Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 03, 1849, Image 3

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41 $?mn rirwi
5-srh o pvr DSC
ir u n a 6 &. si
(tint oacw Anne' iwtuj
riWE public are respee'rully informed that JOHN FORSTER has received, and
ow ..ffcr- lor sale a very
"I.irsc sioi'k ol i? an
- ;.;n, l! arlirb S it"!)' C ",M
a TV in Il.e
finer kinds of goods no. Usually ItO.iM
: :.. i i..r.-. l.-i-i iire made el-e.v
is mv ir nr-one r"
east 20 TCr Cent. Wow cu-'.m.nry r.., s
nil those who buy will. CASH, s the (
ii i a-t in i tinuini I
s.i.au pure... , . . ,,. fashioned v -' ?m img thru giving io the
manv w ho ileal in Ijewi-niro - , . ,
m-rohan. the advantage of high P.iec: J'" ''"'' -nM resp,,-.ruliy say Lull and
examine mv kw priced Sod: The puleic will upon trial appreciate the
of l.uvimr for cash, and where business is done .r ca-h only as. ih.-re is no n-k to
,,. of crHit or trad", nod goods are s 1 J at a small ativauce on cost prices. 'Among
mi slni-k is a lur! Variety nt
on.hnrinir Cwimorra, Safiivlts, VcMinas Twel VUh Tor .ick amlt 'vrrr-onTs.
Ki'iitiw-kv'jeansTickinos.Caiitoii and olhcr rianm-ls. T;.W-. Ilmp-r. Mu 500
iM. ms Calicoi s, (iinuharns, M.mm de fah.i.rM. M riii-os A'i.uc.-.is, Silks,
I.int n, Cambric, Sdk an I Co!lon II nidk.-r.-liirs, S1i.i-.vls, Trni nins, ic.
f Mies' shoes. Men's and Hoys' bools, ctL'.
cloth . LVD ;iizi:n CJPS,
C.Tl3tt.0-l'e best
;iinl inot
a- a iiot-ial ab ittmem "ill be i.-idi:.
Lcw.i;bura, ( i-l-' 2. IS 13
I I AVINd ri ndi-ri il cntiri- s i'.is'ii li--n I"
ff 1 I...- . p.., .Iri.t! I.V till!, t.!l!:illllH''
I n i l. tlo lo sc
i r v rriii-s of lti
II I...',... t ,l. ...iJli.O.-
I:., .. -In. iil.wriluT ni-am
l:i- ,: tie" n
iiim'i-s u.v c iiiini'iiiiv o ii. i
di siie ii- j
li in-( l.i-nn (lurids In cull lit
h s tnn-. i
j t..i !.- Khuc's ho'cl, lii-r: tln-y can lin'l
.i I f It s'ick now o riiino of
Queens ware
a t.d
Mines .,(! n,..t
luiiidiz adapted o
S"ascn, at the cn
Hani wan,
i rns
Cai s,
ll.eir win's
M r
I vesl prices. livery exertion made to
ii'i-n-i- those u bo may favor lis with a "call
A I kinds of Produce taken inevchniue '"as
m il as Cash" in luivim nl for ( I Kids.
I., uisb iro. Sept W7, IS I'J
Dr. Rose's Medicines.
Tl.e subscriber having hi-n nppotnh-d,
mle aiii for I)r. Ii m' Medicines, fori
I nuin county, tdlers iluiii to ihe public j
ch jireat confiiieiii-e ns lo their fli acy j
and cerlauily of rlicciinsi cur s in all cum s
lor which tin-y are di s -jw A. A sin'e test I
nt.lv is locuirid t- rttabli-h M e (net. j
S, ,.i 27 SSP.AKTON
U'NION I..i!. .. ii 1. nt Ratml
il ll of V. itltlV. f V;ll
are hereby cofninaideii lo niei-'
in the 11 .roti.ih f.f L"vishuro on
Saturday. Oct. G, at 10 nVln-k.
A M., f -r tl '' purpose of uroaii
Z n" a Hittalion and ele.-tiiiL'
l ield O.ri -c.-s. The lry Val
ley Rifle Coirpany is respect
fully solicited to join in the
above Battalion.
F. A. LOXACI1V, M.jor.
New York Fall and W inter FA
for -e-
fL'ST received ut the Fa.liion.it!.; Ta
,J htiino csiablishiti'-n'. in xt door t 't.e
post office. joi in a milli:;..
Lowisburo, Sept 2(1, 15 l'J
lnCsubscriberswoul I respect 'ul'y inform
I the public I hat they have ilns day en
teicd into a Copartner.hi, for ihe purpose
i f Merchandiz no, under the firm ol " J.
IUYKS vt CO." As we ca. ula'e upoit
keeping an extensive assortment of (liu.ds
nt all descriptions, and to sell lie it. at ihe
v. ry lowest rales lor ca.h or country pro
duce, wo hope In merit a roi:t;iiuaiiee of
I'lbh,; favor. J AME-s HXYE,
Ut,burg, Sepl 17, 164U
The un lersigned.thank
ml liir the past pa' rename
of h-s friends, would res
picifjlly rq jest all those havino unsculed
Bi couiits to call and make settlement wiih
cut further dclav. J ll.WFS.
Home Industry.
LBS. superior lO.V YARN
for sale by
Septan j. ii ayi-.s & ut .
Tiie sub-criliers b:ive just ree'd a fresh
s. ph c.r COFFEE, SUGAR, 3101,
ASSES, Arc, wliu-h they will sell al
very small advance on cost.
Sept 10 S VV J Wulle
Just rec'J and lor side by
IS S Ai J W olfe
"ATACKKUKIa N.8 2 and 3,
rfiL Jiihi rei'J and for sale.
Sept H
ISJtJ Wolfe
km wsk sales."
ami v mier goous,
. VI .1 1 I . ' I-
ntner stores, wnn I no ao nnon oi many
An oxaiiiitia'i
II nl tins sluck I
At ; his store, (jo ds w ill lie sold a'
T.is ci rluiu'y lier- ; rr;:tl inducements
ing i mi logo a per otTi wn ii n
i; u mathr nl" coiisitioiaiii.il. There are
varied a-sirtiTiPiit and also
iia L VV fcttii 5 etc. etc
grert iiulucomcnts arc i-UVred,
New cheap cash otorc.
cutl iritsdr
.f ML 1
"J'-Ilfl s''M-i;!iir
1 K'ock nl
ju-t received his
;o..d iiii!)iicin the usual viinel)
S H'tl IIS
l'li HV.-i
which are nlH-red chcaji lor Cash or
' C. wutrv Pn-duce.
I L.- i-hurtr. Sept. 18, I8i:
f 1 iDTISIl Fresh 31 ickerel Chi ese j
J f -r sale bv
1 Ci Liwshe
I. t'
, . . l a -
uIlciiIhts have associated under
Firm ol I
C P I 'flTM EC
C"t Q til liltriLa ll I
., r ,..,-.,.,,.
r the , uipi.se of carrying on a 1
k'liolesalc Gn cerv . General ,
Cutlillli.Ssinll aild Fur JirdiltJJ (
I...: - I ;k....I u.u .,.... 1 tk n..1i :
on nil Minis ol t.-utilry l r( ue-. . ''tL' '
of busitiLsS, new Warehouse on the Imrf j
U of C untrv Pr-x'ii.v. Place
ii.-unid.i'cly btl-.v ihe Bride,
1 ..1. 1.. I. .. it... .A....
JiiXA'I HAN Ki.l'E
L i-!.'.ri:, Pa. Auo. 7, IS l'J
Sunt-tior Co. king Stoves.
The v.ilis libers have f li hand theTCtM j
:rTNTit Uriokiint Srnve. nrran.-t d for I
'- .... . I
vVond or Coal. I i.ese. broves arc superior i
Pl.ese. S:
to anvthitij of il.e kind ever off- red iu the
co.iti-ry, and will 1 sold at reasonab e
prices. Ski. WOLFF..
Irfwi.bur, S. p 10, 1H19
2iH) sicks ground Alum Salt,
50 do fine do
100 hlils.
For sab
S. p- 10
wholesale rr retail, bv
S J XX.A'c
The 4 '-io. y .'ro-rcc con-idi i. 'he I'.riii-
dreih Pii's -i no.'hy the cot.fi lenct cf
th. p.biic. Tl.!.. the principle on wl.icii
'h v cure disia.'- is the same ns that ol
Li rov ol Paris mi 1 So ib na.ix of li. rni i
i. v. I hat nil the variety oi' '..ea.e pro
cei i! f.orr', or lire pearly allied to deorder
.f liie st..rf.ach pud Loi!s, and I hat by
u.in those reaied'cs which restore to
heallh these iui.i-'rlaiit organs lh; disease
will vanish. The Rrnndieth inediiii.es
pr-.ftss lo carry c.ut this inipoitaul prin
. iple. We have heard them strenly re-
comiu. oded.
The genuine pill forsale by J. HAYES,
solo aot nt for Lew ishnr;. ;i.i.273 '
"lTR have this day bouohl at Private
Sale id A.mikkw Kksuv, 41 yds
of carpel. 2 tables, I settee, 1 bureau and
bookcase, 12 chaiis, I eight-day clock, 1
coal stove, I lookino-o'ass, i.nd 1 hoc, and
that we- have loaned the same during our
pleasure to the said Kennedy, of which
the public may take notice.
J. & J. WALLS.
Iwishur?. Sept. 19, 1819
iTbe Pro-
.rietor of
he Ma-
nctic (hutment warrants a cure of this
iroublesome complaint, in every instance,
if ihe directions are s'ric'ly followed.
For sale by Thornton c llaker.Lewisb'g
f TAS removed his Watch and Jewelry
stablishineut to his house, opposite
Store. .
SALT Fine Sack, Ground Alum, and
Salina, on hand and for sale by .
Ap23 . i GLawshe. ;
couxtr v merchants.
DR.J N KFELl'R & BiiO. most res
p?clfu!ly solicit n-iit i.n to their fresh
stock ol English, Frmrh, German, ami
.InterScan Driig-i. Mi'dn inr, I'niiiN. Cru--inirals.
Oils, )vetufl"s G!M.w:ir, I'. r'u
mery, Piiifiil Medii-iiies. V'Hrniilit'8, vVc.
Having opMieJ a new moir, No 2i4, M irkrl l,
with a full .upjilv ol fieh l)iuu and M.iIU inr.
we reii cttuliy Kjlicil cmiii'i)' diilns lo exam
ine our slock lfore iuirh inc i lsowlipro. Toin-i-ins
one and all who may ( I i!i-W3d In x
end to u lln'ir iutronai;e. to f-U iliein gmunie
Uruff. and Medicmni. oit lil'il li-rum a any
oilier houe ill the City, and lo lui litully exi't'ire
all oidei fiitru.lcd lo u jnoiii.tly and Willi i.e
hic of the n'.inrip'or'i Ix'in; a rrei'lnr yhyA-
cian. art'irils amidf euir.inve of ilu Rciiiiuie I
ijunfly ol all arlli le aolJ al l!u ir e-laiilMliiin-nt.
We especially invite diUL'qiu and couniiy
men hunt. ho ni.iv nili lo lierome aicriita l.o
Vc. Keeltr's Cil-hratiJ i'j.i;iy XnHnnm.
(slan.lar I uuJ popular n-meJies ) in furn uid their
f olicrins tl'C patronaije uf ilealcra, we resj.i-ct-fnlly
J.iN. KEEI.ER& B P.O .Wholesale PmiKis,
lyiSI No. 29. Markit f'., l'hiltiil.
S8,0 R N A M E N T A L
'I'he subscriber ofu is ..r s ib- Ornamen
tal Trees ol every ucsciip'ii-n, pariicuWly
the luiropcan Linden, and I'a'i'onia Impt
rialis, a splendid sha.l- tree lately inir i.tu
red frmi) Japan, remarl.ntile lor rs i nui
inous leans (-ouuliiiies two feet in diam
eter.) and hire chillers of rose rol-.p-d
flour r, spotted nnd s'lip' d within, i-iniltinji
a fr iimncr? similar to the Lilac.
Also b'rutt trees ol everv id-scrip' ioii,uc!i
as grafted Apple trees fmin 7 lo I) il hh,
at 12 to lats each or S1U to 12. 5 ier
hundred ; Inoculated IYui h trees. I'il ds
each, or SiO per hundred ; I'enr, Cherry,
Pliinl, N'-clarine, and ApriiMt trees at n-a
sonalile prices nil liie varieties wairanled
nenuine: also Hot h nise .lt d tJreeu hoiisi
plants, embrncino li -nritij Orange, nn 1 L j
nioii tre-'S-tositihcr uhhd varielvi l l'e-ner i
sis-d-i, all of which he will sell as lou as
they can be purchased in Philadeli-h-a.
Lewisburo, Sej-l 12, 1819
at I
rilHE TKUSTEEM of the I nWi rsity at Lew
iliuiir would un.eclMillv inl -rin ll 1'atioua
a:id Fiirnds, that, in ilie Si liool uinlvr thrir rare,
(at Ij-wMiurg) ihe folio in; aie lite 'lapses. ub
j. rta of Study and Exorcitea lor the cuirent year.
Ut-partmouts anil Miulici.
Vx. t:iase Eierciwd in Sellimr. Reading,
lit fiiulioii. Engliti liranniiar. Arithmetic Urog
raphy, Hitoiy U" !S. A., I'eniniiii-hip, and Com-
excusII Dri'AKTMlCST Hie Anuhmy.
'I'he same stu-lirs as in the Primary Ui narlinvnt
i - ,i i 1 Li. i.i
j r"IHHIUI U III llir LI--- til l.l'K" l I i,un , ...
J these are adde.l (irni ral lli-loiy, Uavin' Algebra.
Legendre and Survey lug.
1 r a i ft r- .t: k I ...
Jllll. .trim mir , iii..,. iiiii:ii-ii noiimiot..
,,,,, y H,ry L;. s. A., tJramm.r
a, Reader, lireek tiramiuar auj KraJVr coiu-
nienred, Anlhinei.c cnmpli-U-d.
Academic Clans. Enpli-h l.anqnace,
tieneral History, L'a.-iir, Virgil, Crt-ik l!i-adi r,
collegiate devautxest.
Frtslnwn Chus. I,ivy.Analiafi..MeitiotHhilia.
Tl ...:.. I 1... l'.;....n u ..i.imw.l...'.l
.a,H.j i
Orations of Demosth miih. Ieii Ire cooi.leted. j
,llliCl, sinrveyinj: and Navigation, Analytical I
11 ll...., I
tieoinrlrv, lilaira Lectures.
j Junior Clivi. Deinosihene on the Crown,
j Greek Tragedy. Cicero ile Oifiriis, Tacilm, N'al-
ural rb.losopny, .x-tronoiny. Logic.
Simlenta ia the Enlish Depi.tment rerite
j the W""K u,e
No class in the Regular rourne, has less than
three d .ily recitations. All the memhera of t ;e
.A.nl ; K. .l;.i.i..w I are riiararil e
"' v " ,.' . , -.,,..
nilUIUll III IXI-n.Mlip. ' Irtll.B..".., ua.'ir..
position, and Vocal Mufic.
All the alu lents are riqair.il to at.end. regu-
larlv, fome religious meeting. Minors an- ex pre
ted lo attend such meeting a aie n-connnendej
io them by iheir pannta or guaidiaus I'hi re are
in the Borough no less than iix place of public
wor.hip, or-cupird every Lord's Day by a. many
di.lt-ieul I hiUlian denominations.
Kuatter of Staieati
The number of .Indents during the pa-t vear
ia the vaiians drpaniin-rits. was l!!t The
number thai have rn'prej lhecla.ea in the Reg
ular Cruise for the eu.ieni year (-xi-lo-ive of
lho.e in the E.i,hih anj Primary J- part nie.ils )
is a foll nvs :
I'niLUC. Junior cli-
Sophomore clias
Fre.lii.ia.i class
A. augMT. Senior ila.a
Jt.iiiiir c!a-s
- fi
- 'ii .
STEPHEN W. TA VLOII. A. M ., Prof, or of
Matliemalie and Natural Phit ii-ophy ;
GEOKGE It. EI lfs, A. .M., I'roiessor oi Gre.k
Laiisn-ioe nn.l Lil.-ralttre ;
oi Laiiu Language and Lileratuie;
ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, riin.ipd of ihe
Academy ;
ALFKtD TAYLOR, A. L, T.arh.r in the
In order to meet the demands of the In-titu-t.oii,
the Boaid have taken m. a-urs to supply
the i.ecesiurv Apparatus for the dupartan-nl of
Mechanical t'hdaaupliy, and to inc. ease th Li
brary, befo.e Ihe coiiiuinueiiient ol ihe wmier
esi-ioti. During the year, the building n- in
progress will be completed, air.ir.luig sludv Moms
and donniloriea for 70 c dlege students. Another
Piolessor has Iwen ad.lcd lo ihe Far.i't-y. ana
means provided to enable aludents iu the cla-se
specified above lo pros, cute their studies wiih ihe
greatest aucceaa.
Tu 11 Ion nnd Ron ret.
TLTTION in the Clle-iate Department J30.
Aradeinie f20, Frimaiy IS per year.
BOARD, including hilging, washing, fuel and
lisht, can Iw bad in the village and ila vi. inity at
various prieea, from tjl,37j lo $2,50 per week.
ScKslon, Vacations, &c.
Two Session m a year the former enmmen
res on Ihe acfond Tuesday in Octolier. and con
tinues 27 week.; the latter continues 15 weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next
session begins II th (X.u.la,-r.
The Board are happy to add that Lewiaburg
is at present, aa it ever has been, exceedingly
By order and in behalf of the Board :
- Lewisburfj, Uoioo Co. Pa. Sept. 1, !8I9. , '
I'Ol Il-tlll.t'. I.lt'C lSUiCK,
.tii:itiit accd Srut Company.
Office 74; ll'ulnut S.rtrl, l'hiUuUlphia.
imtai, $i50,000 C'Lailer IVrpvtunl.
TBTIIE Company are now prrpared to Iran-act
tm;iii B upon the moat liberal and advanla-R.-.iun
Ivima. Thi' are aulliorizrd by iheir cliarl. r
(nee. 3) " lo inukc nil and en ry insurance apprr.
lainini! to life rik of whatrrr kiud or nature, and
lo nrfive and rjtcuie lrii-ta, make inlo iin-nl,
and lo grant and puro!iae annuilitw." Tim Com
pany m-II annuitiea and endow lunula, and act a
Irusti-eii for minora and ui-iia.
Table of IWmiumM rtiuired fur the Auranct
iij -Jiltu Jiirl.it uluilc Una ij Lije.
Ai:u. I'ioi.
A,,e. I'n-ii)
t.i. 1 iem.
t on
1 S3
I r.6
l fia
l en
i t;:j
1 f.
1 li
1 76
1 85
1 ,59
1 !M
r ns
2 01
31 09
4li l3 30
2 !5
3 49
2 20
2 7
S 33
2 10
2 !7
2 St
2 63
2 70
2 !
s .) :
3 1)1
:i 12
3 23
3 2
3 77
3 94
4 13
4 32
4 51
4 71
4 91
5 12
5 33
5 51
5 7S
fi 03
Th prrrr.mr.iH are less than any o.lu-r company
and Ihe polii-ii-s alforil "reater advanlace. Mar
rinl women ainl It-mule cliiUlri-n ran i'tsure the
live i f eithi-i a liusl.anil or narenl In-e from the
cltiiins ft rri-iliiors. Tahti-s nf half yearly and
quarterly i eitiinms, halt cr. iltt rates of (ir. ninun,
shi-rl li nn, j- int lives. snrvivor.h'H. endow -ni'-nts
anil fortn of aiilii-atiun nre lo be had al
the (Mine .it of the Aui-nt.
Unlets fur injuring !j1li0 on a tinU Life.
Aie. Fur 1 vear. Fjr 7 veara. For Life.
20 S-ti SI 91 1 GO
30 tl 99 1 30 2 (It
40 1 29 1 l4 2 70
50 1 SO S 07 3 91
59 3 -IS 3 'J7 C 03
Example: A person nir.-d 30 yrara lust hiith
dav by -iviie' Ihe C:.iiiiy 99 cl would serine
to hia family or In ire lnO ahouhl he die in one
year, or for 9 91 he secuiea lo lliein ll0l!, or for
13 III! annually for veu je.irs he M-cores lo lln m
JIIM.O sh.ml.l In V in aeen y nrs. or for 20 40
p-ii.l v early dmii.g life he secures $1000 10 be .nid
when he .lies the insurer seruriim hisownhonua
by ihe iliiTen-i-rr in amount of iiieniium fiom ihose
rharceJ hv othr-r nfli . For 19 50 .he heiia viould
feci-ive .'it)(ll) honl.l he die in one year.
PET Els Ct'I.l EN. President.
F. XV. RAH I.H S c'y and T eaa.
For further paflii-ula-- aj pty to
Arnl fir Union ami aduiniiilf eintiitit.
('.n.oliini: i'liysii-ian V. HTt.-, M. D.
Let i burg, Cnion Co. Pa. July 31, ls-19
New Co artnersliip !
r . i. ev and CAEITJET
VLljaUii ilikujc.
HAVING ec.tiied into a partnership,
the snb-cribi-rs would inoriu iheirold
latri-ns and the put lie in ti iit rjl, thai ue
may be found at D Winter's ol.l stand on F.r.t
mint mar llie Academy, whore we carry on the
above nudities in all its vaih-lies.
Fancy and Coinm'on Chairs, Hostoii
Rjckino Chairs Setttvs, various kinds
U.in.aus, Tallies, I!ed. leads, c on hand
or made lo order.
ready made or
fjruishcJ on
short no! ice.
W'f have also a suitable IlliARSU iu rea
duiess lor Funerals.
re ia a.
We have a Turning Lathe propelled by
horse power, hirh nahles us to turn wouJ
ol any size, and up to 2i feel iu length.
win niiiit w tiniucu u i-
Ill l ... I .a i l... ih.. u..l.ri!tora iill
(r-AII work in our line warranted to be well
mad j on ,u0 IIllBil r,.j-oiiab!e lerins.
rioi.iov hit; ItuiltlirM.
We would aUo aiinouui e that we have proper
Miciiiuery lor re.u iving Bu.l'lings, of any a.x.
lio.il L'u.i to Uirrsl.eba if neceiwary.
Country produce and Lumher
I li on in payment and Cu-li and Gold Du-l not
rrfu-ed. '
Thmiiful for past favors, we re?peTful!y a.k
acoiiiu.uT.ee of the bain..
Lewi-hurn. May 1. IS!U r.iii25
The New Foundry
S now carried on as usual, at the upper
end of M trk'T Mr.fi. where every di s-
ri ip'i(inf.f CASTINGS ' k,,Pl ,n
hand or mule lo order such as
The Coint-Ie.e, or
( 'omplele Improved
Co.ikin Sluvts,
or ei'her Coal or
Wood an I all
oil.irr kinds of
also pfOUI&S t dilTtjr-
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and llif
Eelf-SharpciiiEg Flangh,
a nciv article, and which can not be !cnt
in PTiiis Ivauia. Call and sc.-mid jude
for veurselves. D CllRtST.
I-wishurg. Ana. 1 1, 181!)
.Magnetic Ointment!!
i hat y.n.ii- iii-iii ui.ui.s io wear a wio f
Wo all know the value of a good head of
haif. A vo.iiij; man wiih a bil.l head, is a
sorl of walking crtiicalure of his spt-cieu.
Hence the many various attempts to reme
dy i r conceal ihe deficiency. Hundreds
of the young men of this country, nfier try;
in the thousand and one chemical prepa
rations and nostrums Cor restoring the hair,
are driven the necessity of wearing a wig!
a practice as little conducive to cleanliness,
as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hnji
pen to know from practical experience.! hat
Trash's Magnetic Ointment will restore the
hair on a bald head, when all other reme
dies have failed.
Sold in Lewishti's.wholesale and retail,
bv Thornton & Baker. Price 25 nnd 50
I cents per bollle.
A journeyman Watchmaker
ANTED w LewUburg, by
stoves. rrL
Fever aiid .4se.
"I tTHAT .s
V adaplcd
a ihe iiiulIm ol tn-a'rni-iit !r 1
to ihe cure of revrr nnd
It has u-ually been licaic-1 bv
im ilifiil men ns n iliirfasf of I'sell. hinct-
ly speakino it is m l a d sense, but n uiutp
loin of disease. It I th" n-suli of u
raneinent of the lirrr. Here lira the
dillicul'y, and here is the disease. I; i
therefore the liver t-i which the renndy
should lie diiecied. I lere lbf cnue exists,
and it is the cause hich is lo be rem-'ved,
or a permanent cure will not be i filled
Dy addressing remedies in il.e symptoms,
we leave ihe cause iinloiiched, ready In
irniin- ea return of ihe chi.l-and li-ver, or
. ihe first over exertion ol iniinl or honv.
The success of Or. O-ood's India Omla
i;iiouh ii. e tncir.;; permimeiil cures of such
j n (lections is explained by iis well know de-
obstruent tlUol upon the biiinry fijians.
1 liniiatii.ns are abroad! Hh p.-ir'ieolar
Mo enquire for ' I)r. (isjiood's INDI AN
j i no la cot it i;."
i Fur sale by the s I . -ig' n', Sc'i r;;tr.
"tyjpce Jtcmr.ccd.
AFI "ICR. on Second St., lately occupied
i J by L. H. (dirist, Ksip
Apid 2, 1-4'J
For Nervous Di-aes, J)r. Tiask's
?Iaeet'C Ointment is of immense value,
ami in !)!) c.ihi s out of Hl) it will ali'ord
eniire ii-iief lo the worst cases ol Nervous
1 l.-.i.i.i. ln- iu 3i mill. lies.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr
Thornton c: Hiker. Lewis'iuri: sold also
bv J. II Ri.er, Milton ami bv on-jiueii'
in every vilbie in the Slate. Price 25 and
Mr els per hull e.
Lumber! Li.mlLr! !
.'PUR -
k of lumber, c n.-isiina ( 2f 0 OdH
It i t o! sawed luinb" r as lo-'ows : vv line
pioe boards 1 inch, plank li inch and 2
inch, weather beards, j.iist ,V Mciiiiii.ii?.iop
lar boards, niank, and e
....nb milt loinr.ls sowi'.l
and hemlock rails, shin Jii'o huh, and pa-
litis:. Also lap and joint shiiiobs, sipmre
tiinlM-r, nails, salt, and coal. All ol which
he will sell al fair prices.
Lowis' urz. July 11, Hl'J.
Important Information.'
I10R the difficult respiration and debility
n'tendmo diseases o the Luajr-, or
Theion n,l I'lroast ThimtMnn's Command
Syrup vf Tar mid Hood Ni.pihn h .s
C ....I. it.x ra. in t'rn fai'fl.in CiC tflf V'rilfa 1
.. . .t . r .. . . ,
m Ihi rr,()t, that m:iy of Hir
...I.I.. I.U. ...n. ...... II It. llo.ir I
respi-tani'ic in s.t. ..ns .
practiee, anil we nave n n cmu. iicc
cures ellecte.l in pu inuciry ui-cas-s
.v . i i:
where skill h as lilleilv lai.e.l.
Prepared onlv bv Anoney cs. )i.-kson, N
K corner Fifth and Spruce .Ms. Philad
Sold by C. H. .VAYf, Lertisbiir-j
To luccnttirs, Mechanics, a id Artizinm.
TMIE Publishers of the StienaEc American, in .
reluming tueu manna 10 1110 cuaianiiiny
Ihe liberal support and encouragemeiiTwhicll has
bii-n eiU.iii.cd lo them during Ihe .j.l fo.iryears.
wo.ihl r.-s-cif.illy give u tke that Ihe 1st num
Imt ol Volume 5, will tie is.-tic J oil Ihe -2J of
S. .;.-n.l-rr. aH"..riliiig a lavoral.le oppoiluuity for
all lo u!-s;-ribe,who may i.h loa.ail lh. .n..ebe
of ihe Viihmiile ii.lorii.atiou ulaays lo.ii.d in it
columns. Toe ne.v volume will lie co.uin.Ti'-ed
with new type, printed on extra lioe papr, n an
ufat tiued evpre.-.-lv tor lam pubu.-ation. ainl em
l-tlii-hij wiih acha.teaiul eieg.int boiUer.
i i,.;. k...i ... ......r..... ;.. .....I. r.rm
Ihusafiordingaliheeudoflhejeaia heaultlul j
i . . . i., i . n
book ol ovrr 400 p .geu, coiitaiiu.il t-.etweeu 5
, , , t c i .. . . i .. '
and GI'O oiignia engravinga of n. w liiveiilioi.. ,
. ii.i.. . . t. ;i . ,-,.,
deaenbed by litters ot rr-tcronce, besnlea a great
J ... I
I .....hna iii:ill..i vsloalile to ev. rv mail I
ill Ihe country.
All increased amount . f care and rxpcn?C will ;
be Ictnai d upon Ibis volume, to reinler II more
fully what il has hen termed. '-The besl Me-j
chauiral Paper in the World." Its colun.iis . I
Usual will be Cited with the most leliabl.- und j
corn et iiiloruiation in regard lo the progren ol j
Scientific and Mechanical improvements, Cioai I
rlry, Architecture, Unlany, Marailaelnres, Kt.l
lloatl inteilitrcr.ee. nnd the weekly List of i'at
cms, prepared txrea.ly for this Journal al the
Patent Oifice iu Washington. i
As an evidence of the c.lunation in win. h tins
ptibliraliou i. held by ihe Scientific and Met-han
if al portion of the community, it is oolv nec-s
s .ry la stale, that its circulation has iu-rtasi-d
within the last three years lo upwards of 10 OoO
copies, already exceeding the united rii.i luli...i
of all the Mechanical aud Scientific publications
in lilts countty, and the largest of any situ li
on., in iIia ntoi 1.1.
Tra-ss: Two dollar, a vear in advanee. or'
:rjj.,l o. .lotUr in .ilv.'ire. and the r. main- !
der in six mouths.
To Clcbs : 5 copies, s ; 10 copies, "jl 15 ;
20 copies. "J23.
Ail Ullera must be post paid and directed to
MI NN it CO.
Publishers of the Scientific American, N. York.
j, B. Patents secured and mechanical draw
ings ececuted on the mosl reasonable teriua at
the Scientific American office.
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla
JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and
fresh supply of his celebrated medicine
from the principal Depot in New York.
Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla
cm have cither the old or young I)r . ven-
utne and fresh, by calling on the Ayent,
Lewishutg. June 2S G W St:H Al t I. !' i
Paints, Oils, Glass.
TUST tee'd White Lead, Ven: Red. Span:
Brown, Chiome, Green and Yellow. l'iu:
Blue, Carmine, Verinilhon Flaxwed. FUh and
Sperm Oil, 8pta Torpenline Glaaa fiom 7xi) to
VZ2ZTK.7n. I.i.bunt.1
been lolliid aa mv ilu.lble remc.Jv. Ik:sI Us ( inform Piosewn. nave so dim n-ir or...,-.. . i'orlJnjt.rv ,UilS, xrtllll, Liirjllfirs,
its power as an IVc.ut.n, lu'rvtltev, the , o Fancy Notiotts, Variety Goods
Ui;s frotn the acettniui . ed matter wl .eh llnllultef,lt.,I ,, ..! Me.iicioes. , .,- . Krui,saild Confectii'lUTV,
results Irom the relax, d: slate of ihe y''1" , Jilvv lr,,m I m,,:tMS a, re.lure.l p i.va ... tt.e ; V' ul ' -i
ho. weather, it also nets a, a hen.-n, V.'rk, I h,l...b '( hi. Il.'.ituore m..ke i Urt-c variety t other .rtuW. k'M
balm to the ulcerated ,.., and a , which y are enahf d ... a- prnes lower . "'.tZZ ZXZZl
euer 10 lh-. sv stem. I ' ever ouVre.l . law pi. e, at v b-le.atf aaJ I - rtre ,, firih
'I husuhscrilH-rs it-.p' e.
fully inlor.n me en t '..
of lwisburjatid viciuii;
ihat ih.- have con.cn d
Ihe above business, a I M
i I ite'a old shop on Second
. . Al.-t... u ..... I !ll I
Si. one sipi.ire sotitn oi . ir". i"
ire prepared lo Iron ,ii2l r Wa j-m-,
and irake nil articles in their- h.isiiM m
;he most workmanlike maniier, at prices
which Ihev hope villi ind-n e thi-sc wi-ih-re
anylhinjs d..i;e in their line to '.i!l .iral
juiloe themselves before ooira elsewhere
Repairing dune on the ahorte.l notict
an I on rea.oiiai.le lernia ids'. Slioeilig.
which is a very important mat
tt-r to those that have vmuaoe
horses, and ..hoi.hl lH-nliuten i ii
mil v to ners'ins ol km) v n skill.
We ll itier niirselves that we nrf able tnj
c-niifwTc i'h any person in the country in
?iiioeiiip II ir-es : we nk only a trial, nnd ;
l.-l ihe work U lor iiM-ll". 1
AH work warranted. Iron and al! kinds !
of i niiu'r Prod.ti ; taken in exchanjn. j
We hope bv strict a tenli-.n to busne-ss. '
'iind a d:-ieiT'inniion lo sent all, imlli in
woik aiid price, to let tive a liberal shire ,
of public Mitrminoe.
L"wishtirg. M-iv 22. 1819
" mmm " ""
CI nIMfU' 'X frillll FU II'OIiNI
IjLUhlULd itN Irttlll I AMI UiwW.l .
Gold Duxt is idmttf, and Itrvx $ Midi
ri;ir tire ijfrrrd at Whtdrgiile. ai.d
lit'tlit, elii'iper 'Aua rv-, nt
3 LtVil Z'A
i.i ..i tlo- il..- s
'IS of
wuulJ resia-c-l'irv mbiiin the ctt z ns
i Lc.wi.sbiirj ant! its vii.iiety thai they w. I
keep con-ian'ly oi. hairi a b;re atid .!'
.-elected assoriii.i n! ol tresh
DnifS Medicines, ramts, Oil
D vesl u fTsjCliCiiiioals, Glass,
B 'tai.'.c:'.l Mr-dicitu ,
.aiiiluio. cherry j tE'::C l'l(r.':.KY, SE5t WXl VXIX
,,,li, l:.th,pine,nnrI n .,:er. a-sutn.crt ..f IJ TESV
, CVA'A'N a!s. a va-t
' . r.l ar i' les I
kept iu .Ji-iii: stores a!l of w'.ich
, tl.-er-iui.ed to sell tl; n-ua'ly low.
thev are
Persons v. i-htiio to procure Ie !:ci!i . Mr
particularly invitrJ to ui-e them a call
before p'lr. l.asiiii elscwh re. P.irttcuar
no.-iiiiini uili 'e rai l lo ouiiil-J uu Phsi
j cian's prf ci i,.i:i'iis.
N IS. Medical a Ui-e ivo at the Store
( e of i h ir."-. ,v lr 'I nnrn oti.
1 Lr tsburi. VhvU 23, IS1'..
J'. S. Ii. Thorn'on Raker, would
lr Th Tiitw ftrrnnt- all Xh'.g and Meiinnr
rchjlMj ut tMr ubVh n ,mre anJ n.
1 .... . . .
j, BI(1 i( d) ,,, ,,,ve lo ltr in pi.rrn.T-
p , ,.,-,iv to r-ta
i Il.e ankles and their
..... e i...L-. .......
inoniysi.iilieriii.ii.cd.oiae.il. nay i
flHE iir.ilt-rsigned rontlnnes to fari.i h to order
oa the most reasonable term.. I'ianos, trom
tne man.ilaeto.y ol Coai id Mey.r. I'h.l.d.,nhdM
i:i.riiments ate loi well kn-tw n lo m-e.l any pjn
eir)ric, having utufonoly ret-iiveii tin- coiMiiet d-ati-ins
ol the mo-a euitnent professor aod camp-
rs of luie. and the a-.a.d of Ihe -e n.iu:ns in
New Yoik 1'hiU.lelpliii and Ua Ion. Fa: ij.ialilica
of loi.e, touch, anO keeping in lane op lo concert
pilch, they can no! be surpa scj by either Amer
ican or European I'ia. ....
luslr.irlions mveu on :he Piano. heiein'ore
" ""j -" " '
or guardians ho I.ae po ci-m-in. eil lo hi.
- . u t u.
harg. II,. may l e s.-en tl his r...b-itT it H"
. , , ,
Maize.. MatLel s..e.-l. I.ei tui.g. whe.e term,
V '
ami t.Mrtt.'.il r toll im ...i..I Uiii.wn-
t -
The aiosl papular and lav. act- A-rs and Maic
of dlirete.it kind, ri't-tivij as II is u. J Irom tin
! dilfeieul musical e-ial-'i-hments in Hie l'i:i. a.
M.v 15 C.IAUI.'-.-. K (.lsi:iT
TMNK fresh lim n and Buck T-as.frotf.
X 42 cents a pound and movants. iiup.ir
t,-rl by ihe Coiil -u vt I . km I Company
r V w y()rk. n:n ke.l in noiin'ls ha'ves and
i i
q-iarlers, perfectly
and lor sale 'jv
Mav 5
I 111 hi, jti-l received
J Ml's II., V Ls.
S.ilr Agenl f r Lewis'iurg
Harrison's ColmuLian Ink
1)1. ACK. Japan. Cop. ing. Marking. Flue. In
) d. little, Scarlet, Ued, v arniine. Tlies) Ink-
Haw more tn-eiy irnmiae peu.an.i .ve . sponger
'd more dor .ble color U.an au uiber. For sale
ia any ua antilv bv
Lewi.-burg. Foion Co. Fa.
ROFCI I vt Ready Shirtings at :$ cts pr
yard Ginohains 'at IU ct itid
Prints at 4 lo 12 i da pr y-vrd. Call nni
s-e at C. K. Bowes.
TaNTI-:!) two tons of i:cs, i
exchange lor Merchnm:iz.
A p 35
, 1 Cm Laws he.
far Ju.'ices and C'on-l.tMe. on
hand IW .ale at this olTice, or
printed according to order.
JAILS and IRON for sale bv
lit Iter $C I Idiligs.
1 ALT and I'lSU on hand hv
O Ap2l
ReU r As libbn-js.
iPRINi; STF.EL on hand .it
Keher ct Id linfs'.
' " "
n Joint Note (blanks alThtsoflcft,
In 1 1
j ii
mat cC
REMAIM-NG inih- l.llMSP,l;R'J
I M-ay.h itx ritar. fhtu'.i J-". '
' Cla.ia. lirohfle.U U, Uoer Mn.ll l, Unljf
I E'i... Ciio4.i.iK E.-.b. iU 2, Ci wk.'ih .
I CiooraiiiCi .!. It, a)etlii.'Mi-S.-!l.-DH-
in 5?jl!v A. llrr.l-Kr Jacob, D-inea'i .Vana J,
K Und O-niil, F.U.r K.ij 3, F-cht D.id 11.
i;.sJm.H Alelai.d.-r, rj do.ll Vr B. C.r .v
fleorg. !ay amurl. llauck Aielrew, 11 hi.ci
W hi. John Mr K...-a.A- ad nine. Ltii J nn-.-,
l.i-ilwig Sanil W, Aiaik Sniiu.l. .'.e IJe..re a.
M'Cool S-li.uil. Mr hall 1 a .rlt.i. Mier JarnS,"
w'Alpin IJ.-o, Mack J M 'i. iviff is
Park. r John, I'll- Eer j l , Ki. Ue , Jo,, t i-l. I
ilani,..h K. ,!.! JC tir I'm '-' i..-t..
i i-:...i... H.ti.ii.l. SiHit:t Ji-i.ii, fiiia-f
j Wii'nKti,'s-.'k W o. tf.mue. J X IVna
j jclin, W liuu.au j E j. W.i- i. i-.b. - k
Persons ii..piir:n f--r llie nlvc let'ers
i will pi- aie sav thev are iKe:tiscd, othc:-
wise lliey miv not i un-in.
' a. ki:nn.".i. r.M-
SiUN of the JXDUX!
C!earer lan Ever.
rjHE urts-iil-rs have the (iteaaure to anneunr
I to lie ir old cu.-tomuis and t!ie public in gen
tiai thai thev h ve o;iein d a lar?e and .p.eniln
a-aortnient ol T03ACCO &.C. '' "I
1 Maud on Mirket str.-ei t.mnerly occuit l 1-y San
I Aa.u.ona as a Tailor !.o.
Their entire .tock haa been teiecteJ with grf
rare. aril consists of
j figai- l'ragi inria. iji Norma. P .imavei
P"l!rre. E-K'. Ca.te!Io. Cenen.
, ,av,or Half Muani-h.and Common.
I'SIX ClltlUll TobatfO S.abter a Ulafi
Fat, Coiiiiess, l)iou..k.o. LI iamb Slag, Plug, an
; Fine Cut.
i Miiuliln, Tubatra Cut
and 1 -
rill ;ia nai'i'f mu i.".
fnutf U'jtf. German Piprs, and a fmey an
el- ol l igar ra-es all ol whn li ara otieo d
j the l-?ei rales Ail kind, nl S'r.slure lak.-n i
irxtlnnie. Call, we, and judge for y-uii-el--
heloie t oi.ili in.ai g ihe anicles.
i A.J. P?NNy,
t hen,:v i Lia:v
1 ! Lewihurijr, April 21, 1849
i IViJJiji S5:ff
1 r se-t.-j!y';-rT ?.m'jevt-'LC;
.... , r, T .. l XI
The s.tectss of Dr. 1 rusk's Align
, Oi ilie- m in curiti Sore Eyes, is pro.v .
ii -1. Th"'sn who are nat acipia:iccd wi
j its Use, v. ill find on each boltle a pain, hi.
, i o:itaiiiiitii lull d ii ciiot.s.
j A "Tits in L wisbue.Thorn'on & (5aki-
. "
i - - U U-J
j "J T AVI.Vfi lak :l the new Umz TUlai li..bineiit
J of Sclffe . Chambtrlin. I w-'ilJ tea-
' ihi UuIIv annouiite t. my uier.ua ami uic puoin.
I that I have ren'eniahed my atock and will keep
r o-taut!y on biu.l a iare, fitsh and well r ee
led st ick ol" j ure lrug., Mn!icini-s ic. whieh I
oSi'er at Wh .lUvale and Kf'ail. My f rk l-eir,?
rntirily new ud purtha.td lor ca.-li at low rate
in the PhiiaFa market. I am eniblid to sell at
.oer pnc- ihan ever olf. red in this regun
Drills, Medicines, Chemicals,
i Dye Sliiil
Patent Med , Glass.
Me.lic.ne-, are aiticularly inviad lo give me
call before pu. chasing rlsewl ere. as ail Drugs
a-e earelu'.ly in.-pcti d l elare ofTi red for sale and
a I M dicint-s ni.innfirlureJ by mvs.(f are war
ranted good. Having a practical knowledge ol
the I.u-itiess fiom upwaria of ten v t ars ieri
cut e, I fljitei n ysilf that I am a competent jude
of the same.
All ni.Iera rntrnste-I to nte will be promptly
ultet.A-d to. rd mv liie t.cs.inay rty upon get
tieg evcivil u:r of the verv b. st u'ili'y.
C. XV. Soil Ft LE, D.ugiji.t.
la wis" u. g. May 7. !8J!
SAM'i. v.vTMON,
rHU NKH L fur hlieisl pa.r.me heretof.Ha
I leceivetl, resL't-clf'illy in or:n. his o'J fiieinls
and ihe publir generdly that he h is r. inavei his
'6'aslor Miop
ia the r-asem. til of hia Br;rk dwelling on Market
.'reel, next door above C I'rnn)' .Jt.dieiy (lato
ihe o.li. e of :i C Hi. kok, Es.j) wli. re he hopes l.
s-aii ail who may oivt: lum .In ir cnsio.ii, a-s
he ilm-s all work in his lute in 'he best sin-l
i.ewfM st in ai.J on -fiorl notice- lie hi
ihe Fashions rgu'arly, employs none but
good band-, and is detertmn d to keep up
with the times nnd merit a "'H- j ilnre of
p.urotin-e. CUTTIXG .! nu to order,
t'h troes retsotmb'e, and IValjce taken in
e. !. uioc for work
liMi-lmra, June, l-li) I270.7
ruuey Tooele, Notl-ii, Jir.
' V rece'tl a large and spl-uJIJ aswrluieul
of Fan. v G o.b uca as
:e. I IS.-a.la G. Id P. neil
t't..-;n ' " Ptus
' I h tins Silver IVnei's
tl. ad Necklaces Einer Kings
Visiting Cirji
11 iz as i:it
Vulitiiig Canej
Son Gi uses
ipy " .
1. cket Mirrors
" C nnpase
-i-tlll .Jea.lo
Huu.'o ronii.a
S.a..i-h "
ll .ir Erusltea
Guard Cham
Watch "
Cluster Fins
ll.-u F.ns
Needle Case
oh.ri liut.oue
Wa'er vol irs
I rg-ir Cases
Snulf lioxea
Cases Satchels
Nighl lighls Smellng Eollb-s
Dolls and is. r.l Twet zei
Doll heads Toy for
Canl l'aaea C.i.i.lien
Toil To. me Fanry Pipes
rt;.t Books Pen Knives
Aeordi -lis 1'orkrt
FiddVs tstlk .tiJThrea.l
Parlor I.imn Fur.es
Toge-h-r with a arext variety of asttrle. not
initiot.e.l n. the above list, tor sale at t e new
Drug. Fancy anj Variely slore of
M .v ! C W s('HA FFI.E
1 1 'indew SA SIJ.
K lot f 8x10 W indow Sash, from the
chenn Manulactorv of Sprout At Burrows,
on hand, and ail izc &i to tinier on
short notice.
M iy , I -i:l - 10 Liwsho
Dts. TIB ti ION has removed his
Medical Offi.-e to the Druu store of
Tho'ii'on II Baker, next lo Walls' Jvnee.
1" LOU It lor a.e ty:
1 1 l.atvshc.
UYF. P.n
A? 2-1
Bran ainf Sh.it SlotT fur sain bv
5- 1 G Law. -he.
- 1 V -W-
t ,
-, !
i 1