Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 10, 1849, Image 2

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    SIM RiM -ri '' "jh-ju
.Nothing ssirer than ILantl
and no Letter Farms than in Union county.
fj ousel Small faim
FOR SALE The subscriber offers his
home in the Bjrnugh of Lewisburg,
kitunted at tlie intersection of St. Anthony
and Fourth afreets. The hnusc i large
two story frame, wi:h oew frame barn
and other necessary ouitmih'iag. The
land comprise 6 Acres and M perches,
all in a high s's'e of cultivation. Tliere
are a variety of choice Fruit Trees on the
place also a never-failing well of water.
It is well situated for public busiuess of
any kind the Uud will u,(iort a small
family, or cun be laid nut into villutte luis.
Lewishurg, Oct. f, 1849
Ory&ans Court Salt.
"VyOTICE is hereby given, thut hy irtue
JAl of an order of the Orphwn' Court ol
Union county, will le eaposeil to Public
Sale, on Vr.su.v the 24rh day of Oi
torer pest, by the undersigned. Adminis
trators of Tltoms InUINOs, deceased, the
following real property, to wit :
. All that mf-yiij;e and trad of land, sit
uated in Kelly T., I'nion Co., adjoining
lands of Jacob Harlfnaii, Adam StshI, and
others, containing about ISO ACFGf. near
110 acres cleared, the balance good timber
land, all will w an red whereon is erected
n two story Hou-e, n large, bank Barn and
other necessary rut-buildiiitfs. This fnrin is
in a cood state of cultim'u.n ; an Apple
Orchard, and other Fruit Trees are on the
Sale to comnit nee o! 10 o'clock, A. 11
on the pi nnsej, u l n hud where term?
will be mice known hy t!.e subscribers.
A.NDIitlW II'Ili.MiS,
5 At f Le sane ti trie ami nev
mill be sold a true! of I -'.ml, atyiatfn w
uhoie.contaiiirijt about 46 atCHI on wh'Ch
i erected a bric k IJ. use mid oil.er out
buildings a fcr.od bear'Pg Apple Ore bird
Dearly all (hand and :i. a jroi d Mate oi
caltivation. Lkwis luniMis.
S- pt. 23. 1849.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order from the Orphans'
Court of Union county, the subscrber
will eXMise to Public Sale, ou the premis
es, nn
Monday the ISih of October
K-t, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the
Lot of UisitRd
late of I!i:tvbv Moyf.r, deceased, situa'e
the west sids of Fourth street, in the
Borough of Ijcwishurg. between St. t'vh
arire and Sr. George street, nwwlrreri (
2-6, measuring Co feet in front and atsoiil i
151 feel ill depth, having thereon ercctf d a
One arrl-n-hnlf store' House,
- frame Stable,
and oilier improvements.
Terms made known on the div of sale.
JOHN MOV Kit, Adm'r.
J. Hai s. Jr., Clerk O. C.
Sept. 4fi, If 41.
BY order of the Orphan' Court of Un
ion rountv, the subscriber will expose
ihe following Real Estate, late, of RVd
Tho's lloo:, dee'd, to Putlie S,.le, at the
house of Mr. Charles D. Kline, in the Bo
rough of l.ewisburg, on
Thursday the 11th day of October
next, at lit o'elock, A. M., vz
The " Mansion Farm," situate
n Kelly township, adjoining lands of 'I bos
Clingan, heirs of Jus Law son die'd, her
of Thou Howard doe'd and others, contai
ning 8H acres and 53 perches, neat mens
ore j having thereon erected a Iwo-slorey
frame l)elliiij.'-llue, double frame Barn
and other improvemt -tits.
Also tin? "Limestone Lot," atl-
join'O" buds of lame- D.i'e, H-q. Michael
I) tin is 8nd o'hers, porit;i:nini; out; acre.
Also, two tracts of Woodland,
situate in Wbi'e J)cer townsbip, iM'i'ining
Keichlev A: lUnk, Oun F.iu k, Reuben
lIn n- hiiJ other' one tract coniH:nin;
iiOHt acres, and the other r.bout 34(1
Terms made known on the d.iy of sale.
Surviving Adm'r with the H"i!l annexed
oi R.-v. Thomas Hood, dee'd.
cept 2fi, I84?
FOR SALE -21 iarw,
SlTL'ATKIl in Kelly town.ship, Union
count), !';., 4j iiilien trout Iew ri;,
(Hie sea! ot 'the r;ew Universiiy.) The farm
eon'a:us l
235 acres,
of which Hit) acr's arc cleared
ant in a toori stnte ul eultivntmn. hir't
SHopofiMtfi is l.inien'one Ui.d. A re-pect
water "n i meadow, liie liirm Iihs rare ad
ntst, tliere bcinj; on it ;eral never
failing yprinus. and a stream running thro'
its ii nti r afT.irdin lie ilitie I which stock
can be watered in every field. In nrMxi
seasons, 40 to 50 tons can te ru: fp in the
meadow laud. The limine and
B.irn are liame, the JPrv
'latter nearly new, aiu'ir'
'well fir.if.hed: There isH&lfel?
l-o a Tenant Mouse, and nil the -,
tut-buildings appertaining In a tnrm also
an Orchard with a ariev i.f ;; d Fruit.
The above Farm i offered in whole or
in part 4 siJ'l purchaser, and a portion ol
Iha purchase money may remain secured
by th premises.
W-M. If. RI1.-BV,
ROCEnr HAYES, Eswino,.
orih estate of Uriah rtssv, dee'd
Kl'y, Uniun-Co., Sept. 2, Ibt9
Si!c of Heal Estate.
WILL be exposed to Public Sale on the
premises, on
Saturday, 27th of Oct. next,
nil that messnage and trai:t of land situated
in White Dt.-er township. Union county,
now occupied by John Ifachman, adjoining
laoda of William t'peese, John Hummel,
and others, contnttiiiitf about tO if If'
between IS and 20 of which are cleared
an t in a guod stuto ol
cultivation, and on cvsS?
whu h arp erected a
dAellmir house and oth
er huildincs. The balance of the tract i
wtli timbered.
Sale to com. pence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
when terms will be made, known hy
HOUr Hf HU B. "1 Exfcors of
J.M.i:UA1BKKI.I.) lec'.
Lcwisburg, Aug. 15, 1819
Public Sale,
fj'WE undersigned, Kxecufor of the last
X w'i" "! testaii ent ol PtTKR Shitii,
iae of Fast Itutliloe township. Union Co.,
deceased, il! nfler for sale, at public oui
cry, on the premises, on
FxWay, the 1 :h day of October next,
n.e following; valuable Real Kta'e, to wit :
All that certain tract of Land,
-lUinle in tj.e townhip and count v ntbte
u,a i I. . r ai., .i..,..' v .1 ..
! Jacob Mertz, Adam Wi'iuan. and other.
euritniiiiiijr alxmt
70 Acres,
ill clear land, whereof ahotit K hteen
ncres are exci lli nt Meadow land, and till
'n Rood state of cultivation.
Phe Improvements then-on ercc-
" IJ are " liirwt
JStone Dwillmo; House,
a S'one Spring House, a Tenant Hi u-e. a
Lo! inrn, a w II w ith a Pump at the door,
.nd a jinod pr.tijf ol W-iter aboiit tacn'.v-
live perches trini I he heusr, which crtiid
easily be brought to :he house in a flow ing
An Apple Orchard
wi;h ex. eil. in Fruit Trees, and T
other Frtnt. "a-
aid prftnrrtv is situated about three
miles from Li-wishurp, on the road leading
roru l,eis!)i;r to New Berlin, and nbnui
two miies (rom Turlieviile and the Vt!
p.rnneh of the S;ir)iv h.inna river.
Also a Lot f Timbir Land,
almost rtdjoir'TV tie former, eoritninini!
upw ards T TW'EXTY A CEES, hereon
a is t reeled
tfjQf a Tenant House.
liaa I iS? Seven acres are clear, and
the remainder well Timbered.
Sale to conirm-nce at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
of said day, when due attendance will be
given, and terms of sale made known by
JOMN SCHR f 'K. Kxerutor.
Fast Iluffdloe Tp., Aii:. 23, 1H49.
N. B. Persons wishing to see the above
mentioned property, will be accommodated
by cnllinjf on J.icob Wertz.. who resides
adjoining said propert . and will take plea
sure in nowmfT me same.
The Hon. John P. Gaines of Ke. has
been appointed Governor t)f Oregon by
Gen. Taylor, and has accreted. He is
one of Nature's nobleman, nnd rhnen
to Congress in '47 by 110 majonty in a
district usually against us. This year he
h"Ss been run out simply because he re
ported a bill lat Winter to aboli.-h the
Slave Trade in the District ofCo'uinia.
and would not, like his opponent, go the
whole hi'fr fir Slavery Extension, at all
hazards and to the iast extremity. Sla
very is just now in the condition of a some
body foretold in Scripture as " having
wrath, because he knoweth he h'lth but a
short time.'' (Rev. x ii- 12.) We regret
'hat the Whift party his to hear the con.
sequences of that flurry through the defeat
f such men as M.ij. Gaines, but thee re
verses will work out good in the end.
Meantime we rhank Gen. Taylor and his
Cabinet for their admirable selection of a
Governor for Oiegon.
We learn that Gen. Edward Himilton
has been appointed Secretary of Oregon.
Gen. Hamilton was formerly editor of the
Portsmouth (Ohio) Tribune. In the late
war w ith Mexico he commanded one of tl e
"ompaiiies of the First Regiment of Ohio
A disturbance occurred at ll irrishurg
on Saturday n;eht, which was created by
the impression that a number of runaway
laves were secreted in the town, A row
occurred at the door of a church, where
oorre of the slaves were supposed to be.
Ph SherifFarmed a parly of men to re
store order. Four colored men were ar
rested, but the slaves escaped, and it is
said are on their northward journey.
New York, Got. 2.
Three thousand five hundred and twenty j
lot's were killed this year in the city.
Sotrh of Forty second street, at orfexpense
fl700. r
Thomas Herttell. F.sq., citizen.
Hied this morning, aged 79 years.
In the Supremo Court, ori Saturday the
wife of. he notorious E. Z. C. Judson ob
tamed under the new code a decree of di
vorce against him, on the ground oTcruthv
and adultery. J j
Canal Cumtn'msioner
Hknry M. FrjLLtR, Whig 22i 156 137
John A. Gamble, Democrat 41 35 93
Fli Slifer,
216 151 145
211 150 135
48 40 8'2
49 39 10
John M'Lai-ohli
John Cummings
John Oimm
Akciiibslu Tn"M.9
George Ureinbaeh
John Haas, Volunt. Whig
County Commissioner
John Wilt
Daniel German, Vvl.
3.1 104
74 8
203 lr6 000
56 35
j Treasurer
IHnifl HoRLAniF.a
John Mauck, Vvl.
Poor llmme
Aeainst Poor House
For Poor House
Tlie fM'W'tts permn nrr nttinrfctd tu obtain
fthrriptitmg and advn themrnts fi r this paper:
V B Pai-sf.h, ft9 Pine t. PhiNil., unii ni his
oflVe in Ildliimme. Botnn and New York
K W I'lnn. opiffwite Kirhiiire. 1'hilaJ
(Jko Ptt, 151 Nasu -St Nr York
Ia trisburfj, Ia.
Thursilty Afternoon, Oct. II.
ItyNewsGonds New Medicine and
new Dentist Card, in this week's paper.
Mr. Dsvi-.' lectures on Pubylou are
worlhv of the attention of all.
Land Sales. The place of Mr-Ammon
itdvertL-ed last week, is already sold.
Mr. B"nber this week offers for sale his
valuib'e Town property.
The sale by W. H.iyes' Executors of a
fiKm in White Deer, was postponed to the
27ih inst. on account of the storm.
H7"See first columns on this page.
fc"7The State has doubtless gone for
Gamble, and the Democrats have probubly
carried the Legislature. The vote 'a
light, and the returns come in slowly.
The whole Whig ticket in Uuion county
is said to have from 1 to COO map
Northumberland it is reported elects all
the Dem. nomirxes. Milton only 41 for
Fufer, Chillisquaqt! 51 for Gamble, and
Point a smill inaj. for Fuller.
Columbia, 800 for Camb'e. Fortr.er,
Whig, elected to the Assemblv.
Schuylkill, small maj. for Fuller each
party one Member.
Philad. City elects Joel Jones, Indepen
dent, for M.iyor. Conntv, doubtful.
Lancaster, 2500. Berks 3000.
H7The election in Lewisburg went off
very quietly, 314 votes being polled. The
people voted independently, and as far as
we know without any trading or swapping
of candida'es. Very many Democrats to
ted for Col. Slifer, because they knew and
respected him "s a man and a cit.zcn
and many Wi.iscast their vo es for Mr.
Gamble on account of fiend.shio, relation
ship, acipminiaiiceshin. West Brar.chship,
and because ihey believed he would be
more sure to ailend to the Crosscut opposite
tne ljorough.
Lycoming County.
The whule Democratic County Ticket
is e.ected by respectable majorities. The
remaining townships to be heard from will
increase Gamble's majority to about 625.
Packer's to about 400. HrindleN to I.o
3i0. and Dunn's to about 3(H). Lycom
ing Gaz'-lte.
Clinton Connty.
Lock Haven, Oct. 10, 1849.
Our returns are not as full as we expec
ted to have them. Gamble's majority will
be between 250 and 300. For Senator,
Packer nliout 250 majority. Assembly,
Dunn, Dem., 350 to 4)0 majority, and
Brindle, 250 majority. The whole Dem
ocratic county ticket is elected by decided
majorities. Clinton Democrat.
Win. B. Foster, Esq. it appears has ao
cepted the appointment of Chief Engineer
on the North Branch Canal. Wc perceive
that he invites proposals, (to he received at
Tunkhannock until the 12lh of November)
for constructing a number of sections on
that work.
fcTHighly gratified to-day with the
reception of the Philad. "Daily News"
and opened it with eairer hate, hoping to
find lo's of Telegraph E'ection Returns
but, lo : the Aetis was five days old.
Louisville. Oct. 1.
I he Slate Convention enlled together
for the purpose of remodelling the Consti-
tnponof this Slate was organized to day.
James M. Gurthrie, Democrat, of this cilv,
was elected Presid nr. ami Thnn. I
Halm, Secretary. The vote for President
was as follows : Gurthrie, 50 ; Nixon. 43.
P.S. The Juniata Sentinel gives com
plete returns from that county, thus :
Dimm 1125 J S!ilcr 869
Curnmings lit 5 M'Laughlio 829
This gives Slifer about 386 over Cun;
n.ings M'Langhlin 187 over Dirum.
ii mwm.
00 140 73 82 26 112 145 93 64 00
21 09 33 139 000 31 169 53 66 17
00 134 69 77 182 116 229 90 64 00
00 ISO 69 63 17o 114 168 7 64 00
21 104 37 149 15 22 t7 54 56 20
000 107 37 144 161 20 129 56 58 00
30 133 69 76 125 HI 154 92 65 42
115 100 32 13 111 33 154 52 52 lo
2 6 5 4 109 1 2 2 3 2
125 68 66 211 000 165 00 55 00
114 38 160 112 00 145 00 65 00
68 42 211 000 169 93 04 00
38 221 U'O 00 141 SI 55 00
7 93
Treating (or Office Who are the men
that are ut this dirty work again T Let
the moral and religious portion of the com
munity bet iheir faces against ihe vde
practice. They owe it to their children,
their country nnd their God.
The forpgoing is from the " Good Sa
maritan," a p iper devoted principally to
Temperance ; lachrymose that temperance
printers conl' im to the temperance law
requiring license notices to be published ;
and wondrous vigilant in discovering nnd
proclaiming what inns F.lders and Class
Leaders find most suitable for themselves,
as also that some of them prefer and ap
plaud other modes and topics of oratory
than its own. We have often been urged
by his patrons and others to coll him out
on the point broached above. Annual
does he nre othkhs to put down ih;
"vile and dirty " j ractice he cll for a
wholesale prohibition ol liquor selling, and
demands that Iz-gUlntive candidates be
pledged to such a law. lie pounces upon
a liquor advert isement in a newspaper as
a public enormity. Thus set as a watch
man upon the walls, the len't that pould
be expected of him would lie that he woulr!
distinctly warn the people if an ititemperat
man was put op for offi -e, nnd especiallv
if he attempted to debase and corrupt th
voters hy "treating." The " Samaritan'
knew there was just such a man before the
people lor a high and responsible office
no! a man who now and then takes a drink
and invites a friend to drink, simply bti:
cne who drinks and treats, day alter day
systematically, profusely, notoriously, dis
gustingly, and probably h.ts made and is
making more drunkenness than any o'her
ten men in I'nion county, tavern-keeper?
included: but not a word of warning ap
peared ngiinst him in the Sam-iritan, tho'
his opponent is and long has been an irre
proachable and b'ameles temperance man.
No one would expect the Samaritan to
pn'er into a partizan warfare, jbut its duty
to warn the people against such an un
b'ushing corruptor as he who declared in
a public meeting that "if there was no one
else to treat, Jack Cummings always had
a sixpence in his-pockct," is too plain to
be doub'ed. From the Samaritan, devoted
as it is lo temperance, its readers knew not
which of the two candidates for Legislature
was correct, and its obscure hints were as
hktly to injure one ns the other. Opposed
as the mass of the peoplo are to making
temperance a party hobby, they are more
opposed to being represented abroad by a
man w ho n lies upon the rum-bottle for his
success. Many look to the Samaritan to
inform them as to the character ot the men
up for office, as regards temperance : bui
instead of such practical information, they
ate infnrmrd thnt the "Star" advertised
brandy, that a Class Leader slopped with
Kleckner instead of Harrison, or an Elder
took the Times" instead of the "Samari
tan," or that he spied a tavern license in
one corner of the Chronicle, or that some
temperance man hurraed louder at a party
meeting than under one of his subduing
temperance efforts thus " straining at a
gnat nnd swallowing a camel.'' There
may be rases where it would be difficult
or useless to slate facts as to candid-ites
but in stating the habits and course of the
two candidates for Assembly there was
no doubt or difficulty. The only excuse
we hive heard for the course of the Sama
ritan is, that Mr. Cummings is its editor's ,
client and n kind of cousin. The election
is over, and the point alluded lo above is
thought by many worthy of the attention
of the vigilant editor of the Samaritan.
fcThe neighborhood in which Col.
Slifeu resides has nobly and effectually
vindicated him from a'l aspersions, what
ever, by a large vote beyond that received
by his parly.
The Jersey Shore Republican points
with pride to the vote giver Mr. Gamble
in his own district, Jersey Shore and the
adjoining townships. Porter and Nippenose
which voted as follow :
Mr. Gamble had 241 volts
Mr. Fuller had 65
186 maj.
We can give a better vote thau that. In
Lewisburg and the adjoining townships of
East Buffaloe and Kelly,
Mr. Slifer had 455 votes
Mr. Cummings had 169
281 maj.
Mr- Fuller we leaia has 173 maj. at his
home, W'ilkcsbarrei
74 252 000 121 87 122
ft 227 000 117 131 82
77 229 000 116 P5 125
75 325 000 116 82 117
50 24S 8 122 13 80
sn 2MB, 000 122 134 8
44 215 OL'O 107
17 29 0 8
70 231 000 106 36 120
56 238 000 13 i 13
75 242 000 119 89
49 221 000 112 131
Foreign News.
Honor to the Suitan ! Honor the Tur
kish Minister ! They have nobly done their
duty, and have refused to become pander
era to the vindictive blood-thirsting of Fran
cis Joseph and Nicholas. The Russian
Ambassador nt the Porte demand-"! the ex
tradition ofihe Hungarian offi "ers Kossuth,
Dembinski, Pcrezel.Mesrnprasses.an 1 their
A Russian General arrived at Constan
tinople on the I5'h, on special mission.
That special mission being to bully the Sul-
inn mtn a comn'iance with the demands r.f
ustrla, a council was held and the Turk
ish Governo-r nt resolved not to nrren''er
he Hungarian refugees to ei her the Ro
man or Austrian Government. O i the:r
fecission b' ing communicated lo the S.il-
un he declared. in the most imnressite and
determined manner that the refugee should
not lie given up let the consequences be
what they might.
We trust that Lord Pulmcrstnn will do
his duty ns nobly as the Suit in hns dot e
his Ih-it Russia and Austria will be given
to understand that WB' with Turkey for
such a cause means war wi'h En.'lair'.
We are pleased to find that Koso:'n iid
his companions are furnished wi'h pass,
oorts from the F.ng'ih Amhasiador.ind v e
tru-t that everv assi-tance to support hun
sri',1 be rendered by England. in L'nini"2 the
independence i,f his country, against the
attacks of Russia nnd vassal A'i!rin Lon
Jon Sun.
t . f n
rrngrtts cj inr I pr-
The Pope hs quitted Gaeta and ha
proceeded to N iptes, w here he has tl-er j
up his alKwhyn Portico Fa'fee. Hi recep-
tion at Naples was of the most striking nnd
popular eharact.-r. The Pope evinces r.oj
ni..ntl.n i.f rAnrriinr to Home nl nrerrit. I
ind thus far no real progress s ems to have
Is-en mndi! towards the a'iHCtory solu-
tion of the Italian question.
for adjourned Court to cotnmoncc j
October 22, 1849.
New Herlin : Jacob Milboiise.
I'nion : Joseph Mitman. Pe;er Ni iman,
Samuel Walter, Henry Votinv.
Penns: Peter W Gray. Wm Stetier
John Matthias, Peter Kerlin, Henry C
Ever, Daniel Jarrett, John Hartman.
White Deer : Nichol is Groover, Daniel
Ranck" Robert Candor.
I'nriley : Flias Katherman. John Kuh,
Mti hral Peters. John Smith, John L Bea
ver, Daniel Geler. Samuel Kleckner.
Lewisburg : Ablmt Green.
Puffaloe : D D Guldin. James Irvin.
West Buffalo: Daniel Fisher, Robert
B tdger.
Beaver : Daniel Moyar, John Lonsr.
Kelly : John Grove, Jeremiah .Meixel.
Israel Fike, Jacob Long.
Chapman : John Secchnst, Philip Her
rold. Eisf BufT.iloe : Abraham Brown.
at (he old stand.
. RE now receiving a their old and well
il. known stand on M irke' street a full
and well selected assortment of
Fall and Winter
a!. ssN a
compriRing the usual vaiietyof
Salt, Fish, Nails,
etc. etc.
Oir Goods are warranted to be cliean
as the cheapest, and good as Ihe lesi
new or old. Thankful for past patronage
01 lriend, we a-k lor a c outwianoe of
their fuvors ; and new iMimtrstitid it ran
ers we respectfully invite to
Call and Sec!
L?wisburg, Oct. 10, 14I
. . i
At the recent election in Georgia, tne
Democrats re-elected their Governor by an
increased majority, and also a majority of
both branches of the S:a:e Leg
igtslature. in ,
Maryland the Whigs Inst a member of
Congress in the Second District, but car
ried a majority of the Legislature, which
will enable them to tleet a United States
Senator in place of the llon.ttcvtrdy John
son, appointed Attorney General of the U.
The Territorial Courts of Minnesota j
have jnst been opened. I ei ty attorneys ;
were admitted to prac'ice, whi. h certain''
will be thought a sufficient n;imlr fur a
population of no more than five thousand.
Oliver H Kr.owles.rhnrged with robbing
the New Hope Post-office, in Bucks coun
ty, has been convicted of the charge, and
sentenced to two years imprisonment in the
If the affairs of this Slate be cot ducted
hereafter as they have bm duiing the last
e. . it, ., ,: 1 1 Of,;i .
year.our Slate debt.amonting to 41,000,
000, will be extinguished in twenty yenra !
In Lewisbtirz. Monday riifeht, 9h ins:..
Miss NancT RoDD. aged 87 years. Tne
deceased w is a resid -nt of B.iffilo Valley
before the It -volu'ion, and we are told the
im idi n's of h reaily li:e would interest the
public. Will some onj furnish a sketch ?
In M It--ii. or, M r.day veek, MaTTHI.w
Ul Ntcn-OX live t ulioil! 65 years.
In M iton. Ttiurs lay List, GcoroE E
CllllMU. a yell 19 'ears.
Filling up A guin
MOS T n speed nil y it. form t.Vir friend
the puirfir tbrt' I'u-V are now icreiv
iiij theii usual .n.piv ol
eTJi'ij iindi or,
rn'ci.lated in q mli'y. price, and qiian'itv
i. siipi.lv the wants ol tlie 'ra Jmg coinni'i
, nii
j Drn ooJis. Gr?,ilE
(jiuetisirttrc, I' ish, tyc.
of w hich nre fTered on our u-onl
a. eeir.trioda'.ing terms for Ci-h, Produce,
or iiood rmlit.
hiv Hi- ami hoK! r,, tn-ril a rotiPim-
an- e i f the very libera! atroinige herein
lore 'ended to us.
i J. A- J.WALLS.
j l.ewis',urg. Oct. 10, 1919
fPIUS new and vnhnh'e Medicine, no
l UseiJ by the oe-1 cnl proression wi'h
such astonishing efficacy in the cure of
I'ul.nima'y Cnumpt!m Scrofula. Cbn-nic
1:1 tumatitm. (iwtt. general Viiility,
Cunipluintt ff the K'd ie'i.
A-c. Sic, is prepared from the liver of the
C OD-FISll for melicinul use, expressly
for our sale.
... .
F.nmct frnm the t.or.J n Medical Journal.
f J H WitiiAns. M. I) . F K S.. Profcsntr
Pmfcsntr of
f,.Iifii. in I 'tiiv.Tif w f ll. t .vr.l ... 1
A&fs3Lf ifj fT) I AT III I'K best FiU
W for sale bv
ling phyi. in to the'lln-pitnl f,' f tn-numptinn', ! "f B" atsl"ri:i"s. u l l' th ir. nt tl.s
Ac, ay; " I haT prrwribed the Oil in ahoe j "Ty lowest rjti s .'"or cU or cr.un'ry p
four hun.ired case of luh.fruliua disease of the I duce, wo hope to merit a continuance ot
Lungs, in ihtTcrent tagej.whirh hae been iimhr j public fuvor. JAMF.s HWE-
my care ine lasi m.i Tears ana nitt. In the
iatizb aunioei oi ca-rs xuo out 01 1111 usa was .
f . 11. k n ..L.,1 ,,nf.,..;...i . !
tarting in ilcpree in !iili-rent rase, from a tem-
poisiy retaril:tion of the progre of the ilisease
sod a miticaiion of ilimressin; ay:npt.uis. up to
more or less reoipleta restoration to apparent
I "The etT.ft of the Co.! Live, Oil in mo-t of
these raea was ver, remarkat.le. Een in few
! dayn the rmuh was mitigated, the eipcc oration
diminished in quantity anJ cpimiiv. the ninhl
iweaU ceased, llie puUw U-c.ime alowrr. ami ,.f
heller olune. acd the appetite. fieh and atiength
were crailublly improved.
" In c.'iirlu.io 1 I repeat that the pu-e freh Oil
from the. I.iver of the t'od i more tienrflcial in
the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than
any ngeut, inediciiirl. dietetic or rrgimennl, that
has yet been employed " j
As we have made nrran;;emenls lo prc-
cure the Cod Liver Od fresh from head I "'"P'v " COl'FLE, SUGAR, M0L
quarters, it can now be had chemicnllv ! SSES, vVc, whuh thev will sell a:-'
j pun-, hy the single bottle or in boxes of
one ooz-n each
Its wonderful tfiicaey has induced num-!
eroim spurious tmitatiors. As its success
deiH-nds entirelv on its n.iritv. tno rm,.-i,
j 1 . -
care can not lie used in procuring it ofv
IKB Every hotile havint; on it our written 1
sionnriire mnw Iim ftir,t'n.! tin 11 .,....(nA I
I " 'ii'.'Ut: ,
Pamphlets containinir an nnilvsis 1 f ihe'
Oil, with notices of it from the Mcdicn! !
Journals, will be sent to those who address J
us tree nt postage.
Wholesale Drum;isls nnd t'hemisis.
:S 100 Xorth Thin! St. Vhiladelphin
ri'he Pro-
i.rieior of
he Miio-
netic Ointment warrants a
cure of this
troublesome complaint, in everv instance,
if the directions are strictly followed.
t or sale by I hornton At Baker. Lewisb'g
. Z .r,,,,.,, " '
A. Jj. IIAIrlfcjLII i
HAS' removed his Wnich and Jewelry
establishment to his house, opposhc
Hayes sStore,,
WM.L-alhtV AK 1
TATE of PhituWphis. is cow l,tf
j M flirt strisft, l.eihnri, oppose Mr. J.
Schrfyer's tore, where ha hilmot tc. operitiuc,,
on the leelh l reduction of bis furmrr poet.
Teeth sml root of teeth removed w,ih , g,j
improved Instruments, and in n euy mtntisr.
Killing Ireth sad netting on piuU or plie atteii
drd to sceooling to the latest improvement in the
profusion 1,'Iterated. pungr, end iiilhrnej jut
cured- Tlisiikful for fi-l tatoie. te iuIiciu
ron'inotnee of puWie atron;e Xo impnie
material ueJ f t Cilings in teeth. ljj,
"ITTILL commem-e on M i.uy, the 'i l
ol'Ojtober. Instruction will be uivin
as neretorore, in all branches necessary to
a thorough education. Kxer-ie in G:m-
position snd UecUmation will be leijuirp!, lnj
trirt attention will be paid lo the fuimition i,l
reculsr habits of MuJy l the jnuri2r iKtn.Sc.,
of the school. 'I be reputation of the iD-uimiun
will be umle l re.-t. not upon the nmr.Wr. but
noon the progress of the student. Ttie mW
wrw not annciiuui iv inure imo n
f .j.. Ua $lQ
i. ' ..... r i t e .. .
I fr ,be hmi.er Ent-Ii-h. ; and foi the eomn.ou
Eneiih biambts -tt- Pr xaeiou ol SI 'A...
J KV.NDOLPH, Princ'.pil.
Lewi-bo's. Oct. 3, 1S19
MEETING of the B nrd of ManaceM
of the Lewibnrg Cemeterv, s:l! l-e
held at the i ffi.-e of the President on S.vr
i rtDW the 13;h f Oct. inst. at 2 o'clock,
P. M. It is hoped that the Men.bers
all attend.
By order of the President :
WM. WJLSOX, Sec'y.
LewUburg. Ow-t. 2, 1819
Fresh Grren and Hack
e-.tnbii-hmcnt of M'L'a'rr.-itit
I5..i.d, f.r
sale bv
I G L"t;!ie
Old J,va Ci-ffee f .r s!e hv
1 (i I
a'-o Iv e pi. Lr
I G L:ji-
1 UII S I L'FF ni.iJ Shorts for s-i't l.v
i o
I li 1. tM;'
1 f 1 5I -Steel, An.er. Uns'er S-ei,
! J Spkes. L-wk. Li'ch's, IJn-s i
.Screws. Jkc for sn e hv I G I.a-!i
pou t
tr lt-i
the Trti!e lot of I 'r
.sin 011 hand, whih ll.e si.
o;l rs 11 tot'.
Lead. V
"MLAXSEEDO.I pore V hi
III! 1:10 Ueit, Vi.l:;g. W'.. l I.
j Spanish Lirottu, G Pu'ty, V -, Ls
It! I.:irts1
'IN KG Ml jod
sale hv
ClJ'-r V,riet;ar
I G Lw-,
1 TIEST Lirl Limps Mil l.urp W...
I) for s-i'e by I G Lsu
tOMEMIINt; NEW S.ps!ot,e i;
d'es for sale by
I G Lawste
R M'l.A.NE'S ttliKM l E.'.tt'DV ! s-.
I 1 ... i . ! :.. j .1 1
1 j r . mm itiu niiiuiuta tu vr tt.
f t...f:.in ,. .Vr.-.-rt f,vr . . . It . VI
j lmitl chiUlr.-n. The MUming ccrt.n- iie -
vulune-p in it fvot :
MlllkSOO, WiT.su Co. N Y )
June UJ IS; 17 j
I rrnify ilist I h.ne usej M'Lsut' Vcrinitu.-r.
tnd foui.J it all thsi it i rfrnmini-iuii-.l t U.
i J t.ae .IJ il nd l,e in a!i ntm-i l.iur. I il u
be ilTctuu! cure. V M S! FA.M'flL'E.
A(Ji;. I S. i: VV Sii'imr. Inisiur.:: H
J stnff. Mil.en ; I (i i.4tt. s. !in.-gr,,r; J V
r'riiut. s-uuhiirv
M M't.'ay, 'ui:l:i.u.tli.i!:
M V ti.trt J .! 1
fpnEsubscnbersw .iil iiesectru'iyii.;" r.n
X tf.C public that they have ibis djy tn
teie!l into a Ciij ar.iitrshii" for ihe uunsnii
j of Merchand.z 11'. under the firm ol J.
I HAYES it CO." As we ci.l..il.He .1 ... u
, t,.:.... .
i ' liO'S Ml'Ult V
' LewlSturg, 01 p. I lt4)
lit ngttZTlL e undersigned.ihink-
ryTJ& lul forlhenast natrons
I ISi.--.a. A. . ... ' r - -
. v 1 '"V ' "ulJ V,
!c"!"y request all these having ui-seltled
' "founts to call Urid make settlen;i n! vkilL-
out further debt v.
Home Industry.
I 0(nLB,S- ""Prior IOW VARN
JJ for sale by
Septsjo J. HAYES & Q-
The subscribers have just ree'd u frt-fl
rr' small advau'-e on cost.
I f-ept ill & J e!e
, ."rTT! ; "
'11 , " ,';"! Hna
J,JsI 'te'd and for sale h
Sept IS
S & J Wo! V
MACKEREL N.V. 2 and a.
Jost ree'd and for sale.
Sept 13 Si J u .:,
The Albany .'Irgtu conid. rsihe Hrn
dreth Pills weil worthy the ceniidtnee if
tht? public. That the nriocinle on which
j they cure disease is the same as that if
Lrf'roy ol 1 ans anJ irdenauy of Germs
ny. I hat all the variety of diseise pr
ceed from, or are nearly allied in disorder
of the stomach and bowels, and that by
iising those reiru-dies which restore l'
health these imporlant organs the d srase
Wl" vanish. 'ITu; Brandieih medicine
Pr,,fcs ,r carry out this important prm-
ciple. We have heard them aimiK-lv re-'
he genuine pill forsalo by J IHYKV
slo agut for LewUburg . l&'.ir
j r