Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, October 03, 1849, Image 1

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CVn iniitpraiitnt Jomiljj Paper ictotcii to Ncujs, fcitcrotnrc, Politics, Agriculture, 0cicncc anil ittorulitn.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1849.
YOL. VI., NO. 27-287.
The Letcisbtirg Chrouirte:
rublisbed Wednesday Afternoon at Lewuburg,
Uuioa county, Pennsylvania.
Terms. 22,00 for a year, to be paid in
(he first half year; 82,50, if payment be
not made wiihm the year ; single numbers,
5 cts. Subscriptions for six months or less
to be paid in advance. Discontinuances
optional with the Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
Advertisements handsomely inserted at
50 cts. per square one week, 81,00 for a
month, 85,00 a year. A reduction of these
rntes for larger or longer advtmts.
Casual advertisements and Job work to
be paid fur when performed.
All communications by mail must come
post p lid, accompanied by the address of
the writer, to receive attention.
Office.Market street between Second and
Thiid. O. N. WuKDKif, Publisher.
The Lycoming Gazette bad an excellent article
an Education some time sine, which we copy
with a few alterati.HU fur our mriJun
Ti education forma ll.e common mind.
Jus' as the twig is bent the tree inclined. "
Aiilinuh we can not subscribe to the
dovirine contained in the above two lines
of I'-p, 'hit all depends ujion education
in ill fonri (lion of character, yet it must
be admitted mi all hand s, that without in
struction the brightest natural intellect,
l.ke a bidden treasure, remains unexplored
mid renders no benefit to society, while
dullness becomes intolerable for want of
l tin little polish it is capable of receiving
from r-cience. In another place, the same
poet more truly remarks,
"Order ia heaven's firet law, at id this contested,
Kime are and mut be greater than the rest,"
which is a principle that applies to minds
aa well as to things ; and, without conced
ing that the mind ran be jormti, it is a
manifest fact that it can be developed, and
all i's latent energies, by proper training,
be made to perform their legitimate ends.
New nnd correct ideas enlorced upon
young minds of ordinary capacity, seldom
(ail to have the desired effect, and so far
as the material organizition admit, the
quality and quantity of brain appropriated
by nature to a specific purpose, the in
struction imparted will prove enduring and
beneficial. By this we mean, that nature
has endowed the necessary number ol her
children with natural bualiftcations for
the sever.il professions and occupations
which civilized life requires, and that all
instruction harmonizing with these talents,
is pleasirg and interesting to the student
will be n taint d in his memory, aud
prove useful to him in future life.
In this country, the " model republic,"'
all men ate esteemed free and equal, and
all lawful occupations honorab'e, yet the
education necessary to enforce in practice I
this Leauliful theory, is too often neglected.
Whilst there exist such an itching for the
profusions, and a repugnance to trade,
among parents.it is not likely that children
will retuain free to select such pursuits in
life as correspond with the bent of their
genius, or equal in public estimation, alter
they have so selected, if the caprice ol
public opinion can prevent it. But fortu
nately there is leveling principle in nature
which will ultimately correct this evil.
The rage to become lawyers, doctors, and
ministers, will, in lime, load down these
honorable professions villi such a lot of
superabundant material, totally unfit for
the employment, and designed by nature
for other pursuits, that the wisdom of ex
perience will then teach parents the policy
of permitting their children to do what
their Creator qualified them for, whether
that should be the honorable occupation of
a grubber, or the no more excellent calling
of an attorney or physician.
But, while we protest against the habit
above stated, we earnestly entreat parents
and guardians, not to neglect the education
of the children committed to their care.
Learning is equally essential to the success,
ful pursuit of every branch of buines,nnd
no man can fulfil his station, either as a
farmer, manufacturer, or mechanic, who
has not a thorough knowledge of each
branch of an English education. The en
joyn.ent of life consists in the seasoning
hich science affords, and he who can de
murely shut himself up, and disdain a
knowledge of the active and extraordinary
events which are every day distinguishing
'he nineteenth century, is a mere fungus
a counterfeit of humanity a work of na
ture's journeymen ! Can such an one ap
preciate the infinite power, wisdom, good
nets and perfection of the Almighty Ruler
of the universe ? Can he stand erect in the
image of his Maker, or drink deep of the
explored beauties of creation ? Alas! the
ignorant can have no conception of the vast
dominions of the"King of Glory, or of the
illimitable expanse of space through which
his own immortal soul may waoder in eter
Let this generation, then, do its duty
towards the next. Let those into whose
hands the destinies of the nation must soon
fall, be prepared to execute their high office
understandingly, and we will have fulfilled
our mission. Now is the time to prepare
for the coming winter's instructions. And
in our vicinity, every means are afforded.
and no child or youth of either sex should
be allowed to fail in the use of them.
Happily, the Common School System,
founded by Gov. Wolf aud advanced by
every succeeding Legislature and Gover
nor has become ihc settled policy of
Pennsylvania. Under it, we have now in
operation in our Borough five free school.,
where the common branches of education
are taught by good and experienced tutors.
The long established Leuisburg Acade
my still maintains, under Mr. K indolph's
charge, n high rank among the educational
;ntercsts. The next session commences on
Monday the 22d of October.
In addition, tliTc are the Primary, Ac
ademical, and Col'eginte Departments ol
the Un.versily at Lewisburg, wh'ch opens
in winter session on Thursday, Htti Oct.
This Institution is well endowed has a
noble Academical building already up, and
the first Collegiate edifice commenced. Its
advantages will be enlarged as fast as its
means can be brought in. The only Col
legiate eirerprise in Northern or Central
Pennsylvania, and the only one within the
Stnte pa'ronized by the denomination that
originated, it has two strong supports, hkh
if rightly improved will render it worthy of
its unsurpassed location. The objection
i hat it is a sectarian school loses all its
force from the fact that science is general
and the same wherever learned that no
particular religious creed is taught and as
to the rules necessary to its government, no
right minded man of any denomination can
fail to preler them to none, even though I.e
were an enthusiast for his own system.
The management of the Institution we
are happy to say. has been entrusted to
safe and competent hands. The Principals
and the assistants, possess alike all the
qualities essential to the able and success
ful discharge of their respective duties, and
if the students do not progress as they
should, the fault will not be the teachers'.
As to location, a more desirable situation
could not be found, perhaps, in Pennsylva
nia. With every facility of communication,
it combines beauty of location and health
of climate. Here, at the base of the Alle
gheny mountain, fanned with the pure
breeze which has kissed its thousands bills
harmed with the rippling waves and
crystal waters of the Susquehanna,and sur
rounded wiih scenery the most sublime and
beautiful I h it the imagination could pic
ture may the student enjoy the beauties
of nature, while he is filling the store
house of his mini with the treasures of art
Lh; every cnild and youth, then, during
the cominjjj season attend some one of these
schools. Tliey are adapted to the means
and lo the pursuits of all. Ll farmers,
mechanics, professional men, and trades
men vie with each other in giving to llioe
under their care the best ol earthly honors
practical learning. And let parents and
children lemember that the only sure, and
the best of all earthly riches, is a sound
Christian education.
This District.
Union County. An intelligent friend
in twis county, sends us a very gratifying
account of the political affairs there. He
says, Maj. Cummings will jirobably be
elected lo the House, by a small majority,
if Juniata d es her duty.' We will ans
wer for Juniata and our Democratic
brethren in Union can not do a better
thing, or elect a better man to the Legis
lature than Major Jack Cummings. The
odds are against them, to be sure ; but en
ergy and activity can do wonders.
The above is from the Philadelphia
"Pennsylvanian." Probably" "small"
" if," are drawbacks lo the flattering
picture, but that "the Democrats can not
elect better man" ia a piece of new de
cidedly refreshing, whichever construction
is placed upon it ! The following is from
the "Sentinel," of MifRintown, Juniata
county. Union and Juniata together elect
two Representative.
"Our readers are pretty generally aware
that a tremendous effort ia being made to
elect Mr. Cummings, of Union county, to
the next Legislature. One of his friends
visited this county recently, and assured
our opponents here that the responsibility
was upon Juniata ! that Union would do
her duty towards the election of Mr. Cum
mings, aud that it would only require a
clever majority in this county to ensure his
success ! And on what ground is this
calculation based ! It is simply because
Mr. Cummings has pledged himself lo go
for the repeal of the present Militia law,
and for the repeal of the present School
law two of the most salutary measures
that have found a place on our statute
book for the last quarter of a century. Mr.
Cummings would revive the old militia
law, which during eighteen years prior to
its repeal cost our State within a Iraction
of $500,000 over and above the entire in
come ! Call you this economy 1 Do the
tax-payers of Pennsylvania desire lo re
new this heavy lax, and all for nothing t
all for the mere fantastic display of a
military parade? We can not think so;
and we shall be disappointed if both Mr.
Cummings and his antiquated notions do
not meet with a rebuke this fall that will
drive him lo a better platform when he
next comes before the people."
'"Unfortunately for Mr.Cummings, he is
known in this county, and if he does not
make a better run in proportion to the rel
ative strength of parties in Union co mty
than he will in this county, he will hardly
ever be heard of after the 9;h of October
next. lie is welcome to all he will make
by the experiment."
Free-soil Advancing!
Mr. Filler, the Whig nominee for
Canal Commissioner, has advocated the
Free-soi; principle from the start. It will
be seen by the following frank avowals,
that the Democratic nominee holds similar
views, with6ut the mysticism and 'alf-and-
'alf shirking of the question manifested by
the Pittsburg resolution on the subject.
A Letter from Sir. Gamble.
Jersey Shore, Sept. 13, 1819.
F. E. Smith, W. C. Webb, and Levi Bige.
low, Esquires.
Gentlemen : I have the honor to ac
knowledge the receipt of your letter of the
4th instant, propounding to me the follow
ing questions,in pursuance of your appoint
menl as a Committee for that purpose, by
a meeting of" Free Soil Democrats'' held
at Tioga on the 3d of September, instant.
However reluctant I feel lo give public
ity to my " views'' upon a subject so for
eign and distinct from the duties and func
tions of the office for which I have the
honor to be the candidate of the democratic
party, I can not, nevertheless, decline to
answer questions emanating from, and
deemed important by so respectable a pub
lic meeting of my fellow citizens.
To the first question, namely, " What
are your views in relation to the Constitu
tional powers of Congress to prohibit Sla
very in the territories belonging to the
United States, I answer that in my hum.
ble judgment. Congress possesses such
Constitutional power.
To the second question, namely, "If you
believe Congress possesses the requisite
authority for that purpose, are ynu in favor
of the passage of an act extending to nil
such territories the principles of the Ordi
nance of I7S7,,, I answer that I em in
favor of the passage of such an act, or the
adoption of any other constitutional mca
sure.deemed necessary, in order to prohibit
the farther extension of human slavery.
With sentiments of the highest respect,
I remaiu your obedient servant,
John A. Gamble.
Awful Suicide !
We see by the New Berlin papers that
Daniel Hummel, of Dry Valley, Union
Tp, Union Co, took his own life on Tues
day of last week. He was subject to the
delirium tremens, under which he succee
ded, in the presence of his wife, in severing
the arteries of his neck using first a razor
which his wife wrested from him, next an
old scythe which was taken away, and
finally a case knife with which he finished
his existence. He was only thirty years
of age, and leaves four children.
What a fearful warning to all those
who "taste, touch, or handle" the intoxi
cating cup !
The conferees who nominated Mr. Pack
er fir the State Senate in the Lycoming
district, adopted a resolution instructing
him, in case of his election, lo support the
Ion. George W. Woodward for the U.
S. Senate.
tCJli is not often we find so much of
quiet humor as well as stern truth in
any account of political meetings, as in the
following from the Elmira Republican. It
is " i.fiicial.M nnd of course true. Many
"large nnd enthusiastic meetings" have
not even had a "witness" to verify their
proceedings, as did the jolly trio below.
u Enthuwastic Whig Caucus. At the
whig Caucus held at the Mansion House
last evening, according to previous notice,
there were present Charles W. Dunn, who
was elected Chairman, C. G. Fairtnan,
who was appointed Secretary ,and William
Pulleys who constituted the masses '
It is due lo the occasion to state further
that Col. Wm. B. Ju.lson was present in
the room, and kindly volunteered his ser
vices s witiiesi in cise the regularity of
the caucus should hereafter be called in
The object of the meeting having been
stated, the caucus proceeded lo the election
of Delegates. The following persons were
unanimously selected : to wit Charles
W. Dunn, Silas H:ii(jh, Washington
Thurman, Miles Covcll, C G. Fairman.
Wm. P. Conkle, Erastus Goodrich, E.
P. Brooks, and Trum.in Fassett.
Resolved. That the thanks of this meet
ing be tended to the Chairman for the able
discharge ofhis duties. C. W. DUNN,
Chairman, j
"CruRLEs G. Fairman, Sec.'y."
The National Arsenal at Springfield.
This is the Arsenal. Fiom floor to ceilirg.
Like the huire organ, rise the burnished arms ;
But from the silent pipe no anlhetn pealing
Startle the villagers with strange alarms.
What loud lament and diamal misery
Will mingle with their wful symphonic !
I hear even now the infinite, fierce choros
The criea of agony, the endles groan,
Which through the agea that have gone before na
In long reverberation reach oui own
On helm and harness ringa the Raxoq kamrrer ;
j Thro'Ciubric lorest roari the N'oneoun'e song;
And load, amid the universal clamor,
O'er distant deserts sound the Tartar gong.
I bear the Florentine, who from his palace
Wheel out his bat;le-hll wiih dreadful din ;
And Aztec priest upon their teoclli
Beat thewild war-drom made of serpei.U skin.
The lumull of each sacked and burning village.
The shout that eery prayer for mercy drowns.
The soMier revels in the mi.M of pillage.
The wail of famine in beleaguered town ;
The bursting ahetl.the gateway wrenched asunder.
The rattling musketry, the clashing blade ;
And ever and anon, in tone of thunder,
The diapson of the cannonade.
I- it, O man, with eoeh discordant noise.
n Hb aoch accursed instruments a thear.
Tbu drowneat Nature' sweet and kindly voice.
And jarreet toe celestial harmonic !
Were half the power that fill the world with
Or half the wealth bestowed on ramp and courts
Given lo redeem the human mind from error.
1 here were DO need of arsenal nor furls.
The warrior' name would be a name abhorred .'
And everv nation that should lift again
la hand against a brother, on ita forehead
Would wear for ever the dire curse of Clin !
I'own the dark future, thro' long generations.
The echoing aouuds grow fainter and then
And like a hell, with solemn, aweet vibrations,
I bear once more the voice of Christ say "Peace."
Peace ! and no longer from it braten portal
I be blast of V ar great organ shake the
But, beautiful as songs of lh' immortal,
i be holy melodies of love arue.
One of the Printers.
There is a good practical printer by the
name of John Evans, who lives at Bata
via, Ohio, w ho educated himself at a dis
tinguished Literary Institution in New
Hampshire, is a practical farmer, has
taught sch'iols of various grades in New
I'.ngland, traveled through most of the
Slates of the Union, taught "High School"
in Ohio, a " Seminary" in Kentucky, an
Academy" in llliniis and one in Mis
souri ; been superintendent of Common
Schools aud School Examiner, a President
of a College of Teachers, and of a Litera
ry Association, who once offered a prize
of 1550 for the best method of teaching the
branches usually taught in a High School,
and 23 for those taught in a Common
School ; who has acted in the capacity of
Editor of three different (newspapers, and
more or less in the capacity of Constable,
Sheriff, County Treasurer, Reeorder.Auc
lioneer and Merchant, wholesale Pedler,
and Postmaster at three different places ;
who is a practical Surveyor, Engineer,
Mapmaker, also a regular member of the
Bar, and Notary Public, dec, tie., and
who works at the printing business more
or less nearly every day. He is about 30
years of age, and in easy circumstances.
His father died very poor, when be was
young, and bis mother supported the fam
ily several years by bard labor. He has
made himself what be is. Cin- Com.
Fattening Animals.
At this season, the attention of the farm
er is often directed to the fattening of those
animals which are intended for the butcher;
and it is important for him to know how
he may turn such articles of food as he
may have on hand for this purpose to the
best account. Several articles, such as
pumpkins and apples, will col keep long.
and are to be used in their season, if at all
The least nutritious articles,so far as it can
be done conveniently .should be fed out first;
alterwards those that are more nutritive.
Fattening animals should be kept quiet.and
suffered to take no more exercise than is
necessary for their health. All exercise,
more than this, calls lor an expenditure of
food, which does not avail anything in the
process of fattening. They should be fed
regularly, with suitable food, and thai pro
perly prepared ; and as much should be
given them as they are able to convert in
to flesh and fat, without waste. "In the
animal economy, the accumulating of fat
and extra flesh, is only a deposit of super
fluous nutriment, which not being required
by the system at one time, is laid by for
future emergencies; and it must be obvi
ous that the larger the quantity of food
which a fattening animal can be made to
consume daily, with a good appeiite, or to
digest thoroughly, the greater will be the
amount of flesh and fat gained in propor
tion to the whole quantity of food con
Animals will not thrive with any amount
of food where they are uneasy and discon
tented, even if they are so closely confined
that they can not wear off their flesh by
- ' - u is,h"erre -po"1 thai
tney be led regularly, and there should he
nothing lo disturb them, or excite fear or
Of ihe root crops, for nutritive properties,
potatoes stand first ; then carrots, ru'.a ba-
gas, mangel-wurzels, which are nearly as
valuable as potatoes ; while the English
turnip is the least valuable and nutritious.
Of grain, wheat stands first ; then peas, In
dian corn, barley, and last, oats. Much In
dian corn is used in fattening animals es
pecially, swine. For these, there is un
doubtedly a great gain in having it both
ground and cooked. It is said that w here
swine are fed on mush or hasty-pudding.
they are much more quiet, and consequent
ly gain flesh much faster, then when the
same ingredients are fed to them uncooked,
The following hints on this subject, from
ihat valuable agricultural journal, the Al
bany Cultivator, will be found ef interest :
"Substances in which ihe nutriment is
much concentrated, should be fed with care,
There ia danger, especially when the ani
mal is first put to feed, that more may be
eaten at once then the digestive organs can
manage. Meal of Indian corn is highly nu
tritive,and when properly fed causes to fat
ten faster thrn almost any other food. They
will not, however, bear to be exclusively
kept on this article for a great length of
time. Meal made from the heaviest varie
ties of corn, especially thai from the hard
flinty kinds grown in the northern and ea
stern states.is quite too strong food for cat'
tie, sheep, or horses, to be full fed upon.
Hence one of the advantages of having the
cob ground with the corn, by which the nu
triment is diffused through a greater bulk,
lays lighter in the stomach, and is thoru'
ly digested. The effect of pure corn meal
on animals.we suppose to be similar to that
sometimes produced on our own species by
the .use of fine wheaten flour the subject
becomes dyspeptic, and is forced to eat
bread which has bran mixed with the flour.
The mixture of the cob with the meal, an
swers the same purpose of the bran the
health of the animal is preserved, and the
process of digestion goes on uninterrupted
ly. In fact the advantages of grinding the
cob and corn together for feeding1 cattle
may be said to be well established. For
hogs.the benefit of the cob is not.we think,
so evident, those animals appearing to be
better adapted for laking their nourishment
in a concentrated form, than those which
ruminate, or chew the cud. Yet food suf
ficiently bulky to effect the distention of the
bowels is necessary for hogs.
'Hay or straw.cul into lengths so short
as to be readily mixed with meal, answers
a good purpose in rendering the meal easy
of digestion, and in enabling the animal to
extract from it all the nutriment.
"The conclusion arrived at from the re
sult of a series of expe riments instituted
by a Highland Society of Scotland, a few
years ago, was, that the superiority of
cooked over uncooked food for rattle is but
trifling, and not sufficient to balance the
cost ; but for bogs, the extra cost of prepa
ration was repaid.
"The appetite and health of animals are
promoted by giving a variety of food. This
fact has led to the preparations for fattening
stock. For fattening hogs we have used
with advantage the following mixtures.
1. Two parts potatoes and two parts
pumpkins; boil together until they can be
mashed fine then add one part meal, stir
ring and mixing intimately together. The
heat of the potatoes and pumpkins will
scald or cook the meal, and when cold the
mixture will be a stitt pudding. . 1 wo
parts potatoes, and two of ripe, palatable
apples,(either sweet or sour ;) boil till they
can be mashed fine then add one part
meal, (either from corn, barley, or oats
and peas, allowing the same weights,) and
mix together while the potatoes and apples
are hot.
"Hogs are more fond of food when it
has slightly fermented, (not become pung
enlly sour,) and they appear to fatten fist
er if it is fed to them in this state. We have
never seen hogs thrive faster than w hen
fed on these mixtures, with occasionally a
little dairy slop.and we have always found
the pork solid and of good quality."
Common Sense.
She came among the glittering crowd
A maiden fair, without pretence.
And when they aaked ber humble name,
She whispered mildly, 'Csmmon Sense."
Her modest garb drew every eye.
Her ample cloak, her ahur of leather
And when they aneered. she simply said,
"I dresa according to the weather.
Tbey argued long, and reasoned l-'ud
Ia dubious Hindoo phrae mysterious,
Whi'e she, poor child, :ould not divine
Why girl so youug should be serious.
Tbey knew the length of Plato' beard.
And bow the scholar wrote in rSuturn
She atudied an'.hor not ao deep.
And took the Bible tor bet pattern.
And ao she said, " Excuse me, friends,
I find all have their proper places.
And Common Sente should atay at hoaae.
Wiih cheerful hearts and entiling I
Comforts of an Editor
Somebody who "knows the rnpos,
thus discourses of the comforts attending
the life editorial.
If he does not fill up his paper with news
of importance, whether there are any or
not, it is condemned for not being what it
purports to be a newspaper.
If he does not at least fill one column
evey week with something laughable, his
folio is pronounced uninteresting.
If a public nuisance should exist, notice
of it would offend ; and not to notice would
be censured.
If he does not publish all the deaths and
marriages that occur in the world for twen
ty miles around, whether he hears of them
or not, he is not fit for an editor.
If every paper does not contain a goodly
number of "Suicides, Horrible, Mjrders,
and Melancholy Accidents," it is a dull, un
welcome sheet.
If half of the gloomy transactions which
occur ate recorded, it is spumed as a ve
hicle of calamities.
If his paper contains advertisements the
general reader murmurs ; if it does not, the
man of business will not patronize it.
If a dozen friends call on him while he
is correcting his proof-sheet, and one error
escapes detection, he is the biggest blunder
head in the world.
Farming in the Virginia Valley The
Rockingham Register states that Mr. Reu
ben Moore, of that county, last year made
nn his farm and hauled to market oerr nine
h undred barrels of fluur t besides what he
used in his own family. With six hands
and one wagon and team, he did the work
on the farm, as well as the hauling to mar
ket ! The crop was ground in his own
mill, so that everything was done by him
self and upin his own premises. In ad
dition to the large quanity of flour made
and sold from his farm, Mr. M. also had
50 fat cattle to sell !
A Neat Cook. We have heard of a
lady who was so very particularly neat,
that she would always nicely wash her
eggs before she broke them into the pan to
fry, and was always particularly cartful.
moreover.to spit in the pan lo see if the fat
was hot enough to fry them. Now this, we
hink, is being a Utile too paxticclah.
Gammon. A s'ump orator who wished
to gammon some Germans just previous
to an election,tn order to obtain tbeir votes,
observed that though t;e was not a German
himself he had a brother who was retnor-
ably fond of German sausages.
Transplanflata; Tree.
We find in the Utica Gazette, facia
showing that it is not necessary to select
small trees for transplanting, in order to
ensure their growth. Large trees may be
j as successfully planted as . small ooet.
The mode and result of afl experiment,
made by Messrs. Pomeroy and Dutton, of
Utica, are thus given : These gentlemen
transplanted trees, comprising maples,
elms.beech, &c, some thirty feet in height,
which were transplanted without being
shorn of any of their branches. The pro
cess of removal was as follows : In the
fall, before the frost, a trench was dug
around the trees selected, from ten to fit'
teen feet in dismeter.and the roots severed.
In the winter when the grouod had become
solid from freezing, the trees were pulled
out by the aid of oxen and levers, with the
mass of earth firmly attached to the roots.
They were then transported erect on a
strong sled, built for the purpose, and set
out. These trees grew in open hod, a
mile and a ball from the city. They put
on their foliage last spring as if wholly
unconscious that they were not still in
their native soil, and the enterprising gen
tlemen who undertook this unusual course,
are rewarded with shade trees which by
the old practice it would have required
twenty years to produee. This plan is
not a novel one. We saw it practised in
our boyhood; and the giant trees are still
waving their branches as freshly as if
never transplanted from their original lo
cation. At the same time that the trench
es are dug around the selected trees, the
holes should be prepared in the places to
which they are to be removed.
Temperance Anecdote. A man was
taken before a magistrate for having while
drunk knocked down in the street a min
ister of religion. The prisoner was fully
convicted of the offence, but by the rever
end gentleman whom he had injured, was
liberated on signing the letotal pledge for
a month. At the expiration of the month,
he called at the bouse of the divine, and
being introduced he expressed his gratitude
for effects of the pledge he had submitted
to, and concluded with expressicg the ut
most sorrow at not having met and knock
ed down his reverence 30 years before.
The rioters who stopped the Lehigh
coal trade a few months ago, and interfered
so materially with the interest of the State
in its trade on the Delaware division, have
had their trial at Easton, and those con
victed sentenced to a fine and imprison
ment. The severest was Thomas Belsford,
who was fined $ 00 and ordered to give
$5,000 to keep the peace for five years.
A writer in the New York Sun says, it
is injurious to cough leaning forward, as
it serves to compress the lungs, and snake
the irritation greater. Persons prone to
this enjoyment should keep their neck
straight and throw out tbeir chest. By
these means the lungs expand and the
art of coughing is perhaps as important ia
its way as any other.
Gutta Percha Tubes are now laid down,
in some English churches, from the pulpit
to the pews of deaf persons, by which they
are enabled to hear the preacher. Eng
lish Paper.
All that is now needed is a gutta percha
contrivance to reach the consciences of
Complimentary. Mr. Wm. B. Taylor.
Chief Clerk in the New York Post Office,
has been presented by a number of mer
chants of that city with three pieces of sil
ver plate. Mr. Taylor has been connected
with the post office of New York nearly
thirty years.
Polar Bear Shot. An immense white
or polar bear was recently shot by the cap
tain and crew of a fishing vessel nn the
North-eastern Coast of Labrador. He mea
sured 1 6 feet and weighed 2500 pounds.
The skin was taken to Halifax to be stuffed.
Anagram. The following was found
among the manuscripts of William Oldys,
by his executors :
"in word and Will I sat a friend to yna I
And one friend Oca is worth an hondml sew.
"The Pbess. It ex presses truth, re
presses error, fm-presaes knowledge, and
op-presses uone." We thought this too
good to be ji-pressed, and therefore pub.
lish it.
M Why is it New Englanders always
answer a question by asking one in re
turn f "Du they?" was Jouathau'a
It is a roazim with tho Jews, that he
who did not bring up his son to some boo- "
est calling brought him tin a thief.