Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 03, 1849, Image 4

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ii a u ojo o s .
The l uttifecty oflKmry.
lu the village of Washington, Fayette
C , Ohio, there wu a Irnnsir-nt ort of
rmmage, a kind of floating furnet-r.nanvd
flinklt Jacob IIiukK cwnmonly called
1J Jikellinklc originnlly a Pinns)Kia
rtta, L 'licasit-r county Dutchman. W ell,
Ulc Uinkle owned or had squatted on a
-mall- patch of laT just bey ond old Mother
Rosen bottom," that lies a mile east
..f JkitileSnnlce fork of Paint creek, which
very thuudering fool out West know
tmptiea into Big Paint, which finally
rolls out into the Muskingum and then into
the Ohio. Very well : having settled the
geographical position' of Jake Uinkle, let
mi go on lo state how it canie about that
he was pronounced dead one colJ morn
iif , and how l.e came up to town and de
nied the assertion.
Jdke Ilinkle loved corn ; lived on it, as
must eople do in the interio ol Ohio and
Kentucky he hived coru, but loved corn
n hiskfj more, and this hive mny a time
tirmight Jak! up lo the Court House of
' V.iiiingt.ni through rniu, hail and mow,
i. Hl a rtiper, fill his jug, and go home.
Vtw. in the West, ii is a custom for
;lla"Prs to JilaV ' I Ol lfn!n?tlC fril'K
,-frmold coWr, who cook- up to tow,," I
I " - i
..r.lown to town," hitch iheir horses to j
the fence, and lla-re M the "critter"
and from IS. A. ."! , to 13 P. M , more
or lew, and longer. The most popular
dxJge is to shave the hurs-'.- tail, turn it
I.Hse, and- let it grr home,
Of course t hat !
itorse i not soon in the village a jain, as a '
WSB Wfih a shived tail U about the niea- I
rscst thing to look at, (except a singed pon
Mjm, or a dandy,) you ever did sop.
. . . . . a icon I
OlIO Very Cold night III January, '
JtUe Un'riie came down to the Court
11 hiir-h. ,1 LU horse lo ihe rourt-ard
.. , - . ,
T . - . . .n I O :
tr-lH-e. watie a -s-rau cm mn i
rf l ' "rOCPrV. aitd; heaVm- tO VKWld UP."
1 1
.ld JakeVfoll-'iie li a perfect lietl dap- I
v , I
f-T. rVTVl When oti.-rj wl h CinijlllC COUIO i
nt ir-tir tl hyii and low Duich like an
iwrVasior in a tirld of brimm com. Jake
1 ilked and talked, and drink and talked,
.... . , ,
MlhiUI mi'l-Ii! "II', Hie enrhs 1 lowing, 1
in stars winking and blinking, and the
ttn.d !nt!iiig and niiping around the
aurery, Smders imlihed J.ike and others
ihul he hs-:i (jrtinj to shut up the concern,
mhI the crawd niii he putin out. Jake
niiidi: a breirkor Wu nag but t,he was gone.
ShtN bmke der iirirf nnd gue lion.p, :
Mid try tihtiie I sail valk" and off Jake
nut through the cold and mud. !,
J'Ut tnrotlgn tne COW alia IIIUU. j
miirnirio' ahen lltf t 'irrleville !
' morning, vinen uie . ircievine
oae mmc along, between old M .rm I
Kodgei's and the Kattle Snake fork of
fatnf.Jlie driver discovered poor Jake, lid
out stilT and cold as a wedge. Alas, poor
' Id Jake pone ! Quite a gloom hung
vi-r the grocery ; Jsike was an iiiolfeiisive,
ed old bV!l"W. nli"dv denied th;t ; and
riiil oung fellow, who had slinved
1 tie fill of Jake's inarj the night pretious.
.I et her loose, now ft It nony fir the
t!ii d. The 1 d i-r ff the " Argun of Free
i. .m"' cs 1111 d iwn to the grocery to get his
tTirain ni,, heard-tlte news, went back
in his ofir.-e,.set up Juke's obituary notice,
(ui in a lew mournful phrases, and then
j nt hi pa er to .n-ss ; that HlTeninon. the
u hole edition diitribvteJ, and Jake tliukle
ayt pronouneed stone dead.
Two or th tr d;ys afterwarrVi, a man
- overrd with m.td and nwent came rush
i , nvo- Wa.hing'on. fTe parrsed not.
unr lurned lie riht or it-it, until lie found
'I oiTire of the Aru- f Freedo-n, where
hr- riislied in, and confronting the editor be
. iii Tesfd firth,
y.iu dey usinier o4 di pnjier der non
f iper V
Yi ." ays the rWvW4iMe," l am
In; itiHii."
V.-'l, hioe de great Ji-lms iphat, what
r V"un m ike me dea' ?'
M Mi make you dead n said the do little
n ttonished editir.
"Vaai !" bawled old Jake, fir t was he,
"yon'n oVU de people dite it's a lik !
i.d do you ucll'-r do tt again, and fuuls dc
p-'ple, tiii.ont you gilt a wiilttn ordtr
urn im'"
That editor ever afterwards insisted
Pir seeing the funeral beCire he recorded
n ouifuaiv ao'i'-r.
The editor of a pajier in Ii-mcaslcr, i-
t akin,; lun of len. Ttj lor's is:h there,
cuii.se he alluiicd lu thr "horsi-s, sheep,
. tnf rattle of Lnicanwr county." It issup-i-ismI
that the wrath of the taid editor i
n roreqiei ce of lira w ncrnl making n
i. lusion to iwjtukt 111 t'lat region.
There is a time for nil thtnjis,' said
r rraelv old chap i hi wile. "I'll Mieve
.I,:,!.- answer ill u sharp, vulvar i
,.jr hi it nu pay f-r your ncwvpa-ii,,,.
i. r.' Hit him again, old aouian wt'l
stind by you.
sjiero Piem iiwi..w. 1 tnt a ga.njj
live loug, mammy.'
Why it. oo arHOt1,,
" Cause my trpwsera is all toiert ova
u mud."
-Ju.far.ik- t- "f lbi,,,
I is the reon th- -y W
a niod.:raus portion of
SUBSCRIBERS to the " University nt
Lewistiurg" who have not paid their
First Instalment, (due last January,) are
respectfully requested to pay the aame
without further notice, to
SAM 7. T. WALKER, Tatis.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Lewishure, Sept. I, 1849:
till .UiUMih
BC7PteM Slur. rirMaMfMLlMAI) 1. T.
LIFE and HEALTH an ii the BLOOD.
Cleaner. Pirify. and KrvvMe Ihr Circulation, mnd
thr -. m ill lw krallk. The wuml mmlerfnl
sf alt vrmetltro to pntduer mck a rrontt. is
Y. tha dtHsirrd rerall and aAV-acy will be produced hy
Am tir of a wmalltr uiiy of this Pratnca than ram he
XtWtrd liy the trf a liae q mini if y of amy ochor remedy
la the World. (Sec our Pamphlets fur proof.)
Tbw Ktminr.B i mhollm ptvparrd truta YerHmUt, aaal
1 care thr mo i. muI mbtt taale, aud long -ataiidinf di'raaaa
Of tfa W'd. without imkinff. pwrn, i(kemne, or dtbih
tmttmg. It rUmnsts, itremgtmemi, XKrportft, uuikra new,
'. 4y hlood, and glvea atear tnfur and mem itjt Ut toe whole
Ibu any Cher n-mrdy in the world, he-can!
of tt wiD r flirt a ffrwafcr amount of cure thaa fmr ioUmrkf
emni-rs to 6, Ii'rm:ir. w. soar mmek mure craftee rfeet Ki3
4ttitmr'$ worth of tku Hmnjtrr pmtuct, tkim m Jolim $ worth, of
thmi tmrtapmlU or other rem4y. W miM here my, liuil
Bronfi Mtdicimti had cured, within the iuM yrmr,
100.(100 Person! of Impart Blood DisfiisM,
and 23,000 Cam were tontidrrrd Inrnrable!
tame- other parent-medicine men are in the habit of err.
li If tjr .K,u,M u on w-ln nl,l heliiVH mf Thia
h.wr. we do my. and end r. t) t.. jm.-r i,r rr,f fai.
wtlaeMr. that JIkant's .VEOiciKKa fabve efi,rt-d curra of
""re diwwa on lintuj human heme, the pa wr. than
maj outer raajeay m ejiiru-nc uiu aunuj uie eniiie iinw.
How mack will a. Uollar'a worth CUR C
Twrntf targe, deep Vlerrt were cared by ating ear tmrhm
bonieawt BtieU't I'unfirr.
' ne liMiowiiii: la uie iwifi wtnmr nm oaa iHwiiPniRI cm
that wu rw eltected uo a human U-mg. bf aaa atnocuK.
Horrid Scrofula Cored.
."a-f . Ha,of s, rw r, it. T.. eertJOea,
p,, .jiwi,, lo. that he had heen amn-Jil With f cao-
. l.... v ..1 rt La ... nmf.J h, U luJ ,!
;;F,qw 1, J
as eaten aruid tr.,m .ar to ear a hole was e.L-n i
fhroush his Wiui yipe. so that he breatlied through ths
hole hia ear v n.-rly d,-.tn,ved the use 01 hia arm !
was wholly derroy-d and an I1er ondrr ihe aim, as j
oit issa man's -hnd. h.,1 nearly e..t.n ti,r..a-h int.. his
Kunss hnt he had nied ail kinds id .tstPAMILLA and
mkrrrvdtrinr,, t mo he-fa. and that he was ax expoaem i
in trwe lenirow luuro wlien he commenced KaaKT'a
ixntAV rt-suviKo r.xraAcr tiiat m airrrLrsor ths '
fwentv Ulcer hetiadwrnn lie coinin'need uinjr it. and
iimi a . vnvirw nmir ini sr.
that a rVa-Sntrej more effected a eKaFCnTCViiK. For Inil
parrjciilars at tliis, and many out. j tnuuar tact see utu
1 AMrHLrrs.
Thin WMslerfsil amal Aslomisaiias: CI RB
do-s not stand alone n a atonwrnriu of tlie prtett rjtrorf
ol Hbant's eiiaines. tor we could five almost uoliiu.
nHl evtdenen ol otie-r cur-,, well atti sled, il tliis wers
ooubied. lliia cure ia certirii d to by
Fourteen Itepcctalile Wiincsses.
Wt Doct. Turn. AViu.iAVi. cine of th ismI rtirrtba
1 ifitteutm (4 Itimit toy Mvr. I'.uit.li. Jc IaKunahd,
I 1.. L .a..l .1. , .... t. 11 I U....-....
pira-Mi kr-r t" u wur iiomk liorKL aulj by
Brant's Indian Porifier
enres sit Impure diiaes of Uie Wool vii : X M ht i,
ffm'iw, Krmjfton. I -mp'.rt m the t oro
Bi , :(nr 0,irr,. . ,tf ,,,4 .-. Lmte
Till tUlum v-iOw- e.'I tlif ttrtmsing nil fT"frC
F n tm9 Ue aiMiri -uniwd Pi'UFTiMtt Kxtilact. mnd
fy.- f-t rrnil itVn r m.-.isCulHin"'. pmrtntU lv nl prrw
hmrly .l:iid to cot ruU.HS ('ONM'I.M'TIOX. H
ihM'r Wl. rmtwM '. rrg ts tjkr L..f. ami rlv.i rr inferaaJ
If, mndtly mmd etbulj tu tie tunjying Kxtimrt hen
twi rtirf PTtrrmMilStf.
Thm a'SM rf run f-f the tost hcjtetu rmumptin
rSlll winv ll MltlHMt miou-uU-tf . ffirm y ta mil dlaseiUM uf
lir l.l.N'.h, Til Kit AT, wl HUEsUTT.
W r. the fol!wiB5 rmti ticats a a fcl of cure, which
fijr-a tu ynrr titv pi.wrr lo art- life-, vt.-o alun the rrm
tw-rma to!-.' in thtry In-t .!jiirt-nce, bi-a ttrmt'
pv'ism Pulrnvms-f BttUmm Ititiimtrreii
We sivtt thr fttf'tiw n et' Brute a a f-t of cur-, which
ffM ) tu prtivsj th fNswer ttan- !i;t-. evn when thr yrm
aVv-ma tu lis in Uk- v.t ;-t mtz-n of riiom -, )-
Hrmml m imtim PmlmftmnrM Utitw M ftiiiiiinifCretJ 11 ia
cm (list ) not tutl e coul i a un "ir cuan
m wutrn Urn ati.l amHrttrtlril kuth-lm of krpeltm
cm. mrd 'kwtU of rw 9 CHhtl ON-CMP HON.
Tllt.i LKK waa t-fl- . tcd on the wile of Mr. Zi
DtiKMax oi tor cl' HnilKton, Strmrofr C, A. Y.
Mr. kr -mm w.i .ronouiKfd tiyinm, at Mr. UykMniui
w-nt lu tV- hir.' ni' Mr. Jon Wait to purchase cloth lor
a fiartwsi ws'i uthrr bur ml rmairrMl, rnpfctiDti hia wita
aroaltl m dir. ."tu- wn in th- hit fAT? ot the diaenaa
ww A njtprr4 Mnd d itmpdt te relieve her
tr mt tUttrtft, anA muKf a 4fintr pillow mum tmp. Mr.
lv ran wi fr run tit sir' her Hnn ol Bit A N'l"
INDIAN PI I.MOVVKY R A I.SAM. Hr took the Kusam
homf with ttv ahrimH, .ial jt-e a portHin tt hia wit tt
vlisi h r -ahu cMitiniivd n tak it until aue recovered
ooo hkaltm. mhI abe fans contented mU ftr nemrlg fittr
yttra c ittmjJ,lrt for prti u'ari.
Mr. Dvkkmak wurf t" th- aht.re facta bvfore Thob. G.
yT.w, Ksxj, .-f HatUtom Sj. "--Hh April.
Tiiua. ii, ovkg, rat., Jrirtt ri-rtina that he haa
known Mr. Ik uiciu m -uy y-r md tunthe ia one of
to ir MMMt w-rtkf and Tpecthit rntumt; and Mr. JotlM
V IT. tJie nit tvuaut Hikn ot ab-jTe. iw crrtiJirM to Ua
pMptJ rhitf4str ut Mr. wVraura, and that he araa nc
tUunif-il with trti tiurfittis, h-iting beard them often auofc
0 ol h yJYu.
Brant's Pulmonary Balaam
rrs COSS$tPTIO'. Crv?k, rwrfi. Spktinjr of ttlood.
.tlrtdinfi av Vtt hum. Vint nt tkt Hrtnwt and Side, AtraC
jwrsi, ,YrrrM t'trnflminU. i'uJptlatian 0 tkt Hkt
Chmiirm l.ijm ttttm. ltyrnttry. Hummer Complaints. s.ad AtLk
k MM,4j. H ,iK.KXSS, vttkoHt mum Jailing ntkatetHT
Tile tolluwiil-niiKi: levnfaanit I'kfirtmju have hl(S
if nwnim .,leii liKAN T.-l NI'.IMCINbd :
Hr. N II V BH A HI . Stainlord, of in.
Hr. J. N. f MM II. W,.n-rto ii. N. V.
Hr. KOSfMAN, 13-.' Henrv tr. rt. Brookljn, K. T.
ir. T. H. HI NT, Auhum! N. V.
lr. iM. FKAM IS. Mniillitown. Conn.
llr.CiKO K. H1X1KHS. B-lii, N. V.
Ilr. rl. WIIITi; rredonia. N. V.
Dr. t. M. ;I.KNTINK. Kvnm. N. T.
Ir. J O. MIUPMAN. K.iyerteville. N. V.
Dr. J. .-"KINMKIt. Il.nry atreet. Brooklyn, It. T.
Dr. O. r-iUi'MAN. CorUasil, N. V.
Beware of counterfeits !
There is no I)raiil's medicines trenuinfl. hut
such bollles as are put up in a sq lare ptckve
or shape, and on one square ,ne Pkge is a
label on svhiih is represented a youni; MijUiiw.
and under where she standi is a S'otc of Hand,
which leads as follows, viz.
W aercfty promitr.ftir rttlue rtnirrit, to pay
In thr litnrer herei.f 0 t'eT. on Jrmanti. ut
our Mfttirine I'ufitirif in flit Cily uf Hnmt;ltii,
X Y. Diitrif at BnmJl;in . 1th April, I S i H."
(which note is tltud v. ith pen snd red inky
...V '. WALLACE ilr '0."
None senuine but such as have tbe n.ile on
Ihe labeL signed as aliove.
... bv Th,,,,,,,,,, & Raker. L-wis-
ijjwd Wil-on. N
Berlin ; M J fjroune.
.Seliniirove : ft & Ft Mover, Freebo'f ; H N
Usrkhauae. Midillebura; : Wilt Sl tllert. Haille
lon ; An e A. Mench, Miflimburg
All letters and orders must be aj.lresied tJ
Wallace A Co. 106. Broadway, New York
(lASTOltand Sweet O.l.l Jiiirliinu.n.Poi
; eiiirir.(Jodfre's Cordi.iI.Eiworii Snh'r
Salerstos. Crejm Tartar. Slan h, Ofied.-lpoc, Ul-
m of Li '- soda, Ualasm tie Manna, worm
t'ea.'amphr.GiiiB;er. iunainon.l'loves, Pepr,
Naimrgs. Mnesia, Mustard. Opium, M or pus,
Vuininr, Ho.la Powders, ste. for sale at
CW.tMiaOVe Irof sVi'beniical EmjioriurD
SyBoak Agtnti tni J ColpurUuri will pleat
W obttTTt.Jl
17VERY eiuien of the Vnitet! 8utes should
2i ponaens a copy of these works. They arc
the Books of Oar Country.
nnt A Fsiihful Chronicle of the
WAR of Amertein Indepen
denes, fa one Urge fofume, Ro. fllumrated
with Severity Engravings, in hnOoDi Uih
Binding. Pries $i.
The Presidents of the 1'niled Slates,
Their Memoirs sad Administrationa
To which is stilled an account of the Inaugnrs-J
Una of esrh President, and a history of the
priucipsl political events of his sdmintstration,
nd of the transactions of Congress at each ses
ioa during lbs period.
Illoslnrte wilh eh'ssnt pnrtrsha of the Presi
dents. engr'ed'orJ steel. This is a handsome
roysl 8o, in besutiful pictortif binding. $'3.50
comprixing tbe Lies, Addresses end Messages
of the Piesidetits of the United Stales.
From Wsshinnton to Taylor's Inauguration sd
drew. March, 181?,
Wiih a history of their Adminintraiions, and
of each session of Congress also vinous bint
orical, statistical, snd other imporutrt puMic
dncuinents, and a complete Indei. or snslvtical
table of contents to the whole work. Edited Iy
Eiiwix Williams, Eiq. Illustrated with por
traits of our IS Presidents, engraved on steel.
from the moat approved authorities, and in the
lieal style of the art ; printed on fine paper, and
handsomely bound in emblematic style. It will
slso be embellished with Views of the Capitol.
President's House, and the Seals of the several
states and the United Slates. In four large 8vo
volume. Price $10. This is the citizen aud
Library edition.
cyThe Reference Edition of the same
work, in 3 volumes large 8vo, without portraits.
Price $7.50. This edition is for reference, and
is intended for 8'atesmen, Legislators, Members
of city 1 neionittons, Lawyers, and Individuals
holding public tlflices.
The Republic of the rnlfed Mates,
and Us J olitical Institu'iona,
Reviewed and Examined. My Alexis Dr.
Tociti'iriLLF., Member of the Institute ol
France, anil tbe Clmrr.lier of Deputies, A c.
In one large octavo volume of nearly One
Thousand paces, i'rice 3.
The 12 Stan of onr Republic,
Our Million's Gift to her Yiv'n'j t'i''Zen:
(Villaining the lives of our Presidents, the
Signers of the Declaration, Articles of Confed
eration. Ihc (.iiiitu;it)n. with an lii-l'inrnl
sketch of 1 be American I'ni'-n. Illustrated with
elf tint portrait, engraved on siee). and illniui
nated ptctnres of the Eisners, the t'spitol. ami
President s Honse at abiiipinn, IJunkcr-llill.
(!. ic, Elegamly bounJ. Gilt edges. P.ice
, . t
(O ioeipcnse has been spared in Ihe prepa-
rauon of t!iee volumes of Dicurnenls. Hilorv,
,) SfaliMics. to render the same worthy of pa
- r
tronnee. not only of Statesmen and LeglkUtora.
hut of the American public ei nerally ; who will
111 them ihe Thkssi-ht of Political
K'owlziioe, and a mass of information.
pulilislied by E. Walker, I I t Fulton street.
Dr. Don-line's Hii-mry of Romanism to the
prescm time. 50 Fngtav jugs', price f 3 CO
The (turtle to Knowledge.
The vi'oiiilers of ihe World,
Mrs Ellis Fsniilv iMoniior.
Mrs. Ellis' (iuide lo Social happiness,
(trotln-r and Sist- r.
t'licevrr's I enures on Pilgrim's Progress,
f'hri-titin Marty rolocSA
i'h rial's Mcsscneers.
Fsle ol Iniid-'litv , or. Truth f tinmiitiant.
3 00
2 ."o
2 50
I 25
O.ld Frlinw's Oirering for 18 18. elegantly
iltiiitrsted. 2.00
O.M Fellow's HfTeriric for IS49. do 2 50
MiM Fellow's Oil", line for 1850, do 2,00
The Odd Fellow Illustrated snd neatly
bound, 1,00
Faith. Hope, and Charitv 'Ibislrated. I
vol. 12 mo. Gill Muslin. I.Ofl
Friendship. Love, and Truth Illustrated.
1 vol. 12 mo, Gilt, 1,00
Tales from ihe Arabian Night's Entertain
ments. 75
Robiiihood and hi Merry Foresters, 75
. Wreath of Wild Flowers. 75
I Y'Mioe People's Mirror for 1818. i'o.
Muslin. 1.00
Potl.Vattm,Book Jlgrnl nnd Cnlportrvr
Who may desire to canvass district for the
above important National Works, will he pleaded
to addrea a lino to Ihe publisher, statins the
portion of country be wishes to occupy, and by
return of Mail he will receive a List of Price,
with Terms to Agents, which allow them a
verv liberal commission.
EDWRI) WALKER. PublUher, 114 Ful
ton street. New York
f onsomplion disarmed of its Terrors !
HASTINGS' Compound Syrvp uf Xup
lha a positive cure for Consumpiiini,
tiecltne. Asthma, and all diseases of the
chest and lungs a single bottle will prove
Us fllicacy-
'I he proprietor not only recommends his
Maptha fcviirr, but warrants it to cure!
He warrants it to net upon the chv'e, and
punly it ; he warrants it lo remove all un
pediments whirh retard the free circulation
f the blood ; he warrants it lo opeu the
internal and external pores of the body and
elect ail the obnoxious particles which hart
uccomulated in the system ; he warrants il
as a ntver-failino; remedy in hclic lever,
niht sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint,
pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war
runts it to arrest the formation of tubercles
in the lunus, and to heal those already
lormed, so that persons in consumption
may take it with the most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great seat of action
is the lung, which it penetrates in all di
rections, purifying them of everything
ohnoxiuus in tts progress, and which, il
npplied according to directions, it cm not
laii to leave in a periectly healthy condt
lion. Agent at Lewisbure
Sinl V, W rTH AFFLE.
Get the Best!
Vl.L young persons should have a Stuntiaril
Dictionary at their elbows. And while
you are almul it, get ihe hot : that Dictionary is
Noah W tasTra's. Ilie great work, unabridged.
If you are too poor, save the amount from off your
back, to put it into your head. I'hrenulttgjour.
Dr.Wrbstet'a great work is the best Dictionary
of the English language. lAindnn Morn.Chron.
Containing three limes the amount of matter of
any oiber English Dictionary compiled in tliis
country, or any abridgment nf this work.
Publirhed by O 6c V Metriam.8pring6eld,Mas.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
May 3D S F LYNDA LI., Lewi-burg
BEST Spanish and Hall tfytush, also
American CIGARS and all kinds
of Shewing TOBACCO, for sain by
Fefwiiburg, Dec 4. 184S
170R sain by
1 HErtER A 1DD1NG8.
Lcwisburjr, June, 1840
SEARS' Ntfw Pictorial Worki):::1849.
Great Chance for Book Agents
To etna raoa M)t to 100U a Veb !
Booki of U nicer $al Utility.
HEARS' New and Popular Pictorial
O Works the moat splendidly illustra
ted volumes for Families ever issued on the
American Continent, containing more than
Four Thousand Engravings, designed and
xecuiea oy tne most eminent Artists 01
Hnglnnd and America.
.The extraordinary popularity of these
volumes in every section of the Union,
renders an agency desirable in each one
of our principal towns and villages.
Just Published.
Sears' new and popular Pictorial
Description of the United States,
containing an accouat of the Topography,
Settlement, History, Revolutionary and
other interesting Events.Statistics, Progress
in Agriculture, Manufactures, and t'upula
lion, Ac. of pitch State in the Union, Illus
trated with Two Hundred Engravings of
the principal cir'ir", "laces, buildings, see
nery, curiosities, Seufs of the .States, &?. ;
complete in one octavo volume of 600 pa
ges, elegantly bound in gilt, pictorial mus
linretail price, 2,50.
The Pictorial Family Annual,
400 pages octavo, and Illustrated with 21'-!
Engravings designed as a valuable ami
cheup present for purt nts and teachers to
place in the hands of young people. In
attractive bindings.
from the l'an iarc-hal Ae to the present
lime. Ry J ihu Kitto, Editor of the Lon
don Pictorial flibli', Ate. Also,
nf Sears' Pictorial llist.ir) of the IJ ble
Pictorial Sunday IJook Description oi
(Jrent iiiiiiiin and lr land Hililf l:nra
phv Scenes mid Skei hs in Cuutitii'til.il
Europe Inf.iriiiHiitni for the I'topV Pic
loriwl Fnu'y Library I'n-toiial llitcr
of the A'liericxn KhvoIuIhui an n.iiieh
new volume on the Wonders ol the Woiln
Eieh Volume is Illustrated with severu'
liui.dr' d lnonviugs, uud the LSICLE ilh
t Ins Thousand.
1 AtiE.M.S WAX TED in every Town and
C.'Olilv throuph oil ihc I'll'on, to sell " ftttr
Srm uttil tupui .r I'irluriul Wurki." univer s:ill
acluoit leilcd In lie ihe linl ami che ipest cvei
mlililieil, s they . c Un ly arc tile inst satal lc
Any ui'live Acmt may clear 500 or JltMIO a
ye.ir. A eh n iul of J35 or $5U Kill ts oec
iKry. full partiiulars of the pi'nciples and
pi' tits of ihe ag- ncy will be given ou ap.liralioii
citlii r pi'ia. imll or by Iclii r.
Adilrrss i iiiaii.ill port paid)
KUliKKT fKAIJS. P. ai.tnr.,
12S, Na.itu St. tie York.
No letter will be taken from the office
unless- post pm 6:250
English and German 'likian.
TIIO'S A. II. TIIOK.TU., 51. D.,
7 HO has been regularly educated in
Ihe University ol Maryland, and an
Honorary Onduale ofCastleton College o'
Ytrniont, mid a Member ol the Medica:
and Philosophical Society of ihe State ot
Mjrj land, olC-ra his prof-s-iniial services
in all ihe branches of the Healing Art to
the citizens of Lrwishurg and its vicinity.
He has been engaged in the practice ol
medicine, in Luzerne county in this State,
for nearly lhirtn yenrs from whence
he brings letters of recommendation from
the first men in that and Columbia county,
as tegnrds his standing in the profession ol
tiiedii.'iue, and his genera! character, viz :
Hon John N Conyngham Riv MaimaJuke Tearce
Zilia Dennett
Charles Kalb'u
J H Young
l)rs A B Wilson
" Tho W Miner
H Warner
" A Yoha
M Sleek
" Andrew Beaumont
H F Hradley
H U Wriuhl
II W Nicliobou. I'm
Jre ll.oviuaii, K-i
Chas B llortn.au, K-q
Kev 'I buuias Bowman
N R. I r.T. may lie found at his office
al the Dru store on the east side of Mar
ket St. next to Walls' store, or at his resi
dence 1st door below Kline's hotel.
LeuUbtlig. J ui- 5, 1349
riCHAFFLE haj received a choice as-
T) snrtment from E. Houssrl and J.
llaurl. Perfumers, whose preparations arc
Bears' Oil
Ox M irrow
Bay Water
(ailogne Water
Pearl Powder
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
&c. &c.
C'urling I'luid
Also a oenerl variety of Jewelrv and
Fancv Ariicles,Spectaclcs,Pencils,AVa!lcts,
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, fur. &c.
LewUhurir, Mav IS. 149
HTslIUsttlC 33OOU0.
V FRESH supply received at the Lewis
hurt? ''heap Bookstore :
Fiske's Manual of ('lasei -al Literature
llavies Analytical lieometry
Blair's Rhetoric. (University edition)
Cowsiiick's M neralogy
The Complete Farmer, I vol. 62 cts
The New American (Sardener, 1 vol, $1
The Book that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with a
great variety of others, at very law prices.
May 30 F LYNDA I.I.
Harrison's Columbian Ink,
N Quart, Pint, and smaller sized bottles,
Black, Blue. Red and Indelible. This
celebrated Ink lor sale by
OA CORDS of BARK wanted, for
Ox-e' which the highest market price
will be paid.
Dollars snd Cents, also fornie of Note.
Bills. Receipts, Petitions, Interest Tables, tables
or Wages, Board, aVc Price 18j cts for sals
at this office.
TT CTT never refused at tlie olSce
XLikOXl ofthetewisburgKhrenicIe.
A Word to the Afflicted.
5,000 persons in Philadelphia alone
have witnessed with astonishment the won
derlul efficacv of
Thomson's Compound Syrup of
WW 1 . T .a
Tar and wood xvapuia
fn earing Consumption, Asthma, Broneh
ilis, obstinate Coughs, Pains in the Side
or Hreast, Liver Complaint, 4c. Ac.
This preparation is entirely a tegtlnble
remedy, and may be administered with
perfect safety to the feehle adult or child.
Its power as an Kxpeclorant is admirably
adapted to relieve the oppression in pul
monary disease, and while it assists nature
.1 "-. : . it .1 .::.)! M.n., ,Kiek
111 HirOWIIIH Ull IIIV Tlliniru muni., ....
J collects to the injury of the system, it acts
as a general Ionic or strengtnener.
The testimony of Physicians and others
to the value of this great remedy, has been
of the most satisfactory kind, and bas
given it a character and standard as a
that has placed it beyond competition for
the vaiious diseases for which it is em
ployed. Prepared only at the N. E. corner Fifth
snd Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by C. IV. Schnffle, Sole Agent for
Iwisburg and vicinity. 273
'PHE subscriber would inform the Gen
L tlemen of fjewishurg and vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and efegant
shop, next door lo the Post Office, where
he will carry on the business of CUTTIXti
ANDMAK1XG garments as usual. Work
rondo by him warranted to fit. Produce
received in payment at market prices.
Iwiliiirr, Aprd 19-1S
This excellent compound i for sale by the
propri. tor's Agriit"J ScHrnrKr, Lriritbnrg ;
May 6i ;ioe. Sclinrove ; M Wiihinatoii. Nor
thumberland ; J 11 Raser, Milton ; U I A F I'lper,
Da ut'r I'Mtyp e I om,
fPHE subscriber would inform tlie citizens
i.f L-wishurg :ind vicinity, that be has
taken and fitted up a room in the new brick
building on the south side of Market street,
between Third and Fourth, where he is
prepared to take Daguerreotype Likeuesses
single or in groups, in good style, durable,
and on reasonable terms. Call nnd see.
March. 1849 JOHN SUTTON.
Myers' Liquid C ure!
19 a positive and never-failing Remedy
for p LES whether Internal, Ex
ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula. White
Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat
Canker Sore MhiiIi, Rheumatism, Cutan
eous Diseases, Mmiti uit Affections fyc
also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Spraios, Brui
ses, &'. &c.
We feci justified in procl limine the Fact hi
the World, llial of all medicines ever bro'l beloie
the public, nmu have ever been mors beneficial
to afflicted humanity than Myers' Liquid Cure.
e know this is saying a great deal, but if e
were to write volumes we could not say too much
in praise of this
Hundreds, nay thousands bless the happy hour
when first they were made acquainted with its
iranscendant virtues ; and our present purpose ia
lo inform other thou-ands, how and where they
may obtain thai telief which they perhaps have
lorn sought for in vain.
The superior excellence of this preparation
over all other medicines, for tbe speedy and per
manent core of 1'ILES, U well known lo all who
have tested it. It has been proved in thousands
of instances, and bus srrta rit.i; to cure the
most obrtinate oats, and we are confident it will
never fail if used a proper length of time accord
in to directions. Aa a.proof of our entire confi
dence in iu efficacy, we assure all purchasers that
if, after s proper trial, it prove ineffectual, tbe
Money paid for it will be returned.
The Liipiid Cure is an effectual remedy for
Ringworms. Biles, Pimples. Barbers' Itch, Fro-led
1 1. . tl,ai.in;nd Hall Rheum. Musauito Biles.
UIHIUS, - J ,1 1 1 1 l , .
stings of poisonous Insects aud Cutaneoua disease
of every ilescnpuon.
It ia both aale and elToctusI for KHruxriuv,
giving immediate and peimanenl relief.
Iu effects as a real I'ain Killer, are magical.
aVBMi riaiLV is m lass
should provide ihemFelve. with this Invaluable
Preparation, the cheapness of which places it
within the reach oi all.
Full Directions accompany each Battle
1'amphleta, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tested the Liquid Core, may
l had gratis of mtr authorized agent
Mier' Uquid Cure is prepared only by
JEROME CO. SI Spruce SL New York
Agents : C W SchaOle. Lewisbuig ; J II Kaser,
Millou lveo53a
rPHE subscriber has on hand and is
X now receiving from Piitstou and Sha
mokin, Best Foundry,
Lump, Broken,
Nut, and Pea
COAIj which will be disposed of on
reasonable terms.
June, '49. I.G.LAWSHB.
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
LARGE and fresh supply of Ibis celebrsteil
J Medicine, just received from ihe principal
Depot in New York, and for aale at lha new
Drug aad Chemical store of
Dr Thornton d) Raker
sale at this office.
printed and for
The Cheapest sad most splendid Assortment of
ya tt rtiuaaeipnia.
a few doors ahors Ekttntk, Hirth side,
HAS just received by late srrival. frsm ths
most celebrated manufacturer of Europe, a
lusguifieeul and judiciously selected sasortmenl ol
which ba will sell cheaper than any other sstab
liahment in ths Tniled Sialaa. Among lbs
assortment may be found
Gold levers, 18 a fine, lull jeweled
Silver l.evera. full jrwelrd
(iold I'Eiiines. 18 a caaes, jeweled
Silver I'Epines. jeweled
.1.1 U11.H1M alcnes
4 to 10
do Tea Spoons equal to coin per aeU 4,50
do Dessetl do do do 10,00
a. T.M. An Aa do 15.00
Together iih a splendid assortment of chaste and
rich Jewelry. 4c Gold Chains of various alv les
from tbe best manufacturers.
1' lease preserve this advertisement, and call si
No. 413, Market street above Eleventh, north side.
fXj-I have Gold aud Silver Lever still cheaper
than the above prices. A liberal discount to ihe
trade. 3ai261
Carefully Ilepaired,al the thortett iXolice.
'PHE subscriber desires lo inform the
J citizens of Lewisburg and the public
in general that he carries on the Watch-
Making Business iu the shop formerly oc
emiied bv C.J. House), w here he is nreuared
to execute all kinds of work in his line ol
business with promptness and (aa the most
rousnniilile lernis. Mini hv strict attention
to his business expects a liberal share of
nntroiiaoe. I te nas constanuy on nana an
assortment of
WATCIIISS ra:nt Lever, hnglish,
:inil t-'ri-neh-
JKWKI.f! V twild Wuich cha'ns and
(iii.-inis, I'encils Tens. Bieaslpins.lvirrin'js.
Fingerrinos, Silver Sjiertarles, Lrkels,
Sponiis. Thimble. Ac.
VI bi,-h tii i determined to sell low-
Lewishiiro, Nov. 13. 1-17
Fevev miil ffitc
iiy jvO.i axws tomc .tiix.ii nr.
'Mil A I' crcdt lulli.liul ol i lavorite aiid leilln-
lenieily of Liouraa Y ass' Jtamh i
Ii uiiappioailicd lo lit- Mi-iiilciiul sucres.- an.
a.lcj in llie cure of tt:i wictclied complsii.t !
If you kouIJ cacipc llie arnei.ical 'poisonou
,:ouiilrifcis. take uai a Isrth' fiorn any one Hut ir
not guardid Iiy the trrit'en S'nnlure of the o ij-
iihI niiciitor an I pr p-icl ir Jons K.Kau,oi.
a pnK'r laln-l ci. -lm ihe moulh u I cmk.
I his in;cdy has neicr beeB bolstered up hy
ali-e and dec, utu: puff-, bui Ins uou it- way lo l!i.
i-oiiliileni e mill uimerstl ud iplii n of the iiihalu
Is of f oer anj Ague dialricls, si its hoik
wi.ass ANurains alom.io nbich all the arnir
lid every person wlm liac uyj it will t-siil'y.
Fropriet.ii's Oiritw. 1 43. Arch St. Philad'a
AiitTs: C V Stt.itHe. Thoruiou &. linker,
K M Dunes, Leu-islurg s A Kcennler, V llliau.
t 'rnwue. Seliiiagrov. ; Baisiler Sl A pp. Sweet Hope.
C S Bsckhoua. I'liilip liilbUh, M h.e s I t alis
fPHE subscribers, thankful for past pnlro-
nage.wiiiiid inliirm the public that the
out in lie to manufacture all kinds of
Cast Water heels of " mo"
Thi tali ing Ma ci in es.
One mid Two Horse
We invite particular attention to a new
article Wiard'i Fatrnt C..XG PLOrcDS, lor
trfUin; IB braiB. farmers by this plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day, as
in three days with common ploughs.
and Fitting the same. HOLL(.W WARE.
kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stand cast Tea Kettles it
suit cooking stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, lot
wood or coal.
Fancy.Parlor, Vood,Coal Stoves.
Race's) Scir-rrgMlatinjt Alr-tlght
Parlor V ood Moves, (a new article.)
Threshino Machines and other article
of machinery repaired in the best mannei
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of the best material, and al
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 1)209
f anirrnlirini'w UAbi'EKREt
au establishment, Excnai
K. Third
story , Philadelphia.
Tbe Hon. Hasst Clsv viaiiing this Etah-
lirhmenl for the purpose ol having a Lraguerrenivpr
takeo.t-s pressed Haltering opinions un this favorite
place of the l-eauly and fashion of Philadelphia.
and vast numbers of strangers resort to it lo procure
a really good Daguerreotype. Tbe proprietor will
make every eterlioii lo extend the lung raliiblisbed
fame of this well known establishment. Family
groupes. croupes of rhiblien and smcle portraits
of all sizes are executed equally well r314lj
ONE Huogf-v and Sen of Harness,
One Two Horse Wagl,n,
One Truck Wagon.
For sale hy H P Shelter
GOOD ClDF.lt VINEGAR for le b)
Sunt I BEBER tV lUDlNUe)
"An ounce of Prevention vvor.h
a pound of Cure," ia
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prtvea
tioo and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and it
this office. Price. 75 cenis.
I.st Rvasvsoov Rsas rais i'aajTLL,.-rWa a
hraprllla tor aala Hi lha rilrfrms ui.. caiM S r
TiwJ'a Sjnoanl!a. k Is aoenu aa iu iHtK.i'
KMU KM:lNK."oal' 'run. Til- T.wm,
and never waa ; biu waa lormarlv a w-jraer un raitnsub.ra.
Mla,alMl Uie like el he aiunieii ihe lute of lvr'nr wj
purpose eaminv "v" " wh-v he . tin -a..
ku slleiahsi no nsilical nehS, aial praciknl bflVsa
u,i Now the trie. bis. he uerer car:icol Nir,lKia,k
i,. n bM hie I Su.li ', ffked n-rKrnui,
looks sao l 'he dlaracieraml veracn, ol' Ihe aa. I na
wmhs eincecaly. he R-ad never maor tbrHe Slaleniml, i aiu.
nil or l me- W hen will roea leani tola- h..or .lirm-t
ful ia all their .leallnes aM usemoiira, wuh ihrir (.!
owa ! He aplled lo x Ruel CH(,. in vw kon in m,
nfaelurtii; hie siisliire. siatme ih laie sam. ha w..ij
make, as an enure mere t embark iu ihe bwuoo. T!i .
M have been il-.uiriwt nisi IttsrHius me u aa f-il .
kn-ma. in order lo isjpreaa llie pvbtfc wsh the bpn.1 un,
the Ota la-cior'a SsnapWilla win irn ihr fmum. ortmm
Sartacmilln. maile lr.sn ibe fM Uortor'o 'fieaol
mi. Till" S. P. T'.wnen.l tan I have eit n?, ot u.jf
naine lor7 a we. I will (rive bo. .' n n, ,n
dure one Mnele aolimry pool IB. Wr a .na-w, of
Thompmn. Skillmno fo.. are o lii Sja . il a ta.
nilaehiHula, aiinplv niaJe tu Irceivs ihe (""'" k-v
Uie Irmh "town In revanl lo hM orour. rli ran.
Bound. Tina la lo raulm ihe publK lo purcha-e lam hut
OtJ Or JA OBT"Wiielal'SaraBanlla.havii,s. an.,
Olil lluelor s llkeueas km Jamil V-al tf Jr.e,aii tua
sienalun-arp-, Ihe " ol Arm.
Old Dr. Jacob Towiisenl
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Ilr T'WitiM-ii-l i ih-w ahow 7o voir l ai,t h u
I. K- been ki.iwi. a. ill- .1 lTII' ll t V'- I KUKK
r ii,e 1,'K vn.n: ouiuisal - tuwxsksu
.V IHSAl'.lHU.I. I ' Btlni r.lie a r.mi.iiej 1,
llinll iw luaiioi 'i 1 ure. by a,to. li m.iw n rwlreii k-j- .iu
ol ni.-irkrl. ao-l tie- -ii'i-- ' rum-rtl ih---- h
hau i.M.eJ it- w.irh a..! kn-is-ii - elne. Ii h.tl r.jrt- I
llie : .! HI.IIIV. weerllu-.e- . a- ' ' -r-nl. !.W
eu liralcl "I " e lur.L-e, aiel saiaj Ifiu .ta-i, w
r..a..: ed lis w.ek nut
HK.M.INt: ItrtVKR.
TtinCH.VNUAMI IM.UI Al.l.lIIllv:: PIKIT'l ,
maiiiit;iriii:-i.Hf ihr Ur.'-.-l -cale.awt 1-
IMlt lie !i-u il t.-li:i nl llie !au-i. e-:-r' i iv ii m
hii(nt incii1.!- f '-u ri'i-at f (iro-raM
I ulikr ,'iu.ir S P T"w--ivv-. ii ieir..vr, w.:h et,
aiul never'cli..ii-- "!' Lie llte ; lxcu-e i: i. p c.-a i!
ntl orienliitf ;.r..-jre I, ; w.efr muri. T . I.
kisiwU -lv"' o: l'lir:iii trv. ni-l ihc iali t .lrvn.e. te. il
an. h r all I" " hi.oi.;ti lion r-.in-n..u l.i Tie m:i;
lure ol ihr l:d Hr S. uriila. Tiw Sir-i-ari' . r-L.
K is wel! ki'li ri. ?ir'ii'-.,: men. rmailt- ni3,i. re''-:ni
prnrriii-. ao-l 'in- r -i r'i ii:i Ii are inrn ir u-i.-.
ami inhere, winch il r .m.hI iii 'rrrn.; l.i u-. , n.
dure frrirHt.t'toii , ;u,l H.t.1. elur'i H liif.n-'a l.. ilia a""
Inn. Sne- -I 'tie r..(-ni-. oi Soii-an: a :e . ,
ahal rhev rniio-lY r-:.,i i.-.-.r a;-.t arc : ma (.r-jorui t.
H lhe arc isa -rr-. rr -I l. a ar.r.inir ;., -,.. ..
ly lo' thirw e,rririice,l In O- Hi -im.ac ure. V.r--,-:,
ihrw r.Al'lV ;.: ... ' '. I-h It. "Il In i t-
li.iUii.Hi, u..!. .- Iir.,i...r. 'Ii- v.-ry r-..i.ii mttttr-d ft
trtie Ml ijie ra. will.-.- -lr l A)l It. , i-U--
Any t-rr-ii ran .n- nrr. ;ue p uil lr.ee j-l a ' I
n.'.o.isij :iiii 1. Klnrii i in- .-.' :rn: llie col wr.:e: .
thr m-t Iti oi lr.sn a.oilo.u r : ; ll ran iheu :ra:ii : n
li.jl.i.i H ej.il ili'iil. --l.o ''li - ""''"n.ViJ
II, sr,rall R -rUKSAfkllll.l. l:TB St T ! W f "
r.Tl -nrh t- li-s llie rtr'W e ki..... a ilir
UtlNUI-NEUUi lit JAl'UP. TOWN.sc.MJs
Tl.ai f -o pr. arr. ih u all the Inert pr lr.! of :ta
rUr.al-arllla ro-H an- lir-l rr-werrj. rer...lili.; raali I
hrr'HiiniT ai-al or leroanitaiHai la rtlraitd ai.l r-.-- -. ;
Uitrtierr parir'e ot mr.tir il .irtue t- srruiej n.a;a.a
ami CHireiiira'e.l li.r.n : a.al thiia It l reuileu l inri-a
ol kMut av ol -.tu i-.!e an.1 bea'aos pr-;a:rues. T
tvtrrJ Hi tlniwav. i; i - Ihr im l-ewnu! arm' m :ie
Cure sf IsiBSliiieraible l)l.-.eea.
Ilrr.-e llie n-we bear cnni-rn-iaiei- -. er--e
ei.le in II liir.r to nirii. m.mim-ii, lal children. We L.-- it
dliii e.lrr-i.i'ih.-cure ..I .,
rriV.vrT'i.V, ItYXFKPxn. a t .I Ft;
VOMPl. 1 1ST. a.l MIKVV.l Tl.s. srB-t-
j'.l fll.KS. l-t,srnKKSS. all CI TIM.-
an.! all at-rii-i ari-l;is lp.r.1
IMPl Ki t Y til' TI1K BI.lKD.
H p.. a nun-elloue rltic-e in all r.vi.lai t "il
(I. Ip.in r.rf.t -'.... IPHU Art.tityof Ihr Stotnnrh . !rrl
nittllUl em olall.ai. .Ielrrnin...ai M l-! ",'
INtlpllallou .M ihr l :ifl.c,l irrl an t h.in K cM rhllli an!
l.,H Ba-hr. ... r III.- bh.-e.iKH n- r..: 11. CV.I. ia
lUnuroi ; aiel pc-oi. " ra-i rx,ruK-iin and eeisia ti-
piral.ai. relasilii airiclurea d llie lun-. llimal and e.rrj
o ber rwrt. . ,
But in rmihiiiv i if ever Meie mora rianil-it.y aran sss
acku.vriadi:rd 1I1.01 in nil kin .-in-t .- r
It arneka w.alrr in tie. ! fttor Ahmo . JJl'')
r.li e'ae H-.oA. I I rt:t. -V7V noted. P't-o
.lraaca. Vrrrjf '' '' " lr,Ml l-e-T-1"-m
ao-t m erlecuul in eiirms H il- b A'arv Utow-
By lennlu .Aiimmi. a.J re-oiau.a " ru.r.l
synein. it Slvee lone and -sn-nf lb to uie wb.4a bodj, auJ
liius cure, all lorma of . IIW-
Servrons Uleees ami Desjilltr.
sn-l lh. irF.el.ls . o-in-.r. a crrai lanel. '
a.tle.a, Sffmnt ti-rtt.tttun. rro rear Aa
.. f-.O'tfir fV". r ei..a. r
II claausra llie Ih-h1. eveties ihr Her lo brallhy a- ua.
tours ll .l-iwich. a...t nor. ''""-;,-"'?-'" lZ
.,.ela Ol Kp. and lHre fn. slla.a
ernes UMekln.eon.lu-- l!- nrralalna. 01 Ibe blood, pr
"ocWoleir,H.h e.,uiry all w lb. b.lj.aod U
ifHeneiNle pernnra.Nei : n-laf lenr'nre- an.! ntilnee.ie
move, all nlejinirnnn-.. .td lnfi;.Kalea tlie enure Itenvrte
e-teni. e not lhl lln-a m
The Medicine ynm prerfmlaeaMv moral
But cam envoi i.h- mttrz" te- ael oi S. P Te.:.-eiu. V
mleiioe anir'e 1 Tin. .. ij hook ii-nel " i" '"
COMPARKU W i l li THKtll.l PR s.
herau-e of one r.K M r'llT. rhal ihs one is IM A?
white the other oorinr. frrmrnlint. XhA V-Meter
thr hottlro ceirainine ii tniv Irafnienie : ibe -our. e-'n:
liquid exp!o,lm.an.l damaeii. .eher enh! V"-l Nrt,"ie
aorrihle ru.neHintl he nH-.eMie lo tin- ee-crm ' - ir.al
SVil on a ine m enolrm m'rrmty timrar4 wtth nrid I VI l-al
ratter. IHsoet-ta bin a.-el I iloweteH aM kn iMatwR-a
l-oo MHira in onr etomarhe. vrhat mirhHf it pn-rncr-
ft.ltnlenrr. heartburn. patiramn of Ihe bran, herr fle
) .ll-a rv4w- slvaAlAaTv aialaa- an.1 r.irmilthin I
b'Misil 1 W hat in Sr.luU bl an arxl hunwtr in thr h-!
What proi!otrw -hr hnrmotn htrh lmic m Er
Ih Mlft Sri.Il llfa,l. 9mll Rhfnm. Kn.-lr'- Wf,TU
SvWflliii", !vr Si i ix. avtal all irt.M'-i intfiwi .tei
irmal 1 it in nrMhinc tnrr hraven IW an ari hit
wltirh ewwir-. ami ihw fwl all th tnnim oi ttr bt"b .
r r Wtuu rant Rhr-ofaiim bn pat tl
(liirrl whirl. iirinaatr4 iiHf hnirfn thr hMiit aitd
whrrr. irntaliitf ainl inrt.imin Ihr tfelira'r n-wn "r
whirh ll new 1 S- il nrrvmiw l,earwr-a. nl itntnt
Mfml. ih Irranrrtl rirruLvma. ami nrarlj il thr ai:mrf
whfrh atntu tmniin nainrr.
Sm m h ihh born Mr n mmkm aivl urU. an-l intnii
trttrw in tmr lhi
S. P. TfWSf.M.
Mat Trf br wmikl 111 hw tt myVrf-d thai OI.I Pr J
t T'WiirTH)' aWivftvr fhrigimsil Xurw !(, t w !v
ITATIO oi hii niNrrr.r rHV'aratPfai ! !
Ilravrn ftrhn1 ihit m- nh.tU, ik-al in m artfV
wmdM brar ihr dmm luiait irwmbl.ar u S- T. T-''
r-n't'n strtirfr
Wr wih H VDslrrof'tol. hrranr If t Ihr t-.e'u" ten
thst-S. P T.wn--ne.ra anir'- aid nt'I IV. J.rrhT
Snreirnhlla are kenrrm tri.lt mfmrt. amJ tn1imtthi '
ilitr; that llvv mrr uulikr in rwrry laamTii'ar, IW.iiue
one Jiiifjlr Hurtf iw r"imn.
At S. P T-trri.l ia i tKtrtitr. ail arrr ws. n
Hmi. fro jfiarrc v-titt-ri kifwr. mo mnrvni HiaMW'i
tffcavaf- ilian am i r OMuiTntt. atrkriiii:r. rtnnn )- "
man. what rmurraHt- ran the piilaste brvr ihai ilt ''r"r
rnviitt a crntiinr-rirniilSr nwltrinr. rwsminff ai! ihr
ClMrvnl llr unu-erf in prrpartlaT it, ail mhlfh J.,Ij
tat nth! ol' rhati-ri whirh miM rrwlrr Ihrm :hr AliKM
f Itmraar mratf i hliti T
Hut wti.it rlxr IhuM br atirrtrtl from tr nh k'
nothinf; rompaniiiTrlv ai mr-dKiir or thr T t rrn"-'-a
prniwn ol mmne irrirnre h rMk atat rr pr1''
enmmon drrriit hum I. Hw much ii?si.rtH w B
that th prrnnei whi tvNintitartiirr nirnhr -Ir-r"'' r"
hoiklfl Iria.w writ ihr nti-tiiral f,irfllr pfcinr. 'hf
wwinrr nf acrnniir! aiwl rmtrriitratias ihrir lrlwi T,r1";.
aUan ritbi- kwewlrtUc f ihe ntum Jt-r m
rtrtn thr, homa Mcin, aial how ts attipi irin-i
ihrr hrars) . ,rt
It u i mm- ftwvta urarm th iwfcm.wv.ir-. to TMr
mu wotawirJ hmtmany.k. ktmMm liopa a thr .ir-"
hnmwv. m ixttarr h-alth, aii bloom. atrl "' Dc.
rru-hnl anJ jn-l l Kint-h inHrmitT 1 '
iAf'OB TOWNSKNO hai MH;01IT twi FlM M,he,,r
portuititv ami mraita to bony hia .
eraawi Vnlwer! CoMratratH H5TSi ,t
Within ihr fwami i. ihr ki.lrirr . all wlw nr
thai th may trarn Irimw. hw iovful irirfK
Tra.nwrniaial Pwwwr ta He
ArNT for ihe Above Wedirine
Schnffle, lwibnrj; ; John IIRaA-r.
ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, Northumbrian!
GENTLEMEN'S Faocy Goods, Viff
mR. Clothe Cassincre59 aud Sun1
mer Goodd in crneral, a!
C. 12. Boef Cheep Store.