Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 05, 1849, Image 4

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    n u n ojo u s .
A Kilning Candidate.
: A good tory is told of M ijor
when a randidute for a county office io
Muasisaippi. He was traveling the county
id if der to make or rfnev an acquaintance
with hi "repected friends and fellow citt
wos," (a practice bv-th-by becoming
rMtterdSgusting than othtrvviae.) i-nong
other, the Mijor called on Farmer B..
who met him at the door and iutited him
id wilh all bit usual, blunt cordiality. In
few minutee ihe comely wife and band
aome daughter made their appearance.
"My wife. Major The Major
arose and bowed.
.'Kiss bar. Major," continued Mr.B , and
the Major gmcefully saluted the dame.
'. "My daughter, Major " Agin
the candidate bowed as gracefully as pos
aible, and amiled aaoal blandly.
Kiss her. Major " The Major
waa a little anrpriaed, but at abavlied, aod
aaluted the young lady wilh all ibe woduaty
and grace which he eould master.
Well, Major," said Farmer B.. " you
have kissed my wile, and you have kissed
ay daughter. mpptt gou new kUi ME J"
The Major Utnttd aod fainted ! !
lOThe poet, Thomas Campbell, gives
ihe United States aomff pietty sharp hits
iff the anneied lines :
United Slate ! your baaaer wear
Two eBiMeaye oae of tune ;
Alae lae oiaer that it bwi
Reminds us of your sheine !
. The Wliiie aian'a liberty in types
Sunt bUsowd by your saeaa:
Bui si hat's Ibe Mtii of your srairaa
Tbcy msea your Negro scars '
Good ! But Hon. George Lunt, of the
Massachusetts Seoate, thought there was a
chance' for a retort, which he administered
id the following terms :
England ! wbeore caoie each flowing haw
That tints your tag of awnwr right
The Mreaming red, lb deeper Mae,
Crosaed wilh the aaooo-beaaVa pearly while!
Tba blood and hruiae ihe aava. tba asa
Lcl A8I A "8 groaning saillions apeak t
Tba wbits it Irlk of color fed
From starving EKLVS pallid cbeek !
Good again! The retort was sent lo
Campbell, who acknowledged it by arnding
Lunt a complimentary letter aod a aplendid
edition of his (Campbell's) woiks.
i SEW68WrTHT. A correspondent whose
aad eipeiience has been very impartially
divided between Homoeopathy and Allopa
thy, sends the Providence Journal the fol
lowing parody on the lines that have late
ly gone the round of the pnptrs touching
these two schools of medicine :
Take the open air.
The more you take the better,
F-"ll nature's laws
To the very letter.
Lei the doctors jo
To the Bay of Biscay.
Lrt alone the Gin,
The Brandy and the Whiskey.
Freely exercise,
Krcp your spirits cheerful,
L"t no dread of sickness
Make vou over fearful.
Eat the simplest food,
ltfink the pure Cold water
Then you ill he well.
Or nt least you' ought In.
" rilear how tlieeiitor of the Vermont
Mercury talk to borrowing inJiviJuala
Got a paper lo spare V
r Ves sir ; hereone of our last. lVou!d
you like to subscribe, air, and take it reg
klarly V ' .
-I would, but I am loo poor.r
That man had just come from the circus,
eosl 50 cents ; liwt time from his farm 50
cents ; lirjuor, j'idtcing from the smell, at
leaat 50 cents making a dollar and a half
actually thrown a way. aud ibeo begging
for a tiewaiaper, alleging that be is Uto
poor lo pay for it.- .
That's what we call "saving at the )ig
ot and 'win at the bunu hole."
Touching the Sympathies ' Arrah,
Pat, and why d'd you marry met Just
tel m that -for it's mcself that's had to
maintain ye ever since Father O'Funcgan
geot me to yerH'ue.''
' Swate jewel,' replied Pat, not relish
' ig the chnrge, "and its uieself that hojs
lo live to eee ih day that ye're a widow
waning over Ihe cold sod thai covers me.
then by St. Patrick, I'll ee how you get
long without me, honey dear."
What n that which if a man has, he
. would not wish' to Inae Y It ho has not
. be would nor wMt lit have I And which,
when be bat gained, he hot it nu longer 1
D'ye give it up T (A lu asuit.)'
f.iterary. A irrniltnian, looking tixn
an ectemive conflagration, epreed hi
surprise in three words raeh the nana? o'
an English author " Dicki-os ! Hkw in
A Politician. Tnere i a man in "r
noia, named Barrow, wlio has changed hi
pnlriir-s to uftrn that he ha now got the
sobriquet of wheel Birtow.
i Home doacrndont ul 6tiUmn has aviae
j rritrk'd, that llto who pt to law lor
dumtigti, mti airn gil thrm ! j
T!r of dim mUo ppeaks II to V 0 of
vt. Ilw v(!i ek all Iw sow her
Hun-AaasaAM b.Wilso. Piertdrnt Judge
of Ihe 20h Judicial Dia'ricl.aud Juhn M mttbui
in J Jacob Witttnmytr, E.qa. Aaaoci.lt J oilgea iu
Union coonty. he issued iheir prcrit beating
late Ibe 36 day of May 184 and to me directed
lor holding an OrpLeiw' CooeLCoU't of Common
Pleea, Ojer snd Trrniinar aud Oru si tguaiM
Ses.ions al Nt-w Ueilin for Ihe county of L'lii.-n
oo Ihe tJ Holiday or Kept tirit (being Ihe
17th day) nd In eonlitrtie iw Wrens
N'tire is Aerrfo.a hrr.bt giD lo tha Coro
nor, Justice ef ihe Peace and Coo'iai.lee io ai.u
for Ae eounty of Union, lo a1ar in their own
proper rsous wiib liieir rolls, reci.rJa, iuquisi
tioas, eaarainaliona and oihtr rcmB.b(sncrs to
do tbuse lUuls abich of ihu uflicsa a d in uVir
tehlf ajperain io be done ; and all wlaari
sad uabsr Maaone sfeaecatsai bahslf of rtie
CeaaaaoawsaluB agaiaai ssT nesaaase' reauired
to be tbaa ewi saass aiwndnig awi not deuari
wiltwut teetc. Jusaicaa at n-easeled io be unc
asl m atsradMMr 1 the aaMiid
Gtaaa ende asv bawd ewa seal at ihe Sber'riTs
aaV ai Naw Beilia, teas td day ot August. A 1)
lata aad is ihe Ittb vear of Ibe ludaiendence ol
tbt'uied Slates of Aaarrira
HE UT 8 UUV KK. fneriu
God tare tke Commuwcraltk !
Grand Jurors, Sept. 17, 1949.
New Berlin : Samuel Hunt
Union : M Engl. P Seebold. I Mitchell
Peitus : Matthias Dunbacti, K E Knule
Perry : Jac Stiver, J Fisher, P Arbogast
Wasbiugton : Jac S:roub
Chapman : Francis Neiiz
Middiecreek : r rederick naus
Heaver : Solomon F.ngel
West Beaver: Hnry Aurand
West Buffalo : John' Miller, VVm. Taylor
Hartley : Sumuel Haupt
M.fflnihutg : Thninaa Lehman, JnhnGast
Lewishurg : Peter Hursh, Wm Wilson
Kasi BufTahie: Wm Brown, Leonard Wolf
BufTaloe : Gideou Bt ale
Ttavrtu Jurori.
Union: Jiiaf)rwi,John Kow, JehnGooH,
John F Mize, Cornelius Peilman, Mar
tin Dunkle, Henry Fiock.Adam Maiie
Penns: Leonard App. Gideon Leisenring,
John Kriter, Jln S V altor.Laac Wood
tinff. Michael Kneitz. Jacob Kihlilet
Perry: Fred Sehrawler, And Khler, Jo-
oaaSnder, wm tleiges, Jonn iweos,
A. Swineford
Washinolnn : lacoh Hendrick
Centre : John P Smith, Geo Yaring, Pe
ter train, Jacob Wnlier, a. ol o
Heaver : Klias Wriilel. J. hn Brunner,
Henry Shiptor. Jno Tmnel, Jno SUitou
West Beaver : J ph Siun.d
West Buftiloe: Ann Forater, Wm Eilert
Hartley : Ab Frederick, J -hn Dale, Peter
MifHmburg : Chwrlea Montelius
BufTaloe : John lloticn
KjikI niifTalne ; Sntmiel Relier
Lewisbur : S F Lyndsll, Thomas Reber,
1 horniis Ae-bit
While Deer: J .hn Fisher, Samue. Hend
erson, John St flair
Killy : Philip tiemherling. John Shuck
Pefif Jtrrort, 2d Wttk.)
New Berlin : i T L-mnn, Win Peters
Union : J IKiy Jr G-o Klinr.J M Waller
Penn : George Row, Juepli Stliar', W m
J May, Saniu.l C Fis'riir.
Perry : Samuel 5hnd!e
Waphintou : Dmiiel German. Jt-re. Re-
paaa. W'm Schorh, Cietirsje C Mjer
Chapman: Caper Arnold, Gi-o'ge Iler-
rold, Jr., Klma holl
West Beaver : Sum SlumpfT, DHiiiel Wag-
nt r, seur, SoloiiHin Koinm. Jr.
West Btiffali : Marcus Tea, Sain'l P'-ll-
mm. S S KtrtM-r
Hartley : John Stcliler, Jas Gluer, Wm
If ji.t itiHon
M lHinh'jrp : J hn t?..tchall
BufTalo" :- John Simen'on,A'in Vanvalz .h,
Michnel Fich'horn
Lew is bum : Ivvi B Chriitt, James Kelly
White Deer: I'anl Guodlautlvr, J as Mar
" shall, Andrew Yotinjr
Kelly:' Siimuel Sputts, Jr.
This eicelteni rompnuittt is tor sale by ibe
proprHm'a ArnK-J cartar. Lewitbitri; .
Msy & Clo-e. Bi'lin--e ; M Withiw-In. Nor
ihumbeHaad ; J II Riser, Milton ; (i I 4 F Piper,
CASTOR and Sweet Od.liiidnnum.Par
egnrie.Godfrej's Cordial, Epaom Salta,
Saleratos. Cream Tartar. lsr. h, OpeoXpor, Bsl
am of Li e, isl PoJs, Balaam de Maltha. Worn
Tea.' "ainphor.Gii.gi-r. I innamon.t loves, Prpiier.
NuimegS. Msgnreia, Mosiard. O-'iunt, Morpbe.
Quiuine, rioHa Powders. Sic. ear sale al
;.W.KchsnVs D'u ax I lirmirel Emnoriuai
A Word to the AfilcteiL
6(000 iersons in Philailelphin alone
have witnessed with astonishment the won
derful tfficacy of
Thomson's Compound Syrup of
Tar and Wocd Naptha
in curing Consumption, Asthma, Bronch
itis, obstinate Coughs, Peine in Ihe Side
or Hreat, Liver Compiaiut, fcc &c.
'This pteparation is en'irely a tffctnbh
remedy, and may be adininiaiered Willi
tiertect safety to ihe "e Me. adult or child
It power as an Karecloraut is admirably
adapted to nlieve the oppreain in pul
monary dnac, and while it minimis nature
in throwing off the vitiated mallet whirl
rnllecis In the imury of the syaiem, it act
j a general tome or sinfaiilhfner. ;
The testimony ef l'haictina and other
'i. llie value of ihw urce't remedy, has kern
f the iw.t siti-ag'-tiiry km J. and h.i
twin il a rharacter and standard at
hat has placed il lievond Competition for
he) vaiKHia diaeasea fur which it is ein
lovad. i ..-. - j
Prepared only a he N E. corner Pifih
nd Ntrnee sireeia, PhiUili Iphia.
Hold hy C. If. Srhnfjlc, Sole A seal for
'i.lur.y end" uriui'). ?7a i
rpilE TRUSTEES of the Unieereity al Lew
I uburg would resfiectlully inform lis Psuen
and Friends, ibat. in the School under iheir esre.
(at Lewitburg) ihe folkxsinx ate Ihe Claaes, Sub
jects of Stody snd EierrMc lor Ibe eurient year :
c rttatemta ased sindlen.
Sn Clawta ElSreiaed io Spelling, Kesiling
Definition. Enghali Ora-anisr, Arilhravtic. beog
iHhy, Hiio.y V 8. A.. Peumn.bip, end Com-
EiXGLISH DEPART HE XT of the Aeaikmy.
Ths same atodies as in Ihe Primary DrpirtineM
continued in ibe use of Isrger Irtt books ; and lo
these are added General History. Uaviea' Atgebia,
Legendre and Survey insj. 49 members.
my (Regular Course.)
Jim. Academic Cttut 35 mem hers. English
Language. Geograpt y. History U. 9. A . Latin
Header and Ureuunar.lireee Uramiasraod Reader
coiamenosd. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Academic CUtt IS membeis. Enilih
Lsnguage, General History, Lslin Reader, Virgil
Cicero Ureek Rradrr, Davias' Algebra.
Frtthman CLum 14 members. Horace, I.i'T.
Anabasis, Memorabilia, JJaviee' Legendre, Trigo
aumetry commenced.
Sophomore Chat membrrs. Horace. Me
morabilia. Iliad. Lrgendre eompleted. Daies' Sur
eying and .Navigation, Come Sections, Ulsir'a
Students in ibe Regular course 59.
8todentain tbe English Depsrtment rscite with
those puKoing the same studies in the Regular
course: brnce ihere are in tbe First class English
Cimiuiuar. Sit nwmbrre ; Second chaa EiialMh
(jisimnsr 54 ; Prrsi elss Anthroetie. 41 ; Second
eles Ariihnietie. SH ; teeographv. 39 ; Algebra.
33 ; Geometry. 39 : Purveying, 13.
liio clase in the Regular course, has less than
three dally rrcilslioiia. All tbe members of the
cbool, (in three division,) are eieisised eerj
Saturday in Reading, Declamation, English Com
position, snd Vocal Music.
Ail the students are required lo ettenj. regu
larly, some religious meeting. Minors are epec
ted lo attend surh meetings as ste recommended
o I linn by their psri uls or guardiaus- There are
in tbe Borough no less ihsn ii plarea of public
worship, occupied every Ssbbalh by as msny dif
ferent C bristian denominations.
Present number of Sludeuts 133.
The Trustees have recently elected Iwo Pro
fi-antrs. via Geo. U. PIms and Geo W. Anderson.
Prof. Bliss is eipecled In enter uon the duties ol
bis office net! Msv.and Prof Anderson next Or
toltr Messrs. S W'.Tsy lor. A.Ta l-r and I. N
l.ooniis. are alieady in Ihe service of tbe Hoard.
The following, therefore, is tbe lisi of Teachers:
STEPHEN W. TA VI.OR, A. M, Prof. Msib-
emetics and Nalursl I hilosophy ;
C.KOKGE R. BLISS, A. Prol. Greek Lan-
gasga and Litersture ;
Language end Literature ;
IMA At! N. 1.IMIMIS, A. M . I Trs.hcrs in ibe
AI.1 HLD i AYLOR, A. M , S Academy.
A T.ihrsry ia commenml ; a aegoiialion is in
protress lo supply (within 4 months) tbe drpsit
n.ent of Michsliit al Philosophy wiih s complrti
Apparsms: one ol the University eilifices is fiui.h
ril, snd srrei.a nieiits are msite to have ibeni sll
completed l) ibe 1st July.ltSSO iiiihorl,rhe'lru-
Im. Iisvme pnivured, ' in Mihrcripuoiw deeiiiid
valid, tbe full sum of llHi naO," hat adopted
u.vs'UO'S lo meet the engrncies of the school, 'hal
its uirmliere msy not be disapfoinlrd uf suitable
insliuctmn, Lo.'ks, spptratus, or rooms.
TnlUon and Buard.
Tfin in ihe PriuiaiyDeartnent I2 ayear.
Et.alisb Drfisriineot $16. Clsssicsl
H iA lD. inrludiiia l.ilsirie. washing, fori and
liahi, cn be bsd in ihe villsge snd its vicinity s'
aii u prices, Irom 1,3?J to ,50 per wteiu
fscaalona, w tttiuaa, Jtc.
Twa Sessions iu a year Ihe former cuinmru
res on the second Tuesday in October, "fj con
Mnues 97 weeks; the Ulier continues IS wi-ek-.
spring Vscatiou, 4 w,rs ; Aulumual, 6. Nrx
session begins 17th Msy.
Tbe Board are happy lo add thai Lewiahurg
is at potent, as It ever has Ion. eicrediirgl)
By order aud in brhalfnf ihe Board :
Lewisburg Uui-.m Co. Ps. Feb. I, M9
Consumption disarmed of i'.s Terrors !
I I AsTlNtiSS'C'omtouriri tijrup of Sup
J.X tha x positive cute lor Consumption,
Upline, A si li mil. nnd all diseases ol the
chuei und lungs a smglu b'jtilu will prove
iu flii'iicy.
The proprietor not only remminends hi
Nam iti iSvatr, but warr.iitt it to cure!
lie warriiiis it loact upon the chyle, and
purily it ; he warrants it lo remove all un
peduneuis whiih retard I lie free circulation
of the blood ; he warrants it in oj-en the
internal and etlerual pores ol ihe body ami
-jei i all the obiioiious p;n tit les which hnvi
nccuniuhiled in the avatein ; he WHrrunta ii
as a in v.-r-!ailiiic reined) in lisx;lic lever,
night sw ats, dyapepsin, liver complaint,
pain in ihe chest, and aathma ; and be war
rants il lo arrest ihe lornmti n of luhercles
in the luigs. and to heal those already
lotined, so lh.it persona in consumption
may t'ke it with the most positive confi
dence of a cure, for its great seal of action
is Ihe lunt; t, whirh it penetrates in all di
rection!", purifying them of everything
obnoxious in its progress, and which, il
applied according lo direetions, it can not
fail to leave in a perfectly healthy coudi
'inn. Agent at Lewisburg
vnhtnblt iJoofe.
I FKESH supply received at ibe Lew is-
il burg Cheap Bnokstme :
Ftslto's M snual of CliisbL-ul Literature
Davies' Analytical Geometry
fltair's llhetoric. (Univeisity edition)
GVmistock'a M ueralogy
The Complete Parmer, I -vol. 62 eta
The New American liarriencr, 1 vol, 41
Tire Kadi ihut w ill Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody '
I can furnish the above works, with a
ereal varittv of others, al eery L.W prices
M.v til ' 8 F I.YNUAI.L
A I L voong peranna should base a StimdarJ
J Dfetiimorg at their elbowa. And whilr
yoa are ahmii it, get ihe be-l : that Dictionary is
mxn Waasraa's. iba rsai work, unabridged.
Il yau si Ion poor, save lbs amount from off yom
nsck.lo put il into your hre L Fhrcwtl-igjour.
llr.VX ebstai's great work is the best Dictionary
of Ihe English langusce. Lnnsfoa Mara.Chnm.
Containing lh.ee Hmes tbe amount of metier of
vny o'her Enilish llietionary enmald in this
country, or sny aliiiilgment of ibis work.
Published tie t! A O Ytririaoi Springlield.Masa.
iringGelJ.Masa. J
""f 1
,, Lrwishirg I
arm t o sale ! Iks I heap B-xikst n
M.yaxi S F LV.NDAIJ.
SEARS' Mow Pictorial Works::::1849.
Great Chance for Book Agents
To ci a swum 6uU to 10(J0 a Vfc !
Books of Uuioenal Utility.
SEARS' New aud Popular Pictorial
Works the nnwl splendiai y illustra
ted volumes for Fainiiies evur Usut.1 ou the
American Continent, containing mort thun
thousand Eouravings. deii-neJ nnd
executed by the most ennm-i.; Artists ol
Cngland and America.
The extraordinary popularity of these
volum- s in every section' T the Union,
renders an agency desirable in each one
of our priucipat towns and villages.
Just Published,
Sears' new and popular Pictorial
Description of ihe United Stttes,
containing an account of ihe Topography,
Settlement, History, Revolutionary aud
other interesting Eveni,8latitics,Pri'gress
in Auiicuiiure, Manufactures, and Popula
Hon, &. of each S;ate in ih Union, IK us
Irated with Two Hundred Engravings ol
the principal cities, places, buildings, see
nery, curiosities, Seals of the ijtates, &?. ;
complete io one octavo volume of 600 pa
lies, elegantly bound io gill, pictorial mus
liu retail price, $2,50.
The 1'ictorial Family Annual,
400 pages octavo, and illustrated with 2l'i
Engravings designed as a valuable aud
cheap preieut for parents aud teachers lu
place in the bands of young people. Iu
attractive bindings.
from the Patriarchal Age lo ihe present
lime. By Juhn Kitto, Editor of the Lon
don Pictorial Bible, &c. Alio,
of Sears' Pictorial History of the B bit'
Pictorial Sunday Book Description oi
Ureal Britain and Ireland Bible Biogra
phyScenes nnd Skekhes in Continental
Europe luformutiou fur the People Pic
toriiil Family Library Pictorial History
nf the American Kevolulmn an entirely
new volume on the Wonders of the World
i7ctorfal ifamUg 33lWr.
ilich Volume ia Illustrated with severs!
hundred Engravings, and the BIBLE with
One Thousand.
L- AGENTS WANTEIMn every Town sn.l
County throughout ihe Union, to s Il "Start
Acre and tojiuhrr Virtorioi MwrAs.n unieissll.
erkoowledited to lie the best and chastest cvei
published, as Ihey re Un ly ars the ui. st sals' le
Any active Aernt msy cl.sr $5110 or Si 000 s
year. A cssb csj iul uf 35 or J 60 will I s nrr--sssry.
Full parlii ulsra of tie principles and
profit, of the eg nc will be giveu ,.a spplicsliuu
either pcrs- nslly or by Irm r.
Adjress (iuaiisily po.t psid)
KtlBEUT Sri.VK.f, pi ausasa.
Vl, Nassau St. New York.
No letter will be lakeo from ihe fTn.-e
unless io8t pai4. . 6 2-"0
English and German rhysician.
110 has Ixen regularly educated in
the Uirsveraity oi Martluml. and an
Honorary Gridunle of Cits' lelou College ol
Vtrmoiit, and a Member ol ihe Mmliea
and Philosophical Ssiariety of the Sinie ol
MjrvliinJ, oifors his pr fcional services
in all the bianches of the lleuling Art to
ihe riiizen ol Lewiahurg and its vicinity.
lie has been engaged in I lie pnciice ol
medicine, iu Luzerne county in this Suite,
tor nearly thirteen years Irom whence
be brings Idler of recornnieiidnlion from
ihe first men in that and Columbia county,
as legnrds his s'npding in tin- profession of
medicine, and his genera! elm racier, viz :
lion John N l.'onyngbaia Rev MsrmsJuke iVsico
Ziln Brnneil
Chsrle Kslblus
JH Voung
Urs A B Wilson
- Thos W Miner
8 11 Werner
- A Volia
M Stack
" Andrew Beaumont
F Hesdliy
' II B Wright
II W Nicbuboii. Esq
Jesse Howinsn, Ec .
cbas B Mow mau, Cq
Kef Thomas Bawmiu
N B. Dr.T. may be found at his office
tt the Drug atore on the eust side of Mar
ket St. nexl to Walla' store, or al his reai
lence 1st door below Kline's hotel.
LewUbuig, Jan. 5, 1S4'J
SCHAFFLE ha received a choice as
sortment from E. Uontsti and J.
llaiiel. Perfumers, whose preparations are
Hears' Oil
Og Marrow
By Water
Cologne Water
Pearl Powder
Fancy Soaps
Hair Dye
Shaving Soaps
its. Ate.
Curling Fluid
Also a general variety of iewelrv and
r ancy Articles.opectacles.Pencils.W a 'lets.
Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, Ate, Ate.
LewUburg, May 18. 134
QUItSCKIBEUS lo Ibe "University at
ij Lewisburg, residing in this vicinity
are informed that ihe 1st Instalment is now
due, and are hereby uotified to pay the
undersigned, without fun her notice.
SAM'L WOLFE. Tieasurer.
Lewisburg, Jan. 29, 1849
Harrison's ColumMan Ink.
N Quart, Pint, and amaller sized bottles.
HUck. Ulue, (led and Indelible. Thi.
celebrated Ink lor sale bv
BEST Spanish and Hall bi.Uh, alsr
American CIGARS and all Itiuds
of Chewing TOBACCO. for sale by
lewisburg, Dec 4. 1848
Qf CORDS of BARK wanted, for
CV which tlie highest market price
will be paid
2. Uollara and Cents, also lotme of Notes.
Bills. Receipts, Petitions, Interest Tables, tables
of Wages, Board, Ac Price 18j eta for sale
1T QU5pcr rerud at the office
J XiOlJrSfihcLewiaburgKhronKle. ,
at tnis nnire.
Equitable l.lfc Inaaraace, Aunulty
and Trust Company.
Office. 74, (f'ttlntit Slrert, PhUndeljihia.
i;iTit, $350,000 Charter Perpetual.
I riMlE Company are dow prepared lo tr.nsaei
j bSsiness upon Ihe moal liiiersl arid sdventa-
ge.iue terms. Tnes sre aumorixru oy men m...
.' (sec, 3) " lo uiske ll snd every insurance spprr.
' Isining to Ills risks of whstever kind or nature, snJ
to lereive and eecua iru-is. m n....i-u..-,
and lo gram and purcha siiiiuities." Ths Coui
psny sell annuities aroi endow ruenU, aud act as
Itastees for minors slid brirs.
Table of Premiums tequirtd for the Aturance
of SUM) fur the wnote term oj
Age. Prem.
A, e. Prem.
Age. P'sm.
16 $150
SI $3 09
46 3 36
17 1 53 33 3 '
I 53
3 IS
3 4'J
18 166 33 3 30 48 3 63
VJ la!) :'i 37 4! 3 77
20 1 60 33 3 33 S0' 3 94
21 1 63 36 3 40 51 3
23 1 C6 37 3 47 53 4 33
2.1 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51
24 1 72 39 63 54 4 71
26 1 76 40 3 70 55 4 91
26 I 135 41 2 81 66 6 13
37 1 89 43 8 98 67 6 33
S3 I 94 43 3 01 68 5 54
M 1 93 44 3 18 69 6 78
10 3 04 46 3 23 60 6 03
Tb- premiums ars less than any other company
Snd tbe policies stford greater advantages. Tables
of half yearly and quarterly piemioms. hslf credit
rates of premium, abort terms, joint lives, surviv
orships, endowments and forms of application ars
la be had at tha Olhce or of lbs Agent.
Katctfur itituriug $100 on a tingle Life.
Age. For I vear.' For 7 years. For Life.
20 $6 81 91 1 60
30 0 99 1 30 2 04
40 1 29 1 64 3 70
60 1 86 3 07 3 94
69 3 48 3 97 6-03
Eismple : A person aged 30 years neil biith
dsy by paying Ihe Company 99 eta would secure
lo his family ar hairs lt0 should be die in ons
yesr, or for 9 90 he secures to ihem f 1000. or for
13 110 snnually for seven yesrs he secures lo them
tlliOO should he die in seven y.srs. or for 20 40
paid e.rly during life be secures $ 1 000 to be paid
when he dies the insurer securing his own bonus
by the difference in amount of piemium from ihosa
charged hv other offices. For 49 50 lbs beiis would
receive $5000 should be die in one year.
J W. Cnoaoa!v, President.
Francis W. KswIe.T ess. H. O. Tuckell. Uee'y.
For further pellicular apply to
Agent firr Union and adjoining tnuntiet.
Consulting Physicisn W. II sits. M- U.
Lewisburg, L'uiou Co. Ps. July 21. IMs
fPHE subscriber would iiT rrn the (Jen
1. tlemen of Lewisburg nnd vicinity that
he has now re-opeued a new and elegant
shop, next door to ihe Post OtFice, where
he will rnrrv on the business of CUTTING
A.)MKL(J garmenta as usual. Work
miidu by him warranted to fit. Produce
rrceiveii 1 ia pavnn nt at market prices.
' JOHN It. MILLEK-i-lnrtr,
Apr l 7, lf?43
'Daguerreotype I twin,
fPHE auliscrilier would inform the citizens
J of L-wishurg and vicinit), thai he h.is
taken and fined up a room in the new brick
buililiiig on ih south side of Market street,
belwren 'I bird and Fourth, where be is
prepiired lo take lingiierivotjpe Likenesses
ninije or in grimps, in good sH le, durable,
ami on r asonuble lerin. ('nil nnrl nee.
Myers' Liquitl Cure!
IS a positive ami never filling Remedy
Tor PILES wiiellier Iiiiern.il, Ex
ternal, Ulni't or Uleerliug Scrofula, While
Swellings, Ulcr-rs, ulcerated Sore Throat
Canker Soru Month, Rheumatism, Cuun
e u Ui-eases, Mffr.Hfiid Affection tjc.
als'.i for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui
ses, &z". Ate.
We feel just fip.l in proclaiming the Fact to
lite World, that of a'.l n.edicines ever bro'i before
the public, none have ever been more beneficial
to afflicird humanity than Nyert' Liquid Cure
'A s know Ihia ia saying a great deal, but if wa
were to write volumes we could do! say loo much
in praise of this
HKALTa-BKsTOKiss.Lira-rMoLoaaiao maul,
Hundreds, nay thousands bh-se tbe happy hour
wben first ihey were made acquainted with its
trsnscendanl virtues; and our prearnt purpose is
lo inform olber Ihousauds, how and where they
may obtain that irlief which they perhaps have
long sought for io vain.
Tha superior escellence of this preparation
over all oilier medicines, for the speedy and per
manent core of PILES, is well known lo all who
have laaied il. it has been proved iu thousands
of instance, and haa kites rmtn lo cure the
matt obstinate eatet, and we are confident it will
never fail if used a proper length of time accord
ing to directions. As a proof of oar entire confi
dence in h efficacy, we assure all purchasers that
if. afier a proper trial, it fx ova ineOVctual. tba
Miaiev ra id for il will be returned. .
Tbe Liquid Cure ia sn enecioal remedy for
. i. t. I U ..I.... 1 ik Pmsi
Tiingwornie. diivs, nws. - -
Limbs, Chilblains. Stall Rbeum. Mosquito Bites,
stings of Meoneus Insects snd Cutaneous diseases
of every description.
It is both safe and effectual for KaicasTisa,
giving immediate and permanent relief.
Its effects aa a real Pain Killer, ars magical.
should provide themselves wilh this Invaluable
' . . ., -.
Preparation, tne coeapneea oi wnicu prates n
within Ibe resch ol all.
Full Directions accompany each Bailie
Pamphlets, containing copies uf certificates
from those who have tested tha Liquid Cure, msy
be bsd gratit of ear authorised agents
Kytrt lAqvta l ure is prepsreo oniy ny
JEROME & CO. 31 Spruce St. New York
Agents : C W Schaflle, Lewisburg ; J H Raser,
Milloa lveow53g
MiE subscriber baa on hand and is
now receiving from Pil lelou and Sha-
mokin. Best Foundry, ,
Lump, I Broken,
Not, and Pea . - ..
CO A Is which will be disposed of on
reasnimble terms. ...;,
June, '49. I O. LAWSHE.
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a.
A L.RGE and fresh sumiIv nf Ibis celebrated
t Medicine, just lecrived from ihe principal
Ueuot in New York, and for sals al the new
Drug anJ lheoiksl More nf
I Ur TSwvifca bohvr
Tho Cbespast and m at efdmidid Assortment of
TJ Philadelphia.
412 M KKE T s I KEE I',
a few doors ulnvt hurenlh, n'rtn side,
nA j'ist re-eivrd by I "le arrivals, from the
most celebrated nisni.frlurers of Erirps, s
u.sgnifirent and j"d ciouslv selected ss-orlinmil ol
ci.f.n Asrrt SII.VKH W'TCIIF.,
hnh he will sell cheaper th4ii any olber estab-
ll.hin.nl in the Tolled Wales. Aisrang
assort rm-nt msv be found
Oold Leeeis. i a fioe. full jeweled
Kilvef Levers, fu'l iewekl
U-ld I'Epines, IS rases, jewated
Milver I'Epines. jswrleJ
4 to in
do Qusmer Wslrbes
do 'l ea Spoons equal to coin per sell
TWwwil do do do
da Table do do do 15,00
Together w ii b a splendid assortment of chaste snd
rich Jewell, &c Uokl Chains ol various si) les
from tbe brat ataiiufsclurers.
Plssae preserve this sdveriisement. and call a
LEW is luomi:8'.
N . 413, Mai kel street above Eleventh, north side.
(Xj-1 have UulJ snd Silver Levers still cheaper
than tba above prices. A libers! discount to tbe
trade. 3ai261
Carefully Krpaired.al the shorlest Aotice-
rHE subscriber detrea lo inform the
X cilixeusVf Lewiahurg and fnt public
in eneral thai he carries on ihe Watch
Making Business in ihe shop formerly oc
cupied ly U.J.nousei, wm-ie nen prepaji-
to execute all hinds ol work in nia line oi
business with promptness and tin ihe niol
reasonable ternm, and by strict attention
to his business esiierta a liberal share of
patronage, lie hai constantly on hand an
assortment of
W A TCI IKS Patent Lver, English.
and French.
JEWF.LRY--Cold Watch chains and
(iti.irds. Pencils Pen. Brfasipins.Earrinjjt,
Finoerrinoa, Silver Sctaib-s, L'M-ltets,
SjiiN.ns. Thunli!ea, 5c.
Whirh he is determined lo aell low.
C.1LL .1.YD TRY.
Owiahurg. Nov. 13, 147
Peter and Ifjue
Iljr ;. A D'S TONIC JllVTl'RE
f IViAT grist ti4ii.ual ol 1 av.oitr si.d i-teiliilu
remrily of EioaTsaa Visas' STliliii is
1. 1. ULappiiisrlisu iu lis wn leilul sue es sul:
ssieiy in li e cuie of it is wrtti heil c -oiplsiut!
If you wou'J racsja ll.a arsi-i wsl (pois. uous j
tiui.tri fi.s Isks tial a Ln ll.- ff.fhi anv 011a tliat 19 t
nut gu irJtd I'J tbe uintien Signature of lha a l
inal iiiiemor an I r j uel ar Jon a K.Kawjsu.un
a paper lahel c s.u.g tl.e moulli m l tuik.
1 his leineJy hss nrer tieru l.ntstered ap by
a'se snd unriilul utL, l.ul has ami its wsy lo ihe
. wiili etna sl.tl uuiveia.l sd .-ii. u of the uihsl'il
i.ls ol lee' and .Ague di.tru-ia, av its coui
Wiibss s vu ran inum.iu w hi h ail ihr s,(f 111.
ind every prison who bate urs l it will l.siily.
l'roprit'tor's IMliie, 14:1, Arch St. Philad'a
Auc.its: C W S.k.rils. '1 horu.ou dt baker,
K M Uowes, Leu iiburg : A K.an.ller. Vi llii-.ru
Crowse. Silln.grov, ; Uasslei o. App.iweet Hope
U S Usckhoua. Philip Hiibish, M'kie's r ails
levissurs mum
'IIIE subscribers, ibanklul for past pain.
X iiHi',W"u(il inliiriii ibe public thut lbe
tbiitiiiue lu mnnur.ic lire nil kinds uf
Casl Water W litels of."' """t N,rutJ
'Ihitshing Machines
One and Two IIor.e
We inviie paniculr attention to a new
article ffinril'l PhtfHt CASH PLCl'tH?, loi
irrdlng In Grain, rarnars by this plouob
can seed in us inui b crain, in ine day, u
m three days with com mi. n ploughs.
and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAKE.
Kettles and Pots ol various tiZ"g Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles lo
suit cook inj stoves. -
the most approved patterns now in use, foi
wood or coal.
F ancy.Parlor, Wood.Coal Stoves,
Race's Seir-regulatles Air-tight
rarlor vv ovd Bloves, (a new article.)
I hreshmg iMrtchiues and other articles
of machinery repaired in ihe best maiiuei
and on the shortest notice. Cuttings war
ranted lo be of the best material, aad at
prices thai can not fail lo please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 lj209
JangrnhriiirM oagiekreottpe
d E."TABI.ISMAIENT, Excaaaaa. Third
atory, Philadelphia.
Tbe Hon. HaSBt Cist visiting this E'tah-
li-hiuent for tbe purpose ul having a bagcerreoly pe
taken.ripreseed flallenng opinions ou this favonU
place of the teauty snd fashion of Philadelphia.
slid vasluuiulawofeliangersiesort toil lo procure
a really g.-od Daguerrt oiv pc. Tbe proprietor will
make every exertion lo extend Ihe long established
fame uf this well knvwu esiabliahmi nt. Family
groupes. gruupre of ibil.lren aud single portisiu
I all sixes are executed equally well fi tly
t, r - t i k c u'i k p k
ONE Buagey and S-ir ..f HaraeMi,
One Two Hwie V,.n,
uoe I ruck W .-ii, .
For sale by HP Shelter
(lOODCIIiKK VINiCGsXK for M!e bi
T June I ttrXB A rUblN;
"An ounce of prevention worth
a pound of Cure," iu
that awful dittutc.
R. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption..
ThiaV,r'ar work for sale in Lewishuru
bv S- F. Lindalt J. I louglitoo iHjd a:
ibis i.fliee. Price. 75 ceii's.
Lev Evasvaoor Ksss xais i;miiii.i.-T ,
I Sisnslpsillla lor sals la lh SlOsrs-tl Vtwn cs.i.4 p
Tosjasrisl's Ursaril!a. n m ajsmsrosi u. olts.
iAL.tiKStlNK.aaslall laau TiuT..wial ,o..i,r..
mnii asssr was ; nut was twriiwrt, - -"
aals,aad ths llsa val htssvissi ihs lu.s UkwIsci.
iMinxsst ol cauouf. ersoil far arli he sun. n-a-i
Krpnse or iiu.iux ci" . a,
ausnoV.1 lw nJieal achows. and priicsu i .- dih.
ltmni i" V,w ui'lnnUv. hs ae.af pwnts.: n.l,
iav ia his Ins S-Kh wilful, wtrvi sutreaj; jt.
lavks bad la tar ckarieisr ao facit. of tr.r is I
musi siucaraly. hs hail uctst mads ibosa suami.-j ox i:u4,
sstl ar f na. When will man la.ru i s ho iul !,,
Iul in si Iheir -alliujs anl inTrtiur wrh ihcir ,ll..a
assa 1 Hs aouliaJ lo otic Roal C ain lo mrttv a-m is
Maciarios s is aiiniire. aanue ihs ta-e. ruas as ,uj
auks as an ie..asmaal l ssshssS la iha Mlar. Ti.
atea baa beau Irsuluas auri lils-'l " "
larms. in onsrr te Impress Ihe pnMw wrh ths W wl o.
Ihe Old lkrora Saisiril s u '.' "V
SarsavarWa. la from il rid t:jr s .f omI ,;..
wit Tin- S. t. Townsmst aava I has st.1 1 ihe set si isv
Isnkri; a sitl I iil V sun U hs ail: ars
due ons nut' solitary P""l of "lis. His saiarsr, sf
Thoaipsiia. Skillaua at ass a.hu art a liw 4
hlasboods. siuiolv roads n orrn.s tha ftuo :r. wl is
ths truth down 111' rssanl ui h is sari t. k mriu . v
Old lr J ;OB T"smn.t'. irsaiinMs, hj.it. at a Uai
04 isxtor's liksuass. hw fwmu't Cal s Arms, aai kit
aunatareacrass thsl'nat nt irnw. '
Tha, Si fc raUSMB ma risk m. r- v '
eVisxaaaJ OJtcs, IUU .V.
. T CV. v
Old Dr. Jacob .Townseml,
Genuine Townsend Sarsiparilla.
Okl Dt Towaaaajl n war ab.ol ft vasr- :' str. sn,! hts
4JI-Vtrj4slIX.l-" awai ouur.hs ass cuut il la
Uii.il Its luaaulsti ars, by vsfsn-h osraos n baa atcu kK
ml maiset. so. I the asias orruiac.la.l u. il .!
had pru.e.l lis w..nh ai.'l ra-D as s-lua. k Us.! rW
lbs aaia .4 ssu. . aassrths.ssa. as th ptrsw.j nj sJ
kss -u s .lusas-s. Ski sstj Hutu 4.s a,
u.j sS Its woad-rliil
ThlsCaaSllAM) tEl'AI.I.Hr,tPt'ni'i.
SJWSiiUUCtuml .m ths tr?r-i s'c. su il ctlicl :vr lbr
aai ths Iritfih aisl hrel!h at ihs hn.1. asun:iall; aas
tsars! incaMe .-M rU.-. m (IsisrMraHa.
tnlike vnu- 8 P Ttissl'. u impr .'a awh s
aad B-T'hiir but liihaaanar; bsraasas p.cMr.i
au scisarts ffmtyira a a srMayiae -- VHs ssitKSX
ktuwis.!- or I'hsoo-t-y. an.1 ths 1st eisrssnas si ti
an. faavs ait hsi-tt arouru b:t. iaa,ta ia .its taM.sc
lurs ol in- OH IV- SsiMrii:. . Serssp'rr1'
U is writ s:k.si.) t.. tu'.lir-o nsau. cuajas a.au. inulirui?
prMrie'. an 1 s.iuc ;u-a.ft:t si,.b arr lusrt tjr irsi
an l o-hsra. winch U eL'aaa-l o.isir r.s a "X a. it
So? ft, T.ar.s s-a au..' mru. ...:, u uijuri.ii la .!m
i:s. S.urr he !.riu. i.toanl a am
ths: tha. m.irsiv e,;.ir.ia and ars U IS prs(ru. M.
Il Ihsv s-c ikk p-'sser-s.! s tstlif Tr-ss. kiwaww
Is k tH'tss ssrs-cs.1 lu its nso.u sc urs. Hsri...-,
,rw is tuiu.i. ac nv. ::i'-S l? 1.1 1:1 st T, ot s -a .a
haisiwn, u.iW iv ai. mi Oia vr, sss.a;iili sJn.oi
asriss al ihs n. swn.-a ei.sto A s!l Us va.'MS
Ahy rswfit-sa r:. or .rs:Ji, rwrt un U-sV ia.l-..-t
Ci!v.e-i ll'iui l. a-iieli is w..a r'nt tls c.im iusus; u.
Ji- rJM Usui i.-iu at.r.'im, sa ; lh can ilata rifc ' n
lt-liMr1 or sa-.sl 't-rnl. -w t.-ii s"Ji ijwla-sss. i
thsa'all a -stKSiPVKII.I. V LXTII.M. Tsi aVKkP '
Bjt .orh r. n.n 'tis uitl - o its
Tins t pri a.".l hi! .' -b '" fnpsmas tA aa
S.r.4..sril!s r "'i a s a. r-i 1 sssty.runj r.t;!, s J
bsrouitiue acid or lsrniii'.ui.-u is auc su ao-l rsji-tsc,
Uu rr p.rtc lur iicsl .irtos is awapc! la o a
anJ cunrsaaatsl l..rn; . l th n is rti...l nJi l a
at lo-lus any ot lis .snsii.ls s.i !.s'liiS cuiwrtiss. f
batsUlc ru.ws.n in. t.-ws r.Miai p.'rl:ilsiatt' aadai
Clara af lauanrlla tsa-ss.
ffsrrs IS rcsm st. ? h- m evtume 4 lauju wa asn
nw in IU tts.a h rwit, ai.Khstt, ats! ciuldcsu. Wc St.i S
d"iR? w"ti' i" lascu-s-.f
VOMfLAt.ST.m HftXI I tTl.
IV. I. P.'Lt:-. 'VT7V: VSH. aU !' nit
at. 1 all afS'M:'i'ia :im.ii It .r:i
IMPl'KtTY OK Tilli BI.Ofr.
It tsiiip. s inarvri -ills erftcac. lu sil cuaiisi .ti
snst fnini Imi.g-tli tf,, Ir.'.a A'-w't'y ' IVs .vjussar. frsi'l
unsjuti circiilstln.i. .Ur:anana su Jl bi.l I" Hi Itsa',
esluilation ol iht lis...!. ss. an WW.
st nso.r ihr h..ty. It o-l ns.tosi iu f i
I'sirvs anrt pnuii'Mss -s- -x-.r irvhA aisl '
pi auan. rsxnuj strH .utn.is- Oie ihnsu ji I t
s hsr iarv . .
Sut ul B-ahine is rssr Is .cs rr..rsms;iltat.; a.au w
ecluiuaj.aisril :li tn iu sll kitt.ls -t..-t sj:''. I
FKM A L.r t:tj.i ri-.l.v I
ks rmd-rs in tMm ol f'.3r J.Out ar
roif '' it".. A '..ra-..W. -Vw"d.
Jtffna.s.-resa'aviry.H'lhs mso..juI ;wkIs,s
ft amrk
a. u 1 "
.; .hsin-t
tUll ertiasnaai tie i-U.HK 1 It it iitUI-iM LnATfw.
by ivmuTiitf i.tiaHruru n. ! ntmid -
ffavsMU. u ,tiba UMt wiii .tii,ui u t -iy.
U.U Ctirro ii ltr.rvs of ...
!virv-nu and Debility
and thiM p'wt n r triwm rr--i ariri of uawra
JM-aval Xfmniai imMfwn, Xtm'tHftx. V. Fliu'
Ssix!. iileitic .'.'. f Vri rag. i i . rt
It cVa.asW turn l.l.Kh-L ifi:o h iirr it he-.liu rl:u
Kwira. ifrv-r tnsTih. im! ct- ffml UgmtHtm, r-1 urn
!.( rtvrKU i'f-. - mrt-ittiiismdaf. I1
nfam nfcii,,.di- v t -' . P'
ami tfentie hsviii.!! .uUif w t baJf . lm
iMrnsvi'vl priiir3i.n : r-i wtr !- nvb ftm. '
mrirsw all i.tviHrut-iitsirt, in ta;4.-suajr ihv mum wk!
rtrm. l- rvm thi ityttn
Th Mrdic-lft yon pre-mliBiilr
But CaUi oi 1 i Uh.c h wmkI 11 P. T wM-vtuvJ
uUuis-i arric' ' Thi im mns liuist t n-w v
HiTllh(KhtwTOKS- aovrimf. fi-m!. mml Vv"?
ths bnttfam rtmtainmc it rnt- : tin r, ar
liquttl zp:ivtliiraf. aii rlamami "Khs-r ai.t Un-t
rtiTiWf cttTipui.t. S iiissj.ifisi :t vjT-jf-m i wf
pmt vSe-Mf mfo aymftm creevi iiuatfd tr'thftciei ? vVM
Ibntl os.ru in our nmeh. what TTt-Smf k prarsKaa
iWMrnrr, fceajikanis. pa'aimti ! ih rart. iirr
lrifjrpta !' tKin ? I' r 'l trxW tmnt wan
plaint. dianh. iW-awi.i. rr. t-tVit. ajrvl fvMTnpTir. f t.e
p'ot-tl 1 What v Scmjqa htai aa art httmor m :W V '
What pnJ:i" t I th jn-viTTfJ whtrH brii-i on Firm:- -"'
th Shrn. Sr.iM llonrl. U!t ItVnm. Znp'.
Hwal'iotr-i. Fcvrr Srviv. anl a!l !i,t.i utten-n an
irrnal 1 h t nothing Bn.is-r benrm hn a if wrttsM-tKa.-wliirh
Hour". anJ thuai ajtrtitant'l i!m Hi f 'a 4r'r. ir
tr Isfim. rVa,Bl rn- Khrum.i-tn ht a 'C
tfoid whTti i!sTHiia.;nt it.?. V- uwn fftf it a.-v
hm. irritatitiT nf mtTTtii tha rsj taa
whirh ic anal Sr nf nraa rv' t: n r . ' '
bltMMj,l rfafaoxc! rircitita.sai itt-ar.v a .'w- t
whrrhaftlict human nMurt.
Now ia il ivn rr-KfrbJa to mate anl ?L i-?
P TtWNSr! ,
art TH It VfttlH fain k it4svi-r'r.t itiat O'. r
rl Twn-emlS Gfnuint? OrVjr wW Sa9ttpn- list, w i i
ITT!ON rfhi linritr pTP:--'n f
flravatt tjnrbNt that mm in.v!r rai iw an wifV
ftf1 )rar ih Dion djautnt trcu.l;iar.aa U T. Ti-
fati'a twtietwf
W w-h t Vrriwrt. tSasrirta it ia th arW'nv f-'t
III R P Tfwafi.l, amr t.l .iM Ur. .larnbT-w "
Saraaparitla krarfn tjtrt. and infinite t, 4
timr; ibat thv art wrvik m mrmtj yatiicti'ar, hanu?
OM nl thfrie m rwnrR.
An S. P- Towis-seie-i in o- d-vnr. ami iwrr w
aTrHciniat. nsajharmmW ir-vw rm m f tra-h'-'
aaaaaa iltati afMlvrmnttn.'n. aniaM. ifr. nnvr"''
wn. wJm tTHtrrmnl'lr ran th nh'ir hvr tlxji ihew r r
apable Mrhana whirh -nrsh br 0om iJ AtaPT
or in arltri a4 m im ii. and ah" '" ' .
m inaraaa iivtafi nf hraitril
Bui what Hat fvnl1 im m vinl frrm m sth tiv
sMhinaT rompttrtMlTatv ul nifcine tlwasw J It trvir
pttmtmmt mtxnm raiwiiafH f'-.ai ai. ! -nr
comm eWrni maaL H w mih'h mn im-raf
that th ntprmetn whrt maanitiai-iat weafirrna irWirs f"1"
ImlrJ know wall tb ma-iiaij nrr,-anirai ..'.
Mnnr nf ai-r urine anil w.t-ntrtirt H-ir h w
ifcn tha hamaa jrt:a, ooJ Uom w adapc ntm.i
Ii ism Uh - fciaarlsi lassSMa 4 MCMMtvit. t fVV M
twa naa ile.1 fcnmamtv. t kit?V h pa ia I ''" Z
bntHtn. ia rratrtra health. at We-sf, arvl
enaaed an.) tkfnkm, aw! ia ha-iHh 'nntrmtr itva Ol l "
partuwiiT anl rnaawai tahrine htm .
ttraa.4 l alvcrtal Cmramtrataal K"-.r.
Wi.aif. iha rvitel). aa-l m iha liKwlVa nf all nt
ttrax ffaaf mm laara aa-l ktvw h iM ptr-of. . '
. Traate aMiaaiC Pa war ta Hl
A fit NTs for the a Love MwImmii C- "
un ; Foryih & Pr.et(y, S.irlhfibl
GRNTU.URX'& Fancy Got, Wr
ing. Cloth, Cassirrerr and
mcr Goods in sentrW, a
C- E. ILwc' Cbrn( Store,