LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Dcstractlve Fire. The beautiful residence of Dr. J. J. Up oVgrafT in Jackson township in this county, wm entirely consumed on Monday night Inst, between 12 and t o'clock. The fire it ia supposed, originated in the back room bulow, and extending up between-the stud ding to the wall plate above broke out throaghube plastering, and-when the Doc tor awoke lie found the heat) Board-and ail tew or bis bed on fire. He had' barely time to escape with his children. Nothing was saved but some little bedding and a few books. Ms library or about 1500 volumes and his surgical instruments, the best col lection this side of Philadelphia, which he valued at $2000, were all destroyed. He estimate his whole loss at about 28,600 part of which, $3,750, is covered by insu rance in the Lycoming Mutual Aisurance Company. fjSunbury American, 8th insi Terrible Falallty. Sandusky City is not alone in sever affliction from the visitation of tile Cholera, In two townships, principally settled by Hermans, ia Auglaize county, Ohio, the fatality has been- unprecedented. A letter from St. Mary', thn county seat, dated August 13. says : "In Germany township, within seven miles of u, there ba been fully three hundred deaths. To-morrow we have a called court-, when it is thought that one hundred and fifty administrators will be appointed. The disease has been nearly as malignant in the tows hip of bre.iien. Between twenty-five and thirty have died in the village of Ilyatville, in Miami county, out of a population of not more than 150 jiersons. TIkj Case of Rey. It appears that th SecreJary of Sta'e, by order of IVsiiVul T:iylor,imiiieuirftil iikhi Inuring the facts of the alidui:tion of Key alius Cnrci from NVw Orleans, instructed tJen. Campbell, out Consul at llavannx, to f-ni niH his re- turn to the United Slates, on the ground tint he was hound to maintain the inviola bility of the peace of ihe eraoii of every man entitled to the protection of the Anicr can Constitution ami laws. The demand was accordingly made, and Ry delivered up and sent bark to New Orients, lie now testifies that he was forcihlv abducted. Sale of tlie W'illiamsport and Elmira Railroad. Robert Fairies, Esq., the oe quest ra tor of this roajjudvcrtises it for sale. ta pursuance ol an a:t of I lie legislature, to lake place at I'hi'adt'ltiliia on the 1st day of October next. I le estim.its the val- n of itm T"cnl am h IKIV hi, at $700 000. This road wi!l d-iuhtless go into the hands of a company who will extend it to Kiiima, and place k in good order. VVlien finished t wtl! be a valuable road, and will bring a largrVaniouul of tonnage on to our Public Works. A new posiofTure. named If imierKvill.haii been appointed in W oil township, Lvroio--ounl,and Joseph Webster made Post Master. Mrs. Maria Warn (a poor widow with a large lamily) is appointed Post Mistress at Taneysville., Shrewsbury Tp., Lycoming to., vice Isaac l-ourson, it , removed. So it seems the Administration has ap pointed to olH.e Whigs, Natives, demo crats, no-partymen, abolitionists, milliners, and ladies. Mr. Clay reached 1'iira on Smui J.i v. n his homeward route, and remained over Ihe Sabbath. He would attend the Agri cultural Pair at Syracuse. He spent Thursday and Friday la -I with Mr. Van Buren at Lindtaswald, returning a visit which Ex-President Van Buren made some years ago In Ashland. The Kentucky Convention to revise the Convolution will meet in October. The of ficial returns of the return of the recent election, show that the Uewrficrats will have a majority of m delegates in that body. This result wss in consequence of the di vision of the Whigs on the (Emancipation question. The llarrisburg IUikhi learns that the Btard of Directors H l!w Central Railroad, have determined to place lit- grading of thiit portion of the Penn-y Ivauia linilroad U-lwren Jhnlowu and the vicinity of ftiairsville, under contract early in Oclo ber next. Admitted. Messrs. C. I'". Bowman and K. p.Ptatt were each admitted to practice In w,as Attorney Aw in ihe several court" o Lveoinin coiniiy, mi Tuesday morning last, iIhi Juiiuc. ou mutton of James Arm strong, Esq , and th.- latter ou motion of Gen K. F1-minj. Diseased Ptifafoe slcul I not ho rati-n As may as twenty 0110 -rviis recently died at a farm in Ohio, the pro)s-rty ol n gentleman named Keimiek, and it is lie lieved from no other cause luuu I'Sltn dis eased tolaioe. Tht Poje is reprrenled by nnH,t ot ile .-tieis from Italy lo have surrenik red Iiko ell eiitir-ly and irr-voeably U ihe rae i.ivls and as being abtail lo n m.ve lr. l.seta to Bologuu, Uamig Rome to Ihe I'fcnctl Wm. Dl ia ie.i.oir.u.ated lor Si.ci iff by lh: U- iicm r.its of PinUJ' l(doa. lie rame wi'hin I M ol griliu it wt. n lliLe! VkHiu three ranidio.iies in tlx: field. XiwlW ti l.nt u iho Wlti aoU.Uo'o a MyJi A I l.iU'i-!jln. , I THE HI Iewisburff, Fa. Wednesday Afternoon, Sept 12 See notices of important County Meetings at New Berlin, next week. Several New Advertisements in this week's paper. Autumn ia as safe a time as Spring to set out Trees. 7Tic Auditor General baa reported $150,000 for the North Branch, and the Governor has directed the Canal Commis sioners to proceed with that work. "Joy! jpy on the North Branch now !" Only one month to election and the politicians beginning to try to atir up the people. Aa yet, there is no excitement that party will doubtless succeed which makes the greatest e (Torts. 07" We understand the Public Schools of Lewisburg are to commence on Monday next. NOTICE. The Members ol the Cam eron Cuards, are requested to meet in lull uniform at the Town Hall, Saturday next at 10 o'clock, A. M., to complete their organization. (Jj-Prof. Ltsra, of Lewislowa, will deliver a free lecture on Mesmerism, Ac, at the TOWN HALL, Thursday evening next. ' Mr. Lynch was quite successful in his eiperiments at New Ufilin. Mr. John A. tSiiyoW, we notice, slate that be eflrckd iu his cue an entire relief from Itlicumnutn, by Mouierie influence. Tbia is "establishing ihe mu ikc" tu eotae uipic. l'oor-llotisc Mttill. There will be County Meeting h"V in the Court House, on Monday !h 17.11 iV S-pteuiuer mat , at I o'clock, P. M., tor the purpose of giving every person w!:s may wish to attend an opportunity of re pressing their views For or Against a Po'ir lloiise. MANY. Septeinuer f, ISlO. Hhli; Heeling. A Meeliug of the W higs of Union eeun ty will be held in ih Court House at New Berlin on Twsday the lih day ol Sep. tcmber, at I u'cloek, P. M. We hope there will be a general turn-out as tbo time ic last approaehin when w must rally in our strength to meet the enemy, and we mist be on the alert for li-ar be may steal tho march upon u. We wish to see such a rally as will remind tuof the days ol'llor- ricn nnrl 'Parlor. S- veral rinineii! sku. i kers have been invited to addre-4 tr.e meet- i.,f ar ita.i .... W M a.Mla twil WW ' By order of the Whi Stamlio;; Cwiuiii:iis'. WM. VNtiKW:il.rfrr,:.j. New Berlin, August 30, iP'J. Democratic County Meeting The fh moerey of Union caanty aie respectfully requested to assemble at the Court I louse in the Borough ol New Ber lin, on WediieMlay, September 19th (first court week.) to ratify the nominations of Gamble, Cummin)! and Dimm.ind to give expression to ullie seiniineul with regard to the present imbecile National and State administrations. Turnout Democrats' rt us commcni the eampaign like men who have mado up their minds to triumph ! By order of the Standing Cmmitlee. J. M. BAITM, Cltairmun. New Berlin. Aug. 23, 1849. Prenldrnr Tour. (2u. Taylor icl'i Eriu by wutcf, and was at Niagara Falls 011 '.he 1st imC.,butoa arcoun! of infirm health and liuainess at Washington lie passed thro' Albany, New York, and Philadelphia, to the National Capital, without stoping. He expressed himself much pleased with his treatment and with what he saw, and proposed to complete his trip at some more favorable season. His illness at Erie was very dan gerous, and he requires rest. The use of limestone water upon coming into litis Stale he considered ihe cause of the first derangement of his system the at'ack at Erin whs similar in one be had after the Florida campaign, bill more severe. Washington, Sept. 10. The Cabinet held a short session this morning. I lie I'resnlent has not yet re covered from lb fatigue attending upon his recent lour. He is reported to be very weak and feeble. The Ctanmissionersof Ihe Pennsylvania Sinking F.nid, have within llie past few days, purchased f 113.500 ol the State lns, at a cost of f I llO.OOtl: 1 1. Thin ia the lirst ptirchas male under the loan of last session. 1'he Vermont l.lclion resulted in favor of ihe Whigs by an inrreased maj. Prof. Meaeham, of the College at Middlebury, is ihe new (Vmgre-man. The corner slom-of the new Jreshyleri- au Church was laid, with liecommg cere- inoniea, on Thursday wetk, Williamsport. Father Mathcw left B'sii on Saturday morning. His mission ihore has been pre C'ihim ntly suec-s-ful. D.in'n l Lieiir'olai'.b couws out in the last Union Oemuci at 111 ddeuve ol the n Mi,1J'" ,',w; Gild l'illrs taken a I (t , 1Jl,i":n(itu)il lo the lA.-Mibug (.' Fact '. Tlie Whi S ale ComiiiittLV ;a in I'hila'klph.u, I3ili 111st, 'waa j ronn ie. , j 1 0 3, toddedly Metal The Union Timesjiat made convert ! The editor of tbeSunbury fJazette.if he is not a deliberate falsifier himself believes the Golliver stories ol the Time'' about division of tbia county ! Hear how that deluded print talks : - "The Whigs of Union county ham put in nomination a their candidajte for the egisJa'.ure, a young man named Shfer, a citizen of Lewisburg.'o tfftct it ia supposed, a division of that county, and the erection oi a new one out of parts of that county, Northumberland, and Lycoming. It is known that a few individuals in both Nor thumberland and Union couiities.have been for some time silently operating to accom plish this measure, and that petitions are now in circulation, in the upper end of Union county, in favor or it. ' So it seems Col. Siifer was maniinoMsy uowiinated to divide Union couuty, and pe titions are circulating all about us and yet the people who nominated him, and who are circulating the petitions, nevrr knrw of it until jr It arm d it in the "Ttmet !" Now the truth is, there was no such design in the nomination, and we can not learn lhat any such petition is or has ' been circulated. All the division matter known of in this region is that noticed some lime since in the Mdtonian. That paper of last week gives ihe following additional information : 'To our certain knowledge Mr. Shfer is bitlerly opposed to auy division of Union county, which is mora than we can say in relation to Mr. C'auunings.Hlio well knows that an effort is to be made this winter, if he should be elected to the Legi.sla'ure, to have IViin and Chapman townships an nexed to Northumberland Co. A project oi this kind was on foot at llarrislmrg, last winter, and if we are uot mistaken, Cum in;ns wat to h sent to- lli Legislature to carry it out. Wfelher he wili succeed or not p niitu to be seen."' A the Cti'tor of ihe Milton! 111 was Slai ?.. n.: -; n Inter, it ise.vid.-0l ho knows :. h- mRnus. This division story it w.i-)m wei j;ot nji to hroV the real at f .epi io-iletach Peiinsard Chapman town shij s from this county. VJ. Sliter, we p peat, is ojijiosed to any division ; and af ter his repaired diivowal.i of auy such in- j tiiritoiis, any print or any person who re- a!s the chaige against liim is guilty ol wanton caftiiniiy and moral perjurv. It is wliofiv, wferty. entirely fa!5 and unloun ded, thai buy division of Union county is ured or -Xtiected iu Li-wbtirg. Pall of liuugary I Lnle Foreign nrrivals stale eonfidently that tla principal I'jtianan geueial. J Ceorev, wiih his army or 40,tMM men. t liitd surrendered to the Uusiaus under Pas- i , . . , . , . ' j ".; K.suth, rk-.n, and I iow 1 erw, 1of i: low remaining patriots, desponding of sue- 1, had fled before llieir combined hosts Phis news conies through Kus- I sjH1, ai,j Ausirian minces IhiI there is us. mta-h reaoii to believe it iiiainly true. Some denounce Georey as a bribed Ira tor : others think he foiesaw certain defeat, and mado the best terms poasible for hiniaidf and titllowers. Auolher arri val is anxiously looked for. Tl.e Democrats of Lycoming nominated li-n. Parker for Senate, Gen. Bi indie for Assembly, Charles U. Bi-eber for Treas urer, John B. Jones for Commissioner, Samuel M'Clintock for Auditor. The Whigs nominated Edw'd !l. Russell for Assembly, Henry kobb for Commissioner, Robert Pott for Treasurer, and Wm. W. Antes for AuJ.;or. The Cholera aull rages around Pitts burg. There was hot one death in the city on she 30th ult., but in ihe towns about it there were several : three in Birmingham, one inTemperanceville,and three Tinkers ville. The Democrats of Lycoming, Clinton, ami SuUivan have declared for Gen. Packer for Senator, and those of Center for Mr. Strohcckrr. Mr. Quay of Ceuler ia pro posed by the Whigs. The Old Hunkers of New York have nominated a full State Ticket. Another State Convention ia talked of for uniting trie party. The Rev. Mr Meek ia re nominated in Center couuty for tho Legislature. The Whigs nomiunted Tho Hutchinson. In Milton, on Wednesday last, by Rfv. r. Kuihrauli, Jesse S:aErea, of Lewis burg, and Mi Saaaa Heinen, of that place. DIED In Milton, on Sunday week, John, son of John M Pattnn. aged about 15 months. fn Milton, un Thursday week, Isabella, daunhier of John M. Patton sued 3 years. In Milton, ihi tho 3d inst, Monika, wife or Mr. John Bwer. aired 35 years. In Chilisquaque, on the 4th insl., (Catha rine Louisa, daitflhlr-r of Jacob and Esther j)reas!er, aged 4 months and 4 days. In Chih-tqiiaqtie, on Thursday week, William, son of Mr, John Jeukens, nged i year and 4 months. At Nonhumls-rland, on Monday week. Alba C. Barrett, Esq., aged about 58 years. Mr. It. was formerly a resident of Sl'umo. kin, witere be resided, when elected lo rep resent 'hat county in Ihe Legislature. j At wWll.iim'jeriaud, on the same da v. 1 Mrs. li'UKe. wMloiv ol a Ji- volutioiiaiy I ! e. in ti,e Od vw.r ol her tt A' Mtiietii. on .Mnndav, the -.'7th tj!t.t ! l-holira. Rots n Dunn, of Delaware wtishqi. j.il 4-1 years. Mr.. It was on wav home Imoi llallinxe, on his boat, v Sjm Imi was atiHiAed with Cholera, and dd at Mjnt-Ha, sfer 6 hour' il!ai. . ' From an Oeeasional Correspendent. IV. One of the many pleasant rides a person who has time and money may take in n mild day of August or September (provided it ia not dusty) in from Owego, (N. Y.) np Owego Creek through the villages of Newark and Berkshire to Ricbford. The valley ia not very wide, but is uniform and prairie-like, and either from accident or design ia beautified by more handsome shade-trees and (j roves mostly of the sugar-maple than any other highway of ihe same distance I remember. It ia den sely populated, as is evident from the signs of life lhat animate the tasty houses, built every lew rods ihe whole distance ; and any one who will pass here must admit lhat for chcerlul color and general beauty of outline the maple is unsurpassed as an ornamental tree. Most of the early settlers along this Valley were from Berkshire, Mass. Fnn a relic and relict of those pioneers, I peu a waif of history that may lend to give us a vivid insight into the heart-feelings of the tiroes that tested the spirits of ihe bravest men and most reso lute and kindest of wumeu. She relates clearly and distinctly : " I was four vears old at the lime of ihe battle of Bennington, yet I remember ii better than the events of yesterday. The character of Burgoyne's ludian and Hes sian allies made his very name a terror tu the suitoundiiitr country. The summons came to our retired village for men to meet the plundering detachment under Baum, who was pushing into Vermont. Every man in the village went, among them Judge B., my father. That was a dark and fearful night. Next day. we beard the roar of Ihe cannon, u Is ait thirty miles distant. Alternate hoc and tear rent our hearts. At h-nih, towards nighi, the gathered bands of weeping women and children saw a horseman coining towards them with all speed from the direction of the battle field. vVas it a warning to flee hefote the eniiqtK-ring ravage and his mer cenary allies t It is Judge B's horse : he must be dead ! The horse was spurred until his hoofs were upon our door-sill. We had almost fainted but the messen ger, as soon aa he could command words, exclaimed, wilb tears of joy that met a rapturous response from every heart and eve, 'Judge B. sends me to say thai vie lory t orr and tell the women and chil dren they can go lo bod iu iieace !' Ah ! nobody can tell the rt lad we felt from this lilnd news." To this day, it makes bet tremble ami yet exult to describe it. Rot, after all, the Tioga, at the jnm lion ol thK Ch-oiiing with the Susquehanna, is the heM deliiH-d if not most beautiful Valley I hava visited. It is a triangle, each of its sides being say six or eight miles in ex tetil, and hemmed in by mountains w hose summits take in most delightful landscape views. Alliens (or Tioga Point) is the most ancient village within fifty miles, but has not increased as its natural position and early start should have made it to do Its si raighi,tingle street of one mile, has few superiors in its shade-trees ; and lying as the village docs on a narrow neck of land between the two rivers about a mile from their junction, the lots all exteud back to a river, affording delightful sites for pri vate residences, many of which are filled by refined, hospitable citizens. It has bridge over each rivcr.four meeting-house, a feundrey recently erected, and a general prosperity is apparent, especially among the mechanical interest. The head of the North Branch Canal is now at Athens three miles above, bordering ihe Slate line, the I'.rie Rail-Koad passes: a water or railway connection of this short distance will be made 00 ihe opening of the canal. The Northern line of the Valley ia in Ne York, and is thickly settled, various parts being denominated Factory ville, Waverly, l4der Summit, and Villemont, cxteuding from ihe Susquehanna nt Milltown (Pa.) along Cayuta Creek, and over to Ihe Che mung, a succession of neighborhood villas. near four miles long. The New York portion of ihe Valley evinces more enter prise and prosperity thrn the lower or Pennsylvania portion. On the bank of; the Chemung is a large, regularly thaped mound, called Spanish Hill, which will hereafter be a point of attraction to trave lers. Indeed, had there been a great bat tle in this Valley, or a long contest lor land lilies, with a little well directed effort from some of her gifted pens aided by a well- sustained Press, Tioga Valley would not be a whil behind Wyoming, and Campbell might have located his (Gertrude aa well 10 the former as in the latter. Tioga is certainly a lovely, and will yet become a noted, point of iuland interest and impor tance. Phi!ips,lhe man who some three months ago induced ibe Warden and City Marshall of Charleston to take him out of prison, in ord ;r to show them where buried trea sure was, and who tumbled them both into the pit they had dug aud thcu ecapuJ,haa tRn retaken. Capt. Wm. F. Small, of Phdad. Co. failed of rcnomiualion to the Slate Seuaie. sir. IV r non is nominated in his stead. The Rough ds R.ady men have uoiuinalcd Mr Vtrr lor the Stnato. - . , for the Lmisburg Chronicle. Mr. Editor, Sir : As you have permitted menageries and circus to be condemned in your columns. I accept your kindness lo make a word of reply. Sir, you know the camps are just as necessarily needed aa ihe circus, and that both come under the head of "public amusements, for Sir the great majority of people go for to gel amusement at the camp aa much as at the circus. Yes Sir politicians and blacklegs and strumpets make their arrangement to tend 'round the camp as much as the car avan or circus, and " broad ia the road lhat leads to campground," and if a circus or animal show should cause half as much breaking of the Sabbaths as camps do they would be tucked up in jail and what's the difference T O, church members get up the camps, and the command to " Keep the Sabbath-day holy" ia meant for the circus rowdies ouly tell it not in Gath !! Why all the shows we've had never bro't such Sabbath breaking, drinking, carousing, in our Borough, as the last camp did, three miles off. Yes. sir, and to have this camp kept up, many Sabbath schools and Sab bath appointments were given up, leaving very many of the poor and feeble with no public means of grace for a week or two, lhat the rich and ahlo might enjoy them selves at camp. Now sir, I suppose lhat Ihe caravan and Ihe camp leaders are both honest, but people may be honestly in an error, and though they all try to do good, wo to them by whom offences come is the Scripture you may do good, and you certainly do barm. But what of it, it may be said, this don't make shows right. Yes, but it dues though, for what Christians do ia right, and I see at the show and at the camp all kinds of Christians Methodists, Preshyterians, Baptists, Lulherians, Chris tians. Eiiscoaliaiis even "Amicus'' who is so strenuously oiihodox left Sodom an1 his own battlements even ol a Sahhath af ternoon lo attend the enrnp. With Mieh endorsement of camps as healthy puhlie amusement", I can not we how Think and "Unus" and other long-laced moral ists make such ados about shows flesh 01 one and fish of another. All amusements have their evils I am not sure which 011 the whole have the mnst.whether battalion camp, circus, or other animal shows. Si I close by subscribing Sir. A Si BseRiHfH Democratic nomination. Canal Commissioner Jo?i A. Gamble of Lycoming. Whig nomination. Canal Commissioner IIkmrv M. Fullek ol Luzerne. Union County AVhig ticket. Assembly Col Eli SlifkR ol Lewishiirg John M Laiuhlin, Juniata .Sin-riff Am hi 11 alii Thomas, of Union Co. Commissioner JollM WitT.of Hartley Treasurer Damkl Hoklaciifb IS.Brilin Coroner Jacob Martin, ol Perry Auditor IW.nkv II. Blaib, of Lewisburg Trustees of Mifllinhur" Academy Daid Watson, Samuel Stitzer, John hlmc. Democratic ticket. Assembly John Cvmwinus, of Penns. John Dim., Junialn FIRST AKU1VAL! The subscriber is now receiving a small assortment of FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. Call and see JAMES HAYES. Sept. 13, 1710. Superior Cooking Stoves. The suWiiiiers have on hand the Etna Alt-Tight Cooking Stove, arranged for Wood or Coal. I hese Stoves are sutienor to anything of the kind ever offered in the country, and will be sold at reasonable prices. S. 61 J. WOLFE. Lewisburg, Sepl 10, 1849 GROCERIES. The subscribers have just ree.'d n fresh supply of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOL- AlSJi!i, Ace, which they will sell at a very small advance on cost. Sept 10 SiiJ Wolfe Fever and Ague. 1I7HAT is the mode of treatment best If adapted to the cure of Fever and Ague? It has usually been treated by medical men as a disease of itself. Strict ly speaking it is not a disease, but a ym torn of disease. It is the result of a de rangement of the liw. Here lies the difficulty, and here is the disease. It ia therefore the liver to which the remedy should be directed. Here the cause exists. and it is the cause which is lo be removed, or a permanent cure will not be effected. By addressing remedies to the symptoms, we leave the cause untouched, ready lo produce a return of llie chills and fever, on ihe first over exertion of mind or body. I he success of Dr. Osgood a India Chola- cogue iueflvcting permanent cures of such affections is explained by its well know de- obstruent t fleet upon Ihe biliary oigsns. Initiations are abroad! lie particular loenijiiire for "Dr. Osgood's INDIAN CIIOLAGOGUE. Fur sale bv the sole agent, J. Stkreuer, Lewisburg. The success of Dr. Trask's Magnetic Ointment in curing Sore Eyes, is prnveib ial. Those who are not acquainted with ila use, will find on each bottle a pamphlet. containing full directions. Agents in Lewisburg,! hornton iv Baker The Pro- I ;&ag?g 1 .rietor of he Mas- I netic Ointment warrants a cure of lhil rooMesonie complaint, in every in.tlancc. f the directions are strictlv followed. For sale by Thornton & Baker, Lew isb'g TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention lo their fresh stock ol English, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che roicals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu mery. Patent Medicines, Varnishes. Ate Having SfMOeJ a dsw sum No 394, Mark at at. with a fall sapply of freak DiUf and Mcdicinea, we respectfully solicit eoaatiy dealers ia Mess is ov stock before puirha-intf eiaewbare, prof iling one and all who mj fcrl dipoerd to M tend ta ua their peUuoage, to eeU them genuine Drugs and Medici nea, on aa liberal terms aa any other boose in Ibe City, and to faithfully eiecu'a all orders eaUvsted to ua promptly awl with de patch. One of the preprietore being a rrtralar physi cian, a&Vrda ample guar n Ire of the genuine quality of all erodes sold at their esuMiahment. We especially invite druggiats and roantry aserchanla, who may wish 10 become agents lor Dr. Kttler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (staodarj and popular remeiliee.) to forward their adJreae. Soliciting the paUoeage of dealers, we reeprct folly remain, J. N. KEELER A BRO, Wholesale Druggists, lySM No. 294, Maiket St., Philad. Q ORNAMENTAL TREES. The subscriber offers for sale Ornamen tal Trees of every description, particularly the European Linden, aud Paulonia Impe rials, a splendid shade tree lately introdu ced from Japan, remarkable lor its enor mrais leaves (-oioetiines two feel in diam eter,) and large clusters of rose colored (lowers, spotted aud striped within, emitting a fragrance simi'ar to the Lilac. Also Fruit trees of every description.&uch as grafted Apple trees from 7 to 9 ft high, at 12 to 15 cts each, or 910 lo 12 5't per hundred ; Inoculated Peach trees, 12 J cts each, or $10 per hundred ; Pear, Cherry, Plum, N-ctarine, and Anct trees at rea sonaMe prices all the varieties warranted genuine ; also llot-hnuse and tireeu house plants, embracing bearing Or.-ine and Le mon Irees.tni'elher with fl variety of Flower seeds all of which hrfjwill sell us low as they can be nun-h-ised in Piiilddehii. II. K.NOLL. Lewisburg, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY at l..cviburgr. rilHE TKKSTEES ol tl. l uircrsity i 1w. I Miurg wuul l re4iclt'ullv inform its Patron and Frii-nds, that, in ihe Mc hooj under lhMr care, (at Lewisburg) the fullooiug aie Ihe Clashes. E ub jects of Siudy and Cuinx tor the current jrar. Departments ami Muilies. VKIMA K Y OLl'ARTMEyr. Hi i;i;i!n Etrr,'ku-d in S'llin!r. Kiting IVfiuilioii, Ki.tflfh Itranmir, A.llliiM-tlc. I.eog lapby, llulo y U t? A., I'ciiman hip, aoJ Cuni sfilion. ESGLISH Ot:i'.UTMi:T,.ftHe Ara.k.ny. The mow studies as in Hi,- I'oinsrj lrnr1im-ij C'.ulinuid in Ibe une ul ljig,-t Iril books; and lo Ihf-w are added tirneral Itkloiy. lavim' Algebra, l.rgeiidre and Survrviinr. t;l..JfilCAI. DEPAKTMENTufthe Academy Jan. Aaidrmic ('.. English Language, (jeograpl'y, IlixUiry I'. S. A , Lalm Urauiioar and Hradrr, tiretk lirammar anj Krader com menced, Arithmetic completed. Ski. Atutlcmic Cla. Ensb-h Language, General History, I'rur, Virijil, Greek K.ad.-r. Danes' Algebra. COLLEGIATE I) EVA li TMEXT. Frethman f.'liut. I.ivy.Aoahwus.Meiiioratiilia, DaN"' Legt-ndre, Trigonometry eufnineneed. Stjhoiwirt Clas. Iloraee, Odyoery. fiefa-t Ora'.ioos of Uemosltacnea. lrfgendre comletrd. Daties' S-ireying and Navigation, A11alytic.1l Geometry, Blair's lectures. Junior Class. Demoethenee on the Crown. Greek TraguW. Cicero de OHiciis, TaciUu, Nat ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic. Studeuta in the English Department recite with those pursuing Ihe eaote studies in the Regular Conne. No claea in ihe Regular eoume, haa Ires than three daily recitations. All ibe weiubera of the school, (ia three dWiston.) are exercised every Saturday in Reading. Declamation, Luglub Lom pueition, ami Vocal Music All the t indents are reqaiied to attend, regu larly, aome religious meeting. Minora an eipee ted lo attend aurh meetings a are recommended 10 them by their parents or guardians. There are n the Borough no kas than rig places of uublic wofttup, occupied every Lord'e Day by as many difterenl Christian denominations. Number of Students. The number of students during the past year in ihe various deoarunenta, ante 164- The number that have enlerej the clauses in the Reg ular Comae for the current year (sxclusive of those in the English ami Primary departments.) ia aa follows : Coluos. Junior class Sophomore rlaas Freshman class - Ac Ansa r. Senior class -Junior claae (1 13 IS 13 28., TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M, Protraaor of Mathematics and NaturJ Phikwophy ; GEOKGE R. BLISS. A. M.. Proleasur of tireek Language and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON. A.M., Professor of Latin Language and Literature ; ISAAC N. LOOM IS, A. M., Principal of lbs Academv ; ALFRED TAYLOR. A. M., Teacher in the Academv. In order to meet the d morula of the Institu tion, the Board have takeu mraaarea to supply the neceaearv Apparatus for Ihe department of Mechanical Philsjophy, and lo increase the Li brary, before the commencement of the winter During the year, the building now in progresa will I I completed, affording stadv room i r Medicine Faeliiru in the City nf Hmukh I far 10 college students. Another A' 1". Dated at Brtudclyn, 7a April. 18I. and dormilorie I Professor baa been auMrd to the Paruity. and meaiM piuvidetl to enable aludeuu in Ihe claasea apeciued above lo prasrcule tacit studio with the g realm aoceeaa. i Tnlttcm nad Board. nrrnO.N in the frotlpchte Department 3f Academic M0, Primary f 13 per year. BOARD, including t.pdging. washinc. furl and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity al , annus prici-s, from -l.37J to .i.00 per week. Scaaloan, Varalfo.M, &r. j Two Seiona in a year ilic former cniinnrn- i cea on the second TumUv in f Iclnber. and con. I tinues27 weeks; the Un-r rnminues 15 wrtki. I Spring Vacation, 4 k ; Autuuiual, 6. Nt-it uMiiiii hririna lllh lvrfttt,v .n.. i u ... .v.. r i, ,. r.t, ila. u,.,. ....,,i- hrlth. i By order ami in t-hlf ! ilie Board : I I HtviAS V. TTW)N, Prea't. ! GLui:uE 1. Mil.LEK.Src'y. lewisburg, Uuiuu Co. I'a. Sej.t. I, ISO. 1 200 sacks ground Alum Salt, 50 do fine do 100 bbU. Salina do For sale, wholesale or retail, bv Sept 10 S At J Wolle ID! ILJIIHU inn: a Cor si. rMi era, a 1. rVBETYl rVBOYl LIFE and HEALTH irt ia lit ILOHD Oritur. Pmiff. aud Rrgmtate '4 Cirnlam n4 the trkJr rill k-mt keait. Tkr l oa,. I 4 mf alt rrmfj.rt to prudun suck m mult, u BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tm, the? drair'M rrult asvi t remtlt asvi tMrmrj wiB bet fnAutti h r nttaw.ry off tiiM P cur lata tfaaa r$m 4 m Iim quasaiity (rf mny cber twnm the w of srrWlKd TK tits? fJs ( ftsa tfc vfM-td. (Se-e our PnmmmUttM pttxal Thu ITairtra it) wktMy prepaid tmm Ygfofwlj, ssvl cur tbr aest. anr mhstmmU and nmg ntsMjaaf at the hluttti, wiUsuut fntttnr. pmtgtmg. mtkamtmsr. m tntxMft tl tUamsoM, aiwmgtUmtt vengvrmte, Jb-s) . kemiiky Mtxni, mad (.rea mm naar trmTMl avtv hf lutb) irbom BhAMT Pl'BIFIKR b rOUH TIMES CHEAPFM ttusm Miy ifhft rmnJj ia rhe wurid. brcmnnm ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of It win Htrt a aTT mtmnt of rum thaa aw tUliavJ wvrtk nf Mrapial, or any Jthvr rrmnky. wo mwtn t sW Jaw' tlM-ir tioiri Biat be. Thv wtpttrtmmi tjmtttmm tor rA-uiu-rai 10 (JV-TTnirr. m, 4n mmck mmra cvraViw ejfo$ in 2 a MImt'i worth of Urns ITwfstw nremmx. tktm m doUmfa wsjrfa f thmt MrMMnJfa m mtkrr rtmaspf. We wiftA bre lay.tWl H-tmi't UUtcm bawl cured, withia ibe sasst year, 100,000 Prrvtns of Import Blood Vwtvn ad &000 Tales were coHaiderrd Intnr.bie! aa Mrf otbrr pstpnrnra?dfHne mra ar- In tht kahu of aa. iiiaT. If we mmmhld av auw who wunUi be iters ua ' Taj however, wr do tar. aad tsvJ rvsvly to pfe by rptfcfm aaffawjse's, thai ha NT's MroiriNU aare effected cure o mm (linsswea tm Nviiur hnmwj iVinaTf-. the pat ywir. thaa an other remedy ua uarnre did dunan the aaaw- ttm How Mfjcfti will m Owllwr wtarlK CURE Tutmttj lartre, dWp I Utw wen carfd by using mly twmmt hatn'at "f KinmJ't fartjk. 1'ht- ttdlowinr i tlaft iwt wtirdr-rful and annih;nc nu that was rter eftecfrd on a fa a man being, by any med-c:t. Horrid ScroAxla Cured. Ma. J B. irAStTi. of ? , Ofrida Ok. X Y , rv-rtj-aj Pv-emtiT tfltil. til it Iv- btd hevti ntflictrd with cn rr'i 4 lour j'ftr, iu.i the iat y ar rnftT-d ti hra h-d. wioi TVE.NTV iar. drrp, dickW0tmjf L'lckbs Ihta urn am wsw !Hrn ariMinl Imoi ear tu enr hAe wm ohn throat:h hs Hmd pi;. m thftt be bn'thei fhrwiish Uw bt.fcj. hi r waa lev irly d-troyel 4he use rt bin na wna wiioily d atny. d nd an lct-jr kind, r the arm. aa l.iri;.' ait a min i bn t had ntnrty e?u-n thnMjk'ii mU bit Luu rlmt he- had ueed nil ktnda of $UvApAaiLt-1 unit sVW mstisinrt, tu to hfjujit, and that he wm ajar r'prsj to itre tirrn'f-fomr knur wif-a he crMUine4Kr-d Kavt Xhi-iah tt iriva txrarr that nmz mrrmnt mm, PchirTtN. Krcrajwrr aswiM anal rggrod mnvrrm t th tw. nty I r he htl (' Iv- ruuiaf ttmi um a nad ttiat a few hvttirm m' rrttfi pki rstr-rrTasT. f rTi t pvtirutrara of II in. iud tuny 4o-r aumuut outs, a wi PavpHLrT. Thin Mam tier fail mm Antratnliias CI KC dna fx tand aloft a a msmnmmt rd ttie gnat "y of ltB4vrs i'cniKixa, tor we autUi jne ant uniiT. ud taVasre o ottfT fur, eH Utattd. il Urn wra tkrablr-41. 1'tiia eurtr is cvrUl'-d lo by Fourteen UespectoMe Wilnesfs. Vy Iott Tnnn. Wr rxt -', a-'f ? n rr iit.s, i (fttvait ttt ot laJitO' tT Mftr- Bf- rLi -V l.stjsaaa, who'.-- ml fwtl drtitn- Mr ii fi. i;'r j-r -jiri ii.r ati l krft.-r ol ibe Wtsr kjK IIjistl-usJ ly tf o .k-T w stnrt. Brants Iadian Purifier -nr mit imptjr. diafia 4 W blwxi rii: frMi H-ai, S.m '' . sVWejaaei'ea, it aMSM-'it, lmmptt am tr I'liis. fair, I UCT, tjtirrrfs,r setri.ti I hm tara. irw t 'fipiAint, I'ntm in tk: Iktck VanJ LamJt sVa HiltulUf the kiuui, e.tM . w. BR ANT'SMNDI AN PULMONARY BALSAM TiiH HMlan rn--r- rh 'asf ad f-rt if ' !( ol the t -uMUk-d rrairiJ l.-iTaarr. -ma iCM'er pt-Te-ral isth.T iwla-ain, pnttim' t hi aw-l .Wv.vUttdnrurt CJl".HS atn.1 t iM .M"lioY- I K ,! t.i .rnros lUTi ia -hr .f. and , lee-vsn, r- ta." -V n-aaj !y HJV4 at evwlly a list t'uJ mi g iuttmtl bv ilrk -rlt miUy Til'sIM rf riurea f the aan hafel rfimpa.- rfl (l.-e it- flirnv-t mirwr-wle-irn fcra. y m mil Ul-av-- j ire'l.i Nii.. 1HUOA T, atd BKrZA'T- lVI; W031AX savko: CONSUMPTION CURED! We tiv f!ie (JUivwirrc eertth-ate aa a fax t trf rurr. wSffc 4.a M j roTe Ii jutwrer to rn lit-, i r. it wlia-i ! Mfiwyu ,) -a ih ry r ivie t r Dtf. ah-a Uumtt fnJt" I'. m-n T lt- mm w aaltnini-.f r-t : We iel!w M'ntu - e:iie--teia a f. t ni r ire, wV H jot m t ir.v - ! fKt.cr tf auvc lu.'.evt u wtnti Uiv ut afH-iH f ha hi th" tvr Isk-t at .ta ot nWrnrv. wVi Rrmmf tn.i-m i'mimntmry Halmtm w adinimVrv.l ; Th' car-dtwo Uot tutu I altKX W- rrweM s-m-- rvM - aMrVwi mm Mn'tminimw "HaJ htn'trf'U H Ajwium . and t0HMMd ot rasa jt ea h d fKSI'im'!i THIS I kK waa rfWir,i o the wtte i4 Mr Z.B4 Ov ": oi the- ttttrm nt H. '. .- ar 4 O . f Mr. 1 h- nvaj t.n .ttvaf , , liyi-f. and Mr. Irxkrrnaa Wa-tst to lis: BltMr- H Mr Jmm WatT ftrrkiM tii-U tur a asftaai, tnd mtkrr birmt ntaUrmU. expt'etint; b ia Would wMat die. fMrr tif m In jre ol the disyxas a a, a mpfrtsutd and miatrramd nd as reiVrve h-r rrtttt aWrM, aiid tttk a atyaa pitlat mart w. Mr iWfcmas wa nrr-a-Ldr.. rtv bet ot -Bh INT IMlUN rri.MON .K. R M.SAM. H- Uk Vm hml-m bi7ssertli tin- ahrftaxt Md .- a bortean nta wite il n -iteved he rahe rofabiiul lo bJs- it until hr vrnvrrd eOsD atra.i.rta. aid f he htx emmttmntd mil fvr marly Jr f"W -asej; fmmphlH tor p-.rti-ii'ar. Mr. ltKRaa awrvrs- the aNre tWts hpf.-re Trim ti Tovwu, K nf Hallatnm Spm, hh awjirtl. leaf. Tho. Q. Vmjiw, Kau.v JmMict wtttn thfd iV ba known Mr. ly ke-mn mny ?. r ajsd tual he it tan ot Um ir sjiwt worthy aud rmpedabu eitaznMi and Mr. JohV W arr. tn as-rt ivtsit pik-n ol ab -v. Um rmjrt to m (Otad ihtraa ler of Mr lkrmmn, aad that h wa quainr-d with Mi Xhc Jmeu, hivrag hvurd tbens ultra sja ifeul bv J-Mifr anneal Brant's PulmonaCV Balsam runr. COXSUUPTIOX Couut, CoUU. Smiaiut f M Htflimf m aw L'-r: Puiu tu tur nw uai uu, Aar , im (MaMi PuloOMtut . lim hurl. duttra lifu-ttm. Itanun. Unwr Comuturutu ! ALi SKMJJ.2 HA.ViS a-iraua. uum $uiUuf wuaemr diktiics j.d rimicrm rtLroiitE.u The trfk iiw nro-,! pnaan mnI l'ku..iriuut haw Uh . nimi,,,. mM HUASra MKIlll'INLd l"r. N. Ill KKAKII. r-'tunt..rd, fona. IlT. J. N SMI I II. W.lertwa, M. T. I. KU-SMAK, I.K Ueurj Mrvrt, BraokltB. S. T Ur. T. H. Uim t. Aubani, N. . lr. :. KKANCIS. Middlrmwa. Coaa. Ir. tiF.O A. HiMitHS. Bath, K. . lr. 8. WHITK. Frtsluaia. N. Y. Or. C. H. GAI.K TINK. P.inio. M Y. lr. J O. .-IIIPHAN. FaTrnnille. N. T Dr. 1. 8KINNKR. Heary um Hruualja. N X. Dr. O. allli'MaN. Curtlaad. M. . Beware of couoterfeits ! There ia no Brant's medicines genuine. W each bottles aa are put up in a square p.wkK or ahape, and on one cqnare of itw parkage a label on wbi h ia reprearnletl a voung fqt).". anil ander where ahe atantla is a Mote of Hind, which reada aa follow, via. We hrrtbu pntmisr, for ralue rterirfd. lo o fa twttrer here,, 0.-i C'bst, on demand.' lwuicn note is signed with pen and rea it"! - M. T. WAJ.LACE C. None genuiue but such as have Ihe n.-l o the UM signed aa ab-ve. For ilo bv Thornton At B:4lr. li- l.urg; Edwd Wilson. Xcws ilrlin 8 I Crou. Selinxgrove : U&Ft' M., Knwbu.g: U Iwekhauaa. Middleburg ; Wilt A. Eilert. Ha'K- ,on Mrnctt. MilHinhurg ,JXU "'"ra arxl nnlt-ra must be a.Wrw' r " TutT'' XT j lllllXCC SUn.SCRIIIKi'iS to thu Tiiivf iMiy ' Letaiabur"' who hava not paid lb"- I-''" li'-iulim n, M, at,t Jjnuarv.) f rpspfr-tMillr reiiupsieil to nav th; am' wtihuut tuitlicr notice, ti r.M'L T. WAI.KDIt. ffc Hy order of tla Ilonrd of Truslcw, l.wtsbu'g, S,-pt. I, 1819. vn 1BI V ibfj."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers