more dnraaea on hviof human bciis. the part year, tbaa
any other remedy in exisirare did dtuiii the amine ume.
Haw much will a UolUr'e mertli CURE
7Veary largf, deep Vlctrt were cmrtf by uing w'y IwtJm
bottlea of littU'a Vunjier.
Th following ia the most wonderfnl and astraiMim cmrn
that was ever effected on a human being, by aafdtcma.
Horrid Scrofhla Cured.
Ma. J B. lUsaiM. of Rtime, OmrvU Co . JV. Y.. eertiflee,
Dember dutb, iiH that ht had been atflu-td with ic
mi'VA ktur year, and the Inst ytr ctfifin-H t bia ht-d. with
Iwcktv Urgt, de,p. 4iaekarin ITlckils that hit nck
was eaten arutind tnmi far tt ear hoi" w? ti
tlimnifh bia W'utd pipe, au that he brt-athU thruni tae
bole ua ear wh nt-arly d-Atrnyed in' iie oi nt arm
i was wb
( rj(e as a man's limul. had mrlyniHi kiwi lumbal
' I.'.iut mat he lt:ul os1 all kinlsof SAitSACAWIl A sii'i
wtkrr mrdicimt, to no MMrjEt. -hJ t:ist Ihi was wsc r:pt tl
to tin twrtUM-jour kiw "Vs nmuirnt J Hmant
K-dian I't iucvino KarsAcr OiAt r.v bittlkv of tla :
t.tny iB-umt he curnni. nr. .1 uate it, sod
ttmt a fcer.'-' tuori' erti.cteil s esi-fKCTCDsa. ror lull
ParticitlNrs ot ttus, auii many olb. r imitmr euro, sue our
This Wra sierra I anal Aslsaisailag ri'BK
docs not stanit alon,. an a monumna of the frrmt Jbwr
ol KaA!rr fuaiKiKa, tor we cmi)4 aire almost unliiu
Ited evtUence or otni-r euf-s, ell su sttii, U XiiM wen
doutavd. 1'bis curs is ecrtnVd to by
Fourteen JtespettaWe Witnesses.
Bv Doer. Twos. Willi tww. ooe of the most respectahta
I phyviasns ol Koiu. )r ,M.-irs. nisar.L ol l.noNAan,
waijlssa and ruLul dmi;;t I.y Mr. ti. R. Ilnows, ur.
.,, kHt)t.r o1 WEjr llu Uorm-ni j
SMWia stair rntwr.
Brant's Indian Poi ifi 3r
cures mil impure diseae of th bloof. viz.: S?nl4 ttt1t
BnL: Hkr.m, ftkttmmrtrm. t'rutitunt. impte on rac Vorm
PtUt, H'Um. VUerm, Otorirenrw. Mtrrurlai I'i-'MtM. Liter
CumpUiitt, Piin in tkt back. Hide, mati Limot. Kum
Blood la tkt Hui. , etc
Thi Bul"! f ew.iyw mJ the )rmmnr unrl prnnfvmg
rtrrt o4 the (Krvr-em-J fvtiwtsa t.xrmcr. mod atrO
pusisaway w twrftml ulster nv HiriOJ'ius pvrtuu'a ly RMtl ff
hmrty mdnyu-d tu curv C"H"'Hrt -! ;(NSrMiTUlN It
ix:. und lUtn im ..it Luk. w.s-re iJi.Vrt.avt.
V. 4 ami m mmV.y m til Vitrtjng iUtrmrt iw-J
Uxl runt rTiermt-lf.
r.f-aft4Nit of rumt of the wit hipl ror.imptifl
ft ill r irov iti drintwt tnnw uiotiti ';B-nty in mil uimwi df
iw'U.1,, THi;o i. and KKKAdT.
tVV je Um fubowins crrt. m fact f evtrr. whi. h
ori to iftiT ihr p'",T to vr j;U-. rrti whru tlu pt-ri
tw-ctii Mht? tu tiiu ry lt ftniriTevtW9,hm Bnnt't
We iiwm tb f.Vo-T nf c j t rie J a la. t of cur, which
Itt. U pruvs ihr .wer tiTP luo.trvtn wr.vn thn -rw
r-m tk bf in tu - very imt at t- i ot rxUtinrv. wht-
Hmnt'0 Indian i'u mtnnrti iUi.mim i al mitt !-. Thia
raac attst-a not tauti aiou ifj roul i unnti Aiy cukks
aa marzrlou and HeouhUhufttti.i knndrrds ot kuptUm
CM. IT 'tdtitarttM ut rna. Ca-l.il CONrtUMI'TIO..
THIS CI'UK m rlfr-rfp-l rm th wit. .,f Mr. 7m
rTainiAi7 oi tic tm of fiaihton. Saratov Co., V. Y.
J Mr. !ljk in-vQ wat tp.ouncni dviur, ami Mr. livtu-inan
We-nt tat tbt- ftfir oi Mr. John Wait to purrkmt cloth lor
a tkroud. land other buna! matrrinit, At'hYbng h Wilis
oulil ftKifl du Ht m in ifa iirnt gUxjfe ot the dineaaa
M muck Opprttsei Mid 0 itrrtscd Uid to relieve btT
f'TU dimtrts. und m-ki? a iVahir pillow more eatf. Mr.
tykrmiui wu prrnu c-.rr hr Hunt- of -BHANTS
INOIAM ril,MiN U( !UiM." Hv Un--k fiw Ba'iam
bumt-wit'i tiv atliroud. tui rt: a portion to hi wilt. it
r-l!d q, r cMil.nu- ti to tnttf it until hh mrorrred
'oo tticALTH. ami if hut rommutd tocil or ncmrlf four
ytrm Fampklet lot FWi'u'nr.
Mr rvi, kjiav w,r. t the at- fact bofore Tito. G.
Ywxxi, r.i. of Jtalh'om S,. s!.m April. 1H4H
1 ro. Yn; :a, t.q., Justice, -i rL.'fca tint hi hat
st.jTn Mr. Isftn n muy v 'T B-.i (uhI he ia om of
tUxarrsaMl u-irfkj aud rttttcMibie r :; and Mr. JuH
Wajt, t ie ! r-tiuit rp.k. n i-f ! re, ow certtjUsttt thm
fiHtd h-r' of Mr !ykemt in 1 thut he waa at
juaurti-d w t i .' ur jet navio; ticatrJ thcU oiten apok
in oi by -)ra
Brantu Pulmonary Balsam
rara COW.VPTloX. Co: OW, fyiuittf of Blood,
JU.oJt: at the LvmjrM. I'm ia the Itrr.vt ua.i Hide, ActfAfe
Street, Kerr. C" ..t. faipitntiou of the heart,
Ckolerm Infantum. lyr.-ntr9. Summer Complaitit$t and ALL
k KM ALU, It AK.I.S.S.i, vtthoMt any Jailing whatever
LlllTDCS Ja rilVSR'l l.S CLTOtllESD.
Tne fiillowm n.nifil Vcinr nail Phytic iAnt hare aiAav
.7 rrrnnim. iHinl KKAM'.I MKHK INtS :
IT. M lit I.HAIllV .-UmlorJ, Cii.
Dr. 1. N. KWi l il. lVUf tvwn, K. V.
Ir. KUShMaN, 13i li.rv fr.t, BrooalTB, W. T.
Ir. T. M. Ilirsr, .i!ito; S. V.
Iir. KM). rKAM'I.H. Mi.idl. I..n. CuBO.
Pr.tiFO. A. liOrlEH B-th, N. .
Iir. ti. WHn t. l-ri J-nis. N. V.
lr. C. U. (.al.KNTINK, Byron. N. T.
lr. J. u. fllll'MAN. K.v.-n-Tiiu.. M. T.
Dr. J. r-KINNKK. Il.-nrv mvrl Rniuklva. N. T.
Dr. O. cilil ilAN. I'uruua, ti. V.
Heware of counterfeits !
There i no ll-ant's mrdicines eenuine. hut
such bolllrs as are put up in a square packvge
nr shape, ami on one square or Ihe arkae is
lahrl on which is represented S young 8iiaw,
and undrr where she stands ia s Note of Hau l,
whii-h reads aa follows, viz.
H hmb'l prumire. fur mine rrreivrd, to pay
In the hfttrrr Iirrtuf Osa eit, oh iltmnmh tJ
our Mtdiciut Fafha-i in lite Ciy r.f lirvokftn.
X V. Mil ul HrmMffH. 1!h April. ISMH "
(whicli note ia rispinl willi pen i:J red ini")
- m v. w alla a: v ror
Ni ce Rrnnine but such aa bavs tbe nnte on
ihr lab, I siencd ss above.
Fur sale bv Thornton As Haker, Lrwis-
l'iir; i;dil WiNon. er Urrlin; K J l.'nu,
.rl..isr...o; (J J, f C M.rver, Fn-ei ure; ; H N
1 D.iiklisufe. Miri.llfbura ; Wilt A. Eilort, Hudr.
! ion ; Aires .V Mriicli. MitUinh
All Ivttrrs and onlrra must lie adilressrd to
VValbea ii Co. 106. Brnsdwav, New Voik
ASTOtt md Sweet Oil.UmdHiiiim.l'iir.
Vy sitforir.Ciodrrey's 0rdUl,E;om Subs.
Ssleralus. Cie im Tartar, Wlan h, t)isI' lor, Ual
am of Li , hal HoJa, BaUam de Maltha, Worm
Te.t"mi.hor.tiinrer. innamnn. ( loves. IVtiiu'r.
I Nutmegs. Macnesia, Mustard, Opium. Morpba.
- nc, i,r SAW SI
(;. .tkiiaflWa Drug hrinical Cmpnriiini
pB(ok Agent and Cafjwrttun will pltasc
to oLservt.$
IVERY citizen of the United States sfaouM
j poBwtia copy of thene works, Tbey
iht Book of Our Counuy.
nfl A Faithful Chronicle of the
WAR of American Indepen
dence. In ooe Urge volume, 8"o. Illustrated
with Seventy En(fviiigt in handsome Gilt
Binding. Trice $2.
The Presidents of the United Slates,
Tbir Memoir ml Administrations:
To which in sddi d an account of the Inaugura
tion of each President, and a his-to'y of thi'
principal poli'ical ernm of h'm aJminwlration,
ami of th tianac'ion of Congresa at each c
.inn durini; the period.
Illustrated with elegant portraita of the Presi
dents, engraved un steel. This is handsome
royal 80, in beautiful pictorial binding. $3,50.
rdinpri-ine the Lives, Addresses anil Mewsges
of the Piesidents of the l:nited Stte,
I'roni Wasliineton to TavlnrV Iniuguraiion ail
dress. Mjrch, 1H!'J.
With a history of their Admini-lrntion, and
of each S$es4on uf Congress alno vatiiius hit
oriral. kt.itistiml, ami oiln r important politic
doruments, and a complete Indei, or analytical
t.ililp of contents to the whole work. Kdited by
Biivil VlL!.li. V.. Illutfated with por
traits of our IS 1'iesidcnls, engraved on tel,
from the most approved authorities, am! in the
best style of the art ; printed on finu pjp. r. and
hamlrnmely hound in rm!lninatie style. It will
nho he embellished wilh Views of the Capilol.
President's Hoiie. and the Seals of the several
Slates and the United Siales. In four larrje tfvo
volumes Pike $!0. Tkis is the citizen and
l.ihrary edition.
rjThe Referrrtpe Edition of the same
work, in 3 volumes large Ho, without porliaits.
Price 5'7.50. This edition is for reference, ar.d
is intended for Statesmen, Legislators, Members
of city Corporations. Lawyer, and Individuals
holding public I 'Ifices.
Tlie Rcpulillrorthft I'nlled Stales),
and its Political Institutions,
Reviewed and Eiamined. Ity AtEii Ds
'I'ucm ivlLH, Member of the Institute ol
Trance, arid the Chanilier of Deputies. Ac.
In one lare orlavn volume of neatly One
Thousand paoa. Price
The 12 Stirs of our Republic,
Oiir Nation's G.ft to hor oun f'i'izens :
Containing ihe live of our Presidents, the
Signrr of the Declaration, Article of t 'on fed
nation, the Conaiitutinn, with an hist'irical
sketch of the American lTni"n. Illustrated with
elegant portrait", engraved on steel, and illnmi
nated picture of the SiEiiers. (he ''apitol. and
President's House at Wa-lnngton, Bunkcr-llill,
Ac. dec. Elegantly bound, liilt edjes. Price
Tj'Vo exprnae h.i hren spared in the prepa
:i 'n of thee volume of Docnnient, History,
.tint Si -lltics. to render the same worthy of pa
tronage, oot only of Statesmen and Legislators,
hut of the American public generally ; who will
I in them the I actsrai or Political
I K wime , and a mass ot information.
published by C. Walker, 1 1 1 pultun street.
Dr. Do w lint's Hunnry ofRumanism tnthe
present tiine. 50 Rngiaviiigs, piira f -I t1!)
The (Jui.le lo Knowlilef. 3. Oil
The wnnilers of ihe World, 2.51)
Mrs Ellis' Family Monitor. 2,S0
VI ra. Ellis's Uuide to Social happiness, 2 50
Broihi-r anil Sistr,
fheever's Lectures nn Pilgrim's Progrea, S Sll
(.'hritian Martyrolosy, t.25
('hiist's Messencrrs, 1.25
Fate of Inliilelilv , or. Truth Tiiorni liant, 38
). Id Fellow's OtlVring for 1 8 1 S. elegantly
il!ntrated, 2.00
t.l Fi llow's OITi-rin? for 1S4"). do 2 50
Odd Fellow's Offc rinc for IS50, do 2,00
1'be Odd Fillow Illustrated anj neaily
hound, 1. 00
Faith. Hope, and Chtritv Illustrated. I
vol. 12 mo. Gilt Vu-lin. 1,00
Friendship, f.nrn. nd Truth Illustrated.
1 vol. 12 inn. Gilt, 1,00
Tal"s fioin the Arabian Night's Entertain-
i.ienla, 75
It ibii'hond and his Mi-rry Forester, 75
Wreath of Wild Flowers, f 75
Vrniu.; People's M irror for 18J8. A-o.
M'istn, 1,00
Po. tM trtcrt,E(wk.1;i nlf and Colporteur
Wlio may desire to canvass district for the
ibove toiportant National Worka. will be nbA-d
to address a line to the puMii-hi r, st uinji the
portion of couniry he wishes to occupy, and by
return of Mail he will receive a l.it of P-ic- s,
with Terina to Azculs, which allow them a
vrv liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER. Publi.her, 114 Ful
ton strtet. New Yard,
Consumption disarmed of its Terrors !
K ACTINGS' Compound Xytup of Ai'
ilia a positive cuie tor Cuiisu.ii ii.m,
Uvclnie, Asthin:i, and nil iiiei.es oi : lie
ciic.vl nud lungs a single bnl.lt; will piove
its tthvacy.
'I he proprietor not nn'y rerommctids his
tPTii. Svui'F, but wurrabts it tu cure!
li'j Hiirr.ints it tn hcI npun tin; chvle, und
jitinly il ; he wnrranis it to remove nli im
lediineiil whi h retard the free rirenluiinn
f Ihe hlood ; he Hrrnt9 il to open the
iutcrmil and cxternnl pi. res of the hody and
eject nil tiie o'inoxious ptirlie'es w hieh have,
accumulated in the system ; he warrants it
ns a never-foiling remedy in hoctic lever,
flight si'(tt, dyspepsia, liver romphtint,
pa:n in the chest, mid asthma ; nnd he war
rants it to aires! the lormation of tuhercles
in the lungs, and to heal those already
Inrmed, so that persons in consumption
tn.iy lake it with the most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its reiit seat of action
is ihe lung, which it penetrates in nil di
rections, purifying them of everythinij
ol.noxii'Ui in its progress, and which, il
applied accortlinR to directions, il can not
iuii to leave in a perfectly nenttny cnnai
lion. Ajent at Lewisbtiry;
2o R w s;h kfki.k.
Get the Eest !
i I.I, voung persons should have a Standard
2 Dietinnnrt at llieir elbow. And while
vou are atamt it, net 'he Iwt: that Dictionary ia
Sbab Wabstc', the f'eat work, unahridr;rd.
If you are loo poor, save the amount from off your
bark. to put it into your heal. l'hrentdo Jimr.
Ur. Webster' g-fal work is the best Dictionary
of i'i Knirliali language. iMttdoa Murn.Chrtm.
Conikinine. three times the amount of matter of
an 7 other English Dictionary compiled in thia
country, or any abridgment of this work.
Kuhliidied by R & C Merrtam MprinRfield.Ma.
and for sale at the ( heap Bookstore of
May Uu rt F LYiDi.L, I-wifSu-b;
BEST Spanish and Hall fc'pi xish, also
Ameriean CIGARS and all kinds
of Cliewing TORACCO. for sale hv
Lewishnre, Dec 4. 18 IS
FOR sale by
LewisSirj, June, 1819
SEARS' Kew Pictorial Works::::1849.
Great Chance for Book Agents
To cLAAtt rsuM (500 tu $1000 a Yeas !
Books of Unietrtal Utility.
Q EARS' New and Popular Pictorial
Works the most splendidly illustra
ted volumes for Families ever issued on the
American Continent, containing more than
Four Thousand Knoravings, designed and
yeeuted by the most eminent Artists ol
Rmjlrind nnd America.
The extraordinary popularity of these
volumes in every section of the Union,
renders an npencv desirable in each one I
of our principal towns and villuges.
Just Published.
SenrV new anil popular Pictorial
Description of the United States,
containing an ncc-tint of the Topography,
Settlem-iit, History, Revolutionary and
other interesting Evenls.Statistics.Progress
in Aricii!iiiie, Manufactures, and PopuU
tion, &c. of each S:iite in the Union, lllus.
tia'ed with T'i Iltmdred Engravings ol
the principal c:ti', places, buildings, see
c.ery, curiosities, Sea's of ihe States, &c. ;
complete in ope octnvo volume of 60( pa
nes, eletantly hound in gilt, pictorial mus
lin retail price, 2 58.
'I he Ftcloriitl Family Annual,
100 pages octavo, and Illustrated with 212
Engravings designed as a valuable and
cheap pre.nt for parents and tenchers to
place in the hands of young people. In
attractive bindings.
from the Pairbrrhal A lie to the present
lone. Ry J )hn Killo, Editor ol the Lull
dull Pictorial Bible, Vc. Also,
of Sea's' Pictorial History of the BiWe
Pictorial Sunday Bnr.k D.'sciiptinn oi
(ireat Hrilniu and Ircluml I'.ibl . I'-.ora
ohv 8cci;ps nnd Skelihes in Continenla1
Eiirc.pe lof rnimion for ihe Pcopii Pic
torial Family Ldrnr I'i. tori.il llisti.r
ol the American K'ilution an entirely
new voiumu ou the Wondi-r o! the World
imtorfat iFamCls JJtijlt.
Eich Volume is I Must rated with severa
htttidrcd Iingravings, and the LM15LE with
One Thousand.
Xj AtiEX I S WAXTEO in every Town and
County through 'Ut the I'ninu, ! aril " .''frriA
Sew and fopul -r I'irloriul Uarfa," unneisi'l;
4iknow tedded to be the best and cheapest evci
published, as they e tsinlv are the m-st salai le
Any sctive A;rnt may ebar $5li0 or I00 a
yeir. A ensh cipital of $35 or f 50 will b ncr-s-irv.
Full p irtn ul t of the pi nriplcs and
;ir. n.f of the a ncy will be given un application
fitlter pcrsijiail) or by lettr-r.
AJdivas inaiiably pnt pid)
JiUUi.liT MiAU;, reaLisaaa,
liM, Nasao St. New York.
No letter will be taken from the effiee
unless post pai .'. 6:250
English and (icrnian I'liysician.
Tiao s a. ii. Tiio:ir, n. i.,
X7"HO has been regularly educated in
V the I'niver-ity ol Maryland, and an
H itiorary OrHdintte ol t 'sstlelon College ol
Vcr-iioiit, nun a .Men.l-r o the Aleilica
and Philosophical S y of the State oi
Maryland, olf.trs his T"fesionnl fcervices
in all the oiai i-h's nl the Healing Art to
the citizens of L' wishuri: and its vicinity.
He has been enageii in tiie practice ol
mediciiie, in L'iZ"ttie county in this State.
for nearly thirteen years irotn wl.i-uci
he brings It-tiers of recommendation from
thn first men in that and Columbia county,
as icgafds his s'ai'din! in the prolission ol
uiciiiiiije, and his genera! character, viz :
Hull John X i.'nny.igham l!rv Maimajnliri Pcane
Ziba benneit
Andrew ltiaurnont
' ti F licndlry
" II n Wrilit
II W Xicli.il.on. Kq
Jie flan-man,
Charles Kalbtua
" J il Yonint
Prs A B Wilson
" Thos W Miner
S H Warner
- A Volia
M Sterk
Clias U Bon man, r". '(
Kfv 'I iimnsa Bowman
N Ti. Dr.T. may be found at his ofii-e
at t!:C Llrug stt-re on the east side .f iI.tr
k' t .St. m .I to Walls' store, or at his rcsi-Jetii-o
1st door Ix-iow Kline's liutel.
Le v. i- hmg. J i n 19
SC11AFFLE ha received a choice as
sortment from E. Koiissel and J.
lliiuel. Perfumers, w hose preparations are
H-ars' O.I
Ol Mirrovr
H,y Water
C!olot!ne Water
Pearl Powder
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
Curling Fluid
jts() a general variety ol Jewelry and
Fancy A rti !ns.Spcctnces,Pencils,Wa!Iets,
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, fco. fee.
Lewt-hitrg, Mav 13. lAi
&a!un!!t iUoofes.
AFRESH supply received at the Lewis
burg Cheap Bookstore :
Fiske's M i una I of Classical Lilerattiro
I ) ivies' Analytical Gi-ometry
lllair's Rhetoric, (University edition)
Comstnck's M;neralogy
The Complete Farmf r, I vol. 02 cts
The New American Oardener, 1 vol, 91
The P.sik that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with a
great variety of others, at eery; lew prices
My 30 8 F i-YNDAI.I.
Harrison's Columbian Ink,
N Quart, Pint, and smaller sized bottles,
Black. Blue, Red and Indelible. This
celebrated Ink for sale bv
CORDS of BARK wanted, for
hich the highest market price
will be paid
Dollars and Cent, also form of Notes.
Bills. Receipt. Petition, Interest Table, table
of Wages, Board, 4c. Pike 18 j ct for sale
at this office.
T" 4 CJTT never refused at the office
JVsJX1 oftheLewisburgKhronicIe.
A Word to tbe Afflicted.
5,000 persons' in Philadelphia alone
have witnessed with astonishment tbe won
derful elhcacy ol
Thnmsiin's Comnound Svrup of
Tar and Wood Naptha
in curing Consumption, Asthma, Bronch
itis, ohstmate Coughs, Pains in the Side
oe lireast. Liver Complaint, StC. &c.
This preparation is entirely n vegetable
remedy, and may be adunnisierea tun
perfect safety to the feeble adult or child.
Its power as an Expectonnt is admirably
adapted fo relieve the oppression in pul
mnniry disease, and while it assists nature
in throwing off the vitiated matter which
collects to the injury of the system, it acts
as n gcner'tl tonic or Mrengihener.
The testimony of Physicians and others
to the value of this creut remedy, has been
of the most stifielory kind, and has
given it a character and standard as a
that has placed it beyond competition lor
the vatious diseases for which it is em
ployed. Prepared only at the N. E. corner Fifth
and Spruce streets. Philadelphia.
Sold by t;. Sehnffle, Sole Agent for
Ijewisburg and vicinity. 273
rpiin subscriber wotiM infirm the Gen
X tlemen of Lewisburg and vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to the Post Otfi -e, where
he will carrvon the business of Cli TTING
AND MAKING garments as usual. Work
made by him warranted lo lit. Produce
received in cavmcnt at market prices.
" JO!l 11. MILLER.
Lwishura, April 27,
Thi excellent compound is for sale by the
Proprietor's Ap-nU J Sciireiar. Lrwixbitrir ,
May & Cloe. SJin'tjrove ; M V irhington. Nor-ihumlM-rland
; J il IUsrr, Milton ; G I & F I'll- r,
Watiout mil
Dag u f rcottfpe cf .
i 'PI1E subscriber would inform ihe citizens
1 I ..if ...kiul.nrtr rinil virimft. that hi! has
taken and fitted up a room in the new brick
building on the south -ide of Market street,
between Third and Fourth, where he is
prepared to take Daguerreoly pe Likenesses
-inijle or in groups, in good style, durable,
and on reasonable terms. Call and see.
March. 149 JOHN SUTTON.
Myers' Liquid Cure!
TS a positive nnd tiever fa ltug Remedy
L fr P L E S whether Lilt-run!, Iv-
ti-rnal, Hlimt or lueeriiiig tvroluin.W line
Swellings. Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Tnroat.
Canki-r Sore ?! mth. Rheiitni'in, Ciitan-
eot's lipases, Alrrcurial Jntii-n$ J-c
also for Scales, liuri.s, Cuts, Sprains, Uaii-
St'S, V". iSiC.
We frel just.lird in proi l litninrj ihe Fact to
the W oild, thai of ail medicines ever bro'l b-fo;e
the public, none have ever been mote ben filial
loalllictrd hurniuity lhan Afyrra Li'nid Cure.
'Ve know thi is saying a great deal, bul if we
were to write volumes we could not say loo much
in praise of ibis
Hundreds, nay thousands Mrs the hnppy hour
wbrn first they were made acquainted with its
transeendant virtues; and our present purpose ia
to inform other thousands, how and here ihey
ma; nbrsin that idief whicli ihey perhaps have
long sought lor in vain.
The auperior excellence of tbii preparation
over ail other nietlicines, for the speedy and per
manent cure of V1LES. is well known to all whn
have tested it. ft I' J leen proved iu thousands
of innianoa, and ha si.vta vailku to cure the
tnofl olistinute eases, and we are confident it te7
nrrer fail it used proper length of time accord
ing to directions. Asa proof of our entire confi
dence in it effn-acy, we assure all pun-haser that
if. afier a proper trial, it prove inrfftctual, the
Money paid far it will be rrturnrd.
The Liquid Cure is an efl'edsal remedy for
Singsvornis. Biles, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Fro-ted
I.irnb', (..'hilMains. Sail l( Ileum, Musquitn Bites,
! stings of poisoneus Insects and Cutaneous disease
of every description.
It ia both ssle and effectual for Rnr.trwATis.it,
giving i mmediate and permanent relief.
Ita ellecU a a real Vain Killer, are magical.
should provide them. civet with thia Invaluable
Preparation, the cheapness ul wnna place It
within the reach ol all.
Full Directions accompany each Battle
Pamphlet, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tested the Liquid (.ore, may
be had grain of en' authorized agenls
Myert' Li'nid Cure is prepared nnlv bv
JEROME At CO. 5 1 Spruce St, New" York
Agent : C W Stuaflle, Lewishuig ; J II Kaser,
Milloii lveu5')
fPIIE stihscrtlicr has on hand and is
JL now recetvinrr from PilUUm and iSha
mokin. Best Foundry,
Lump, Broken,
Nut, and Pea
CO.8 which will be disposed of on
reflson'tble terms.
June,40. I. O. LAVVSHE.
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
V LARGE and fresh supplv nf tbis celebrated
Medicine. jul received from the principal
Depot in New York, and for sale at the new
Drug and Chemical store or
Or Thornton It Baker
SCHOOL-TICKETS printed nnd for
sale at this office, ;
.virs i$fi r Tk-'4.
Tbe Cheapest and mot splendid Asortml of
w -
- - in Philndtlphia.
a few doort aUr Eleventh, nnrth tide,
HAS just received by !- arrivals, from the
most celebrated manufaclurera of Europe, s
magnificent ami jud:ciou.l aelected asrliueiil ol
which be will sell clienper than any other estab
lishment in Ihe I'niled State. Among lb
assortment may be fout.d
Gold I.evei. 18 K line, lull jeweled 30
Sliver Levers, full jeweltd J
( J-td I'Epines, 1U K casei. jewel J 2
ilver I'Epine. jeweled 10
do ynartirr Watches 4 to 10
do Tea 8po.ns erjual to coin per ett 4,50
d Dessert do dn do 00
do Table do do do 13,00
Tna-elber wiiha snlemlid assortment oi raims sua
rich Jcweliy, Slc. Gold I'haina of various slyle
fiuia the best manufacturers.
fleisc preserve this advenisement. and rail a)
So. 4 13. Market street aluve Elevemb, north aide.
(j I hsve Gold and Silver Lever still cheaper
lhan tbe above price. A liberal discount lo ihe
trade. 3mS61
TlilE IS
Carefully Repairfd.at the thor.'est .Vot'ce.
pilE subscriber desires to inform the
I citizens if Lewisburg and the publii
in general that he carries on the Watch
Making Business in the shop formerly oc
cupied by C.J.I lousel, where he is prepared
to execute all kinds of work in his line ol
business with promptness and on the most
reasonable terms, and by strict attention
to his business expects a liberal share ol
patronage, lie hus constantly ou hand an
ussnrlment id
U A irilKS-Pa:,,,! L ver, M.TUh.
il Frnnr-h.
nml rreneh.
Jli'A KLr.V C.ol.l W atch cl-n'ns and
I ttinrds, Pencil . Pens. I!.eusipin,rirr:n,
Kinerrinys. Sv- r Spect.ii-les, Leu kits.
S-iorin. Tn tnliies. i'-.
Whu b he is rh t-rmim d to sell low.
l .7 l.L. ,1. U i A J .
Lewi-.1 ti ri. Xi'V. 1U, I 17
PeVVS9 (!9fS ifHi!
Tiiort.ucHi.v e: v.f.CA i em
uy max wwa to it' u vn nn
HA I' prc:it natiiiitai ol i lavmile ai d terii,
remeilv ( Eit,UTkt Vij''.7jmhi. i
a.l unappmai I eii in ilt w n teiinl euries-. aii
Si'lHj in ihe cure ul r. la Wlflrbe.1 e nipiaii t !
II yU viiniid ieC'l-e IliA sreei.ie.il ml.. iioiis)
unteil i.S, Uke ll-l a Ini lie ImiM sliv mr tli.l !
$u rd d Sy llie tvrit'f s.Jaturc i f the ,
n-l Mrentor an vr. "te-li-r Joss K.Ui an u,on
a paper label crus I. tLc illoilttl an I lrk.
"I Ills remedy h: niee been t-ittslcred up bj
,s;se ami dereiiful putr-. bul Ii Wvii it i ihi
roiilifcine and uit"erst d'pti n of the inhabit
..tils uf Tuer aud Ai;ie i:iirirU. av lis ttflni.
ir..k iii rm iu ims a,io wbieh all ihe Sient.
mil every pp'eoti wlio h.ne us l il will t stify.
Prtipriet .i's Ofii.v. 1 Arch St. Philad'a
Abfvts: (' Selt-file. Thoin'iMi & linker,
R M Bi-vres, Lturii lui ,- A Ktcn.tkr, illini:
Crowe S'liiisri-.v, ; batercV .pp,lSweet Hojh.
i. .S 1 icfchoiie. i'nil ii til.Lil.-!l, M iwwe's J Kali
1 veow'S
'VliE st.t crih"is, tit inkl'til for p.ist pntnv
X i:a ,w.-.u:il n.f.uni liir public thin tlie
. until. ui- lo iiinniit icure nil kinds ol"
MILL r.E. uuXC,.
C ;st Watt-r W heels of ,he maft Ti"" 1
'1 hi esiinr Maclines.
One ami Two llorseJSs.
"C invite piirticul-ir atfi-minn tn a new
nrticle Vinru" Patfiit C.iG PI.BrrKS. lor
srftlin? in t'rnill. Farmers by this ploiijjh
can seed in ss much iirain, in ne day, a
in three days wilh common ploughs.
nd Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAKR.
tveitles and fils ol various sizes Smooth
ing Irons nnd Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cook inn; stoves.
the mosl appioied patterns now in use, I'm
wood or cal.
Fancy,Parlor,'ooV,,Coal Stoves,
Race'M Sclf-reRulaJliipr Air-liglif
Parlor ood Mutes, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other articles
of machinery repaired in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of ihe best material, aad at
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburjr, March 25, 1848 1200
f niigenlie iiii'st aguekreotype
ETAUU.-il.V.NT, Exchasb, Third
story, Vhitadeiphia.
Tbe Him. IIksrt fiAi risiiir,g tin EeUb.
li-limcmf . (he puipnseot having a Dat;ueneut p
taken.repre.sed flattering npinimis on thi favorite
place of the leeuly aud f-hion of PhdadelDl ia
and vsatnunil-craolHtfaieri. resort toil w procure
a really good D i-uerri ul p,-. Tl.e pn.pneior wiM
..L,-,. .. . , ,
lame ol Vnt n-rl! fcii.wn dt'aMisl.itM 1 t. I'amiU
groups. sT..up! i.f ( hiMrcn and i-Iu portraiU
ol a. I nue arc rxmilvd r-maiiv !
iicain wrEBITIOlSLT
ONE Uu2f,ey nnd Sett of MitrneW
One Two Horse Vag,
One Truck Wagon,
Fof 8,le by II P Shelter
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a poutuJ of Cure," in
that awful ducate.
R. FITCH'S Lecture) on the Preven
tion and Cure of Comumpiion.
This popular work for sale in Lewi,biir;
by S. P. Lyndall J. Ilotfjutoo sud at
this office. Price, 75 cenls.
trr EniTiwr Rsao tis r akkkim.i t -T.- r ,
rwpaolla for sale in ih dirT.-rsi.i an- e-. j ls r
Tnwraen'v Sirlpri!!a. Il ailvaiivedas i.s Ok.l,.
MAU tiKt't-'. sn'tsl' ITVI'- Ttiu r-'Vrai'-"-!
ami ne'er vas; botwss Kieoierlj a sr.irkerm; ,-rs Vt
rML.siKl Ibe like vel he siinKa ihe tiM. "I I.. t :-9
Darpas M eainins ersitil le sjaal lie is rtor. II. , -;,
has allereM ISO nie-lli-al rc!in.i:. il prsc-iet.-. In 5. ua
Vears"" Nuw U iruh is. be aeir prseiieei .unit, 4
iav in his li e Sieh s-ryii. viritU rj!i.rernaei . .
1 'gZunniy. he uatie-ver ra.letri-w.-lt,r
lotiks OAJ u niv rn: b, ,. ..... ,. . .- .n
he iiaaie-ver hwwi r . -'vn.riii. r.;i.
hen will men kam i be h--srfc: aiw :rs i.
i Kuomtn.
luj in a'l reir ihsmifrs an i h,i-,m.i. , .rtF
inen t He applied 10 one K'esl :.a. m ai tv 1 n ti,;.
Bfaeiornie his eortiire. ralin-; S U.- sua L. .y
make as an iis.ucen..il lo e.nuar lu the Su.ihc-s. T ie
mn hare been ip-iulim? sn-l hl ilinf n:e in I 0. ,
forms, in onlee u ep.'" U puUie lih iff --r...l :l
ihelMrl IV elor . SsrMliarilla n Ine etnn. it. or .
iZrwnr.lla. ma.le from I tie C-t Vortmr . Or:t.mm Ke
eie Tin"'' P Tasiiiseiidsavs I liavasoMiruvan nir
name s-r V wer I ill K've unn J; ) u he i;, ,
dues one .inv'e ..uarv proaf 01 Ihls. . Ilu 1 leree.
Tlioini.iu S..i!n.an c C.... ale iw hin- bm A ,1
lik-!h.iin:.lr.iiiaie m .Ve.iVe lha pniiic :
the II u:h '" In renr ll'i hl frrmtnUnf ea-s.
tMumi 1 'its 1. m raiiu si ide puti-ie u p'lre'i' iwt. M.;
OU Ur JA( OR Tawneerel. Sanainmia. riavii on 1; i .
Olil IMelur s llke.ss. lus usAi.a LvU of rma,ALJ ius
tmtureaere- the r.'nai nl Arms.
1 '-aww. i-a-a -f '
T Q.J JaC0I l OWIlSCTi!!.
i .. At-iv i r mi-i-tvrriPr: nr Ttis
j TnR omciNAl. nst'OVEtiBS or TII8
, Genuine Townssnd Sar3iparilla
Old Or T .wiwe. i. ii.'W a ul 7" ie-r of ,n-. r'
totren tis..,, the I VWlt U'-EPC-
o! ihe ,t;.vr. tn: tuts. it. tos-wi
K.1tS.lrA.:U.r. I.'' H- i.-e I r- "f
lintil Hsmaiitliae-.u v. I.y li-im ai n A.te-e-.
j VZtlTlX
I U-seaii t ii: i:i-. -.e.-r- f
I t t-rti healet .l 'il -eAW
le. e m
1 rMt.Cli Iri
! : ail ej lis wui. !' -"il
nviitetrTi via t'lt- i-iriit-u --"ai s-.;.'i i r..if .
un f'.te iri"h hrci 'th 'k" i
i tor.n l i !(. ( .ih' -V "!.t.: i r le r1 t-it '
-v'ik Toiniij !. P Tww;"-., !i i.tayr-'. n. h t-.
an 1 n-T cl. bf-i-r . Vi . t- mu-i t: ( ri ; .r
on urirn'i'ie r"'m'--:jit9 bv if man. TU " zt.-.
knn-trrru I'hv-mrtnr. -'Mi 1 irt rmi ! r-r- - -!
in, Mve j!' itrri Hi"it''. i-iTff r'"i;:!T; n lii
; lurf .J le r. Ih-V S-. -.,. .r'l;-.. Tr:.-S '- :
IL ia flt 'i Ht lp. .:ir ! li i. Cu'-i.: r. . ii . .,:
pr kt ir-. i- ' i-nf p;-u;t.Ttn wu" S ,u ti-. .
!.! nrf.a, v 'i c ti tf'tfis-d n pr-v. ;: iin u- . . i -
rt'ire frrmnnt n .;; eis-.tf. ii-h f :i- - 'I-
frrrt.' N.uu' 't.r yr .Jt.'t-t .t t"s.i; . i! -
th.H th'-y nvit' a i :;! ' ' : '"("
ii iKa'V an- inr. p.t-jw-r - I a aaeuii'r prriri. V.-.. 1 ,
W !' t!.- ,i.t;. .O't : : in Ul.'. u jC u --.
TtisMts Tuti' t itfit-rt. wi-irS t'ti hi -;'. r .
hlf.lTK. Ilfl-'r tw-.tl. 3f ' r .siti: i i - .
rrt t ilr pw. w.i -t! iri.e- s ii ai. ns vjiti
fUttfl- ! I. ttll'f'l I- !'.' I'l"! 'n !-. :
:hr r- ih:i;i in-m ft.rT'ht e t-' ; Tto.7 rati ih-n -t ... i .
l.il(i I '-r .. I 1 I. -iv i-u wt'h - mo ;! - . 1
t'l.urM if -SMtSViMRU.I.A K VTivACT r hVRt '-: '
BtH wiirh iKrt (ti?" Ttf . . 1 1 1-
OEM "UNiiULU int J. uli l OUNSEN.
Tlij t pre-tr !-? mi Ote iikh pPrri-i ; .'-a,
Sjr"jri.U p"t -ne nrt r-m ve.l. f vrry tunj r,r, - .
tH--oii-t.i- ari 1 T trnnnit.m-ii - tr.ir;i i a.vl rrj-. ,
thrri evmry rrr!f til ine :i.-ii Tiro? ? rar'4 u s :
ao.1 co.H-.;n'ir-r isfrfv ; t. 1 il.u 11 is rcti.i?.ivl u.c.
l Uhis M l - v .IuiliV .m1 Uealuut pHHrfnie-. P -LKimt
lu t!ii- t '' r...vrl''a-.-ti' n. ::a
( arc of Inntt-nrrttble li-.
nv-.tf Dm ntj-... mUy " heat cuniciiU-.u u
si.lr m it-? i:ir w.'. vihii. w Ch-'1- Wi. t ; 1 ii
dlMll? W.'tfcirTH in thw fun-
coyst Mi'i it Yxpxr.yr J. ' f.iv."
f'w'Mvr.-i mi A'wnMm
iVaaI. pu.ks, I'ttsrivE vk.hx j't rrw-.-
t,l s KHmlTIO.i. t'iMl'I.EK c .--.
m!aP sn-f-i:i.-ts.it-i-!i inr.-.i
It y.mw. a. nvnr: . ct-rv i nil fi:.-p'-.' -iii
lr.m In ''.'.' irttn Azi-.hiy nf Iti- A': .-..
on- t cirr jieiunn, i'citrniiMi'i'ii M b: f u i .
pd!pit.iii'Ni ! :lr i'-ei int ; i bn-1
liit i1-i-hc pfr tit ls!y. I nr. w-t i:---;ua 1.. v -I
t'ndghM; ai! pot"! v-'. .vy rsfCor-itt-i mi ,;.-i. r -i.an-iu
relaxing iiri-rmi.-: vl vlie laiij-'. tl.r il ii.-l:f
tr her pirt. ,
Ititt in w u.seTli.-iA more meUsto'iij
ckiw"1--. .;in in .t-l k. . N -i- l
It w.itt wm in ..1 tuor A 'f r
vf't't' ir-'i1. 'a.M.-.. ,V..r. n-at 1. 01
M'ntr. 'tr-'g ttity t'v ti.ru -iriM! prrwiMiiKv -
an t l fttecr-i.l lu nrm; .t I un uww ' Kutnt? Lhtni
Ht rrmrsvins fVirufiha'. auJ nnlnuug J
n-.ni.. 11 fiM uk. and ;irnjiii u llw vliu.j o-bav , I
UlU's CU'" rill lormf
lSrvi li-r-. ml DcWIIf
anlt.iw p i-.i-nsi.r r. .i.-vtM a errat m,i -f u prr.-
tlf. ; .Spittt' irr.'niil. A. a'. -Vf. VW Lis.
Sintminr. Kp:titr r'i'. Vtr't.t. 4t-
h e!fi,-fe: isir t: v-t. the htr w br,& rt'-
tone the i..m.M h. a...! .hn. re' .
.mo(frir Mir; ri u.l!s.mm..!Jn, j.4-
ri'iaa tlM-.-Jii.uc.; ' J "r4 ':-l,"n 01 fw -.t
cms VMto rm Ii r. ii..;.r .1 ovet tnt -
inftvr c pr.!.
mvs. a!I .L"-rritr
r-tj JQVIL
ti" ,1 rii:t 1 v r"J
Thf Mcdlrlnf : n rr-rtnlnnr nee ?
tl'ii phi anv hi t --"iiiX' rf sct.i 11- S 1' T .-
. tnicirr arr 1 TV -(;; 'mmh 1 ; ' " '
lVrstt-r nf onf f;nt4( VT. tll.H .h 1-IN'-'Ai'V
BLt . DLTKRUn ;t:o...1
NKVi'ii SPOT!.?.
Trhilf iK oitHir li1?- arrr'T . frrmntinr. .v Vo""
th httf?ei i i-iinii.T i in'' tr-nwiM -: ! "n-ir. v
liqaitl f xnlitiff. -tt, t Vr ? Vi-t f" 't
onrrih'e rit:n;Ktiiii? fn-t n to ih ir' '
putaetH in!oa $'itt"?t c'wiv iiitanrft rhoeut? Wh
caTiir-i I7r-7cTrti4 l:ut w t l ivikii a'l knw :i-T w.-l
ion?. 9or m un,- JHta-!ii, hit n'l'r-Si.-f prrvltTf-
fltii!eiiC!. tarthii,ii. fa. jivs.tinn o: i:r h-art. !i!r
paiuU iliirrh-Ve. ')r--rN-r-T c-iic. n; ! c rrn.ti,ii f
b'ntnl 1 Whn ii trio:'iila hut .tn rttf ht:nmr m -fv
wVhi frv!!jff ill e iitin;.'r; wh-'h hriiv on r'n!!''!"''-
rtio I Hf:t.f, S.-t RhtiP. E'"iPf,H "
Kwfl-iiiajs), Frvrr irf-. .!.! .i'l t:-.-r m.-i in'. r
ten seiU Ii in no'iit- tvO-t h.-!vn bit' an k.
wliich sour. an-I ihit iprili n' (V (Im ! .-: ! ri,
or . Whnt rrniv Kri tirr).t(.iML btit 'Mr rtl
fltiir whirH i'.Miin"r fi! tvrtn th ut .!
f-'. im'i'iii' snl ifillainitiaf t.f iif'u-rf iisi!e
whl'-h it tetvl nf rvt-ti ol .irtmr!. -i
bhMxl, nf .Vnn rril cimiVfi.m. atut acan ai ;he a:'::.---
itM"h eilllirl hiirian n.iinvay.
in it tH lijrn:;c i irike awl er!. mI trl
teorx in Uie fhl
SiH'RlNtJ, KKHMflXTivr. fff "fIPOT M" Of
S. P. 'ro;Y'r:!i.
It! TM he w u !J l Inn- ir nn lrr-H.! A?-' Ti- .1
Job Twtr. vi'- ti-mtrc ir.(.i Siireayttn 'Uk 1
ITATiON t lti i.iu-rior r-pir.t irn '
Ht-arm :rii itni wt -S i!'l !f?l in mi ante
wouitlber tiie mfi dtsm rc rmti.m 10 S. V.
jrifl'N ttrti-'e!
wi-h it m3r'nn 1. h,-,' it ntili- a-'n frx'.
that S. P. Tow. :. ; . : ... v ahi o: 1 !. -Nnn T f
Strnaparilla re V'r" .- .jfrr anrt I'n'tf'f v .i
tiar; ih.it ry are n ii:!t- tn eterjf .ir.icj i.', ii a
otie eii?i tlitti; in r-tr"mm.
A S. r T,wnfit t nr afiir. in) firTrf . t
be-ntii, nt lirnjffu;iw-Vrfi) im.r-f r .e
d ; an !trn-h"T nmnn. H.rinttrai'i:,'"i l'
inn. v?iai en irnntr cat the uiVit h: ii.u -
cetvim; a 'niiinrrtfiiiirn- itN-ilinnc, caiaiiiittw 3.1 ..t:r-
WKW thfiinii'lrxinw. m fi-?:orir 11. r ""
1 mwete m !.! i n v:t. t
PtM whet r'e 1ir.1t. I Itf i:aiI fmrn, "f
DiMbiir- enmtiitfvt!f t np!iciite rr i!i-f I h f'tt
a perwnof t!r cijAfriciM-a m olt u:''-
cnmnniti ilrvrni mc.l. II. w mvh rn n -that
ih ncr-itt- hi irnnM'nrttirr r1 V i-ir 1 ?
WRA-K PTOlAt'itS 4M KNTt Hrir:? sva.TMM.
iiouid know well itv ni.Jir.iI .ruuut-oi p-n ...- 1
matr-T of Yinil5 .! ftnrntraiisv rhcir .lll
a' an exvinivw kawlf.l - n! ih fnnrn- -'i - ' a
aTcct tlie tinman wn, ami bow to aUjji: tcn-.c'. - -
tifn iUs.ts
It ia 10 arr-Pt frairla mm fh ttnirtim " "our
imowountetl hnmi'ir -. n ktnT,a hn- in t" . .
boawwn, tn rfTvr rV'frh. ih! h'-wtw, ar. J K-r r
rnwH a! hnW. ml ti frt jw-rrri-v ' ff f -'k
JAf'OtlTtnVNSi'M hp- toi'Uin ami 1 I T
pnrrunitr ant! mmnt " Iiri't h:
Oraiittl I bIti-pph: 'aiarntrafva Tlni't
u!i!ii ;he re.-i.-h. ae.-i 10 Thj kniw:e-!-t- -i . r 1
thai tb7 m la-Ti f- know h ioviV "rvr '". '
TranitctttiUnt hrnrrr tt ilml.
Agkkts for the above MIirii. i" u'
Schbflle, Lrwiwhnr ; John II it-r,
ton ; Forty, h & Prw.siiy, Norihrtibi.
(1 ENTLKMKX'S Fancy Cooda, Vts
T ini. Cloths, Cas,siir,cref, and Suae'
mcr. Coudit in eniprat, ,
- C. K. Cuwea Cheap Store.