Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 03, 1849, Image 2

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    Nothing surer than JLanil-
and no better Farms than in Union county.
Sox Sale,
fPHE HOUSE ANI LOT sitii.trd ..
the conn r ofThiid nn'l Airluuiy Sis
(diaoaiiol from II. R. Nob's ) li is a p..r
l Town Lot Ni 120, iHfini! leet wide,
ami has en il a small liume Dwelling, S'a
V.f, ul!:i-r out b'li'.dings. Po.-se-soi
can be given in ten dais. Any one wish
in t a home, will lease call soon. Teum
made easy. S. AMMON.
Lew isl.urg, O.-!. I. JglU
VTOTICE is lit r;li pivcn, that ly virLu
X .f uu in tier of Ihe Oij.lnin Court o
L'uon c umy, will I f exposed lo Pub i
S ile, on Vi:u.KsUav the 2 Ml day o( Oc-
joiiki! next, by llie undersigned. Adminis
trators of I toot as Iihum:, tit-censed, tin
f .l!o iiig rcul promo y, i wit :
All thai messuage ami Ir.ici of land, sa
tiated in Kcilv Ti- Union Co , a.ij .imuj.
l.inJs ol Jacob lliirlmni), Ail.un Sinhl, and
o hers, containing about 150 ACiOS. ""
111) acres e'ea ml, the bViuice good limber
l.uid, all well wanted ulnae. .11 is tiociei
a two s'ory II iue, a large bunk Barn and
oilier nccossari i ui-b'jihiiitgi. I ins farm i
in a good ft'i of cu'tn niion ; an Applr
I Irchaid, and other Fruit Trees are on the
Sale to commrnce at 10 o'clock, A. M
on the ir-imstr wheu end wl.t-io lorne
will be made knun l.v Mie snli-cribers.
gAt tl.e fume lime atid place
v.lt In: eoid a 'ra-t ol 1-mi, acjoi:uno il
iiUue,cr i.!n.i,.i g ah' u' 5 AcrtS on wh el.
is mciiI a hi irk ll.u.-r iti.d other out
ti.i'.lirgs a ;ood bear r.g Ap It On ham
nearly hit cleared utd ;n a pm d stale o!
Vfivafirifi. Lt.wls looiMis
S p!. 2-i. IM9.
Orphans' Com t Sale.
I") Y vittue of an co-dor !rem 1 1 f- Orphans'
) Court ol I nion conicy, the suhseribt r
wid rxHse to Public tialu, oil il)C iruiul
t, on
M-titl:i)' the l")tlt iifOctol.tr
in ,t, at I oVIni-fc. I. M., 'bf
I.ut f (s ouikI
l;i'f of Uk.nmv MhVIK, (Irfcascd, titiia'i'
on ll.e nest sub' of I'ourili s'rn-', in tin
rK;ruuj.b ol I"vlnir, bel ii St. Cab
in il t- and !M. Ot-irf fci !, liuii.bprt ii
""C, iiieiiMiring (jt lift in In. nt and about
J.rs lii'l in d p:b, having thi ri-oi) ertvifd
One :iii.l-;i-half storey House,
frame Stable,
nud oth'T improvrnn'iits.
'I'itoh irude known on 'h d.iv of salt-.
J. IIai s, Jr., Cle.k O. C.
fp!. ati, 1 ti-1 J.
"I") Y ord.r of the Orpb;.n' Pon-t of Un-
) ion ruuntv. lh Mibscril rr will exposi
ng follou H'Lf li' al K-lHl.-, IT of Kt vM
'I no's llooii. !ec"J, to I'll) -lie S b , at lU
i,aa: ol Mi-. Chi.rbn U. Kbtiu, iu tl. lo
rutih of l.t wibniL', on
Thursday llie 1 1 th day cf Cc!Ut
m xi. at 10 iiVbajk, A. M , z
The " MtuiMen F;irtn," sit mite
n Keliy to nsl.ip. adj -'iiin lands ol 'Mi-is
1,'iinstan, heirs ol J.i- Li son d-cM, beir
f Thus Howard ilo-'d and o.l.crs, coimn
niii 8.1 iicn .s.aiid 5.'l jx-n lics, neat n.i as
ore; tmviuj ibeie-n trebled a Uosluri')
l"rt!ie U it!l'ii-ll jie. !,.ubie (iume ll.iru
and Oile r iniproioitH ri's.
Also the "Limotoue It." ad-
ioiri'lKj binds 'il .lames D.lie, li-q. Miebael
D. iiii s ui.d I' bers, ciiliiiuil o one acrt;.
Also, two tracts of W 'ootll mil,
BitiiHt( in White Deer township, adj.ni.iu:
Reichlcy & Kank, 0cu Fou'k, R-ubtn
JllllKa ililil oltlL-ls oil" tin- -..lulllilli
a-jout '! ii ucr s, at.d the mher about 310
Terms inn Je I;noii on the d.iv nf sale.
SM.'L M'l' MIMIl'K,
Siinivin " A lui'r wilb :he Will annexed
of R"V. Tlioma.s Hood, dec' J.
Sept 2Ci, IHi'J
SH L'AM:i hi K. lly tnwi ship, Uui in
coimiv, IV, 4 miles li L-winburc,
. . I ' . .. t i.
i tie m ill ol I ne new iiin-rsn . io- lam
( .fii'iiiu.
1!35 acres,
of which Itiv) acres ;fe cl -are.l
Hll I III .1 .oil st ill- III ' U-IIV ..Tl.l-1. l.ll i
not,orHoii - l.:melone land. As re-pec
water ant mead . the larrn In rare H
ViiHtmic, iheri- li-mji 'in II Kferal Iii-k-i
lniliii!i sprmvs. and a stream ruiiinnu thr i'
Us ei i.t. r "ll rdin j 'a'-iliht-s by hieli s!Kd
cm ie w:.'er (l iu ev ry Held. In oimI
f.!'.'tmiiis, 4 to 5!l Ions can l en: fr'in I lie
immUow I'lii'l. ll.e notice am;
15 till l.lt: flame the
liatter tieitrly w. &
li ii i
' m-ll finisli. tl : 'I I t re is j?'s-V
also a Tenant House, and all the
out buildins apoeriaitiitm tu a lurm io
an ttrebaid m'li a vara I v ofy'd I ruil.
The alKive Farm is offered in whole or
in . iit to kuh ptiichus. is, hinl a portion o
in i.urchase money may ren aiu wcun d
by th! premi.
3 VM. H.WI."BY. ( p
ofttw estate of L'atAtl SllHV, drc:'d
KHv, t'mon C., S- pt. 2. 19
toisl" It, Una H,t"ugl, I nit rrninf, a $5
j t;hatiilirt Iwtg Bank nolo. Tht-nwniii.
a ..tjr n.iot liul AOi biitlvr UjllAbe ivwaiJiJ
I,. Lmi..m 11 'inici-.
Sale of Heal Estate.
7 1 LL be exposed to Public Sale on tho I
premises, on
Saturday, Gth of Oct next,
ill that messuage and tract nf land situated
n White Deer township, Union eounry,
iow oerupted by J ihn li ichman, ndioining
imids of William peese, John Hummel,
iiid others, eolitainin; about 1 00 Ar's)
between 15 and 20 of which are cleared
and iu a uood state of 6
5:J cultivation, and on
!'i4t liu.l, rt fro.ljt m
dL-liiUi; house and oth
er build nj.'s. The bulauce of the tract i
well timlerd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M..
a hi n terms will be made know n bv
b ma no Known uy
HAYES, ") Extcor. l
MlilOHI.IN. j dcV
Lewl-buri.', Au 15, 1819
JJublic Sale.
'PIIC uiitlei signed. Executor of the lasi
I will ai.d tesiamcia ol Pitfr Snri.ii,
lute ol Ivist Hull iloe lownsbip. Union Co.
bceased, will olK-r for sale, at public out
cry, en tlie premises, on
Friil:! v, the 19th hv of Oclokr next,
llie followiiijr valuable Real Estate, to wil
All that certain tract of Land,
-itiiato iii llie tow-nship and eonntv nl'ore-
saul, aipoiniiii; binds ol" Abraham Wolie,
J icoli M.-r z, Adam Wi iiu.ii, mid othirs.
coiit.iiuii't; aiiout
70 Acres.
ill clear land, whereof about E nbtee e
icres ar" xi !i nt Mra lic' land, ami nl
in a jjj'Mid slate ol cultivation.
Tile lijiiiroveiiielils. thernoll erec-
u'i are a lanie
a-.. T...ll, 1T.0
"liilir u m niii i luu.ir,
S one Sprina llmise, a Tenant Il.u-e,
l ii iru, a wt I! w ith a l ump at the door
nut) n iMid Sprint! ol Walerabnui twenty -like
crt-l.rs lo.iu the house, u bieh n.u'i.
eaiiv be Oi Olivia to :ne nouse in a tioum.
Pump. 4tfr-is:
An A pole Orchard
with exeelli'iit Fruit Trxs, and JT
other Fruit.
fSa il pronertv is hi'na'i'd about thret
mil'-s from 1'W ibiirs, on ihe road leadini.
from ,"wiiii.ri; to New Berlin, md nbou'
iwo mi es liom Tnriieville and the VVes
B-aneh of the Siisipit b.intia river.
Also a Lot of Timber Land,
-tlmnsl nd j'.tnif't! the lorinr. olilaliiiii.
iijiuards t f TM'ZSl YAVliIti, herein.
is erecied
:i Tenant House.
-"f atfaVT 'tiotit ven ae.ies are cienr, ani
the remainder well TiiiilH'red.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M.
of said d.iv. when due a'leiul iiKe will bt
given, it in i 'erms o! sale maile known b
JOHN SfllHAf !, Executor.'
East Buffilne 'Pp., Aii. 23, l4i.
N K. Persons w isliinj; to see the uImiv
m'-ntinried property, will be accommodate!'
by culling on J tcob Meitz, w ho reside
Hiii'iin.iiii saitl propei ly. and will lake plea
iir.' ill showing the same.
3 I c:ite sot a.
We find the foliowing list of the Exceu
live and Jutlicial Hi -ets of this territory ,
and of its fuM Legislative Assembly, it.
il.c Chronicle &. Register of the 8ih :
Alex. Riimfey, Governor ; (' K Smith
Seeritry: A Coodrich, Chief Justice ;
Ilavid Coopr, Associate Justice; B D
Meeker, d ; II L Moss, District Attorney;
A M Mut bell, Marshal.
Oflirrrs " 1 h c fount- . David Olmsted
Pfts'dt n! of the Council ; Jos. R Brow n
Chief C'eik ; M A Lambert, Assistan:
Clerk ; Rev. T B.mlwell, Cliu.lin ; Benj
J Seliors, St reaui-at-Arms : Robl. Cum
miogs, Messei.er : D D Williams, Fire-
'Jim s of llit If'iune of Rcprrntitatitvt
Jos. W Furber, Speaker of the House of
Representatives ; Win D Phillips, Chief
Clerk ; L I! Waite, Assistant Clerk ; l!ev.
A lloinirl, Chaplaia ; Jesse Taylor, Ser
jeant at-Arms ; O II Kelley, Mdsscugcr:
Dav id Hone, Fireman.
C'otinciUor$. lt District, J S Norris,
born in Maine ; 2d Samuel Rurkleo, Del-
aaare; il l vim u roroes, tiionireai ;
Canada ; James M'C Boal, Pa. : 4th Da
vid II Loomis, Ct. ; ftth John Rollins,
Me. ; Clli David Olmsted, Vt. WniSturges,
U I anada; 7ih Marlin M'Leod, Montreal ;
Krjtruntothct. Jes Y Furlx-r, horn
Nil; James Wells, N J ; M S Wi.
kinson and S Ivai.us Trask, N V : Mahloa
Itla.-k, O. : IJeiijn W Brunsnn, Mich; II
la. ks. il, Ya. ; J J 1. wey, Y : P K
lohiii.ii, Yt. : II X SetZf-r, Mo.; tt'mK
Masliall.Wi,, Dotns, L C ; J Ru.sell, L A
it.sheoi-k, Vt. ; Thus A Holmes, Pa. 1
vh.-kii. ; Alt xis Bailly, Mich ; Cideon
II Pond, Cf.
an; if,
In Iewisbnrp thix (Thursday) iroritinp,
0. 1. 4il, Ann Maria, wife of Dr. T. A.
II. Thii.ton, need 29 years,
Mr T. had ktu t.ut a few m inthn mmnng at,
bul had won uiurh f .tetm and (Ikction. Hir
.lia.- was etitmacird wt.ila walchin by ibr
txiitl of a ick liiiiilirr at he, mreiil il home i
1. tixrriir I'nuiity , krte li-r M maiiia a ill In Uk n
f.a inlrtmrnl. Whllr h lilile fmnily (lirvcmet
ihn irir(iait.la brrravnurni. ll- may alo in
tiulize lir .t.-, t,,u ili ug,i that tlt i, tarlbty low
ia li.i vu. ual gain.
; Foreign News.
The News from Kurope lhia morning
has hardly as much interest as often belongs
In a (elegrnphic dispatch of some town elec
tion. Kossuth has not been heard of, and
the fortresses of Comoro and Peterwardeio
have not surrendered ; Louis Napoleon
has aired a line the liberal policy which
produced the intertcntion at Rome by
means oft hypocritical letter, to the French
Envoy at tiaeta ; the Pope still refuses to
j return to the Capital, where ail true Ro-
mans desired his restoration and where on
ly foreigners ever opposed him ! Cotton
fitcha good pricea, and the bankers have
their pockets full of money there is the
whole story.
The Revolution has thus definitely
ceased to exiat in the active state. I he
tear it ha, occasioned will for a lime leave !
Itf-hind it a check on the movemets of the
reestablished potentates, but ere long they
will feci themselves secure in their &cMs
and will return lo the old extremes of royal
stupidity and selfishness.
Newspapers in California. On Thurs
day we had the pleasure of a visit from
Mr. G.-o. C. Hubbard, who returned in
the Empire City from a three years' resi
dence in California, where he went as a
lieutenant in Col. Stevenson's regiment.
Mr. Hubbard wa one of the founders' of
the Alia California, which paper he con
ducted for sometime in company with
Messrs. Gilbert und Kendall. WTe learn
rom him that the paper is iu a thriving
condition, having TOO regular subscribers
-it 12 a year iu advance, lajsides many
(hi the gle-iners. The Placer Times be-
otitis to the Mime proprietors, ami was set
tp at Sacramento City with a capital ol
-',(iO(t. It is by no means so flourishing
i journal a its San Francisco neighbor.
.V. Y. Tribune.
The Cholera has been rapidly increas
ing in Great Bri'mn, and very loud com-I-Iain's
are made in London of the ititffi
ic-nt measures adopted for protecting the
icalth of the city. The number ofdeu'hs
n London on the llihwas 310. The
olal numU-r in En'unJ ai.d Wales on
he same day, was and in S.-ot'.and.
159. On the Hell, the deaihs in London
-vcre 432. The total dt-nths in London
"or the past ciyht weeks, beginning with
'he week embng July 21st, hnd been 1741.
1931. 1907, I9tl0. 2230, 2159, 279C. and
1183 The Loid Bishop ol London hail
re.-oinmeiided that Sunday, the 1 Gth, be
.bscrved as a day of fasting and prayer
hi (hose districts where cholera prevailed.
New York, Sept. 10.
Yesierday morning, about 4 o'clock, a
ery destructive fire broke out in Owego,
hii-h raged (or seven hours, baffling all
ttteinpts to subdue it.
The emire business portion of the village
s iu a heap of iu'iis. One hundred out
'Holdings have been consumed, ineludin
he bnnk.the Post-office, and the Telt j;r:iph
(Tice. The bridge across the Susqne
'i.inin river is also destroyed. The loss
is estimated ot 5 1 50 to 8200,000. Wall
-trcet loses about 850,000. The three
printing rffices were destroyed.
Gone lo their Graves. One by one Ihe
evoluliimary Patriots are passing away.
We are called lo announce the death of
iwo of thtoe heroes Moses Perkens sjed
t'9 years, and Thcmns Brown, loied 10 )
vn-f, l-iii of Warn n county, Tennessee.
Wp could write much of these fid war
riors ; but tiiey need no eulogium their
advanced age speaks more than our fi-eble
pen can trace. Peace be to iheir memory.
Nurfrteiiboroiigh (7'ean ) Ttli graph.
KrThe billowing aro the nomination
of the Whig party in New York Slate :
Joshua A Spencer, Oneid i.Jude of Ap
peals ; Washington Hunt, Niagnrn, Con
lioller ; Christop'r Morgan, Cayuga, Sec.
of Siaie ; Samuel Stevens, Albany, AU'y
General ; A I van Hunt, Chenango, Treas
urer ; Nelson Y Reach, Lewis, Canal
Com'r ; Hez'h C Seymour, R'X-kiand, St.
Eugineer ; Bei j Squire, St. Lawrence.
Counterfeit IIulfE igles have lately been
pul in circulation. They are exceedingly
well executed, and likely lo deceive ex
amination. They are all dated 147.
The hand around the head of Liberty is
somewhat irregularly shaped. Apparently
they are made of speller encased wiih gold,
and in weight they are about half a penny
weight lighter than the genuine five dollar
Mrs. Mary Myers, convicted of the mur
der of her husband in 1818, and who has
been confined ever since in the Venango
county jail, was released from her confine
ment ami set at large, at ihe August term of
court for that county.
The Union, of Wednesday, sars the
French legation is sow engaged in deciph
ering a very long letter from M. de Toe
quevilic, the minister of Foreign Affairs
Rumor does not specify the character of
the communication.
At Pftiston, Ltizerne county, one of the
mines lately caved in, and about 30 per
sons weie abut up. They were all lescued,
however, without the loss of lilb,
Mrs. Hales, the Quaker .Giantess, died
lasi week in Turonlo, Canada. The cause
of hur death was riyseniary.
mi miMiir
LiCittsburg, Pa.
Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 3.
EjAndrew G. Curtin of Centre is the
competitor of Gen. Packer for Senate in the
Lycoming district.
Re al Estat. See advert't of another
va'uable BulTaloe Valley Farm iu this No.
of the Chronicle.
See also, Town property for sale.
T7We learn that a Philosophical Ap
paratus purchased for the University at
I!wisburj is on the way, and also a Tele-
- & g.I. man in
New York city.
nj'Thc last paper before election, an1
no argument in any of our county papers
respecting the Election of Judges, and the
Poor House question the two most impor
tant matters before the eonle ! A-s far as
we can learn, all hands ate for an Elective
Judiciary, but the good policy of a county
poor-house is very seriously disputed.
AuvEnTisiNG. There are those who
esteem newspaper advertising of liitle or
no use. h was but yesierday (hat Iwo
gentlemen related lo us instances in which
advertisements in the Chronicle had ren
dered them essential service. If you want
to buy, or sell to work, or to have work
done to let the fuel be known to all wid
be far most likely to accomplish your wish
JereaftiT, School Taxes must be
paid lo the Collector before E!eetion, or i
will be eolli-'c'ed at tlie cost of the di In -qucnt.
Mr. J. Wt.Ile wni be at llaii'.i I
man's on Monday next to receive those
tines. This mode of receiving ave9 a por
tion of the fund from being eaten up in
,er centngt s, mi l e think might well be
adopted inlie collection of other taxes.
C5Ten persons connected with the
Astor Place not at Niw York, have been
found guilty, and sentenced to fines from
1 to $250. and imprisonment for terms
varying from one month to one year. We
trust this may be a sufficient warning on a
much-needed error. Riots resulting in
death, are no child's pUy iuid should
meet no child's punishment
XEW STORE. A worthy gen-leman
i'rom llarrisburg advertises in another col
umn a large and handsome stork of goods.
. h.i.ti tiu nniiui.M In ell mi MrlMiitilMironild I
, , .... .
erms lo those who pay. I his system,
f -
by avoiding ihe losses by delays and bad
.. ,. , i, o i c i
creans, wouiu unuouuieu.y ueneui goou
paymasters, and be to ihe merchants a
more pleasant mode of doina business. Wc
cerlain'y wish Mr Fokpter a fair trial
and su.-cess with his plan.
Is our annual ISIat lOleclion arid all
the party papers are tilling their thirls
web broadside after broadside, we as nn
iudt-iendeiil (never neutral) may also rally
our forces, and exhort them to turn ot'T,
one and all, and the country will be saved!
and the victory ours!!
Otf For Canal Commissioner, there are
Hvo cartltda'es, both men of lair abilities,
irrepro ichnhl.; character, and good pros-pr.-i-.
Mr. (iaiol.lt; will probably get
over a narlv Vote on the West Branch, but 1
, . .. . .. l ,
we mink mr. ruiier win more man rnaKe
Il op
ou Ihe Na.ib Branch.
The Represt nt itive ticket in this county
is pretty strongly contested. We opine
thr rc w ill be considerable gains on holh
si-l'-s. eouit'ing up about as usual. Most of
our lenders know the opposing candidates
and shou'd deride lK.-lweeu them a iheir
ht nest oi uiion of their seveial ehaiacters
reqinri-s ul their hands. Iu making U.e
choice, every voter khould recollect ihnl
hii Assemblymitn represents iii and de
c.Ji accordingly.
There is no regular opposition to the
remainder of the Whig county ticket but
several volunteer candidates, who will push
hard. None of them having thought
enough of our readers to ask their votes,
we shall not offend their modesty by nam
ing them.
To tlie 450 Taxables of Lewiskrg.
When have you had a Sheriff 1 Never!
A IVoihonotary 1 Never ! A Register
ii Recorder ? Never ! A Commissioner 1
Never! A Senator Never! An As
semblyman, or Congressman ? Not within
the memory of ibis generation ! How
many times has Penns township sent Mem
bers lo llarrisburg within about a dozen
years 1 Four iwo Senators and Iwo
Representatives! Are you all incapable
of holding an office 1 or do you iuteud al
ways to pay taxes and never reap any nf
the honors or profits of official stations ?
If you think you should always be luxed
to enrich oilier districts if you think you
are all unworthy of public trust if you
have not the spirit or the nerve or the
self-respect to claim your just share of of
ficial emoluments then vote down your
fellow citizen, and vote in another Penns
man for Representative, and become the
laughing slock of the county. i
Which is. the Republican ? I
This is not a pariy contest," says
Maj. dimming. Yet the people must
ask which is the best Republican 1 If a
Representative is bound to obey the w ishes
of his constituents, Mr. C. is no Republican
for he pledge himself lo go for the re
peal of certain laws, jus passed and ihai
regardless ol what ihe People may instruct
him to do in resx-ct lo them. 1 he major
ity of tho people may express their wish
to give the laws a fair trial but as Maj.
C. is pledged to destroy them, he must
trample upon the wihe$ and the rigAfJ
of his constituents, or violate his solemn
pledges ! This is the position ho volun.
tarily pluces himself iu before the people :
and we ask every patriot and right reason
er if in that position he has not assumed
an attitude hostile to the first principles of
American Institutions--contrary to the
letter and spirit of the Constitution and
false to liberty 1
Col. Slifer, Jon the other hand, has
distinctly dec-bred that on all ques
tions of mere expediency, like those refer
red lo, as well as upon questions of State
or Nutional policy, he should regard him
sdf as the representative of the whole peo
ple ; and when they were divided on any
question, th it he should regard the ex
pressed will of ihe niujority as Lis guide.
He realizes that he is not the ru'tr but the
servant of those he represents ; and that
he has n right to tread upon the petitions
of Ihe) mei'iritv or ininorilv because liiev
" ,
may not ua''cii to icjinv-tn ins .i.
Such are the cardinal principles above
all quest it us of policy 1; vowed bv the two
candidates : let i very reader tbcidt; which
are Repub'ic-an uud which M Hiarehicol.
JlJcKle f Vo'.tusf.
We notice '.bill Sma'o: FriA's ep nion
is that I be Gt i.e.al Ticket iuw is not coi:i
puUory, bul lhal persons may s!il:
vote by single tickets if they choose.
j As 9 out of 10, voters generally vote a tick
et jusl as il is nominated, to have ail the
iiamss upon oneticket is preitr-ibb- to them,
and easier for the Board to take and count.
Those who split tickets will prcler ihe s-in-gle
ticket system.
By-the-w i, the hue-m i cry a'teirpttri
to he raiard by the Timii n few week,
since that this was a Whig law, h wisely
stopped, as il is likely to help the weaker
as much as the stronger party. We see
no opposition express d to it iu Center ani
other Dt mociaiit: rounlies, (nor in X:w
Yoik and other Siaies, where il has lony
la-en praclis'd.) Iu liuth, il niay rather
becalltd a Dnm ciatic lw, as it iscx-
j tended lo a maoriiy of Democrn'i'" conn
1 t...-. n., u ........ l.i- ll... f..lt..t. I t .
" ' 11 . 1 .'
' Democratic counties lotk, C
, . .. r;,,,,.,,,,,. .;,.. a-.iH
(rawfor(Jt Bcda.rd, Mm roe, Warren, Nor-
j hiin.herlaiid 11
Whin Counlic- A f nns,D tiiphin, Ei ie,
Fiuiikiiti, l.ai i nilt r, I'nioii 9
(KrFor ninny ynrra past, this District
has complained thsi she h.s Is.n over
looked in the distribution of Count Ollices.
Early in the season, the nam of one ol
our fellow ei'iz. ns was npre.nl belore the
tieople for Representative, wiih n respect.
ful request that the Townships give this!
i , . cr n. . -i. (
Burouuh thai i flice. the majority parly
, HI I I'll) IH'II O ' 'O Oil' I llllll.- in .-'
uuui.tmuult, n.im.naied turn, and HhtIim U said ol him "he is not wrhotit
.- .. -.: r.. .- .1.
111111 anoiiier oi our ciuz-.'ns mr .uuuor.
We rej. eat, they acconh d us a Represen
tative without a dissentinrr voice ! .Thus
honorably tr'-aled, what is our duty ? Shall
we relue to accept tl.e lienor ? S all we
! nv inattention
let il go by clef mil ? Or
rather, shall we not, one and all, old and
young, irrespective of patty, give him a
unanimous volet If (ns his opponent
says) il is nol a question of parly, our duty
seems lo point out our course; to be to give
hnu a vote as large and as triumphant as
the fair lame of our town, and the compli
mcnt tendered in his unanimous nnmina
lion, require. If you do not give him a
noble vote, the county may jusl ly suspect
Lewisburg never wants any cilice, and act
No' the day and now' the hour."
Mechanics and Boatmen ' Remember
lhal Eli Slifer is one of your number. As
a hatter, as a boatman, and a boatbuilder,
he is identified with you in feeling and in
interest. A better acquaintance with the
business men of the State, and with the
affairs of the different Departments of our
Government, will give him addilional-op.
pnrtunities to enlarge his own business
oierations, and thereby lo benefit you and
your families.
Willinmsport and Elmira R ailroad
The Willianis-pori and Elmira R tilroad,
which has for some lime been advertised
lo be sold, was struck off on Monday at
the Merchants' Exchange in Philadelphia
to Archibald Robertson, Esq., tor one
thousand dollars.
St. Louis, Oct. 1
By an arrival from Chihitihua to Aug.
24, we learn that the Indians in lhal part
of the country ate daily becoming more
hostile towards the whites.
The cholera was raging with a terrible
effect in Durango, and other parts ol New
Mexico. 1 1 ' "
Good Wood would he very acceptable at
this office indeed it would,. if it oculd. ..
rnlversliy at I.ewlsbjr?f.
An Abstract uftht rnxcrilin of the tut Met-
ling fj the Voara nj jruairc.
At ociT 23, 1949. The Bd of Trustee of
ihe Uuiveraitt at Lwiburg met at the Arsd. mie
Building in tha borough of Lawisborg. sud closed
their aeaion on lha 29th.
Agreeably o ihe Byla". the election of Ol.i
ceca ef the Board for the cnauing year, was hrld
oo lha first day the Boatd met, when the f Mov
ing named persons were unanimously elected :
Thomas Wattsos. of Philadelphia, CUairmuii.
CUoaox F. Millsh. i f Lawiburg, Srcturj.
S... .1 T. Witiii do Tntaurer.
The follow ing nnmed person were elected t.
fill vacancies in the B.rd of Truslcfa :
Adam JoiixsT.if, Ei..of Reading, Yi.
Hrv. A. K. Bell, of UUir county
Johx Lloid, Eq., ol Mu Pleasant, Wcatm Co.
Tli Ttiviril rna.le arrangement to hae efticirnl i
Agents to collect fubscrip'i.ms to the Cnirsiiy
a thev become due, and attenJ to such othei
matter at may be c dcuUtal lo adauce tbe iuls-
rests of the lumitutiou.
Measure were adopttd lo have a portion of the
Colitgiaic Buildingi.witb duriiii'.oriea and studies,
CompleUd to as to It ready for ue nt the furlhest
by the comrnc nee mint of tbe fall tesion of IS50
Meanurea were adapted to have the L"niveri;y
grounds laid out, and streets opened tbruugh a
part of it. wbtre building lots are iiitrcdt'd to be
opened and offered for sule.
Aliungeineots were made to procure Philoso
phical Apptratus for ihe liiiitu'i..n by ihe com
nn ncrnii ut ot tbe full (erm, aud also kit aildi'.iou
to the Library.
Tbe fillntvirig resolution in regard lo the Fac
ulty, was unanirn u!y adapted .-
Resolved that be B aid ol Tim'eet view wi'h
Rrulilude to tJod the (j.ovr ih and ir.K-i eriiy of llie
thool uiiner llteir fihe l'aculiy'i-1 ca.e. ami rc-
ogniziiigtheinstrunu'iiuli -y t ibeir worthy Boa'd
i of Instructor in rirotUiring the happy Itsult. they
herei'V tender them llo-ir acknowledgments for
:h-ir ttlititiicy, leal, ami 'ai'onoua inuusity in
preiboting the interrts ot the Institution place J j
uncer iLeir ch'ie.
A resulu iou was abo adoptej, tviin ' ihe
F..culiy lo d. hver an liuuuoil AJJu-.s at ea. b
... .
aiiiiunl Co'iinit'iiceir-Piit.
Mr. Isaac .V l.tioiiis tvaa aepointed Prinrijial
...... in.
of (he At .i.hniic llcia I aent, and Mr. As-ratu
Titloa. I'm. her nl ti. ili-;-.et're3, r.l-en i.n..x e.
A pinaiuial t'liiiaiuiti-e was appoiul.tt, con-i
liui; t.f J. M. Liuuaid. Uev. U'm Sbi.lr.icu, Ja
iloore. Jr.. J I". L'l.iei. au-J tha Treasurer.
A its.'li'iion was adapted, making tbe fdiaii-
man of li t Doa d uf Tcusteei-, ex oificio a ir.eu.-
Ur of all c.mi un'.tt c a
tASiciiL T. Walk iii, n-q., was j ointid -Sj
peiiiiternlent ol the diversity propeity, ic.
The li. si J .?a IimIc nieasutcs to have the w l
ler If. in a laige ai.d lieau'.itLl tpiiuj ou 111.' I l l-
venwy I'.t'iyi.v tiu.rcu i t UjMim.ii.wQ.u.i.c
11 ' ' . . .
lo the baiidaigsim llie lull, .-"in iinn tv It el i..ve
.e . ..... , :. .. ,.. ....... . ,r..
llie te.ei ui ill - y.. .ii-ti n. v ........
of lh.- fupeiuitiidi.i.l, has already hern acc.nnp-
, , , , i . . ,,i - i,; .hi.
b;Kd, uud I u.u ha py to say w.uks ailint
C. V. MILl.EU bee.
Lrwuburg, Oct I, ISl'J
OirY iung Ml-u of Union county ! M
Sli er is one of your nuin'a-r, yet is older
lhan meu wh wt-ie .Munbers ot b'lh Ni
ll.'lail and Slate Legislatures. Cotisi'Ieiiui
bis limited u.lvitu'iig.-., bis c.il"jrts t :u .t
I I ...I t..,l ln',.n. 1... I-
i ioli-j ii.oo.T. .mu iu ..... ...... ... ,
III. . ..no lit. 1.1:1.1 t.rilllltslO.f lili'lt Ol tjllr V
! connU). Tl.e-e a:e few Ifder judges . !
! ueiniini. N .M .l.lii-swar h.who tiu.e his
in q-jatntaiice with Mr. Sli.'. r has lk n ; bere!..:..i n :.li bratxhos i.eci-ssary to
uuw. arieii pains to pltu-e him in a position ' ' tborooiib i .bicati n. Kx-r-MM in Coin
wonhv ol his ab.hiies. AUtlougb be hn, ! P-witi-n and Uucl.m -lion be squired, and
, . , , .!,.. . I si.-i.-t Hit. ii't-Mi vi!l lie i-sid to th" f.sint.iti'tn
niel HI emii s i:oT" ol the arts ol the Uem: . ! . .
' i lejiiilsr i' b.n of stu !v in me yo-Jiiji-r nie...s'-s
ooi-ue, and his mat r3 may s. em dislai.l, j llf ,hr xhltiA , h, ,r.,,ltl., uf ih., i,Ma;..n
yet a'l wli know ben know Ins In .ut i ; j,e ,,, .,t U(,n in nmuhrr.
full of kind and generous impulses to a l 1 ur.in .li-pr c-e- ' the students. The ri
ll he have mil the gr:h-etil at itudt-s or tho 1 not ..::cit u- l""r a -ch sd of more thri
ivaiaveiii.g airs ..: a dancing masier, or lie- i 'r- Ter ..: ft l.tn-oagj.. IU;
, . .- .iii , i " lh'" l. s':ei L'n.'lili S ; and t i 'lie coii.'i -u
sei.st le-.s e' tisin ol a s:ieet tuavv I. r, he .. , , . c . .-., . .
n',s " "" '" "
inndfstv. ciignrv, and s I'-risiurt whi. Ii
, i , ,
i hoiior s-ave m ins i u coin. try. " i 'n-ie
viug of J goe-l round
o ,, joui.,5 men.
, 3 3
is no one mine ilt-icrviii.
vote. " I w rite uu
because e are slion
To -how the ulier lisenee of iho ellorti to
defeat t'td. Slid, we notice a few only of the
many fal-ehtmds induvinonsly riicutatetl aSroid
1. " Hii is a ia Iriidtmaii " Eervd.opof
Iii blood i Aincrcttn of German origin. I
2. He has teen in the county s fe wc-V
i ii- 1 1 ... t: . . i . . i i .
umy. lit grMiiinuiiiei, ijti.rr, ttti.i lu.ioier lit,
uurieu ni in is rnuniy, anu nr. voicu uere lor i le- i
ci.1..iO in lSjfl M.I ..,,1 MS !
Kidcnt in 1840. '41. and '-IS.
3 He has hardly come uf se ''
Ho is
between 30 uud 40 years old.
4. llc drank, and treated'' at a certain time
and place. Mj. Thomas, who was with him a
alleged, asuiea us he did neither. Enough !
Eli S-Lirr.a was left a poor otphan boy was
bound out to a larmer afitrwtuifs learned the
halter's trade qnitted it on account ef hi p H.r
health followed boating for a lime, and then
commenced boat-building. He is a self-made
made man such an one a the American people
dt-light to elevate. A man of uufhnchicg honor
the tame honest man at ell tiaie-
HIM! and he will do honor to vour town, to
your county, and to humanity.
Let Merit be Rewarded!
Il is bul a few years since Frick &: Slifer,
without fame and witho.it capital, e.i
inenced boatbuilding. Industry, energy.
skill, and prudence, have gained ihem, al- I
... i , . n. , f
ready, an enviable reputation. Their J
laiats for the Schuylkill Navigation, re.J
commendtd them to a New York Com
pany, wlioolli-n d them nn uiil.mited order
lo build Units to be taken to that distant
port. They have lake n a contract, uuJer
which they employ from 50 to 100 men,
and must pay out annually so.ne Thirty
Thousand Dol'nrs, mostly lo Mechanics
and Laboring Men. We havo no firm or j
institution wliii h give so rrtich emnlovnieii: -
as this, benefitting first or last a'l our me- t
ehanics and laboring men. as we'd as the j
mwhaiits and farmers. This honorable
distinction and this expenditure of money
au.org us, has been secured by Ihe labors
and merits of these genMemen I ut for
them, these boats would have leii luilt
elsewhere, and iheso woikmen left us, or
lost that employ ment. ' Cm we give a
teller expression of our esieem and "lati
tude than a vota te one of this firm ?
iWe will send-tut Election Returns
as fast as may be, sad nsk Editors to Mdu
as they would be done by."
Next week's paper will he delayed, till
Thursday's mail for Election nws.
RoBKKT C Ross, of D mville, late ol be
I-wisburz Academy, has received the ho
norary degree of A. M. from L'tfuyette
College, of which we believe he is a
The New Yurk &i Erie Rail road was
ojM'oed to Elmira on Monday last.
! --
DcTiocratic nomination.
Canal Commissioner
sioner Jons A. Gvuhle.
' COtl.il '.
Whig nomination.
Ciiliul Commissioner IIi .NRY M. Fiiifr,
j of Luzerne.
i Ti7l- 1
UllLMl County hlg tlCKtt.
! Asst.-mbly Col. En Stir:8,of Lewi?turr
J JoH M L.M;UMN, Juniata
Sberi!T Annunxtn Thomas, of Union
Co CoiTiuisi..ner Joii Wilt, of II irtb y
Treasurer DiMia. IIoHt.stllEU X. Berlin
f.'oroner J.vi-oh Martin, of Perry
Auditor II.mv II Blaib, of lwisbwrg
Tros'eesi of Mifflmbur.; Academy Dvid
Watson, Siirnuel SiitZ'T, John Kline.
Democratic ticket.
Assembly Ioiin Ci M.mtvos, of Penns.
Jons Diuv. Juniata
Corrected this tlay
I ve . . . .
I Corn . . . .
j ' "
I' oiXs.t (I
t lovei.-f-'
I . . .
i t'fit 1 A,j
p- , M
i 'j,;-,w.
. . . lo
. .-3 '
- ip .-
Al thf r'-si.!.T.-e of Co! L. B CI risf, in
' L'.wis'.t.r,', Tunsd-iy, Oct. 2, bv Rev. Ptn".
lss, UlULIAH HULM R, of Milierslill".
lot i o . i Xf - t i
--hu kill i o., nn i JI.ss Sak in . R. in ii,
"' L ts! ur;..
IJj The ; rider.' til inks hut w reej'iir.-.l n it
lh it C"hei"U fr:dai l-af l i io iu 'he univerl
; j -
wii-h .f v-..rv lei . u. lo the s'tiitl-le iver arij
I "11 tj .) U.e u'.b ihul tit d. ihu hriiie
Wha.e hnlh is lo hi oii atl'ed
i Lite's suet le.l j iv b.jT.ive;
i T.m kimfei -,'u! al ine inu-t meet.
t ,
'i iu I. i iidsliij: ti.akts the tsiiida-.e a.veel.
And f. i el Ih-ir inulutl Iom.'
li eid
pi ,n n .-s "i
i "1LL coio.i.em e on M Mvv, ihe 221
! t in!., r. I.i-'ii;ei:.ii will be :...n
I ni.i.i.1 uiai.. ni. ' -tm;-!" .i
J Kx XI) iLi'il. I'riid.-itL
Lewi.-hurg. Oct. J, Is I'J
MEETING ..f (he Ii ard of M iiinrs
,4, t..e L-w.sbnrg f .-.reier. wul l:
In Id at the . fli e ef the President on Mi-
i boav the 13ih of O'.-l. inst. at 2 o'cinr's.
M- L ' bopt d that the Member Will
all attend.
' By order of the President :
V t VI It IV ;, 'e
Lewi-burg, 0 :t. 2, 1949
1 Fieh fin en and B ack
ij leus from ihe eclebrntLJ
establishment of M'C'uImcjnt eV Bond, li'f
sale by I G Law she
E Old Java Coffee for sale bv
I G Law she
Hll TP; Whet Flour, aLo Rye Flour,
lor sale bv
I G Luwshe
HWSTITF htid Shorts for sale bv
I G Lswshe
! fASI'-Steel, Amer. Blister Steel, Xails,
I V in. W.cnts, ll.nges a""
Screws. fcc. for sale bv I G Liiwshe
."'OU the Trade. A lot of Drugs and
i i ... : i.... j
llOSIIl UU UilllU,
vhich lha kiibsciiUr
I G Luwshe
oilers iif cost.
1 ."LAX SEED O.l. pure White Isead.
- .",,",n biinig, lellow xa.iu
Js.ianisii Brow n. Glass. PuUy, ii-., by
' it; I aw she
I X KG A R good Cider Vinegar f"f
V s;lte l.v ' 1 G Liw -he
EST l.-ir.l Latnirn anil I. a. to) Wit"
or sale by
I G La wl.e
L 10.ME I HIXG NEW Sewnsione God-
y j dies for sale by
I G Lawshe
rR. m'I.ANE's W OHM REMEDY I ' h
- I ht lona; U-rn admitted lo be the be
"diciua d.ecorcr.d for cipellu g Mora.
'T ch,MTn- r The f"llo'nS ciiiicaia s
volumes ia iu favor :
MaRixoa, With Cx N.V. )
Juua 33, 1647.
I certify lhal I have used M'Lane ' Varmitugc.
and found it all that it is lecommcnded to br
aud have sold ll. and have in all caas found il I"
ba an effctual cure. W'M S FA.M-'lltE.
AGK.NI S-.-C W Si B errn. Lewisburg ; H
J Mieafer, Milton r I fieihait, Setiossrove: J
j Krdiua;, ullborv ; Mrs M"Uay,mhuii'Jciluu
t C Oiiei, J Muuie, Danvilio