A Remarkable Ministry. Dr. Spring, who ha just sailed for Eurotw, preached his thiriy-nioth anniversary discourse to hi congregation in New York ling the oldest pastor in the coy on Sunday las'. During these thirty-nine years," he re marked, " the ministers and officers of the churches who then welcomed the speaker to itis field of labor, h:ive passed away. There remains not a member of the Pres byterian, not a minister of the gospel o' any denomination in our City, who was ii the ministry when I first commenced m labors. Of the eldsrrs anil dene-ins ol this church who at that limi were living, uot one remains." Fortune's Changes. A few days since young gentleman related to us the fol lowing: He said thit his mother was speaking in tiie evening at a social home circle, of lor: Hue's changes acid rcioaiLfd, that in htr giiihood, at a so cial pany, where there was music and dan cing, a young blue ejed, light haired boy Baked her to dunce. Site refused, and thought hi-n rather presuming, as he was the sou of a bla"ksmi;h, aud she the da ligh ter of Capt. a ul' hi a ctp'ain. There was a difference in their social position Thiil buy is the present Ouctnwr of Jlas sachuaelt Samuel II. Itoihrrrnel has been nomina ted by the Whigs of Philaii. 'jihia county which is concurred in by the Xitives as their candidate for Sheriff. .Mr. Roiher mel is a native or Ilerfcs county, but was brought up in L lt! M .h in y township, in this ciun'y, where his b-o'h-Ts and rel atives still reside. IJe ! ft ihis county not many years since to eignjie in, the cos! business first in Sch'nlKill coon'v, and af.erwnrds in Philadelphia. His ease a' (ords another illus'ration i w fiut can be m-cotnplishrd by imhis'ry nnd pcrsever enre. when accompana d by coo-1 clnrac er. nnd nicVd by good natural abilities. Sunbvry JimericitH. The Yckshurg (Miss.) Whig means to be ahead next lime; Hear! Hear! Doii'i Steal ci'ir Thunder H'r are in f.vor of the re HniiCTVio!! of Culm to the United Slates. No Oemoeratic pnper hi" et taken this position. i is st.VIv and inclusively ours. We iutend to fight for it. Anl when the fruit is rendy to be p-nherej we will either shake the tree or ho'd the hat. If the "old nmn" should aJoit the one term prine pie. Crittenden rd Cuba" will he -ur rr.otto in 1852. D'ye hear that, boys?-' Peter Miller of Morgan county, Ohio, the nephew and the only heir of the Ir.te Peter Miller, a rich old bachelor, of North hampton county. Pa., h iving contested his will, has recovered the Cst.te of his late uncle, valued at S 100,1 00, with exception f a few trifling leescies. The fortunate mm has heretofore ken a poor tenant with t utlve children. The National Convention of the friends of Co:nmori School, which was to hive s-emh!ed in Philndelphia, on the 2-J of August last, but was postponed in conse quen:'.e of the prevalence of the Cholera, will meet in Philadelphia on the l?;h of October. Heavy Ddmies. At 15 -rkshire. XI iss , last week, a verdict of S7000 was rendered against the Berkshire liuilmad Companv and in favor of 1) It. ( impb-! and w f-, fr injuries suF'ained by them w hile cross ing the mil mad track. Tiie Governor of Illinois ha published a proclamation convemug the Legislature On the 22d October next, for the purpose of filling a vacancy in the office of United Stale Senator from ihe S ate of Illinois. Under the revised code of Virginia, jusf adopted by the Legislature, imprisonti.ent fur debt is abolished in that State, except in cases w here property has been concealed or illegally disposed of. The Gass Works at Harrisburg have been commenced, and it is exacted they will be finished aud gass introduced during the coming winter. Louis Napoleon has wrhten a letter to the Emperor of Russia, congratulating him on his success against the Hungarians. At the present rate of increase, the po pulation of the United States in 1900, w ill be 101,481.763 persons. The Hon. Mr. Dincroft. laic Minister to England, and his family returned home in the Europa, last week. Id Northumberland, Wednesday, 19:h insL, Rev. William R. Shitii, aged 55 years. Mr. Smith had been for many yeart the much esteemed pastor of the O. S. Presbyterian churches of Suubury and Northumberland. His disease was a bilious dysentery. ' The world's a loser when a good man dies." Cut " the good men do, lives after them." In Northumberland, 4th insf., infant son of Win Denner. Jxh iiist. a son of John Adams, fun insi., Wr. Reich, aged 60 years, fth inst., Henry S. Thomas, aed 27 years. In Milton, Gih inst. J din IS. boii of A.J. and Mary JJ wghoer.at.ed 0 months. 15th inU, Miss Margaret S. Bartholomew, aged 21 years. lo Cbillisqoaque, 12th imrt., Mary, wife f Jacob iUbtl, aged Z1. ATTEHTIOn, BATTALION! JTiMiJ. liideticn:.. nt r mai- loll Ol i.iuuieers a u are hereby comma n:.'cd to meet in ihe IJuroiih of L-iwilmr on Saturday, Oct. G, at 10 o'clock, A M., for the purpose of or.m-iz-ng H Biliulion and electing Field O dicers. Tiie Dry Val ley Rifle Company is respect fully solicited to joiu in the above Battalion. F. A. DON.VNY, Mijor. NTevr York Fall and Winter FA SHIONS -fl 2 a 69 JUSP received at the Fashionable Tuilo Imin" establishment, next door lo the 1'ostOiTi-e. JOHN' U MILLER. L"isbiir-j, Sept 20, 1841) testes Ns---s.-,T- -7:-.: WV X-B.:. f, . r -:1 ii-- NEW STORE. THE FLEDSEJEKEWED ! HAVING rendered entire satisfaction to his lormer patrons by fully sustaining lilt pledge to sell floods below the custom ary prices of the plnce.the subscriber again iuviies tiie community if they desire to have ( 'heap (5ood to call at his S'ore, opposite K'nie's hotel, where they can find a fie.-li stock now opening of Dry Goods Hardware, Groceries, Queens ware, Hats and Do. ts and fe-S Shoes and most Caps, t descriptions of M -r.-hi.iid.z $ adapted to their wn', for the was mi, at lb very i.mest prices. V.iery exeriion iim.i lo please thoe who mav favor us wild a rail. Ali kinds ol" IV 'du e taken in exch inye '-us well as Cash" in oavment for (on-.. EAK'L S. BARTCIX Iewinrir. Se.pt 7, Ibi'J Dr. Kase's Kciicisea The subscriber havui he n appointed sole aent f.r Ir. li.ise'o Medicine, for ("iiion coun'v, r.flers them to ihe puhlii: with ure.it confidence as to their fli "icy and certainty of ii'ecting cures in till cises lor which they are iles'eoed. A sinie lest only is required to esiabli'li Ihe f ict. S.Ti27 SS15AUTON Orphans' Court BY virtue of an order from the Orphans' Court of I'uion county, the subscriber will expose lo Public Sale, on the premis es, on Monday the 1 5th of October next, at 1 o'clock. I. M., the Lot of CroitiKl late of IIunkv Mot nil, deceased, situa'e u the wel si. If of Fourth s'reel, in the I!.. rough o Lewtslitirg. bet ceil St. Cjth arine and George Mmts, numbered SStJ, meai-uring 0f5 feet in front and about 15 feel in d.-pih, h ivin thereon eiecied a Oi;e ainl-u-half stttrey House, fr.iriiu SlaLlf, ami other improvements. Terms made known on the djv of sale. JOHN MOYKU, Xd.o'r. J. ll.vi s, Jr., Cleik O. C. Sept. , lt-i'J. juticc. r 'IllS-uhscriberswoulJ respectfullj inform X the public tlinl they tiave ibis day en teied into a Copartnership for the purpose of .Merehanihzm'j. under the firm ol J. 11 YES Sc ( U." As we calculate upon keeping an extensive assortment of Goods of all descriptions, and to sell iheu. at the very lowest rates for cash or country pro duce, we hope to merit a conlinuaiit'e of public f..vor. JAMES HVYE--, THO'S M L' It RAY, M.D. JOHN H. ItOJDMAN. Lewishurg, Sept 17, 1S49 The unricrsigtied.thank I'nl for the nasi paironaue of his friends, would res cifiilly r quest ali those havin.' ui s.'tiled iicceunts to call and make settlement with out further delay. J. HAYF.S. Home Industry. superior TOW YARN J '"or sale bv Septal) J. HAYKSiCO. OKPlIANiS' COUIIT SALE. BY order of the Orphans' Court of Un ion counlv, the siibscrilit-r will expose the following U-al Cslate, lafe of K v'd Tito's Hoo:, di-c'd, to Public Sale, at the house of Mr. Chtnles D. Kline, in the Lo rough of Lewishurg, on Thursday the 1 1th day of Oclokr next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., via. The "Mansion House," situate in Kelly township, adjoining lands of Tl.os Clincm, heirs of J..- Ltwson dt-u'd, heirs of Thos Howard dee'd and others, eonlni. uing 8H acres and 53 perches, neat rneas ure ; having thereon erected a two-storey frame l)ellin2-IIouse, double frame Barn and o her improvements. Also the "Limestone Lot," ad joining lands of James Dale, Lsip Michael Dennis and others, containing one acre. Also, two tracts of Woodland, siiuale in W hite Ileer township, adjoining Iteichley Ac lianu, O.xen Foti!k, Reuben Haines and others one tract containing about 232 acres, and the other about 310 acres. Terms maJe known on the day of sale. SAIL M'CORMICK. Surviving Adm'r with the Wiil annexed of Rev. Thouwa Hood, dee'd. Sept 26, 1841) r I.KWISBUKG Ci2IiOXICL.Ii AND WKT A CARD. To 'iVlLLIAM CaMKUOM, KsJ. SIR: We in hehnlf of the "Union Cam eron Guard' wish to express our lie lings of dep regard an J sincere respect (which we feel but can not exprc-s: thai we reg'ird the IiIxtjI dunjti.ms whieh you in your patriotic benevolcii -e. h iv been pleased to coaler upuii us as a youiii mil itary Coinpauv. Sjch me ins of assistance, coming as lliey do, wheu liiey d 1, and from whom lliev do, cm n it tint arouse I In: warmest feelings of lh: heart in au us-o si ilion of Ci iz."ns, an I p irncul'irly of Citizen Soldiers : aud he!iee us Sir, toe company that we have the honor ol com manding would consider themselves as Citizen Soldiers (bearing th honorable and distinguished name they d") 'censura ble of ingratitude that would be unpardo nable in the extreme did they not avail themselves of some means of nuking known unto you their feel ns of resf.ect and thankfuli.ess. Ojr iribrts shall eer reflect credit and honor upon the name we huve astiuied, "fd by a course of paii olic and honorable conduct, we hope to lie accounted worthy 'f the distiou'jil.ed fa vors so kindly conferred upon u. Our ob ject in uniting as we have is to seem d efforts that are making throohout toe length and breadth of our country to pro tect and advance the rising glory of this Western Hemisphere. We have as Soldiers selected the motto, our country first, our cnuirry last, and our country foiever ;" nd we are eiicom aed in this, when we consider that we are reoiriled with such marked resiiect. par ticularly by vou, Hii.1 we feel ll.ai we shall be jealous of the mine " I'nion Cum eron Guards," whether it he by our peaci -ful firesides, or amid the ir. n h i I nnd cnfirion's thunder on the fiei.l of leil ! Our company's ension shal'. if the sacred rights of oar country should demand it, like Mjmi's white plume be seen to wave in 'It'" honest of the battle. Permit us. Sir, in conclusion lo lender you our thanks, and a'so our b-'st w -jsbes ihat you may enj-y a long, peacefu', an 1 a happy life. I!v order of the Company : F. A- Donaciiv, t'il. tain. I!krv Fchhav, 1st Lieut. F. A. D..NLII..VI ! K, 2J I-wi,btirg, Sept. If, ll!i. C- fl. ! 11 1., 11 f. n ri'IIE suliscrihcr has jut received his J :ock of FALL AND W INTER. Hoods ruibra-itig the isual variety such as DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARUWARE. QUISKNSWARR, HATS, CAPS All of which are offered cheap for Cash or Country Produce. I. G. L1Y7SEH Lwi.biirg. Sept. IS, ie lit tMHtFlSII Fie&h M ickeiel Cleev ) for sale bv I H LiKshe 50 Kl'.lifi .N.ols ami Spikes, Just ri c'd and for sale bv Sp! IS S&JH u!:e "r.U:KlSUEL N fs -Z and 3, all. J!'st ree'd and lor sale. Sept 19 S& J Wolfe GROCE rTeqT The suhscrilwrs haveiust rei-'d n freh sunpiv of CO I-FEE. SUGAR, 310 L-AS-iES, Am., which th'-y scil at a very small advance on cost. Sept 10 S & J W. lfe CQt'lTlCLi: Lire lAM'llt.VCi:, AtMiiiity and Trust Cusupauy. Office. 74, U'uhirit Strut, Philadelphia. .,'apital, $250,000 Cnarler IVipeiunl. rj'UK Cnrnjijiiy are now pri'iiarrd In Irminari fl busineaa upon llie in.wt fi'.irral and advanta geous terms. They are auiliaoi. J by ihtir chan. r (s.ec. 3) "to n.ke nil :nid fwry insurance apiMr tainine to life rinks of whatever kind oi nature, uu.l to receive and enu'Ule trusts, umku t nifowrnenu, and to grant and purchase annuities." Tiie t'oiu paiiy sell annuities and enjow menu, and act as trustees for minora and heiia. Table f Pnmiums required for the. Aurance oj 100 Jur the u-twle term cj UJr. Age. liem. Aie. Pre in Age. I'rern. 1G $15D 31 2 0 4b $3 36 17 18 19 20 21 o S3 24 S.'i 26 27 28 S3 30 1 hi 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 15 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 CO 3 49 1 56 1 59 1 GO 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 72 1 76 1 85 1 89 1 94 1 98 2 04 2 20 2 27 S 33 2 40 2 47 2 54 2 63 2 70 2 iil 2 92 3 01 3 12 3 23 3 G2 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 91 5 12 5 33 5 54 5 78 6 03 The premiums are Ion than any other roniiny ami the polici. s alTi.rd greater advantages. Mar ried worn, a and female children can insure the live of either a husband or wcnl frits from the claims ol creditor. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, hif credit rates of premium, short term, joint lives. urioi.hiis, endow ment and forms of aepUcaliou are to be bad at the Oihce or of the A sent. Rates f ir Suturing 100 on a .tingle L'fe. Aee. For 1 year. For 7 veara. Fur I. no. 20 5-0 tl 91 i f.O 30 0 99 1 30 2 0 1 40 1 29 1 64 2 70 50 I HA S 07 3 91 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Kxamptr: A pernn aped 30 years lieil birth day by paying the Company 99 cu would aeruie 10 his family or heirs $100 ahuuM he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to Itiem (1000, or for 1 3 00 annually for seven years he secures to Ihem tltaiO nt. iuld be die in seven years, or for 20 40 paid eat!y during life he secures $ 1000 to be paid when he .lies the insurer securing hi own bono by the difference in amount of pieoiium from ihose charged bv other office. For 19 50 ihe beiis would receive !:5010 hnulil be die in one year. PISTE R CL'LLEN, President. F. W. ItAWLB, Sec'y and T.ea. For further putiemVs npty t- hi:nky cj. hiokok. Agent fur Uninn and adjoining enmities. Consulting Physician W. Havi., M. 1). Lewisburf, Union Co. Pa. July 2 1, 1619. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & COUXTRY MERCI1AXTS. DU. J N. KEF.LEK & BIIO. most res prt:trn!ly solicit attention to their fresh stuck of EiiHxh, French. German, nnd .'hnerirnn brug..'Miri".'3!,, ,'a" nt mica Is. O.U. 1 ive-tolTs, Gi'sware, Perfu mery, Patent M'vlieines, Vmni-hes, 6iC. flAvinz ojiiMie.l a n ne, 24, Market , i;l full sui.ly ol fnh Diup, nl Mi-di-ii. e rej;i cilully solicit rountty Jeal.-rs to exam ine our sl s-k Iwfore furclia iiik t-Uewhere, irom ifi.ni one an J ll ! ""y ti (ostd to rx-ti-nJ to u- llieir pttr.itiKse. to sell llinu genuine U U411 anil lwlic lies. ll linerai - ."y I,....-.. ... ilw (M. -.d iofai lilu!l e.ecu'e all ooleia 1 ntrurfi'd to u promptly mid with ue sji ii.-a. One of the proprietor brint a regular physi cian, alririls am ile giiraiiiie ol me genuine ju.ility ol ali am. Ie 'ii at lli. ir eslaililnneiit. We especially iniic iliucisU an.l rounliy nii-rclioits. who imv wih 10 lif.-nni anHiita lur Dr. Krekra CtLLrattd family .".idichu. (sn-ular t anil popular rcintdu's.) tofurwerd tliir adJres. Sjlitiiiiis the pationage of Jeiilef, we respect fully reneiitl. J. N. KEELKH A; !ti: , Wh.ileib T)mi;eitg. lyiSI Ku 'jy4, Maikrt Si., I'liilud. m&O RNAMENTAt HESS. 1 he subscriber otleis l"r sole Oniamcn- tal Trees of en ry dcscrip'ion, particularly the Kurope.iii L-eden, and I a.eonm Impi rialis, a splendid shade tree lately inlroiju eed from J ip.tu, remarkable for iis unr- 111011s leaves (-omei iines two feel in diim.-j eter ) and iar-e clusters "f r ise col. 'red . flowers, p..tt-d and s'riped will.io, emitliiig a fr.T'ran. e seni ar to the Lilac Also Fruit In eol every ileserip'ion.such as "rafied Apple tries from 7 to 'J H high, at T to 15 eis each or $10 to rz.5' per bundled ; lieii iila'e I Pencil trees, l ij cts each, or $iil per hundred ; Pear, Cherry, Plum. N'-cfarme, an I Apricd trees nt reu sooaliie pin-ej, i.li the varieties warranted eentiiiie ; ul-o II it-house nnd Green house i.lants, emljrU'Mi lie.irnc Orange and Le mon trues.io.o tin rw'lha variety of Flutter seeds, all of which h" wi'l sell ns low as ihevcan be puichised in Piiil.ielfh:n. II i:. NOLL. L-?wisburg, Sept 12, 1919 UNTAri:HSITY rilHE T!M"TKrs of the I'niversil al I.ew I i-IiU'ir w.itil.l ieserltully inf rm lis I'olion ami Fib nd. Iii.it. In tins .Selm.il uuilur their care, (at Lewi-burj) ilu l..r.i.iu aie iha I lapses, Sub jects of Siu.iy and Cxurci.-es lor the curieutyear. 0. pmtni. iits ami Studies. till MA 11 Y DEPA R Til EXT. Six ;iases Exercised in Spelling, Reading. Definitinii. En3hr.f1 (Vr.uuiiHr, Aullwiietic. Gcog taphy, HUtuiy L" S. A., Peiimau.-bip, and L'ora .c. . Hem. EXULlsl DEI'AHTMEXTvft'ie Academy. The aaiue atu Jiea a in the Primary l. p .rtineul c ntiuued in the ue of largei Uxt books; and to lll. -e are added Geurrnl ililoiy, Uavica' Algebia, l.egendre aud Survejing. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of the Academy Jan. Academic Via. Enalih Language, Cuograpty, History 1. S. A., Latin Grammar and Keadtr, Greek Grammar and Reader coin menred, Arithineiic completed. .S. Aaitiuiik Clan. Engli-h Language, tieiieial Hisniry, Caisar, Virgil, Greek Header, Uaviea' Algebra. COLLEGIA TE DEPARTMEXT. F mli man C;j. l.ivy.Aiiabasir.Memniabilia, Davie I.egendii", Tiiijoii anetiy cmiiiienritl. StijlivMiire Ci'usii. Hoince. Oiiyaey. elerl Oiu'.ions of Deu.Oaih. nea, Legend coni lete.l, lia.iee b'ursrving and Navigation, Analytical tie.im.lry. lti;iir's Lrrrurra. J ' niiur Cla n. Demoslhenea on the Crown, f irerk Tr..gedy, t 'i.ern .'.e ttil'ieiis, Taciius, Aal ural Plnluaophy, Airoiion.y. Lugtc. Students in the English l)e,inlmeiit recite with those pursuing the same studies in the Ueuular Courne. fto i Us in ihe Regular course, has less than three dully recitations. All the membeia of the M'iiiml, (in three ditiMous.) are exerriM-d every tSiiurdav iu Rending, Declamation, Euglifh Com j oMlion, and Vocal Music. All the students are requited to attend, recti lariy, some religious meeting. Minors are expec ted lo alien. 1 f u. Il Hirelings as aie recommended 10 ihem by (heir par"nts or uuariiiqns- 1'here nre in the K.tr.nigli 1.0 less than six places of public w-oiliip, iireu-ied every l.ords D-iy by aa many d:m-rrnl C'hriiiuti denoniinalitins. Knxaacr of Stulents. The number of students during Ihe past year in ihe van. tin deparlaients, was 16 1- The number that hive entered Ihe classes in the Reg ul:ir t ourse tor ihe cu-renl year ('xcluive of llio-e in the Eii);Iua and Primary depirtiueuts.) ia as follow : College. Junior clas 6 M.i.homore cl iaa - 13 Fieshinan class -12 Acinnr. Senior cl 12 Junior cla-s - 28 -tl T1SAC II STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M., Profesyor of Msibeinaticsai.il 3ntur.il I'hiloKnphv ; GEOIitiE R. BI.I.SS. A. M., Proleor of Greek 1. anctlstre ail'l l.iler.ittire ; GEOIItiE W. ANDEUSO.V. A.M. Professor of Latin Lnncusge and Literature: ISAAC N. LOO.M1S, A. M., Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Tischcr in the Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Institu tion, the Lfoar.l have t ikeu m. asures to supply ihe neceslrv Apparatus for the department of Meci'ouictl Phil 'ophy, and to increase the Li brary, bef.ee the coinn.enienieiit of the w.uler sessi.iii. loirntg Ilia jear. Ill luinmig now mi procre-3 will be r anipleti tl. sfl irtling study rooms and dnrniil.iiies tor 70 c tltrge nadeiila. Another I'roiessor has bivn ad ird lo the Faculty, ami means pi.tvide.l 1.1 en!le stu lent in Ihe classes specified above to prosecute their studies with the greatest aurcess. Titillon and Hoard. TUITION in ihe Colleaiaie Department 1 30, Academic ?20, Hnmaiy 12 per year. EOARP, including lodging, washing, fuel and liiht, ran lie had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, hum $1,3, J to $2,50 per week. Session, Vacations, &c. Two Session 111 a year the former enmmeu cea on the second Tuesday in October, end con tinues 27 weeks; the latur continues 15 week. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next session begin 1 1th October. The Board are happy to add that Lewishurg is at present, a it ever baa been, exceedingly j healthy. lly order and in behall ol the Hoard r THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. ' GEORGE F.IMILLER, See'y. Lewishurg, Unioa Cot-Pas-Sept. L. 1 849. BISAXCH FAIlMKK Democratic nomination. Canal Commissioner Jons A. Gamble, of Lycoming. Whig nomination. Canal Commissioner II nnv M. Fi ller, ol Luzerne. Union County Whi,' ticket Assembly Col. SLi..of Lewisb John M'Lr:iii.i. 'u,l,i SherilT Arciiibali Thomas, of Union Co.Co...m.Ss,oner JoiiNMlLr.otiMr.i.j Treasurer DaXIKL IIoRLAciM H .-IIerlm , , 1. 1 Coroner Jacob Makm, ol 1 rry Auditor Hhnky 11 I!i.AiR,oflwish irg Watson, Samuel Suizi-r, John Kluie, Democratic ticket. Assembly John CrsmiNus, of Penns. JOIIX IIIMH, LJUUI.11..J -I.-- 2 ------ DH. TRASS'S Magnetic Ointment!! V Inl young limn wools 10 wear a wig I We all know the value of a good head of hair. A joung man with a bald head, is a sort of walking caticature of his species. Hence the many various attempts to reme- ,jv or C()1)Ceal the deficiency. Hundreds i ,,f t. young men of thiscoun'ry, alier try jl;J tJ,e thousand and one chemical prepa- raij(,j and nostrums for restoring the hair. are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a practice as liille conducive to cleanliness, as 11 is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen 10 know frotii practical e:rieiice.tliat '('Man's Magnetic Ointment will re-ioie the hair on a bald head, when all otticr reme dies have failed. Sold in Lew islnirtr.wholesnle and retail, by Thornton B iker. Price 'i- and 50 cents per bollio. rctcr aud Ague. 1 iTIJAT is the mode ol treatment hest V adai.ted to the cure of revcr and A "lie? It has usually been treated ny on dical men as a disease of ilsell. Strict ly speaking it is not a disease, but a symp tom of disease. It is the result of a d.-lan-emenl of the lirrr. Here lies the dillicoltv, and here is the disease. Il i therefore the liver to which the remedy should lie directed. Here the cau-e exists, nnd it is the cause which is lo be removed, or a permanent cure w ill not be effected 15 y addressing remedies to the symptoms we leave the cause untouched, ready lo produce a return of ihe chill- and fever, on the first over exertion ol" mind or bod v. The success of Dr. 0g.id's India Ciiola cooiie ineff. cling fitrinunenl cures of such aliections is explained by its well know de obstruent edict upon the biliary oignns. Imitations are abroad! lie particular to enquire for "Dr. Osgood's INDIAN CIlOLAtiOiIUK." For sale by the sole agent, J- Sr.h'tijtT, Lewishurg. For Nervous Diseases, Dr. TiaskV M ignefc Ointment is of immense value, and in 'J'J cases out of 1U0 :t will iill'orii entire relief to the worst cases of Nervou (Itfiidache in 30 minutes. For sale, whole-ale and retail, by Pr Thornton & Biker. Lewisi.urg sold also by J. II K.iser, Milton, and bv one agen' in every village in the Slate. Price 25 and 3cJ cts per bottle. tlkiillliiSu'.J U a fpiIE St'MMKR Srssio.N tf this Institution L will commence on Monday, the 30th of April next. Instruction will be given in all the branches which are usually Is'uht in similar Institutions. Si oct a leniioii will be paid to ibe Piiinary Ue puiinieiit, ami exercises in C imposition and Dec Linaiinii will he n-Eubirly required. CompeU-iil aid will lie secured, if necessary, in the Classical I), partri.ellt. TEUVS. For languages, ten dollars; for the hiuher Knli.-h.njjhl dollais; and for llie common Enahsh branches, six dollars per session ul five mouths. .1. RANDOLPH, Principal. Matrh S5, IS 19 Lumber! Lumber!! fPHK subscriber continues to keepa (o.d X stock of lumber, consisting of 21'O.OOU li-el of sawed lumber as follows: White pine boards 1 inch, plank 1J inch and 2 inch, weather boards, joist & scanlhng.pop. lar boards, plank, and scantling, cherry plank, and boards, sawed ceiling lath.pine and hemlock rails, shingling lath, and pa ling. Also lap and joint shingles, square timber, nails, salt, and coal. All ol which ho will sell at fair prices. THOMAS NK.SBIT. Lewishurg, July 11, 1849. Important Infovmalion ITOR the difficult respiration mid debility ' attending diseases of the Lungs, or Throat and Breast. Thomson's Compound Syrup vf Tar and Hood X apt ha has been louud an invaluable remedy. Itcsides its power aj an 'Expectorant lo relieve the lungs from the accumulate.! matter which results from the relaaed state of the system , not wea.tier. u tso ... - .re. ... balm to the ulcerated parts and a strength- ... -I-,. ener to me svsiem. So saluiarv i3 tha action of the Syrup in this respect, that many of our most respectable Physicians empioy it in their practice, and we lusve d:iily evidence of cures effected in pulmonary diseases where skill has utterly failed. Prepared only by Angney & Dickson, N R corner Fifth and Sprue Sis. Philad. Sold by C. If. bchnjjlr, Lewishurj;. Notice. ALL pern indebted to the late firm of Wolfe Lawshe, will please make payment to either of the subscribers, on or before the first of Oct. next, alier which time no further indulgence will be given gAJi'i Wolfe, June 30, 1849 I. G. Lawshe. r. PUBLIC NOTICK. WfJ have this day bought at I'rivaie Sale of A.DKEW Kkshi 4i yds of carpet, ,' tables, I setter, I bureau and b sikcas", U chairs, I eight-da V clock. 1 coal stove, 1 )ookin'-gh'f. "t'd hoy, and that we have luaned the same during our pleasure to the lid Kennedy, of which the public may lake nonce , J. &. J. V. ALLS. 1 Lcwisburg. Sept. 18 II) UTORU testimony in fvr of Dr. !l - no 1. .....nA l.u , ,11 . , ' Pl,UIt Wo0:d be I viu.c wiln rt.riificatea of ! theeicellence ( llns medicinn. n Here- I ever it Ls h .d a trial it has ii.a'le 11 si 1 dreds of orders like the following : N.V., I Vr.tO, "Messrs' Kdd &. Co. Your lraeiiiny agent left with me a short time since, a niiantitv of M'f-ane's Liver Pills. The I whole lot sold very rapidly, and give the highest siisfac:..n. Iniieod it is consid ered the best medicine m the kind ever of fered for sale. Please send me another supply as soon as possiple. V II. A INS WORTH." AGENTS- -C W Si-Birrtt, Lewisbarjr; H J fheafer, Mihon ; I G -rh irt. SHliusirrove; J W Krilin. Sunhnrv ; MrsM'Cay. MurthnwiierlaiMi; M C Urier. Mjoie it CarnkaJoii, Danville. Superior Cooking Stoves. The subs:-lihers have on hand flieffilaa Air-Tight Cookinn Stove, arranged lor WKid or l-oal. 'I'I.ese Stoves nre superior to anj thing of the kii.d ever off red in the country, alid will be sold nt reasonable prices. S. & J. WOLFli. Levv isburg, Sept 10,9 20D sxeks jrroutid Alum Salt, 50 do line? do 100 bbl.s. Stilina do For sale, wholesale or retail, bv Sept 10 S & J Wolfe The success of Dr. Tra-k's K ignrlic Ointment iu curii.it -Sore hes, is proveib ial. Those who are not iic.paiu-i d with its use, will rind on each bottle a pamphlet, containing loll direetiofs. Aoenls in L"wisl.ur;, Thornton A: Baker iThe Pro- rieior of he Mij- netic Ointment warrants a cure of this troublesome complaint, in every instance, if the directions nre s'rictlv followed. . Forsule by Thornton A; llunei.Ltwisb'g Foil "SALE-a isr;, SITUATLH in Kelly township. Union county. Pa., 4J miles Iron. Lisb'iri:, (the seat of the new University ) The farm coiiMtns 235 acres, of which 100 acres are chared, in 1 in a tood state n cu'tivalion A large .troportion is Limestone land. As rcsiiects water and meadow, the lanu his rare ad van'Hges, there liemg on it several never ailicj springs, and t stream running thro' ts c til' r ntr.irdini facilities by which shck .:an be watered in every field. In good -easons, 40 10 5) tons can lie i:ul from the meadow land. The House and Jjj'Xvl Birn are frame, the (iJ'ter nearly new. aiid.if'' rTW wt. poshed : There is ij$ .dsn a Tenant House, nnd all the Jr... tut bnildmos appertaining to a larin also an Orchard with a variety of gnrd Fruit. The above Farm is ntlered iu who'e or in pait to su't puichasers, and a portion of the purchase money may remain secured by the premises. tt'M. H. SIL-CV, KOBEItr IIAYE. L,CC,'l,", of the es'nte of (Jkiaii SiL?nr, dec'.l. Kelly, Union Co., Sept. 2. IS 4 9 public Sale. rjHE undersigned. Executor of the last I will and testameiit ol Pktkr Siuxh, late of East ButT.iloe township. Union C., deceased, w ill offer for sale, at public out cry, on the premises, on Friday, the 19th day of October the following valuable Real Kta'c, to wit : All that certain tract of Land, situate in the township and county afore said, idjoining lands of Abraham vVolle, Jacob Mer'z, Adam Witman, and oriisrs, coiituliung n bout 70 Acres, nil clear land, whereof atiotit E'ghteen acres are excellent Meadow land, and al! ArnrgjL 'n a g,md state ol cultivation. fSvsTrvj The Improvements thereon eiec sissf iMaiPted are a huge. Stone Dwellinrj House, a Slone Spring House, a Tenant House, a Log Barn, a well wiih a Pump at the door, and a good Spring ol Water about twenty five perches Iroui the house, which could easilv be brought to the house in a flowing rumr- . . . . J3X h ii i in k iri'ii.iiti -" A 1 n a., si mL SsV JTi with excelleut Fruit Trees, and i l - - - . s other Fruit. Said property is situated ft bout three I intra tiui.i M-'. nu-ii i.i. niles from Lewishurg, on the road leading f ljDwifba ; New Brtr,jn dn(l Tur,evi,,e RnJ ,he Wej, Branch of the Susquehanna river. Also a Lot of Timber Land, almost adjoining the former, roiituimng upwards of TlVEXTYACJtES,h:nnu is erected a Tenant House. Ahoul Seven acres ure clear, and the remainder well Timbered. Sale to coairiK nce al 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day. when due attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known by JOHN SUHKACK. Kxecutor. East BolEiloe 1'p., Aug. 23, 1849 N. If. Person w ishing to see th above mentioned properly, will he accommodated by calling on Jacob Mciia, who resides adjoining said property, and wilt takt plea sure in showing the Mnie. A journeyman Watoltmuker J A.N I t-O in lwtoiiara, b A. 1. H Tt'iEl I). IIUANUIMrilS 1'IIXs Tiie 46uV 'trgm con-idersir Hrnr.. dreth Pi. Is wed worifiy the c i.f; u-nr the pi.'blic That the prir.ei.K ,, they cure d:sase is the (ine as ii.ai I'roy o Paris and Swrdemux t f litrrr,,. ny. "'Chat ail ihtt variety t.l deiie fr, ceed from, or are nearly alued l..tl.M,rjrrj of the stomach and bo!s i.n.l it,Jt , v using , those remedies whi. h r' .st iro : , healih these imtrtant orjana "he will vanish. .'Ibe Ci.i'ideih iikJ..: irofess o carry out this import-in- pnr iple. have heard theiu ato'ii ,- ommended. The genuine pill for sale l.v J HAYES, mle agent for lcwisbur-!. 1 3.1.23 DISSOLUTION. r'pilE partacrship existing in the rVund'? business between L. B. Christ and ll. 5. Boger, is dissolved this day by umruai consent. All persons knowing thnm.vrj indebted to the firm of Christ &. B in notes or boo!! account, are reque3;H l0 muke payment o L. B.Christ on or bef ,ri ihe 1st day of Oct. next, as the hooks wi notes are with me otherwise they will U left wiih a proper officer for collection. The New Foundry TS now carried on as usual, at the uprr nH f.r Market street, where everv ri -s. cripfion of CASTINGS kppt i-3 hand or made lo orler sucri as The Complete, of t'omnlele Improved i Cookin? Stoves, 'or eifher Loal or &?-in. Wood and alt Tr-3;?1 other kinds of Cfp5 I STOVES, also I'JJUTCi-ISofclfirer ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Piuuli;, an.l the Eelf-Eharpenias Kocsh, a new article, and which curt r.o! Le Vat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and for vourselves. L. B. CHRIST. Lewishurg, Aug. 14, 119 fPHE subscribers huve associated under J the Firm of S. & J. WOLFS, for the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery ai;d General Commission and For warding business I.ibeial advances will be ma 'n on all kinis of Country Produce. Plaof of business, new Warehouse on the H'baif immediately below the Bridge, cAMCEL WOLFE, JD.NATHAN WOLFE. Lewisburs, Pa. Aug. 7, 1849. Sale of Kea! Estate. 117ILL b? exposed to PuVie Sale on the V premises, on Saturday, Gth of Oct next, all that mes-uage and tract of land siiua'.t j in Whi'e Deer township, lTnion coun'y, now occupied by John Bachman, ndjoiuicg hinds of William Speese, John Ilu imitl, and others, containing about 1 00 aCITS between 15 and 20 of which are cleared and in a gooa statu ot 5vif, cultivation, and on vvjt, which are erected a TJ .1 . . ! 1 i n it ti,i,a a n .1 n . Vi ST . er buildings. 'Che balance of the tract i well timbered. x Sale u commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.i when terms will be made known bv a.ie known bv VG?. ") Exec'o-s of YES. L VVoi. Haves, ELLIN. Jrcu- KOBERT 1UVK THtMA! II WES. J.M). CHAMUELLI Lewishurg, Aug. la, 19"i! New Copartnersltip ! and CABINET MAKING. HAVING entered into a- partnership, the subscribers would inform their o.d patrons and the public in general, that we may he lounJ at I. Ointer'a old stand on Fir-4 street near the Academy, whore we carry on tba above business in all its vaiiriies. Fancy and Common Choirs, Bsicu Risking Chairs Settees; various kinds Bureaus, Tubies, Bedsteads, Ac. on hand or made to order. COFFINS ready made or furnished on Short notice. U'e have also a suitable I1EAUSR iu rea diness for Funerals. TCIM I. U. U'e have a Turning Lathe propelled D,T horse power,w hich enables us to turn wood of any size, and up to 24 feet in length. HOUSE AXD SIGN ynintixxQ will also be aitrn.led to by the aunbera on th shortest nonce and in the beat sty le. 0"AII work iu our line wairanted lo be made, and on the most reasonable terms. Removing IlulldlJii:. Wa would also aiiiiounre lliat we hate propr Machinery fur remnsing Uuildings, of any ai. from l).m to ileershtlia if neeessar. Country prtnlucc ami Lttmler taken in pajaienl and Cash auJ (iuld Btf refused. f , Thankful for past favors, we repectfuUy a coniinu mce of tna same. DAVID GI.NTER. A HAM BE.VVEK. Lewi. burg. May h IMS 6mSC5 A. L. HATFIELD HAS removed his Watch and Jewilr? esiabiitihmeul to his house, opposite Hayes' Store. Q ALT Fine Sack, Ground Alum, and Salina, oo hand and for sale by Ap 1 G Lawshe- "11 . fL!i?SSJ'i'1:I t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers