PenDSvlT&nia Financed, and the North Branch Canal. V - - TtttniT Department, f Harrisburg, August 14', 1846. j To Wm. Ft Johnston, Governor of Pennsylvania : Fir : In obedience to the requirements of the 35th and 86th section of ibe Act or the 10th of April last, the undersigned re apecllu'ly submits to your Ex ellency the following tihiblt ofthe finances of Penn sylvania S DR. To amount of money received in the Slate Trea-wry from the 10th of April to' the 14th of August, 1849. 2,173,256 CR. By amount of money paid out of Treasury aince the lOtb of. April, viz : Paid loan made to meet February interest f2fl 1,863 Paid the drafts of Canal Commissioners and fork keepers' wages on S ales works. 468,030 Paid damages on canals, Ate. 13.C29 Paid Hospital for insane poor 20,000 Paid public institutions in Philadelphia. 14.000 Paid August, interest on Slate debt, and Tioga, Pottsville and Danville guarantees. 1,014,757 Paid expenses of Gov ernn.ent, &c, Ax 75,82 . 9 1 ,668,91 Balance Jf 305,1 65 DR. To estimate amount ol receipts at State Treasury Irom the 14ih of August, 1849, to the 1st of February 1850, viz : From the public works t729,00O From outstanding taxes 304,000 From tavertf licenses 20,500 From tax on dividends and bank' slocks 55,326 From money collected and accounts ; now due in hands of unfaithful and' inefficient agents 91,000 From all other sources 504,876 11,704,500 2,009,665 CR. By receipts in the sinking fund, being the amount of State debt paid off this year - 9204,438 By payments to be made at the State Treasury from the 14th of Au gust. 1849, to the 1st of . February, 1850, as per appropriation bill. 698,000 By interest on Slate debt to be paid February 1st, 1850 943,000 . 1,845,438 Excess $104,226 'bis balance of 146.226 13. being an excess in the Treasury unappropriated, can be applied under the 35;h section of the Act approved on the 10h ol April. 1849to the completion of the NorthBranch eauaL ' Respectfully submitted, G.J.BALL, Slate. Treasurer. TutU Ezrelleney.Guo lVm.F. Johnston: By the loregning statement I report a Balance in the Treasury applicable to ihe IWh Branch canal ol $164 26 13. The Aoditor GY-nera! prepared and signed two reorts to your Excellency on this subject, the first one showing an unappropriated esces" or Balance in the Treasury of $2,726 13", and the reennd one an unap propriated balance of $22,726 13. I could not concur with that officer in either of said reports,- therefore declined signing them. , r could not conscientiously, sign either of them, for the reason that they A ll short of ihe sum required, by the Act of Assem bly, for the North Branch canal, by over $127,000; while my estimates, which I 'tSave Carefully reVied,homed a sum more ttian si-mterit lo authorize the commence ment of lhat work. Under the circumstances, I deem it lo be my duty lo lay before you the forego ing stntrment exhibiting the unnppmpria. ted balance in the Treasurj , in order lhat yo may take such action in the premises as in your wisdom may be best for the in terests of the State. The estimated receipts in the Treasury from ihe public works, outstanding laxes. dif other sources of revenue mentioned, are bawd upon a ra refill exau.inaiiuti of tin income from those sources in previous Jtai t, and it in confidently believed they t$ Be relief c U, especially if collections are pressed Willi energy, wf.icfi f am ware it is your dsire to infuse into the business oprratiens of all the departments of (he Government. A considerable sum e ea also be realised by pressing the col lection of the large amount of accounts now to the hands of various eollccling agents. The targe appropriation of overt 1 ,200,. ' 000 to the public works, by the la Gene, ral Assembly, will discharge the State in " eVbtrdnes .thereon, and Will free the Trea sury iht coming year of lhat burthen. " ,1" Cfnsrtjiieno", we may safely calculate thai no nor than $300,tKiO wil be required. . by the 8late work he ensuing year hi lfciaiew of like urtct. there caw be iv tsrwtancy in say'iug that the Stale 4M may be reduced at least thrH hundred thottt and dollart next year, and, at ihe same time; give, urfdef the Act of the 1Mb of April last, the sum of from $750,000 to $900,000 towards the completion of the North Branch canal. It now remains with your Excellency to decide what stall be done in the premises the present season. With high consideration. I have the ho'r.-' or to be your obedient servant, G. J BALL. State Treasurer. Treasury Department, I Harrisburg, August 14, 1349. ( Lewisburg, Pa Wednesday Afternoon, Sept 5. No Foreign News of importance. Whig County Meeting, N. Berlin, Sept. 18 Democratic do do Sept. 19 The Democratic Slate Committee meet at Philadelphia, 6th inst. Hemit M. FtiLLKit, Esq., promises to attend the Whig meeting at New Berlin. VV understand ihe Directors of ihe Bo rough Schools have determined to classify ibe scholars, hereafter. jC7The advertisement of ihe University for next session commencing Oct, 11 came to band too Lite for this week. Thaddeus Stevens h is received the hon orary degree of LL D. from Canotisburg College, and Thomas U. Walter that ol A.M. from Madison University. ' James Pollock is named in the Erie Gazette as the nr xt Whig candidate for Governor. Dr Luther Keily is suggested by a Democratic paper for their party. yThe Democrat of Susquehanna county have uninitiated their Printer for County Treasurer. 'I Ins is the third lime within a few years they have thus donated the profession. "The Good Samaritan" found it him anticipated by our correspondent Unus," last week. And now, what thinks the G S. of a pai-cr advocating Peace,aud with a half dozen lawyer's advertisements in it! f7We hrnr nothing further of the M I- too new county matter, cor of the attempt to annex Perns township to Northumber land. The nomination of Mr. Slifer lays those plans on the shelf for one year. " "By permission of the Grand D. vision ol Pennsylvania, a public processioo of theS. of T. will place," Air. Such is the notice of a meeting before us. Would ii not be better to say, ' By permission of D vine Providence," or is the "Grand Division" higher authority 1 We learn by a "Star of the North Ex tra," that the C.Iumbia County Democra tic Convention met at Bloomsburg Monday last, and nominali d For AssemblyJohn M'tVvnold ; She riff, Peter Billmyrr; Treasurer. Amandus Levers; Commissioner, Joseph Yitter ; Coroner,And. Freas; Auditor, H R rTline. Poor Dorse But little has been said in regard to the law, which requires the people of this county to decide by ballot, whether or not ihcy are in favor of a Poor House. We understand that there is an impression that the contemplated Poor House is a joint work of this and Northum berland county. This is not I lie case. Each county is to provide for itself. The Democratic Convention of North umberland county nominated Assembly J no 11 Packer.Esq.Sunbery Reg & Ilea Ino P Pursel, Sunbtiry Treasurer Geo B Ynnngman, Sunbury ' Commissioner VV'm Wilson, Lewis Auditor Wm LCook, Northumber'and Mr.Youngman is the Gazette printer. Mr. Pursel was nominated to hia office last fall, but defeated by Martin Irwin.since deceased. He is again opposed by two In dependent candidates John W. Miles, of N .rth'd, Democrat, and by Mr. Rockefeller, the Whig incumbent of the "dice. Maj. Dewart appointed Senatorial, and Wm. Fullmer, Representative, Delegates to the next State Convention. - 'Evil communications corrupt good manners,' is an axiom made evident by ibe recent imitation by the 'Slar,' of the style, and vocabulary erealiile so charac. ttiistic of the "Timet." Considering how early it is in the campaign, those papers have got up their spirits prrlty ''high, if calirng hard r.amts is any proof of lhat condition. ( 1x7 Much obliged to the magnanimous writer for ihe mammoth " Times' for his gratuitous goodness in bringing our bumble sheet More the world ; and in return for his kindness, me would bint that if he again runs down our Ui-iwcrat pressman, M j. C. wont get bis wole. - . Texas. The new dt leusiinn to Con gress consists of David R Kaufman, re ticted in Eas'ern District, and Vlne E. Howard, ec!I in ibe Western. Both are Democrata. Kou'min had do opposition 1 CI B l.UWISBUICG CHRONICLE AND WEST Lewisbnrg tMversity Examination. CdtTeafKandeDce of the Cbronicls Mr. Editor: At your request, 1 will give you a few "first impress'ions,n of your Univemitt. whose fame is so firmly established, and is slowly but substantially extending And first, I was disagreeably disappoin ted in not finding some means of getting across from the Canal to your Borough. Have you not enterprise enough to get up an omnibus cr Something eUe (if nothing but a truck-wagon) to take over passen gers and baggage ? If all find no Le ter means than 1 did, summer visiters will hardly trouble your duly delightful Bur ough more than once. A walk up the neat board-way through of by the primitive grove which surrounds the College plot, is indeed beautiful, and reminds one strongly of the "academic groves'' so oft the delight of classic wrilers And if the Academic Department be so well arranged and stately a building, what may not be expected of the Collegiate ! I was happy to see that the foundation for a part of the Main Edifice was being laid also that a living stream of pure water hue been brought, running, to the top of the hill from n spring below the road near the river. This will be of great utility, and may be rendered also ornamental. I found the Examinations of different (lasses, going on at the same time. As far as I am competent to judge, I am sat isfied that the Teachers are determined to give thorough instruction, and that most ofthe scholars are inclined to red ive it. I must say lhat I am perfectly satisfied that n institution in our State will turn out better pupils than this, if subsequent instruction be on a par with the present. Several hundred volumus in the Library iinong them many choice and elegant works give as murh and varied reading as the s'udint need desire now. I was glad lo learn that the Library is constantly enlarging, and that the I'hiloeopliical Ap paratus (of which they were disappointed this session wi'l be forthcoming at the next. But the close of the Session the fore runner of the Commencements' yet :o be held--came at last, and with it ninny spectator, amng them many of ihe pupils who had passed single sessions here. Tbe singing, by Prof. Loomis' choir.w as indeed beau ifut.partieularly the numerous female voices, which fascinated my attention. It those bachelor tutors can long leach such a lovely choir and so many of Ihein wi'hout being laught our lesson in return, I give them up as confirmed old barb's. Teaching vocul Music is indeed a good feature of your Institution, but 1 would pripose a greater variety in the public s per . nens. The Composi'ions. Several of these, read by young gentlemen, were decidedly good, and worthy of public attention, but unfortunately the room was an large and full lhat I could licit hear several of ihem at all. The young ladies' compositions acre read by ihe junior teacher and better under stood as a wholo. It is no' my opinion alone Wriea I say, that as a class the ladies' com positions wete decidely the bst. There were some beautiful productions gems of thought, from purest hearla worthy of publication in any paper or magazine in our land. (If you could, Mr. Editor, you would do well to insert one or two a week in your Colu nnsuf original matter ) There was a sameness about them, which if ex changed lor more variety and vivacity, would pnhably make them more accept able as a whole to audienc s. The Declamation exercise received its own praise in the attention paid to it. The calm dignity of the firt, and the native oratorical powers lo the last speaker, 1 particularly recall. Demosthenes is ev idenly uot so nui h their pattern as Cicero but hen the young men gel out of Latin and further in the Greek, I bey will I hope think more of him whose three rules in speakimt were, 'action ! action ! action !" You have, indeed, a uoble literary en terprise under way one which will re dound to the credit of its originators, and be useful lo the advancing cau-ie of educa tion. Lewisburg may well be proud of her University. 1 wih it the utmost sue toss ' eso ptrptlun." in niuoh ha.Me, Tours truly. S pt. I, 1849. Hoaxed the man lhat came to Lewis burg (o coax her citizens to vole against their own candidate ! Also Ihe man who tried lo persuade the members of nur Uni formed Corps to vote up the old M litia Law!! Suinc men ire not ino proud lo drink at candidates' expense, a ho will put in a vote of another color! Seven men blou n up The Huntingdon papera state that seven men were blown up on Thursday week ui the Tunnel about ten miles from that place. A man named Mi chael Hart died shortly alter, and was bu ried on Saturday two others were not ex pected lo recover the rest were not dan- . geronaly .injured. 1 While pn:4ng the rafters on a building, in B'ark Hole Valtty,rn Friday a week, Mr. Rrtiben Bute fe.l from lie lop to ihe Vtliar, and was almost inslanlly killed. He leaves a lare family to mourn b s toss. Rattier AMsmipllous. The parish of Assumption, in Louisiana, was ones represented by a 6iy Creole, who an bav. iftt a joks thrown al bis eawstitariits arose sad drclaied, -(ttr, 1 rvpnMol Assaoiplkm upon lb auor Yss, Hir, AssaaipUuM is asy boias ml while I tsn.l here 1 ami Assaatptinn are oT a pieee." Vas, and Ihe grtalat puet ofaitump tion ever wiuteusd," ssid a wag, sotio Voee We think there was a match (or hiui in the man who electioneered in the street on Friday last, in a way thai challenged and allows of public notice. The burden of his song was the election of .Mr. Cuinmings viz. himself to the Legislature ; and the Hnn. ihwMl,r atprA divf.r. In ihe first i place, he wa9 no party candid ite--nut a bit he was just nominated by an exclus ive party caucus, which wa called for that expres purpose, and "did n't do anything else hut he wa no party man O no ! ! he was the people' man the very one to go to Harrisburg anJ purify ihe obnoxious relics of ihe last Legislature. Tne worst, most tyrannical, auti-republican, and hea-ven-dsring act of last session was lo to dispense wiih semi funtavic "trainings," and to encourage regular Uniform Compa nies ! Uu this point ho was profusely and pathetically auumptioue thus : Assumption 1 the new law uncomlitu. lional. The Constitution directs all "able bodied freemen" to be "organized, discip lined and trained" (""according in the discipline prescribed by Congress." Very well : now, was the annual mullein-stalk farce, '-arming, training, disciplining,' ac occording to U.S. discipline ? A moment's reflection wil! satisfy any one thai militia trainings never fulfilled this injunction of the constitution, and that Uniformed Coin pni(ies,really"ariuea," realiy "organized,'' really trained," v ealt ulated to fulfil the constitutional demand. M ist militia are undoubtedly good so'diers, when rnlli d into service our Country's History abun dantly proves tbat, and no one doubt ii but trainings never qualify them for such ; service, the new law lorbi-Js oone lrm "keeping and bearing arms," white under the old law not half our able bodii-d men either trained" or kept arms. Besides, the new law does uot prohibit ' training" and if Maj. Cnmmings and ihe Times man are so really concerned for ihe liberty of .the country, ibey ma) each shoulder their ram-rods and walk all day, Virginia-fence-fashion, after a feather with a man behind it and i ill Johuston and " young Slifer" shan't hurl them, so they shan't ! The country may thus ba saved, without repealing that horrid law ! Assump'ion 2 the law ia vnpitpular. Dispensing with the holidays is doubtless a serious regret to many the bovs particu larly" but not to the majority of people, who prefer other public pastimes. As the law was not published in time.soriie trained under the old law and weie fined this is clesrly unjust, and all such fines should be remitted by the Commissioners or Legisla ture. But ihne are transient evils, and the people will be satisfied with ihe woik ings ofthe system, or 9 out of 10 of all we have conversed with are mistaken. We do not remember one of our exchanges (the Times of course excepted) w ho do not wish the new system a fair trial. On ibe contrary, we can quote Democratic autho rity, and military also, for tlie law. The Bronkville " Jeffersonian," by Evans U. Rradv, (a Brigade Inspector,) said : ' So far as we are able to judge we be lieve the law to be a uholesotne one, and will iustil new life into our volunteers, hile the annual training ofthe militia is dispen sed with. Volunteer companies who have a good substantial uniform, fit for service, and which numbers not less than 30 rank and file are entitled lo receive $50 annual ly ; and those numbering not less than 50, rank and file, $75 annually, to be applied to ihe payment ol music, armoriea" 6ic. The " Columbia Democrat,'' whose Ed itor ranked Colonel in lite militia, spoke of the change thus : Attention ! Soldiers, Cnmpnnies,Bai talliona. Right ! Dress. The repeal of the Militia Liw, and the establishment of the Volunteer System, in its stead by the last Legislature, forma an important epoch in the annals of the Military code.and will ultimately redound to the interest of our citizens and the honor of Pennsylvania. The credit of the age required the former, and ihe juuert or improvement warrants the formation of a better system. The new law is a visible improvement over the old one, in most tespects, and will at once in suie the belter discipline of its citizen sol. dierr and (he comequeut strengthening of ihe National defence. Such, we venture to say, ia Democracy out of Union county. And why should not the new mode be popular ! The fine for refusing to train, founerly was One dollar per year now it is Fjr eenlt only a saving of ha f. No man unless able-bodied was required to train : such men can earn al least 50 ets per day on an averag e, and do spend SO cts more, thus losing pr year in all if they train. Really they sieve $1,50 each per year by the ntw law no small such lo honest poor men. The old system cost the State 20 or 830, 000 per year : it is thought by some the new system will add something to the sink ing fund of the Stale, and not be au ex. pense to her. Yet, all who wish to train, can do so by enrolling and arming ac cording to the discipline prescribed by Congress," and thus escape ihe ' Poll Tax" and belong to the ' Standing Army ! . Assumption 3 the Whigs passed ihe law. Any law oo our statute bocks must BKANCII FAKMEK have passed both Houses. The Senate waaj Whig. The Assembly had SO Democrats who could prevenl any act from passing- j 42 Whig, and 8 Natives. Thrre "f J1 ! Natives wtre originally Democrats, and . vo ed with them, so that the Democrats j had every officer of ibe House, and it was j really controlled by thai partv." A large majority of .hose who actually passed the! lull, bpeaker Packer among them, were Democrats. The measure, thefeforc. w as ! as much Democratic a Whig, anil neither 1 party cun claim it or disown it. j Assumption 4-Col. S.ifer is in favor : of l bene law. I his assertion is made without any au.hontv. Mr. S if eleded will vie with regard to the law just as he thinks ihejieop'e be represents wish him 10 do. Is not thai, Denu.cri.tic 1 Assumption 8 Vote for M ij Cum- , 3 ,. ,, , mmgs, and he il be elected, and he il make uvf Asseniniy men voie mr retrni, una i.v o make 17 Senators vote for repeal.uarf he'll make Bill Johnston sign ibe bill ! Un doubtedly, and " when ihe ky falls he'll catch links." ITo be Continued 1'realdent'a Tour. We learn tbat Gov. Johnston reached Pittsburg on Tuesday evening from Erie, where he left Gen. Taylor on Monday. It appears thai when about 12 miles beyond Meadville, the President was attacked with sudden illness attended with vomiting. He was at once placed in a se pa rule carriage and attended by Dr. Wood, was driven to Erie as s Jon as possible, arriviug there on Saturday afternoon, and being in a burn ing fever was al once put to bed. He con tinued dangerously ill until Sunday even Vfli!. when he obtained sleep. When Guv. j Johnston left he was out of danger, but would not leave l'.ne until ho whs ennrely recovered, probably not before ihe 5 h or tiih of Sep einoer. Thousauds of people had r.u.Kr. g .te.1 ul Eric lore -eive bun and .eurn d.pi.o.ntmeut was Ml in conw- . elUn(Jill, , lh. u(hl ..w; DWn inlh, blK.k quence ol bis ll.ues Gov. Johnston was j ,,t ihe brsJ srd alvvo the eve.eccontpanied in fine health, lie left Pittsburg on Wed- j bj wrekiesw. loee of sppeiiie, and almost c-.n-r.eday evening t Kilianiu, from w hence stanily rontinrj 10 brr UJ. Mu.ce August he he anu .1 rr. (,( It, 1 1 .rr.L.T.. I, bund v. 1 - o - 1 The Cuba Expedition. Tbn Repubtir of yesterday has information lhat Lieut Tolien. of iht doted Sieamei WaterVViu-h. l:as notified the oflicers and men ci.llec'ed at Round Island, near Pascaoula, It di, immediately, or lhat nil llieir sup plies would be cut off. Every outlet was watched, su lhat any hos.iie luotemeul was un mis b e. In this Brough, lit inst. aged 35 years, Lril.sot, wife of E. Reese. lo M.iton, 31 inst , Hamlkt A. Kkkb. primer, aged years. In New Berlin. 25:h ult. aged 72 ears, 'il'Ji, widow of the late Isaae M.-nx. In New Berlin, 26th clt. aged 07 years, Rev. CaTEB Hksvkb. SCHOOL NOTICK. HRCU'OSALS will be received bv the J Beard of Dueclors of the Lewisburg .School District, until Monday next, lOib irst., for Three Male and Two Female I Teachers, to supply the several Districts Ihe coining season. JONATHAN WOl.rE. tUe. Sept. 4. 1849. Notice. SUBSCRIBERS 10 the University at lewisburg" who have not paid their First Insiulmen', (due Inst Januar,) are respectfully requested to pay the same without further notice, to BAVTI. T. WALKER. Taste. By order of the Board of Trustees. Lewisburg, Sept. I, 1849. FOR SALE 3 ifcinw, SITUATED in Kelly township, Union county, Pa., 4i miles from Lewisburg. (the seat ofthe new University.) The farm contains 235 acres, of which 160 acres are cleared, anl in a good state of cultivation. A large proportion is Limestone hind. As respects water and meadow, the farm hns rare ad vantages, there being on it several never failing springs, and a stream running thro ils ceuter affording facilities by which stock can be watered in every field. In good seasons, 40 lo 50 Ions can be cut from the Jbsi meadow-land. - The House and JjajMrBarn are frame, ihe at latter nearly new, and well finished : There is 4,-J also a Tenant House, and all ihe out buildings appertaining to farm also an Orchard with a variety of good Fruit. The above Farm is offered in whole or in part to suit purchasers, and a portion of the purchase money may remain secured by ihe premises. WM. H. Sfl.sBV, i ROBERT HAYE", V"" of ihe estate of Ubur Silsbt, dee'd. Kelly, Union Co., Sept. 2, 8)9 DR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment!! ItXVSVjg) tit 049 W hat you ii); man wants lo wear a wij; ! We all know the value of a good head of hair. A young man with a bald head, is a sort of walking cniicature of his species. Hence the many various attempts tn reme dy or conceal ihe deficiency. Hundreds of ihe young men of this country, after try ing me tnousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring he hair. are driven ihe necessity of Wearing a wijj ! a practice aa little conducive to cleanliness. as it is dangerous lo health ! Now, we hap pen in know from practical expeiH-nce.ihat Trask'a Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair on a hald head, when all other reme dies have failed.' - . Sold in Lewisbure.wholesaV and retail by Thornton & Baker. Price 2 and 60 cints per boitle. v t -j.. ft is said that I he Hon. Henry Clay passed through New York cily, from Sa to Newport on Friday last, so quiet - , w klMmn ,;, m. d,v. " arartPIrn LMj:iK&!ily), ' BtJiorjf p.f Auji.31, by Rev.Wm. j,,, j . MAaa.merchanl.nnd ' ... Kuzsnwii, only daughter of J II Hieknk, dee'd, lorim-ily of ibis place, n East Bulla lo, Union Co., 4th iust. by R p B. Marrt V,LtIiot A. White, of '"'nv.lle, Clinton Co., an! Mis. Eliza- bicth Ash, daughter of RoU II Laird.Esq. ' OjThs East Bufhlo printers' fee we 6nJ lo ; two noble rakes emtdem. of Ihe faftility of oa nJ lb ,e h" dnf-,' i Msy we live lo be reiDemiiered a thousand Uuiee . lhU ftobioll,llj hippy Hlr oulli ; DYSPEPSI A CURED -by ihe use ofDr M'Lane's Liver Pills No disease. , with perhaps the sing!e exception of Con sumption, is so much dread.-d in the Liu ted Slates as Dvspepsia. Originating in a diseased state of the liver, it is often con founded with Consumption itself by the un happy sufferer, who pines away until death releases bun Irom puin ; yet rein J edy is wiihin the reach of all. which will relieve all cases or the tind, and work a speedy and effectual cure. Dr. O iver Morgan, a distinguished phy- aician of Virginia with a very extensive practi.-e, has used ihese pills in all cases of Dy pepsin, and in all rases with complete success. Certihcates in abundance are in the hands of the proprietors of ibis invalu able medicine, (J. Kidd & Co. Wood-st. corner of Fourth, Pittsburg ) Tne follow ing, however, from Ohio, will speak vol. umes to those suflering under any ol those j diseases which arise from a diseased liver. t "RithmonJ, JrtT. Co. Ohio. I "Meeer. S. KiJil & t'o. This is lo certify i ,h' mJ m," hV "" afflictrdlw eeveral veers ' """' psm. si perio.1. oreorie 1... :.. .t. 1 sV. k. i.a .L ! " iniea n..sse or WW Laser I'lUa. aiitl 1 have nw U Into thai by thv ar ol ihvse piila, lir ba birn hru, filed iu no onlinerji tie-go-e. I'ntifr the prnvidnre of G id he now en. g.Jal,rslib, and is eble to atleoj lo the d'v weaiic cuueerue of roy familv. JAM La STEWART." AGENT- C VV ft. bawls. I.w.ahr; H J Mir .far. Milton ; I GrrharL, t linrove : J VV Sunl'ury ; Mrs MVay.Xufibunit-eilanil; M 1: l.rtrr. Moure & ( an-k,lon. Usntillr. s eptembcr i ourf . Sheriff's Proclamation and Jury List, on 1 1st page. SHERIFF'S SALES. The aUaiifT A Li.iuu muur, agvoriiawe lU.i be will sell al ibe Cuuil House iu Nw Bvliu I uu K..uJ.y Ibe I7:b t!sy t j.1. ii.eL !A Irarl ol t.nii In I'uiuu Tp xtj iinitig lain, f Jacob M aji.r, I'aiine creek. ai Audiew ed .Vlit bari U.i.fri, tonutuiiig UU st re. J of wLitb 7A are tbjaiela ami wu which 11 a log j deliius huuae. ,pfin( bu.e, lfu 60 by 46, a spriug near ibe bouse, suit su evcbanl aoiil ae ibe prueriy -f l Aut Mnwier. Tsa Iota iu Bwliu-g'uve v.tulaiiui.1 b-ul halt an acre, wheiann are a lj h u., stable end Klbrt out-bui'iiii'ira, a.lj iuii'jf VVu Bytie nrih; elao 5 acres oo the t-Jr of 4.e, etkeratin see aew-tuill. dij-.t-K'k sod biel-eiil. a U'ge an. h' use and sluie-buuae, alibiing, and ber out builiiiiige ; s'llir,s lulscniaiuii.g three fjuilu. of en scie, bumlwrrj 6, 9, and IU, stljiuiug I' Kicbiai'e ou ibe aoutb aud ibe Pann e I'aual oa the aa.l ; e!a I Mo 4, eonlamiug aKaut iie fuurlb of an acie. a j-'iuiug Peune creak oi ite weal aud tbe a Canal en ihe eeat ail alJ as iba ytuprAi of li.ofga (laudruia. A piste uf ground in I'uioo Tp inina. landa of Mais. DuMm. and Penue e.eek, eualsi ning two arrra ckarnt, oha.eon aia a l"g b iue. clover will, aew-niill atable Ac as tbe property of Wm r nhr. Another tract in L'uioo Tp adjoining huids of OibVona, Srhrveben, Drown, Haiue, aud wtkere, containing 8U acee. 30 rlea'ad with i log bou ses, a log alahle. end ea apla orchard ae Iks pripety of Juerph tarran. A lot in ChaiuMtowii containing one-eighth of an acie, aJj iuing Jubit Hailman and Uaoiel Adams, whereou ere a frame house and frame elabte se the properly of Michael Ewig. A tract of land in Hartley Tp a! Penr.a creek, heirs of Merrill, so l P and H Krieier. containing 123 acres, 80 aciee cleereJ, wbrreoo are a log huose, tenant hiNiae, lag barn, orrharj, it lb irprrty of Peter Duiman. . LoU Ho. 24 and 25 in Ceolrevilla, eonlaiuing ooe-balf an acie, ailjuiuing Daniel shower; ale four lota, containing one acta ailjoiuing (Hiue, 1 Bilger, High street, andReicblay ae ihe prop ertyjof Joseph Weidinsn. A tract of land in Washington Tp adjoining ?hntxbeig. r, l.euij. Ueiman, Ae. contsiniug 3) acres ae ihe properly uf Juhn lnig, Jr . He dill also aall al Fiieeurg. at 10, A. M. of ibe I2ih in.L a lot of ground ouitaiuing one f luith of au acie, atj imng wiiiuw Ililbiati. and having Ibereon a l"g etabla. Ae.; also 8 acne 87 perchee. cleared, ia Washington Tp. ail joining Moyer, Hwaits, B'jer, tbe highway. Houis. and 'there ae tbe property of Wm F 8cbns. TRIAL LIST. 1 Hallowell A Co ve Wila- n. (iieen A Mitchell Henry Mason va John Bridge and Ralph Only Jacob liefer va Albert Wioeaardner Mary Dubnie va Samuel and Jacob Dawerees I'eler Ncviua ve Jere Meitel Jos D M-redith ve Caaiuel German do Jonaihan Hnellenhergev . do John ebellaubcigev James bailey ee Aklwl lireen famu'l Hoover ve l.rael (iuttlios Charles Cswley vs Peter Slesr Pernod Maris va Frederirk Boleader Moats A JJansei nLB Cb.iai A II S Gratiai Grd.lea A Marrb va H Hnmmel Jua Weakly vs Isaae (iiioVe sirnsa em. Root Chamhe a ve DatiJ Here fW Billmyrr va Juo llanmaa A C'o.s MoHv Wm Jidiusowva Wm Mt la Meus ve J Lawabe A Rill never am) la B Cniia. v. Jke.n M faliio da rtsmo t-iie.i.lee do' J hi e. A M.r-h eiAStmCw AG'-en v. lirrn.VMi-Iiell and gar Henry Lantz tuieu. Il..nrj r el long iiwJ of J lii.r'-n liAG a e V ilo.n A Michael Tecs M A iJi Kk W illi Jlsnk s A Urrra iih a..wetis 3 4 JsOies tMiser ail Brrblwl 4t A OlrftMU Gma Cbsppei Rlfb Kiisan 11. e if Rib v H VV ntrr Ze Jrrs A Kel rr s Samiwl ReVt I .Die VI illismssei J-Bsi II C Ivry PrU i;n pltl Bn.j Csw! Wn RhH g fsinl Usui I Spislemyvr's Es'm ve it Hii'ner. E, r. VA bi,& Mirt irjr.lni! of E.Mi. 1 Bjfj .4 1 M). Mm - sterkW ltJM 4 Cswa Juastksn Zsllcrs S L berk HvBrjr bsd-hr , llvhij Yul'briot J, Wbj M Kruucdy A wi(es Jau UnlJ,, Elisa Mcyeia isuk R. .r Asa i B KuJj, gtisrd. of Datie Meyeis so ' sums Sarah Jlejsi e t same HesiyMyrve RbasJe for Centner Ws-nselr vs gn U Bvnner ass of 8 Frank ve Ueo AJ.oi, Christr Uogeuiife vs VV H 'I'huaipMia Mewi Me. ear ve Meikk-.ttstigessftd Ctas Jsc Reugler e Dsnl Keaglor Wbitlork for (Jisb.m. ess Ji at A vs M.kle 4 Ca.ib of Pa a k-A Hyee ulia B.y,, ,1 , J 4i E 1'eee ve Jacob Biiigsauo Kotl I) l.'aaiaiirige ve Cicv Bwa AnJ M'Cleiubso ve Jac Leissr aait John B,ai C'hrislisne Runifvll vs cuaaaiiuee of OewtivMia Joliu SnjJi ve Moms fisher Philip Z-irger s Joseph Charlra j Uaupt Ji &. A J WshJtumu! vs JarrJ Inia 1 I bos KeeJ Jacob lm Jk Cengler Ei'r Juu Keuler vs laol Rentier t"inl Hud.ieuo ve U VV Csulwelt wua'uot.u Ji "bu B vVsner ve ".Vm Cucbiaa Kln' sham auJ Ckiw v. Iivht j asaa-aa Humiwl vs Thas Yvaiick i onn Peter Ge.maa ve VV F Wagensellev sure, pan Usui aud Caroline Jar ret t ta E C Uartman at al Johu Rigal ve Jarcb Hevdri Jac Hjpher qe Jac fypher and EUts Keyhait Jne iibert A Co ve W at J May A Reuben Kluea Valenune Haas ve Henry fcpayd at el Chile! Herman ve Html febreckeasaet Jacob Wloaa va tit Ub-s A Eli K Prica va Wut TU Register Notices. Tbe foLowiog aosouots are to be ftrewatej I tbe Urpban'e C url . f l.'niou county uu Moonav siib pi inat f-tr cm firminou aud aMoaancr . Acci i.f Hi ury .i tir.haiu. i nr at ibe et'r. of am, Uc d. lale -f Leaialiurg B n Acct uf t'aaiw H.iifa, m 'tut ef Dr Jol, Haines, la a ! l amia I'p Act.1 of Uailtiew H l.airj juar lun of Ji H. mi.. or t kilo of Jane Cleiuli.. . ,!ec'J Acct ul Hnlip Mover, adin r uf Laia Caclt! tei hue i f Cbspibiiu I Acr ol V m l.ouileoal.ger sr.J Jacob Lou;, ad.u'ia uf Henry U rn. ble nf I. m.a Tp Aul f Jwhn ami Mm 'ial fttujer, eJ'(. ' John M. yar. late ol I'niot. Tp A- ct uf liei j K. isu. at.d Jba --Meea a.liu'j, J Paler Kcutt, Uu . f U'.t liotT.:. Tp Actti.1 llau el Ho le tiur. mi l if P.i.i KitLter. la: a ol Penue I'p Ac. I of Frrtlwica Bo-ia. eiax'l i f i,bo'an Baiiat, lale ol VJ.,l,i t. .-ei Ta Ant el John A Vena, ajiu'r uf AUah.a. K eiuer Ula ol 2.ewii u g Acct of Els.ti.ib B j. a-'m'tiii of I'enirf St.). er, tele uf V aL at a Tp AcilofJ w f'ti- U m . si'r uf Aum4 Him, Uu tf liartl'V Tp ul T mi.letea. as'r of Uane-A B: avail!, Ula of Vi.iou I p Aict al Jbu la a- man etltu'i t f Janiea leV taa, le-e . f V bite 1 er Tp Act I of Hai.ty K Noll, sdut'f of Henry Null, tale uf i'eufta I'p Am of i'et fiusjnwl, aJut'r uf Cliii, us HumnMl. lale of Li.l. a I p Acrl uf J Uousetsurih P f'et'm, ei'rt af Jacob HoUaiurlli, la'e ..f W. mgleo Tp Aral fiVal of C Kay and Ner i i!T. war K. sdiu'rs nf Abrahaia Kilay. lata uf Ueaer T Ai-cl uf Joha Oui.J., adm r uf Th. a il lata of l uion Tp Acct i.f t'h-rlea s i 1 Jatob Rt..sja ei'ra t Frantie Klneils, leia uf I'em a Tp Acei of J.'hn We eo.l Jr and t,erge Miilrr, ei'ie wf Ueurge Weian I. late i-f Weal Bar Tp Acct final uf teirge F Miller, ailing aj;a'f af Jaasee 1) CaUwell. lata of I-cwUi'uig Acrl of FrcJerick Ri h'e', auo of iba ei'ra af Peter Richler. tela of Peune Tp Public Sole. 1""HE undersijioed, Eieeutor of tba la . will ai.d lesiament ol Ptk Snri'M, late of Cast I'ufl.iloe township, Union d-, deceased, w il! oiler for sale, at public ou cry, on the premisea. oo Friday, tbe 19th day of October the following valuable Real Estate, to ait: . All that certain tract of Lanii, situate in the township and county al'un. said, adjoiuing lands of Abraham Wo!:', Jacob Mem, Adam Yi;man, and uhti containing about 70 Acres. all clear land, whereof about Eight acres are excellent Meadow land, anc f aV in a good atate ol cultiv!tn.tu B;( T I he Improvements thereon etec" Jm fled are a large ' 'Stone Dwelling Hoc. a Stone Spring House, a Tenant II.u-e. Log Barn, a well with a Pump at tfted 'Ot, and a good Spring of Water about lwen'0' five perches Irom the house, which cou eaaily bo- brought to the house in a An Apple Urctiard with eacelltui Fruit Trees, and other Fruit. Said property is nitusied about iHre miles from LewislNirg, on ihe road fcsi' from lewisburg to New Berlin, aad two miles from Turt'eville and th Branch of the Su-attH-h.inna river. . Also a Lot of TimiK-r lx' almost adjoining the fi.rnwr. rufrtsin.11 upwards of TU'&S'l YACEES,'. ia eiwiied a Tenant IIousp. About Seven acres are cU.aSB,, itlllk (IBII . ...u.l.uv I . t t - fi.U In al IA n'l-liirk. A- '" of said day, when due attendance a1'' o'vena "1 'er,,ls M,t ,m,h: ro J("N SL CK, EvJJ East RutTdlne Tp., Aoi;. 23, IS N. B. Persona wishinsf to see :t.a W metitioned proper, will be aeconinv5,fl l.v calling uu Jct.b Hertz, who re-; adjoinisJC aatd property . sjd aiti "S1 gklr in (bowing, the savine.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers