Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 26, 1849, Image 1

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-r-r-TT.-. -
2in micptnJJtnt Jmnilji JJapcv Devoted lo Ntts, itcraturc; Politics, Agriculture, 0cicncc anil Utovalitn.
VOL. VI., NO. 26-286.
The JLt tvihbnrg t Itronicle :
PuUuhed Wednesday Afternoons at LewWiurg,
L'ciou coumy. Pennsylvania.
Terms. 82,00 for n year, to be paid in
ihe first half year; 82.50, if payment lie
not made within the year-; single numbers,
5 ct. Subscriptions for six nionshs or less
lo be paid i advance. Discontinuances
optional with the Publisher, except when
arreatages are puid.
Adver'isements handsomely inserted at
oU cts. per square one week, 81,00 for a
moii'h, g.r,00 a year. A reduction of these
rates for larger or longer advtmts.
Casual advertisements and Job work to
be paid fr when performed.
All communications by mail must come
post paid, accompanied by the address of
the writer, 'o receive aurnuon.
OiTice. Market streeffcetween Second and
Thiid. O. N.VoRDEN, Publisher.
end'a Judgment on a wicked
!t hannened in the vear that there
- ii -wnsnn
exceeding great famine in Germany,
at which time Otho surnamed the Great,
was Emperor, and one I Intro, once Abbot
of?iiMa, was Archbishop ol Mentz. of the
UnWcps after Cr?sc?ns and Creseeutious
Ihe two and thirtieth, of the Archbishops
o "er St- B'mifacius the tbirtei nth. This
U.itto in the time of this great famine afore
mi ntioned. when he saw the poor people of
tlie country exceedingly oppressed with
fnii.iue.asscinbled a en at company of them
together into a Uarne, nnd like a most
accursed an J nvrci.css rmum, uuiu. ,
,1 z, nn,e innrvrnt souls, that were SO far
lrm d..ubtinS n..v such matter, that they
Ir , ,U nm,oft n(li
...i.... i..., o.l in riTMf hi -me cointon anat
- ... , -i-i ,i ,,., 1 1
i . r.i i, . ln.la. I bp reason tjial moveii :
tlit J:,rtla'e to commit that t xe. raVe impi
e!V was. becau-e H.e thought il.e famite
oull the r cease ,if those unprofitable
.1 .1 m,in lrrHli than
' , . ,i . i
. i . .... 1, u m on I m ere tllsnati Il u
, .. . .l
cut of the wort J. I or lie h'u mai w
n u,r rdl. acre
like lo Mi., thitibev were
ji ksI lor nothing but to deour con.e. I.ut
G.J Almijry, th-ju! avenecr of the prHr
fiiks' quirrel, ii I not lo'ig nfer this hei-
wins tyranny, this most detcstaVe aet, un
:. f.. In .i-.-r. .1 un an nrmv i
I"1" " - - -
t-f M.ce .-a,i.ft il.e Archbishop, ami
li.e.n to pers-ru'e !.;.n as nis nirnms ias
inrs. ?o lhat they f!licted hint In h day and
i.ih', Hn l wou'd nut sillier h m to tike hi
rest iu any p'ace. Where ipon the Pre
laie, ihinkin tbil h-! s'.o jM be secure
from the iijjry of M.re if be wire in a
certain toer, that si indeth in the Rhine
neir to the town, !e'ook himself unto the
said tov.erasM as ile refuse and sanctuary
from his enemies, and locked himseif in
l ilt the innumerable troops of Mice chnsed
Mm con';nnaliy very eagerly, and swum
in unto h;m upon the lop of the water to
-x;-ute ;h just judgment of (Jod, and so
at last he was niot mis'irably devoured by
those siiiic creatures, who jer-ued him
with su. h bitter hotility,'hal it is recorded
th.'V scra:ed and gnawed out his very
name from the walls and lapistry wherein
it was wrinen. alter thev bad so cruelly
devoured his body. Wherefore the tower
wherein he was CHten up by the Mice is
shewn to this day, for a perpetual monu
ment to all succeed'n ages of the barba
rous and inhuman tyranny of this impious
!' relate, deinj situate in a lit'!" creen Island
in the mi 1st of the Rhine n -nr to the 'owne
of B njen, and is commonly called in the
German Tongue the Mowxe Turn. Cor
j mi's ( audit if s, rp, 57!, 572
O hr aiith"rs whi record this tale say
iW. the Bishop was ea'en by Rats.
The siimr.pr and autumn h l ben so wel,
Thl in ini?r the corn w growing yt ;
1'iwiw a piietais siitht. to spp. all around.
The grainjie rolling on the ground.
Kvptt i'V h arieg poor
mwdnl around Bisliof Ha'tu's ilir.
Fnt be bd a plentiful la-t year's ainre.
Anil sit ihe ncijhborrnvKl could tell
His granaries were furhish'd well
At la I BkVip Matto appointel a day
T i ijuitl te pnir nil!. oul 1VI1V ;
Hp ba'e the;n hi gre,,t loin iepir.
And they shmild h,ve fjjj for the winter there.
R-jiced sueli lidirgs ol l hear.
The poor folk fl'M-ked from far and nest ;
The great Hun aa.fu!l a i' could hot J
Of woman and children, y- ung and old.
Then wh--n he sa itcnnM hold no more,
l'ihop IJs'l., he made fe-l ihe door ;
Aud while for nie cy on Christ tltev call,
lie art fire to ihe B irn and burnt them alL
" l'.(ailh. 'lis an earelp-nl t onfire !' quoth he,
And the rnunlry is greatly imlehl.sd lo ins
Vor ridding il in these times foilora
Of rsts lhat only consume the corn."
In the enormnc. as he emer'd the hill
Where hi picure hung aeainst the wall,
A kttcst like death all over him came.
For the ra; hJ e.len it out of the frame.
As he look'd, there came a men froui his farm ;
Hp bad a cooiiluisoce whit with slam, ;
My I.od. I opru'd jour granaries this uiorn,
Aud the rata bad eaten ail jaur coru."
Another cme running presently.
Ami he was pale a pile could I
fly ! my Lord Bishop, fly" quoth be,
Ten ihontand rats are coining this way
The Lord forgive you for yesteiduy !"
I'll co to my tower on the Rhine," replied he,
' Tis the safest place in tiermany ;
The walls are high, and shores are steep.
And the stream is strong, and the water deep."
Bishop Hallo fearfully hasten'd away,
And he crossed the Rhine without delay.
And reatb'd his tower, and bari'd with rare
All the windows, doors, and loop holes there.
He laid him down and closed his eyes
But soon a scrpsm made him arise ;
He et-rted, and saw two ryes of dame
On bis pillow, from whence the screaming came.
Hp listen'd and look'd it was only the cat ;
But Ihe Hi-hop he grew more fearful for that ;
For she sat screaming, mad with fear
At Ihe army of rats that were drawing near.
For thev have swam over the river so deep,
And they have climb' J the shores so steep.
And up Ihe lower their way is bent.
To do the work for v. hu h they were sent
Thry are not to be told by the dozen or score ;
by thousands they come, and by myriad and
Such numbers had never been hearj of befo'e ;
Such a judgment bad never been wimess'd of
Down on bis fcnees the Bishop Ml,
And faster and faster his beads did he tell.
As loader and louder drawing near.
The gnawing of" their letih he could hear.
And in at Ihe window, and in at the door.
And ih-oi.g'i Ihe walls, heller-,leller they pour.
And d'n from the ceiling, and up through (he. !
From the right and ihe left, from lichiud and be
fore. From will in and without, from alive and below
And all at once lo the bi-hop thry go.
, . ,, ,,:-, ,u. ..oo- I
i0, now the I l k ihe Bishop's bones ; I
The. gn.-'d .he tVh from ev.ry hn.b
or they .ere sent to do judgmrul on him
. . .. .
a it irw's l ilpiinip.
-rbe w. t!Jw. 'Hriid li e sw tr.1 thing in life
I il'e iirrl.ud,d kpIci'iiic ol a wife." '
1 bidieve tlat with all my heart. I have
as'ed some of the sweets t.f life, and with
as kern a relish for them as any one, but I .
M"n to the abive declantion, an I do not
care to know the man who calls it in ques-1
that trrlevtne has claimed many a wan
derer on Ihe v-rge ol rum ; lias preserver! ,,em:,u bllI n i,lVticrate boaster of the su
many ntble sonled man from going as- jpprjnfitv of Knyland over every olhercoun
Irav : has niveii lile and iieace lo the lie.irl
. , ... .
0 m uiv a son ol toil arm care, ana maae I
,he co, f poor Eden
I he waul of it has ur.ven many a man
to il.e now i. me gim.ng tame, tne compn-
ny of the desolate, to hell. It has made
many a home a prison, many a husband
an enemy, mnnv a father a lyrnnl ; many
children faiheiless and many wives wid
ows, whose fathers or husbands yet live.
And when I see a man neglecting a lovely
looking w ife, and seeking his pleasure in
the haunts of sin, to know whether most to
pity or to Maine him, 1 wish to know if ihe
wife of his bosom always gave him the un
clouded welcome of a smile w hen he en
tcreJ bis own door.
If she did, but he cared not for it if
she spread the wiles of her pure love to
twine his heart, while he broke away from
the sweet enchantment if she made it sun
shine always in the house, nnd was cheer
ful in adversity as well as gay in hours ol
joy if she strove to bean angel at the gate
to keep him w iihiu the Cden that she loved,
while he would yield to the song of the sy
ren and wander from the arms that embra
ed him, to seek the embraces of others,
even to the abandoned, then he is a villain,
hatred of God and justly despised of men.
And such are many of those whom we see
in the road to ruin. The love of a fond wife
woulJ have saved them, but they rejected
it and deserved to perish.
But if and a serious if if she meets
him returning from his day's care and toil,
in the field or the shop, or the study of the
forum, or ihe senate, (it matters not where
or what his labors, he flies from them with
joy to find repose nnd peace in the para
dise of his nw n home ;) but if she whom he
loves mtets him wi'liout the joyous welcome
of a glad heart and a sunlight eye, or with
n frown, or look of cold indifference, or
whining complaints, or the mere absence
of delight : if she meets him not with the
living, speaking, shining evidence that her
heart leaps with gladness when its lord has
come, it is not strange lo me that his heart
sinks, and he seeks for pleasure where he
looks not for love, lit can be h ippy with
out love abroad, but home, though a heav
en full of angels, without love is hell.
Love is a thing of frail and delicate growth ;
Moon rfcnked.soon fostered .feeble and vet strong:
It will endure u.urh. suffer long and bear
Wh it would bring down an angel's wing to earth,
.nd yet mouol heavenwaid; hut not the lesa
Il dieih of a word, a look, a thought ;
And when it dies, it dies without a sign
To led how fair it was in happier hours j
Ii leavea behind reproaches and regrets,
And biin mesa within aXecliou's welt,
Fur which there is no healing.
There is truth as well as poetry in this
andoftthe domestic circle where poetry
never had a worshiper, has felt the sad
powers of this truth. "A word, a look,"
has been the death blow to love that shed
bliss in that circle, and has driven a fond
husband lorth to seek relief for a wounded
spirit in scenes that allure to destroy. Mrs.
Ellis in Iter "Wives in Englnnd," has most
happily drawn the portrait of a wife at she
should be "a being to come home to." It
is no: wit, nor beauty, nor religion, that
makes a wife a crown of rejoicing to her
husband. Nor all these combined. A wife
may have them and love her husband not ;
give him an unclouded welcomo never ;
make his honse no home.
Oh ! man may beat with suffering; his heart
Is a strong thing and g 'Id like to the grasp
Of pain that wrings mortality : but teir
One cord illeclion clings to. part one tie
That binds hi n unto woman's delicate I e,
And his great spirit yiclileth like a retd."
When such a tho't as this is put into
print, the most of readers laugh at it.as the
soft sentimcntalism of ihe young poet. Il
love dwells not here, joy is also a stranger;
and if love has its home in thai house, " a
word or look" may drive it faraway.
English and American Manu
factures. Ahnut a year atio last November, there
was gathered a party of about a dozen per
sons in the store of M j ir l., in one. of the
small towns in Texas, h was nn extreme
ly unpleasant dsv, and the wind shook the
large Irame building to its very centre as it
'howled and whistled about it, whilst il rained
,n ,,rr' " ' "
In fact il was a rainy North-
,er, a s;ci. ofstorm that none but a man
, fc jv,j ; ,he g01,:h Wes, c;(n
.prr - citte. The pnrtv with:n, with that pro.
i1 1 '
P' ""' r " i"i
were doiu the'r best to drive away d'dl
cam. S nne wtte throwing "hij;h due,
some Iivui2 eard, and all iimusin them.
selves as weil as their menus would allow.
p,ut s.m a u.itbered around two of the
number who always fell into an argument
. ....
whenever they n;e!. (.hie of them was Tom
r, a peil.ct s)Pcimen of an Knlish gen-
.. ii- l,.o
who, wlim a mere lad, had been badly
wounded at L'ind's L ine, and ever afier
jrherishpd Hn i,!V;llci(:e hatred of (he Eng.
T,1PV nHj bolh l)PpOIlie v,.rv warm
I n ,he suljt At ,ast Tom ofler;.d wha,
; Clllili,,.red a knock-down argument
The Judge had been talking of his native
State, Massachusetts, nnd the quantity of
shoes manufactured there.
" Talk about shoes," said Tom.contemp
luou--ly, "just look here once," at ihe same
time thrusting out his dexter pedal so that
all might seo. "That's hat I call shoes ;
none of your things without any shajie.and
twihd together ; why there ain't a single
nail in those shoes !"
"What wiil you bet of that?" said the
"Ten dollars, and the liquor !" said Tom,
with the air of a man who had given his
opinion and was willing to back it. The
Major was called to hold the stakes, and
the Judge told him the bet that there was
not a nail in Tom's shoes. Tom, in a great
hurry to pocket the money, eagerly remo
ved his shoes and handed it up for examin
ation, at the name time feeling commisera
tion with the Jude on the loss of the X.
"Hold on," said the Judj;e; "take off
your stockings."
Tom, in amazement, did so.
Well," cried the Judge, "if there are
not five good sized.nails, I'll eat shoes and
Poor Tom put on his shoes and stock
ings amidst shouts of laughter.nnd has nev-
er to this day bragged of the superiority of
English manufactures.
Profane Lang untie.
We would guard the young against the
use of every word that is not perfectly pro
per. Use no profane expression allude
to no sentence that w ill put to the blush
the most sensitive. You know not the ten
dency of habitually using indecent or pro
fane language. It may never be oblitera
ted from your hearts. When you grow
up, you will find at your tongue's end some
expression which you would not use for
any money it was one you learned when
you were quite young. By now being
careful, you will save yourself a great deal
of mortificaton and sorrow. Good men
have been taken sick, and become delirious.
In these moments, they have used the most
vile and indecent language imaginable.
When informed of it, alter the restoration
of health, they had no idea of the pain they
had given their friends, aud stated lhat
thse expressions they had learned and re-
'peated in childhood. Exchange Paper.
Difficulty with France.
We have intelligence from VVashington,
that the Government has notified M. Pous
sin, the French Minister, that his passports
are ready for him or in other words, that
he has been dismissed. Il has for some
Weeks boon hinted that some difficulty was
likely to arise from the reluctance of the
French Government to receive Mr. Rives,
the recently appointed American Minister
to that Republic ; but the difficulties at
VVashington did not arise solely from this.
It appears that M. Poussin, addressed a
note, on another subject, to Mr. Clayton,
Secretary of State.some weeks sinre.which
from il phrtieolojiy was deemed highly im
pertinent. The President at once directed
that the offensive ielier should be forward
ed to the French Government. hut that Gov
ernment not having noticed the dem:nd,
and sufficient time therefor having elapsed,
the Pres'd' iit h.s caused M. Poussin to bej
informed that his pas-ports are ready for
We a re informed that Mr. Pmissin's re
call has Deen decided on by the French
Government, independent fif his difficulty
with the Cnbinet at Wnshinsi'on. Mr. di
Montholon, the sun of Grn. Muiitholon, is
said to be named I. is successor.
A Precious Trio. Three German rob
lers having acquirrd by various ntr cities
what amounted to a very valuable bnr,t.
ll.ey agreed to divide the spoil and to retire
from so dangerous a vocation. M ben
the day which they fal ap;oin!ed for
this purpose arrived, one of Ihem was dis
patched to a neighboring loan to purchase
provisions for their last carousal. The
other two secretly agreed to murder him
on bis return, lhat they miolii coine in fur
hnlf the plunder, iustead of a third. They
did so. Hut the murdered man was a clo
ser calculator even than his assassins, for
he had previously poisoned a part of ihe
provisions, that he might appropriate to
himself the whole of the spoil. The prec
ious triumvirate were found dead together
s signal instance thtit nothing is so blind
and suicidal as ihe selfishness of vice.
The News from Europe, is dull as ashes
after the hot streams of lava which for
eighteen months we have seen poured from
the revolutionary volcano.
Of the heroic Kossuth and his compeers.
Bern, Dembinski and ihe rest we hear
nothing; and can only hope lhat last week's
report that some oflhem had escaped may
prove true of all. Gorgcy has beeu par
doned by the Austrian Emperor. This is
not in his favor, but it is only of a piece
with all ihe circumstances about him since
his surrender.
The Philadelphia North American says
that more than three months ago, an in
telligent agent of our Government was 3,-
000 miles on his way to Hungary, with in
structions from the President ofihe United
States to recognize the Government, in the
event of one being established, and to wel
come her first into the family of nations.
Nearly all the childi en.and many adults,
in Doylestow n, Bucks county, Pa., and vi.
cinity, have had the sore throat, a disease
that has slain hundreds. It is, however,
easily managed if promptly and properly
treated Dr. Elendrie, we understand, has
treated nearly two hundred cases. It man
ifests itst'lfs in the form ol ulcers in the
throat, with little or no sickness for sever
al days ; but if not soon attended to.is gen
erally fatal.
We learn that dispatches went forward
by the last steamer, removing Mr. Robert
Walsh liom the office of U. S. Consul at
Paris, which he has held for some eight
years past. Mr. Walsh, therefore, has
been removed mainly because his fenti
ments and sympathies in regard to the
struggles for popular rights and Republi
can institutions in Europe, are not in har
mony with those of Ge n. Taylor and his
The North Branch Canal. We under
stand that Mr. Foster is about to proceed
to the North Branch forthwith, and pre
pare a portion of the woik for a letting, so
that the work will probably be commenced
in the course of the next two months.
This will be glorious uews to the people of
the northern counties.
Merchandise has been received at St.
Louis from the city ol New York in tw elve
days, by the route of the Lakes and the
Illinois and Michigan Canal.
The Legislature of Minnesota convened
on tho 7th insU The number of votes
polled was near 700.
Jjtirisburff, Pa.
Wednesday Afternoon, Sept. 26
We regret to learn that in consequence
of sickness our contemporary of the Jersey
Shore Republican had to suspend the is
sue of his paper for two weeks, and last
week could get out but half a shet. The
Berwick paper also got off but half a sheet.
Our paper is in the same fashion, but we
are thankful that it ?s for a different reason.
The truth is, we have had so much job
work we could not print the other half this
week the first time this year we have
been so circumstanced.
imUZ. A large number of new Adver
tisements new Goods new Fashions
new Battalion new Land S res--new
Medicines nnd a new Firm in this No. of
he Chronicle. Mr. Good-i.an's many
friends will rejoice to learn that his inJus
Try nnu n .eilliitu l, uu-iiiesi ii..'- p ; .1 .
him an in'erest iu au oIJ established iner
cantile house.
(7"The Democratic meeting at New
Berlin last Thursday, endorsed the Pit's-
biiro PI it form. Vi- CumminiM spoke in i
German. Mr. Slenker, Mai Ibck.-k, and
M ij. V. II. tShriner, in English. The j
speeches of the last-named Majors were
particularly praised "s by sever.,1 Whin
who heard them. Maj. Shriner lode bis
Free Trade horse in belter style than ever
before so say his friends an ! foes.
j"Tbe North Branch people are bent
on the completion of their ('an il. When
such men as Cony tighnm mi l B auinont
go, they mean to do something.
Both paities in the Sia'e aie going f r
the Ciinnl until election, at least. The
speech of .Mr. Hicknk in its favor w-n ns
well received at the Democratic meeting
in New Berlin last week, as that of Mr.
Fuller at tlie Whig meeting.
f . m. f
u, tT7 ...,..i,..o.., , "
nominated tor Assembly lion. Joiin ..
Cony n "hum, late (and probably the next)
President Judge, and I Ion. And. Beaumont,
late Mcmlier of Congress. James Madison
Porter, late Sccretaiy ol War, is a Demo
cratic candidate in Northampton. It is an
omen for good to see such men enter our
State Legilalure.
lion. Jesse K. Burden, of Philad., and
Charles Frailey ofSchuy Ikill are also in
nomination for Ihe Legislature.
Are You Assessed ?
It is not loo early to remind the people
of the necessity of being assessed ten days
before the diction. The election takes
place on Tuesday, the 0th of October.
Bear it in mind, and attend to this impor
tant duty in time. Each one of you should
examine the list of voters put up in your
respective election districts, by your as
sessors, and if your name is not ihere,
have yourselves assessed immediately
lor if you are not assessed at least ten days
before the election, or have not paid a
State or County tax within two years past,
you will lose your votes.
The'Center county Conferees, instructed
for Dr Samuel Strohecker for Senator, did
not concur w ith the other counties in the
nomination of Gen. Packer as the Demo
cratic candidate. The Whigs have made
no nomination, but will probably support
an Independent Tariff candidate.
The Whigs of Columbia county have
nominated Benj. P. Fortner for Assembly,
Phineas Wclliver for Sheriff, David Clark
for Treasurer, Geo A Bowman for Com
missioner, Isaiah Cole for Coroner, Henry
C. M'Caulley for Auditor.
Correct. During Mr. Fuller's stay in
Jersey Shore, John A. Gamble, the Dem
ocratic nominee, called to pay his respects
to him, and the compliment was returned
by Mr. Fuller, by calling at the residence
of Mr. Gamble.
gt7Thunks to lion. James Pollock for
a copy of the Patent Office Report for
1943. Mav he live lo be Governor.
C7Later accounts are that Mr. Bell,
the new Governor of Texas, is a Whig.
The Major's chance brightens.
" The African Methodist Republican
Church, in Milton," wilt be consecrated on
Monday nest.
Symptoms ol cold weather Wood
(rjOur Democratic friends up Ihe river
are evidently cross about the chance of
Gen. Packer for Senator.
The Clinton Democrat indulges ttself in
this style :
"Wo be to the fishy whelp who will at
this time lend himself to the V higs.to rot
ten Bulks, and foul conspiracies to break i
down the Democratic party or Us candi
dates! Exnisure.defe.v.disonce,aud shame I
will be his doom. A gallows ns high as
llamaifs, a political grave amongst,! be vi.
lest doomed traitors, a ctitatn damnation
as etrecluul as the haller and as unending
,. 1 , .;;.!, i...
and incapable ol change as lime it-ell, he
will well earn and assuredly receive."
Furthermore, the Lycoming Gaz-ne
"Our party friends throughout the
State look to the ib ction of Gen. Packer,
asanevem gre:,.,y ,., '-. .....-
lie tn the recreant who exhibits the white
, . ,. .,. , ,
feather on this occnsinn.
And all this lan-ingeis alJressH t
in'elligenl men freemen h cla 'm the
right u voe as ih rieu-e and abtive
-lU, Democrat.. T:.e Czar or the Pope
never addressed th-ir subjects in a mre
dieiatoria! and tjr i.ii;.I si 3 le than tbe-e
Joaitv boimJ ..r.ns.
. j
The Juniata Comjrtny.
(J lite a numb r of letters have U-en n
ecivid tn l-itowu from mi mliers of the
J joint comj any aunouiuing their -ui'Vur-riv.il
in the land of pr onise. L vj.s I' l r.ni-
! ci,'Uli' m" ,,f ,h" '"""I''"''- i.d " boarl
he schooner .s'" t' o-.v, on lie Pacific
Ocean, i n l!ie V.tl h June, after having Ir.i
versed a Imio and te.lmus j.iur-iey Irom
Vera Cruz t San B'as, where the piny
took bii p tig ',.r li.eir port of destin ition
A letier (la'ed S iu I'raiicisCo,J,ily 1 1. says:
"We arrived ir. "his ci'y on tt.e 8 h inst..
h iving been four months and one d iv i n I
air jo iri,ev. litkin Hi" route by vav ol
Ver Cmz, Jalaim. f'u- bla, M-xico, 12 ier
eluro, Salamanca tia.nl. ilajara, Tepic, ami
San Bias, and Irom there by sea to this!
th'S port. 'Ihe expenses of ihe j orn-y J
Irom Lcwistowii lu ibis city, were not more
inan a. on. trj,,,, ,-r I(,r facn I'CMm.
ir. ...... ... I. t... sji rt, II. ..i .,
j-- -
: r.oile.l eggs are stl cts. a piece. Tor p es
I pinil vester.Iav 7o cts. aoiece. lo-dav
'hey are down lo Cj j. For i-.rtmnn j-i
gi-r cake o.V's. Jas. M Duncan, of our
companv, paid for hrs sunperthe first ni;jhi
afier me lan ied. $i "5, and bad ou'y
bread, buller, beef steak, two egs and
OCT We have in hand No. 23 of the .7!t
California,' published at San Fram-isco
It is a five column paper well filled with
advertisements in small type, and published
at ihe moderate rata ol Sl2 ier year in
advance; advertisements, 10 lines or les--,
one insertion for 84. and every subsequent
insertion Si each. Besides San Francisco,
we see the names of about a dozen other
cities' adveitised, most of them probablv
paper cities only of which that named
" New York of the Pacific" it is hoped
may ever remain paper only. We see
the U. S. authority is now submitted to
without anv hindrance.
New York, Sept. 24.
The evidence on both sides, in the case
of the Aslor Place rioters has been closed,
the arguments ol counsel will be commen
ced to-morrow. The anticipation is thai
Judson will be convicted, as not a doubt
remains but he was the prime mover in the
affair ; most of the others will in all prob
ability escape.
Boston, Sept. 17.
There were ten deaths by Cholera at
Bangor on Fiidny, making one hundred
nnd twelve deaths since the commence
ment of the epidemic.
We learn from the Washington News
that the hecl'h of President Taylor is de.
eidedlv imnrovin". and that he will nroba-
.U ,e..t,. i.ij ...,k lo ,h
of a few week.
The Editor of the A'ta Californian esti
mates lhat the population of t'ulifornia will
be 60,000 by the 1st of Noveinber.of which
35,000 will be Americans.
Henry Clay arrived nt Cincinnati on
Monday week and departed again next
morning, en-route for his home at Ash
land. Sobieski Ross, of Potter county, is nn
the Whig licket for Assembly with E. II.
Russell in the Lycoming district.
The Independent no-parly men of Phil
adelphia have nominated Judge Joel Jones,
for Mayor nnd a full ticket of Councilmen.
Thaddeus Stevens is talked of as tba
Free Soil candidate for next Speaker of
dj'AcaJemj advertisement next week.
I.uuri sens n.i " 1,'. , ii-, , ' , , -,, - ,
, . ,. , 1 . . . , ! to It nohamton, where it wi. I unite with
mi! this morii'ng In n we l.o.igM a Ictle ; n " ,
mi;k l per quatt, and yet there are thou- ihe Chenango canal, which intersect the
sanils u.ion 'lioiisntuls ol lid cattle of the Ei ie canal at Utica. Several other con
finest kind within a lew miles IV. on here. I........... :.k ,1... V ... V..l,
North Branch Canal.
The public generally will be pleased to
learn that the work for the completion of
the North Branch Cuna! is about to be re
sumed. The people are beginning to open
their eyes to the importance of this workf
which has already been too long neglected.
The completion ol this canal will open an
immense) lrad with the interior of New
I York, in furnishing them with coal, iron,
am mkjng j exchange sslr, plaster, ike.
j The fir divijon of he N(rth iDCh
Canal extends from Northumberland loth
, Lackawanna Creek, a distance at leinxy
two miles, and was finishcJ as early a
Id 0- The distance fern ihe Lackawanna
'to Athens, in B'alford county, ia ninety
t aict.nt ol nnly ISOj feet la
h. over,.enM , lucU. .hnhia a I. action
ever two leet In me no e, on an average;.
This mm ty iml.-a is d.vid-d into two dii-
''' The-Tunkbaiinock hue extends from
"he Lackawanna to the Vya!usin crctk.
d si .. of neirl v fifty five 1111 es.und vn
tle first of D..-ceui!ier. H4l, Ihir'een mile
were ft tubbed. Fr...n W y i.'.ising creek Iu
tnesiiia;.- .1 atii ,, n.iny r.vu inuta.
, and is c ,!le 1 he i'logsj hue. Ullie first
of lece i. tier, IPll. twei.ty in: I-a of ihli
loie were .,!-, lini-he.l. The vrk on this
moe'y imle-. was whuily susj-n,le,J in 1 81 J,
an i dcci r I ng lo the ' "ana! I'omniisiouei.-.'
repirl of (mi year ihe total cost of work
d,me OI, Ij y,!i inn , -k lt. , , tU
I-t of I leemlp-r, sf, was
Cirt ol viork lone im I'ioh
liiid ii,, to i be aoi-t ii im
I, Hi 011
Total co-t of b ith KiiO
1 K-timated cost to finish
Tunkhaiiii'M-k In e
Estimate 1 to-l li finish Tio
3,613 f!91
ga line
Total cost of Nuth Branch
J Cauul
Th canal will of course unite with Ihw
public works of Xe York, which cun e.t-
, , , . f ...
!,.3 nil l( iiiv I 'I, M'iTA3Lqil nisi
ut-Mous wi
I be made, the most avnilable of which is by
I the Chein ing canul.at Elmira, which leads
S--n-ca !ak-and thus unites with the
I-.rie canal at M uitezami, in the Very
heart of lb" St ite o ' New Yrk.
The foreign inti Iligent-f by the Cambria,
j ""'" ""l .""""'"y important, p,,s-
I T.I L ..!.
sesses considerable lu'.eresf. Tire Cholera
was ragi..o lar!u ly in Lorrdoii. During
a single week, ihe deaths by the filial
scourge were 1 063. The mortality wa
s'iil worse iu Liverpool. Dublin, Vieuna
and Berlin were s.Ih suffering. Tho in
telligence in ii I ,tum to the ciofs Is quits
favorable. The Harvest is viunJant. Therta
is not a ray of hope from Hungary. Sev
eral of the Magyar chiefs had been execu
ted by the Austrian, while the mother and
children of Kossuth, aud the wives of sev
eral iMagvur Generals had arrived as pris
oners at Prtsburg. Georgy haJjbeen par
doued by the Emperor of Austria, and had
departed for Styna. A Congress ol Print
ces is spokeu of, with a view of settling
the German question. Nothing particlar
ly imortant from France. The commer
cial advices are one the whole favorable.
Money rather more uctiva the rate ranga
Irom 2 j to 3 per cent. A panic prevailed
in the Railway market, and price were
lulling. Cotton without material change.
The ticket of Free Soilers and Old Hun
kers, lately put iu nomination in N. York
by separate conventions does not bid fair
to unite the Democracy as firmly as was
anticipated. We see by the New York pa
pers that the Free Soilers of the counties
of Onondaga, Madison, and Oneida are.
about calling a Sta'e convention for Ihe se
lection ol four candidates lor State tlRcera,
lo ,1,ke ,l,e P'""e oflhose put on the muo
irrul 'i0' a nominee, from ihe Old Hun-
i Lpr Slile fit -hp (.iininn
We observe by the Democratic Whig,
that a serious fire occurred iu IWIefonte,
on ihe night ol the I3ih inst., which con
sumed a lumber yard and quite a number
of stables, among which were those ol
Messrs. McAllister, Gilliland.Stewart.Van
dyke.Monomery and Hoover.Sheriff Mus
ser.Il N. McAllister, Esq., and Miss Mile.
The total loss has nol yet been estimated,
but will doub'less be very heavy, of which,
we understand, but $-00 are insured.
Married In Starkey, Yates Co., N.Y.,
August 30th, by Rev. J. Dodfce. Thomas
Clark, Senior, aged 99, to Mrs. Phebe As.
pell, agrd 72, widow ol the late Richard
Aspell, of Starkey.
LOST In Ibis Borough, last evening, a $S
Cbambenburg Bank note. The owner ia
a poor woman, but the finder shall b rewarded,
by leaving it al this office.