Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, September 05, 1849, Image 3

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A journey man. Watchmaker
TAMED in Letfi-biirc. bv
The Albunu .Irgui considcrsthe Bran
dreib IVls well worthy the confidence .f
the p.hlic. That he principle on uhich
ihey cure disease U trm same as that of
Lerov of Paris an J Swrdcnaux of Germ-
nw i hm a . i i tf varwTV m nifnf nrn
. . r iz
ceed from, or are nearly allied In di-ordcrs (
of the stomach and bowels, and that bv
uiig those remedies whi-h restore l .j
health these important organs the d'eae
will vanish. The Brar-dreih medicines
wrofcss to rarrv out thi important p:in
ciple. We have heard them sin lily
ComnK-nOfd. mmy" ci;curagi-meni wnicn naa r.m ifppCH VU i vM
. ... r . , . r .,..., Iwn eit-n.led lo Ihem Uuriuf the paat four teara, I " i A I CiO-H At O J1A.LiA1j,
I lie genmut piU lor sale b J n.l I r.S. j W(uIt re.K clu) sjte u ilji f (hi w Bom co.npri.in, I.i,rN A JJrea. and M-sagea
agent for l.r.w.iLurL'. pii'273 , Ur ol V.ilume 5. will be ia.ued on Hie 23d- of j of Pieaidei.la of ill t;,.ii.d Miaiea.
" jitrntlwr, kirnnJing a tavoralil. oiorlnnity for i From W'ahinln to Tavlor' Inauguratiuii a l-
DISSOLUTION. " "uhail.hoBiay uh lo aail llicnilvca j . dreaa. M rch. I R ' 9.
f PIUS uar'nt'rahip exinlina in ihe Kimiulrv i of ,he ll,u,'le biforn aiion aUaya fuund in ita i With a hiatory of their Adiniui-traii.m, and
I I ...; l..i f It i'l,,:.!..,,! li ' '"In'"". Tne near tolome will I commenced , of each Nwainn of Cun;reiia aU. iiiiu hit
1 Lusinr -s wiweeii U. n . nr.M niia I i,h n-w type, prii.trd on eitra fine paa.rt man-j "' f-tlatiral, and other i,..p,.rtnt pnhlie
S) ' i"lfl Hits day by liiiiltiul ( uf.cmrrJ ri,ire.ly lor ihi. puMication. andW ! doruinenta, and a complete in.lea. or an.l,tical
cunwiiU All ixvsoiis knowing tlieniMlve b. llUlud with achate aud elegant bonier. It j M of conlenla U Ihe whole w.i.k. Kditrd hy
juiVbl' d to ihe tinn of Christ & B ilf'T, in j puhli.ltrd aa h. rriofore i'l quailo firm, Euwi.l VViLLUMa. Ew. Iliutalrd with pnr
O-tea (r tXMik aorjuint. are ritjiietfd to ! ,'lu" ""'lii'g ai the end of Ihe yeat a beautiful traila of our 13 IVeiil.nl. rnraed on t-u-el.
make pam.nt to L. B.t'hrist on or brlor- i ,,,,"k,ofiov" 40 co..t..iiiing between 5 j from the ml approved authoriiie-, and in ihe
i . c e . -. .k i j "J bt' "g"'l engraampa of urr inveutiona, ! Iieal atyle of Ihe art ; printed on fi le nr, ami
te let da, of Oct. n. l, a ihe hook, and j .nM ,,. of r,.frr,nre, .H a great ! h.ndaomel, bound in emhlemauc ..,l. It will
now are lib me otherwise the lll be j amount .,f reading uulUi aaluabla to c.ry.inaa j lo be emhelli.hed with Viewa of ihe fapitol.
UIl Willi a proper (.Ulcer lor collection.
r- V..m' I7oiii.iIi.i-
I M' r (Hlllliry
IS now carried on uunl. at tKe upper
end of Market Mrret. w here everv des
rrip'iou of CASTINGS tkpt on
huttd or mode lo urli r men m
The Cumpleie, or
Con'p'eie Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Cml or
Wood -aud all
oilier kiods of
-lPIOUGIlS'-f differ-
ent kinds Coin I'louli., I.. ill I'iuuglis,
and the
Self-Shirpening Ploah,
a new tirtii-U-, mid whicli eitii nut lie lien
it. riiu Ivania. Call and w and judjii
fur v..urs. lve. I., li CHRIST.
I. wi-hnrj A'. 14
f "IIK
MlllCtltX IS
ve asMiciali'd uudet
I the 1-
Mill of
S. & J. WOLFE,
f .r the puriiuM! ol carrying on a
Wholesale Gri-cfry vx fncral
Ctitiiinisioa ami FiTuurJing
huinean lib'i -1 adv.m-e' will be nia.lt
on all kiiitN of t; lumry I'r. ifuce. I'i.iot
of bti iness, new Wan hou-e rm tlM Whari
imiiH di.ilely blu the H i.ljje,
hAMLKI, vt)M E.
Lrwish-irj:, Pa.
A .t. 7, 1819.
IIVKUYBUDY are her. by w.inted not
J to trust or h.irbor mv aou, aj;ed abou'
l' year, named J-hn William Alrxan
br Johnntm, who le't me in J intiary lasi
fir no oibr-rcaiiFC tlian tha' I u'd hmi to
well. I will pny n.iu-of hi debit), anrl
tit. in il of hin wane.
(ioin(.tirnni t led (.l.'ntl."j
Union lowiiahip, Aug. 15. 1 8 ID.
Sale of Kcal Fstate.
ILL lie exposed to Public Suleou the
premises., on
5.lurday, Ctli ff Oct next,
all iImI nte-UHge and tract ol" bind silunted
in While D.-er township, Unwn counly,
linw occupied bv J .hn B icliinn, ndioinint!
lands of William Sieee, John Harnmcl,
aud oilier, conuiuing about lOO ACfCM
betweea 5 and 20 of which ate cleared
JjL and in a good stale of ffS
ffilir cultivation, and on Sfoj&fi
lf ''- f which are " erected a Jjfr
dwe!ltnr house and oih-
er bml.I ns. The balance of the tract t
well timbered.
Stile to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M..
whi'u tctnia will be made known by
I.OUEKI' HtVKS, I Exec' ore of
Lewisburg, Aug. 15, 1849
TAlIS and Spikes, all sizes, wholesale
or retail, lor sale by
Ap I 0 La a she.
I t 'S I' received a large supply of Chewing and
(I Smoking TOU A'JCt) ol various qualities
! a variety of CIGARS anJ SNUFF, which
w ill be aold cheap at the near Drug .and Chemical
store. '
N. B. Gentlemen who are fonJ of good To.
baceo. are particularly invited to give us a rail
before purchasing elsewhere, aa we feel entiidied
we have aa good an arti-le if not better than can
be found in Iowa. Be sure and call on
, Dr Thornton A Baker.
Linseed Oil and Spts Turpentine
1"tOH aale at the new D.iuz and Chemical etore.
Dr Thornton it Baker
I 7SiVf.rJI :
i ".ui.iii..Lni lira rntiio.itudu
fawav.-j.'.M..:Mi.AUii .I.
- - . . hi. mi k.i Kuu,.w i
Ur Tbotnlon & Baker.
APA. aud l.'nptl VARN ISHES, warranted
pure, for sale at the ne- Drug and Cne-nicl
of Dr Thornion & Baker.
A Lla fiersons IndeblcJ to the late firm
J of XVotfe ft Lawthe. will please
nuke piymenl lo either of the subscriber,
n or he(re iIk; first of O-l. next, after
which time no further indulgence will bt
given, r e Sajs'i Wotrr,
June 30, 1819 I. CI. Lj.whk.
1LOUR for sale by
Ap a-,5
I ti Ijtwshe.
flKjrkAa&2-.iir "" -Z f r,7s'
Yl7 iirn-i at
A, 25 '
tp fi-lf lr sale by '
For Nervous Diseases, - Dr. TiaskV
M iiwlic Ointment is of imn.ense value,
mid in 09 cases out of 1U0 :! will afford
mi re relief to the worst cases of Nervous
H'-ntlache ill 30 minutes.
For sale, wholesale nnd rit, hy Dr
Thornton 6i Biker, Leu i-omro solil also
by J. II ftnr, .Mi I ion. an J fv n 1
in every vnliiye in the Slate. Puce 25 and
J8 cia per boti.e.
' " ''
, t , ,NRW v. tcn c.f thk
j v -itc-ivr. inirwiiim, nun MritzarUt
' rIIK ruhli-lirra nf tlw iScira'ific American, in
I t ir r - . r
. " muming thru Uianka to lha community lor
j In ihe country. .
j Ao iiicoaard amount of rare and expense will
J be l,ioed up.m Ibia volume, to render il more
! fully wl at it baa lien lermed. -The beat Me.
ebanicul Pair iu the World." lis columns as
o.ual ill be filled wilh ibe mont reliable aud
correct inroru.alion in regard to Ibe progress of
Scientific and Mechanical iniprpveiuents, Chem-i-tiy,
Atchitrclure, Dotany. Manulaclutes, Kail
Kuad intelligence, and the weekly List of Pat
ent, prepared riprrsaly for this Journal at the
I 'ate At OlhVe in Wabington.
Aa an vi.lence of the estimation ta whi b thts
(' publicatiiHi i. luld by ihe Scien i.ic and Mechan
ical portion of the community, it is only iieceti-
si to elate, that its cucuution has increaeed
within the l-t three yrara lo upwardaof 10 (Mil)
copies, already eiceeding the united circulation
"I all the Mechanical and Scientific publications
in Ibis countiv. and the largest of anv sniale
one in the wo. id.
1 1 m-: I e o d'.Mara a year in advance, or
if desired one dollar in ad'aiice, and lha remain
tier in ail months.
To Cu m : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 copies, $15 ;
20 copies. 23.
All letters inut he post paid and directed to
All... & CO.
Publi-hers nf the Scientific Anietican, IS. York.
.V b. Patents sr cured and uiechtiiical dtaw
iii;a etecoted on tha tnot reasonable terms al
he -Sci' lit. tic Ameiican ufBce.
l.xt!cu!or's Noiice.
N"OTI!'K is heieby j;iven lhat letters tes.-temi-n'ary
"it "be elale of Hlizbi rit
iink, laic ol lb.' boriiuh ol t.ewibllr.
decead, have Uen Kranled lo the undersigned
Ity (he lirttuter of lrt:ion county. Therefore all
miaous ki.owing ib uiM-lve in.l. bted to the estate
foresaid are heieby requeued immediateiy to
come f.nwar.ltnd make seitletiwnt of the asme.
.nd all lfioe having just claims will likewise
.ring them forward .duly authenticated for settle.
neiit. SUM AH REEK, Eiee'r.
Lew islinr?, July 57. 1SI9 pd
OLD DR. and s. p. 'mwxsENirs
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla
I'Sr ree'd from the old Dr. a large and
lreh aupily of hit celebrated medicine
I ruin the principal Depot in New Yurk.
Person wishing to procure Sarwiparilla
athiive either the old or young DrV. ffti'
line and frevh. bv callinj mi tbe A:eiit,
l.rv.i! u-g. Jiine'-6 C W SCH AKKI.E
Lumber! Lumber!!
'IIil. subscriber coniinues to keep a good
1 Ktuck of lumber, consisting ol 200 1100
leel of s i wed lumber as follows: White
pine hoards ! inch, plank 1$ inch and 2
inch, weather boards j-ist & scanlling.pop
inr boards plank, and scantling, cherry
(ilitnk, and boards, unwed ceilin. lath. pine
nid I.eniliHtk rail-, sliitilu g lath, audpa
liii3. Also Inp and joint shinles, square
limber, nail, salt, and coal. All uf a bial)
ho will sell at fair prices.
L-wisl urs. July II, 1349.
IOR sale by
1 ItEtlER it IDDI.NGH.
Lewishurj;, June. 1849
ALL persons interested are notilicd that
I have this day bough; of Levi B.
IIkkrst the following articles of personal
properly, for value received, and have
left the same in the possession of the said
L. B. Herbst duiinji my pleasure, viz 26
yards rag carpet, 24 yards ditto, 1 eight
day clock, 1 large looking glass, I bureau.
2 sells chdiis, 1 coal stove. 1 settee.
UAV1U tll-KHSr.
Aug. 16, 1849 .
Important Information
IOR the difficult respiration and debility
attending diseases of Ihe Lung, or
Throat and Breast, Thnmoii$ Compound
Syrvp of Tar and Itood Nap'ha has
been found an invaluable remedy- Besides
its power as an Expectorant to relieve the
lungs fn.m the accuinulaled matter which
results from the relaxed stale of the system
in hut weather, it also acts as a healing
balm to the ulcerated part? and a strengih
ener to the system. '
Si saluiary is the action of the Syrup
in tins respect, inn ninny wi inn nx
resiHictable rhvcin- employ it io their
1- , - . -
nrrt r and we have duly evidence of
practice, and
cures etiecied in puimonnry
where skill hus utterly failed.
r J - I .. L 4 Mnn.. lr Ti.. .roi N
" rcparco ...... ..w-, "
K corner Fifth and Spruce Sis. Philad.
S"oM by C. If. Achtifflr, lewH,burg.
I Offi, Itemoted.
9.ewlburg Ph. ''
OFFICE, on Second St., lately occupied
by L B. Christ. Esq. -m i
April 2. 19 , i
"'OTES Promissory, Judgment, and)
'.r.l Noes-(b4aivks) tit this office.
j Book AgttUt and Colpvrtcurt will pkutt
to obtm e.jpD
IVEiiV cilixrn cf ihe Vi.it. d Stales should
j imhm a copy of these works. They arr
toe uoots ol Uur Uoumry.
A Faithful Chronicle or the
WAR of American Indent n
ilence. In one large volume. 8v. Illustrated
ith Seventy E'wraviug. id handsome liilt
Binding. 1'ika ft.
The Presidents of the Vnieil States,
Thrir Memoir ami Administration :
To which is J an account of Ibe luaugnra
linn of racb President, and a hi-rrv of br
principal puliiical events nf hi administration,
and of the transactions of Congress at each eca-
non during the period.
Illustrated wilu elegant portrait), rtf ihe Presi
dents, engrsved on steel. Thia is i haudsome
royal Ho, in beauliful pirliuul liiidn.(. ' I jo
I rre. idciit'a Houae, and the Si-al of Ihe erveral
Mates and the tnited States. In four large 8o
volumes. Piics ;0. This is the citix. n and
Lil.rary edition.
C7The Reference IMnion of ihe same
work, in 3 volumes large Hvo, without portrait".
Price $7.50. Thia ediii .n is for reference, and
is intended for Statesmen, Legislators, Members
of city Corporation', Lawyvra, -nd !uiliidual
holding public ttlGces.
The Republic of Ihe I'nlfed Mules,
and its Political Institutions,
Reviewed and Eiamined. Ity Alette Pa
Torat'EVilLK, Mctn'ter of the Ina itute ol
France, and the Chamber of Depuii.s. Ac.
Iu one large octavo volume of neatly One
Tbouaand page. P. ice $.
The 12 Stan of oar Ropu.Uo,
Our Nation's CJ.ft to her Vouni Ci ten :
Containing the Uvea of niir Preaidenta. the
Signera of the Declaration, Articles of tJonle.l
eration. the Constitution, with an historical
sketch of the American I'nion. Illustrated with
elegant portraits, engrave.1 on sleel. anJ ill ami
listed pictures of the Signers, the I'apit d ad
President a House at W ahtngtnn, Bunker-Hill,
Ate, Ac. Elegantly bound. Gill rtbrea. Price
fXj f o expenae has Iwen spar.d in the prepa
ration of these volumes of Documents, History,
and Statistics, to render thn same worthy of pa
trnnaae, not only nf Statesmen and Legislators,
hut of the American rublir eenerally ; who will
find in them the Tati.scitT op ToUTicaL
Krowimoi, and a mass of ii. format! in.
puMihe,l hy E. Wilie-, 111 Kultm tet.
Dr. D.mling's ITistorv of Romanism to the
present time. 50 Ergraings, price f tt 00
The SMitda to Xnowledee.
The wonders of ihe World,
Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor.
Mra. Elba's Guide to S.tcitl happiness,
Brother and Sister.
Cheever'e Leeturee on Pilgrim's Prog esa.
3 SO
2 SO
3 50
thristian Martyrolocy.
fThrist's Messengers,
i.25 1
1 .3ft I
Fate of Infidelity , or. Truth Timmidisnt.
OJd Fellow's Offering for IS'.g elegantly
3 no
3 50
Odd Fellow's Offering for 1041, d-
O.I.I Fellow's Offer inc for Io0. do
The Odd Fellow Illustrated and nes.lv
Faith. Hope, and f'hiritv 'lltistnted. I
t. 13 mo. Gilt Mu-lin.
Friendship. Ive, and Ttuth Illustrated.
1 vol. 13 mo. Gilt.
Tales from he Arabian Night'a Entertain'
Robitihood and bis Merry Foresters,
Wreath of Wild Flowers.
Ynuns People's Mirror for. 1M8. i o.
PalMaUrrt,Jta- k JJ jrnttand Colportrtirt
Who may desire to canvass districts for the
above important National Works, will he pleased
to address a line In ihe publish, r, slating the
portion of eonntrv be wishes to occupy ; and hy
return of Mail he will receive a List of Price,
with Terms to Agents, which allows thuio
very liberal commission.
EDWARD WALKER. Publisher, 114 Ful
ton street. New York
Call .nid See!
rPHE stibscrilM-r would announce lo the
1 ti iz?ns of ly wisburg and the .surroun
ding country, lha. he has just received and
is now opening in ihe Stureroum formerly
used by IVm.WiltL'it (opposite Ivhue'a hie
tel.) a
Handsome general Assortment of
. llercitandizci
selected Irom the beat slocks in the Phila
delphia market, which ho oilers on such
terms as will be most accommodating to
ihe parlies. ' , ' ; .
. From his long acquaintance and experi
ence in a City business, be can assure the
public that be has many advantages, rn the
selection of Merchandize, out generally
known to country men hnnts.
Produce and country tf.ide taken in es
cbange.andcash nt alhin.es never rep ct d.
Lewisburg, June 1, 1841
SALT Fine Suck, llrouoJ Alumaud
Salina, on band and for sore ly
' Apti I G La she.-
1PRING S'.eel for sale by
Miv 15
II P Shelter
THE ScWMMt SrssloM of this Inslilul on
. will rommt'iice on Moftday, the SUlh
of April next.'' - - ;
Inalinction will be given m all the branches
which are ueu.Hy taucHl in stmHar Insiiiuiiona.
St'rfl atteniion will Us paid to: ihte Piitnar Be
partment, and exercises in ejomposiiiorr and Deo
la ova Hon will be ugulatly required. . CJli.ttcnt
aid will Isj secured, if necessary, iu the ClaficaP
TER1CS- For languages, len dollars; for (he
hiahar Enebsh.eighi dollars; snd for the common
IEngbah branchea, ait dolhirs per session of five
months. '. ' ' i
; J. RANDOLPH, Trim-ips?.
1 March 15, TS I9
t'Mucjr (mmIm, Sotlonn, &c,
T L' -T rrce'd large and ')! uij aesorlment
f fancy tivwd nch aa
Sict 1 Urad U. ld r- ncila
" t-'la.'Hta P-na
f.batna . Silr Pencil
Vi.ning Card
llitx-ira aud
Walking ("anei
Sun (ilaaaea
K,., "
P. cket Mirrors
Brad Xrrklact- Finger King
Satin Ueada
Hair P.na
Bulfiio Com'ua
Pocket "
Haii llruohea
Mliri Uuttoue
Water ol ira '
I iuat C-ea
SniitT tloit
V aaes MatcbeU
?f! ;V liehts Suiellug Bullies
Doll, and btiel 1 Wttssis
Doll Usda Toy. for . ,
CirJ Casea CHMren
Port ninnies Fancy Pi pre
I'ockit books Peu Kuivcs
Areordi..us Pocket
Fiddles Mlk aiidTbread
Parlor L . mis Puris,
I P-.iiil
I Jewelry
(iuard t.haiua
" Kera
J Cluster Pun
Cameo t
Together wiib a great variety of articles not
mentioned in the above list, lor sale al I. a new
Drug, Fancy and Variety store of
Paints; Oils, Glass.
TIWT tee'd-White Ua.l. Vrn: R.d. Span:
Biown, l.'biouie, (ircen and Yellow, Piu:
Blue, Carmine, Veruii.lioii FUlreed Fl-h and
Sperm Oil, Spts Turpentine Glass fioio 7i9 to
to 20 li! -Tar, Ruiii and Pilch, which ran be
had cliesNr than eer al C W Scaarrta'a Drug
and Clieniicl Euiporiutn, Lewihurg.
T7"A-J'-''E ' Jperior lot of Coach. Fur
1 D-iuie. i-ljrne, M.p, titinsiock. Shoe.
Pa. rou. Ulu.-it sod VVhi'e Vsiiu-h. s from $1,."0
lo $14 pr galL lor sale al ihe rhejp Drug 'tola of
JUST ree'd ''am wood. Redwood, Ixigwood,
Fu.tic a. d M older lor sale by the bid., Alum.
Indigo, Liquiii blue. Elirl Lnigsrood. Cochineal,
I. tck Ue ..ol.itiou Tin. Anil. ir. malrrials for
roloiing Carpel Yarn, carefully pat up, with dt-Ks-tious
for i.su:g to be had low at the new
Lrug aud C'lieuiirsl Eiujsiriuui of
4 LA 111. E upply of PA I EM'MEDIUNES
1 just iircive.1, which I gua.aulee to be
ueiiuiUc-: Towiisend's Ssrsspanlla, J.yne'a Me.
dicities. Thompson's Co npound Myrupof Tar St
Wood .Naptl.a. Sway lie's and Aver' Wild Cher
ry, Shepherd's and Wrb.ter'a iSirsaparilln, Row
and's, Haas', ail. I Evans' Ague Tonic etc. elc. to
be hid at C W MeiiAFTLK's Drug atora
"Small JVrotts and Quick Returns!"
HK subscrllr offers for sale a FRESH
BOOTS AND SI 10 1 . S,
Snrinir ai.d Summer Cldhing,
.. .111. rr
lasiiionaniH iiais, inniKs.
Ingrain, Twilled Venilian. Bhism;Is, Wilton
A'so a splcnd.J collection ol Thvolo-icul,
School, and Miscellaneous
among which an
Uollit.'s Ancient llis'nrr, 2 vols 8vo
Josephus' ilislorv ol the Jews, I vol Mv
AIimiii's History of Europe during the j
Freiil h Revolution. 4 vols )
Frost's Pictoii .l History of the U S.
Sears' His'crfal Library
liifoimalion for the Peop!
Sievens' Cciiiral Aincri a
. S oltish Gael
Hunter's Sacred Biography
Win's Iife of P. trick He'nry
K..tillieyfsi Iaiiift of We-ley, 2 Vols
Washington arid his Generals
Raiike's History of the I'opea ;'
Wonders ol ITiiiversCT )
: , B'Mtk of Knowledge . !
R g( i's Phsi..loay, 2 vols, 610 en's
The IWiical Works of Set, M ...re. ,
Bum, Cow per, Milton, Thomson- Young, j
Uray. tJollins, Ifc allie, Pope, CVernlge, j
R.ocrs, Monfoomerv Campbell, Pollok,'!
nr' f u,.., ' r11,.-
..tit. Mrs erajin, 1 ..pp. r ,
Shaksiienre's W orks. Hvroi.'s Works
O'lendorl's new method of rearnitrg lo
nmd, wrtle and SVnk (ivriiitin , I
Webster's now large Dict'unry.l v ijunito I
f. M.V M nint-.ro I ...rnn ' !
Ciuversnl Biojiraphical IJ.ctioniry 1
. Letiipriere's Classical
Ktlglish Ac Herman "
" Liil.li ll&S.:otirs Creek-Kng'isb Iv xicon
Novum Testam. titaectin and
lapveieil's " .
X'-nophon's Atiabusi.-v Folsom's Livy
Ant hoii's Cac-snr. Anlhon's Vtrnil
Bullion's English.Latin.Greek Uram'ars
Bullion's Latin and Greek Reader
"' Da vies Legend re ;
Johnson's Turner's Chemistry
Davits. Pike's, Rose's, ami Tracy's
Ari'hmefics . '
Mucuuley's History of Knntuf '
V and Arson's Miscellanies
'A M in Made of M iney -'
M iiiison's Expost'ions of the awful rfinl
terrify ing cereniruiies of the ( Md Fellow "
'I he Atiieti'-'diiJ.wMiil.T.IOUrngravingi-j
Letter i.nd Foolscap Paper Envelops, n j
great variety Note PaperDrawing and j
Music. Paper Ross E.xcelsfor Ink III is-j
inl and Perforated H aird . intow raper,
new style, 4tc. Ate. " 1 : - ! .
Vrhia-ver wishes Books CHEAP
FOR CASH ""'VttV'.vt"
dress- . S. F. LIOTALL
., Lewisburg, Pa. May Itf, lf4! f
- -., LUMBEIl
3IW0' Ft YetfoW Pine Flooring 30irro"s,
150110 Ft 2 inrh'lrfip Shingles, : :
A quiintiiy of Xoioe-Studding
RrH.fing and PlasTerma L-ith, for sole" hy
M.y f5 - ' r.. H p SHELLER
' Window SASH. I
A llff of 8xirWinrJow Sksli, frotrffhe
chean Xranulactor of Sprout At Burrftws,
on hand; aod: srl, tfies got . to ordcir on j.
ihort notice.
; ,
at the
NOW receivinii al the lavwialuirg Cheap
Store, a Spring and Summer soil
ini ol of
Dress fi.iods Aianiiindas, BruZ'as, 8te.
I'n.ls r-a lar.e aswirluicii', I'roin 3 to
15 o iii.. per. yard. '
. lt LawnsT-Giochania 'wtiJ Embroiderrv
French GiMaJa.' , ' '
.White Ala!!, ani a var'riy of Wliits
Dress (sisids.
Barred and Slriped Muslins Snaw la
S Ik nnd Linen lldkls. .
Bleached and uublhd M-islins Mohican
und Osuaburg Bagging Ticking. Ac
G g f j gar e gm CL
A large and excellent assortment as eau be
lound this si(e of Philadelphia.
Tens Black, Powchong, lutper'al. and
Young Hyson ol the very Lft-i.
Haiti ware Qurensware -Salt
Fish, A-.:. as usual.
Which are r.ftvred i.n thee. r i.ire,l erms
foe t '.h . Pend,... I.e-lefol foe nasi
patronage, Ihe subscriber hns io ii.errl its
fewiburg. Mny 7
ON NETS. Artificial
Flouers, M.tntua
and Silk R.l.botis, and a
variety of Bonnet Trim
mings Gloves KiJ. Silk
and Lisle Thread Dress
I rtniniinis isseel Deads,
Twist and Clasps lor purses and relicul. s,
letdius' Hose, Laces, Cdiui:, Ii.scr!ui,&.c
fur sale bv V. K. IKW M,
tnlcsl CVtrtual!
Y170ULD announce to his o'd ai d long
V tried Irieuds and Ihe public, that he
is now receiving his
sprint; nnd Summer
stock of
HDry (Koods,
Queermcare, fish, fyc.
which were bought on lavnrable terms and
are idTi-rcd low on the approved plan of
' Small rrofl. ant) aulck Sales.''
Thankful for past lilieral palronaiae. we'
I shall by fuir dealing and prompt attention j
to 'he waul ol our customers tudtator to !
secure us continuance.
Lewisliurg, M iy 7. IS49
R;M Ml IN ANU VAN t I i UHt !
"tTAVING taV'nthenew D og Estal.Ushmeni
J.A of Schajlc 4r Vhnmbtrlin. I would ree-
peeitullv announce t Oiy hienda and the public
that I have replenished i, stocll snd will keep
vhKni . lugr finh wr mlfc.
tti ftwk ( Drugs. Medicines AC which I
offer at Wholexale and Re-sit. My stoib being
entirely hew and purchased for cssh at taw rates
in the" Phil'sd'a market, I ant roabied to sell at
lower prices inan rvcr ousreu iu .uta i.hhi.
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
five Stuffs. Patent Med , Glass,
Perfumery.Oils, Paints, Lrtpibrs,
Fancy Notions, Variety Goods,
Fruits, and Confectionery,
with a large variety of other articles aaually kept
io Drag establishments.- Thankful for pset lib
eral patronage, I hope lo merit its continuance
Permits wishing to procure pure and fresh
Medicines, are particularly invited lo give me a
call before purchasing elaewbere. as all 'Drugs
are carefully inspected before offered for aale and
all Medieinea manufactured hy mvaelf are war
ranted good. Having a pieetieal knowledge of
the business from upwards of ten ears' experts
rnce, I flatter myself that I any t comteiit judge
of ibe same.
All ordera entrusted lo oca will be promptly
attended to", and my friends miry rely upou gel
ring svervlhing of the very besl qoalt y.
C. W. 8C1I FFLE, 1 uggiat
' I.ewia'mrg. May 7. 1849 '
. Tmn.
rpHANKFl'L for liberal palronase hrrrtoftHy
. j , received. restctfully in orms his Old frieuds
aud the public geiierally lhat he bis removed hit
. Tailor hotr
lo the Bsssmewt of bis Briek dwelliAfl 6a Market
elreel. next door above C. Penny's saddlery (late
the office of H C Hkkok, Esywbers ha hopes lo
suit all who may give him their custom, as
he does all work tit his line in the best and
newest style eh Jon short notice. He has
the Fashion, regularly, employs none but
good hands,' and ia determined lo keep up
with the firnes and merit a good share of
patrotvage.: CUTTING done to order.
Chafges reasonable, and Produce taken in'
erharige for work . ,
faewisburg, June, 14 , . IViu.7
f". I .1 iut received and for aale bv
The subscribers respect
fully inform the citizens j
of Lewtsburg and Viciuity
lhat they h comenced
Ihe above busitv-as. at M.
Hate's old idjop on.Second
St. on- suiiar-. aoutb of Myk.t.wbere ihey
are Birmria n iron uuitie ur ""i!S'"'i
ana irnse an articles in irn-ir uu.-iu-ss iu
the most workmanlike manner, at prices
which Ihev hope will induce those wishing
anything .ihv their line to call and
. f . . r
judye ihemselvea before going elsewhere.
ftrpairing done oh Ihe shortest notice
on I on reasonable terms also Shoeing.
. . . . i 1 . .
1 which is a ery important mat JV
H thw that Sa ltiaW
, 1 1
j horses, and should benlnteed ' jf
. only 1.t persona ol knovfl skUh""'"
We Safer ourselves lhat we are able lo
compete w iih any person in the country in
' Shoeing llor.es : we ask only a trial, and
ihe work show lor hself.
i All work warranted. Iron and all kinds
I 'f country Proddce taken in exchange.
I We hope by strict attention to bom new,
! mo a deierminalion to suit all, both in
; Wl,rk. anj to receive a liberal ahfre
; (,f .,uhlic patronagw.
' I-wisburg, May 22. 189
I WWB--f!---y-",wM,g..
f V uoiojoqj- Ja q WS
' " '"JH'O "V H
pua seSuait) jo o out) S paslaosi XS.l
jaaaq If uotuioq.1, J( ( tdas, loi
tni( VIIUOJHV3 daoq3 aqi is eras joj pasuMi tsnf
autpiUH V llJnA l p-anuaj ftfff
-nuaui 'paa'i atjq.w iud y spunoj JJJ(j
J"l9 V uojoioq 1 J(I in idss ejotfl
a:( auuoji3 daaqj q is aas Mj pus Cj
pasisMi lanf po uuadii pus sapus3 K53dO
ft iapf -tuaqi o papunjai aq aqs Xanom
aioqi pua k.us sql uiniaj 01 a"tiaqi I aias
aqsjnd eqi oa eq o ssoad sou op s(i )i pus 'aui
-nuaS pus aind ,uauiq!qaiM naqi e piseqjjad
ssuoipa) pu sSojq S stuaaJSaa uviiuuqx J(l
,-'..: ' I!'-H
paa sasoJcq S 'a-ajd siqt ut pajapo Jaaa uaqi
jesiof sajod is p,ae ci p-Mqana aja iaqi qavqaa
ainim aaouinrvfl pua aiqdppapq j g aw'
aqi ui saal'd paonpal is awrdm utoij aapaui
mi aoui9ipe' pus sSnj(i naiajsitipcuo a-nd jo
s jo.i mi-jhx naHsixa'waa
isqi -wMUtaaq psuusuiuioa eaaq isqi aaiils maqi
paaiiMun i isiaqq oe assq uqia asoqt uuojiil
pttioaa J-ni-U ay uo;ujoqj, -( -g -j
uoiUJoqj J( Xq 'jSjbijj jo vaj
loig 8lt jv tf Mj3 rfjtsps laotp 'U N
Ul)!ldiJojd atul3
tsXqj dn Suttind o pid i tw uotiuana
JU;n.t)jj 'UdiwdF4 ZuisBH.Jnd 3Joj3(
Ikj a uiJtn asif o pdiiatii XJvnotiJud
sani3ipy ainaojd 01 Statu,; suotj.-ij
wo XiBtisntin 0s 01 pautiiuoip js Xjqi
t.-);t.w jo sarors inJQ Ot tdafj Xensn
S..JIUB 0 AlotJBa U OB9S!3tilOi(13IV
a V I jo iiiiituijossB ujhiS a pus
Au'jujuiuaa 'au3.:oijukiji.03
4S3UpipJ)J oitirt0
ss' 10 'jt:opnatif)'sHnseA"(j
S'J!(J S.UIBJ 'b'aupipjj 'siJJllJll
' VMi JO luu)joesa pslM
iu man 3jki a uusu no Xhuuisuoj daaa
iw Xjqi mti Xjitipia si; pua 3UrHiaq
jo su..l iu aqi iujujui XnjtM(lsjJ pnp4a
sj.Miii qns aiit 'maAM V "3 'IV
I io uaoiia itnjrr aui ir.o in anon nvtiv
-.25a3 um era M333
to 'jjoj eoyi avxi'wij 't"iH
puo l"'ot.ll PiJjfi JO
PK -i l3nu(T Puo '&fi"l ? jeifj PJ90
i xismum owj SAaai sfiomoia
- - - - -
Pianos I Pianos.
THE undersigned' rontiaocs to furnish lo order
on the most resaonstde frrnvs. Pianos, ffom
Ibe manufactory of Conrad Meyer. Philadwhoas
it wtru mania are too well known lo need any pan
egyric, having aniformly received ibe commend
ationa of lbs moat eminent profsaaots ami cmi po
sers of Mosic, and the award of Ihe parmiuma in
MewYorg.Pbitstlulphiaand Bostoo. For qusliiies
of lone, touch, ana) Leeprng in loos ap lo concert
pitta, Ihey can not be suruasaed fry either Amer
ican or European Pianos, .
fnslrucUoua given oa turn Pib, as heiatofors.
Reference may be made to any of ihosa parents
or guardians who have pupils eonrmilted lo his
charge. He may be aeen at his rea jrtrce.at Mrs
Maize'a, Market atraet, Lewi. burg. .wbcM terms
and particulars will be made known.
The most popular and favorite Airs end Muaic
of different kinds received as it is iaaoea"lr.Ha the
different musical estaidihmenu fa the Cities.
PNR fresh Green and Black Teswrotri
43 cents a pound and upwafds",iVh(Vr
ted hy ihe Canton As Pk?h Tea Gomjieny
of New York, packed tin pouods.fiBfves and
quarters, perfectFy air n'gnt, just received
and lor sale bjr JAMES HAYES.
May 5 Sola Agent for IwisSanj
. Harrison's Columbian Inks
BLACK. Japan, Copying. Marlins), Blue. In
d. hble, Scartst, Red, CarminO. Tbaws fnea
flow mors freely from' lbs pen, snd gives aaronfer
and mora durable aorar Ibaa any olbsr. Pot sals
in any quantify by . .
Lswhbuft?. Uaion Co. Pa.
ROUGH & Ready Shirtings S eft pr
. yard Ginehama al 10 ct and
Prints at 4 to 134 eta pr vary. Call and
gee at . C C Bowes.
o tons of RAGS, in
change lor Merchandiae.
. I l IJtWsrm.
t9l.nl-cs for Juatiees and ConatahUs,
i, or
UlCtlllwn hand foe aaJe Bt this stfics,
1 printed sreoroing o orwee.
s t
CLaaper titan Sver. -
: rptHE anbarribera have the pleasajra te anaowaice
eial lhat Ibsy h.v openej mega sasj -plaaiilijv
assorrmeut of TOBACCO Ac: s4UMakT
B to wear ew taWMajra sai f-iac isj few-
i ni " Marhrt street tormerly eccopied by Sastl
( tbeirnlir. -ort i,,. mimCtmi (rsai
.am and enusa of a . . n ir
I I . .... . . -
j tvipttra r ragranrta. Aorrra. I nntrmj
Prinrippe. WernsVe Regalisv Cestallo. Ceasral
! Tsyter. Half8NH.ih. and Cotarusm. : -
i ", V TJfc"rCV2"h' ' "i
Fat, (yongrcaa, Oionoko. Branch Stag. Plug, awd
C ?-. . . - .
j fcjgisJlilajt;'' TsIU-CCO Cot aa. Dry,
1 ScaOeriaiu. Ac.
SntiaT-Rapps and sesch- - i iL'ji
1, snuan wsaaw, vianisaa , m m, aim m rsiasy ami
T f t t " it . . . .a
cw u. vulgar casta an ai wjca are e.urieai at
the lowest rates. " All kinds of PMf.uem tMaa) ia
exchange. Call, See. ais jlxtge for yceisas'SS)
belors roodenuiiag the aruVtss.
Lewisborg, April 31, 1819
New Copartnerliifif t
HAVING, entered into perWrsaa
' the subscnbersjrould iatorm their eJf '
patrons and the, public in grneral. tttei vvf '
may be fodnd at D. Ginter'e old stand ow PawX
alreet near the Academy, whore ws tarry oel tM
above buainsas ia all iu vaiiaties. -
Fancy and Common- Chairs, Bost'oti
Rocking Chairs Settees, varii:us kinds' -'
Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, &e. 08 hnad
or made to order. .-
ready made or -
furnished .on
short not fee; "
We have also a suitable HEARSE ia rea
diness for Funerals, j 1
We have a Turnins Lathe propelled St.-
horse power. which enable us to turn wood
of any size, and up to 24 feet in length.
- lTmf(nff
will also bo attended lo by ibe subscribara aa the
eborirat notice and in lbs beat style, '
(fcAll work in oor line wsrrsnted la be well
made, and oa tha raoat reeaonahle terras.
Reman lag Balldlag.
We rtpuld also announce that we base propn
Machinery for reams ing Buildings, of soy aias,
from Dan to Bceraheba if peceaaary. . ,
Country produce and L amber.
token in payment sad Cask sod Cokf Dost aot
refused. "-,... - '
Thankful br past tsvora, we respectfully ssdt
a coulinu'iice of tha ssoas.
I.ewi-Durg, May 1, 1849 6m36S
MAY always be found
at bia Shop, next
door to the Post Office,
readv to CUT and MAHb.
riP Clothing of everV a-
rieiy according to1 .
Spring and Summer FaSnions.
Lewisburg, May 1,' 1849
AS removed his Watch and Jewelry
establishment to Bia house, opposite
Hajes Store.
- . . I.
a" Sai tUsi '
SO now receiving at the old and el
known atand of - -
bessr k rosnros;
general and carefully aereeted asaorV
ment of
Which we offer ori our usual acmtrmo4-
ting terms. fJie us a call,' and' we think;
we ctfn suh you.' ,
Lewisburg. Aprd 24. Ig40
NAILS and IRON for aale bv - .
Apgf , Rttber & t idings.
S A LT and FISH on hand by
Ap24 Reher As Idd.ngs.
SPRfNrt STEEL 06 nandf at1
Ap4 Reber Iddibga.'
Latest Arrival!
WOULD reepeelfutiy antausjnee to rbefr
' oTd Aatruds and the clminiiy ia'
general, lhat ihey are again receiving a
large Stock ol , ..'."
embracing almoat everythiwu; wanted i
line or , . . - .. . ...
Dff Good f Gr"oc4irieir;
Hardware, ' Crockery
SalwFfsh, Nail,
etc. etc.
Thankful for our past libera latinfcage','
we hope to merit ita tttatinuanee.
j. d. j: WAtaLS.
Lewisbnrg, Aftril 85. 184
- FOR SALE,-, -
APT excellent aeeonc) hand tSUggtJf j
nearly aew Enquire of .
Uwldtmft, March 29, 194V. r. '
-irVR- THORNTON haa removed hia .
I U Medical Office to the Drug alore of
lThovntoo AV Baker, aexl to WaUsr SRtjtc
rLTii js?'a i
- I