Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 12, 1849, Image 3

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FOR SALE-SI irarm,
SITUATED in Kelly township, Uuiou
count v, Pa., 41 miles from Lewisburg,
(the seat of the new University.) The farm
235 acres,
of uliicli 160 acres arc cleared,
an J in a good slate of cultivation. A large
proportion is Limestone land. As respects
water and meadow, the lartu has rare ad- !
vantage, there being on il several never
failing springs, and a stream running thro
its center affording facilities by which stock
cm be watered in every field. In good
wimm. Ill to 50 ton Can be cut frein the
meadow land. I tie House and j
. i
Birn lire, frame, the pa,
flatter nearly new, ui'd:fc
'well finished : Ttu re is aWr?
'so a Tenant House, nd nil fS
out Iiiiili1ii" appertaining lo a lurm also
mi Orchard wi'h a variety of ("nod Fruit.
Tlie above I 'arm is ollered in whole or
in patt to sii'l ptitchascrs, nnd a poriiou ol
(lie purchase money may remain sccund
by the premises.
W M . II. RIL--DV, I ,.
r.f the estate of I Ibiaii SiLsnv, dee'd
Kelly, Union Co., Sept. 2, H!)
Pnblic Sale.
HMIE undcisigned. Executor of (he l.isl
1 will uiid lestsieciil ol IVn u Sticcn,
lite ! lvt( liufl.tW township. I ( Co.,
d.-censed, w il! oiler l"r sale, lit public ou'
cry, on the premises, on
liiilay, the lfHli day of Oclokr next,
the following valuable (teal Estate, to uil :
All tliat ccil;tiii" Iracl of Laud,
situate in I lie low nship and county aforw
satd, adoining lauds of Abrah.lfi Wol!e,
I null Mi-riz, Adam Wi'uian, and others
conlainno hIhmiI
70 Acres,
.'! char land, whereof atioul Ivyhicrn
'iocs are excellent Meadow laud, and all
II a slate ol ciil'lvittiori.
The luipiiiveiin us then-en tree-
d ar! a huge
?tono l)rtillii.' House-,
i Stune Spring House, a Tenant l..i c, a
( j 15 to, a wi ll wiili a I'limp at lhejor,
m.i.I a gil Spring ol Water ihout twenty -tie
HT"-ties troin the house, w Inch could
-i - it bo biuuoht lo :1m; house in a ll.iwui
I' A)Eh4
An Apt.l.; Orc'tard
wiilt excellent Fiutl Tiecs, and
l. lBT K '.ill.
Said proerty is sim.i'ed about thrw
luili s liim IjhwI'.Ihhi;, on tie iiiad leading
(mm l,cisbiirg lo New Berlin, and about
I ao lin es Irom Turtlevilte and the West
I! audi id the Susiii li.iniia river.
Also a Lot of Timber Laud,
almost ailj'iiuint; the forits-r. containing
oj.waidsof TWKXl Y ACHES, beie.m
is envied
a Tenuiil House.
Almul Seven acres are clear, aud
lite remainder well limbered.
lo Co.iiiiH'iire at 10 o'clock, A. M..
wnd day, when Iih attendance will be
given, and terms of fate made known by
John smi: ck, r.x.iuior.
I'-isl Ih.Ualoe Tp., Aug. 23, 1849.
N. It. Persons wishing to sec the above
ob ihi. ni-d property, will he accommodated
hv calling on Jjcob Meilz, who resides
adpiining said propeity. and will take plea
sure in showing the same.
"J YSPKPS! I'URKI) by ib use or Dr
1 M'Lane's l.net 1'iHs. No disease,
with pei baps the single exception of I'oii
siiinplion, is so much dreaded in the I'ui--b'd
.S ates as I.-h psia. Oitomatilig in u
di-eased stale ol the liter, it is often con
found. 'J niih C'onuinptioii iim II by I Its- tin
happy sufTerer, who pines away until
d ath reV-ases him frimi ialii ; ) t a rem
edy is wilhio the reach ol all. whi.'h will
elieve all case of the kind, and wulk a
spe-dv and effectual cute.
ir. Oliver Murgjn, a di-tinu. islied phy
sician of Virginia with a very cMeusine
practi'-e, has ued these pills in all cases of
liepsia, and in all cases with complete
success. Certificates in abundance are in
the hands of the proprietors of this invalu
able mediiiue, (J. Kidd & Co. Wood-st.
corner of Fourth, Pittsburg ) The follow,
ma, howeverjtafrom Ohio, will t-peak vol
umes to those Fullering under any ol those
diseases which arise Irom a diseased liver.
"Richmond, Jert". Co. Ohio.
"Mcasr. J. Kidd & Co. This is lo certify
that my wife Ima U-en afflicted for several years
wall the following pains, al rriols. more or less :
Pains in the ri(;lit hle .about I lie edge ol the ribs,
rtU iidiiiCT t' the rh-!it shoul.lei ; prnu in the back
l aM'ul die lu ad and above the eye.ai-coDipanird
t'V wi atneKs, Iocs ol apHflite, and almost cou
suntly confined In her bed. "Since August t-be
haa ued ibtee bole of III M'I.ik?' I.ier Pills,
and I have now lo statu, that by the use id I Lew
pilU, kite haa xvn tent feed in no oidmary de
C'e. Vnder the proiiiilenre of ISod ?h now en
joy good beahh, and is able lo attend lo the do
utrstic concern of my family.
AliENTS C W ScmirLT, lwishurg ; II
J Slieafcr, Milton ; I Geihrt. Selinsrove ; J W
Filling, Nuuhnry ; Mra M't.'ay.Norlliunibeiljiid;
M tiiiir, Moore &. Carkadon, Uanvillr.
A 1. 1 iKlic Oinlmcnt!!
ouiia man wants to wear a wig
Me a1! know the ahic of a good bead of
tiair. young man with a bald bead, is a
s't'l of walking aiicitnre of hn sps-ii-s.
Ili in the many various aticinpi? In rcinc
dv or conceal the deficiency. Ilundred.s
of l In: young men ol ihiscouuiry, alier try
ing the thousand mid one cltemical prepa
lauuus and nostrums for roturiiig the hair,
aie driven I lie uiscsMly of wearing a wig!
a practice as link; conducive lo cleanliness,
as it toattgiYoua to health Now, we iui--n
in laow from practical cxicrirnee,lhat
Trask'a Maginrtic OintiiH iil will re.-ton- the
hau ng a Itald ln.a.1, wheu all oll.ci riinc
diey have failed.
KnU in LiCwihhuTg.wLolesiiU; aod retail,
by Thornton & Djkcr. Piice 3 and 50
ccntj per bottle. "
U hn
For Nervous Dtoeuscs, Dr. Trask's
Magnetic Ointment is of immense value,
and in 99 cases out of 100 it will afford
entire relief lo tlie worst caaea of Nervous
Headache id 30 minutes.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr
Thornton & B iker, Lewisburg sold also
by J. H. Raser, Milton, and tv one agent
in i very village iu the Slate. Price 25 and
38 cts per bottle.
September Court.
Sheriff's Proclamation and Jury
Lis, on last page.
Thr fehi iirt' ( Liun couury aUvrrlirwa ihnl
l will M-H a( the IViurt House in New Bwlio,
ii Mi.ii.ly lh 17th ilav of "st. irst.
A Imrt nt Ininl in I'nitin I'p itj.ilninj Ian d
f Ji-i.b sii'l I'rnlk M.nvi.r, IVnni cm-k. ami
An.l i.'w mid Miitnu. lliiiliir, ctiiiliuiiii'j 'IU aii
of wIji h 7a m cleainl, run! on which m a lug
ilxrlllnt; h"UMt, ft"'"K licu c, Untn CU ty 4I, a
fiiig in m lln Iiiiuhi. uiid ort'liunl mJ m
tin' 'fiiroy if John Mnwier.
Tw.i 1-tlis iu lin giLVr nxil viiina ttbuut hjitl
ii arrr, hereon are a houn', tnlIe ih1
ihi't unt-t.uililiiigswljiauiiiii Win IJy.i nnrih;
idi.it a if r.' on the llr ol Hue, win r. on are
-aw -iii ll iliy.d.sk mill hnt-yaiil, a lgo wor...
Ii tit ami aiuie-liuuxe, FtaUnia, and ultier out-
Imililii.ys ; a No llmt Inla rmitainiiig thie f,.urth
ol an atif, nunilx red P, 9, and 10, ailj.tiuin j P
li'irliifi's on I In- siinth and Ilie Pwn'a I'aual on
ihn ra I ; atsu I ! !Mo 1, continuing af out oiie-
I'.Mirlli of an arte, a.lj.suing Ptiiii cm k on the
Cj aed the Pinna I'aiiul on tllH all add
is i hi- (impe-l) f (ji urii (uiidium.
A piece id eiuui.d iu IJuio.-i Tu. adj lininn
hinds i.' Maizi-, Iltitilw and Pecuia erts'k, cenlsi
oiii" twit ai-ies. rlt a'i-ii, hiveun are a lop h aim-.
rlovrr null, saw-uilI i.ll; j, Ac t lit praily
ul Win I'l-her.
Auoilii-i li. cl in i;,,in i Tp a!, .'..itian land ol
loW'ims. 'clirielijii. D.- mn Ji-rtrn. il i tlmrt,
v.iiila'iiinj; liil aci. ao cii arpd. S hot
iH-i, a log Mldc, and an nf ple rr,:nj lh
projH- iy ol juiH'in railan.
A l.ti in I huh I,. wo cuiitniiiiiiK nne-i if-hffi u
jii ai re, a.lj .ii hn; Juhn H i tman and llaiOVI
Ad.tinx. Mhe.f.iu are a tiame hoiiM and fianie
i-t .l.l us llic pionrly .d Mirhnel Kwi".
A liart ol I in. I in llatlli y I'p a.'j itjing Peuc
t.iili. lu.f of Mctiill and I and II Ktjsier
c.4iiaiiiiii; t-,'3 ai re, H arren c'enie.l, wbereun
an' lo( houe. ti'iiani lim-e li; barn, orcharj.
Af- it" i-roperly of lYicr lloiinaa.
liirtk 21 and 25 iu LVulrraille, cuiilaiuiog
one-lialf an ai re, ailjoima); Oallii l --llowef ; alu
lour I"Ih cottloinaiifi one aiae. ilj iiullig tinr
lUlser, 1 1 nth vtrivt, and Kiiehhy a the plop
i riy of Josi-ph Weidui in.
A liael ul Imtd in WasliiiiKtnn Pp adj.iiiiinf
LoizlM-rgir, lania. Ciennan, Ac. containing ti
aires a the .roj rlv of John lanig, Jr.
He will also aetl at Fi.eburii, at 10, A. M. d
ilie t-.h ue-l. a lot of ground cuaiaiuing on
f.iuith of jii arte, aili iinini wnlnar liilbiah. ami
liaving ihrreiHi a log alalile. Su 8 arm 87
s nlies thared, in WahiiiKtou fp, aiijoiniin;
Mnyer, Swrtitz, Buyer, the highway, lluutz. and
i-theis die properly vf Wtu F fthiid.
Till A fa LIST.
Ilallowell A IJ va Wiiaou. Ureeo Milrhrll
j H y Mason John Crnlce and Ualpii Dllty
.l icol. tinier Mlieil megaidner
Maty lluhnis s Hamuel and Jacob Boweraox
IVier Mririua s Jure Meiiel
Jos D Meredith v.. Samuel (ierman
d.j Jonathan Cbellenbcrger
do John elltubcrger
Janus llniby n AMnH linn
."amui l Hoover va Israel liulihuit
Uhail-a t 'avnl. y vs I'eier Icar
."aniurl Mrrts Firib lick Uoleuder
Moan ft liar pel vs L B Ubiiat till! (sham
Uisl !es A Matsh va II Hummel
J a Wt akly vs Isaac (trilTre
sr.eoHu wut.
Robi ('humbe s va Dstid Heir
1'eter Itlllinvir va Juo II ait mall & Chna Molly
V iu Johnson a Wm May
I. Man va J Lam she & A Billineyei and t t
I. II t 'ho-i vs JacksonJM Faddiu
ln Kamui I iieddas
do Jainea S Marsh
la-iA' is,,,, for Afireeu vstnvnA Mitchell and gal
Henry l.ai.tz vs Green, Howard rl al
l,oug id ol Johnxon for A (iieen va Wilson &x
Mlcliail IVie s M A Mlmk
W Urn Bank va A CJreen with notice lott P
James Miver v faml It.clilol St A Olrfiant
;o Chappul v Knlpb Ditty '
Kinsman urn ,.f Riley vs il W 8nyi(r
Zclleia &. Kedei vs fjmael Keber
iaiiH s Williamson va J.ihn M'Kelvcy
Peter Campliell vs Benj Cawley
W m KnshiHig va faml Hau.t
SiHgleiiiyei'a Ei'ra vs S Witmer'a El'r
W bin & Mi i linr.lnil of Eddick v BurtgesAramp
eamo va Markle Hirlgct &. Camp
Jonathan Z. Ihrs vs S I, Berk
Henry tiiadi-her vs Henry Yoiibeimer Jr
Win M Kennedy A wife vs Juo Hen & JosSUxk
Eliza Meyeia va Jacidi Rover
Aon Mey. is va do
E liudy. guard, of DaviJ Mryets v do
unw !.irnh Meyeis do
sime HenryMeyers va do
Rhoa.1. f.H Cantn r Wsnlr v. Guudru.n
ti ll liner use of SS Frank vs Geo Adms
l'hii-tr Boi;euiile vs W II Thompson
Mussri for Mu ser vs Maikle, Bsrlges and Camp
Jac Hengbr vs Danl liengler
W biilork foi G'lahsui- use M & A va Maikle Ac
t.'mlh of Pa lor Root Hayes va H S Boyer H al
J A E Fees vs Jacob Bingaman
Rol't It ummings vs Geo Biown
n.l M't leiishait vs Jac la'tser and John Rank
t'hiiii iii Ruinfelt vs committee of Geo GorJon
John Snydi I vs Moses Fisher
Philip tiger vs Joseph Charles
S llaiipl Jr A A J Weidensaul v JartJ Irvin
Thin Reed vs Jacob Lewi
Jac liengler Ei'r Jno Reugtcr vs Danl ReBgler
SjhiI Hei.J.rs tn vs ii W Oaldwell wrth'not. to K
John II VVelier '.V'm Cochran
li'ol.l foi Giaharo and (luisl Jarod Irvin
Simal lliiminil vs lh Yeathk
John M llenf. r vs jiul Long
Peter GemiJii vs W F Wagetaieller eurv. prt
Oaf it and Cnroline Jsirett va E I4 If irlnuMI al
John ICiitel va J - Mesder
. , ... ...ipi:,,va.LMi
Jjciypucr ls asc r; .." sou iis- . - . .
I.... ImHs 11 .V Co tb U'nt J v!dA. Pmben KhJT
V.ileiiiine Haas vs fUniy tpai d n f
t'tni-l Haitnau vs tiaud febreckengat
Jacob Kli'se vs Ged.Jes jiarJl
Eli K Price v Wm Tate
QCHOOL-TICKETS priutcd and for
j gala at this offlcc.
A journeyman Watchmaker
1 "TASTED in Lewisbnrg, bf
The Albany Jlrgtn consider the Kran
drelh Pills well worthy the confidence ol
the public.' That the principle on which
Nhey cure disease is the same as that of
Leroy of I aria nod Swi denau of Uerma
ny. That ell the variety of disease pro
ceej from, or are nearly allied lo diMirders
Of the stonweh and bowels, and that by
using those remedies whieli restore to
health these iaipnrlant orwrw ib disease
wilt vanish. The Itrandietli medioinea
profess to carry out this imuertant prin
ciple. We have henrd th"i strongly re
commended. The gentiinr pill forsnle by J. HAYKS,
sole agent for Iwisburo. ibii273
rpilK partnership extsfno in the Foundry
JL business between L- II. Christ and D.
S. Hoger, is dissolved ll.is day by mutual
consent. All persons know!i: theniselve
indebted lo tlie firm of Chrtel &. Boger, in
note or bHik aoeount, are rerpiesled lo
niakn payment lo L. K.f 'brist on or before
the 1st day of Oct. next, as the hooks and
notes npe with inc otherwise they will be
left with a proper officer for collection.
The New Foiit.ilry
IS now carrii d on ns usual, al the npiicr
evnl tif Market tft, where every des
cription of CASTINGS is kepi on
hand or made lo order such us
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Ciwkins Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood- and all
other kinds of
rio PMnriiHKofd.iiw-
jem kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and fit)
Self-Sharpening Plonsh,
a nrw article, and w bich can not be ltat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see nn.l judge
for yourselves. L. IS CIJ111ST.
I wisbur. Aug. 1 1. 1H(I
mE subset i bias have associated under
llm Finn bf
for thospurpose of carrying on a
VVInWcsale Grocery ami General
Commission and Forwarding
businoss LiU-ihI advances will he made
on nil kinds of Country Prishiiv. Place
of liusineaa, now Warehouse on the XV ha r I
immediately bvlow the Hriilge,
rwisburg. Pa. Aug. 7, 1819.
Sale of Keal EaUxic.
WILL be excised to Public Sale on the
premises, on
Saturday, Ctti of Oct next,
all llial messuage and tract ol land situated
m While Duer town-hip, Union county,
now occupied by John B.iehman, adioiuieg
Inuda of William Speese, John lluoniiel.
and others, oontainiug about I OO SMrrt
betweeo 1 5 and 20 of which are cleared
ImI ami in a tfood slate ofT'.
pmTi. V eultiVaaaon, and on
isial fwhieh are erected a
"""8wellinff houso and olh.
er buildings. Tlie bulauce of the tract is
well timbered.
Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock. A. M..
when terms will lie mndn known bv
ROBERT H WE. 1 ExiVois of
wiabtirg Aug. 15, 1819
New Copartnership !
HAVING entered into a partnership,
the subscribers would inlorin their old
patrons and the public in general, that we
may be found at D. G inlet's old stand on Fir!
street near the atcademy, whore we carry on I be
above business in nil its vsiielie.
Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston
Rocking Chairs Sellers, various kinds
Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, iSlc oil hand
or made to order.
.--rrw- COFFINS
'H ready made or
r . Jm furnished on
short notice.
Va lak uLh A b!lMiil.!i lllRSl! in ri'M.
. m
We have a Turning loathe propelled by
horse powcr,wliich enables us to turu wood
of any size, and up to 24 feet in length.
will l ha attended to by the aubscriliei sau tl.e
shortest notice and iu the best slyle.
(t"A!l work in our lute warranfed to be will
made, a'd "U the most reasonable terms.
nemoYlng Itnillin?.
We would also annoume that we have pros r
Marltinrry for removing Buildings of suy size,
front Dan to Beeiabeba if necessary.
Country produce and Lumher
taken in payment and Cait and Gold Dust not
'Fbaukful Cr Pst favors, we lespectfully a. k
S auliiiu mi ii of Uw same.
i-harg, gy 1, IB4 6ma(i5
4 Ui, persons indebted lo the lata firm
t nt Wolfe ij- Lauihe, will ptea.se
niatta patytrieiii to euht r of the subscribers,
on or before the first of Oct. tie!, after
which time no fuithei indulgence will be
ojven. Sam'i Wolpk,
June IB19 I G Liuit
Fancy Cioota, Xatllamn, Wc.
JUST a large and apknJid aasMUDent
of Fancy Good auch as
Steel Beads Gold Pencils Thimbles
Clasps 1 " Pens Viaiiing Cards
" Chains Silver Pencils Uominoes
Bead Necklaces Finger Kings Thermometers
Matin Beads Hair Pma Razors and
Anilier Needle Case Hlrnps
Bufi ilo t'omb tihirt Bollons Walking Canes
Shell iSluds Hcissora
Spanish Waier Colors Huu Glauses
Oreasing Emerge Spy "
I'ucket I igat Caoes P- ckel Mirrors
Hail Brushes Snuff Boxes Compasses
Teeth " jieciaelea Perfumery I
Mdd ' " ;aaeafticuels I
Flesh " Nighi hghta Stuellng Bottk.
I'nint ' Dolls and nieel I weezels
Shoe Doll heads Toys for
Jewelry f!anl Cases Children
Guard Chains Port monies Fancy Pipes
Walch Pocket Books Pen Knives
Keys Acroidl sis Pocket "
f 'lustei Pin Fiddles Hilk nd'lhread
Cameo Parlor I.itni Purses,
Together with a great variety of article not
mentioned in the above list, lor sale at ll.e new
Drug, Fancy and Variety store of
May c v MHAFH E
Points, Oils, Glass.
U3T lee'd White Lead. Veu: Red. Snau:
Browu. i 'bionM f ireen nnd Vellow. ft'rlts:
t Blue. Carmine, Vermillion Flaxsi-ed Fib and
Wwm Oil, pl Turpentine Glass fiom 7i9 lo
lo S0i2l Tar, Kosin and Pilch, which can I
had cheaper than ever at C W !seMmt's Drug
and Chemical Emporium, Lewisiiurg.
TIMT ree'd t'aio wood. Redwood, Logwood,
Fustic and Msdder lor wile by the libl.. Alum,
Indigo, Liiuiu Hlue. Edrt Ijogsioud. Coehi-ieal,
L ick Dye, iSolution Tin. Arid A", materials for
coloiiug Carpet Yarn, carefully pat up, with di
iKiions for using lo be had low at the new
!rug and Chemical Emporium of
"Small frollts and Quick Returns!"
'Pill-' subsrrilior oilers for sale a FRESH
Spriiifr and Summer Clothing,
fashionable Hals, Trunks,
Ingrain, Twilled Venitinn. Rrussels,VVilton
A'so a splendid collection of Theological,
School, and Miscellaneous
intono whH'h are
Kollui's Ancieiil History, 't vols Hvn
Josepbus' History ol the Jews, I vol Hvo
Alison's I tutor v of ICuroiK) during the
French Kcvnlution, 1 vols
Frost's IVtorial History of ihe U. S.
Sears llisiorieal Library
Information for the People
Stevens' Central America
Scottish lints
I lunter's Sacred Biography
W iri s Life ol Patrick Henry
Soul hey 's Life of Wi'sley, t vols
'Vashmgton and ma tienorals
Rauke's History of the Porcs
VVimders of the Universe
Book of Knowledge
Roget's Physiology, "2 vols, 5tM) cots
The Poetical Works of Scott, M.stre,
Burns, Cowpcr, Milton, Thoinval, Young,
tlray. ('otlins, Bealtie, Pope, t'oleridoe,
Roger), Mitiiigoinery, Campbell, Pollok,
Hnwiit, Mm Pierwon, Tupper
Shaksteare's Works. Byron's Works
Ollendorl's new inethinj of learning lo
read, write and speak German
Webster's new large Dict'uury,l v rpiatlo
Cobb's Miniature Lesicon
I'niversal Biographical Dictionary
Leropriere's Classical
Knglish Ac Herman '
Liddcll&Si-otl's (ireek-Fnglish Le xicon
Novum Testa m. G 1 ati um and "
Ijpverett's "
Xonophon's Anabasis. Folsom's l.ivy
Ambon's (u3sar. Anthon's Virgil
Ru lion's Knglish, Lalin.Greek (iram'ars
Bullion's Latin and Greek Readers
Davies' IjCgendro
Johnson's Turner's Chemistry
Davie, Pike's, Rose's, and Tracy's
Maeauley's History of Kugluiid
" and Alison's Miscellanies
A M in Made of Mouey
M ulisnn's Expositions of the awful and
terrifying ceremonies of the Odd Fellows
The American Joe Miller, 1 09 engravings
Letter and Foolscap Paper Envelops, a
greal variety Note Paper Drawing and
Music Paia-r Ross Excelsior Ink Bris
tol and Perforated Bitard Window Paper,
new slyle, &c. &c.
Whoever wishes Books CHEAP
FOR CASH "'"Mild call oil or ad
dress S. F. LYNDALL
Itcwisbura;, Pa. Ma 16, I?j49
II. Ml LI. EH,
MAY al
at I
I ways he found
his Shop, next
riiHir to the Post Office,
readvtoCIITand MAKE
flP Clothing of every va
riety according lo
Spriug and Summer Fashions.
LewUburg, May 1, 1949 '
VERY BODY arc hereby warneil not
'j to trust or harlmr my son, ngrd about
years, named oJv William Altxan
dr JoknslttH, who left mc in January last
lor no other cause than lhat I used him too
well. I will pay nouo of bis debts, and
c L1111 all of hw wages.
(sometimes styled "CoVinx!.")
Union township, Aug. 1 181!.
PM m
ii 1 1 1 iiij
at the
NOW receiving at the Luwisburg Cheap
Store, a Spring and Summer ussoit
mcnt of
Dress Goods Alttmuiidas, Brazias &c.
Prints a lnre assorliucin, Irom 3 lo
15 cents iter yard.
Lawns Gmuhains and I'.mbroidercd
Uiiighams and r.mhroidercl
r rencn uooas.
White Mulls, and a variety of While
Dress (j(M)ds.
Barred and Striped Muslins Shawls
S Ik and Lmen lldkls.
Bleached and uublhd Muslins Mohican
and Osiiaburg tagging Ticking, be. &.
A largo and excellent assortment as can be
found this siJe of Philiidebibiii.
leas Ulack, I nwclnaio, iini ri.ii. ami
toung uyson oi ine very oe-st.
Hardware Queensware --S.tlt
F'ish, vVc. &i'., as usual.
Which are offered on the rery hnrr.il term
for Cash or Produce. (Irateful for past
patronage, the subscriber lnes tu merit its
Iwisburg, Way 7, 149
HAVING lak n the new Dmg EsUldishment
of Schujjlt ir Chamlierltn, I would res
peetfullv announce . my friends and Ihe public
that I have replenished my stock and will keep
constantly on hand a large, fresh and well selec
ted stock of pure Drugs, Medicines Ae. w hich I
offer at Wholesale and Reiail. My slack tang
entirely new and purchased for tl-li al low rate
in the Philad'a market, I am enabled lo sell al
lower prices than ever ollered in this region
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Med . Glass,
Perfumery .Oils Paints, Lienors,
Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
Fruits, and Confectionery,
! with a large variety of other articles usually kept
S iu lnug establishments. Thankful for past lib-
eral patronage, I hope to merit its continuance,
j Persons wishing to procure pure aud liesh
j Medicines, are paiiiculaily iuviled to give me a
I call before purchasing elsewhere, as all Drugs
are caretutly inspected U-fnre ollered for sale and
j all Medicines manufactured by mvs. lt are war
ranted good. Having a practical knowledge 01
the business from upwards of ten years' eiperis
ence, I flatter myself 1 hat I am a competent judge
of the same.
All orders entrusted to me will be promptly
attended lo, and my friends may rely upon get
ting everything of ihe very best quality.
C. W. SCH FFLE, Druggist.
Lewisburg, Ma 7. 1819
SIGN of the ISD1AN!
Cheaper than Ever.
rilll E subscriber have Ihe pleasure to announce
I to their old customer and the public in gen
eral that they hive opened a large aud splendid
assortment of TOBACCO &C. at the old
stand on Maiket street formerly occupied by Sam I
Amnions as a Tailor shop.
Their entire stock has been selected wilh great
care, and eousist of
i'igars) Fragrsneia, I .a Norma, Piimsvma,
Princippe, Werner's Regalia. Castello. General
Taylor, Half Spanish, and Common.
4'Uvf IMliMll TobaCCO Mahler'a Black
Fat, Congress, Oionoko, Branch Stag, Plug, and
Fine Cut.
Smoking Tobacco-Cut and Dry.
Scstlcrlaite, Ac
SlIlltT Kpfa and Scotch.
buulf Boxes, (iennan Pipes, and a fancy arti
cle ol Cigar case veil of which are elleted al
Ihe lowest rales An kinda of Produce taken in
exchange. Call, see, aud judge fur youtselvc
before condemning Ihe articles.
Lewishurg, Apiil 54, I84'J
. mjz rmm. jtj m' m
rilllANKFUL for liberal palron:ge herelofote
I leceived, respectfully in orms his old friends
and the public generally that he h is r- moved bis
l'a i lor Khop
to Ihe Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market
street, next door above C. Penny's saiiill ry (late
ihe olhce of H C Hickok, Esq) wbeie be hopes to
suit all who may give him their custom, as
he does all work in his line in the best 11 ml
newest style and on short notice He Ins
the Fashions regularly, employs none but
good hands, and is determined to keep up
with the times and merit a good share of
patronage. (JUTTIXU done lo order.
Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in
exchange for work
l'vishurg, June, 1819 l270 7
Window S,tSIL
A lot of SilO Window Sash, from the
cheap Manufactory of Sprout At Burrows,
on hand, and all sizes girt lo order on
short notice.
May, 1P49 I i Law-she
ifU. TIIORN'ION has removed his
I Medical Olfiiu lo the Drug store of
Thornton Si Baker, next to Walls Siore.
IALOUU lor saie by'
' Ap25
I G Ijiwshc.
YE Bian aud Ship Stult lor sale by
I G lawshe.
i iust ieceiel aud for sale
IMiaU May 15 II P 8UELLER.
The subscriber re'cl
fully itiiorm liie citizens
of Lewtsb-irj; and vicinity
t!iut ihcy have rorneno-d
ihe alsive bustneas, at M
Hate's old sho; on Second
St. one uquare south ol M irkfct.wliere they
are prepared to Iron Ihiooies or Waggoiis,
and make all articles in their bumes iu
the mom workmanlike manner, at prices
which they hope will induce those wishing
anythino done io their line to call and
judge themselves befure going elsewhere.
Repairing rjouc ca the sh'"at noJicr.
and on reasonable terms also Shooing.
I which is a very impor'ant mat
tcr tu lliose lhat have valuable
, dorses, and slimilJ neentrusiea is y
only to is rsons ol known skill.
i We flatter ourselves that we are able tu
enmpele wilh any person in the country in
Shoeing Hones : we ask only a trial, and
let the work show lor itself.
Alt work warranted. Iron and all kinds
of country Pnaljce taken in exchange.
We hope by strict a teiiii'iu to business,
and a determination to suit all, both in
work and price, lo receive a liberal share
i ,,( ,,uujc
LV wi-burg, M iv 22. 1819
91 Aeij -uum o popunjj qs i iin.oi
11 141 pns jiia ain ujiiuj 01 a'uim! 1 ais sj.ts
-eqjjiid ii os at) in asoid ou op i.Hi )i put ui
-null pu ajnd ,uauitsipria4 Juqi itssipjn.
sjuijiisi pu anj(J suejjcat uoiuji.qj. J
pit saoq o, 1 ''fd ;iqi ni pajopo rata uiqi
jdatot sjjjiil i in piq8ita m ijqi q-i'i
suHmtu ojooitii( pu ziqd.iptqj '1"A 'V
aqi ui sjtid panpai sjavedui uiojj A.tttitaui
-uil 'sjui.iimv pu t.2nj( Kt)jainpr.un aund jo
jt.)o.i.s nianx aaiibi-vauaa q f"n
lqi Malllknl taou auuinj ako Awqt otitis oi.tqi
J7l'ojlnii mii os Atq eqw aoiji nuejiij
pio. Jj:ie, y uohijoijj, -t(i 't; -J
filfi I '!)? tojpa 'Sjnrpiiwoq
uoiujoi) j Xi 'aji q jo o uj
.lJ.iy ,ll U IIOAlO JJlApU H SI '
-fcUOIldlJJr.ud SIIRIJ
tst, du Sutitnd 01 ptsd a i;t uotm.;iu
jrn.Hijej oJatl.i.i 9uisBq.jid ajoj.wi
i:.t a tudqi astii o) poiiaui AJinjtut!(i
vwo A'Uiiiiiiii os hi p.miiujai tp jju Aoqi
tpiq.w jo p? s.uois Hni( tu aal.ssf Ai r.su
sM.)tiJt 10 A1.M.ICS on sn.Tor(i!7i
J,flJ4lr,l J1' l"aiiiliosB Hj,m.o a pile
AHMii' i.ium.i '.tirixnij..i.vort
'sotti3ip. rdtni:ijj
SS ) 'spx j uidif) 'sjj 11 isa.f (
Sl'0 StHIJ, 'Si)ttl0pe VttllJfl
qsoJj o lU.TuiJnNss p.r;3js
iw piiB Ooji'i a (jinrt) no Ahihsiioj d.wij
iw A.M itqi V nil iCM sit pus ejrrfsij'
jo siioa ii.t ,tii luiojui tiiDo!s.iJ 'now
sj.hij ris iij:a M v JV II
10 ujoi$ "nid ii 1110 iSniK, syy wlJ.
-BEC3M3 (cot mm c&m
j 'azat atnyj atMw; '"'MM
pun 3fuf 41 ;o f3Jjjfti fjo
VII' i '""-' " 6tuil i i't(J
1 in 11 us! Pianos.
riMIE undersigned continue to furni-h 10 order
I on Ibe most masouable term. 1'iauos, Irom
the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Phil.td.,wbose
instrument are too well known lo need any p iit
rgyric, having uniformly received lh commend
ation of Ihe most eminent professors and compo
ser of Music, and the award of the premiums in
New Vork, Philadelphia and Uo-lon. For qualities
of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up lo concert
-itch, they ran not be surpassed by either Amer
ican or European Pianos.
Instructions given on ibe Piano, as heretofore.
Reference may be made lo any ol tlioe parent
or guanlian who have pupiU committed to hi
charge. He may tax aeen al bis residence al Mrs
Mail's, Maiket street, Lewi. burg, where terms
and particulars will be made known.
Tha most popular and favorite Air and Music
of different kimls reci ived as it is issued Imin the
ditleienl mui-ieal establishments in the t 'itia.
."MNE fresh Orcen and Black Teasrim
4'- cents a pound and tipwards.impor
ted hy ihe Canton &c Pekiu Tea Company
of New York, parked iu pounds halves and
quarters, perfectly ait liuhl. just received
and for site by JAMt's 11 YEs.
May 5 " Sole Agent f.w I.ewisSurg
Harrison's Columbian Inks,
II.ACK. Japan. Copying. M-iiking. Blue. In
J) delible. Scarlet, Red, Carmine. These Inks
flow more freely from Ihe pen. and give a stronger
and more durable color than any other. For sale
in any quantity by
DK. THORNTON 4 15 AKT.R. Aiils,
lewisburg. I inou Co. Pa.
UOL'dll Keady Shirtings al 3 cts pr
yard Oinghams nt 10 cl nid
Prints at 4 to 12 cts pr yard. Call an !
sue at . E. Bowes.
1 IT ANTED two tons of Rt:S, in
T I exchange lor ftlerchHiitfiz".
I (i Law she.
I I...
IJ) III 111 band for sale al this orlire, or
primed aecnnling to order
JAIL ami 1HON for sale bv
Ap 21
Ri-ber & Iddinss.
A I, Pain! FISH on hand by
Ap2l lieber oi lildmgs-
1PUlN(i S I EEL on hand nt
O A,. SI
Keber & Idrlincs .
Promissory, Judgment, and
Joiut Notes (blanks) at this oBtce.
fail and .Sec !
f jHK subst-riber would announce to llto'
L ci'izns of L wisburg and tlie surround
ding country, thai he has just received and
is now opening in Ihe Storeroom fvrmeitj
usui by W rii. II Ufon ('po!te t?Tini'
tel (f
Handsome general Assortment 0
selected Irom the best stocks in the Phila
delphia market, which ho offers on such
terms as will be moai accommodating tu
the parlies.
From bis long acquaintance and experi
ence in a City business, be can assure the
public that he has many advantages, io the
selection of Merchandice, not generally
known to country mere ban is.
Produce and country trade taken in ex
chane.aud cash at aU limes never rejected.
Lewisburg. June I, 1849
new vnLi'XE or the
To Invrninrt, Mechanic, and Arlitana.
'I'HE Publishers of the Scientific American, iff
returning their ibauks U tli community tor
Ihe liberal support and encouragement which has
been extended to them during lb past four years,
would respectfully give notice that the 1st num
ber of Volume 5, will be issued on the 22J of
September, alTonling a favorable opportunity for
II la subscribe, who may wish to avail ihemeetves
of the valuable informal ion always (bond in its
columns. Tlie new volume will be eomatenceil
with new type, printed on extra fine paper, bu
ufactured expressly lor this publication, and em
bellished with a chaste and elegant border. It
wilt be published a heretofore in sjtrarlo form,
thus affording al the end of Ihe year a beaatifui
Look of over 400 page, containing between 9
and (ten original engravings of new mvcntiona.
lescribcd by letter f rrfen DC, besides a great
mouui of reading matter valuable to every Juan
in the country.
An increased amoant uf care and ex pen a wilt
be bestowed upon this volume, to render it mora
fully what it has ben termed. The best Me.
rhanicsl Paper in the World.' la eolvna .as
usual will be filled with the moat reliable aod
correct information in regard lo the progress of
Scientific and Mechanical improvements, Chem
istry, Architecture, Botany, Manafaetuiee, Rait
Road intelligence, and the weekly List of Pat
ents, pretred expressly far this Journal at the
Patent Ofiice in Washington.
As an evidence of the estimation ia which this
publication U held by Ibe Scientific and Mechan
ical portion of Ihe community, it is only necso
ssry 10 stale, lhat it circulation has increases!
within the last three year to upwards of 10.000
copies, already exceeding tb anitew circnlatiao'
of all the Mechanical and Scientific publication
in this country, and the largest af any single
ona in tha world.
Ttas : Tsto dollars a year in dvnet), or
if desired one dollar in advance, and tha 1 111
der in six aaooths,
To Clcb : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 cops, $15 ;'
20 eopie, $2.1.
All letter must he post paid anil directed to
MI'NN dr, CO.
Publishers of the Scientific American, N. York.
N. H. Patents secured and mechanical draw
ings executed on lh must reasymabl
the Scientific American office.
Important Information
I.OU 1 lie difTn-tilt respiration and debility
attending diseases of Ihe Lung, 0
1 hroat and Breast, i horn son s Compottrut
Syrup of Tar and Mood Naptha has
(teen litutid an invaluable remedy. Besides1
its power as an Expectorant to relieve thd
lungs from the accumulated matter which
results from the relaxed ataut of the system
in hot weather, it also acts as a healing;
balm to the ulcerated part? and a strength
encr to the system.
So salutary is the action of the Syrup
in thisi respect, that many of oar moat
res)ectahle Physicians employ it in their
practice, and we have daily evidence of
cures effected in pulmonary disease
where skill has utterly failed.
Prepared only by Angnej & Dickson, N
E corner Fifth and Spruce Sts, Philad.
Sold hy C. If. bchaffle, Lewisburg.
111 E Se vi vi ek Srsstos ol this Institution
will comoaence on Monday, the 30tb
of April ro-xt.
Instruction will be given in all the branch)
hirh are usually taught in similar Institution.
Sutet a lenlion will be paid to ibe Piimary Do
pariD.cn:, and exercises in Composition 4d Dee
Ismiinu will be regularly required. C own patent
aid w.U t secured, if uecessary, Ul the Classical
T E K V s. For language, ten dollars ; for lh
In-In r Engll h eight dollars; and for trie comiaoit
Ensbsh branches, six dollar per sowiou of is
J. RANDOLPH, Principal.
M m h 35, 1849
Lumber! Lumber!!
fPHE snbcrils'rcouiinues lokeepa gol
I stock of lumber. Consisting ol" 200,000
hit of sawed lumber as follows: White
pine Is sir Is I inch, plauk inch and '
inch, weather boards, joist Si scantling, pop
lar boards, plank, and scantling, cherry
plunk, and boards, sawed ci-thno ln'b.pin
and hemlock rails, sbinilug lath, and pa
ling. A'so lap and joint shingles), squat e
Iniils'r, 11. nls, s.tlt, and coal. All ol whirla
he will sell at fuir pi ices.
Isewisburg. July 11, 1S49.
Office Itemovtd.
OFFICE, on Second St., lately occupied
hv L. B- Christ, Esq.
April 2. IMs
UAS removed his Watch and Jewelry
establishment lo his house, tmni6ite
llayea Store.
SALT Fine Sack, Ground Alum, and
Salina, on hand and for aale by
Ay 25 lULawaW