Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 19, 1849, Image 1

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CVn iridrpaiftcnt Jamtln yapcc DcuotcD ta News, Citcraturc, Politics, Agriculture, Science an& ittordlitn.
BY 0. N. W011DEN.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1849;
VOL. YL, NO; 25-285.'
The Euirihbnrg thromtle:
Published Wednesday Afternoon- at Lcwiburg,
Luion county. Pennsylvania.
Terns. 2,00 Tor a year, to I paid in
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to be piid in advance. Discontinuances
optional with the Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
. Advertisements handsomely inserted at
SO cts. per square one week, 81, UU for a
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All communications by mail must come
ftcst p tid. accompanied by the address of
the writer, to receive attention.
Office.M.irket street between Second and
Thud. O. N. Wobubji, Publisher.
SATt'RDftY, SEPT. 15.
P. II R-dl, Esq.. has been elected fiov-
ernor of Texas. Mr.B. is a Whi!, but the
isiie in the election was local, not poli'icnl.
A Whig Governor of Texas ! Then Jno
C'umtiiings may carry Union county.
'It A u'l tske much io tnitke cities it
Illinois. Our last IVKiu paper elates that
'tin town of over 1 5t.O have by a vote ol
"im nirds of 2(10" transformed their 'burg
into a ctiy ! Ai (hat ra'e, we neurit have
iit least three cities, on I tie West llranrh.
And J.ihn S mih la'e of t!ie Uniou Srar,
is the Printer for the modern ri'yJPckiu.
' l'o sliuw how men's minds or taster
d rt" -r, e copy from the two Democratic
p liers i.f Carlisle, their d'tleieut views ol
i -n. Taylor's visit to that place
'I he
"V Imiteer'' said :
" I'm; only elfe.-t il ;t ieii.Tdy lor's speech
h.i i m those who lieird it, so tar as we
rould observe, wis ulif lor lite wek, but
jnrhap weil meaning old muii who deliv
ered it."
The Democrat" said :
11 ;,i r !
ty, joined in giv.na O.en. Taylor a cordial !
mid hearty welcome and every one tie !
.M,eve was n.gniy grannm ana p.easen,
both wiih the manners aud appearance of
their President. hatever we may think
of the politics of the old chieftain. we were
certainly very much gratified with him as
an individual.
So i: would seem "there is as much dif
Icrence in folks, as in anybody.'
Gleam or Light.
The Par s correspondent of ihe Christi
an Advocate & Journal savs dial on the
n truing of Sunday, August li, the follow
ing inscription was placed nn one of the
sidewalis of the cmthedril of Notre Dame,
in that city : "The good shefhebd ritcth
His with UR4PE-SHOT." Ii excited so much
attention that the police intefered to dis
perse the crowd. The inscription wm effa
ced, but it was renewed during the night,
and if is said that all the churches had a
similar inscription on their walls.
That is thinking in a right direction.
The following eloquent letter from
Hon. John M'Lean, of Ohio, showing the
influence which Sabbath Schools may be
made to exert on the character and pros.
rity of the whole country, was read
at the Anniversary of the National Insti
tution to which it refers, at Philadelphia.
There is no purer Statesman than Judge
M'Lean ; and were he a wire-working po
Ittician, or the victor on a bloody battle
field, no man would stand a better chance
for ihe next Presidency than the once poor
Scotch Irish boy of New Jersey honest
Johu M'Lean.J
Circisati. April 10, 1849.
I'ea Sir : Whilst I consider myself
honored by the Board of Officers and Man
agers of the American Sunday School
l uion, in being placed nominally at their
head, I can not repress a lear that, in ac
cepting the position, I may stand in the
way of some one of higher merit and of
greater usefulness.
The more 1 reflect upon Sabbath schools,
the more deeply am I impiessed wilh their
iniiorlaoce. Education without moral
tmining may increase national knowledge,
but it will add nothing to national virtue.
l'y a most intelligent and able report,
made some yesrs ago by Guizot, it ap
lieared that hi those departments ol Franse
v here education had been most advanced,
crime was most common. And l.y later
reports il is' shown, iu Prussia, Scotland,
h I England, where the means oftducaiiou
have greatly increased, tsjiecially in Prus
sia and Sco.!and, ciiir.iui! effenecs iiavi
increased. Making due allowance for the
growth of population, and the aggression
of individuals in carrying on various use.
Ail enterprises, the principal cause of this
is a want of moral culture.
Knowledge without restraint, only in
creases the capacity of an individual for
mischief. As a citizen, he is more danger
ous to society, and does mote to corrupt
public moruls.than those without education.
So selfish is our nature, ami so prune to
evil, that we require chains, moral or phys
ical, to cure our propensities and passions.
Early impression are always the most
lasting. All experience conduces to estab
lish this. Who has forgotten the scenes ol
his buy hood, or the pious instructions of
his parents? However they may Im dis.
gsrded and condemned by an abandoned
course, yet they can not be consigned to
oblivion, tu the darkest hours ol revelry
they will light i.p the memory and cause
remorse. And this feeling will generally,
sooner or later, lead to reformat ion.
W hutever delect there may be of moral
t culture in our common schools, it is more
than supplied in our Sabbath schools. 1 1, re
the vt hole training is of a moral and reli
ioiis ch.i racier.
- , , .
Impressions iIims mane can never 1m-
eradicated. And
it may not im ail extravagant calculation
... ci,
to supp sc that every l;n years hve mill-
.- i iii o i. i
ions ol persons, w bo had U rn tsabLatli
scholars, enter iulo active society. More;
or les, iliey ni.iv b': supposed to be ii tlj
eiicrd by the principles inculcated at thote
schools. Restrained themselves by moral
considerations, lie ir t xauiple m.iv hnvc
some intluenceon an equal number of their
associa'es. Here, then, is an element
of power which must be sululnry on our
social and political relations. The 500U
thus done can not bs fully known ami si p
preciated, a the amount of evil which it
prevents can not be measured.
It may bo assumed as an axiom, that
free Oovornmeut cau rest on no other basi
than moral power. France has a Renub-
lie which is maintained by buy. nets. And
there is reason to apprehend that in that
lhere :s sunpn. ,orn, .,sis 1
for th.- n.am:ci.a..ce of a free goveri mm!. I
Jiul are our own beloved institutions free
from danger! Who has not sren the
" yawning chasms'' in our own beautiful
edifice t Its pillars seemed to be moved,
its wall aud its dome, aud the contour of
its fabric, have suffered ; and nolhing can
restore it to its pristine beauty and strength,
but a united and continued effort of the in
telligent and virtuous citizens ofcurcojn-
ry. Aud we must increase the number ol
thec by every possible means. Sabbath
Schools must be relied on as a principal
agent in this great work. Without their
aid, ( should look to the future with little
hope.' Mere party ism should be discarded
for principle ; and moral power, founded
as it must be on the justice and fit ness of
things, must be made the ground of action.
When I consider the mighty trust, mor
al and political, which, has been committed
to us-when I reflect upon the extent and
fertility of our country, its diversified and
healthful climates, and its capacity for hu
man enjoyment I am overwhelmed with
the vastness of the subject. Rapidly as we
have advanced for the last thirty years in
the developement of physical resources and
in the arts and sciences, the bow of prom
ise still abides in the future.
But a nation may be great in its physi-1
cal power and in its menial attainments,
without possessing the basis of moral pow
er, which is the only foundation for prac
tical liberty. We could drive them from
our shores without endangering our insti
tution. But whilst I have no fears as
to the permanency of our Government
from influences and powers from without,!
am not without apprehension from causes
which arise among ourselves. This indeed
is a strange paradox. Can we not trust
ourselves? "Is thy servant a dog that Lc
should do this thing ?"
There is no security against the enormi
ties of our race, which have so often dis
graced the history of the world, but re
straining influence which sen bounds to
human passions. The superior civilization,
moderation, aud justice, of modern times,
is attributable lo the benign influence of
Cbrisliuni'y. The ancient republics were
destitute of this ower. Phy sical force was
the arbiter of the right and the dispenser
of justice. But now there is an element of
moral power which more or less pervades
all civilized nations, aud which has its
foundation in Ihe Bible. No nation can
disregard this law wilh impunity. If it be
110! embuue J in any published code, yet it
is not the less powerful. It is w ritten in
the hearts and understandings of mankind,
il shakes the thrones of despots, who,
through a line of anesTy of many centu
ries, have governed ni'h an absolute pow.
er. .
To us, as a nation, f ie committed the
great principles of free government, and
we are responsible to iIiok who r.hall come
after us for a faithful diseh irge of I he trust.
Now, we must continue to build upou the
foundation of our fathers. They wereeq'ia!
to the ere is. Wash'iigton, and II uicock.
and Adams, and their cohiimi riots, were
good men as well as irreat nen. Tnev
looked to a superintending Providrnce.and
to the precepts ol the Bible.
There is enough of imelijence and vir-
tue, and ol holiest purpose, m the nation, il
embodied and made active, to free us from
:he prevailing corruptions of tlie d.iy. And
there i.s no t-eiiry moreellicen' los.rengili
en trrs state of the public unud thin our
Salibaih schools. 'J hey are the nurseries
of viilue, ol an elevated putrioris.ii, and of
And whit nobler motive could impel to
human action ? Compare it with th ....
lives which led to oil.er Imes nf neimn nn I
' with their results. The asoirution ol a men
; 1
politician bgiiis and en Is in bi'nseli. The
k in li.s (if benefits these may be railed)
I .v . - . . '
: con:errei on his suppoiters. have no liih -
i t-r motive than this. I he sa:ne remaik will
' ' ' '' - e
suits 01 commerce or in trin iiros -cuiiou
ns oi commerce or in inn nros -cuiion ii
enterprises w hich ordinarily lend lo the ac
cumulation of individual and national
weahh. They may become great in this
respect, and advance the wealth of their
country, -villiout being exemplary them
selves, or increasing the public virtue. And
so of professional renown
How empty is
the bubble w hich entwines the brow of the
orator in the Senate, at the bar, or in ibe
p.ilpit, whose heart is not full of ihe kindly
11 '
feelings of huintnity, and who does not en
deavor 10 mitigate (he sulferingsj and in
; crP!"e ,he "M"" r his r"ct!
1 lf we dt!"r0 10 ,n,,ke our "a,ion ,rul
' VKxU nnd lra,ls,nlt lo posterity our insiitu-
ine,rl,rium,ve simplicity ai.u lorce,
we "'U!t imbuo ,,'R "m,Js of our ',u,h
nu a pit re an 1 an eicvHiea mnroiity,wiucn
shill infiuriice tiieir whole lives. Aud 1
know of no means so well calculated lo
produce this result as Sabbath schools.
I regret that my public duties will pre
vent my being present at your anuuul mee
ting. With the greatest respect, I am, dear sir,
faithfully yours, JOHX M'LKAN.
From Hit Burlingtun Gazette.
Our Old UoiiNe at IIoiu.
Do yoa remember long go. Will if t
'I he dar when we were young.
How we romped from morn to night.
Until our old bouse rung ?
Those days were precious d.iys, Willie,
The skies seemed ever clear.
We ate our bread and builer then,
Nor dreamed of better cheer.
Do you recollect the thick stale bread,
A nd the butter scraped Iberemi
H ow we held it slanting towards Ibe light,
Hoping the butler shone ?
And all the little birth-duy feasts
Our darling moiber gave.
To ihe noisy elves she doted on.
Aud would have died to sive ?
Do you forget that dear old h itno,
Wilh not one inch of yard?
Do yim forget our ancient haunts ?
For me il would be bard !
The cellar, garret, paiapet.
The play-iuoat and the led
Oi which we made our garden-ground
And sowed our mualard beds !
They all are present to my mii.d,
Wah Uit-10 my thought I till.
Then dream ol them, and wake to linJ
Tu but a phantom still;
I dream, too, of a little bauJ
Once clustered lou.id our fire.
Of blushing (tirU o.ie briliuul boy,
The image ol hi sire.
Alan '. the chain is !r krn now,
Tis c-ivereil oer with rut -Oar
cherished link h m I0114 laiu l.iw.
Mingled with foreign dust;
We've tiaversed many lauds, Willie,
That tropic suns have burned.
And in life' weary pilgrimage
Home worldly wisJoiu Karued.
But never let a rease to love
That dear old parent heart!),
AT forget the "pleasant memories"
Of the hue that gave us birih.
The proud maii's srulT. the cold world's scorn,
(Jive no enduring pain,
Ws only cloMir draw ibe link
Of our poor, broken cliuiii ! L
We regret lo learn that the Kev. Ilen
rv Coleman, o! Massachusetts, died at Is
lington, near London, on the 17th of Au
gust, llu had taken passage in the Cale
doiiia, and was to have siiled for home nn
the ' 8th. Mr- Columau was a mm of fine
attainments, and the author of " Familiar
Letters from Europe," and of many well
known contributions lo the agricultural lit
truturc of the country.
" The school ma'am's coming ! the
school ma'am's coining !" shouted a dozen
voices, at the close of half nu hour's faith
ful watching to catch a glimpse of our
teacher. Every eye was turned towards
her, ilh the most scrutinizing glance, for
the children as well as others always form
an opinion pi, a person, particul arly of their
teachers, at first sight.
" How tall she is!, exclaimed one. "Oh
i do"11 S,,B look -'" .c-d .another. ' Ho
j 1 ufrnid of her nor a d,,z,,n ,ike hf"r.'
c:k'd lhf l,i-' bov of tne school. Nor I
'c"her" cried I he big boy's ally. "I could
j ,ick ,,er e,,sv ough,couldn'l you, Tom ?"
1 a'"J ' " to. " she goes to touch
" cried one of the girls,
l" slle "i" hear you." By this time she
had nearl re'" h,;iJ the ". ""'' w h''
j wc werc dust.-red, and every eye was fixed
")0" ,ier f""u wi,ha" eB,r' ' half hash-
hi' g tite, uncearlain, as yet, what verdict
, Prn "!"" h-r.
! " t5""d ''. children," .be said, in
Kin.iesi voire in me woriu, while ner
face was lighted with the sweetest smile
imaginable. This is a beautiful morn
iu; to commence school, is it Hot!"'
I . I Lnnw I h..H !.. I,.., ' .hi-J
i .. . . -
; little pet in .uy ear.
i We all folle ved her into ihesch.x.! room.
except Tom .lones and his ally, who waited
until the rest were seated, nod then came
111 with a swaggering, uoisy gait, and a
sort of d ire devil, saucy look, as much as I
to s ty, Who cures for you ?
Miss Wescolt looked at I hem kindlv. but
nnneared n..l to not. the.,, fi,r.l...r A f,..,
n .lii.rl t.rfit'f.r nt.il r.oilin.. n .K.ii.ti v it, i
' ., .... . ', .. . . .
me isiuie, stie passeil 'rouml the rMm, ami
c 1 1
made some inquiry of each one in regard
to themselves and their studies.
i . , . . , . , ,
" And what is yotir inmie ?" she asked,
! laying her hand on Tom's head, while he
. it with h.s hand in his poekeis, swinging
j his feel backwards and forwards.
I " Tom Jones," shouted lie, at ibe top of
his voice.
1 "flow old arn jou, Thomas?" she
asked. " Just as old aain as half.'' ans
wered Tom with a saucy laugh.
What do you study, Thomas V
" XotSing.''
" VVhat books have you !"
Without appearing at all disturbed by
his reply. Miss VVrscoll said," I am glad
I am to have one or two large boys in my
school ; you can be of great assistance lo
me, Thomas, aud if you will stop a few j
minutes after school, this afternoon, we j
will talk over a little plan 1 have formed.''
This was a mystery lo all, and particu
larly Torn, who could not comprehend
how he could be useful to any one, and for
ihe first time in his life he felt that he was
ol some importance in Ihe world. He had
had no home training ; no one had ever
told him he could be of any use or do any
good in the world. No nn loved him,
and of course he loved no one, but was one
of those who believed he had got to bully
bis way through ihe world. lie had al
ways been called ihe "bad boy'' at school,
and he took a sort of pride and pleasure in
being feared by "the children and dreaded
by the teacher.
Aliss Wcscott at once comprehended his
whole character, and began lo sha her
plans accordingly. She maintained that a
boy who at twelve years old made himself
iea red among his school-fellows, was ca
pable of being made something ol. Here
ufote all influences had conspired lo make
him b id, and perh tps a desperate character;
she was de'ermincd to transform his char
acter by bringing opposite influences to
work upon him, and to effect this, she
must gain his confidence, which could be
done in no better way than by making
him feel (hit she placed confidence in him.
When so h H.I was out, more than half the
scholars lingered about the door wondering
what Miss Wescoit could be going to say
to Tom Jones. Ho had oflrn been bid to
remain after school, but it was always to
receive a punishment or severe lectuie,
and nine times out of ten he would jump
out of the window before hall of the schol
ars were out ol Ihe room; but it wns ev
idently for a different purpose that he was
10 remain now, and no one wondered more
what il could be than Tom himself.
Don't you think, Thomas, that our
school-room would lie a great deal pleas-
auter il we had some evergreens to hang
around ii ; something to make it took
cheerful V inquired Miss Westcott.
Yes'in. and I know wLcrc 1 can get
plenty of tbeia."
" VVell Thomas, if you will have some
here by eight o'clock to-morrow morning,
I r ill be here to help you put them up, and
we will give the children a pleasant sur
prise ; and here ate some books I wi: give
you, Thomas : you may put them in your
drawer ; I hey are what I want you to
" Hut I can't study geography and his
tory, exclaimed loin, coiituscu, I never
"That is the reason why you think you
can not.'' replied Miss Westcoil. " I am
! quite sure you can, and you wi'l love them
I know."
" Nobody ever cared whether I learned
anything or not, before,'' said Tom, with
some emotion.
" Well, I care," said Miss Westcott, with
earnestness, 'you are caable of becoming
a great and good m:in ; you are now form
ing your character for lite, and it depends
upon yourself, what .you beepme. The
poorest boy in this country has an equal
chance with the wealthiest, and his cir
cumstances are more favorable for becom
ing eminent, for he learns to depend upon
himself. I will assist you all I can in
your studies, Thomas, and I know you
will succeed ; remember that I am your
friend, and come to me in every dilTl -uliy .
Tom Jones had not been hro't up, he
had come up, because he had been born
into the world aud couldn't he'p il ; but ns
lor any menial or moral training, he ta-
au guiltless of il as a wild bramble bush ol
a pruning-knife. His father was an in
temperate, bad man, and his mother was a
f total v mellnienl worn in. Al home h"
received nothing but blows, and abroad
i nothing but abuse.
His bad passions
were therefon! all excited and fostered.
! and his uood ones never ca! led out
; "
always expected that his teachers would
, 3 . '
hate him ; so he whetted anew his coin-
1 battive powers to nnnose them, and he had
. .
made up his mind 10 turn the "new school
ma'am" out of doors. When, therefore,
M:ss Westcot' declared that she was ;lad
lo have him iu her school, he was amazed :
and tint shn should tn inifest an iuleiesi
... 1-1- . r ii
: ior 11101, atiu ve nun a set oi new uooks,
was perfectly incomprehensible to him.
Miss Westcott tluderstovl his position and
character, and determined to modify them.
She fell that he was equally capable of
good and bad actions, though the bad now
predominated. Site knew that his active
mind must be busy ; one might as soon
think of chaining the lightning as binding
down by force ihat wild spirit to his books.
She would give him employment but such
as would call out a new set of ideas and
thoughts. lie must feel that he was do
ing good lor others' sake, and that he was
not guided alone by his own way ward will,
and yet there inusl be no appearance of re
straint upon him ; hu must choose to do
Tom Jones went home that niht with
a new feeling in his breast ; for the first
time in his life lie felt that he was capable
of rising above his present condition, aud
becoming something greater and better
than be then was. His mind became iu
undated with new and strange emotion,
and like a mighty river turned from its
course, his thoughts and energies from that
hour sought a new direction.
The nest morning he was up with the
dawn, and wheuMiss Westcott arrived at
1 he school-house she found Tom there
with his evergreens.
" Good morning, Thomas," shn said,
kindly, H and so you are here before me ;'
you must have risen early, aud you have
found some beautiful evergreens ; ami now
if you will help me hang them, we will
have the room well arranged by nine
I have brought a hammer and some
nails," said Tom, ' I thought we should
need some."
" Yes, so we will, I am glad you tho'i
of them,'' replied Miss Westcott.
That day every scholar looked amazed
to see Tom Jones actually studying his
book, and to hear him answer several
questions correctly, and they were still
more confounded when at recess Miss
Westcott said. " Thomas, you will take
care of the little children, will you not,
and see that they do not get hurt ? you
must be their protector.'' One would have
as soon thought ol setting a wolf to guard
a flock of la. lbs, as Tom Jones to take
care of the little children.
Well," exclaimed Sam Evans, " i
never saw such a school ma'am before in ,
all the days of my life ; did you, Tom !'
No," replied Tom, but I wish I had,
and I would have been a diflerent boy
ffoin what I am na y ; but I am going to
study now. and learn something ; Miss
Weslcoti says I can ; 1 am determined to
It wits astonishing to observe the efleel
that Miss Westcotl's treatment of Tom had
up. m the scholars ; they began to consider
him of some imMirtanee, and tu feel a sort
nt respect lor him, which they manifested
first by dropping the nick-name Tom, and
substituting Tommy, which revealed err
tiinly a more kindly feeling towards him.
In less than a week. Miss Westcott had
her school completely uu.'er her control ;
yet it was by love and resjiecl lhal she
governed, and not by an iron rule ; she
moved among her scholars a very queen,
and yet she so gamed their confidence and
esteem, that it did not seem to them sub
mission to another's will, but the prompt-
mi's of 1 heir own desire to please. One
glance of her dark eye would hajfe quelled
an insurrection, and one smile nude them
happy for a day.
Julia Westcott taught school with a re
alization of the responsibdities resting up
on her, and she bent her energies tu fuilil
ihein. Caielully aud skilfully she unlock
ed the soul's door, and gave a searching
glance within, in order to understand its
capacities and capabilities, aud then shaped
her course accordingly. The desponding
and inactive sle encouraged ; the obstin
ate she subdued : to the yielding and tick
le she taught a strong sell-rchance. She
encouraged the one rain drop to all the
j,ood it could, and the rushing torrent she
turned where it would lerlilize, rather than
dtstrov and devastate.
There are in every school some dorm-J
ant energies, which, il'roused, might shake
the world. There are emotions and pas
sions, which, if let loose, will, like I lie
lightning ol heaven, scalier ruin and blight,
hot if controlled, may, like 1 hat element,
become the messengers of ttmuhi to the
world. In that head that you call dull,
may lie slumbering passions like some
pent-up volcanoef "P1-" 'hat closed crater,
aud see if lhere do not belch forth Hones
which your own hand can not stop. Put
helinsmau and pilot to that wayward mind
which floats at the mercy ol wind and
wave in the wide sea of thought, and you
will sec it bearing its course beatifully up
ou the waiers.and anchoring at last n rjuiet
haven, laden with the riches of the earth.
Call out the train bands of thought that
he lurking under the benches of the school
room, arm and equip them for action, and
give yourself the word of command, and
lend on, and see if there be not vigor en
ough to scale those fortresses of knowledge
which now rise like dark mountains be
fore them. There is not a schi ol-room
where there is not energy and vigor ami
thought enough, il devclojied and directed,
lo revolutionize the world. There are ge
niuses which burst forth like a spring from
the mountain, and there are also streams
as beautiful and pure, far, far down in the
earth, which will flow on for ever in their
darkened course, unless some excavating
hand digs away I lie hea d piles of earth
above them, and then there gushes up an
unfading well of pure and sparkling waters.
The sculptor may form from the block of
marble before him, either angel or devil; so
the soul may be mado either a seraph
home or a demon's haunt ; and Jo you not
know, parent, teacher, that il is your hand
that fashions the abode, aud beckons thith
er the visitant ?
I have seen a father mourn over his be
sotted son, when his own hand pressed first
to his child's lips the hellish draught thai
sets his soul on lire. I have seeu a poor
lene mother weep as if her heart would
break, over her ruined idols. Yet that mo
ther's smile beamed first upon the coming
footsteps of Ihe destroyer, and her voice
warned not her child of danger. In thai
day, wlieu God shall bring everything into
jndgment, will not the curses which rung
so leai fully in the offender's ear in this
world, roll back with crushing weight up
ou those who fulfilled not their resjtonsibil
iiies lot hem while young I Who knows
that every murderer might not have Iteen
a minister of mercy to wretched thousands?
He was not born a murder; that sweet
blue eye had no fiendish glare, as its baby
face rested upon its mother's bosom that
liitle hand bore no stain of blood as it
clapped them in childish glee. Mo her, re
member that earnest eye which mirrors
thine own glance so lovingly, will ever re
flect the light thou givesl it. A skilful far
mer first prepares the ground, and then
plants such seed as is adapted to the soil ;
and shall we be less careful to make a fit
dwelling place for the "thoughts ol immor
tal mould," that spring up in the soul T and
.-hall we not care and know what seed is
own in those immortal minds which are
hereafter to be judged by their fruits? The
sower in the parable sowed good seed ; but
that only which fell upon good ground bore
fruit : had the thorns been rooted out, and
the soil enriched, would not the other fields
have yielded a harvest also t
I have seen a teacher making bis ent
rance into a school room by reading a list
of rules, ol two or three feet in length :
"You must do this you must do that,'"
without a single remark of propriety or
impropriety, the why and wherefore of tie?
thing, but only "you must do il." You
might as well exjwet to cure a man of stea
ling by pelting him with Hiblea. The truth
certainly hits bard enough aud so wouhl
stones : let a man feel the beauty as well
as the violence of the law, and be will tra
quite as apt lo profit by it.
Julia Westco't understood human na
ture. She made it her study, as every
teacher ought to do. She rooted out erroi
aud prejudice from the minds of her pupils,
showed them the evil ol in and the beauty
of virtup, the advun ags of education, an J
the consequences of ignorance : taught
them their own capabilities, and adapted
her instructions to their capacities and ne
cessities. Aud thus she went on, year af- -ler
year, scattering good seed into gooJ
ground, and she has reaped an abundant
From many a happy home anj high
place comes a blessing upon her, and there
is no one who breathes her name with grea
ter reverence, or remcmbprs her with more
grateful affection, than "Tom Jones.'' who
j.as filled, with eminent abilities, one of the
highest judicial office- in the Union, and
who freely acknowledges that he owes his
present character and position entirely to
her treatment and exertions.
Truly, "h that goftlh forth-weeping,
bearing precious seed, shall come aain
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves wilh hiiii."
.Hungary Crushed.
We draw our breath heavily, (says tho
Lancaster Union & Tribune) as we write
these melancholy words. Our hearts hafj
been with the brave Magyars through all
their terrible and unequal struggles ; but
at the same time our fears have gone band
in hand with our hopes. It seemed indeed
as if the God of Battles must take sides
with Kossuth and his heroic band. It
seemed indeed as if the arm of the Almigh
ty would have been mado bare in his de
fence; and that the enemies of Liberty
would have been arrested in their unholy
work, by some miraculous interposition ot
Heaven. But the time is not yet. An all
wise and far seeing Providence has willed
thai it shall be delayed for a season. The
dear blessing of Freedom,' for which ihe
brave Hungarians lought and prayed, can
not be had without a still dearer sacrifice.
The contest between Republicanism and'
Despotism in Europe has but begun ; and
the poor orphans of Liberty must moke up
their minds tu "bide their lime," cheering
themselves in ihe midst of their despair,
with tho glorious recollection that
Freedom's battle, owe begun;
B.spjealltrd from bleeding aire to -son.
Though b-iHied oft, is always w.iu."
Heavy Verdict against a Clergy irwn.
Uov. Alexander Campbell, President et
Bethany ( Va ) Collcgc.has tecovered $10,
000 of Itev. James Kubinsou, of Sootland.
Mr. Campbell on a tour through Scotland,
in H 47, was arrested and imprisoned in
Edinburg, through the agency of the Kev.
James Kobiusooj for baviug, while discour
sing on Ihe subject of slavery, uttered seu
timeiiU obnoxious to that gentleiuai, Some
of his friends-instituted a suit against Mr.
K. This sun has recently teiminalcd, and -the
result is decree of the Lords of Co in
ed and Session in favor of Mr: Cain; bull :
for two thousand pounds sterling.
The Louisville Courier learns from re
liable authority, that the Hon. J. G. Mar
shall, of Midison, declines the appoint
ment of Governor of Oregon, recently ten
dered him by the President. A fat office
refused what a wonder!
Oscar, King of Sweden, has turned tot
lotaller.und is sending teetotal missionaries
throughout his country to show ak bless
ings of temperance.
The New York Evening Post computes;
ihe number of slaveholders in the United 1
Stales at one hundred thousand.
It is reported that Chief Justicv Hshburt
on, (the author of "Sam Slick," intends
to retire from public life, shortly, on a pen-
Religion is the best armor thai any nmu
can have, but tho very worst of cloaks.