Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 12, 1849, Image 1

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1 ,,-.' V .' A
SVh iniicpcHiicnt Jmniln Papci- dctiolco to Ncujs, Citcraturc, Politics, CVgricaltnrc, 0cicnrc nno ittornlitn.
VOL. YI., NO. .-24-384 ,
tE mi SSURG :dB OH Rift I C
The JLeicikburg hronicle :
Published WcJneeday Afternoons at Lewi-burg,
Union coumy. lenmilvajiia.
Tbiims.t- g2,00 for a year, to le paid in
ihe rrf naif year; 82,50, if pa..ei be
not madi' within tlie year; single iiiunhcis,
" V-l-'. - lUOM t II... 3 .. SI A 1ll1fT Iff J
to bi paid in advanre. Discontinuances
opti'.iii.i iih tic; Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
A Ivertisemcnts handsomely inserted at
ftO cis. per square one week, 81,00 for a
tnimi h, S-00 a j ear. A reduction of these
rt'cs fir larjer or longer advtmls.
Casual advertisement and Job work to
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All communica;inns by mail must come
post piid, accompanied by the address of
the w riter, to receive attention.
Office. Market street between Second and
Thiid. O. N. U'ordex, Publisher.
6ATri!ZtT, SEPT. 8.
CCTAt our requost, we prpent below a
copv of one of the Oations jt the Students'
( elcl.ra ion of lh- 4th July last.
niK roirjurroN or sationul character
.iiioerous anr! nameless are the causes!
that cniir.lu e to the format! .n of nalior.al
character. Tl.e rur-st fii i. nl are those
which exit i:, 'h habits and feelings ol
tile eope; a-.id among the most important
tl h sy. c.n ' eeiii:':era'rd patiiolism and
t ii'erjM iw for when self-rh inland
V-arlt ss a-ei:'- h1
n the character of
i.a t'n. t
ncy , ., a basis an 1 t-ustam a
siiueture f x i.iKin il lie autv. tiiat wilt taud i , , r r i
- a J l shore, publishing the fame of their match-
while lhe-e tiemf uts exist. I , , .... , ,
less mii;Iil. 1 heir vessels of comu.erce
We turn your n.-n for. moment toVcllpied wry and d ,hejr
t..e .o.teinp'J-.,n of il.e cau.lh phys-l Know whhe piniM on everv M. and m;lde
cal and ane-nl. iha:' mnul-led the national ! ,.. character -known n,i frl,. !.. - i.
vnnrju-tfr ol Ifniri-'.
We sr-e in her form
ation, many reci.l.'nr aenls that caused
her to attain a Irgh and command. ng ele
va'ion. (let gift of .ovel ness, her beautiful
nd bright Itaii:n y, her genial snil and'
talmy cltmate, her ii.npid streams and bur j
-i.ie-,'he poreeous splend .r or her palaces, !
her mngnificvr.t ruins, exalted by the rem -
mbrance of hrro.c achievements, and j
"ent wined in the graceful gar'ands of pro
d'C"' nature," cau". J her arms, her power.
and her glory to rvend over ail the then-
known glebe, lii ir gmuiue influence
indued her ciiiz. ns with the love of true j
greatnes. They e!d forth the golden and ;
brilliant gift of Liberty. Tls?y placed before
her eager gaze the bright statue of Free-
riom which tinged ihe dis'atit horiz-m witlii
its glow, aud was seen by her noble a-pir-!
ants, like a guiding star by the weary in- j
veler, to lead thntn t. the goat of their
aspirations. The nfT-c i'iri, wbi. li her
inhabitants had for these lately scenes,
entwined their hearts, to h.? torn asunder
"tily by the hind of Death. And this
kindled in their breasts a lijiht of un'adin
lustre, which cheered and sustained her
oho sons through the long and dismal
n!hl of the Dark Ages, and afterwards
defused iis brillinncy over the w hole East
ern Contii.eut, and has been as a precedeni
modem nalifil. The examples of valor,
of truth, of patriotism, and of eloquence,
w Inch shone so conspicuously in the actions
f their forerather, exerted an influence in
the fcrm'itinii of their character, which
proclaimed to every people, what she was
aid what they must be. And can her
tin'italed eminence be attributed to the
mere effect of chance, or the sport of ambi
tion T No, cer'hinly not ! For did not
these causes uphold her in the most cheer
I'ss hours of her fuffvrtngsT For at a
certa n period of ihe Roman empire, when
the uotorious (J I'ulin" and his band of pro
fl'gate conspirator had marked out that
mighty city to destruction, and its inhabit
ants to dea:h, the thrilling and powerful
eloquence of her gilied orator scattered
w in ly and fi r ever, wiih the impetus ol
the Simoon, Ihe t v:!s ihat impended cloud
like over her, ar.d se -u.cd safety and hap
piness to her grateful citizens. This agenl
prolecud their fiicsides from the wanton
cruehy and ergirnce of that conspirator,
who dil ghttd in the bu'ehery and blood
aiil agonies of h: victims. Tht9 agenl
h led, as it were, ihe country from an
nlyss of ruin, ard instilled a national vigor
'hat beliily d.'n 1 to resist any oppression
hit threa'entd the villi powers of her
'iisti!utioii. Eciicc, we say, lhat these
causes gave her such resistless might that
b r ev;!e hovered on ti iumphatit pinions
from Northern iii .w-i arped mountains to
"Uiheru sunny prions.
But we leave teii oation, whose constit
ution has long mce been effaced by the
finger of Time, and consider the cause
that operated in the establishment of ilic
character of that nation, whose institution-
still exist, find whose system wears the
impress ol n finement and oputency. The
causes that encouraged the urowlh of Bri-
and ,,. ,.,,,,. (
... r j
authority, which is acquired by transcend
ent ineril.are chiefly found in their national
pride and self reliance in llie hereditary
energy u( their Saxn fithers.hleniJed with
the mure refined aud elegant character ot
the Norman French. Their inoul.ir position
also had its influence. But physical causes
assisted only in a slight decree in the
enlightenment and ruliivaiiun of the Eng
lish. Their exalted notions of English
rights, and an undeviating affection lor
their country, and a lade less h.ve of learn
ing, enlarged their spirit of liberality a
hlierality w hich madu the promotion of the
arts, a common cause; cultivated scimec.
the beloved ohject of emulous nation ; ha'
nished the terms of superstition and du.li
city ; and gave full sco to :he cultivation
.f tier prime elements. Allhu' for a time
cramped by the lorce of established error-,
and a my-tical jargon of religion, in which
fiaud miftht defend its treachery, and vil
lainy under the guise ol sanctity might
commit it dcprcdaiinn, unpunished ; but
against these expedient of amhiiii.n, she
brought to bear tVr powerful agent they
were crushed, and with them everything
that could retard her onward and upward
progress. Their military genius and com
mercial resources added much to their
wealth and power, 'i'hev rendered everv
,;.. suWrvi(.llt to ,heir wi. The,r
. .i,,r . nwA
i-on the wings of the wind to the Esquimaux
o! the Pole and the millions of India."
The country of picturesque beauty, once
the nnrerv ol oratory, ol uoelrv. of sculn-
ture. and of architecture beloved Greece!
,he model of ail future excellence next
cilns our attention. The prudent foresight
and energetic conduct of her heroic lead
ers, erected a national struc'ure of gr.-.n.t-
eur, magnifi.'ence, and strength. The cli
mate and temperature of Greece, so health-
fu to the vigorous development of the phy
sical and intellectual lacullies. aided by the
! itching scenery which encompassed Iter
,ke a fairv-wr..uht robe, by her mount-
ains and her valleys, the themes of her
time-honored poets, by Tempt'a pictured
vale, and O.sa's ivy clad mount, all these
r.lT rded h r the means of availing lieiseif
of the influence and advan'ages of all taose
beuutiis.w vh w hich she had bt en so boun-
tiluily gifted at ihe hand of nature. Did
not these ag- nts impart to her chi dren that
susceptibility of refint ment, that discern
ment ot ihe sublime, which io a land leetn
ing with beauty are went to afford unfailing
solace T Did not ihe glorious creutious ol
ihe genius ami iiiiag. nation of her artists
and painters, confer upon the min is ol the
inhabitants, such an ui swerving fondness
for their own beauteous laud, that t! could
only leave them with ihe last red drops of
life as they flowed in her delem e? Itnghtly
in the firiniment shone the star of Hellas !
Why did it shed o'er every land lis br.l -iant
splendor! We invoke not ihe vener
able shades of her orators, to tell the
encouraging tale of her progress to the
very summit of Fame. From what we
ourselves have seen in the ascension of our
own loved land, we judge what must have
been the (uuuluin, whence she derived the
blessings, that urged her to supremacy ol
power. Greece al-o possessed many agenl-,
lhat tended to produce a greater degree ol
refir.enient.than existed in any other ortion
of the world. To her are ascribed tl'
origin and advancement of literature and
the fine arts, which were carried to such a
degne of unrivaled excellence, that her
seh ik Is were the resort of the youth of all
nations. ' ,
As a final illustration, we gladly recur
to the consideration oflhe causes that gave
birth to American Society. A nation planted
as this was, in a wild and uncultivated
region, and in its infancy resisted by the
torturing hand of persecution, must have
possessed many characteristics of unity of
feeling and matchless energy. For with
resistless perseverance the Pilgrims buffet
ted every storm of physical disadvantage.
vVith untiring zal they labored in Ameri
cu's wild wasies, compelled to defend them
selves against the bloody attacks of a bar
barous and cruel race, and to acquire a
scanty subsistence by increased '.oil. Such
difficulties opposed, such trials beset them.
Out despite all surrounding trials.they have
reaied this glorious fabrc of nalioual gieai
ness. They did not stand aloof, prnj
with mere aspirations tiKin the mounia'n
lops from which the temple of Fame shed
all around a pleasing halo, but ihey beheld
and at:ained its brilliant honors. Aii'h
ertfii.'ient cauc coniisttd in foni-ing their
own goerinni'ni on (he original founda
tion of human rights, uhirh whs lexea'frt
u thein ty a siudy of the laws of ti.-itare?
The spirit that would iiiilorallv al'ent such
atiH ninenis arising fr tin this study, in
snirilej them to iVarne a system of Iree
tovernineiit, unob-cured by monopolies,
untrammelled by any series ! allegiance
to royalty. 1 o me inorh' r country. Amer
ica was in some decree indebted for the
spirit of pa'riotism, w hich is an essential
ingredient in the organization of any gov
ernment, but there came not with it, these
evils, nhicfi arise from a regal form of
government, which in most cases commu
nicate their impressions on w hatever people
their institution visit, t'.ui this aent wa
commingled wnh ail the habits of thn peo
ple, and ail ihe feeling of morality. This
agent gave a milder cast to their o'l.er
passions. This animated them to ninke a
universal sttu!le for a universal right.
This also was an incentive to iniutal
advancement. It effected a ranid nroere
r- ,
in il.lePectual cul ure. For fiom the pei
od, wl.en llie li.itk ol i'lymoutu hr.-t recei.
ved the wandering foot steps of the Pil
grims, there has been a sure and steady
advancement in know ledge. Each day, as
il hath ci 'lie by, has eatheisd t ye'licr in
its trea-ure hou,e some tangible good. The
" n
light ol every morning has exhlbite I to our
astonished gfze, some invention of human
, . , , , , ,
ucmus, some wondertul display of human
talents. L terat.ire shines f nth with "n s-
ter brdlinncy. , TkV T?il that has fttrhertu
poncealed Iheinir face of science, is beinj;
tioli'tid. The canvass of American com-
merce is filled by ihe breezes ol everv zone.
Agriculture offers at the shrine of Industry
more abundant sacrifice. Every tnielli- (
H M mind i devoted to ihe d- ve'ivment of :
its loll fierfection. Every mu-cle is strained
to ait lin a higher li erary eirintion,
to burst the sht'.kles from which the
imprisoned soul struggles t. he fr- e," that
this fair itiherilaii'-e, purchased at the price
ol Ihe bbd of our departed- heme-, mav
establish n character that shall be bnyh I.
conspicuous on the historic page till nations
, . . . .... , , .
nn lnn.ia a I i.... 1 I...... O . k.
.... ...i,, n,6 "'f.
shall end.
From the Arm 1A Allot )
The Covt nantir's Night Hymn
and i'ravt r.
The fo'low ing lieantitul oem - and we
hesitate not lo say that it p wsesses merits
equal to lho.se of any poem lhat has
(jraced I he pages of English literature,
since the iulroduc'ion of the prtni'na H"
originally apta-ared in ITack wood's .Mnjjn
airie. ' It is trom the jien of an anonymous
wii;'er. who is kii .wii to the reader ol'
that celebrated ; iitagnzinc by,-the signa
ture of Delta."
The poem is illustrative of ihe privations
and sorrows that were en lured by the
Scotch t menautcrs, in the tail,- das ol
their existence, as a religions sect ; In n,
bun ed like wnive, the fixed th ir le roes
and their tin pis, in w huh tlt-y rougf i
to wnr-h p the only true and living tjnd,
among the crags and gli ns of Sc"tiaud.
Although it be true, mi h is t-een Jiisilv
remarked by a late lusiori'-al writer, thai
Ihe Covenan'ers, both in iheir p enchins
from the pulpit, aud their teachings by
example, frequently proceeded more in the
spirit of lauaii'rcisin, ih in of sober, reiig'
ous feeling, and that in their an'agnnisiic
ard ir they did not he-itae to carry ihe
persecutions of winch lin y themselves so
justly complained, into the Camp of ihe
Bdver-ary--sacrificing, in their mistaken
zeal, even the ennobling arts of architect
ure, sculpture and painting, as aifjuncts of
idol worship sli'l it is to be remembered,
that the aggression emanated no! Irom
them; and that the rights they contended
lor w here the most sacred and invaluable
that man can possess the freedom ol
worshiping God according to the dictates
of conscience. They sincerely believed
ll.at the principles which they maintained
were right ; and their adherence lo these
with unalterable constancy through good
report and through ' bad report in the
hour of privation, and suffering, and death
in the silence of ihe prison cell, not less
ihan in the excitement of the battle field -by
the bloodstained hearth, on the scaffold,
and at the state forms a noble chapter
io the history of the human mind of man
as an accountable cieature.
It should be recollected that these nit-
4tous persecutions were not mere things ol
a day, but were continued through at lea
three entire gei-,aiion. They extended
from the accwssii'h ol J tms VI. to the
English ihr.suc, down to the Revolution of
I titi 8. almost a century, during ' wht
many thousands perished. '
In refJ-rr nee to the following stanzas.
hirul 1 be rimeinbered ' '.Uh:', during the
holding of their conventicles which fr
piently in the more tioub?eonie times I. ok
plaee amid inoiiioain sohtudxs. and durin
the night a sentieel was s'ntioned on
some cniutiiiindiiig height, in the neighbor-
his'd, to give warning of ihe approach ol
danger :
Ho! nlaci'l wst.hcr of ih hill.
VV'hat of the night ! whiit of the night t
The wind ere w, the wood are f till.
The rouiiUVx starn r rmrklng tuiglit ;
Fri.ln not : ht i r hclhy, moorland ijleii,
By the ihv wild-fowl onlv trod.
We ihimt our f.yinn uulum d of rnnn.
To ibve, an bamiurewnt God !
J.lin;.h ! thoueh no in appeir.
1'liMugh earth our aiml f'h to leJ,
We know, we feel Tin ever near,
A iieiit heli in tiaie of need
Mi sr. as when pointing out the way,
For ever in thy iienplr's tight.
A I'illired wrrtih of ruink tiy dev.
Wbirh turned to fiery throe at night!
Whence rme the tummoni forth to go t
Fiom thee awoke the warning round.
l""u ' tenm, O Intel ?
I The briheu' warfare cutis thee round !
of ,h. fijfil , ,.. ,
The lamb niut uf the wolf hewsra ;
Tl'e fulron rrrk the dove lor prry ;
The fowler anreaJe his cunning inaie !"
Dv et in golj ; 'lua, peace siouimI
Twas seraiiug f ence by field mid flood ;
We oke. and on oi.r lintels tound
' , '"
i Lord : in tr.v rsu we miH'kd it leirt.
t rp. - f . L. 1. t . ,
Wr ecor.ed the oi gmlly's threatening word.
' Uni "u, our P'"' " ho-'ka to upeare.
I And turucd our plough-hare iuloawoida!
tT.9W.f bw bTen'
jr.-;n wnen onij roso iryg
When rnoiiniain emu and valley green
t'oure I forth the loud aecUim to God !
The tire which libeiiy impart
Kelulnrnt in each iairiot eve.
; And graven on a nnti hi' heart.
I The Ji!
Unholy chance ! The corner's chair
Is now the cent of ihoe wh- ruin;
Tin i urn. and bond, mid ileal li. the eliara
j tif all eicrpt the tyrant' tool :
jThai faith ii. which ;.ur laih. r bre.ihe.1,
Ami hail their lite for whkh Ihev inert
! Thst pricele h''r bm they tiequi-aihtd
'J u',,r on.-our impiou foe deride !
sd He have lefi our home behind,
AnJ hv M'"i nn ,u '" 'l11 ,
Mml we in olern leaiiue hejinej,
j y,t ; con,,,, with the Lord,
j Xeeei io eek those homes agaiu.
i .Never in gte the -word it sheath,
!;,,, our ,iBhl oflllj,n mn.io
UnleittTi'd a- the air we breathe !
O Thou w ho rolr-l above the sky.
Hi girt an iut with -mrrv throne.
Ca t -rien the llenvrn of Heaven thine eya
flown on our wives and ttttl-t ones
F'"m "allelujuh suiting 'round
flti ' lor moment tora thine ear,
Th id.iw ratit on ihe aynurel.
Tn lamiahed orphan cries lo hear ! ,f '
And thon will hesr ! il can not ha '
'l hat thou will In-t the r. n' hroxj.
V in n liom their ne-t ther erean to I bee,
Aed in itoe easti send ihi'm fmd;
II tun not lie that ihou wilt we-
'J'he lily -uih HUiierh arr.iy.
And yet unted. unh. tlereil, I. sea
1 by children asking less thaa they.
We have no liea'th th hes lie
In blatknes- wtiere ihey biiglitly abonc :
e have no home the deseit sky
Oar covering esrtb our couch atone ;
VV have fioheit'aie depnven i
IV the-e, we a-K nul surh 11 earfh:
Our heart are ab'd ; we seek lo heave!)
For neriwge, and hoinr, aud beailti !
') SiVm rity of "he -aint.
And h ilv m'" tnaile k rfeet ! we
Pant lor thv gate, our pn it foot
Thy gloiiuo. g 'Men stri-rts lo see
To mark the taplue that inspires
The ranaoaied. and red -e:nJ by grace ;
To li-tru lo ihe seraph' lvr.
And meet the angele fare to face !
Father in Heaven! we turn not hark.
Though briars and thoin eboke up the path ;
Rather the tortuie ol the rack.
I I an tiead Ihe wire press of thy wrath :
fet thunder crash, let torrent hower,
' Let wbiilwiudi churn tlii howling sea.
What is he turmoil of an hour
To an e rmal calm with Thee!
The following is n highly sutisfacfory
solution of a problem w hich has long per
plexed many. 1
"A revivalist at the West has paid this
compliment to womnn kind in general : 'l
wish to notice a little onjectiou I heard to
day concerning our meeting- Some per
sons have said lhat this is not really the
work of the Lord, because nearly all the
"seekers"' are females ; ihey moreover
challenge us to tell why there is so large a
proportion of the weaker sex engaged.
Now I will not answer this directly ; but,
see here : two years ago I had occasion to
preach to the prisoners in the Penitentiary.
Now how did it happen, that there were
there more than our hundred males, and
but about Ao-a dozen of the weaker sex!"
lie was generally supposed by the object
ors.about that time and place.to have "got
'em i" leastways so the narrator stales."
Pretty hard to get around tuck a Inst,
r! BOOK KEEriXCS AT Till: Mi.r.!
i ntitf.rnllv fiMrlv all articles Coniniond i
. . . .... ,-
anna nroM in rash. I hM am lea
staaces wherein endit is given, and I was
not aware that there was any credit at all,
until the day I visited the Soiiorian c.mp,
when a gentleman handed me the accouui
of a merchant who had just made an as
signtnent for the benefit of his creditors. I
send you one page of it, io oruer that you
may have a correct idee of the credit sys
tem in force here. You will s-e that, the
style of bookkeeping is quite primitive
and original. , The bead commenced thus.
Accent Bith of Juh STGuirt and lie people in
tnete aeggene.
Demon Galnin, 4 lb of flour
fi 0)
Ueorge William, the darkey white man
thoin aillia the apauiard fawns flower
g s
M.mell stanches grorerie DC Dl
it wj
Ked ihat live with Dinciug bi'l
Daiiciug bill Deciles, lured ahoaa stock- -
U 00 j
36 00 !
10 oo,
the man ibala in his tent pants unl
Martin thai ha Ihe woman Dt
inaca ihat has the woman with the big
ring in her car
S3 00
70 00
6 uo
the coavu tannic bona Dt
bamil on for .hoes Dt
The boy I leil the lent with Dt
47 00
35 00
37 00
131 0(1
68 00
Ho Uoleman Dt in all
Iua Ihe Sononan that elols the corn
flower breed
fJhenc id ail up to this data
John that apeaka Koglub Dl
Poldnary fiowria lhat cut off the china
iun a hair, raeous aud pu killer
96 00
S 00
Vicente and bis two sons tl ounce in
gold dust
facile the boas jockey credit till morn
ing pantaloon aud .hoea red shirt
Ri-auia Kii.eile ibe man haa got ihe
ahoe for riser for the woman that
in all
7 00
16 00
The man thai wa lame with romilaom
The man that claim the horse IU dol
lar cash
Th. Spaniard that took ibe jacket
Loreuche the Spaniard Utat be the cat
10 00
137 00
frank the man Wat won lhat gamble
y 00.
aueii9al)ea,uie Uanaruer ireucnman, 1 isuu'
tr.l h. the .hi,. 24 III!
and for two ounces in gold dual lent f
ui ill J 43 00
The man lhat set up the store in the
new diggui for what due on halt.
candle, wrapya sorsai- said n col
fee pautaloon pan rej bvlu 300 00
There, Mes-rs. Editors is a iru copy. as
literally as I can make it, of one pace oi
an account book kept hy one of the mer
chants at the mines. Ii it not original in
s style, and, considering the absence of
the school master, an excellent cfFrt T I
would send you Ihe document itself, but I
ish to retain it among my relics of the
gold excitement.
How to Conduct a Newspaper.
In 1788, Dr. R ish wrote a letter to Mr.
Hrown, the editor of the Federal Union,
iving him directions how to conduct a
newspaper in such a manner as to make it
iiiiiocent, u-a.'ful aud entertaining. The pa
per is a very interesting one, and may be
read with instruction at the present day.
"4- Never suffer your pajier to be a ve-
icle of private scandal or of personal dis
putes. II ihe faults of public officers nre
exposed, let it lie done with decency. N
man has a light lo attack (he vices or fob
lies of private citizen, in a newspaper.
Should you, under a false idea of preserv
ing ihe liberty ol the press, lay open Ihe
secrets of families and thereby wound fe
male honor and delicacy, i hope our Leg-
ature will repeal the law that relates io
assault and battery, and that the hlr rty cf
I elgeoiis will he as sacred and universal
in Pennsylvania as your liberty of the
"5. Sever publish an article in your pa
per tliuijrou wou.d not wish your wife or
laughter (if you have any) should read or
,The less you publish about yourself,
the better. What have your readers to do
with the neglects or insults that are offered
to you by your fetlow-ciiiteus ! li a print
ci offends you, attach huri in your paper,
because he can defend himself wiih li e
same weapons wiih which you wound him
Type against type is lair play. If you had
been in twenty Bunker's Hill battle, in
stead of one, and hudlought forty duels in
to the bargeio, and were afterwards to re
venae an affront, upon a man who was not
a printer, in a newspaper, 1 would not be
lieve that you possessed a particle of true
"9. Let the advancement of agricult
ure, manufacturers, and commerce be the
principal objects of your paper. A receipt
to destroy the insect that feeds npon tur
nips, or to prevent the rot in sheep, will be
more useful, io America, than all the in
ventions for destroying the human species,
which so often fill the columns of Europe
an newspapers.'
It cost France $40 por soldier, it is esti
mated, to take Rom,
IdKrat In fl'-len.
The increaiS of the idle population of
larje cities, some sav, will ever prevent
in.. ' . . 1
giving an tfiicient application of ihe laws
lo preserve order, and secure peace and
safety to ihe community. This is a palj-a
bin contradiction. Having discovered the
cause of disorder lo be an idle population,
the cause i'self suggests the remedy, bv
prevent ng the increase of the idle, as well
as diminishing the number. Society have
the whole matter in their own grasp. Any I
social evil is curable if you wont to cure
n. in j ,
will apply as forcibly to the suppression of
mobs as to the eh penient of a lover. l'
you g.ve enrouragement to idleness, you
, mu-l reap Ihe Irui's ol ihe whiriwinrj that
you sow. Every idler is Ihe public enemy.
lyewant at more-laws on iiie sunjeci ; ;
WIl... j.. ., ,. .1. j.
u. wu. ... -!,. , IU-..
Commit all idlers as vagrants ; aud what
e!ie 'hpy' ,,e 'h"y mcB ' h"y" 1 Uu
truth is, we encourage insead of pun-
i-hing idleness, and hen eapect to e,j .y tneed eeBtiolK U,i , his is done we shall
pence. s.cur.IT "r,d order. The devil " j have iua-fer instead of icorJkiiten. Whi!
said lobe If bosom friend of the id'e. mt of few ouf Mechanicsdl 6rsl me worK,
Keep at work, and you will keep out of go , ,he Norh and t0 Eu-
mischief. Never compromise with the I for lheif m8nufdC,ure9machine.fy,8tc.
devil, hy working hairyour lime and idling I A ourflitaboi)t eilcouragiDg home in
the other half. This does more mischief da.UVt ad ,aief, dependence upon our'
than total idleness. Oh ! but you must L.,,, wU Bmoun. to jU8t nothini? at
rel ix a little !" D . you ever feel as hap Lp.
py when idle as when at work ? No, you j Nothirg needs now to be more stremi
neverd. It is coutr-r. t ths lays of nt , ously urged than that, among all classes
ture. Man was made to labor, and lhat of .nechanics, a full and regular apprentice
labor h4S been made so sweet to him, it !ship in a'i casses be i isis'ed upon. Jus. fee
constitutes his happiness. Experience 1 10 the apprentice, to the master, and to the
stamps this fact with a seal not to be bro-
ken. Now what is true of individuals is
true of s'ciety- Large populations must
be kept busy, or ihey prey on themseives.
Snail a set ot worthless idiers eij iy them-
selves in firing buildings, and murdering
. ... . .
" no.u.tu. .. ....
ofthe public good 1 As matters now stand,
it would seem that the object of civiliza
tion was ihe amusement ol the id'e. What
a nmns rous perversion I We have then
but one duly to perform to insure the reign
oi peace, and ihat is to find employment
fir every idle man and boy found loafing
in the s reets, and if employment is to not
be had immediately, commit them till ii cao
be obtained. Boys, idle and worthless,
are now the chief cause of all riots. Scour
the streets, lanes and alleys of all the id'e
who infest them, and see how easily the
evil of public outrages ran be aba ed. As
this must be done, sooner or la er, if so
ciety is to be preserved from disorganiza
tion, why the sooner it is dune ihe better.
As Ihis is the root ol the evil, ihe root
must be cut up. Nil one w ho judged by
what he saw, and who saw the numlier ol
id'ers in Ihis city, would suppose lhal any
were al wurk. and yet we are ihe most in
dustrious people in the Union.
There is much in the foregoing, from
the Philadelphia ledger, lhal is applicable
equally lo idle men and boys (and also do- j
nuihiitg women) in country lowns.J j
. .
Influence mf Dad nooks.
Bad books ate line ardent spirits ; they
furnish neither 'ailinetii' nor "merlicine
they are pUon Both intoxlcuit
one the mind, ihe o'h-r tb bdy ; ihe
thirst for each increases hy being fed, ano?
is never satisfied ; both ruin one the
il l- llc , h other the health, and together.
the soul. Tlie makers nut! vender o'
each are equally corrup'ors of ihe com
munity ; and the af-gunrd against each
other is the same total ubeiintnte fiom
all that iiilozicultt the miinl and hodf.
Macau'ey, in his History of Eno'm?,no'
le-s Iruly than giandly, describes Milton :
A niigh:ier poet, tr ied at once by pain,
danger, poverty, ohloqity and blindness
rnedi'ated. undisturbed by the obscene lu
mult which raged all around him, a song
so sublime and holy.'hai it would not have
misbecome the lips oi those etherial virtues
whom he saw, wiih ihe inner eye which
no calamity could darken, flinging down
on the jasper pavement their crowns ol
amaranth and guld.'
Thrt law in Qmnectictit asainst selling
spiritnus liquor imKtses a fine of $10 for
the first ofleu.ee, for Ihe second, and
so double for every offence of which a
man shall be ronvicted. A man has forty
five cases pending against him, ihe last of
which, if found guilty, subjects him to a
penalty of $114,490 300. w.
The only class of men who are not in :hc
habit of disparaging their neighbor; are
the assessors of taxes : lor it is well known
that ihey never "umWrn'e" anybody, in
ihe slightest dejrefi
l Apprenticeship.''' 1
One of the most serious obstacles to tha
progress of the Mechanic A rts among 0.
(says a thoughtful Southern journal,
whose hints are also suited to the North
is the brief and. irregular apprenticeship
served. No greater mistake can be made
than to suppose that a Irale can be ac
quired in a few months. Without the in
slruciioris, practice and discipline of a reg
ular apprenticeship no one can become so
good a mechanic as be is capable of be-
I h fue lha, c)e whq fcM
i mechanical talents may in a short time,
m ,inii(pd kmmMp ot a trade, and be)
nU,e to d , fWin yb j a bungling
I w , h hn? , (li
,( ,he proijd ,j,e of M xhanic." Besides
,,e mus aUly( ,aj0r ,a gfejll Jdygn,,.
i" . .... .
I nCM. II a urb Mill ..... MmmBna hluh
I(rice9f nor w,n he filld ready anfj c0,tant
LmloJ one48 lhere j, . arcUy of
orknien in his particular business. Our
L,.n,,ard of ohficaiion for Mechanics
public, all retire ihis
'miKli nit wtmm lhi. A nil It i "fha flits-
tate of policy as well as of justice. NullW
ing short of this will ensure jjie apprentice
such a knowledge of his business as wilt
fit hitn to undertake business- on his own
account ; nothing short of this will give
ih employer a proper remuneration for .
his instruction ; nothing short of this wilt
give character and standing to us as
In Germany the young man is not onfy
required to serve a reguht epprenticeshtp,
hut he is then required to travel three!
years, through the principal cities and
towns of his country, laboring a while inr
each, to pay ihe expenses of his journey
and to give him a knowledge of all the'
new discoveries and improvements in his
trade. Thus he becomes a thorough me
chanic. For this reason we never see s
bungling workman from Germany. No?
man is allowed lo become a master, or
boss, there, unless he can show specimen
fthe highest excellence of workmanship.
Laws, rendering all this obligatory, might
he out of place in our government, but we
wish that custom, which is law in another
forin, might require, most peremptorily,
regular apprenticeship, in all cases. Let
not ihis important point be lost sight of by
'he mechanics of the South. .Imcricat
Indian Rei resentaTiox. The Inch of
poli'ical war is sometimes a curious thin";
to liehol J. Take, for exami 1. the recent
Congressional election in Indiana. The ma
jority fr Mr. McGaughey (Whig) in the
seventh district is greater th in ihe whole
DciiMcraiic majrtiity in ihe north half of
li diana. nod the Free Sji! thrown intotha
bargain ' .And yet the Whi;s have but one
member in Indiana f Look at this :
V.hiz. P-m.
McOauhrj 1,873 Julian, (F.S ) 4 h .list. IS!
Mcl.Miai:.(D".i) 8ih 3:11
F.tch. (Pein ) 9th tSl
HarUn, (Item.) lUih St
Tout 1 359)
McGatighey majority over all, SI 5.
Mere is a pecimen of lurk! Ilowfvcry
in live loii roo. 'his sort of luck comes out
aH ut right. In New Tork, it must be ad
mi ted, the luck is rather agaia-l ihe Deiu
ocrals. Cincinnati .lilae.
The Next C-n.-re.s The gain of si
Whig member in Rhode fs'and, ti'fs the'
Whigs three majority in tiie llonseof Rep
resentatives thus far, viz; Whigs tlecteif
1 04 Democrats 10-. Seventeen merntjers
are yet to ne chosen, in district which sent
to UstCongresseighiWhigs and nineDjnio
crats. The Free Soilers in this calcul it ion
are numbered with their original parties.
A machine has beeu invented entiled a
"fire anniliilslor.' which, by a powerful
application of vapor, elinguiahes a most
mlen-e fire ia a few seem is.
The Sheriff's Office of the city and
connty of Philailelphia, is worth g30.00(
per itrniim $ )000 more than the Presi
dency of the Unted States.
Plank roads in the S'ate of New York
pay 1 5 per cent, on a capital of three hun
dred thousand dollars. They ar Issceirrw
i g very jojiu!r. . ,