I.EWISKUKG CilKOMCLE AM) WEST BRANCH FAItHIKU" HISTOHY OF And incidentally of Egypt. ?M Li. ' w::i Ic-tura on litis subject in (he hisctct:t fif the Ctplist eh., FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVKN1NGS, OCT. 12 and 13 Leclure to commence at 7 o'clock Admission 1 2 1-2 cts. .2 These Lectures embrace many ted wit'i s:icreJ and prot.ine are illustrated with a numerous collection of SPLENDID illuminated PAINTINGS. Eihibi-.ing BUIVKON ia its fil.()!t aud in its ItUIN'S ! Each more th'n 20 f.ct In irrunf-rcnre. 50 of whirl) will be used In the illusirr.ti in o eih L-eiure, and inlr.slwrJ i:i the fuliuwi'ig order: A Map nf Egypt. Arabia Pel sa, IVestine anj Persia llie TeTtpl9 anil broken M .tuc of M'ttin.n at Thebes: another vi-w of the 8. me. I gcther with the Tem;d of Luxir P-rsmiJs; the Ni'r, and Ves-ele sailing on its amooih waters, i h a group ( raba in t'te fore ground a view of the Nile lv Mo irilitht ; I lie Ruin if Alcsaudri U i OVIisks ; Ruin nf Tyre Palmyra; the Tadiuor of Sol .n,nn, in the nudat 1 a Dc-ert rersejiolis View nf the p..t hit nicmoiah c aa the location of ancient Babylon periiner of Persian Soulpiuie, ink. n torn the Ruins a I'lan of the City (lie Walla, Towers, Gale, S-trcets, a til In'crnsl Scenery the river Euphrates passing through the city lie Ouirr sicu-iu the Old Pali.re (tie New Pslsce, Neburlisdrnzisr sitting upn hi Throne jj-lgiiig t'ie three Hebrews Tunn. 1 under the Did of the River the Temple of R 'ua ami Tower "f Babel Gild.-n Idols an J G.d.ltii Table the Hanging Garden, a splendid rsintinf ad-n'red lay l Dtiiit-I m the D.-n of the Li-.-is B Isharzor's Feast, with 70 figures aa !ar-e aa u !e ttic .iri.u -.ai ..ki,c.?ii rnii.'s square. xcavaio cj ii:c nanu ui man uie i crsi n Armv eaicriu; the ' -it lb Ktuc siaiu at tim Gate of Lis Palace Dcpa.ture uf the Children f I-rel Specimen of Ntual Histo-y. gSach a large number rf very superior Paintings, beautifully liliis'rs'inj; n subject in itself nf the highest order is se!i.m to ! lound A siphl of lhes alone, it has lev-it mid, rub y rcpaxs, and the L-eture u;r.in this grave aulj-cl doc, not (ail to give errire satis'ii-tiun lo llie m'M intelligent mind. Tlmt ihe.-e Lprtnri' are iircres'in.', iniruciivp. nniJ of prni-in al utility (o nil, is nic-'(l li V num'TOUS K'l'crs 'roin inn icrin :Pr-iv men of ilillrron! S;a' s, m ho stronu'v rocummend llf.-in lo public lavor. Ik FORSTEB ( Fint f,fl,w LEWISIUJIIG, PA. f IMIC puWir ar n-apf-'ully itifirtneJ ihat JOHN FORSTRft lias received, and .L '' 'fiWs Inr sale a vrry SSlarc stock of Fall and Winter goods, rn.iiniiiig nil artirl s krpi p'-neraily in the oilwr slores, iih llie adJilicn of muny fi.if r kinds of 'f lis not u-unl!v lirouht i ihi; country. An -x;irniiia:i ju of the slock i, r.ttH;tfu ly iuvited Anions my slock is a lurge variety oi T(r-cir(p Cis-invro, Satinolls, Veslinas Twed ('lo'hi for Sacks and Overcoats, KenliK'kv Jean;', Tickings, Canton and other FmnneU, TnWc Diaper. Muslins, 5(10 riiti-e Oalicofg, C.itn;lrinn. M nw d--. Liinos. Cashri'Ores. M- riimes, Alparras, Silks, Linen, Cambric, Silk and Co:tin Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Trimmings, &c. Ladies shoes, i Ten's and Boys' boot, etc. CLOTH .1XD GL.1ZKD CJPS. (Urpfi.0 the in-st and most TO WIIOLKSALM buyers, it u liberal abatcuit m u ill b' aind. Ieishur, Ociober 2. 1M9 NEW STORE. THE PLEDGEJENEWED ! HAVING rendered entire satis'action to hi lormrr piirons by lully sustaining !ns d".le to sell fJoods l!ov ihe custom ary price of the place, the snliscriber apain im ite the oimmunity if ihey desire m tiive (."iieap (Joods to cull t h s Store, oppostte Kline h.jtel, t here they can find a lre-h !ock how opening pf Dry Goods, Hardware, Grortncs, Quecnsware IlaUs and Caps lioois anil S? IOCS and most nVscriptinns of M rilmndiz adapted ! thif w in's, for the seasnn, at the very I mpst prices. Every exer'ion m.idn to pliuxe those who may favor us with a call. All UUids of Produce taken in exchange "as well as Cash" in payment for Goods. SAMX S. BARTON. 1-ewUWp. Sept 27, 1819 Dr. Rose's Kedlcices. The subscriber liavin" Ikhii appointed le R'-nt for Dr. Itosfc' Medicines, lor I nion cnun'y, ofler thf ni to ihe public ith treat confidence as to their iflljacy and certainty of effecting cures in all cases lor which they are drypned. A single tfsl ulv is" required to estaWish the dpt. . . SrPt 27 S S BARTON New York Fall and Winter FA- .1 UST received M the Fashionable Tailo. l.iiin estab'ishmenl, nex,t diwr to ihe J'.KtOffi JOHN R MILLER. Lisuarg, Sept 20, 1S13 200 sicks ground Alum Salt, 50 do fine do 100 Ubls. Salina do For 'sale, m holesale or retail, bv Sent 10 S & J Wolfe' IPalW! deeply interesting facts connec History, oriental Travels, &c , and On.n tliM ( 'liTi'vin,'!! K htnr. Ti'nrliHrrt. nrolesioital Hti im 11. i. uni, i rni nrrs, iiniit-innai nu W STORE A7n' lhtd,J (Roods, varied assortment and also Cedar-ware, etc. etc. gre;t inducements are offered, JO i 3.1 F9RSTKEt 'cv cfic.i j cash Store. Fall and winler (5(0(000. fJHK subscriber has just received his JL block of FALL AND WINTER Good emb:aciiiij Ihe usuu! vuriety S'jch as DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. tiUEEVSWARE. HATS,CAlS.&.-&c. Al! of hi -h ore ofTered cheap for Cash or Country 1'roduce. L G. LAWSEE. Loivisburp, Sept 18, 181'J OODFISH Fresh M ickerel Cheese (:r sale bv 1 G La she flMIE subscribers hav asciutea unoer J the Firm of S. & J. W8LF, fir the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and Generai Commission arid Forwarding business- Libeial advances will be made on all kinds of Country Produce. Place of business, l.ew Warehouse on the Wharf immediately below the Bridge, FAMUE1. WOLFE, JONATHAN WOLFE. Lewisburp, Pa. Aug. 7, 1849. Superior Cooking Sieves. The subsflibers have on hand theJEtna Air-Tlj;tt Cfiokinp Stove, arraDed for Wood or Coal. These Stoves are superior to apy thing of the kind ever offered in (be ciunt-Vi sod will be sold" ot reasonable prices S. As J.WOLFE. Leuislurg;, Sept 10,1849 s 1 ALT Fine Sa:l. Ground Alum, and Salina, on hanv1 an ,or M,a y '. Ap29, 1 G Lawnhe. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J N. KEEI.ER & DIUJ. most res pectfully solicit aiteiiiioii lo their Iresh stock of Eiiglith, Frnuh, German, mul .i merit on Drills, Mrdicim-s, I'am's, Che micals. Oils, lve-tuil.s, ulasswiire, l i rdi mery, Patent M.-dicines, Var,ii s, iVr. Having openeI a new aturr, .i "(J1, M-jrt;-i ut, with a lull aupply of ftexh lltii:!- i,d Mulitiiiea. we respectfully Milicit rounliy tlraerA lo ev.im- me our atnok U-fore pu'elia-iiji elst-wherp, pfoin ising one and all who may te. I ?i pod to ex teuj to their patronage, to m-EI ihem gonuuie Diug and Meilic nea. on as libeml terms as any other Iioupc in the City.and to fti'hlulty cxeeov . ail nnleia entrusted to ua ("m;.tiy and with i!e I pieh. One of the proprietor! being a n-eular ptiy.i cian. att'orJa ample gmrun'ee of the genuine quihty of ail ar.u lej aM at their eitaHihineiit. We etpecia!ly in'iie dni:yii-u and rouniiy mrrchanta, who may wish to berome wet A for Dr. KeelrrM Celthrattd Family Medicines, (slaniiar.l aud popular remetliea.) lulorard their adJreas. ISulichiiig the patronage of denlrra, e renjiect fully remain. J. N. KELLER A BRO , Wh .eale rMi(rsiia, 1 18 1 No. 2U4, Market St., I'itiL-d. gm&O RNA MENTAL SC . 7SEES. The subscrilu-rolfers fr snle Ornrtmcn- tal Trees of ev. ry oescription, partieu'.irlv ihe European Lio-je, and i;uu'o:ii.i I'npi- ri.i.is, a splendid shade tree I11I1 iv introdn ced from Japan, remarkahle lor its enor mous leaves (sometimes two feet in diam eter,) and larpe clusters of rose colored flowers, spotted and striped within, emitting a fr.iorance similar to the Lihc. Also Fruit trees ol every descrin'ion.such as grafted Apple trees from 7 to 9 It h h, at 12 to 15 cts each, or 10 to 12.5i per hundred ; Inoculated Peach trees. Hi cts each, or J0 per hundred ; Pear, Cherry, Plum. Nectarine, and Apricot trees at rea sonahle prices all the varieties warranted penmrie; also Hot-house and Green house plants, embracing bearing Oran- and Le mon trees.topether u Ith a variety of Flower seeds, all .of w hich h will sell as low as they can be purchased in Philndclrdra. II. R. NOLL. Ivswisburg, Sept 12, 1819 u7iversTFy at ILewisbiirg. Tril iiTnnS of the t'niversitv at Lew. ithuiir, woulj rrpfiecl'ully int--rm iia 1'ulrona ai.d Friends that, in the School unJer their rare, (at Lewi-burg) the folio in: aie the I lae, Sub jects of Sluily end Eiercisea (or the curreut year. IK'parttiient and ftudfen. PRIMA RY DE PA K THE XT. Sii t'laxsea Exercised in Spelling. Reading. Definition, English (ira-Dtu ir, Arithmetic (ieng raihy, History L" S. A., tVtiauu-hip, and Coiu fiosilion. EXGUSII DEPA R 'I'M EXT of ihe Academy. The tame stuJiea as in the I'rinarv I. pnrtine.il continued in the use of larger text books ; and to lliert are added General History, Lavn.a' Algebra, Legendie and (Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of the Academy Jan. Academic Clam. Eujiliah Language. Geugrapl.y, History l . S. A , Latin ttrainmar and Iteader, Greek Grammar and Kra Icr coiu inenred. Arithmetic completed. Hen. Academic Class. English Language, General History, Csair, Virgil, Greek Header, Davies' Algebra. COLLEGIA TE DEPA R TMEXT. Freihmun Cluis. Liy.Auabaii,Memorabilia, Davie.' Legeudre, Triguii metry eonituenred. Suphomure Class. Horace. iMyaoy. Seleit Oiations of Deinoith :liea. L. gen.ire completed, llavies' Surveying and Navigation. Analytical Geometry, lilsir'a Lectures. Juniur Class. Demosthfnea on the Crowu. Greek Tragedy, Cicero i'e Olheiia, Tacitus. Naf utal Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic. fluJcnta in the Engli.h D-paiimeiit recite with those pursuing the same aiudiea in the Regular Course. No class in the Regular course, baa lea than three daily recitations. All the members of t';e school, (in three diviaione,) are eieirued eery Saturday in Reading. Declamation, Luglifh Cum positiou, and Vocal Music. All the students are required to attend, regu larly, some rejigiuus meeting. Minors are exj-ec-ted lo attend such meetings at are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in the Borough no le.- than ix .lares of public wort hip, occupied every Lord's Day by aa many dilTrrent Christian denominations. Number of Students. The number of students during ihe past year 111 the various department. v.a Wii- " number that have entered the classes in til..' Reg ular Course for the current year (exoluiv pf those in the English aud Primary departments.) is as follows : CoLLxas- Junior class 6 Sophomore cl -as - 13 Freshman class - - 11 AriDisf. Senior clae . 12 Junior class - - 28 -71 TEACHERS'. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophv ; GEORGE R. BI.ISS. A. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Professor of Latin Language and Literature : ISAAC N. LOOM1S, A. M, Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Institu tion, the Board have taken m.a.utet to supply the necessary Apparatus for the department of Mechanical Philosophy, and lo increase the Li brary, befoie the commencement of the winter session. During the year, the building now iu .-rogrcsa will be completed, engirding stmlv rooms wnu dormitories for 70 college students. Another rn 'esst:.' hs been sd-led lo the Faculty, and ' .rijed to euable students in the classes mean t ... i; ,t.A specified ai prosecu .ueir a.uu.-. greatest succes- i..it:,.Ti ;nd Hoard. T1TITIOX in ihe ,He.-iate Department 3, . i en in..,. v ! 3-cer year. BOARD, including iodgtr.g. wa.'Uing, luei anu .1 iu Mcinity at Ight, can 1 had in the village si. various price, from $1.37 J la P" Session, Vacations, &c. te. Two Session in year the former enoih.'en era on Ihe second Tuesday in October, and con tinues 27 week? the latter continues 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 week ; Autumnal, 6. Next session begin 1 lib October. JT,e Board are happy to sdd thst Lewiaburg is st present, as ll ever has been, exceedingly Byo'rder Jtnd in behalf of (he Board : TFOMAS WATTSOX, Pres't, GEORGE F.'MILLER, rc'y Lswisburg, Urn's H?- P- ,8' eqiitium: Lire ixsiuaxce, .reaaaauatj HU I rilal l.OIUiaUy. Office, ?4, ll'ahtul Street, J'hilaJephia. I'ariTAi, j-,5n,0u0 Charter Perpetual. rUIE Company are now prepared to transact J busin.ua uion the nnwl liberal at.it advanta eeoua term. Thev are authorimd by their charter (-ec. 3) " to make all and every iii&urauce aiper. tamiiin to hie ri-ka of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and eterure tru.la. mnke eniion merits, anu io gram and .urc!lae annuiliea." The Coiu uany sell annuities and endowioti.U, and act aa trustees for minora and hcira. Tulle uf Premium reijuind for the Assurance r-J 100 Jurlhe whole term of Life, Age. I re.o. Ae Pre in Ag. Prcm. 1H 17 IS 13 20 21 ?1 50 1 :.) 1 56 1 5J 1 60 1 63 1 6ti 1 69 1 73 1 76 1 85 I P'J l I I J S a ci 3 1 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 0!J 2 :s S 23 S S.7 5 33 2 40 2 47 2 51 2 63 2 70 2 Si 2 'J 2 3 01 J 12 46 47 48 4!) 50 51 52 53 51 55 56 57 58 59 3 36 3 i j 3 62 3 77 3 UI 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 91 5 12 5 33 5 54 5 78 23 21 25 26 27 3 Si w 3 23 60 6 03 Til,- premiums arc less tlian any other rumpuny and the policies afford greater advantage. Mar ried women and female ehildren ran insure the lives of either a husband or ps-ent free Irom the claims ot creditors. Tabl.-s uf half vear-v and quarterly p.emiumf, half credit rates of piririiuin, nort terms, i.iitit lives, sur iv.ir.hii,- ment aud forms of spplicatiuii are to be bad ut I the Othce or of the Agrnt. J Rales far insuring $1C0 mi a single Life. Aee. For 1 year." Foi 7 tears. For Lite. "0 50 81 tl I 60 30 0 99 1 30 2 04 40 1 29 1 64 2 70 50 I 86 2 07 3 94 89 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example: A ieriin seed 30 vears neat biith day by paying the Company 99 rls vtnuM secu e to his family or h.irs flliO should he tlie in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to them 1 1000, or for 1 3 00 annually for seven years he secures lo them 51000 should h( die in seven y.ars. or for 20 40 paid j early during life he secures IOUOto be paid when he dies the insurer teeming hi own bonus by thediuVenre in amount of pirrnium from those charged bv other oihvcs. For 49 50 ihe heirs would receive $5000 should he die in one year. PETER CLLLEN, President. F.W. RAW'LE Sec'y and T eas. For further particular apply to HENRY C. IIICKOK. Agent for Union and adjoining enmities, Consulting Physician Wat. Haras, M. D. Lev- j.burg. Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1849 New Copartnership and CAEKIET HAVING entered into a partnership, the subscribers would inform their old patrons and the pu'nli.: iu iineral, 'hat we may be found at D. Gmter's old stand on Fir.t street near the Academy, whore we carry on the above business in all its varieties. Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs Setttvs, various kinds Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, &.c. ou hand or made to order. COFFINS re.idy made or furnished on short notice. We have also a suitable HEARSE in rea diness for Funerals. TgKA MA V. We have a Turning Lathe propelled by horse Hiwer,wiiich i nn tiles us to turn wood of any size, and up to 'ii feet in length. HOUSE AND SIGN gramma will also he attended to by the subscribers on the ehort.nt notice and in the boat style. T7" A II work in our line warranted to b well made, ai.d on the most reasonable terms. Retnotlna; Building. We would also announce that we have proper Msehinery for removing Uuildings, uf any s.ze, from Dan to ISeersLeba if necessary. Country produce and Lumber taken in, payment and Cask aud Gold Dut not refused. Thinkful for past favors, we respectfully ak a con : in u mce of the same. DAVID GIXTER. ADAM BEAVER. Lewisharg, May 1. 1849 6mS65 The New Foundry 1 S now carried on as usual, al the upper end of Murket street. Here every des- cnp'ion of CASTINGS kcPl 1 n hdtid or nude lo order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for fJlli'T Coal or Wood 'tnd all other kiud.4 of STOVES, ent kinds Corn I'louhs, Ui.'i lougus, and the Self-Sharpenins rlougn, a new article, aud which can not be lieat in Pennsylvania. Call and ee nod I'lilge for yourselves. L. B. CIIRIS'l. Lewisburg. Au). 14, 1H41 DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment!! 1 VV hot youuu man wauls to wear a wig ? We ali krttrw the value of a good head of hair. A young man wilh a bald head, is a sort of walking caricature of his species. Hence the many various attempts to re me dy or conceal the deficiency. Hundreds of the young men of this country, after Iryj ins in thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a practice as little conducive to cleanliness, as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from practical experience.lhat Trask's" Magnetic Ointment will restore the Wr on a Jwld headi'wben all other reme dies fcave failed. . - ' Sold in Lewisborg.wholesale and retail, by Thornloa & Baker, frice and 50 I cents per bottle. ' - A journeyman WatchCftaker Fever and Ague. 71IAT is the mode ol trea'im'nt best dupled to the cure of l ever aud Ague? It has usually been Irea'til bv mi dicril men as a dist ase of iise'l. Strict ly seakiiii; it is not b d si-n-e. but a -' lorn of disease. It is the result of a oi -ranyeiiicnt of the .Dir. Here lie the rlifliculry, nd here is the rl.s-aw. Ii i .herefore the liver lo which the retnd sttouij I- direct! d. Hi re llie caue exi-ts. and it is the cause which is In be re.ii.-vec'. or a K-rniHiiciil cure wilt not l.e tir.'ei. .1 Ry addressing remedies to ihe synipt'ims we leave the caiie tinloueiied, temly ti IT -ducca return of the chill- and lever. ! . the lirst over exer'ion ol n iml oi ioiiv. 1 he success of Dr. 0-;ood' India Clioli. jjoue iii-Ciiiiti permanent cures uf such affection is exjdained by its well ktmw de. I'b-'rycM i llect opon the hill.irv oigrns. ImilaKins are abroad! He patifu to eri.jtiire for " Dr. Onuod's CIluLAGOGCE." INDIAN For sale by the w l-fagen', J S:h,eittt, lai'tvisbur. Office llcmazrd. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i.ncisLHrg, i'a. OFFICE, on Second Sr., lately occupied bv L. B. Christ, lvs. April a, I?43 For Nervous Diseases, Dr. T'laskV M tjiietic Ointment is nf immense value, and in tit) cases out of 100 :t will alTorc entire relief to the worst cases of Nervou Headache in 3(1 minutes. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr 1 horntnn at Biker, Lewistiug:: sold it Is. by J. II R iser, Milton, and lv i-n- noetr in every vilfiiie iu the Slate. Price and 39 cts per b ilt'e. Lumber ! Lumber! ! E subscriber continues lo keep a eu.d 1 St. ck of lumber, conisiiuo .f 2m).0(H) feet of suwed lumber as follows : White pine boards 1 inch, plank li inch and 'i inch, weather boards, j-'ist ti. s''nntl:nc;,pop lar hoards, plank, aud scau'ling, cherry plank, and boards, sawed ceiling 1alh, pine and hemlock rail", shini.liii luih, and pu Ihuj. Also lap and joint slunyles, srju.ire timber, nails, salt, and Coal. All ol which he will sell at lair price. THOMAS NESBIT. Lewisburs. July II, 1849. Important Information 1?0R the difficult respiration aud iieb,l,t a'.lendin diseases of the Lungs or Throat and Breast, Tlinmtous Cump 'U'id Sump of Tar and II ood Nupthu has been found an invaluable remedy. Resides its power as an Iv-r-toiaiit to relieve the unr from the accumulated matter which results from the relaxed state of the system in hot weather, it also acts as a bialinj balm to the ulcerated parts and a strengih- ener to me s s:em. So salu'arv is trie action of the Syrup in this respect, tnat m.ii y m our most respectable Physicians employ it in their practice, and we have ditlv evidence il cures efliTted in pultnonarv di-ens's where skill has utterly failed. Prepared only l.y Anuney & Dicksoti, IS E corner Fifth and Spruce tsts. I'Kilad. So,l by V. It . frhaff!e, Lew isburg. NEW VuLl'ME Or TMB SCI EN TI FIC3 A M E 111 CAN. To Inventors, Mechanics, and Artizans. ''HE Publishers of the Scien'ific Anierican, in returning their thanks to the community lor the liberal support and encouragement which has been exttnded lo them during the past four years, would respectfully give notice that the lt num ber of Volume 5. will be issued on the 2'Jd oi September, affording a lavorable opportunity tor all lo euhM-rit.e.wh. n.ay l-h to avail themselvea of the valuable inforuiation always f-iund in its columns. The ue volume will be commenced with uew type, printed on extra tine paper, man ula turn) expressly for thru publication, and em bt liirbed wilh a chaste and elegant border. It will be published as h.-ruiofore io quarto form, lliuastT.il Juig at the end ol the year a beautiful book of over 400 p:iges, containing hetwet u 5 and 600 original engravings of uew inventions, described by b tiers uf rrlVrcnce, besides a great amount uf leading mattct valuable to every man in the country. Aa increased amount of care aud expense will be bestowed upon this volume, to render il more fully what il baa ben lermed. The best Me chanical Paper in Ihe World." Its columns a usual will be filled with the most reliable and rorrect information in regard to the progress ol Scientific and Mechanical improvements, Ctiem istry. Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Ran Road intelligence, and the weekly List of Pat rnts, prepared expressly for this Journal tt the Patent Office in Washington. As an evidence of the estimation ia which this publication h held by the Scientific aud Mechan ical portion ol 'he community, it is ouly neccs sar; to state, that its circulation has increased within the last three years lo upwards of lO tinO copies, already exceeding the united circulation of all Ihe Mechanical and Scientific publications n this country, and the largest of soy single one in th world. Tsaxs : Two dollars a year in advance, oi if desired one dollar in advance, and the remain der in six months. To Cli-hs : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 crtnts, $15 ; 20 copie. $23. All letters must be post paid ami uirected io ML'NN V CO. Publishers of the Scientific American, IN. York. fi. B. Patent secured and mechanical draw ings executed on th most reasonable term at the Scientific American omee. OLD DR. aM & P. TOWNSEND'S compouud syrup of Sarsaparilla JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and fresh supply of his celebrated medicine ' i r . . wr V I. from the principal uepoi iu new ium. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla cm have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by calling on the Ai;ent, Lewisburg. June 26 U W 8CHAFFLE Paints, Oils, Glass. TITST ree'd White Lead. Ven: Red. Span: .1 Rro.n. Chrome. Graen sod Yellow, Prus: Mine. Carmine. Vermillion Flaxseed. Fih and Sperm Oil, Spte TorpntineGU fiom 7x9 lo .Jna Tar. Rosin and Pilch, which ran I had ebesperthsn vsr al C W Stumi'i Drag and ChamKtl CmporiutD, iewuourg.i ; ULiACKSMf Til J The subscriU'rs re-rj fuily itiiv.no tt.e c-t 7.. n ol Iw.a:urj at. J vicimtv that i hey have coiiieiiceil the nb ve biisrtwa, at M Hiit-'s old shop on Sk-cuiid ."l. ou- ro-iarc va h of M irkct, where they ure prepind to Irrn Bii;t!i"S or W.ia:o, and rr ake all ailic.es m thur b-ires In 'be mit workmanlilie rtitvnner, nl srn.s which they ho.e is:e Ihvae wrsh.Cf .iithin; dine in !her I me to call tuitt juije llit ms';lvt bctuv-e sjeirf elsSwtiere. Retiiritig done .u Ihe ah xlest tmticu -ri.l en r-a .otiiii.ie lTiHs a'ao Hliue.Ty, hich is a very unir;nl utt tt r to those Umt have va'bb.e kS horses, and sboul 1 be nin.sied fTi orilv l.i ia.rt.ri i.t L ii... n dL ill sSv J. We flitter ourselves tfut we are aLle I.. 'impte wi'h any peraon iu tfce coUnUv in hieini.r Horn's : we ask ouly a trial, and let the work show lor itself. Ail work warrar.ted. Iron and all kiucSs 'f cortnlrv Pr. djce taken in eschunte. We hnie by strict aitenti'-n to btuineas, and a di'terminatiun lo suit all, both in woik And price, to receive a liberal aba re of public patronage. 'HaTE v FCRRAY. lewisburg, May 25. 1819 GLORIOUS Xensfroia ('AUITQliMA Gold Dust is I'lrnly, mul Drugs dp riiics are offered, at M'toUwU and Retail, cheuper than tvtr, at OR. THORNTON & BAKER'S TTAVTXG houL'hi out the Drus Store o J.JL Mr. C. A. lyi'TH, the subscriber wuiall respecilully inform the cit i-us ol Lewisburg and its vicinity that llvv wi keep constantly ou hand a lare und well selet:!ed assorlm'-nt of fresh Drills, Medicines, I'aints, Oils, Dypst iirTs,Ulieiitic;tl, Gl iss, Botitiiical Mftiicittes, CO Fi:CT10!S LUY, VKH JI ! and a ireiieral a-sortmei.t of t'A TEN2' MEDICINES also a vuriet) ol ar-i. les Usually kept in Druir stores all of which they are determined to sell unusually low. Persons wishing lo procure Medicines, are particularly invited to liive them a cali before purchasiii-r i-lsew here. Particular attention will t-e pail to putting up Physi cum s prescripttmis. N.B. Medical advice civen at the Store free of charge, by Dr. Tliointon. Lewisburg, March 20, I81t. P. S. Ut. Thornton cV B-iker would itifortn those mre have so liberally patronized idem since ihev have commenced business, that they have REPLENISHED THEIK rTOCK of pu.e unadulterated Drags and Medicine, im mediately Irom Imporiers at nVuced p'ice in the .New Ymk, Philadelphia and lialtimore markets. whirh ihey are enabl-d to sell al prior lower irian ever oOVred io this place, st Wbolesele and Retail Dr Th-irr.ton warrants all Drugs sod Medicines purchased at their establishmeni Mia and synu ine, and if they do not prove to be so the purcha sers are at liberty to re' urn the article and their mrn-y ahall be refunded to then,. a!? 1 Pianos. ?-'.. . - --s-a. i 1 If T HE undersigned continue to furnish to order ou ihe most reasonable terms. Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Mevsr, Phils.) . whose instruments are too well known to need any pan egyric, having uniformly received the ron.met.d ations of the most eminent pro'esaors end c.wt po ser of Mu-ic, and Ihe sward of the pr s.iums in New York. Philadelphia and Hoston. For qualioes of tone, touch, and ket-ping in tone up to concert pitch, they ran not he surpa scd by either Amer ican or Eurofaan Piarios. Instructions given on the Piano, as heretofore Reference may be niado to any of those parents or guardians who base pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at his residence al Mrs Maize's, Market street. Lea i burg, wbeia leiiua and particulars will be made known. The moit popular and favorite Airs and Music of diriereut kinds received as it i issued tront the different musical establishment in the I'ities. May 15 CM ARI.Ks KAI.Ist H TEAS I TEAS ! I7MNE fresh Green and Black Teas.from . 4'i cents a pound and upwards.irnpor led by ihe Canton 9c Pckiti Tea Company of New York, packed in pounds. halves am! quarters, perfectly aii tight, just received and lor sale by JAM Est HAVE. May S Mole Agent f ir Lewisburg Harrison's Columbian Inks, Ijl.At'K, Japan, Copving, Marking. Blue. In- d.-lible. Scarlet, Red, t 'arniine. These Inks tijiv more freely from the inii, and give a al'ongei aud more durable color lhau any other. For sale in any quantity by DR. THORNTON BAKER. Agent. Lewiburg. in ion Co. Pa. 11 OUGH & Ready Shirtings at 3 cts pr yard Ginghams at 10 cts and Prints al 4 to 12l cts pr yard. Call and see at C i'a. Howes . 11TANTED two tons of KAliS, ia 1 V exebanse lor Merchandise. Ap 25 I (t Lawshe. II for Justice and Constable, on lafldllll. hand for sale at ihi ofTice. or printed according lo order. N AILS and IRON for sale by Ap24 Reber Ac Mdings. s ALT and FISH on hand by Ap24 Reber & Iddinit. S1 PR1NG STEEL on hand at Ap24 Reber & Iddinzs. NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. t I 9 jS ZUtrt of Tiaxzxn PE.MAJMNG in. ji..- LEvBCl:u J L IW Oilne. Si . a . IM9 H-vof sr hur. I. .li at J bn, Prothwei' t.'U-rsva, Bro hs!l 4 H. rtci San.tt-'l, b -oy t ia. t'limme ga EkI Ui.. a, Clark. I'h W. rve. rarb Lhait.s R. Dra.tw J'taa , ,;,, Vei.f m Bsi.y A. Deet.Ur J.,'- Dji.can Kana i. Kvelsnd D.Mel, Fciirr Uvi.j 4, Foteut UaviJ U, Uoedman xa..i9rr,' tiaslui-iii Mr It. Grms. sf George (iazlay r,orl. Kadis, Audrew. HiMJI. V .. Jahn Mr K- lr.ple (.aitoine, l-ana J .tne-, fK'w.g fsamt W, Mara S-amuel Mers (irorge t, M C h.I tsml. Mar hll I aslla M .jei Jacob, WAipm tiro. Mack J M In. N.,p.i,g E-q. I'ok.r J bn, fri.e 6Vrjr Rnkent J.. Hins :iiiauda M ynv4 J Ulir Kai k Uani.1, Ronisv,H J.ikra. atubaas) kledaarl. SiiaUb John, s-l.it! r WMaiivsa, Aask Win Sauiuer J N Tyrrman Jjv. ' aitH.au J L q. Wesas t'ltab. Zouk YtMl Per iwaj'Mf Ws; fif ihe above leneis will pleasw say they are ad.Mlltd, oihei wiae ihe-y anav asal sish litem. - A. KK.N.M-DY, P. M SIGS if the ISMAN! Caarcf tittis Ever. CflilC swaavnhi-r bae the pleasure to announce J to I hear nisi caasomrra aud tke public iu gear, eial Oael Mspy b iw opened a tare nd .ptradid swsMaial U TOBACCO VC. t the old shum) on Market staret f-acatcily occupied by Santl Auiauou as a I uwr aaVifv '1 iiesr aatrr stuck kas bswa selected with gnat t ar, an) e.as.rsla of C"ler Fiawtaoria, l.a Norma. Primavora; Piuipsw, vV'erart'e M galia. Castello, Geoarai l eylur, Mat I4aai.4, aasl Common. ('asetJMilkla Tssaaacs ss-Slahter' Black. Fai, Congfe, Uioayoko. Braucb Sug, Plug, and Flue Cut. tsntoklatr. TbacC Cut and Dry,' S.-atlerlatle, ate. KautT ftvfP and Scoith. Snull Bole. Ueiaaaat f-tisra, and a fancy aril do ol Cigai casaa -all of whirh are offered at ihe lowest rate. All kind of Produce taken in, exchange, tail, aee, aad judge for yokisclve beloie tut.di mi ing the articles. A. J. PENNY, HENi.Y FLKRAY Lewisburg, April 24, 1849 Ttrtf succese of Dr. Trask's Maeneiid Ointment in curing Sore Eyes, is prove ib- i-il. Ihnee who are not acquainted with its use, will find on each bottle a pamphlet,' Coii!aini:i; full d reciions. A'-nls in Lew isburgi'hornton & Baker NOTIO?. AND VARIETY STORE n A VI N O tnki-n the new Drug Establishment uf Schnffle Chambcrlin. I would res pectfully announce t. say friend and the publis that I have replenished my tock and will keep constantly on hand a targe., fresh and weil selec ted stock of pure Drags, Medicines dee. which I offer at Wholesale sr.d Re ail. My stock being entirely new and purchased for rash st low rates n the Philad s market, I am enabled to sell at loer price than ever oUered in this region Druers, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med., Class, Perfumery.Oils, Paints, Liquors, Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, Fruits, anil Confectionery, with a large variety of other articles usually kept in Drug eiMi.hnente. Thankful for past lib eral patronage, I kope to merit it continuance. , Persons wishing to procure pure an J fresh Me.ticii.es, are pattkalarly invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as all Drug are carefully inspected befisre offered for sale and. all Medicine msnufaetureJ by myself are war ranted good. Havicg a practical knowledge of the baines from upwards of ten year experts enre, I flatter mysell that I am a competent judge of the same. All order entrusted to me will be promptly attended lo. and oiy friend may rely upon gel ting everything ot ihe very best quality. c. w . si lt rr uj, uiuggisi. Lewis'urg. May 7. 1819 SAM'L AMMON, IlIiANKFt'L for liberal patronage heretofore received, respectfully in.erm hi old friend and the public generally that he has removed his Tailor fchop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above C. Penny's saddlery (lale he oiiice of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hope to suit ail who may give him ihetr custom, as he does all work in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice. He his the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep up' with the times and merit a good share of paronage. CUTTING? tfjne to order Charges reasonable, and Produce taken iff exchange for work Ia-wislurg, Jjne, 1949 Iv270,7 Fane j Uood, Motions, .c. T UST rece'd a large and spleodid assortment nf Fancy Good each aa Steel B.-ad Uld Pencils Thimble Visaing Cud ' Dominoes Thermometers Raxora and Strop Walking Canee Scissors Sun Glaaaea spy - Pocket Mirror Compass ee PeTfumer Clssp " Pena - Chain 8ilver Pencil. Bead Necklace Finger Ring Satin beads Hail Pins Amber Ruff do Comb Shell Spanish m Dressing Pocket -Hair Brashe Teeth Nail Flestt Paint Shoe -Jewelry Guard Chain Watch " Key Cluster Pius Cameo Needle Case Shirt Buttons Stud Water Colors Emerge Cigar Cases Snuff Boxes Spectacles - Case aatcbeU Night fight Sruellng Bottles Doll and Sleel Tweazeis Doll heads Toy for Card Cases Children Port momee . Fancy Pipes) Pocket Book Pen Knives Accoidiou Pocket Fiddle Silk andTbread Parlor Lamia. . Purses. Together wilh a great variety of article not mentioned in the above list, fur sale at t a new Drug, Fancy and Variety store of May 9 C W s-CH FFI C- Window SASIl A lot (if 6x10 Window Sash, from I ha cheap Manufactory of Sprout St Burrows, on hand, and all sizes got to oider ou' short notice. . May, 1349 I G Lawshe' THORNTON has reiHOTeT SiW Medical Ollica to the Drug store of Thornton Si Baker, next to WolKr Store. FLOUR for sale by IG Law she. RYE Bra and Ship Stuff for sale by Ap23 iGUwshe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers