Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 19, 1849, Image 2

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    i.i;winuira ci:nosiciu axd west iiiiaxch faiimer
The Cuba Expedition
The etptdkioa for the invasion of Cuba,
from this city, has, for the present at least,
ln-eu broken op. The parties concerned in
it have declared their purpose of abandon,
jna it entirely, as they are convinced the
course they have pursued has been illegal
and unjust ifiable. The Sea Gull still lies at
enelrer under the bows of the Norih Caro
lina, and is in charge of Passed Midship
man Spicer and a guard of marines. Her
care", which consists of muskets, ammuni
tion, &,&c, is to be lorihwith taken out,
and her owners promise to give bonds that
he shall not be employed in any illegal
expedition. The steamship New Orleans
also lays at the head of Cherry streel.under
the charge of a guard of marines.comman
ded by Lieut. Broome. She has on board
a very large quantity of coal end water,
and also many barrels of bread and beans.
On Saturday, while searching the ship, a
large numbered tin pots and plates.such as
are used in the army weie discovered, and
it is not deemed immprobable that arms
mav be accreted under the coal, which is
Mowed ft. The ship is perfectly ready
lor sea, and could start on any voyage
in four hours lime. The Florida bos not
been seized. X. Y. Express.
After publishing the particulars of the
breaking up of the Cuban expedition, by
the seizure of three steamers in New York
harbor, the Washington Republic goes on
to remark
The ramifications of this ripedition ap
pear most extensive, connecting certainly
New York, Philadelphia.New Orleans.and
probablv Huston and some o( the Western
cities. That the parties concerned will
have reason to thank the Government for
ils interference, there is no doubt ; it being
incontestable that, if the expedition had
mailed and landed at any point ol the iil
nd of Cuba, it would have been met by an
overwhelming Spanish force, for the Cup
tnin General was familiar with all the plan,
and few or none would have escaped mas
sacre or the gorote-
Fatal C'aMialty.
Jacob Bodine, of Molntyre township,
Lycoming county, and son of John llodine,
formerly of Turbut township, Northumber
land county, came to an awful and sudden
death, by the accidental discharge of a rifle
gun, on Friday the 7th inst.
On the evening of the day referred to,
the deceased had gone up the Railroad to
invite some of his neighbors to a logging
hi, which he intended to have the next
day ; and while fit the house of Henry An.
ker, he desired to try an old Stale rifle
which Mr. A. had in his possession, in or
der to see how it would do for target shoo
ting. The lurk of this rifle it appears was
tonne what out of order and u!ij cf to go
off at hail co- k. The deceased not aware
of 1 hie, struck the butt end ol it with con
siderable, lorce on the ground, which
enured the gun to go off, the bull entering
the right temple, close to the cye.aud pas.
gin up through tins cranium, caused in
s ant dearh. Tlx; deceased was nearly flir
ty years of age, ami has left a wifo and
five children to mourn their irreparable
I us s. Md:vnian.
Lafayette College. The annual com
mencement of Lafayette Ci.Hee at Iviston,
will take plare on Wednesday next. The
Rev. James 1 ewers, A. '!., of New Jersey,
will deliver an address before iho Li'ernry
Societies on Monday evening, and the ex
tiihition, of the Junior Class will take
pliicp on Tuesday ( veiling.
Calvin Fairbanks of Gene-see, N. .,
was convicted ill Kentucky live years ng 1
of aiding tho escape ( a slave and sen
tenced to the Penitentiary for V years
Yielding to petitions signed by Mr. Clay
nnd oilier distinguished riiizms, Gov.Cnt
t nden pardoned him and he is now on his
av home.
A Wisconsin Orator, who was delight
in" his aud enee with illustrations of our
country's progress, urd the following cm
; h.iiic remark ' Fellow ci'iz -n the tail
r.f civile. I'im is now exactly w here the
tr.mt ears as, no mnp '11 sixty y ar
..." That's n t t-cttiug l.n& very fast
In Chillico he.Oiit'o, a horse was feeding
pretty, w hen bee stidlen'y sailed forth
fom their hives, in an ndj ining l it, and
asai!ed him at every point, and tho beast
ditd in Ies than three hours.
('.inadiiin Independ'-nr-e The spirit of
nJvpetidence is increasing in Cuuuda. A
paper is to be started for !hc cb;"-! of
li.isi. nin the pracrab'e scparaflon fiV.Tn
the ir.ot'ner country.
Tiie price of fl mr at S;in Francisco,
f ' il'lornii, al tho latest dotes, w as '0,4"
a 8,00 ht barrel. This is sonvibiiig lea
than 0, Pr"'e UjW ""outtia u' !
G iV. Jolmston l.tlt IC it inning on the "'H j
jus' , wilii his family for I l ir ri-vbtirr. in- j
tciidinn :) stop a few d.is at the rcMilenre j
i f his father, in Westmoreland county.
r i... ri,:,.nnT,;Knrie cava: It has been
. .t . 1 1 W.i )rf
,. ir.,M'tl IJIUl iravin iiiiioi I'li
. :: ted ?peler of the Mouse. Wc think
cun, arid we hnpa- it wid Ire.
v.l.... Mo. I, i v viaited Ijiwrrtice on
tVtuH.y. and U..:H on Tu-aday, and at
j b pli';e was in.ral ijein rouol) rec ived j
ty iujiUjU-ae. gjihfcrii'. '
Latent from Callfarnla.
The steamship Ei ire City, Capt. Wilson,
left C'bagres oil the inst. end arrived at tier
wharf on the N.nh-Roer, on Fii.lay.
The California br 'uitht down f 700,000 wmth
of gold dust from c-an Frjncifco, anJ $M OtiO
in coin from Maiatlan. A part of this am 'Unt
goes to Va'pataiso end part lu England bv the
British steamer. Ti e sai"Uiit uf gold in Col.
ifornia Was etill laiga bul ajiuewual diininahrd
by thase ehiproema.
Tiie South Carolina was rrsjy to tail for
New Ttuk lint day. end "he fee-Q'ieen a
taking io ballamt f f lh aame destina ion. Sai
lors' wages were i!-0 10 J;50 aer monh ; fi.e
men, $150. Sailors were, plenty at these rates,
and the steamers bad do d fHc-uliy in get;i-n;
away regularly. 1 here baj been several e-rivals
uf coal vesicle el Pan Francisco for acc-iunl nf
the Fteem'.sjat Compeoy. and the au ply was
ample. i
The usual fever of the seis in waa ja.t begin
ning to prevail on the place,, and olj rei leuia
of California estimated lhal al lraat 5,00 J death,
would occur duribg the Summer among the un
arclimaled. j
Al dan Fi incises prices of every article of
produce at.d uiauufact-re bad fallen off alio oh
from second bentle al retail large pr fi a were
nil realised. Tbe Califorutao Mores on ber lal
voyage bare sought cheaper of abips in ihe har
bor thaa were ber eturee ia Jicw York on ber
voyage out. etalarite were alaj much relu ej
and clerks could be hiiej a cheap as iu ew
York, excepting the better claa of hook keepers
Tbe large number of young men who have re
turned firoa tbe mines unable 10 enJuie tbe toil
naceaaary to procure gold, bad pruducad tb a glut
of clerks Manual labor, h.weer,waa all 1 1 high,
f 6 per da; carpenters gel f 10 to $13.
China go da were eitremely abuudaal an.l
selling very low.
A letter from arrcmenlo City, dated July 24
eonlaina the fallowing inutligrnce:
Emigranu fion Miaaouri. over the M.un.
lain, ere now arrivinj daily. The first prtv uf
packers bus keen b. re fie or ail tiiTa and re
ports four wagons in Pleasant Valley, about 100
miles above, aud 6e or six thousand wagons on
Ihe way and nut far behind. '
The Alia California tins uf the 3 J ult. on
taine ihe parliculara anJ rrsha uf the elejtton
heid tbeie in tbe day befire-
'I he electioa ordered l-y Uea. Kile? took pi are
yenlerday. ll waa one ol the luoat aiiirnatrd and
'puitej roateata artiullfiau Fraaciieo eer u
ne-aed. Betweao the bou-e uf 1 1 A. M. and
euntfel, I,tl0 antes were taken. The foilunina
are the names of tbe o 111 era eler-led.
Judge of S-uperi r C urt 1'eiel H. Hurried.
Prefect Horace ll.au.
AlcjIJe Jol.u W. (iaaiy.
Second Alcaida Frank Turck. John T. Vi.i
get. Sub.Perfect FraJtiace (Suerrem.
For Towu Counril Talbot II. fireen, Henry
A. llarriaon, Alf.eJ J till-. .-H-jjhen Itarn.
Thomas B. Winston, Jubn ToWnaar.d,
Itodmaa M. Piire, Willi. m H. Ueztr
Ximmoua Lemuel firannafi.NV'tiiiaui M hltfuart,
li. B. Tort.
Hop" rnumera-y P-'egates Wm 1. M How
ard, Fraaria J. I.ip) ill, A. J Kllis, Franci'co
8ancbez, Rodnien M i'rice.
As we bate yet la bear from ihe Di-'.rirt rf
an Joae, it Is not ouaiu tbat Jude U in.el ia
Theae efficers eiivtel at alioee. will continue
in efii- e until ibe fir I of Jssfcary, tHill, wtieu
tbeir phicea w.II be eupplied by Ibe a fiicera elec
ted al the regular tkcilon lo be I.elJ utlt ."V
armbar. Tie auljriea are filed by tlie Ooer
nor. but can not tiered, for ulterior Jut!g-e.
M.000 per annum ; for i'crferta. f l.-'iOO ; an.l
for Judgea ol fi.ei iniUiire, f 1.A0O. Tlieealariea
will be paid oul of the civil fund scciuing from
costume, uuleis olhimise tvrJvied from U iih
ington. Tbe AI:a Cal:fnrria rf ihe .1 ult. has later
eewa froin the American Kicr fld n-akhint;a.
from Cuba and frt.ni Feather Kiters. flrw die.
cotcrn a eaery day occur, anJ a:nre the E oj
have abalod minora have had gocti lurk.
I have only tune in ear, that I halicie nil one
in leu who leave Ibe !-ta!se for California, would
undertake the journey did they have the remoteat
idea of the hardships. ejiiure and consequent
iuimiusut tiri they iuiur b) ibe uuderttkiug.
Wn-hino'.on, S pi. 13, 1810.
The following appolniuients have been
ma lo in tha i iTi.-e ol the First Auditor of
ihn Treasury :
Mitchell II. Miller, of MUsissippi, jo be
Chief Clerk, in the pluce of Geo. II. Jones,
of Virginia, removed. (Salary $1400)
Isaac S. Heed, of Kentucky, lo a clerk
Miirt, in tho pluce of H-ijjsdale, deceased.
(Salury S.I400.)
Mason Karnes, of Vtrginii, and M. U"d
Hiek, of North f'arol'na.hnve been appoin
ted to clerkships.
Erasing Monkdnl and Georgrj Weed, of
Virginia, have been removed.
Life Iura.ce Tho ktibjeei of Life
Insurance bus not yet pained the public at
tention it deserves. Anen'ion will insure it
favor. For our own par', we do nol see
how any man in moticrn'c business and cir
cumslances, who-knows that in case of his
early d"ath, his (litnily would be left with!
narrow means, can deliberately refuse a j
few doll.trs, each year, to N?cure thrm a
competence. See our alveriisina columns
for terms of one of ihcso Itistiiuiions.
The procepdin of tho Vor'htiTtt'ee'svi'l
'iTiiijj Count" Convention wnl bs found in
another column, ty which it will be mn
that no nominations were made, but the
jej wa irt open for voliinn-ers. This is
by fr the mn-'t Denvwr itic wy of choos-
wtr r.tir officers, and we have no doubt but
that there will be vol in'r.s out for every
(Ti -H to be filled at I his election. -
Wm. Ti Foster, Jr. his been npKintcJ
by the ("antil (onuiiissiniiers, engineer for
the construction of the extension of the
North Branch ('anal. Il is nt pr'scn'
A iI.a IK n I.. t .:l l
riij;j;i:o on m-r i iion, iv.ioi I rv lliriJno
Hon. Theodore Frelinbu sen h-is ' een
e'ei-led In a un liimons vn'e nf the Tins,
lees loile- I'll sidencv ol Kolt'l'e Culli.-ge,
." Irh-A:
Ivlejar A. Poe Im.i j.iw-f iho Sons of
1 eiiipv.iaucn ul Kiiockoc Hill, Virginia.
m mm
JLctvisbiirfj, l3a
Wednesday Afternoon, Sfpt. 19
CO"An Earninmion of the Studettia of
the Academy will mke place on Wednes
day next, (Sept. 26.) The Patrene of lire
school and the pijb'ir prneraily are res
pectfully it.viied to sit' nd.
gr7Tte Don days hsve passed and
ths measures taken to preserve the public j
health hive generally been mjch blesstd.
UjI there is need ol ciu'i n still. The warm
days of Autumn, and the luxuries of fruit,
alill exist,to render ihe svalem lmb!e to dis
ease. Cire sh ii 'J st. II l" taken by clo li
inr warm, teniperauce, und fresh iime as
OCrWe are told there was no Toor
II.iusc meeting at X.-ar R.;rlin on M jndsy.
The Whig meeting on Tuesday was n
"crowder" iull and .spiriied. Aldres.srs
were made by Col. Sliler, I m J js.Casey,
and Hr-nry M Ful'er, E-q., ciin.li Jsiy for
Csnal Commissioner. Mr. Fulier'e was a
calm cud sensible nlTuir, and eoniiiR-nded
itself as the man himself Joe to puMic
repet an I alleiiliiui. Mr. Cusej's eilort
it is allowed iiy Iriends an I foes was a linl
ii.inl afluir, directed prinripully oyuin-,!
M ,j. Cuinm'nifs. Col i:ilrr's was al.orl,
but crediiahle.
The D.Mnocr.vs are t.- meet fo-dnv.
(KrTwo l!iin;s I'limers ofien h.ivo t.
reiterate, until (hey someliine get tired of
it. Hut here goes ajjain
I. Anot. nioiis cninnoiiiienticns do not
merit aov stleiltioii whatever.
' Kd.tors d.i tj'il en lorse ei.lvr the sen
tiuienti or liiioiiRivp of rtM ihey publish.
P. II B !l, Kiq., b:ia btfen elected Gov
ernor of Tessa M..H. is a Whi, but the
is-ut in ihe election was I ;!, n t i!rval.
A Whig Goi ernor of Tesns ! Then Jno.
Cuimiiinos tuny curry (Jtiiou c .uiitv.
P. S. TlieX itinnsI lull U'or-ncer snys
Mr. B-ll promised, before bi-in e!ec!ed, to
he a Dem h-r't herear!er. Il" tlist'a tie
r is' M o. CiirnminoV eh;nice (I ke his col
1. :iyue is rather Dinxm.
Ciilon Ca:a.?ron Gtiardi.
This im-w M.inarv 'oiiip;iy parndVd
for the first time on SjMrdiy list wnrlv
40 strong in! ina .'e i ry cr-d.'ablt;
ap;.eannce. A r.imp.iny nf I tt i km I will
e'irne op to tht? dcsijjn ol the Coiisti'ution.
It shows tin- Lappv tendency ol the new
i-jitein over ihe cl.l the nuperiority "f a
rei! ri.ili'iirv nran 'cation ov r iho il md
ood trainings. IV'hn can wih such a
ijsrein as raised up ihis Comp itiy to be
ahindi ned for a useless Bntlalion show ?
The Guards have the li d. renular uni
form of blue, nnd when their p'umes lire
ad.h d will make a sli'i U'tter disphy. The
Oilier rs elected weie as follows :
t'aptsin F. A. Donr.chy.
1st Leu;. Henry Forr.iv.
2 1 F. A. Denahower.
Ord Sc-jjr.tnt j;h,in Angstadt.
My th- -C lixt i," be nlwivs renJy for
srrr-ce and i.ever b" wnn'ej !
New York Politics.
The co.ilitinn br-tueen the Old Hunkers
nn l r ree toilers of New urk is now com
plete. The uirion ticket then wili be as fol
lows :
J'jJju of Appe!s Frei horn (J. Jewc'.I. i
l..oiii;!rol!er .lohu A Lo:t.
Si-erflary of State ilenrv S. Rinlall.
Attorney Gerier;il I. S. Chatlield.
Treasurer Hr-iij Welsh.
Stite I'.nirinncr Alr x. ('rnphell.
State Prison lu-prvtor M irins Clark.
Gnnnl Coininissior.r r Fred'-riek Foliett.
V.-in Huren nnd Cass' vote last fail was
neirl , 1 7.0t0 over Ta) tor's. Probably
4(1,00)1 of Vim (lurch's votes wero east by
Free Soil Whigs. How many of these
will go over with the new ci'iubmati. n, is
ei to he seen, h is evident there will bo
an animait d e most.
Tint vsrirtd hiiiN, inuendecs, nnd chnr
(r"s, thai nn c!Trt is or has ficen making
to divide Cnion cctinty ar,d get a county
seal at L-wislmrg, are all new to the Lew
isbtirians.and ihcy would nol believe them
'hey o'id not see them in tho Union
jTi ? The atory is circulated abrmd.
fr rlf cl aiainst Col. Slifer, anJ is about
as true as the Hook of M rmon. A print
must I dfc-per.ite indeed that will inven'
and repeat such news, whole-cloih fabrica
tions, to jiive its " solitary and alone"
tit ltrt some hnpr of a chine. ! The
Tinges'" in (ortner days nt least received
as good support from a people it now seeks
to rjc.ro pr j'l lice against, as from any
ot her.
Or M ssinu never en rue to hand Xos
?2. 39. 45, Vol. 3 and Xos 21,33,35.
39. 41, and 10, Vol. 4. of that excellent
journal, the " S ieni fif American." The
Publishers a'e retjuesied to forwsrd ihese
mis-sing nutri'ic-f.
pH'c learn that tho Whigs of Col
nmhin cortnty have nominated Me.
Former for H'prcsen'alivR, and Phinea
We.liver, of Jr-rsi tow n. for Slieiiif.
li'-v 11 nrv liirbn'ijih of L'-wisbiirg lias
received ibe honorary degree of M. A. from
M ir hull Coileec, M rcer-b'irv.
Alent The Jersey Shore Ke uli'ican.
Fur the Lcwiaburg Chrutiicle.
Tbire die many pereoiis vvlio in alu-miting lo
be wi.ty or aarcaiiic o I) d ariose th,ir fuily and
aickeilnrss. In tl.is riJiriil 'US po-hinn ia that
rraisH who in the lat Chrenirte arts out
with an suenipt lo defend circuit', but forfeiting
that em iamiches forth a lorront of abu-o on
li.oaa who call or attend or approve of meolirR
for rt-tiious purpoaea in camps. Il ia to he
h "pc.J that the ejection uf ao much I lie from thai
wreuhed being's ft marh, hae let! him co"ial
eiH.enl. My 6 -1 imjul on resiling his arlir'e
was to be jurtty imlignant l ot on tfi I tlio'l
I c uisiJered it loo feeble and vulgar to be w,vth
a eeeei.t pers ri'a contempt. But on turning in
mv itwn min.l fhe mailer oVel aff-ln. il occurred
i..' m. a.,ni.iv .!i..e l..a ,iheieil all
that ejit le aiJ in faor ef eircuaea and ag-inl
eamp-.neenngs end Iheiefore Ina p.hir uUeifu.
gea miKhl lie wonh np-ing. In this ;f
u e ec I do ng.el iia publiratim,. for ae a
piouadu.ue once lemark.d. Il la well enough
to read enough t t!l. deil'a w okatoku w what
be ia ab'.ui," s i. il ia beal to guard agsinet pop
ular errors bykno.i'g eiaclly wiial reasons
operate on tbe mill. Is of tboiie who enterloiu
ibem. Ami tbe wi-e man auvs il ia well at
mime time lo stieuer a tool ei'cotdiag to bia
f li;." I ask ibe a tel. lion Iheiefore nf Mubarri
imi" arid Lie friemla, and aa SubaC fiber allutvs
oibeit lo be -h me-t," I will also admit him lo
b.- b meat in hit error.
Jn the fiir-t plate, you comlrmo your-e'f and
onvibrow all y ur own a-gnmeuls pih-pa
ondeaigiieilly by Inking what y.xi (llega to be
l!;e u r)t Ibinra Ch'iiliaua do. to e'lirlj your
ar..uenie I fina cor. Joins itioo. Tbe true villi,
dard t jil 'ge inen'a cnnilui.1 la CaaiaT, and the
lfl dcrtle uf hia lrt ilen ij.lre.
You ilu ii l like into im.ai lerati in the aAur
acter ot 111 miri-gera nt ilia taro. The circua
peif -ra.er you kioiw are the m.iat d graded ard
viciuiia heii ga that come am .ni; ue, and Ibe
woral men attend their f aif .riuaii.'ea : cm;i
rneeiinj; art. am inled I y hivny of oer i tat men,
anJ tlio preachers are nf ai Imwi - lged (o .d
atindin among ail men. i'lin tn cle-aev can
be no moic compiled toeilter ihun t'ain aud
A lie I. They no ,a oo commingle tliau oil and
In t':e nnl place t!ie n'.'i'm ef ihe reepectivt
pcrfor s are wrijely il,tl rent. The beat ol j. cl if
ciicuves is lo miWe money, and ihia Ihey dj al
ihe vect.fie of lli. in le aoul and bo It. an
at iho cost of inueh public aut privaU m.n'elilv
and hap; ineva. Caiiiji-iucriina a'e nf no pecu
niary auvaii'sje to ll.ost- who attend Ibem. an I
li.eir Jeaign and lend- r.iy i to e evaic the chr.
aeler and poofy ibe hraria of all. Any com
pirivou wh aav, r ol iho Iwo in ibis particular, ia
gi a.I i:iija-t.
And llieccrt uf circuses end camp-meetinte
a-e more widely d-ainniar. Tboe who etlend
and k ar tbe oi.e, end tli'ii the oihrr. ca t t ae.lv
a e wbivti hsa ihe best eflect on the l ent, tbe
ii. in I, and llie reputation. All the circu-ea ever
in . HHtenie nover beiiefllrj one immortal soul,
liile tens f th uanJ of imoioreil spirits will
t'lena (J .l through a bliaaful eli rnity for the in
a'itotiea of caiop. meetings. One u a savor of
bfa unto life, and the nib, I of death unto ilej.h."
13 it it ia el j'c'.rd that bad men g i to camp
p-ee i; g f r t'sd urposea. llul il ia U nol ibe
i.i. ill f cainp-n.ct HI'S-, for all other goed thiegv
a e abu-ed. The e ond beiog of our race
temp e.l her bustmiid to the dt-alturtioo nf
primeval bapinea, and b i.tight in into
our bee. Is. ken Ihe aorta if God came
to preaent ihrmselves before Ihe f.or.l, S.itan
ca ne al-o amoo;; them." And w'lile Ibe hu
lunoincn alept, Ibe enemy rune and sowed lire
am mg tf.e wli- il." And bnve I nol chuaer.
you twelve, on! otie nf you is a devil ! " Wicked
men alwaya enoeavor lo fiu-ttute Uod'a denlinga
vwlh inen, whalher in mote publx or private
worship; and the arch-enemy of soula generally
mere . o, a Li rii;e as tfTolU lo do goal ere
And .SWcri!er snys, Wo onto him by
orbom the oir.-iicc conn th.M Vi"?, wo unl.i ihinre
who duiur'i the tartctity of the abb.ith, whether
there is a rmp-m. ating where they might go or
m l. I-. is i: r.iult of th 3-who ti t wickidly
(an I nnl nf thosf who ende-ior to do righteous
ly J when evil ia practised1, whether around a
i ainp.grnutid, or in a houte of worship, or pri
vately ; and the fill rnn n it I c laiJ to the inno
cent incu id i'f the guiltv. (tmps. l.ka Bibles,
i prfachir.g. and all other means ur graco may
( indceU be per tci It J ; but wo '. Ui.to tboKe, whi
j rrverl ihem '. li tojil be lo tier in tbo day uf
j",!mr'.t" f the heathen than for them !
One would judge from "SultacriberV glibnrsa
of language, (bul lack of common learning) in
hie crazy attempt at cnmpSHliori, that be is him.
elf nne of ditrrputa'. tc rhurarlera he d-scribea,
lor be libel tbo majority of those w ho compo-ed
the late camp-meetings. We aaiv none ef that
booid profanation of thediy of real vrhieh he
aif eta to deprecite : the blessed aim smiled
among the cool leaveaon hundiede of reiipecta
b!e people of all denominaiiona, and reKpecla'ile
pcip'e of no re'ijtioua profaamns and all was or
der and propriety. What fie "rowdies'" may have
done in bve-cornera or three miles away," the
camp ia no more reeponmLle fr than for what
was done ten miL-a eivay. The leivonabla in
ference ii that Subscriber was nnui le instead of
in-icj.t the t round. anJ iheref.re is a very poor
am! unjust jii-lge of the poo.1 done.
In conclusion allow me in hope lhat subscriber
and bis eynpatbizera will ree from lliie some,
what burned fielth that tliere ia no resemblance
whatever between Ihe two nailers of comment.
hut both nmal atar.d or fall upon their own
mrriis. The camps are n- l rcapousibie for lbs
eina nf the circua. nor can the curue plead thrm
in defence. And every one is accountable for
his own sina. Therefore, as you love your pre.
arm and eternal interests, do you remember lhat
the coinpini-n ef fools shall bo deatrnyeil."
Cal in your lol with th.tse wi.j seek the face
and favor nf God, and it ahall bo well with thee
and thy aoul for ever. lnu't not your friends
and ne ghhors by such falre and unkind compar
isons, an I do nol imagine lhat aurh at tempi at
argument will injure auy one bul yourie've.
Kor tve must all aland before tbe judgment seat
of Christ, to give aa account of all the deeds
done here in the body, whether they he good of
whether they be evil. A .
Remains of Gen. Worth The X. O.
Pirayune notices the arrival in thai city
of Cnpt. Darlinj;, on his way lo Tixss, to
bring to New York the remains of the la'e
Gen. Worth. Ue will also brit; to the
. e r ar t.tt.. ,...;. .r.iU l.ito
iv.r.n .rum ..,.. u. ;
Col. Duncan. The city councils ol New
York hnvo voted one thou-and d dlars for
lbo purpose of briite-ing back for interment
Ihe remains of thoso bruve ofiigers.
There was no Governor elected in
Mii.ie, but ihe Democrat is well ahead
Legiahit .re divided.
Vur Ihe LewL-burg Chronicle.
Ma. Emma: If there ia euch a thing as
limiting a thin:; intn the grnund. it seems lo
me tliere era s..no LT.THA, FOOUMI Teui
nersnce men wool.l do it. H"W auy man with
a thimble full l-ains would want eucb e
thing printed aa that called I'IjAIX TI.K in
J" t" lh. life of me I can I .fee, ti.a i m
aure no eennhle man errr rroic u.
die writa it wis t-hamed lo nwn it, and put il
upon a woman .V. Swizzle 'em SwizxIeVm
in.leed. if there ia anrh a woman and ber tongue
ie eharp a her pen hr Jiuabaud ia a drunkaid
by line lime wiih nt doul t.
Well ihen Miss rtwin ei-m goes in for burn
ing (l.wn Uveitis that seld liquor lo any of her
family ves air aKON uc mminded a
' d. fended aa a Temperance meaeure ... ov I
for one proteal againat any such doctrine being
laid U Temperance people-for no .an aenaible
, p"l e believe or advocate any auvu a, -
I aB,b d, who does ouehl lo put it under hia own
name a aa ml lo uju e tbe cause, to ouro
a lsoru lo atop men fiora diinking would be a
fooliah-jes nioie fo.dih a thoiiaaud times
than ihe mm who set fire to lis own bata full
of cnam lo kill the bats in it !!!
Mb Sw iileeui need not deny lhat ahe ia an
ascsi., for nobody would accuse ber of il after
leading her pi. ce, unless she e a latna auge!,
lor iheie is very little of the loveliness of woman
about il. Many men base, teen reformed end
kept from evil by a kind and virtuous wife.wbil
a brsh and scolding and unforgiving woman ia
ihe min uf many men. 1 ho Scripture makes
injiilelity the only groui d for a divorce, which
Miss Saiu'e'em denies and aays drunkentieae la
a aufficiaui cause, and ii ia UL l'Y I" violate ilia
niatiimui ial vows which ware taken till Jeuth
part you. I hope aucb docliuie may never re
aoeu iu print again.
A Patsob-
Tiio Talor party of Philadelphia has
noniinaletl Suinut l II. Rothermcl for next
eSherifT. Tiie W hi,js and Nutives appear
to be united iigitin.
Sllll-O 4iHIHg
In the Lewishuro, Cemetery. 7th ult by
Kev. J. S. Lee, M .j F. Asbury Uonachy
nml M -s S.irnh Al- x tnder, of this pUrp.
On the 1st insl. Iiv Kev. J S l.ee, Sun'l
niih nnd Miss Hurriei llullihnn, both o'
Iticlinmn's Valley.
ait: it,
In this I'jrouoh, 1 5th inr., R. Milton
Ckcndage, of Xescopeck, Luz. Co., in his
3id year. Mr.IJ. c une to visit his brother
in-hw, Dr. Thornton's, with the seeds of
the fatal disease upon him.
In .Milton, Scp'.5'h, Alice Wood, young
est il.inohier ef John II. and Sarah A.
I'rown, noej 5 yeotrsnnd 1 month.
Of Cholera at the residenreof his broth
er, in Memphis. Tennessee, Mr. Joseph S.
M ins, (I'rin'er) son of Charles and M-irv
M.ius, of X.mhuttiberhiuj, Pj-, aed
e irs.
The oD,,if, Xewa" of yefter.lay chronicles
the d- alh of Charlea V Hoblen in Cuhforuia on
the IJih June nf bilious dynentery Israel I'ost
al Psnsms, filh Aug of cholera Albert fi Diy
in Cincinnati, 12 inL of consumption Dr K M
Ifuaton, iiew York. IClU inst. hemorrhage of
the lun!s. All thcae gentlemen were connected
with the Putilic Press.
Fait and winter
fPIIE subscrilier has just received his
J stock nf
Goods embracing the usual variety
such as
HATS, CAPS, Sic.&c.
All of which are offured cheap for Cosh or
Country Produce.
Lewisburg, Sept. 18, 1819
fHH )F1S1 1 Fresh Mackerel Cheese
J lor sale by I G Lawshe
KEfIS Xnils nnd Spikes,
JJf Just ree'd nnd for sale bv
Sept IS
S 6i J Wolfe
MACKEKKLr Xo's 2 and 3.
Just rue'd and for sale.
Sept IS
S 6t J Wolfe
The subscriber h.ive just ree'd a fresh
suiplv of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOL
ASSES, &o., which Ihey will sell at a
very small advance on cost.
Sept 10 S Si J Wolfe
The subscriber is now receiving a small
assortment of
Cull and see JAMES HAVES.
Supt. 13, 1710.
Democratic nominntion.
Cunnl Commissioner John A. Gamble,
of Lycoming.
Whiff nomination.
Cuntil Commissioner IIe.nkv M. Fcllkb,
ol Luzerne.
Union County Whig ticket.
Assembly Col. Em SiiFKK.of Lewislmrg
John I"I,ai ;iilin. luniata
Sh"rilT Archibald Thomas, of Union
Co.Commi-isjoner Joun WiLT.of II irtley
Treasurer Daniel IIorlacher. Ji. Berlin
c er,AroB Mabti, o1 jVrry
Auditor Hkxry 11 Hlair, of lwisburt;
Trustees of Mifll nhtirj Academy David
VV'alsnn, Samuel Sttizer, John Kliue.
Democratic ticket.
Assembly Jons Crx.viift.Gi,, of Penna.
Jous Hi jim, QJuniain
Serious Acci'lent. Mull hew Coo1(er,
youngest aon of the Hon. James Cooper,
of Pottsville, in endeavoring to jump from
a Coal Car, at M.iunt Carbon, on Thurs
day of last week, fell upon the trick in
such 3 position that the Car passed over
ooaof his lejis and irjnn d it so much that
amputation was rendered necessary.
Eight runaway slaves, the property of
Mr. MT.haney, Frederick county Ml.,
were pursued by a number 6f whites 'on
Sunday night last, about 12 miles from
Hoonsboro. The slaves successfully resis
ted the attempt to capture them, three of
the pursuers receivinrj severe stubs one j
of which may prove fatal.
Intelligence from Santa Fe to the 5th of
August gives accounts of several battles
with the Indians, in which the latter were
worsted. Col. Washington, stationed at
Santa Fe, is said to be surrounded by an
immense number of hostile Indians report
aays 50,000
The people of Indiana, at the late elec
tion were called to vole opon ihe question
of a Convention to revise the State Consti
tion. For Convention 74,101
Against Convention 49,403
Mjjority for Convention, 24,633
The special election iu the Fourth Con
gressional district of M'issiichusetts, (Pal
frey's) has agnin resulted in no choice. I:
23 tow ns.how ever, Palfrey loses 25 voles.
Tlie State Agricuhural Fdirat Syracuse,
closed on Thursday, with a grsnd military
review, at which were Gen. Wool aud Gov.
ixiriTtRLi: i.irr UMBtscr.
.intuit) and 1 rasl Company.
OJfice, 74, Walnut Strert, J'hilaitetjthia.
CariTAt, .$i50,(J()0 Charter IVrpctual.J
T ITIIE Company are now prepared to Iraiifacl
I bu-ineaa upon ihe moat liberal and advanta
ijeoiia terms. They are authorize d by their charter
(see. 3) " to moke all and eviry insurauce apper
taining to life ri-ks of whutrver kind or nature, and
to receive and evecute trute, Oiake enilowmentii,
and lo grant and purcha-e antiuiliea." The Coui
puny aell annuities and endow menu, and act aa
trustee for minora and heirs.
Table uf Premiums reijitintl fur the Aniirurue
iij TjIOO Jur the v htilr term vj Lije.
Age. I'rem.
1 Jjisn
Ace. Prim
Age. P'cti.
31 09
46 -3 3r
1 f:
2 15
3 19
1 5B
1 59
1 60
1 63
1 C6
1 69
1 li
I 78
I K5
I S9
2 04
S - J
S i7
2 3.1
2 41)
2 47
2 5;
2 63
2 70
2 81
2 tltj
3 t 1
3 12
3 23
3 62
3 77
3 91
4 13
4 32
4 51
4 71
4 91
5 12
5 33
5 54
5 TS
6 03
Th. premiums are e tlma any oiber compmy
and ihe polities afford cre.iler advantages. Mar
ried women and female children can insure the
Uvea of either a huebnnd nr pirent free from the
claims ot creditors. Tables .f half yearly and
quarteily preininms. half credit ratea nf premium,
short lerms, joint lives, survivorships, endow
ments and forma of application are to be had al
tbe Olhce or of the Agent.
Kale fir insuring $100 on a single Life.
Ace. For 1 vear. for 7 yeara. For Lite.
20 $0 81 91 1 CO
30 0 99 I 30 2 I' 4
40 1 29 1 61 2 70
SO 1 86 2 117 3 94
59 3 4S 3 97 6 03
Example: A person aged 'M years next birth
day by paying Ihe Company 9!) cts would fprine
to hia family nr heirs jltlO should he die in one
year, or lor 9 90 he secures to them $1000, or for
13 HO annually for seven years he secures to them
$1000 should he die in eevro yi srs, or for 20 40
psid yearly during life he secures ijilOOrt to be psid
when he dies Ihe insurer securing his own lK.nos
by the dilTcrence in amount of premium from those
charged bv other office, r or 4 9 50 the heirs would
receive ;jj000 ehonM he die in one year.
PETEK Cl LI EN. President.
F. W. RAWLE. S.c'y and T.eaa.
For further particulars applv to
Agent fir Vninn unit adjoining tmtnties.
Consulting Physician V. Hates, M. 1).
Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. July SI, 1819
Register's Notices.
The following accounts are lo be presented I.,
the Orphan C om nf I ninii cunty on Monday
Slth pi insl for cotilirmatiou and a'lowance:
Acci of Henry (inham. one of the exra of
Alei'r Uiaham, ilec'd, l ite of Leisburg B ir i
Acci of Caer Hainea, aJin'r of Dr John
Haines, lale nf Fi nns Tp
Acct of Matthew II Laird guardian of Jane
II, minor child of Jane M Cleiialiau, itce'd
Acct nt Philip Mover, adm'r of Isaac (ilatfel
ler, late nf Chapiniin Tp
Arc! of Win Loudcnslager and Jacob Long,
adin'ia of Henry How. late of I. mis Tp
Acrt of John and Michael Moyrr, adm'rs of
John Mover, late f Cnion Tp
Aecl uf Deiij Reish and John Stcee, adm'ra ol
Pater Itcish, Lie of West Hutfalo Tp
Acct nf Harr.cl tlotienatine, eitc'z if Peler
Kicliter, late of Peniia Tp
Acci of Frederic!; House, eiec'i of Nicho'aj
Douae, lute of Middlecreek Tp I
Acct of John A Mcriz, adm'r of Abraham
Kremer. lale of Leni-t urrj
A.... i ..r vi..i.,v. ii.,..- r t
... . . . ,.,,,.. aniri
Suyi'er, lale of Wafhint -n Tp
Acct of J nies Mii. his, ei'r of Amos Harris,
late cf Hartley Tp
Acct of faml TVniplemn, ar of Hannah
Bravard, late of I'nion Tp
Arc! of John Da'esman. adru'i uf James Del
Ian, laio of While lrer Tp
Acct of Henry K Null, adm'r nf Henry Null,
late of Peuns Tp
Acct of Peter Htsmm-t, a'm"r of Cbris'iau
Hummel, late of I'ni 'n Tp
Acct of J Houseworih and P fchnee, ex'ra of
Jacob Hou't'taorlh, lale nf Washington Tp
Acci final uf C Kaliy and -er M n dle-wanh,
adm'ra of Abraham Kaley. lale of Ueaver Tp
A eel uf John Gundv, adui r f I'boa M'Fsll
late of Union Tp
Acct of Charles an.' Jwoh Rh-ads, ei'rs . f
Francis Khoeite, la'e I'em a Tp
Acci of John e.a l Jr a.d Cenrge oil Her,
ei'ia of George V . inn I. .,ir f Wet Beaver I'p '
Acct final ..f rtc-ge K Vt.lVr. arting adm'r of
, . r f i . i
Jamea D CWwelt. Ijl nf Lewisbu'ir i
Acct ..f Frcderiik Iti. hier, one ef ihe ex'ra of
Tvlei Iikhtcr, Lite of Peuns Tp
DR. J X. KKELKIl & BUO. rrx,$t
pectftilly solicit attention t their fa
alock ol English, French. Cr.niian, and
jimtrirnn lirua, M-dicines, Puiipa. Ch,..
micnls. O.ts, Itvestuffs, Glassware, Per;u.
mery, Pf Medicines, Varrn-i-eSj
Manna; opened a new ai.ne, o 291, Mirk.i u,
wilb a full aupply of freh Inui;, and .MitJieineBi
we reapeetfiilly aolicit country dealer. ., t lim
ine oar slock before purcha-in; elsewhere, proin
iiif.J oue and all who may feel ili-powJ l0 tl
lend to us their palronnue, to ae I linn genuine
DrUfrs and Medicines, on as liberal lerma aa any
oilier house in the Cily.and to faithfully etecu'e
all uidera entrusted lo ua promptly and with de.
sp itch . I . , i I ? i ,
One of the proprietors being a recutar ptij.i.
cian. affords ample guarantee of the genuine
quality of alt articles eolJ at their establishment.
We especially iuviie druggi.U and eoantry
merchsnla. who may wish to become ezent for
Dr. Keelert Celehrated Fuuuly MtdiciutM,
(s'andar.l aud popular reioeJiea.) to forward Uieir
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain.
J. li. KEEI.ER A BRO . Wholesale Druen,t,,
ly28 l Ko. 294, Market SI, PluluL
'I he subscriber oflers for sale Ornrtmen.
tal Trees of every descriplion, particu:ar!y
the European Linden, and Paufoni Iinpe
naiis, a splendid shade tree lately introdu
ced from J pan, remarkable lor its enor
mous loaves (sometimes two feii in diam
eter.) and Inrire clusters of rose-colored
flowers, spotted and striped within, emitting
a fraortince similar to the Lilac.
Also Fruit trees ol every description.surh
as grafted Apple trees from 7 to 9 It high,
at 12 to 15 cts each, or 10 tn 12.5' per
hundred ; Inoculsied Pt-ai h trees, 12 cts
ech, or 10 er hundred ; Pear, Cherry,
Plum, Xeclarine, aud Apricot trers at rea
sonable prices all ihe varieties warrant! d
oenuine ; also Hot-bouse nnd Green-hnux;
plants, emeiraein bearing Orange tin! I.s.
ninn trecs,tojcthtT with a variety of Flower
srs-ds all of which h- will seli as low as
thr y can be purchased in Philiid' b.h'.i.
Lewiburtf, S. pt 12, 1813
sit lv. isbursr.
fpilE TKITF.Esj of ti e FniverMty at Lew.
ibu:g would lenpecttiiliy inf rm iia Patron
and Friend, thai, in ihe Heboul under iheir r ee.
(l Lewi-burg) ihe fnltoain aie the l'l-ses. ruf.
jecia of stiudy aud Kiercir-e? 'or Ibe current u'.
Depart iiM'ii I and .vftulies.
Six I'las-ex EverciseJ in Spelling, Keating.
Definition. English tira-nmsr, Aiittimetic fie.
rsphy, HUtory C S A., IVnmiu-hip, and l.'oin-is-iiioii.
EyULlsll DEPMiTMCyTofthe Ac-mL i.
The ssme studies as in the I'.-imarv U' pirtme.it
c.-n'iiiued in the u-e ot turner lexl b-Niiis; and to
these are added General lh loiy. Sovii' A.'ijebia.
i Lependrc and s-urvp iny.
CLASSICAL UE PA RTM EN I" of ihe Academy
Jei. Artiil. tuie CliUi. Eneli-h Lani-uae,
fieounp' y, Hi-l'ry U.S.A. Latin Crainrrur
and Header, (.irevir, l,rruar and iU-ader co,u-
mencetl. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Academic Vltitx. En?li-h Laricnaje,
General liistory, lij.l, Virgil, Greek Kead. r,
Oavies' Algebra
Freshman Cluts. Liw.AnnbasU.Mcmorali'ia,
Davie- Leijendre, Trigon meiry ci.mntencetl.
Sojthunuirt Class. Horace. IMyswy. rele I
O: annus of Deino-th. nea, Leirenilre cenipleted.
llaviea' s:urTevirg and Navigation, AnaUc!
Geoinrlry, B'air'a Lectures.
Jininr t'ld'f. lcmolheTes on the Crown.
Greek 'i'ragedy. Cicero ,le ili!i'iis, Tacitus, Ne
ural Puilosophy, Astronomy, L?x.
Students in the Eniiiish Uejurtment recite
with those pursuing Ihe tame a'.udics in toe
I I? ....!..
a,-in" ,'s Rnl,- r..rs. h va le than
three daily recitations. All the menilxis of u e
fchool, (in three divisions,) are eteriised every
Saturday in Reading. Declamation, EuglUh Com
position, and Vocal Muaic
All the students are required to attend, regu
larly, some reliirioua meeting. Minors are ei'it
led to attend aueh meeiings aa are recommended
io them by their parents or guardiins. There are
in the Borough no less than fix places of public
worship, occupied every Lord's Day by a many
different Christian denominations.
Number of Students.
The number of aludenta during the past year
in the varioua departments, a-s G 1 The
number that huve entered ihe classes in the Re
lilur Course foe the curreut year ,'jclu'ive of
those in the English and Primary department-
is aa follows :
College Junior class
' Sophomore cl iae
Freshman class
Aciutxt. etuor class .
Junior class
STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M, Professor ul
Muthemaiiea and Natural Philosonhv ;
OEOKGE K. BLI.-SS, A. Professor of li
I.ancuiiie and Literature ;
of Latin Lngu:iee and Literature :
ISAAC .N. I.DOMIS, A. M, Principal of
Aculemv ;
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in lb
In order to meet Ihe demands of the Institu
tion, the B.urd have taken measure lo supi'iv
fh nMVMaur ft n . . . . . I . , f... I V, .1 ..... p, ... lit Ot
... . . 7.' rt ' '
vecbanical Pbiloaophy. and lo mciease Ibe bi
hrary, before Ihe commencement of Ihe wmt'r
session. During the year, lh building no"
progress will be completed, atTirding atudy roo:t
and dormilorie for .U colli ge students. Another
Protessor has len ail. led io the Facuity. an.1
means provided io enable stuilenla in Ihe ch-e
specified above to pro cute their studies wiih toe
greatest auccese.
Tuition ami Hoard.
TITHON in Ihe Ci.lleioie Department fch'.
Academic t'10, primary f li per je.tr.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
li-.'ht, can !e had in tbe village and its vicinity '
various prices, from 1.37J to $2,50 per week.
Krswlons Vacations, &r.
Two Seavioti in a year the former commen
ces on the second Tuesday in October, aud con
tinues 27 week; the loiter continues 15 week .
spring Vacation, 4 week ; Autumnal, 6. Neil
session begins 1 1 lb October.
Tbe Board are h.'Prv In add lhat Lei-!'ur4
is al present, as il ever has been, eiceedl' S1
,! . y", ,.... ,.,..,.
e v uruer anu in oenaii ii me iioaru ;
I lltru.tn t ,i I I oli.v, I res i.
GEORi.K K.'.Mi'LLt 't, cec'y.
Lewisburg, I'uion Co. Pa. Sept 1SJ.